HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-05-15, Page 4some subjects. If the Gri�s let -it pan. will blame them for sticking up for th
E. BUTTERICK Reliable Paper Patterns for all kinds of all right, h will be in a position inde- just 'rights, but when they openly pI
Jadies7, Misses%, Boys' and Childreles pendent of the peopte'as -he will 'virtu- illealsolves in the market: and iii
Garmen* for sale by AoFFmm; BROS. f a y parti-ular ineas
ally have the a election of tile representa- -tbeir.support,o n Seaforth. tiv es in his owi i� hands; if tbey. do not 'a 8in qua non'f for their P
or f avors
let it pass he g iins the- tim� e requires Vince to *bich t is'not entitled, t
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS_ to fix m. atterE! with the c -bri�g themselvesdown to the level of'
-Caida Padifi' Governinent whiqh permits itself to
88rTheflgurebetwe4�n the parenihesis After Company, and wards off the discussions- I coerced each line denotes the page of the paper on. which on the other stibjects he dreads so much. by themj and lay themsel
theadyertisement will be founi- Sir John, to ukle a commoA phrase, s. a -open to. the severest censure. In IF
laitNotic�e—Thonias�lleClymoht..(8) cunning old char Y) oriol.never kno' ' such conAuct is suisciellit to juptif
JAmd Salt—T. 0. Keinp. (8) to.) Tbe� w, for.Sale—R. Corley. (5) nst- i6in on
Farm e ing of enmity, agai for Sale—Robt. B. Currie. (5) whait he -is u p e -is no doubt f el Farm Notice—Win. lAcConnell. (5) 'but what with the Pacific, RiilwayCom- part of the other Provinces.. ouse and Lot for Sale—C. F. Pashley� (5) �g Sale—D. Braund. (5) party, the Northwest rebellion, and the the fact i that they have done this
areat Clearin :Kew Arrivals�110 ffman Bros. (1) re than One occasion they should
financial straiO of the , Government, to- mo
Cheap Goods—Ptanton ros. (5) kinned when their. c
Dress Goods -.-Thomas Kidd. (8) an almost be quiteso, thin -s,
-iee Aention—Dune4n & Duricap, (5). gcther With tbb discontent d is eritii-ised. We must say,t
i; tione �C. .. apst 5 open rebellion in the rauk9f his f,o.Ilow- dnat un of. Huron July xamin io�s, (6) ers, he is in. a gell a tight, place that he the Strictures of the Newa 'are by
nin er. paper is tolthat
scarcely knowf i how to turii to save b im- means:umnerited'i ai titled to credit instead Of abuse for
and the .'ratio � ise Billie the,meiing in d rawing attention toL
adepted eitb& to secure his deliVerhuce courage a a
'!lor-e will yet be he
t Of which n
or to gain him time until he can see to Jec if the practices alluded to be not
work his. w out of th' labyra th of FRIDAY, May 15, 1 ay SAFORTH 885. -If the N continued., ews erred at
difficulties, in which he fifids himself and 'in making its remarks too g
his. Goveramen t involved. n the mean.. a.s
T he Northwest. The Frendh Liberals have ulways- in
timej whatever his object may be, or As will be seen'by the despatches, whate may ultimately result, -it i fested a. o1isposition to deal justly w
Publish esewhere, General which plainly the ty of the Opposition to and -have noveir ined in
JO �iddletch and his''brave troops, aftei v�r a the pas age -.of the I 9
rin a orgamized tolP extract favors fr
I resis Act with &I - t i. three das! hard fightingi have Succeed their force and to fight the ground inch he overnino�nt.-'�� This can not, h
Iedgin dislod,ging, -the rebels- from their. of by inch'L tkey forced to lie ever,. be..gaid Bleus, and they
until are rifle pits and coulees: at Batoche's. can entitled to all the, censure they h
down in the lakt ditch. When they, aforced them to, Iff ee for their lives. do no, more, Iey should Vacae .'the received.,;. But in this, respect
This is the first decisilve victory of the. Chan ber in a body rather' than., sane. they'axenot o bad: as many of our o
carn-pagn- That. it has not been, ae- tion, even by thei representatives, who connive, at
r presence, sdi&. an �ed without the loss of many complish
thus mea assist the Bleus l all their assai
iniqui tire. Such 4 c6 urge would. even valuable lives and the -wounding and 7 Pro ce The people, h
receive -the unamimousapip'r'ovalof their Upon this via mutilation of many brave young men. is Ing arous
constituents, as. a Parliament that wl ever, are, at length. beco
to be regr6tted, but, considering the pass such a, measure is-:, po place for and he utterances. of thii News
length of the' engagement and the nature simply an ifidex of the feeling in
honest men; of the task. accomplished it is am, azine, 0 try,-pf which fact it will be well
that the casualty - list is so, small, and the the politic"ians to take notice. and gov
certainly testifies volumes UP the Ha r' d Rations.. themselves ac ordingly. A correspor (lent with the Load on
undoahted skill, and care of, General
Ivolunteers w ;es from Swift,Current as Ieton Midd as a In f4ary corn, -mand, England in India. a to, be regretWF that-Riel and thb follows-: its als It is a fortunatething for the Engl
Thereseemsto be the g4rossest mis-
other principal le ders were not icap- in view of probable' c mplic tions,
a 0 a
management somewh regard to- ere in tured, but it. i's almost imossible'that 13 e L
supplies. . Her. we are situated at a the generous.: and i � t -1ligent i e'of
they. can escape.- Now thatthe supply. depot o i. the railroad, only greatly increa
24 Ri on as Vicero has
P y ers of the half-breed insurgents hours from Wiinipeg, and the men are quart Phe loyalty, of the. English Governm
"hae been captued by our -troos' the buying nearly erythingthey eathein
iimong the natives:of India, and solves. - All ere is here*"is canned: rebeliOn.
so far as they are concerned., than prmces.
