HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-05-08, Page 7A of Mg' e given at 0 =rtitq �ods c.an photo:ix Ow from ecripilef to Tart it in rah. levet • Cent. ked in in t and ge in all Ort. Clock e les in. filluery MiteseS II, as we stock of „ mw es and tjei, 8, laces - e ter 4 favors, tee �th same. 1st. Please as. ens ' tette Maker from et fait tO snitalt ih. eStreet,' Hensall. 903-8 7 1NsT iC+.7 has ed 'o4t h14 Old :there he v411 be »n ar.a as many him With_ their- ., a ween liendersolfe- :Shoe Stere; Main 1 VV11•1G. TO U 1E- BY, , FORTH", 7 - fo this ementy. .ang hew 4for this sieg that it is the ER& • light and doing- at4ERS • will lad' longer Having- special we tan tguarantee am gi- i ' ven to le - and Grist .ferchines, e and . A on short notice - lad Others. t at lowest rates. 1Cation. apIements Of L. D., ne of repairs eon-- . 'ONe• 00, ROKERS,, ONT.. nt NORTH rarbaaking bug- nade in Mani- . k Of Montreal. ;received on deporrit. ete at belt rates. WM. LOCO. stifi attend to Con- ; lending 'limey ons to farms, houses, &c. LiRfj.FACTORY to thank hie numere, liberai patronage ex- eneing business- in. may be favored with Would dowellto give te to keep on lima a N-IfaULDINGS, LES, LATH,. &e. [villa satisfaction tot ith their patronager ;len are employed. fo Custom Planing- BROADFOGT.. f lAY 6, 1885. , THE HURON EXPOSITOR 7 Perth Items. Mayor Sharp of St. Marys, has 're - ;turned from his trans-Atlantic trip. -Several Mitchell gentlemen made a trip by boat down 0 the river to St Marys the other by. -Mr. J. W. Gilpin, a former resi- dent. of St Marys, has been elected Mayor of Morgan, Texas. ' G Matheson, postniaster. at Taviatock, resigned and, Mr. F. Krug has been appointed. -Mr. Decourcy :Evans has sold his •farm near Avonbank, to -Mr. Andrew Scott for the sum of .$2,450. -Mr. Thomas Ballantyne, ,M. P. P., shipped ten carloads of cheese to the old countrt on Wednesday last Week. -Mr. Dinnie is making arrangements for rebuilding the National hotel burned down a few weeks ago in St. Marys. - A St. Marys, man named Somes,i was the other day fitied $20 or 60 days in jail for frequenting a disreputable house. -Rev. Mr. Cunningham Methodist minister, Mitchell, denounced roller skating in his sermon last Sunday mornina -Tht:e Listowel cricket club have ac- cepted' the invitation of the Provincial Medical eleven to play a match thereon the 25th of June next. -On Sabbath, 19th. instant, at Sebastopol, -near Tavistock, in the. Lutheran chureh, --the sacred rite of confirmation -was conferred upon 27 girls and boys.. . .-Two Listowel youths tried a SWirrl itt the river one evening last week; They :reached the goal, but found it " awfullaa cold. " • - -Three teachers,. MessMessrs.DeGurre,I Wilson and KnOtX, of 'Stratford Collegiate Institute, have been on the sick list: for several weeks and unable to -attend at their posts. • -Wm. .Smith„,_ of the town o ford, has:. been - sent to the Toronto hospital, suffering from Iock-jaW caused by the. extraction of a tooth a- month ateoe His recovery is doubtful. "7--Fiarty-filre of the Grand Trunk, em- - plo_yees at Stratford have received notice a diaMissal at first . of May This will: entail a daily saving to the company of F60. I -Mr. Minton, Q. C., of Stratford,' ,conduets the prosecution. of the - allegedIlayhata murderers -Mrs.. Stilwell and her accomplices. The trial has been postponed till the qsth.of May. ' -Two- shop Al eight tavern licenses, -have been aranted for St. Marys. For Mitehell.,.,.`our taverna and tw•o, liver: shops have been allowed license'while Stratford has been', allowed 20 taverna and seven sihops for the -sale of Liquor, - -The Ltstowel .Bannee recomniends the cells of -the lock-up as being a .Very suitable place for some oftheboys and - young men m' that town., who occasion- ally visit the Salvation Army barracks. iii the. evening for the, purpose of dis- turbing the seryiceS.