HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-05-15, Page 5i&mLy
r Whi e
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[ tire meeting
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earetes..-It is
1tzgerald vi1l,
r:onor a Ire-
!teen Dowag r
ands, died n
The Mabel
defeats at tljie
elish life -bot
and eighte n
ts.-The uM11-
iit in America
at Erie, Pa.,
aptured after
ei avalanche
r Lake Van
tative caravan
g 68 persons.
s -The Spa;ni h
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the losses it, e
trispected the
aide upon the
6 town during
.,;.eviev.--In the
ladstoue gave
6 GavernMent
r4,000 for the
HMr. Weav-
elected ;Seli-
g Illinois, by
will give the
• on ethe first
ithWest Corn-
ippea.1 to the
n London on
is President,
rge number of
MAY 15i 885.
leadini bankers mad r finaiihiere. About
£1,000 has been promised. The utmost
dispatch possible -will be shown in sena-
ing and materials '
onvEerrioei.-United States CoUl-
miso'bRer of Agriculture, Coleman, has
call a convention of the repreitenta-
lives f the different agricultural colleges
and afljed State institutions.
In AMINO EUSSIA.-Bands of armed
Chin ea have crossed the Russian fron
tier nd surprised several Cossack vil-
lages. The extent of their depredations
is not reported.
chief inspector of explosives reports that
the explosion at the Admiralty office,
London, was causedby 12 pounds of gun-
powder enclosedin a metal pot
upon being requested by • the English
Literature Society to assist in tie work
of disestablishing the English Church,
declined. He said he was • satisfied .as
the church was I disestablished in Ire-
land, and he had no desire to interfere
in ecclesiastical matters in England.'
Donsos n Russat.-War preparations
at St Petersburg are unabated. It is
reported Russia has forbidden the em7
'ployment of Englishmen on forts in
, Afghanistan. The Imperial Connell has
voted the first £2,000,000 for . conitruc-
tion of the Siberia railwa.y.
Flerth :Items. .
, The Millbank quoit club-. has ' been
1 -Mitchell town council have made a
!grant of $50 to the band.
.-A fine new flour mill is in course of
Ferection at Stratford, ley Meesrs. Medd
i & Cullen. 1 .
-The executors of the Matheson es -
e tate are fattening 40 steers ori Eden
i far4 in Loaan.
1 `r. John A. Rutherford, a former
teaiier at Millbauk, is now rt legally
qua ified medical practitioner.
-Queens Birthday is to be celebrated
- in Mitchell with great eclat Races,
ganies and sports of all kinds are on the
programme. - ..
-+Mr. Bedford Farrow, of Mitchell,
left,that town a few days ago for Prince
'Edward's Island, where he intends to
settle on a farm. .
-Prof. Tyndaife elocution class in
Mitchell, intend giving a_ grand elocu-
tionary entertaininent on this (Friday)
evening. ,
-The icontract ' for the erectioreof a
;new ieon bridge spanning the river on th
[street ineMitchell leading to the station,
, has been let. , _
-Mr. John 'Roger, of 'Motherwell;
obtained -second prize at the recent ex-
amination in the School of Technology;
Toronto. ;
' Mr. John Marty, of Mitchell, has
pa se his final examination at the tor -
on o 'School a Medicine, and is now a
legpilv qualified practitioner.
Tim Rev. Mr. Hamilon preached a
sertnon speeially to the young, at Avoivi
bank on Sunday morning, -when he gave
-them some excellent advice.
, -Some two or three foolish Young
men in Listowel, were heavily fened by
the Mayor, the other day for using
smbecoming language on the streets.
-Tile claim - of John Reddy, of St.
Marys, against the council for $15 for
dariags sustained through a defective
sid walk, is , being considered by the
to fathers.
The merchants of .Listowel have
agr ed to close their places of business
'eacii evening during the summer months
etually at seven o'clock, with the ex -
"on of Saturday. .
invented a sort of military shield or
pone:hie rifle pit, which it ie said will
prove a valuable aid . in warfare if
.acio ted. -
Miss Marion Oliver, of the medical
sch ol, Kingston, ia spencline her holi-
day at her home at Avonba.a. At the
exa ination . at the close of the term
Mis Oliver carried off a valuable schol-
arsl rie..
-t-The residents of the village of At-
wood have for years been troubled with,
lite stock, especiallypigs and geese,a
running at large. This, year they in
ten to enforce the ley-laW in reference
the eto. ,
The 13and of Hope foamed under the
axis ices of the Wemen's Christian Tem-
per nce Union, of Stratferd, is progress-
ing very favorably, the attendance aver --
aging, from. one hundred and fifty to two
hunched, -arid they meet in the Terriper-
ance hall at 3 p. m., every Saturday
e_ -The: Listowel Banner says: A. M.
