HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-05-29, Page 57
MAY 29, 18,85.
MAY 293,188c%,
ian River, Cherokee
4, he Canad
pointed taken on t
cisions, Mr. Patterso ' : unable to pull it out
at thL Governmentwhich he cer's &e 3 they were holding a h was
r it
st ea was stated ations ag4in sed ill erd business took a tunibl,
, wheri
e make peni r. and kill�dj
;es being nt once agam' out �hat under the system propo
-not I at the ap- protested againat'privil t for We la dared n6f, 3 2 k of sceing -tfl-&t votirs 0 their stolen cattle, Moody was
h . . ranks, A I- I
graphs, an as ch I for the hi her tl I Bill t etuck in the mud at thel
E. RUT,,TER1GK & I to that. industrial 801 . a he wor
which are den d t�lp from the Tory al av d. to swim the river
inds of pointin Ofthe members'of r ent ed to the. Indian of:the Indian youth shZ15 be. the� shout went e upon the list wouldi cleycilve Most _N dleton ende are
k it wo. good tsaritans ebancel
allb. brightes b rolffn
able a : w Only toowell that w
R 5h Paper Patterns fOr education though the men ne workers, practi. V,,&S d, ed Wagner and the
L of d the bb't And t -the party
'Risses", Boye ailn his Revising Barristers, Sir the white man. At th a cionclusion
inexorable man were cap ut of the
d hildrell's through established, 6n t -ed And the Yes
Lidies' 11ity their leader 611y upon time succeeded i
be at the eailie 0 Port' cally qrystalizing into a rigi
sale by HorFmAg BROS., John sh*Ad be able to rem; ower Mr. Blake's speech' it y as expected Sir ailed thei 3. '-The a on d,
I of them tr n I ed into the mountairi.q. Mo from their nasty. fix.
Girmentsi for Ain in P M. aue ces of. their will be 4rr i n d fo r whatever faults ody
,,,g heing 1' �gnt- 7repo7tfOr
ilim away -from th, - I i - I , to ;y system, Wiping —0li Saturday after
Seaforth.; Mail John. Macdonald would reply, but no ti folinc 'be guilty Of, Wh6ift law the present part mrilest ai�r Mid(ileton were desperate outI&Wf1
'for a fewl y�ars longer, and to the eaniq ilicre.was they are the independent� 4 only '�cbilil of Mr.- 13 A
. ; familiest and by sue k i� bil g e offloial records out all hope for
In I I - , , ) *in th aud fugitives from. justice. Large
eply was made oeeven itt�mpted- as they dared, to to free-hilliself froin, the re -
IBEX -TS. and otl r "subsidized paf&s this- is a r -hey coub: bO ed r cated so. tralia '.a lad - ab,6ut twia
T hope that t an, b use %
b r'E W ADVER fore the Ho Sir , John weilt On "Ian, anxious W�Yds were offered for their capture"and
0 tl e- �rbit 1 artis gr- e the papers had th by m4intain- a W -ft
matter t importance. By fae , his u i nswervIbIff, to be equal t raldom of party. Only into
paxanioun t arguments- are. na is Texas' pot of lye and
i ieAnt that t e and declared Pliat A!Lrequi itio.n from the Governoy -of
v nment and none know it better -tlian Sir John 'husbandman. Thi g an unbroken front, and by unfalte about the -eyes antl 11101
'Th the parent] iesis. after all meads,� then, let the' Go er delayed.1 ..bocause so many 1A ty ei . -A lynellingwift
can tile Liberal pa was sent for tIl n
e figure betw-een ti be lei t. The e beeli r
-Ipportersi mature -Indians in r �Com`pletc�ly blind, I
aper c 'r returns
ge of the p on which have th telegraph with the rest. and his colleagues and. a othe bad been dalled fo ing resolution, likely end[- Wagner's career.
ea �h line denotes the pa I arty so�
be f s o hope for the h, ihat by a- loiigt live under tbis Bill, aad- if P may be alway.,
the advertisementwill ound. wa n ry throats were stretched hope to FATAL STORX.�During a- ill
We are sorry that,,%ie cannot give the and the To un4er
I a -few f the - yo uger Ili- e drawn evm.-more tightly than.
ventv Dollars Reivard-W. E. Coldwall. (0), slow, process —Last Tuesday af tterx
T of heir tr Again by�a, yelf tbatshowed they had lines. ar storni Saturday night., at Fergas Falls
gafns-A- Taylor. ii h on this im- e faLjIt will be with tile- 'I , .
What It- Wfll iCost. gist of Mr. Blake's 9pe .c cliano, the flower, bes, ull present, tb McIntosh died at her - llvy�
Rm I , 11 , " I . . I ab tit those PaPer-9 called At Mibliesota,' lightniji..g struck a barn
St aforth. R6stan M'rot-Nirs. Smith (5) 1 d car f ut trt), 111 ri , stand �forottell al 0 'esent Bill. I 11"'I'le has
116118 - the'other at. question ill full. We,,bowpver, after a long ail Pr Consu- ption
port ber of cattle.
Cash. (,F) -In tb Ouse of Comi or over two years o. ell "llul
ButterWanted-Edward a - I e artisan and ag, Again Sir makers of the killing t,4110 m and a n1
1 11 '% IT a -a few extracts, and they wi I re- Oil pa
I . Patterson of Brant, in de a append
day 11 111 r with tbe whit Eoij)iiiG WHO SH41,L VOTE. thoug�- P. atie t suller er
S(aforth woollen Mills -A. G. Van P -oposed tb aohn decl ared i that tile (xovernment ID s spent DEATH OF A PROMINZEN'T EDITOR, have the earnest
olutton. (5). 1 1 1 yet this Bill pi The ' reater paxt of Vie week wa
Faan for Sale-Afts. W. cuss this matter, 9
n by tilose would be 0 (18 W. Potter, Democratic leader in N
w. iom ready orth- their s6rrow. Deecast;�.
PoPIT-IM"Sla, lion. ('5) calculat showing what the Franchise, pay caref ul per sal enfranchise all to loc i4on tickets those clauses of the Bill, which de.
t et all. cl4rges and dis� on
-4, —&,osaop -OFFICE.. (5) that it would in te. eril Illinois, owuer of newspapers at
-con ere wish tor. take ail impair. view A were 0 worth of -years of age.
