HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-04-17, Page 8a
TH E: H1UR0N!jJkXPO, 5 1 TOR mom
ir&ughto there were
show. In -
on sunfty 26th instant at 6:�o did � the ground. First OamPa)g
e trust ibe may soon be Chown. n
i�# a week doy ill be %bI
"ll "up the Gfolden.*Stairs :by Will the imported
m, Ang w, e seriously ill. W
ison left on Friday
EDW D CASH' —Walter All the judge% had
to - njoy --Mr. C.'T.'Me- aro 4wr Hacker haA been m.
of' oine appointea liqi— foer under the'Scott tst ace,
6 3"full company e is bixtiry. und again. red class
wkw; the nicest of tI;e . 116Hwen In the ag.
Ac. Kersmith, returned b ompani(d �y John A r appoint
d good varieties of in my i ace ones sung during the evening, Bride or ven most difficult task, and the.fou
Has on h 1p to their native -land'
0 8�m,�'people 'wonder c f Morris for a bri
psille evenin from' GU ph, Act 1or Brussels
iiIe the S�amrock Volunteer. _ -Drill,' on 'Wed safety. -=-4,in ed had to call in a fifth bef6re they could -------
rc turn in
-gument comes Ila the he imported
11 M"Port Wheat, ui Aer the direction-' of Mr..- E. C. Cole-' wherile -he had een a g' schoo, for where the, compensationhi y ces.
dd Spring r broth6r settle their differe
-who has lived with he
min, was1well. executed anElver attrac-* several month He ks- if I th air in -here, that being be rale on which I Los ely run out ttie,
C. ges� Of Morris, for the, llor_ses seem to have entir
UP 'free
last two ye4l.
both .,rs, each gave a solo in the him.' w.' E. X be happy posse0sor ol e
y C f asth 1.H
11, light there was not a�
n cc gug the wholer� company :t in Brandon SEE
'AND G 9. cie utly is ii6w*t E C a"fancy remailq yore f0110wa(l
ti e. Ressr. Sc-6tt and E. M about the U ton6- ith appointments are Fire
made.-L—A. R. 'Smith Thomas Br died on unday morning Candin breedsl -as tb ore, were, Only two
CA01711S of Me cFaul i; noNa' or three of thein oil, th ground alt -0- The F PI t Shoi
reco�ei'�d � lo I leave his - roo4 and driver'. —The t Bell Telekhone onipan ting place,
the jo�es f the end in 'hope n f ew da s to s9e him ill comnleii-be puttiii their iustru- D their lasti ref
i tby sho list shows, there
Id Butter oned, and en, we y large w, but, as th c
e prices at the 0 t ternow
b url- * ment anun
At very� reasonabi
at siness once more. -L-A. ex week. &I NPhaden has c emetery on Tionday'af
2 esrg. Joslin, Scott ud,.Coleman, as back als. in bulls
90 ng relativel we�e. several good
in I a imatel L 'W, �8 ayeid on' gone to' -Douglas, c concGursE
Store, God �rich St et, Seaforth.
eting th Se� how, and cOm-
their a was�imply immense, Dunty of Wellington,
funera services' thdre was. a very large Ors. T, le
Scot. e, e ay a life neiglih I
II L fac t fo rin 0' N& dn ad last 'the to practiole.4JOliu Scott, of Orangeville, ition was very keen
to al ril en ar
i � d the ic� was in s is practi�inj with ohn I iott a r
0 oipd Jo'lin are a host in s Veto in. were conducted y especiilly in the
159 b thelev. J. F P17ke, pet ling class. The number of high
themselves, an4.�, really. riv , the' be
ce C616_ ar.-Mrs. hiels has 'of Blyth.
U. 0 Ik El'Ofessionas not Omitting did ool ition. 1IJust put a mhrk on' this ary surgeon this y,, cellexit young bulls in
h) ground for the -new rred and really ex D 11) ated Cool Burg.6ss.: The orichestra, for f4ture refe rence. e match was. the� mateiiitl on L
Spring Showso this district a the present time, augurs WRO11F, B
tposed 'of M srs. - L.' DunI return be -eel e mere an 9 111 in e ere( e 'k ual 0
;C if 079 pianis ed improvement
ers an qhAFORT11- -,1V d: factj� out
I A Wilson, Et -violibis E, Kent,. COM rc sulted in another ictQ permits, ; early d
DI I hi �6ur cattle at ai
for the. for aler -We received ye t&rday DETEF.Tt''VES. ON THF, RAIWPA4E.-De- annual pring show under
ant,. on] M OM ctives Rogers ar. Branch Ag-
Wingbam Nri- -%v do not thi of -using any- 'lline- Do artment -off M
second violinist; R. C. Cornelius, solo d Cuddy, of Toronto The uek farmers no
st; E., Dur iu�m, and At weding letter fro h ' as to aas�ices of the. the very b t bred
-iswc. �-The A T. I �ViIISO]1, ViOlijiC awve�ibsoi , a -epr ral the Queen' jl thing but H
gave a num- n I ton, wore in town Acultural Sociej y wits held
violiic lo" oy on the so it of. this, in io department M/ P
As a resu
ette has abandoned the . patent i4iside on the I okout for t eme)i toell more
b music selections dur- Ownlri&fteswri nfromQu'Appelle,bitt last Suilla he- dety's grounds n SQaforth n Monday
the firm has impr t b*
and is now whdlely printed at home. f :)e&ut'fal
g the evening, and their performances owing to t Q .1 hour at which it was. notorious Tom Lit;16, but it proved4 to last. This Society had two very nil-. $EAF
somewhat reduced in size. ith this nianifest within tl at five years than IN FULL BLAW
war6 oy no means ther least interesting ieceiVed axe reluctAntly forced to' be a wild goose ch 4se as �rio trace of him rta ontend -%v farmers- of this
Wingham has IN required a creditable in the herds of
until next wei rst was the day on Which
01 etive featurci. of the entertain- leave it r" ak.—I !He, is', could be found. Par les Seeing him or The fi
the Vidette, un county-' Huron will very soon rank as
paper, and der its, pres-
mDnt. In'fact,. every one did well, and Well, how f, 4nd himself and his com- hearing anything liablE of him - should as h(ld, viz., Monday. -Some
t e show w
ent management romses to supply that high in horned cattle as it has. for Some
Hthe. best aisi
e eryt Ing pass- ea �off withoutany. hitch rade.,; stoo th� r u h ji at once infrCorm so e aw -officer and to me ago the directors ha. deeided to,
Jouilley'r6mark ing is 8,
In Gabraith -became time done ill horses. � The follow'
w. ani. or t ome Or unnecessary delays We a bEly 1well. They' I be cli their way: them rep t nothi but what is trust- show 4M thp.* preceding the� olnpetitors
ive C ii
onipany ti 13 rucefield -show, so. that animals ex -
editor 'and associate proprietor the to dran it, -9. Never in tho history of our list -of the successful c Misse
paper has turned over a new leaf, so to have n4t lea 134ttlefo A ty me. worthy, Tn& by is means rid -the -Aged heavy
butned how much the c
-fealized We sbolA say they will country of one -who is unfit to beat Pr u d'proceed directly from,
hbite(l here cou 1 Porter & in th
entries,-Ist Colqaboun,_
jqpeak and, is now -in every respect- a have at least $75.to tho h it rEiim LE uAE.--Zn Voi day eyerding- I we to' Brucefi ld% This latter show, Horjoil & Jonnes' hasi our MILLINERY
good, whic arge. DOWIS ti Major;"
vredit to the town in which it is pub--
ded, we, bolievel, to' devote to- ai t a -irl au, ience she ulio
fa a n bled in the Kba fixed for Tuesday, the direct6 Colq un
T!he gentleman-na ed seems To 11 Prince A-rthur;" 3rd, lished.. bw�. the. SUCCUSS'of the present sea�on,
Ise I t
wi 6rds 1; purcha of nbw unilorms., ba 3en lent �f th a Presbyterian chuich, 'in h 3re were consequently forced to seli�, ow )s Rover." Three year
U a clever -writer and to thoroughly.
