HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-05-29, Page 818th o and is on good cart lee dewhettes se up •ry, bore ; ,e Com- ! ng Set - Mee are factory ; water, tansy light he Ae/- to give nay ate isfaction mit- yRRIS. red I 1-toved to his' Old e will be as many ith their edersoree ere, Main (ENG, vf Lt is county,. for thie Lt is the _ nd doing st" longer es special euaractee n to ze- net Mills, re:, and art notiee ers. et rates. , of L. D!. con RY. RS. epost s. At! a Con - nee. on Lees, &c. LL TORY s runner - nage ex- zness in ored with veil to give on hand a TH, &c. •faition ta _ patronage, I plae eds, i -)FOOT. and Civil. I ()raptly at - MAY 1885. ir • THE HURON EXP'OSITOR; The Thigbear Cold. "I observe, sir, you -yourself hardly ever cbme near a fire, and never sit by "It is because 1 never feel cold whea I am well. But men are differently constituted, there are warm-blooded men a a cold-blooded Men, but 1 ques- tion if the latter do much good to their consti i aims by placing their feet so often •n a cosy !fender. can you be- lieve t 1st more colds are caught , at the resid than in walking out of doors, ven i the night air? another bug- bear, y the way." - "I an," replied my friend; "II can undue nd that it does not stailid to reason tp hive one-half of the bocly ex- posed s theheat and. the other not." " True ; let old people sit:, calmly by` the fir side Its long as they please, but let then haye high-backed chairs, and a pfflowlbehind tleem to protect the loins as well And twhen they go out, let them *rap up !well:, unless they can want f- st. Let them, and 1e e' one else, for the, matter of that, learn to breath4 only: through the nostrils,' and the air they inhale will never give them catarrh, - be . it the stormiest day ' in winter. " Look upon cold, a -certain degree of as a friend, and you can make it so, treat it ,as a, buebear, and it will *ome a . . . -mix cenetant enmity. , " Cold, as a bugbear, causes people te shut Up every nook and cranny of their bed -rooms at night, so that long before morning they are breathing their own exhaled carbonic acid; no wonder they are heavy -headed and tired. ,Of a morn- ing, and dawdle lOncr °Veit a meagre breakfast, trying to eat. ., "Cold, as a, bugbear, causes,people to over -crowd their beds with. 'woollen stuffs, blankets and sueh-like. The bed - clothing, ex -en for old people, should be light, though warm. There is nothing better than eiderdown, when you can get it. The night-dresses of old people - should be comfortable, and especially should they be warm between the shoulders; that is the place which cold likes as a foe, to assail, just about three , in the morning, when the morsel, of fire has got low or gone out. Let them be- ware of it ! - "Cold, as a bugbear, plays Muth Ini.8- chief.41, the nursery. Thousands of childrerf in this country are coddled to death, and many actually stifled in bed. They call it banet'overlaid ; it is being smothered. That is the right name for "But children must be kept -warm ?" . "Bless. their innocence! yes. The bed as soft as down, the clothes as soft as soft can be, but smooth withal, without any tendency to rumple up, or cover mouth or face. The room, too, should be moderately warm; no more, I pray you ; and the air ought to be as pure and sweet as the odor of roses. Is it so inmostnurseries ? Nay, for your bugbear, cold, steps in and seals doors and -wine - dows. No wonder that when ba wakes up it is peevish and fretful. " Young men wear double the weight of clothing on a winter' e day that they ought to. They sweat themselves in consequence,' so cold, the foe, steps in and ends many a life. Top coats, in My apinion, 1 hould never e wore, except while rid ne by rail, or (hiving or when standing !abz'Out in a draaght, ; then they cannot be too thick and. cosy. If worn at all when -walking, they shoUld be very thin. Very light