HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-04-03, Page 6- • • T,E1 HURON 'EXPOSITOR. 1 Prizes I Prizes I Perth Itemshim through! .tich a pelt of ot, Sviaile , . . _ 'h hin , the scorch if a bullet didn't finis , i - - Kr- WY. j. Campbell, , late •cheefie- ingsun WaS.pretty sure to. de- it, maker at Prospect Hill, is removing his ' ing factory utensils, etc., to Kirkton,All at once a man was seen stepp . out from the sheltering thicket, and —St. Marys Collegiate Institute lit - that man was 'Gentleman Boh.' He erery soiety purpose holding a grand entertalament on the 2n1 never looked to right or left, but 'went -April. r —MRBHarstone, of Winnipeg, straight to where his persecutor was e' . . lying helpless; and trieA to raise' him. is visiting his old home and friends at At first, the French banged away at him St. Marys. - like fury, but when they Sink. Whet he —At the Stratford post office there W doing, several officers ealledt out., were posted during the week ending- - ' a Merch 14, 6,5911etters and 1,589 pestal . Ne rez pas, mes enfants' ('Don't fire, • cards. Tr my boys , ), and raised their caps to him in selute. Bob lifted the wounded man. —Three farms in Ellice township,neah Stratford, belonging to the le raereee gently in his arms, - and' shielding him. ehtate, are tobe sold by auction _on Sat- / with his OW11 body, brought him. back . Imlay 28th inst. _ , . into our lines, and such.a cheer -as Went , --The Russeldak cheater men 'had upthen I never heard before' or . since." ,a tussle with the Fullerton Corners "And did that -horrid Lieutenant die : • club, lately. The former win ing by . . uncle. g), I ' . one game. of • - "Luckily not," auevared the Colonel, —Mr. H. B. Morp,hy, barri,ter, laughine, '4 for I'm sorry to say the . . Listowel, has been asked to acc pt the ' horrid6Lieutenant ' was no 'other than. Captaincy of the Volunteer Cempanyhin myself." place of Captain Fennell. i 1 "Oh; uncle 1. were you ever so —The young ladies of Trou-bridge aro \ naughty as that r" lisped a tiny Voice, 'in in demand in the matrimoaial market, tones of amazement. „no fewer than five having lately . desert- "But what became of 'Gentleman ed the ranks of single blessednesea . BO ' ?" asked- an impatient, boy. —Farmers in the vicinity • of St1 "He's now my respected •brother -int Marys lave had their potatoes, pitted law, and your papa," said the Colonel, -outside, badly fraien. One man, out of exehanging a sly look with a fine400k- thirty bushelt had scarcely a bagful man on the -other side of the room, w o sa.ved. • I had been listening to the story with a —Mr. C., J. Macg..h regor, e-..eed : quiet smile. And now that you're master of the Stratford High School has I had your tale, go and say good -night, been appointed deputy collector of cus, for it's highttime for by,by." ' toms at Stratford, in the place ' of the • Late Mr. T. M. Daly. . %How "My Uncle" was Fooled. —The -Empire Cattle Food Company A -correspondent of ti e San Francisco of Mitchell are now manufacturing a Chrehicle says food for fowls, which is said to be an I asked a pawnbrok r in the west excellent thing_as an egg -producer when End; Who does what I may call a first fed to hens. • - class business, *whethee he had many -e-The two horses from Mitchell; attempts to defraud made upon him.; burned in the stables of the Netional "Yes, Sir," said, he, "every week in , hotel in St Marys, lately, weretveluable every month and every day in. every aninials. The one belongiag to Mr. meek, aid sometimes ten times a day, Alex. Thompson It -as Valued at $200, the but up here in the west End we have other, driven by John Ford, but owned the highest classzof operators in this kind lay Mr. j. Skinner, sr., was valued at of roguery:to deal with. I assure you $300. , e an article on which I myself lent £100 —Wednesday morning, lith instonly a week ago will, -when it comes to, Mise Janet McKenzie , and Mr. John be sold, never fetch more than £60."' Nethercett, of Motherwell, were united Opening- an iron safe he took out a hlue. u-edlock at the manse by Rev. R. vebiet 1 case about the size of My hand. Hamilton, In the evening a large flute- He oPened it and 1 i saw a splendid