HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-06-05, Page 7a el of nd is good n, can eating ann be whom up a bor-. Como Sol: les are rpened id the ler of adding tior & €tele of ped. her ed her he -best - f`ouuty.' inarty Orth of Street- TU. r aved to his Ohl will be as many !tlm their - +idersonfs r;e, Slain 7 • ria county;_. for thi, it is the xst longer rig special guarantee • rn to ie- fist Mills. fines,. and ort notice hers. jest rates. Of L- D. ,airs eori-• Y R' xkiria busk- ;;Tani - areal. on deposit, rates. lid to Con- ', money on houses, &e.. MILL CIO Y. his carmer-. tronage ex- -iruaiuess irl avored with welito gyre.' ip on hand a ATH, &c tisfac•tion to patrorragg -ruploye4. a Planing. A OFOOT._ it R and Ci rorn-ptly a -hell. JUNE 5..,.` 1885. _1 • THE HUR.QN EXPOSITOR.. A 7 London Barmaids. ' - A CLASS THAT COMMAND RESPECT DESPITE THEIR BUSINESS. The one redeeming point about the London tavern is the barmaid. I am told on good authority that '3u metro- politan London alone, with its popula- tion o ula-tion of about 5,000,000 souls of one kind and another, there are 12,000 barmaids, exactly double the number of girls em- ployed in one capacity or another about the theatres. A barmaid must be young and attractive.. She is required to dress in a black •vashmere or French merino princess robe, so as to be distinguished. from the mistress—a London tavern, like an American farm, 'must have a mistress, who generally appears behind the bar in . the gaudiest colors, and, above all, to prevent rivalry in dress between the barmaids themselves, and • therefore to lesson the temptation of dipping their hands in the till. The dress, too, it may be mentioned, must. be made without pockets,whicli I should think must prove a greathardship,. especially in this climate,. where one is subject to colds •in -the .head. They must,- moreover, be .intelligent to the extent of at least engaging the customers of the • ` ashler " type in 'conversation, and of leading thein on to spend a great deal of • their time and money at the bars.. It is, however, a mark against a barmaid if she devotes herself too ex- clusiVely to one or two persons. This is not conducive to trade. Her policy theefore, to talk a little to everyone, and having to serve all and sundry as they -cams up to the bark she-_ is able to pass from one to another without giving apparent offense. In this way a bar- maid picks up a great deal of surface knowledge, and, in many instances, becomes really smart and accomplished far beyond her station in life. But she is by no .:means the slave of her customers. Letanyone especially a stranger,: -attempt familiarities with her, or address language to her which, according to her lights, she considers as tmbeconming a gentleman, she will have that person up before the master or mistress . at once, . or call into-- instant requisition the service of the " ebucker, out." Of course, she must necessarily overhear a great deal that is not fit for ears polite, but so long as it was not addressed to her, and the person using it does not make a disturbance, that is none of her business, and though obliged to serve the lots types of character above described it is not expected of her, how- ever, that she shall hold any conversa- tion with therm further than the transac- tion she has with any of their demands. It is a barmaid's ambition to be promot- ed from the Bill Skyes sicl_e of the bar to that of the masher. Here she is in her . element. She can listen to silly no= things by the hour from a.' dozen non- entities, the . object evidently being to keep as many as -possible of what she calls her customers on_ the centre hooks. See her in the owning, if she is at all attractive •i she is a perfect flower plat because of the number-- of buttonhole bouquets that :have been presented to 1 her during the day by her numerous admirers. Yet her life can not be all a bed of roses. She is required to 'be on her feet fifteen hours a day, every day in the -week she