Fisher, Esq., license inSpector, Was In
town on Tuesday and Wednesday of
last week on matters connected with the
iss e of hotel licenses. The hotel -keep-
ers were anythint but agreeably sur -
pried When they learned that before
th or ! could -get a license this year they
h a to pay $210. . .
One day last week some 10,000 trout
were received froni ' the Goyernment
h heries at .Newcastle and were de-
po, ted in the Avon and theBlue Spring,
n r the Little Lakes in the neighbor--
- h d of Stratford.. They were about an
iN1a in length, but in a few years,
sh oiild the oonditions prove favorable,
11 grow into veritable speckled beau -
ti s of considerable size.
-o-At the Easter examination of the
Guelph agrieultural college, Mr. J. R.
Eby, son Of Dr. Eby, Sebringville, passed.
in all the first year work and obtained
ho i ors in live stock, inorganic chemis-
tr , organic chemistry, natural history,
v.; erinary anatomy, English literature,
E 1 glish composition, arithmetic and
boo --keeping.
---Ai serious accident occurred, to Mr.
Wynn, of Blanshard, at Kirkton the
o er day. At the raising of Mr. Spar-
li g's new mill, Mr. Wynne -the contra,c-
ter, was at the top of the building en-
gaged in driving a pin into a beam,
• wen, by some Means, a plate which was
b ing elevated, struck him, causing him
tc fall a distance of 25 feet, breaking his
le and otherwise injuring him.
le -A business man in St. Marys requir-
tr a quantity of box wood for a? special
rpose, was surprised the other day on
a certairiing its present cost It is esti
ted that there are about 32,000 roller
skating rinks on the American continent,
aid the demand for box wood, used in
the manufacture of wheels, has been so
Arrangements have been . made by
the celebrated Mendelsshon Quintette
club of Boston, who have lately returned
from Australia, for at 'concert in Strat-
lord, on the 1st of June.
The pupils of St. Marys Collegiate
Ins itute receive hastruotion in drill serni-
we kly -under the tuition of Capt Beam,
wh has recently been aPpointed to the
.acljiatancy of the 28th battalion.
Mr. Larinour, anperintendent of the
Grnd Trunk Railway at Stratford has
great that within the past few months it
as risen from $38 to $10 per ton for
three inch wood.
-Additions and improvements on St.
James' church, St. Marys, are to be Qom-
meneed shortly. The improvements in-
clu4 a new roof with a higher pitch, a
stained glass illuminated ivindow at the
end,inew pews, together with an entire
renovation of the interior of the church.
A tower, buttresses, and porch are to be
added, , and the heating and lighting ar-
rangements will be supplied by gas and
with a warm air apparatus. A pipe
organ is also spoken of as one of the pro -
bob* additions.
1- he men in the Grand Trunk Rail-
way shops at Stratford did a praise-
worthy act the .other day. When it
became known that the reduotion of the
staff was determined on, the men who
were to be retained addressed a memo-
rial to Mr. Wallis, mechanical superin-
tendent, offering to relinquish four hours
on Saturday, making the week 50 hours
instead of 54, to allow some seven Men
with families who were to lose their
'positions to be retained. Mr. Wallis
- cheerfully consented.
----The First Presbyterian church in
St. Atarys was filled to overflowing on
the evening of the 30th ult., to witness
the Union of Mr. W. C. Moscrip,'barris-
ter, and Miss Maggie Hamilton, in the
bonds of matrimony. The bride, Who
look,ed charming in. her rich bridal cos-
tume, was supported by Misses' Sander -
E. Moselle) and Sharp. The groom
sustained by Messrs. -Purden (Lon -
Hodge (Mitchell), and las: Hamill-
; Mr. Alex Hamilton brother of
the bride gave her way. The ceremony
was 1 performed by Rey; Mr. Turnbull,
L. 11: B., and Rev. Mr. Scott, brother-,
in-law of thagrOcen. At the conclusion
of the services in the ehurch,'which were
begun and .ended with instrumental
music by Mr. Barron; of London, a re -
6 ,
ception of invited guests was held at the
residence of the bride's Mather, where a
most,enjoyable evening wa,e speiat. The
presents to the bride werePoth :numer-
ous and costly.. The happy couple event
wes on the morning train, most of the
-gue tre accompanying them to the sta-
tion ,
War Notes.
Further. details of the capture of
liateiche state it was a gallant affair.
