The Huron Expositor, 1885-06-05, Page 8X A6 16 A� e Conn -oil Ies oil tile 9th of June. Th' d' ai� bad to J)e procure(]. �Jc a i *Zen, but an able medical I - eef ag i at the �call of the d Am*ic a OO citt I i.� re- a( journed to -in aill b him (in i.�over t --he w1ke is still confined of not only fin 0, to bed ))lit il� J. Ed men I& Rector of St. orable: legal practiti�ner the 1-1-ee-ve, Ywlljoh be. does not eem incline and,hon, Cash,: Thomas, church;- sos6ph McC0YI -e brigade, the members of I.. -co er4ig- rne. -wa iJA., Presbyteri- Joseph 8 give Columbus all the'eredit. His', '226lonwier'e a:ftirbd in. a ni b uniform, rd. M' Usbo an mister - ea y � ture W45 however, very well receive( Die r", It of iai on. june ist, an� after buy only Cook, Metho,�ist Minister; . Faithor Shea,. ber6oh'tbc trpin; on .- ednes(l.&Y School ex I luilina- Clarke, of Passe Art al their way colic SWeet. G rass Butter. seaforth; We'W' also tw� conbeftsi which, I to att id a 601ir the 8 Ill alleoll e (lur ession of U.SbOrne, n .eather Carlin Woodstock. 11 t, t flic Province (1ur- bef sonleiiof the bes moruiug,: 01 F . I I ho eathf his in jhir*­,:,were as good: as t leter Me_ tions held ord. y :loss in tb c' d For which h -will MY it at Brantf, lilts list �Vitb a bem si� 'put' forth in SeaJorth, and you n6file CAeTrRED'.VT'LA".—,The* desperado effort 11 on the. a painful awident at ig the �rst wee : Of Past PRIGES W MONEY "T 0an o E wan , iliet With wiliter.. impo.);t0il Ill vy drituglit -stllio - what that in s.' And no 11ring ill CM He -was alf in the f olloWi Ow e 6il Monday last. antl Medial, 6velinig of Thursday last. The cause t:� paragraph, eather.- it, Jim b en all. t over sixty A A TA R me-Ationed 7h a e Kinbary -which appeared in the —daily papers of the w, a game of foot ball, I and as Alen. This horse was 'in - T HIS— -looker tit onducted. drawilig- �,Vas ilillainin. 0_�tter Store, Q derich Street. flay in coul& wish—biigIA sunshine P r y on. Iristitute� have c ov t -two y&Lrs a*6 by Mr.. Vionday last, is well known t&iha every day. and . scarcely a ripple or 11 the ball camo.itear hilwhe in Lde a kick in conformity with � the, ported ab . y 4- who 8 _4� 11111ra Quffered bia A+.i. classes, Uc old it last year La�d L ies, See The Bargains KIDUS EMPORIUM ARE 01�FFFR'NG T-EIi W=K' G'oods. i all the nobbieat Cloths, Jorsey iilotbs, )ttoi nail Cords, Soleil Cords, 13iso tilthigs, ete. Bewides an immense assortment of black AT)d colord r-ashmeres, merinocs, etc, L r 0 1 V. 4 , CLU wearevery--than t L at;. IT, and dil vuc& gulatiqjis of the xi(LU amull JL'Uptu - .1 I from. blis dad All will Wter, for -whieli at- for $1,800. Th Lng depredations. re goods must be seen to be appreciated. Fearing I will take too large u Spaq a '.n. tion Wa8V being circulated Wednesday, ment. 6ver 3,000 students were ill e t� ticCA01eT PURUJJAS Leonard be glAd.of his' re, and we hope h' orities to inako captu be filled wi- ill askiug the � Postal "a'"11 100 of, these were calidi- -in great aricty EIGnTP, NTI ts. and if lie does YO' that �migllt f -ains Iways rcceive�llis dese ch6ge� in the arriv�l o ti ain ;hip, who a over'.300 paterns to seleef, ub -&'in Mi it ie ailly more ur pi�per e'. interesting, I nu at. such ance, and- 1, ition 4 400 examination shi toww d bar 3jusJins, Lawns, etc., .00 Or. may I _ a� PrInts and Gingham$, i tend liter, of i�g mor dates for e ..someth 1e Will not r Vtment. eeps all eye open for a goo will find colors perfectly foifo-wing'Wpaftch 0108 but before doing I, have oi ie here . roni, vou I le as will.i ensure an ea�lier deliv 3 being I .lied b� ibe DePm fast and I - IL f or some tinmie, Ile paper f thing10 acknowledge, Arid ery -6f the There is liluch. rooln from that is 111th 8 in c ullecti6ii, with the Sea horse flesh, ast week 1p prices the lowest. ar 1, of Stanley, near Bruce- HURONf jOUN Ty DISTRICT T6rdnto fr6m*r�spect ent in that intAter The el" was received at I allies Institute wa -wv�e Ate getting a ljttl�'rusty- on the news for improvbm s conduct- Mrs. Must House Nie%ara I I forth Mech heavy draught entire Le are looking forwai A qnd 'we ppe. fie fine Specialattentionisclled our )Einbroidenes talls, on Saturday:— hl' the- ..prayer of the Ild, a very -ell, of the: Of but w ed under the dir ion of Mr. Crockett, 4 he lJoid na and. McMick th 4ay', s -*ill have the esired - in- IP Ad, for whiel inch to Exposrropt, on The June el itioner r Who has proven� inise. Detecives.1 on � OL' the t" a most efficient colt, 9 inontl is 4 and Laces in blacks and ere s f I clever in ' This colt '01 (itl L e, mac e ladquarters; e petition Ineil _it. 1. A I-' -police Fore one yard in width. 11 i�g �of the Officers Ontario t gain. Mr. at - at Ir instructor. The following' is a Ist of the handsom3 Su of $130 So(, iRTY,—A t a meem Vil as wiii set us righ ence arrest last ni,g,ht of Thomas also 9 'ea, eworth. e and direetors, -Of the South Huron Agri VIrs. I McMichael join Mrs. Sparling al A asks that the moniin ain instead the successful coinpetitors from the was sired by imported Kenn See my Bouncing I and ])lack. atThoinas'Watson, who 4hot a policeman aces, crcani 6if in kind wishes to . our Seaforth of the day train be made all accommo- aft Ifensall, last certifi6ates, G rade fall CoI11161 C IScybe] d aft Toronto last Nroveuilier whilo.:, arre,A- mys forth class : Teacher annua f -ion ,pr way freight. Thie also would uckerismith. E N ery lady should see our stock of Af ter formal 1 was.de�ided to hold the I ! Jr. , I B . Crockett, week-, it s.—Y-6urs resped ully F. dtd - Charles Mcllkmy Y- him for coinmittiiig a robber!' there. frie.nd -Recreationj ent.