HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-04-10, Page 8a at s a s s Ta • s e e so et
Hee en iiabd good varieties et
orted'Spring Wheat,
• At ve
Store, C
- reasonable prices at the Old Butter
derich Street. Seaforth. 902
- A IiuiomE ARROAD.—The gentle-
man r- r erred to in the following para-
graph -hich we take from the Lariat,
published in Bruele Weld coune
redo, will be *membered by
many our readers as 'a former resident
rominent horse breeder of the
sip of Grey. It says: " J. H. ,
a PaP
ty, C
and a
Johns en, the horse tamer, has returned
• fromthe Col. Clopper ranch where he
has been engaged breaking and handling
horses since early .in November . last.
He ha* new returned to attend to his
f -
, purch
Also b 'ought two large five year old
eldin rs to his ranch to break and sell
or Mr . J. Y. Clopper. A proof of Mr.
Johns n's ability in his dangerous pro-
fession displays itself in his numerous
wealthrpatrons to whom he gives s tis-
The' C
new p esbytelian church in this town,
the qu stion has occasionally been asked
US " Who built it ? " We had thought
that nearly every one could have an-
swered this question for themselves, but
as the cannot, we shall answer it for
them. Mr. John Scott, the well-known
. contra top of this place, was the party
under 'hose direction the building. was
put , he takine the whole contract -
and sul letting the brick werk to Mr. A.
MeArt lir. It a -as a retty large under-
taking for a yeung an like Jack, but
it shot s that he ha confidence in his
excellent manner
interests here, and, has brought
im five fine colts to break, being
vhich W. L. -Campbell recently
sed from John .1YeMont. Ile has
ton New Era of laetaveek says:
the opening of • the handsome
I •
own ab lity, and the
in whi h the contract was filled, proves
him to be a first-class -orkman in every
respect" The subje t of this conipli-
mentar notice is a fon of Mr. Alex.
Secytt of this town. - - •
MAT IMONIAL.-A orrespondentfrom
PortFlay, Algoma, sends us the fol-
lowing . "I send you herewith a short
descrip ion of a hasppy event which took
place o the 25th ult., at the residence
of Mr. homes Nott, bf the township of
Tarbut , Algoma, and formerly of Ilul-
lett, in our county. This was no less
an eve t than the marriage of Mr.
IsTott's econd daught r; Mary, to Mr.
John G rvin, of St. Josephs Island and
formeri ef the township of West Wa-
wanosh • The ceremony was performed
by Rev Mr. Ferguson, and at its con-
clusion about fifty i vited guests sat
down t a sumptuous super prepared
for the occasion by sirs. Nott. After -
sapper both young snd old enjoyed
themsel es in their see era wayseto their
hearts' oaetent. Befote, the breaking up
of the company, hoivever, the many
present given sto the bride, by her
nismero s friends were displayed for the
admirat on of all, and the numberand
exent ay he judged when I say that a
large ble Was loaded to its utmost
eapaei ." The numerous friends of
the you g -couple in Huron will unite in
wishing them a pleasant voyage over .
-lifers tu bid sea. .
HOMAS CHUROlf.—The annual
, Easter restry meeting wat held in St.
Thomas church on Monday ;evening,
April 6, at 8 o'clock. There was a fair
attenaa ce. The folloWing gentlemen
were ele ted to fill. the various Offices for
the en g year : Mr. C. -E,--Ste Clair
Simpsra, clergyman's warden Mr Geo
E. Jae a5ofl, peeple s church rwarden.
Messr ohnested, Strong anii. G. E.
Cressse 1 were appointed a finaTLce cove-
mitte , Those duty it will be o assist,
the chu 10h:wardens in all finaueial mat-
tera ielajhng to the church. Meisrs. E.
W. Hag rty and L Langstraith were
appoint d •senier sidemen, encl. Messrs.
W. J. f4artin and -.R. H. Kid, junior
eidesme . Mi 1? Halmested and ,.,Mr.
F. G 1ee1rn were 10 elected as dele-
gates t the Synod. Messrs.! Holme-
sted an Kemp were appointed audi-
tors. cordial --vote of thanks was
given t Mr. Kemp for his :valuable
services s choir leader tiering the past
year. he meeting was adjourned at
10 °We k to meet again on Monday
evening, April 20, for the purpose Of
receivin the finatteial statement for the
past yea . -
Guelph i erald gives the fallowing inter- •
estmg i ographical sketch of the late
Mrs. Mc ague, who died at the resi-
dence o her son-in-law, Mr. James
Murphy of this town. The Herald
Heys f that sturdy little band. of
pioneers who in 1827 took up their
habitati n in the tra,cklesg forest where
this city now stands, few indeed remain,
and not many years will elapse when
none wil be left to tell the story of the
early history of Guelph. The subject
of this notice) Mrs. Char es 'McTague,
Was probably the most widely known of
the first piegseers. She was born in the
County of Derry, Ireland, in 1786, and
thus at the time of her death hadalmost
attained her 100th yeaf. With her late
husband and -other Members of the ,
family, she emigrated to this country in
1827, and tooklep her residence in what
was destined to be the future • -city of
Guelph. or many years the husband
of the deceasec . conducted, au hOtel on
Gordon street. The building has loeg
since fallen into decay; and thevatant
lot opposite the Royal Organ factory is
the only remainino- landmark of the first
tevern in Guelph!. The arly life of
; deceased in this country iv s not one of
ease. She experienced ih no. small
degree the trials. and . hardships which
fell to the lot of the piomier, and her
remarkable energy and indi stry are still
remembered by those who 1 ved here at
that time... After keepin hotel for
rean.y yeam Mr. MeTague retired into
rivate life. In 1852 he ied, leaving
•tus faithful partner to face the difficul-
, ties an,d tribulations of life done. About
twenty years ago Mrs. Mel:ague remov-
ed to St. Catharines, but sl e only lived
there a short thee when she -returned to
Guelph again. In '72 she ent t . Sea-
forth to reside with herson-in-law 111.•
James Murphy, and since then has been
a member of . his household. Of late
years the old, lady has had several
attacks of illness each one of which was
expected to prove fatal. Up to- within
a short time of her dissolution she was.
in full possession of her facnitie,s and.
enjoyed life as thoroughly as if she had
net yet passed thealloted span.' Her
death will; cause ,Much sorrow among
the old residents of thia. vicinity, for
she was a woman possessing noble traits
of Character and during her long,earth)y
career made few enemies .and a great
many friends, O'nt of a family of eight
children only three ;survive, viz. : Mr.