816, Rill D being aid d- �; Parlia this, iiven and *bc had $1 who clare 'ho shall and who $.Iyall not vo
"V -I- ;,I lcenL ( i P 9 - ; - 4.1, v-. -.nrl; the rank -mild file) W V 4- p- 1.� TahAnil aild foll.hil'ay.
s. -1 liese prove cran improviaments on th -ir locatr
ore el que 'The (1, Bleicher (6) m-ent, i v ill cost he countr should it aticin nr, respoilde.d discussion on tile8e clauses was a
y hge hotelin X!
of take his word, fo
e Ili- reports, givd
ial' generatio1j'a t1l forni'of
Arora, Quick a g�nerai 'For 'iwnemor' appluse which clearly mere farce. The Gloverrin-i6vt supporters the Eagle at Cork, Ireland, is dead.
Watch -M. R. Counter" n -on tie responsibility the Rxha
13 TH forSale-Ro t. Scott. (i) becom e "Y_ He Showed First.. 1, Show(d that t1lis With a S tto say PRx-NeE Aj)vrcF, To Fx(;-
the -Ministe -ersol, of der the law as it now x1sts dialls had inhi -ica,( livin as wed't
4ey tor saie_yi tn. WraN-..(. t ibited Ainn those sho' ley h6d not before believed had evidently had instr A M). -it is stated that Prinee Bismarck John Patt
)N election,,,, bs tioli was to rive vo- es.:6 ote down L bake �bssession oil the Is
—R. McLennan. i -
NN 00i wanted nomads and. liuni�rs ba.)ring their f- ults t!iat site] a thi ig co e her pro.
di -the op not "in t lie o i iob of that uld be done. At nothing and to v
pr es is advising England to collfill
who were Pil except the few unimportant oil Schmidt will remain in
coits th6 country $1201-000 than he nients,
d heir ble -aitizens, c arr 0 fter
juMities, an� �rho could last, Sir ohn, further on of Egypt -to the contr" , f eeks a wlaich lie C
-.NJ, Murdie� (0 and.vices, their good; rime Minister. tecti,
1i Chilled I Ilow work -s -C. A.11 inibert (5) Fratichilse. Bill passes the expense Attend— gentleman., capa 0 that ill the handa of the P W,
aine I a true f eii�e- of the ea to Do by tile evidene st State
G -eric rude civilization. . The bite men had inten. finances, and to assi
ot be t�itizeliq' for many 19 the 11' in ti f6ilow him Tb ere is room very stroi Egyptian
ing the �repa`l&tion and revision of the and gave thei Indians some of theirvices lot be- -in6 the ife, his hench ell w re- ready to any's coloizing enterprises in-nloi )vho -Last everp,
term tones differences of, opinion on those clauses. Gerill
but the efforts to raise �tbe Lidimig to death, deel ed in trumpet
wi"ot dst not one cent less not r"- rly exer- to ndment -Eastern Africa. S. M�Cutuhon
sponsibilities, could prop nothing The Liberals roposed one ame nam. ed
the white men's -liv ilization h A I not ipposit oil leader cared Smallpox i� raging in of -,(rey townsId
JO 5 that tile -'them declar-
cit. ensh
VO 8, thall-s'500,000 annually -that inasmuch else the privij�ges o iz p. s who were killed after another only to P
wq , ve Boll
been at All crener, �§uccesOul. nend- Shenandoah, Page county, Iowa. ine.
a for Canacl a i very aj
ared ..this his ed lost. by the chairman. Vslial.houv. to bett alai i.
as the iwould have to be prep, im e i one greilera or� to obelli n ad even and teen houses. are quarantined.
almost p�ssiblel in th The
I . - -,_ was a �_-orp
Ain .6ut of asioned by tile �cited �ollowcrs cheered, allow- ment was Sur le
hwild str� morted by argument, Se. 1--y
THi DAY may 5 D, 1,885- 'every Y6x,,and as the Parlia'lientary get the hiji�ii T E -excitement ped equallyzie) or and president. of the Board of id of fits, it is C -i
ing could be caled obstruction may some kh
�ople: have done noth
MiAsion -tb e 1),
term Englalid
d '"ite menl ha sent tened, collisicin b ween ing that L e disease. -the miAstf life Nve are,
extonds- over five years the total D-'00 � N - .thou- 11 ci, Health have tL
threa r, e nica som
i the Iyldfi�ns them Oil e- etilnes lose -except by those inspir6d by party mali STRAWBEltRY RF,.,0. -A new iletruct-
aries and 'teachers a 1�1 b th e -w days sin,�-e a -west Rebal ion. cost f Or 4Ycill -eectiollf or the .0 a i i. d ad, iv, a, ibsided as licy.. e in. . But as the amend p,ep,ati n It hools and. ell' e ies, a n d Russia seems to. , even of conlillon dece was, indul we -evil has
had bui 6 all sense: I mild fai rly ive pest or appeared on the to Mr. Elford, of Ill
-g from. the Northwest is daily istsould be $2,500,- made efforts e' civili in- Yapidly as it -arosir. Tb a- two great ments thus c ; I
t �bn of the 1 ged refully worde(
TheleNN and revi1s to intl.odu z I ed. Througho t the, harangue of the supp, d- ca e they, were strawberry farms of taten Island and �gg which was really twi
1b. 001 on orte orward,
on ill dustr v leader of he -%v Jersey. Thousand.s of dollars worth
bee c g a -ad less interest- o0% wb� ch -With the - additi of e ies and ha its a ii them. If all vidently ' ent the Oppoiti
less exeitin powers ha e e ;el o etrim.
fiiet lling that
lie should voted -down without- reason given or, o no e, tile iliner olie.16
So soon as the beligerent Indians this had not been all f , as it. Was 'sensible, hAd. sat
I ould: in-� tie their disputes in a. more berries will be destfoyed.