CENTARY JnPorter&- D Di4 you tilt
'the lectuA oil th ir day, thus requiring ing nit
ths. towh; to hear Sur�� onday as th , eal - IT t
understand ho to, ran a paper, a know, jig olds, -8 entries ;-Ist3Horton & Joni) Crowds f visitors from -morn
iration 1, 'Williams,. on* of the dIdest residents d -here to come
give n by X r. Cam'pbel iy any who desirp. to show 2nd. -C. E. 41 B 0 Y's
ledge whiQ'x a great, mau � who make the HANDSOME HoRs.E.-The imported
pr i Saturday.
Roadster Stallion "K r," shown by' as -the 1 9
dby, J. 0. Haistone, of and. most enter Ing business men Of .0, and remain over Sunday. Kinmount Willie;"
attempt sadly lack-, and._6 a atura h,' t e second,obst tole was the unseason- MeLson's " McAlpine ;" 3rdi. Alex For� night on both' t openin dayz., Every
08 arter, of B ih School havi the Seaforth and ho.at intervals illustrated .4 place,! ng ecidedto remove to ear SUITS,
�cousoqnenpe, f ailure is e result,... Bricefi 8 Ows, an W 10 r roll S1 Lbject will h excellent cbemidal ex a, IS L rie III e vi age an I able weather an( t e a roa s. the"s Ran on
A( u s k ol� C. E. e more
here thMi season, is one, of th band est ant. -Ist,
olds, -5 e ies,
ents, viu ortan t, I* vic any of the roads the snow . is yet s VT T PFsoN��.&L..Xany of readers. will ma Is of b s class -ever travelled in this unt sho I ig how imp t, illity h e dete nined to give im a McCartney -11 - 2nd 'John Rattenbury's I -AV 10.
ityles CAN BE* ONLY
A11h6ug very fine in bone,he is fr. 0 1.8 n �1 that welbreathe j)ure-air, 'fitti �se d -off. 'hey -ill, th refore, I.- di �,ep a d "t it- was feared that
1) edge that our
Ing d Thomas
be, pleaped to learn that Mr. Edward, j. n so 11 "George Buchanan; 3r
herseme -v u their
olt$ entertain illn at a inp ary upper Tapoleon'.11 Agricultural al:
bo ked a ak on.both sides,,, and it 8 id his 0 a ollywb(-ob��edbyj e b ent' voul 8] aying h ed �o
u of Mr. Josep h jyvans, of M- lic w abu ndanbe of substance. He is from a long Ward's TIQUALLED i4 first-clas, ity houses.
Evans, so Vs I& ws. mlation of Will be* held on the ev e -r',
a d, I The ciri e which
9 Of horses out. Th. e obstacles howev
Killop,has recently passE a very success- Ct"cnadian drau old, -John For! the best
nf i of trotters, and himself shows a slashing ait. gilts, 3 year.
blodl in lungs, he4rt �4nd other mem- ri riday next, the 24th Mist t which. were all overco 'and the show was in
All infon iation-concerning him can. be ob ned el Young Nyellington." WItat. seems the surprise is how. wee ful examination inMeGill NedicalCollege, tep enson s
on to the manager,'J. HP.- bers 1 the od ( were each in turn- dii ir all are cl or ially1livited respect the most suteessful ever
th ery lie 'carry off the on ultural and Canadian draughts, 2 h Montreal. ng,i in t S to of _OP
usse a;t I h, showing he* careful Be Ch SUP
Not onl� di It is not often that
Primary prize," but 4
a also obtained wri. 11 SU CLASS Wopa
Cin. COME to a spr
OM$ 7 we sh Duld e in seeing' tFiat 6,�ar ro dlet
11 XPOWANT Noqric-r.,. Are yoii gom to H I people ing show in year -L Hunter's nerpose,.-
the highest number of rks evef taken Eui e! Parties Huron, Aged genera S How -
Spring n
ing to Europ%this are arrange sq that pttrEi air rhay at all sli -ighs, but they did. enjoy this luxury Opu -OW FIG- P
D 0& - C uch VERY L U -W
-_t & primaxy examl MORN 0 C RARD. FROX.- Perch," a;t S_ a _tryLt
aibli, in McGill Sur ��er, would 900 wea to note the extre el J. P. Fisher's 'Dnke
times have apeess without w
rate f passage. h
distinguished low From Now York to G ich Mr. Ge' Rliddle, of he 10th Collces_' ti is year, as'slei -,,hs were the rule and'
Our small expensen
Universit.,; This is, a to Carriage stallion, -4 entries, .1st,. we explain is,
gowand elfastby'-the "State Line Steam hip Is -SIM p y �MPOS ible for �s expect ion Is it * red, by "Boreland w ieeled vehicles the txception. . There
honor, and whQn, it -is tal First Cabin; Saloo f a 0,; 0 Tontine;". `2nd)
zen. into c ion, has Beacom's
Xompa113 have 1, od .4eab h, for unfess the.,essence Chief " wh Ch Tii'i d.tttrn eople, while the.' John
onths *old and w to a goo
eration that -his success was obtained G�ofge M(jir's 11 Pride of the Do- our thorouglirnowledge of the business;
Just to hand I
ireig Le is the real
Firk Cabin, Saloozi'aft,'840; re r tie -ets 0 he blood I �.