',Tenses MeTague, of Galt; Mrs. Murphy,
0 Seaforth, -and MrsTobin, of this
, city.: She also leaves,behind her a large
number of grandchildren." -
•••• . - ' i
inatian was received I here) on TuesdaY
morning lest that Mr. John Vaux, ,of
this town, while _travelling on the rail-
way, and while at or near Michigan
City, had met with an accident whieh
resulted in his death i From paPers
. , .
found on his person the ievilss-ay authori-
ties ascertained his name..and residence,
and telegraphed here to'proVe his idens
tity.-- The description 'given left no
doubt as to the identity of the person,
.and -accordingly his. friends ,here tele-
graphed back at once to have the corpse'
orwarded, and asking for 'particulars.
The remains arrivedlere on Thursday,
but at the time of writing we have beenunable toelearn the 'Particulareof the
sad deathI it is stied; however, that
he fell ir m the train.' It seems that
1 Mr. Vaux left here on; Tuesday of last,
'week for Weston„ near 'Toronto, to
transact some businese, and . ietended
-returning the fo11owings4i, day. ! He must
have changed his n -i* d, ho'es'as
aftertransactinglis bu iness in Weston
be took -passage for St.' aur, Minnesota.
At any. rate, the next Ithat was heard ,
frem him was a letter t his 'wife,'writ-
ti froSt. Paul, stet' ig that he would.
be Emile last 'j'uesc1a31. Instead of his
return, however, the inelancholy news
above related was received, and it is
.supposed he was on his sverhome when
the accidentwhich terminated his life
occurred, The news - was a terrible -
• shock to his wife and other friends here.
Mr. Vaux had been &resident of Seaforth
for over a year, and was running the old
Foster foondry. This venture n.ot Proa-
ing succeSsful, he was on the lodkout for
another situation, and, it is supposed he -
went to, St. Paul with that object in
view. He was a stout, active man, in
*the prime of life, being 9 years, of age, .
- and was 'a quiet, steady, industrious
person, and a good workman,andiduring
his, shore resideeee here madej many
friends, who sincerely deplore his Untime-
ly end. He leaves a widow and family,
who will receive the Sympathy of all;
The eeenains were intetred in Egmond- .
ville cemetery on Thursday, aid the .
funeral, which was under Masonic aus- .
pices, of whiCh Order 'deceased 'was a
member, Was largely atfended.
HEAVY arrivals of Spring Goods at D.
weisruipees, Prints and Dress Goods in endless
variety. Trilloiing is made a specialty. Over
S1,400 worth of tweeds to select from. A good .
fit g-uaranteed. Highest pilicert paid for butter
and eds. He senses cheap °stile next, and his
stock is first-class. , No need of going a distance
when youcair get afl you want at home. Hie
goodst ndest of all his prioes are
'right. 905
I „r
thoroughly competent and steady 'Veterinary
Surgeon can hear of a first-class opening and a
sure thing by applying to DuscAs & DUNCAN.,
Seaforth. A young man preferred. 905 . •
RE Goon Templars �f this town will
give one of their popular. entertainments on 'Fri-
day- evening; April 17th, in Camino s Hall An
ekcellent programme is beilig prepared. The
low price of admission, 10 cent.% win enable all
to attend. See programmes. 905-2
SPRING GOODS arrived at the Seaforth
Boot and Shoe Store, come at once and get suit-
. •
WH'6LERALE 13:vs-kn.-er1 STOCK. -Boots
and Shoes, estate of John Ga red & o.,,of Tor-
onto and Hamilton. ,These gods are now arriv-
ing- and We hope td get them eady for inspection
by Saturday. The whole sto4k will be sold. at 89
cents on the dollar. Geoiros Geos, Thorne's Old
Stand. 905-1
LocaL BnIens.--Mr. E. Cash has sold •
the cottage on John Street, opposite the
Presbyterien church, at present occupied
by Mr. Jelin Robb, to Mr. Wm. Bailees
tyne for $625. -Mr. X 114: Sipprell, Of
St. Johns, New' Brunswick, was in tqwn
this week. I When he returnsto his East-
ern home he will be accompanied by, '
Mrs. Sipprell and family' is ho have been
living herel for a year and a halfs-lhe
High &hoe' opened after a week's Easter
holidays on Monday and the Public
School on Wednesdays -*--Mr; Robert-
Broa.dfoot, writing from Abilene, Kan-
sas, on March 28th says • Consider. .•
able plowing has been I done and oats
have been Sown." This issomewhat
ahead of Ontario.-Rethernber the en-
tertainment for the benefit of the Fire
Brigade this, evening. Every person '
should go -Mrs Solomon Willis, mo-
ther of our esteemed townsman, Mt.