After getting the order to charge with
fixeclr.'i bayonets the troops made a' rapid
advance on the rebel position; capturing
rifle pits _and ravine, and 'driving the
rebels before them. The fighting was
deaaerate, many of our bravefellows
biting the dust. • With tremendous
cheering th0 gallant volunteers dashed
down on Batoche, capturing the houses
and releasing the prisoners before Riel
had time to go through with his pro-
gramme of killing- them.
;Nothing is definitely known about
the ' levements of the rebel leaders, but
private- advices indicate that Riel, Du-
mont, and others have crossed the river
and started west.
An Edmonton Correspondent . says :
The Indians are in a perfect furore of
excitement. An Indian who had joined
Big Iear went on to Whitefish Lake five
days ago and was 'going to break into
the Hudson's Bay store in the absence
of the agent, Peter Erisoins. i'Whea ex-
postulated with, he declared that the
couritry and everything in it belonged
to the Indiana and he was going to have
his !own. One of the loyal Indians
-standing by said if he -broke down the
door` he would be shot. He persisted,
and Was immediately fired upon' by the
loyal ;Indians and killed. The loyalist
then; fled for their lives. If the worst
comes to the worst it is believed that
somdlfaithful Indians Will in a like man-
ner fight for the Government.- A Cree
to -day said it would be unnatural for
Indian brother to fight Indian brether.
Rev.- John McDougal(' told him it. would
be a lease of geoclst Indian against bad
Iridian, just as the. white police and
soldiers_ have to fight against white
thieves and white men's whisky.
Alinost the same story comes from
every part of the disaffected. district.
been raided by Indian bands.' Govern-
Almlit every part of the reclUntry has
inent, stores have been taken .Or destroy-
ed, \and houses broken open and
pillaged, while settlers have left their
homesteads and gone nobody knows
where. 'Thousande- of settlers, many of
whom were commencing to be cornfeete
hiblee have lost their all, and are roar
penniless. -Their horses and cattle have
been; driven off by the Indiana and their
houses and buildings been destroyed. .
It is also supposed that many have been
killed, while others' 'are held prisoners
by. the Indians. .
The Bible, a Testing Book.
• The Bible is a, book for mai, for ma-
versalt man, adapted for all 4haracters
and all circumstances. It iJs full of
" wo els in season " and alt ough the
speculative and -self-sufficient sceptic,
'owls i in hi a own conceits," may imag-
ine tie Bible, as a revelation, capable of
haler vement ' and amendment by the
mis iotrof this, or the insertion of that,
i e may be quite sure that the all -wise
iGod has done wisely: The man who
ev-Ouad frame, as it were, a Bible -for
himself, agreeing with his own notions
of what the Bible should be, isnotun-
like the man who, in perfect ignorance
of the harmony and arrangement of the
heav nly bodies, should look up and
imaihe that he could have guarded
againixt what, to his contracted visicni,
seentsconfused, by placing the stare in
the batbematica1 .order of square and /
circlet His ignorance of aStronomy
woulcii account for his folly, whereas the
ignorance of the sceptic respecting God's
moral government accounts for his blind
presrimption. When the volume of
human experience -universal human
lence-is open on the great day, it
will be manifest to all that every text in
the Bible has conveyed its message, and
not Conveyed it in vain. The sceptic
may then find thathe has made ."stum-
blingIblocks " to -his soul's ruin of testa,
which were allowed by God to exist in
His!Word, in order that it might be
clearly seen "what spirit " the reader of
),Vord " was -of.' . There are no dife
ficul lies to hinder the faith and obedi-
ence Of the man Who " will do the will
of Cal •" .but the pre.sumptuous and
self-willed, who will not be taught of
-God who refuse to ask for the teaching
of the Hely Spirit, may have the Bible
in their hands'and not be 'compelled to -
receive it as the Word of God. Yes!
the Bible is a testingliook. It contains
"words in season " to bring out and
make clear the true character of a man.
It is God'', message to man so com-
municated as to make each man respoti-
eible, morally responsible to God for his
faith or his 'unbelief. .
`.I SEAroaTII, May 14th, 1886...
Fall Wheat per bushel. ... , . ...s $0 95 to 80 98
Spring Wheat per bushel.... .... 0 95 to 0 98
-Oita-per bushel 0 86 to 0 40
Peas per bushel - , ' - 0 58 to 0,65
Barley per buishel. - a ... . -.. a 0: 60 to 0 60.
