The Huron Expositor, 1885-05-01, Page 4I -MAY A Oman KA RION EXPO THE jii,� S�TOIRN 4. 6EWN=N=*NN=NMN�
yoe in the ripe bil But it ften 9 Aaid a th 0 T A The officer d- ing the of e rned animals. an, givi dng from its bulg;4
in with synipt - -s wheat field by It resl
.0orge casing it with a rin Om %bipping, Sir through the soon becallne terribly . I
I 0 )60 wol b 'stion, ile to go uray, heavy be Itis I f attemptto disou the no li�n hay
v tit r ou E. BUTTE R10K 4 0 -61 Indianis-in that vicinity are bicothin did not. d years. nato barel of cholora,_ The MY15 Lt cell-tbe ali or ea or'
E. I . inany. 'hat there was no resembling those Ci.rtiel all Eindeed to see f bushels THE Biip.N� I) ill
Reliable Papier Peitterna for ewliere, and their- demon- a be on hand to pre rent the.10ppo- A%v If nd at e high, prieA a are f(rin of approving W erious dillease spread, tLncl has, account ift, last kinds of restless as els h d to Bat they n the -Senatep It ow be to tlie' week d t e str&W
ea�l. But, acre on the ground, to atc ing an adverse te e d are causing, the setttl ti iq if at the Very shr e of ti ni even to r whichoccurred here. UdiW Mi 5ses Boyi Children"s strations h quarrellin id id after eliserious silo 11 an 9 .8 that this means come. epi, emic. AN ey egin o seei MPlumb, 11 Standing str�Light and at rest tin Garment;&, for -by- H 13 se ent ader aid th b Senators have nothing ride the Ga e4l a (I Sal
sale %, alarm. It is expected ho kv,- r that thev Asented themsel vies. Conse their old I � Y'. P - t the poor unburdened of"it golden ho' I. Th�4 Seaforth. - 11 . t n, Chapleau Co. ti 'a error in stating A
vin' Ca to, do for man e Weel�.
General Strange will reach Edinonton ly, in order' to pass th time, a ry that Lang, ews of th a
e wheat fields, a few month- later, afford e. popular lo e for it, th world y owned r1r, L
be and MODth$, -ivhile wai - E14T64 BED I-.; SNow.—Tw ty-lour by the fi;
have on its 9 t 6n d days and we oplbndid r0orts for -wild geese and paj- �rrqu
abot the cio -this week, when it is an choke 6ff t eir oppon ents if po ible hart h
NI&W, ADVEqTIS. E TS. se of %_t Oeorlt N th.Lk own Selfish ends. "i, g for the ia days� ion. per -son rie chickense bart, M la t of the sess" 8 e killed recently b n. ava
ent hoped the pisence of the troopp there they kept up. a continual babol Song They fin �h the' resent of the mills burnt. I
Gover im, ill IcelanT ope�s in Dakota long -I)e- dom end it but. iti pro- S �ortly after tli� House i lanche Seydisford, 'The spring mentioned sim. P, ly e x p
I hae a qui6tinginfluenc( ittle r and all other imaginable n6ises,, ha's nothip ould move that gltlivi
T he- f1gu the thesis Afte' wil on the Aine e, SIT -It is understood
re between !does in Otarlow
supposin� that fore . it - What li ewh line denotes the page of the, PA r on which o are now so 116h fe�'red by; their innocent constituen -8 would Scarce-, t tite Key or ect in - iheoryu nd of Gov now falls is driven totbe mountain nd ven that be w ed to* make a fairer To 1. ROME. a of lvl'raes or gristing inills, 'K
Indians AvIl m. 01 was ernment be lisk that the Prince and Pirinces t7MU6 nd. ic3 td run with Vac
gh tgt pop Coe don't know will pay visit to Rome next month. linneSota So that
e advertisement will be fou work.- I by tile first
peep e. lk beliefe tbem,papable 4 if. Utiipately . i remt valu As o the h
iewo-ved-Thoinas Coventry. (5) 9 in ipractice, what has ib ever bether he mtum' the' I ffivis on of tile resolu- N PitO.liFfYTI.Ii-M.--tSixty-five gorges of N Great Barzain itiouse-Jaines Pickard. (5) e to bAween il4e 1or t iem.-- exce t to gi ve soi no of -we. h ihe oun is bare, and Occurred, the real House-DuncAn Du Morman Said fields tb, Tile tot&f military force now I in. the an undqrstalid ag w it 6eg not much "'at- neal- (5) - A listantly
_J ig 0 ei the it or n1i t, ;klld iders are o be co, ag_eo� loyment in a b* tiOn ek in Marc tb 6.11 'the le�der of the Gove,rinment and the them a few Indittlis mp e �A llavete read, two o16166k a. Go vhii� alluding to t"
'lardine Machine' Oil. (5) Northwest- exceeds five :. ousknd,. Vlieth�r as an outcoul fr)rocaring converts iii the South. fmll call be worked by the� 10th or l3th ods-Rnton Broa (7) � i -, . I ., I - ter any way. engaged New Dress Imild x the flour o all? This., one 'OppoSiti6n' and the Ho so djo=4 cOttOn cono4stic agitation or Atlantic tates. Notice to Creditors -P. S. Carroll; 0) --well. armed and quipped. flare, that not they a Mr. Plumbs il the frost may 1?e! six feet d�op_ TbeProp Just1ay that r. L-rfj
Notice -Win. Moore. (fi? ml to L' de b f E4 nglish-i peak- f, om some otbox Caltge" the Senate bas RUSSIAN STUDEIZT; LUAVLNG 1) SPrM would think should be -sufficient to awe -The Opposition, however carried. their but the Vt st majori �E 0 Thisas ben the case t16 thiee ter got new niaebu
Farni for Sale -11. Davis. aippointed some Hundr6d.4of Students belonging to t� thou f ARTS.
s in -the House of Cominons of its members'a COM- h - I have been in'-tlle Couptry. March, itam . L , . y aexpec.
