HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-04-24, Page 6• sompv Washington Letter. TIZE ENT cLEvELAND REFUSING FA:MIS r —RETRENCHMENT IN DEFARTmENTAL LUXURIES—THE OFFICE -SEEKERS DE- : n'ART. Wasnineaox, April 7th, 1885. If it is true as reported. in distant papers, that one of our theatrical manse gers called upon President Cleveland and. placed a box at his disposal, and that Mr, Cleveland courteously replied. that he should. be glad to use a box at the said manager's theatre upon occasion, but that he preferred to obtain it in the uauel way and at the usual 'price, it is very goatifying indeed, and offers an op- portunity to adinire the good. sense and good taste of the new Chief Magis- trate. . In the same spirit and no less admira- ble is the action of those heads of de- partments who have declined the pleas- ures of carriage riding at the public ex- pense, and sold the livery outfit whith custom allowed them. - This department carriage business was one .of the most odious and least justifiable of the whole perquisite, family. Why the Govern-. ment should be made to provide a coach and coachman free of expense to its heads of bureau is One of the things that .no fellow can find out. The innate sense of jiii-tice naturally made the situ- ation seem absurd if Rot oppressive to the humble, hard-working clerk, walk- ing home through the mud after his day's work, and passed by " the corn- missitmer's carriage," driven by an office messenger. The whole equippage forms, as he, knows, a weighty item on the "contingent fund" of the bureau to ; which he belongs, and it occurs to hs (the clerk's) mud that there is no su ficient reason why -this tontingent fu d should supply the comratssioner, who draws a salary of $4,000 or $5,000, with atcarriaee, and leave him on a salary of - $1,000 to go afoot. Nor does the clerk's reasoning Seems fallacious to an • out- siderThe whole idea is wrong. The Government should. pay its officials enough to enable them to live in a man- ner • suitable to their station, , and it should septet their wants in no way ex- cept by their salaries.. The "perquis- ites" must go. "How on earth did the late coinptroller of the treasury, Lawrence, get the name of Sir Wilham the Ram ?" said I to a leading Ohio politician, who had just alluded to him by the somewhat unusual soubriquet mentioned. " Sit down here • and leteme tell you ;the story; it's a good. one. Have you any fire ? Give me a light, please., '" You know," ; said he, getting his cigar fairly kindled, "that Lawrence was once a congressman from eOhio. The district was full of hard- ' headed old farmers, who were engaged in wool -growing- and improving the native breed of sheep. • Lawrence was aware of this in a vague sort of woy, but he knew no more of practicalfarming than a Blue Point oyster does of Greek art.- The House was in cometittee of the whole at a. night session considering one of the „a,ppropriation bills, into, which somebody had injected sev-eral. clauses putting various dutiable agri- • cultural articles -on the free het. Did you ever know Milton Saylor, then a member from. Cincinatti ? He wais .avatching the proceedings, full of geed nature and champag-ne, when Satan ,promptpti him to: perpetrate an awful outrage-, on his simple-minded colleague -Lawrence. Slipping over on the Repub- lican side of the House, he said Law- rence you live in -a, big farming district, \don't you'? "Yes," said L. "Why ?" "Your people grow a good many sheep," said the wicked Sayler. "Now, as they are on this free -list business, why don't you move that hydraulic rams be added to it? It would tickle the old farmers awfully and make you mighty solid with thein hereafter. If you don't Southard or Ben. Le Fever will," and so he left him. "if Lawrence had had any time to think he would never have done it, for of course he must have known what a hydraulic ram was. There had been a good deal of "cold tea" absorbed that night, and may be that binned the Hon. William's perceptions somewhat. Anyhow he offered an amendment It was about as follows That hydraulic r teas imported for the purpose of im- proving breeds of sheep be admitted