HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-04-10, Page 7eression at tios avatirobrasbs aPpeOte, Aral tient- atiater Into mental., They ;Joni 4nd. sem* bovica4 by the S• ated, one of thew linnertiis nsualky etethe'cure. oated and purely eiy salko and r�o Dr *114Ieordeene relso They . moo. ziawe aista. 331.;333 • crows friends -,erce sUirport we - tf threeE ears, we urin.r. the past 11. ud so added ,e are uo\-v better thy'l a -ante ae -with iie best e- • to - erted V g . of ' o NG. or ex - ed by Ilion, at, , at price re.leille or L Gibson that he has cora-, the FACTORY ;cod val ee•;, (INCE A S. an.4 ieti to far a- possible, THEM,. and as Working Order kiien arranted. , E'rEllti MILLS. Pkoprietor. , E SHIPS. I .1.t.h, Agent:. ASSAQE BATES. Liverpo I and Un- tie -dine• to ppsition 'f 12year-, half fele; abin, s50. Inter - From Liverpool or n, J3, *7.78.75 and "eeragee $13. Ere- LendI) nderry or e; Cable, $100, $126 'eteeragta, $20. t Estate Bought 4 -tial. E. ;nee a co Cora- eaforth. TRONG: , • ITU SES tOFFICE, 10, Immo AP II. 10 i4115. --a News Notes, - the rowing match at, Sidney, Australia oft Saturday, Hanlan was de defeated by Beach, the latter winning by six lengths. ' --7A wealthy Boston gentleman died recently, and by his will left toolliss Susan B. Anthony and Miss Anna Dick- inson $25,090 each, to. be 'used in apt- ; vending the cause of woman suffrage. -Pnncess 'Beatrice will have for I/tides/m:1,41s at her wedding the daugh- ters of the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Edinburgh and the Grand Duke of Hesse, all her nieces. The honeymoon is to be spent at Balmoral. -A high Russian dignitary has 'said that Mr. Gladstone's< calling out of ,the reserves and militia was an impudent act, but itenadeo no impression on the Russians, because they knew their mili- • tary auperiority in Asia. -Reports- made -up at MiliYatikee show that there will be a shortage in Winter wheat this year; amounting tol 106,000,000 bushels, in consequence of decreased acreage and winter killino. The reports 'indicate the -spring what acreage to be somewhat deereased. . -fudge S. Clinton Hastings; aged 70, was marnedoa few days ago at San Fran- cisco to Lilian Kimst, aged 19. Judge Hastings was worth several, millions, but gave his sone $2,500,000 and- kept 8300,000 forliimseif. He was threatened with a breach of promise suit by another lady six months ago. *, . - -Irish revolutionists held a largely at- tended meeting in New, York Saturday evening, 2Sth ult. Senatdi' Riddleberger was not present as WAS expeeted-O'Pon- ovan Rosso, Professor Mezzeroff and others delivered Inflammatory speeches - and were loudly applauded. In his opening address Chairman Nugent said the drank, ovho exploded London tower was a free Man _in ° Ireland to -day. ((heers and cries of "We'll do it again.") Resolu- tions were adopted declaring that the landing of Albert Edward Guelph, e;ommonly known as the Prince of Wales, on the .shores of Ireland is re- garded as an aet of inyasion, and that he iS entitled only to that reception which a liberty -loving and patriotic people should ever extend to an invader of their country, and that by the laws of war he invites that death the world has decreed to be the desert of ae hostile, spy in the time of wa.r. Washing Made -Easy. Take a common tin boiler two4hirds2 full of soft water, cut into it two thirds of a bar of soap (common soap-); let it come to a boil, and when the soap is all olisolved add five tablespoonsful of kero- sene oil; let this solution come to a boil under cover; then put in your finest and best white clothes, boil twenty-five . oc thirty minutes, suds out in soft water, suds seconds time and then rinse in boil- ° ino water, wring auld hang out, take next batch ,of !clothes, use the same boil- ing water, add two tablespoonsful of " • kerosene oil and remaining one-third bar of soap: serve. the clothes as. before. Continue the process for your entire washing. The dirtier' clothes should be soaped a little extra on the. streaks, and spate before boiling. The clothes need obsoletely no rubbing on a board or through a machine. The clothes will look as though they had come from a first-class laundry. Household Hints When ivory becoMes yellow or soiled looking, ;wash it well in soap and Water with a small brush and place while wet -- in the sun. Wet /or two or three , days several times al, day withlOsoapy water, till keeping it in the sin, then wash gain, and it will be beautifully white. r. ma It y be bleached by immersing it for a short time in !water containing a little sulphurus acid, chloride of lime, or chlorine. k _, There is one pint that should be 1,n leeply impressed upon the dairyman's ind, and that is, if he wants to make a irst-class article of -butter he must