Building Lots, for Sale -D. D Wil and quell the rebellious spiri�ts there. point, and they threaten to. repeat this in embi r R_aSSiall 4rML 1d, and fll
qui in month, and Tenders Wnte eck e Who I$ t to this thing and see, is in obedr by whiol,
-epre- ir ittee to in y have left Par -4ohn T. Dic 8 o elect their year, was a very I fine
d Ill i'l d this
Thp same difficulty in -E applies proceeding every time the Franchise e. These pa�lties will taelits made i 3 & nogan. IN be 'd on, ence tom!sammons frorn St, Petersburg� rublic"Notice-42, t. the House of Commons m hat can most thrifty farmrs h" all their wheat. es in ,logs on th or iri the field till ex- Bill comes tip if HS t modified a BRITisn AID. " The A mt Bargaitfs ie troops ect,perbaps, it;. id may Secure some airy
G _LKenipthorne & Co. �(S) f � waid to tt 11 Ind sertativ iee� - sown in March.. 8 uch -e �pllineq--,Vfff.Alexander. (8) therefore fills thow with apprelle- ision. o, -you See, when th renlier that he011 see ent is rise is Coll
-Will likely continue 1-intil the made more (leceAt than it i's in: its Pres- 'The Speech of Mr. Dupont, who, a p *omise f roni has reibeiated the statern that -he IKillop. Mrmers Xe 7.8ure be didly -*ic-66 for 9bile-W. . Feai. (9) ists., and in P your tanley and A on
. 'g, I Pi
infitience among ' ' tell
This will a
Rouge for SaIL-.Win. Logan. (8) i the onli con - I t he can do for them. competenttodefendHerat against the were flouncing thr h -holes to : e navigable and l ,roads' ent! shapeli This is Stitu w,a h" gr6t public in general andA
streams beco in quiet are -Reid & Wilson. (8)- 'Ahe �p osition of the- 1pobably be: the end of the matter, for Russians without the aid. of the British- g
Hardw in do t to town) tile flying dut indieXte(l Ithem, 211 particular.
Private -Funds--F. S. cott.- (8) better. The. troops thus far, however, tional means at- itheir disl osal to prevent al the file Arm -
the vervating amosphere of
Millinery Openin,--A ith, Frelleh m inbers so ueonift rtable that DECLINED VIE that the harrow. r culti.vatior. '-was it RIF R. Sni -A. Govenld (511. seem to have been toleraly well pro- 'its Passage, an- d 'in view (if, the ch Upper to be ex- aving re- tches of Da- ooSeed Wheatand! Oats aracter call a halt On Chamber, it- is strong Works at Newcastle h a they were- obligod. to workn. the dark fallow li� p qted that e -y Ithe order- Ion Mr. Plumb -Plumb of for a large kota. Tb6 grain then sown is
Horse Route--McG t gh� re U's ceived an ofder from although thi6ir op( 'Ili vided foi:1, r&tiolys of the measit ' they are arnply j tified uesday I st, therefore,the discuss oil of P -will quantity of war material, have declined ow Ve been fiot a, little retarded on this in the course they are pursuing,: while the Franc ise Bill,-% ras suspended the the poetie, sour.i nd laboriou reen-above ground. the gentl Sex,
ha t
long remain mij agitator. lie io fill it. Many Canadians have e. to Dakota. no doi
account. 'the esponsibility for the expense and Government that ataucas might -held Sonator in fact, as Pm the latte
e. becof i PEARE A-�Nv,1;IVEILSARY.-ThR, Th and, the situation 'talked over, Th the end becoili- S H A i r. r..,s ey are scatterod over its broad, ur sex., vividly recall 'up, General,MiAdl�ion'sbaseof op ations. other injurious conseque ces .occurring mine d will h e no energy. three hundred and twelity-fifth anni- Pa.
the.caticus was that the Pr inier well as inn whaiie. result of '
except to; be in his place face, anti are to be met every tune their h, S to Z1
ike I
s just now 4 eipal ..centre of in- "must rest upon. who propose and provision of, the for anyibin versary of he birth of Shakespeare was And r tho - ca' , or motivle agreed, to Sacrifice flat wbateve use En -t
very sittin in order tbathemay -ated with mch ceremony and pUce I . iome on every sittill celebi to igrate hither, SHFORTH, FRIDAY, Ma I I- eres, -as he seems to lia,ve'gc t fairly attempt, to force through - Parliament gb�ing the franchise to womo�-an at wilich induced them "I V,ell perhaps we besi�
t eilatiors are like, festiv Ar because -it �ould draw his pay, for 81 'at Stratford-ou-Avoil, on April -rnesvith kind McDonald ana AVauv
)rpant inatt ity they reer to the old h re -
into the thickes of the rebels ar, legislation- which would, disgrace the unInIP4 tl t - ne respect -they 23rd. .1 . ^1 workip men lit I ia 0 OT re It eb I d ise+aiid ces, A Callidian 'cannot cast war me hants, art
av edn vote( Trimiscen I Rus from him will daily be anxiously looked Statute book Of F Ing all England and to allow an appeal Ill aydec'ision of le4 they are absent. The F ATL E RL PTION, -A�tc ,volcanic his earlier associations any more than a the are doctedwi rrible' to th
ur to any will pt6bably not oce eastern
e rei At - the south side of Kini
be e an �can, If John for. a itil he r' aches Batoche's Crossing, tll bairistf rs, the officers Who idea. eruption has occurred in the', Scotchm+� or Irish m -
War has- not yet been de het this TAWA. !n ke the lists, exc t hen the Senator, but as i matter of fact there is portion of Java. A number Of plaxita Nf acduaid's Governmbnt had tlevat- difficulty. Let which is Riel's head quarters. AT 0 W -d believe they ifitend rt
tween Raglan(l and Russia,, 6tters ing 11-farrisor I,,; 2ount j ad Lye. . his an easy ay out of their. tions wer� devastated, an it is feared dard alOng ur
point be.gained and it is' reasonable to i(:d the Canadian Stan inent wareroom. -114
seem to be gradually dra t do Quebec an real jood; 'but them adjourn their sittings until some fully 100 persons were killed. . I
W11 nearer %vill no Lorthern borders-ana calle4 to the Can-
st will be over. (Fri;07A 6,tr own 00 oAdMt.) y M Urquhartiolir enter
hope that the wor ulated, and then re- Foptirim-xv, RANGOONX.-Ra the Queb The intense interest in the condition .1101
that xe�alt. Both pow(�rs gena, ready OTTAW.A, April 28th, 1885.- c repre entatives hop� that business li&s ace ligoon, the idians of Dakota tp aid in �putting dDw-n Ma4u,antities Of
suine and Q
I consa er ei-erything at full capital of -British Burniall, is being strong the�. will I e able t palin it off on ;heir , tile rebellion now ii) the Saskat-6-howan The 4- , " &h. tb!e House of Com- "liglish men-of-war and anxious to fight, but n4ther like tit, even tbo.. to Th�4 Enfdrbement'of the Scott e e as,, omethip of value. dis- leng ly fortified. The 14 of the opinion that enougil "Our grain bityers ar'
P PI -tiley, I am cu sion of the Bill aA resumed on Fri- Illons 11119 iess itiative. Mr. Gladst -of hiffairs in the Northwes which occu- it lia-v' finished their bus'
take tbLe ini on says Act.. are 1�'cIOSely watching I. �anadian. volunteers would have re- dollar per bwbel fo are it many seem to be 'of e im-I P v the En-lish. Gov�era m-ent xiolls f ied the days' wh e n' 17e' i G ove'lin'llient i be impatient to news of the dar.and rJ6hni understoodto., hr e and the cruisers.' A-g'rea . I - ? If S -Despatches from d iA Dakota alone to have dealt ana as that is the 11 close the session: ir John Macdon- a tl�aj. liall be P I hed FLOODS ix would not peace, but'prefey wbx to di nor, and Duck Lake defeat and the Frog Lake vo ved , - I vith Reil's set, and Nile. i*n_ Vayig price there wf.
