HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-05-08, Page 8VIAV K a...................... TOR THE HUAON EXPOSI nd.___-�Mr. G, N. McDonald, aign.. 'in tIf aMP e rst for the that' Fi hav put iiv machiery latollford, of this e papers,."aiix stock flocked J. B the ch Observat0rY9 says tratea papars, six & ly in�o, the fort where they son of Mr. sunfacture of a lingles.—Mr. Thomas of 8 in t week. ASH ut two days arlier thi EDWARD 0 SH - e semi frogs weeklidg, kly, five monthly ate still q�uirtere All the families 'in placie, return�d to Dakota lag were o r8 -c istaken, for .04 .-w6e. XiXonhag"PUrChatedafi tlaoSSuffOlk tit he is while en- magazines (I a —_OJi Wedk4iday of this week -last, b evenr r -views, and the the village 'also �except Mr.2bberti,wil's ollu I atterson, of the. Ceii. year than in Mr. R. .Patterson' it earlier last yea in. with..the ru time taken I r thleylilay pot have use Of a&I1 ese iogetlid, 11" ts Paying her.old two others, ad at that i they were a good bi riof and. gag4d at *ork 6fi er,4 for sale a good 1ptr%l hotel Wroxe wl )St 1)la6es, although up theiri abode in the fort ,nlills, David 16-illar, jr.,'son of k es Ahe library can- be 1haq foir- the 'very but the place Planing i In( if last week. She I V. of this'place, had ri,�nds here a �r per oil jh ' Wroxeter Yet.-- Well. moderate'slin. of one a, year. hid not be efi visited by hostile Indiana. Mr. 'D. Millar, in Goderich. Xp. Robe�tson says that Blievale better led an big hand very all the" alf - tb6 rnisfortul�e to get lick -1 LST ID __R1 I -law , � I . - as had bad I The First 8hot Fif Mr. Philip Thomas.h erated by comihg ill contact Notes. AF H BOY A breeds 111 that vicinitk are loyal re I bi�dly lac, A 8 1. ana a, died on' THE FRON lird one Sun- Huron -with the aiiw wi bli cows. A n indly, ready to, join the white people ny' --TI .19 b6e' k J(s. Fugh is MAle The f laNving letter b�s at whiell be. was work building a ;oil of Stanley, c maticlever for At congi been ill u time to flulit thi Indiana. At�, r�gitional meeting held here. aQf0C*1F1-fi_- theMethodist chureW, it bri A additi to I L a ­ fime of Vriting Mr. Robertson and his recently iii the, ed toNvrilsillmn, Mr. W.ST.'Watson. t TH R E E' HOU.SES sre'all well, and were not niu6b.: was deci&d to build an addition of bo ase looks -as, if t ie baff-breed and In- some time is now recovering frolmn- hi: son John, a young man 20 family e _"i%1r& Carter, widow .of the late ty feet their4rescat Dew church dii, ns had recently made a raid upon it. . - I : frightened. tw has enty feet ckersinith, berof the are the t ustees anyway?-L­Wm-. jonathan Carter, of Tu years of a e, Who is it! meni ION f0 A u, situated on NQgon 'street, and to that W,,ie're r 91st Winn, � Pg Battaion, � and is now -d Win. Smitill a farm t6kki up her residence in Clinton. INr GOO"� CONDIT 850. end to at once advertise for tenders for Tli ornt6n has rent e Londsborol Methodist located at Appelle.' :'It was Written McKWOP. Truly our ea t of the village, —Our machine agents _In the on'the 26�thh A ril and proce6ds file erectio'll-of the mine od btisiness. John Gar- church on Sunday before 'last, 130 new E 1GHTE IFARm Som—Mr. Wmo; Wright' has -ahead, People,- are doing a go WHOT�JE all day, for e receiv 13�rton's"Blacksmith Shop. We cen in cam Methodist fri6nds are ago n the sell, but members- we- ed oil trial and Opposite d his farm. onthe'llth concession to xtending their borders. dil ier is hara to beat 0 and belieV6 in e there is n6thing to do on May but go relresents a good firmi eight were baptized. his neighbor, Mr. John Galbraith. f r Join Farroiv sold his D artment to. -urch which is coi ch rnpulsory, each the sum of $3,100, and he reta-ins"th a ri, i and runs Garidiner _11r. Jared - Drydeii -has Millin ep 8eigrave. Maxwell, of Pa' ch 00 -son ndin'g his own dendffiina- ing, who beautiful farm of - 100 acres, in Goderi Mistakeof pei ii ames Tip I* very close.—Mr.. W, T. ave season's:,,,erop. The farm contains* 50 o Mr. George S. lit tion. ther i days *e awqs. b acres. Mr.Galbraith has been offered To CoxT. mliv d in Turnbe iy, West oy Bluevale, towiiship,,for $7000 t ST one hour. in the mo ing, $ Pickard who has been h auction L BLA. paiiad.p o 2 Ili long home last Fk son of Clinton. IN FULL 00 on his. bargain, but refused it. 01 a sed away to ridaY Robin In last wek',s I p then brea and. private sales here for 8 me, has yet 't;- company.drill for two been found of the IBEATS ONTARIO.—Mr. John C. Mor- t. ljf� was b riqd in the Win b i .—No trace haE DISTR�CT MATTERS.- determined il&n� continuing the,business ni )onald,supposed to hour t f renoont" i and . battalion P1 is unfortunate goodis," reaA the I P . rison of this.townshi in receipt of a cc 6tery on S114 lie fullera was man McIE d! inouroand a a of Winglian' ha' been drown d1l f or an hAlf in the aer. elgia . To a *Avell assorted dry ed in the Wrioxeter -B letter.from his brother,- Mr. Thompson v� he u ice ve sent for publicatio� Mr wlil. 8 ge hed under t nroadfoot, GOOD IT O ROO*ii , so th t we have quite. a bit of time Morrison, who is located near Dray�on, g d k �0 has added anew and fresh Or er of Foresters, of daim. a few'weeks ago. f [. C r , Canadian Of Tackeran it recently purchased mAe�. The dry goods will the neighborhood of to our elves which, is generaly spent in D Rota,' and which was_!written on. w ich institution he was a leading. mem- —Farmers in .1, 'Toee a 11 Cr the Ru__4 Be .0 Own-, his fine reading, pl *ying foot bal , or sonleth be &old at. the same prices as duri port