corned beef, h a tack,. tea and beans. 411Y, amon : t6'In
9 is virtually ended. There is no other If we were aw out at tb� front where men, as a rule, haVe sust%ined the E
place where they can make -a we could get nAhing better Una would I
lish 66vrnment with an unbroken
at -u be rill righ�, ar d we wouI4 say nothing, alty. During the Sepoy rebellion and they have evide , ly exha sted their but when the battaion,bah been h ere on both of food and a-mmunlition,
the ralroad for ten days 4"hol -see carload affection was only a adic among por
and it WM be impossible for them now. af tp-r c English 'I
arload o cattle go, through and
Their positioms under the
tot get iece - of fixed and certain, under Russ
their oommissary depart ment re- yet never go Twn as. taste 'a p afri
fresh meat, they su-rely have good cause victory will also.have plenished. This de everything would- be 1�t sea -vi
r to complain. a Most saltdor a effect UY)OR _y and quietin them. In Spite of o0casional-oppressi(
Ii Similar col laints come from nearly 'It'will not to the Idionly -serve camps the Northwest.- There all the the E rigliall rule' of India, in late yip
keep' those !,who have not yet risen 4nd beneficent; not
is no rbason wby this should be. has been mild
-quiet, but it iwill-inspi-re those already so oppressive, the Londo
n Spect
men- *ho have shouldered their rifles' arms wiih'fear of the donsequences.
in over
and gdne to the Northwest to quell the declares, as -Biiinarek's control
a Coonell Ot�r. with his forces, is iill
rebellib'n ae not k '!di* "German prinbeg. English rule r-epres(
o p ofessional I erg at Batleford and Colonel Strafige is at
b e as a ma L er of p rio J-- They go -to t a I a i t- to the Indian &inces a fixed, stable,
Edmonton. Neither have had. any brush. anent civil order, jbile theatit
is m and not a m a of choice or pe-rin with the Inians, except that reported T7 . L COMPUiSion. Mostof then have made: of Russia toward conquered races
'last -week'.. It ig-also said thatPound- great pecuniary as. wel. as personal Asia, although extremely conciliator..,
maker has removed furtyep north, and Sacrifiqes in 1hs obeyi t-hb -caf of some points, has been-, one of comp
-s ha, t ve not. yet been able to as- the scot L Ing their countr y. This being the case they suppression, the rpose being to a
e victory P� certan his �hereabouts. Th should not �e eated as coM mon soldiers gamate all the conflicting elenidilts I
at Batoche's;has ]pt..�% new fac� -di-pon They hae oluntaily, given their one organic whol,6, everywhere receiv
the re i and there is now cause to services to the country a-fnd the least the the impress of Russian rule, The v
holPe that t4ere *M not be any more
country can do is to feed them decently.. of -the miniature' rmies with which
Roodshed. When they re in the interior where India,it prince ae read0o furnish
supplies. are scarce, b&rol-tack d"
The Franchise Bill. let 1 nglish Govern�ment in the event
As will be' ae maj be unavoidabe, but.. while within war *th
en by the letter" of our � ar Russia- is uncertain, but
reach of plont Ottawa car Gildent, the batle over they should be given a c�
SP auld ot fail to add consideraly to.
least ordinar hotel fare. If well fed at
the obnoxiou 31 Franchise Bill still eon- Y� niilita;,�,
y strength of the English E alp
tines in the Dominion Parliament. It the front theyvill be a1l. the better ale The 15 hoorkas would repres
000 G
to eniire the hardships and privations some 4f'the best fighting ni'aterfiLl in'
comes up, eyery day, and little other Iyusinessisaftendedto. TheO incident 14,71-th bull -dog t
ppos#iOn to cchnping in the interior. t wor e enaqity wh
oppose it wit 4 all their power, w-bild the sh 0111d be S'eel k to by the authorities that knowsl how to take hold but not how
overnment ae e"allv deter mined to some - of -the supply- agents and -other let go. 1 As a'r ve, the loyal r
push it throu Dh. Whether it is passed under trappeis in the' Supply Deart—
of.naive Tildia,-would certainlybe
not i naking m on
or o, this easure will cost the coUn- ey.by starvil g. immense aid in thb� difficult task of -in
the vounteer., when ng Russian aggression. try, at a time it is very ill able -It is a -disgrace to -this, untry bear the expense,. thousands of dollars. CO that I.the 'food furnished the' For this, ho -ever the Government ae volunt�aers is ISO In sufficient that they ATAN Will aw�yb- find, some. inisel
solely tablafne and Innist. bear the're- have to usd th 6ir own private me in foiidld-hands.to�do. -OurworthyS
sVonSibj1.ity.: Many of thei.r. own su purchasing palatAble food' p ion mmn� atos ,having nothing elSe -to do h
-Porters amil that it is an improper - and undertaken to emasculate the Can
OUR,- *1 hty cont6mporary.. the TO- danger. asure,',whch should not be- to biewsk, a 3 recently received consid - Temperance or Sc6tt Act, 'and rendej
pertnitted to; �Pecome Iii -w in a free coun-, O' useless. -. Be I ing independent of
erable:i -gr tuitons- advertising. Som try, and�,the I-ourse the. Opposition are e people they tire utterly indifferent as
now pusuirq is the on c days it publikihed � an; a;iticle c � I O�stitutiOnal om-
; their desires. . During the present
means at thei disposal of preventing it - menti �'g ip severe ter m -s upon - the rela. - I I - passe
Sion -of Parliament a Bill was d
tion wpich th i French Canadian beco, Ang la* and the countr� will sus- a of the the instance of the Temperance Alliar.
Pr �� hice -of Quebec bear them im Rghtinig it out to the bitter ta M- to the other
making ceirtadn amendments in the, S(
end, lei. the ovusequ be what they, mepbers Of the Confederacy, anq de- ences Actcaletilated to remedysome deh
noqu hol the m as greedy, grasping, m4y. If they only persevere in the
I - whiiall fi-1XV6 been found in it and r
r -en
course they 11have adapted, they must un eliableano] lantagoixistic to �11 natiorial it more workable. When this Bill
Succeed in ,.the end, and will ultimately progress. A few days. afterwards' a' e I I - being conside'red several amendmf
compel th 'Gi0tv'earnment toithdraw the FreVch mint er'OU Parliam 6n�t referr0d * .
