HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-04-24, Page 7y. a ST RS wet% 0 goods c phistograPhs frOUt r.rla.„wt-iptaliir to '- ,Cent.; in e per eon ftuorked ket and • i$ng n an INTE14, d Clock i riflery ; as we d eranipiete stockof &st novelties and aies, ribbons., lace ds for p.st favors-, race of he rAme. A 1st he week. •Please ire_ We have ens [antie Milker from tot oaf tq suit ail. ish. lalillin oa, Street HeflsalL 903-8 -has rehnoved to Gpposite his Old • av-heretie will be and asImany im ids: their 11 nclersOn'a ; Shoe Sore Main. E PAY HU Fit rEAFRTH' bk of lly r tWs county., aug r1cw font:Mai ing tha it *the. LERLS a ght and doing Ht7; Id wi1 ri.4- fioriger ng pedal lwe can guarantee Lion given to le - ▪ and ;list MiDS# Mae hies, and • ein oi cat ,notice herS. at iewest rates, •ation. rplemea s of L. D. - of r pairs con- ROK ERS, -OST- :14,QaTH i a bairkingl an e 31atd- of Mo ed cm deposit, ,e at In at rates. W „d • att anelin farnt id to to Con - money on houses, &a -- El MTV, l'AlEir/WS Asa:- La; ;fa% fared with I I mail veil to give ctu ha ep a band a 4 MILL D ACTOR til 11 numer- .ra atronage cx- t't.' LI YIING :1-1, LA 'III, &-ca 4. rarratattion to :iththcIir patronage? 'ice are; eitilaoyeel. Cristiaa-Plaiang. ti<JA, LvFOOT- - I ApRn. 24, 1885. THE HUnOIST EXPOSITOR. Umbrella Case. For a umbrella case, to hold two silk umbrell by a yard and an eighth of stout ay linen. Cut from this two pieces, ch ten inches wide, and slope from to 'to bdttorn, making the bottom six inch across. Now, from the rest of the ien cut two strips thirty inehes long, se ren inches broad at the top- and lour in hes at the bottom. Bind each of these with seal -brown mohair braid: Work oa the wide part of each an um- brella ' brown crewels, and stitch on to one of the -pieces already cut to form pocket § leaving an opening at the top for the brella handle, and at the bot- thre fo the ferrule to pass through. e back should extend eight inches yond the pockets at the top, two inches at the bottom, and one inch on the sides, and the top should be slightly rounded. On the space left above the pocket embroider the initials or mono - Fam of the ierson for whom the um- rarella case is intended, and baste the t which you have finished on to the trip Idt, with an interlining of buck aurc- , ; round off. the top t; match the ihn. st piece, and bind together all round ith -brown braid. Sew brass rings at he top and bottom to hang the case to e wall, and the work is one. , Washing the Face. There are smile who object to washing the fae4 often, especially with seep, iMukha this an injury to the 'complex-; on. B t those who have made a speci- Ity of *in diseases say no part of the dy n eds soap so muc11 ; that the face eing a. posed, to dust, c Heats so much, t is n t miough to w h it in clean !water . They say if soap make the face hiny, so many claim, it only shoats hat it is the more needed, and that the otrk of drying after the bath has not een properly performed. The ,face, owevet, should not be wet immediately eft:tie Or after going out. Its most i thorough ablution should be performed at night, before going to bed, and the following method should be observed in the process- Fill a basin with . soft, warm rwater,- lather a medium-sized sponge 'with good soap, and wash the face carefully. Then take fresh water, without soap, and wash again with the hands, and, 'rub thoroughly with a Turk- ish or crash towel until tile face is dry and tingling. This will do much toward improviug and preserving the complex- ion; and the little vexatious black spots, called flesh worms, will usually disap- pear after a time, if it is persevered in. --The household. ViThat it Costs.to Smoke. One of our highly respected and wealthy citizens, now over 90 years of age, has made an iateresting, calcula- tion As to the cost of the cigar a he has smokecldurinwhis life time. He begun to smoke when quite young, and has always. used the very best quality of eigaxs. The period of his smoking covers sixty-seven years. He knows the amount he has expended, and cal- culated the -sum invested io cigars every six months, and placing it at .compound interest at 6 per cent, on the basis of the saviogs bank calculations, he finds that the :total sum Alow amounts te S200,000. It seems like an enormous sam to have been wasted in smoke. But the gentleman, who has been a .suc- cessful business manager and method- ical in keeping his accounts, spent