—Th6 geometry, rge fa.11 f Exeter, OR the Ing y be - an; iinprovem Biw, COLT. Mr. Geo, air season at teLrday that SPARL colinnullivat I-, Detective Young learned yes vel e Freehand drawing, practica AN110THER imediately fo1- Company ha4e coninienced le ling t1i ti e—Mrs. Kirkinan, M of the 4th concession, r(I il iv nigle, . Tues(Uy iw and linear perspec CGOII Hosiery and Gloves, Me aday and the Provin' Little was -L making' for-Buffila via the grounds the recen y pur. lased, and *s cc of t1le 4;mnll 101W imZ. the week (if cial and sneQejed in ade Practical geome�ry and linear per p L. It. ., has a colt sirell'by imported entinent Intein ationl, Bridge NoT* A F4AuD.—Last wbek we into sb e for use. le ome lovely things in Silk and Taffeta - gl held E-�I,dbition, -which is this. year to be I 4re getting., hem Welconle, whicb, when th oves. 'the, 11lichig e un tan Cen- lition of g ertise for- te er tive—Geo. Anderpgon. Practical geon ree weeks old, tile last ags tro ocie ii ar arresting him near e a test, which had Tbey ulso, aid n s for the Duncall., Nettie measured 4 f �,et 6 inches in height, girth Ilosiery; new, stylish and durable fn Cottoll: the CoUlleil'L.111 (11 Vt. tQndoLn. The ty will t! s ye. of a �ry—Maria Kidd, Ettie i r 67 ` - beL tral trick.- ' Little had tw� inen with successful, of - the Gie�ade F Ex close board ience around I . 40O.- eiectiolli oni son. -of hitligcnt-, eontinM offel- a prize list of $1 ) to tinguisher, manufactured by �Caghill famous g and Jessi Th 4 feet 5 inches, front bone 8 inches, wool and Cashmere. r birn when arre Georgia E win sted, who attempted the , gr & —The 'rhat- we then sai I the jail,tlle nd hind bone 10 hiches. re 9 'Minstrel Corr pany, V ic I id t his arrest, but Detective Ybun Walsh, Toronto. 11, hi h Sal to be House of Rfue for 4 1s Loss. —The .1 NL —011, V' driesday evening resls FopmER Tc)wxs),fA,x- &V ckly covered them ivith a I evolver this test was corr ect, but t e A -SL Beal tie lave a social concerning composed of tweikity of th b6it mbistrel docunieut a 1, re ( qui I in Scobic, for- Mrs. Jarile at -Micken- searched them.-. There now appears that -the e give. one of in -iends of Mr. Jol' Zurich. MILLINER aid ; f the Ladies Ai d. while Ic fault rgy w performers i �­Ametica,. will any ft r . but now of Goderiell, men- and Court Hou, Co. C residence in $500,for -the -test wfis made, an I inerly of Seafo SpOnT. —Our young boys i their ente ainmen -Cardno's. hall on the THethodist allurch. - Notwith hasbeen a standing reward of niode in which ts in is recent heavy Our full staff are working o get -was taken upon I I- wi I the G �ae. The -fire-'was will regret to le a of h who employ their spare time evellmLys nightand day Little's 'capture. He has been'lod&ed n a not I it i ren Tuesday e miiing next.. Thla bill's pro- A eircular 'from -the I a somewhat unfavorable 'correspoii( ba4e ba atajidinzr jail here p�nding further proceedings. osed to the full loss, A Goderie lent Says rl) out the work and cause our custowers as little .1111,protectedl and exp be s6id or done in the exhilarating sport of there was a. la ge turn out, &ver mise th# r othing will sw-eep of t6 wind, and as a consequehe e On Thursday even -in about eight of v. of ear 9) hope soon to hear f rom the Clubs Of delay as possible. supper and which �hold offend the e of -Cou 311. &V g parta] cen. of .1 tion of thi lit il i eig "Ly 0 a disastrous fire started in the & Dr.NFCAN are ab i -the hquil ish o'clock neighboring iillages as they are spoi in owing the chemical properties of fastidious. Thos who w: lnes of the tive ly V) it arid tile remainin for a friend ab Lit 6. as raised. A very in-tere - ial bargains in all classes of suminer -goods. th in t cbed to Scobie's salt bli)ck, Just to band this week seNcral Ing al an i ell L a111111 St SPIC cheap muslins, were blown, away toolaugul and grow fat Sboul4 attend.— derrick atta ad tothe mill and latest American shapes in I the -new braids fun teln s-ochangeil tbA all d I i ry progr e was Call and examine our 12k yards and fronj thenc �utting the Stone are also the Ader of al e spre I id substance bad' no- effect 'olk the Are. Misses of tile pro, - e d and ever�r person seemed for one dollar, fine French-niuslins English I Robertson and Boqth, rs can be �co id eTeriiian-manufactiired-ri7iepriLlIts,fiiietwilled dress 'any rate is the.- explanatio. i b3F, a block. 1 'he in' andderrick were burrit one half the price of early importations. ing I This, lPoplars , Njere agreeably suriwise"d the day. was rfe"M oujhly leised.' Mr. and Mrs. of coullt n r t e machinery in the for- A Nhw 0 -A earn that Mr. each given 1 by '�6rs of the' Unison ,ound, the: p ns, creto ne curUins, I prints, special in lice curt� Yates, :GOC to UXLV *ill always find with us the best BeattiC- were unrem ittingL in their a- tscheapandgood, union and all - 6 'iSL numbe,7, of the �jieni entirely (le- Purchasers nIericb,� � NV.h 11 tapestry carpe interested in tl e Literary Club who mar building be' ahnost James Hess I as, gone to New 'Ham, urg tent OW to their guests and left nothing vool carpets at -reat'bar-ains at Du.NcAN & 'waited u on. them on Ild niost servicable materiMs. L% d. The block is considerably r us *in a A ircular from tlae 3 sale� f the'.goods. .On Monday last ening last. A.ter taking stroye to purchase a nbw pipe organ fOL 6dd to the success Du,Nc,&_xs- 91 -1 Tuesday L.. t 1.tan_ L lama�ged, but salt.can still be manufac- ran church in this village. We Th - latest American and, 61' t�leff, Agriculture ill EYE Nost. —Dr. -establishment iii e d Country s an agent from the head Jf illeir -dolilicie the-aelf- the Luthe EAR, THROAT AD possession oti the ground Farrnerb' ln,,�titutd§, Nva and pleaqure of the avenngs en 0 le W" of Alontreal, wi 9 lie will get a good Proudloot Occulist and Aurist 11 Toronto'was sent up here for tho,pu I invited g ests presented