waterproofs should be worn when walking in winter, worn over the' arm, I mean, :and never put on the back except when it is rain- ing. But the warmer thee‘ocks the Vete ter, and the shoes should be moderately- sttong and thick, for many an ailm.entes c'avieht from standing about on damp, cold ground. " Damp is xnuch more to be dreaded than cold, but even this should notlee made a, bugbear of ; I would rather have 'damp ianer clothing, than a clamp coat; the underclothing, indeed, of every, one who perspires freely and easily is seldom, if ever, free frpm damp. Whea 1 was new 1y married, the little woman who owns me, used to air ley handkerchiefs, my newspapers and My table -napkin, She knows better Jig*. tilt perserve me and you and every eae from sleeping in a. damp bed 1 "The bugbear cold does much -harm to many a man., on a winter's day, by frightening him to take refuge against it in various stimulants. It cannot be too widely. knewn that these never did arid never can keep up the auimal. heat. There ma Y be times when, if judicioust administered, and in moderate quantity, a vinous stimulant does good." * " Example, sir ?" 1 "if one is celd and wet even to the . extent of a rigor, or if one has fallen into : the water, or ..after, not (hiring great fatigue; but in ordinaty cases the iM- bilaition of a stimulant on a eold day causes but a. momentary glow, and ev'en that is a false one; some excitement of brain to , be followed soon by ner- VOUS reactioneby depression and chilling of the blood. • "1n de -fending fortress of life,0 then, it is wise not to make a bugbear:Of cold,far better to treat it as a friend than a foe." -An English Family Dc - tor, in.Cassell's Magazine. - - a---------a- -Jathes Henderson, of Goderich towii- ship, well known to many of our read- ers, left for the States last fall, and mysteriously disappeared.. He had sonie n moey with him, and 'foul play -alas feared.- His body was discovered bn -Wednesday of last week at Masons, near Alpena., but na money was' found. upon his person. A number of hard eases were hanging- around that locality last fall, and the unfortunate yonag man was doubtless murdered and robbed. -A Caledonian Society has recently been formed in Wingham. There is al- ready a membership of over 20: The follewiag are the officers : George Mc- Kay, chief ; D. McInnis, 1st chieftain ; D. McCrimmon, 2nd chieftain; : Dallas, 3rd chieftain; John Inglis, 4 h chieftain ; W. Robertion, aecretaly ; J. A. Morton, assistant secretaty ; WT. Sloan, treasurer; besides which various ccanmittees were appeinted. The Soci- ety will meet on the first ItVeduesday in every month. -Mr. R. H. Collins, law student of Exeter, heads the list of successful stu- dents at the recent second intermediate law examinations -held in Osgoode Hall, Toronto. Mr. Collins stood at the head of a. listof 21 successful candidates oht of 47 applicants, and succeeded in carry- ing off the, first scholarship of $100, having to 'compete with Mr. J. M. Clarke, formerly of St Marys, a noted university man and the winner of the Blake Scholarship in the third year of his university course, and the goldmedal at the final examination. Messrs. Col- . lins and Clarke were the only ones who took honors, thereby becoming eligible to compete for the scholarships. - ° GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA: • BREAKFA$T. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digeetion and nu- trition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected Cocoas Mr.- Epps .has provided our breakfast tubles with a delicately flavored beverage which may save tis many doc- torsbills. It Is by the ludicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradu- ally built up until strong enough to :resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle mala- dies are floating around us ready to attack whereverthere is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with Imre blood and a ploperly nourish- ed frame." -Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in paekets by grocers, labelled thus-" Janes Ern & Co., HoiroOpaithie Chemists, London, England." 