-were sought to.', -be made to it by- tE
Bef ore it is Passed,. the People to thg article in the House of Commons opposed t6.'the. Act. All::these, -h
sudhave 11 an opportil-nity of pro- and called ul on tl.le_ party leaders in the ever, were Voted down; and the Bill
nauncing u on it, and if the Government H-Ougei to dde, are th eAr sentiments. con P I I I finallypassed by,an overwhe ing
a -re -if raid t8 submit it to the people,� cerning the a Atem ents contained in the artib Jokity of Vic. pe6ple's representati
that very facl is sufficieut Justiication, Sir John at once disavowed the. TI . lis Bill was' then to the . Ser
f for the Opposition opposing it as lo sen , ments Wned in -the article of for its' ratification'- This august bo
ng as opposition is possible. It is notlikely, the News, al�id Insinuaed that it is a which is worthless for good, but POV
Grit seet. is b'ro hawever, that the �'battle will be continu- ught Mr. Blake to his �iu-1,4or evil, go di Y
rectly contrar to
ed much longer. Sir Joh, no doubt, feet, nd he was equally.. explicit in his wis I ties of the people, -as shown by t
has. a double purpose in view in keep- disapproval o. the sentim ents contained t- representatives. . They not onl- nal
M19 inthebjectionable a;rticle�, it before Parb t as he is and attempt -
al 'the amendments contained in
H i as cauning 'as he -is U,,n- ed to shw thaot instead of 'he News Bill but the old to it other P�ovisi
doing. e is,- ya sqrupulous,. aiid he does not care one rap bein.g.a' Grit 4heet, it is distantly related to the wbichwill -render the Act itself a fE
how' much expense he incurs, or how Toro to Nfail, which is the ae and worthless. For instance) t ey h
much ill -feeling he engenders, 8b1ong as. knwledged rgan of he Conservative P, i I added a -provision authorizing 1 he a
he c -n carry out'his own sebern, es and party.z rhu both the party 16 aders under the-Scott'Act, of:beer, 1%ger
like to diso W�ne� News. Purposes. Of course he would But, notwith-
lightwines... Itisneedlegsosay,A
get the Bill passed, but that was e�i-' standffig this fac,the News still lives, with this addition to the -Scott Ac
dently not his primary o'bject in brin - .4 g- and it will P, Ofit by the 'notoriety'given " : ' I it before P will not. be worth having, as it will I
119 arlia-ment at the present it. And, hol withstanding all that r . . was der it impracticable ad utterly im
time., He has a double object in view.' said by boti party leaders- there ig a sible,to'enforde it. Those amendmej
First, he dqsires to prevent any discus-- deal more tri t -h than! loery in wha it, however, have yet , to be 'approved of
Sion in P4rliament on his N-orthwest". said cone - P, t i erniii - g� I the'Frenchmeir of Que- the Commons and it is not -likely t
policy, and secondly, he to get his i be�cl # we &r6 to judge of �h em by.their' that body will go back- on itself, b
scheme for assisting the Canadian Pae .cifie representatives n, -Parliament. If recently by v 'decided v Railway sanctioned by the House. This the cond ct 1 of tho cry otes n:
nso representatives tived the very amendments. *h
latter is the twlYbusiaess he cares par. draws forth I icht
infavorable comment from I - - will again be asked to concur in.
ticularl Y to have. passed at the present the press, of Ontmrio,-theybave them-� only _e�il resultin from the -action
Ume,, but he 11AS. not - got things quite selves toi bl e. It is a well:,knOwn. the Seiiate willL be that the -amend
Teady for the vt yei. faoit th e on, that question. their stand and' deliver B a on pas ed by the Comm a ca�; not
eLonsequently, the Fiarichise Bil, serves received for Policy they b me frequently come I�w
excellent purpose in warding off dis- their Provi4c and the -Act must * remain
grants and favors to which its present shape.; The Sen ""Oullther unpleasant and trouble- it was Ot us sie by
pe a -tion a questio U tly entitled. No yson �n thi n has given an
I* v
t I
, Y
MAY I Is i-5 MAY 15 188
It. OJN !�F'XIPOSIT RX lie, .71 . . . . d I millions on the ged n of thirty ist ite to pay leading bankra 4a I
n; seeing that it riv
Ing e W rd oi critic assets of the. 0011 -vote he had r;fe'r'ence his Own a' I . I tbe-Sehate to e a will; ,famy, and is
ie , the peo I h Iff b taking overland Y1AW0 has been promi
amp e which i�ust. make the danger of of he older embodi itself the other 0, eir ly to the Indiana one of which 1pany at J!'iZ an acre. This ag it 4ts-presei mind on he explail ed, could added er atmen. meats h possible will'
it, shape, clear COm �ispatc ce: cout aces; men who r and eider from till Ing surgeons and mate
Pro w Ate men. permits the sale of wine, bee ill leave the'corbpliaY free to issue and a,ve �L measure I and -write as well as Mort CwWm-,T1-O--iT, —unit
Lke� to e ery: one. Ifere w reall as in his in Scott Act counties. Itisto-behoped w gat bered What enate sell fifteen millions Of first
y -fully threJ,Lfoilirt�.s -. of the Haol 'he retnem , the last outrage the S missioner- -of Agricaft
ukel, pass d . . minol% at the proper tillic, lie might have that thi is ' t- Fivery m an bonds-, of tfi�se five millions are to 6
le,s chose,, representativ9s, inelud- d a will be a Ilowed -to co Mi . ept at par for calleda convention to, 'peop feelhig an in taken b thel. Governm 0 I Provinces I John has is last ` to be only a temP r� tive-4 of the AJV�renta
say - a who has vote
id repre reit a good deal of hard for the Scott Act., ever cash. Th gi
ey Ing I 116 from deal of time. But Si I ities 0 n wbo believes in the people panY is to and allied 113t� nstift
. and shades of go d Purse, and lie ci 6n hardly ma ary arrangemeiA and the com i
ai n& ional mind, of cc -a has been deliber-' the sentiag,.i I - t ber exa .&Y what I tbei Own affai I be under obligation to pay the bonds . . ia� agure also which . is ar- C"expected to. remem y in Ito by thiq latest o4break in a 'Chinese havec�msseil ti
be politic$ --a e bill of I urables. It is back within wo years. is simply . of was. In it when lie drafted a littl - i 1k 01 I itical ine which the asired by a very large Majority eba gram n so ac- a ho f . pol us arrangement by ter, and'surprised. �e
ves dent ly d this description. f notice that the vote was two hocu Poe The extent of i
to'.8e il.is� foi- worth. to-gei five millions from the lages, the Senate, step in and'say emp Company is c he e6ple, and nior'over,
custonied, thing throlgh with- to -one favor of the obange. millions is not reported, ey: a few *;c a Government and whatever ten a�e b and that. th. lo r'. vote every nol will sell for from the THE AD-AiRALTY E -
is orthy of notice also that when (.a we iiin :)t h i out''bothering about ally exI lanations it 4 of their bo %�ds iknow better 'ivbat the 0 r- in the A. B. J. �chief inspector of ex
the old dot W18 quite the pro, osal wat made to conqU - 7 that it blic. or qrguments? i(ll, P11 the explosion at
.of peor le want 0an the people ki�oN� them- patutal, he should 'bave omitted. -to amed ents nd when is making the boasted who h, of the, Amending Bill, London, wasMused by
on. selvos, 'This. remeinber he had no intentia of en ch ge Fired. The First de 0613�
polin(limm er and asked f a y or two to consider what Guh-:- pow r enclosed in not- liberty of "self-vvernment 'a farce. franc�ising -Pi-a-P-0 ince men should t meeiing for th. -purpose of RARNELL- thei's'.' But even this e*planabion does he arid, he other tempera The firs upon the on beimg requsted
on- This at ould use those who have 0 ne- of the- faitbful. For . e - matter, this request was re- considering and Pronouncing up.
