The Huron Expositor, 1885-06-05, Page 1MEM
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FRIDAY, JUNE 5,.1885
licLEAN BROS., Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advance.
Gpdtge -•Good,
Great 'Bargains in all kinds of Boots,
Hats, Caps, Groceries, Crockery and GI
during this month. ,
Five thousand pairs of Fine Boats, She s and
Slippers, now selling- at 80. c on the doll r,.. and
*ander. Part of the establishment of John Garret
&Go., Hamilton and Toronto. Read the allow-
ing list
Ladies' fine polish calf buttoned boots,S
pair, w-arth S-.1.50!
Ladiesfine kid slippers for 85c, worth
A. Conservative's' Opinion of
Things Politica
I MR. EDITOR,—In the last issue of
iTinE EXPOSITOR you sey the Opposition
Id Ottawa are justifiable in blocking the
!Frenehise Bill. I take both Globe and
EXPOsiToR, and neither have given their
irea,ders the Bill yet, and I have asled
several Reformers what it is. All they -
knew was the Revising Barrister's and
Jralian clauses. E Are not the readers of
the eferm papers capable of judging
, for t iemselves, as well as Tories? I see
the ¥rockvffle Recorder, as stated in the
. '
Globe, advises rebellioh as. in 1838, and
se 4a1 other Reform: papers in, similar
terms. Did- any Conservative papers
Ladies' high cut buttoned BelmoraIs fo
worth S1.40.
Ladies' high cut strong leather boots for 8c.
Ladies' all wool carpet slippers for 55e.
Ladies' No. 1 basrell French kid b tttned
boots for $3.00, usual price $1.00.
Ladies' ne st-3,)ish buttoned boots for SLOG
worth $1.25.
Childrens' heavy school boots for 50c' 60c 8e
and au*.
Bays' hem y school boots, 'riveted bottoms for
$1.25 worth $1.50.
Boys' heaty sch, ool boots, pegged bottom $1.15
Werth SI.30 -
90 per
Mena' long boots at wholesale prices.
A. splendid collection of men's fine hand sewed
heed 13a1mora1s and low shoes at 89e on the
Anoth r lot juSt received in stiff and soft felts,
new st. les. Straw hats in. great variety.,
Mena' anld Boys' hats new and cheap. Every ha
is new, obby and cheap. Helmet hats in great
*aiit rebellion when Ontario passed
their Gerrymander Bill or Franchise
Bill last session? I call it a .Gerry -
man er, for Reformers talk so much,
about John A. 's Gerrymander. Now,
the last election :foe Ontario the Re -
for e ers total vote was only 403 (I think
are the correct- figures) of a majority,
yet they have 12.meinbeee in majority;
and they think the -sarnemejority will
- give 20 members next election. Now;
' John A.'S Gerryinander, if you
by figures, that. 500 votes gave him
majority of .12 members I will never
Conservative again. I think Rai
A full stock at prices to suit the times. a full
stock of fresh turnip seed. _
Agents for the Kerby Climax cattle feed.
Butter ancl eggs taken in exchange Rh. goods
Cheap Cash Store
• sir,
vising Barristers will keep either parties
from taking advantage of the other by
appealing Co the judge, as has been the
case often -in townships; and has not the
Dominion as good a right to pass a,
Fra,nehise Bill- as they had to pass an
Elective Bill in 1874, when the Hon.
Alexander Mackenzie and Blake did
When they were in power. And now
they are .not asking the province to
elect their meinbers by it, but the
Province think. the Dominion should
elect members under' their Bill. 'Then
the crime of taking away the _liberties of
the people by appointing Revising Bar-
risters, yetseewhat liberties Ontario
took' away. They took the poweil to
appoint' all Division Court clerks and
bailiffs, and hotel inspectors and*com-
missioners from the people, and they
have appointed about every sixth Re-
former a- magistrate t� receiVe the
statutes at the public expepse, and some
of those magistrates thus appointed can-
not be compelled to pay their debts.
But it is a great crime for a Conserva-
tive Government to appoint an officer,
and all officers thee appointed are
rogues, thieves, &c. Again, I maintain
the Dominion Franchise Bill is fairer
than the Ontario. We will take for in-
stance the Farmers' son's clause.; Dr.
Coleman for instance, owns more pro-
perty than most of farniers, yet his
sons cannot vote, while a .man on a -
rented farm probably not worth $200,
can have time or four sons to vote if
the farm is 'assessed high enough.