8ole aont for Onnwla, C. E. Colson, Montreql. 884-52 „ , Narrow Escape. • -" -)1 Rochester, June 1, 1882. " Ten '3-eers ago I was attacked with -the Most _ Intense and deathly pains in nty back and ' /. • -Kidneys. Extending to the end of my toes and to my braile! . Which made me delirious From agony! It tookthree men t6 hold me on my•bed at tittles ! The doctors tried in vain to relieve me, but to. no purpose_ • . Morphine and other opiates 1. Had no effect!. . • After two Months I was given up to die ! - s" When my wife heard a neighbor tell what Hop Bitters:had done for her, she at 'once got and gave me some The first dose eased mybrain and-eeemed to go hunting through my system for thepain. • The second dose eased me so much that I slept two hours, something I had not- (lane for two months. Before 'I had used • five bottles, I was well and at work as hard as any man could, for over three Weeks; but I worked -too hard for my strength,. and taking a. hard cold, was taken with the mast acute and painful rheumatism all through my system that ever was known, • r • • I called the -doctors again, and after several weeks they left me a cripple on. crutches for life, as they said. I met a friend and told .bint my case, mid he said HOP Bitters had cured hitt and 'would cure me. I looked at him, but he was so earnest I was induced to use them: again. • — In less then four weeks I threw away my crutches and went to work lightly and kept on using the _bitters for five weeks, until I became as well as any man living, and have been se for six years since. It also cured my wife, who had been sick for years; and has kept her and my children well and healthy with from two to three ,bottleiper )ear. There is no need to be sick atedi if these bitters are used. J. J: Berk, Ex -Supervisor. That poor invalid Wife . Sister ! Mother! • , Or daughter! Can be -made the picture of health! • With a few bottles of Hop Bitters! • Itsg'None genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label,- Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in their nettle. 864.52m. • The Decided.. Alterative action ef Robinsetes Phoephorized Emulsion .upon. the blood, adapts it in .a.reteark- able degree as a blood purifier -well worthy of the trial of those suffering from a diseased condition of the circulating fluid. Always • ask for.Ro-bire. son's Phosphorizedpuulsion, end be mire you get it. 891.52.2w. --;• Headache. • Headache is one of those distressing coMplaints that depends upon nervous_ irritation, bad circu- lation, . ot a dishrdered stete. Of thestomach, liver; bowels,. etc. The editor and proprietor of the Canadian Presbyterian was. Cured after years of 'suffering with headache, and new testifies to the virtue of B-urdock Blood Bitters: 857.52.2w. . -e• • /ea . • An Ex -Al. derpaan Tried it. Ex -Alderman Taylor, of Toronto, trieti, Hag - yard's Yellow Oil for Rheumatism. It cored him after all other remedies had failed. 857:52 2W. • A Secret. The secret of beauty lips in . pure blood and good heath. Burdock Blood Bitters is the grand key that unlocks all the .seeretions.• It enresall scrofulous diseases, acts on the blood, liver, kid-" neye. skin and bowels, and brings the 1J:owe of 'health to the pallid cheek.- 857..52.2w. is•-• Depend -Upon it. Yeti can depeiM upon •Thigyard's Yellow Oil as a pain reliever in rhematistn; .neuralgia and all painful and. inflammatory complaints. It not Only relieves but enres. 857.52.2we . This is Reliable • R. N. Wheeler, merchant, of Everton, 'we; cured of a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs by Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. This great throat and lung healer cures weak lungs, coughs, hoarsertess, bronchitis, and all pectcral com- plaints. 