ber of relatives and others met at Mraigrette of diamonds in`i the form of a MeKenzie'e to celebrate the wedding, bird with outstretched wings: "IS not and received a genuine Highland wel- coiner- Mr. Northcott and wife intend to rentave to the 3rd line, Blanshard, to, the farm lately occupied by Mr: •Dickson. , r‘ The Bravest Man in the Regi- ment. BY DAVID KER. "So you want me to tell you a story about a brave mall:little people r said Colonel Gra.ylock, as his half-dozen you please," said a modest looking young nephews and nieces, tired with, their woman, whom I instantly jedged to he a afternonn's play, gathered around his lady's maid, "can you step out and speak arm -chair by the fire. "Well, Pe -e seen to her ladyship a monient. She , is in plenty of them in my time, but the - her carriage half a dozen doer up the street. She didn't like to' tot pull up out- side the shop." Al an event like this is , not unustial in our -business, 1 at once put- on ,my hat pid accompanied the young woniaei. I Saw- a ;. handsome car- riage, with a coronet on the - panels, a liveried icoachrean and footmanon the box, and a charming face framed momen- tarily in the opeii window of the new car- riage. I raised my hat and asked the lady what I could do for her. ''Oh, dear, me," said she, "1 never felt so nervous in, my life." ; This is really dreadful. If you please, my good. Man, I want £100 directly, and my maid tells me that you will lend them to me ; and you can take care of my aigrette, but yon will never, - never let any body see it, will you.? And that beautiful ?" said he. I agreed' with him—it WRLS _a mass of 'flashing, light. "There are 120 stones in that bird," said the , pawnbroker, " all of •which you *add naturally suppose to be dianinnds. a matter of fa.et, only ninety stonee p genuine, the others are white sap pljires.;I will tell you, how ceme to take it in. A few, dayelago the bell 'cif the private office hound the corner rang, and I myself opened the door: "Oh, if -bravest man I_ever knew was a young _Eneign in our regiment, whom we used to call Gentlemen Bob '—and right well he deserved the name, though not as we Meant it. " Soldiering is a very different thing nowfrom what it was in my young days, and men leave learned—what it's a pity they didn't learn sooner --that a man may make none the:worse officer for being a gentleman and a Christian. Henry Havelock taught us that pretty fairly, but in, the raugh old times it was a very, different thing. Then the harder an English officer drank, and the louder he swore, and the more he bullied his men, and the readier he was to fight a duel or to join in any low frolic, the better his comrades liked him,, and I'm afraid we were much the same as the reit. when I get my allowance next Month, why I Will send my maid, with the '50 yea may fancy what we thought horrid money for it. I stepped opposite when a man like' Gentleman Bob ' came this jeweler -s, she continued, handing among us, who was always quiet rand . me at the same time the case audits cone, sober and orderly, and instead of brawl- tents, because the people will think that/ ing end rioting like the rest of us, spent I am' giving him something to mend:, all his spare time over dry scientifiri Oh, dear 1! Oh'," dear 1 I do hope that noe books that we knew nothing about, and body will see me who knows me, and she read e chapter of the Bible every morn- shraak beak into the .Carriage. "Stay, irta and evenH ine. Ho* ,y did Magill at my maid will tell you who Lam and. all at.him, and male meek of him, tcyhe that : but, oh, do be quick, Lanf in such sure 1- But the provoking thing Was alfright. ". I was fairly taken down: I that he never seemed to mind it one bit, returned to the shop with the precious and he was so good-natured, ,i and. so maid; just glance ! at the article for a ready to do hay one a good turii when moment, never dou tingbut all the stenes ha could, that it certainly ought to have were right ; asked the -maid her mistress , made us ashamed, of ourselves ;- but it. name ; she handed me -the card of a didn't, mere's the pity. - ' wealthy young noblemann residing in " But before long something did =le : Eaton SqUare, and