- - 'Alex. Miller, of Anderson, has been. in. .a. critical conditien for • some _time:a While chopping he received a -severe:cut in the foot, and shortly after- wards a severe attack of erysipelas set • in.: For: some time .his recovery. was. doubtful, bat ander the -beat medical earel'appears to be improving .a little. ae-T le architects- are busily engaged in prepar'na plans for the tie* coo rt house- . Eka(1- g cv.1 Stratfoi-d. It is expected the -wuk will be th full swing daring the air •ter and summer of next year. The c st willbe in the neighborhood of - $73,00 • or W,000,. xe young girl Annie Henderson,1 who got her arm pulled off a few weeks, ago ia - -Messrs. Dufton and Myers' 'Woolen mills, St. Marys-, is again able to I be ab ut. The employees , of the mills niade ter up a purse of $30. Meseta.. Duftoe & Myers adiled r,1 00 to it and - the tonspeople tiatile op nearly another! gle . tates, the berries are simply dried' in the sun, and are afterWards passed through la mill, which erushes the shell ahd al- lows the separation of the 'seeds. A more elaborate system ' is adopted in some other places. The outer p11of the berries is removed by adm c ine called a pulper, ; the mucilaginou mat- ter thatremains is soaked' Off by ijnmer- sion in water, and the parchme film that surrounds the dried se ds is removed by means of a mill and a win- nowing machine.; There are few popular errors so widely spread as the delusion that the beverage called coffee is snatle from a roasted and ground berry. As I have alibi -1-n, it is from the rbasted and ground eed that coffee is iprepare GR TEFIJL—CONF'ORTI EPPSS::000 BREAKFAST.:' "13y a thorough'knowledge of the fiat rallaws which govern the operations of digestion and nu- trition, and by a careful application -of . ho fine properties -of well selected Cocoa, Mr. E tis has provided our breakfast tables with' a d licate y flavored beverage which may save us inany doc- tors' bilk It is by the judigious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may b grade - ally built up until strong enough to resist :every tendency,' to disease: Hundreds of subtle mala- dies are floating around us 1ready to attack wherever there is a weak point.. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a ',toper y nourish- ed frame." -Civil Service Gazette. Made. simply with boiling water or milk. Sold'only in packets by grocers, labelled thus" JAMES El & Hommopathic Chemists, London, Eng!and." Sole avnt for Canada, C.. E. Colson, Mont* 8S4-.2 - Wide : rt oek Blo d The great source -of •rustunertion a d of uly sores is -scrofula in he blood.Bu Bittera purify th thole systent and • eure sem, feta, as well omore-comincei blo d humors, 85752.•2w. ead E 'Spiced Beef Tongue. Spieled beef -tongue is a good dish fol. supp.er. Make a mixture of-lialf a pint al :of sugar, :a piece of saltpetre the size of • pea, and a tablespoonful of ground cloves rulathis into the teingue. Then make a brine of two quarts of water and, three -I quarters of a pound of salt, put the tongue into a 'jar and pour the brine over it. See that the ample is entirely' covered, and is kept well ander. Let it 11e. in this pickle for two weeks ;- then take it out, rinse itl in several clear waters. Make a thin paste of flour a-ndi water, wrap the tongue in this, and pa into .a drippiug-pan to bake. It mus bake slowly, and it should be basted frequently with lard and water, or with half.drippings and water. When done remove the paSte and the skin; let it become cold, then alit' into slices, and not too thin slices. either. -- Watches. • Edward VL appears to have been the East Englishman to wear a watch, and this consisted of "01-inc larum gilt, with two plummets of lead ;" that is to say, it was chime hy weights. This is sup- posed to have been received by the king. .as a present from Nuremburg, and was playfully 'called a Nuremburg animated :egg. The word "watch" was derived from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning to wake. The first portable timepiece a which we have any record was that of -the Chinese pocket dial -mounted upon the head of a cane, or carried by a chain round the neek. Queen Elizabeth had a watch in shape like a duck, with chased feathersathe lower part of which opened, and thelfaCe or dial of silver or- namented with a gilt design. The eater case was of brass, and that in -turn was covered with black leather ornamented With silver studs. Mary Queen of Scots gave a curiouS token of affection to her maid -of -honor, Mary Seaton, in the shape of a watch in the form of a skull, the dial occupying the place of the pal- ate and the works that of the brain. The hours were marked in Roman. let - tars. A bell in the hollow of the skull received the works, and a hammer etruele the hours. Coffee not a Berry. A gooci deal of coffee is grown in Trin- idad., 144,000 pounds having been ex- ported in 1881; but it is not so import- ant an item of production as sugar or cocoa. The leaves of the coffee shrub are of a rich, dark, glossy green; the flowers, -which grow in dense, white clusters, when in full bloom, giving the bushes the appearanee of being covered with snow. The berries- vary in color from pale green to reddish • orange or dark red,. according