Robert Willis, died at the •reaidenCeof
her daughter, at Princeton, Oxford
county, on Friday last .I The remains
were brought here for interment on
Saturday. Mrs. Willis was for many
years a respected resident of this county. ,
She had attained the good age of 84
years, and het death was due to natural
decay. -MT. John Henderson has. re- I
moved froi Egmondvirle to the resi-
dence. on J4hi Street which he recently
purchased.= rs. Wm: - Campbell, of
Harpurhey, who has been confined to
the house aed most Of the time to bed
froni. the effects of a gun .shot wound
received ovcr a year ago, is , gradually
recovering nd growing stronger. She -
can now use her limb without pain and.
is able to sit up for -a while leach day.
I he best hepes are now entertained that
she will permanently recever. - The
Rev. Mr. Saltmr, of Clinton who is an
exceedingly promising. young man,
preached in. the Methodist church here
on Sabbathlast. The Rev. Mr. Broley
preached in Clinton. -Messrs. W. J.
Dickson , and John McMann- shippe1
from here on, Wednesday, a- car load of
excellent draught horses to' Lancaster,
Pennsylvania. Mr. ." MclVlassn took
charge of th .6,11.ead.-Mr. J. T. Dickson,
sowed sptinge, wheat °lithe 13th of April
last yearoi He will not do so this year
unless he takes e fancy to test the fer-
t lity of the snoW.-----Missi Widdifield, a
teacher from Brussels ! Public School,
came here last Monday 'With the inten-
tion of visiting the Seaforth schools on
Tuesday). but, unfortunately for her,
that day !had been added to the Easter
holidays, and she We% thus disappointed
in her . anticipated visit. We hope,
however; to see and welcome Miss
Widdifidd 'at some future time. , She
was the guest of Mrs.' Coulter .while ;
here. --1 lee eurlmg mateh' on Good Fri- I
clay between the mere
Comers,- resulted in fajv
chants by a good score--
error-last week in statin
,Ward had shipped a ca
from here- for Alanitob
was made by Mr. John
minion Skating Rink in
closed on Friday last f
successful season, &win
• ticket -holders got ample
money. The rink this
ants and all
of the mer-
-We were in
that Mr. Wm.
load • of horses
The shipment
yle.-:-•-The Do -
this town was
er a long and
which Season
value for their
, ear was u• nder
the management of Mi. John Copp,
who pitovedi himself to • the right man
in the right place, and 1 ft nothing un-
done that would. tend o the comfort
and pleasiire. of his pa •ns; -When re-
turning home from. ti country early
Wednesday morning, I Smith had one
of his ears nipped wit, 0 frost. Not
so bad for the 8th of s IL -Bound to
be in the very centre o e ex,citement,
Mr. Thomas Coventr as leased the
store in Kidd's block, ierly occupied
by Mr. Ewing, and is 1 s mg it fitted up
for hide -Mr. John II , ins is in town
just now, and is ge ling Mr. John
Campbell's fine roads er stallion, Ma-
gician, ° into fit. He ne er looked better
and we predict for him the most Sue-
iessful season he ever had. -Messrs.
Vilso & Young ha,3, had placed in
heir tore windows a pair of the hand-
omes blinds in ton. They were
painte i• by Mr. ja,mes av-es, and as a
1aampl . of artistic woe anship cannot
sily be surpassed, and prove " Jim "
be i artist of the r t order. ---The
ersary in the
riday evening
abbe h School mini
etho,list church- on
was w41.1 attended and was a very pleas-
ant an, successful affair. After the
little f slks.had partake of a sumptuous
tea th y acquitted ti thnselves in the
tete part of the ent tainment most
redita ly. The ready 4nswers given to
the questions asked, as veI1 as the beau-
tiful sijiging, showed 'hat the greatest
dare had been devoted t� their_ training
by their, teachers, and specially by the
superintendent, Mr. N . M. Gray, ad
Mr. JoEeph .Brownell, ho is never so
Much in, his element as hen instructing
the young in the ways hat are rights--
Maitil Street has been th sroughly scraped
which was a timely and proper work. -
The spring show will e .held here on
Monday i next and at Br tcefield on Tiles -
day: -The roads in the ountry are now
in an almost impassable condition, there
being neither wh,eeling nor sreighing.2-
Rev. Mr. Thomson and Irs. Thomson,
late of Brucefield, left on Wednesday
for Burrard• Inlet, British Columbia,
Mr. Thoinson's future field of labor.
The good wishes of very many go with
them -Mr. John McNab, of Ila,rpur-
hey, and formerly. contractor for the
street Watering in WSI wn, has ic•re-
moved to Bayfield, • havin purchased a
property in that village.-" 'he meeting of
patrons of the Seaforth ceeamery whic
was to have beenheldon Friday last w
adjourned until a future occasion of
which due notice will be given. -The
debate between the Seaforth and °oder-
ich . Literary Societies took place in
0 oderich on Tuesday eight last in
presence of a large audience. The
-chairman, who -had the giving of the de-
cision, decided in favot of the Goderieh
"debators. The -subject was "Resolved,
that home rule in Ireland would not be
beneficial," the Seaforth men taking the
affirmative. Seaforth • was represented
by Dr. Campbell and Messrs. Jackson
and Wilson. A return debate will . be
held in .Seaforth at an early date.--
Seventeexi years on Tuesday morning
last since Hon. Thomas D'Arcy McGee,
was shot. His remains are interred in
Mantreal.--4he Band of Hope entertain-
ment on' Tuesday evening was not so
welLattenad by visitors as it should -
have beentbut the young members
the Band'ho will soon form part of. the
bone and sinew'gOf the country were otrt
in full fore. They acted. their several
parts well and creditably, and their
orderly demean°. was remarked by all
present. -There ill be no meeting of
the Seafortht lunteer Company this
evening on account of the firemen's con-
cert, but all are requested; to assemble
for drill at :the drill shed on Monday
evening; next at 8' o'clock, sharp. ---Mr.