Again the owners -; cannot vote , ouly
where they reside. Dr. Coleman,
-the Messia. Case, D. D. Wilson, W. M.
Gray and others, owning 'property in
several Ridings, can vote only in
one, and Dr. Qdlenuin has tenants on his
property in townships, who are assessed
so as to do the statute laborr but the
doctor pays the taxes, and he cannot
votenfider the new Ontario Bill for a
Councillor or Reeve out of Seaforth;.
yet his tenants can, who may not be
worth .50 cents, shirt, boots and coat
into the bargain, and this is true of
some. Nciw, just count how many of
the wealthiest men in Seaforth will -be
deprived of votes in townships where
they _have to pay taxes, and how many
living in the county, paying taxes in
Seaforth, cannot have a say in appoint-
ing the men who levy the taxes under
the Ontario Act. You state John A.
sb.ria Big Bear, Pi -a -Pot and Pound -
maker would have votes; Why did not
the Globe and EXPOSITOR. tell us all, he
said. He said Strike-Him-on-the-13eck,
too, would have a vote. No doubt, bat
Hon. E. Blake saw the joke, and many
of ydur readers are Irish enough to see
the joke, too; but, a book entitle&
"Scottish Characteristics" states , a
Scotchnian cannot see, a joke for.o, week
a n Bros.,
Bee tiftil Ginghams, Lovely
New ijesigns in Muslins; Fancy Pare-
- -
sols, 11ash1oab1e Gloves, Splendid liue
a hose, the \best and cheapest Corsets
in the trade, Sun and Sailor Hats at
cost and under, some lines of Millinery
Goods which we are offerhig away
from Harm, giving the number of acres
each lias under cultivation respectively
as folloaes e C. Rogers, 500 acres ; J.
Benaett, 350 acres ;. J. Lang, 275 acres ;
J:. Wells, 2401 acres. The last named
gentleman .had• the •aseistanCe, of only
ono man,: an i 1 fsucceeddd in getting 1400,1 tilllO alldill_good shape.
T,hie, we 'tli in le, is a very fa,ir ill ustration
of what .cea be aceempliehed by two
resolute men,. 'vlieti Propetqs, planned
and executed. , Nearly all of the above
Was . sawn in April, and is now, giving
promise of an abundant harvest.
• ' Virden, May 210, 1885.
1 •
The Scott Act in Bruce.
'MA:. Ennion,—I have taken some
painsince the first Of May to glean in-
forniation front all parts of the county,
from total abstainers as well ae from
both moderate and immoderate drinkers,
as t.' the effof the Scott Act in Bruce;
,and last Saturday I attended the several
tries held the court house; Walker-
ton; with a view to hearings the evidence
giv n in the . ight of all the reports re7
ceiv d from! all quarters. The opinione
of. all parties must be taken with a good
deal of caution. The friends of the Act
are sometimes too anxious to make- it
appear a 'decided success, while the ene-
mice are aexiouSto prove it an unmiti-
gated .curse. • a, • 'ter aking - allowancee
:1 m
for !• good •de 1 of prejudice on both
sides; the -fOldOwing facts are evident:
ist. That liquor is still being sold in
early every village ; 2nd. .That thc.
mount sold is very limited in compari,
'son with that disposed of before the 1st
of May. -; 3rd. That a considerable quan-
tity is - being: imported from adjoining
counties, especially into those parts of
Bruce whidh border on Wellington 'and
Grey e 4th; 'That drunkenness has great-
ly decreased- siece the first of May, con-
sidering . the I exciting times through
-which l we . have passed. Out. of four
cases tried in Walkerton, on0. wee with-
drawn, one dismissed, and two resulted
,in a fine of $50.and costs each: A fine
spirit ,was manifested by the magistrates
and by the lawyers on both sides. Many
of the Witness s gave their evidence in a
style Which in
Out of them
baekWayel the
• Virden, Manitoba.
DEAR EXPOSITOR,—The capture of
Riel and the prospect of an early settl
meet of the itrouble in the Northwes
have in a measure dispelled the feelilig of
suspense and uncertainty which has
hung around us for the past twamonths.