857.52.2w. After Twenty -Three Years' Suffering. Rev. 'Wm. Stout, of Wiarton, Was cured of serofulous abseess that seventeen doctors could lnot cure. Burdo.ckBlood Bitters was the only ieucessful remedy. It cures all impurities of the Isystem. 857.52,2w. -411 • 40 Use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap for prickly heat, nettle rash, scaly eruption, itch, and all diseas- ed conditions of the skin_ 857.52m. - e• • oe The Hard -Worked Man IT LEA S ALL. lqo other bloodLptuify ng medicine is made, or has ever been prep ed, which so com- pletely meets the wan og physieians and the ,general publid Ayer's Sar aparilla. It leads the list as a trnly seientifie prepara- tion for all blood diseases. If there is a lurk - c SlScrofula about you ' CROFUIrliagrieSt ARSAPARILLA. WM dislodge it and expel it rom your system. For constitutional or Isorofuloas Catarrh, AR YE'S S sa.rAname. is the 81 ' true remed t as cured numberless cases. It will atop the nauseoini Catarrhal discharges, and remove the sicken- ing odor of tho breath hieh are indication of scroftiloas prigin. . I, iliCEROU 1 "Hutto, Tex., Sept. 28,1882. , ' la the a of two years one of SORES mychildrenwith luilederreon as t Tnr rgibel:r easfiloinc tga face and neek,i At the{ same time its eyes were swollen, much iuflarned and very sore. SORE EYES ,}4ri I 'at?us eP__ Jae_ r_ __vi! metZitn ae muwst- I be employed. They united in recommending ' Ii) Axtet'S gAnSAPARILL . A few doses pro- duced a perceptible im roveraent, which, by an adherence to your directions, was contin- ued to a coraplitu: and ermanent cure. No evidence,has si ce appeared of the existence of any seraulo . tend ides; and no treat- ment of any disorder was ever attended by, more prompt or , effectual results. . . Yours truly, B. F. Jourrsozi." PIMPAR6 BY -Dis.J.C.AY r&Co.,LowellyMassi:' , Soki by all D gists; $1, six bottles for $5. , 1. LEG AL. el_ARROI & P OUDF OT, Barristers, Solid ‘.3F tors; 'e., G clench, aerie. J. T. GARROW Wm. Paotin 'OUT. ' -:'686 Ofbusiness, toiling dayby day, with little ehance for rest, should -take • occasionally Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion, to give activity to the brain, and strength to the constitution : and' thereby prevent - the 'attacks of fever and 'Other destroying diseases. -891,52.2w. a The hectic flush, pale, hollow cheeks and pre- Catious appetite, indicate worms. Freeman's Worm Powders Will quickly and effectually re- move then. 857-52m. .. , , National Pills are sugar-coated, mild but there ough, and are the best stomach and liver pill in use. 857.52m, e --e•-•-0--------. ' Boys and Girls ' Who are - growing rapidly, should, to ensure strong andhealthv constitutions) be given regie- lai rly Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion, to k_eer up the waste that is continual- y going On in the system during the growing period . 891.52.2W. .,------,•*-0-4.---- - ' Fever, colic, unnatural appetite, beast] n css, weakness and convidsiorisare some of the effects of worms in children ;- destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm. Syrup. 85,2.52m. ; - - MONEY TO LOAN.. -A TONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per In cent. Interest payable half yearly, or 6i per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLAIESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. - 850 AUCTIONEERS. 3- P. 131tINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the t• County of Huron. Sales attended in all Parts of the County. All orders left at Tim Exeosrroa Office will be promptly attended to. A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the - County of Huron. Sales of all description promptly attended to on -reasonable terms. Ad- dress Brussels P. 0., or pply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12, Grey. • 77 TT C. DOAN, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate EE of Ontario Veterinary 'College, Toronto, Ontario: Calls promptly attended to 'night or day. Veterinary medicines kept constantly on hand. Office, Huron Hotel, Zurich, thit.