a good many hours in making up this cigar account, and he is Satisfied eei,hat the sum of $200,000 hacluding the in- terest compounded bnce•in six months,. is correct -Hartford Times News Notes. • -The British Government has order- ed 4,000 pack saddles kir India,. The Armstrongs are busy completing the guns ordered from them. -The Maharajah iof Nepattl,has iiffer- ed theservices of 15,000 Goorkas, who, he says, are ready to march under Brit- ish, officers across the frontier in the service of the Queen on the receipt of a telegram from the Viceroy asking them to do so. The Maharajah has tendered every assistancein his power to give for the purpose of recruiting native troops in India for service against Russia. -Mr. Richard Grant White died of gastritis at his house In New York a few day ago. He had been ill all win- ter. Richard Grant White was born in - that city on the 23rd of may, 1822. For nearly thirty years Mr. White has been conAantly before the public as a writer of magazine and newspaper articles -- upon literary and art Matters. He was also the aothor of ti e articles upon Shakespeare and Sha tore in.Appleton's and espea.rian lit it- Johpion's cyclo- pechas. , . I , -A distillery has just been put in operation in Charleston, South Carolina, for the manufacture of oil froni pima Wood. The material is subjected to in-! tense heat in sealed retorts,' and- one cord of it is said to yield 15 gallons of turpentine, 80 gallons offpine wood oil, 50 bushels of charcoal, 150 gallons 'of wood vinegar, and a quantity of ingiam- mable gas and vegetable ' asphaltum The oil:alone is worth about 25 cents a gallon, and is used by painters and ship build ers. - , -Although the dynamite outrages in Loudon are almost forgotten, the Con- necticut House of Representatives show; ed no hesitation in passing a bill intro- duced in the height of the London ex- citement, and calculated to avert such occurrences in Connecticut. It fixes *a ma,x un um penalty of $5,009 fine or 20 yeas in prison for manufacturing or liao g in possession dynamite or like exp °sites, knowing that they are to be iisecl to destroy persons or property, and like penalties for advocating the use of, contributing money in aidof, or using dynamite for such objects. The killing of any person with dynamite is made murder in the first degree. Ri,` 'd restrictions are placed upon the ma ufaeture.and sale of sitch explosives for ktlt purposes whatever. , Receipt for Curing Meat. 1,, 0 one gallon of water, take one and a half pound of salt, one half pound of sugar, one half ounce of saltpetre, one half ounce of potash. In this ratio the pickle to be increased to anST, quantity desired. . Let these be; boiled to'gother, imtil: all the dirt from the sugar rises to the top and is skimmed off.: Then throw it into:a tubto cool, and when cool pour it over your beef or pork, to remain the usual time, say four or five weeks. The meat must be well covered with pickle,and.should not be put down for at least two days after killing, during whioh time it should be slightly sprink led with powdered saltpetre, which re - moves all the surface blood, &c., leaving the meat fresh and clean. , Some omit boiling the pi.ekle and find it answers well ; though the operation of boiling purifies the pickle .by throwing off the dirt always to be found in salt and sugar. lf this receipt be properly tried, it will :never be abandoned. There, is hone that surpasses it, if so good. - New Style of Horseshoe: A horse-shoe made entirely from the horn of a sheep has been tried at, Lyons, France, aaid is found particularly adapt- ed to horses employed in towns and known not to have a steady foot on the pavement The result Of th ' experi- ments have proved v satisfa tory, as horses thus shod hav been driven at a rapid pace on the pavement without slipping- The new shoe is %eery durable, and, though a little more 4pensive than theordinary one, seemes destined, sooner or later, to replace the irbn shoe. A Matter of Taste'. "Which is yOur favorite hymn, Miss Overbash ?" asked the new preacher of a young lady at the church sociable. a Oh, I -I don't like to say." "Why not, pray? We all have our. favorites, and I like to know the preferences of the young ladies of my congregation." "W11, if I must tell, I rather like Sam Flanders, and I don't .are who knows "Oh, ah, yes, I zsee," said the preacher in some surprise. You pre- fer the Psalms. Well, Some people GRATEFUL --,-COMFORTING. EPPS'S -COCOA BREAKFAST. • • "By ,a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the eperations of digestion' .and nu- trition a d by a carotid application of the fine propertie of well elected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our brea ast tables with, a delicately flavored beverage vhiciamay gave us -manY doe-- tors' bills. It is y the )udicious uSe of au& articles of diet th t a constitution may be gradu- ally built up urntil strong enough to resist every tendency to dise e: Hundreds of subtle male. - dies are floating around us ready to attaek whefever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatalt shaft by keeping ourselves -well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourish- ed frame."-Crvil Service' Gazette; Made simply with belling water or milk. Sold -only in packets by groeers, labelled thus-" JAMES EPPS & CO., Honiceopathic-Chernists, London, England." Sole* agent for Canada, C. E. Colson, Montreal: 884-62 • CROUP, whooping .cough and bronchitis im- mediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by J. S. Roberts, druggist, Seaforth. 906.26w. WILL' YO SUFFER With dyspepsia and, liver complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by J. S. Roberts, druggist, Seaforth. 90 .26w. ' SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for a'bri. For sale by J. $, Roberts, druggist,. Sea - 906.26w. - • • CATARRH , CURED, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Priee 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by J. S. Roberts, , druggist, Seaforth: 906.26w. sels eas The Cheapest and Best. --On account Of its purity and concentrated strength and great power over disease, Burdock Blood Bitters is the cheapest and best blood Cleansing tonic known for all dicordered condi- tions of the blood. 857.52.2w. FOR LAME BACK, side or chest, uae Shiloh's -Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For saleby J, S, Roberts, druggist, aeafoith. 906.26w. Accidental. A Chard, of Sterling, in a recent letter, states that he met with an accident some time ago, by which one of his knees was severely injured. A few applications of Hagyard's YellowOil afforded immediate and complete relief. 857.52.2w, SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold 'by J. S Roberts, druggist, Seaforth, on a ei 410's guarantee. t cures consumption. 906.26w. • Where to Keep. Keep it in jrour faniily. The best Iremedy for accidents d- emergencies, for burns,. scalds,' bruises, sor chilbla is that mar Yellow Oil. I1CSS, sore throat, croup, rheum: ns and pain or soreness V all kinds, -ellous• healing remedy, Hagyard's Dr., Low's Pleasant Warn Syrup. -An Agree- able, safe aid effectual remedy to remove all kinds of s onns. 857,51m. A Good Guarantee. _ - II. B. Cochran, druggist, Lancaster, Pa., writes that he has guaranteed over 300 bottles of Bur- dock Blood Bitters for dyspepsia, bilious attacks and liver and kidney troubles. In HO cases has it disappointed those who used it. In Canada it -gives the:same general satisfaction„ 857.52.2w. ' For rough !conditions of the skinI, shampooing the head, pimples, eruption and skin diseases, use Prof. --Low's Sulphur Soap. 857:52m. Catarrh -a New Treatmeat. Perhaps the most has been achieved,in m attained by the 40?ixon Out of 2000,patients tr months, fully ninety pe of this stubborn 'naiad Startling when it is rein cent. of patients prose regular practitioner patent medicines and never reccird a mire at claim now generally bel title men that the dise °Hiving parasites in once adapted his cure ehis accomplished, he tically cured, and the td, as cures effected by tures still. No one els Sure Catarrh in this ma merit has ever cured C of -the remedy is shawl home, and the present most favorable for b.8 the majority of cases b ment. Sufferers shout A. H. DIXON & SON Toronto, Canada, and treatise on Catarrh. ---3 1882, traordinery success that, ern taalicine has been Treatment for Catarrh, telt during the past six cent, have been cured . Thie is Mine the lesii inhered that 110 five per ting theinselvee to the e benefitted, while the other advertised cures all. Starting with the eyed by the most scien- e is due to the presence e tissue, Mr. Dixon at their extermination-- aims the Catarrh is prae- rmanency is unquestion- him four years ago are has ever attempted to ner, and no other - treat tarrh. The application , and can be. done at eason of the year is the edy and permanent cure; ing cured at one treat - correspond with Messrs. 