of our"life, in a liure'state surprised
'class of U 65 inembe lis 1,060 pound number of a;iimi Is exhibited
amGn P,
g a rs, and,$75; teerag! $16. Sftteam y this'lline nion 3rd Thomas Ward's Bis -
which can (nly e ai
the honor i aiad speas -York7every Thursday.' For - Wet ing-.
s4oubly jearn ad, leai e New be obtain�d by.pur ir, model, riu t �I al.. marek. Roadsterq�-4 entrieE, is
of'; a In horses-, hCroa was a splendid -1st our special ad antages in purchas
comforkand convenience� -the 11 State Line"� Oaa wewillnev-,r inab show and keen cc -a "Otition in every class, ana Dr. BaIr llei
as* an earnest Leaithy condition, 8nell old his il� ar itud: ten mouth trter's K6tucky Stai ;" 2nd,
not be surpassed. T by W. N ftT--
#rolumes for Mr Evans icke16 issued Joseph. CE
and 6ur sys�eIii -will be 'rendered , more old filly f bit more partiou arly iii'lleavy, draughts l,ge .1, We are deterna d this season to gir4e
congratulite our.you-11 01 $450.� r. 'John Mason. sold me Al B
i student, We Agent, Seaforth. John Rattenberry's "Royal R01vel
Iii e to-di0e al e in consequence. Te, aE d roadsters. In bulls,- also, there was*&
three en Johli
;ry abl tir, 3 colts' two, for the
friend oa creditable showm g I'General�'XV
P.FX0V11-N-G.'- IT%homa Coveni 10 ive so treat to c oi, I's we r e ry good show, i Mich embraced many of 3rd, even the LOWE
t4 i many use: ST -PRICED ARTICL9
-bespeak for him a brilhiamt future. bus Iyeng aged removing his n ing . . i
suni of -$95). Thes 3 all sired W
nl hi its in ard to pr erving, health; of the best animals, in the county. The
d H I `
e I I "by the San �e horse, l,Boreland �Chi en�riels IeW St Dre in Kidd's block in or er
BuLL,&..-�Ajzed Durbams, at nti�n, having such a larse
osition to aend to s a list our best te 1170i the moA
T in- It is intended to tr Lvel -this noble site -.fO'10wiug i Q�Xf ord Lad
all is *01d CLU he cture oughout of the successhil com-
THE LATS M wl torn ersan as many new'ones as come aiong. texest ng an ii istructiv one, and the abouV the same roni e a 8� last'Year.' Good P
Rs. NicHoL.-It is . th noA Ist, W. S.
rs �8 Ffttiwr Patterns
-1, - J. T. Di very
-week record Look out or his special announcement next Mke ot Kent and efficient siaff orkers. R
f 6nly�'. r -Aged heavy draught,-' 2nc kso
deep regret that we th -r-+ s 0 t Ahere -were -not more for Hullett I -Wly#1 township call beat arl of
�gret orums.
week. 4th; 3rd, Wni.'Chapman's IQ
hol, of Me -
the death of Mrs. James . Nic, + to e advantages 8 entries,-Ist, Colquhouli -46 Dow 8 raents fur La4if
re T t� to tibipate in
i6h. took 'place at her >tA A Buciey.-Plill- Be to it for-hor., flesh?-� Huron."- Two year olds,-3'ellltiries - lady, both ill to"and country, inAU.d
late i cE To GkT to� I 19 )1 - i -
mirop, wh be ajor' Horton & Innes'
erive, !b3 listenimn a:lecture- 2nd,
6T k & Co., of eaforth, have a large and -v%hed
residence 'o-111-, T uesda - morning. - Mrs. mO Ist, J. T. Dicks6h's ." Meteor;" 2nd A.
assortment e iind, Of th .8 ae �er. Harty votes -of ce Arthur ;" 3rd, J. R. Turner's
of top and open b V, give us hef p*onage- diildren, try E. for two or Elcoat's ""Young - Armstrong - 3rd
Phaitons, bf thelatest sty-
NiAol had been health les, and all uffheir own Ahankrwerel eind ed th ecturer -and "Parmer's Glory." Threeyear Olds-
Y. I
Spe PFSONA r,. -Our V'illitge deeply regrets Wm. Cooper a Prince of Hazelwood.
three months, buti even her MOST, MZI� make,'and warranted first class in every re t 3 entries, --Ist, H ortQn & Innes Kin- at the
I hi�s as istant itt e close. sale
are prepare t Of
sell very he' resig�ation I �earliu ',-6 entries,-Ist, Geo.Sproat'LS
did nof anticipate that her whi, ah th d cheap for. Rev. ki. Taylor, 1
- 4 C Bonnie
t MO unt 2nd, ohn -Doig's
evening..: ibbert; 2nd, Win.' Chapman's
eash or short time. -Remember when you
which tool: place
us so�lear. Mr. Nic�hol had dis- " Lord X idd
r wan t a buggc�y go to Pimmmi's, Seiforth.-_- 9Ntf PASSED A 'N'. �-Mauy lof on -r readers Forsythe's I
Th o m1as
is -a ne an, a le speaker, and
e of his farm With the intention of
GAAD OF THANKs. -The Fire Br -1 ade wi levfn W h regret of'the death of Aged gener
t best ministers we ever had.
with her to the old country in the Young Duke of Xent."