ilit r.the �tly to -understand press onthat the respon4i . yl t were given! quic t imidate tile largeiiantity bru
thl 0110i. 'V?1we ells' aria ffering a south-eastern Kansas report. the- heaviest 1 ved, lids been revived -18 o 3positiol Government with the ex 9b
that they are anxious that Ru *a Should assacre was r6cei the Senate onsiders itself a useful e- ement of the Scott ACC s rests vil orol It -vias.not until
iii��ai't rain-fallever knownthere, withcons pense of ',trying them� by IttTly- Z. NT. Wilson, Of 1.
ifi�ke the declaration of - war, but if with tenfold force on the receipt of. part of Canada s legislative machi - d desruction with the . Ontario Go rn t. A almost fiv(" O'Clocklon Saturday mor ning I inery, quent diastrous floods an that '.tile municipal I am of pillion week shipping away ;a
'..n !to this I to and that it % ould. perform its duty'. of animals and, property. 0 F�ngland isforced to da it they are. de- e - news from Batoche�s, respecting the ell- that a vOt( was t:f e, to the' motio ntario is better than that in
orrespondent gives- e essio, I ; Z e tamber, T1
ACTION.—The Arch- eme' OY he whole -on he whethei lie like, Bu t my letter is is _-Itatioil wtr
Ifilto 0 itte p � DEN A ogue here. "q "'hr
ter-m-ined -she shall be fullyprepared view gag nt between Genera I Middietion's 0 Im it orot, there would 11WI Of 0 long aM
in anot4er column' and urges upon, 6t it' by the f' duchess Maria Valeria of Austria, who till) The first ause was passe I-ai be fewer 5ibes I thrown h enough. a ie point a -ad, U
force and the rebels.- Tile accounts re- it fewer insults I may, on future tim. spcmnswith a sufficient force to e4foree her M r. -'Mowat the desirailit appoint-: mt ai heaped "Poll is a charming girl of seNTnteen, is learn- 4e te -and tit pe le, I
Aleie form, e conim ittee it op C lit the differences. Bi6fore I nd, N zelecting and,- A
nows, ingwatchmakingand the manufacture bt Ben mands, athemeantimle botiP' art is, are. r by th' G ment. Sir John Powers ing inspector' tsi- vi,hoie, cei'ved even here' at head-qu e The di4eus ion in com e is' s and other a osb. -0 conim 'dit6r, I Wish t end the people Mr. Ro Avon, -are m aking the most mr- ty, wi 6 to see , at r, visions Contradictory and disconnected, s ithit, expected t; be resimed to -day. If . the that the Se.nat rs are of no account,. of jewelry, in the shop of a Tyrolese., P Cf Stafiley for electing Mr. Sfin�- fiaine
IT erecting'"a neat
Goyernmei t sho Id really persi,, t -in ;an(! that they now it. And Si John During the thirteen y school houise.-Mr. A
ations, and a commencement f hc AM,- of the lawareob�seryedand the inf iiactioni so far, it is imp to �rm a efi worker. Leeve agaim ean Sh lera- ion - it -will lehgtben the. Is right. T em, any consi� CON�.-ICTED MILLIQN-A IRE. -Nil ilton 3 -the fim of KeDonell
o show th I had the honor t, clerk for Stail tie& may n0w be expected 4 a -By mo� of it, punished. )lis misappy&ension Opinion, of whatthe result 1of the attle sessioii by h 'm eeks at least, for the tioll waste so m-uch good Who foi,6ing e would be 'to e- mree Weston, the Chicago millionaire,
I the great r part of -which time lin& ncing Ment. It� is almost ipipossible. -thai war evidently arises fr tile wordin -the was, or what the chances 4e for tl fu- Literals ar a It ing for 'life and will politeness. complicity in the T was convicted of app
psonwaareeve-I bad a good op- the -grounds and
can averted. ture. 1t is evident, however' lot give in so i y as they have (ften Murrayiville riots, has been senten col- tb&Lt i -i " g str,
Scott Act itself. om. -Ing acqu'ainted with reside=6 on 1,
places all J64e§. done before. One by one th, facts are accumulatin yortunity of bee of Ottarali
Y' to prove tba . I arrai 9 five years bard labour in the pbli
ave the pumbers the 8impsoi's motives-.- I have seen in- w1hon, lected. under it at ti�e disposal of the whether they: It OMINIO, LICE SE BIL4 USPENDE'D. igement with the itentiary. fluences used to sway him which 'were Misses Wileon, of W
on in the NLo rth- Lieftenant-Gove in o- or not & rebels! Canadian.Pacifi Railway Company for PosiT�tO.Ni.-The IvIeldrum, of Gaerle
b asted e
lja� an fill
Tiie �4�ati bard to resist, from both friends -and
Council, or, in In. his wi ai st, Provincial �nother -raid on the ptiblic,treastfry are Duchess of Edinburgh, sisterof th C r ag mense advantage in their wle4ge of e zar other words the Ontario Government, c ompletio t Mrs. Wm. Moir.