I at once wrote out a us ashamedof ourselves, and this was it. receipt for thearticle and handed it to Our Colonel Was in a great hurry °lie the girl in an envelope, withtwenty crisp day to find eilt the whereabouts of a. five pound pound notes. A quarter of an hour village that wal,I'l marked 911 III'S maP, afterwards an uneasy feeling took pos- and none, of us could help him, when, lo session ofme that perhaps all was not and behold ! forward stepped ' Gentle- right. With the 'odd of a pawed 1.1 glass ith the d lady Man Bob, with a neat httlermap of hvi I carefully examined the stones ;ewn drawing, end there was the very result I have told you. If this gel place, just her it hould be. The only suceeedecl in duping me tha)t morn- 1.`alene1 looked at it, ncl then at l'Isr ' inc she did a good day'swork, but I have end said, grimly, 'It's not no° doubt that she had aeveral more 'often, gentlemen., that •the youngest aderettes comfortably tucked under :officer of a regiment i'. ds the smartest : the cushions of her brougham, 'let this b • a lesson to your" „: and I daresay there was weeping and. ' "You lay be sure this report -made wailing and gnashing of teeth in several none the more merciful M talking establislunents besides mine before eight- a4gainst p or Bob ; and perhaps we might' fell. This sort of thing is done every hae--e done something more than talkbut dey. Everybody in this world, - pawn - !for a thing that happened one night at brokers iecluded, is too prone to be de- ' Mess. Our junior Captain, a . rough ceived byla,ppearances. ' • bullying kind of follow, was going to empty a 'lass of wine over Bob' S head u' eke When the Ensign grasped. his wrist, and eerded in 'Mitchell aince the d ath- of overturn el the wme upon him mstead, her husband; Rev. H. Christopherson, 411-d the ;riet was Meek awl blue from has remo ed to Goderiche where her that squeeze for many a dae7- after, 1 relatives ieside, _ " fklenit a ',Amish after this, one of our men who used eto have madness --Je r. , . , .a. c ouga , u e is ie, every 110M and then, from an aid wound moving frem NortivEasthope to Mary - in the hea, eame flyine. genic with a borough, was presented with a meer-• big knife in his hand, slashing at every- schaum p e and tobacco lieu& by his tu thing wi i in reach. Some cried tb: shoot old neigh ors and friends. _ • himabut ob said, quietly, 'At man's —The beef association of Avonbank life is w rt more than that : let me and vicinity, have. ma:de their final try.' And i a moment he haci seized arrangem nth for supplying theinselvee the fellow's knife -hand, mid tripped him with fre summer beefs The first so ckverly that he mus dawn before we alliFtlal is to be slaughtered in the'beehi- . 0 _ could call out ; and then some of i the ning of ji ne. - • , • f men caune up and secured him. —Hens ere early risers, and do not "Of aourse we (*slid. say not ung like stand ng around onone foot waiting against Bob's pint& after that, ha all for their breakfast. The morning meal this was a trille te what was con Mg. with then is the important one of the A few days later came one of the g, eat- dry. Bei ed potatoes, turnips, carrots, , est hattl s of the war, and We were so aeything in the vegetable line, ini*d. hard pre sed on the left (ihereregi- with -bran r shorts, seasoned with pepper ment we.) that at last there was noth- or salt and fed warm, will make any ing far it but to fell back. We foamed again un er cover of some thickets, but well regulated hen cackle with satisfact tion. Feed a few handsful of shhat even theie we had enough to do to hold screenings at noon, anclatnight give a our erouad, far the enemy had braught ,.. liberal feed of whole gram of some kind 11er/several guile. and ss -ere giving it to us • - . / • pretty hot. • 11. Christopherson, has • f* Suddenly betweezi two gusts of one of our wounded, lying out oif the open plain, was seen to wave his hand feetay, as if for help. It was -One: of our Li utenants, wlw had. been hard- er than a Ay or upon 4- 1-lentle1flan Bob.' and hie chance was a poor one. fOri it seemed e rtain death to try and reaeli • SEAFORTH WOOLLEN MILLS. T BEG to infonn those -indebted to ine for manufacturing or book accounts, that owing to the entire destruction of toy mill by fire, I am coinpelled to call on you for a prompt settlement ef yonr accounts, as the books must be closed: Ilepe a see/adappeal will not he necessary. 