the ladies tured. The pn hope one. An o gan and our work, you must v1sit Toronto oi 31,o)2 rtly after the alarm, and remained Si Lt in tft Fiance Canimaittee. meat. Commercial Hou, ing v uld greativ as 8 the w,Scaforth,on the 17th. pose ecially t;St the grenac _e she e musical part treal to see it equalled. be at of Bpi I named wi handsome 're ent in the 18th and 19th of June. The Commercial House, -fu the riorningi On its arrival e resignation of A, 4 F., On Tu6dday last Mr mished to Mr..Broadfoot. A sort of shape Eliott's conipletel till early 'ill of the services and, will increase their Th June, I everything is guamn. t witee -of Clinti Clinton, on the 20th 21st and 22nd of 0 eorge Lailies, you run no risk,. �oot,L surveyor of Clinton, and an: or eight feet high wi fs wor the fire had .1 Such eadway that but r Pr6udf hen he can be consulted for -any affections of wall, about six ks. A' er-making the resentation interest. Nor to be of the best. anf. accep f t oll e of -nuillerous-liands -y ssiAall � AcCIDEN.T. —On Sunday last, as. a vel: 1pan y E .> gans.. 613-2 built of boards, and' against this was ' the- a other crentileman had' unpleasant the above or for the ladies bf the coil ;pr�ad a Clinton NV'L e block -must have wive in this town. They were cial piled -a liberal supply of light woo , an CI -'son of Dr. Buchanan, who is about Bicyuig...FoR SALE.—A 52 ihdl:JLSLpe passing brine,the whol V, nture bountiful able, which for a time e po all the latest ini- the whol. : a -P. PO -when op six y soqtliward, site British Ohaillenge, full plated, e covered with tar "and b fallen a prey to the flanies. Mr. c6b, inted to claimed th Atention of . all present. ears of ag�, was amusing himself -ch per. ed----*itli coal OiL 'It . *a$ this d' for $I,OQO his loss, how- with some entlemen See The Ba L rgains ,,-The report of the i, sprink-I her -boys, by clamberin phel rawnt at VanEogmond's woollen-: provements,is as good, ie aidniuc The remain qr of the everiNg was very Call upon 6r address. . S. HoFF.NiiA,.s,,, care Hopp- 000 of $5 horse got at sorrue- roade as combustible.as possible, when t is in the neiiliborhood e stable he miasel mill tZed MA,,iBRos.,Seaforth.. 913-t.f. music an( Socia e hay loft of h pleasant largig. and otberwise i ik- thin—'and made a sudden bolt to the was ignited. When the fire had reach vers hyigs )ell Ir. . The �resentation =tig d fefl -to -the ground str K I DDIS. -EMPORIUM jailien IT'S COMIQYG. —Reid & Wils.6n have' e be� he ordel Of the t -and of grenade, woxeter. ing -his h At first it was thought th wsid e road. Ar. Proadfoo ten (io)tons of American two (g) its height, two bottles tak was made ii recognition of lie services -reasons, thrown out and Mr. Broadfoot's lot, were l?rok his comp vanized Steel Wire Fencing on tli&,wk 'and from n- the in- REMOVE.D.-7-Mr. John Paterson who he ARE OFFERING THM WEEK. anion rendered' y the recipients I i was setio sly injured as he was in- 11311itti Court Hoitse Coi Slightly ijured. T1 e horse,L gainino, its expect it here on or befoWTuesda,y, the 9th of over it; andthe contents smothelidd o the past sea- has been for the ��ast two months pro- sensible bu lie -soori recovered -and is terests�pf ie club during,. d and ran. June. � munictin fro. the U - 'k I -lost filAantl The te, t w I rrain oil 11 the firealn iigan aronn and not much. the worse fre6dom., turned. roim Y. oAndrew Young- has been prietor of the Gr6frid-Cential Hotel here gran o-oll when about essedby a large� number t"'ards the station, -but those witn of �co e absent for W,l week renewhig youthful has removed to Winghain where lie pur- i or his accid nt. Read clothingana ordered clothing. y this Council in petition, s- associatidris and. ac'quaintances in and poses cond ha way it got off I he road a,g,ain, an THE OLD OLD STORY.—One of who seemed to think perfectly sa ucting the Exchange Hotel QUAVITERL!Yr MB1kT1NG.--The quarterl L m6rithi, and" exceE . -gly t -,e As,�enit,13� to le an d vellial pleasant, ,din i4ortan -factory.' Fdk - an h ineeting of the Evangelical Association lire are offering for the next two th il her e made one pror-iiiscuoug incipiet fire, in the about :1 a tempeTance ouse.- to events at least in the lives of two of the �yr and the township of, Blen- there a's V speeial inducements Couhc pro ell in this department. heap in the drtch, witich aftflis place -is interior -of, -a building, if proper�y ap heim.—Anotb6r of our local, artists has Win. 'Walker, was held in the O&Dgelical church here, I - in- parties more immediately -interested, outsiktp, Olt very deep.L The he,,.- e S 'lied it would be an almost effective' ex- cost. .S Wa recentl been distinguishing himself formerly of No. School Section, Turn- began its clearing at lImost took Place - at the resWnce of Mrs D Sunday 3ev, ral lines of summer su-i feili�td to the sam eonif d and the buggy asqmashed a isher, and ij� this way mi�ht be the 'O tingu In n entertain- -engaged'for m- On Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and ths town on Wednesda abroad. its report of a, berry, has been lle Fisher y R�v.'R. J. Umbach, We sell a first class all wool pant at a wretched top vieces. very� useful. n the following y 110- n spices ing here he s 'now were opene by morning last, when Rev. A. D. Me- I merit recently given u der the au Veaf in the s6etion w -other test was made, when an. (xperi- -No. 8 inloss, Bru The following iritt fire. of the -Waterdow-n - Rica School, teaching, ce County) presiding e er of New Hamburg, who low petce. T( on Id United in the contract' of mar- i the Public 8chool h REvvsw_,;.