HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-06-05, Page 4-'177-- 7 ij JUNE 5 188,51 JUNE ZX 18800* ITORX - -- - - ---- ------- I Z* - TH E HU RON, EXPOS. And settling t Roiniew Ifil 1101V ----------- on ons I - 'boo7s -on the aftemoonf M r Theobald has which drove the half- questions of fact as well as que"' o- taking initiate the polic: ]since volunteers fok th� si 8 of the the 25th ult., Quetall's i -expense of Iiis op- of the Ontario G vernment in be did not have of law. Aside, however, from the'q�eo TTERf h ishilipt the breeds to rebellion, been a coliiiLafts resident of -is own party at the en t 1E. RU CK & C' iit and he thoughi the men th spent a very enjoyable tiI Governme lolicy of the 'De- �ion,-of expensel which is a very im ountieLi of Huron wid-Bruce, and nMe t &d. This a; and bad he by his,Fianchise the appointmen of ailiff to - bear. much to do with the'r et playiag and jab Paper Patterns for at k ds of ponen the front had quite enough at time- Sir portant one this �appeal is so hedged 4.1. and croqi by phase. of the subject, a6 also his coil- Hereafter he- sab At tipulations many- wam. friendships during, the fi de e,. misses', "Boys' and -eu'8 Bill attempted to take the ele6toiiate id lie' would. t least in- partment at. any tityie.. one of his life. After living in Myth f1led. up the time till tez, ss in n a capable busine an, but around with conditions and s be course Gnments� for sale by, HoFrmAN 08., eal empar- David was Yth the throat by t aking- the control of thd t ion that Sir Job " I Bill is mo;e just sist that ule4 ther was ent voter will -after which a plew iridiculous scramble that - no ord he went into mere4ntile -ast ose since lie beg, for some ti $b4orth, the trouble within doors; pialloand lection gency lie would insist uPO11 -an making 'ters' lists intor his he law for knighthood d at Wiggliam, removingJrop, vo, i ov�� �ands; there and liberal than the Ontario F I icu. the particularly since likely to take in formal delays w -tartpersed with a few ar. t ME Ts. would havia bet -n -a rebellion- M` ithort La hall- deal with -next week, as as been it or call even att�ei.id to it unless business w, we a ot that knighthood lie h water and about a ye of Parliament �proirided top] -ev ent abuse he g to look after te there- to Tees �ra46 'With 6.nimated and we tj 9�w ADVERTISE lie tot enna uch an irqpbrtan i atter s 10 ry conversation between th lore in case of s ff himself up mater for Jilm, nd 'as every person t order and the rebel would not be bon- we have already taken. up much n sim ply an inordinately vain old man with he employs 9, 0 Clinton. He has been -a vet lis of pub xl)t how o pil for about seven years. Hew4 fined to the: Conservative? party' either. space than we intended. devotin'g.to the. the:v6tiil'g of the imi� nse s ii - no thought e usebild will do Surgeon _aInd' gentlinen, - elosed ti Iter e being a, sk The figure, between the parenthe� is a Wha couli been th' still greater e paid a good (teal of knows, not one in a tho d- thrice married, th first wife fun, when all returtled tv eachIllno denotes the page of the paper o i whith We say had''Mr. Mowat even attempted letter, but it is said somew.bere'a'ad on. 1ie money. d ha ­e e tment, but he this. Sir John has also had an amen- M 11, of Goderich townsbip!; Ha Geverxim.ent's reason for tl us delaying attention to his depar C Indialis Of -better pleued tival the agertise&,ent will: be found. ilig df a mo anyth th, -s kind he would have good autliorily that even derately tile bringing down of 01�4 - ssage, it is 'knew nothing of it I)eyond petty de- ment carried ex.pan)pting th iss,McKinn6n, of Blyth"; the 11 Se6,tt!� -Tame-& Sinison. (5) toba, the NQrtbwest and - British sec(in a M the day in a noisy townze BUR general policy lie. knew Mani been w4uld have tails. Of tll( I wise man to tell. Nobod the franchise, but lie third urvive$ biln. Ae had maso *%'wanted-Thonipson's. (5). -been deserted by his own best friends, can -ask more questions in ten not easy and bearing the ouns, ken. into the Cabinet C olumbia f roin Two lundred kere farm for Sale-D.McAf Ilan. (5) -ant -for- - e cannot but nothing. He was t, the ex- for some 4114 his death wa —One day 1"t wt�elc and ould- hateeen left higli, Ind ry minutes than a veritable "Solomon. can - opp6sta�l the gi due se lihnself and a large persistently refuses to extend Narm i.0 Grev for Sale -Thos. A -partly to plea therefore, unexp6etefl. �stra, V Calf -_ Wm. Date. ( swer in Aen ho a, and as We know,* rec y S of the named Rpmond. without a car, ur ognize thAt tbe mone Wshington. (5) an 0 1 M-91 and accidentally ran N &Iuzayie Farm f( -.r Sale - John $,.- a must be paid. The pr ability is cirele-of personal and 'iartly to emption to the tribal Indian poral's guard.to �upport an not our correspondent- to be the' former Had he been older Provinces. A. B. J. 1 ezal: CarrdT. X. Rest. him. But wh4, Mr. Mowaf dare rect k aspirants. that the nearest reason, is tie cor the em -if the, index 41 to'. Bie-i ele for Sale -S. Hoff inn. M even-werii e so disposed, Sir J bn . while we do not make any pretepsions —that by working. up th 8 emer- i�ph-ofloltrkoe_Vliehri any other department Huron Notes. -Dr, Prondfoot. (a) o," one the who Were with him, Far, oat and Nose p e oil 11, been just a News I b s bad an ad of 'the Week. uld iv_4id. dis--ussion, Mr. Tames Peart of Usborn, sold Mn omas Kidd. (8) and we to the latter, the space taken u will, gency" they co _g that he woul4 rekr, Macdonald dbe.,,with impunit�9' p 8 -Nin. Pridba�n . siX nd for Sa gy iv in g lie necessity of mini4trafor, only lie illight have gone Lumsden has last week to Mr.!' Ie�]Dr. Sloan. falets we hope, be excused on the part of our could avoid tI fm- get cut t -M tw h(,. il I intelligent Conseiva- z in the Inland mu dling thing testauiant--Js. Burgess. (5) find to