As e consequence, our townsmen have
resumed business with renewed vigor,
and we are besieged with carpenters,
and the boom of haanmer and saw can
be heard on every street. We notice
Wilcox & Co. general merchants, have
enlarged, and are otherwise improving
their premises, which when completed
will add greatly to the appearance of the
town- as well as to their own conveni-
Prints4 ence. Also Mr. J. Wilson has just com-
pleted a substantial and commodious
building, where he intends to keep a full
assortment of books, stationery- and
fancy goods. Mr. .A. E. Smith has just
removed into his new boot a,nd shoe
shop and is new in a position to give
Every lady reqnirlig any of the above
emumtrated goods, should not NI to..
call alit eXamine same d prices a't
Cheap Gash Store
every 'satisfaction to his customers.
Also the farmers in this vicinity are
evidently looking ahead. Having fin-
ished seeding, tree planting is , now the
order of the day. Amongst those to the
south we notice our worthy reeve, A. G.
McDougall, Esq., of Gopher Cottage,
formerly of Seaforth, has got ahead of
_his neighbors in this respect, ,a,nd has
already his premises surrounded with
ornamental trees of different varieties.
Messrs. Boverly & Rutledge, in our im-
mediate vicinity, hail from England,
and are lacking in neither enterprise nor
energy. They have under cultivation 600
acres, which, judging from present ap-
pearance, will be a magnificent crop. If
the unhappy rebellion has been the
means of deterringenen of this cla-es from
coming amongst us, it must indeed haye
been a damage to our country, but as
the worst is now over we hope the tide
of emigration will soon again begin to
&W. Amongst those to , the north we
,will merely mention, the names of a few
of the most prominent, who are chiefly
the route,
y daily stages, leads through
Galt, Woodstock, London,
Stratfard, Guelph, Toronto,
Brigh ton eNapan ee, Kingston,
by steamet, among the Thousand Isl,
and rettua to Niagara. August 26th.
'.Westeri -Division,: starting at Detroit,
is to join t ic Eastern party atLondon. onald Ross, of Nairn, North
Middlesex died on Friday. His demise.
will be de pl§ regretted in many parts
of the Piovince. He was father of A.
P., and D. A. Ross, of
: Sheehan attacked an old
8aturday night in Toronto.
brother remonstrated with
an aimed° on him, and seizing
etween his teeth almost bit it
ot two Months in jail. ,
ugh- Finlayson, sr., of Paris.
ly presented by the congrega-
; Dumfries street Presbyterian
that town, with a purse con -
)00; in gold, on retiring from
rership after 37 years' service.
rsoni, were baptized in the
Ter at Breslau on a recent Sab-
o by sprinkling and • some by
• Thiswa-s_ the result of an
revival iu the new Mennonite •
mg daughter of Mr. W. Little,
-ville, 'died Monday evening,
last week. She ,swallowed a pumpkin
seed som
the laryn
that quic
—A lit
of Roch
was eros
home las
ed by a
Heated that getting truth_
was like dragging a cat
ough a stocking. They
were. each co veiled to swear whether
they, knew of any intoxicating Heelers
being, disposed off in the defendant's
hotel, in contravention of the /am. The
witnesses were selected, because it was
pr su led that if any person in the.
coun y had assisted the accused to vio-
late t e law it was they, and the answers
gi e were of such a nature as shut
ev ryl person up to the conclusion that,
un ess the majority of the witnesses per-
ju •ed, themselves in a wholesale manner,
th ainount of intoxieating liquors dis-
po ed of in the hotels must be very
li ited; indeed, there was nothing in
th evidence which indicated that the
Qi een's hotel is anything 'but a strictly
te -Terence house, a,nd this trial will
pr bably remOve the suspicion • Which
fo erly rested on. that house. The
vaeibus trials,which were ably e-ondticted
oi ;both sides, Will *go far to convince all
pities': lst. That the Scott Act, if en-
fo Iced, will put an end to the treating
s etein, with the exception of a few who
h ye developed, a. marvellous appetite
fo'1 pop, and grid,, That the temperance
p 9ple are bound to make use of all
h norable means to enforce the Act.
1 , 011N MORDY.
-at.erton, M1 2gth, 1885.