305 King Street, West, enclose stamp for their ontae41 Star, November 882-52 • LE AL. GARROW & PRO FOOT, Barristers, Solici- -tors, &c., doderic , Ontario. J, T. GARROW, ,WM. FROUDPOOT. 686 C, HAYS, Solidi •r, &c. Private Money to . lend at lowest mites of interest. Office - Corner of Square and West Street, Goderieh. 774 Thousands Hastened to Their 1Graves. 1. By relyin on testimonials written in vivid glowing language of some miraculous cures made by seme largely puffed up doctor or patent medi- cine has: hastened thousands tetneir graves ; the readers having almost insane faith that the same miracle mill be performed on thein, that these testimonials mention while the sci called Medicine it all the time hasteningthein t� theii graves. -Although we have , I • : I riAMERON, HOLT CAHOON, Barristers, kj Solicitors in Chan airy, Stn..; Goderich, Ont. M. C. CAMERON, Q. , PUILlp HOLT, M. G. CAMERON. ? 606 T /d. BEST, 13arriste , Solicitor, &e. Office- . Cady's Block, Three Doors North of the Post Office, Seaforth. Goderieh Agents-Csama- ON, MOLT & CrAMERON. 870 Thousailds Upon- Thousands! . , .„ Of teettinonials of the most wonderful cures, vela untarily sent us, we do not publish. them, era they :de net Make the cures. It is our medicine, Hop Bitters, that. make the cures. , It hasnever failed and.never can.. We . will give reference to Any . one for any disease similar to their ownif desir- ed= or will refer to any neighbor, as there iS net a neighborhood in the -known world but can shoe, its eines by,Hop Bitters. • . A . LOUS E. DANCEY, late olt & Cameron, Goderieh, licitor, Conveyancer, &e. Money ion's Old OfficeaCardncr's Bloek,ISeaforth. 1 with Cameron, Barrister, So- to loan. Ben - • 786 . lUrANNING &: SCOTT, In_ Conveyancers, &c. of Johnston, Tisdale & Office -Beaver Block, MANNING, JAMES Scorr -Barristers, Solicitors Gale. Clinton, , Solicitors. , for the Bank Money to loan. Ontario. A. H. 781 • F-E1 HOLMESTED, su . McCaughey & licitor, Conveyancer aid the Canadian Bank of Commerce Farms for sale. Office Street, Sea,forth. ' cessor to the late firm of Io1mcstei, Barrister, So- Notary. Solicitor for Money to lend. in Scott's Block, Main \ . 1U4EYER & DICKINSON, _in Block, Wingharn. of Hamilton. Commissioners vits in Manitoba. PriVite cent. . Lucknow Office C. MEYER, E. L. Dicsietsou. , I Barrukters,ke.,lient's Solicitors for fer taking funds to loan every Wednetal - the Bank affida- at 6 per . II. W. 738 -YRROLL & DICKSON, 1ancers, &c. Money Brussels. ' Seaforth Office ware Store Main Street. the thin will always be CARROLL, Seaforth; W , Solicitors, Convey- to lend. Seaforth and over Johnson's Hard- N. E. -One member of in Seedorth Office. P. S. B. DIORSON,t Brussels • , MONEY TO LOAN. , at TONEY TO LOAN lyi_ cent. Interest per cent.. yearly, with of repaying part of the time. Apply to F. Seaforth. -Straight loans at 6 per payable half yearly; or eq the privilege to bOrrowei principal nioney ,at-ans lHOLMESTED, Barrister, ' 850 a AUCTIONEERS.. '- ' ft‘ • •. P.BRINE, Licensed J1 .County of Huroa. parts of the County. Exeosiroa Office will he i • Auctipneer- for the Sales atteuded in al All orders left at Tin promptly attended to. 1 Losing Joke. "A prOWnent physician of Pittsburg Seidl° a lady patient who was complaining of lier coe- Untied ill health; and of his inability to cure -her, * 'jokingly said, 'Try Hop Bitters!' The lady took it iiiii;earnest and used the Bitters, from Which she btained permanent health. She now laughed at the doe -tor for his joke, but he is not so well pleased with it, as it cost, him a good patient.' • . Fees of Doctors., The fees of doctors at $3 a visit would tax a marl for a year, and in need of a daily visit, over $1,000 a year for. medical attendance alone! And :one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in. time Nould sale the $1,000 and all the year's siekness. • Given Up by the Doctors, "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, and ,cured by se simple a remedy 1' " I assure you it is true that he is entirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters, and only ten days -ago his doctors • gave him up and said he must die, from kidney and liver trouble." • LW None genuine Without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in their name. 864.52m. efet • de. - A Princely Fortune. A man may possess the fortune of a paince but caranever possess