avoid Oil rived'at Constantinople- headof cattle that unitedly tunidd the he said abont-- St. Julian I Parliament, an d above al -equld ar 'foore, 000d. (1) read' thQ Secretar Great Bar-ains-(, Revenu De, 1! a y -tives,, like oar'l-correapondent, not only ers. e is Anitint, or VAILunk,,s FEARED. —F1 cars of a failure icism for, which they O�Vbel allowing th book to =tGn firos. (5) on DL) e als at 9,000 lbs - G e Craz ywbicli f Stat artnient forever without tertained in sc ssile­-Andrew Calder. (5) material inh 6 0 in the potato crop ar e Kerslake, Frank Ok. -finger until next worn] Bun cay for back him n1i - kad-, excusing his c on� plenty of- q_ )o I -Mr. and Mrs. e. as ing HE Gode�rich Star sa s 0 ur e 7, arisen T and 'tb A my sue _trouM has England. n 3 & Dunea led. to the rebellion, about an d JX -J r. D. Pryorl f Exeter) Und lir. tber ac ntally F duct, but actuallytrying to justify it. iage the 1) Ale. is, f -to inar car' e xander. (9) '04 y, eeble effort IAT�j County� Senators meet. for tile June' which the campai(;n has be tar P on. out of . 't antli takiftg It.; r It's'-Comin Reid & Wfl,,�On. (a) Mr. Veale, of Q editon, star ed had done, St. He is e-keeedin �os t Canada whole con�lave' next Tuesday. The equaliza- o. far the rebeiTion b&87 orthwe Our cbrtbsl�ono-nt is perfectly c or� Dle gly- 200,000 conimercial travellers 'in the las-hook wu renix.-wed by f I 'nglan ce for Sal week for Is d. the 8 bable that unfortu United Stat lanced. qreat Bar-, rect in. saying that ! the Ite'visig )0,000.. it i _ate therefore in having been es. Their average. salary'is' frin Pf ains A Taylor. -tio of the* county rate will be amongst directly $1,7( e he must bear -Tbe probailities* are, esent Barrister clause of the - Fianchise at the very least this wilF e increased placed in a position wiler $1,500 a year and expenses. _one evelling, not Iry v- M. wheat iaop the importaDt.items of The to $5,000 the b�uilt of the attack upon the, Go ---An earthquae was i dications,.tbat the fall Bill, -as first introduced, would 4 000. before* the o6ps are*all of Mr. CountyCouncill4rs should flie main- ernment for ba -vin V: I ic the vicind-ty of B�yth will far urp� boy, Soil again. demand of the brought-lionie Then brought about such felt at Gibraltar onliaturdy. s the ac- keep either party froi taking adv mil. lamity as Ctiiada hs never before Mount Vesuvius record Qf past years. ornerof tbe',ilvation. -onger a ca arrisons nd f eter, Auri, ologgy 'for this wanton te at E g Star an mple ap ilance of g L stl eruptions of John Brullsdel!l 41nown tage of the other by apealing to bhe be allowed known. He will spend his time abrowl letivityl, Mounted police force must creasing n i -Mr the well the in. ecting was insult. It is true the County Council, and leave the Gove�imicnt to defeiid it- . cc GARIBALDI'S W.1tyTiNes:-The 'Widow �arri�ae builder of Londesboro is m SEAFORT184 F RI�AY,, June 5) 1 S85. judge," but Sir John now -proposes to -for -alsd the increased cost f manaiging without as an organization,is not,of much service th self If We cin be saved thereby the of Garibaldi is about to publish two of ing extensive improwmets in his p -s abandola this bect vision by tab- sleeper, -who, slu_ e Ifidian the rial. of h( pr=s; infl tiop. of . any more of his pam�h- thi o the co and the inv0stikation into tie the. General's manuscripts. The Uille Ii liment, and am. og, others is havfing a af)out 11 o'clock, wherl untry, but tha;t is not the fault et a The Noithwest. permitting an -appeal to ber o1claims of I' sy" iliose books sb fe rfully and, bnd Manlio memoir are not yet ready. new engin nd -boilr put in. of th tem the payment of any nuill found himself in darkoess. e members, but, of the ys imprtan ;wonderfully made, which formed the There is Of ce to cases where thail f unctionary is pot the settlers, and others who haVE h A roper- EXPENSIVE F.U., AL. -The funeral t of in-' tI Th tia:ve'rage 4ounty councillori-is as far e Con,erva- of Victor Hugo,. it is expecte Mr. Jam�s Thompson has i�ented His criie attracted the att ell ter, as ty destroyed and the setti '11 rincipal ammunition of th will cost chronicle froni he seat of wr in the Revising Barriser, so that heted -his mills hi Bayfield to -Mr. TIV01was one passing by;( -,n lie re. ahead of the average sevator in point of counts -for ex as of all Ives 1111878, everybody will be glad to the State and municipality at, least ed r. arnes st' Northwest this week. Oa Thursday of heretofore parties will be permitted to numerable ao Vanstone, and intends rem oviog o B -of his intelligence and.i dependence, 'as the kinds'. If Canada caii "balance.up" for ish him 11 bon voyage aald to ssure 20,000 francs. n P6 for� and he m as hortly 7 fin that we -have n last week a detchintint of -General tae advaniage. of ea'ah other by ),P- ten millions shp may cou,'.5id er herself dge against 19TEw Aproixmii NT. - The Dublin Kincardine. Mr Vail�;to e Was ians whom er resident of Bay&ld, and is a'good ed, being -more. frightenett th d if sucli a th* -the d of 6e Lid 10 -with Big Senators are,. I dill personally. The oillger7tapartilient, --Journal Isserts that the Rev. trange's army had': a, brush. pealin a to e. ju ge lull is fortunae. Freeman's -A few days ago a M - I , - 1 " YO111, Bear and It- Sir John is determined o enfranchise vilich is especially discredited by this Dr.' Walsh will 8 lortly be appointed nian 1K . is men; -near. Fort Pitt, and possble, The principal differtInce- is Air%jq 14%1 THE NLORTUNIEST. -The may fritands'Of. 1r. W. was amTlng hiniself wil by an I AFF -outbreak, is the Department of Indian. Archbishopof DuU. in by, the Pope.1 In the Senate, oii, Thqrsd irle s� of his pate.n� bil �y, Ron. r. when the soldiers were forc6d to withdraw, that under Bill the f this --Department Sir John of Clinton, Will be sorry to learn that a liall thron by it Sir John's ffairs. 