HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-04-17, Page 6• 4 e I • 1 - 3 e • .t; fe. lir _ Ceognmander o th i; Ca • • adian 'Troops. • - c . General. Middleton, the commander f the Canadian troops, now in the Nort west, is the third son of the late Major General Charles Middleton 1of the En - lish army. He was educated . at th Royal Military College, Sandhurst, an . _ obtained his firstcommission as ensi on Decenaber 30th, 1842: He - saw his first active service in New Zealand, Where some of the chiefs who had signed a treaty accepting English protection and sovereignty in 1840 ,had in 1844 broken oat in insurrection and dextro ed an Eng - EA 'ettlement on the south coast. It WdSn 1846 that Ws gener31, then, an . and a arrived on be scene, 1 3 d a short -; time afterward took part in the atteck. upo Wanquin. After the lose of the war iLn 1848 he was sent to I dia, where he se ved during the Lentha rebellion, • It WaS, , however, luring t at critical peno4l r England sEmpire n the east,. the eoy rebellion of 1857 1858, that - - 'General iddleton d stinguish d himself. In the ei peditidn f or the • fa ous relief - of Luckikow he servh1 as 'bra rly.offteer to General Fianks, 3nd took e art in the action at Sathorpor , and 1'. the many engagements which • ccurred wring the advance During t at we of hard fighting whichpi ee ded the! captin.e of the city, General 3 iddletoili who had become- an aide -de camp D General .,Lugard, distinguishe hims a for brav- ery, where all were brave, « o d fpr his • gallant cancluetat th stor g of Bank's . house and the M ntinier ,1 he was ewarded with the brevet of major. Lueknow was in the poss4sion of the . British on thel 15th af March. but offi- cters were allowedelit le restj, hid on the 15th of the nextmoth, Ap ril the Gen- . era, then captain d astffjofficerto Sir Edward. _Lugerde, A ok a le4ding part in one skirmish with hetrebels at Agem- ghur, where for the ersonalbravery he displayed, and for hi heroi conduct in risking his own life to save t ose of com- radei he was teeomo ended 1 by General Lugard to Lord Cly e for •lie. Victoria Gross. The story of his heroism is as foilowe : Captain Mi dleton was corn - I mended by General L gard to 1ke com- rattaid of a troop of t e mthtarr train in "in attack upon a large force of tjhe rebels. • In a desperate char e, m wFhic3u the Third Sikh Gavalryto k part, Leutenant Hamilton, of, the troop; fell from his horse: Some Sepoy r els rush to cut him to piec-e when , Middleton and anot er offic Murphy rushed to th aid of the -wound- ed officer and killing some of his assail-' ante drove off the rest and defended hitt' until he was carried o the field. With- in an hour of that gal ant Tact,%, private named Pasties wasun ) orsed anl wound- ed,1 and Captain Midcli eton ca ne to his aid, and after driving off his a sailants, coolly dismounted t td - pia ing the wounded man on:his own hors brought him intc> caitip. Lor Clyde r fused to recommend- Middlete • for the Victoria Cross on the ground ti at he w s on the personal staff at the ti le. His compan- ion. in this first heroic act, however, re- ceived the cross. G neral Middleton nerved throughout the mutiny, and was many times specially 1 entione4 in home despateRes. In 1861, General Middle- ton came to Canada as majo of the twenty-ninth regimen , sent but , here - during the Trent a.ffai . The tatien of , the -corps was at :ilton, b t Major. Middleton spent a gre t deal of is spare time in Montreal wh re be h d many friends. While in 0 nava he married Miss Doucet, a membe - of a we 1 known family of Montreal. fter - se ving for • ten years on the staff o Geller 1 W;rnd- ham, he left Canada o e the Wi hdrawal of the British troops. •e then r ceived the appointment of co i manda v of the Boya.1 Militaty. Colleg , where •e had studied. In Novemb r last, ust in time to prevent his i etiremeit under the new rules from a tive se ce, he was appeinted to the omman4l of the militia. of Canada on sr tiremen of Gen. Luard. lUndei. an Olffi et so b lye and distinguished our Can dian v41 teers .should be proud to ; s re, andj ay be confident of • victory. . • . • 1 11. • ! ' • .d at him .Captain r 1 nemed 0 1 s 1 'Mabel • e. • CaUNCIL PROCEEDIN s.