happiness without good health, to secure which the blood must be kept pure and every organ in proper action. Burdock Blood titters purify the blood and regulate all • theorpris. ,S57.52.2w • DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales f alldescription promptly attended to an reasoner/ le terms. Ad- dress Brussels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4, Con- cesaion 12, Grey. ‘it 77 VETE INARY. F Q EAFORTH HORS INFIRMARY. -Corner of 0 Jarvis and Goderi h Streets, next door to the Presbyterian Church Seaforth, IOnt. All dis- eases of Horses, Cattl , Sheep, or any of the do- •&,, mesticated 'animals, 6 ccessfully treated at the Infirmary; or elsewhe e, on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. J AIES W.• ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. P. S. -e -A large stock of Veterin- ary Medicines kept co stantly on hand DENI ISTRY. -cs.7'_ a-- tr, L.D. S:, and M R. C; D., Of - oronto. +-kIl operations ▪ •e• guaran eed. Anesthetics of all lie' kinds dministered. Specialties - Gold Filling. and. Perfect Fitting • Plates. Town -patients will I lease male engagemerits a day or two prey'ous to ha.ving the opem- Men performed. S'sa• Remember the place, in the rooms formerly upied by C. Cartwright, hp -stairs in Cady's ck, Opposite the Ceminer- dal Hotel, Seaforth. 874 71D _ "SAT 111 Q 1\T PE TIST, Faculty - Gold _11, edallist and College Gold Medalli t, Toronto School '1 • �fMedicine. puim BitED BERKSHIR will keep during the pr 5, Concession 1, Hay, a pu Boar, to which a limited num taken. Terms -$1, with the ing if necessary. ,JOHN WI --The undersigned sent season, On IAA e bred Berkshire er of sows will be rivilege of return - LIS. Hay P. O. 894, •MAIM YOUR 011010E.- o Pigs, one Berk- shire end one Suffolk, will be kept l for ser- vice dining the present season by the under, signed at Rodgerville. - Terms: Seventy-flye cents at the thne of service, with the privilege pi returning.11 necessary. JOHN P. MARSHALL. . 8,878 . OUFFOLK AND BERKSIIIRE.-Two Pigs, elle 0 Suffolk and the other Berkshire are kept for serfice at Rannie's Saw LA 12, Con- 'ceseion 8, Township of Hay, I Terms: $1, with the privilege of returningif necessary. SAMUEL RANNIE. 887 SAVING NATURALI TEETH A SPECIALTY. • TEETH -EASIL AND CAREFULLY • EX RACTED. tor CHARGES MODERATE.'n N. B. -As I have bought out he business 6! the late Mr. Buggin, I will complete all opera- tions begun by him satisfactorily to each patient. Office over Johnsoni's Hardware Store, Me er'e Block, Main Street, Seaforth. 'Educating Horses Prof. 3u1 rook, UFFOLK PIGS. -The uncle 0 on band during the press oughbred Suffolk Pig to which of IjOWS WM be taken. He is on of his class in the county. Ter privilege of returning if neces the farm of the undersigned at Northern Gravel Ripe, MeKill GRIEVE. 1DERKSIIIRE P10. -The u idersigned will JJ keep during the presen season on Lot 6, Concession 12, Hullett, a the oughbred Per C - hire Pig, to which a limited umber of sows *ill be admitted. This is the pi formerly own- ed by Mr. John Henderson, of uckersmith, and _ is one of the best pigs of his el s in the county, - Terms. -One dollar payable at he time of ser- vice, with the privilege of retu ing if necessa THOMAS AMOS. 0044! signed will kedP t season a Thor- alimit number of the best pigs is -$1, with the .ry. Apply On rieve's Bridge, p. HUGH J. 885 MHE SUFFOLKS ARK THE BEST. -The u dersigned has now on Lot 21, Concession 2, L. R. S., Tuekersmith, and ill keep for tie improvement of Stock, Two Ti OROUGHBRED S F POLK BoAns. The oldest, "G •nger," was f rowed on April iird, 1882, was red by Mr. W n. Elliott, Milton, County of Hal in. His sire aid his dam were both impo . The secoed, "King Tom," was farrowed in April, 1884. Ile • wlas bred by Messrs. A. Fran & Sons, of the cOupty of Peel, and both his ire and his dam worealso im orted. They are as good pigs as we e ever offered for service m Iluroa as can be proven by the extehded pe igrees which are registered in the Canadian H .rd. Book. Terms $1, with the privilege Of retui ing if necessary. GEORGE PLEWES. 