0 Wiidow REDUCTION. OF IATA Alex6lider made a Vigor6iis at back upon his case is now considered liopel4ss by named McCrae on t fi)rl with One killed and three or -he four appeal privilege is so hedged Macdonad has been for some time the glass manufacturer 3 of the Wet,'at a t AFFAIRS AT OTTAWA. the administration for their' Northwest al who have !done thg him i, sensible. V day, icyp in in ball had cut thtow 1) oininal head. 06 has grown tiredof his medic led- Si'n"Ce then no news has bqen 'around. with difficulties and: ax conference� at Pidosburg, Wednes poli p'ointi g out that %t the time 11 - i all that was possible to restore, hi to. thev gels column, -but ts duties, how er, and finds + vored a reduction of wages from 15 to gh. Yeceived, an -i b4ontana to �,,tougbs,, tool thf flesh close to tj penses that only - the gentleu%n�, of (From Our ow� n Correspondert.) Iliel was coming in fron health, but evidently without effe pierced the, 4ny and too dif - 20 per cent. -e( General Middleton. with a force- of five. leisure, or the wealthy man: cail�, afford OrrAwA, June ist, 1886. foment the present rebellion, the Minis- ei I licult for him i to. inanage., ' He will -Mr. R. E. NVallib, the, p6pular had it alt I TANILEY. -The Bap-' ter of the Interior, Sir David MicPherson, A Would probably have hundred nlen, fw- 0 atling guns and two -to a:val himself of the privilegd ), -,Vl i ile Tbe rebellion. in the Northwest super- . was on a plea Departnien� fist Missionary S, ety, of England gave station agent at Blyth, has been grante sure i liand control of - his two weeks holidays by the com., p was lie had to be -carried 114 P �our throtgh Europe, other mounted pieces have gone td his EL s se6d the everl ting Franchise Bill ver to Mr. Cliaipleau, lbader of the,, i breafast.to Stoaciley, the -African ex - anyl tbe.p6or m n wbo-hc to wolrk'fbr and the acting Ministerof the Intexior, is f catapu 0 is eontrary 3leus. Mr. Chapleau is a young and plortar, Thursday in orning,.and present- and- -on Monday last, with his wif left assistance m4 it fl -of Ille - as the 'Subject of a iscussion iri- the House Sir John Macdonald, was at River du is likely that ere this iivilithust abid�-by the at e at the close of �e Strain of active* mail, and could, if lie, ed him avith an add res& on a visit � to Boston, New Y and heavy fine way be fir, Mr. Big Bear has been forced either to visg Barrister, ast weekL The. Govern- 'Loup resting4roni the sevc having.stich and remain satisfie� to i lake 'a more able administrator than other leading American cities. nhis duties. "The N' se Ministers 'he de- GENERAL GRA;, 's pi&-Grenera aurrentI4 Or run. Riel is still at Re- -be depriv ell of In's fra' Tent fQttnd that it wanted money to Most any'other in. the Cabinet. On Bla-shill, butcher, Brussels, Ion. neltse 'if t iat -e guilty of wai ogressin 9 cared, ito 'neglect of Grant's disease is id to be pr" ea e -On Monday of wei ntering the Cabinet- about' two years r gina. As yet no qteps have been taken official thiks it, prudent in party: in- meet current expenses, and made a ,owl killed eight h d of cattl since ay -)[St. duty, for which neglect C&,qada had to ely One doctor gives y t -in. the I ave i go he was made Secretary of State. They dressed 4,590 lbs., an aver e of kinson, who resi to have the, priso6rs captured tried. terests to so treat him. poiite request Parliament for a �nif- pay dearly Oss of men s Ili two months f 'life, another gives engaged ibuilding a boal, r "his is an unimportant Department, anif in570 a head, for the month. . One. ught in er ror lion -quaiters of a lives,. in the loss of settler's homes and hiln six months. stuck his Imife in a posti Gabriel Dumont, Riel's lieutenant, is'- Our corr�spou e t isaga-mi - eted with which tbere-is 110 from' R�obert Brown, of Grey, essed d n dollars. AV6ut three i �ne comie -SCURED A. Div �nc&- illio, na reasure. I , Cecilia Kelly in. in is iip6n millio -ver, was; on a bo noly in the Unit6d StateA'. He was if be sup' sea tha any pers Ch lan730 Ibs. po on -objects ihillion was voted shortly after the fight- ma I iatronage what6 ap: has se-_ cured -a div r -e from her. hsb Nlr. ir David Macpherson de a* attempt 9 1 1 lost loose, and descendiligcut -George Taylori of Kippen c�ptured by merican soldiers, but they t ing be-glan; but �tliL , of, course, was spent I -all, has the hungriest lot of followers * I o the. right or power of the Dominioli to at r4ly, but a very feeb] e one. He Tom. Kelly the 'A merican pugilist, on h his wrist. One end -1611 Torydom. The facts, as they stand, another of is fine horses -last week, for right -were 'the ground of cruel and barbarous -treat- had to: let hiW go again,, as they had -no pass'the Fr, long artery was recovered and I inchise Bill. The Bill is- pp- since, and lar, xe additional liabili' said' that when all the apets are strong presil'iliptive. evidencethat the ment. wbicli he had been offered over $300, 'authority to- hold. him,. and it is likely brought down itwould be s en that the P084 e been incurred.: "The' first vote a natural -consequcnc�,hl ad' because in- the f i s cost of adininistering Indian affairs will but a he did not Wish to sell, he would is ties. hav The said the Government were n6t th I ame'. NEw Orm if T.Ri:ATY.-It is the oth.er end had gpi �e will escape punishment by s put through after brief notice: with crease, and that o6 of Mr. Chap-! will not accept it; this ialies the third he that h held there is no necessity fq!r it; in i Ae. wa new Ariglo-Chines opium treaty,� has lost this half-breeds, he said, had n grievance. and the doctor- is of opini4 Vail's foll�wers will be al3le to live bett spring. taing up his abode in the United m- little� or no di se�cod'place because it will enia saussion, because the They had not been disturbed -nor had er abolish all barriers heretofore existiiig c1sion mi th arm abovjc� tlt� y do now. -The contract for the new Presby- -1 the States, at ayrate mitil -the excitement nii6essary expenditfie upon the peol 4e great emeigency -which had ixien thiare been any threat to di4urb them. 