to their ripeness, and bear a strong resemblance to cher- ries. Each contains two seeds, which, when properly dried, become what is knowato as as " raw " coffee. -In Trini- dad, as also on the large Brazilian es - A Golden Opinion. Mrs. WmeAllan, of Acton, declares that Hag - yard's Yellow Oil is the best houtehold remedy in the World for colds, croup, sere threat, burns, scalds and other -painful complaints. Her opin- ion is well founded. '857.52.2wi • - I A Sad Neglect: , Neglecting. a constipated ondition of the bowels is sure to bring ill healtI i and great suf- fering. Burdock ' Blood . Bitters regulate the bowels in a natural manner, purifying the blood and promote a healthy- action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. 857.52.2ee - _1..40,e_e____ A Throat Cure. . A cure for croup. There is no better remedy for croup thateHagyard's Yellow Oil taken in- ternally and applied acCording to special direc- tions. This is the great hctrehold panacea for rheematism, stiff joints, pain, inflemmation, &c. 857.52.2w. . . Easily Caught. pi is very easy to catch cold, but not so easy to cure it unless you use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the best remedy for all throat, bronchial and lune troubles, cong•hs, colds and consump- tive terideticie 857.52.2w. e • re - .Dive It Away. Drive away all poisonous humor -from the bloed before t develops in scrofula or Some will do it. 857.52.2w. chronic form of dis!aise....__Burdock. Blood Bitters Fever, colic, 'unnatural appetite,- fretfulness, weakness and convelsiens, axe some of the effects of worms in children ; destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. 852.52m. -e Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap for prickly heat,' .nettle rash, scaly eruption, iteh, and all diseas- ed elouditions 0 f th skin . 857.52m. The hectic flush,' ale, holloW cheeks and pre- carious appetite,. ndicate worms. Freeman's Worth Powders will quiekly and effectually re- move them. 857:52_..m. National Pills are sugar-coated, mild but thor- ; ough, and are the lest stomach and liver pill in use857.52m. Downright -Cruelty. permifyonrself and fami y to Suffer! With sickness %%filen it ea be prevented and cured so easily •• With Hop iiittere! • Having eXperienCed a great Trouble 'from itiedgeetion, came neer losing iny Life! My trouble alweys. come H wever ligh - • Ard digeetib deal of so much so that I after eating any e, - .. - For two: or three hours a a time I had to go thaough the most 1 ,. Excrutiating pains, . And the May waY I ever go .. Relief! . 1 . • I`aa by throwitigi up all my stomach ceatained. Noli one cati conceive the pains that I- had to go • though, uutil • I efit laet? , 1 . I was taken! Sc that for three Weeks 1 lay in -bed iind,- 4.: . . Qorild eat nothing 1 - . My sufferings were so that I called two doctors th give me something that wOUld stop the pain;: their . • . • Efforts were.no good -to me At last I heard a good deal About your Hop 'Bitters ! nel determined to try those - tot a bottle -in four hours Itook thescontents of . . , . . . One !' = I ', -• , , Next day 1 wits. out oflied, and have not - seen a . . Sick hour - • From the same atinse since. . • 1 have recommended it to hundreds of others. You have no such • ' ' ? . . Advocate as I nm.e-George Kendall,' Allston, Boston, Slassi. - ' . — 1 Columbus Adyocate, Texas, April 21, '53t. Dear Editor,, __ I have tried your Hop Bitters, and find they are good for any eeinplaint. The beet Medicine • I ver used in my family. r 1 . , itg- None -genuine without a bunch of green Ilops on- the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in their . -T._ ,........a. , • 11 i aa• es „ ' • Boys and A,Lo- are growing rapidly, trong and healthy constitut e iy, Robinson's Phosphorized tP the waste that is continually Tem during the growing period. iris , . . 'beluld, (to ensure ons) be given rogu- Emulsion, to keep „going on in the 891.52.2w. - _ e="!".4•Mgra.,P.K.oirO, ., -MONEY TO OAN. • , 11,4-0NEY TO LOAN.-Strqight 1_11_ cent. Interest payable eer cent. yearly, with the piivilege A repaying part of the prineipal iime. Apply to F. HOla 3eaforth.. loans half yeetly, to money ESTED, at 6 per or 6i -borrower at any -Barrister, -850 . . AUCTION DE -RS. • , 1- P. ' BRINE, - Licensed al . Criunty of Huron. S perts of -the Coenty. All Elsroirtioft Office will be pyo ' uctioneer les attended orders left iptly atter for the in- all at Tut ded to. IDELGATTY, Licensed V . County of Huron. : Sties p omptly attended to on re d ess Brussels P. _O., or opedy c ssion 12, Grey. Auctioneer of all descripti °noble terns. on Lot • for t E n A • 4, Co • 77 e VETERINARY. EAFORTH gottsE INFH1MARY.