891. The Champion Horse Educator and Teacher, .wishetito inform the people V Seaforth and vicinity, that he has rented from Dr. -Coleman the -large building known as the old drill shed, for • the year 1885, which he has nicely fitted up for the purpose.of breaking and training Colts and vicious Horses, where he solicits a public' in-' speetion. i All those desiring to have their colts or vicioui horses . properly trained, will find it to their iptdrest to improve this rare opportunity, as the,Trofessor thoroughly understands the art and selente in all its 'bmnches; and also guaran- tees to give perfect satisfaction in every respect. His headquarters at present is.atthe -QUEEN'S -HOTEL.. re Consultation free. --tel Thanking the public for their patronage in the past; and hoping to solicit a liberal share in the future; I • remaineyour most obedient servant, R. BULLOCK. To Whom it May Conce-rn: We, the 'undersigned, having , employed Prof Bullock to handle some colts for us, and feeling -sathfied that it has been greatly to our interest, take pleasure in recommending him to the pub- lic, feelingconfident from our 'own observation and experience that. his system for training and educating colts and vicious ho ses, far excels any system we have ever had the pleasure of • witnessing, and we heartily recommend him as a mastermechanie of his profession, ' It is but a short timeago that he came to our town a Per- fect stranger, but since that time he has, by his strict attention to business and gentlemanly be- havibut, won hosts of friends, and we are most happy to hear of his stay in Seaforth this year, and hope that he May reeeive a liberal patronage from all these desiring to have a well trained horse, and we can truly say that we are more • than pleased with the work that he has done for us. (Signed) D. D. •WILSON, BM. F. JONES, JR., JOSEPH WARD, JOIN CAMPBELL, JOHN KYLE, JOHN CAMIIIELL, M. D., T. F. COLEMAN, FRANCIS CASE, K. MCLEOD, JAMES 'ARCHIBALD, SAMUEL DICKSON, Postmaster, and Miciesee HURLEY, 8g6 -I2 • S�1I� dHI H.INXS I - ; THE MEDICAL HALL, Has just op you want a the Medico -you satisfa Brushes at Red Clover Glycerine a Chamios, Fine Combs select. W STR,-mE1114 SMA.POIR121-1, ened out the finest au best assortment of Pipee in the country. If nobby Meerschaum Pipe or a first class Brier or Wood Pipe, g=to Hall, where you can get something that will please the eye and give tion. A splendid assortment of ploth, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving 11 prices. • Toilet Soaps .assorted -Pear's scented and unscented Soap, Toilet Soap, Albert Hodey Toilet Soap, Princess Louise, Carbolic d Cuticura Toilet Soaps; Colgate's Cashmere BoOnet Soap, Sponges, Bath Towels. Combs -A illendid variety of Di esshig Combs and just opened from the English markets. Purses and Wallets new and draw your attention to our well -assorted stock of Pui* Drugs, Chemicals and Patent Medicines, - 4 Which is ccimplete in all its brancheso We have also [for sale the pure juice of the grape' specially for sacramental purposes, and unfermented.'Vt isIi jiLyi 1 . recommeno d by first-class medical men as a nutriment and hevera,geTh-rink in many eases of sickness, &c. ' ' _...............--.... ..,...... Reme ber the place, next door to _DlIncan r5s- Duncan's dry goods store, Main street, Seaf rth. • I• 4NQIIQP INE • II. S. MAILSTEAMSHIPS Sail from Pier 20, Nerth River, New York, - '• Every Satuiday, for • GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, DERRY, BELFAST QR POOL, CABIN, $60 to M. SECOND CABIN, $40. STEERAGE, OUT- WARD, $28. PREPAID, $21, 'Anchor Line Tirol& itsued at lowest rates are paid free of clatrge in England, Scotland and Ireland. • For passage, Cabin Plans, Book of Tours, -&c., apply to MENDERSON BIWTHERS, 7 BOWLING GREEN, NEW Yowl, or to S. DICKSON, Post Office) Seaforth. 32,8, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE' HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. , $6,000,000. 2,000,000. Paid up Capital, Rest, -• - - C. DUNCAN, Chemist and, Druggist. • PRESIDENT,'HON. WM. IVICMASTER. • • SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to receive deposits, on which interest is allowed on the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and eitiefi in Canada, on Great Britain, -and on the United States, bought and sold. - Office -Fist door SMITH of the Commercial • A. H. IRELAND; Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. - 639 1 D. 8. CAMPBELL, TiloROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR and Civil • Engineer. • Oiders by mail' promptly at- tended to. D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. . 