—At to last meeting of this council, it lwas ved by R. Gardiner, seconded by H. 1 orney, that Wm. Milne of Et el be • id the stun of $155.04 far one ariload . cedar plank 'delivered at Dxeltei.— 1 arried. Moved hy R. Gardiner, seconcle .by J. Halls, that the list of patlimap ers as now apiiointed be confi med by by -la -w and that the clerk pl.-pare- the path - master& schedules' for distrib -- a tion. Carried!. Moved by Ja . Halls, second- ed by IH. Harney, th t whereas:Mr. James !Gardiner has ., ppliecl to this eeuncihto have the wes half of lot 20 South Thames road talc n from. School Section No. 3 and at chedto School Seetion No. 2. It was t erefore esolved to instruct the clerk to- otify t4ue trus- tees of the several School Sectio is to be affected thereby, of si ch appIrcation ; that, the °council at its n ct meet g will take the necessary steps req an ejI by law to effect said change.— arried. Moved by R. Gardiner, second d by J1 Halls, that Thomas Wilson be •aid the sum of $8 to provide provisions and oth r Deces- _ earies for Joseph He •*ft and wife.— Carried. Moved by H. Homey, second- ed by R. Gardinere that $150 be the appropriation to each ward for the current year for gradin and gravellhig ; and that each councillo be a °amis. sioner in his own war for -ex ending the same.—Carried. n moti n the meeting adjourned till e turday the 2nd May at 11 o'clock a. m.. Scared into 0_ • A SCCCESSEUI, RUT DANGI JOKE. • Seated a.rau6d• the fir House office, Tuesday e their after -supper -cigar dozen delegates to •th Grand Eucampment. whom they.nll seemed mentioned, when a stor was the hero, was sugg the party. "There we said, including John— one eveuing„ and we d billia.rd-ropm of the hot -us engaged in a game. clrinkieg rather freely, sat clown he iva,e. fast as] boys suggested, after the game and it was tin that seetplaya joke o loodylad left except oil landlord readily gave hi gas was turned off and t dark as pitch. One of and knocked them to walked around the tali the shots, as if the ga. 0 brie . ROU8 PR kCTICAL in the ntisdal making , were half a Odd iellows' he nami of one, to kno v, was , of w rich he sted to one of e four D US," he , out gether opped to the 1, where two of John h d been nd soon ft& he ep. 0 ea& the e had,jinished e to go .,home, John. Every - party, and. the consent. The e room was as s took two ball (tether, and we talking about AO was in pro - 1 0 green!: Presently -cone of us/as if by :ac- cident, stumbled 'against John aiid woke him up. He roused himself long enough to hear the click of the balls and call out, " Let's go home." He was told that we would as soon as we finished the game, and the balls were) again clicked togethe.r. This programme was repeat - at freq ent intervals, until John f was quite awake, He apparently realized that a ame of billiards' was in progrep, but was confused and then alarm , bp cause hie couldn't see. But one of' the boys s ook him -and carelessly told him to wake -up and -open his eyes again, and assured him that the game was near the end, anrl so soon as. it:was finished we wauld all go home. B It I tell you 1 ain blind," he ex- claime . '1 can't see . a thing in this room.!' . .1' "Wethen affected same hjterest in his case, and one of us put hi hand on his °heel: with the remark, in a tone. of great anxiety, 'Why, boys, he's c, ld l' Then another felt his pulse, ' Why, good Heavens, t he's paralyzed !' " This Vas more than John could st nd, and he sprang to his feet fairly t ma Ming with terror, and almost ye led; "Boys, 'm ruined ; for the Lord's sake, send •for my wife !" Then the gas was lighted, and you ought to have seen that man ! f ever a fellow was suddenly seared sober he was the one. Ifehvas Se thorc4i,g1 ly reformed by the fright that today -11 you point a corkscrew at ." he Will .