that. f6,11 wheat never Never in. t history ��j our gous 0 m sday of last wee , in be 4 Wedne k ii "which he He -wag also --a member of' the higbain re heavy inare, for -which he -paid of that sort. . Our company is composed. er sale. Butter and eggs taken in exchange Workilit" 1. ig than the pres- The funeral was lo6kwd better any sprir states. that he b1 d finished sowing, ov ited has Ithe sni of $3(--. O., This fine animal at cash -pkiceg. le coliditions a r M I L L I N E BLY - 0 I -,Nr G bea. i Is sl�-%' of Winnipeg boys' and we' have'�: library' SO acres It I - y farnlers in his ded. He was diie f ent and under faivorab 186 and th na;h vial y largely atten Special 11 0 lb& She is thate brot ght outv�ith usl so we havea 6nd very ed -for. the, SUCCE SS Of ars old and look e hborbood had at that time, from' 11-V the farin, a of the district, i eavy cr is the bresent season. a to, the imported harse which -Mr. n I leadinvy - -first-rate tirrie. The battalion hasnot bad 9 Oteen in, f 15 received to the effee to 150 aerie sown. Dakota beats� O' Wroxeter. ol�Vned a i a breeder of. good. —Word h, was ren i orris, Crowds of visitors from morning -until 'i& be imported that Messrs. J _T() Chas.- Mason had last season, Sh�e is ay orders to leave heke yet, and w4l taio this 8 �ason but we will come A very interesting --address hors . About a year E McEwen, of M hil a LECTURE. es one of the b es4 taares. in the county, and lik7cl of Belgrae, ar�ived y be or here oil'at Qu"Appelle ng- mare. He and W. Alli good bit aliAl of them in the fall when was delivered in -the town hall here on twb stallions and a breedi ol: our gram. -other of r. Tbos. T safely and q ;e olA lier-'N too cheap,, altil, in Scotland night on both opening day$. Every Mr. Bell says Fort until ffie trouble is,ell.4 k Which wT coe to m&Tket thei.,'evening !of Friday last. -Subject: was a' br ippling, of in good lie 'but as lie is n, r living in, town -lie has will likely be as soon iddletop %FaDtLges of reading. I after a pleasant journey- re than Pleased, and iilf acknclW1 The ad, The at- Cl�nton.—The Scott Act seems to 'be xG suitable p ace to keep hee for the will have' 6ne mo reaches Prir ce Albert. Tort Brusseli� Wm- Knechtel ad her two . . I- ten4ancewasi veryfair. The proc6eds do4ng very -*yell 1: ere so far.- nd rs heard of thi6 fight he ha 6 ebels sum iller. Mr. Bell aso sold .a Six, ye, d with the r daughters Eumla and. Time inte our fRivATE FUNDS. -F; S. Scott. has any are, �to be ap&cd in aid of the' -Sunday 1 __-4. old heavy drat-Lorlit, horse: t� Mr. John chesi yju and, as'shortly. edge that Styles CAN BE ONLY before ihis letter r" leavi Seaforth h .011 I �.) for Kans 11cmatta far. 8 ay aftiount of. private funds to loan ion farm pro. schoo'l. 1E xeter. ng, Brussels �1 0. He was a good one (Sun day) the calbe that D in first-class ci pqrty, at oper cent. perannuni. 4-iiierest payable STILL Awo�rHER. Still another of the They will be followed by Mr. Knecbtel EQU ursday ev r tobrotys f C0 ver D;— cuing of e Also,, Th 14Nv BAN Th they were still at it. Principal W suit borrower:�. 906-8 i - y � 3 1 - I victim of the terrible and Miss Knc�hiel next fall. orry for tl se that wer killed and boys w a last -week n of Linq e as in del boys ranging in r Thos. Bell, Of What seems the surprise is how we call , A m. ssEssmENt.—The assessor has if, om- e ide ic that .1s at present raging —The othpr day M DF-PARTrRE OF A in, t A in om years, marched down, W-ingbarft; rec McIntosh, of -Hullett, one R;f Hu on's pleted his koll iiie to iiy� in the person of Mr. Ali, IOR CLAS WORK Iwo-tnded, se reral oi whom I know, and. 8 vicin ag� r L2 0 1 r� livelY tune- cived a telegiam from a ch we are all I . DTeatly excited over the re- lZi nf street, playing a. ver) oba offering him sell su- SUPER. IiitQs�,'f left tt e 1clerk. The follo, is a sumblary ..drew Goodfellow, who, on the 29th ult., entl Qn Tuesdiy last fo el f xeil estate $1 59 - was Jome( six or seven moi in I ��w not going to tel. Own -and Afounted.Pol�6e reac ed Bat-.' whistle, two ban pioneer.%, and -Mrs. Me 1-hiare ports !as th, ly come in. i The Queen's Ah organs, a tin 9 eman in Man'tolt. Mr. Boll has r. Sh Aoq, Da it: 'Total value owing I in; �he bonds of mairimony 'oil 037 for his trotti g c at such VEILY -LOW FIGURES. Ho �h cornets, and 6, 'drukn. I 9 - I I - away goods, for theypil I 1� ; 770 ; yersonal pt9perty, $45,800 iax- - to - Miss Emma Gallagher, who resides declined the offer. ; . g, � -ri it, and -the -%v a pop They have several sons and, a daughtef tleford Indians made. g 'thei, first appearance in all This bein in illation of din that part of DC%k ta and they able income $5,400 total assessiliOnt about three bliles north of this Olace. Goderiell has no we explain is, Our small expenses ver solicitous that _I cal;l6f. We havo j3 themselves )retty. a public, and on. having been formed rill an increase of 143 du ing The 4,000) spend the rei 10,970; numbey of dogs, 59; pop- marriage ceremony was conducted being go -to aincler c f their days good gillub of the kind, afill plenty of #, about a week, they deserve muchtipraise buy those special lines e R S. H. iness �U�lation 1,273; number of catl 101; at; the bride's� home, by the the past year. Who would think it? gh knowledge of the bu urithther'n. Tliey were ac(ompanied,by ev. out torou blit there mi,,,ht- be a much better vaie- offelng to the public w f( r thein alieep, hogs -41 horses, 115. Child-- Edwards. -The young couple after for! their exclellent playing. 