'an against the free diff-usion of opium necessary in order to gel He dwelt upon the fact thatino deputa- 'THE IJCOTT ACT OUTRAGE. throughout the Chi nese Enipire. terian church in Dungannon has been .in the third admi ted 14elay., The G�veru- rded to Messrs. Henderson & BTe to tie it up. blows aver.. wid, place, because -of .:the of no ek-- tion'of hlf-breeds. had CV1 r cuillp- to Th.e.Senate has epinpleted'its mutila- E-N(;LA.IZD* DVM.N(l TuRKEY. -t The awa -T correspf. objeptieliable nature Of its prolvisions. ment said that there was another mer- 1111-idge, of Lucknow. Th corner stone Ottawa to lay. their grievances b6for'e the tion of the Scott Ajot, nd has sent the Offici,%1 corres ting the pondance respec Qlinton ew. Era says will be laid on Dominion Day, when a �7 "'A Consarvaive's," L&tter. The law re-&rriad to passed by Mr Mae- genci, that the. m'ney must be vo�ed at Government, and this, he tl might, con -k. 4mendin�g measure, 10iiell originated in. occupati6n of the Red ea ports bf very large barn-raisiog A picnic will be held. in -that the Covernment the Commons, as e (led. The'prinei- Shanabau�s, last F�ridav NVe publish another colamn. a let cluk've evidence n Egypt shows that England has advised grar kenzie did not -disturb the - franch' se, oil e.' T ere are' rules govern 8 -Alr. Jarnes Thompson the miller ai ing tich h not to blame if thty d' not know t is Turkey to occupy the ports from whic f rem a Conservaive, tin -which he deals occasioned no. additional . expen d vdtes which provide for certain elys was pal and most obnoxious mendmen Bayfield, -was arraigned before 117� regards the balm an! In tbat there were grievances. He insinu- that NvIliell aittho'rizes' the sale of beer' garrisons -were w drawn. anda ifeature,. worthy of - with the Franchise Bill &ad other kill- its -were so unobjectio pa' -UNDER STORM. -A terrific Connor- , justice -of the peace, for in - provisions able before the House finally sses upon ated that men -of,the' Farmer's Union hid �wiiie iii8cott Act counties. The�. FTAL TH y was the fact that not a C� fringeineut of the law allowing tile refuse dred subjects. We are pleased to have that they were not even opposed by 1 bhe them' but the Goenmentsk& that class bad assisted' in. f6rienting the a` cs�: Wliatig�theH useK thunderstorm has ccurred in Southern u tion Ji.w ris 0 - was mqe(l. This way nol froin-his ni�ill, in the way om c- all these 'should'be suspended, an d that disturbance and caii§ing tl e outbreak. )f Commons going to do about� it?. Hindostn. - Several casualties -wdre re- tl�is, letter for publicaion, 'afid are t hen Opposition. Moreover- Mt.. la etc.,.to float down the river, threll net sliduld be ut through at s no reason end an %Vien the Bill was reported e In. 8 ers of y cuillstauce %Ok place, Nd There wit L. to al prell to th Co ported. A -m -o -near o her two-offic' asur d ise d -destroying the -fish. He was Ifined .$I always glad, to, give, space for correspon- k�en7,ie's me, the inatt utbr- k. until the ' outlr6ak itself. 1110 -lis on Fri ked, the Hu�sars were killed at Hyd ' aba ohep-�: On Friday evening it Nias agreed 0 day, the Premier Waas is- the first time such thii Mr. Jm the cpsts. dence on any subject, of iferest, no d the several Pr nd betWeeri-theJeadersoh- 'either �side' acti�, an ieson the promoter of-, al y c. ie That simpl meant that by lightning. vogue in V 1, s, that -1r. Win. Blair of. E-Uppen died -on thisneighborhoo(L The i Ame ',in the vernitient would 'I v; continue(I ill in the Commons, when th7e amend- A 'Di-.,(�P.ACE T THE AGE.�At a matter on which side the writer m a be- thus tte�s inery O�iia ach Or e the Franchise Bill debate should be sus- Sunday, the 24th ult., after ai ni done just as well al if th It is -by having -.both sides discussed that pended- a ad in still longer to deceive'the people, dis- ients, would- be Wien into c9usidera- inecting of tile L (lies' Sanitary Asso- st liquor, and no' one grill,,, compilation of the, ottiisj - Ii a- for Dd every expeditiolti us putting the million. dollar vote 6f di regard their rights and hav tfieir -pleas, idn, Sir John replied that they must ','iir Charles Dill e said severe and painful illness-. He had at . . . . . . there waillt. W the truth is ulti. m-aely gained. e 'Alunicpal, Provincial and Dolm' --edit ciation in London, taili-ed the age of 79 years and 'was one throno, for justice unheeded had -no the people� lid out what the amendments Were Orst.-, the condition of t4e homes of the poor h, so as to place the mone at the -The are a �re_ y the first settlers in the township Of Jso, to learn th elections nd tb qu ati f are at Our cOrres or di po al. o the Governmet at the arli- in their bands i4 defence of. 117here is little d' in Iieland was a disgrace to the age Of -interest ih e er alific bus t,. ken arms titis of ounel Mg He was a kind pondent is sufficiently liberal in his ea, h were v6ry nearly the same, 'so that'- est possible moment. I C C their,, Iliones. -Then the qovernmeiat aide the' amendments a the instan�e- of It wa�e- the bolill: d im duty of those hii- Hay. and oblig Su It ases a AV-ingahali.. district of t-11 neighbor and was well - aind deservedly like, Pavy Crockett's coon came: lie Go� terested t views to take both THE Expo,,,IToR special message from the Gove,'r-nor- Gen- ernment. There is also little 0 dimill'i the evil. chitrell for the past year. amia result as the press nt respec and it sec-ured the s ted by all who knew I era is big a n"i -district 5 9.33, an r .1 presented to the House, a� ik. down")1)'at once and appo ted