-Corner a Jarvis and GOderich Streets, next door to -t I Presbyterian Church, Seaftin-th, Ont. tAll ds eases of Horses, Cattle, She p, 'or any ofathe ffo _ _ _ . . . . .. ithesticatcd animais, successuily treate1 itt z11e Infirmary, or elsevehere, on the shortest notiee. Charges moderate. -JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. P, S. -A large stock of Veterin; wry 31ediciries kept constantly on hand • ItEG 1-1 ARROW & PROUDF ur tors; &o., God rich, WM. PROUDFOOT. OT, Barristers, Bonet- ntario. J. T. GARROW, 680 1 of inte est. Office - e. Prlie:atMoney to e Street, Goderich. 774 c. RAYS, Soli itor, .11u. lend at lowest ra corner of Square and Wes CA3iERON, HOL & Solicitorsin Ch neer M. ItC. CAMERON, Q C., CAMERON. AMER &e., Pinup N, Barristers, oderich, .Onte Hour, M. G. 606 -r M. BEST, Barii ter, &Wm . Cady's Block, -Thre Doors Post Office, Seaforth Oo4erich A ON, HOLT & GAMER() &c. Office - North of the ents-Ce MEM, 870 T OFTUS E. TA Ji Holt & Canter lioitor," Conveyancer son's Old Office, Car GEY, late With; Cameron, n, Goderih, Barrister, So - &c. Money o lean.. Ben - no's Block, aforth.• 78( 1iFANNING & S iVJ Conveyance of Johnston, Tisdale Office -Beaver Bloc MANNINO JAMES Sc HOLMESTED, . McCaughey liciter, Conveyancer the Canadian Bank o Farms for sale. 0 Street, Seaforth. OTT, Barris ors, Solicitors, , &c.. Solicitors for the Bank & Gale. lifoney to loan. , Clinton, 0 itario. A. II. 781 lecessor to tic late firm: of Holinested, Barrister, So - and Notary. Solicitor for Commerce. Money to lend, e in Scott's Block, Main EYER & DICK NSON, Barris ers,&c.,Kent'e Block, Wingh m. So1ieitois for the Bank. of Hamilton. Coni issioners for t taking affida- vits in Manitoba. P ivate funditi CO loan at 6 per cent. Lucknow 0111 e every We& esday. H. W. C. Metea, E. L. DICKINSON. ' 738 rtARROLL & DICKSON; Solicitors, Convey- ancers, &o. Money to lend. , Seafoeth abd Brussels., Seaforth Office °o'er Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street. N. B. -One member of the firm will always be in .Seaforth Office. P. S. °Anatolie., Seaferth ;1W, B. DICKSON, Brussels DENTISTRY. W.. LT- ./ TD. S. arid M. t C. D., of 4 I . Torolito. AI' operations guaranteed. Anaethetics of all - kinds administered Specialtiee-: Gold , Filling and Perfect Fitting Plates. Town, patients will pleasemake engagements a day or two previous to having the opera- tion performed. Remember the place, in the rooms formerly occupied by C. Caltwriglit, up -stairs in Cady's I1ok, opposite. the Commer- cial Hotel, Seaforth. -874 _ "CST A.irsow, D E NT I T . , Faculty Gold Medallist and College I'Gold Medallist, Toronto Schotol ' oflMedicine. SAVING NATURAL TEETH A SPECIALTY. TEETH EASILY AND CAREFULLY EXTRACTED. tar CHARGEMODERATE. In N. B. -As I have boug t out the business of the late Mr. Buggin,. •coMplete all opera- tions- begun by him s isfactorily to each patient. Office over Johnsons Hardware'Store, -Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. , st.i3;Vib ;211. . • •S IN V :-S"V k\'\ kt: FA4' " 'On; :7; g . ...esese4:%e--Y'veie 2)7 - NEVER DID 0-4 Thi k yon could get such nice Dr ess Go ds as I saw at iNTON • ' pl.= BRED BERKSHIRE.-The•undersigned 1 Will keep during the present season, on Lot 5, Concession 1, Hay, a pure bred Berkohire Boar, to which a Ihnited number of sows oil .be taken. Terms -$1, with the privilege of ret m- ing if necessary. JOHN WILLtS. Hay P. 0. S 4 MAKE yOUR,CHOICE.-Two Pigs, one B le shire and One Suffolk, will be kept for vice dining the present season by the un signed at Rodgerville. Ternis: Seventy - cents it the time of service, with the privileg returning if necessary. JOHN P. -MARSHA 887-8 rk- er- er- ve ' of L. OUFFOLK AND BERKSHIRE.-eTwo Pigs, ne 0 !Suffolk and the other Berkshire, are jcpt for service at Rannie's Saw Mills, Lot 12, on - cession 8, Township of Hay. Terms : 81, vith tiLlpisitiiE. -ilerar ge of eturning if necessy. SANT EL a 887 • . • LiFFOLK PIGS. -The undersigned will keep 0tint hand during the'present season, a Thor- 'oughbred Suffolk Pig, to, which a limited nuntber of sows will be taken. Ile is one of the best fiigs of his class in the county. Terms -$1, with the privilege of returning if necessary. Apply en the farm of the undersigned at Grieve's Brit ge, NatEhverEn. Gravel Road, McKillop. HUGE J. ERKSHIRE PIG. -The undersigned will keep during the present SOLL801) 011 'at 6, Concesston.12 Hullett, a thoroughbred B eit- ehire Pig, to