Win. GoVenlock, Son of Mr. Thonies
Govenlock of .McKillop left last week
for Manitoba. On Thursday Mr. Gov -eh
lock sent to him a car load of farming
utensils and stock including four span
of, horses and several cows. --We are
glad to be able to state that Mr. E. Me-
Faul who has been seriously ill
several days, is now . very - Much
better. --A large number of Masons -and
OddfellowdfromiStratford, Mitchelland
Clinton attended the funeral of the late
John Vaux here on Tluirsday,thus testi-
fying the esteem in whieh the deceased
was held • by his brethren generally.
-Mrs. Ludgate, wife of Staff Captain
Ludgate, 'of London, was in town for -a
few days this week attending to the in-
terests of the Salvation Army. ' Cadet
Mary 01c1fleld, who had been resting for
a few days at her home he Tuckersmith, .
returned on Thursday to Palmerston to
resume work in the Army. -s -It appears
that a number of boys are; in the habit
of breaking i4eito !the skating rink and
committing nuisance by smashing•
if it occurs a aiu the Offending parties
windows and lainps. The manager says
will be prosecuted. The bays had better
take warning as the charge is.' a serious
one. -We regret to learn that Mr. John
Stobie, son of Mrs. Stobie, of this town,
met with a painful accident in Buffalo a
few days ago by which he had one arm
broken in tw pieces, and the other arm ,
broken in On place. His mother leaves ;
for Buffalo in a few days.
- . - 1
°finery openings in the several dry goods
establishments in this town took place
within the past week, and in two of the
leading ,stores this interesting depart -
ment still 'open- to visitors and the
for inspection. ,Mr. Thos. .
lead this seasonlby open -
day and Monday. The
liss Higgins at her post
ad the elegant display of
goods expose
Kidd took th
ing on Sate
ladies found
as formerly,.,
millinery Batt lee on the tables this sea-
son is: but another tribute to her skill -
and dexterity in manipulating the beau-
tiful fabrics placed' at her ilisposal by
the eistermis. proprietor. -The de -
partments es ecially devoted to millin-
ery goods in tl e establishments of Meesrs.
Duncan & Dm can,Mr. E. McFaul andMr.
J. McLosighl. were opened for piiblic
inspection on Thursday aid the goods -
will be kept s exhibition for an admir-
ing wed critib sing public until Saturday '-
we find an mense, antity of the
richest. and,
evenings In li, fin€st
goan ods, nnelaiincr'sil‘
are being arranged into stylish, elegant '
and comfort ble headgear, in many :
varieties antl calculated , to suit the 1
individual ta- ties and fancies of all. --In
Mr. ,E. MoFaurs itsiablishment Miss
Stobie rules preeminent amongst the
,profusion of pretty things that, ere pro-
nounced by all , who see them as just
" too lovely for anything," and the lady,
- however fastidiOus,who cannot besuited
just to her mind here would not be
suited any evhere.-In Mr.McLoughlin's
millinerystore a great many ladies will
be able to • suit -themselves and their
children as well as in places of more pre:.
tension. :They will nd here bonnets
. for both young and elderly ladies, spade
up of good material, in medern styles
and of tasteful combinations of fashion -
Able colors or in the always popular
black. Hats for girls and ,children in
newest styles and neatly and fashion-
ably trimmed, are bete also in many
varietieS and numbers,• one of their best
characteristics being their cheapness, -
The fashionable' bonnet is exceedingly
small and most of the milliners have
wisely deviated so much from ,fashion's
dictates as. to make this article of a sen-
sible and becoming size. Hats are gen-
erally conspicuous for -high narrow
crowns, with turned up or rolling brims.
The colors bloat in: vogue s.eem to be
browns of different: shades, and apple
green, garnet and cream having taken a
back seat for this season. Lace is very
much used, not only ifor trineumg,. but
for the complete article. -The display
rooms, in every case, were beautifully.
draped With silks, satins and ribbons,
. and decorated with 'bouquets and other
original and beautiful devices construct-
ed of flowers, plumes and. ornameifts,
making the rooms for the time being
into bowers of beauty. -The handsome
n displays Merle by our merchants this
' season.cannot fail to. impress the public
" with the fact that Seaforth as a mart for
the purchase of dry goods of every de-
scription is far ahead: of any other town
in the county. All those who desire
their own interest
will not fail to take
advantage I of this circumstance, and
bring tleeirmoneY and their produce to
Seaforth, and they I will, return with,
more than their Value in first-class goods.'
BRIEis.--.-My. Wm. Stewart is getting
his egg Wagon ready for .the coming
season. Ile willearry evith him a gen-
eral aseertmen Of goads and intends
going' into the.bulsiness oi•i a larger scale
this -year than ever -Mr. Wiet.; Smith
is busy: fitting up his store and will
open out a new stock of goods in a few
SAwese, MATc11.-4 sawing match,
which 'was held at Beirnes' hotel on Wed-
nesday, created quite an excitement.
Nine saws entered fer the contest and
• the prizes Were, .1st $5, 2nd $3: and 3rd
$2, The first _prize was won by M.
Mains and; John Barr, in 1 minute 33
seconds; the second hy Geo. and Jesse
--Wiltbee, in 1 minute $1 seconds; and
the third by Wm. and James Theull, in.
leminute 514 seconds.. The log cut- was
hard maple, 21 inches at butt and. 18
' inches at top, and a cut was taken off
each end.
GOLDEN' WEDDING .e–Mie . and Mrs.
'Wm. Charters, of Melton Farm, 111ill
Road, will celebrate their golden wed-
ding en Thursday next, the 16th inst..