a com loubt that the Government has given -XIIN' LIE.CLOS B -T lie - bers Globe, altliough we fear -he has iriat read l folks have selected or Bil wiH1 do- lwitb, the mini l of mission to settle grievances. Sir Dvid, nore less tangiblo. p onlise to mail Steamship Company tn. mun i1e. Win ban 'for the year alnountrai;� that the money. shall be voted, an this r the ain-oulices I C or the lot oil which they ilitend sinking the the m to,. very good advaiage, as he pense afid co -usion regretted that be -had b iquor lll�n that it will help them in This sy�tem, h e unable tor nf some its offices in New York -ill be discoll $1,855.88 ; for all- measure is considered by the 11�use. 1 8 Paso; inued from corporation salt -w-ell. It i§,- situated, ai A as t for Sunday sellools �I- 1071 seems'to be almost entirel If Mr. Speaker re vis t the Northwest. bilils because t, yin the drk worked W611 and "'.8itisfactoKly d *the document, vay. But those amendments mu the I st of June. % near tbtaasMry, and has been leased by concerning the provisions of both the eighteen he gwre out the I dat;6 G6V� then, perhaps,' be would hve learnect be Commons 1)efore they become faw. business will be- co itinued by the agents pport years, and.what is. obj&t4 Z I terial su 1, somethilIg of the true state of, lie first qu of th the council from. r. lin Brennan for I House' - 22nd May,?' it was *seen that it etlitioil is whether the Gov-' e- Red tar L ie. A series of mis- eircuits on the dustictan e o Ontario Election La and the Franchise- is that any radical change whi' 50 with t1le pri-vile f b ' ing for was exact -old. Befofe the ty a week I wid would'hve been able to preventl ,,rnnient will 'daire to further outrage fortunes,for many years, and dullness UY including probationrs am Bill which is now before the Don eiien� �3 06 Mr Bell las all crease the* sion cbn- House: went into -C6mndttee of the entinient by giving them their I and competition between tranatlantic ed mn. in- expense-, and occa the ur, rising If this is not a tr )ublic s th co: trctor 1 h tep necessary. ROYAL VIIT TO IRLLAND,-It i's ex - 10/ ap in the face -for Sir Dvid's� -lee, and the -second i.§ wheher I steamship lines inli C.S this ery oil t e gronn(l, ad by 'Ore Whole upon -it, Mr. Blake'called .onteiiw istrict Parliament This is all tl'�6 in fusin should be in6oduced a�ll, I in d dous I n exi"reek it will be ritillhin anil, ar _r depbtV, Mr. "urvass, %%tlio visited ven the hifluenice' of the Government iirin�g a no,,tv our correspon- law until the people are ake' at prisi &, -Iso, as we k C ihe�' tion to this fact, and said he Would b operations commenced. Chown, B. D , fi -thwe an would be I to put them through the 'pected that seve'ral niembe-s. of the is thenly circuit wit) I the Nei -s last sumliler,' d return - to it�*acyain before the vote was fir, ally ie, is-, on. subjects, an intelli- p- ols whethJ.r or v I (lay- recent not they desird to dn'- Passed. 0 In Committee 6� the %17 Ole ed, reporting " everythin vely", most flouse. On the Wbole, the piobabdity Royal family willi lionor Irelau& by a ;,IY i child living.with c A gent. and boih- these mea isit r. S. floyarth, of Siephen. had --a nar- lureF3 curhis additional expense and asstime Mr., Blake asked some expl;patic pl( will fail to understn its mean- is that they AyillAb allowed n of PeOl to drop,� and -visit this summer. - The proposed v Jalllei C alliplifell wen e -will be heard bout tlieui.� If of the Queei� to IreLand has been row.esc,% were very'fullyi THE Ex- dd !low the money. wag to e'used, for �'ir David consoled himself by pe from bavinty* her' nose taken itional responsibilities. no neor -son. Line rought forward they are bandoned, it is. was quite 3 ect9-1 to paillf U1 accident a few da -k while the onei was published at like in a case'like this itis' boping that good would oventually re- off. It appears the IiAle manner po person -0bJ not wise to I and ley are b for the reasogthat -Qni the rebelli 'It it does Sir favorite with ie dor and ilt f on. hilost c�rtain to'be 'voted down ysicial played fro over snell, a large sum as, a million dol- The the r9yal ph ls fear her be4ltli* is 10', ing ill, a field he call1i length in the 0,1 e, i1n d most, if mrot al, Dom inion Governm ent a'ointing all lars tb - the- 0ov�rnment w David will c'Mini to be the a#thor of all h ei eno� morning until c e with hini, but bein- vi p ithout ques.- have a Strong lobby -e- not robusit i iqu 11. gh: to bear the strji 11 of Stolle wJlch was in Ili.-, I teasing the anuill of the naore im-pprtant, provisions of the nee Gff provldina� tb -nel essary icias, ase tiou. The Alinisterr of Militia the glilod. If be will assume the respon- nd the hiembers a 6 tlid j6u] r. rough wen re being actively ca, al, it dvising a plan to do alvi atIter were givel4 in rec'ent issille', of ttL s bility of the- lives. lost, th31 homes de- 'ow TnE M! snapped at"thel inificting two I e ficials are. not endo, ed with. a long explanaion-of the difficulti�s Of rassed. The temperance - party, h - PLOT �SCARRIED,As' the agly u-ndue a large b gan to dip, w that it was impos- 8trOy I Grande fi�eight train. w0`11' IP sa 'the Situaion to sho ed, the a ur friends on both sides Denver and Rio Is upon li& nose. axiety 'and grief cause eVer, bave stoi order to bur niepaper. It-,vould,b6i-ti.i�possiblefcr. power and Z) y it. A fte aubory, In, this.instalice i, -Qn Tuesday of -I A sible for bim to divi expenditure the money wasted, he. is welcome, tb. of the House, who -will do their be -Was tintering Gu n son, Colorado, last wek Mr. NV. in. de,the st to sirable tleptb the, st t he space at Our disposal tot correct Jhe Reviang, Barristers are objecte(t to into heads. H� whatever' is, going for the good that prevent the Anti -Scott Act men I -roll, Friday ilight it Carli�g an Miss Annie -14"itton, daudh- required