in the use ned're- Sir: John A. Mde bilaid. has met with, relatives, but I nevernw Simpson to rofic,pt in proc6ss f The lates fly distressed at the strai he c'untry nrdfi C, P f isgrea
0 1 -,their proficiene I , - terest is that the arrangement The now from the Northwe dining and gives th4m. power to appoint offi6ers t, many revei ses, We last and greatest "be- item of in give his 'vote -or Consent to a measure on �etween - Russia and England. g. to enfo am d of -the.rifle' and their e-hoic 8 the, mode ing*on the icense question. His. b )ast, for the purchase of the past week is not so end w -tile Nortli Shore ree But, the' ell h will reside at Cobourg in the event %Thicb. was not for the benefit f the Tucke,
V of fighting.:- E. ell the nios hivorable made in 'I ,that he would tak I the r�tepayers. . I have seen him assurne On Friday last General Mi4dleton bad a ment to the MCC y Act, passed in', Railway by tile lCavadian Pacific Com- of war. licensing� ower from "that ittle drunkenness (often he- did not need to on the 28th All
brush with the ene a ful me has been 6onipleted. Tli
I loyall force North A-ArIGHTy I
MY, the serasion of T8 A, Which supersedes acou th th wa V- oRx.-A-n immense stone tyrant, "r P1 ier Mo t, is Still fresh Ili assum it,) in order to blu off *a friend ent, Minut6s of last:
�uccee is that pCrt of tile old Quebec bridge constructed by Chinese eng'
count of 'whchl' sive in aiii ither Aed in capturing any ol the rebels, ublic, --- emo, Shore meers,
the. Scott Act, remc ves this pow�r from tl�te p He Strove liar to who pressed too bard to' get some ad- confirmed. The irew
e. the �xpedition k his word. "'he very first se., Sion 11ontreal to Qu ov bond, which was eau
and -until thhit is idovernment r way which runs from er the arm of the China Sea at La- Coluln. -The Canadian olnite the 0 �ep Val
- ite di nUriotovern: nent and pla6es it in onsidered 'a Success for atage, at the expense of the township. cannot be, 0 so gang, is finished, The bridge -is five I On' ec. ..Thatpart.of the Olig'as he is free an ift after his tr umph,,nt return, to powe, he �o d from Otta-Wm to - Montreal is and miles . long, entir remarkaly well, consid It was very different with other time- _y -laws -con-firming t
ering tba� this - tile, hands ofthe pse Commissioners' -.1 has his r ely of stone, has S00
e induced hi foll( wers to se
ipass. the Do- ba been'foryears part of the Canadian rverswho never could give a vote till municipal. officers na('
was'their fist-onigagement an(' appointed twAer the. McCarthy Act, to half-breed of the plains is uAl con ered, arches, and each 70 feet wide. million Li(ensei ket,-On tbe"assur-ince p, fla. Tlij 8�,ndicate want to run t�oy bad.balanced the effectitwoula were read and -passe
el I -w Q, they -whom. aill filipsimposed. tinder the Scott, and niakes.a dah on ision f tbePrivy I -nicipal elections. gerous "hat RAILN-A.Y.S---TWeaty rail-
advaptage, 'of position under itc:1 AmERIQ
that the die,
idilddl n, ias COundil in fr( in Montreal straight thr6ugh. by the have on the next -mu
rivate adiVices General account forced tim,
P� roads in the United States were
Sol ase swept away all Pr4vin-
ey k" Act are to be paid. It -will thus 'be seen: s6ht o 'the Minister of IvElitia lis n available line to Portland'and labored. Th found their dus OP Ot the Rus' nearest d in the hands of receivers from V enly, verily, I say unto ou, they $14:2.54, was passed ciat Acts upon tile subject-6�speclally lace -epres ves of -warc lut
ionents however, to be m ell wo Y of that the responsibilijy of enforcing th- known, bilt it is certain, f) -oi n w1lat is 'Boston. But tit e- i entati h4v their re L" the f 6110 wing an
January Ist to Marel 31st; - The capital o
-heir be- st steel,, and although the Sue- "; as, the . Crooks i Acl in 01itario-malcing charity- Mm.- ,ch
t fi esi battle 11 those Constituencies lying between Mon- 1cott Act h"been removed from the publicly stated, that the stock and bonds of these coqorations. them null and void*. and of no Rlil)FIBLD, Daota, April,22nd, 1885. oinion bee D r C not 'been so su fas could ef�eet' treal and Q*bee, on the North Shore of
ceeded in repulsing them, the" Ory Ontaio 1�and'placed Pon the D have owing that he as a " grea aggregate. $275,289,000. n *red'. Far Kn tconstitn- of rai
foI desi th6r (.11form ion i the, St. Lawrende,and all.those who have A-31EILICAN I1_,-DTAS3 TO T11r, RESCUE.— was not so,, decided or s tato as authorities.. I erm e in tiolial lawier" his guileless followers Fart taking awgite* d with -tile, most ini ;in y interest in Quebec, are determined at Kyle'i hotel ion I . b�iise anKiety. 0 'hc did as betold them. Soon thereafter that the termi of the road shall be on le to
ted to be made May. Epnondvi ti . One hundred and fifty NIontana, Indians Spring Show
onewould several. brv,ivef6-iloW_S from tb local auth(, rities the pc'wer to Some explanation -is expec
have gone north, probalyto join Riel. came the direct announcement from the Cz nadiall and American so ei at the 13itting'of tile House - this after- il, at any Mill Roadj west of
crificed r -lives in defenc of -1thei n t sa collect t iie fifines thhe eans for enf orciuk If the trouble continues, many .-tvarriors oun,il thi t the Crooks Act -and the Tile annual spring show of the Credi- Itosay hatnoininh
Privy C noon, and if -is safe. rate that main line shall pass cords - I , I road* new
Ciountry, Several oth. s ere the Act, beeii ev, . r other Provincial Act thlong of Wyoming, Montana and the Black
has emovied from. them, ter ever recei, ed a more a3l t five hear.- y inference er w�Nilill road bt,
v Quebec and that thateity shall ton Agricultui 26 cords; Hills win go to join the 'rebel leader.
ously *�unded. All honpe., th it the evon� i.f th on he all �j good and valid. Zeri ey had not been deprived. of ing than,will be accorded tothe onowlio Stf, �be the summer rminus. Most of these their grounds on Fridai last. The- er- and the school holusc
e , vas r o ex FATAL NOWSLIDE.-EleVell. men half-breeds would flee on the 'apf shall iise,'o that occasion. I fess declaration �epresentathres I are slipporte�s 'of the I road near Brueef!