c)tland:" '3rd, Alexander "King �Gorge_;" 3rd, Win. Sproat's
)no of tantin Jock al purpose,
goin one of the pion' �r of entries, -18t, Bryan O'Hara's
restecttut �Mes Orr, b of admirers
ia the hope that the change Y tender their'thanks to WN.' Mr. Ji ee s go num. er 'And 94 JUDGR$.- eavy *horses. -Jas. West- Corner Main'and Market S
a A, very I , JEL treets
prili Joshn, and those who'assiste.d him'in their late, this c( unty. i'l Mr., Orr diE d on the '7th Oung Wellington;. 2nd,Wm.Evan,s
a y sorry at th
e Jolm. Thompson, McGil-
nder their thanks -inst., at hi�' -ien� re sincbr6l 44 Cott '-Exeter
woull be beneficial, bu his intentions b6n 3fit cot cert, They also te home, Sall Springs, Mis- true fr oung Perfecitioxr-;". 3rd, R. Barrie's
6 t le meu rbers of the orchestra for -their ver prospect 6 losing him.: -ONE OF His
were frustrated by an all wiie Provi- livrayi; Alex. Monteith, Tuckersmith;'
eft ient amistance, and to the general,public for Souri. He *as 73 yfars-cf age and bad oung Haddp -'NormAn Perche-
-dende. M�rs. Nichol was an estim Andrew -Stinson, Ripley. Light horses. -
alble the r very liberal patroname. Gxopmv. A., Sitts: only- been ill 0 r,days. e ;�als one of ro s, �2 entries,-lat, J. P. Fisher's
stia and was ever foremost Chi I El nce neen 906-1 a 11 Tor -
C, woman., the first se#le al in' th towihship of d. of Percheron; 2nd, NA"ni. -As. Hickney, Usborne; Job year ol Curtin's Goldsln
Bayllel CW
'iC towil -h- h
f�m cry good work. She was one -of L -keno 3S.E. -'A ineeting of th "apoleon.'? Roadsters -3 ce, Varna: James Handf rd, Cen- percherons.-I ., Steph;n's
e Beaver Grey, to L�h e removed h
5 . COUN61L Domos.--T e village council �Jv a's
the loneer settlers of the townshIp and Laoros e c iub,--will be held &t.the Commercial jroln I tralia. Bulls, -S, Hogar 8 H0`14A
t1e v g of Ayr, , n the Cqunty tePhen ; lenge. AgriciiltuTal� aged.-Ut and
ina on Mc nday evening last, all the en'Ties,--Ist, Jas, Carter's . "Kentucky
-HotA, Sda'Grth, on Tuesday evening next, at 8, Ilosepli, Atkin -son and Geqrg6 Walker, diploma, R.MeWsMatchless," T
kind and Ill ospitable i dispo�itioa,
of'Wa;erloo 1* for n any years, he memb St di James Sutherland's:" Pu hrep
OW(ck, fo I- the purpose of making arrangements ers b�ing -present and the Reeve ng
for ext SE "Gn'8 operatiops. A'full attendance carried on 'b iness. Grt.11 (,arriacre,-4eiitries,-Ist,Jolin
t�emed by '_ all us' -re Tackerslijith,and der �James Arm tro 'a
she as hiAly e!f who sboe-maijing Henry Beacoin,Go - year olds. -I'
0 examining
ku her, and her memory will be lo in the chair. After
Rg is desimd. 900-1 'A -
Heol 1filue4 tf is� business after qomi T ich townsh1j). Glenr6y. " -'Tvro year olds.-Ist,
assing a ni iniber of accounts, ilie audi- B teoms onti lie; 211d, Johii Camp- I
and Zeationately cherished by a large' RLO(3Tir1o'N..The first lesson -of -the to th:6 county a, id also engaged in farn�-
Hun-ter's "Prince of Huron." Generd
e-1 I's " A [agiciaii.'
eirel, of f riends and. acquaintances, as �post tors' report wg-exammi'ed and accepted. SWIDEPSTAXIMIS3. est horse -of any age spring show held here oil Wed- Purpose.- F I rom Se4fbi
-e 9-nd terin i he
h E locution, Nvill be given in the'little ingi T or sevez all years Ist and diploma, Goo. Moirl;q
�ft was ordered that
3,6 f amily and her bereaved hi sban d Met iqdist I Church, on FRIDAY EV NING, 17th 8 papers
had Three
u 7 inst, a orri5bank, north of Brussels. or -lass. on the 9.0 �uesday in Petty's park, poved a. very "Pride of -the Dbininion.
at 8 9'clook. Prof. Tyndall textends a cor- in. stei �,t M. Ou s belonging und.-5 entries, -C.
is 11 to be& r- his spA loss �Ione. and ;ywc to the Corpora,
to any and to cbme ha E. Masor' uces AIR. EmToltl
His so is ihg ttled in Missouri', lie, tion which ere inUe hands of the late sful onein every respect. At an 8 Young*
dial invita all who wish S Nuj� upino� old�.-Ist, Sam��uel I
f that -;k few lftxs,
and se�e fo themselves his method with tie. remaii r 0 his fafiiilv' re-, trea'suier handed over to the present iplor
of. teaching! ile 1� I IULLS. -Aged. )urham, -3 entries,- rly hour in the morning, despite the Plowboy." Cartiage. Istanddi nap
We Me D.
-iAFORTH RosTTIL acce )table. to iny
moved there� 4bout-ten years ago ist: J-; T. Dickson's Duke of Kent; favorable state of the weather, and P. Curtin's "Pluto iaogra 2nd
&-lad l'to. be able -to state Viat. arrange- V, , r. T. J. Marks, together. 3
although I ad,, �ecnniarily, very com- - 3rd� to y
-our gooa t
Com- I a rett & Co., Toronto sse Tom Kimba10
e Of the Council for the establish- & hese goods are p�ow recei eeting. of th Council Will 0
Toul Y
V.dOLhi sALF, BavikriLpt Stock of -Boot' id with the �ea& on hand, at once� The 2nA, W. S. Mun dell's Oxford, Lad.." articularly that of the roads, large Gregbr & Mclntosh�s
;ienis have been pleted b� a 6nd Shoes i estate of John Gar fortable er he too lon Belford & littiliGIn. T vedand g a next m be held Tw. year olds, -1 entries,,-lst,. J. T. nnmb6r� came pouting in fiom the. cc
Dickson A 11 7-vIletebr 2nd A. Elcoat's
for i ale by GBo4 illy the Americali on, all sides feeling assured that al- Roadsters, -, I st and diploma, John
tr I 'ton: to like: on'the 30th of ay at 10 oclock a. in., ai; GooD, at Thornes, Old Stand.
r in Seaforth for lean. u pring sh was a ne
inent of a monthly fa
Gi, t Bargains., 906-1 ways lor bd sati6ed - with Ameri when the -)'o ng Arnistro One year oLds,=, .101ouali a s NV feaure Beacom, 's Tontine 2nd, Jos, Carter's the - i iale and exchange 6ff at. and stock ourt of Revision, will be . eft
institu ;ions. In early'hfe he enlisted- S
BRAN, $13 on ShoAs'$14 Jer Organized. Thos.'BissetVs':�
_per t i e attries -Ist, R, LvIcKee's Da;n'Wil- ior ifQsEkl�, it wou 1d. be one that would Kentucky 3rd
eittle- The firat of 'these fair'sill be - )2 brbther George, AAV
se5ve e t of all,
ey ral, years in , - T
ton, n lotsi not less than 1,000 lbs. Other as a sodier d s' soi: ; George Sp t's " Lord Hibbert. compare `favoral4y with tha Volo. " Three ypar olds, --John. ME: -
I y
held on Thursday next,' when libera in p opo on. Big Mills, Seaforth.* T. 0. KHkr, the M est In ies. b Was a man of' 7 it UDGES.- ?tliek,. and well repay them- for d. -
stock anl �t ei ef,
I Winth-rop. - Heavy Horses,- James atten Nevin's "' Gener,11 Wolseley.?