1-1 iJ-,a- a L STOCK COMPLETE. L rge Assortment to Choose From. POPULA R PRICES RULE LOWER THAN EVER THIS SEASON. a • Everything New,„Fresh and Handsome. Ft_ eT.AmIPsoi\i• - TEA. • TEA. TEA. TEA. AT THE SEAFORTH TEA STORE. Now is the Time to Get the test Value Ever Offered in Seaforth for your Money. _EL.. Has Just Received a Very Large Consignment of TEAS. He now holds one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks west of Toronto. In Teas alone he now holds 175 Packages. Prices from 15e., 20c., 25c., 30c., 35c., 40c.'45c., 50c., 55c., and 60c. per pound. This Stock Consists of GREEN, BLACK, JAPAN, GUN- POWDER, and TEA DUST, and win. Guarantee them -to be all, FRESH and give Entire Satisfaction, or Money Refunded. Also a large Stock of- Sugars and all kinds of Groceries. Flour, Oatmeal,' Cbrnmeal, Shorts, Bran, -'Buckwheat Flour) Oats, Barley, Screenings, Chop Feed, Salt, Coal Oil, Fish, Apples, Potatoes, Turnips, Carrots, and Cabbage. A large stock, of China, Crockery and Glassware. Also a Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Trinnnings. Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmeal at Mill Rates. A CALL SOLICITED FROM ALL • GOODS DELIVERED FREE. A. G. AULT& TT= Seaforth Restaurant! MRS. S 1TH WISHES to inform the people of Seaforth and vieinity, that sh • has enlarged her Confectionery Business, an has refitted her Oyster Parkirs regardless of xpense. She keeps Green Fruit of 411 kinds on hand. . She keepS Tobaccos and Cigars of the hest brands. • She keeps the best restau nt in the county. - She keeps Fresh Oysters, hich can .he had in any style re uired. She keeps Oysters either n bulk or in -cans, which are received fresh dail She pays ceery attehtion it customers. She sells on very reasona,b1 terms. Remember the place, first door north of Reid & Wilson's Hardware Store, ain Street. MRS SMITH. SEAFORTH WOO LEN MILLS. Having my New Mills now order, I- have pleasure in am towers and nen& that wit and IMPR VED M I ainb4ter;tiban ever pr in first-class running mincing to my cus- Enlarged Premises CHINERY, pared to turn out FIRST-CLASS. WORK, On the shortest notice, and will be pleaseci to see all my old customers an as many DeW ones. A LARGE STOG - OF GOO• DS • On hand to trade v, ith as usual. A G. VaisEGMOND, The Mitchell Standard Constance! . A GREAT CHANCE! J. A. STEWART Wishes to inform the people of Kinburn and vidnity, that he has purchased the Stock of 31r. Jasnes StanleY, at A Greatly Re=duced Price, and will give his customers the benefit. Goods will be sold at and under cost. . Parties Meshing bargains should come on at . • once, as the goods wili go quickly. The highest price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all:kinds of Fann Produce. • J. A. ST:EAART. 906x2 CHRYSTAL &BLACK, PRAOTIOAL BOILER MAKER:S. =IM=444444.4. (11HE Subscribers have bought the Tools and Boiler Business lately carried on by the Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Company, and having had an experience V over eight years in that shop, ate now prepaaed to carry en the W INT T) I I PtradAneinallyworkitsententrusted to. us will receive prompt Patented and Man factured by attention. Virst-class work guaranteed. . kn Weds of Boilers made and repaired, also W• SniokeStacks, Sheet. Iron Work, &c..1 at reason- . 'MORRIS New 'Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on a able rates. • Strongest and most satisfactory the shortest notice, and at prices that defy THE Siniplest, sawing mei =chin cry Windmill yet made. For pumping water,- competititin,. . - p • also m nufacture Iron Lift and Double Ac- tion Force Pumps, which are guaranteed to give satisfaCtion. A stesek of pumps and h e kept constantly on hand. Give me la trial. If I do ot give .satisfaction no sale. All orders addressed to t e undersigned, Mit- chell P. 0. promptly atten ed to. 872-52 W. M. MORRIS. ,copping gram or chnang any light it has no equal. • 1 MPS! !MAPS! APPLES! APPLES! CHARLES DONIALD 00., 79 Queen St., London, E.C.,, Eng., , WILL be glad to coerespond with Apple Growers, MerchantS and Shippers, with a view to Autumn and Spring business. They will also give the usnal facilities to custetnqa requir- ing advanees. . at 869-39 • • CIIRt-ySTA.L & BLACK. , An. Old,Soldiees EXPERIENCE. +Vert, Texas, _ may 3, 1882. "I wish to express mylappreciation of the valuable qualities of Ayer's CherryPectoral as a cough remedy. "While with Chureliill's army, just before the battle of Vicksburg,i-I contracted a se- -veva cold, which terminated in a dangerous cough. I fouttd no relief till on our tnareli we came to a country store, where, on aslring for some rentedy, I was 4rged to try ATEIVII CHERRY PECTORAL. "I did so, andwag rapidly cured. Sines then I have kept the PECTORAL constantly by me, for family use, and I have found-- it to be an invaluable remedy kr throat and lung diseases. • •4. W. WHITLEY.