Inir.n ften. Never let the -cream get over hree days cad, no matter bow, cold it may be' kept. If cold, it will get old, Eat, and frinky. If sour, the whey sVill eat lop the best butter blobules. Churn as often as you can. A lady came here who had been isaf- ering over two weeks with a felon .on the end of her middle finc,iter. I satur- ted a bit of grated Wild turnip the size f a bean with spirits of turpintine and • pplied it to theeenieted part. it re- ieved the pain at once, and in tweWe ours there was a hole to the one and he felon destroyed, dressed it 4hen with sticking salve, and the flinger'as soon Weil; •- Many talk of being troubled with nts. We were five' years since with oth large and small ones. I tried • in: eet powder,. tansy, and all the -remedies -ir .ecommended with no success. Then ohn - suggested we find the crevice here they entered -the pantry. We ocated it back in a eupboard-where the Iastering did not quite fit to the mop- oard. Fined the cranny With putty nd have had no ants since. : • When a girl or boy does a piece of . Work well, whether It is washing the ishes or feeding !the calves, *hi; not ncoura,ge the child with a bit of honest raise ? : Appreciation and judicious raise 1.vill go farther towards inspiring child with a desire of doing >his work e ell, than allethe cross words in Webe r's dictionary. Potato balls -Prepare and nicely sea- s the same as you would for knashed otatoes. While hat, form ilito balls bout the size of an egg. Butter a flat an, and. Place‘the balls on it. Brush c4ver'with boatel/ egg, and brown in the tie oven. To remove from the tin, slip ij knife under and slide on to a hot 'atter. Hard-boiled eggs -cut in slices a arpieeley, are a pretty garnish. . A. -"eakfast or lunch dish. ef Lyon Playfaiktis Canadian, Adventure. i • At the . Colonial Institute latelyLSir W. Lyon Playfa,ia: said. :-" I was trav- elling in rather a wild part of Ottawa, 1. here there are some mines, and going ai °lig one bank of the river, 'I saw a ine on the other side. I got a boat and I ent across to it. I. found nobody on t io mend ; it was dinner time and the orkers, in their primitive way, went . vay altogether, so that there was not - o te telt. With my geological hammer I began to appropriate some of the finest s ecimens. Presently a very tall man, with large leathern gaiters, and walk- • i g as -if he had on seven league boots, c me down the hill and ordered- me off oin the mine. He < said, in broad S otch, -'Have you got a permit from tIie direethrs ?I' o -I said, 'I am Only inter - c ted in the geology around here, and. I Ihave not got a permit from t e tors.Then • you must gang' ground,' he said. 'I said 'Man', from Glasgow.' ' (Laughter.) 'Ay, I come froth Glasgow ;bit have not gota permit from the d* ye mina go.' 'Don't you think talk' g to a naining adventur asked. Ay, that is just what ye I saki, No, I ani a Scotch pro 'Well,' he said, "what name ?" fair.' `Do you mean Lyon P1 'Yes, I am Lyon Playfair,' I said s (liree- if the e came said, ye otors ou are P u are.' essor.! 'Play - fair?' look- ing very much astonished ; but hcw do you happen to knew my name.' He said, 'Your name; has travelled- urther_ than your wee legs Will ever carr you.'. (Laughter and cheers. )'• I, Of cout• e, got infested in the man ; and after he fiva I was not a mininoadven urer, nothi g was too pod for me. He t ok me do i the mine, and sent his little &kilter to get dinner for me, telling me that he had s me.good mutton and a drOp._ f real good Scotch whisky. (Laughter. " An Incentive to Wor . • Buffon, the great French nati Mist; had one constitutional infirmity, vhich seriously interfered with his s udieso He would sleep • late into the mo ning. He determined to compeer this ba hob-. it: After trying several plans' an 1 find- , ing that though they seemedel ective they did not overcome his habit, he -- adopted the follo*ing :- The valet wile attehded hit was strictly enjoined 'to - rouse him 1 ' the 'morning, and not to desist 'until h had thoroughly awakened and induce him to risn. All ,failed, holwever, o his mortification and chagrin -the nat ralist ' foond himself day after day° Wok' g to self-re,proach, and the sense. of tini lost ,and-opportunifies of. studygone b . He bitterly accused his- servantof n glect- Lit his orders by -allowing him to sleep. • monsieur, rePlied the man, " ybu are .so . angry with -me w eir II call you! . You abuse and dri e me away; you conunand-thkeaten It pains ore. )1 get asham d to pers vere, and. dare to torment you no no lenge). "Have I not told you a the isand times," exclainied Buffen, " not t mind my anger -not to listen to'my th 'eats? Have I not ordered, y u to rou e me,, I) shake ine,pull me out o bed ?" "Stay," added the p tiloeoPher as a new idea 'occurred to him, -" every morning that you have mo lip t the desirec. hour I shall re -ward you . 