—The Court.of D met was. tried -with a mireLy we( d Iserrilons- and on Sunday Rubber c at w� hich , ,Mr. C. and at all adviinced stlary of $510. reached th ,ee riarr Mr. PEdgerton M. Catdn of New oats in -great varieky. Mr. J. R. Lisp! Re ision held its fir t in eetin, on Men- This test was eqfially a�s satisfai6i ory- as i app other professionals ared, the laernooul A an' itinBible ex- da3 There were som. e . 93 a-, bur Ontario, and- Miss Sara � Fisher, :the otlier�. We m4y also mention that a'yE�:" But one S�urlday School scholars: Our order -department is �n full blut. We are peals s"mitted for eir consideration. youngest daughterpf-Mr. Robt., Fisher. Hamilton Spectator S Varna. relse wi i e: ui isual can be mport� tile grawade wag applied by Air. George er.% most stylish There was -a ood deal of t of the7most popular features of the. pro- obcr wa ' ell filled at all of the v)rere P ell duriiig the alkVig but not The bride was atended by Miss Tena Sills,- the'chief of 'the Seaforth F1 Ire Bri- LOCALITIEn.—Mr. James Arnist.r The . church. w nowturning out i ' iumb " of the gramme was the character s -ngs of Mr. services. v. Mr. Munro, pastor of suits in town, just you ask for prices, and be as a ss done, alhough Wilson, of Seaforth, and the groom by has had the roo(of his house raised up. a g rpat deal Of busiae V> gade, and that several who bad pr VIOUS. -Th:e ord. The E. B.' Hollis, whi broh w Mr. Robert W the congregati6n, preached the closing bilvinced that Mr. N. McKim, of Bratf .11) t th son perfornea the duties the I sessiort -was very foug, one, aftef-, witnessirig� these he .oil ree feet at ly ordered goods, is powerg-of fci, Jay evening, and it was a ka, e, were lodged by i ceremony was performed iii the presence use by h expression _Alr. W. Rath_ Sermon on �Jun, W �rity bf th ape; 41s tests, largely increased their ordeTs. made a good job. of it -f ul an Ible discourse. Th� ser- mporium and of adapting hin)s Jamos any powei Kidd's E stable, at the -i -n- of a number 'of the friends of 'the young doing evelleut isby,L town con well, of the Gosl�lien Line died on Satur-' bl characteii -a well as by his cc t were most interesting S!throu, A at pe Of th -embe. -9 oLf the court, who couple. After breakfast had -bee n* par- day and was buried on Monday, at Bay- majority f schools. 1. unIle i the place to get your outtit. wm "lalina ' wbiG'h,lie -,6rke'd bits and niust h had- a higi ly b i OBITVARY.—All e last week ann f � A loca songsi inI enefici7ai is h previously gone over the, . roll. 'In taken of Mr. and Mrs., Cat -on were es- field. He was lie of the pioneers arid pupils who went airect P the illness of Mt, P. -S. Carroll, 10 ; IT - e ,ep are some to have doc- corted to the 1-�ailway Statiaii, where is on the latest events- of lVatlrdown and w S hi —Aillr. Joseph Col- ffect upon those who took part,in them. Every departilleni V addl ta these a resp ted. in towil, but we did not then' th' k ve vicinity --We are pleased to learn that "ON ter-, and others raised Upon their income, aidst the congratulations of ritimierous.. well is preparin to' t stone founda- PU most seasonable goods. would be caled. up6u so soon -to recorid Rev. J j _;Ult ml Olin Carlin' of Woodstock, son of wb de in other case i interested parties., friends assembled to wish them W611 on ASLSO fa tion under his -11.�—Auit and grain riisse s. the mela;nCholy intelligence of his death. Mr. John Carlin of this t6wh', h r A call solicited. No trouble to show- goods. ed to, haN -e proQrties raised the journey of life and bid. the bride 111-1ch larger ninlibelf ha -1 -i � appeal wornise all.—Mr. Johnparrow PRivATE.F �M.S.—F. S. Scott has any This took place on Sunday evening I ast. reco ered from his lte-illness as to be crops I an have vote eird pny ves for ntrance, so iattheoccupaniti� c s. All good bye, they took th v of the Parr Line,! has a field of fall wheat ftwount of -at 'funds to loan on farm pro- epariure for ro to return home.. We hope to -hear Although not in bust health for sev- able at 6 (ILOderich and Exeter,. t. have also apealed - to the east, -and intended spending some —Mr. - Andrew pert; peti.ceiit. perannum Interest payable. thE -keepers of exceptioul promise. Tho-ma�� -Kidd -6o'nths lie -was able to,be ..%bout and year nnlip to suit borrower. 906-8 eral i soon of his entire recovery. --The High year. I regret hav-� their aigSeSME nts lowered, on ae- days visting the sights ad. s6enes of can had 9, horse badly injured by a Dun g into a. cities before For June i Pei off the Scott Act cGm..m several of the princip attendto the duti6s of hisoffliaeuntil School foot -ball club of this tovhi intend hanie hook gettir -a caught in the shoulder Ile Lion has secured a cral of our most e -N, the previous Tuesday.evening, when lie holding a tournament here."On the after- s in special low drive, iii Ladies'Tftpe Hats, Flowers -h- opet aion. Oil the N, ale the court has SLettling down to the sterner -realities of making a cut of abo;A seven inebe Corner 11a'in an retired f row the profes sliddenty became %' much worse that he no and Lace Trhni�iings at 60c, one-third regular d karket Streets, .0 of Saturday next. Clubs f row St, remem. on tak* yr ty big job before them ly _Rlleo lif6. The bride.was handsome gth.—Our tradesmen are doing a prices. MRS, A xANDFR. 913 coil Ing r was forced to retire to bed iirid from, Mitchell arid Clinton are expected.