must live on the the premises, and she is only allowed to go out one day in every . four or five weeks ; she is boarded by her employer and receives for wages, with which she must clothe herself, and always appear respectable, on an average of £2 a week. What becomies of the barmaids when the bloom of yOutlf has passed' and they have broken down in health from the hard work and close confinement ? I have found_ no • one who Can answer the question satisfactorily. Froin the force cif habit barmaids have ideas and ambi- tions far above their original station of life ; they turn up their noses at a . re- spectable artizan ; yet it is not often that those who have made so many pretty speeches to them behind the bars, -hen they were young,pretty and at- tractive, care to make_tl'em partners for life. What becomes of these -12,000 young woinei2 ? I repeat it • again. What becomes of these 100,000 engaged in similar callings in other parts of the country ? was then smoothe off, and, being rolled [up in a towel alon with hair -brush and other articles of to let, had a very inno- cent appearance._. It, indeed, would have passed had it not been for suspicion pre- viously aroused. —Rev. Mr. Bickle, who has been pas- tor of the Presbyterian churchhat Moles- worth for several years, has received a call from the Presbyterian church at Mount Forest. =Though Mr. Sickle is very much attached to the Molesworth congregation, there is a likelihood that he will accept the call. . - GRATEFUL=} -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. ' "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nu- trition, and by a careful application of -the fine properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage Which may save us many doe,: tors' bills. It is by the • judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradu- ally,built up until-streng enough to resist every tendency to disease. 1lundreds of subtle mala- dies are floating • around ns 'ready ` to attack• wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by -keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and .a- properly nourish- ed frame."—Civil Service Gazette. Made simply With boiling water or Milk. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled thus—" James EPPs & Co.,: Homoeopathic Chemists, London, England." Sole 09.nt for Canada, 0. E.:Colson, Montreal. 884.112 A Fourfold Work.` Burdock Blood Bitters act at the same time upon the liver, the bowels, the kidneys and; the skin, relieving or curing in every case. War- ranted satisfactory or money. refunded. 857. •52.2w. Better than Gold. - ' A good name, good health, .a good couipanion and a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil are among the first requisites for human happiness. Yellow Oil cures rheumatism, sprains, lameness, bruises burns, • frost bites, croup, sore throat, turd all pain and inflammation:. 857.52.2w. . • ( -- • - t` , Meissonier's little -picture "The \- idette " sold for 522, 500. Fifty years alto he Was making drawings whieh brought from 54 to 58. The latest triumph of instantaneous photography, lately took place at New f =cleans The operator succeeded in getting a go_oa ategativik of a flash of. lightning. Mr Cyrus W. Field lately remarked that but of the 474,465,558 passengers carried by the elevated roads since their opening, only oue person had been killed after eing fairly upon. the,cars. A Ixolesale'manufactory of counter- feit •mss postage stamps has just been. disc' =erect at Zurich. The makers went so f in their efforts to deceive I unwary collelp .rs as to hunt up old letters with post'] larks from 1840 to 1860, on which, to p .te the_fraudulent stamps. Tu " Saturday Review" tells, apro- pos o the inconvenience of the Atlantic passe, e, the story of a traveler by one. of th best of the ocean steamship lines, who , skecl the bedroom steward for an extr towel. " Can't have 4 another tote, sir," was the answer,' " but we neve lost a life on this line." . •-• In the prayer