which a limitednumber of s ws will be admitted. This is the pig formerly o vita ed by Mr. John Henderson, of Tuckersmith, nd is one ef the best pigs of his class in the cou Terms. -One dollar payable at the time of dr - vice, with the privilege of returning if necess ry. THOMAS- AMOS. • • 904- f rf illE SUFFOLKS ARE THE BEST; -The • un- - dersigned has now on Lot •21, Concession 2, L. -R. S., Tuckersmith, and will keep _ for- the improvementof Steck,- Two Titioneueenteen fr'llle. FOLK BOARS. The oldest, "Granger," was ;far- rowed on. mil 3rd, 1882, was bred by Mr. .Win. Elliott, Milton, Comity of Halton. His sire land his dem \ ereboth imported. The secOnd, "Kin Tom," was farrowed in April, 1884. ' He - was bred by Messrs. A. Frank & Sone, of . the coupled P -eel, and :both his site and his dam were a so imported. They are as good nigh as were ever offered for service in Huron as can be proven by the extended pedigrees which . are registeted in the .Canadian Herd Book.' Terms 81, with the privilege of returning if necessary. , GEORGE PLEWES. ' i 891 POPULAR STALLIONS. The.' Noted Trotting Stallion . !` FULTON." • . • TheWinner of the Sporting TimesStallion Race . . at Toronto in 1877, open to all Canada. He ' will stand for. mares this emeriti as follows: Monday. -Will-leave his own stable, Bracefield, and pro- • ceed to Coxworth's Hotel, Hensall, for neon ; thence, to Central Hotel, Exeter, for the night. Tuesday. -Will proceed to Efiniville, for noon ;- theece to Woodham, for night. Wednesday. - Will pteceed through Kirkton and -Russel -dale to Fellation's Corner for noon ; thence to Carling- ford, for night. Thursday. -Will proceed • to R_offritch's Hotel, Sebiingville, for noon; thence to tuck's House 'Mitchell, forthe night. Friday. -Will proceed to Pendergazt's liotel, Ian lin for noon; thenceto liamkshaw's Hotel,Seith rth, for night. Saturday. -Will proceed to, Re ten- bury's. Hotel, Clinton, f9r n000 ; thence t . his own stable where he will remain until •the lowing Monday morning. This' route . wil be continued throughoutthe. season, health. and weather permittieg.: DESIrr CR iaN eon - Pe - ntonee." Fulton" 8 a beautifel chestnut, stands full 16 .hands igh, 'and' hi sound in -every respect. ills tro tine qualities need no . comment, as -they are 'well knows, having won as teeny races, if not nore than any other Stallion in Ontario. He is not only a trotter, but a sire of trotters. Son e of his petformances in 1877.. He won the St Ilion race at Toronto, Woodbine Perk, open all Staliens in the Dominion,. given by the Spo ting Tittles, which was.a large purse, and it see° gold medal added, which is in possession of his former owner, David Giliis, St. Cathermes ; the ieats Were trotted from 2:35 to 2;32, beating qhcst. . Rut Hill, who hasit record of 2 :221.oil an A lied -- can tietek ; also the same •week he won the 2 :34 race, every heat trotted close to 2 : 30. The 80,111C season -he Won it mee at. Waterloo, time 2 : 35, over a very heavy track. The next season he started in eight races and won seven of Om. In the fall of 18e0alic trotted in Loekport New 'Veda where .he won 1st place, time 2 : , 6th heat: The same setteon he won _a race bit Nia- gara in 2 .! :33, track t•ery heavy. In 1882cn the ilrecien Bend traek, he- woe the ram, time 2 : :31, -4th heat. Last ecasmi he won the race at+ west, - beatidg Victor, of Aiitet Critig. and Lucy M4ffatt, of lettHuron, time 2: 30, track heavy, as Icerti- fied-bY tlie Secretary, Mr. If, J. Petty. He has won it great many more races, but these perfor- mances ought to show that he is'no fraud, but a. genuine trotter.. His prize career in 1.880, at the Industrial Fair, Toronto„ he teok 1st prize in a ring i f 17 helms, also diploma for best Of any • St, sfxea show laattr) st.; stn et geldingorrank, Z: 33, owned by A. Lyod The Robert's h•oree,2: :35; ownedby R.JanteS ; n5 year old gelding 2 ;35, owned by David. Gillis.. 1411 of these are owned in the' vicinity of S. Catharines, _Maggie May,. 2:33 ; owned by H. Julian,, Port Dian:Lisle ; Fannie Daniels, 2: 30; owned by Simon James. Ham.ilton: Felton was sired by Old Tempest, he by Old Royal. Georg,e, di n by imported Irish Harkaway. The dam of Ful!cn. was also the dam of Fred Hooper, record o.f 2: 23. She was it beautiful boy mare with black- oints, and was pUrChrised by Mr. Bremer, of .Neeil York, in 1874 tot breeding -purpoees. Tertms.