in already mentioned, w 'et b attempted. The of, an ordinary gooseegg, W
declared by- the Preniiiieer li�lself that . it IS 117 checked, but when this refutati6n of argumeni
end bis.fury ii --BisIlopStuart
lemmed A the capture of Riel tbey.were crease cost of. a general election from mane and _.- natur Li mannellf than b SP debato -of t6 week sbows'elearly tha! BiGA3111STS, ust as hard. The A6,,,y w,
in� of a 41, y nade 3 --C>
had no", ai would. tl ie- giN wanton d outg�tge6us charge was i , led b
and four *tker TMorpions who plea roken in the Ifirst pin:t
suddeply transf orm ed from tb, a brave Should -vote (14 - more? It .,woll Id not � eleva,te setting the' kil ell other- qt for iiis age was no loiig*ei.,,, a Parli ent is not a body of free men,
$120,006 - $2,620,000. And it ir subjects to 01,111
tc! even res i guilty to polygamous practices Were each
Ake into laws the discovery of there ble'
And warriors to the h-uni. 6,crII-19- be borne in m ind that this suil does not. tile. n( u _t well e &no er ele- The negofiations n:)w 0 iave duty an theer o "Sharne i shamb!" but simply a machine to n
by filied $300 and sentenced to four month7s -A 1%I rris cor
n. (Cheers.) He ell of the land, the decrees of the part. resp
The inprisonmen
George Reid, son 4 _Ndai
is & radatio clie,-,. The t at Blakfoot,-Idahq� on
in.r. liallths begg ude of the expense whichwill been thus far patis �act)ry to So ros
ing for mere y. The mclit in� e from the 0. position b pr6tented over A wou r e, t6 onlent was
the clauses of at it sbelle at that one of he caucus. Premier
t d Ili tate e fllr�
tnbes Of Poundmaker an& 61 other have to be incurred y the people at as this :)eel L the c I Saturday. These are the first convic
the Imna, he had qucte�,on much,.so h d -S, township, has ba -d
ing during the Present Parlia- week ago, an he has repea e
most excit'
'a ms and e'was desirou's-of javing tions in Idaho.' blessedn�ss - and take
abi6f`s. have laid d1own their arge their efforts to get justice for the may now 'be takei: as ail as Sur d -fact ment. Tie Pre
I in. a former occ ion,. showing thi,,i ier, cQutinued3" stormed ment,- " that Czar will re- y1c, dFLEET R viEw,.-Th )ung y to grate b
ex pressed their to i Lrreilder tbemselv?s and their' neighbors at the, Indians were not fegill-ded as vio-othy of that' there will no; be wa i a the near, aiid gestic nlated , turned to his followers suggestions made on the Bill as i pro
slan flet between happy, couple Wten i
w the the eutire Rus d
even the first rights of a man, or Aciti-- ceeds. The fact is his followers d4re vie
-We are say fir apphql�e as a stimu --cit and Sweaborg in June, when
uvwud ally to the an-thoriti, �s., Big 6nds of the Rvishic, Barristors. future at any rate. at and draul in th: utal tour, as they
Cronst. ne tbn, but such was in effect the declar-. lating dr; ugbt itild, at (town, not make any suggeWons, nor do they
-therie oa settl in Totimbi
B(ar is the only chief who still �Olds also be various maiieures
, 1, " . w f e1W except by 11 -
ation of the Act, and While that I& so will be disappointed, ag aot a e dre to favor any of those made from.;the Will M -e a
i having'acuompli h d nothinj to Canada.
out. lRe has With him several *hite A F Pertinent Questions. -reinaillea -on. he- statute book, is confli, ther side of t1lb House. ' Perhaps the andl coast attacks.
were; preparing to pi -ofit by 0
ot, excusing bims f so boisterously, to
t t invest I wors THE POOR CRoFT-Eps.-Th -gun-boat - -The 19th of 'May Aml
i with t feature of 'the Bill is in its exten-
pTiaGners and his whereabouts does noV The inhain Vide,#6 sitibinits the Hoilse had no righ -but the great maS3 ple will accuse hil aself DStstrongly. 'roff was 1�
'a Elsie and
hi seems a, Forester wi.th a num ber', of p olie Hbe definitely kno*n to the follo t the' crowning gio-Iry of 'a "titeilhe n Sion of the suff-rage. Tli Forl
se to wing pertinent questions which, a, t I ingy rejoice that,such a terrible has arriv
right to'vote. Ili- effee �Var has bep -1. Huron came out.well-in the debate, strange statement to niake, but it is a seventy marines on board, ed
did test
a e tile im. you sb 9
_�Pl:t tinY6, are deseiin_g the' on- Bal - - alid
pres All 4ful sufferin
troops ididdleton with cons idera�b it WT..t I I J ave+dj and the dr reasonable one nevertheless. The man at Portree, Island of SkyA, to arrest n7t appea-r to con
t�e allow,el for the -only spoeclies, besides thpse of
it say' e -al asJou will -with' 11 repre�enta- who pay 82 a week or $20 a mo
nth rent Crofters on the Kilmuir s&te. Mr. Pollqy�s Ohl ttleford. lat wh
im-ce has jc�m'ed Otter at B.% sideraioil o,every one. Is it d ('11 by dest+iction' of life i and Property whiph -the leade e8i we m
the mare, -claimed fbrfei
tes are I
call yolur _�;_n_ You' f that f1k Sir- Ilicliard is the vote. Had it been declared TE-R-RiBLE FiRE AccimsT.-At a fire
A* soon as -they secure the oies fair that ith& Governm ent shat -Ad give an cour mu�t. have ensued,- has been'preventpd ti�f es o county. b is), -
ignorant ndiai,a our Cartwrigl f the Prime thgiven man renting �roperty of a cer- tile oth a pr lges that the holse Ill
rovilentand unable man Minis at the er day, in inting esta I,
th wani there, it is suppose ;hey Will iece of land on a re- at in - Cincinnati, 6ght giiIs and wo-
is n Ame see,
imp a ent in fi'ed value, the assessment roll ment about he quarter,
ey Ith own"affiirs' ;_you' must ba�ve' by A er counSels t1i a' onet' -n- ter, and e id anxious that so much U X
o -dim i m -0
edi'to captur� B -�Jhe does- serve t -es out u e fifth storev to the ' i . -
oce ig Bear, 0. e value of $150, and then is result ien jumped rom th The a al ay y t,comr,
-herad and a D4 d 1 kely to prevail.- F r bad been shown by Would have sfiown in nfii6teen cas
tendent Ge uty Supe�fii good indil natio as
side -walk. Five were killed. �O -0a xic t, scioner suxrelider to.'Colonel Strange 1ow li� vote ? Is it fair -that the te_ude'nt_Ge-n&a1, local �gehts, And I in- credit is due more t the wise and go d- ible gentleman should, f wenty wheth the person. was en- ne man
9 that right bon( I-sav' g two. , is.