flee of duty." "Eh, what the devil is that V' said the chairman to the reading Clerks Read it again," came from all: the House, and in a tone that could have been heard five blocks away the clerk repeated the sentence. Well it's a wonder the roofdidn't come off, for such; a shout had never before been heard within the walls of the Lower House. Lawrence was elected to stay at home the next time, and and this ' is the ylly he comes to be pleasantly denotn- heated "Sir William the Ram. There has been a sudden departure of the great throne of office -seekers, and the reason is that the few men who seem to have any influence with the new ad with regard to the patron- age have Made it one of the condithans under which they would render assist- ance that the applicants leave their poets in the hotel lobbies and corridors of the departments and go home and stay there. Worthy ]Sentiblents. It A Clinvention4 the Reformers ofMani- oba, was held at Winnipeg-- last week. It is said to have. been one of the largest , t • THE HURON, ;EXPOSITOR. represeatative gathering4 ever held in the Province, and was composed of delegates from every municipality in the Province. In openii g the proofed- ingse the President, Mt James Fisher, of Winnipeg, and formeely of Stratferd, in the cointy of- Perth, , aid: • "An unfortunate upri Mg had taken rlacehi tae Sasketchewan' district. He regretted that the half-breeds had been misguided as to 'rse in rebellion against the Government. Though they had grievances yet thejr had constitu- tional means of redress. Many of those present hid friends in that district, and he hoped the riaing would seen be put down. He said he was surprised that F.:eine there had been murmurings kr a laug time in the Northwest, that the Teople Md been holding 'meetings there fir a lone time, and that Louis Uel was a ettating them, the Government did not, know of ft. It was strange that Gover- nor Dewdney had not reported it, and that steps' had not been taken to prevent But this was not the time to con- sider the supineness of t ie authorities -- it was for those present s one man to t and up - and support he Government t Ottawa in putting do the rebellion. They did net tame th re as Conserva- tives or Libiaral,, or al ything else, to dismiss the cause:. but N- see that the - Was put Ou wn, and • he knew that the Liberals of Manitoba .would show that they were as loyal as any people in the empire, and would. help to put_down' the insurrection. They dicl not want to arrogate to themselves a monopoly of loyalty, but they had- a share. They -had met to discuss mat- ters that they felt keenly upon. But on this occasion it behoved them to be care- ful that mot one word escaped them that would tend to arouse political animosities. It had always bee the policy of Liberals to be loyal, and t But while they Government to p yet the Governm when the time ea mg; and would b their misgovernm ey would now be so. would stand by the down the. rebellion, nt would be called e to a strict reckon - held responsible for nt." To Cook Parsnips. •‘,: - Persons who have never epten pars., nips cooked according to the following a ;what aexcellent i crape the[ parsnips, in lengthwi e • boil in h to cover diem till Then put in a piece •ittle, salt -and, pepper. ith a spoonful of flour, hem.; they a,re then' ,. Paisnips - re like- wise very good split once and roasted with pork in the dripping pao. mode, have tio id dish they are :— 'wash and slice th just water enou thoroughly done. of butter, with a Beat up an egg w and pour over ready to dish u 1 with tumultuous and prolonged cheering. When the train arrived at Mallow, there 1:was's large and,. rough cr I station, and just as ithe stepped . on the platfor broke through the lines pressed around the Princ eh th th Sc• wd around the 4o, Royal party 1 the crowd ' 1 of police and ' . The police hich had by Much Honey From a'Little. • - Those Who wisl to increase .the qua„ni tity of their hone and also improve its flavor, can do so by following Long- - • streth's directions, 'as follows Dis- settee two poimds of the purest white sugar in as 'much hot water as ewill . be just_ liecessary, to: reduce to 'a syrup; take • one pound of the nicest • white, "clover-honey—Any other light-colored honey of good flavor will answer—and after warming it, add it to the sugar - syrup, and stir the -contents. When .cool, this comp:el .by the best judge of the Most luscio ever tasted; and every one, prefe honey. Refined 1 d will be pronounced, of honey, to be one s articles which they t will be by almost red to the unmixed f sugar is a perfectly pure and iiiocloijous sweet, and one pound of honey ill comMunicate the honey flavor to t ice that quantity of sugar; while the new -article will be destitute of that smarting taste which honey alone so often 'has, and will be kamd perfectly to agree with those who cannot eat the clear hooey with impunity. -If those engaged in the artificial manufactureof honey never brought' anything worse than this to market, the purchaser would have no reason to complaio. As, however, the compound can, be Ifuroithed much cheap- er than the pure Itopey, many may pre- fer ti purchase the material and to mix themselves. If idesired, any kind' of flavor may be given to the manufactured article; thus it may be made to resem- ble in fragrance, the classic honey of Mount Hymetter, by adding to it the aroma of the lemon balm, or wild thyme; or it may have the flavor of the orange groves, or the delicate' fragrance of beds of roses. • i • The Duty of Dressing Well. Do not disdai dress and the little niceties of the to' et : you may be a very clever evonta,n'pe haps even intellectual but, for all that, you cannot afford to be careless in these matters. No woman with any sense allow herself to si whatever be her f self-respect should k int e a dowdy, but, rials, vexations. and dissa,pointments, she; should dress as well as her position will allow. Do not imagine that We are advacating extrava- gance ; on the contrary, simplicity is our motto, which, if united to good taste, will be found more effective in the eyes of husband, fatheet brother, or lover Than the most,costly Attire which the milliner's art can invent. A simple bow in the hair may look quite as coquettish and fasehiating as a eliambnd .aigrette; and a cotton ,deess, if fresh and prettily made, may be as becoming as silk ; indeed we have often seen a cotton e mention this to il- that riches are little te, and that every • eclipse a silk. ' lustrate the fact compared ta woman may dress well If she chooses; that, in fact, -it i her duty to herself and those around her to dress as well as her position will allow. Those who accuse us.who Write of the fashions, and you who read, of frivolity and triviality, forget thatit is just as ,easy to dress well as it is to dress badly, and that, to dress out of the fashion ,requires as much expenditure of thought and care as to dress in it, for one who is. tastily and neatly attired is not obliged to think, of her dress ,at k.11 when in company, while a poorly, or badly dressed person feels always uncomfortable. The Royal Visit to Ireland The Prince and Princess of Wales and their eldest son, !Prince Albert Victor, are now -in Irelentl. They Were received with great entlingasm at Dublin. The city wai:'gaily'decked -attd, illuminated in hoiat of the visit. The Princess of Wales .captured the populace at first sight's.. The 'refined beauty of her face , and the elegarktig her figure were most artistically telt off in a special costume of green, which -had been made for the ,oc: casion. The dress • -was composed Of a close -fitting, dark green velvet bodice, with 0, silk Skirt to match, `and a Princess. bonnet trimmed with beads and- dark i green featherS. This tribute to the Irish . colors, so deftly and - beautifully man, was everywhere recognized by tie people, and Her Royal Highness was everywhere greeted .with applauee. The Prince - visited some of the lowest slums and wretched cabins of the poor, wishing to , see for himself 'their real cop dition. All went well 'fulfil Monday, when a sceneof great excitement attend- ed the departure of the Prince and Prin- cess for the sou'h of Ireland. On the route to Kingsbr dge station the Prince• and Princess pas ed the city hall, where an immense crowd