HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-05-08, Page 5Inn —The ee ter it y ere are' ise in i1m ARE. rheati he es is re or cI iiLt s.—Th B sits hartere he einia, a d he iau, for troop.. and -ess land fm the tag, aua have LEY.-- • Suaki t- : and as re- -,,y7 the ffeera' su's con mand. —Geoe jIL =any; Thos. 1tGndion, 'ed fron Wew 'P‘Y- ossegaane at- iefeate New ue. bufl the v'• the police wt to i -The rei C 7airo have been THE LentE. • .the g ices un he 'eign hipp Sis rs of d -to Gen ral c a- or ele-T r found ha di Niesdaa otk. —The ar of se as s—The 6re es Eirasno enty. ed in a ce elfast r cti- now iast ight P rsOn's semen o M app inled !of BeriL mem r: of . of • trim, ;st Dtzout, of a n niber dead. Mrs. New ork, anderhi t, is ant IRE keel). does not b renesial of the r ports Lore fac- ie Quee will astumn a --At 11.); rs6 s are rer., Suez anal repre enta- alppoint d to h the event trnrnethately ['far besween .mage a re- VSredxisday :Iersey• coast omit to jnany le was the Over - V rcharcl • -11 , Hun ds fbeen ruixed ige to all great. 17ard assas ed eisit t Ne- • prosp ctitng ed. wit4 the remove here ary a lige- wholia been the p�$t 12 key to-wnship g west, 'came of improsa a- gentleman fore left \ &heat, Sea ' hrietie 10 of bar y in ecres,i tend- -aft ier St. Brussel write A' from `ollows 1 ar- h 'wing ad the er. Ots are fall wheat is • It is a late a fi4 rain immg& look nr old fiiend, e has4 nice s -ell. iT have COndne ng we1i, em xied be oltli -mast Me L 'eburn 5tgnal the b aming ih•erit f the rg H was 1.; IcGr ttads �t to e pture d4 -ranee ad of lifiriber. MOd the mill 7 Iift tie roll 6 way iashio is end d seV*-- ith a that sigeteras The /. ,ems f the 'irigh4 from thenji that he Tin s MAY 8, ige6. AlkTOTEfigR BATTL , A special corres ondent at Battleford telegraphs as fol,ows .on Wednesday last : ol. Otter, 'th 320 troops, start- • ed to Poundmaker a reserve on Friday afternoon; drove 11 night, add at 5 : 15 Saturday morning began a seven hour& .engagernent with the Indians. Eight of our men were killed and thirteen wound- ed. The attack was REGUN BY THE INDIANS SUDDENLY. and looked as if a trap had been set for us, into which we ran.- The enemy was very strong,estimated at 600, and fought fiercely from cover, while we Were corn- ratively open to their fire; fighting from the brow of a hill over a coulee. Five minutes after the first idiot was -fired we appeared to be COMPLETELY SURROUNDED. • Fifty men were sentback to clear up the rear. We had just passed through a dense gully, thickly wooded, a swift stream mooing on one side. The Men eent back made a brave dash, and ad- complished their object, thus LESSENING Tun DANGER OF THE ITU - TION. The fightiog, which was all skirmish- ing, was over,a large and unes;enstretch of country aid our men were working at a great diSadvantage, but they _stuck to it like heroes, and •with bullets whistling in on them from almost every direction, - • NEVER FLINCHED FOR AN INSTANT. Every corps stood teady on the aggres- sive, and by 10 o'c ock the enemy was almost silenced. hey resumed again shorty/ , and the fighting was again heavy.' The artil1ery, with the two seven-potuiders athl the gaffing, did good work repeat dry by driving the enemy from theuj cover, and at 11 o'clock the enemy were anhin almost completely silencedl Colonel Otter had already given orcle4 to withdraw from a position of such(.1_,*sadvantage. The Indians, observing t. is, endeavor a to • cut off the retreat of ur men, -who FOUGHT THEIR WAY. OUT INCH BY DTC11; the front always o the enemy. No praise is sufficient describe the brav- ery.,tt of our officers and men. Every one showed himself a hero. Col. Otter with his staff was in every part of the field, and his orders were cool and as decided as in a sham battle. The men were badly used Up before the withdrawal began. - • . COMPOSITION 0 THE COLUMN. . -Oun force comprised 75 Mounted .Po- lice and acouts, B Battery, the Ottawa Guards, C Company Infantry School, part of the Queen's _Own Rifles and, Battleford Rifles. It is thought &re THIRTYiTO SLKTY of the enemy were killed. The column returned to Bettleforcl the Same night., The wounded are all doing well. i—Hullett is rapidly becoraing famous for the excellency' of its horse flesh. Mr. Wni. Rini' hs !old. his Young Boreland Chief, ri ing two years old this spring, for $35i, to Mr. McQueen, of Michigan; also s r. Wilson has sold his Chief filly for $ 56 .toMr. Franks, l ° of London. Six h ndred dollars is a good price for .two olfs tha age. s—The Gorrie En rprise says : Mr. A. McIntosh, who has