829A. G. Vas:FM-310ND 1 THE IG MILLS, SEA,FORTH. The above mills have now been thoroughly u a the complete . • . • . HUNCARIA!1-,ROLLE PROCESS. The Mill and St4ehouse B dings have been greatly enlarged and new iachinery applied • throughout. THE. LATEST-IMPR 'YED. ROLLS AN Flour Dressing Machines Fromthe best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessit y added to enable her to turn out flour SECONO TO NONE , In the Dominion. The twill les .for receiving grain 1 rent &mere and for elev ting and shipping have also deen extensiVely imp .ved. Grain can • now be taken froth farmers* vagons, weighed,' and loaded into c ris-at the nte of 700 bushels per hour, by the w rk of.ta,o m • =,;": A LARGE FEEI STONE —FOR --- CUSTOM CHOPPING Ha been put in; and the necessary machineryfor handhng chop n4d coarse grains. A good sited h4is been erected, so that wagons can be unloaded ind reloaded under cover. WHEA EXCHANqES • Pron tly attended to, and k FIRST -CL SS ROLLER FOUR GUARANTEED. OTTS OM MME:0 Chopped satisfectmily and*Thout delay. ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, OHORTS, And all kinds of CHOFIPED 'FEED C nstantly on hand. -Highs/it- arket Prici Paid in •Cash fo an Quan ity of eat. ::APPLE BAF! ELS FINE,5_COAS.E AND 1 ND SALT. _ OR SALE., Only firstsclas anCoblising men will be kept tp attend cud° ers. The liberal patronge of farmers and general trade respectfully solicited. W. OHNE & CO., - PROPRIETORS. T. 0. KEMP kanager.: t-4 tCr at -4 pun asaug a�� • CD co W H./* T I S Why it is the Peopl PHOTOCRAPH P wall A..CALDER A ND now that the Holiday proaching, and the good p Perth will doubtless require so artistic in the way of Portraits day Gifts to absent friends or C. being fully alive to the im has made special extra arrange comniodatiqn of the Holiday T for Christmas Pictures, CA Year's Pictures. For a Photo Excellencepf Shade and Finis ful Position, coupled with ground and Accessories.- , Give the I'. P. P. P. a trial, smiling with delight and a Goo II II IT? s Popular -RLORS, THE HELM. eason is fast ap- ople of Huron and nething neat and to send as Holi- elatives, and Mr. rtance of this fact, cuts for the ac- ade. .CALDE1VS DER'S for New of Tasty Design, , Easy and Grace- ppropriate Back- nd then go away PICTURE. ANDREW CAI DER, ° Seatt'sUIoci, Seaforth. -From now to the 16th Of May first, the following prizes will be ,given at COUNTER'S -JEWELRY ,STORE, TO CASH BUYERS,ONLY. Every one purchasing $10 worth of goods can have their:choice of one dozen photographs from A. Calder's, or one year's subscription to THE EXPOSITOR Or SUR. For $20 purchases, 15 per cent. in cash. For $30 purchases, 20 per cent. in cash. For $75 purchases and upwards, 25 per cent. in Goods are astrity as ever, and all marked in plain figures. Buy your goods In the cheapest market. and from a reliable house. Personal attention given to repairing in all branches of the trade. Fine watches a specialty. I Established January, 1867 IVI R . COUNTER . . 1 I • . - Practical I Jeweller, Watch and Clook 1 i iti'll aker, Seaforth, Ont. If you t lab to see the laLst styles in Millinery and Fat c3, Goods call at the Misses pal, as we have juist opened out a full and complete stock of everything in our line. Latestc novelties and great bargains in hats, .plumes, ribbons, laces, &c., &c. We thank our friendefor past favors, and would solicit a contiinuanee of the same, our opening will commence on WEDNESDAY, April 1st. And continue throughout the week. Please call before purehasing elsewhere. We have en- gaged a first class Dress and Mantle Maker from the city T who we are sure cannot fail to suit all, Butter and Eggs taken as cash. R. 131. M. BALL, Milliners, Dr. Buchanan's Block, King Street, Hensall. 903-8 Removed I Removed! G- Q. E "CrsT iINT C+, SEAFORTH, The Id Established Butcher has removed to new premises immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, _where he will be pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to favor him aith their patron ge. - emember the place, between Henderson's JFfarne4 Shop, and McIntyre's 8hoe Store, Main +Street, Seaforth. 