l.ther P hibit of horses was fair,: while bulls were;
pach power in other w It would not be C141;
1. I .. i '. the Do minio: l. License Act was bad, working a mine on river, near TIRE -FRANCHISE I 1.1'IL. cveriimeiit, an0 it 6§1 been! an 0 n road, concessions 3
Of military forces nus,6now right fo� the Government to take lnoney Den Limdville, Coldirado, have been entomb- ot so good. Following is the list of
thoughmanywh- had voted. for it began s- from the 3r. �e,dret for aloQ(tinie that the cords; Kippen road.`1
the regular The new N 1west not G Gov�rn- beaa-AdGned. -The encountel: at Fish! from, to fear that it was. The Commiss* ed by�a snowslide, and are believed to pize-win-ners the general f qnd pay he ex- ioners, tA having �een Voiy excitillg,i t ie attentio nt would �rrzinge with the 'Canadian. have perished. Two of the victims were aged., -3. v rauht, Criek'prove' but too c ctors arpointed under it, ho . cone
S obelaa V � Ithal penses, of enorcingi' the Scott Ct In', of members. of Parliament was mainly - w- Pacific to lay the North Shor(! line from entries,-Ist, Colquhoun, Porter & Dow, essins/7 aw!
I ever, were told to 'go ahead iss natives of Nova Scotia, and two others e a opted." Major, 2nd,- Colqilonn, Porter pen road, cowessi
they are determined to stubba. ny COnnie:S1 Wh as been n to other topics. Th -. Franchise ulng 1ontreal to Qaq6ec. The Grand Trunk I I
re it Cue has continued to occtpy a,front licenses and colle,ting f6es. Meantime to at preselit 6%vil the Iiiie, ia,,re quite Dow, Rover, .3rd, Charles Walf, R. S.,- 15 cors; K�
sponsible for .. i - FATAL epidemic re- test -every inch -of the grou d, a ad 10ore H- 6theyaren;i way re �.'validity of tit Act was made a ques- ;i liffig to sell if they fret a good price. "i Heather. Tliree-yearwolcls-1 entry, cessions 3.and 4, L.� tb(,
the place, as well: it- might, I sideri�g its. tion; the Supreme Court. The sellibling,typhoid. fever is - spreading in Kippen road; they are conquered or subdue nfoicement of e. Act ii er di- important ad far-reachiq consequen- question T1 e areangeiken't has tee- 11 111fide there- Golsm ith. Canadian 'Plymouth. There are upwards of 600 Vt. Curtain, I -s; ly was (lee ed against the Act,. --f016 that the (3overnment shall give tl -aught-2 entries,-Ist,J
that many more valtiable lives ill re� or . indirectl having bee de'- ces. Not only �have the It rmer been to 81� 15 con.1 far as retail Ii ses were concerned. Stephens 4obe sao'rificed. It would a S deeply moved by this I rainst so Cla'din Pm�',ifiq number of benefits, pases. The pbysicdana are powirless. ohn I and 2, T'. R. ace g .
ieem priv d of that re onsibility by the What rema"ned f cou-tisel, Was a inere The disease is due to the bad -- sanitary -2nd, A. Bossenben-y, le tende 11 Coii$efva- among thelli �ash. '$500,000. With �a Netberby." Three -year -olds -I e ion,3. L.
from the r' orts, that t. An� -aid, there- their political xis Shen. When th pr . esentses8ion opened condlion of tile towil'"llaving 1,10 sewers road, -s
�P t heir P-- Irtia I sUc DOlAinfon Parlialn 'fell have been indre -deter c is iives nim paft of this &sli the Canadian Pacifi --LJ. ArMstrong "Glenroy." Agric�l- 4 to Gnu
or gutters. �boh Which, the local anizations re- edly upon"breaking 11away from Ai1.,C.Qame,on,ofHuron gaveno- to Purchase the North Shore -road. This "Iynn Yo S."20 Cords J Cess on ths occasion has err. �bol. org bent
7 tural-2 entries their compatriots . and the Indi a�nsl' 4 of all e Propq enforcerntant of the their-' party on fil tice of a mo;ion t .suspend the bominion MALICIous AcT.-A dynamite ex 20 rods; Id
quire, for t AS thm�16n any other' License Acb un il the decision of the in affect is that the Goveinment -Will pay plo-sion took place in the En-lish Ad- do the tribes throucrihout the terri o and Act must Come fiom thd question that has ar foi tile road'ai ord Had George ClArke, "'French H. R. S., '220 rods 1�y
Dominion igen fd� -many ses- idl�tbeconipany will own Canaby. " Three -yea -olds -2 entries- .-PriVy' Council co Id be obtained as to miralty Office, in Whiteh&11, -H. R. 40 rods:-, lo
sions. It is true that last London
�pssion Ithere it.: In this re9pect the tran8action ' . that there s � serious dangei e- assumed all re- r Janies King, "Young Haddo"; K R.'S., 20 rod,3;'Io
OnP- auth6rities,:,who ha its validity. Ev rybody look eid-forwrd on- Thursday of last week, -by which- the likeall the others with this tr was a vigorous �protest,.b the Qjhebec ex 'sin,s at Qu"Appelle and oth �r �)ints im _Io
ro&secl - loan to the discussion of -the resolutionas- oe ordiniry company, the Governinent fur- ri sponsibilities connected with the Act. members against the p ecretary's office Wbadly ck e, a Lawrie, "Crown Prince., .(The latter H. R. S., 20 rod
to he session It was not - d 14,
at which it was hithgertio supcsiedi iliere we -belipv of the event3 and the�Secretar Mr. Swailison Severe- 14fus6d his prize.) Two -year -old --John
it was a mistake -to take, the Caadian, Pacific, bikt that was ni� ties the cash 4n d the company Spends y, I 3 : H. R. �8. .3., r() 14 reached ulit I la t Monday., Mr, Came Y on n cr W elcoine., Percherion was no. it and keeps y ini-�l d . A searching investigati merely an effort, ii2 rods dallger,, Present ap �e 4upes .thi� power Am the: Provincial - and a succ 6sful One as -*hO it buys. ;.Sli