-1 be ot ed, f- r competition, of Man
ffer o we were eleven 4
good a )fli y11 xterisive kn6'wIedge, 'and -TiF
'ze 5 wil Goderich Charles GKanger,. Ing, and in tliis� th(ywere not mistaken Bulls-agedi with pedigree---4rst
F Bai ley,
'10 ven, in 'di position and are social p rORIA -The egular adeaur -stodl
th i notice is -i our adverfisin EN WAIN7TED. -Sik good energetic his, Lye lial 'di CLUB.
McKillop.:i 1 -%v of aninials in all the differ- Russell- --second,Allison-third,'
Hullett; James itchesow as the sho Thomas
Meeting of e McKil ant
n con- men can get employment and make�ood St. Paul
cotulins, SluAlartifitirs h4vebee' lop Reform Club,
qualirti -s ina e�him -a OA agre6itb16. will be held in th.6 Tempdrance Hall, on Light Horses, -Thomas HaP, Brussels..' ent classes wa splendid, both in point JohnHeywood. Two year -old -s -fast m06
ducted ver sticoessfully for years in APP'Y tthisOffice. 9 not
y compa,, �ion. Qu several, occasion the oseph Atkinson, Tuckersmith; Thos
Listowel Quellph and other towns an, d ening next at the usual the Of nuiliberi and ex. ellence of breed, and Thomas Horton-f7second Thomas Cook.
'RTEPS.—) elty 8 ar s seen, -mein ers E. Hayes McKillop.- any of the eer farmers pres � t One year olds -first Thomas R
have e.
proven of immense bellefit' to'boh LOC-tL e readers of ;T" ExpoisiiroR. have' had hour.. A Id rge attei i&4 ussell est time- we. �madew
opport6nities o perusm X his lite4ary b1cLaren;- to sa -that it 'was many a S
is deisired. BULLS. -Alex. Hibbert; were heaed. econA W. J. Oke -t . W. H. G,
his i to Chicago, 01XV1
ngs we
iselliels and- buyers. The fair will bring Gil s �reets., but it -,7 i. pretty hard pr;dudtion JoIll Cut ii-ning, Hullett; JosephAtkin*- ylear since they ha seen a better collee-
the sellen� and- buyers f6�aetlier, and by scra tchitig.-Mr. John ons has ,the Ztl
alivaysrac it i�terest Th e s 61, Mr. Editor
r Les
9 son, Tuckerstnith. tion of horses . . . . . . cattle. The exhibit- -The annua al., show under the
on between t he -latt Con- Iract fo placing a new ' late glass eid' 9
writteii by ELL. 'shown by our local auspices'ofthe your paper
creating dompetiti of letters fro Missoul -i,
t Huron Agriculura
I Mr?C# hinery as --9, , . -
Will secure for the former better prices, Mr.; obt.Jamieson.: -him.. not long i%o, which we published HEAkD �RoN.-31r. lJohn Har A. J.
fror. t in the store of. Mr.; of Mac
n—:Pfu ha, in Brus -on Thurs.,
Vey, I he a- lual spriig show, held in Mit- agents, Messrs. W.'B. McLean, R. W. Sol ciety was he selS front
ile at the sme time, it will save the -he fa I wheat is said to- be enierging a short time ago, arrived B-oulid. Ontario.
wh were read i �he greatest interest by who,lefth.ere che I on Friday. of last- w6ek, surprised Fulton 1. Boworinan, and. others from day, the 16th!init. a
dealers the time -and expense at present.; from its winter covering lookin fre The day was Pleas-
ily. , Mi
many. � H 1 68 behindla large fam -in dland ity on the - third day after- man p
e a
'The fitemen will �'clear
in travelling throu gh. the con- ad healthy.- M 'Oat of them e'dding f o thems I'ves all who had anything 1-ta do with its a distanq, was both large and complete, ant, Ithoughi t6 roads vre anythin
xacurred leaving Bru.--efield, So far he likes the bis blowing pro
mai tagemelit. an and proved a matter of much interest to butood. There, was an tr- ad hunting up the stock. We hope about from their e4ertttihmet on, Notwitlist ding the
lyipro ided country we 11, and speaks highly of it. vedlik
ght after, pa� and the oth I �e . opinfoitab wrE tched state of 'he roads, an immense the farmers present., As is usual on of people present, and the stock, was the _u a
i*fe y few- I
and dealers Friday-- t ying all ex - n the e r, before IV. 'Harvey 16ft: nut iber o. people -from the surrounding such occasions a number of Cheap Johns be
therefore, that both farmers penses.; 10r, 0 venmg
win give the eilterprisetheircounten -The ood Templars, entertainment st over shown inthisplaCe.
here-� a larye number pf' his friends be�utifu
pon atry J locked into town, and the ex- or
-rag. 7 :T eksmfth., t his - resi��ence to bid hib: wses was nev 'do a flourishing trade with tho, 40_"V-tr sin�e I put fi I
&nee nd encou Xeineitt a;hd thafthey. this eve awg promises- "to be -a very th red' vendors were present, and seemed to class was well representdM ana c
will conspire to make it a success. interes-til affair. -Au 'excellelit'Misi7 of h er better, there se who tion was keen, while in, apy of theni- PRO. Mo. - r. Win. IV. ;icNaughtcn, of farewEll 'and spe d a pleasant. beii e
cal. and liteeary programme
has beet� g no leas- than 26 entries, A finer are ever ready to be -%jetfinized, who inals Could n -
the 7t h conces 'ion of Tu �kers eve ig Wi, h him bffo 'his departure.' or ot be surpassed in Canada. bolunda�y I lookei.
mit - has
hows 'the silecessful
it would be -difficult to in their own im,�ginpd shrewdness ist s
R RF_0.uiRElD. -A -few days prepared and we hope th6 -Good om lot of animals are The following I
NOT LoN -,F p r. m. B rry ooeupleq-the chair m' br r h
a ewe � vitich Av! ew days a ro gave birth Wkaps wle ank
together, and the jud
ago, Nfr. -RI-Iiain Balantyne, %who has- lars- will he favored by a, crowded house. his al., ble man nor, ges experi- going to Shave the Shaver and make competitors
to foul lambs, d, three, of' which laud an excel; canie thundering
are d gkeat trouble in aw' rding prizes, haste.to b rich. Sucl
-The R1 1 eagerness, how- HoAsEs'. Heavy Draught -v rorai m ig of speeche A, D. McDonad is attendo I ont p1broor e, 113isti Wy for it
as. r citationc musiQ; &c.,. -was of ten attended -1 st, J. Me,kilialf.,
inc� the Synod me4ing at Hamilton his di PMfer;" 2nd, T.