I Ot gotisfy Sol m Literature 3ocietyto a bitberto advocated the contipmAnce of n crab] e Peter fused,.t iough it had never been refused ]Dominion Fraichise Bill now before instance there is Ron ble�, expen I give a. Mitchell,. an eX-111 Y* b 'a before, and the amendments were at ament was tb tawalball of disestablisbing the�
nd dan- e n or of 8 r John Parli held ii no this irrespons.' t worthy of last. Th ed. He aid res that th( once co in 'But mos Brussels, oil 'Tuesda e ineeti deel iseg'
en- gero at reflect. cabinet. He decla, Indians di e�uhrerff(act*tbat, after concurring the chur& - was.- d- ody, tj of' Ilia Province (New Brujaswic r are de- notice i was a good one, and tbo§e, present
the Senate adj arly every- municipalifty land' -and- he had no _d,
tg gra ed and'wretched cra ee. er4mental ourn- represented ne $
r last week in statin Of the Bil in ecclesiastical Mattet
ub- E M.ere in! erro what 'he M as doing ed the fkirtbIr consideration in the PUdilig. - The chair was taken by no n�n who knew
'inst. Dr. McDonald' Whigbam, c Tb is means bairman of: that Hoa. Pet�r MitcheIVS/ speech on the woul, the right to to Thu!raday e 21 at ard those people, its outragreous tion. In a xieat at St, Petersburg a e 1
lis- Frar ch i. e Bill did not re6ei.ve any notice vote;l "Other Conservatives from the- that . t4e. -Bill, with the �Reform Associa. ugsia, has fid
though the be delayed in going he intimated the 01iject of the reported 11,
e 'Mail newspaper.i A very brief Mari e Provinces, al Y' Say amemdulepts, will Englishi
House of Commns) where some of the it in 1 are of Mr. Mitchell2s Opinion down. t6 the =g and referred to of big remarks ;was blilied nOth rA1f0Yhm..ein,t,an TICe Ini;J
sumi q&r y PIA -ring the tlieainej� ments made will have to be con- Ljectionable features of the
ril. and i7i.hardy �,gree to confet � id I bd more * o Bill. The following resolu- voted the first X2 000 tary'notes. This escaped dians" in t] iis whole- sidered.1 By that time there will in tb e P, wliam0n. right to vote upon 111 Franchise tion of the -Sibcri' r -a- Ill
6ni- is 'true, such a 1rush of Goverlialelit bUSind8d tions were, then ubmitted to -the meet- itti our notice, and- in justice' to the Mail. ale ay.- Their objections, it bject:o the Bill that it -,01 be almost imposible to get i�ng in-th�, order in which we give them, no make he amende honorable. will #ot affect the real 6 hewe W by the respective. except to expose that object too clearly. a hearinij for the Bill in the- commons- and'were spoken to Pbrth ItA,
Om VA. Thd �evidelit intention of the Indian Even if the senates amendments are a overs and.seconders the. eof �S AT, OTTAV give vote - in its oriftina fran c I ection is to 8 to.the struck o Lit and the Bill loved by W. 1)rani niond, Blytb, SeCOnded-by The Millbank quoit
)w- ac an,Reeve of Grey, and Resolved: TOO d Il ate with instrue' Thos., Str h our' own.0orre8l meeting of the electorate of the six !n; ttions 'and- otb er ba ds in Ontario form ser. t to the Sen .4 wn 40013
hose. votes will all be cast on the -tions to'concur or take the conequence, That this mass Whell to
OTTAWA, Ilthl'1885.. w the it will b so, lae that the Senate will r",st Riding of Huron, v grant—Of $5-0 to the han,
ave Government side and s6 will hae disapproval in all its part9of the lf'Pominlon Lek the Franchise; Bill almost thet —A fine new flour If
)La at - Ke y Lib rals bad e for atending to o Francbise]3111" now before the] of Com- ? same pffect as if So man exqm st the la *Te
. and- lettill, mon� and entering their protest again erection at Stratford,'
wb monopolized the attention of tl�e House been disfialichised. It is said Lbat John biisine7s g this Bill stand, n passj�e of the saine, take this opportunity o at the Bill' & Cullen, of 'Col - mons 'as it had' done the`wbek Josel I, Hawkins who occupied Mr. The con equence will be tb stating that from the e erience of the P in .- I i 'T . —Theexecutoirs Vif ind and the Scot' r
b Act s prised that ou Mills' placeas representative Both - will be dropped they are not in the leas su A
-Its before. It must''be gratifying to the r 'ershould venture to perpetrate su4h a," tate are fattening 44
'r of saddled 4uities and absurdi�' well or twogessions was the i altho ith the inii Premi V10118 successlul he has I inio License Act will U. outrage on our libe)rties, as it is plainly ob; i farm In 1A)gan. )W- Preinie to And how this Indian -vote scheme. There are iies of tl�e Dom * . * - cintroduction of such a tyrannical meisur Hawkins best -it 6an. th with —Mr. John A. Ruth
ed been'in calling gablic attention from the, Indians in Bothwell and Mr. allowed to-do its work fts at the loseM the session, together th P - I r cowardly and unparliamentaxy methods taken teacher at illbank, I tbinh a that with the Gerryma nder and The prospect fo - the probibitionitS7 are state of affairs irk the No:rtliw?st. - The %un
Indian vote, lie might Stan a good who have worked so long and � zealouslY stifle'discussion and carry the ineasure goes quaJified inedica-1 pract
show that the Premier's great consideration an the Gov nent still preserves its policy of ay counties, .—Queen's Birthlaay iu�
chance of -being really elected Should to carry � tb e Scott Act in Ina] iel sile7kii ivith regard to events at the seat ng. Had the paternal care for Poundmaker, Ri it Pa., S, it wilf stand withut a :Precedent is dci&dly not encourag in Mitchell with! gr -6
for -Co 18 just such another move 'as. his rea isturbahee, and no doubt, when in I an y Anglo Saxon countr 'or in no Governn ent manfully come forward and Ge�lr;rnander to'perpetuate his waing 6f all
of the y his in . r�eltiyl:,, -gamtes� and Sports ern it ever even taken clarge of and place, and it opinion of t programme. age A nd'in no country has the Bill to relieve the is- the the ar is over the Chieftain wi�l point ous "Franchise Bill" bas ori nd been brou- t out in Bedford
-to people Scott Act of ilie diffidulties occasioned that the infam F.arr
been proposed to give the* vote ated, niatureda bt out in s e wit pi ide to his, patriotic efforts to pro- wh I ire not likewise burdened with -th License Act all this trouble 11 cussedness" against the XilchTCow—Ontati lef t that tovm a few Aa
vide a coun . t r -irritation 'and prevent- res�( might b ded, for the Senate and that we look upon the "great 'Eaward's Island, whe.