had sharge of the Albion hotel for the past four years, has retired this week and Mr. Wm. Dane, the proprietor, has taken possession and will rim a temperance house. Mr. and Mr's. McIntosh hde made themselees famous in this section as caterers, and enjoy a large measure of popularity. t —The Goclnrich Signal of last week -says : The -Curry Brothers, lig-11er mer- chants, will leave here on Tuesday next for Brantferd, where they 'intend to locate permanently./ They have leased a store under theiOpera House in that city, and will ' carry on a fruit, confec- tionery and wine and beer business. It is one of the best Stands in Brantfo (1, and "the boys" will doubtless make i a success. •• —Mr. E. F. Black, of Wingham, has returned from Laprairie county, Quebec, bringing With him a magnificent French stallion, "Black Tom," end for which he paid $3,000. Mr. WM. Hastings is joint proprietor of, the aniMal with Mr. Black. The horse is a coal black coir, with heavy mane and tail., stands 116 hands high, weighs over 1,609 pounds, and has large, bone and muscle aod good action. , - On Thursday of last week the barn of Mr. Thos. Taylor, in the township of Howiek, ten miles frern Wingham, was destroyed by fire together with its con- tents, consisting of a; valuable cow, Sev- eral, pigs and calves, harness, reaper, between three ancl four tons of hay, and 140 bushels of grain. The lass was be- tween $500 aud $600, and come S par- ticularly heavy on Ma Taylor, its he had not a cent of insurance. —A few days ago Mr. J. A. Morton secretary of the Wingham Curling Club, received from Toronto -the silver medal given by the Ontario - Branch of the Royal Caledonian Society, and. which • was won from the Elora team the past season. Mr. A. R. Morris, the skip of the rink which made the highest num- ber of Points in the match, will hold the medal until the next animal meeting ;of the club. , , —A Londesborolcorrespondent says : Geo. Rose, of Plum Creek, Northwest Territory, -son of Dr. Rose, of Londes- bora, has leased the hotel formerly car- ried on by Mr. Bell, at this place, and will conduct the same in future. . It Mill be carried on as a first-class tem- perance honse, and travellers may rely on finding it A 1 in every respect. Mr. Bell mo es into the house lately occu- pied by Dr. Rose, wh4 moves into the hotel with his son, where !his office will also be found. •r • —During the, past year the treasurer ,ef Howick has handled 821,239.34, whiOh has been :disposed of as follows : Paid rates, county treasurer, $4,052.51 ; salaries and commissions, $1,116.20 ; interest on coupOns, debentures, &C., $1,366.60; taxes . refunded, $19.44; printing and stationery, $90.89 ; roads and bridges, $3,829.21 ; school sections, $7,990.48 - election expeoses, $2; char- ity, $269:90 ; drainage, $420.13; mis- cellaneous, $1,061.2g; 'balance in Itreas urer's hands, $1,019.70. —Says the Wingham Advance: Among those injured m the engagement with the Indians and -half-breedsi at Fish Creek, wes W. W. Matthews, a youngnian well and favorably known in Wingham, having been for a couple of years in the employ of G. J. -Clarke, watchmaker and jeweler. " Will " is a member of the 90th Winnipeg Battalion. His left arm was shattered by a ball, andi in a letter to his friends at Winnipeg, he says he is "not much iniured." , --L-Another pioneer settler in the person of the late David McConnel, passed i away from this life on Monday, the 20th ult., at Port Albert, in his 89th year. Mr. McCOnnellon leaving Irelandttled in London in 1812, after the ba Lundy's Lane, and was one of th first loTtle of settlers. in the Forest City, where he and his brothers took up 100 acres of land, and also built mills at Exeter which then was a forest, with bruin roaming at his own sweet will. He once shat a bear that came through the roof of their backwood's cab& ea -While bringing a cow into Wingham one day last week, Ahdrew McDougall, Of East Wawanosh, had his right thumb broken. He. had got as far as the Ex- change hotel,.andwas just going to tie it, when the cow wheeled around and started for home" Mr. McDougall had a ring in her neas and a stick attached, which he 'held on to with might and main, but the cow was too strong. He tripped and was dragged' alongonon the road, his thumb catching on the grevell. The knuckles of his left hand were , also badly skinned. —The Blyth Review of last w.eek says: Much excitement prevails in the village on account of several fruitless attempts at robbery. About two weeks ago an attempt was made to enter the jewelry store of Mr. R. B. Keeler, and