meeting at one of the Met odistchurch.es inBrampton, one Sun : day ;veninglately,a zealous member who is a ,trong supporter of John A.'s Gov- ern ent, in the course.of his prayer, in men oning the trobles in the- North- west said, Oh,. Lord, if the Govern - men ' is to blame, remove it," when a good �old Grit called out Loud enough to be eard• in any part of the church, there' is no if about it, Lord, thou know - est cell enough it is to blame." Then Down in Dixie. • . The wife of Mr. 3. Kennedy, Dixie P. 0.; was cured of a chronic congh . by fiagyard's Pectoral Balsam. The best threat and lung healer known, 857.52.2w. �•r The Best Yet. The best blood cleanser' known to medical science is ,Burdock B•ldad Bitters. It purifies the blood of 'All foul huinors and gives strength to the weak. 857.52.2w. • - National Pills nbtgripe or si4ken, yet are a thorough cathartic. i 857.5211: mor-• ' . It can do no harm to try Freeman s *orru Powders when your child is ailing, fes-erish or fretful. 857.52in. rte♦ Prof. Low's Sulphur Soapis a delightful toilet luxury as well as a good curative for skin dis- eases. 857.52m. • As sweet as honey is Dr. Low's Pleasant Worris Syrup, yet sure to destroy and expel worms. 857.52m. • Holloway's Pills. Invalids distracted by indigestion and discour- aged in their search for its remedy should make trial of this never -failing medicine. A lady, long a martyr to dyspepti. tortures, writes that Hol- loway's Yids made her feel as if a burden had been taken off her. Iger spirits, formerly low, have greatly improved her capricious appetite has given place to healthy.hungcr ; her dull, sick headache has departed, and gradually so marvel- lous.a change has been effected, that she is alto- gether a new creature, and again fit for .her duties. These Pills may he administered with safety to the most delicate. They never act harshly, nor de they ever induce weakness ; they rightly' direct d ranged, and control exces- sive, action. 912.52% The Cor Of -Robinson's Phosp] cleanses the blood stores the system tinned Use. iorized Emulsion invariably rom all impuritied and re- o a state of healthfulness,. that is manifested lira increasedconstitutional vigor, mental activity, and lightness and buoy- ancy •of spirits..lways ask for Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion, and be sure you get -it. 891.52.2w. Cure if or dyspepsia and , impure blood. There is no purer. safer or more reliable remedy in exist - elide . r indigestion, dyspepsia, costiveness, etc. Ask y ur neighbor or an3 person who has used it. S Id by Lumsden & Wflson, Seaforth. Trial bottle given free. 912.51w. •A Successf Result. Mr. Bloomer, of Hamilto , Ont., suffered for rfiany years with a painful ening sore upon one of hi legs, which baffled all attempts to heal Until he, used:Burdock Blood Bitters, which speedily worked a perfect ;ui e: 857.52.2w. MONEY TO LOIN. MoNEY .T.O LOAN.—Straight loans at 6. per cent. Interest payable half yearly, or 6i per cent yearly, with thenvilege to borrower of reliaying ppert otthe principal money at any time, Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. 850 all t :.e Tories groaned and all the . said amen, St. Peter's cathedral, -London, will. be pend on the 28th of. next month. 4ev rah bishops from Canada_ and_.the Uni, a States are expected to be. pres- ent, and among the number Archbishop Ry 4,; of Philadelphia, a very distin- guis ecl pulpit - orator, who will preach on the occasion. Bishop Walsh, of 1 HorsemE \'hen your horse i has an ugly sore, 1 McGregor Parke .AUCTIONEERS. • TP. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the . • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders Left at Tris Exeolnent Office will be promptly attended to. A ELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the 1-1...I County of Huron. Sales of all description prom tly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- dressfBrussels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4, Con- eessi n 12, Grey. 77 • in, -Attention ! • s galled, scratched or cut, or lathe tw-i-e daily, and apply. s Carbolic Cerate Itis un- doubtedly the finest heating and cleansing appli- cation for it. Be sure you get,yl:Gregor & i arke's. Sold for 25e. per boX at Lumsden & F4 ilson's drug- store, Seaforth: • 91,?.52w. Fluid Lightning. All sufferers from that terrible torment,Neural- bra, `can be made happy in one moment by a sin- gle application of Fluid Lightning briskly rubbed. 05.painful parts, and without using any disgust- ing medicine day after d.ty with little or no re- sult. Fluid Lightning also cures as effectually. toothache, l:unibagoi rheumatism, headache, and is only 25 cents per; bottle atLu nisden &. Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. , 912.52w. C. DOAN, Veterina y Surgeon, Graduate duate of Ontario Veteri ary College, Toronto, i Onta io. Calls prom ptly night or tog attended day. Veterinary medicines kept conetently on hand Office, Huron Hotel, Zurich, Ont. 909 GA WM. LEGAL. BROW & PROUDFQOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J.T. GERRow, PROUDFQ0!. • 686 IT LI.ADS ALL. No other blood.{purifytng medicine is nide, or has ever been prepared,,which so Oom* ppietely meets 00 wants of physicials; and the general public as - a RpHAYS, Solicitor, &c: Private Money to ,f lend at lowest rates of interest. (Mee— Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 AMERON' HOLT &'C{AMERON, Barristers, ky Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. CAMERON, Q. 04P1IILLP „HOLT, . M. 0. CAMERON. 506 T OFTUS. E.' DANCEY, late with Cameron,' / Holt & • Cameron, . Goderich, 'Barrister' So-1 licitor, Conveyancer, &e. Money to loan. Ben-! son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seafortli. • 786 A.NNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Mgney, to loan. Office—Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H- • MAx uaO,•JAMES SCOTT. , 781 F. late, firm of ;! McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, So=OLMESTED, successor to the licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend.. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. ••, EYER & DICKINSON, Barristers, &o.,Kent's •• Block, Wingham. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Commissioners fon taking affida- vits in Manitoba. ffida-vits;in,Manitoba. Private funds to loan, at 6 per cent. Lucknow Office a cry Wednesday. H. W. C. Maras, E. L. DLCKINs N. i 738 - . DENTISTRY.- W_ ENTISTRY.- A True Statement Kind words can never die," and there are none but kind words spoken regarding Hagyard's Xel low Oil,- that old reliable remedy for external and internal use. It cures. rheumatism, deafness, croup, sore throat, and all soreness and Wounds of the flesh: 857.54.2w. Lon by dio will be presented on that clay the Sunday school children of the ese with a signet ring and crozier, togdtlxer with the,na.in€-8 of the wri � ten on parchment. ---One of the cleverest tricks of smug- gle s was recently detected at the New Yoi k Custom House. Its inventor tried to s ve x;1,500 in duties, and .Lost $12,00( wo th of diamonds. He took a' common cal:; - of soap, cut it .into' layers, placed the diamonds inside, aal then pressed - the layers together and heated the rnass- su: i c-iently to make it kolid. The cake Listen to Your Wife., median; June Sth, 1883,. says : The Manchester Gu At one of the Windows - Looking' on the loodland ways ! Kith cluiu :s ' orhodcliiendror rs, - and' great masses of May flowers '.. There was an interesting group. it included one Who had been a cotton spinner, but was now so Paralyzed ! • _ That he could only bear to li:e.in a reclining position. This refers to nuyF case. I was attacked twelve years ago with, . . • Locomoter Ataxy . (Aparalytic disease of nerve fibre rarely • lever cured.) Arid okra for several years hardly able to get W_ J_ T D. S., and M. R. C. D., of Toronto. All operations guaranteed. Anesthetics of all 'kinds administered.. Specialties— Gol 1 > Filling and _ . Perfect Fitting Plates. Ton • patients will please make engagements a day or two previous to having the opera} tion performed.: e ' Rern�ember the place, in the rooms formerly occupieellel by C. Cartwright,, up -stairs in Cady's Block, opposite the Conmmer- Bial Hotel, Seaforth. 