— ell Seaf�r bered. by numerou-18 friends, al�of wholn, good business. ews Record. biterests o sellool. wo, rose. le which he never -again adMr, Q1in_ Kyle 'returned home froiu en, are n a. meeting of and many others, we are sure, Will join 0 teach ow entyag-cli C)ouneil held oa-Moday fore- L -with us in * ishing that'the Iffei so aus- been boarding at the QueelVs h tel,'and M ' ttob,%_6ft 8%turday last.; Mr. Kyle rnberry. an Ij - ­ I - work on I L I . I ie -,,, wew lie nevel, assessment roll for tho yeari 1885, and � . �t - � A. - -in - during his brief illne�gg rallied says crops in Manitoba promise well Ilibbert. GOUN�-CIL 01 N --At the last meet- sI 1874 1. For the.ml. Re D McDonald was piciously cominenced ay continue noon last that the court of revision be now closed. sufficiontly.to- justify his friends in at- -The seeid was -got in early, RETURNED. �—Mr. John QU an jr., ing'of the to - �hip Council)VIr. Thomp- re-ipointed &-trustee. for the Hig-A through many happy, sunny years, and this yeaX_� it, mstatf-itics --Carried. The council then transacted Stcli�ol. The by law providing for the that &ir barque may glide pleasantly tempting to remove him to his horile in the ground-, W'as.. in good condition, arid returned from Dakota a few days ago n rep& -ted having had the bridge on so .-, report of 1874, -as folhM thefollowilig: Moved and carried that He had, 'however, every, pos- Urn e for soy Goderich. the weather has been very f4vorable for after a, sojo ne leng wa toring of Nlain At eet was passed, and and saely over lfes turbid bilr6ws. th Of concession -I covered at an.expense of the offer of J. Howard to build a bridge edical gro*th since. Although money is still time. He, lobks well and has changed $Io, 11so a the 10th con- I ........ �t� the Oontract for the uf or mance of - the sible ittention allLd- qare that m, culvert dug 01.1 Total rc J and a4roaches, over the auble on con- I iturf Total th4 -. ivork was let to �. Dason for 20 TEAcHERi' LNTiTUTE.—The' teachdrs skill and kind and -loving hands could sc farmers are hopeful arid prospects but little during his long +ence. ar6e, cessionat a,costof $12.50. Mr. ohn ary paid iaA� ease, conspinp cession 4 for.,$225 be acepted. Moved AN sal -age xtensive eug 'county adminiSter -but his dis tin, uch, 'nloie favorable� - than this ceiiU, per hour for the time of the -are. making e are . in eGlynii applied for'an. outlt to drain ......... S' Xe w a's time* la6t year.—Re-v.' Ho�- Rose, of Blyth. 01. C., as he can not drain his Ah% Surerus, seconded by Mr. Hey- aiOf S. by �y quite a; - young .. m ora;, and late of Manchester, Eng- concess was. inatru to collect the preparations for a* �rofitable m eeting, to baffled all medical kill. (I by Mik _cted just El. on an, and p - rock, that 'a committee, consisting e r &e from those using water from be held at Cliniton, ion Thursday) Fridi it. The' Deputy-] ,eev tion is well advanced land with )u The vera.ve zalari lited to the I oum water worl ca aft once, ill accord- and Saurd' fairly started in life. - He commenced land will assist Rev. Mr. McDonald DOTS.—Veget� , was histricted to examine into the Ranie and A. MeEwen be appoi S ar-e f0l] P -T3 . e oinises i6in abundant harvest. t Morith. hhis practic6 in this itown about -two, munion service iii -the Presby 'Oina a: of the grievance and report a next meeting. SUP t1a. 18th, 19th d 20th and pr 1 the ouilaing of th new aa -le -,vith the provisions of the by-law, of this in ember at the c �M Fruit is t;9 be very scarce, ther' erintenc en' terian church on next Sabb; 9 an cl that all who fai L to- pay be deprived North Huron Association will hold their. aind was altead� ir�- the All, and will w e The Conn il f d itself into a Court bridge. -On motion th teeve and treas- ....... ........ . 7ears agt%ify� a bgoo business, while his being only a & blossoms. —Calder & 'O le r were authorized to borrow $6,00 to reach Voth morning and evening. Mr. I Of ;er . The tender of annual - meeting on' the forenoon of Joymen '-9 4or the revision of the as- lire a the use the-tval their mill running in of Revisi ell gentlerlian eal� d �ourteous Ce -will also deliver 'a, lecture in the 1VT r. Wm. Griev e gravel, at the rate Thursday,. and the m embers of the. ing '. an Livingston hav 12,000 feet sessment oll, The appeal of John meet rrent expenses. The counct -Goderi 'full blast, and r n out about 11ky. er secured him many friends. Had basemen� of the church, under the &us- then adjourned to meA on June.330th. uh Hur Association on th after- Burgess. sossd too high, wasthe first. of i d, was accepted. The So. on ............... per car a day.- --ii spared hd would, 'undoubt- allies' Institute on of. N iams& Murray, of Gode'- noon of the same clay. The two associa- his life bee p es of! the Meeb case tried the ass6ssment was ss- IL ....... ...... M. Phillips, who PERSONAL.— for -become' ari honored citizen end o for pie at $1 D. 50 was accepted.; tions will th-6 .hold union meetihgs on owing ri�dh edyj have 96y evenina next. on the fell Blake, line t d -as assistant post- I a long t e tained. hDs. McCreight applied t Wa.q .......... . ad a. respected and -successful prac- subject: Egypt' its people-, condition' I in that of Milue, of E thel, for 'cedar Friday a11d Sa1urday. An interesting master for D-- 8 McKinnon, left on have his a Seas ent reduced on lot 30, DOT.S.—The country aro ....... e re- 1.5% delivere dl, and that of L. Me- programine f subjects has been pre- titiouer. , On Tiie§day mor th arid prob�ble futu're. This is a most ill- -nm' riday f higan, whe time of the year. —There never ........... mairis were taken to 8t. Jame Roman teresting subje6t at the present time and or re he pur- conceision B.; assess or sustained. The for this D I Of IV alton, for r6ak elm. at $ 1 0, pared for discussion 7 at these vneetin following changes were made on he Was a. much better prospeet of a large -re out a la Caholicchureh,'df whiclithelteceased shouldbring rge audience.—Mr. oseS studying law. He was a aenial Chas. A-.