—Detroit Journal. ! 1- . . • Raising the Dust. The b oom has long -been dubbed woman's1 weapon, and certainly this innocentlopking article of household use, when pressedainto service by e strong, e ergetic sweeper, is exceedingly efficeeneuis in driving. from the fireside both fri nd and foe. Eyes, thr at, Wags in ain protest against the " qnin-. tessence ;f an st ;" thoroughness is every- thing: raviolis patents, more (tr I less successfu , have been taken out on " carpet sweepers," but the old-fash- ioned, ' dispensable holds its ewe against a changes and improvements. In purch singe this necessary article:pf discomfo t, 'there should • be, ' careful selection you desire the best! Cheese green stn , and •see that the handle is not shak The stalk of the corn Sh(Mld not go below the sewing, as it is brittle and liable to break off: In sweeping, handle the broom lightly and: skilfully, the handle inclining forward, that. the dust may thus be partially prevented from raising into the air, end ep carried „along •by a gentle, continuous Motion toward. -the place where it is to be gath- ered ata It requires some science and conohon ense combined- to use a brooin properly. , Don'tlean on thb handle unless yoi1i' wish to curl and bencl the edges, and' aid the broom in 're idly aD- quirihg - ' a dilapidated appearance. Sweep on each side alternately; and wet before usng to restore its fiexibility. Beacons s • mild each have a nail of • their Wit wher on in their leisure 1 moments he May be. suSpendecl at a saf,e distance rom 'the ire. If immersed i 1 boiling uds one- aiweek the brush 'ill become very tough, will not cut the c pet, and will last much longer and alwatrs . sweep like a new broom. ' 1 • 1, The Wig Maker's Roman e. A Washington wig maker tells the following story : " There was a fashion- able .-wedding in this city not long ago„ where a beautiful young girl Married an old Man :and did not know it. And whatis More, she lives -with ;him now and Lias not found him out. The groom was a handsome man, and was looked _Upon as a young man in society, in which he figured quite prominently. He had a youthful face, was1 quick and erect, and by coloring his Their, which was snow-white, he easily. Passed' with the youngest. With" his affable manner and gallantry he won the heart of the young girl he married, from a number of otherieuitoes'manyof them young and hi andtome. The grl was very young and a belle. "Just before the sved.cling topl it place, the man came here and had hislown hair cut off and a wig made. , Dying his hair had Worked very well while _he was courting but when it came to- getting married he knew he could not use dye without his wife . finding. it .out, so he adopted a wig to get out of thediffi- culty, The idea of his young wife 'find- ing out that he was an old man nearly set him wild, and when he • had getten ell 4ettled 'tinder his wig he ;was! the . happiest man I ever saw. On his wed- ding day he was as frisky as a boy, and no :one suspected his secret. This hap'- pened some months ago, and the bride has not yet found out that he is a,n old man and wears a wig, and she will pro- bebly,never find out until old age asserts itself so strongly that it can. 110 longer be concealed. They live in the city now, and the secret is known probably - to none save the groom and his air - dresser." • —the Goderieh Signal of last