on last Friday night; a fruitless effort was made to gain an entrance into the private residence of Mr. A. V. Brown, bookseller, on King street. Another attempt was made to enter the stable .of Mr. R. J. McGee, implement agent,. but without effect. It is quite apparent thieves are in the village, or vicinity and householders should see that their doors and windows are well secured. • Seed -Time in Manitoba. VIRDEN, April 29t1, 1885. . DEAR EarosiTon,—Having 'reached another lull in labor I drop you, 'a few lines. In the first place, we have had an early and favorable spring. ,We comnaenced sowing on the 10th of April —some started sooner. We had then a week of fine- weather, followed by one day of snow and one of rain, which left the land very wet and prevented fur- ther sowing till the 23rd, When we again commenced, and finished to -day, 29th, April; having sowed 140 acres, and • that as well done as I ever saw it in Ontarie: The force used was seven horses and one men besides myself, three horses being ustd on a seeder and four on a double -set of harrows. • With regard to the rebellion : It seems to cause far more excitement in Ontario than here, although I see some of your people erroneougy- call it the Manitoba rebellion. I see the Mail says now that these people have grie'v- ances. Is the Mail . only awakening to that fact? I thought everybody knew that months ago. It says, too, that these grievances shoold be redressed! Yes, we say amen to that;: but would it not have been far better to have. en- quired into these matters before the sword was drawn and -blood shed. Per- haps; however, the occurrences of the last few weeks will have the effect of causing the " Te-Morrowites " at Ot- tawa to: attend to the grievances of .others before they too become exasper. ated. I can assure you that if the $1,000 manavere not at the head of this affair the sympathy of the , people her would be largely with the men who have long been demanding and refused the -very • rights whieh the Peace Commissioners are now instructed to grant.- Hoping' that all may soon be quiet, I rernan yours truly, JAMES ELDER, Virden, Man. - 111111.1111111Lk • —The Listowel Banner says: The Env. Mrs Hill sold hall 'of the parsonage property, with the house' thefoon, to Wm. Welch for $1 600. Mt. Hill and family left town for .Latha4 this week, where he goes to take charg 4 a con- greetion . We Wish' Mr. • ill success in his new fiels. of labor. • —On Monday, 2Oth u1t. at Newry, Mr. Alex. • Lawrence, sr., was found dead in a field about forty r ds from his house. The old gentlemaa had been • living alone for some time a d was first missed. on Sunday afterno n. Search was immediately commefic d, bat he -was not found until the fol owing day. • —The other evening in t. Marys a, now belonging to Mr. Joh Bridgman, had a six_hours' choking sen ation. The animal in attempting to swa low a large potato got it lodged in its throat, and • after six hours of intense ffering the moisture of the throat s ftened the potato allowing the cow to /swallow it. Two veterinary- surgeons, who were called in were powerless in removing the obstacle. —A well known resident of Strat- i • ford, named Richard Herron, was found lying in a cattle guard on the railway the other night.., Life was quite extinct. There was no means of knowing how the fatal accident occurred; but as there were no signs nor suspicion .of _foul play, no inquest was held. Mr. Herron was 54 years of age, and leaves a widow and large family. He •formerly resided in the Gore of Downie. • --The cattle fair held. in Mitchell on the last Friday. in April was so no largely attended as the March fair, on t account of the Fullerton •spring show being held on the same day, though there were abo9t Nay cattle on the • ground, most of which were sold. The prizes awarded were as follows : • Best . fat steer, W. Bushfield, Logan; 2nd, ohn old old W. Lawrence, Logan. Best cow, Withal, Fullerton. , Pair three yea steers, L. Goodwin. Pair two yea steers, L. Goodwin, Logan. • —A fatal accident occurred at Listo- wel on Thursday morning. Jonathan . Tomlinson, a, retired farmer, ormerly of 11,. the townskp of 1Vlarylsoro ent tsit the stable as ushal to _look After his horses. Some of the family, thinking he was waiting longer than usiial, went out and found him lying in the stable under one Of the horses, so terribly bruised and cut about the head and f ee that he only lived ten minutes after eing taken out. The unfortunate man never re- covered conseiousness. ' Al.TCTON SALE On'Tuesday May 19th, 18 burn, Farm Stock Imple Household Furniture. John •Proprietor ; J P. Brine, An Births. MARTIN. --.In Seaforth, on the wife of Mr, W. J. Martin of a REID.