had assembled. Lord Mayor O'Connor 'drove past the hall a few minutes before the royal carriage appeared. The crowl hissed him savagely. O'Connor flew into a violent passion, and the displity of -ire only made his eneinies more demonstrative. The Lerd Mayor, unable to withstand the storm, stopped his carriage, and mount-' in' the city hall steps called -foi! cheers for Parnell. The response was not great and did not indicate that °Vernier had many sympathizers in the 'assembly. He then addressed the gathering, and told them they woted be sorry for hav- ing hissed him.', He said he would. tele- graph to Patnell at Cork and Mallow an account of what lied occurred, and they the result would be. ee and Princess were tii they were 'greeted 1 T. 0. KEMP; Manager. would see what When Prit driven paq t the .1 rged upon the crowd, s •Aline became rioteus, and drove m back at the point of the bayonet. eral are said to have been wolinded. ree Irish members of Parliament, Nirm. O'Brien, Wm. Redmond, and T' othy Harrington, were in the crowd aid were badly.- mauled. There was a si liar riot at Cork, and great excite - m nt on the arrival of the Royal party. • Te Minister and the Skippers. A minister living in an Aberdeenshire c ast • town ! had. preached - a sermon w loll a skipper, one of his parishioners, who traded to London, I thought very like one which he had read to his family the Sunday before from a sermon book he had purchased in Lo don. On the S nday following he, wi h two brother slippers, took the book to church to a certain the correctness of the suspi- ei n. The Minister in no time, gave' oi t a text 'which, tru enough, the s ipper found in the indepc of his l000k,t a, d pointed out to hisl -friends. The mjinister then proceeded With the sermon ging on word for word with the sermon book for a sentence -or two, which greatly excited the skipper, who, with a cron3i on each side, kept tracingthe words in his book after the minister and s ying, "See till him; see till him." t1T le minister; who used himself to tell ,e story, said, "I lookit down and saw at they 'were at, so I timed ower a leaves at ance,an' they never clappit s ut upo' my tail after that." Rab." Dr. Join 'Brow4 tells a good story of t is dog, which belonged to the How- te carrier.' "It was Rab's habit to ke hitt appeaeance exactly half an ur before his master, trotting in full o importance as much as to say, "He' a 1 right; he'll be here.". One morning J mes came without him. He had left dinburgh very early, and in coining . ar Auehinderipg, at a lonely part of. t e road, a man sprang out on him, and d mended his money. Janies who was a cool hand, said " weel-a-weel, let me g t it," and, stepping back, he said to ab, "Speak till him, my man." In a instant Rab was standing over him,. t reatening strangulation if he stirred. J miles pushed on,leaving Rab in charge; h looked back, and saw that every at- mpt to rise was summarily put' down. s he was telling Ailie the story, up me Rab with that great swing of his. I turned out that the robber Wag a owgate lad, the worthless son of a ii ighbor'and Rab, knowing nim,_ hiLd 1 t him off cheaply. -.' SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need for c nstipation,sloss'of appetite, dizziness, and all s, mptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents p r bottle. For sale by J. S. Roberts, druggist, S aforth. 906.20w. • . **sa ••• Freeman's Worm Powders destroy and remove onus without injury to adult or infant. 857. Sin. Obstructions of the stomach, Liver and' bowels a e promptly removed by National, Pills. S.57,. 5 F.ure tO Conquer. The most troublesome cough is sure t� yield if ti lely treated with Hagyard's PectoralBalsam. P easant to take and safe for young or old. 857. 