'th a doucer. Ten neinntes beYtind tha, , . and not a eou -do you touch i'.' . 1 ; This Targument was all-prev iling. From that day forth the valet ained money.; the master time; arid pos rity, inetruction. ifGRATEFUL -CO FORTIN EPPS'S ' Q00 BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of thc natu al laws niicohn ;govern thaeepefrations eef di estion nd nu- properkes olf33;e''ell seller oficoat,i',MnrefEi hpes fihnase ?Sje provided our breakfast tab s with a. d heately flavored beverage which may save! us na ny doc- tors' bills. It is by the e dicious use of such articles of dept that a conste Awn may b grad ally built upenitil strong en sigh,to resis eve y tendency to disease. Hund eds'cif subtl , ma as dies are floating around 1 s, ready to ittack wherever there is a weak poi it. We niae escape many a 'fatal shaft by kee Mg oursely s well fortified with pure blood ancl a ploper13-1 ourish- ed frame." -Civil Service Ga ette.'' Ma4 simply with boiling scoter or milk. Sold only in packets by groce:s; labelled thus--" JAMES EPP & CO., Hoinceopathic Chemists, London, Engla " Role agent for Canada, O. E. Colson, Montreal,. 884-52 . 4 Waterloo NeWs. . %ace Linton, of Waterldo, writes th t Rig- ' yard's Yellow Oil has done great good in • is -fans- ; ily, his wife being cured Of callous lun ps that other medicines failed to remove he als states - matism 1 y that a n Sghbor wasprompt y relieved ; ' 1 rh.eu- the same remede . 85i1.52.2W. else *See i A Good Test .. For ov r sixteen years G. M. Everest, of For- est, has jold itaisyard's Pectoral Ealsani, and its eales ar steadily iro•reasing. It clues coughs, voids aluj all lung complaints ; is bleaseant tie take and alwa -s•rehable. 857.52 2w. -ea es ell to Re ember. Ai stit4h in time sa•ves'rine • iSeriou4 results often foleoiv a, neglect of constilia ed- bowels and bad blood. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate -and purif3-- U estomach„ bowels, liver, kidiieys and the blob. Take it in! time. e5752.2w. Dr. L w's Pleasant Wor n Syrlip -An agree; able,1 saf and effectual r inedy to remove all kind S of -onus. 867.51m. • ----wee. • For rot gh cenditions of t.skin, shainpooing the head, pimples, erupticei and skiii diseu.s, use Prof. Low's Sulphur So. p. 857. 2ne. Thou ands Haste aed• heir Grave,. . B3• rel mg on testinioniin- 1vritt n I; vivid glowing i • nguage of some uiiraculous euresmade by some arge13• puffed up doctor or pate; t medi- cine has hastened thoueanns to tn ir graves the reade s having, ahnost insane faith that the same mi aele will bperformed 67, that these tes imonials mention while tie s celled e "on th medicine isell the tithe hasteningth ni to; theit graves. lthough we ha-ve Thous. nds Upon Thousands!! cf testim•nials of the most e untarily nt us, we do not p do not m ke the oures. It Bitten:, e at sua,ke the cures and nev can. We will gi one for a y disease similar t ed or wiL refer to any neigh neighborhoe'd in the known its cures hy Hop Bitters.. • onderful omen, vol- blish them, as they our me mine; Hop lt,has ever failed d refernee to anv their o •n if &ew- er, as-tleye is not a- world t cat show- - • A Losing-, Oke. "A pro nirient ph3-eician cif Pittsburg said to a lady patient who was coni.plainingeof her con- tinued ill health, and of his Inability to cure her, Jokingly said, 'Try Hop Bitters VI The lady took it in earnest and used the Bitterne from which she obtained permanent health. S se»ow laughed at the -doctor for his joke, but he is not 'So well pleased with it, es it cost hiin, a good patient.' Fees of Doctors. - The fees ef doctors at $3 a visit woul 1. tea a man fora year, and in need Cif a daily visit, over 81,000 a year for medical attendance- alone! And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in . timewould save the $1,000 and all the year's sickness, • • Given Up by the DoctOrs.. "18 it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up •Mi,d at l work, avid cured by so simple a i•emedy 4" "1 assure NOU it is true that he -lie Ai -rely cured, and with nothings but Hop Bitte , and i . only ten days ago his doetors gave ina up ' and said he must die, from kidney 'at) liver trouble." - geT None genuine- without a bunch oi green . Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or a Hops" in their ne.me. -864.52,m. .....____. . To the Aged and Infirm, • The nouri thug and invigorating propesties of Robinson's Phosporized Emulsion give renewed strength id buoyancy of s intff. Always ask for Robinson s Phosphorized Emulsion, and be Ore you glt it. - , . A goods,P„.,,,I0will help all, of either sex tol more Send Six:Cents for Postegl e and - . . receive, free, a 'elegy box of. money right away than anytbing else .in this world. Fortunes await the Workers absolutely sure. At dhee address TerS & C.; 'Angustri, Maine. 