Usibilities of. citizen*blp. e been avoi Vem ism of the Gov�rainent's master and his rnaws 1, (?) measure as a 'retrograde ma. settle ona farm. acknowledges on1v one - ience of Government and a perfect in damag Ing cri; SLOW rRoGREss OF THE FRANCHUM 'BILL in the so h i at method of dealin e' r-1- Is and I name is John A. Mac6nald. sult to the wbole electorate of our Dominion —Prof. Tyrndall7s gwith th �Dq S� far, the progress of the Franchise bei�ig equally childish as tyrannical, . and ai Mitchell, intend g ivinj
Batisfactoiy to the ord the.hostiles. On this Frtwehisf' measure Bill I ias hardly been rrHE CA1-,UD1A- called for and,whie we av unnecessary as un tionary entertainment;
ta numberof iotic Tones halxn but' an easy lj�,ernment- . Sir John Macdonald gratified tba patr eveuxn-& - sed the Premier has anything Go It *asl thought, at one time, that the for him� ,�If provoked the- delJat'. Governn en�t would temporarily dro ventued to raise the ir voices against 1he meas, —The contract 4, on the I overnn P ent row hoe. Once'tbei regulation! of the : clauses (which are only a sort of the Fi nchise Bill in'orde ure,,wetrust the nobleband'of Refrinerswill ea r 6 push net relax their efforts to avert the most coward. new iron 1)rige e fran iise is taen intoi the li�n4s of the r more a "
die mary of. special terms uk ed in the through the measure for once eedom af th( ever ainibd against the fre street in -Mitchell le. ri
Don inion Parliament, no Proyince has hod of the measure) by proposing that relievin the Canadian Pacific Rail- of our Dominion.—Carried. has been let. ese franchise should W91Y C- mpany of its financial diffi- Moved by Thos. Gibson, K P- P., Fast Huron ng'L com:Plete-control over its own minority the � ebate on woman NVade, bariste John Roger,t!
COY,! outside of Provincial affairs. As thus : take place on the very first of these culties. Sir John Macdonald . had and seconded by E. E r, Brussel
That this meeting. &sires earnestly to prote obtained �Second prize '2:
I os� that there is a minori Th6 Indian debate afid others a complicated scheme to against the Franchise Bill now before the Hou Supp �y in any clauk es. en a tice of Rmination in the Schd
dii followed in their natural orcer, as the tevearriM out by Parliament, and every - of Coniinons, and especial],%- against the plans ProN inde which, led OR by ipart� feeling, Toronto, uses come u i for Coll- body sufPpo8ed that the arrangement be- appointing Revising Barristers, thereby taki of the inter pre tation cla . I . - "Ur. �
mi, is wi Ring to sacrifice the interests the p�epartion of the -voters' lists out of thi --2 John AlartY,x
U16 ProTbide in order to 1pake �k gain in sideritlon.. Besides, -the change with tween the Gov rn-ment, and the com� hands Pf the local authorities and vesting It it his finil examin,
That I is n ot' imposs*" regard to Indiana a most iportant been'ce ome hitch esponsible ereat Dom inion affairs. I- L ompleted. the bands of irf � ures of the Gov onto Sch&`bf ge&p
no of the -law was made, by the Gov- ernment,,who-- are given powers which shouh t appeal
ble, �s�,JWtnessthe action of the Ontario modi ficatio has taken place, however, and pot be'en#usted to any one man wit-hou legallyquafied practa"i
whic� the revigin officer is compelled —The Rev. Conk ei�4atives in the Bounar ' dis�pute, rnment isl still not ready to proceed. fp Y. especially when we consider that- these-. o ce' f ron, the ... ode of their appointment must ajority from the to. 4ccept the assessment roll"of the They keep the Franchise Bill b6forethe lls� By.n n liance with a rp sermon specially to thel
ar . si� 9016 r vinces, that minority," call dis- 171111iiCiPality as vrin�a locie evidence of House partly to prevent the Liberals partimns. We also view with alarm the add! - on , nday mor '.