Kintaii Alex i m aHairs for �o ot But, as the thing lost his own life After.
io, is now on his track with a consider- old compel an intell .8trUCtOrS to manage you u old rrn atAhe head of tile Ell 3,lish G9_ not be wa ed ave something for Gov- titled to v e or -not gir
zvem sh
AN INsULt1.___Si1r Charles ramIc
frh ere is a. process reco zed by w by
.,al: le. force, At any rate, the rebellion. gelit wbilite man, mii -village or tb-%vn- einivent than to any other.i Had a less ernment pporllersto ans w-6,.er, by stat- is fixed, the assessment roll is no assist- the barn 0 feet, or r
Dilke. wb is at present I
Which you may 'gain ithe right to ditiien- e whatever, in Dublin, virtua ended, TurnbE
t amonor.. otb6r thincys -'that the very anc and if a man can show a
to be U'lc. 11191
_ip, o;, i m�orthy,;� But 'coiifjqie ions, scrup m e' gue d -on ne,
m xy now be said go out and- earn, the same - Ing y nti )us ailid Self -seek - a I yes at of the Lor4ldeutenat, 'refuse the B� Li
aii d the troops who! re malp. in the North-' 011ra 'state of tittelage ing alp stating that T -,�ay la tbey �ad t
i. ship, by sh;w fact, that p erst which ad been called paper fronle so ebody whom. h I
amount i' # real estate before he cain vote ? e . ven while ou ae ffairs in lie Monday to attend the official breakfast Satu. cl S
Y' ant,,been.at the head of a for, and often -romised,bad not.been to be his landlord
ven by Lord Mayor OVolinor in- con- complided and raised,, �0
-wed to! manae your own h vote can hardly be gi,
w.-st will have a tolerably easy time Of And -in cities and towns,. is it fair that And not allo,
England the carnage of blood would :in brought down as good reason for be- paid 2 rent, t
at official'
ff,irs you shall assist us to' mariage. t refused him. This opens wide tbe door a a4s at t e job,
lieving that th Governin knew that sequence of th insults to the
it from this out. the'G ent should compel) a.white! 're I
OV commence :on the", ccasion of
ours,". .(Cheers.) 111 hi; rep6rt for the All paility have d bef Prince of 'Wales his Pretty quickwork for th
the full e'vidgenci would 6on them for fraud. More than that, there is not
%_ -- day' afternO
e lem, a 'this. I - I TI-Ifes
to 150 year enditia June 30 �79, the Su er thal hey w e time to " fix" a 11 tough in one of the big -cities, Sup- eland.
prob now seem, s 11tit to nian, to hAve an income of ilot less tha 4 recent visit to Ir and takiii,
0- REcopw BROKE'N - Mr. Robert Leat
dc with. the- prisoners. Rie�i ha's been �,$400 be ore he can vote ? There- are' intendent-4eneral r erl. A to , th 01 -per b t the Governmenteould. porte4l by a hafd-working wife, who TnE Bic
the pk 0 t
cess of enfralichiskin t roing' oil' al- ng ciiaili driving his well known t,
sa Eely delivered to the MounA �d Police m ay. wqll�educated, intelligent, think- A�IFAIRS AT. TT: A.- ' not be co victe upon them. He was will not be enfranchised under this John S. Prince,,,bf NVashi�gton, tool-
-Ameria L, after a four
pion bicyclist of'
the India sand h,.' lipped 0i t a neron in one There is little danger -in ell Exetet the iminial
:at Regina where he. will be confi followed Air M. C. Cai
ed n MY
men Ifo- cannot command $400 per the arat opposite
able numbet would- assume (Froni, Or oiv?i C rre-spoldentJ --of the str ugest and blest spe'eches that franchising all these men under a mile race -againstfour s e trotting
ew 11;
The mode of Itrial f-haS -yea �,e especially when there ii a and Of thr is out 4
he is tried, -cights, privileges, 0 MA -A, de. He well-considefed manbood-suffrage 1aw, horses, defeating them, eat his world's
X13? �6th, 1885, that gen... lenia, has ever ma
-.n(,t- yet. been decided upo �iness. Is it air that if hese tra'Indi 8 [had thing record, makipg a mile'alid four yards in the ditc.
R T e. other depressi in bi citizenship. e si t terda'y being I h ix y -sixth nni- quoted fr' in do uments Already before but it is a most dangerous
e e minutes Mai street as �far s;
�ot sst ied thdse right 5, privileg s an Y. s 10 -351 -
Batc been tb in having a e o nto enfranchise all this most dangerous the unpreced,
ey sbo -where- - be was c,%ptured
vers, -y .0f; the ci arge and i -red t
i i 1 0 ient, and cut off such a I This occu Charlotte
th Hous nted tim
'1� h,�
-ell d or 01
pi isoners tak at be debi-wred fro immun es, how were t icy able, io , de- ll bir h., of 4e� Gra 'ous ade public, to seconds.
how that the evances had eben
handed Over. toi the custod Of. the say in th go-yernment of this -country clare by� their- votes wh� t freenie'll: f-bned gri
Should Majesty 'th'e Queer, nd jto-�Iay b' at Riel's pectable class as the sons of tenant North Carolina. d a- du and res
ther do orWht they should assert as their _011 Wedilestiay even'
-ell that cc us� lei Lis vent is to ar Al Cot Mted Police at Prince Alb , Where becaiuse' ha.v e been unale tog,
DEATH "r, 4, 840 000 IdOlph,
Ion tc get (Ch the day. NNrl1'4 rival among them. was well known farmers, who would of themselves form
they will liely be taken ch --of -until ile tile rights ? ers.) Th First, Alin ster rd bull in th'e W �tty
her to qualif y, -wh Ion., before the ebellion 41oke out, and a. check and counterpoise to tile in- the finest Her(,,f.o orld, piece,
in his'repo refetre' me and aj 'a dut ul e ebie
be eel ed by Her st if d.,q;ugh the toughs of 'the citi ter f th of the property of the 'vVyo min o, Hereford
r n -an tim. e 0
necessat. 4.11 fication. is given. to the that the lmost Openly avlowed object of fluence of
ie Parli�i ham, -was crossing ain
-to 'the dependent' ondition 'of -the subjects,: tf ne ofl C Ada has d Ss e a -ion, (lied at Cheyerine the other
d his fe low coy,
Jnd haf- Itiel ail [ his fe ispirators was to The Liberals worked liar to ha e the A oi t
tbe settl6rs, oth whites ign t, 11ildian b� the, Govern
Sh Nvas; rdn .1)
Ment Indians' for'instance speaking of ',the
et w good. exaniple o the people by ife. Alf this as known to vote, based On - the val Lie, of property, bu t day, after a veterinary su cal opera.tioil gets" Ili$ mentived tba me ol� wi asked how th
hom es i�ben* ty�five pounds a yo�nlb7l- R19
In. eeds, Who left their tile The� 'Ind vote through no Indiana. of Quebec, t fak-ing a holiday. At res nt the most everybody, including at least so 'thot avail.- Wben. e in which a turnor of a* -�Vher W was go!