-• 909S R -C. H YS, Solicitor, n. Private .:Aletney e lend at lowest rat s 1 interest. : Office Corner of uare and Westtreet; Goderich. 77 , I - AriAMERON, HOLT. & CAMERON, Barristers, TU. Solicitors in Chancery, aac., Goderich, Oa' - M. C. Cesteaos, Q. C. - PUMP HOLT, M. G Caitetto&. • - 506 T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Sm. Office/e- e.) Cady's Block, Three Doers North of .the Posl'feOffice,'Seaforth: Goderich AgentS-Cemea ON, HOLT-, & 'CAMERON. 870 T OFTL:S E. DANCEY, late with Caineron l- n. Bert[ .11_.A Holt &Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, Soieitor, Conveyancer, &c. Moneyto loan. son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 78 . . ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors Conveyancers, &c, Solicitors for the Banl of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan „Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. lleameo, JAMES SCOTT. • 781 - -HOLMESTED, successor to the late fil'in of. McCaughey & Holinested, Barrister, SO; licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. 'Solleitor. fot the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend -Farms for sale. Office in Seott's Blook, Main Street, Seaforth.- • • 41' 1 EYER & DICKINSON, 13aeristers, &c.,Kent'el .Block, Wingham. Solieitors for the .Bankl of Hamilton. Commissioners for taking affid sits in Manitoba. Private funds to loen at 6 pe cent. LecknoW Office eviery.. Wednesday, C. MEN -Ea', E. L. Diomesox. , 738 CARROLL & DICKSON, Solicitors,- Conve.31-., aneerse&e. Money to lend. Seaforth and Brussels: Seaforth -Office over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Alain Street. N. Bee -One member Of the firm will always he in Seaforth Office. P. §. .CATtaoLiu Seaforth; W. B. Theesoe, Brussels I DENTISTRY. _ LT_ M-1= AR, TD. S., and M. R. C. D., lee A I • . Toronto. All operation's guaranteed. Anesthetics of all . kinds administered. Specialties4 Gelid. Filling andPerfect Fittitig Plate Town patients will please make cngagements a day or two previous to having the opera- tion performed." Remember the:; place., in the monis formerly occupied by C. Cat twright, up -stairs in Cady's Block, eppesite the Commer- cial'Hotel, Seaforth: ' 874. ENTTST, Faculty Gold Medallist and College Gold Mcdallist,TortmtQ Scheel of Dentistr.v.- 11 ems over Johnsoes' Hardware, Main Street', Seaferthl _ 911 es'D sese.,e, - Ca / 32b ca3 NOM 0- CD 0 • t,'FFOLK 0 1 Suffolk nervice teeeton 8, the privilege RAgNIE. • • la, — • • • 4111 . i Pigs, one are kept or 12, 'Cot $1, wit 887 . -• 1 --..„-:-.„-i 7“. AND BERKSHIRE. -Two andithe other Berkshire at Rannie's Saw Millp, LA Township of Hay. Terms: of returningit necessary. SAMUE . PIGS. -The undersigned will -keep SUFFOLK • on hand during the ptesent season, a Thor- tughbred Suffolk Pig, to whieh a limited numb, i tf soWs will be taken. He is one of the beet pig sf his claiS hi the county,. Terms -0, with th cirivilege Of returning if necessary. Apply ori bh'e farm of the undersigned at Grieve's Bridge, Northern,Grayel Reed,. McKillcip. HUGH J. SIRIEVE. 1 885 . PIG. -The undersigned - wi I BERKSUIRE e keep during the present season on Ls ti 5, Cenceseion 12, Hullett; a thoroughbred Ber -- Lahire Pig, to which a limited number- of sue will be admitted. This is the pig formerly owt - ed by Mr, John Henderson, of Tuckerstuith, an 1 is one oethe befit pigs of his class in the c0lint3 , Terms.