1 • 8.54x62 • rim atar0.-a New Tre- atm nt. Pet helps the most1 extraordinary succe s that has een `achieved in modern medicine h i s been -attiti ed by the Di on Treatment for, tarrh. Out .f 2,000 patients treated during the ast six mon hs, fully ninety per cent, , have been cured of th s stubborn maliWy. This Is none t e less start Ing when it is remembered that no ve per cent. of patients pr smiting themselvee to the regu ar practitioner are benefitted, wh le the ipatei t medicines and other advertise cures neve 'record a cure at all. Starting with the i dein now geneml cr elieved by the most •scien- tific en that the i ease is due.to the, p esence of lh `net parasites, i 1 the tissue, MilDi on at once adapted hie cur to their exterinin tion - phis i coniplLshed, hi claims the Catarrh • s prac- tically cured, and the permanency is unqi cation - tel, as cures eireeted •y him four years go are seures still. No one .Ise has ever attern ted to cure Catarrh in thise lanner, and no othei treat ment has ever cured Catarrh. The app ication of the remedy is -sins le, and *can be, done at home, and the prose t season of the year is,the most favorable for a ;seedy and permanent cure, -the majority of cases being cured at one treat- ment. Sufferers sho ild correspond with Messrs. Al H. DIXON & S N, 305 King Street, West,' 'Toronto, Canada, ar d enclose stamp- fo their' treatise on Caterer. Montecal Star, No ember 17, 1882 88.52 GAL, GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BarristerekSolici- tors, Goderich, Ontario. J. T. G. }MOW, Wet. PROUDFOOT. .688 RC. HAYS, Solic tor, &c. Private M . lend at lowest tates of _interest. Censer of Square an West Street, Goderi „riAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Bit Solieitors in Ch ncery,&c., Goderic M. C., CAMERON, Q. C., HOLT, • ney to ffice- 41. 774 risters,, , Ont. •M. G. 506 T BEST, Barrie • Cady's Block, PosteOffiee, Seaforth. ON, HOLT & CAMERO, er, Solicitor, &a. fftce- hree Doors North of the Goderich Agents- AMER- 870 LOFTUNp S E. DAEY, late with C meren,- .Holt & ,Camero , Goderich, Barris r, So- licitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office, Card o's Block, Seaforth. 786 'A/TANNING & OTT, Bartietere, So loiters, tVjj Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for t Bank • of jo nstone Tisdale ,° Gale. Money - loan. Offict Beaver Brock Clinton, Ontario. A. 11.• Merano, JAMES -SCO • .781 11, IOLMES 11cGlaug •lieito, Convey the Canadian J3 Farms for sale. Street, Seaforth. ED, ceessor to the late firm of ey & Holmested; Banister, So - neer end. Notary. Solicitor for ink o1 Commerce. Money to lend'. Offi e in Scott's Block's Main, 1VIEYER & DICKI I Block, Vingh �f Hamilton, Certm vits in Manitoba. P cent. Leicknow Ofli C. 31Evea, E. L. Dro SON, Banisters, &e ,Kent's m. Solicitersefor the Bank issionersfor teking affida- 'vete funds to loan 4.6 per e every Wednesday. H. W. OWN. • 738 riOLL & DI KSON, Solicitors, onvey- k_e ancers, &c. M ney to lend. Seale h and Brussels. -Seaforth Mee over :Johnson' Hard- -ware -Store;. Main Str et: N. B. --One m • ibpr of CARROLL, Seaforth; V. B. DICKSON, Brus els the firm will always in Seaforth Office P. S. MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans a 6 Per cent. Interest payable half year! , or per centyearly, uth the privilege to corroer of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, B rrister, 840 Seaforth. • AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the - t.1 County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at TUE EXP0K1TOR office will be peomptly attended,to. • ADELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the e County of Huron. Sales of all deseriptiOn pron ptly attended to on eresonable terms. Ad. dres'slBrussels P. 0., or pply on Lot 4, Con - maid n 2, Grey. • 77 VETERI e.ARyi QEAFORTH HOR E INFIRMARY. ' Corner of el Jarvis and Gode ich Streets, nextToor to the 'Preslpyterian Chine , Seaforth, • Ont. All dis- ease of Horses,iCatt1c, Sheep, or ane of the do - meet cited animals, successfully treated at the Inli 'sexy, or elsewh re, on the shortest notice. Char es moderate. A[ES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. P. .-A large stock of Veterin- ary Medicines kept constantly on hand ! TISTItY. ..EAo D. S., and M. it. C.- p., of . Toronto. All; operations , gear teed, Anastheties of all kinds administered. Specialties - Gobi . Filling and Perfect . Fitting- Plates. Towi patients will 'please mm make engageents a e = y or two 'pre -ions to having, the opeva- tion - performed. , tt-,;- Remember the place, in the rooins formerly .ccupsed by C. •Cattwright, up -s airs in CadY'e B °eke epposite the .Commer- Oa' oteL:Seafeith. . • 874 W TSQ1•T TIST• ra,culty Gold ledallist and College Gold Medalr st, Toronto School • taf edicine. SAVING NATURA TEETH A SPECIALTY. • TEETH EASIL AND CAREFULLY - EX RACTOD. tar CHARGE: MODERATE. In N. B. -As I have ought out the _business of the ate Mr. Buggin I will complete alt opera- tion4 begun by him ntisfactoiily to each patient. 