Week says : John McBride,. propriety of! the Albion hotel, Goderich, left on Wednes- day, the 25th of March, for Some point • West or South, and not having returned by Wednesday last, a writ of ch - meet was issued by the. Sheriff on Ithe hotel furniture, etc., at. the in.stanc� of A. M. Polley. The liabilities ofthe estate are reported to be about $1, 00, and the assets are said to be consider- ably more than that ailment. The heaviest creditors are A. M. Polley and John Mosely. The estate is now in the hands of the Sheriff, and the busines4 is going an as usual, and will be kept going until permanent successor is procered., The hotel for the past year had been ire- - garcied as the best in town, and Mr. McBride was looked upon as a _model landlord :by all save the burnt:tier ele- ment. iThe business will still be con- tinued, and the usual excellent accom- modation is offered to travellers.. - The late lessee is said to he in Detroit. 1, • 1 Puny, Sickly. Fretful Children, are very trying to theitatience of all who have the'eare of them, and in -the majority of cases the fretfuhiess arises lrom a weak and emaciated condition of the body, caused by the drain on the constitution during the period: of teething, or the rapid growth of childhood. In. sucheases give Robinson's Phosphorized Emul- Sion according to directions, or the advice of your physician. S95.52t2w. ' 4s - Freeman's Worm Powders destroy and remove' worms without injury to adult or infant. 85 52m. • --gat • • • Obstrtictions of the stomach, -Liver and bowels are prcimptly removed by National Pills. 857. • 4b410 Sure to ConqUer. - The most troublesome cough is sure to yield if timely treated with Hagyard's i?ectoral talsan,. easant to take and safe for young or old. 8;17. .2w. • THE.._ -.BIG MILLS, 4. • ..03EAFORTFL The above Mills have now been thoroughly • bulit upon the .complete • HONDO AN ROLLER PROCESS. • The Mill and Storehouse liluildingS have been greatly enlarged,. and new machinery - applied throughout. •\ .. iTHE .LATEST -IMPaOVED ROLLS - •-. —AND-- 1 ' , - . 1 . Flour Diessing lliaohin'es Fro the best Manufacttiring Firms hair+) been I -put n, and everythhicognTec:ry:doed :go eEn71/k her o turn ea flour • • ! 1 • ECO In the Domini° . The facilities for j receiving grain from farm rs and for elevating and shipping have also dean e tensively improved. Grain can now be taken- m termer' wagons, weighed, and loaded into oars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. A lt.i,mFta. FEED STONE CUSTOM 011OPPINq Haseel]; put in, and the necessary machinery for hand ing chop d coarse grains. - ; A good shed h been -erected, so that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. WH EA EXCHANGES • Pro lliSTaCIL 9(1 Cis Chopped sat ROLLER OH 0-F 0 Highest Cash f ptly attended to, and SS ROLLER FLOUR RANrgEo. oretcPED factorily and without delay. FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS,' And all lcinds of PE -D FEED nstantlY en hand. • • .; arket Price Paid in r any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE:. BARRELS •• I • FINE,7,COA SE AND LAND SALT OR, SALE. , " "Only flrste1asx and obliging men will be kept to attend oust mers. The liberal patronge of farmers and gen ral trade respectfully solicited. - A. W. OGILVIE & CO, PROPRIETORS. •3 T. O. • KE •Manager. 14 011/ rjjj NVOIHMAIV Jo he • . • E CENT BE L Tele Is at the CELEB Bcoks • Stationer m ATED BOOK w.• DEALE PeriodiF nts, Cards hone LOpi • 1. D -FANCY 6901)S STORE of pan APST, IN— IS,• Music, .ilusical Instru- of all ports. INVOICES just to 1 and of one of the best Selec ed Stocks AMERIC N and CANA IAN Wall Pa ers for Spring Trade. • ; . • Foot Balls at Very Low Prices. A • O. W. PAPST'S of ENGLISH, Oomeelete Stock to Select from at Fancy Sore • It VALE TINtEs • VAJLENTiNES ! :DON'T FORGET, ST. VALENTINE'S!' DAY is Fast Approachieg—SQ oach to C. PAPST'S Where you can 4,4 one of the Be t Stocks west of Toronto to select treble tgrHea,d4uarters for a1ithe Leading ¶LwsaPers in the World. 