authqr- -,Stephens
xtremity of' ron rose to srea upon it, and many col- eadi & turned: it, to -Take the 5 tb.3.,�olice to believe that the e'O Fotheringham Chvl-
t i TWO MIX x- we !ave veiky confid lected Ili the -,al erids to hear him, be- yloyee of the age." Roa Iltri
as once it the Gover im'ent in the matter a ptetext It is stated bin' -what would s�ent to bei -seem to indicate that a fire has !been itieg It 1�;EILS TO RETI�E., nd Carriage -4 e and Ili 0icession .3, as used by an, ein 1( da
sidelme between 35 ai
ikilidled in the Northest. whic i Win �ot would- be �much more- eifficientl�' exer- -lieving that is 4rnes desire -to have �Ieopsailient out- of private inalice, as John Beac7oin,_'1` Tontine P. Curtai t at' for securing a large bona' f :)r the bene- good authori r, McLelan 111111- Eli
S 20 rods,;
'Mr. Sw popular' There e; . e�slily quenched. Raid Gen �ral Mid- cised: th n' it will beby, thegminion fit. of their own Provincel; 'There was , the Act susl end d Would make this one ist r'of Marin ainson is very till Plata Piatoga. and 36, concession Fisheries, :and M0.1 are itrong hopes entertained arrest- BVLI-.�.-Age shorthorn bulls -14. of the m t igorous and convincing 0 dreton's forces achieved a sign, no* question' of principle t stake. As lot 23, con auhorities. ]jut, ff a mistake h a!s been oatigan mini ter of Inland ReV,enueare cession 4 1
I'v"to Soon as they were I assured iat the Pro- speeches.6f is parliamentary career ing the miscreant. A'ni. Baker. Two-year-old-Ist, Jol� in 'their gaiement, tl - be ""retired and their plac-es filled sideline between 5 an first enu �'4=y made -in: this res ec the pqople, have., I Mitchell. The ininist Id not need to be con -
IP vince wduld get the bonus , ey came in th better men H. R. S., 20 rods. I
qneft work before our troo 'qul� wi I am reminded of their vinced how,-, r�elr Doubtless the Prom U DGES. --:James' Marr,� Clndeboye; own m)resent�tives to blame for �6nd vd stracta to
ted.for the lao, an.. , Tiis, however e, this by anoth those painful exhibi- A Huron Medicos Opinion 'Of David Hill, hve be a_fati�ely light. utthe that wh trathroy;.Will. Baker, en comp a a po�iti was aware loi ig 0 at he had bills. The councP. I
it. Now) �h�t the main portio, different matter. Que ek on tions which iNferr ften makes Dakota. n. of the is ostigall so 0 par been doing i Hapley. 7 tial success which' they achieveid in" me is exceptional. She has daranteed v ts m- *act of 'usurpation. meet agam ,at Kylei
CA4,rthy Act has b ell declared uncon- A f [timself. On uesday he introduced EDITO-R- Or. EXP o-sr-rou.,-I have thought as to Lately he hw b4 �en informed by some of tio the
iand is to ll�r laws, language and r i ion: of her Ion this engagement h in Pired I 19 utio to inake a. number of of -writing a.letter on Dakota for
al r some
nOt-011V stitution; bd suspended, it bia follow' er-A jhAt a's it had. been clearly The sprina show of- tbe Turnberly
o-wn. There are -many, ways in whidil amendments in the General. Inspection time. Aresidenceof twenty-sixillonths Agrictiltur at the hoar Of 10 those already in arms with �op and Woul
d be vp,,r 'much better for shown to; be it rpa"ti6n of vexatious al Society was held at W-ini ie. G li ct. One of tli(s*e, amendments was the in this vast prairie country' �Onables t1le.maret square on Frild y er ptivilege� could beiiilfringed upon
repeal the eA by the Dominion, Paliament without ourage but it. b as pois6ned the ds ernmant t whol and usele s I thWy would no. longer. ng -talked -of changes in tlie'grading of 'to write with certain accuracy me ]lam, on .-actual viola,,tion of the constitution.. 'Her 'support the ct ev 9 11" Our last.' There was a lar dia ,ce Huron I
ct an t
'd ell thou b the Gov- ge attendance a, of those Who, previous to this, were thus 6ve aAeal of, co fusio 1.0 W11 eat by Whi6h Manitoba hard" is to old school geiDgraphies this used to be a fine exhibit of horses, bulls dud, is n and -1 ub e.1 ernment sho d all for want of that safeguard is in the loyalty o.f her repre'.; be made a* sp cil posed to, remain quiet. Howe or ell- o al er nald Smit
Igrade. Anoth designated the "Great American Des- cultural impil 1 sentatives to their trus* minsupport. itibiat waiting for Mr. ell ets. Tile following is -Mr. Do
eral Middleton and his tr nendment was'to �:emove the old estab- ert." But the modern methods of con- Stanley has a �roa
t, and the. loops ie n0t to liE Lib eralsinthellibuseofCcnimons tenalic'e-of a uicklyrespon 'Cmeron it 6p ak, therefore, Sir John the prize list - Aive public rose an Sal. ed prohibiti�n which forbids any structing railroads and American enter- week ga"ve bfith. to tu
blame fer- this.- - Taing C60*14s, d 1tb tile motion was un HORSES. -Imported hcalvy 'draught. -
are, makink a fierc to opinion,.:. -which., will. punish - the r,'epre- ub-1118pector'l is ! - ltecessar� a fix Government intended . 9 4 en*ries-IsC Jas. Anderson., Fordyce they acted bravely, nobly, and %cqu . ted the sentativ6 who' fails to'maintaiii-Qu6de's n W; inipect or nilark h prise has chan ed the desert into Prairie ing well. es
-Suspend I . I r there were others of homes and vast wheat fields. There are AlTarriorl'I :--AlRssirs. lam