0 ice over Johnso i's Hardware Store, eyer's Block, Main Street, eaforth. 'The Mit 4, I 1\T iPatented a ) ell ata dard " *MI T -J 1 Manufactured by \ W. M. MORRIS.- 1 '.- \ . TIE Simplest, St ngest and most satisfactory Windmill yet I ado. For pumping water, sawing wood; choppleg grain or driving any light .machinery, it has n? Cloud. 1 . PUMPS. t PUMPS! r. . . I also manufacture Iron Lift and Double Ac- tion•Fierce Pumps, w Mil'are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Aspurnpsi rid hose kept constantly on . htinidv.e mea trial. - GI I 110 net •give satisfaction no male. . All orders addresse the undersigned, Mit- ; chell P. 0., promptly a ended to. .1 872-62 1 W. 3f. MORRIS. CH1YST4 & BL C IoAI.; BOIL -ER AK OK, Rs. HE Subscribersh ve' bought the Tools and. Roller Business ately carded or by the Goderich Foundry an anufacturing Company, and hiving had an ex e .ence of over eight years in t atsliop, aie ncw prepaied to carry on the trade in all its bran , A iy mirk entrust to us will receive prompt att'eAl oFfirtwork guaranteed. ile made and repaired, also • Smoke Stacks, Sheet. ron Work, &c., at reason- a-b.slee %sit - ens Mad and old ones repaired on the sh nett: notice, nd at prices that defy conipetltion. HRYSTAL & BLACK, , ••'• RUA. INT EXP 1 SiTOR )URE REED BERKSHIRE. -The u &reigned 1„ will keeprduring the present seat{ n, on Lot 6, Concession I 1, Hay, a pure bred erkshire Boar, to 10i.Chili limited number of so% s W111 lc taken. Terms ---$1, with the privilege f return - Ing if necessary. JOHN WILLIS. Ha, P. O. 894e MAKE YOUR CHOICE. -Two Pigs, 1 ne Berk - 1 shire and one Suffolk, will be kep , for ser- vice during. the present season by t e under- ICANNIE. • , . igned at Rodgerville. . Terins : Se enty-five cents a8t87t-h8e time -of. service, with the ivilege of returning if necessary, JOHN1 P. AI SHALL. QUFFOLK AND BERKSHIRE.-Tw Pigs, one l.,j Suffelk and the 'other ,Berkshire, are kept or service at Rannie's Saw Mills, Lot 12, -Con- hesespierniv8ileTgoeseefn;ehtieproefielgIleti j•leeeTesear.r317 : $1, with AMUEL , 887 ; UFFOLK PTGS.-The undersigned ill keep; 'on hand during the .present seaso , a Thor-. nghbied Suffolk Pig, to which ra limit number f sows will be taken. He is one of the best pigs 1 -his class in the county. Tenns-$1, ith the Privilege of returning if necessary. pPly _on the farm of the 'undersigned at Grieve' Bridge, Northern Gravel Road, . McKillop. . It GH J. rRIEVE. - 885 tl) ERESHIRE; PIG.- The unclereigi ed- will keep during the' present seas n on Lot i, concession 12, Hulled, a theroughlir d• Berkhire Pig, to which' a limited . number of *sows Will be admitted. Thiais theepig fornie ly own - d hy yt. John ;Henderson, of Tuckers' iith, and Is one of the beet pigs of his chess in th county • Tertiis.-One chiller payable at the Um of ser- viee, with the privilege of returning if n cessary.- THOMAS AMO. 904-tf . IUE SUF'FOLKS ARE THE BEST. Th' un- dersigned has now On Lot 21, Con ession 2, L. -R. S., Tuckerstnith, and will keep for the improyeteent of Stock, Two TUOROUGIT RED SUE - rowed on April 3rd, 1882, was red by 3 r. FOLK BOARS. The oldest, "Granger," vas far- F.'lliott, Milton, County of Halton. His ire. and his dam were both imported. The • second, *44 King Tom," vas farrowed in April, 1 4. He Was bred by Messrs. A. Fran ls Sons of the county -of Peel, and both his sire and is dam were also imported. They are as good pigs as were ever o ered for service in Huron can be proven by the extended pedigrees w ich are registered in the Canadian Herd Book Teress tkl, with the privilege of returning if n • ceesprily. GEORGE ?LEWES. s 1:4t 14' .44 ' •"•.,,"40•7# t-4 • tC1-1 -4 ti • I \P4 C/:•! Do - tri 4r.4 U. 8. MAIL STEAMSHIPS il from Pier 20, North R,1*er, New York, Every Satindayi for GLASGOW VIA LON OND•ERRY RATES OR -PA SAGE TO GLASGOW, DERRYe BEL AST OR L ER - pool, CABIN, 560 to $8O. SECO D CABIN, $40. STEER GE, OUT WARD, $28. PREP , $21. Anchor Line Drafts issued a lowest rats are paid free oi charge in 'England, Scotian and Ireland.- ° , For passage, Cabin -Plans, Beele of Tou , &c., to HEND4RSON• EROTITTI, 7 B WLING GREEN, New YORK, or to SI DICKSON Post Offlee, Seaforth. 832 ST. JAMES' !