0. WI PAPS -T, •Bookel.ter .and MAIN STREET.. SEAFORTH 3!. Si atOnek Huron s'Plotographic Est fish' W. W WADE, SEAT' ent. 1,14i 014$61diees •EXPERIENCE'. — • "Calvert, T=9.9, May 3, UV. "1 wish to express mit appreciation of ehr •-...13table qualities of y310 CherryPectora ••• 1111 it cough remedy. 411411/.16 with ChuchIIrs- army, just bore Vac eattle of Vicksburg, I contracted a se-. vete cold, which terminated in a dangerous noueii. I found no relief till on our march wo came to a country store, where, on asking - for 801110 remedy, was urged to try Aezia's • Cunene PECTOAAL. "1 did so, and was rapidly eared.. Since then• 1 have kept tlisP.r.,CTORLIJcOnstantly by iz.e,:ifir family use, ntl 1 have found it to be tnx invaluao123 ecaualy fir thront and lung AVIIITLEY." ° Thom:ands of testirofnials certify to the p cure of all brunclIial and lung • : 4.1..41 by the um of A TFIt'S !MERRY L. 1;0131g the young- . ea talte it re:1,1;1y. • "1"tr1 TED Olt . - E te'"•*"..,•1 F t rtitniS3 Sold by all- 1:rug-gists. EGMONDVILLE • ROLLER iyinLa • in returning thanks to our numerous friends 1E1and patrons for the very liberal support we Having refitted his. rrns with new am, handsome furniture, uh as chairs, balustrades ind draperies!, also new and cheice winter sceaeries, i ow prepared to turio out Photographs in any style desirel. I am mak'tpg a s et alty of Cab- inets, and 8 l0 Photographs, the 8x10 Photo is considered the pie u e of the day. Any of tho e wishing to make their friends Christmas presents eau find nothing more suitabl work allowe e and elegant. The finest fi.n"sh on all owork guaraiiteed, anti no tOgo out unless thoroughly s tisfactory. • . FRAM S.—I have also on hand a larg which there are some of the choicest Gold -al designs, which I am•offering!at greatly redu days e very like 8x10 frame i complete with • MOUL1iINGS.-14ouldings plain and 'made to order on the shortest notice, and at of the work iespectfully solicited. have received during the Test three years, we • beg to announce that, having during _the past season greatly enlarged our milli and also added to our power and machinery, we are- now better than ever prepared to attend to the wants 'of em customer s proMptly, and with the hese • satisfaction to them. Special attention paid to GRISTING and CHOPPING. and varied stock of Fames, among • d.Ea,sel Franies hi n I , and elegant Farmers can have their Wheat ground or ex - ea prices dming the Itlietinas holie changediwithout delay. . • lass mat and htick from 39° Op.- i rnamental in great var'et . Frames -, inspection Flour Bran and Shorts , lowest prices. A call • N. am enabled by the use of the dry plate to make phptographs as well in dull weather as in the finest. All Photographs made by the instantaneous dry plate process ; also make the gem picture four for , 60c. Rooms all on th gtitound floor. W. W. WADE, Ma n str, Seatorth. MUSI AL IINSTRUM SEAFORTH, Sb0TT BROS, T118 D1 NT EMPORIUM, NTARIO. •••••••• PROPRUFTOR& Read the foliowing testimonial by one of day : "The Upright Pianos of Messrs Dun " endorsemen , as a decided success. They "sympathetic quality, can not be surpassed " and • are equ lly beautiful in their musical " appearance,. --THEODORE ll'HOMAS. This celeb shovitn,' taking Aanong other Hamilton; ments taken at to at once. issr PT-A.1\T t the best Mus iCianS of he present am deserve, as well a 1 emphatic evelop a tone, which in power and y the now existing Upright Pianos, alities as well as in their exterior EXCELSIOR Sited Organ has. always rece rue at the .IN orthern shonei at this. show Wer SToodstock, &c. Call and full value.. Orders fort rst rga» Ms, thei SC as' cert&13::::mall Instruhand ; also a good assortrne ments, swill All kinds- of Instruction Beoks. STAMPIN and Outline Embroideries., RGANS. ved the higi test ewer( wherever lion Exhibition in Oc ober, 1883. W. Bell & CO., Guelp Kilgour, see us before buying. ld instru- fling pianos and orgalls attended TT BROTHERS. 