-In Stan ey, on the 6th in Mr. Hector Reid of a daughter PEAREN.-At je1son,Manitoba,o the wile of Mr. John H. Peare Stanley, of nj daughter. RLOHARDS.-In Auburn, on the wife of Mr. Richards of a son. 5, at Kin - cuts and Williams, tioneer. nd inst., the 11. ., the wife of the ard ult., , fermerle of 29th ult, the .Mirriages• sTEET—ARMSTRONG.Parision th4 30th ult., by Rev Mr. 1ughes, Mr. Thos. Steet to Miss Emily Armstrong, both o Paris. GEPRGE-GRUMME .-At the residence of the bride's father, Pleasant Hill, Nelson, • Manitoba, on thej 15th ult., by Rev. Mr. . Argue, of Carman; Mr, GI. George of 1 elson, 0. Grummett. to Miss Rebecca Jeventh d ug ter of Mr. IncLAREN-McLEOD„ At the residence f the bride's father,onthe 29th nit., by R v. W. T. McMullen, Mr. lexander F McLa en, of Listowel, formerly of Dublin, to Miss Janet, daughter of Mr. J :. McLeod, of Woo stock. TOWN-CRAWFORD. In Brussels, at t e resi- dence eit the bet e's father, by Rev W. T. • CM, on the 2f3th It., Mr. Ed. Town_ o Miss Josephine Crewf• • .. all of Bru sels. RIGGIN-EMERSODk At the resi enc f Mrs. Emerson, Hulled, in the 29thnit., 1 y Ren, W. Craig, 13. D., h n Thomas 13 ggin o Mise Alice.Emerson. bo h of Inuliet iTilEMR ETS. ,t.. I ' 8 A OR ii,'May 7th, 1885. • „ Fall Whertt per bushel..., . ..... •Se 95 to $1 OQ Spring Wheat per bush I- ....... 0.5 to 1 00 Pats per bushel g30 eo 0 40 Peas -per Bushel p8 to 0 65 Barley per bushel .. .. . 0 50 to 0 60 Butter, No. 1, loose... -.....'I 11.3 to 6 142 to 0 13 •leutter, tun • • Eggs t 10 to 010 Flour, per 100 tbs , 40 to 2 55 , Dressed Hogs, per 100s . ... . 6 00 to 5 75, • • Hay per ton 1.0 00 to 12 00 Hides per 100 tbs.. 6 00 to 5 50 Sheepskins each Q 50 to 0 85 Wool • . Q 18 to 0 20 Salt (retail) per barrel. .. .. .... , 80 to 1 0Cf Salt (wholesale) per ba rel.. .. ..• 0 80 Potatoes per bushel: ... .... Q 30 to 0 40 Wood per cord ......... ..... .... e 50 to 3 50 Clover Seed ti 50 to 7 00 Timothy- I 60 to 2 00 Fall'Wheat per bushel. Spring Wheat per bush Oats per bushel ...... . Barley per bushel • Peas per Butter Eggs....... . . ... • LINTON, May fith, 1885. $9 95 to $10. 1.... Q 95 to 100 34 to 085 50 to if 55 60 to 060 12 to 014 , 10 to 010 Hay per ton 3o oo to 12 00 .Potatoes per bushel... Apples per barrel . - ....1 Ae gg let; R Og Wool I L . u 16 to, 016 Hides per 100 Is ' 600 to 700 Pork ••- . 5 76 to 575 Cordwiead 60 to 3 50 LIVERPOOL, May 6. red winter,' 8s 00d •, Weenie Noe 1, Ks 07d ; California No. 2, 78 03d; oats, fei 054 ; barley, 5s 6d; peas, es 03d ; pork Oen 06d ; &Tee, 59s. 00d TORONTO,: May 7.- all wheate80.93 an $0.95 t spring, $0.93 to 80.95; oats, 46c to 47}c ; peas 68c.; to 70c; barley, 55e toc ohay, pereon,e15.00 to 526.00; butter, 15c to lec ; potatoes, per bag, $0.40 to 50.45; eggs, • :e• doz.,12c to e4c ; dressed hogs, per 100 lbs„ $6. to 86.50. • Snriiig whe t '-07s 06d ; Live stoc tmaxketp. MONTREAL, May 5.- atile-Choice steers and heifers wild at 4ec, and pretty good animals at from 41a to 41c per lb. There was a fair supply of bulls, which sold at rom 8e to 4c per Ite Milk - menet strippers were v ry plentiful, end told at from $17 to $10 each , or 2ec to 3ee pee lb. G. -Nicholson bought six 'choice steers, -weera.ging 1ee50 lbs., 41c per tb., an eight other at from 410 to 41e per lb. J. 'Ri lied bough six choice , .cattle, averaging 1,13i les., at 4ec per tb.; also seven calves for 841, an • ten sheepa 5ec per lb. Calves were scarce, and ;prices are ag in advanc- ing. Sheep continue 1 searce and very dear. Lambs are more plenti I, but there are very few good' ones amongethem and prices range from $3 to $5 eanti. Hogs are in plentifnl, land slightly • lower in price, or from ec to 5ec per lb. .. . Local otices. , ed, Apprentices to the WANTED. -/-Wan Dressmaking, 'Miss 'Se 11. 901tf. MILK WAGO ON OR SALE. For Sale, a secondthamdnnilk wagon, in good running or- der, will he sold che Punmett & co., Sea - forth. 907 • •• •- NOTICE. -The S aforth Br Bs- Band, under the leadership f 4r: Corne ius, 'will be open forengagements her the lst of May. JAS. A. ANDERSON, Secrete'. 707tf • CANARIES FOR • ALE. -One hundred first-class 'Canaries, god warblers. Singers $2 to 82.50 eachaecording to color or song. •- Pairs, $2.25 to $2.75 guarant ed at represented. No hens sold for singers. All tried nerds. Joins Freon, Market Street, eaforth. 899tf - THE PLACE TO 114ET A BUGGY.