1 1896 GEORGE EWING. : _,.. ARMERSI, IT WILL PAY Y.CU TO CALL ..AT TILE— rIVR'ON FOUNDRY, • NEJtTHE IG SOHOOL, SEAFORTH, And see our stock of Which have been made especially for this county. have greatiy iinproved my Gang Plow, for this easels and feellsatisfied in saying that it is the . est in the market. Our . . , - LAND ROLLERS , , re large and heavy, running sight and (Wing * led work. Our / 1 GRAI CRUSHERS A. re made from ard Iron,l and will lastlonger han any other nachine made. - HaxingsIspecial cols for recut ing Rollers, tvi can guarantee tisfaction. Special attentio i git;eti :: to t0 - airing Steam Engines, Saw and -OriSt Mills, eapers, Mowers, Threshing Machina, and 11 kinds of machinery repaired on short' notice 1 d at reasonable rates. . . To Contractors an4 Othirs. Bridge Bolts and Castings at lowest fates. notations furnished on application. fiAlso Agent for the nnents awyer, Hamilton. A full line of repairs con- Implof L. D. i tantly on hand. THOMAS hINDRY. FARMERS BARKING HOUSE. I.J0C3-11.1\T az ) BANKERS. & BRpK.ERS, 4.FOR.T.H, - I- ONT. Office— 'rot Door NORTH of Comm roial Hot 1. Notes disettunted, and -4 gener I banking busi- ness done. ISemitterice t and collections made in Mani- toba. Business done through Bank of Montreal. A lii • ted amount Of money rebeiVed on deposit. 1 Mon to loa In on ral estate t best rates. . . S.C. CAUCHEY, ;WM. L�C4N. 1 I S. G. McCaughey will 'attend in all its bisanehes, lending n e, buy il ig and selling fa ins, houses, &c. P. S. to Con. yeyance oney on real est / S DAFOBTHrPLANflG MILL SASH, D001 AND BLI D FACTORY THE1 ubscriber begs leave to hank his numer- on custonters for the libetal patronage ex- tended , o him !since commenc ng business in Seafort , and trests that he ma3 be feared with a conti ' uance of the same. Parti s intending to build wo Id do Well to give him a clall, as hei will continue t keep' on hand a large s Ock of all kinds of - DRY ,PINE LUMBER, ,SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS & MOU• -DINGS, 411, &c. , SHINGLES, He eels confident et givin satisfaction to those lho may f vor hint with their patronage, as no g but firs clam ,workmen ire employed. Pa/ pular att ntionlsaid to 1 stern Pianing. 201 OHN II. 1$ROADFOOT. THE CENTRAL OFFICE ----0E- 1r Is at the CELEBRATED BOOK AND FANCY GOODS, STORE of O. W. PAPST, ---DEALER IN ooks, Stationery, Periodicals, Music, Musical Instru- ments,_ Cards of all Sorts. he E3ELIL Telephone Company INVOICES just to Hand of one' of the best Selected Stocks of NGLISII, MERICAN and CANADIAN Wall Papers for Spring Trade. Foot Balls at Very Low Prices. A Complete Stock to Select from at C. *W. PAPST'S Fancy Store. ALENTINES VALENTINES! DON'T FORGET, ST. VALENTINE'S DAY is Fast Approaching—SO Approachi to C. W., APST'S where you caniget one of the Best Steaks west of Toronto to select from. innieeadquarters for ah the Leading Newspapers in tlae World. W. PAPST, Bookseller and Stationer, mAirsi STREET. SEAFORTH. J. McLOUGHLIN'S TOOK TAKING CHEAP SAL CONTINUES ALL THIS MONTH, WHEN EVERYONE WILL RECEIVE RENIENDOUS BARGAINS FOR CASH RY GOODS, MILLINERY, HATS and Sp C C CAPS, GROCERIES, Scc., &C. J. McLOUGH LIN, Whitney's Block, Seaforth. For ale Holiday Trade. odgers & Sons table and. Pocket Cutlery, Electro -Plated. Knives, Forks and oos. A splendid assortment of Hall, Parlor and Library Lamps. English. 1 elf. Tin" Goods in Jelly Moulds, Pudding Dishes, Tea Pots, Cofiee Biggins, B' ex it Pans, &c. Nickel -Plated, Granite, Iron, Tea and Coffee Pots. The ce eb• ated. Cold Handle" Sad Irons, both plain, polish and nickel finish. J pa incd inwares, Enamelled Wares, Kitchen Furnishings and Cooking Uten 81 s i4i great variety, at d. ni r e have many useful, sensible and appropriate articles suitable for Christmas ew Year's gifts, in Hardware and House Furnishings, which we have e4 at our usual low price -et: f • 0 A L L. AND EXAMINE GOODS. WISHING- MY NUMERQUO CUSTOMERS AND EVERYBODY A M ERY CHRISTMAS. MRS. JOHN KIDD, SEAFORTH. ials of a Poor Scotch Laddie ur hero was