-To insure a foal, 20;8payable tie 1 t Of February, 1886. Parties disposing of neves before foaling 'time, will be • held respe isible whether in foal or not. All eccidents at o vner's riek. • Mares from a distance will be provir ed for itt reasonable rates. groonfe. fee, 50 cents to be paid at time of. SCITiOC. MCGREGOR & IclN- T09}t, Proptietors. S. HUNTER, Ma Jager. . • .98x4 . . here, showed three years . 1.71 succession .1 datherinos for Road Stallion, and in a ela beet horses to hotness, he yonboth. prize 0 ara t year, .after which he was • not allowed to 'Joe ththere.Performanee of some 'of his colts : it Felten trotted in --23, owned by John N Warty; 2 :40, owned by A. F. St •John ; Ch , • Th4 other day, they are bea,utifur and so cheap. New Jersey : cloths, .new Sa in clothes, new French , forties, Otto- man cords, French all wools, nunsclotb, i bei6s, check brocades, cashmere's and son e New York plaids. very nice, and SIIC i a lot of buttons, I never sawthe like before.. I tell you they have the: mokt fashionable goods I saw any place, and. then they have a , dressmaker from the! city, first class, she inidelatands her , bu Mess to a T. •She is getting lots , of wo-k and no wonder, for :if You want . style and neatness, taste and economy, an fine goods at a low prioe go to Ri.kNTON. BROS.' $.10 young men and fathers,* take the lead in gents' outfitting -4.. Cork- screw worsteds in - alive, wine, • prune, navy, &c. English, Scotch and Canadian -tweeds, and a grand .range of choice ..pantings just in, ,Clothing to' order in latest styles. Alia look aa our , ats. that are hats. Ties that I are, Braces that are good. Stiend limey at hats, prett your Ranton Bro. EXETER. And You'll be Happy. LII1f1E. 1 LIME! LIME! - TiLiomAs CORNISH!! Has opened his Litne Houses in ,1 ensall and Centralia,i ,And is now prepared to furnish LIME cf the very hestoquality to all reqtdring it, on the most reasonable terms. , During the season he will be at Hensel] every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and at Centralia everyMONDAY and THURSDAY, to attend to cus- , t niers., . THOMAS CORNISH. 905 AN4DIAN Btia CF COMMERCE, HEAD 'OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, - $6,0 ;000. Rest, - - 2,00q,000. MEDICAL HALL, DE,A.11•T ,SrEIRME'r, SE.A.FOR Has jost ope ed out the finest and best assortment of Pipes in the country. If you want a nobby Meerschaum Pipe or a first -Class Brier or Wood Pipe, go to the-Medicanian, where you can get something that will please the eye and give you satisfaction. A splendid assortment of Cloth, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brus es at all prices. Toilet Soaps assorted -Pear's scented and.unscen d Soap, Red qlover. Toilet Soap, Albert Honey Toilet. Soap, Princess Louise, Carbolic Glyce ine and. quticura Toilet Soaps ; Colgate's Cashmere Boquet Soap, ponges, Cham'os, Baithl Towels. Combs -A splendid. variety of :Dressing Co i ibs and Fine ombs just opened from the English rnarkets. Purses and Wallets ew and select 'We draw your attention iko our well -assorted stock of 16 are- Drags 2 C'llenticci is awl 7Pctiertt Modicia .3, Which is complete in all its branches. We have also for sale the pure juice of the grape, especially for 'sacramental Purposes, and unfermented. It i highly recommended by first -crass medical men as a nutriment and beverage rink in many cases of sickness, &c.. Remember the place, next door to Duncan & Duncan's dry goods sto , Main 'street, Seaforth. PitESIDENT, HON. Wt.. AR:MAST R. SEAFORTH BRANCH. • The Seaforth Branch of thie Bank contit flee to receive deposits, on which interest is allo -ed on the Most favorable terms. . - Drafts on all the:principal towns and c ties in Canada, on Great Britain, and on the fJnited StatA, bought and sold. Office -First door SOCTII of the ConiMercial Hotel. . A. H. IRELAND, Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. ;1 639 TH ARNOLD Automatic Steam Cooker, Is unequalled for cooking anything that can be baked, boiled or roasted, It, never boils over. Steep:us up in t'nree minuteS. 'NO steam or odor can escape into the room. 1.All the Nutriment,. Riclmess, and flavor,. o the•food is retained. Food 'caneot scorch. NeedNO watchiug. PRI CES. No. 1, one eallon se ee - No. 2, two siallons • 2 90 • , No. 3, three gallons . . No. 4, four ... : .4 25 • ° No. 5. five gallons 4 75 A deep kettle, a shallow kettle, and a steamer are included in the above prices. - Each -Cooker can be usedon any kind Of stove. - Stove, 8 inches, 20 cunt ; 9 inches, 25 cents; 10 inches, 35 cents, Apply to IV. A. ELDER, Seaforth P. 0. 907x3 C. DUNCAN, Chemist and Drug i ° FA a • 4 GO INT I a 0 L STOOK COMPLE E. Large Assortment to:Choose Fro POPULAR PRICES RULE LOEB THAN EVER THIS S ASON. Everything New, Fresh and Handso-ne . 