---Pin- man & Co., of Seaforth,j have a large ,and varied 'Assortment ,of. , top m d open buggies and Pluetons, of the latest s yips, and all of their own nutke, and warranted fl st -class in m ery inspect, which they are prepare to sell very cheap for cash or on short tim ,Remembwhen yeti l Avant a buggy ga to Pu, 'MA'S, Setif° th. 906tf SPRING TIME 11.s Coarn—And with it the time to get ready for gardening, by clear- ing a,wa,y rubbish and reptu•ing beds for veget- ables and flowers. Th iiost important thing is to get good seeds, that caki be assured only by - ordering them from enable dealers. •Robert Evans 4/ Co., Hamiltoy , bave a reputation ex., tending over thirty yea, 8, a reputation they Cant not afford to sacrifice be sending put inferior goods. Their seeds are grown for them undee special contract, and ai e sure to igive satisfac- tion. Seeds sent by mail, express or freight. If you have not -their cataargue, send ter a cony. 907x2 • IMPORTANT NOTICES. Tr C. DOAN, Veterinary j. j_ of Ontario -Veteri enteric). Calls promptly day. Veterinary medicin hand. Office, Huron Hotel, Surgeon, ary College, attended s kept' c Zurich .Graduate Toronto, to night or nstantly on Ont. 909 BULLS bred Canadian end color.. 8., Tuckerstnith, CARNOCHAN, Docus .1.) bred good size celebratep registered splendid easy terms.1DAVID LOST. Dog breast and Concession cession of Blyth gravel. warded by. Conceasionp, FOR SALE. -nor Durham bull Herd Book, 4 Apply on ot or to $ Jr. , sale . tie elves, regi months' o 20, Concession aforth P. ' o thorough- terecl in the d, good size 3, H. 13, ; O. JAMES ' 909x4 Fon SALE. Durham 11 Its, and color. Stock Bull "Lord in the new animals and wi M -Lost on Thur: with long be tan legs, in t of Morris, wl: Morris, two Any pe addressing Morris. or sale, two twelve hey were sired Lovell," herd boon. libe sold itheap jNE, Ethtjl. thoroughr months old; by the and are They ere and 011 909-tf • day Wet -aJ ek hair, white e neighbo last seen Iles and a on will b • • OBERT "HORTREED, large Collie spot on hood of 9th on 6th Con- uarter from suitably re- I 909x4 . . TT OUSE• FOR SALE La house on Goderic pied by Mrs. P. Logan. rooms besides pantries a hard and soft water. T foundation and has a'splendid are two lots nicely plant mental trees. It is one connaodieus and please in town Apply to • -FM. sal, ' Street, at There are in d closets, together e house rests cellar. • cl with fruit f themost tly situated 'M. JJOGAN, ' cheap; the present occu- all eleven with on stone There and . orna- comfortable, residences Seaforth. 909tf • EGMON - G. E. Jackson, Licensed promptness County of VILLE. Dealer and to with in the • 909-4 Whole Compounden and despa.to Huron supplied. , ale Liquor Ciders attended Spirit Vendors • . The - Foaled • Property 'Win stied the present to insure. • Roadster "CARLISLE." 1882. Reed ' years of G at his own season. Te For further particulars Stallion d, 2 :40'4, .at two old. - ., orge Whitely. Stable Seaforth, during is.-Twent -five dollars e e cards. - MAJOR and YOUNG ROVER, i Preperty of Colqu,hotm & Dow. ' Monday morning, *pril 27thenW1ll leave their °Wei stable, Exeter and proeeed to Elim- -ville, to noon; thence to Kirkton ter night. Tuesday -Will proceed to Russeldale, for noon; • thence along the Thames Road to Farquhar, for night. Wednesday. -Will proceed to C. Mon- teithei, for. noon ; thence to their own stable for night. Thursday. --Will proceed to Reynold's Hotel, Hensel!, for noon ; thence, to Dickson's Hotel, Brucefield, for night. Friday. -Will pro- ceed south to Ktppen, for noon; thence to their own stable tor night. Seturday.-Will be at Central Hotel, Exeter, all day. I 909-3 • 1 , HURON EXPOSITR. Huron t and Bruce Loan and •IriVestment Company.f This bornpanr was ors -seized on the 18th of April hu3t, and is now in active operation, and is Fpraernio pardcatourirte ,eive applicationstor loans on good This Coinpi iy being a local inntitutii, cab offer to borne ers greater -facilities foe their leans ex cuted with dispatch, than jftii 1)0. had frotn butsi e or foreign Companies,wit whoiu days and week are often required to clos6 up 4 loan. When Title nd Security are satisfactory, boe- rowers may obtain their money from this Colt pany on day of application. Due attention has been paid to confining Sol- icitors Ohargeilto the lowest rates. prMortgagesapovedof.parehased if Security and Titles are A Savings Bank Branch will be shortly opened by the Company. Depositors will be paid the ;Highest Current Bates on their deposits. The Company's offices are on the corner of , Market Square and North Street, in the Building, adjoining the Dry Goods Store of J. C. Detlor & Co. DIRECTORS: JOSEPH WILLIAMS, l'resident. • SW1 u JR. tillieTinZEHwaii4:1 • Wel. M. GRAY, Seaforth. ix -President. • sfiHRIFY GIBSON& - J. M. ROBERTS, Dungannon. JON Achesow, Goderich. F. JORDAN. J. 11. Coknomee. SOLICITORS: CAMERON,ROLT4 CAMERON. 