1 874 W. -Ai -1'8\01V ENTIST, Faculty Gold 3 edallist and College Gold)3ledallist,Toronto school of Dentistry. , Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, Main _Strefet, 91 Seaforth. . eSaisapa1'ffl It leads the list as a truly minutiae prepsrte tion for all blood Idieeases. If there is a Murk- • SCROFULA A S s Serofubs about you,win dislodge'it. and ae�,zz l it from your system. For oustituttenaal or scrofulous Catarrh, A B's SABUUPABILLL ,is the CATARRH ease =It will stop the nau!eoona catarrhal disch ' ges, and remove the sicken- ing odor of the reath, which are indication. of scrofulous or gin. r Hutto, Tex., Sept. 28,1882. ULCEROUS ",At the age of two years one of SORESmy children was terribly afflicted with ulcerous running sores on its face and neck. At the same time i3 eyes were swollen, mach inflamed and very] sore. Physicians told us that a pow - SORE EYES crful alterative median$ must be employyed. They united in recommending AYEB'S SABSAPiR>LL&. A few dosespro- duced a perceptible improvement, whih, by an adherence to your directions, was contin- ued to a complete and permanent cure. No evidence. has since appeared of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat- ment of any disorder was ever attended by more prompt or effectual results. Tours truly, • B. F. JOHNSON" • PEEP,BED air kip- Dr.J. C. Aycir & Co., Lowell; Miass. Sold -by all Drugglete; $1, ails bottles for ;5. 23 • n z C .11 6.4 Frf about. •- And for the knit five years not able to attend to my business, although Many things have been_ done for me, The last experiment being nerve stretching. Three years ago I was voted into the ' = Home for Incurables, near Manchester; in May;, 1582. I am ne advocate for anything:in the shape of patent medicines 21 - And made manyl,objections to my dear whets constant urging to try Hop Bitters; brut finally to pacify her—, Consented !• • I had not smite finished the first bottle when I ' felt a change come over me. This was Saturday, November 3rd.. On Sunday morning I -felt so . strong I• asicl to my room co111parlians, I was sure I could . • . Walk ! - So started.ecross the floor and back. I hardly knew how to contain myself. I was all over the house. Kam gaining strength each day, and. can walk quite safe without any Stick ! • I am now at my own house, and hope soon to be able to earn I ray own living again. I have been a memter of the Manchester • Royal Exchange •- For nearly thirty years, and was most, heartily congratulated on going into the room 'on•Thurs- day last. ,Very gratefully yours, John Black - Manchester, Eng.; Dee., 24, 1683. Two years later aria perfectly well. None germine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or " Hope" in their name. • 864.5351. 1 w Cholera Preventive. 1u .order to'withstand cholera and such like epidemics a perfect purity of blood, and the pro, per action of- the stomach -are required. To in- sure that end, in the cheapest, most available and cornplete Manner, use McGregor's Speedy 3 (11) (1) -0 , sil :,X 67a. m -I I m tc,-;; i- 0 P w P .< nj ,,,e it . ti Jr Dila r 2 r ,„ a r 81 Ro 1.4 0UPFOLK AND BERKSIIIRE.