3OEIEEQN, S 72, .A.:fr Tzt I -I TEA. TEA. AT THE SEAFORTH TEA STORE 'TEA. _ Now' is the Time to Get the Best Value Ever Offered in Seaforth for you . • - Money. LE Hair„Rene e: i . Seldcirn -does a. popular remedy wi sucb a Ptrong hold upon the pUblieTchoeneasfideesn ueaswhhitaS, HitAhLasVaScicI43AnlilgishE: lavn.nplete team ation of colOr to the hair, and Vlgcrous healt to the scalp, are im3unterable. ,Old people like it for its weintlerfill ower to ' restore to 'their whitodug loeits th!eir is-right:11 color and beauty. Iliddheegred pcop; I like it beca.use it prevents them from getti ig Cold, keeps dandrelf away, and maker; 1110 Lair grow thick and strong. Young ladies L.1.0 it as a dressing because it ,gives the hair a Leet.- tiful glossy histreaane enables them to dress It in, whatever form they wish. Thus it is the favorite of all,rnd it hu become at- shooly because it disappoints no one. , _ ATTIJ-17, Has Just Received a Very Large Consignmeot of TEAS. He now holt s. one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks west of Toronto. In Teas . alone he row - holds 173 Packages. Ptices from 13c., 20c.,25c., 30c., 35c., 40c.'45e., 50c., 33e.53e,,and 60c. per pound. This Stock Coosists of GREEN, BLACK, JAPAN, GUN- POWDER, and TEA DUST, and will Guarantee them :to be all FRESH and give Entire Satisfaction, or Money Refunded. Also a large Stock of Sugars and all kinds of Groceries. Flour, Oatmeal, Corm:deal, Shorts'Bran Buckwheat Flour, Oats, Barley, Screenings, Chop Feed, Salt, Coal Oil, Fish, Apples, Potatoes, Turnips, Carrots, and Cabbage. A large stock of China, Crackery and Glassware. Also a Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Trilmnings. Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmeal at Mill Rates. A CALL SOLICITED FROM ALL ° GOODS DELIVERED FREE. A. G AULT, ••••=1•00•••••=.1.4m.• r•••••••••••••••or Sea orth Restaurant --.1 MR -S. SMITO WIS IF(.1.Sv itertiniiterfeitathiatthsehepehoLlawoilfarSgeeadfolilitA her Cenfeeti eery 13ieeness, and has refitted -her Oyster P. rlors regardless of expense. . She ke =ps Green Fault of all kinds- on bend. Shieske. cps- Tobaccos and cigars of the best braid.9 She keeps the best restaurant in the county. She keeps Fresh Oysters, which can be bad in any style required. She keeps Oysters either it bulk or in cans, which are received fresh daily. - She pays everyottention to 'customers. She sells o.n very reasonable' terms. Remember the place,. first door north of Reid & Wilsol's Hardware Store, Main Street. • I. VI EIVI ;TH. SEAFORTH WODLieN MILLS. Havin e my New Mills now in first-class running order, I tave pleasure in announinng to my cus- tomers r4nd friends that with :Etilarged Premises and IMP OVED MACHINERY; • I an betterthan ever prepared to turn out FiRSi -OLASS WORK On the shortest notice, and will be pleased to see all my old customers and as many new ones. A LARGE STOOK CF GOODS On hand to trade with as usual. A. G. ValiEGMOND e Mitchell Standard -V.7 I MT 33 I 1_, T—j 7 Patented and 3Ianufactlired by WE 1111011RIS. THEN% sawing macho I els tion Fo satissfastikonoi Ato pumps and hose kett constantly on hand, GiveGe ne atrial. If I do not 'y satisfaction 11 o sale. ri • All o ders addressed to the effersigned, Mit- obeli P. 0., promptly attended t. 872-5- W. M. MORRIS. SiMplest, Strongest and nliost satisfactory indmilLyet made. For Pumping water, ' wood, chopping grain or driving any light - ery, it has no equal. 1 UMP3! PUMPS': manufreeture Iron Lift and Double Ac- ce Pumps, which are guaranteed to give LES: APPLES! LES DONALD & CO., 79 i ueen St., London, E.C., Eng., L be glad to cortiespond with Apple rowers Merchants and Shippers, with a view to Autumn and Spring' business. They will also eiv the usual facilities to customers requir- ing a7IV 'nces. • 869-39 • Consta!hcei GREAT CHANCE J. 4. STEWART, Wishes to inform the people of Einlawn aed vicinity, that he has purchased the Stead; of )Jr. a•ames Stanley, at A Greatly Reduced Price, and will give his customers the beneti. Goode will be sold at and under come on at Parties wishing bargains should °mesas the goods will go quiekly. The highest price paid for Butter _at all kinds of Fenn Produce. J. A. STE Eege, aits1 WART. tielfx2 CHRYSTAL & BLTAQK, PELA.FrIAL I BOILER MAKERS. mHE Subscribers have bought the Tools and Boiler Business lately carried. on by the Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Company, and having had an experience of over eight et -are in that shop, sue now prepaled to carry on the • trade in all ite branches. Any work entrusted to us will redeive prompt ratention. First-class work guaranteed. , All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Work, &co at reason- able rates. New Salt Pans made and old ..ones repaired on the shortest notice, and at prices that defy._ conipetition. CHRYSTAL & BLACK. DULL FOR SERVICE. BULLS AND DAMES 1.) FOR SALE. OATS 7.FOR SALE.