Butter, No. 1,:• t •........- • • • loose.... . , .,, ..., 9 12 to .,0 13
0 7-
Butter tub. . 0 13 to 014
Eggs • ' e io to 010
Flour, per 100 tbs 2 40 to 2- 65
Dreseed Hogs, per 100 Ms 5 00 to , 6 76,-
H.ay per ton .. 10 00 to il2 00
Hides per 1001 tbs 5 00 tol 5 60.
Sheepskins eaph . . • 0 60- to Q 85-
WOol•- 0 18 to, 0 20
Salt (retail) per barrel a . - 80 tot 1 00
Saltrwholesal ) per ban:01.7.. ! - 0 80
Potatoes perbushel... ,,.. .. -9 30 to 0 40
Clover Seed ! '2 60 to 8 60 ,
Wocid per cord
6 50 to 7 00
1 50 to 2 ?Ci
*. I
1 ' CilaNroN, May 14th, 18 5.1
Fall Wheat pe, bushel...I. . .. .: SO 95 to 98
Spring Wheat per bushel'. ... ' 0 95 to 0 98
Oats per bushel ..............0 34 to 0 86
Barley per huehel',, .... .... .0 50 to 0 55
Peas per buI
sh ..... a 1 .-.. ...... Q 60 to 0 60
Butter 0 12 to 0 14
Eggs ... .. .. . . . ... ...L .... 0 10 to 010
Hay per ton 10 00 to 2-00
Potatoes per bushel...Jr .... . 0 -30 to 0 30
Apples per barrel , 2 00- to 2 00
Wool ' a 1,
Hides per 100 tbs 600 to 700
0 16 to 0 16
Pork ' ' 1 5 75 te 575
°Cordwood 2 50 to 3 50
LIVERPOOL, May 13. pring Wheat 07s 06c1 ;-
red winter, 88 OM ; antenna No. 1, 078 05d;
California No. 2, 70 0 ' oats, 5s 05d; barl
6d ; peas, 6s 03d ; pork, 60s 00d ;• cheese, 56
ToriOerro; May 13. -Fall wheat, $0.96 to '.98;
spring, 80.97 to 80.99 ; oats, 48c to 480 ; pe 68c
to 70c; barley, 55c to 50 • hay, petton,$16to
25.00; butter, 15c tq 20e; potatoes, per bag,
$0.40 to $0.45; eggs, es r doz.,14e to 15e; dr sted
hogs, per 100 lbs., $6t to $7.50.
yi 58
I t
Live Sto k Markets
-Toztoicro, April 14.---cattle--The deman I for
shipping- cattle is about the same. Ther are
more buyers this week in consequence o the
opening of navigation. Prices remain the me.
The supply is sufficient for the demand. The
best, price paid yeste deo,. was etc per . for
seven cattle weighing verl 300 tbs. Other Balm
were q shippers, 1,825 lbs., at 5c; 6 c ttle,
1,160 That at $4.80 pet ewt, - A good many bulls
are offering and sales are being made at tic to
4c. A mixed load ist butchers' and ship re',
weighing 1,150 lbs., sold atatte. Butchers re in
fair demand. Choice hole as high as 4tc, sales
having been made atithat figure, &load f 18
butchers', averaging ,200 tbs., was offe d at
4tc, with 4te bid; two' oxen sold at 4c; - e even
butchers', 1,000 lbs., at 840 each; four d0„060
lbs, at 4e; 15 'do, 1,100 lbs.,. at 838; si - do,
1,150 lbs., at 41e. Ste( era continue in fai de-
mand. Among • the se,Ies yesterday were four,
weighing 1,150 tbs., a 852 each • two do 1,000
tbs., at 842 ; six do,1,350 lbs., at $62. There ilia
made at .$85 to $50 er head. Sheep --S' wing
fair inquiry for owe, and sales are bei g
lambs are in fair demarld. The only sele report-
ed yesterday was a bunch of heavy sheep at 85.75
each. Hogs -About 5 cents is the prevailing
,. . ' Births.
' . 1 i .
REID.--rIn Brussels, on the 1st inst, the w
Mr. Ijohn Reid of son.
1 .
Maitriage.. .
HARDING-SHINE.-lAt the residence o the
bride's mother, G ey,lby Rev. D. C. 0apili-
• son, on 25th ult., M. John A. Harding to
Miss Catharine SIntre, both of Grey tow! asp,
D aths.
ANl)ERSON.-InSt hen on the 6th inst.,
Robert Anderson, ged'58 years.
SNELL.e-In Usborne, n the 5th , inst., W lbert
Snell; aged 18 yea
TURNBULL.-In Us me, on the 28th ult ;the
• wife. of Mr. Wm. Untruth aged 77 years and
11 months, and s emother of Jas. Turnbull,
Esq., Headmaster f Clinton High Schosl.