Petitioning Go
Hence and present
M. Ross,
woman oe
When hi,
him Sheel
his 'nose
off. • He
was recen
tion of th
church at
tabling -$
the treast
Grand Ri
beth, son
extensiv e
church at
—A yo
of Ward
monthS ago which lodged in
- and :caused' such an irritation
- consureption set in.
le daughter of John D. Devlin,
ster township, Essex county,
Mg.. a strip of woods near her
Tuesday when she was attack -
UR. She was injured so badly
that her •ecovery is doubtful.
recent ti
were kill
was thro
scious st
ing the r
reside i
from his
e Mr. Demme farmer, of
euebee, was plowing.during a
under Storm, his two horses
d by lightning. ., Mr. Damour
vn to the ground in an uncoil-
te, as -also a boy who was hold -
named Hodgins, whose parents
_Belleville, stole some money
nother purchase a revolver,
ed on the road as a dime novel
e was arrested at Trenton,and
to three years in the Refor-
t Penetanguishene. •
—Oil <. pring,s is to have'a refinery of
old Ma
about fi
gives no
. ters-pat
ease, gr
ital is d
day, .11
and in
i. The property known as the
crow Company's refinery, with
-e acres of land, and underanks, has been putchased for
y company made up of Oil
nd Petrolea men. •
Eclwardsburg Starch Company
ice of application for new let -
t of incorporation for the men-
d starch, prepared :corn, gin -
pe sugar, syrups and kindred
of Indian corn, and the cap -
creased to $200,000.
le playing foot -ball the other
rman . Rogge, son Of Mr. A.
f New Hamburg, had the-rnis-
o brea,k his leg. He fell down
he heat of the play was not
noticed by the othets, who stepped upon
his leg,
about a
chants o
and the
State pr
of Mont
ernment. eomman
s from past ex,
pea,rances peti- of the
was WO
goes se
will sail
was far
lost tw
shot off.
in the
ent of t
has bee
est col
the bot
the su
for sen ling volunteers to the Northwest
to kill
parted, and- she must have suffered a
Severe fall, but her precaution in throw-
ing out the bed,' served to .protect her
from breaking any bones. She remained
there till morning, and as she was self-
fering from erysipelas before the at-
tempt, her exposure for some hours
greatly aggravated her symptoms.
ti.ns and rerhonstrenc s alike to the
, present Government at- }Ottawa, fall fiat
9 their ears and go unheeded, and will
ely do' so until patience ceases to be
I virtue. Witness tte case of the pres-.
ITi t rebellion in the -orthwest by the
lf-breeds and Indians Would it not
b well toappealdirectl to theGovernor-
, General, who is above • arty politics, to
ithhold his sanction to the present
iquitous Franchise ill that is being
d bated on in the H use of Commons
u til after aie appeal to the electors, also
t amendments to the cott Act until it
g ts* a fair teal and it i seenEwLEliceTreoinn. it
he defective.
31yth, Ma.' th, 1885.
Buckey nd Spen
•o escaped from Kin
Monday dst week,
—Mrs. V4hite, at K
et , of .$2 and co
tat age st Mrs. IN
ughter, f slander.
fire broke o
T iursday last week,
era stores and dwe
could be checked.
—he Kingston w
fo . the Scott Act a -e talking of boy-
o tting all the mercha ts who oppose it,
as many of the victua lers have stopped.
dealing with. tempera, ce business s men.
—The Montreal Me hodist Conference
which met at Kingsto have,by a unani-
m9us vote, condemner the Senate's Scott
1,14 amendments and earned the House
of ;Commons not to en ertain them.
LA commission h s been appointed
by the Governor of Jamaiea to visit
Canada .with a vie '!to arranging a re-
ciprocal treaty bet
ail the _island. Th
ex ected to arrive at
ni g of next month.
There are in the
er, the convicts
sten penitentiary
were captured at.
ngston, got -a ver:
ts in the Supreme
aldrou, her owe;
t .'in Parkhill on
which destroyed
ling -houses before
men who worked
en the Dominion.
commission are
alifax the begin-
nitedStates a.bout
3 Cleridal Wheelme a including twelve
D ctor's of Divinity, t
fessore, Some twelve
Editors and many P
c urches. About 40o
m n are to _unite in a
in Canada, wheeling
the best roads on th
arrangements have;
supervision of Rev.
master, Pa. The
a Niagara Falls, o
n Theological Pro -
Authors, several
stars of prominent
50 pf these gentle -
our of three weeks
over 621 miles .of
s Continent., The
been under the
ylvaaus Stall, of
tartis to be made
Aurst rith, and
which broke just below the
P. Sawyers, who was hotel
the Rossin House, Toronto,
year ago, and swindled mer -
t of $1,000 worth of diamonds
escaped, has just been sell;
o 24 years in the Minnesota
son forisimilar crimes in that
every one concerned. Had it not been
for the soiled advice of the hotel clerk the
groom Would have gone home under
the impression that be had been
deceived. '
-:-Mrs. Youmans; the well-known
temperance lecturer, preached a sort:of
impromptu sermon in the Methodist
—The Galt Reporter says :—The past church, London South, last Sunday
winter fienn some cause or another, night, belief asked to speak on the first
proved most destructive on- the fish in license that was ever recordecl. The
Pugin h Lake, and since the, ice disap- lady took up the chapter in Esther
where Haman asked King Ahasuerus
for a license to kill the Jews, for which
he pays 10,000 talents of silver. This,
the lady stated, was the first license
that was granted to man for money,
giving him the privilege to kill other
men. The discourse throughout Was
listened to with *marked attention,
which showed it was highly appreciated.