� . !, V 166king e
tr ubles broke out arre all retu-min �and �m at -theyhad not 'made uch progress in I'd "effort of I fla, own the wbite, man the officeis of tie Government, and yet� revising officer was to know what rent a was taken from. him, He was valued at
9 u
. I had exciting thing in Parl ame y. circles girl not serious. in�
a ricultural pursuits lthough they I
tm=zig work Gni their farms, and no aiI56mpt Wes made to redress the,, mail paid, the Premier replied that he $40,000.
earn his -�ofq. Is it. fair? he grievances vent an uprising or to c her right -of land, of good q tiality, from 'is a cricket ma A RASCALLY BA.-,,,-K-TFLER. -John A.
cdan,ce teli tc be layed on t to p -e' QuId calculate 7 per cent. on file � ilue
tbiligrs are raidly coTqm. encing to horse stepping upon it.
they, might procure ample sus� ty -eiving t
Which rebel] uld it break out.: of tile property, and judge of it pret Vanaelder- re- e:
green outside the�g I( ing� between two put down ion sho of the Union
-rmp their norml. condition.. Those TH -have finally passed their tenance and in order toencourage thein
E Sjh�te soolif -A sad hap�
scratch tec%-Ms-- One Co�servativend As a4 the i;ebellion broke nea�ly by that way. There are families Natiplial Bank, New York, who disap
ain, !seed potatoes, and
last week to �z
to do so Seed gr or 11 2 a month rent for r� �f the volunteers who. desire to retuT11 amendmoilt; to the Scott Act, 11irli, are out, liowevei�, the Government appointed in F o to paying 8 �eared May Sth, is a defaulter to the
l. in. o i, it appe
Crict- �t has e'
garden seeds were. supplied to, then one Refor me Very commis into the half- 0000ne. uarter of the space in an, old 'extent of $33,000, Tile. ihefts were car- wWtby I
Sion nquire
thei hones should now be relieved as -designed to render it unworkale an Take the- Indiani give him his allotment. opular ainong the lbers, since tile breed -wi Aen years
P rien shar ty that would not fetch altogether I rie�t -,on for wfew niiin
-t� is necessary to effer I gilie% ce 3, %nd now the leader of ancrelder was
an as. po.%sible, and if i atualy -des-troy its' usefulnes!5. The i with sbaky, fences, i & ., which mav be -1 ck on fill e 1 0 :-field,"buached to
�O` di e-rnmety , declared that wh th
warm weather an -clea bhe Gove ell the �30( it! the market. More than that, if supposedo lead an ex ary I ife, but
E ive a force. stationed in the 'est, great valued at" $150*, then springtime they would Show- the Yevising 61ficer has to dome down to' it has been learne that I Le spent a few became
North que sion nOw is', will '11 ese a end comeq a, -has pre &red thie'ground Franchis6, Bill nia(' it lea a ter to papers cme d)wn. tm
their places should be lied by, 1 ments b6 dopted by the Coll at in ill in hou Llylpled ber unAe i
supp, Imons ? &I he there h1ad l5eel 'o grip all. If the value of the property after all, Why hours each day g; bl, se
an, Superinte'lidet- remain' outside tha
�1 41le: Agent of t n- inside Houpe tile co her inwardly, aiul traii
6thers. It was &t great personal loss If the �GMIIORS pursue the -proper 01.) W118, Of. 110 use, let thlb, not �ay go distinctly in the Act. The His wife nd. Aillren ar dtsilCute.
if 4it Wa farmers'
yititled durincythe-gre
(4ren-gral has decided tI at I e is e ter Portion of I da* $01 s of use it disfranchisement of tile- tenant
Y, G overninent say to jlly.
ally of the vol-Linteers. lef eed potatoes and
ib, at n t their; the work of 'the -Senate can and to re'e'eive seed grain -NORTHWEST AFFA�R,4.
Should have be pointed. in time. It sou§�, also the Liberals tried hard to pre-
p Huron N mes.
�yiniary occuations and hurried t-4 the will, to garden seed, let The. news of Poidmali�e7r'.3 o er to
A�-very great extent, be repared: was evident th luster and brao, form- vej ,ct of th4 Bill, however, 9 a)llxl 10
THE GOYERNMENT GI E THES& urrender, following'scion Ifteq the! cap- Beh norc, who was
it. Tile ob*
C_ . -Mr. Keifer, 'of
this loss It would�jbe well for the people to close- ed the whbile a w6r of the Government is to restrict the the PUI33P 11 -tol
ilgfence of their 6auntry, and frailchise as much burned out a short till e ago, is busy. Morning
and give him a vote, ol�rse he ture of Riel has� asi re& the pedpil's
po raising ail Dot be increased or intensified y ly wach action of. t1b representa- representa�ives that the serioa �t Pf for no s-Lippor �,r of theirs rose to at ssible without insurrection. Cr in Alrighalla., h4
cIr will execise with�out the slightest re erecting a new, substalati d dwelling. being destroyed bv 4re.
ther r�oply than the harangue rovilices. The'. revising
eep t grd for the -$u eri tend 'Ggileral. -the _Ntortliw�st is ovei% it
way one day longer tenypt f ui ihe older 1:1
,k Ing them a than tives in this lost i ortan ent- the trouble in Js. Landsboro4ghi f Tucker- r in. his eport, i's now more than over in ox der, to 4t 1W "ster. There the matte7 tffic�r will irobably coilt Smith, -Sold about 300 usliels of s,�ed the sinoh m of the Fir I r 'o e up for discus -
is asol-intely necessary. They certainly Again, the bou Premi
crisis is a 6611t being. reached. The, nil rests for tile t,��.reseiit. 'Sir Jolin is evi- sionj early nextweek. -wb-icili t-01111,
S1 un ca tills spring. Thi is the kind of
h ve, in a171 conscience, stiaffere*d enough p6rtance of the situa�tion can not be over- dently followh g out. his old simple tae- THE SCOTT, ACT with t
)eakino, of the Indiai of New Br a- qtiikb what' I used thel irebefli011 �ndiwbo grains,
wick, said that their; c ndition h Ld im- is responsible for �t.. The Con ie tiveg ties of farming that pays.�
L eady, ald f or their bravery and self - f th tl�,e Senae 'va *vaitilli for the, storin to blow NVIllen Senator Vidai introduced hi notice: in time ;i� ali al.
estim E�ted. 1 e actio of
proved owing tJthe fact that th � Gov- thought they had , tilings! ail � their I 6w n -A Belmore correspondent says
I : A
.'The peopl and s4rifice they are * not only entitled to is edors, A b -the Commons -all hope of ernilent had esItalished prac' �ice of Way- that �tlley. wor, Id be' Able to )lead over- of Canada cannot keep' the Senate the Bill to aniend the Scott. yquilg son ca -me togladden the bo of NN y me the spot earr 'i
ver lipat al)p Ae il
the thanks and atitude of the se6uxiing pT f, giving, them seed, instead 9f giving off any att�inptecl i oil on At- fe A the IN orthwest rebel- t I endorsed by the- votes of three -
people,, ohibition in this country r d"s 1 ssi ' o tile State Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dtistow, of Carrick, whiell. the flain lion fore'�er, #nd, if lie' waits Jong four�hs of the people's representatives
money of affairs Ili the Northwest. Tbe'col- few days ago.