—Two Pigs, ono .Suffolk and the other Berkshire are kept. for service at Raimie's Saw Mills, Lo't 12, Con- cession 8, Township of Bay. Terms : !with the privilege of r thrningif necessary. SA.MtUEL 88 THE MEDICAL HALL, ZA.T STMT, Has just opened out the finest and best assortment of Pipes in the country. If you want a nobby Meerschaum Pipe or a first-elass Brier or Wood Pipe, go to the Medical Hall, where you can get something that will please the eye and. give you satisfaction. A splendid assortment of Ploth, Hair, Toothe Nail and Shaving Brushes at all prices. Toilet Soaps assorted ---Pear's scented and imscented Soap, Red Clover Toilet Seap, Albert Honey Toilet Soap, Princess Louise, Carbolic Glycerine and Cuticura Toilet Soaps ; Colgate's Ckshmere Boquet Soap, Sponges, Chamios, Bath Towels. Combs—A splendid variety of Dressing Combs and Fin Combs just opened from the- English markets,. Purses and Wallets new and sele t. We draw your attention to our well -assorted stock of • SUFFOLK PIGS. --The undersigned will !keep on hand dining- the present seasonaa Thor- ouebbred Suffolk Pig, to which a limited 'mintier of sows wilt be taken. He is one of the best pigs of his cla.ss In Os county. Terins--$1, with the privilege of retu ning if necessary. Apply on • the farm ef 'the undersign ed - at G rieve's Bridge, Northern Gravel Road,• eKillop. HUG J. THE. SCFFOLKS ARE THE BEST.—The un- dersigned has new on Lot. 21, Concession 2, 1.014K BOARS, The oldest, PGranger," was far- rowed on April : rd, 1882, was bred hy Mr.1Wm: Elliott; Milton, minty of Halton.. His sire and his dam were both imported. The second, " King Teen'iswes- farfowed in April, 1.884L He was bred by Meesrs. A. Frank & Sons, et the county of Peel, and both his sire and his! dam avere also imported._ They are as good pigs as were ever offered for service in Huron as ean be proven by the extended •pedigaces which are registered in the Canadian Herd Book Terms $1, with the privilege of returning if necee,sary. GEORGE PLEWES 891 EAFORTII ORSE INFIRMARY.—Corner of o• JarvIS and floderich Streets, next door te the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. dis- eases of Horsesdeattle, Sheep, or any of the do- mesticated aniMals, successfully treated at the Infirmary, or ehiewhere, on the :shortest eotice. Charges modersflie. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. 1 P. S.—A large stock of Veterin- ary Medicines kept constantly on hand Pure Drugs, Chemicals and Patent ilfeclicines, Wilich is complete in all its branches. We have also for sale the Ore juice of the!grape, especially for sacramental purpOses, and unfermented. It is highly recinnmencled by first,class Medical men as a nutriment and beverage drink in many cases of sickness, &e. Remember the place, ne'xt door to Duncan & Duncan's, dry goods store, Main street, Seaforth. BIG. MILLS, The above mill4 have now been thoroughly re- in' It upon the complete • HUIVIA!A IAN RULER PROCESS, The Mill and Sterehouse Buildings haee heed greatly . enlarged, and new machinery applied!, THE LATE T ROLLS Flour Dressing Machines C. DUNCAN, Chemist and DruggiSf.. From the hest Manufaeturing Firms haat been put in, and everythiug necessary •edded te enable her to turn eut flour SECOND Tea NONE In the Dominton The 'facilities for receiving grain from far iers and for alevatieg and shipping have also deen extensrvely improved. Grain can now be taken , from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. " A LARGE- FEED STONE CUSTOM CHOPPING Has been put in, and the necessary niachinky for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. ViFIET EXCHANGES attetd to, and 'FIRST-CLASS RI LLER F GUARA TEED. Chopped tatisfactorily and without delay. ROLL93 'FLO R, BR N, SHORTS And all -inds of -CHOPPED. FEEb ENTRANCE EXAMINATION.. rplIE examination of !candidates for admission 1_ to High School% will be held in Seaforth; :Clinton and Winghain, on Thursday and Friday. the secend and third days of July next,. :come mencing promptly at 9 o'clock, ,a. in the Public, school house in each place. Those who intend to write in Seaforth will send names , and addresses, not later than the 1st day of June, to J. C. Harstene B. "A., Principal of the Higk School in that place,.those in Clinton to James Turnbull B.A., Principal of Clinton High School, and those in Wingham to E. Groves, Principal of -the Public School. D. M. MALLOCH, Inspector of Public Schools for East Huron. 911-4 • cc • SPRING STOOK COMPLETE OUR Constantly on band. Cash for any Wh APPLE Large Assortment to Choose From. OPULAR PRICES R,ULE LOWER THAN EVER THIS SEASON. Everything New, Fresh and HOndsome. Aurora Quick Tra n_ Watt TEA.