KNUCKLE -In Leeb rn, on the 26th ult., Mrs.
Knuckle, aged 37 years.
Colborn on the 6th inst., r t the.
residence ofher daughter, Mrs. Zoe Iner,
• Mro Weise, aged 7 3 -ears and 4 months.
On Tuesday Ma 19th, 1E185, at {in -
burn, Farm: Stoe Implements and
Household Firrnitu e. Join), Williems,
_Proprietor ; J. P. rine, Auctioneer.
Dressmaking. Miss
a second-hand milk w
der, will be sold die
forth. 007
moderate rent, for a e
For particulars appJyj a
rented Mr. F. G. Spaiflii
siring accornmodaioz f
ply to him. Terms rea
ed Apprentices t
een. eerie
OR Sam -For
gon, in good runnin
pectabler family ef t iree
Nm.- Small • ho 180,
this Office. 909
x: McLennan. ha,
g's pasturage part- de-
r their cattle shout ap-
enable. 909 1
AuerioN S,AltE OF Funierrires.-T iere
will be sold by Public A ction at the residen ce. of
Mrs. Vaux, south' of VI railway track, on S tur-
day, May 16th, 1885, ht 11 o'clock, a large Irantity of Household Puns ture. This sale is posi-
tively without reserve MRS. J. VAUX. 91 x2 _
man & Co., of Seaforth, have a large and v ried
assortment of top a d open' buggies and
Phmtons, of the latest s iyles, and all of thei own
make and warranted fi t class in every re e -t,
which they are prepare to sell very chea for
cash or on short time. Remember when yort
wank& buggy go to PILLMAN'S, Seaforth. 9i tf
Brussrls Lime War
The subscribers take this opportunity f re
turning thanks to the inhabitants.ofBre ssels
and vicinity for past patronage, and beg to tate
that having made several improvements in their
kiln and mode of burning, they are now n a-
better position than ever before to suppl3 the
Public with first-class lime.
This being the eleventh season of our bu-iness
dealings in Brussels, and having given um insti-
lled satisfaction so far, the public can rely o i re-
ceiving good treatment and a first-class a icle
from us. First-class Lime at 14 cents at th
and 15 cents delivered.
We also burn a No. 1 Lime for plasterii g nt
the sarne price.
Remember the spot, Brussels Lime Work .
D.'Braund wishes to 'announce that he1 will
have an Auction Sale at his Carriage IS'hop,
Exeter, on
FRIDAY, May 22nd, 1885:
At 1 o'clock p. m., sharp. Ile ,will sell
the following valuable articles to nake
room for his sununer week: Two 1 new
heavy. wagons, 1 new truck wagon, 2 new
fight wagons, 2 second hand light wagons, new
carriages, 3 second hand (nearly new) carr ages,
1 second hand top carriage, 1 new (Eureka ear)
top phretori, 1 new (Eureka Gear) singl top
buggy, 1 new (improved Timpldn Gear top
buggy, 1 new (Champion Gear) top buggy, 1 new
(Dexter Queen Gear) top buggy, 1 new (Tljomas
Gear). top buggy, 3 new (End Spring) ingle
buggies, 2 new one man buggies, 1 second 1 hand
(Dexter Gear) buggy, 1 second hand (Th pkin
Gear) top buggy, 3 second hand Phe • ns, 3
second hand (end spring) buggies with 1 odies
and' trimming in the latest styles, also new
Globe Reaper. Terns. -Seven month8' redit
will be given on furnishing approved joint otes,
or 7 per cent. off for cash. JAMES OKE, Auc-
tiioneer ;e1). BRAUND, Proprietor. 9 0-1
"UAW& FOR SALE. -For Sale Lot 37, Cone -
1,7 sion 4, East Wawatiosh, County of Hurts
oontainink 200 acres'about 140. acres oleare
This property will besold. this suminer in or r
to close the affairs of the estate of the late J4..
W.: AULD. For particulars apply to Execu
GEORGE HOWATT, Westfield P. O., or
ROBT. B. cuslup, Wingham P. 0. 91
NOTICE.-A-COurt of Revision for the tow
ship -of Tuckersinith will. be hold at r •
Harpurhey, on Tuesday the
chry of May, 1885, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. n,
of which' all parties interested will take no o
and govern themaelves accordingly. WM.