It is not given to many now -a -days to
celebrate the ; fiftieth anniversary . of
e g , while we wish 'Mr.
and Mrs. Charters and their friends a
real enjoyable time on Thursday, we.
sincerely hope the (fed couple may kea
espaie - o eae i other and that theywill
have health given them to enjoy a con-
. _- . .
lumen o ie p eesan .ie a wes np
which has for so inanie years subsisted
between them.
• ORITUARY.---Many of our readers will
regret to learn of the deoth of Mrs. Jas.
'Cumming, of the 7th concession, which
took place ,on Wednesday morning, at
the comparatively early age of 39 years.
The immediate cause of her death was
inflammation of the hings, from which
she had been suffeeing for about a,week,
but her system had been very much
weeken". d -by an affection of the heart,
from which she ha suffered for several
years. 1Mrs. Cum ing was a particu-
larly kind and ami. ble woman and was
sincerely beloved b 1 Who knew her,
and ehe will be k .en y missed in the.
neighborhood as u ell as by her
own family. She.1 as es behind a family.
of eight childeen, t m ldest of' whom is
sixteen and :the yo ingest about six
months. Mr. Cun ming will have the
sincerest sympathy of all in his vety sad
bereavement. Mr . Cumming was a
•sister of -Mr. Thos. Nei/am, of •Hullett
and Mr. Alex. Nei ans, McKillop. The
funeral takes place to -day, Friday. The
remains will be in rred in the Egmend-
ville. cemetery.
e -
0I7R SCHOOL. -One of -the finest school
examinations ever held in Harlock took.
place here on Wednesday, of last week.
Great credit is due Mr. Newton and
Miss McEwen for the very efficient
standing of the school at present. The
teachers in charge were assisted during
the examination by Messrs. Sloan and
King, teachers from the neighborin
sections. Short addresses were deliver-'
ed by some of the Visitors present when
Rev. D. M. Ramisay, of Londesboro,
addressed the pupils in a most appro-
priate and suitable, manner, thus bring-
ing to a close a most profitable and
pleasant qa,y's proceedings.
• McKillop. •
D9ING WELL. -Go where' they will,
and the young men of McKillop are sure
to distinguish the nselves.• Mr. E. J.
Evans, son of Mi. Jos. Evans„ took ar
high position at a r cent examination at
MOGill Medial College, Montreal, while
'MI. Donald Ross? s n of Mr. Finlay Ross,
s od fourth ie class of over 60
stt dents a ; the: s me institution. Mr.
ja . D. Dickson, s n of Chas. Dickson,
Es .,
is now home, having put in a term
at jToronto Univers ty., He has to return
a e in • for his examination, and as 14.is
an industrious student and a clever
yortng man, we- havek, no doribt-but he
alsp willmake his mark
SUCCESSFUL SaLea-The aution sale
of IMrs. H. Tyettnan; and sons which
toclk place on Tuesday March 31st
pr ved a grand successas will be seen
by the prices realized. One mare sold
for $191; and an agej mare brought
$1. 5. Three year, old colts sold for
$1 0 to $140 and two year old colts sold
at rom $100 to $120. One ten months
ol colt- sired by the imported horse
Sa npsosold for $135; one ten months
oli colt sired by the imported horse Scot -
la • d's Farewell sold for $102; one the
sa e age sired by the imported horse
W lcome sold for $79. The cows' sold
at from 95 to $40 each, -and three year
Id steers brought from $36 to $40 each
zu.1 other articles sold &piny as well.
he sale amounted to $2,700. Gee.
Kirkby wielded the hammer, which
efficient for people to know that he
Tould have a good sale 4s he is consider -
d to be one of the bes auctioneers in
he county.
DIED. -Mrs. David
esident of this townshi
aftera short il
• erub
ouils. ur
ewish very
o n he
ampbell and lti:unie:gly
r Manitoba t 2
aged, a car for
nd agricultur 1 imple
•oses going ext naively
r. Jos. Itoggrth and
he winter os g thei ir
ast week for akotas
•een for the pat two y
Tas held in btaffa o
wing to the t nfavora
c .ack sa
resent.' The ontestan
essaw two cut off a tw
og. The euciessful c
s follows: is , John al
ime 1:15; 2nd T. Pea,
ime 1:17i ; 3r ,W. 11.
eary, time. ; 4
filler, time :30*; 5
tiMe :3011. ; 6
nd Hewitt, t 1:34.
as crowded to.?its utm
f last webkIto itnesst
hat has been alked so
here was 'qui e a nu
ors, and all di their, w
ad to put two uts thr
hard log, eraging
iameter : 1St rize,
02 minutes, 1. y Loge
orris; 2nd, in 2.
amilton Beot ers, of
3, in 2.25 Ernie utes, b
'illespie, o B yth ; 4t
iinutes, by lcDonald
est Wawanos .
illon, a former
died lately in
ggarth is elan-
th a number of
is:doubtful, but
1 -see her around
T. -Mr. James
made bride left
th ult. • He en -
is horses, cattle
ients, and pur-
into farming. -
wife, who spent
riends here, left
here they have
sawing xnatch
Tuesday last.,
e state of the
ers who were
e failed to be
were required
nty inch maple
mpetitors were
d Ben. Dunlop„
t and P. Beal
Vood andWm
Chappel and
h, Brown and
h, J. Gardiner
little village
st on Tuesday
e sawing Match.
much of lately.
iber of competi-
rk well. Each
gh an extreme -
20 inches in
, was taken in
and Fraser, of
0 minutes, by
Colborne; 3rd, i
Thompson and
1, $2, in 2.38
and Misner, of
Apitij-iO P4*5.
not being willint tO pay the amount FIR
rst Campaign.
asked for .by t e corporation, viz.,
$2,500 in fullof all damages, they to re-
leabe all claim on the property, and each
to pay their own costs„ ---The trustees of
Melville church intend to re -paint the
ecburch this season. They are n ow ask-
ing for subscriptions for that object --
Geo.. Armstrong bra leased one of his
farms for a term of yeart to Chas. Robb,
Of Tuckersinith. Mr. Armstrong intends
building. a house on the . other farm,
which he himself will occupy. --John L.