'They got town has, -according to the asses a son who had come aver We ty The it as cannottail to meet. 0 lay. I -e long life for. there is too much sameness about pnosents in money to the amount of our special advantages in purchasing. br ren bet and I 1 5 and 16 ed,:,took ihe' train for sors' returns, 158 dogsi, 207 cattle lk pe the old coliple k�v M Weqn ages of 294 being duly iniiat -Nvho believestbu thatr ead,' eat, ea and Sugar aud, besides, t which they used for the pur- 1, abpu and coiltiued happiness in -their new between* 7. and 13, 161 over 16 and Galt, followeil . by the best wishes of 158 horses. ea on to give letrive.11 The'repo# i the pay is oil ly 50 cola day. I have pogo of securbig a nuinber of new instru- determined this S 8 b their many friends. th con- We are e. vIr. M Settled on a farm een i . kom; cIntosh under 21, 95. —Mrs. J. B. Taylor, of e 9th me theSeaforth Boot and ground here quite a, bit, and to &ing a flute and triangle;l We in Ith about 35 years ago, aild oil IFAREwELL SuPPER.—A farewell sup- 1116 ts, eve ED AB TICLE get iulted with cheap �1 o b el near so mu heartily. wish. the* boys unlimited sue- 'pay I Tuckersm there does not seem t i tr cession of Morris, left on the 20th ult. n the L . OWEST PRIC pi�r was glvpn a he Cen al go o- ar 4 awl. Man� er thit, after clearing it he removed- to Hullett f arnlinig n s. O' Id Moose J t, 't hotel to hesi for Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, to report toehange if Thqmas R`(1wards and John Maliftin a Visit to relatives residing there. She sear H.-arlock,where he again took a our best attention, having such a large I Mathesbn has T1,xereJ -V e land; ibroken, except . ey PAIINFULI OPE�ATION.j—The little REVITIES.—Mr. John cefitly reeeied a lot ho have -been representing i Quebec husi farin and cleared it up:. He is at w expectsto be absent about two months. on the two three -large farms in this �'orton Flemin underwent rl�loved. to his store in the north end, . . I -it, AT a. '.N I - � 9 Ever� selling very rapidly, I L TcIntosh has I daughter of 1 park -ma bt r mof Itimberers here this season, and, --Vijldge ots and lots around. and efficient taff of wOrk('rs. n active 7 i - I Ladies'kid b�l district, bat most of the -people, haivel' -%v days ago of f&inerly q9cupie by Messrs. -Currele prices: 'become vqry frail. aving -for coul- the painful� operation a fe e le y Bayfie.ld are rising in value. Ajr. Wain Who ar home, having ans I 14 freighthig,. supplies up having &r ifoiefinger amputated. &Co.—Anumberlof. cry large fish have rn and country, invited V .50.; 1 Adieg"pollsh ca [th6ir fe pleted -their seasons work. A large lit has sold big six acres and a half, lwy, both in tom 14 rig lo er d another. 7 to ild.f1ront. An a Rog "is an i FOOT- BAILL.—The young men of the been caught in the river here this season, dies' oil pebble from �$22 nu. mber were in attendance. James with house and barn to Mr; John Me- yon 'fellow are cooks for our comany, c or e to give us her patronage. $1.50 up to .33-.60; L,3d� Sth. oncbssidn of Colb ii' liavereor- one about a foot and a half long being 350. Ing Oil a, n t the ]Fire and Watir Drew'.occupi.ed.. t�e chair and John Ale Nab, of Seaforth, for the sum of calling in active killed fr6in the top of the bridge with a anc is a a e -to see em, anize u g, d their'. cl. b, and 'are up; Ladle. ommi-ittee r �'orted that the furnace'at ander the vice c4air, The company di not —A number of yoiingy men in Brussels up till f natch h Ome coming i --Meprs.� Curreley & Trick e trates of balls IrDin 90c u; d up pots, and 'erving out grub." I e am the practice for s S. The fenc6 rail. 1 the water wor -s. requires repair m -an, break all hours of e bl-ought before�the magis g, wer officers elected are: Vice -:p gident, lef t for Toronto on Saturday, where they that it will. t e 300 fire bricks for this morning, all -spending an enjoyale eye- rge of disturb' alls trom$1 up; Ladl� A in end taking up,ltheir abode, but la on the chai Missee Boots b L-�Tl N- S E aF. FURNITRE. —There - I - st week ON S, George McPhee; secretary -treasurer, before ning 'he nice ings purpo,,ie, and asked the Council for per, ; cW aml se u t' f the Savation Army Tho'mas Kidd sold bY t, ublie-Auction at the residence of there M * C rrel y inten -*vill be t 0 on n.­� Fred. Blair t , Will. Young. e 6 via- BR-Ijgi�s.—I?etitions are being cir lat- Tauxi sout, of the railwix3- track, on Satur- i , to ecessary repairs. iss, thu Al m4ke, th� n' CPi . ranging from pries n ACCIDENT. . hile Joseph Fisher was iting England. e family of Mr. Win. - It -d f a granted.. la 16th, 1885, t 1 o' I k, a ]a were each fined in sums balls, for tom -ii and cow v3 . $6 a q to S The of e oIr ed against the passing of the Dominion permission wa day, IN a I C 6c rge quan to b e* out &iVing last week he stopped on the Fe ick left for- �an !Francisco on Wed- The , 'erk Fillalchise-itill many preferring elTindall, of the 9th concession yo ivant. was intructed, to advertise - tityofHouseho Furniture. his sale is po i- tively road'to speak'to a man and left big son ne day.—The R A M. Ramsay Pres- —Ab Corner Alain and Market Streets-, eserve. MR&J. VAux. 909x2 for tenders for - the necessairly luniber �,%vithout confederation if it is to be an has a �ow­ which gave birth to of Gre: lesboro-, ex- PA. —Ale nleans it b) erian inini �f Lonc required for corporation works. Martin. -a .'monar6by, as the People of t in calves this spring, tl x. McLennan having ab olute to hold the horse. 