-IOT TORONTO., . SHARP at BRICH NI, (Formerly of Shatp's Hotel,Seaforth,) 'PROPR I ETO mins Hotel, which is situated 4ircetiy opposite j_ Union Station, has recent] - been r fitted and refurnished throughout, andi is new • ne of the best and most,comfortable hotels in th city teEvery possible attention paid to gue and 'charges very moderate. • • ' R. L. SHARP,-Prot 845• aso. BRIGHA1 , pr ots APPLES! APPL SI CHARLES 1 DONALD & O., .79 Queen St, London, E.C., En 11[714 be glad to correspond with pple V V • Growers, Merchants and Shippers, ith a • view tolAutumn and Spring business. 'The.y will also give the usual facilities to customers uir- ini advances. 869-39 9u Must Admit That for variety of pattans, newest de- signs and best colorings,. R NTON BROS.' Stocl of New Spring Prints is- hard to beat. We have the latest in Rings, Sp, Check Stripes,. Hail,. ,Floral, Mod iing, &c Just to hand. come and oee them Prints for 5c, 8; 1Oc, and a i extra cl oice lot 12;c; t RkN- TON BROTH RS. Then yoi should - see ti at barge n in White Cheek iins f i Apron &c., selling at price of ordin ry ;print New Shirtiogs, Cot- . tonaces, Tick ngs, &c., all. at prices whicll please. W have sec red the services -�f MISS ELL OTT, of ondon, to open and take charg of out Ibress and Mantle Making Delia tment up stairs.. Every lady who reads this well nows this 'i81 just what . . 4 Exe r wants -Ta first-class, fashionable dress iaker. Bring -along your dresses, no mi ter whe her bought froth us or not. If -you oecono c mbi Rant an Brothel wlll b delighte ant city styles, taste and ed, see- Miss Elliott at s and we are sure you 1 with the results. nt n Bros., E ETER, -Judiyal Sale. th High Court of Justice,Chan- cery e Mar -ter of Partition, ATT vs. WATTS. Pnrs ant to the udgment made- in this cause, there -111 be sol 1, with the approbation of Sutherl nd.Malcon n, Esquire, one of the, •Misse ters of he Suprem Court of Judidature, at pod - t Schaffe 's Hotel, in the Village of Kippen on SATU IWAY, THE 11tle DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 1886, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the fell wing prop rty, namely a - The Siuth Half o Lot number Twelve, in the south B • undary Co iccesion of the Township of Stanley eontaining b3• admeasurement 48 acres, be the. me more o less. The property is ad- vantage usly situat d as to schools and churches, beingthin a few idles of Varna and Erippen. The Ian 1 is in a, g od state of cultivation, 10 acres in fall wheatacres seeded down, 10 acres of fall p owing don ., 3 acres hardwood bush, etc., - etc., we drained nd well feneed. There is a, new Fr me House n the premises, 18x28 feet, 2 storeys, with kitch .n attached, 14x16 feet, stone toundat on and goo cellar. Also a Frame Barn 36x56 fe t, ingood •epair. There is also on the premise • a fair oreha rd. TERM. OF SALE.- en per cent. down on the day of , ale to the lailitiff's Solicitors, and the balance li,to, Court ithin one month thereafter, without interest wh 11 the purchaser will be en- ; titled to an Conveya ice. The purchaser at the I time of iale will be eeuired to sign an agreement for the completion f the seidsale. The property_ will be. ut up subje •t to a reserve bid. In other respeas the conditi ns of sale will be the stand- ing conditionsof this Court. Further particulars may be had from JOHN HOSKIN,- ESQ.. Q. C., Official median, Terento, or MESSRS. GARROW 1-16 PRO MOT, - Barristers, Goderich, or from the Pia ntiff's Sol citors. S. MALC031SON, Local M ,zter a God rich. MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton, Plaintiff's , elicitors. Dated this 12th d y of March, A. D.,1885. • , 902-4 Sea orth Restaurant 1 MRS WIS ES to int - a id vicinity, Confetti nen, Bus' Oyster P rlors regal. She ke ps Green She k cps Tepee brands. She lee °Ps the be She ke ps Fresh 0 any style retpeired. She ke ps Oysters which ar received f She pee s (every att She se $ en very Rene» ber the pla & 'Wilson s Hardwar SMITH rin the people of -Seaforth that she has enlarged her ess, and has refitted her less of expense. sit of all kinds on hand. os and Cigars of the best restaurant in the county, °eters, which can be had in either in bulk or in caps, sh daily. ntion to customers. enable terins. e first door north of Reid. dtore, Main Street. RS. STH. SEAF RTH Having my New M order, I ave pleasur tamers ru d friends t and r• IMPR VET) lam l etteathaie FIR . . On the sh SCO all ni3 T - OL rtgsk otic (Ad caste A LP4 GE ET ( n hand to OMEN MILLS. lls now in first-class running in announcing, to my cus- at with Enlarged Premises MACHINERY, - ver prepared to turn out ASS WORK , and will be pleased to ere and as many now ones. OK OF bOODS rade with as usual. A. G. VINEGMOND IT LEADS ALL. :No other blood.puritying medicinefs made, or has ever been prepared, which so cona pletely Meets the wants of physicians 'and the general public as • Aor's :Sarsaparilla.' It leads the list as a truly scientifie prepara- tion for all blood diseases. If there Is a lurk- SrlioRil A ingtaint of Scrofula about you. i .. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA Will dislodge it and expel it from your syetern. - For e )nscitutional or scrofulous Catarrh, ft ' I• AVER'S* SARSAPARILLA. isthe !JAI -ARRA true remedy. It has cured uumberiees cases. ' It will stop the nauseous catarrhal discharges, and renaove the sicken. ing odor of the breath, whieb are indications of scrofulous origin. 113PEPOUS • -L "At the age of two years, one of Ver'i eel my children was terribly afflicted Otillaa with. ulcerous running sores on its face and neck.' At the same thne its eyes were swellenepauch inflamed, and very sore. 'ORE EYES Physicians told US that a pow- ' erful alterative medicine must. le employed. They united in recornmendinzi AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. A few doses pro-i- duced a perceptible im_proveinent, which, by) an adherence to your directions, was contin- ued to a tomplete.and permanent cure. No evidence has since appeared of_the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat- ment of any disorder was ever attended by more prompt or effectual results. Tours truly, B. F. dositeme." _ • "Hutto, Tex., Sept. 28,1882. . PB.BPARED BY ' Dr.J. C.Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. - Bold by all Draggle* 411, SIX bottles for $5. • • Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and' Clinton stations follows: GOING WEST-- S1CAFORTTL Exprees.... 1.60 P. M. . Express__ 8.58 P. ea Mixed Tmin.. , 8 15 A. M. .G-coneo ?Express.... .... 7.45 A. M. Express 1.50 P. M. Mixed Train.. 4.45 P. M. • London, HUr9n, and Goths' NORTH- Express. London, depart.. 7.45 A. Exeter 8,57 • Hensall_ .. 9.07 . Kippen.. , . 9,13 . Brucefield. .. 9.23 .. 9.45 Londesboro ., 10.00 Belgmve,... .... 10.22 Blyth......... 10.07 Wingham, arrive 10.36 GOINO BOUT11---1 Express. 3.1.a Win gham, depart 7.48 a. m. 30 Belgmve 8.00 3.17 Blyth...... 8.15 3.30 Londesboro 8.24 3.38 .. 8.50 - 4.05 Brucefield.. 9.05 4.19 9.13 Henson.. 9.18 -Exeteo..... .. 935 London, arrive10.51 6.50 CLINTON 2.30 r, il 9,16 P -al 9.45 A. M. 7.23 A. Ai 1.05 Ps 4.00 r. Bruce, 2n6aCIAa.61.1 1. m. .00 6.10 9.35 4 9.57 9 10.07 76..0358 1110..2302 7.20 12.00 7.27 12.16 P.n. 7.46 12.48 , 7.55 1.18 il. 2nd Class 3P.M. 10.20A.h1 1111.'4221 1200 17.45 P. 1.11 1.27 1.36 2.35„ 5.30 4.27 4.32 4.43 Wellington, Grey and- Bruce. GOLTG NORTH- Moran. Express. Ethel...., 2.30 P.m. 0.39 P. M. Brussels - . 2.41 9.53 Bluevale.... .... . - 2.55 10.09. ' Wingham 3.10 10.20 GOING SOUTII- Express. Accoms Winghani - 6.50 a. er. 11.18 A. Al Bluevale .... 7.30 11.30 Brussels 7.15 - 11.50 . • Ethel 7.27 12.05 , Norm -The Morning Train ging South and the Evening Train going Nostla, run on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only. BARGAINS FOR TH.F. mzxT Prizes! Prizes 1 From now to the- 16th of May first, the following prizes will be given, at CO UNTE R'S J EWELRY STORE, TO CASH BUY RS ONLY. Every one purchasing $10 worth 'of goods can have their choice of one dozen photographs from A. Calder's, or one year's Subscription to TES EXPOSMOR or Sun. . - For $20 purchases, 15 per cent. in cash. For e30 evechases, 20 per cent. in cash. For $75 purchases, and upwards, 26 per eent, in cash. . Geode are as low as ever, and an marked in plain figures. , B e. y sow. geode in the cheapest market and front a reliable house. P rsonal attention gleten to repairing in all bran hes of the trzele. Fine watches a specialty. Established January, 167 M. R. COU NTER, Practical Jeweller, Watch and Clock - Maker, Seaforth, T.J_AADIMS' If you wish to see the latest styles in Millinery and Farley Goods cell at the Misses Bail, as we have just opened otit a full and complete stock of everything in our - line. Latest novelties and great bargains in hats, plumes, ribbons;laces, &e., &c. We than- our friends for past favors, and would solicit & continuance of the same. Our epening-will commence on WEDNESDAY April 1st. And continue throughout the Week. Please call before purchasing- elsewhere. We _have en- gaged a firet class Dress and Mantle Maker from the city, who we are sure cannot fail to sultan. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. - R. & M. !ALL, Dr. Buchanan's Block, King Street, Ifeneall 903-8 3 Removed I RemOved G -M M W 11\T SEAFORTH, • The Old Estellished Butcher has removed to new premises immediately opposite his Old . Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be e pleased to meet anis old patrons aed as snarly new ones as may see fit to fever him with their. patronage. ,. it''Resnerriber the place, between Henderson's I Harness Shop, and 3IeIntyre's Shoe Store, Mari 1 ' Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE EWINo. FAHMER$, IT WILL PAY Yal ___TO CALL AT THEr---- THIRTY nAYS HURON FOUNDRY I Will offer the balance of my stock of • -NEAR THE - MGM. SCHOOL, SEAFOft111111 And See our stock of Parlor & Coal Stoves! S' AT CO Which havebeen ma& especially for Vile county. FO 0 A 3 H. I have greatly improreed my Gang Plow for this season, and feel satisfied in sa3ing that it is the Come and Get , best in the niarket. Our Bfflrgains - LAND ROLLERS 't Are large and heavy, running light and. doing- . good work. Our WHILE THEY LAST. A Few Second - Hand Coal and; Wood Stoves Cheap. O M. WHITNEY'S 0,!-V7AP STOVE HOUSE, SEAFORTH. THE CMIAJJRN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital,. - 86,000,000. Rest 2,000,000. PRESIDENT, NiS.S. WM. MCMASTER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The §eaforth Blanch of this Bank continues to receive deposits, on whill; interest :Se allowed on the most favorable terulte- Drafts on all the principal towns, and cities in - Canada, on Great Melee and on the 'Chace States, bought and sold. °Mee -Flint door Sorru of '511e Commercial Hotel. A. H. IRELAND, Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. 639 MIXECUTORS' NOTICE. -.11 parties having 124 dahlia against the estate of the late Wm. Edgar, et the Village ofliiite-en, in the toshiship of Stanley, are hereby notified that the said claims properly attested musthe filed with either of the •undersigned at ,Kippen, on or before the llth day of April, 1885, andall claims not then i» will be barred settlement, as the affairs of the estate must then be citified up. All patties in- debted to the said estate must also settle the same on or before the above date, as all debts re- main hag unsettled at that date will be put into other hands for collection. WM. ITISON JQHN LANDEBS„- Executors. PETER:. COOPER,)' Kippene March leth, 1885. 902-4 -1011,ULL FOR SERVICE. BULLS AND DAMES - 1.1 FOP- . SALE. OATS FOR SALE.- The undersigned will keep for service en Lots 23 and 24, township of Gey, his thoroughbred Durham Bull "Lord Lovell." Terms for season. ---For one thoroughbred eow es, for eaeh additional coy $7, for one ;red* cow $3.50 for each additional cow $3. Cows returned regularly, and not in eatlf- will be (-barged half price. Cows from a dietaece will ee fed or pastured at reaseniable 'rates if they wish to leave thein. "Lord Lovell," has b shown 14 times and hag taken 13 fillet prizes and elle second. He has proved efflueelf a sure and good stock getter. He will likely, be seen at Spell% Shows. Also four young Bulls for sale from 11 40 15 months' old, got by "Lord Lovell s and "Deines'boughtfrom J.und W.Wett, Selene County Wellington. They ar e good Axe, celeratel eondition, with choice pedigrees- and will be sold _cheap. Also a quantity of MeAllia ter White Oats and Black Tsetse Oats, setae from Seotland and perfectly elean. Price, >4) cents, per bushel. MILNE, Ethel. 90342 'GRAIN CRUSHERS Are mule front Hard iron, and will last longer than any other machine made,. Having _ al tools for recutting Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaction. Special attention given to re- pairieg Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mins, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing 'Machines, and all kinds of machinery repaired on short- notice and at reasonable rates. To.. Contractors and Others. Bridge Bolts arid Castings at lowest ;rates. 'Also Agent for the implements eel, D. Sawyer, Hamilton. A full Inc ofe repairs -COD- Staab' on hand. THOMAS HENDRY. Quotations furnished on application. FARMERS' BANKING I-41111SL 1...‘0C3-.Al\T CO BANKERS &. BROKERS, SEAFORTH,, Ohrr: • Office -First Door ivowiti of' Commercial Hotel. Notes' discountedaind a general banking, busi- ness done. Remitttnee to andscollectiors made in MAni- , toba. Business done through Beek of MontreaL A limited amount of money -received on deposit, Money to loom on real-estate at beOstes.. S. C. M'CAUCHEY, WM. LOCAII. p. McCaughee, will attend to Con- veyance in all its branches, lending money on real estate, buying and selling farms, houses, e. SEAFOATH PLANING MILIA -a -- SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY riviE subscriber b, -s leave to thank his miter -- 1 ons customers for the liberal patronage ex- tended to bim since -conirneneine businees in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be f avorecl with a continuance of the stane. Patties intending to build would dowellto give him a. tall, as he will continue to .1..tp outand a large stock of all kinds of DRY- PINE LUMBER SASHES, DOOR, BLINDS & MOULDINGS, SIIING-LES, LATH, ,&-e. He feels confident ef giving satisfaction to these iviio may faVor him with their patrimage, - ae none but thee -class workmen are erapleyed. Patticular atteetion paid to Custom nixing.. 201 - JOHN H, ARO,ADFOOT. a .Ta