bank - Su nil
Under the but Inainly tional burden that the carr-ing out of tb' fraac.,hi e ei�ough people to keep itself the person's right to vote v any other matter, in easure will add to our already heavy and -rapid some ex-cellent ac
cons ban tly in an -apparent mliority in Bill, - as -it stood" before' the officer inh-7511t i because i1ey have o, little else ready to tbe-r desire t —�Some two or thr - A I
J. I J ly hicreasing public debt. We fui A dor Domini)n ffairs. Quebec, inore than accept or reject ny evidence he chose, I go on with'tbat they might as well- aiot aiTirnithattlie peopleare satisfied with thepresen; t6, any 'hether (riven publicly or privately, in' ie Franchise Bill debat.e. sstem of preparin,(Y the voters'lists and do no Inell in Listou P-1. Were,
ofier Province -is expos�(Xto interrupt tl he .. I -oth
I'V -bange, nd that the judges in revismi t May9i the el
p - esire a c aner for she is in the inino in the, court or out of- it. He might come to a Meantime, Mr. George Stephen, resi- i nts r the lists have perforined. their duty. Impartiall Dom iiii -n. - Sbe iias held the, b��&Ylance of. decision.with reason or'withcut it; and dent of thei Canadian Pacific-Itailway and satisfactorily. We therefore, urge 1� of All I
and cru- -no pers uestion his decision, Company, 1has written' a letter fidra% Power- I �ng enough- ad us'eil it uns" on courd q to the I Bill may be wi the co �Ie u hw 14ilways a -ad Canals, ein- Opportunity liat�ver. it in ight. be. Now, i a man's of exprepsing theinselvesp n, t ve fee nn iudo, pulously eno�,uglito-kave earned the dis Kinister of I iaamages ined thi
the pplls,- as I that no Gove Ae name is "on the assessmea t roll, there bodying some :proposals which he says serui
like of 'those who have, for prudential bople who in I - - of the confidence"of th�, UeTvidk is beine j
-its inac- will "finally and forever," rid -the afraid1to trust th the e le on" reasonsi allied themselves with!her, ancl must be something. to prove emselves to the UWn. fathers, .at if the English -speaking C' nsjrvktives, curacy before the revi-�in officer c by the co 0 9 In Government of ainy fesponsibility -in preparedas at present and revis —The ine lete 'ever get a . good chance � to, combine work his own sweet will in the matter. connection wit� the Canadian Pacific. judges. If the Government refuse to do this trust the Opposition continue their eed.to close their pl
1-1 . al. agai at Bleir doininati6n,,they will ce- On Tuesday the third clause f the Bill Mr. Stephen is very good to use these agr fight for freedom until the Government are :eachvenig Aur I
ing th nt toin Y i".e it, if the wer they would was reched, the first of tbose which words and to pretend to raake aproniiso last forced to abandon the -most objectionab] punctually a-tseven eV[
P and his friends will no. thus achieve Wore cer . to be psed with the qualifications -of voters.. 11 that he longer clauses of tb e Bill referred o.—Carried. eptionf Saturday, Z
just ce and' m . oderatio . little - barin Clia Iton moved an amendment to the pi Moved- by M. Y.. McLean, Seaforth. second e Ing ay ',,Old Man of the Sea " to the b John McRac, Morris, That the thanks of thi —Arragnients ha
incetin,& are hereby tendered to the inembe �Iue wou a be done. But- what paran.tee e-ffod.tthat the Provincial lams in this eo e of Canada's Siubad the ftflor. he celebrated th th(re -be Of that?" It is, � because respect Shall cover Dominion elections t, when the contract was made in the lo -Tal in the House of Common Of Baston, who hai
_e can din I sinto eFi-an they se( an( appr4ecia;te- this ol�jiger that as they do now, In preser -tiifg this 188J, we were to be rid' 11 finlly nd for th'eir nobl e 4arl , o )po it o - - . th from ustralia, for a th e ei chise Bill now before parliament, and we pincere SATS Gig ult and-,ijupont,, t.Nvo strolig "resolution Mr. Obarltou mad lbilit), in c ord on fl., e an e -x- forever'! of all respolip� onnee- I I hoe that they will. continue the battle aii� Juve.
Y ofa sup ortkrs of . -the Governmek, have coedingly -able spbeell, one tht i�as tion i with this enterprise, _ When the 1 oppose this unifust. and dang,erous ir st. wbr�lly of a stteiiman. Tlw� amcii& gua4fitee was gi-ven of the COI1p,:1nv1s ever.i constitutional manner, and if the,%- �eanna it rangad themselves with the ;Liberls, as� InstiWt6 receive instruc
)y. ient opened the qu otion f the whole paper,in 1883 we were to be rid Its-4-cfeat at )east prevent 1) ,the,-. who are men' more directly'nie. aced I finally wekly-uier the tuitiol
Ulitil tbe people -are afforded an lmoltunity 10 wh
this neasur.6, and who, as Tie world Bill,' and the discussion t4o c a wide and forever " of all rdsponsibility save expressin- tbeir opinions hpolls.- o has recently beell ire. I knowg, are resisting'itl with all- their range. In the course of the ol,.bato 'Mr. the non-iiiial undertaking. to Carried. a4jxiancy of the 28th b
Pay Some c I 7 interest.' When the loan of thirty inil- MrLarmur, a
out strengtl . - Other French-speaking Con- 01onald, of Prince Edwaid Island Each resolutioA �Avas supported 1)3 the hervaiv,-s also see the dancrer and i re 0 ve d nen(Iment to'.Mr. Charlton's I lion 'we were once stirrl� g ddresses by the, niov'ers alla % n, in ai .a was given in 1884r Crand Trunk Pail .&Y, A,
9ti: ig agdin secret. Prince Edward 41 Prot st the 1 Bill - �111' a eudiPenrt that -in more to be rid finally and forever " of seconders who ed a ort of mi
i�h I ! f ed.to in-ost at- invent -s
Nonl' of them, ex0ept a e)v on the 1sI1aU;d the Prbvincial laws should - have I a portable rifle pit, tIlre-AponsibiliCy. Nowouce again '%ve tentirel aiid fre.qti�elitly-entbtisiasti-ea;l�i.y w - preten to back bbielies ho make no c� of effect. The reason be -gave ws that in 1� are -to do this final -act ovek again.. The i cheered by the audience. r. Gibson, prove -a 'Valuable. aU
lies nude d suffrage pre- rst, noling anything. attend the' de- tliati Province nialifioo �aop,U& . ; pa,yment of so much money is bad- M. P. P. for )East Huron, 'was present. an bates on the Bil I. Not 6.e: of tbern, e- i�ailg, and. the people would be exceed- enough,. b,it this everlasth 'I i - and deliered a lengthy, able and -.igor- —Miss 41yarion Olivtli
)9 11YID i .