'violins, Guitars, Accordeons, Con - of Piano Covers, Piano Stools, &c. Patterns for Kensington, Crewel NEW MILLING FIRM IN SEAFORTH. THE SEAFORTH Et LLEICt MILLS, LATE THE R D MILL. McBRIDE & SMITH* from. trathXoy, 1 Tie Having bought the above mills, and refitted it Ala and best machinery that could be procured fo •• GRADUAL. REDUOTIO Anid the result attained is, they have one of • 'Farmers can now get all their GRISTING a and have it home with them the smile day, an P. P. Why it is PHOTO WITH A. C ND now tha I:IT? Peoples POpulir PH .PA LORS, ER ATHE t e Holiday Season is :fast a,p, and proaching, and he good peo le of Ilurr Perth doubtless require se thing n at and •artistic in the way o Portraits send a Holi- day Gifts to absent fiends or relatives, and Mr. .C. being fully a the irnportiance of this fact, has made special ex m arrangens nts for the ac; commodation of the Holiday Trade. CALDER'S • for Christmas Pic res, CALDER'S for New Year's Pictures: Fi a Photo of Tasty Design, Excellence of Shade and Finish, Easy and Grace- ful Position, eoup ed with apprbpriate Beek - ground and Accesso -es. Give the P. P. P. .a trial, and then go away smiling with delight and a GOOD PIDTU1RE. AN i REW CALDER, :3 Seott's Block • Seafoith. s. • - a •=1,11•MNI,11 3311.A.1‘,T em tlu.oughan a ' ROLLED the best n d CHOPP* Satisfaction 1\1-13 For sale by the ton or in less quantities --FO Wheat. 1 McBI MR. THOMAS SMITH will :persoinall Mills. CASH. C LIDE superintend !with all the latest Is in %the Province. G done in 'Seaforth, uaranteed. I -101R, S for any quantity of SMITH. the Seaforth Roller THE SEAPORT GR CERY Is the best place to,sp nd you money. HUGH OBB, Main Stet, Seaforth, t e Peop e's Grocer, Has now ache r stock than ever! of. GROC pounds for $1. • tit WOE, Sug rs and Teas a specialty; 20 po 50 Cents. Ila, and Bacon, cured at Fly o Honey extracteld pure from my - own apiary RIES, CROC ds of Sugar packing ho at 16 cents • I RY an4 GLASS - or $1. Good Tea for se, alwaysone hand. per pound, or eight ROBB Seaforth. • Constantly on hand, of a quality equalled by • few and excelled by no mill in the Dominion,- at lowest prices—quality considered. Having also added to the power of our S M I IJ 1_3 WE ARE PREPARED TO DO CUSTOM SAWING At any time—winter or summer. Highest price paid for LOGS delivered at Egmoi-Adville or Brueefield. KYIE & MUSTARD, •EGMONDVILLE. WROXETER MILLS. • Alle)tander L. Gibson Bogs to announce to the public that he has coin. menced to operate the WHO XETER WOOLLEN FACTORY, And that he will be prepared to give good val FULL CLOTHS, TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS, FLANNELS, PLAIDINGS, WINCEYS, And Varieties STOCKING YARNS. Custom Carding. Spinning and Fulling Promptly Attended to. Parties fi•om a distance will, as far as possible, have their ROLLS HOME WITH THEM, and as he has put the Mill into Good Working Order and employs none but Efficient Workmen, All Work is Warranted. REMEMBER THE WROXETER MILLS. • ALE. L. GIBSON, Proprietor. A_ W la W ROYAL - MAIL STEAMSHIPS. A. STRONG, Seaforth, Agent. GREAT REDUCTION IN PASSAGE B,ATES. Cabin rates froni Halifax to Liverpool and Lon- donderry, 850, ses, and 373, aecorcling to position of stateroom. Children under 12 years, half fare; under], free. Servants in Cabin, 350. Inter- netliate, 825; Steerage, 313, From Liverpool or Londonderry to Halifax.: Cabin, $63, 878.75 and 4.50; Intermediate, 335; Steerage, 813. Re- turn Tickets from Halifax to Londonderry or Liverpool and back to Halifax : Cabin, 3100, 3126 and $143; Intermediate, 370; Steerage, 326. Money toaned and Real Estate Bought and Sold as usual. INSURANCE. I represent several of the best insurance Corn parties in the -world. IWOftice—Market Street, Seaforth. 