- TEA. AT SEAF TEA. TEA. Now is the Time to Got the Best Yalu Ever Offered in Seaforth for yonr Money. lilts Just Received a Ver 4-10 Large-st and Best Ass iholds 175 Packages. PH al,nt-1 60c. per pound. Thi 'POWDER, and TEA give Entire Satisfaction, 8,11 kinds of Groceries. Flour, Oats, Barley, Sere Turnips, Carrots, and Ca Also a Large Assortment Oats taken in% A CALL SOLICITED F Price Paid in Qiiiantity of at. ARRELS The Best Yeti SOLD ONLY BY M. R.. COUNTR, SEAFORTH, ONT. 1, of full plate watebet, from ordinary to the finest grades, for all :classes of watch wearers. 13 They are all made with quiek train, an am es- pecially adapted for railroad and all ord nary and severe service. All made dust proof, ave the perfeet safety pinion, which prevents damage to parts ID ease of mainspring breakage, and John.: son's patent attachment to regalate phis, which prevents hairspring from eatehing, an hrportant improvement controlled by this Company; The stem-winding parts are made stroinsane durable, guaranteed as safe, more conveekeit and service- able than the key winders. The extra fine grades are made in stem wind only. Every -watch iM warranted by special certificate, Which the 'pur- chaser receives from the Company's Ag nit, The number of jewels in each watch (whi h is en - grated thereon) indicates the quai ty ; pur- chase's observing- this are sure to r eive the qualitY they call for. The larger miser of Jewels in the better grades also repr -ents the finish, fine adjustment, and care in ma ufacture, which produces more accurate time S. id longer service, The qualities are divided follows: ORDINARY. --Two Fades are ma. e of this quality, engraved: 'Aurora Wat Co., 7 Jewels." " Aurae, Watch Co., 11 Jewels." • MEDIUM.—Four grades of this qiaality are madda-etwo in Gilt Finish, engraved " Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels. Extra." " Amelra Watch Co., 15 JeWels," and two in Niekel, finely -finish- ed, engraved : " Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels." " Anrora Watch Co. 15 Jewels."- I FINE.—Two grades of this quality,—ene in Fine Gilt Finish and one in Nickel, engyaved : "Aurora Watch Co. 15 Jewels, adjusted. EXTRA FINE:—Two grades ef thislquality,— one in Fine Gilt and one in Fine Nickel, engra.v- ed : "Amore Wetch Co., 15 Ruby Jewels, ad- justed, Aurora, Illinois." place in tne County where these watches can be Large Consi rnment of TEAS. He now holds ene rted Stocks est of Toronto. In Teas alone he now Stock Consists of GREEN, BLACK, 'JAPAN, GUN - UST, and will Guarantee them to be all FRESH and.. r Money Refu cled. Also a large Stock of Sugars and Flour, Oatn eal, Cornmeal, Shorts, Bran Buckwheat flings, Chop F ed, Salt, Coal Oil, Fish, Appl'es, Pota.toes, f Lamps and. amp Trimmings. I - Exchange or Oatmeal at Mill Rates. tOM ALL GOODS DELIVEREDAFREE. • D— FINE COARSE AND LAND SALT r,OnlS• first-class and obl ging men will be kept to attend ciastomers. he liberal patronge of farmers and general trad respecthilly solicited. rf THE SE Is the best Cents for Postage an goods, whi h will help all, of either sex, to more money rig t away than anything °else in th s world. Fortunds await the Workers absolutely sure. At once address 'TRUE & Auguste, Maine. 854x52 -H ain Street, Has now a better stock 13 ARE, Sugars and Te, 0 cents. Hams and Bi- oney extracted. pure fr ounds for $1. 1 place t TH GROCERY spend your money. G H R 0 B , eafortla, the People's Grocer, an ever of GROCERIES, CROCKERY and, GLASS - s a specialty ; 20 pounds of Sugar for 51. Good Tea for on, cured at fliy. own packing house, always on hand. m my own apiary, at 15 cents per pound, or eight OntaHo Muttal Lif Active ;r/M. HENDRY, M WATE H. ROBB, Seaforth. Assurance Company, r Com any of the Dominion. Local Agents Wanted. LOO, ONT. STRATFORD, ONT. Practical Watchmakerarrd CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, 'TORONTO. pAIRY GOO Ds i Brussels LimeNorks. atiLL AHEAD. All in watt of first-class Dairy Goods, will do well to call at And see our American Iron -C Pails, just the thing to sta A full stock of Cans, Pails everything for the dairy. Golden Star ad 31ilk Cans and d rough handling. 