43' 70:1:18R8A5.CE HPRTON, °Goderich, X TrIANAGBR. 909 • H9USEKEEPERS, ATTENTION! n ral Soap, The bestand mostcomplete article ever offer ed te the Public,• • • FOR CLEANSING PAINT. • *AND, WOOD WORK. It is especially 'Adapted for kitchen use, and , I-1AS NO EQUAL For cleansing Marble, Mantles, Tables, Window Oil Cloth, Zinc, etc. • MDM1R,ST_A_1•T 7 • Insect Powder 3 • Is NOT POISONOUS TO HUMAN BEING but' ompletely • RI THE 1100-8 ROA/ 3t • ANTS, MOTHS, MOTHS, FLEAS, FLIJS SQUITOES, NEW CARPET BEETLES, BUS, etc., etc., .ete. Full directiols for use on box. J. ROBERTS, APOTHECARIES HALL,' Cardno's Block, - Main Street.' ISFAFORTIL 909 R° 0 t:5-1 CD a3ZINvA,V'J 0 1.:314 Brussels Lime Work STILL AHEAD. TONVINT—ez SON_ ' The subscribers take, this opportunity of e- turningthanks to the inhabitants of Brus ls and vicinity for pat patronage, and beg to at te that having made several improvements in tbtir kiln and mode of bunting, they are now inj a better position than ever before to supply the Public with first-class lime. This being the eleventh season of our businss dealings in Brussels, and baiting given unqu4li. lled Lsatisfection so far, the public can rely on re- ceivmg good treatment and a first-class arti le from us. First-class Limp at 14 cents at the kfln and 15 cents delivered. We also burni a No. 1 Lime for plastering at the same price. R memberthe spot, Brussels Lime Works. • TOWN & SON. 901 *ALL ALL ALL V ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL A.LL ALL ALL AMERICAN ENGT ISH CANA PAPERS. • PAPERS. PAPERS. PAPERS. PAPERS. • PAPERS. IAN G-ILT PAPERS. PAPERS , PAPERS PAPERS. PAPERS. BorctIer* and Ceiling Decorations in g, INDOW variety. INDOW INDOW BLINDS. • BLINDS. BLINDS. AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, AT reat sden & Wilson's, Main-st., Seaforth,- Rec ed up fo Dry Go Satins ( Curtain Oil Clot • possible and 60c 110 and Suit Boys'; Hat AT BARGAIN HOUSE. ilimmmma , iv d per steamer Caspian, State of Pennsylvania and Parisian, and; open- . _ ' 4 m pection, our British and Foreign importations of Staple and Fancy • ds, comprising Dress Goods, PrintS,; Linens, Cretonnes, Gloves, Silks and eat variety) Muslins, &c. English Coatings, Scotch Tweeds, Lace C rpets in Hemp, Unions, All -Wool, Tapestry, Brussels and Velvet: c., the whole of which we have determined to sell at the snialiest 4 ad ance on -cost. See our 47 inch Black and Colored Cashmeres at 58c er yard. Examine our Paint, 13 y rds for $1; hold up to the light our Dress Goods. I 1 de to order. Rea,dy-made Clothing in all sizes—Mens', 'Youths' an4 ric s and quality guaranteed right s? . 1 a Hats in great variety and every style. Popular al Ho [ i Thefollowing Stallions will stan or the improvement of Stock thi season as follows : ROYAL TOPSM.AN, Property of John Doig. lifondity, April 27 -Will leave his own table, Lot 15, Coneession 4, Tuckersmith, and wi 1 pro- ceed along; to the 2nd Concession, L. R. Se thence to John Wood's, for mon ; then along tho 2 d Concession into Lesborne, then co s over I then along the Centre Readi to jobneleTa, pot's, 1 to A. Bishop's, 5th coneepsion, for the -night. Tuesd y. ---Will proceed by way of Lumle, , then along the boundary to Jonas Surnnon's for noon ;' Commercial Hotel, Cromertv, for the 'light; Wednesdayl-Willoiroceed along the 10t C011. cession to AeelcDonald's, boundary lie e, for noon ; then along to his own stable for the night. Thursday. -Will proceed north to the 4t -.con- cession, L. It. S., to David iWalkers, for noon; then along to George Sproat's Lot 22, Con kession 2, II. R. S., for tbe night. Friday-Wi I pro- ceed to the don Road, then south to Bruce - field, at Diem e Hotel, for Mien • then al ng the London Road to Kippee, to ni'ehaffer,s Hotel, thence home to his own stable where he ell re- main until the following Monday morning JK . ENI----,.LwORTH . Property of Simon McKenzie Monday, :April 27 -Will leave his own table,. Lot 25, Conceesion 2, Tuckersmith, and 1 'weed to W. Murdochs, 2nd concession of S Wee-, thence along the 2nd Concession south to A. McMurtrieli, for noon ; thence to Ilensall or the• night. Tutsday.-ntill proceed along t le 2nd Concession: of Tuckersneen to Kipper) Road, thence to kippen for noon; thence to h a own stable by the London Road, for niehtee ennes- dayee-Will peoceed along he London R ad to to Alma Hotel, for night. 