ever since the Croats Act came into
been. License Inspector for South Huron Still Ii in 'and 'ing well Two lambs -co especially in the haavy draught class of ever, to become rich is
at a bi a common occurrence and rea in 1wight spring -1-1
f received notice from the Govern- n present se(
orce Quiherb to Molt al orted entires. The bulls, although w ment and loss of 'aIcLaughlin, i'Rankin Boy-" 3rd E. ng
weei)and will go fr - gone tFiroug, with, da )M_ in ith disappoint money, birds singi
that on, ac 'tend a meeti�ag of the Hoi a' ��e so etinies �Ar Of thr( b year 9 perwr kind, were rath t
en. count of the to at e (t --enjoy emselves n �st heartily. `tDuke of. Argyle." U nder�. b. By blk oln very Su
ventur Ito saly e olde4 inhabitDjnt,' ed to 'h inef grely . own er and those who take. up their posi ion on Henry, and this'
on pommittl sh c uly some seven being an. ommence near an enclosed' sho*' tbree'iears-7 entries,-lk, John, Me -
Scott Act coming, -into force in this I Missi of which he is a. Al -arch) -hen yo
has n 'often W`ore heard. offour. w
onthegroanid. Below we g�ve the prize ground� at which the admittan
P Dr. Gre of Toroni o, ce, is 10 Millan "Knockdon King-" 211d, E. 0atario, were V
99 TorS3 the, Harloc
con . h services as Inspect ' or wi.1 be memb ar. ,
AF TEAM. -Mr.- Wex.
will pre�ch in the Presbyterian chuibh- list:
d the first of May N I I cents, and thereby manage to see what, Henry, "Gallai Lad;" 3rd, Goor weather. Duriae
p nsed with after ofthe conce mion o al*ay4 has S o . & � V_ - ,
evening.- q11O L REPORT. -Th follo g re"- HORSES, -Best I eavy draugb is going! on
next. I AVe. presame the 'oth r. Inspec- next 'St -day -morning and , import- without anoutlay 6f cash, Armstrong, Honest Jbnmj*Le. Ca=- ril, there
Captain Ludgarte�, Diribional. 00 u nding e ils of ed,--�8 ertries,-Ist Colilft- ;set sucl� as are victimized by. Cheap
d h esan whoisus alyireadyto shows the sta in Ap
tora i ii the county have '4eon similarl part
y Officer of than Draug4t.-ist t sown in this town
),V where sees the:re senior department of )ow Johns worthy example of economy if I er three -3 entri -i
James Tai, Scot
de h I school houp, Po rter &
serve d. This shos, th io tb e Savation Army, will ad. the Army anyth to b a n, a some wheat
Oitt' s I or ls:�v ov
at the UY is the
e k as j or and yet-`� Und this
ist now oAe. Of for the mont� of -M
yolden vr,
S r ce
ing �� the Act tothe Dominion Author- Sunday 'evening next, -The repo -he bar ome pai 8 of drivers in: the _Ist_1.AnnaKnox; 2nd, oseph Stevens I C014ullou I. ew -y drailght gur first show was a great -success, and 2nd, T. Calder Prince of Wales 3r4s
nd ommander Thos. not of honor. One thing is certain that I st, D. Prin 1 of NNTales nGovernment. intend to leave the -enforce- meetings! in this town on Saturday a INS' arch Se *or 'Fourth same firiy ; 3rd, I C
rt in,
imported, liies, alid. halffir,
ities., During hisi qfficial -career Mr. som, e of the daily paers, tha t�� man i county, They are both Sorrel Clduds., 3rdy AlbortMeGreqr; h, Davi Tor- bh' eE rs and under' -six entries pinc creit Riel to blow the
ree y
I . the officers and P. McDonald "
ames & manner III, en acrei this,S)
one tw and th other th -ee, 'and'. ;hey race. Junior Fbur -Ist, J
I Bath lityne, has. provda himself a in, ost named Goanlock, killed by the Indians, Ist,, " Norman MbLeod John Bu 4irectors for the 'efficient foity
are so enly i aiched that a stra iger Reid; 3r, Henry Co.; 2nd "Gorden," same firm.; 3rd which they perf Mod their duties. The, �1 Purpose Ist, M. Shine, -Highlana tiful, rich look'
faih�ulpublic sexiant wbo conscienti- a 'Fr' Lake, belonged, to Seaforth - -2nd,.Bella Wilso ;
09 .0 is or Int
could a , e.. ell Chief.;" 2nd R. Browu, 11 Young Coo
them , apart. They c e orn nee. Third- Laird 0 `11�cgie ll�ills, " George Skinner. ollowing is the prize list: test." that
ouly perf6rined his duty without fear incorrect, The unfortunate I;ian 1has no Bestl; 4th, Blan h
are -a s s en ravellel. - He Ag Under three, -3, entries,-Ist' Conclusion
he rel ell innie Knox - 3) ,
favor' -while at the same time atives here * bat belonged to Park- d, _. /fary F1'aiinety; Ag ion] tu ral or ge eral purpose stallions HORUS.-Best draWoht ung e in
mael, having urchased' Ot stallio� im- B. O'Hara Yo W Ili so - far. 'Thz
a' Ja nes Rapion. red, nd retained the c9afidence and ale, neWr Toront6.-The Queen's hotel Young ord Haddo Jame ported Ist James rt
seen, �&n
t b S au g n rprise
horses dil Cbient ies. If ey on, Hibbert, D. McL blan 11-Youn i& to space." I remain este of Tic lain Watt; 2nd- a
1, Intil a
este ense holders. A better man omnibus d the team of horses belong' I tic R
le Y, lung Haddo," P. F. Prine. Arthur; - 2nd, Sturgeon-- & A. CA�ter, "Tinto. t6ad
a position. CO ing. to' ere PUT ar couple of ea el arpentei 3 1 Yo Me . Hay, " Publi 0
f 06 r uld not be got and we it led b� Mr. A. M. ca e rS Bel C rd, '! R $mi pinion -
es r 0 ung Haddo, 91
oldep Sandy' will Make -a pire o, 3rd and carriage -3 entries -Ist, A_ 11)4�_
i that should the License Act Poll Of G 'd A.'TAYLOR is taki e lead with hid Barry. Percherons,-1 entry,-Ist, eter 'McTavish, North �getty, " Sir Tatten ;" 2nd, A..Goven �-Th Rev. 1U.