'By gome iste iis being the Seaforth. DEPIV w reneL Sparbings j;�Jturage partie'de. t6d, "aa the little fellow being un ch 4nged pulpits with the Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, an Irish emignan- petWoned. . - ' ,p. 0 too intQ1li, Light and heivy, Jost domnio ation for their cattle should itario are gelitto be ruled Saion. She raised� able to man4*& it,it ran away, upsetting Lbt,-head, of Park '11, on Sunday last.— third year in success -bb to the old ply to hini a the Council be sent back Tex� , s reasonable�' 909 Russia is'.—Peop e are busy. cleaning five of the six-. Such a co,w as �this Is, an by Wingbain friends, -April 27th itluire. A nice lo' of the buggy, thus dashing it th- pieces and Work has been coi nienced on the*Pres- country aalia.' The Relief Committee IV Small house up back,, ya geetting things in ANTED RENT worth three or four -other cows. 16ok- well d w ar goo, TO by erian mange lie- Rev. Mr. Dick- . Buchanan has been. a real, were ellip - -very severely. �dedi- —iAr- J. J. Fisher,- of Colborne, the dent of this town for the -past 17 I'a injuring the �oy .1885." r ow4ed-to purchase a tickret !ctor moderate rent i1p family of three. SbaP6 to pass the' Sanitary 'inspc I ca.1 years i and pay his expenses to his former resi- :For. particulars'Apply at this Office, 9W aid was ;�ummoned, but be is still Sol L has returned hoi e from the sea shore, Dw thing that the health of tile villa veteran horseman of Huron, has dis- and has been prominently idntifie ge del- very low. W11 ere he has' 1 , u bristmas, and received some speeW b cience. This - Person is a young an mands.-- Business is dull in town those 'Dee ce C posed of all his- entire horses, and is �Vith temperance and reli'ious matters SAD E-ND.—Many of our villagers prtached rMethodist I 9 330ots and Shoes, juet t who fias been sick- for soble time, and Lo(,.-A.L B.91 M—Business is solneisrat '!days as farmeils are -busy' seeding._ g any this season, a therefore not travellin and with his -departure � Winghain log shman ch Itas been supported largely by the town dall in town hese d ' s on acciou6t-of Brgsels is to bave. a cricket base will em I rch Oi last.—The Rev. C. and r ember"the young Engli ay sununer wear. OX101 umstance in big histoy.tbat bas'not one of ber best and mo9t resp named Arthur Watson, who Stopped Te6ter, who ll;i-� be, n supplying the pul- elre ected all winter, and this means was ado-pted farmers being bfisy.with their.-spriDg ba;11 oubi this year. —E. E. Wade; and leather, n; leather,;e!j occurred for many- years prev IMt year beino the cheapest way of glettin& rid work. —The �' cott Act canie 'into -force With . Mr. dordon Young pi� in the -Main stre,t Methodist church iOu8lY- - izens. Air. Buchanan leaves A 'th hi as H. Dennis weie. collecting members for S-9.75 $3 —Will. aylor, son of Theis. Taylor, of fauily f , the Rev. Mr. Dickson, or �xt of farming. It seems he in the absence of tb of his maintertance. -he SU-6et Com- on Frida ias and is,' wq believe, being the crie-ket blub this W" 6ek and met' ith learning the . . Toronto next _Nfonday, where cloth top button boot, A Grey, whowent to Colorado someyears ago 'he will ellte:� the wholesale Sadlery Wittee were authorized to purchase 200 faitlif ully obs ed by th6. hotel -keepers his home on Stylishslippers froin, 0 zood succes.—Brussels is -not goin to failed in et!b6loing as lie desired, so lie lef for Monday' last. quit and Eci'ded Ao study for the min- ore leaving he. w l,,s presented with a is thought by soine -to be dead NO ba tilership with good trees to fil up spaces where treies of this town, o say th, e bound tp-* �elebrat6' arbor 'dhy this ye�rl;-7J]ie rdware bus iless in par for all kinds iof 3v�rk I word has been beard of lifin for a long PU 'Iyw* arays ago as couneil are -replacing all dead Shade ist1ty. For this purpose be went, early are dead, nd also to. fill np' vacant give it a fair al.—A-f se of money and an address.�Mr. rking at the flood time, ��Ithougli his father has left no A' -Hv'VhSi1Perwig(' gates o. y -ipal streets.. The one of Mr. I son's f6gis last fall to Toronto, but while there: & don, of . IngersoU, spent Sunday in space on the prim was going trees and building new sidewalks near, the ied C " C6mpany School of In- rned to findhim. k petition asking the'Council to have Main over the Gros into yard in: rea n mil JO ii�wn -visiting his I Vother, Mr. Richard stone untur. the -Gorrie mill daan last wee Air. Johi In the Custom Depart woole I which is an improvement —A large tree which was carried Sanders fantry,. and.. when this iripany was Se'.doii.--!rbe business men in town- on the ini�fortune to street watere(F-was laid ever until noxt of'M. R. Cointer's stope the sudden' much needed. co drop give me a trial, ancl be I lie a e down the"Bayfield river by the fre6het valuable $25 watch out Of tes! M.eptiag of Councit- After passing ac- J,pit caused sevealrare to falk off the called to thie front Pronouce trade asbeing -%-cry (lull, no his N get the fullest satisfaat$ took a*ay the middle bent of the line, I counts to the aindut of $224 thel, Collin- on, brea-flig a largel n, umJ)er of eggg. and wa,4 shot' at, th�c recent engagPlent do Libt oil- account of the fariners being pocket in -to the water. It was at one perience iip that r Ifiowick. brid on the 3rd concession of -Stanley. at, Clark's Crossing. Our carried over � e dam and deposited il i crossing h, requi Oil 4djourned. as sinee been readred.— so busily engaged in seeding. rementsat the e� [EFS.