Sir Rector ingly angry if their electoral system . elle school, K�nqston is sp
cept Mr, Cbapleau and dolvin of the burden only to be conip ous speech, in which he reie,ired the he e ct of Mr. eet Langevi a, members of iliie Go�ernnient, were interfered witfi. T to Pick it lip, and fi days home at AM
has spot en in lid it grown much policy and acts of the. Dominion avor of the Bill, and they 'McDonald's'amendent is -practically �o ,11 eat t1le 0
eavier, is decidedly more wearing. :n)ent and condefulied I them in the most have doi ie so the risk of t4eir popu- deny to other Provinces what he clailils There is a o reason why this new ar- scathing t6m. Earh . resolution was Miss Olivir carried -off I' ritv. The rank and file of the Ble for I 'is own, while, Mr. Ch rangernent should bel- hip. .f a us l arlton 'cl *
lie 6 - niore final "' carried unanfino-asly ardidst' r, ars do net li estitate W say - in private) that for Ml what he desires for each. The 'than those -that went before it. The cheers. lnglng ---�Tlie resialents 'Of thJ
en- theBill ;a abad one anl a e diffe�encc'Uetween the two resolutions I I At the close of the meeting hould not b honest truth of the matter is that the every person present igned a petition wood have for years ave passed. Butithen Sir J)hn Nacdonald illustrates -the utter want 'of conscience Canadi i Pacific C y I has thee' live itoc -especially J
all oulpau oun- to be presented to 117;,e, pratest- ada has threatene o resign if it is not of 1any of the members of Prliament I try� b - the throat and the country might �ariia running at large.- Thi
t lis . y ing in the Inca 'earnest� terins -agaist teild tOeu,.fore Pa I Ily Of thein nee a re- in well gi)�e in, The company has this the pass.- _e the ,�Y-t
Lss&-ind in matter. : The debate was. con- It -�ge of the bill. visin 14 . c fficer " to mak suro�. of their tinu6d throughout the week, mainly by year, as it had last, a large floatina wreto. the elect on it the n the.Liberals, tile Conservatives pursuin(f f
ext cotst. But, aove debt. -If the G overnilient were to fo 13and of Hope re- —The to a, t ler are some more ailway " deals " their policy- of complete Silence. The". close the Mortgage thd-y now hold the News of th -ausipices of the Wnlea�!.
to be pub-tbro h the ouse, an Gov . nment has refiailied froin forcing Week. sea- 91 it is conipany would have nothing with which Div- ORCE.—Divor perance Union, of not i ssibleT t iat in t )6. col4rse of the any ore long sittijAgs uponi- t e House. to pay this floating debt, and a panic tilig �Paif7ully Con ce is said to be get- . I very favorably the i
nion in peansyl, Ing Bill, arr ngements� may at deba on thi' The see that the L&rals -have staying g frona one hundreoI,
would f6liow, from which the trade of Tim NEW LORD CHA-1q'CELJ!70r..It is ag.m ce, be ir add,whic will be, Satisfactory to Powers forany emergency of that kind, -the country wottld not revive for ten, uderstood that Baro' jF-t hun�dre�l, a6d they ott. ,them. 3ome � of the Quebec ''men want and'that they simply will not I e i zgerald ivill drivep. -perhaps twenty years. Great stress is bl n ance cts the 'anadian Pfiextended to Que- If any progress is to bei made it all it 0 appointed Lord 'Chancellor of Ire -17 laid by '.Mr. Stephen on the fact that the U-nd.. afternoon.. bee 11it5 and others want the- 44short must be by sittings 'of reasonab le length. road will be fini4bed in th. Listowel 1��
der lirie t . rdug] k the Ea4tern townships Th e was a Cons6rvative cau - e spring Of Dowa,er —The us about' 1886, and 4e -represents or leaves it to Fisher, Esq license i
e iniddle of the we of the SanAwich Islands, died'on was and th.e State of Maine to the Maritime th ek, at wl dch, it is be, inferred—tbat, if the - Company is April 25t1,1 -town on T-ngolay Beds do nQt forget si%id, it w decided to have the, sittings tided to that time, it will be able DE last week Qn matters coi
ta Pro The I a how; I t Session they received. a pro- of t lie House fro FEATED.—TIie Mabdi -issue of hotel lieen�,eg. were anything buil
ose 0 m 1 P- M- to I a. in., to take care of itself forever afterwards, forces have suffered fresh defeats at the ers
mise f $3,,2qO,OOO f6vi their ;Province instead of from 3 p. m. to aboat 2 a. In- But who is to say when a railway is hands h I when they - Jear
befoi e i Th course has not yet been 1ecied. coffipleted? Every (lay the fact is more SAVE]) LIV.,i English Iffe-boat nia Ow e in and Voted for the big ' n he Caiiiadian Paoific. Sir John upon, however, and it is not known yet ..—The
clearly realized that a railway includes. a they co g4 w ervice saved 633 lives - and had to pay $2 10. Ma- adly ei,grliteen an t declare ating, calla —0 last week s.
ant s e Franchise Bill now as b exactly what -the programme for the every; other business dealing, vessels last year
as he wanted the Loan tBill then, ' d, weelk will be. The Governmen ves, I ppose him that they -will push tile steambo ma i whi 4 �, tl ey do not o at pres- measure through, POYUL.&T!O_,��. —The nuin- were received from fry ate- - turing'� everything. The Canadian Pa ber Of Germans now resident in America ; ent, ffie y 'havE given him to understand and the Opposition � say it wJ1 take a cific, if it
d hatcheries
Y2. tfiat the y, are watching him.-- good dea1of pushing. is to do a train. s -continental is'esthnated at 1,967 000. posited in the Av on 4nd
ruE- I DIAN FRANC businegs, must invest Millions Of Capital A FE-x-iu Ho er- THE. 803OTT ACT -BTCHEAED. P -SE THiEF.—Hattie near the L-ittle Lakes 'But this ffifficulty wit), the French- TI te Seii,%te' has done , it ag; Lin. in carrying on the fiht with the North- Rogers, -arrested ric hoo&of triVord. Th�
the - Tile ern Plic.i9c and other roads. It can men is I tot th( only trouble. Sir John Scott Act would have been forthorse stealhigy, wag�- bapture( all right but easily �'vork up another debt in two:� y' -1 after lelig�
as got himself into a difficiAty with his fort he fact that it was 'in ears riding 50 Miles. th, but s1ould the couditions terfe red with which �QJ threaten a panic unless bet.' FA, -4,L Av�ALANCHE.—Xn aVa.laclie will 9 eritabt
cense Ae,f, passed tow bdo v
lify followeis over. the Franchise by the Dominion L'i terteri a- areagaingranted. And o froal the mountain near- Lae Van� ties of consirable Size.'