862 •A. STRONG. MARRIAGE LICENSES •ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, ONTARIO. NO WiTNEaSE REOUIRED 1. FrCm now to the 16th of May fieseo the fellOwingi prizes will he given at 0 yNTERS JEWELRY STORE, ' - TO CA .; • Every one purchasing 810 worth of goods can * have their Choice of one dozen photographs from A. Calder's, or one year's subscription t9 Tlls EXPOSITOR Or Sun. rs For e'20 pure!) es, 15 per cent. in imsh, > . . For 880 purchses, 20 per cent. in cash. "or 875 purchases and upwards, 25 per tent; .. in cash. Goods are as ]Ow as ever, and all marked in plain figures. • Buy your goods in the cheapest: market area from a reliable bowie. Personal attention given. t•:• repairing in all branches of the trade, . I, -,- Fine watches a specialty. Established January, 1867 1' .--r--7----• M. R. COUNTER - - , . , • Practical Jeweller, Watch and Clock Maker, Seaforth, Ont. If you wish to sed the latest styles in- Millinery • and Fancy Goods call at the Misses Ball, as have just opened rart a full and complete stock 01 ' everything in our line, Latest novelties and- , grettebargeins i bats, plinnes„ ribbons, laces. - - &o:; -&c. We thank our friends for past favors, - - and would solicit a continuance of the same. -se Our opening will commence on - _ WEDNESDAY April lst - - I .. ... , And continue throughout the _week. - Pleaee, - - cell before purchasing elsewhere. we have ea. gaged a lirst class Dress and Mantle Maker front, - -.- - the city, who we are sure cannot fail to sultan Butter and Eggs taken as cash. R. & M. BALL, Milliners, Dr. Buchanans Block, IiingStreet, Hensall. ' 908-8 Removed I Removed 1 C+ Ct_ -VT-1W O., SEAFORTH, The Old Established Buther has removed to new pre es immediately opposite his Old. Stand, Mairi Stree, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet his old patrons a'zid as many new ones as may s6e fit to favor him with their, patroilage. ggrRemember the place, between Henderson's Harness ShOp and McIntyres Shoe Store, main -Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE EWING. • 1MtiERS, IT Witt. !PAY YCU '1 ALL AT THE-- • - •. • H ROlv RY, --NEAR THE— HliGH SCHOOL, "SEAFORTH, And bee our stock of: - Which have been nr I have greatly linpr seaeou, and feel sat, best in the narket. de pecially for thiscounty.. my Gang Plow for this ed in saying that it is the. Our LAND ROLLERS Are large and heavy, running light and doing good work. Our • 1114 I till Cie LSI-4EIZS Are made from Hall Iron, and mill last longer than any other machine made. Having special tools for recutting Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaction. Speexal attention given to re- pairing Steam Engines, Saw and thist Mills,. Reapers, Mowers, 1Threshing Machines, and all kinds of machinery repaired on short notiee- and at reasonable rates. To Contraqtors and Others. Bridge Bolts and Castings at loWest rates. Quotations fdrnishea on application. ZWAlso Agent Or the Implements of L. D. - Sawyer, Hamilton. 1A full line of • repairs con- stautly on hand• . THOMAS HNDY. FARMERS' 0AKING HOUSE. elz CO., 44 .BANKER4 Si. BROKERS, • SEAPORTS OST., Office—First-Door "MORIN of Commercial Hotel. Notes discounted, and a general banking busi-. ness done. Remittence to and collections maxle in Mani- toba. • Business done through 13ank of Montreal. A limited amount of mOney received on deposit.. Money te lam) on real estate at best rates. • S. C. M'CAUCHSY, WM. -LOCAN. P. S.