—A feW days ago as Mr. Robert Brun-
ton, of Gladstone, was engaged in har-
rowing, one of his lines broke, and fear-
ing a rueaway might ensue he pulled the
other line so tight as to turn the horse
around and upset the harrow. The
ground being soft and the harness hav-
ing become tangled the horse fell on the
upturned harrow, one tooth entering its
body just behind the fore leg, while
three others pierced its hind leg between
hip and hough joints. In this uncom-
fortable position the poor animal had to
lie till help was summoned from an
adjoining neighbor. Despite the most
careful treatment from .an experienced
veterinary the :animal died on the fel-
lowing day.
- —A young man in London; named
Wm. Wallace, was so badly stung by
bees last- Saturday that. for a time his
life was despaired of. The bees had
swarmed on a branch of a tree and Wal-
lace took a ladder and a stick, intending
to drive them from the branch into their
hive ; he had just struck the branch
once when the whole swarm attacked
hirn,• covering his head and shoulders.
In the agony caused by their stings the
young man fell from the ladder to the
ground, and • rushed about the yard
frantic with pain. After a eoneiderable
'length of time the bees were induced to
quit the man's head and return to their
proper place. Wallace's head and face
were swollen beyond recognitiom
—Simultaneous examinations, in the
art schools throughout the Province
were held on May 1 and 2. There were
about 1,100 candidates for examination,
representing about 50 different institu-
tions. The gold medal presented by
the Minister of Education was awarded
to 'Miss Ida M. Bunting, Toronto; S.
Wright and Miss Bell -Smith getting
special diplomas. In the bronze medal
competitions for highest number of
marks in elementary. subjects the com-
petition was so close between Alma Col-
lege, St. Thomas, and the Ontario
Ladies' College, Whitby, that the Min-
ister of Education awarded two medals,
Mi N tti NL St Thomas
peace thousands of dead fish have been
notice floating on its surface. It is •
suppo ed by some that the extreme se-
verity of the whiter ceused the ice to
form_ of such a thickness that no air
could be obtained by the fish. What-
ever may be -the cause, it is certain that
they have suffered:severely.
—Maria Filiatrault, while making her
first communion in the church of Ste.
Cunegonde„ near Montreal, had her light
clothes set On fire by some one dropping
a _candle. Iller whole person was at
once in a blaze and before assistance
could be rendered she was badly burned
about the 'face and body. A panic oc-
curred in the church, both nem and wo-
men running out shrieking. ' The girl. is
expected to, die. „
—A young man -about 27 years of age
named MeCoomb, of Welland, last
Friday morning jumped over the preci-
pice, at 'Niagara,. Falls, just below the
new Susp nsion Bridge, and was
stantly ik. ed. ' He was well known in .
the frontier counties from his comieeti,en
with ,amateur dramatic performances,
his troupe being called- ' McCoomb's
Merry Maskers. ' He had lately been
drinking heavily and his rash act is at-
tributed to that .cause..
—A dispatch from Victoria, British
Columbia, on the 28th ult., says : The
intense feeling of dissatisfaction toward
the Dominion Goternment's land regula-
tions is spreading throughout the main-
land. - Secession is openly talked of. A
telegram sent to Ottawa yesterday, says
if an attempt is made to enforce the
regulations there will be open* rebellion.