- Humber was 'Put oil for. yield of There Wt it rered, was vula als) accepted. After and all the' leading educationalists of good-hearted. fei'llow, and . e e fruit of.al -ill(I ill wilsbips alitl pas%ng �several a-wounts the Council the county are expected to take part. was a consistent. member, and the last sad James Roberts returned 'I h 1�as th' 'roll: this �Iict tll'eL to L three-eigg s of an acre, lot 5, Fisher's than at- present.—Afr.,,Thmas th)ssifie(l were perform y est wishes of th6 people of Blyth for L W1 a(I jo �irned to meet a the ca;ll -of thj� L In addition, Mr. J. J. Tilley, Director.' -n asence of� two weeks futU L Sherritt of 'I; . . 8 I rites ed b 'Rev. Father Shea) Tuesday after a Survey, -arid the assessment of Elliott the Blalie farm has two cows that gave first7CII Ord w e was his re success and happiness. Hi M or. of Teachers' Institutes, is aso, expected need $25. J. J. Anderson birth to foLir- c sc;j MY successor in the post office is George a1v oderich, aiid the'pastor, assisted by,�e 's Father at his home in Stratf ere h Brothers �e es , this spring, and. e otz, of G in of V60d- Wtained by 'a severe attack of quinsy. 'doin One days. The to b. present to -take part, alid. will de- Phillips. was put o �i f9r north half 16, concession three of the lyes are TY C . s enin I 8 Tim Cav�N- Cot ---The County. liver an address - on I Thib Relation of. �stock. The ol ' ad'41iipre AN% He is -recovering nicely . but still shows MAKES.' A week !I 1. Gil. r1idrgie's assessment was re- -ters 934 mal Council is in sessior. this week at God- service was witnessed- bk a slqrge con- traces of his' recent illness. --Mr. John LIGHTN, s of the Same ows had 2 calves last year. gi, Iinales, �414, 1 Education,to th6 State." -Onbursdiy duce d 85 personal property, and his all- 7, errific storiii of Mo ill I We learn tha the couliQillors Z ided to. Hugill has rented his fai rm' a - on the Sunday a t rain, hai , —There was delivered at the Blake evening the teachers. will give,an eter. course of our citi elis 110 att� lightning an ut on as': tena;nt for est -cheese� fad,tory Tuesday morni us year al e about as 'bus y- as '_ usual. The pay this last tribute of respeot tD the Huron road- to his son and 6 as removed d t . under passed over this 1119, six th previo taintilent in: th e- town Viall, when a good half lot 1 c�ncession 9. Robert Hi vicinit The (A and thirt three 6m, ittee coill.-pleted their SiCal and deceased. The w rem&ins wer� taken L nit lightning struck' Mr. -thousand nin hundr k 877 no less. than 2,716 E,4p4ization_ m y. MU literary! programme will be into town arid now occupies Jthe residence iDoands of milk bein Wrath's barn lit the fi�e was. -ut out. f age Itiley are clat la bo,,�s On Wednesay, but up to the from the church to the railway station on John street. which he r�cently pur- put out. S nair e *as taken off for' east h the second provided. In addition to the teachers a ars ye totil 17, co nceAsion' 12, and John Loottit aay it isonsidered Cord" r. Brett.—Mlp. and Mrs. It also. struck! Mr. ames Harrison's of�thelfactory r ti uc of writing the report had ot been vita, ad from fhencle to G'6�d erich wh e the chased from M I for] same; al -so $IN of per- -,162; -betiveen N ial fu- tion is extended �to Trus- It assesse, afte I upon by th,, Council. Some Of teies alid all others relatives of the decea ed reside, for in-- John MeMillan a barn, and the fire was extiti-guished. pretty good. A good' er of patrons, interested in educa rrived hem' e- from the sonal proper and one dog struck off llav alia -over 21 years, ;Gwriships ha..ve been hicreased, bU terment.—Wehave-atso to record the old countr t struck a small tree about. SIX feef from e not started yet. t t0nal matters to.,, aend 'the several � -�esterday. They were me t I %dical changes were made from last Ihot 4 6 meetings. We hopethe a#endaric I e of -theirson Thornas. Mr. death of -Miss Margaret Daly, 11 only in Mon,treallby Mr. Vin'cent's house., shivering it to �1 cKay, Thos. Elliott and the yea mond­ MeMillan,&' Thb wi d blew a corn B "a equalization ter of -*Ylr. John, Daly of F Mr. and it is likely the er off.' both teachers and . oth ers will be large daugh ought- out with him several atorns. f- Br en' ad one dog each taken off� elgrime: I & 2 'I Ed. Pa net's nam. e was taken off as A. TAytoR is offeri i. e� ( rt of the cow. adopted k� place at h th' McGill's house On the whole this and tha the ineetillg will be a; success- Ville, *h-ich too e r.8 fine young- stallions. —Wei, notice that -aeat reduction att-ell'dance for th4 lir$t,7 f OWUer �ut on as -tenant, and w. or the -I the worst we ha e had the- in the price 'T'r Straw And Saturday even�lg M* aY of the Council wit) iaerial ell nge. residence Oil g . storm has been Dress Go( till and profitable o' j!ss several of ithe mapje -shade trees, and �e. I.n 16. deputation 'from the Central Scott for years., ames o Leebli & Co.. pt on as owners Felt Hits to clear out WaLl L papers out of tile D-aly contracted'a severe cold will- 'some of'th'e'm fine larigro one i cheap. -Eleven are dying. I of same operty. The court then ad- varieties of fresh 1,p Seeds, low, Bhtter and tions repo ins Egg, wan d at leading I irices,. Dai Salt for ot Associaion appeared before the From Aor.088 THE O&EAN. ,Mr. Y. ter, -which ultimately turned con- Somekind-of an insect se o bore journed o 26th June and - the Council te fferea iffiett. . ; I prayers 0 Couneff on Tuesdayand asked that the G. parling, under date of - M , 18, an, sumption arid resultedfatally des ite al into them and make' a' alit il the trunk Butter. Ten -per cent. o d genieral. bu Moved by �ools, and all- �ULr ff for cash on Harvest with school work. - -I resumed siness. _ebas of 4 would pral �ide an for o stay its ravage,,, h 1 was which iffectualy stop * e 11; ap aseen in COURT N. —T he Co - T ind over, bear this coullea 9 OF VISIO urt of W. Mc1 hers�n, Seconded by G. Thomp- in mind