Denbow left rather suddenly last week
for the Northwest, leaving some sorrow-
ing friends behind. -Alex. Forsyth, John
Stewart, D. McIntosh and Jas. McDon-
ald left last week for the Northwest,
taking herrn stock, implements, etc.,
with theni. The first went to Manitoba,
and the three last to Dakota. -JY. Mc -
G illicudy ie busy pushing the : business
of the North American Life Insurance
Company in this place. -Dan makes a
good life insurance agent. -John Mc-
Intosh, banker, paid London a flying
visit on Good Fri ay. -Our constable
aftev those making a disturbance on the
street after night. Probably after they
pay a few fines into the village treasury
they will wish they hadstaken the ad-
vice of their friends.
MAnuEws.1 --Wheat; 78c to 800 ; peas,
00 to 58c ; barley.; 00 to 60c; oats, 36,, to
380e eggse 13c; butter, 13e; lard,'12c;
talk*, 6c.- . •
Bnieas.-eMr. Jahn Inglis, of Duluth,
is at present visiting . among friends in
town. . Jack. looks as lively as ever. -
Mr, John Hovey has purchased a car
load of horses and intends starting -for
i Winnipeg on Wednesday.
past two on Tuesday afternoon quite. a
stir might have been seen in the vicinity
of the Zimmerman House, here, Whic
was occasioned- by Mr.. R. Miller and
Miss Tilley Gofton taking proceedings'
in the matrimonial line. The, young.
: couple drove over to Bluevale where
! they were coupled by the Rev. Mr.
-Hartley,- of that place. Dick and 1 -his
fair one have thebest w shes of the
community. .-
, :
Busneess ClIANGE.—We 4i,re sorry to
learn that our enterprising and much
esteennid townsman, Mr. A Welch, has
purchased the stock ow ed by Mr.
. Thomas McDougall, of Corrie, and
-intends carrying on business there. We
are sorryto lOse him, but hope, however,
that he may' have every success in his
undertaking. He also intends carrying
•!-i on the business here as before until he
has a favorable opportunity of disposing
.-The Grand Central Hotel,
here -which has for the past nine months
ublic examine
ie Gorrie ,sch
th, was lax
aeents and fr
hers who we
re of the scl
the pupils
1 roved very sat
ere highly pl
ress made by
s iort time the
t iition of Miss
✓ putation of be
t acher of yon
t sken of the us
rovided by t
t e attention of
t. the examinat
he quickness a
t ese- classes per
t a them was vi
n atics the empi
t ngeished the melees.
orthy of Much praise,
t that M -. John
n eking practic thinkm
he programme was ope
on which :wa well r
lora Jam, pnpil •
a ter whichsh rt„ poi
NI ere- deliv ied by der
a d ethersee-C el.
On whic
�l on
ey att
ends of
took place in
riday, March
ncled by the
the pupils, and
ted in the wel-
ool. :Tb e examination
n the'jui ior"department
sfa,ctory. Those present
ased a the rapid..pro-
the pu els during the
have • een under the
. Walker who has the
ug a tho oughly efficient
h. Aft r having pe-
al rich r past which was
e paren of the pupils,
the vieit rs was directed
on of th senior classes.
id accur Icy with which
armed t 1 e work allotted
credit ble. In mathe-
s of the ixth Glass dis,
in a manner
It was evident
Campbell was
s of his pupils:
ied by a recite,
uttered by Mi4
f the school;
ted • addresses
ymen, teachers
t ok place in this village
n imber of filen( s asseml
d nce of thebrit e's fath
11 arriage of ' Mt. John
C therine Eck ier.
m ited on by Iiss Lu
ti e beidegtoom by Mr.
T ie bride was n axle, the
n nriber of hand ome an
ei ts. The cere ion *a
tl e Rev: R. Pau . Afte
t resting part f the
o er the.youege membe
c nsisting of fot rteen c
et to Bressels on a pl
a ter spending i very
✓ turned, to "tie old
wi ere a sumptu us supp
tl ebridal party After
ti e evening; w s spent
o her enjeyment for a
t e company dis ersed
pleasant event
last week. A
led at the-resi-
r to Witness the
onsel to Miss
'he bride was
inda Lake and
John Eckinier,
recipient of a
valuable pres-'
performed by
• this most in-
roceeding was
s of the party,
uples, proceed-
asure trip, and:
njoyable time,
olks at borne',"
✓ was awaiting
a was served
m singing and
w hours, when
o their several
B mssel
. A. R. Smrrn • the Ch Op Dry Goods
mu) has opened it's re in Cr nbrook, In Dames'
binding. Over $,000 wo h of new Goods
bought at 66 cents on the do lir will be sold at
prices that will sati fy and m ke glad the hearts
of the buyers Thi the da of cheap goods in
Cranbrook.` 904-2
13nisFs.--Our butcher Wm. -BlaShill
and A. Currie,1 ad a ve y fine display
'of meats for t1 e Easte market. The
latter "• had o e heife • of his own
feeding which w s a vei fine ' animal.---,•
Division Court on the nd inst.-The
snow is fast diso ppearin and the rivet
is beginning to is. Ev rything. points
to a heavy frszhet thi spring. -The
•ouncil are askis g for te iders for clean-
" g the streets, vhich is good move.-
• r volunteer c31npany busy recruit-
' g to full stren th, and drilling in the
. t wn hall. Th y seem eager for the
f ay.. --We are. oingto ave a telephone
e change here next m•nth, with pros -
.p cts of being connect d to the trunk
rue during the .umnfer. Some 10 or 12
strumerlts are now-.11ea ed, and nearly
8;00 worth a s ock t e trunk line is
t keee-MrI' cKelier is- succeeding
very well in ge ing Stlec subscribed for
t Traders? ank 'CI a,nada, which
i itends °peeing an agen y here as sclon
is • $15,000 Wort i of stoc is subscribed.