'be abandoned. them money to !buy. seed which all . i but richly deserve and should, receive many years to comema:y enough, some 6yelifs- are pretty sure. to it -%�ras upposed that tile force Of A small bole was
lin, -of Grey, bagq W&
�Plied to'! lier� lapse of the lialf-br�ed risin -.Hr. Thomas '.Nlc L
the Indians had, often' and the bappen which ill make it less. difficult public sentiment in ro'Of but the
rawre substntial consideration from -poses, so tl�,at thei - conditi n favor of the tke If the Commons stand firm an, d do their. pin
had offek of Pollindmael surrender, have intends ereethia' a new residence this i for him
-to .,%vc �ay out of the Bill lay laq, t
;rk b is i would prevent tampering With -One
Go7vernmiient. Each- volunteer Who has d pr' ition ' an Summer and hwt,the greater part of the
Aty), rhib r-4 assured fact hwoved,becalise the Govetilmqnthad made it impossible ritich longei- to. keep
tangle -hi which h,� now finds himself. it. As will be renleinbered by all and dau [ter i of
Ewan 9
N -est should be pre- within a 'The result decided to treat them like 'children; to the people -in. tile - dark ab04 this isad At the material on hand no -w.
ge ae to the North -i v,6ry er, there is a inteieSted in the matter, the Bill was
�ery brief peti d. liest,"howev -cession of G
buy.seed 'for them instead of giving affair,And the Conser,vati'ves dre accord- Jas. Reynolds, (of Hullett lost
wine b t
a�ccouiit to
sented, wih a free deed Of 160 acres of W�ill_ be'� awated with cansiderable' tile
'in m terrible be !settled betw-'een changed so as to allow the sale of Brusses thei, [iol
lest they should apply the ingly beconiling dis rtened and afraid,
oney, a.splendid heavy draught mare on -Xion- the best land a tile disposal of the Gov- anxiety. I ore anon. the peop�-Ia of d%nada and the Adminis- fid beer. even' ill counties where the dog nearly oppost el Dr
money to some o
ther purposes. He re- and are trying to hi their fear by rag tnition, wb _p day of lastt,%i�eek ;:it was one of hi's well- ran away� oun ich id not revent rebellion Scott Act� has been passed. Petitions
er ninent in the, orthwest, to do with it collected readi4 an iac dians and bluster. On Tb. rsdaV, efore the known tea in, and was a� ued at in the No�thw t.- 000o
against this change h4ve beeit pouring ha md th ShoU14 potatoes� cook- preliminary proceedings';Af e House fillis
he sees filt t ose who were * ell- #rllenfranchi, sed bidians who had. boiled the seed -The contfact of ling the base- iother grasp4 th,� Ift
THE MANCHISH 13ILL. ill) and in the senate Hon. Frank-Sillith, ment of Melville cb-hrch, Brussels, as
goged in, battle should be given doule Vote? ed the seed wheat, and- killed' file. oxen were completed, and before - th PrelTlier. 0 -
g- alit
a illeill upset the ri
for their'low ad the cows that .. ore to h�d an opportunity't) move t e House But, while,h waits,'the First Minis� let to P. Thomson, at Wmi
ber of the Government has pre -
is, avao u -would in somemeas- ontl injuring bo Of
This ted petitions signed by 35,000 people Roddick was warded the job of paint -
In the 6f COM in .1 so tllb6tveii this plan 4f giv- i0o__; H
inons on Tues- give cemmittee of th( whole on the ever- ter does hot fc aet to labor. owev sell
a e assist to make up the pecuniary loss ein favor of the changes. Senator Vidl th -more seriou Y_
.411 ead of mollevi did lasting Frianchise Bill, Hon. -Edward indignant the
u seed insi
day last, . On the Fralichise Bill a(rin ing the �cople may ing, at, V&
be, he wil d all
-e -su ffered not &IwA;yS!an dropped the Bill, w, hich -is now changed
and would came uyol. SWer the puipose. 'in an- Blake rose and open d 011eIOf the'livI anage rr Along -if he can get a f demoralize
*e voWnteers hav iest m, -Mr.. Edward'Te 'Of Goclrich ill
Consideration bbirt P+
roin a tepiperance to a whisky meas- Yet away Ve b�-fcon
is favor, Sir Johu 9 --
other part Of his report, the Prime* Min- 6�ldniost interesting debatles o the ses- majority f votes in h township -
Show that the sacrifices they have m ade Ald moved that the -i ien for any member has rented theold. Whitehead Sir Nlyn I�Iacdon e co�j ant eals Qf Sion ure. It was open tl on Sunda, evelinic,
str sppke. of th t app He took the- e traoYdina y cour§e 3NIacdonall is distin tively a practical property - on the base lve. There are Of k1r. c
ate appreciaed by those in whose ill- following peisons be disqualified from of the enat6 who chose to take up � the Bell, jr., on
the Indians of Victorialfor assistnce as of moving the adjour iment of t 6Ho lie has a thorough appre- -ne cres and 'tie gets
In") politician, &rly 400 a at a
voting: in Manitoba, Kee- indicating but little-- ldvancement to- but that was the oul measuft and gee it through the House.
terests these, Sacrifices were ni-Aei'wbile. Otion at -%vquld c - v 3lue of votes. One way al rental. was seN e� y iii
in iation of the
f ro, m.. a hor�se, and Will
an th -d an who h one thi is, ir ex nomin
w atill d e Noithwest Territories an , ell The in as d S Al
it ould bean encouragement to other ards, the condition i of self-supporting l4v'e been 111 order h an E in I
s .! . ourtsfor revisin
In W. Govern- to g jdrity is to favor a poli an.( er __C g the assessment short time. It leeems
dians 0'.1 any reservation elsewhere i Campbell, Minister bf Justice and
Indians., That. -.�as rather im Annoy- ment is evidently b Al n rev ning the that the 1. eopl � will accept; another is to rolls will be,
in the hitare shoidd such services be or thre
Canada, o Were notn the possession' leader of the Government ill the senate. held as f ollows - Turn- e other
-ance to. the bon. gentleman At that discussion �of pres I, ic busi en i adverse major from re- Bluevale, East friewids from Blytfi� il
�g 'pd ness berry; at
And occu 01 1 -ity temperanc strong, bnt
a� &in requred. a Of ' separate and' dis- inle� but no -e:Oraordili ry me The e men are _Ivl. ly 26th
dians' w ere.