It is reported that men are arming in
several districts. A feeling of insecurity
pervades official circles,
- =Rev. James Barclay, chaplain of the
Montreal garrison artillery, now at Re-
gina,returned to-Montreal,Saturday: He •
.says that the feeling in Manitoba is in-
tensely; hitter against Riel, and that it
will be a
At first;
blamed ti
tenant-polonel Landry, M. P.,
uagny, has been appointed to
1 the Canada team going to
lon this year. Captain dark,
Oth battalion, Winnipeg, who
acted at the Fish Creek fight,
ond command. The team
from Quebec on June 27.
eant *Jackes, of the 90th-bat-
nd a well-known Torontonian,
nore seriously wounded in the
t Batoche than was at first re -
Ile .was shot in the . left hand,
of his fingers, had one eyebrow
and also received a slight wound
eck. There was variety for him,
Burgess, assistant superintend -
ie London Asylum for Insane,
elected a,fellow of the Royal,
of Canada in recognition- of his
on as a botanist. Next to pro-
acoun, Dr. Burgess has the larg-
ection of native plants in the
n, and is regarded throughout
▪ ical World as an authority on
le a sensation was caused in a
ble barber shop in Ottawa a few
s since when a French-Canadian
e of the government named
received a severe reprimand
oyal knight of the razor for ex -
his sympathy with the half --
and censuring the government
he half-breeds, who were only
, for their rights.
Provincial Board of Health have
nded the establishment of a
farm, having the authority of
eminent to give it repute. The
tural College is referred to as
a desi able and 'convenient location,
he actual outlay upon the part
overnrnent would be simply the
' involved in keeping some four
animals throughout the year.
young man named Geo. Morrison,
he township of West Williams,
led it Wiarton on the 25th of
ehile loading square timber for
1 & Co., of Quebec. He was
oreman. H -is death was caused
loading cable breaking and let -
Le stick roll back mil him, killing
tantly. He was buried at Mea -
old inmate of the County llou\ S'e
ge at Strathroy named Mrs., Me -
,of Biddulph,endeavored to escape
er night. She knotted the sheets
bed together, and threw the bed
the window to soften the fall.
bad thing if he is not hanged.
ie says, the •'Winnipeg people
e Gove nil -lent, but that after
they put that feeling aside
and logked enly o the suppression of
the rebellion. Winnipeg suffered great-
ly through he re
Battalion, of Wi
killed than any citl
—The Right N
of. Good Temp
four days' s
0.11 Friday night.
passed, - appointin
five tormemorialie
repe'el of the lawof the United States,'
authorizing irnpor
from foreign cou
States, colmties
the original pack
same to be sold so
is unbroken.
----Rev. Dean 13
of Huron- College,
owing to physical
istry has extend
: has been confine
Few clergymen
have such a rec
Bishop :Strachan
and in 1872, at'
Hellninth, he c
ellion, the Ninetieth
inipeg, having more
er battalion:
orthy Grand Lodge
ars concluded its
sion in Toronto
A: resolution was
a committee of
a petition asking for
s of alcoholic liquors
tries into prohibition
nd municipalities in
ge and allowing the
long as the package
omer, D. D., principal
London, has -resigned,
infirmity. His min -
over 46. years, and
to two pastorates.
f any denomination
rd as that. In 1839
ppointed him to Galt,
he request of Bishop
nie to the Chapter
the Go
of the
or five
, A
was ki
by the
ting tli
him in
of ref
the ot
of her
out of
Then ging her improvised rope to the
steam pipes, she let herself down from
the ti ird story widow. The sheets
House and the rincipalship of Huron
College, which he has since retained.
—Word has been received at Toronto,
that General Booth, of the Salvation
Army,- will arrive in this province in
July. He has ordered the Toronto de-
tatchment to form a brigade for service
in the Northwest, among the Indians and
half-breeds. Several Montreal members
have eignified their desire tc, join the
brigade, a,nd a large number in Toronto
hate velunteered J A selection will shortly
he made. The brigade will proceed to
the Northwest General Booth's ar-
—The other day two children return-
ing froin school in London East, quar-
relled about soine trifle. Each child
appealed to her ' mother. The mothers
met, Iloud 'words ensued, and threats;
then the pair grappled, fell, rolled in
the dust, kicked, scratched and swore
until there was /enough loose hair lying
about those premises to stuff a- cushion.
The combatants finally, se ted, when
No. 1 procured a rake a No. 2 was
expelled, beatine a retre in good
er clothes and hair.
ham Mulvany, M. A.,
College, Dublin, died
moon in Toronto at the
His grandfather was a
the Royal Navy, and
battle of Bunker Hill.
s a graceful and polish -
the author of several
order—all but
—Charles Pe
M. D., Teinite
last Sunday aft
ageof 49 yeers.
pest captain "
,took part in th
Mulvany w
ed writer, an
b9oks.relaing to Canada, adnongst them
being "Toronto, Past and -Present,"
various county histories, and quite re-
cently was at work oil "The History of
Liberalism in Canada," He was a
writer of veese of a very superior order.