9 ti�ucefield,
Are W, re Y) 0 ericb, the other day -for them. 1. Th e both sorrels. di4cotint sales and mamm th s ck of We N apoleon :
come into, force in this county again, _$175. T his'is lesi than..half their value'. w Goods -Wholiban & tar. " Three year old draught Stan lock hail an, Unanimou,
31 " Tole h -Bo
of ev6ry descri ion. A ew t ilore'sses ivant grap _y 3rd R. Langt
Mr.13 aflan-tyne's claims will not be over- -A meer �ing 'of the patrons- of --the Sea-, ;ed, He vy dr tug thomAs Berry, Hensall, Black " Wildare." Under three -W. Swal-, `Pngreg'
E vussels A. TAYLOR, lits, two . years 'old, -92 en!. Ist$
Be rave. I:P� tall and
Farri er,' Dou Alexander Thompson,- 'low, llpilo�.,, ti
looked, should he be will -ling to under-' forth creamery will be held, il the. town tri -glas Farrow - Diamona 2nd
PR-ry AT9, F -b bs. -w-F. 8'. Scott has an. will re- 2nd C; Lstle Da iglas JaMm Chatham shortly.
ta s old Position. hal OC T -Alex Stewart-
ke h, 1 on F iday next, the� 24th in
St., for
y; aeive a lice' anies Watt d, "Earl Murray;" -3rd, John 'BULLS -Aged Dwrlianis -18t ,
the purpose of making larran-gemEints for anlount f privat ',unds to loan On farm pro- to Bell 6piiituous liquors Heavy dr i4ght, tl tree years and under, McGreg6r, Kippin,
e t. perannu In, co
Tim F=Amxs' BSTETLTAR41%TFNT.--As the coming So Verty, at 6 Per.c terest payable 9 with the rfiles of the new Rantia. U 2nd, Jo, bu
by nf Johnny. " Simpson's " Dominin Pri ce,
Aon;s ciinipaign.-m4t has, yearly. - Pri
wer. Commander," John Canadian draught stallions,-Ist from the -gin
n t suit bor�, act.- Alex. Hislop's " Royal Prince. " Two year.
we expected they -would dot our citizens 16een awertained .from- 1 the, railviayi 1)anc4a and Umily are going -Grey; 2n KinD� of the West," Robt. ossenberry, Zurich by.2) olds,-Ist vb
P I it Jof ich Mr. Hif
A. 111. 8 e CheAp Dry Good� to move to Varna where he has purchaEr- Red Duke;
respe'aded most Cordially to the call authorities that Mr.'John Vaux, whoise��:inan has ope 3 d� "General
R. Brown's
in Dames, 'John Lynch, ree y.ear Old agricultural stallions 1,,,, considering
D-nid a re in Crall rook ed property and will. work at 'his trade son r r 01. 2nd, A. Fors, yth's Sir Richard; 3rdy
n1adoupont1wilt, by the Fire Brigade. death we announced' last -wedk, Was building, Ovei A
000 wort of new Goods' as a blacksinith and will -9 cultu eneral purpose, two st, Ni0iolas Hor in ank- J. Hisi E 'I Grey." Ayrshire, -
b 66 cen h the dol e sold at
The entertainment in their interest and found oi -track, hav g: al ar
ton's Yoj g B
I the railway ar will b also conduct yeii, sorim 'I 2hil Leonard ;_�Two young;r
on 'it Huiiter Prince of Is, J. Knechters,
p de 6ntries�-Ist "Young P
e glad the. hearts Donald.
under their auspices on Friday night fallen off the triin Aome hours previou 0 ri sth, wilismanti!syandina; auction 4leo, having i county license. -
f tie b ers This, is the day A cheap e," Nerrit Mt)orey; 2nd, (4 Young 11ron.4"Geeral purpose stallions �-_i b JUDGES. -Horses -A. Gar degoods in
w. as largely attiii4ed, the hall being ly It isl, supposed1e, wag passing from Cranbro k. 904-2 Miss Spe0d has rented the ha11, fr r diner
1 e of IQ. cotland John Kemp. Agri� G'eorge Moir, -Hay. Carriage Sialli s) lungs. llley
to anothet is contin, g the priva Robert,
filled, and we ae sure that ihose pres- on Taylor an . on . Killop; S. Black, Turnberry Harold U. e car iluting the datknes� Ae ;uI ural o Ist John awl
Auako-_v SALE. -R. N, Tuck, of r genera purpose,.three years, Beacom; " Tontine. -Sly Ford, Newry. Bulls
ea m -ei e well repaid for their trouble in and m aking a mis-step fell between the th6 school, which has beeii So successfully,,� -3 � en t es, -Is 2nd .--Chas. Proctor
Queen'shbtel;and. who Young Pride of dcGTegor & McIntosh "Fulton." Three j1V only four the I ast 1). 1 1 1
its on May taught du year by Mrs, Scotl Belgrave A, Miller, Wroxeter R
) F.l� W rdell- 2nd "Young rear I ol Carr
is ping el I - beL
to d.* o e stock, fur ev
of auctioneer's lice" in, Kippen,
by this time 1, -A 's i' i'I'laylor has taken out an tellingto n, B air Harrow 3rd;
entertainment afford- cars. -There was cou�iderable wheat Ist onsecount of the Se ct, and iage stallions, -John Me- out,for an
11 Lore harm, ess amusement was. never Sown ast year. oG al �,cKee, McKillop. given in Seaforth. - The entertailim ent re, etc., on eneral Wolseley. in aid.- 6f the funds of --,St. Thomas .. I nsef(r tbe.township of. ci 8th b Jar. as a c-
Satur April I Haddop John Campbell.' adste� stallions,' Ist, Joseph Carter MalibeSt h
sa of; Blueva iYoung
was i a the nature of, a fn1L drdss negro ; Church Ic auction. Wawanosh.-L-Mr. le - has Rbadster w ca!rriaze,-Lentry
hQuId at�e�n er.
Nlvill be given by Mrs. T. 0. 1 part* 9 wi h ),rgaiiy Gen- eaforth, Kentucky. Star;',) 2nd it6re alid
$ een -engag e
m-inal rel, performance, and. was patici- Keni� atler'residence,' oil Wednesday7 d as ell es -�iiaker for the era "iWolaT1,6y jqh� McNevi�. DEATH
Fleming only daughter, plave lie di
as be sc) witho"keserve. o's.Berry,Hensall, 11 Rysdick Which
patea in b number of the youi nft�en eveilia�� the 29th;.-inst. B Igrave tory" thi, i sei amb
Y__ i. e F le
9 when an inter y . %son. -The bed- BULLs. Best Burham died ca
BRiE Dunford and a bullj_ aged, -3
his in mccas onian. Of Mr. Cullis,,of this place illiless.