1 Thursday. -\V 11 pro- ceed along the Huron Road three mil n and three -quartets to Dominick Reynold's, fie nese ; thence along -the 6th Concession of Ile lett to Kinburn, for night. Friday. --Will proccf along the 6th Concession to tbe Townenee of M Killen, to Edward Ilinchlers, for noon ; th et to Dennie's Hotel, Seaforth, for the night. Satur- day. -Will proceed by wan of the Red Ta ern to his own stable. Where he will remain ti til the following Monday mornime EARL OF MORAY. Property. of Alex.. Thompson MondayeeWill leave his- own stable, t 17, Bayfield Rbad, Stanley, and proceed e st to .13rucefield ; thence by way of the London Road, t)ZItgPlijil'l e'f°;.;:47,-;t1;t1,:r south trao'nntl rrtb-;';, for the night. Tuesday. --Will procei)ed so tia to the Zurich Road, thence west to the C miner- cial Hotel, Zurich, for noon; thence nort atone - the Goshen1Line by way of Wagnefs C,or ers, to Blake, for the night.. Wednesday. -Will roceed west to the Saub e Line at Riehard Penha e s, for noon ; thence north to 13ayfielde at Hotel, for the night. Thursday. -Will proceed to G derich Township, for noon; thence to Mid leton's Corners, for the night. Friday. -Will roceed east for noon ; thence b'y way of tbe 2n Con- cession of Stanley to his own stable, w ere he will remain until the following Monday In rning. YOUNG RANTW :JOH NY. r, Property +Sf Mr. John McGreg Tuckersmith. JAMES PICKARD, II OF THE RED FLA MPBELL'18 BLOCK, MAIN STREET ISEAFORTIL TREAL HOU E• SEAFORT essrs. Duncan Sc Duncan, While r turning thanks to their numerous Customers and the public generally for their cm gratulations of the fine display of illinery on exhibition in the Mon- treal H use, would respectfully call the attention of those ladies who have not already ade their Spring purchases, to favor them With a visit to this particular departm nt of the Montreal House, and rest asspred that for style, beauty and figures, hey an be satisfied. • jThe Dress Goods Department Of the tions jus Silks nt Op eal House is now more fully stocked than ever with fresh inliportae ned. Black and Colored Silks, a Specialty, Lace Curtains, Are rea4ly worthy 'of inspettion. Facts are stubborn things, yet it is a fact that the Moitrea1 House Dry Goods Department are showing PRINTS in such variety and at sich great reductions, that even in sate of the hard tunes the remark is often he rd, Well, one can't grumble at Dunean & Dunean's Prints, anyhow t" Please c the and see our goods. We take pleasure in showing what bargains we have in tQck at all times. Ottorlian Silks for Mantles Hosiry, Carpets, & Of the M Coffees fr • pound Su fresh. fie Secluded Grociery Departmept nt ar Buttef a eal House has aline line. of C 115e per pound up. ugar fro is in great demand. -Syrups oice Teas from 25e per pound up. 14 to 18 pounds for $1.00. pur 20 Spices and Staple Groceries I always d Eggs taken in trade all the ear round. DUNCAN & DUNCAN. ATCHEL LO T. -Lost, between Mitchell and • Lot 87 Conceesion 1, Bibbed, on 'Wednes- day, April 22, a Satchel containing notes to the value of over $300, drawn in favor of John Mal- cohn. The flndee will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the EXPOSITOR OFFFCE, Seaforth. • e07xt. f. T0 Co kee a good D number o dollar wit nay. JO • OWNERS. -The undersigned will ali his place during the present season, rh m Grade Bull, to which a limited c ws nett be admitted. Terms, -One e privilege of returning' if neces- BEATTIE. 909-4 tULL FOR SERVICE. - The un4lersigned will keep for service on Lotsj 243 and 24 township of Grey, hie thoroughbred Durham. B 11 "Lord Lovell." Terms for seasonn-For one th roughbred cow $8, for ea,ch additibnal -eow. $7 for one grade cow $3.50 for each edditimeal co r $3. Cows returned regularly, and not in ca 1 will be charged half price. Cassel from a di tanoe will be fed or pastured at reasonable ra es if they wish to leave them. "Lone Lovell" ib 'en shown 14 times and -has taken 13 first p1 zes and dne second. He has proved himself a are and good stock getter. He will (likely be sewn at Spring Shows. DAVID MLLNE '903-12 Monday.e-Will leave hie own- stable et 15, Concession 2, L. R. 'Se Tucnersmitle and roceed along the Seaforth Reed to Dennies Hot 1, Sea - forth, for noon.; -theme along the North oad as far as Grieve's bridge, then east to M ,John Hendersons, for the night Tuesdays -AN ill pro- ceed east one and °meltwater miles, the] north two and oile-half niuies, to ler. Hugh In se, for noon, here he will remain until the to:lowing morning. needliesday.