C9NNELL, Clerk.
corner of St. John and Sperling &relit ,
Seaforth, being Lot 19, Sparling's Survey. Th s
desirable property being a corner lot near the
residence of Mr. Wm. M. Gray, imitable fok a
small family, can be purchased on application to
Mr. ritnitage in Commercial Bank buildi
Starts4nh,the house contains six rooms with in
mer kitchen, hard and sett water, coal house 4nd
other outbuildings the let is well stocked wih
fruit, Plum, Cherries, Crab Apples, Currailt,
Grapes, &c., and is well fenced with new plot
fence. C. F. PASHLEV. e 191
41, Cor cession 7, East Wa,wanosh, 130 aereepl a
ed ; balance, standing timber, 100 acres free f
stumps.' Well fenced and underdrained, g id
frame house and large frame barn with g
stablin , also log house and barn, two goud
orchards. Three Wells with pumps, and a ne r
failing spring. Convenient to Schoolii d
chum es. It is within eight miles of Wingh ,
five troin Blyth and three from Bel raxe, w h
good grave1 road leadipg to each place. E
terms of payment; For further particulars
ply on the premises or to R. CORLEY; Belgr
P.O. 010 -
Young Man,
If i 's nice Clo 'hing you want; a Dress Sui
stylish pair of Pa ts, or a swell Vest, I'll tell y
where to get fine goods at a low price, just
nice a you will g t in the city, and for far 1
money , and that i at '
Rahton Bros., Exlete
They have Corks° ew Worsteds in Olive,'Bro n,
Navy, -Wine, Prune, Myrtle, Dahlia and BI 1 k.
Select goods and more used than ever befo e.
Coating Velvets Brewn, Olive and My I
These are whet y u would call slick goodie x-
tra nice, and sure to please. Tweeds for S its
in Scotch, Eng1is1t and 0ariadran makes. Chec s,
Mixtures, Faneiee. &ce solid for wear, neat in
appearance, and sluited to all times and etas es.
And such a grand lot of Pantings, you ough to'
sdeaerkthearnn4 , toapplaciate them. Wide Stripes in
a ,
Olt, isarreo *itsel ill darkand
lightlf Hair Linesj Fine OheekS. &c. Tart, tone,
swell, &c., is what the boys say about thrm.
Then they have 4e largest range of Gents' Far-
nishiegs In Eieteis Only think of it! Over 00
Ties to select from, and they awes dandy lot to,
1 tell you. Scoie's of Braces, the latest in F It
and Stew Hats, White Shirts, &e. When you
° I
want anything in the above, be Sure to go to
RantOn Bros.
Mineral Soap,
1:1 ,
The best arid most complete article ever offere
ed to the public,
It is especially ',adapted for kitchen use, and
For cleansing Malible, tIentles, Tables, Windows,
, Oil Cloth, 'Zinc, etc.
In set -Powder,
but eompletely
etc.-, etc., etc.
Full directions or usesOri box.
J. S. 'RqBERTS, •
• .• I
Cardno's Block, - Main Street.
. AM1NATIONS, 1885.
First -Class, Grade -C. Xon-professional at the
/formal Schools, Toronto and Ottawa, on Wed-
nesday, July 15th, at 1 :30 p. m. Thirdelats
Non-professional , Examination at the High
Schools, in the County, on Monday, July 6th, at
1 o'clock p. in. Second-class Non-professional
Examination at County High Schools, on Wed-
nesday, July 8th, ;at 11:05 a. ni. .For First-class
certificates, Grades A and B Examination will
begin:after the conclusion of the Professional
Exenunation. Candidates must notify the Sec-
retary, on, or before 1st of June, the School
where he or she desires to write, naming the
optional subject he or she wishes to take, and
the certificate he or she now holds, if any. The
notice must be accompanied by a certificate of
character- and a fee of $2, or 54- if the Candi-
date applies for a 2nd as. well as a 3rd class Ex-
arnination. No name will be forwarded to the
Department, unless the fee accompanies it:
Forms of application may be had from the Sec-
retary. The Head Masters of the High Schools
will please send the applications of their Candi-
dates to the County Inspector of the division in
which the High School is situated Third Claes
Certificates may be renewed on re-examination.
D. M. MALLOCIC, Esq., ' Secy. B. Exm's.
Presiding Inspector. 910-2, -
' May 12th, 1885. ;
WOuld respectfully call the attention of the ladies of Seaforth: and vicinity to
their splendid stock et
Those desirous of procuring the latest fashion in Spring Hats or Bonnets, will be
fully repaid by visiting the Millinery Department of the Montreal House.
• I
We carry a very elegant stock. The Dry Goods Department of the Montreal
House is the very best place to procure bargain. "A penny saved is a penny
gained.r. So if you want to male money, do so by saving it A visit td the Dry
I -
Goods Department of the liontreal House will convince purchasers that for real
value we lead the van.