and save 111oney. on board- tile good steamship 'I Nevada e.ffOrts - t f a th �E -to be a..p- e a br ches, and f w days the that the bone 0 )lte of the salary of a magisrae the main stay and cor he r aged to the an Revision or the township of- Hullet. vy son, that the Clerk write atloll is about to s rids' us the following DEAF. EX- in -a f the Hon. T. BRIEM—The creps are Io p Dhted toi try casesbrought FOSITOR,�—At, the' very ent request father in his declining years, al d while limbs one by one wither'. and become held at Londe'siboro, on the oking splen Urg 26thVlay. I i. I B. Pardee,, Commissioner of Crown did in this vicin.it ;alrnes from The f Mrs. MeNT-ft her death w e ad I he Slight pai)� the Act for- its vioation. U chael and others of our ill.b a s :. bereav ent to quite dead. � It ill be eat inisfor- J. Lasham -w�as appointed chairm yll frost on the ki)ld w this r W an. Lands, to ascertain who has a right to Monday nierit -for the 'use -was -re-&rredL to the Finance all her friends it will be most keeiily tune if any' blight of ind Should The ap, did very i peals ere disposed of as foll6ws. li tle injury to the party 1 shall attempt to give you short the Winghain show ground, origi*al plants or crops.—Qui. a number went ellarigs wem madee in Can.1111ittee. The report the com- felt.by him who is noi.v` left ailo�e in 'his becme &n* John Connell, $100 personai account of our very pleasant vo age. eral among. our handsome viz.: ly y 4aid oat as a, market I t square, and find U Port Stanley on in the'lliodel - u, ,Itl eev reco, xovernment to -ves lees. e first of June property struck off' Thos. Sloan asses- Tuesday, with mmen iil, E d the C which, th6bugh a little tedious, it has' nitled t? ad rOcei shade-tt —From th I . the lathy of all Out whether the Government or town- grange excursionists nf opillion th-at ntltke such appointment and wV been a most pleasant- One.' We sailed the most sincere sym T s - ear, sed for $400 ine ome Charles Floody, to' i --Mr. Boles has -e pr I . 116 last yea�r t the first of.March thi y tical, C by m of th Ac ..t ia lte(l 1)y the C 6111,j O-rity Of from New York -on Thursday, M fn�neral took place on.Mon�lay morning, Mr. Andr alder, is town netted remain as a' alters, as- ship of Turnb I erry,has a right, to it. rented the dwellin I k tely occupied by ay 7th, Owx 9 -t tt 11 reip ec thp SUM, Om I 'Lis Ayrshire cow. sessed as t an -1,ioll I be- sav­ A fu rt of proceedings will at 0 'vi ard this TorninIg, May a4d the'remansj � which were fo lo�v I $108 fr I ell A for lot 6, Londesboro, Thos. Nix are only . two V& on.—There 11 ivea Rex 'to b� 1arge' concourse of symp his' dwellinLa.ia in this prosperous l8th, Ae in sight of land - and expect 1119 This. incl ad the calf' and the - butter Robt. All r n, assessed -as farmer's cant 0 Village. tht -new reacla Glasgow to -morrow morni friends were'interred- inAhe Iri btown- and milk sold for the 1year. This son on lot 19,1oncession 3 John Bell,. Count or REvwoN�-.—The council. A few new dwellings would rent well.— lug very tble CITAT.N.,.—This is the title of early. e -is a pTetl y good - reob'rd- �Zr one cow. struck off part of. lot 2 met as a Courit of Revision of the assess." Wrn. Johnston, of E _It -ha's been acknowledg Ill by ceiri te y. . 6, concession 10, st.Waw be tile trn-i 081, n. excellent- and interesting book,L for a.11, . ad jespecially by 'those who- are —The inoi ithly prayor m6eting of the ment of Hay erect a large bank I - ! I is week on the tenant, and Mary Rose, Geo. Rose and on Tuesday, 26th 'May. barn th' All will be pleasellat site of the one burntlast fall.—Piek-ard -which Mt. John a aft pres- accustom dd to crossing the ocean 'that a LocA.L BR1EF.5.,—N,%Te le rn by c rcular. WomeiI!i's bristian- 'Remperance Union E. A. Rose put on instead;.J. Ander- There b in V 0 -peals it was moved yc ap '11 Wightman will a of hat have ln�vlj (11 wlioitingl in this 'vicinity. more kind and obli aill w6 -11 -be- from the agent Mr. Alex. Jacque . that will bel he 4 this Friday afternoon, at, 4 son, to remain i'as assessed; J. Bell as-, -and car ied at oba es in the.uon- .91119 ng ttend the High.Court o'clock in the Band ofope room, pub- sessed as tenantfor lot 13, Londesboro s as follows. it i -i t, I �ftpr a careful pel, usal of it we have 'no haved lot of men I they e, er saw tha Johri Bm Dorris' Inter�Oeeani Circus, Mu- re iden ell �e ma4e —That meetings of the Cana Older of Fore- ridorsiag th. struck off Rot. JeU C. Sell chqr. be ehaTged with, south I Oro next. weelt, as del7 Resitation ill fully e follow- those -whd have dbarge of & stearfier seum and - Menagerie Will-ViSit .,lie scbgol uilding. All a�e- irivited. to* and A. Rose' ters- at Peterb car ,nd, -from the captain &]-)Out the 2nd of July.—It is t4e inten- atend.—Captain Rilaiton 6pent, several frey, Assessed as tenant for parV of lot -of south. 6. as r this Court. nix., recomme an of it given V the 11 State of Nevada,"' 7, concession I gate fo 01 lot 'MI -11 18� gyinen of this town, al -d vicknity. down. I in,ight just iay herei'th'at per- tion of the -local doips- of the Salvation .days this: week in. Seaforth and gave 22, Londesbor, for $200, and J.'Man.-: owner at Orn 7, cencess- pwtof re, - lot ion -1 Error ains is a good book hs you will ot wonder rnu�hat Armyheretohavea,g able assis�ance to Ciii,ptain Oo ke in of- ning's assessni. reduced the � same 4, be ell,, ;ged re�t jubilee ser 0 a. s' Ch so e to C.'Aldworth as owner; Goderich. Rd book t describes the vari- tlii§, hey are al �vice in Cardno's hall on the evpr a et- amount; 11T. Assessed as tenant that eas half of west half lot 11, conces- B` 'R1Er1.1,---:7Tlle fligl-i School boys of this. religion.i an lolatries of tlie world o G ii enj we., edriiisday, the 17th inst.,.at Which al ings.