-LOur young miller, Alfred- yolig friend, M_ Therent was, placed there last year for th below the apron, -where A 4r. and lUr James McMichael,- and HIGH. WATEIL—he breakage of the. Bw r. John Gill, jr-, spent e deep hole most reasomble Ural% THk MEcitAsi,(,,i'INSTITUTF,.-:--TI.ie an- 11r. and -Mrs. ar left for th�old mill �nl at Mr. Wri "a in* 16 in ew- Cullis, whp 13,tely'vven� to Manitoba On' la,,� t Sunday in wn. He looks well as -suPtlort to the bridge. Still remains. to fv�"r --n al meetixg of the members of the coun on T 6sd* bridge caused th6 flo of ' a rl� in. ord- business, be home —The Board of Directors of th6 How —One day last week as Mr. and Airs ay. T ey expected to expects to at- the end usual.­Zrhe ca rialre shop which - is in -the .1 -Tat Departul� T r rds in th �us of M e- are glad to see that Robt. be built by� Mr. Parsons, on !Mr. T wieh to be more. al . A ick Mutual. Insurance Company met in of the third �oneession of Seaforth Mechauics' Institute was held Sad f r6i, n Ne York on Thursday.—Mr; ay ng Patterson large assortment to cliol -en- and.Krs. Chili, a Lowrie! intend I )Mted. McIntosh's ball, Gorrie, on Saturday t this season.., Large stumps, old logs, McDowell is able to be out again;l ownh., In the Institute rooms on- Tuesday ev e eaving Sp�cknlan's corner, is nearly coml P of East Wawanogh, were 0 terns -and styles. 'Nemi last. There were 31 applications Pas- to Blyth,� their dwelling,: -house w for the old c Du'ntry aout the end of brushwood and Son* ole trees of a F. Stalker had a severe attack of cry- ,�T ing last. The attendance was not -very 0 %vhich I will sell �:hea ed,, covering risks for 43,750. large, but the reports of the officers this month. They go by way of Quebec. large size passed througil Mr. Wilson's sipelas, in bb 4. head-- Miss Frank Knight 8 entered and a. number of uced in a m 'flume. mes has been very p6rly lately.—Ja M6 vis. losses reported -for the month. prod WE.Te ver,y hit(wes�_ting and not only allow Mr. Lo,-*vrie h a been in rath6r-poor:health off. It is conjectured thal- the robber the,- gmforth Boot RUCI 81 ,ETORNED.—Mr. Edward W�Iite,: see- CRop.—'The fallv:heat in this iieigh- —A correspondent from the township mu-st have been pretty well acquainted that another very successful year in the for some, mon. hs, and hi�' man ids' Whimill is working Alfred Kubylit's y rier is -ti6ii boss on !the lor�nto, Gre' a ye- borhood is, so Xempthome Itistory of our Institute has been close , 'will jo iat y and- place on, shares thi ar. fai, looking exce cut, of Grey says: The supporters f the id us in th6 with the emises. in with -h hope tl railway Potdwieb has just re- estecially since the rain, which - Scott Act in this township have got pr change there 5s.in W4 an JJ1 -fully restore pro —Mrs. Jacob Wilson, of the Maitland Itut clearly demonstrate tlw good'work. sojourn in th('old I d vw; 11 'the better, come ana it is doing in our midst. Tbe. follbying him to' hi igr. —r. - Me- tv�rned from a. V; isit,to Ireland much im- dul ed on it a tel g e et., Jud * 9 maters well arranged for the successful conession, Colborne, and mother B61more. from its apearanc now, ere fylnbe carrying . out of the Act and it is the Mr.. 0. - C. N-Villson and M r J giving tbebenellt d Ith. He says he Would WiJl offibers and directors were appointed for In . I � ayre has �ureliased t,,Iie old Adams prove in ea CoxcEn�.—Mr. Win. Coutts, of Ayr, an abundant barves t. the ensuing y tead pr reside. there now on era- -breakers to. the cash principle. i any consid I intention to bring law Scott, Seafbrtb, is lid ear, viz..: S. G. cCaughey, honies operty from Mr. D. D. with an t President - Dr. :Cam, pb--Il, Vice-Presi- Wilson for $P50. The propbr COW. ion..—Mr. B. IS.. Cooles -trip, to, New who has be.en teaching sing, ing ar�und JUST -So,—, The il�i ost fashionable eni- mark every time. here, gave a grand closi tack of taralysis. he s: a very age Rmemb er the pluce, ssts of two 16ts and the. bouk ereon; Orleans has' not'made him an out and ng concert on I- t now a; nong the couiltry —We are sorry to bear of the serious PE eing ani first who se - fToymen ient , P. Holiliested, Treasuer ; lVin the eveZg- of Friday, May I at, in Bel- I Ong 91. out Grit,"; but it lias-stiengthened his males is - house - ealling and fldwer illness of. M 'V of Grey, and Main street, Seaforth. !oore, SecretiT and Librarian, and —The- town'band has been re-oor ani e L r. V.1n. Alcock, tied in the Huron tract, ad her or and that ng ore. The singing was done by, the gardening, their nic for many years bailiff of the Brussels -friends would like to see ll�_r recover. In He. say in i -Secret&r d the servi es o r Canada k members df the Belmore -and Rio. I ations bei , J, Darwin, Assistant , love a he s tban at fashionable delcor _y. -,Di- 'an d. f;i con!ipetehti stru. fill to get ho e liis� h tan and freckles. The Division Court. He bas been under the Hannah, W- Lumsde*, J.,, tor Sem 'They intend giving- open rector. re -ink, was th6 best entlemen, however, ae not left fa,r' in —The Clinton New Era, is inform I classes, and, iwe th Tuesdy, - bere. are of two physicians and will have a D. 'Thursday 9 a� cplicerts on Air. & W. Kemptf C. H,,trstone, Rev. A. Dl. McDonald on good authority that Rev. 1 that has been in th�se parts. I have it the shade in the mAter of appearailce, clo.s� pull -for his life, as the old gentle- D,-. Wilson, M. Y.. McLean, Dr. Smith and Saturda nights. They play're- '.BAR, -j% BUtUNTED.