5* .2w. HE BIG-. SEAFORTH. Tie above mills have now been thoroughly 're- , built upon the complete , UNDARIAN ROLLER. PROCESS ti The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been eatly enlarged, and new machinery applied roughout. HE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS - lour Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turneut flour • SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain front farmers and for elevating and shipping ave also deen extensively Improved. Grain can now be taken from fermis', wagons, weighed, and loaded into ears at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. A LIARGg FEED STONE ,CUSTOM CHOPPING Has been put in, and the neterilik$ machinery for handling chop and coarse Odes. A good shed has been eiyeted, so that wagons can be unloaded and telftled under cover. WHEAT EXCHANGES homptly attended to, and FRU-CLASS ROLLER ;FLOUR GUARANTEED. cialsrrom pmm • Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR, . BRAN,. SHORT And all kinds of CHOPPED FEE Constantly on hand. ' 1 Highest Market Price Paid Cash for any Quantity of , Wheat. in THE CENTRAL OFFICE OF— • "The BELL Telephone ompan Ie at the CELEBRATED BOOK AND FANCY G O. Ws PAPS ODS STORE of DEALER BOoks, .Stationery, Periodicals, Music; Musical ments, Cards of all Sorts I9stru- • INVOICES just to Hand of one of the best Selecte Stocks of ENGLISH, AMERICAN and CANADIAN Wall Papers for Spring '1 rade. Foot , Balls at Very Low Prices. A Complete St() k to Select from at C. W: PAP.ST'S Fancy tore. -VALENTINES! • VALENTINES!' DON'T FORGET, ST. 'VALENTINE'S DAY is Fast Approaching —so Appro4h to C. W. PAPST'8 where you can get one ,of the Best Stocks west of Toronto to select from. 'itelle,adquarters for all the Leading Newspapers' in the World 'PAOST, Bookseller ani Stationer, - MAIN STREET. SEAFOR, H. a W. Huron's 'Photographic Establishr'rient. 1 W. WADE, SEAFORNH. Having refitted his rooms with new and handsome furniture, such as chairs, balustrades and draperies, also new and choice winter scen,eries, is now prepared to turn out photographs in any style de -sired. I am making a specialty of Cab- ! inets, and gx10 Photographs, the 8x10 Photo is considered the picture of the day. Any of those wishing to make their friends Christmas' presents can fin,d nothing More suitable and elegant. The finest finish on all work guaranteed, and no work allowed to go out unless thoroughly satisfactory. FRAMES.—I have also on hand a large and varied 'stock of Frames, among which there are some of the choicest'Gold and Easel Prairies in new and elegant designs, which- I am offering at greatly reduced prices during the Christmas holi.-. days; very nice 8x10 frames complete with glass mat and back from. 30c up.. • MOULDINGS.—Mouldings plain and ornamental in great variety. Frames made to order en the shortest notice, and at lowest prices.' A call and inspection of the work respectfully solicited. B.—.I.am. enabled hy the use of the dry plate to make photographs as well in dull weather as in the finest:- 411 Photographs ma e by the instantaneous dry plate process, also make the gem picture four for '6 c. . ROOMS all on th. ground. floor. • W. W. WADE, cMain-st, Seaforth. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. SCOTT BPpS., -. PROPRIETORS. P)T.A..INT 0.. Read the following testimonial by one of the best musicians of the present day ; " The Upright Pianos of Messrs Dunham deserve, as well an emphatic "endorsement, as a decided success. They develop a tone, which in power and "sympathetic quality, can not be surpassed by the DOW existing Upright Pianos, 9 and are equally beautiful in their musical qualities as well as in th4r exterior 9 appearance."—THEODORE THOMAS. . —EXCELSIOR ORGANS. This celebrated 'Organ has always received the highest award wherever shown, taking first prize at the Northern Union Exhibition in -October, 1883. Among other Organs shoWn at this show were W. Bell & Co., Guelph Kilgout, Hamilton; Karus, Woodstock, &e. Call and see us before buying. Old Matra- ments taken at their full value. Orders for tuning pianos and organs attended to at once. 1SCOTT BROTHERS. N. 8.