—On Saturday, 23rd ult., a young
man arriVed from Hamilton and regis-
tered at the Royal Hotel, Guelph. The
following day he arranged with a minis=
ter to marry him on Monday forenoon,
and also found a male and female do-
mestic Of the hotel to stand -up with
himgelf and his bride. The ,minister
aed the groomsman and. bridesmaid,
togged in their best plpthing, arrived
betimes but -there was no bride. The
groom went to the Great Western Rail-
way forenoon train from the north but
she was not on it, and twice more he
drove to the station only to meet With
the same disappointment, At length
a telegram arrived informing the expect-
ant grooin that the washout on the rail-
way had detained the bride at Harris
tan. She arrived in Guelph at last and the
knot was tied much to the relief of
they are. slow, Slit there is no clue as to who
., 1
—A despatch ftom St. Louie,Missouri,
on the 28th ult says i FloraEmily Downs
who Claims to have worked as a news-
paper writer in England and in Toronto,
Canada, deliberately broke the window
of a jewelry store here last night, and '
abstracted several \-ainable articles, but
made no attempt to est!ape. When
arrested she told a pitiful story of pov-
erty and desperation. A.e went from
Termite to Chicago a short time ago, .
but not getting employment came here
-ex.hausted her means she became des -
'pears to be a woman. of education and a
and was _no more auccessful. Having
perate and determined to commit crime
to obtain food and shelter. She first at-
tempted forgery by signing the name of
presenting it to a bank, but she a -as not
arrested. She then determined to com-
culture. Miss Downs published a paper
a prominent broker here to a cheek and.
mit the act above described. She ap-
the venture was net successful the pub-
lication was discontinued and she left
called the Exeliange, in Toronto, but as
the eivitY-..*a-aaa" Golds, a young man who
has been employed in the Guelph -Mer-
cury office for the last nine years, recent-
Irgave up his situation there for the
purpose of going out to- work in the Sal-
vation Army. Saturday he
was retiring froni the office_ he . was
interviewed by Mr. Davidson, one of
the proprietors!, who spoke with consider-
able feeling and in the kindaliest manner
regarding Mr. Gold's past career, Ms
faithful -discharge of the duties devolv-
ing on him and his uniform---Carrtesy
and amiable- disposition towards his
fellow employees. In recognition of these
qualities and of t
was held by Inc
fellow workmen,
moral worth and a
one to ss e bon .
College, and one te Miss R. • Campbell*,
Whitby College. Wilson'Taylor, Inger-
soll Mechanics Institute, succeeded in
winning the bronze medal for Mechanics'
—Dr. Wardrope, of Chalmer's 'church,
O uelph, is confined to bed by illness
brought on -by an accident he met with -
some five or six weeks ago: He was
struck on the leg by a block of fire-
wood which he was splitting and more
seriously injuredthan he at first sup-
posed. The same day as that OD which
the aecident occurred he started for
-Montreal to attend a meeting of the
Foreign Mission Counnittee of the Pres-
byterian church, of which he is con-
vener, but was unable to go any further
thak. Ottawa, in consequence of his in-
jury... For nine days the doctor was
laid up at his daughter's 'house there,
and after a fortnight's absence returned
home, but not fully. recovered. Since
his return he has preached several times,
but erysipelas having attacked the in-
jured lirnb it will be some time before
he can be around again.
—One recent Sunday evening Rev.
Dr. Hunter preached to a crowded con-
gregation in Wesley church; Hamilton,
on "The Qiieen and the Empire." An --
the -course ofs-his remarks he said
Honse of Lords in England and the Sen-
ate in Canada:Were instituted as a check
on hasty legislation, but when they de-
liberately and obstinately interfere with
the will of the people as expressed by
the legislation of the 'Commons, it is
time for them to go. To -day this coun-
try i agitated from centre to circumfer-
ence by an attempt On the part of the
Senate of Canada to .destroy an net
passed by both Houses and adopted by
more than sixty comities. I am not a
politician, but I would take the stump
tee -Morrow against any government or
any_political party that -would connive
at this shameful attempt on -the part of
an irresponsible House to frustrate the.
wishes of the people. It cannot be toler-
ated in this free country. -
—John McLellan, a prosperous farmer
bachelor of 70, living on the 7th conces-
sion of Lobo, about seven miles from
Strathroy, was the victim 'of some very
rough -treatment at the bands of two
masked burglars on Sunday night, 24th
ult. His house, of which he was the only
occupant, is situated between two hills,
a considerable distance from the road,
and cannot be seen from it. About nine
o'clock he was sitting in his chair read-
ing, and while in that position fell
asleep. He was in this condition when
the house was entered by the burglars,
who, after barricading the door, began
beating him in a most brutal manner,
until he was rendered insensible. The
villains then ?made a thorough search of
the premises for money, but there being
only a few dollars in the house, they
were obliged to depart disappointed.