° Thousands of testimmils. certify to the prompt cure of pllThr�ncbiai and lung affections4y the use of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL.. eing -very palatabre, the young- est children, it readily. PRE2ARED BY ' . . Dr.J. C. Ayer &Co;.., Lowell, Mase• sokt by all Druggists, , - • Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations follows: I GOING WEST- SE.krORTu. CLINTON: Express.... - . .... 1.50 Lin, 2.30 r at Express_ .... . - ... 8.58 P. ai. 9.15 P-31 MI.X0d. Train.. .. _ .. 8 15 A. ar. GOING EAST- • • 1 Express_ .. .. -... 7.45 .A. Id. 7.25 A. la Express- ... - .... 1.60 P. Sr. 1.05?. Mixed Train- . - . 4.45 1% IL 4,00.r. London, Huron -and Bruce, GOING NORTH- Expresti. Mail, 2nd MSS. London, depart.. 7.45 A. 4.50r, 6.00 A.M. Exeter_ .. 8.57 , 6.10 9.35 Hensall.. 9.07 ! 6.24 • 9.57 Kippen., ,_, 9.13 6.29, 10.07 Bruceffeld. 9.23 6.38 10,22 Clinton.. _ 9.46 ,* 7.05 11.30 Londesboro .. 10-00 7.20 12.00 Blyth.. s . 10.07 7.27 12.16r.M. Belgrave_ ... 10.22 7.46 12.48 , Wingham, arrive 10.35 • 7.55 1 1.19 GOING SOUTH- Express. Mail. 2nd Class Wingham, depart 7.48 A. 11. 3.03 r. ar. 10.20 A-st Belgrave 3.00 3.17 11.21 Blyth...... 8.15 3.30 11.42 • Londesboro 8.24 3,38 12.00 Clinton.. 8,50 4.05 12.45T. NI Brumfield.. 9.05 4.19 1.11 Eippen. ; 9.13 4.27 1.27 Hensall., 9.18 4.32 1.36 Exeter........ . -9.35 I4.43 2.35 London, arrive,. 10.51 5.50 ISO DULL FOR SERVICE. BULLS AND DAMES' FOIL SALE. OATS FOR SALE.- The undersigned will keep for serviee on Lots 23 and 24, township of Grey, his thoroughbred Durham 'Bull "-Lord Lovell." Terms for seation.-For one thoroughbred cow es, for each additional. cow 87,- for one grade cow -83.50 for each additional cow 83. Coat returned ret„.2115,rla, and. not in calf will be charged half price. Cows from a distance will be fed or pastured -at reasonable rates if they wish to leave them. 4`1Lord Lovell" has b .en shown 14 times hud has taken. 13 first prizes and one second. He has proved himself -a sure and good stoek getter. He will likely be Seen at Spring Shows. Also four young Bulls for Sale from 11 to 15 months' old, got by "Lord Lovell" and "Dames" boughtfrom Land W.Watt, Salem, County Wellington. They are good size, color and condition, with choice, pedigrees and will be sold eheap. Also a quantity of McAllis- -ter White Oats and Blaek Tartar Oats, lately from Scotland and perfectly olean. Price, 40 cents per bUshel. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, 908-12 Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Gente Nolan- I Accom. Express. Ethel . 2.30 r. ar. 9,39p; it, - 2.41 9.53 Bluevale.... 2,55 10.09 Wingham.. .... 3.10 10.20 Gm° SOUTH- • , Express. AeCOM. • Wingham,.. . . 6.50 A. M. 11.18 A. la Bluevale..., 7.30 11.30 Brussels 7.16 11.50 Ethel. - .1. 7.27 - 12.05 • NePrz.-The. Morning Train going South and the Evening Tram going North, run on Tuesday, Thursday and Sh.turday only. You Must Admit That for variety of ' patterns, newest de- - signs and best colotiags, RANTON BROS.,' Stock of New Spring Prhits is hard to beat We have the latest in Rings, Spots, Checks, Stripes, Hail, Floral, Mourning, &c. Jilist to hand. come and see them--Priots for 5e, Sc, 10c, and an extra -choice ot 121-c, at RAN - TON BROTHERS. Oen you shouldf. see that bargain inWhiteCheck Mus- lins for Aprons, &c., selling at prize of ordina:ey prints. New Shirtings, Cot- tothdes, Tickings, l&c., all at prices which please. We have secured the services of Nipaks ELLIOTT, of Lond+i, to open and take charge of our Dress itand Mantle Making Department up stairs. Every lady who I reads thit well knows this is justwhat Exeter wants -a Erst-class, fashionable Idressmaker. Bring along Tour dresses, no matter whether bought from us or not, alf you want eity stylesZtaste and economy coiribined, isee Miss Elliott at Rantbn Brothers, and we are sure yau will be delighted with the results. i r-% Ranton • pros. EXETER. A PRIZES ent Sei,xf free, Cents foretr agb:xan dto goods, which willfaelp MI, of either sex, to more money right away than anything else in this world. Fdrtunesawait the Workers absolutely sure. At once address TRUE #k C., Augusta, Maine, , la54-IL5Z