—Small Instruments, such as °violins, Guitars, Accordeons, Con- certinas/ ./ &con hand; also a good assortment of Piano'Covers, Piano Stools, &c. All kinds of Instruction Becks. STAMPING Patterns for icensington, Crewel and Outline Embroideries, APPLE BARREL$ FINEACOARSE AND LANS SALT FOR SALE. ;Only.first-class Mid obliging Men will be kept to attend customers. The liberal patronge ef •fanners and general trade respectfully solicited. AW. OGILVIE' & CO. PROPRIETORS': • NEW. MILLING FIRM IN pEAFORTH. THE SEAFORT.H ROLLER MILLS, _LATE THE RED MILL. McBRIDE &. SMITH, frdni Strathroy,• 1 Having bought the above mills; and refitted them througiieut with all the latest and best machinery that could be procured for a GRADUAL REDUCTION ROLLER MILL, And the result attained is, the' have one of the best mills in tile Province. Farmers can now get all their GRISTING and CHOPPING done in Seaforth, and have it home with them the same day, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. INT ID SI -10 S , For sale by the ten or in less quentitiet--FOR CASH. Cash for any' quantity of McBRADE-;&'SMITH. Wheat. _ MR. THOMAS • SMITH will :Personally superintend the Seaforth Roller ' • •TELE SEA 'Is the best pl QRTH GROCERY ce to spend your money. H G I-1 R 0 B B Main Street, Seaforth, the Pe9ple's Grocer, 'Has now a better Stock than ever Of GROCERIES, CROCKERY and GLASS- WARE, -Sugars and Teas a .4pecialt3 ; 20 pound's of Sugar foe Si. Good Tea kr 50 cents.. Hams and Bacon, 4ured at my own packing, house, always on - haael. Honey .extracted pure from ny OWD apiary, at 15 cents per pound, or eight pounds fie) !;k H. 1-tOpS, Seaforth. 1 • • .1 .• :* e _ . . Peeelarity at benne Is rot anenes. inf. I - t . test merit, but we, pointproaely t9 . • that - no other medicine Las run ft r such universal appi,obation c.t states and country, and swan i1 pece Ayer's'Sarsr3srill • * The following letter froth 'one of our bcs known Massachusetts Drnggist3 sho.nid if ewer este' interest to every sairdrer "Eight yea,rs pen RhtbniA,A°lvud at 'it' -er, rt uT could nr t move from the leen ir -keee eel beet : I tried several r4 -in mu ,i ir, erne relief, uetil :-.‘3:4CP.:WI.LA, by the use of o ,s,as completely cure I. ; ,floici In iti t les -of your se le; retains its WWII i-1 1 :1 7.-nt;rn1111-)1.3.°Iceetinr1COS tit Ii s t, . I w,...-eineever 'Were(' to tite E. F. Rennie." I*.; 1...v,r St., Dockland, Mass., May 13, lea. fl GEORGE ANDItle vmSeer le • 0 • k-a..4.1a,13 Carpet COrporati n, .44;11:1 tl wes -or enertwctty years before his noon Si- to LoWell aillie.b.4.1 with Salt Rheum in Is 1rorsrm t fo. Its ulnerations actually cover d mthore an half the surface of his body a id He was limbs. witireiy cured by Anti '5 SenSaLreforieni,L.31:8,See certificate in Aye 's Almanac PREPARED BY Dr. J. Lowell7 Mas ,• Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles,for EGMONDVILLE ROLLER MILLS. In returning thanks to our numerous friends .and pairons for the very liberal support we have releived during the pant three years; we beg to announce that, having during the Past season greatly enlarged our mill, and also added to our power and Machinery, we are now better than ever Prepared to attend to the wants of our customers promptly„ and with the best satisfaction tck them. Special attention paid to GRIST1NG and CHOPPING. Farmers can have their Wheat ground or 'ex- changed without delay. Flour Bran and Shorts Constantly on hand, of a quality equalled by few and excelled by no mill in the Dominion, at lowest pria-eseaquality considered. Having also added to the power of our S A. 777 1\1 I IA WE ARE PREPARED TO DO - CUSTOM SAWING At any One—winter or summer. Highest price paid for LOGS delivered at Egmonthille or Brumfield. KYLE -IC MUSTARD, EGMONDVILLE. WROXETER MILLS. Alexander L. Gibson Begs to announce to the public that he has con- menced to operate the WROXETER- WOOLLEN FACTORY, And that he will be prepared to give'good viii in° FULLtCLOTHS, TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS, -FLANNELS, PLAIDINGS, WINCEYS, And Varieties in •.r STOCKING YARNS Custom Carding, Spinning and Fulling • Promptly Attended to. Ilties from a distance will, as far as possible, have their ROLLS HOME WITH THEM, and as he has put the Mill into Good Working Order and employs none but Efficient Workmen, AU Work is Warranted. REMEMBER THE WROXETER MILLS. ALEX. L. GII3SON, Proprietor. —OF -- ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. A. STRONG, Seaforth, Agent. ,GREAT REDUCTION IN PASSAGE RATES. Cabin rates from -Halifax to Liverpool and Lon- donderry, 850, $63, and $73, according to position of stateroom. Children under 12 years, half fate; under 1, free. Servants in Cabin, $50. Inter- mediate, 05; Steerage, $13. From Liverpool or Londonderry to Halifax: Cabin, $03, $78.75 and .4c..04.50; Intermediate, 835; Steerage, $13. Re- turn Tickets from Halifax to Londonderry or, $12'n Liverpool and back to Halifax: Cabin, $100 and $143; Intermediate, $70; Steerage, $26. ' Money Loaned and Real Estate Bought ' and Sold as Usual.1 ••=••••• -INSURANCE. I represent several of the best Insurance Coin panics in the world. tdrOffice—Market Street, Seaforth. 