—S. G. MeCaUghey will attend to Con- veyance in all its bmnehes, lending money on real estate, buying mid selling farms, houses, ke. • SEAFORTH PLANING MILL SAH, COON A _tit.11410 FACTORY rpRE subscriber begs leave to thank his numer- ous customers fOr the liberal patronage ex tended to hini since] commencing business- in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the Saute. Parties intendbig ta build 1N'ould dowellte give him a eall is he will Continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of •DRY PINE LUe IBER, SASHES, tOORS, - • BLIN S & MOULDINGS, SiUNais, LATH, &c. He feels confident of giving satisfaction to ose who may favor nm with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are employed. Pattieular attention paid to CUstom Plnin. 201 JON 11. 13ROADFOOT,- • APRIL: There are least thing wit words and que less bother, that and everyLody ferry to eross y were -going to. Eu • them, you would that they had bee keep the house in morning till night There are othei through the day They bear illness and •atiently. • to learn' or a little • about it quickly a at it till they hav real comfort to be Thep are very about which it is fuss. Please renk pineeir found Julii vexation because had been left out s the school exhibit to perform on tbe' months in the st now the Professor of the honor which give the -place to Julius talked an and I listened and ealm hiun. - Presen rivedeand there wa the first violinist Sidney as the bet:) anee had been elan sometimes haee all by myself watci sparrows. Theyih and Tirra, and "Muth lAdo Ais •morning to eight. ed last summer inueh steadier7,-bet ad their Bones we the sparrow's yelp • There is a, long ee which I know you tell you what it in efficient person is a amounts to someth A yomig friend • is shut into the hm through illuess. her she never frill she e,an not go aboi Ou the eontrau„ sl or a picture to sl when quite well, sl -tue, and plays it last time I paid hei set the s last stitel eister. May is efiii Some people ar mind ale -alit their ei or their dress.e If t of style, they fancy gazes on it in ws does not precisely think of nothing' The troth is that very few of us are, dress, if neat and h much concern. •• You have hear about inen who spe round in a half way with fussy, fid All men and woe elide boys and girls; • to be what they noi beginings. • See What stncelesofsn ookwitutadi because they sign th ly to an inocent-1(1 hands of a wily eountry has not the less signers. A resolved to pr•oe t1 petition to the Lf.1 have the pastor • ehureh hung in th( laid it on his offi visitOrs to sign a Winding op of Oe of those who were a without reading, a eons of the chureh, initelvd bre Aefolargthli • tae T anh4e ns hthe eepishmeniy kin • their names off. 40 off." said the gentle evapl the pastor hit A La,wye ,An eminent Sao had drunk tether f • unexpectedly to pie he had been reta • peaty for whom he livered, to thea lithe had fee'd him his client, an eloq otber okie. tteh,einfjtourresmint eash dbr°iNveflin' bTuilitshivad°11q1ullitehavtell:. • hhilenresuReme-dadhjusiss otintagt ueh, my Lords, this ease which you from my learned br side. 1 -ehall, th Lordships haw utte I principles, and bo faets upon which tmenwt bas round h proceeded heh • Jilted the whole of that he on his ea • The Orii. Croquet player able liking for this abie sir erigin o he ganw; many suppose, of may'be traeed stages to Persia, eighth. century; • I which the Persians handled mallet can nintb century the into the Eastern Mallet changing ite ing in a bread band of gut strings. T on the subject, "tbj ttawalltp'14.3a41Ibeieenni:litr gohirgwb whole -play life of Europe, the ehugan ofthe mallet used endless variety of and bats, while the network, was a! p We find that the in which sticks wer en horSeback, and '• an outgrowth of th foot the latter are t 'the Persian me o has been sal was