question. the W. len this matter first came two years ago. This year a Bill was it may 0 on to the end of the chapter. Armenia, over ined a as p ain y ons up Sir ohn 'stated I * I as any' introdueed, to relieve it from this inter- It wo Id be, folly to whel native caravanI —At the Easter ex
man cot.) 9 sta, "e, and rep eateid it several ference and to make some minor aniend- deman resist the present near Cons'tantinople killing 68 persons.. i Guelph - agricultural V.
ce times, th;it he To have the road go under I 4ntended to enfrn. INDE-m�NiTy DEA1A41'%'DED.—TIle Spanish sOnU Dr. Eby, Sel
very 6hige Mn �s, whieb experience in %vo kin the 'low w8uldbankrupt many people who Consul at Shanghai has gone -to Pekin ytar. W01 I
M the at
ave the I ndlans in e part of -the Doin- Spotb Act has shown wouldbe allvan- are dep�nding upon receiving one bu la� ale, inion wl iere white in.en'llave' votes. In. take3us. to deman indemnity fo "ve stock, i
the I Tot thwes.; .1 I This Bill wds introduced late dred conts on - the dollar on what tb r the losses us- honors 11 . 'Territories no man -has a in t1te session because the te anadialn Pacific owes thern 'E�J.tained by the Spanish missionaries'dur- try, Organic ehemistry,i
and alperance C say in Doniii lion -affairs. but Sir J ! , and would ing the Fran�co-Chines e" hostilities. veterinary anatomy El .
Ohn- men: had some hope -in 'the ea-lier � days seriously -injure the credit of tile coun- declare(. that nder this Bill, as sooni VO DEFF.N.cE. . as that : the Government would its' R :--IN'blseley Ell 111 h ompo-giRon, tj it the i otA was iven to anybody, it wOu elf assist try abroad. But, this is no reason-wl Id t -ell i iculty in which the Capada, a' iy and Graham On Saturday inspected the h out of the diff hould keep this leech upon her b -keep mg.
Ida- be given tolt Indians,'includinLr Pie -a- Govfrnment2s unwarranted i erference arm for environs of Suakim to d e e se wi the licensing poiw liar'
0 efen Wynn of Blans Pot, P01 LnKa er, and th r at 4f tho ever. The proper Pla"'would be plan for the d cide upon the A serious accide
a- who ar a en ged Ow in the work -of t 'tl er ha d landed to keep the company nominall y in cha�rge the sarniner. ce ofthe town dilring n heini. B -at, late though it. was, the of the work until it otber day, At the rai.
3 ls coin e abutcherng; settlers. This, of course, Bill I to then P was put through the Hot se ahead take it over and run it as a RlxcEs,.3 REAT111cV.,; Dowpy.---Jn the ling's new- inill, Ar. W,
by as i m:,, 6bsur .-not to* say a traitorous of all ther measures in the hands oi line overnme"t -COmmoni.- on Friday, Gladstone gave tor, was at the top 01.
an $ hat prop)baJ onservatives in privtte members then awaiting att or lease such ]�arts as are lea'eable notice Of -a prbposal by the Gov gged in - driving a P
- - -tin cou enment J, 1
the I 101 Se, of ommons said Openly dur- tion A+3 en- a;nd run the others under the auspices of of a Inarriage dowry of , o y U'leaus ing ing. the lebat hat the Bill did not pro- the; tr Id better exemplify the Government.. This would be Eixpen- Princess Beatrice. being- elevated struck 1.ga- pose an. in I ong public sentiment at the back give, no 'doubt, but, at- -any rate, it to foll a dis rth of the kind, and that it of il Le RE1,UBLMk,�r IVIAJORITY. tance of 25 ibel say Scott.. Act than the tremendous would not crush the sPilrit out of the er (Repiiblic�n) —.L fr. 8veav boy was a 1 4 - it diii. - 'Taking Sir' majority of the people's representatives country by I has been elected Seno Ieg and otherwise injur
Jobi a his * d, the Libe eaving the people subject -to f —A busin atOr 0 the 34th district rhe the" da se ilmost fiercely rals assailed who �ressed this amending Bill through the dictation of a corporation -whose of Illinois, by ma in.
Of official When the the. Iouse iii spite of the ;nost ictermin- members re ard the whole affa about200majority. ThisWi1J*1NethE ing a quantity Of box V
i, as a Repbltcaiis� a Inaj was surprise .6port of he speeche.q that day ed o ?position. The measure has be Purpose �dl
ing was: Issi L�d, it �ecame evidertt that S en gigantic -coi Wolence game. Thep Ority on the first ir befp p the Senate a roe or some time, and of Mr. Stephen and the Be be- Jolix hi d safA exactly what was attribut. tha kongregation of nobodies ha heme Which i LO'UISEIS RFr.,EF 80 ETY.— ed to -h in; and his followers a a laid will, no doubt, be adopted ultimately C1 that - t ere are &I '
in oveimment, -I'S Pkaetically what e rine Is t skating riiiks on the An
was communicated to THE E an an
t to kill it, Tak n Mit issued their Argt appeal to thi d tlie� dem a for b<
bad. )ui his foot in ic So did he. On itse F and ha� song by the G egg Louise -Northes
that he its � mpious hands upon the Scott Act h
he rose to !eXPI16in that in d �ge of this amending A c ubscript. the maufacture of wb
ex�. ino: v in London 01 its Mon lay last! t, W 1 g XPOSITOR tPub i for .,fu di h ch some weeks ago. ent is to Saturday. _Th Ili InEns among those allowed g The Governm e Pri. the� lit to have passed Without a take first mortgage bonds for c.s is President, half its and on the board are a large number 01 111
y 21
a 617 d
a a
P" 0 tain�
P' r,
P n
ad h )f
t 0