Towards daylight the poor man regained
consciousness and crawled to'a neigh-
bor's house. To them he presented a
.dreadful appearance, his head being bat-
tered. and. disfigured to such an extent
that he was scarcely recognizable. Mr.
McLellan's house was robbed of $400 a
year ago, and it is thought the per-
petrators were the same on both occe-
e esteem in which he
mployers and by his
from a sense of his
a token of the respect
in which he was field generally, they
had united to present him with a slight
remembrance of themselves along with
their good wishes for his future success
in life. Mr. Davidson then handed to
Mr. Golds the books in his hand, which
consisted of a very handsome flexible
pocket Bible, and two volumes by Gen-
eral and Mrs. 'Booth resPeetively. Mr,
Golds was completely taken by surprise,
but earmly acknowledged the value of
the gift and the friendly feelings which
had prompted. it.
Perth items,
The present Population of
is 2,702.
—Mr. Wm.\ Helson has assumed con,
trel of the Black Creek grist mill at
—The Lista el quoit club have. se-
cured grounds
son's play.
—W. N. Herrin
received the appointment of chief of
police in Stratford.
—Mrs. Yeomans, the well-known
temperance lectu er, addressed the Scott
nd commenced the sea-
m, of St. Marys has
Act meeting in
—The tempera
St. Marys on Friday
ce party in St. Marys
have engaged. the Hon. J. B, Finch and
Mrs. Peck to lec ure in the interests of
the Scott Act.
—The American lady lecturer, Mrs.
Susannah Peck, has been invited to speak
in favor of the Seat -Actin several places
throughout Perth ceunty.
—The ladies of Knox churcheMitchell,
held a very sucicessfuI bazar and tea -
meeting lately. The proceeds amounted
to $104.
—A St. Mary paJper says: The Scott
Act was sadly wanted in St. Maus on
Monday .25th.
ber of drunken
for many years.
—Mr. D. J. -
has graduated li
examinations a
here was a larger num-
en than we have seen
inehin, of Shakespeare
medicine at the recent
Toronto University,'
taking the degree of M. B..- and stand-
ing in honors in all subjects.
-:-The two qompanies of Stratford
volunteers att Jaded service at the
Central Meth° ist church on Sunday
morning. They presented quite a
soldierly appearance.
—At the seco d meeting of the Dairy-
man's Associat on held. in - Lietowel,
seven factories registered 680 boxes,
principally the rst half of May make.
The stock we, nearly all bought at
from 7 to 74,- ceats.
—The livery stable buildings in Mit-
chell, occupied by Mr. John S. Coppin
and the dwelling adjoining were sold by
auction the otler day for $1,800. The
purchaser is Mr. Pudditombe, e)f Wil-
mot. - I
—Mr. Willie i Easson, of Stratford,
'recently had cecasion to cut down
some shade t ees, planted by him a
number of year ago, and MiSliag them.
sound and of la ge size, they were sawed.
up and conve tad into furniture and
other articles.
--The anniv rsary services at )3ethel
Church,Fullart n on Sunday 24th. ult.,
and the jubilee the day followhig, was a
success, financi lly and otherwise. The
sermons and a lelresses were of a high
order and the a was creditable to the
ladies who got it up. Proceeds about
$100. .
—The Mitch 11 Advocate of last week
says :—The pa ents of ths proprietors of
the Advocate, elessrs. Davis Brothers,
celebrated their golden wedding on the
l ith inst. ,and. although they had raised a,
large family they never lost a child,
The mother of 'Mrs. Davis is also alive
and enjoying good health. She must be
verging on 110 years, and her mother
lived to about the same age. She re-
sides with a aon in county Kilkenny,
—Mr. W. II. Walker,' painter in
Mitchell, met ' ith an accident the other
day which may result in the loss of one
of his legs. H was up the river boat-
ing with a frieiid, and while in the act of
drawing a revo ver from his pants pocket
the hammer caught in the lining, causing
one of the chainbers to discharge. - The
ball entered the leg just below the groin,
and passed down towards the knee cap,
and has not yet been extracted.