toi h M - Blakeprompt- th ly suggestei political ex 0 e ench Canadians have held a in that case the reso- fisl,
Ye of7the Fra chise Bill. They rights ih every particular.' The; -fact- `w 2nd, Thos. !Agneiv, ar-- passag pods, an4 ti -ir �ost In seem to fee. that tb �V( greater impb H. * Wailme, 4
themselves Jbetter than- -even isten e G th Fr- t , riance as affecting the certain natural phenoilibilas 'whicli dis- nock, "Honest John,.'-' CA'nadialilleavy- sanguine ad ' eries. Some explanations were asked tinguish. . Dakdta, ro ii 0 rs -since cut a ,cord of we
mirers -ever anticipated they depepds upon pre lution migb t e p f i ntario Fi t, dralig-lit-4 entries-Ist;
-1 F I or OWE 11 "s. Sir John lid . I
g 'its becoming the balance of pow for so long, sh could not tb ix fwany ob . ection to offer, Winalia in Nixon Bnr would., ghou-Ll there be' a gmdrdl up- law that they bave been loy%1 to what, they fol, naturally, a: some - informatio'File- there is no stagnant wat shes chilT kride iqf the West' in 1 minlitea and 35'
hpe, as if the' nded on hic -0 er, no mar he -con(ulr -Alittle boy ight
rising, oce sioned by the parti, I re its present s Revis' are convinced to be. their duty. , Th- so and the object -Mr. ma -It the House c uld gase nor dee6ying vegetation, consequently 2nd, Joseph Swelli Blupvale, it Go d ig Barrist"ers, wih i mr.Charle,� Dattion,
08 Cameron d ne was obtai 'to the advisability of the air is dy,ure, and more permeat- Cheer. General parpos L-4 entries.- -Franchise Bill asserts' tile wo d proposed chluges.bat this Mr.Costi- playin with his comr
t is prop; ed to Dominion nek T a udgment as,
st angagentent, it will! be ciri- -of the fir I " ernment submitted 1 4,1 1K a t under it,�� are to have.. the ,in- principle that, the Federal the days.later th xov As a result, there are no malarial It, James Tipling, Win ham, big in a was cuinistance wilt ..,atth a nabldiogive them. lie evi- dIL day last week fell and
-ell at Amp no, bill enacti] tt e resolution. se d pulmonary troubles are of Qu lit Per- Ii ed POW era the at givesthem,- they' Local Legislature shall have the ri lit to This will fly knew a i I a& ee.,
I le 2nd, Vog Page
pr bably be tl�e' les4 about the mater than 1117chreduced. Secondfi, the'variation little baow the kn son could have foreseen or.preve4ted. can. eniirel'y contr.. the declare who shall and ast we shall eveiii hear m, oke, Scotland Yet. Road and Cal r_ who s an not 0 vote in -each A4 ail ij! the House. He had of the I.; easons are -The lee move(I Of tile Domiflia License Bill. B more gradual and riage
'VVe hope tl at the events of thit co*ling constitu ut't hl*f unfor' ency, and an fix the voters, te- in Dominion elections. - This 1 ould has caused A tunate deputy on the floor of stea4y. 'You don't see fine weather -3 entries-ist, R Wellwool, haeb our on Thursday
-a Alle
enable Sii John Macdonald to So ar,- 00 deal of trouble in its I Wingham., - Etha a - Jr 2nd,
week WW a, mbre lavoiable lists to t House near him and that function- rain, sn��' 11 eight days later than
suit themse ves, and there can' range the voters' lists in the other short and 8 rfn career. . It.has put a v, and -sleet, in rapid succes- Xolixi . Gibbons, 45C.Dictator. Pro" a, Fbrdyce, 00 eopl to expense, and every- trove bard Jto allow him what to sion as I# Ontario some expected navagation aspect. d many 1 313 be no appeal from vinces as times. -Thirdly
say. But it wa 'useless. Mr. Cost* Diploma, James Anderson, IVAxTior, igan he people r action, In view -to: elect such a'majority, tbat tody to a e e long for, best holise in any clasd.. I -T of Batlef6fil -wl to, f 4r so of this fg 'he could rulebven though Quebee, 1went eat d al of 'annoyanceii- cool nights. No matter how hot th
is if r 'John Macdonald ayv 'W Ot it is Ii o wonder that the does 166k I'vi dently not only does not know but surnmer d approaches -Mr. f"'. X. Igainst him I# s; have* rhany weeluj,' were pent ug- in.. the'' bar-- rqeas a body i lit BULLs.-Thoroughbred. burbam agea a hours of the western horizonjtiieraffliat�o� of h t ure isb fier, %ly opposed, by inast rs or least his partners owed an apc I gy or, at least, an explan- le m. Afier a couple of, ea -3 etries-Ist J. -A4 Fettune Wroxe- the The Bien C rich -weather obs
-Macdon L-ld a ion, to ever body. le the Opposition were 'obliged s very rapid invigorati Frogs firat J
eks at that place, have at lei igthleen ub r a Opposition. Sir J06 'By this Bill he t* to i and a cool, ;In 2n oh Barbo year n in ower, al his life. d lertc the measure go, hoping that M ter, Kinnellar" Of the ith e ur at some night ensue1g. - I have never 21st April...
relieved. Colonel Otter, -v. r rule s4 to be experien St. Helens Duke ol Mape Ridge.
seerr. E equally d ii: co arne. It is not Tn'rb SEXATE3 GENTLE pre fal ure Stage they will learn more. ays earlier than last
Queen�� Own Rifies-and other forces, ed- to' force it throt gb p rl- ected- that the Bleus do not seeAbis. 'It is a night here that a double blaaet and Thoroughbred Durhams under two years a t d ex The senat)rs -e dissatisfied and have tin lerstQod that'Mr. Costigan has been quilt would -Sunday before l-
ITwo of them' not bo. areeable.' Cool, Messrs. Dupontl and lJe6h all sesi ion. They are dissatisfied 0) in, is is, a repre- re. -2 entries-Ist, Thema Hnderso, a, -rather thanisappo..