born in Edrnburgh in the year 1825, and his father, who was 1 / in Sol e way connected iniller Majesty's Navy, died, leaving him with no earthly frien alone hi the great inetropolis of Scotland, a barefooted penniless boy. Noth ng daunted, he still preserved a kind father's advice to be honest and int dustr ous, and through time, by reading signs on shop doors and -during nights from ieces of newspaperepicked up amongst his acquaintance, he acquired a taste for study, and, as he was dependent upon his own resources, he had to accep work in a livery stable, but being saving, in a few years was able to pur- chase a cart and horse. This was his first step to fortune. He amassed in a few y ars a considerable sum of money, with which he emigrated to America, but e -posure in his previous vocation as cab driver, brought on an affection of thiesls, ugs, baffling the best medical aid both in the Old Country and America. H drits were drooping, and his wealth was beginning to dwindle down by expe �ses in travelling from place to place after the best medical aid. After ex- haust g money on medicines he was in despair, when an old friend advised him to g t to Canada, and try C. Duncan's Cough Syrup, Which is a sure cure for Colds Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Bronchitis. and Croup. He did. as ad- vised was cured, and is now happy and prosperous. Such is life, and if any one filleted vaiues life, procureathe best Cough Syrup, viz.: C. Duncan's, at the Medi 'al Hall. - ) C. DUNCAN, Druggist, Main St. Seaforth. 11 SEWING MACHINES AT C. WILLSON'S, eaforth. I havethe largeht and best selected stock of machines to be found in any one usel Canada.- I am not hired to sell any one particular machine, but am at il i ser to keep and sell all that I consider the best consequently I keep a large ock of the following first-class machines, vie.: The Domestic, the Davis, the r.1 1 7 b th ee:nCa,PYmliftaeluAs' ersaannddRnalyysme:dfe.r fiAyellyoefartshefreambodvaearteeef ssoalldandea gl Cali aari anill te ee xd- arin my stock of machines, and you will find as above. Instructions free by good experieuced operators. Oils, Needles and Repairs of all kinds always on t hand 0; C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth, APRIL 3, 1885 An Old Soldiees EXPERIENCE. Calvert, TexaS, . Ma) 30882. "_I wish to exerese my appreciation of Cie. Taluable qualities of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as a cough remedy. "While with Cburchillls army, fuskbefore- the battle of Vicksburg, I e,ontracted a so- , Tem cold;whieh teruneated in a dangerous , cough. 1 found no relief till on our march we came to a country store, where, 031 asking for some remedy, was Urged to tryAYZa'S CUErsta PECToR.A.L. , , "1 did so, and wia0-z5pid1y cure*X- Sines then Ibave kept the PECTO Contantly by me, for family iss:sts and I have found it to he an invaluable reMody foz . fliro-xt and lung diseases. Thousands of, testiraonhtls "certify to tis prompt cure- of ,all bronChial And lung affections, by the TISS of 21:','ER's CnERUY PECTORAL. Being yr ry paile b:c, the young- est children take it Tea/11y. 1211Z• PAn,ED C.T.i.C.Ayor &Co. NoI Sold_by all Drug ists. EglioNDV LLE -- ROLLER In returning thanks to our numerous friendi and patrons for the very liberal support we have received during the past three years, we 'beg to announce that, having during the past season greatly enlarged our mill, and also added to our power and machinery, we are now better than ever prepared to attend to the -wants of our custornets promptly, and with the best- , satisfaction to them. Special attention paid to GRISTING and CHOPPING. Farmers can have their Wheat gro changed without delay. a or ex- Flour,Bran and Shorts constantly on hand, of a quality equalled by few and excelled by no mill in the Dominion, at lowest prices --quality considered. 