'ans, Strainers, and It IWith large 'tops and stand !required to stand it on, an Ismaller stoves. Every stove 111 ordering Troughing doi 'Galvanized Iron Trough it ,making few joints and a be • A full line of Stoves, Tinw American and Canadian Co ;LI Range - No table or box just as cheap as 't forget to see our six foot lengths, er job. re, Cutlery, Lamps, All orders for Jobbing air atteadad to N. B.—Three hundred Ce Jar Posts for-eale. PRESIDENT, 1101T. W.N..MeMASTEB... The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to receive cieposits, -on which interest is allowed on the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and eities in. Canada, on Great Britain, and on !the -United States, bought and sold. Office—First door SOUTH Of the Commercial Hotel. A. IRELAN , Manager.. F. II0L3IESTED, Soliciter. 639 The subscribers take this opportunity of re- turning thanks to the- inhabitants of Brussels and vicinity for past patronage, and begto state that having made several improvements in their kiln and mode Of burning, they are now in a bet'oer position than ever before to supply the Publie with first-class lime. — This being the eleventh season of our business dealings in Brussels, and having given unquali- fied satisfaction so far ,the public ean rely on re- ceiving good treatment and a first-elass artiele fromus. First-class Lime at 14 cents at the kiln and 15 cents -delivered. [ We also burn a No. 1 Lime for plastering at the same price. Remember the spot, Brussels Lime Worlie. TOWN & SON. HOUSEKEEPERS A TT EN TI 0 Mineral Sgap, The bestand most complete article ever offer- ed to the public, 1 FOR CLEANSING PAINT AND WOOD WORK. - It is espei.'lally adapted for kitchen use, and HAS NO EQUAL For cleansing Marble, Mantles, Tal4s, W idows, Oil Cloth, Zinc, etc. 1 9'08 The Seaforth Woollen Mills. n sect Po der, Is NOT POISONOVS Te• lit -Ms -N. BEINGS but completely BIDS THE HOUSE ROACHES; ANTS,' MOTHS, FLEAS, FLIES, MOSQUITOES, NEW CARPET BEETLES, BUGS, etc., etc., etc. Full directions for use on box - APOTHECARIES ALL, SFAFORTIL My new mills are now complete. Farmers and nthers in want of a first-ciass quality of goods wOuld do well t9 call at my Store in the Mills, where: they win have the largest and best assert- ed Stock of GO6t.ls to choose from in any Mill in thCeuDS°tOillininaiS°.onr.k in a'll its branches A specialty. Also Cash and Trade for 'Wool as uSual. A. G. V4nEgmond. 912 009 VARNA. BOOTS AND SHOES. The subscriber begs leave to thank his roamer- ous customers for the liberal patronage extended to him since' commencing business in Varna, and trust that he may be favored withti. contineance of the same. Farmers and Others Will save inoney by coming a d examining my stock and leaving their order as I intend keeping the best stock of all kinds and ail work guaranteed to be first-class, as I intend to build up a. good reund business. All who are troubled with eorns or bunions come right along and get a good fitting pair of boots at a rcasona.ble price. Fine hand sewed boots a specialty, and las per - feet fit guaranteed. . Repairing neatly done and proniptly attended to. 907x3 woe, CHRYSTAL BLACK, PRACTICAL BO 1 LER MAKERS. MIIE Subscribers have . bought the Tools and Boiler Business lately carried on by the Goderich Fo-undry and 3fairafaeturieg Company, and having'ihad an experience of over eight years in that shop, me now prepaied te carry on the trade in its branches. Any work entrusted to US will receive prompt attention. First-class work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Work, &c.,„ at reason -- able rates. New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on the shortest notice, and at prices that defy eompotitioth CHBYST+1.1 So BLAME - 1