—Mr. Thos. Tayl6r 8 from good authority land one who blas as they wards) of Caledonia, formerly of Holme., t. I and we hope their efforts barn, on lot 6' concession �Howick can boast of complexions,re- 13, &nd Johm MeLaren. -At the. close of the makably we . I J tlema-n -is upwards of 70 years of age. wi hessed quite a number of closings 0 ville, has fallen beir, with two O t Was entirely consumed by'fire on Wed- f sembling in every rticular those rebel- —jThe wife of Mr. H. Stevens, Of roceedings a, hearty land unabnous will be liberiiRy seconded, by t �e citi- nging�claases', that this Was the best lions people -in the Northwest, but &n- Clinton, a few day's since met With a to an immense fortune, it being pr( Vote of thanks was tendered the efficient zens.—Mr. Win. McDowelk 'brother�of esday of last -week, 6getherl with its 81 he -has heard. We believe that Mr. perty in the city of New York- estimate I 10 tents, consisting of one c(t7,two �alve gratulate . themselves on being no Ala- Secretary- and Librariiarn, r. Aloore, Mesarg. Johni and -James'' MeD -�vell, of "Pon veryi severe accident by f�llillg on a, hot to be worth millions. The sum cf- A 4 w6 large hogs,: a d6uble, btiggy,,ye" a' Coultts hi�s accomplished more -in the tiVes of theirs. for Ids, indefatigable pervices m tb e McK lop, has 'been M"' these Parts ti aper, stove while in a fit, burning her arms --n TV Zvi hay rake, ha. same time".than any of his predecessors. 825�OKOW has been o-Z-br.d the heirs as NEuT interests of te Institute. f4 the Past recently visiiiilg old friends. 0- rness,-hay, etc., and about PERSONTALS,.—Aiss B. Thynne, of Port 1 At'�� the loge of , the entertainment a H4 and face very seveiely. For a thile her, a full settlement of their 4ghts. ar. We may also say th at 'this vote Dowell left here about six years o for 40 bushels of grain. The fire evidently. ron,. is at present visiting her mother condlition was critica, but she is w' ye no -�-Last w6ek Ed -ard, T n kinal (f Vi niore than deserved, for it is certainly Colorado. Hel is now -located in el -from sparks blown iioim c4be- couple -of individuals ex riessed them- and friends here. W.' R. Souch intends out of danger. sees 8 .higy r. h a Seious pai 1 a N Ethel, n!iet wit the loose straw in the barn- M ha�ing a 'I largely due to Mr., �Mclore's efforts nd Ou t —A littre boy, son of Mr. Hickey, of accident. Whil eng-agg in a G ny, aiid!is engaged in the' cattle new residence erectedion Iiis —AT y to yard. Tb6 Codtt's work. Mr. Colits has left a fa�m this surniner.—Mr. John Knd-x and Clinton, met i4th a bad accident on i laors that the Institute is able to show ranching business. When he took tip l9ps is $500 on which there Milne ai�lk in Aowick which can never be saw -mill his hand came in contact wit I- alUck inarked prosperity duilib, the past his present _Io6ation' about three years is no. insurance: Mr. Taylor intends' to M' P-hildren who wer here on a visit to Mon0ay evening. He was lying in bed -;He will be felt. in the tWr r the saw and an ugly gash was cut ' i � I an rebuild at 'once. eradicated. fe-Nir years. ago, he and *s partner. were the �only t elatives aii( friends, returned a and his mother was carrying & lighted -Iiirning oil COUNob home circle;� he will be remembered in few days ago to I heir home in Alichi- lamp, when it exploded, the his hand badly ld�e_r,�ied. The inj -are I Cheap —From tile -reports of the Secretary white men in that part of the c t L. —The township council' met n -i P1 , 1po is doing as wells could b� expected. Oun Y, in. Fordwicli bn Wednesday, the 22nd the Public school- We understand that member w as stitched up aW the patir t *ad Treasurer; we learn tha the tta the 'Place bQug etirel, ulated- bV 9 an Joh� repor A times as , having falling upon his arm and face, inj t is owers I. in the'States la t win- him very severely. -ver, mile,, en of books now in the library- is- Indiana. H4 says, howe that th ' ult. The: auditors hich I ra er duli ey his an e had the inisfor- Say-,, 656 f whicl-i 294 have been a dacd-- are of the better class, and he never had. time reaches1o.the 31st d cb .—Mr Stanard W. Rutl Ag. I -with them.. He likes Color. his ankles un- during he past year. There are no any troub, e year', 8uc6 h4d tune of getting one "bf ess in t atthew Foley and `Wm. McManus Ct Mr. re: heartily wish him a' The Kincardine i' report, w he to be agent for trees, fl th e4 lay of Mir his new Sphere as he has Thompson, of ;yfield mia ras passed. It -Is expected another have purchased Merlewood farm at in the old. ' Miss Longley was the or- oNmer was in toym on .1 He returns next rr ore the Brusselsshow. to, and -is doing well. f ef new la, to close on the last jointed lust week I iI 46 me; ers, being 39 m ore than at aC Slieppardton, in Goderich township thc� evenin and it is 'of December. The ganist'of needless making arrangements t report shows: inlast year, and it is hoped to week-��-The Zurich sta6 has again com clay I DECEASED. sr.,! passed consiAing of 190 acres,* from Johii T. o g6 tf 0 to say th! Lt she d part' well, a 'away to his long h me- on Wedn *111 out -100 m enced its regular -trips the treasurer to have handled J21,239.34, her Mr Sellars Queen street Taill in c,onnection I r. .. increase this umber by ab and. will c6me e'sday of Naftel, of Goderich; Mr. Foley ta M a a does. king. Mr. Baird, and put in roilc.