Messrs. Dunc4 & Duncan
Of the MONTitEAL., HOUSE, have con4ant1y on hand a good supply of Staple
GrOceries. Choice Teas a specialty. Srigars good and cheap. %Tap, Molasses,
Spices, &c. Highest return in trade fort Butter and -Eggs consistent with fair
roec.A.Ii•T srrilmmTI,
to 0. W. PAPST,
Gold and
4/4' *
Window Fixt
Itish Papers, Ceiling Pannellings,
Dado Decorations.
Shades—Decorated' and Plain
in Paper and ,Cloth.
res, Carpet Felt, Baby Carriagles. Low
in all Lines. Call and See Them.
0: W. P PeT Bookseller and Stationer,
Received per a
ed up for inspectio
jtyGoods, comp -
Satins (in great v
Curtains, Carieets
Oil Cloths, &c, the
possible advance
and 60c per yard.
11c and 15c Dress Coods.
eamer'Caspian, State of Pennsylvania and Paris an, and open-
our British and Foreign importations of Statale and Fancy
ing Dress Goods; Prints, Linens, Cretonnes, Gloves, Silks and
Tweeds, Lace
riety) 1Vlus1ins, &c. English Coatings, Scotch
1 .
Hemp, Unions, All -Wool, Tapestry, Brassele and Velvet:
whole -of which we have determined to sell at the smallest
n cost. See our 47 inch .Black and Colored Caehmeres at 58c
Examine our Print, 13 yards for $J; hold up to the light 011Y
Suits made to rder. Ready -Made Clothing in all sizes -Mens', Youths' and
Boys' ; .pricesi and uality guaranteed right.
'Hats, Hats, H ts in great variety and every style.
Popular Staiiionsf
The following Stallions *in sten& for
the improvement of Stock thie .
!season as follows :
Property of Mr. Jphn MeGregor,
Monday. -Will leave his own stable Lot 15,
Concession 2,L. R. S. Tnekersmith, and p -weed
along the Seaforth Road to Dennie's Hotel, Sea -
forth, fox' noon ; thence along the North R.ad as
far as Grieve's bridge, then east to Mr. John
coneenddeeasrstoroense, fuonrdtheen en.itignhatr. teTr umeisdi easy,
,t-beWn : ill) north
two and 01)0 hall miles, to Me. Hugh Bos', for
noon,here he !will remain until the fel owing
morning. Wednesday. -Will proceed smith two
and one-half miles, then one and one-quarter
mileswest to Mr. George McClure'sfor noon;
thence one and one-quarter miles west, then two
and one-quarter miles south, along the Town
Line. to Mr. Samuel Carnochan's, for the night.
Thursday. -Vi ill proceed live miles sout „then
west one mile and a quarter, then sou h one
mile and &quarter to his own stable wh re he -
will remain until the following- morning. ridays
-Will proceed south along the 10th Con ession
one mile and a quarter, then n -est one rni e and
a quarter to Mr. Duncan McLean's, for noon;
'thence west two miles and a half to 'tense I,then
along the Zurich Road west, one mile nd a
quarter, then south to Mr. lex. MeEwe 's, for
the night, Saturday. -Will riseeed nort along
the 2nd Concession to Mr. deziek Ro s', for
-noon, thence east one nine a d a quarter • the
London Road, then south tw miles and -o e -half
to Rippeh, then east one mil and a qu ter to
his own stable, where he wil remain 'tin 11 the
ft:showing Monday morning. emis.-To nsure
812; pa able February 1st, 1886. Mar Must
be returned regularly to t e horse, ot erwise
they will be charged as seas n ward. arties
disposing of their mares befo e foaling ti re will
be held responsible whethe with foal r not.
JOHN MeGREGOR, Props.' tor; HUG 1 Me-
GREGOR, Groom- .