- The undersigned will keep for service on Lots 23 and 24, tosynahip of Grey, his thoroughbred Durhani Bull ” Lord Lovell." Termaforseason.-For one thoroughbred cow i38, for each .additional cow 87, for one grade cow 83.50 for eeeh additional cow =t-3. -Cows returned regularly, and net in 'calf will be eharg•ed half price. Cows from a distance will be led or pastured at reitsonable rates if they wish to leave them. "Lbrd; Lovell" has b .en shown 14 times and has taken' 13 first prizes and one second. Ha has proved,. himself a sure and good stock getter. He will likely be seC1) at Spring Shows, Also four young Bulls for sale from 11 to 15 months' old., got ly Lord Lovell " and 'Dames" boughtfrorn J . -a» d W. IV att, -Salem, County. Wellington. They .are good size, color aud eondition, with choice pedigrees -and Will be sold cheap. Also a quantity of ter White Oats and Black Tartar :Oats, lately from Scotland and perfectly Olean. • price, 40 cents per bitshel. DAVID MILNE, Ethel. 903-12 BUCKINGFLIANI'S bE yom, THE NyllISKET.IS Has become orie of the knost intporta It popu- lar toilet articles for getlemcn's use. When tbe beard is gray or neturally of 111 undo- dirable shade, BucKtefen.ati'S DY is the remedy. • PREPAIED BY • 1).all ek C(49 Nashua, N.H. Bold by an 'patiggista .E319 MiL • .:SEAFicIRTR,. The above mills have now been thoro gbly re- built upon the complete HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storehoisse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machiperpplied throughout. - THE LATEST- IMPROVED kou.S —A:ND-- - .1 Flour Dressing Mae ines From the best Maeufaeturing, Firms h Te been put in, and everything neceseary• added o enable her to tern out flour ECOND E .In the Dom:into-la The faeilities for 4eeeiving grain .frein farmers and ferelevating and shipping -10.ye also deen extensively improve.. qramn can now be taken from -faemers! wagons, - veighed, and loaded into cars at the rate Of 70 bushels per hour, by the work of tier) men, A LARGE FEED ST NE —FOR— CUSTOM ,CHOP ING Has beeh put in, and the necessary maeijinery for handling chop and coarse grains, A good shed has been erected, so tha wagons can be unloaded and reloaded ender cover. WHEAT EXCHAN -ES Promptlyattended to, and t . rinT-CASS pOtifit OUR GUAR ANTEED.1 CTTSTQM �' Chopped satisfactoilly and without clay. ROLLER FLOUR, BAN.SHRTSI And all kinds of 01-10PP-D FEED Constantlyon band. Highest Market Pri-ce aid in Cash for any Qua,ntit . Wheat. APPLE !BARRELS FINE,7,COAF.EE AND LAND SALT FOR SALE. Only first-elass and obliging men 'WU be kept to attend customers. The liberal p tronge of farmers and generaltraderespeetfolly A. W. CCE.VIE & C- . PROPRIETORS:. . T. 0. KEMP, Manager. DAIRY GO DS. All in want of Matti:lees Dairy Goo well to call at will d 0. M. :Whittle s And see our American Iron -clad )IiIkI Cans .and just the thing to stand ratio handling. A full stock- of Cans, Pails, Pans, Str iners, and ; everything for the deify. GOLlf:97, St(91 ange With large tops and stands. No ta le or box required to stand it en, and just it. cheap as smaller stores. Every stove guarante d. . In ordering Troughing don't forget toslgt sec our Galvanized Iron Trongh in six fo tiel making few joints al abetter job. A full line of Stoves', Tinware, Cuti be, Lamps, American and Canadian Coal Oil, &C., always -on hand. 'orders for Jobbingepromptly at nded to C WHIT EY. B. -Three hundred Cedar Posts or sale. VARNA.. , BOOTS- likisID SH. ES. The subscriber begs leave to thank tis numer- ous customers for the liberalpatrona• eextended to him sinee connneneing business in Varna, and trust that hemo.3 be .favored with a oetinuanee of the same. a , , 1 Farmers and Oth- rs win save money by coming and examinieg my stock and leaving their orders I intend - keeping the best stock of all kinds an All I WO! k - guaranteed to be first-class, we I inte d to build up a good round business. Ali who • re troubled ith corns or bunions come right alo g and get good Attieg pair"of boots at a reaso able pre -e. Fine hand sewed boots it specialty, and it per- fPRepa etfitrriliaigneatlyranteeA. done awlprompt; v attended . e U./. 1 c‘inle (me! C°S'AwfVlalltil . EL WHI DON.