802 • A. STRONG. MARRIAGE* LICENSES 18817ED AT THE, HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, AFORTII, ONTARIO. NO: WIYNESSE$ REQUIRED A.PitIL 24, 1885. , - rizes I Prizes From now to the l:6tbof „ttla,Y first the following prizes will be given at COUNTERS. JEWELRY STORE, TO CASH BUYERS ONLY. Every one purchasing 810 worth of goods can have their choice of one dozen photegraphs from 1 . Calder's, or one year's subscription to Tug XPOSITOR or Sun. For $20 purcbases, 15 per cent. in cash. For $30 purchases, 20 per -cent, in cash, For $75 purchases and upwards, 25 per 'cent. ifi, cash. -Goods are as lowas ever, a d all marked In plain figures. Buy your goods in the est market and from a reliable house. . chea ! Personal attention given to repairing in all branches of the trade. ._ Fine watches ispeclalty. Established January, 1867 a M. R. COUNTER, ractical Jeweller, Watch and Clock Maker, Seaforth., Ont. you wish to see the latest styles in Millinerya.. d Faigey Goods call at the Misses Ball, aa we _ have just opened out a full and cemplete stoeirof everything in our line. Latest novelties and great bargains in hats, plumes, ribbons, laces, &c. We thank our friends for past favors, and would solicit a contingence of the sant% Our opening will commence oni WEDNESDAY, 41pril. 1st: And continue' throughout the week. Please * call before purchasing elsewhere. We have gaged a first close Dress and Mantle Maker from the city, who we are sure cannot fail to sultan Butter` and Eggs taken as cash. R. &M. BALL Milliners, Dr. Buchanan's Block, King Street, HensalL 903-8 Removed I Rem'oved GM 0_ SEAFORTH, The Old Established Butcher has removed to new premises timmediately opposite, his Old - Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, )c•bere he will he pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many-- - new ones as may see fit to favor him with their patronage. 9 tRemember the place, between Henderson's-. Harness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. - 898 GEOR9EEWING FARMERS, IT WILI, FAY YU —TO CALL AT THE -- HURON ,F0yNORY, —NEAR THI— HIGH SCHOOL, SEAFORTNI And see our stock of PDOWS, Which have been made especially for this emmty. I have greatly improved my Gang Plow for this seasonand feel satisfied in saying that It is the best in the market. Our LAND ROLLERS Are large and heavy, running' light and, doing good work. Our { GRAIN CRUSHERS Are made from Hard Iron, and will last longer than any other machine made. Having special _- tools for recutting Rollers, iv'e can guarantee aatisfaetion. Special attention given to le - pairing Steam Engines, Saw curl Grist Mills, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines,and all kinds of machinery repair; on short noties and at reasonable rates. . To Contractors and Others. Bridge B Its and Casting at imeest rates. Quotations Jfmnished on appli sai7TeAlr,stotairAngilett for fhfuen lements of L. 1:1-. stantly- on hand. e of "vane eofl THOMAS HENDRY. BAtilliM HOUSE. BANKERS & EihOKERSI- 8,E A Foie 7W, - . Office—First Dot* NORTH - of Commercial 'Hotel.. Notes discounted, and a general bankh ness done. Reinittence tonna collectior made in Iklad` toba,. i* 1 Business done through Bank of Montreal. 1 . A limited :amount of money received on deposit Money to loam on rep.' I estalte at best rates. S. C. ItirelOCHEY; . - P. S. --S. G. McCaughey m!ill attend to Cm- veyante in all its branches, !lending money real estate, buying and selling farms, houses, SEAFORTH PLANING MILL SAvH LIOCR AND B' FAPTUR- . 