Property of A. Goven ock, Win
Monday.- From Winthropj via Leadb
Harlock, to Mullin's Hote , Blyth, fo
thence to Stewart's -Hotel, 1e1grave, fo
Tuesday. -To Roe's Hotel, %Vingham. fo
thence to Teeswater, for night, Wedn
To Behnoie, for noon ; the ce to Lak
night: Thursday. -To For4lwich, for
thence to Campbell's liotel, Gerrie, fo
Friday. -To Gotten's Hotel Wroxeter,
short time in the morning, a d froni
proceed to Mt. W. Wnght' , Morrisba
noon ; thence via Jamestoue to °Neil'
Brussels, for night. Saturda •-.-To Sage'
Walton, for a short time in the mornin
thence to his own stable, inthrop, w
will remain until the followin Monday re
Property of Dickso Menzi
leaxe his wh stable,
poncession 11, ,MeKillop, an • proceed
Little's, Lot 21, Concession ;for noon;
south to Jas. Lerman's, Cincession
night. Tuesday. -Will proee • to Jas.tle
Lot 11, Concession 3, for noo thence to
Gordon's, Lot 14, Concessio • 6, for th
Wednesday. -Will proceed • John Lei
Concession 8, Logen, for noo theneeto
Murray's, for the night. T ursday.-
Ceed. to Wm. Cameron's, Lot 10,-Conces
for noon; thence to Thomt : Johnston's
Concession 18, Grey, for th night .F
Will proceed to Walton, at Beirne's 11
noon ; thence west two miles, thence s
Christopher Muldoon's, Lot 1 32, Coneess
lifeKillop, for the -night. S turday.-
ceed to his own stable, arrivi ig at noon,
Braining until Monday morni g.
ry and
day. -
et, for
for a
re will
rk, for
Y, from
ere he
ot 12,
• John
or the
I pro -
on 14-,
Lot 9,
tel, for for r-
on 1.3„,
ill pro -
rid re -
Property of limes & -Horton
Will leave their own stable Lot 25, No h East
Boundary, Hibbert, every M nday mond g and
go to Robert MeDonald's, IThanies R a..d, for
noon; thence to lawkshaw'sl Hotel, Exe , for
night. Tuesday. -To Hod ' 's Hotel, ensall,,
for noon; thence to Jiin, for the night.
Wednesday.-Kinmount to lllmueefleld, t Tur-
ner's Hotel, for noon; Prim Arthur to Kylets
Hotel, for noon ; both horse to Weir's Hotel,
Seaforth, for the night. hursday.- o Eg-
mondville, then east to P Qonnor's, for noon;
thence east to Dublin, at C. P ndergast's, for the
night. Friday. -To Staffa fo noon'th nee to
Duncan MeKellar's, Cromer y, for the' night.
Saturday -To Robert Hog rarth's, for noon;
thence to their own stable, w ere they' -ill re-
main until the following Monday in truing.,
Property of Colquh un & Dow.
Monday morning, April 27th. -w11 leave °
their own stable, Exeter, and proceed to Elim-
ville, for noon ; -thence to tirkton for night.
Tuesday -Will proceed to -R sseldaie, foi noon ; 4
thence along the Thames Ro to Farquhar, for .!
night- Wednesday. -Will p weed to, C.
tents's, for noon ; thence to t eir own stahle for
night. Thursday. -Will pro eed to • Ile nod's 1
Hotel, Hensel], for noon ; t enee to Dieksen's
Hotel, Brucefield, for night. Friday. -W:11 pro-
ceed south to -Kippen, for noo ; thence to theirs
own stable for night. Saturd tr.-Will be at the
Central Hotel, Exeter, all day -909-3
Huron:.and Bruce Loan and
Investment Company.
This Company was organiz
April last, and is now in ado -
prepared to receive applieatio
Farm &amity.
This Company being a lo
offer to borrowers greater fa
their loans executed with dis
had from outside or foreign Co
days and weeks are often req
When/Title and Security ar
rowers may obtain their mon
pony on day of application.
Due attention has been pal
ieitors charges to thesiowe,st
Mortgages purchased if _See
approved of.
A Savings Bank Branch wil
by the Compary. Depositors
Highest Current Rates on thei
The Company's offices are
Market Square and North Stn
adjoining the Dry Goods Stor
W, J. R. HOLMES, Vice -
WM. M. GRAY, Seaforth
sone ACHESON, GOIleriel
• GoderichOlay 7th, 1885.
The St Julian
d on the 1Sth of
operation, and is
is for loans on good
al institution, can
ilities for getting
etch, than can be
iparnes,with whom
ired to close -up a
satisfactory, bor-
y from this Com-
te marring Sa-
rity and Tit es are
be shortly o ened
will be p41 the
n the corier of
et, in the Building
of J. 0. Dettor &
If you want a good
go to the ST. JULIAN.
If you want the niee.
Oysters in bulk, go to th
H you want the Ch
to the ST. JULIAN. •
If you want the ch
Tobacco to be had anys
Lemons and Oranges,
always on hand at the 5
If you Want Confection
be sure and go to the SI
best place in the County.
Remember the place
Lantern, Main Street, d
Market Street, Seaforth.
h of ,Oysters
t and freshest
est Cigar; ge
icest -Smoking
-here, go to the
resh and good,
ry of any kind,
JULTA 'itT, the
ign of the Big
ectly opposite