leeached the town on Saturday last. unfortunately he ha a bidable t' h' I ce�, because he ffieshing sleep I aJ01,l- Gigault who voted with the Lib s guaranteed the weary Wit and, therefore S6 ris man Catholic. Ahiia and Tiii-ii.6rs
with e'. Grovei ment Sir rancis. erils on , g4mm, ,,
They made the distance thilher in an th in I i tativeg f �1 Ro F .1 He laborer %ifd the invalid. These are ty at his back, wh:) Will vote foi'any aminW-motion the week.befor it theirJeelin e with, made-
e,pee Tuck4rs
unprecedentedy short time, an� g � are ricas d in the -mildest �o be of that nationality and that some of the chief features which render V I urn at.. to vote for, no. ve broken -free possible wa�3. at th Colborne and Aub ring show W43 foot, measure ]he �telis ti so distinctly that they ha
a7 want is some- rel gion, but to say that he is 1 a repre- Dakota so desirable to consumptive- peo- hol(l at Auburn froi r rn , party trammels on thi April alvery m, my al -feet their o hing In Dickens�de I 2,nd. Th4e
played a b and enduran _e i,. ich matter how onents, 8 (Iu4tion, t ption of tative man is n insult to every man pl, Or on not get a horse thro
and -have not only -voted against the to patients with enlarged liver -
-credit to re Bill the institutfins i the - scri Tzhe class to lvhich Mr. -Costigan is Was'a good attendance -a fair- num�l -INAr. . bert Nelli
would have done or the n t�d States 0 copper -colored skin, or worn out countky. As evidexlce-1 of the but'denounced it bitterly in their places where by� ber of exhibits. The following lb the k fbr his h
soldiers. -VV--. hether 861i C, n
Onfi ement was the Wee
at determin of b �h.'p lgau is a last
rties we may in Pailiament as an outrage and a dis-. punishment- mi6, out to the prysonees, and -inste6d of, being in in tl le toba. Mrs. Nwm� to bad country for doctors. gr ce Canadian repres
the say & -witt greater portion of the prize. list
all ged to' belono,. ". Mr. Cost' night sweats and insomnia. A very CM I ed boor" Battleford, or whether a porti�n that a entative *
e*er st tett of, physical insti- he tells how after 0 Korse line: 6 few days, the pris. th( cabinet should occupy som position thiA week for Miehiga
u as messenger aged-Ist sse to,the force win return to, aid Geller Mi le- on ver witu * the, Cana-. t tions., Other ni embers of their -own oner shrieks stolid, silent guard in,t4e civil sery ce. Mr. ba-ve often thought tile last two years HOR431S.-Heavy duraiaLce d in stripe would - soon follow them in this whenseeingmi* theExposiToRan ac draught in fut4re reside. be - dian P ton or What their future coirse wi who brings hii lood count J. P. Fisher & Co., 11 Fariper's" Fancy, -L"t week arli to place on this ques- Give me work Lelaggoes; it! is �aid becaus he also of so.many lov d ones, C e fter
months of
t for hi cei It' is not yet'known. It is suppq md, 1 low- tio Ourse, but for two reasons. Th first give me wokk 6r I shall 96 mad." Now is� likely 2n Alfred Askwith 'W Sons OS n dur the 8 I Holiest Jim."' t I" ina Ji
t week-, -resi4l,tifig is that. Sir John Macdonad ha' ro- Is lgerffig suffpring, dying in the Prime hree-year-old-Ist, " Anaerson; ever, ill b ma in -Brassels for Nebrask
PI solitary confine t is not' much worse that Honorablo4�Pker Imte ell, the of life, that if suel had been removed to 3 lurch & Bennet. General purpose. - tendaking their
that an attempt w ma e to, an unbr( k f 29 mised them that -in the -course of for. men
e ing a vigoro, follow up the marauding India as in that' "Ours' e the easure through Parliame nt, such Senate s man than elevation to the mi lister of Mar 6 and Fish S in the -s-'outh Dakota ges o that The t m -P -the longest, on. 3r=Tn 0 Gove=e whe e on a must listen to a num. for er Conservative admin* t , I I Fisher & qo.., 1 --Duke A their intention -to is t
vicinity -ring the, had deternimed-to f ce the bill through the Bill ac' as will make ber of nonen ities wearily cirryingon dig- been pressing hiO dlaim. to hi I ce cd too fast a hold, the patient might Arthur." with' a XF Changes shall be ma on has fell, though insidious, diseaselad gain- I erche," `2nd, W Lory Young ir farmi view ItO C ' u &
The bther cussi6ns :4b ut.i othing, and making a an that his is gre ceptable to them. s ld pla white people who were t0cen pris�ners Committee of the ole at. that'one sit. 'is that thd Con Roadster -1st, .J. Carter; Nvattson p
at Frog Lake and Fort Pitt, a� enthusiaitic o*er th of the present incumbent. d,JamesBailej. Ca e-Ist Ge D. -tenden- pro e- at
.'Tfiis the, servative cau�e I, Quebec ghastly show. of I eilit ter than' live to be three score and ten, and die 2p is desperate and almost ry of enlarged heart, after a life _�! �useful- Anderson, r
vio I tirtv
I h -*, b
q n itt
EIK ei J'or
9 Wilb o
- :e ,e , m
lilg Id
It st, fo ssi 91V A I 0 i se If i 8
0 8 c
qt� e ei'i Ili
e t�, h i W�l fear b 0
t ting, O; sition resisted by C eve French it. Mr. Plambi t will be remembered,. .& B. J. ness. 0 34i one, 211 14 thwitship of Mr is sup onservathe Member finds posed, are still held by th Indians, holding the floorl fo elen himself was.defeated gth - of time between the deivil'and the -deep pa in Vellington and atolice The winds are a cbxolil'c hop. Graham,. Morgan.. SM for the siame� t into We Sei iate. He is a: man of nuisance, beennegotiating for
and at the same: time capturin the In- specified. This. the (hd by furnishing Th6 Castors al'44--the B16us-the TEF-RIBLE RET�'IBUTION. -A genager- and often work sad havoc to the farmer two mence business.'
dians who perpetrated the d: redations relays eakers, set to be ou'lland great sections of Bbme energy� 'is A 'r. Plumb,. as &U will ie 'it Roubaix, In the Depart of by ups 'built housesand uu- -A: movement is on e Fren6h C ment etting poorly foot in 8 --The Wvation
at these place -a., five party -thou Olisel'va- -rernember who h1ve seen -his exhibitions No rd, was recently barned and a mbb roofing barns, whose owners were so t6 Organize a regiment 6f riff -es to (t �Goderich, says the Of in while the were taking the iie- united in the cabinet, of hia wearile'so. �h w. Wh -ell he was in thi lIc-e had not been u -ve.the door
General Strange, wih his cimmandis. in.t.he.pbrsons of r. Caron, Mr. I ChaD- the Con molls Mr Ph,..'h g the po onen. cessary rest. The Grovernment S ffi- forgetful, as to leagevin . are, a 0a W 0 narm cie erget - in -the have never seen an fences levelled, for �w w eU on his way to Edmo n. The ers, on, the otherhan leau. md Sir H tor - Lau it in keepin all the important business ell preventing . mise to h is niost: graifying to
d-) Othough they. o en W* 9 he� movement- pm ave- 8 sp of the. 8, seized those on tile- -very �reason it at there isno such 41�egree p ar in thd c untry. - The French -1 back ti I he I Tame I t K, of succiess a namag ast days of the sess a fifty-five
ion ZVI y and compelled them to eat portions costly nuisanea ju this prairie cauut ry. ere,eurolled, on tt%e first ftyis Q&UNW 84,I