--tiOne dollar payable at the time of se - vice, witbthe privilege of returning if necesear , THOMAS 'AMOS. - 90441., -• -- - ! Sift -TOLES ARE THE BEST. -The i - THE dot -signed has now. on Lot 21, Concession L. R. S., Tueltersmith, and will keep for t e improvement of Stock, Two TUOR011011IIRED SU FOIA BOARS. The oldest,. "Granger," was fa . rowed on April 3rd, 1882, was bred by Mr. Wit. Elliott, Milton, County of Halton. His sire a a his dam.: were both imported. The secon , " Kin Tem," was farrowed in April, 1884. 1 e was bred by l'aleSsrs. A. Frank & Sons, of t e county o ;Peel, and both his sire and his da n were als !imported. They are as good pigs s were evar offered for service in Huron as cab 1 e proven ay the l extended pedigrees which a e registeree in the Canadian Herd Books Ten 8- $1, tvith he privilege of returning if necessar . :G.EORG PLEWES. .891 - -- VETERINARY. 0 EA F 111TH HORSE INF1RMARY.-Corner - a f 0 • Jarv's and Goderich Streets, next door to t e Presbyt rian. Church, Seaforth, Ont. All d !t- eases of. Parses,' Cattle, Sheep, or any of he de- meSticat d 'animals, suceessfelly- treated; tit the Infinuar, , or elsewhere on the shortest nett e. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Su goon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterih- aryl Med' eines kept constantly on head-. . TH - BIG MILLS,I- . . • SEAFORTH. • . The also T. mills have now be6n thoroughly e- : - •built upon the complete . t . . . , HUN A2IAN ROLLER PROCES • The A 'II and Storehouse 'Buildings have beien , greatly enlarged, and new machiner$. applied throug out. ' ' ., THE ATEST IMPROVED [ROL S . Flo r Dressing ANp— 1 hin.s , . L Ma 1,7 From t e best Maeufactuying Firms iave b a en putin, ind everything necessary adde4 to Ma de her to t rn eut flour E. GOND TO N ral `CZ In the DOMilli;011. The facilities foi receiv* g grain, f a m fanners and for elevating ea d shippi eg have al o deen extensively improved. Grain can now be taken from fanners' wagons,' weigh d, and lo, lied into cars at the rate of 700 bush -Is , per ho r, by the 'work ; of two men. A L IIGE FEED STONE - —FOR-- . , .0L1.4wTOM CHOPPING Has be n put in, and the necessary machinery for hewn g chop and coarse grains. - A go d shed has been erected, so that wagons can be nloaded and reloaded under cover. . • . 1 • • EXCHANGt%, . _ WI-, EAT ., Promptly 'attended to, find, FIR, T-CLUS RO1[E fLLii . GUARANTEED. 0 . STOM M-1. Ch spped satisfactorily and without del y.. RO LER, FLOUR, • QHf- !IRANg %b.., lk,R - • .. And all kinds of 01 OPPED FEE Constantly' bit hand. . . . . Price any Quantity Wheat. Mg i est :Market *ash for Pais o i in a PR_E BARREL --AND-- • FINE COWIE AND LAND S LT ., FOR SALE. • . , :Only first -glass and obliging.men will he kept to attend mistomers. The liberal patron re ot farine7 and general trade respectfully solici ed. , !A, W. OGILVIE & CO 0 .. , I"ROPRIET BIS.i T. G.. KE.MP, Mana,ger. THE ! .CAN. DIAN BANK OF CRAVE CF. " EAD ! OFFICE, TORONT . • Paid ip Capital, - - $6,000,000. Rest, . - _ .. , 2,00 . )000. PR SIDENT, HON. WM. Mcllasaan. . SEAF JRTH BRANCH. The eafortll ranch of this Bank conti meg te . receiy deposits, on which interest is allowed or the 'nest favorab e terms. . . Drafts On all t . e principal towns and e Ales it Canada, States, on Gre, bought a t 'Britain, and on the -Unites d sold. Oflic-First door SouTli of the Coln nercia Hotel., • A. H. IREL.AND, M na.ger F. 110rESTED, i Solicitor. . 639 .SEAFORTH . :. . . WOOLLEN MILLS, . . Having My New Mills now in first-class unnini sorder, l' have pl asure in announcing to ty cus toutere and frien s that with Enlarged remise; and . • . . IMPROVED MACHINERY, 1 am bettmet en ever prepared to turn out ' 'F.I ST-0LASS WORK 011 the shortest otice, and will be pleased II see all my old ets omers and as many . - new ones - A LARGE TACK OF GOOD1 • . On han to trade with as usual. • A. G. VANEGMOND ' , 4 A A A THE MEDICAL HALL, 141.1A..1.1•1- S'112,=E1', SA.FORTT.EI, Has just opened out the finest and best assortment of Pipes in the country. If 1 you want a nobby Meerschanm