-Wel proceed :so th two and onehelf fleiles, then one and one luarter miles west to Mr. George:- MeClures. for noon; -thence one and one-quarter miles west, ti enetwo and one-quarter miles south, along th Town Line to Mn Samuel. Careochan's, for 'the night. Thursday. -Will proceel five nines -sout , then west one mile and a meter, then sou h one mile and a .quarter to Its own stable w ere he will remain •until the -following morning, riday. -Will peoeeed soothniong the 10th COD ession one mile and a -goal-tele-then west one mi e and a quarter to Mr. Duncan McLean's, for noon; thence Neese two Miles and:a half to Hens 1, then along the Zurich Road west, one mile and n. quarter, then south to Mr. Alex. Maw es, for the night. • Saturday.-Weinproceed nort along the 2»d Concession to Mr.. Roderick R • - for noon; thence east one mile and A. quarter to the London Rced, then south two miles and ee-bale to Kippen, then .east -oee »i1iC and a qua -ter to his own etebie, where be jniII remain m -filo folboning-Monday mending. ' TELEGRAPH BOY. Property of A.. ;Goveniook, Win. brop. Monday.- From Wintbeep via Leadnu y and -Harlock, to Mullites - Hetet, Myth, for noon; thence to Stewart's Hotel, Belgrave, for night. Tuesday. -To Roes Hotel, Wingham, fom noon; thence to 'Teeswater, for night. Wedne. den. - To Belmore. for noon; thence to Lake- et, for night. Thursday. -To Fordwich, for noon ; thence to Campbell's Hotel, -Gerrie, for night • Friday -To -Goften's Hotel, Wrexeter, for a short time in the morning, and -from the e will • proceed tb Min W. Wright's, Morrisbai k, for noon; thence via Jamestown to .0Ne11'eJrotejr Brussels, for night . Saturday. -To Sage' Hotel, Walton, for a short time in the morning, from thence to his own stable, Winthrop, where hee will remain until the -following Monday morning, ENG -LAND'S GLORY Property of Dickson & Menzies. Monday.-Wileleove his own -stable, ot 12, Concessiori 11,elcItillop„ and proceed t ,John Little's, Lot 21, Conceesion 9, for noon; thence south to , Jas. Lennon's, .-Concession 1, or the night. Tuesday. --Will proceed to Jas.Me Lot 11, •Cancession 3, for noon; thence to Robert Gordon's, Lot 14, Concession e, for the night. Wedneeday.-'Will proceed to John Lei harne, Concession 8, Loon, for noon; Oriente hornae- Murray's, for the night -Thursday,-W11 pro- ceed to Win. Cameron's, Lot 10, :Concess on 14, for noon; thenceto 'Thomas .,,Tolviistenee Lot -9, Concession 18, Grey, for the night. , idey, -Will proceed to Weltonnat Beiree's 11 tee for ; thence west two miles, thence th_ to Christopher Muldoon's. Lot 32 Concess on 13, McKillop, for the night.' Saturday.-ni 'el pro- ceed to his own stable, arriving at noon, eid re- maining utitil Monday morning, „ PRINCE ARTHUR," ' INMOUN'T WILLI Pioperty of Innes & Hart° .. Will leave their OWD stable Lot 25, Nei h. East Boun tryeHibbert, every Monday morn' g and go its Rebert McDonald's, Thames ad, for noon thence to Hawksha,w's Hotel, Exe rI for night Tuesday. -To Hodgiies Hotel, Jensen, for noon; thence to leippen, for the night. Wednesdey.-Kininpunt to Bniceileld, t Turs ner's Hotel, for noon; Prince Arthur Kyle's Hotel, for noon; both horses to Weir' Hetet, Seaforth, Ifor the night. Thursday.—• o Eg- mondville; then east to P. Connor's, for- twee ; thence east to Dublin, at C. Pendergast's for the night. Friday, -To Stalfa for noon; ths. ne.e to Duncan McKellar's, Cromarty, for the night, Saturday. -To Robert Hoggarth's, for noon ; thence to their o'. n stable, where they vill re- main un il the following 3Ionday n orning. /08x3 and 11— _ • WELCOME. Property of George Whitely, Se forth. Monday. --Will leave his owe stable and nweed -- ny Way ofithe Huron Road to Alma, for noon; - thee nortb to Milburn for the night, T proceed to Thomas teeeilan's, Hate ek, for nizion ; thence east to Lea.dbury, for the eight Wednesday„ -Will proeeed south by the gravel road to Fulton'* Hotel, for noon, thence by way of Grieves bridge to Beechwood, for the night. Thursday -Will proceed south to Pit 0rine" Hueon Road, for noon, thence to the 7t iCon- eession of Hibbert, at Edward Roaches, or the night. Feiday,-Will proceed to Jo n Mc- Connell's, Hibbert, for noon, thence do meth° tots n line to Sth Concession 'of Tuckers eith, to Red -Tavern, for the night, Satunlay.- HI pro- ceed to Ids own stable by Way of Kippen Road, where he will remain until the following mule/ morning. D. S. CAM ,BELL., PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR a 4 Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prom tt), at. tended to. D. 8. CAMPBELL, Mitchell.