1 Having also added to the' power of our SW M I 1...1 WE ARE PREPARED TO DO CUSTOM SAWING At any time -winter or smumer. Highest price paid for LOGS delivered at Egmondville or- Brucefle]d. KYLE & MUSTARD, EGMONDVILLE. WROXETER MILLS. Alexander L. Gibson • Begs to announce to the public that he has tom-- . meneed to operate the WROXETER • WOOLLEN FACTORYt .And that he will be prepared to give good val 111 FULL _CLOTHS, TWEEDS,. I, UNION T1) EEDS, FLANNELS, PLAIDINGS, WINCEYS, And Varieties in STOCKING YARNS. Custom Carding, Spinning and Fulling - Promptly Attended to, Parties from a distance will, as far as possible', have their ROLLS HOME WITH THEM, and as - he has put the Mill into Good Working Order and employs none but Efficient Workmen, All WOrk is Warranted-. REMEMBER THE WROXETER MILLS. ALEX. L. GIBSON, Proprietor. - _A_ Li .1\T iIEi\T ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. A. STRONG, Seaforth, Agent , GREAT REDUCTION IN PASSAGE RATES. Cabin rates from Halifax tO Liverpool and Lon- donderry, 850, 863, and $73, according to position, of stateroom. Children under 12 years, half fast; under 1, free. Servants in Cabin, $50. Inter- mediate, $35; Steerage, $1-3. From Liverpool or Londmiderry to Halifax : Cabin, $63, $78.75 and $94.50; intermediate, $35; Steerage, $13. Re- turn Tickets from Halifax to Londonderry or Liverpool and back to Halifax : Cabin, $100, $126- - and $143; Intermediate, $70; Steerage, $26. • Money Loaned and Real Estate Bought and Sold as Usnal. 1NSURANGE. represent several of the lest Insurance Com- •1 panics in the world. /0'0ffice--Market Street, Seaforth. 862 A. STRONG. - .MARRIAGE LICENSE-S- ul:mar! AT - THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE,. SEAPORTS, ONTARIO. 'NO 'WITNESSES . REOUIREDA 4 inginhu otmps,11n113.1,nuir known and ini wettedtere diinwohti; herd,4 and fan Lewleads a ens - this Bubject, whi loveo Millie North Briton. . ing.' ; The ety*ni the practice itsei a young ploughn l"1 li Fg) iT Word igl14 t1.117 a i:tiienirdhte. tt t.3 The two, "clan day's' work, drte, fully avoiding, haliff‘aments, them:aware that the best atirati over the moor Jahn.' '1 Twix. ,ntirki” th,, pearam-K:fa-th4 Where,: the dame as if he had xiropl epecial inteetioe be embarraSsing adoret factc,eLtinag-.01% pr., to get near' t cleaiui h'xIeiget1°Itlitai with uin tine) a, blush on her corner of her ae sently they readi strange te say, farlane coming tion, ',,and PacBamhet)gtiri4eretfitng )rti'lrisl amieahly onsturt remembers that;.li abootIthat;saiddir off in afl seriouSni to won his bonnie.' thorn; By the ti been arried oxt- Afchin ad A.T0.0 =tit 6f evenipg together, they lu , ofnaeh other- aall the feasibility of: pany as the llret engagement of isrl i Forthe To CtttE UAW nine 'Pounds ; , mola.sees, three p_ pounds of meat,. excellient receipt. 1-1EALMG Stj...v ton 'tallow, and li titiest mix- and rr linen whep reqUir BEAV AND ceipt for Pick e is Six gallons of - ealt,eharse and lin of sugar ; three (mime of pearlasl ses to every SiX and Skim the making a larger o oPhicskerie'the ded."'we - To MAlf...E AVII ing r eex:Wet:es:It ing- barrel and Sliek - burned lime in it aaitliehoiodwaterilinguate constitueucy- of 14,1 dissolve in water white vitrol isuI quart of line sta cream color, add yellow oehre iu pi faocuh-ine, color, add Indian red Wurrn SPIII:Aln -01 ICefgroundll°alosligarir gpit,:ttnail erogrh, yeast, and when f close. nil is - IN! PERIA.1. (t tail:ter, sugar,On;ykelans°tneh°allfies:-71 To - PICKLE . Snlan Oni011, eiti them on in eold of salt, and when them out, peel look clear, lay the dry, then put in vinegar in which allspice, ithe sat sliced nutmeg : ) spices boiling cold tie over with dry plane. Exotaatree Fin butter, one of Su -one ef sweet mil four eggs. One , ,of cream of tartar pounds of raisin nutmeg, and a_ .choose. This wil _ loaves, which. NV liquor froni foUr properly covered To PnavENT —Melt together.t1 -one of resin powil ing applied with i Russia iron stoves ing during the si situations. For ti of black lead may lard. I The effect brass, copper, . compound forms proof - paste for treated with it sv usual polish whe soles may be satur soiling the floor, A FERTILIZER 1? An experiment ma self may not cot» those who grow cured a half hogs water, and put int 'eonunon nitre. sof s :al.::: in: oallitila plants were blosso tawiniocieni7ofeelfc;;ne It. full size. The the liquid wee obtained from where none of ti Let all give it a, • —A eon -event Tunes says that th •-a3,004 for pies, ete. as bitter VI= hoo