4 1.4 quit sttbsmiber begs leave to thank his num ous customers for the liberal patronage ex- tended to him since commencing business Seaforth, and trusts that he Illfty be favored wil.4 'a continuance of the same. ' Parties intending to build would dewellto guS him a c' -ll, as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of . DRY PINE LUMBER!, SASHES', DOORS, BLINDS & MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, tee He feels confident of 'us mm s iai:hifactio'n those who may favor hint with their patronager as none but first-class workmen are employed. - Pa titular attention paid to Custom Planing. 201 JOIIN H.! BROADFOOT, WM. LOCAHo, APRIL An Umbre For an umbrella • umbrellas, buy a ooleel stout gray linen. Ca pieces, each ten inch from top to bottom, oix inches across. of the linen cut twee long, seven inches hr four inches at the be 'of these with seal -brow Work on the wide part brae, in brown crewel one of the pieees air pockets, leaving an for the umbrella_hate tem for the ferrule The back should ex beyond the pockets inches at the bottom The sides, and the top rounded,. - On the ep pocket, embroider the gram of the ,person brella ease is intend part which you have strip left, with an int rain; round off the first piece, and bind tot with brown. braid. be the top and bottom to I the wall, and the work • • WaShing th There are some who the face often, espeei thinking this an injury ion. But those who h- alter of skin diseaees s body needs soap so inti being exposed to dust it is not enough to water. They say ffs shiny, as so many elan that it is the more nee • work of drying after been properly petiole however, should not be before or after goine thorough ablution srio at night, before going following method shou the process: ll a, waim water, lather sponge with good, so face carefully. _ Then without soap, and woe hands, and rub thorou ish or crash towel Intl and tingling. This veil improving and preserv ion; and the little vexa I called flesh worms, iv: pear after a tune, if it —The household. What it Costs One of our highly ;wealthy citizens, n�vs age, has made an in tion as to the -cost of t smoked during his life to smoke when quite always used the very cigars. The period zooms sixty-seven y tcx he amount ieshieimilasin six months, and plaem interest at 6 per cent; the savings hank cale that the total sum $200,000- It seems 1 sum to have been But the gentleman, cessful business mane ieal in keeping hi S a good many hours in cigar account, and he the sum Of $200,000 terest, compounded on is correct.,—Hartford News ----The British Gover] ed 4,000 pack saddle Armstrougs are busy guns ordered from them - —The Maliara,jeh of ed the Services of 15,0( he says, are ready to ish officers across th service of the Queen 01 telegram from the Vie to do so. The Mahan every aseistance in his - -the purpose of recruiti in India for service ater, —Mr. Richard Gram gastritis at his houst few day ogo. He had ter. Richard -Grant V that city on the 23rd e nearly thirty years Mi constantly before the j of magazine and nes upon literary and, art also the author of t Shakespeare and 'She turein.Appleton's and pedias. —ettiodnnhares isitiitrYlhas opto for the manufacture weed. The material i tense heat in sealed cord of it is said to yi turpentine, vin elutinegaet8r0, agndallo4n: woo 50 bushels of chore° enable gas and vegt Tgallon, and is used by buhenaoil erzalone is worth . • —Although the dye London are ahnook f nectieut House of RI ed no hesitation in pa duced in the height eitement, and calculi occurrences in count niaxhnem penalty e years in prism for having in possessiox eisxplotsiovestesktnroz-inpegl leai and like penalties fom. of, contributing, mo - using dynamite for killing of any pers made murder in Rigid restrictions manufacture and sal' for all purposes whaJ Receipt for < To one gallon of a, half pound of salt, sugar, one half oune half ounce of potash pickle to be Memos 3dennstirilealict thLee-dt itrhteisie-011 the top and is sl throw it into a tab cool pour it over yol .remain the usual tin weeks. The meat withpiekle,andshou at least two days ; which time it shoals led with powdered •.) •