­ ot y- slight wh plains - were on boal I d -miller the year. The reinbers a to Seaf ich hag been expnded 8 I re orth every Thurkda as fo last week, th front portion and Mr. McManus the thi�g which she' lway H off Ilows and his e Mr. Thompson remove4o, nty r4t NT E �Ia ollows Life mqmbers oil took place on Waiii-9111, et on Coll 1 $4 1 :salaries and i following day inte ed in the Bluevale bacU. Kincarldinii, 48, f 5 collisi es, _i5e ,052.5 1.88 Bluelvale. Gimmissiobs, A1,116.20; interest: on will lose one of its best an 1. y. Decea �d made his home —Mrs. W. T. Hays', of Goderich, who niechanIO, 63; farmers, 67 ladies 4_1 - aturday ey6ing last b4t*ee#. the Sall- demeter most exiterpri8ing eitizens. AF� ons, debentures, &c., $1,367-.60; THE FoRESTERS.—The monthly meet- *Ah his -sop Henr. , of 'the 3rd idonces- has b e -en suffering from a painful sore on I q other members, 158. There vation -Arm and a o_il6wd .b o were coup y y SE --Says the, Brussels Pst 'It is quite w0re* issued the year 11,02 standing around the band, who were taxes refunded, $19.44 printing i and --ing of the Foresterslodg� *as held in - for some years before his death, one of her fin er, had the afflicted mem- Mg. er miscellaneous the 'hall in th-ii place o currently repo#ed on S been an exceedingly that the Grand. Tr, being. 1,05-1,more than last year. plityi tb treet at the time., Fur- Staion Y, - $90-89; Wednead had healthy ber amputate a few days ago., Duringr gi I little Ay an, I Railway intend takin Tld,; was clas fied as follows: an a Crowdin! &- v�nd OVM $1,061.28 roads and bridges, $3,829; 21; evening of last week, when the follow- un g the morning an I si therlt min til a few eeks previous to his the past couple of --months Mrs. kay�s n .78-,�i el - -in I- G de4h. ' When e - became- ill al- lit trmis off on.r line a her an .,g hy, 630 ; fiction, 5,LO42 history, topre 'elitthearinly procession assing ectio. ex- officers were appoirite� Fraser :itoget 4-21; miscellaneous lic Is long, no 0118 injury $269.90 trains a day eachway. �enses chari R.; F. Patterson, IgIn sohool sections, $7,990 suffered much pain, but her I friends are 812 ; perio( $2 drai�liag'�, in! - thbugh under thi best of medical aid looking for her speedy recovery no . w. I e Beautiful Gin& dania e was .1 n band, 1,019.70. C I V. C. R.; W., leav us with two S. - and all due attention, old age quickly —Two of the most popular conductors ue it is a mea -a co mptib eidita- $4 If it is tr PO and the drama, 2451;'re-� done. The proceedings!., ere* not 20.13 balance o Sm*th chaplain; John Burgessi, etry ble, to those ivilo, took Jaies Elliott, F. S.; Geo. Aitcheson' began to way of treating the public a break-in ligious literature, -86; science and art that death was inevitably oil t�is section of the Oiand Trunk, and- part in thE , hnd tell New Designs in d to; Perpetuate the ities. So m a- te S. W. Far! approaclAng.—The people voages-a-lid tra, a,. 1,610. The re not caliblulate Hensall treasurer T. Curr* faith with the munieipah P around here who;jha-ve been running here for several f the tow I Secretary in his report says: " In order 000d pame and,% re hope. PROPERTY PuA Mes rs. 'Don- J;, W.; S. Turvey, A. were, if possible, inore than for a monopoly. Henfryn will), be ma, CV shocked last years, were this week taken off and -e idea of the reat Strides the will not be to eated. —Three, lads -weret*ald'and Duncan Roberts rl� of Tu6ker� Campbell,J.B. Rev. A. Y, Hartley Nv�ek on hear' aig stati(5-� only. 9 0 Mg I if the xtremely slid- transferred to some, of the other part Institae has illade in a few years I suninioned b ax A Mr. Wm.'Mess pointed de� --On last - the win 3. 4, hose, the best w -ore r - were ap] arbt PurviQ, of service. We refer to Lin -Crawford and Jbhn Beattie, J. have 'recently purchased f rofn er' i death of AlisE Alarg Saturdmty folio ai iditors. Messrs. A. D. Mosgrov -W. McKnight, both of - whom.are men parties deliv a cattle in in tile trade, 8uti. niay mntion that ih,6 umber of books P., oni Tu6s ay ast, t6 answer to the h. Vni. Moir,, of this place, a, nice atid the Gth concession, ere This should, with- Clnton ft r ej meetin s, of. 9 an irx*the library in 1875, was 629 charge of di§turb T lomas Nixon :were L appointed' dele- o t doou6t, fin 4 upon the minds of tbat1will be missed by the traellin in the block 6f land at . the west end- of the prei McLean Brothers, the number of the nuni-ber on. the I st of May- this year alvation A y tea to a tend the Hiqh Cour 11 how truly essei mals aiid"thei w bts given a - 1%, 9 uner, sou on e revious8undav village, .'d intend shortly erecting a 91, t, Which itial is the prepa�-ation public.' 9 . , how Was 2)656 so, that 'over 2,000- volumes T e -were 4 , fine $2 ana -residence -thereon and livin� in,-ets at Peterborou h ML June. for death while in health. soiiie of thein to Ue here. .9 fi;" aninials —At a ineetiniar of the directors of the tident.) liave been added the last tell coats. Tho e who do not lke are always Pleased to lear -of respect- BRIEFS. --Farmers are bii8y plowing n, Anoth ar Correspo Rogerson Hullett 2 head 2; 920 It -11 (Pro Hur andllruc�Loali and Invertment j. K a; -of he -army should- hot attend d well-to-do r iiers pur- ai gettini'th, ye�Lrs, ma of these being vluabl, and ceedii a no e x, Hullett, Steers, 4,280; ex -P, clas b o a, -the nber ineeting6, nd Ilage'as they M. Win. Smith, brother-in-law of -of Mr. folin Shortreed, of the' y 9 4le all etired fai e land ready for seed.— Mary Shortreed, Com n held last week in Goderich, Robertson 5 head 7 120 - R. Match 6- of the those W6 do should' property in -our -v p Mr.. daughter Jos. , Zlyiiams*was elected president and 6d in hat tinie, beliaro tli.01118c head, 8,350 abers, has increa. Ives* while there and, if are irable residents, hope soon T. Farrow, �M. P., has purchased the 9th concession, is not k pected to live. Dr. Holmes vice Ha'lllilton, 2 head, 2,Z i of ' more follow, t6 -president. A number iz., front May, 1875, to 1%lay, 1885, y, refuse to do so de§qve to . made to hea: n the Xcssrs. hcuise kn4)yvn- as the :Duncan, Ste —A dwelling house about two mil(s. r1equil wart -C usumption is .h x trouble.