Amos Oliver whd s been visiting
I ere for some time s returned to.
oronto.-The issessor, i now going his
✓ unds. Now ,1 the the for people to
ave no person 1 prope y. -The spring
f ir of the Eat Ridin of Huron will
e held here n xt wee .-Thos. IIalli
( ay, who form rly own d -half of the
s te of our Villa e, was b ried last week.'
e has been -1 indig t circumstance
f r some years. He was 75 years of age.
F. C. Roger' , millin r has arrived,
ai d is getting r ady for he spring open-
la.—The roa s are • a bad state,
'frig althost passabl .-Things look
if the Ault, B sels vsf Ronald, will be
✓ ferred to the aster n Chancery for
sessment of mines, the defendant
been, under the management of Mr. Geo.
Funston, has been kased by Mr. John
Patterson, of Mamie, who intends in
future to run it as a temperance house.
-Intense excitement was, occasioned
here by reports from the Northwest
Territory. - The boys say they are ready
when they get th,e word ,go. -.-A branch
of the: Saved Army, from Teeswater,
invaded this place on Tuesday evening
last, but none have enlisted AS yet.
tion was occasioned here
last by what seemed to'
fever. Mrs. Ferguson, who
four months has been carr
business of her deceased
disposed of it to Mr. Jo
who intends to continue it o
further; Mr. Marks has sold
to Mr. -Fenton, of ihia plac , . who was
-also one of the victims of tije fever'he
moving to Mr. Marks' haus , also Mr.
L. L. Barber, who has been carrying on
business is Mr. Fenton's store, had his
household goods moved into MieFenton's
house on the same day.
a e01111110 -
on Monday
e a moving
for the past
ing on the
usband, has
eph 'Marks,
as before;
is property
A GOOD itheL.--Messrs. Gown= Bros.
have this season re -fitted their sasvrnill
putting in a large quantity Of new Ma-
chinery. They hve expended:a cousider-
able sum -of money and have now one of
the most -complete saw, shingle and lath
mills in the county. - They have also
introduced a first class planer with at-
tachments for mouldings, beading, groov-
ing,&c. Also a grain chopper. Mr. Henry
Gosman will now -having leased his
farm -devote his time and attention to-
gether with his brother; to the above
busitess, -We wish them success.
LOCALITIES.—Mr. Einigh has lease
Doctor Cardee's store on Main street
south for a dispensary of liquors under
the Scott Act. --Our Side walks are this
week being cleared of ice and snow.
Everybody is pleased to see spring again
and hear the warbling of the birds. -
Mr. Wm. Campbell who has been cons
. fined to the house for two or three weeks
with "ear ache" of a severe character,
is now able to be out upon the street. -
Our Merchants are busy opening their
spring stocks. -Mr. Fred Moser was
taken suddenly ill on Tuesdaymorning
of last week and expired at 6 o'clock the
nine evening. The cause of his death -
was blood poisoning from an ulcer of
long standing. The deceased _was a
brother of our esteemed townsman J. G.
Moser.—The work of renovating Kelly's
flouring mill by Introducing the roller
system • is progressing rapfdly.-Onst
Village brass band is now in good shape
under the leadersip of T. J. Huckstep.
They very kindly furnished the village
a musical treat on Good Friday by play-
ing a number of pieces en the street.
The band is an acquisition to the village
and should receive the thanks of the,
people as well as more subetantial ac-
knowledgments. -Upwards of a thous-
and dollars hasbeensubscribed towards
the erection of a roller rink and a joint
stock 1coinpany will be formed -to erect
the building and manage the/affairs.
.CONCERT. -The Firemen's concert
held in Drew's hall on Tuesday evening
proved to be a grand success. In the
fore part of the evening the firemen,
headed by the band, marched up and
down Main street, the former carrying
torehes, which presented a very brilliant
spectacle, after which an excellent pro-
gramme was carried out, furnished by
home talent. A good sum was realized.
BREvITIES.----The Salvation Army had
a grand jubilee in their barracks on
Monday night. The Lucan Captain
conducted the meeting. The Salvation
Army are still successful, as may be
seen by the large number of converts on
the platforrn.-At a meeting • a the
Active base -ball team of this place, held
in the Central Hotel on Thursday even-.-
-ingof last week,Mr. James Weeks was
elected captain. As Soon as the season
opens they will accept challenges from
any of the neighboring clubs. --In a r-
he First Shot Fired,
K I I) D'S
Millinery Departmen
Never in the history of our Ho
has our MILLINERY OPENING been r
the SUCCESS a the present season.
Crowds of yisitors from morning lea
night on both opening days. Every
one more than pleased, and all acknOwl-
edge that . our styles CAN- BE ONLY
EQUALLED in first-class city houses.
What seems the surprise is how we can
we explain is, Our small_ expenses;
our thorough knowledge of tie business;
our special advantages in purchasing."
Weare determined this season to give
our best attention, having such a large
and efficient staff of workers. Every _
lady, both in town and country, invited
to give us her patronage.