half,a million gti-ack a torpedo, which rolle own,hillilla bill '�iore out -the rails and dam- ter 0' eX1 f'_;N1r. Tbo' ll t1te errors aad mis onceptions'of bee"atise they. are not. required, ind be- for 'the' ay ad support of - the 6,�000 even0ally domes. of the affair. -b i ' _ )I I s. Fitton., all Of Exeter, d d Gil The havin 't r way. oded in -the bole, golie p latest news comes from Fort Pitt, and is. w 11-111 crushin re ted in the bots of matriniony. correspondent -as his efiire letter, from e troops in the; fieldfor two month aged the locomotive. The torpedo wa's ause they are endowed with pomiers 8, but THE FRIAN-CHMSE BILL. manner. -$ojuo to end, is one ssue of beyond this he -could 'not go. He new. to th effect,, that'Big.Bear is offerhig evidently intended for the illcoillinz Ilas- The marriage ceremony was performed error. whch it is not g&f e to -place in the hand i � 1 It is stated ofi w hat eeilis to, be �ood accident assistance th, h stronger resistance" tban lie was .9 Senger train from Denver whicl�'�iap- at the tranport.was.- very eNpensive, Inu by'Riv. W. S. Pascoe, pastor f the We %h,%II content aurself by taking a� few of any Offi authority that 'the 6pposition to the great deal of iffie cias. -The pected to otFer, and m4y cause a good . I James street Methodist �llurcii ex pened to be all lio-rr late. -municipal cl6rkcs and he_,knew tha the s'ystern of coi [riers at the after a n Franchise Bill is,growing Stronger. The -f - is painfli, deal of trouble yet. A TorCHING Almie.-Tbe steamer her, and the MoVed - rom hi sa, mplei and endeav or to place him, 'and ha e hitherto prep&red the voters' lisU., to bring the news to the front would be fust beirof Pound- residence of the bride -s fat only ministers who -favor it are the --Pre- position, He was at on found- a'J1 1.!1 If e tee went down in a gale eighteen th.ose whmay t1iii-111 as he does, right TI ve done the'w.6rk very large iteir� in he Bil maker was subdued, Sir John Macdon- INIallis, happy couple left bn the evening 'train ey ha, dfficient. Mier and Mr. Bowell, the Minister of the house and ke Superior, and all on stated that while the wires wer own ald' refused. to bring down.any papers, niontlisago, on L for Detroit. on these. He say$ tjiat the Conserva- ly Custoli�s. At the cabinet Oineeti and is now getting along and iinpartially, -and besi&s this, nnected with the state of Wffairs in the 9 oil board perished. Last Sunday'some trout -Last S co couriers kept. the departrnrient in aa aturday evening as Mrs. Isaac -At a barn raising *tiz. Noithwest until after all ilie Indians w 'The fishers found in Fi I - -tives did not threat n rebellion they itre not appo� tedliy. any an acquainted with what Was goingy Saturd y ther� as a storinkime Gill and Mrs. Henry it $h Creek, whkh runs of Ethel, were other'ininisters demanded tHt the Bill int- farin Of r. Thonras'. vy pen- were suppressed, pretending that it o the lake at Ashland, Wisconsin riving past -the. pottery the horse an the Otaio� 'Legioatt-re passed their. authority and are subject to- bea may be remarked, in this co�nectiou, should'be withdrwn that- other busi-� I;me, St-anley, an ac ael out and e occupants h o a er Parliarn to do so.! The pres- sealed bottle containing a piece of paper away, throwing th Gerym antler Bill Or Franchise Bill last alties ifithey fail to erform":the wor ent was woul e dangerous _p k e ness inight-be proceeded with, but thi� hare resulted jilore serk session. Certaily th,4 neier informed of- golugon, mt itudef Big Bear will 1 give him a Oil which was writ g ,e buggy. Fortunately, th what was , tell: breakin ' th e .y did not, anA we properly- Hence we say it is unneces- f ur r excuse for delay,' so that po ' Sir Jolift declined, to agree -to, and*, in i I:- It appears that Sides Wf- and.on no single occasionAid 01, Board Alanistee.-Terrible storn women were not much hurt. The horse Or fact, declared that- be would resign to -night ; may not live to see shed over whit is called a straight ri suppose for the ve good reason that say to take the- wo'r-k out of the hands try communicate any news wbiell bad -the This d Sir avid- must still res . t 1 under rnig. all these raeaurea off ei edina cause, or prov o- of these offi char es inad against h rather than drop! the Bill. looks mo a, COW, and unheeding cias and place--itIll t1l not first appeared in the, daily ne im 0 neglect of Yors to the World. John obstacles thrust in bis.,-way,ill After the frame h; s a - e like an extreme iiieas' McKay. de for p tire, but it is n -of the sides whil in cation for such threas. Tlie best ffecitnal at gin " the Mc)Kay was thd captain of the his stable at the station. in doua -Proof hands of untried in PeFs. After several ine his c uty, his only defence en apo an'' Hipts Manist-ee. ntea by, 'h, ' te col- bluff. Sir John has7 had to et bumbly Th`e slip of pae has been sentilto -it ju-stingne of the S11 u Ar what was trood ldhe ne estec manyinies al ver re-. wfdow. hp) when it was prcipi. - I r, practical y ii -re league r�atains in his 'hands. -The igham Times of last Week vre can give our correspondent of this is inte powe to draw,o t n explanation- of pap s " which his hard pie a time. 8PO1-1- to be' done with the money, Mr. Blpke However, ex Wi that -v signe in his life,' of 18 feet falling upon appointe John is quite as dee implicated ExCL1811 PROPOSAL. On last Sunday in. orning the Yhell Mr. Fraser introduced,liq: sible, because d life and desisted' and the -Committee * of 'tbia as Sir' cept once or twice., p REJECTED. -It says: last session it was not ir Da�id is-, and, ag the p:)Iicy which Frc Niben it became evident that if be. did ano-uliced from C were holding a -post wit], R hav .117hole passed the, vote and reportedit a-, tantinople tl�at the -ev iRg. no check or lJenalt? oNfer them hot resign lie would be turned out.. The ons Geo. Cornish, pastor 'of th,6 below. IlQert Johnstoi-.. 