Pipe or a first-class 'Brier or Wood Pipe, so to the Medical Hall, where you can get something that will please the eye and give' i 1 you satisfaction. -A splendid assortment of Cloth, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving BrIushes at all prices. Toilet Soaps assorted -Pear's scented and =scented Soap, 1 Red Clover Toilet Soap, Albert Honey Toilet SOap, _Princess Louise Carbolic GlYcerine and Cuticura Toilet 'Soaps; Colgate's Cashmere Bociuet Soap, SPonges, Chamios, Bath Towels. Combs -A splendid variety of -Dressing Contles and Fine Con'ilis just opened from the English markets. Purses and Wallets new and elect. We draw your attention to our well -assorted stock of Pure Drugs, Chemicals and Patent ilfaicines, lich is complete in a1I its branches. We have ale° for sale the pure j ice of tb grape, especially for saeraMental pnapeses, and -unfermented. It is highly re iommendediby first-class medical men as a nutriment and beverage drink in m[ ny cases of sickness, &c. Remember the place, next door to Duncan & Duncan's dry goods store, Main sti eet, Seaforth. C. DUNCAN, Chemist and Druggist. _ET EJ—G M I 0 IT.— J:r , • ••:.• •1• PRING STOCK COMPLETE. Large Assortment to Choose From. 130OULAR PRICES RULE LOWER THAN EVER THIS SEASON, Everything New, Fresh and Handsome. _ _1,1 I ..1E .011/4T, S TEA. TEA. TEA. TEA. AT THE S.EAFORTH TEA STORE. loN w is the Time to Get the Best Value Ever Offered in Seaforth for your Money. A.- 0-.: AU-T.T. Has Just Received a Very Large Consignment of TEAS. He noiv holds one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks west of Toronto. In, Teas alone he now holds 175 Packages. Prices from 15c., 20c., 25c., 30c., 35c., 40c.'45c., 50c., 55c., and 60c. per pound. This Stock Consists of GREEN, BLACK, JAPAN, GUN- POWDER, and TEA DUST, and will Guarantee them to be all FRESH and give Entire Satisfaction, or Money Refunded. Also a large Stock of Sugars and , • all kinds of Groceries. •'Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Shorts, Bran Buckwheat Flour, Oats, Barley, Screenings, Chop Feed, Salt; Coal Oil, Fish, Apples, potatoes, Turnips, Carrots, and Cabbage. A large stock of China, Crockery and Glassware. Also a Large Assortment of Lamps aneLaniP Trimmings. Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmeal at Mill Rates. A' CALL SOLICITED FROM ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE, A. G. AULT. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. 0. C. WITiLSON,, SEAFORTfT, DEALER IN Seeds ibf all kinds for Field and Garden. Seed W1 eat, Peas, Oats, Six -Rowed Barley, Two -Rowed Barley, and Black Barley; Red -lover, Alsike Clover, White Timothy Orchard Grass, Kentucky Blue G atoll Clover, and 'Mammoth Clover; ass,- Red Top Rye Grass, and all kinds of pasture Grasse. Turnip, Mangol 1 and Careot Seeds of all kinds. _ Every variety of Garden and Flower Seeds all sold cheap for cash at I 0 C. N'T--rTL.LLSO.Y.S., 'TimStrflet, Feaforth. • Ontario Mutuql; Life Assurance 'Company, The Popular ' Company of the DOminiom IT\TOOTR,±"CDP,.A..rli1:), 187o.. 4_ • ,A.tive..1..ocal ,Ag4its Wanted, Wm. HENDRY, Manager, W. HODGINS, Gen'rl Agent. , WATERLOO, ONT. STRATFORD, ONT. Constance! GREAT CHIANCE I J. A. STEWART!. • ' • • 1 E3i-ussels Lime Work. STILL AHEAD., ±wN& SOW"' _ T e subscribers take this -opportunity of re - tun ing thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state • tha Wishes to inform the people set Kinburn and viclinity, that he has purchased the Stock of Mr. Jectes Stanley, at Greatly Reduced Price, and will give' his customers the benefit. Goods will be sold at and under cost. Parties Wishing bargains should conte on at once, as the goods will go quickly. The highest price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kinds of Farm Produce. - I J. A. STEWART. - 906x2 having made several improvements in thew kiln and mode of