of thi town -under the leadership of -Mr. 4sting i�iisical and iterary prograibille, * . 1 1. ., e s boafr( in I -cau entries -.Sti Goo. Gil Tuesday the 7th . instant. Her funeral
Metiean, left f;use T. E. oslin. In the first part of the. will sister-in-law, is� I ght 1, Fullarton.'- 2nd B17LL Aged Shorthorn bulls
Ist, Sermon will
s fire h ark whi �h I fic in"a p e
be P6vided. A41 are cordially ixr- 1) for� rom a. Goo. Rocl, Hibbe: -t. Beat Durham bull be preachd on $und-a a)jAJ ttamblil
41.1 akota last wa"k. Harry put aZl Iiiefi, Hay, Lord E'
enterAinnienit the perform ers, Some vited i a in. hisi 'ip
to be present. -While working while smOkil, after i inn0r. They xeter." n ne
calved siico 1883,-J2 entries� in the Methodist
sulnme�s there an& winters liere,.but' ill gone t6� or wh -Ist we year &urch. on our
on with straw cutter. the other- - day,:Mr. we think h st I _ I Win. t
had t
-tivew y -four in number, were� seated e- i thel fire old Shorthorns.-Ist
Michael 'Riel I 1 01 ng
-was dis i . F CA )I _ b the Doctor Cullis Of Michi- wbatelverl'.
lave found asi wlint�erl A few 'nfen gathered and Pridh John Young Red Rover; a, raisi-,d platforrii in the'forin of a', pyra- George mithers got the tops taken Off e e covered. F latoon 2nd, Flay, W'el a ro Jo n'
akota one. -A. Hatilion,! al+ Fill u nd bucillis,of to s;�h 4-7
anyl lDurham bull d, ga Buffailo attended,'
calf, "King her funeral.
mid, an(I presented. a Very unique Etild two of th fingers of lils'left hand, 0 smothered eGr
'whi h flameg in time to save the L-2 entrieg,_Ist, T'
'lie choruses were -will i on 61 r. . a -Gi Fullarton; ear old Shor' fle-eced.of L,
ton, of Pompeii, Michi-; building ill
xtrikiag, appearance. T I I , H.
licapacitate him for work for some � J . - wh li, is' also Occ4pied by F.W. -2nd, Goo. Rock thoril 'D TIMES IN THE STATES.—John
gan, foinidily e. 4her of t
well Sung and of the �Iostl pleasing na- --MEissrs. McBride & Smith of the &is place, is gloom ibbert. eith, Ha If AR the blacklegs MAL'
Webster.:_ i Vas. gast over. our Y$ "Albion 2nd, McDowell writing to friends in C
here o visn among friends. -James V BRU(IEFIELD. h toro,)) orne S20or 8.3
a Mr.. Win. olb
ture, while the jokes. w&e liew and P d 'Mill h ve lea ed the farm 'illage on aturday eve ). ay, L,;rd cc Kin
ing by the The anu
Hugh Grieve on, the Ist oonce'ssion of' Turnb I has i A ell a situatioli in Wing - ual spring show und and
I from Pittston$ Pensylvania, speaks of
origir. there being several good local sudden d er EXETElt.
hai. at1his trade Jim is�a good work- was o i6f Mrs. Win. McCrea who auspices ol- ron Agricul- very hard times there The Coal' Mines also reaped, a
-near Seaforth, for a; ''term' 6f mail. Iftly ill r a few d4s. She was The annual spring show 0
hitsi a -fid at the same time there was McKillop, i6a, . - the South H11'
_Thenew arfield iniliniiery rooms S�Ciitywas ield at B on-working'balf -time at the harks did thc
per s oneof
jec- --jears for $400 annurm It h on M)nday. afternoon in the. Me- ultural Society was
nothWofflensi�.eorin the least- ob; -The new bur turil ruce&la on f the Stephen: laving be'
alud. U'sborne- Agric
tionable. Mr- aie to be opene: I -on Th Tuesday last' most allsinter andsollietime serves the best farms in the county. - -y. t Exeter yesterday, Thurs
Joslin certainly de - -On Th rsday, Friday h attendaue N' Ot
-rea e of visi- be,14 ai S s
C tceme htdown 9
They in- and 84tu to The FuneralWaslarge- tors was in )t s lar 7 day.
rday Df - this 'week. _R6;,rs,. 1 0 ,e.as at some altogether. The malkiafact-ories axe at a ug e ay w
a sho
the j.reatest credit for the tact he dis- tend into stock feed- RO y attend 'former I here was a I crowd of people pres- stand sti.
e airrancrem i &an Is aste n s and Messrs. Strachan Id �nd 0tol
s dtd Jo veLy ws, h I wh der _k, although 1113RIE
t ing. �e farni will be under , the and co t el L, We' Consi the, ent, , but , the ow of stoc license' no one
hl n -4t Hamilton this wretched itatEof ;he roads this isnot' embracing 'PS-1tev. S-hii Gray of Clinton, Juland their-, auth
the selections, as well as for the man- M�pLac are Me ea nd
anagement of P family hive the deepest sympath
M Mr. adeliffe, who.in-
er Una
moving on to it at once. -Mr. D. oIe':neighboiho:)d in their In appointment here
ner fil which he instnicted his pu.�pfls; tends- weqk tten gSyneA.-T. O'Nei y of' to be won I ed itt o , Many go animals, was not failed to fill his
1, of the wh Other respecti so large as n for. , ears, The follow- Sunday last o er
the! Ce sa be- the show, Vas ful
WhO Must have been apt indeed,�dlse D. Wilsoi i's ieamsters who' tral h has added quite I an ,;,ould thse'
are gath6r!ng. reaverlient she was a lovin 1Y up to former years. mg�ill�e-*the success Wing to the state -of the
theY would'not have 'become so pro- egggs in tt country E�re all stil I.Mpro ent to his hotel tabling, V nl�ther, There wils a magni U competitors: 6f oderich, alowed to prutai
e k d fr-
I u fill and' k
ith�fiuil ficent display of roads. -A. M. - Polley
fa is
fo *b tend. I H 'he 11ope
floient under his tuition. Th ahorus2 the 8160A s.. We ]-to ur 0', Stalls'. J4h S mple, on er d aght,horsea both in the ag -Ist and around buying-,hor that the
e� of. funeral gern-wn will b ed diploma, Colqubou es.- --Allan Davidson
tOW'nSbip' is ery ow
Is 'the pionee 5 0: pr�aQhed i* the an n o 's " Major -I-'
'eY Meth e -year -61d classes, while among Colquhoun & Do' , i cc Ito is AM v I the changeable. weather Al oo not *Ccur 0.2
Odist chuilcli��.by the 2nd,
th Re,,l E. A. the-,t*O car olds a Iso, ver;" is agamst-him..--Ge ing has Ovell�
there was a orge K
splela- 3rd., Brook's soots 'Wha Hae. " i
Three 1 up the liotion of goin, to jr -in
ttetleala 104-
el �f ith
Ite ti -
V1 el e
r t1i
e t g
t h Iii th
,dh d I
th ni