4�,pposedby the 0-ppositicil, and it o 1 the House. On the motion for con- has been *ried out in the Northwest proposals ina& by'the E nglish'Govern Atin-nie street Methodist hurch gave ma a3ld strue on bol was save their own sense of hon6ir. We House got throdgh wit brok currenee i ake wa h the Indian n the vote, however, Mr. BI s certainly modelled by Sir John, ment to Fehnii flaslia, that Turkey -the right haind of fellowshil? to 44 per- warrm ly approved of by the Mail clauses' late in the week and the Revis- Snowden atmek- on which think, therefore'. that if our.correspon- asked why Parliaient ha perhaps the Premier kn6ws that "he is should occupy the goildan oil sons, who, on d not been profession of fith, were accused te. ing Barrister is now CUB ition chm -this 0 _ip in the church. ion given someF notice of fh6 need for only in:his wil interest but of Suppressing admitted to members thO Govern, ent of s aling; thp de:nt will view this matter dis�ass* acting, not, up for ais cofid amd. br;Lly stmm As the: deb�te '- peoceeds' A is 81on' the,slame trade and �ex- the Opp, sitiola lea., der and the money, and some little time to discuss in Sir David's interest also,jh refusing tending commercial relations, ha,� This Was the Struck oil the nose, tearh ately he will -agree with' -us thbt these made �inore, and e been twenty-fifth reception ser- rt3, and appropriating pr' seein hathti�Govemment b them see the light f day. He njur ative lia to I more in est flesh. - The i Conserv. evid ntly. rej.ected by the. Porte, notwithstau vice held da-rin oposed officials are atleast unnecessary. g that the Tory 'papers ae ding ' his inistry of three covering nicely but they knew a week before that it wan the illay make up his mind, ho ever, that lyi1v that the Turkish Isuzerainty Wsanc- years in this town them as their own,,, and the only mo.tion As to th most courageously when, they and the number aa- ably narrow escape say etr powers, we are.s.ure that mon - y. The explIpation was* those papers will see the light of tioiled mitted has been e _ev ntly of ax-.ly 6onseq,ttenct which the Opposi- that the day 3ome� time, or that if oneO'f them ystem embodied in this even though ithey may be appointed by. too -mu�h for theMinister of i a to s WHEAT OUTLO -Nlr. Ja:nies Wells, of the 13th con- -,n - mad -6' agak�istl it was on s d er "fix Bill is the same as the English ystem. OK—RePorts covering make, � so the Premier took troyed'or ed th e will be every wheat -The body of the 124 it out 0 big cession of Hullett passed to hisiong u linj he will not claun folj� them in- Under the Engli-ill system, the barri ter fsuffracre. As for ads. - The e ' lanation' other evidence fortheomink which wil' ho grand-dau-111 ba XP the Premier Ohio, Michigan, Indiana Illinois me on Thursday of and was the Re -41's- fallib[lity. Not b takeits place., Sir Johri ma�7 merely revises a' list whic4 has been -pre- Ken- eing infllible Mrs.. Etherin&n. of -there. gave was that the did not knoN r. but make up tucky, Tennessee, Missour'i, Kansa buried on Saturday, bainj been ailing y it was not a gerymandei fo pared. '"He canneither -strike off n Ne - or in re, we are sure our COIT68POW10,11t Will Ae.ed some more. money, his mind bra�ska, Iowa, Wisconsin,$ M for about four years, that they would moreover, that the discussion Arowned i -the Thall, in any sense of the term. , as 'it was add a name that� has not been Umesota, lid during the last 4D about the, weeks aq�o upon the facts 'as theyi app4iar Dakota and Pacifiel c year has beeii entir again agree with us in saYing tha tb6y- but as the difficulty is about will be the sub over they oa t, indicate- that ely helpless not alik to s with long, for Satuday lying n -en in - al -l -lent that according to shoul not be invested they could worry a.' 6 is doiog his best ject of appeal and the evidence pro- the gloomiest views feed himself. His disease t pro,. thd' concluded - 5 full and vigorous. H' duced. But under- this Bill the revising , advanced con- was a peculiar I vvi -with,'a milli6n. Moreover, officer merely take*s the assessment roll I the winter. wheat, outlook for humbs and ad, the i-ote of last sessioi)L tbe 6overla-111 Power the present. totire out the' members - of the'oppo'sil_ e nig One -beginning in his t islan& below' the watet ii -al a -ad hands Were dcol 'to say -who shall or who shall not vote he intended to ffiovia tbat'there I e no - 0 r A be accepted as.m ost accurate le . od CIO ti n by -keeping thein in 6 constant 885 mu had rather weakene'd than streligthened and local voters'lists with ly -extending over his who f( band-to-haind fight -,%v Fr kchise �m,ty of th thes were still oil 1. t in alt. y 111P lelpality an a, ith th an -such other The absolute unifo e return -until he became- utterly powerless. a single -d that from' their, SatuFday sitting, so th t' this wa s the even after He that ;measure' is girl's father - was notih Yet -the week offered of p 9 a voters' list, which afterwaids litlook for - winte was much. respected %y all who knew - thek position wid iiot.even in dictum there must be ia'o'ap � last chaa6e Bill, but inform�tion 'as lie an obtMill " to make fiidicate that tbe,o peatl. es pass the opposi he is to 11ASallee wa, the fiXed Municipal bound- this, is 511toligh.' Some f the ) I sown wheat this �ear is the orst him and is 1. tovery, and the the 'measure i passed, if it ever do What ir John Macbnald's revise. There is no."rule, abbut his! in ente. by iiiany friends. to the home. It in wl tion will be ready to place the fa6ts in ob- ten years. -Mrs. Lindsay, �.bighly respec aies disturbed fcir the purp ose of gro Fran, money, he sad was lieeded for Sa -da Taking the most cheerful y UP .hise Bill �ctualy e tainillg finfornation. He may get it ted -that