—M-r. Gen. Of a ifttiolls for loans' -were submitted north of Port *0 346, the yearly i.,;sue of one 'ea- R6bertsi +. ii exainple. of as was d i on th s oc Dn'§ exaliiple. bc use and has moved into it.—Mr R. Slie n, son of ( -eorge Sir,eltol, of the Albert Was burnt to tpe tr 0 t%' books fr4,1 525 to board, and 'considerable. other sion.­`The many friends 6,f S. J. 1�11IEFS.�The 4-eather c cold Cutche:)n, of Morr clitinues M, ground on S&turdayl night. The ,ellilllerated goo& is, has sold; -his Sth conceasion, is n �-ery bad he�ltji an business of a private nature transacted d The reading rooni has Klinkliamilier, of this. town :7 ill 'be -and -there is I yet little growth.-.*—IP6 fai lm. an Ing was owned by Dan:'Sullian who oved into town, and intends 'llot likely to -get better.�-Mr. John Me- largely ttended �his year pleased to le�vrn of her c4niplete recovery, farmers in this neighborhoc Monday evening about call and le_xani -me sai �d are getting lh ing at b'� leisure. —Mr. A. H.'Mus- Callum:' of the 8;h concession, on- 100 lives in Michigan, and was occupie . d b -%fas opened. --from her recent seyrere atack of illness. — pr tty is c frie a Of Mr tha-ii ii� any one year since it Ali -a Mi Frank Buchanan, ' of Leslie Curell. d wife. tild Roger f, well �th ough with tbeir seeditig. grove wa town last week and his fined to house with a a' an The (-irc�laltion of boo�s if the ore hand, Win7 am assembled at the residence- of roy. rom' the Ii- Mr. Caxson,, of. Goderic)i, will —Fall wheat i looking well and gives 1111.11 f.ri6nd§ were p Mr. 0ir leased to' see him li�Ving got it'cut with , crosselit saw in hay rell Saved almost all hi's lia-1 also been uiius�wly large, and preach irt tb u �gen Methodist ch rch here on bf a large yield. tleman and Presented him with -furniture but Mr. 0 11 first place, promise &rs. R.' me- loo m*cr w eill, heap rs. W Sunday, moll-ning and evening. —A friend rthur, jr. o the pleasure, to report th, resent �isit be,,,li to -A o to see her mother,' Mrs., 30 that his hand and arm swelled u` P No insurance. The origin (f f 'Hay, is at C. Roberts has t and inAammation set in a magnificent gold watch, accom, allied thin Nlilr6y lost eer3 P to by ali appropriate address on the occa j, tile receipts have exeeed�d the expendi- in town has Ireceived a' letter f Mr. hfire is unlknown� roi ing Irelatives.- in St. Catharines..��-ilvjiss A3 is, ivilo !is in %,cry poor healt4.­ -th elb�ow. It is I o be hope tur6 and -left in the handg of the Treas- AV-� 8. Robef-tson, formerly of 86aforth, Alcock,, of 111,xeter,- has f6imed a �class BIpevale cbei6ie factory starts d'he will be sion�of his departure froin' that town. —on Thursday of last' wsek Maqv, -the who is now - residing in , Edmonton. .here, and is dring. lessons in paintin da �, and on'Mon.- around soon, for be is. a jolly gpod"iel- IThe:addreas was -read by Dr. IVI-cDonald, fourth daughter of Itrer to the credit of the institute 9) gi I ina depend that the factory lo, v at a bee. �-- Messrs. James the late James I W - it�. Me- 1drid jMrs; Dr. Taylor made the priesenta- viz, of Alorris, died suddenly at tha The report aldo embraced This letter WalS written - 6n the 115th of :dra-wing and music.—A neir librIary has wil retai ell earned reputAion, as Aj thur -and Alex. McCall,, of -the 8th 'tion i Mr. ,Buch At that time they had #ot had �r6cently been ;idded to ar, n eatneit apeal �to members to use April. the Rodgerville Ch e e4S a the boy who ca was taken by sur- earlyageof�2yepxs. ShehadIst—arted co icession g"nan their ifillence and put forth special e any tilloub �o�f althouali there Presbyterian Sibbath School whichi -is a y 0 n do it, have each a spl�fidid colt pris replied in very fitting on the Tuesday previous for Manitoba le Edm6nl but he W1 fte h ett r -half is a daugh of su- ed bV - ter. Highland Chief,!, owned lllby renoA tting Shine. This horse is leaving ll�mak' te Th to the Btation, returned er ille�r 3 ertions t� increase' the membership of ws reat excitern Ongregation.-,40wing �o the th, vned rs. Morrison, the queen M ehae terms, and, a pleasant evening was spent but on account of the baA1 ro ent occasioned by credit to the c ; HP the Institute and thus extend its use- fear an Indian upris All the far- dvatce in ' - cf in sp�aec' ads ge a the price wh' In ese mik rs.—Messrs. Reading & sa iie excellent stock. watch 4to state that on the iners in -the vi i i h seedm* fulues,;, !We niay alsp c n ty ad vacated their =Spring is a ban a�-tifull; was very brief, and a, I large quantity is being 4ily brou lit Duff have buil me one, be tables of the reading� 9 an addition to their ve ry backward. Some have sown although a physici I SEAN 'and om are five illus. holnesteads, and with their'families and tom inarket.1 -N-Ir. Arthur Blatchford, am r mil eng�aved, and inside the case bears the I was called nothing could be done, an 1 at the* station, th, butthere is yet ve little-grojvth inciption: "Preiented to F.t 1Buhi%n__1 she passed aVay on Thursday. ry I�h , att� 0" I i 4p 8 ly 'Orl io -ea a b id rt t y an 0 tj R�E h ' I t06 es y w 'o, 10 al ay IV ,vh rnig F 'I U I w t 10 w1u a age e Mau 4agr e y n 0 h in 16 rid. 'ell rep �18 g th rey' th 0 'V an in w ei:2 �h