Th m Kid
Corner Main and Market Streets,
, Sea- forth.
cent item of correspoedence from Exeter
there was a Mistake. It was reportecl
at that time that Mr..,,SnoW would keep
the Hay postoflice, for next year, which
was false, as Mr. Abel Walper has got
it, and he. had Mr. John Matheson
sworn inasdeputy. By this arrange-
ment the postoifice will still: be kept in
tie old stand.—Good Friday was rather
ull in Exeter, there being no amuse-
inent but skating. -As far as heard.front
great havoc was made among the eggs
in Exeter on Sunday. -The summer -
campaign has started and the ears of the,
citizens are greeted with such cries as
"-last pink," clubs," &e.: The, small
boys are happy now. -We hear that a.
person from Credition has purchased the
flax mills in the north end. This will
enliven that part of the village consider -
`ably. -A large number of the Salvation
Army of this place, visited Dwell, on
Friday last, and attended the grand
Salvation Army banquet held. there.
SKATING. -The covered rink was
closed on Saturday evening last, after a
long and delightful season's ska •
This being the last night of skating a
number of races were gotten, up, for
stake purses. This has been. one of
the longest and most successfulskating
season's ever remembered of in Exeter;
and the holders of season tiekete shoul&
be well satisfied. Mr. Weeks deserves
great praise for the manner in which he
conducted the rink.
chronicle this week the death of Mrs.
Bastard, wife of Mr. Joseph Bastard, of 1.
the township of Stephen, about two
miles from thie,s village. This farialy
has suffered a sad bereavement in the
loss of an affectionate, tender and loving -
mother, -who leaves behind her a large
family of sorrowing ehildren, some of
whom are very young. But this is not
the only trouble, the father lies also in
a very critical condition, suffering from .
erysipelas in the face and head, and at
tunes he is quite ;delirious so that his
life is despaired of Also the eldest
daughter lies very ill, hi fact, the lopes
for her recovery are but very weak.
The other members of the family are
also suffering more or less, being quite
fatigued with waiting on the sick ones.
Halide of the Evangelical church, who -
has been conducting a catechism Class
for -some time, held an examination of
his class on Sunday evening last in pre-
sence of the congregation. The pupils
were ready in their ansevers, which
reflects much credit on them as -well as
on the reverend gentleman, who has sa
earnestly endeavored to instil into their
youthful nsincls the articles of his church
as well as other useful truths, which we
hope will of benefit to them in- after
life, and lead -them to their Savionfr,
who is ready - and willing to receive.
them as His children.
OUR ScitooL.—A public examination
was held in the- school house on Tues-
day March 31. The teachers in. charge
are Mr. J. W. King and Miss Way,
and these were assisted by Messrs. Duff,
Newton, and Hutcheson. The pupils
were rigidly examined by the several
teachers and acquitted themselves in a
-way which Was very satisfactory. The
thoroughness of the -work, promptness,
�f the pupils, and good discipline of the
school proVe it to be under energetic
and- efficient teachers. At the close ()f
the examination addresses were given
by the teabbers and visitors, all express-
ing satisfaction with the way -things
were Managed—by the way a little 'cir-
cumstance occuixed which caused con-
siderable mirth_ While a small class iii
geography was being examined the
teacher asked who was the promoter of
the Northwest rebellion? When It
bright-eyed little chap pi omPtly answer-
ed, John A. McDonald.
Some idea,
endured by th
while on their it
shore of Lake :ill
froumaetnhte offOittaeWeltil
Ora Eagle Rh
•At last -the 1013
ta,gesis;over, anti
thouglit of gat
Qu'Appelle, If
troops in the
than those of the
the gaps separati
the -railway we
them. There -
while here the
driving storrea ol
tare many deg/
the boys' touragi
tramp, tramp, tr
it wended .its
silent woods or
Lake-. Superior
and very trvinsee
-on, shielding the
big wind with
coats. The ter;
from the snow -e;
lahs• tered face an
half the story. -
were -without
large to eover na
ing the bark wit
• -
the eyes. Two
cient spate to
same time shut c
expeneneed by a
had pushed one
the Grenadiers t
)vould travel in i
seetion of 80 mil
however, it wa
-engine had been
Only one -train
time the Queen
everllotemiles f.°
the long march 1
a smoldering cat
mometer 22 der
was pes
around the me
night wet;baeltaiart
the fortunates w
y fin°11aished.,
boots afforded at
ing myself in 1
fast asleep: Tos
dallied through.
out, taheeI m
a found soli
Te in
ineeoffer rpteaeaullv.ut
aB. ,
was last
'• Rock to .1 epig
seven miles acre
nearly five home
the cars the bat
A cottplesof eam
the darkness 1 -is'
anxious' to start,
given tomareh
eb.eers. It WAS i
fours'therefore 4
left turn quit.]
' obedient io the e
anything but qui
elfin elarkiam of
the column ski
being snow foil
almost impossibl
vidual up to li
raining, and for
Wa8 a C011tiMI0111
WAS reached at
pleasure of the 0
the afternoon a
snow into slushai
sank:half a
, serve. distance wl
the men, who cls
falling,. The
linked, far the
Ana then men
the fact enly bel
in the rear
'actually fell asle
, atm
had plodded oi
three days. Re
through the fear
the hospital, ref
e known.
ross last night
drunken man, 11
' last,audwitha
There he lay, th
the boyish uptin
sleigh stepped
flashing his lan
said he was dea
was the repl
his eyes. 1'1231
the hospital yet,
sleigh and,earriO
ney. This moo
crieket, end ap
• Iria
concerning the e
Mieses Erb has
three years had:
patients, inany
tried all the,: nas
and. -influence e
that number oul
in * complete en
had been, WU°
there is a profeS
however eminex
be, ia-ho ean sho
tion of cures.