a� little 'boy ew -B Conservative _proposd . a, and and MomdW morilingi The last of hese r spect of the NoAhwest I before. the vi of the situation the winter wheat resident Of . lytb, droivnea at the same i from anywhere lie, pleases, he may yield.for the prer "Pat with a iii-ost paiti- c'Pal'itie,% t0gethey s% -what otir -correspondent, unwit-. -reasons.is utterly absurd', for every . dy people. evolve it V - 2) ful accident on Thursday afternoon of with a View Of from his inner consciousness and ypar will lio4- ex - the voters of we know, approves ofj - it ii supposed there, Would be a Saturdw, sit- C I ET CHAN'GES ceed 200,000,000 bu last week. She was engaged in wh.t en� sition is that the c i nobody ca shels.7 In spring A n 'eallbil to acco' stripe. was done -in- tl.l ting, in fact SirJohn-had. moved r it Si unt for it- wheat the outlookl - is ial P- true, that after weeks of discussion, tile -David �Ja!� ' I on,the bank of the river, co-d-uties of Perth, r cph6rson has !gone; or is There is "Otbing to compel him to re- together ig the ceiling of a roo earlier in the d more m at the rsi- ay. very isoon to go, to Europe again. His ceive information in open couirt like a promising. SO -n -ill -law' Mr. -John 'them falling into the d'Ifron is a fair� Oppe sition, who o , but a subsequent ece of her 111 ar correspondent tried -to assist and inet agreement was come to fescind th hment i� to be anded! over. tem-' 'udge, there is hothinj to say that he Williams at Mo- depai example of the entire measure,, and in -c and was standingon tile top -cc ond inns, secured certain m6difications tion. Respecting - the firA reason 1: Mr. porakly to Mr. McLel�n, . IMini%ter of ball not receive all his information -Mr of a table C111ld !on reaching too far lost .-An ' ident -Akkv i neither of these inaanc ar- '-[Pake pointed out the fact that the Marine and Fishepies'. -It in'ay be NVarningg to persons who (4e6rge Thhobald, a resident of her balance and fell to the floor break - es,. as our corres- now., require the Revising B PQ]adeat knowa, did the Goeriin eat isel,s to k th re- rom one of the party managers. In Clinton affair was closingwas not cale a d to mar e assessment tolls as _ul d, in passing that ille! chanae is died in that -place. on T'N onday, of Jumping off trins ta ta ke f et he is the bos I ing her leg just below the ku e' Under s of the situation May 25th. TheNbw 0-tt ampt to do, their' r aa,,, 0 - en.t make the emergency greAte andf4ther almost no change foi. Mr Me- a d his wor Era eceas- m edical. care -she is proressin -occurred .at Cntralia, in ted a millioil the� Lela'n has little. if any more 19 cari be expe few day- go. A lad -Y e cted. 91 tie We can tell our eGrresp' ),bilityas an ss of the t dious discussions that England, in 1832, and at the age of seven got on the -train to bid '-PPOn s an inius- -kim facia vid 7 of the alue of if they knew they'wan a as" ell e e e d. is law. During the pro-- ed was borni F�ieihem. 31 X ondent prop and 'perm,ftt" might have given n6tice.of 'it a 9 an qpe&l nd then administratortban Sir David has and hi e taken'*'place on the Bill, -Tlld fblloWinglotes�of inter are Sir -John .1e Already 'ha -he family removed to France, elatiom who were, (lei) 0 if they, wanted more, another vote. could 'a department on -his -h s given notice ha'the intends making where they resided for six Smith: however, tha had Air. Mowat,.witfi his b eat ut ast we- have alrea'dy said� ilier I years t givell�-from tbe Te t- d en NN � ution bfll��'erilulajed the exam, 6bnox" s clauses- in the 11 iajnjo t plainl e, made. He gave the Ministry hands is Yearg dur- Sunday school re-flistrib lbave b , Tuker str IOU more e -has beell of friendship were so y ifEtther w4s engaged- Turner's churell with gOO not l4eae each er to nderstand that'a worked-up for him. it looks as'if Sir avi Cop oth& U Ple of Sir John and in utt U which far than enoug h ce tain cone ssions to the views of the ing which tim- his, r ened at d r disregard Of absolutely nullay these a -Te e 0 osition, but these 64 improvements," in . building the first railways of that a attend - b was in. motion, and hat �fter all the concessions ma d? bli Joseph Townsend sold one dvantages; so emergency" woidd not &Aain -be re- to be'made thescapegoat for 'he hey may be so called) ae more in coiIntry, but was forced to leave and re� Of h couple all natural or fixed boundaries, mixed up t Jos of an 1v de are 1 garde aeason for thus votm* in if ce.- Ir. g an account of the a got u01P&Ihies and electoral districts morel pii'blfic money nominally, the per�on wh - is no pro oes to admit of an W d S ago for $1 go -A Colt nXu ch. large. sums of the fold the Governmebt in 6is. ma*r. lie is, na e than in -fact. For instance, he turn to En I d on' s roan mares to an A ln�erican peached the apparent than.real. But our cor- of course, -civil a fe were alme 6f appeal bejonpy�� 0 p ecis rebellion t1at occu�rred at th In �y 118 Was severely injurt�d mall mot ' e the wo this meLnt against whos e epart- e d ' ion of the Revising Bar- In 1861 they emigrAted to America, tile which she did, and fell b te4ion of aine,,,for he is head h d at period. to I cose hemPts to justify�he'ap �'reason for not insisting' -On dela� e administa other day by c iing mi cont.aet witli . 'with the evident and at avowed in- resp�ndent a He further declared -that his i -one ,1reat to Ill fro th thg gitimately strengthening pojiltmen tion the ris r, where that functionary is -not a f�Lmily rema n ew y k, or f I e on rebels rose. But Sir Divid did feme or county court judge, r e.: -A large company of -Of these officials by the action, time -would thereby be pun ini 01 a barb wire fene the ground, striking I w" that. he not all on year subsequ entlY �emoving -to Canada young people met at Mr. johil I 7 b C in tr V a] dTe ea e f in "o e 0 t ou�. a.� t