burning, they • are now in a bettjr position than ever before to -supply the Pubic with first-class lime. This being the 'eleventh season of our business dealings in Brussels, and having given unquali- fied'satisfaction so far • tae public can rely on re- ceiving good treatniet;t and a 'first-class article from us. First-class Lime at 14 cents at the kiln and 16 cents delivered. We also burn a No. 1 Lime fof- plastering at the same Once. Remember the spot, Brussels Lime Works. ,TOWN & SON. , 1 908 Young Man, LOOK HERE! - 1 Al PRIZE Send Six Cents for Postage and receive, free, a c)stly box of gods, 11 which will help all, of either sex, to more 1 money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await .the Workers absolutely sure. At once address TRUE & C., Augusts, Maine. 1354x52 If it's niee CI stylish pair of P where to get fine thing you want, a Dress Suit, a Its, or a. swell Vett, FIl tell you goods at a low prive, just as nice as you will aet in the city, and for far leis money; and hat is at Ranton Bros. Exeter. They have Corksprew Worsteds in Olive, Brown, Navy, Wine, Pru e, Myrtle, Dahlia and Black. Select goods an more used than eser before. Coating Velvets in Brown, Olive and Myetle. These are what 3 ou would call slick goods, ex- tra nice, and sm e to please. Tweeds for Suits in Scotch, Engii4u and Canadian makes. Checks, Mixtures, Panel &e., solid for wear, neat in appearance, and lsuited to all tinies and elassee. And sech a grand lot of Pentings, you ought to see them to appreciate them. Wide -Stripes in dark and lightl, Narrow Striti'es in dark and light, Hair Li-ne, Fine Checks, &e. Tart, tone, &c., is w at the boys say about them. Then they base tie largest range of Gents' Fur- nishings in Exedne Only think of it! Over 300 Ties to select fr n, and they me a. dandy lot too, 1 tell you. Sco 'es of Braces, the latest in Felt and Staw Bats White Shirts, &e. Wben you want anything i the above, be sure to go to Ranton Bros., EXETER. HOUSEKEEPERS, ATENTIONI Min ral Soap, The bestand most -complete article ever offer- ed to the public, FOR C EANSING PAINT AND WOOD WORK. It is especially adapted fur kitchen u,c and HA NO EQUAL For cleansihes Merble, Mantles, Table4, Widows, Oil Cloth, Zinc, ptc. .p, nse Powder, Is NOT POIS lNOITS TO Ht -MAN BEINGS but completely , RI DS THE. ..t1 U.8 -OF- ROACHES, AN S, FLEAS, FLIES, . MOSQUITOlt, NEW CARPET' BEETLES, MATS, ete., etc., etc, Full direction4 for use on box. J.- S. ROBERTS, APOt ECARIES HALL, Cardno's Bloc Main Street. 'FAF011TH. 909 VARNA. , ,BO -OTS AND SHOES. The subscriber 'begs leave to thank his numer- ous cuttomers for the liberal patronage extended to him since commenting 'tipsiness in Varna, and trust that he may be fevered with a continuanee of the same. Farmers and Others Will save matey by coining and evamining my stock and leaving their orders as I Mend keeping the best btoek of all kinds and all work guaranteed to be first-clasi, as I intend to build up a good round business. All who are troubled with corns or Wilms come right along and get a good fitting pair of boots at a reasonable price. Fine hand sewed boots a epecialty, and a per - f e cRtefiptarrulgt arannetaee done aod promptly°luta tided to. Come one ie 3111 SAMUEL WHIODON, ' • onx3a.02, '0HRYS AL & BLACK, P AOTIOAL BOILEA MAKERS. mHE Subseribets have bought the Tools and Boiler Business lately tarried OR by the Goderich Foundrk and Manufacturing- Company, and having had ag experience of over eight s ears in that shop, are elow prepmed to vane on the trade in all its brsncheS. Any work earl sted to us will receive prompt attention. First - 1a88 work guaranteed. All kinds of Boers made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks, betSIron Work, ese., at reason- able rates. ew Salt Pans inade and old 'ones repaired on the shortest notiee, and at prices that defy competition. CHRYSTAL & BLACK.