to: tes are bt only' cording t lieir votes. E ither. of - these
tiat- tracts of. land, and whose improve- vote now that he their votes are divided at a general NATawanosli, at Mariloc. 1, May 27 them tlt for home yon
was to�become'j . justifiable but ne, ssary t* ue i m in power
M Blake will con With tb e ei
In the'HGuse of Commons on Wed ts on: such separate tracts are not of' Wingbam, M�Ly 28th orris, June Ist. other got into the b
men TH= POLITICAL FATHER th 0' 'i ection. 'The whisky men are not so 1199Y
;.showed L�t his . lect iimp was t� reat N. made his last effort at
n4sday evening the Minister of- Militia th value! S he iprincipal -actor in the capture -34ee,
of At least $150. ere ii�; - raming He tried the thther fellowls I
eat con. eq t.rong, but their b politic are ill their :
how rgjbicl.6d he woul I b to learn that allow what1gr uences YJ Of. Riel was a, scout called Diehl. It is
re).d a, teleram from. General Middle- 'Mr. Maekenzie-That is a distinction pol .(y second kets And the Government does, not Was b hit. 11 ed 'u'p.
'cti At- the plan in, H 82,
they w�rel improviden . t y Would volved intlie -North eat rebel'1111, on, an 6N found it to work well. Poe z
vv t h o bu t �ifference. . . I said that the young u til who has had mediately CIO
ord, iforming him. 'have to apply to him for- ssistanoe,'and tq ask tha relating to th le is riment tbi - a -
toa, dated at Battlef t the p Pers pe -ing-the expe a overlook that fact.
this b -a a son of M boilt l
Sir Jo, A Macdo onor r. Jacob Diehl struck Tom oll
nald said Ile did not tile Suerin't6ndent General would be Year that he had tak-en Poundmaer, Lean affair should be before Pafliamen I lie ranchise till. This pre- A. B. i.
4ire of the township of Stanley. ic-J-A� Agri'
de a clAcussion of He would not scold him any -the knees, e�iter into gracious.. bright foi
.4ture in the who cious 1. iede of legislation occu
Blanket aild Break- -the ques! propri,y or lm- more, he irould -take care that his just in serable business was th pied tile News of the Wee. !and: mi
Man, Yel ;e Tlie only John Ye'0 of Goderich town- tak ome
roi 1111 e b I Avery o att en
Ir entidn'A Parliament all last week ro allo in the Indians on the in,
I the u
A Fisher, a conple of stit6es: -Lu,
P I -a hig�! tribute except l'o' r or five hours' debae DEAD. -4 -Vi eat F rench months old entire colt, b, Mr.
in -Through -The -Ice P�isoners. Pound: .1 sbip, N'tras offered $125 'for ail eleven the Aoctor ffiWing it
and reasonable requests. for pauper re-
tbe loyal forces H 0
reserves votewhich had -been dis- li&wer etor Hugo., the
m 3&er had returned the horses Stolen:. eceded to, and- ;declared o affairs referred to Above. uthor died at- Paris a few (ay
CUS e a so. he, wotqd of - prase to the volu riteers 'and . n Nor h eat ord secul Heisprogressm
M ered the Indians to return ben 1) vell be� proig -of ]let In the i
e his indepejudelit vote. T lbe� that Canada might i a art of the:week the Gov -
sed a iiausea. I (T, 8 ago. of Colborne, but refused the same. It
40kenzie�Tbey vo e a is by McDermott's Fernot," and is a be some time befqre� Ill,;
t d Supeintendent--General. _�ent on to dis- He pointed ut over --4W over ernme adE evidentl Gen. 11"olseley Will sail for home by the splexidid colt. e stick a
the flor and catle stolen, and ha nauseann' ob (Laughter.) what they
'CrOSS gain'
h- He in the Pre 'lad edi him. thought to be i great concession
ai mier
cus4 -the elevatioi of th4. Indian.
a letachment of Mounted Police ee ,Mr. Bil Lke' then took up -the subject deelAried that this must b4 accomplished t by next steamer that. leaves Alexandria. P.'. Terrill, of B Im, ore,. is pre- -On ThIcris
ouse fact, tier
t1ba the papers the'"' h ing an appeal on questions of THF, PA --ELLTTES AT WORK. -The paring to build a 'ols -r
1lis carried on.t. He had also kep and-delivare one of his most able and by dealink with the youlig. -But it ap- wpuld be brought do, vn. Some; of those as well -as questions of law, from the d 1a;rge ar d co miloch Ro ik ess, of B
lariellites busy at work holdmi barn -this suniiiier, as is a �;o Mr. George of Listeivel W
p�pers were called �for as Ion'! ago a 6 cision of the officer, ex-cett, meetings in all parts of Ireland, a r 0 lives a few miles east of holy bonds of matrimo
F iso, from ng Bu nett, wh
ner XNhte- Bear, who had ii1led PONV He - p-rov'ed' peared.th4t the Indians were not only
rf ill
ayxie, tl nomaaie illemselves,-but their wander- M4rch, 1883. In '. $70, after he likst where thq'revi ha 0 -e protes ing vigoi
P ie Indian fain -instructor, and the utterances of Sir and his ing habitA prevented tb ing Ncer pens t t musly against the renew- B61more. the bride
John em frorn sending Riel rebellion",' il 1 John Ma doliald, a, Thi �s at least a justification &I of the Irish Crime' Act. dence oahwaniter, the Ilulian who killed Free-, cifficers, rn r.chil,6en as now, the le tder of 10 --Mr. Philip Madge,
to a ool, and the the. 3overnT of ODEkATOR.
in* public reports,- the ell remedy t��nl the! lo 9 that the 6pposition NEW M E. R.