- Lieutenant Li�ht6w 'Happy Lo gra wlen I tell you t drig of fici ting at the S41viiion ! _my Me ot hme _.' Th ave ound the W er of lot G., 11( PS ere, an oberts Sion e ass(ssbd Ito George O'Brien; place, played a gaine of foot b inost gr a very agre JIV assessed- as that patk lots 1, % 3, 4. 5) 6, 7, and the Clinto c In(! intensely ifiter- passerigelfs �comparly. large number of strange officers i�ili be Jack now an officer__in�th London struck 6ff .s. * Stewart, V I I i boys at linton on t'line Atilih A (:at 11 1,17.1 1, he title ppears to be Anol'ag theni. tli6re are two Iministers, present, and among others Capt�iril corps, also.-. gladdened old.friends by a tenant 'for lots A And B., Kinburn- village ;ots 2' .1 L ­ t be 1, wn. am, ien Gage, 71, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, be but wer6 defeated. 11 returl, matell u) report a. appropriate ser�noris th6 first cap am 'in this town. —The flying visit this -week. A. Clow, of 1jer asiessed as tenant for lot. placed with I &L- en. from Bishop 2NIissicruary who preached very t 1.1-y Cooper,�l 4le assessment Lof J. Gil- to take. place here o of bell),(r S 11 the ist Of July�— 111yum: " They c,,Il us. to deliver, their O]�.l both the Sabbath day nn r e concession and IV. Brown truck, christ a� $6501 as owner, and that park 'The annual high School Literary Ell _A111,0111hIs thro ys we spent on o owing Seafor�li,.has gone out as, a worker in 17,1 ter- Imia from errors ins," and the title the-oceai; also the're are two doctois neat compliment to one of. our-voe lists, the Ar* , and* has been k6 oned at. off. Assessmeiit roll as revised passed lot 9 belellar4ed to W. B� McLean at tainment. my) ti was held h Victoria Hall on ii aa- appropriate one. The book is -who, no doubt, if called on, 'Would bavi ­�Rev. I who sang a a concert in that to -%v 4ast Petrolia. Mr., McC oy, of , E cr- and court final�l� closed. $80 as 'owner. The follow lone their duty in their line, but the week.' This was -Miss Ckmpb6ll' Ifirst mond ile, is away attending a meeting baving we ell Langes the. 28th Of May. TIll! hall -was crowded. I beg oilce- vii hl profusely nd beautffi'11Y illus- II 'v �--The - Court- of Revision re niade'inr the - resident y irided -, t1l, Rannie Proceeds about l s to the Ill.. Vith -woo(l copper steel en - only prevailing dis ap&746.ce fiere, and we'trust th m He -expects to be clos6d, the co d or the�:trans`- & Code to b $80 --Airs. cP hail, of �ase for *a few days, at th assessed for west part of this town has a irjo� th ierl rougliont tile district f,,r. ings, -makin it at orice atiactive least, was sea- sick-iiess, and it seems the "last. IShe is ain excellent; ith absent�about three wee pi ity in the shape of 9.1 ks. His pill action of busi ' as. It was decided to lot 7 inst of Jackson Broil.; S. Jack- a gosling wh illf, I ess to Me k1ur It U four ent' are �not in the a grace and modesty sur6 tc) win- will be occupied by Rev'. am 01 :..of gravel put 'on side s to be asqessed as tenant for lot 225,- feet.—The question, of Police M trust that t e-restto.(.:hiIdrenand devbteesof this ailm Mr.- Grab hav " 40 cord Oil �,h is t1le possessor of' le. �t is a book- wall suiteCt li%Lbit of calli g -on a physician about "fAelids and admireis wheie roads 5 an the- directio %in 8 agistr te d 6 unde Of J. peop ver She during his:absende.--The doctors found r n of - J. M t, Hensall, instead' came Up befor the Co Co a Jar every Christian, home, and-will,do that tin!6'. Then we -:have" a lawyer' sings;."�Mr. Hector Cowaiii, lion of-� it necessary to amputate Mr. Thomas, Britton; and _50 cords on- side road 25 Marhall"ethat lots uncil 223, 224, 225, P. S. yesterday. It was Se 4 Mr. who Downey's arm a little ab�-,,'� the wrist.. and 26 under the di * 60tion of J. Lashain charLej to -that inore to 4dorm, th mid and -kindle an urho makes �hiniself vtxy agreea Jo Cowiw, of MoK'll ble, r b Wm.. Kreath'and that- lot* fiance COM. -to '0 all -13 in e con-lition of- tlie heathen especiatly to th younge�r But recently assed guch a credit le,exam- He stood the operatiah'well, and is now,' and I.. It was decided tl P M. .i.ttee . be reported oil to- B. Churchil iatthe 2 2�2 be cb arged to D.. Urquhart ai day. TI of le Party tried recently for sellij lidihan all missionary addRsses piA thereslone-1 want to illake particular ination the Law Soc" - we understand, getting on 'nicely.—Mr. contracts for'. preaches to .$350. On motion the sum bf $800 was liquor to two of ow prominent Tor Iling the ap 1r, 1), m. Mallod -her. Weeancardially.,recommend mention of, Viz..- His excellency, R.,B. onto, hi located- for the �r et ce of his. John S. Po*rter had- a severe � attack of Hog's Back' b a 8 and taken from the assessment of D. UTOU- citizens I ri ge, concessio, 'b Was not 'Convictedi One of. to the C1 ristian petple of -Sea- Anderson United States- Minister to .profession in Paisley 111.4-ector for East RV Mr. Cow is a apo- -"Wednesday morning. He 9, ana building bri(Tge and ditching on hart, ritill reserve, Hen Allose who In reporti*l, l elXy,oft- Ball. Moved ly got the arly clever and 'estiniable, was g tting'read th,—A­' D. 'McDenald, Piesbyterian Denmark.' We spent pa -tical drink swore it was milkbut one evqnmg very Qung, yto come down to busi- side road I,5 And 16, concession 11 and Mr. Heyrock, seconded b Mr.. Rannie rerhaps be bad nister Jas, lBrbley, M.ethodist Mill- om the people of P 1wi I pleasantly listening to a lecture given man in -Wh aisle 11- ness en. he -,was' suddenly' prostratbd 12, "be lei b " auction at the.several that the ell � I So Much that the Y, .,vised be. the uran(e)iulii was alit, I e isodered. f ouble T y . i al v I -e 0 n s] li n b 0 9� ,�h '0. 0 Ia st n h a SC F II