Craven ceptly sold six catt -Over 50
d Inj theie es,
xn out, the rancher. if ohlig6d to move danger an te4 by the Superintendent -Gen- in t, bad brou h'; forw d III thq have ma e o this measure. In the of Newark. N. J., has been elected inod- 84mmers, of St. Marys They ver- ustice of allowing .ar
the Indins =9 �hat,chilcir6n should be disai- p�'pers, without T 113 e The b was
e g ask d I Dr them. hands of eter ined men, this'�will be a' erator of the Piesbyterian general assem- ag.ed 1,620 pounds;
he proposed to organize people.to �cte and th eir,'Jnability And, sociat6d from the prejudi ef them. were
9reason muslin
cial influences at� all, andithere wa: bly,lield at Cincinnati. three years- S,
a force of nicounted infantry' Bopltona, U' n;fitn vhy thq rather effictiv weapon in,
checking any
ess to exercise the privilege intel-_ which s�uirounded them o� tile res r and the er only -two.
ye. course shoulc n6t be pii - ued � in -k tb and a
Sam unfair we: At may be� attempted by ABE_NEFcTR.ES-,D,EAD e -
mounted socoutswid mounted, artillei7,1 Hgentl spf - tL(Cheers.), .-MotherJes -On the 18th- . inst. r. -Donald Y.,�11e_expressed himel no Thaf was- the. 6rst conTition tl�is -instance. Tie ..Premier's reply the revisil kg 0 cer To.ta
Lke advantage
phine Charles, co ored, founder of the Dbnald, f Kintail one of the early set- and Miss J." Rosi
and in, &b.at 300 men, ith lightz; only w'llin. suggested by the Superintendent -Gen- showed in. marked co 0 lo 0 f it the L ib I
�trast_to the p �T
an griny Many If the revis holy family, New Orleans, is deadL -e abut anxious, that e-, er il party must be organized Roman Catholic'ord of sisters of the Wra of Ashfiel, passed away to the
'ery eri;!, and1the second -8 to siiion' leader'$ calrr whit - dre
earts and with as little baggage and f' L:.1 was that he a
.1,cl 0 e like"
acilit I and careful sQe
be separated. from. -:6 home influence. in!ent. He sp, If vig at the ripe and the latter was'
ioe extend hduse appointed-ioi all
ed. t th red okesi 1�oly for his i no doi bt w
sup-pAieSL as possible, so as. to scour the- in� I follow'- officers, ill not require close U-14ftEALTHY STATE OF THE BRjLTISH:
PL e him to quaify"for the (Cheers4 The eL
ingere,- Strike ra an to XinigteY had sent ers, evidently - desi r g to hear their watching,, maiy of the constituencies T�toop& -Sickness among age of 75. eearcise the" In
feel h . . . . . majort y,
One side or the othet troops at Sual.-din is steadily nerea ing township h. a this
whole cGuntry and pidly. He ex tl�at right, but until he com- culai to dian' agents, asklg p�au4its �ehin bear so st�ongl V on the British Win. Bawden
3 to of C oderich Austina:C Cji-niie,*
whether they'tholigh reel
t the Indians were Iii.in, even thou
e. ected Big Bear Would soon gi 6 up, h ' without tha rikost bitterly pqrtizali Eleven thousand were invalid as S 3ring's fol bride was uva4e the,
plied w It existing which per- _in gh wiong and rev
f such; a state, of - advancement- that just reply. He ac6used Young -LNI'ajor," thA IlSbas on several ber of handsoin'
I inX
e laws t the ie PrI,
id if he did he would trea ts he' mitted Ake- o officer cannot Affect the result. But, in and -up to date. occasion
qi�a y and as -all m -ed,- the
they co6ld -carry on simple system of i supper t
a refused $150 for. W -ho -says
person hold- A BATTLE WITH OUTLk-,818. -Details
y surprise', iff§ti4ecy, i i a
h, liid Poundmaker. duties taken - sumptnom
iaving arnd his a close c
an Ail k a sibilities'of citizenship muniel, 41 governni'lit. He wouid re-" foIlo that breeding first-clals Cl eadales took the night tkain for
in yd
fer to 'he
�Poll wers she r ettm* over ing the of revigi g officer wh - of the -battle between cattle thieves and does not pay? S S1. Di&
result of 0
ian ress
9 both.
Ot I Ise tl
h* an t ae h
e7 el
k to
which e ii�Len alref, required to as-. that circular. and over. ag e bag 61 them can -not bpeotsriutis ed to act fairlk,the Lib- the authorities in I than territory have n kc�nday evening
W4 Ain Mr.
The maj§rity of'thcoe -agents reported ti�at he would take a horse and
TAEM&il now urge& the desirability of OLZ nded th b n 7-0 wpe join t
sulne, he at they a earliest 10 portu- eral party sboi Id be ablq to concentrate just been re'
oulduot, that thj!Iiidians weie not fit t
ceived. The thieves were a wagon belonging' to Nc -wag lately engagedat
tie Dominion Government assuming o carry on niy of brin t -uetiqn f sufficient work [ng po d Saddler of
have A e, r 194t to vote. He is willin a rill of mu nicipal governme . ofward. wer, to assure the band of known outlaws. -They nuimber- at -
H ging 0 er- ail un -
C 3-1trl, of the telegraphic system of the that nt. accused the osition of I want of Liberals of ham, met with now at
_t _e riding 4 fair position ed thirteen, and were under the chief- leas experin, -70
the', Indian should enjoy all the That the couclupion which _e. eat faithful a"ud the P4triotim' and a N Was 1,
his f 'lowers in the conte In th" muling a m
is connection a taincy of Arthur Moody, John Middle, a
Prime' inister arrived it from readin orne dirt and empt g it over the of the Metho-aitt �e
C DUntry. As things are now going the- privilegei now, enjoyed -by t1f6 wh" shout 461n this striking 'utt ance -"by' - and John Wagner. A notorious yi, I 'b
ite shouted as they alwi tys
�roy he is ant Co steep. embankment into , oppo- :31-ne time alid
11ek is a, good, 'Due. ilese reports. Yet Mr. -Pat- ton,
With the control of 1� 1
man,, p the Prime Minister b I ttle-worn argume 11t is bro;ight for- erson, rant co a in
iDreroared eaualiv of 1 1 urem-twn -naTnaA' IWI Q4.-- _i_ e river
ranww LLVW pr OSt:U W give Tinem. tile power ward to do duty. i i the fight.; Jle de-
y the P�stoffic"es, the we- to assunie the responsibilities,. but be to gov the entire Dominion.. in the clared that Mr. BI e,' had -'ma& inisin-u-
i Speaking on
special, force. very
subject A app, ial fr this
0 was a
Confederate spy during the'war, was
sLTe the Old resbyteriall
town. The hind wheel,
church in that
or the rig got
Frevlous to her ale
members -of I'ler
Om. e revising oA-
also with the gaxig. They were over-
over the edge a, little Wo
far; the horse
E E A To