HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-04-03, Page 5ached to at_� once I-Sbots. of ervice Ouards r 8 Of - -those it the 861t_ enrol, a 0 earned ley in th 0 ttO1 raise & l6yalist,% of. je� to match. hiarkman- d d!n 0 �TOn_- the sj.,��ter -01y to. ftnts, t w hole to; L! eneral i- ould, b 1 T Re The than the IV, rament ist be so 117 0XV-11 1 -of tile. -,is�re of he Ivila-C! of the I, t! little *d 0ea-ter tr a$- at -; :4elfto .i4 and il twt Jr re M_ -hen ..,e lattki: �,A_Stro'lls- encraze- ixtaine destrw r- ist' f _,,,rees hmie wfqte t,his �:%t U6 one cm - ftho the 'rebels, 6w� I I mal,:1, 8 the nel- 'ell-nin, r Show of 1, Government aft t a i,,qpart th; .e 11�ert Is "Z eo 4ad been lat e k confiml.- er la it naust all- -M'Ord has C 11M A11(le !V fttick,ed 1�y th e inderi a4hacr- of to b,, trIue, it -1 !,em-ealire, in the 0 1P _�_t_Icrpr 1AITIA %;'.U' LZ, 'A. I" J. I mom" PAR MENT. �an of . the reporl S w Hall, i I %y in the d wly, iig the i expl xna.-, ka-M # -in. Iform aiti�n at g �Sir jqhi-i tead -iruln 100141 -tel Ze Ckf tb 4,N_ -4r1% - &Y, frain Prince, e is� a! *ut 606 Id �Vlllni � eg, aa TA �!Cjpplle, _�rt Qu aux ig a a 4orlaws canim St ju "Ort 14 r1i t( 111, it cro� 1 lvitli- I weut� ta tuck 4-antitv! of sup- .Wer� metl by an a vai4ge- �tese ve, and le P lim. and d first when it anden Cra,2 "ier at derly,., arri, ingk, He ti " e aw TY - iR Albert [11,1'�es aunded__ I I s not and leivillians ,J &very ;u,41dero a kinea is ar, "A 7 X , Af. �X ffC&ZX,,F_ , � - Anders Alex. Lila Zi i .�, tee �Lp- -it rt,, Cor ra �rs. i Gordon, t d. or,re A �tday ffoil. �Mlr. eve 1 16 �ad �!�to+cd to 1111 -1 -Ac d e tefen .5ive pul not Vam- ore 481-11111's bi his 11orbes t A A AP-RIL .3 18 TH-E gURON EXPOSiTOR.' it. is sparsely settled, as to, what-wil le I Liquor present engaged in the xaffle twiloil there re eight, childron, six Vo�,6nto Were promoted to captains es of. Ind two gone, born to I It em wn immediate Vicin- I or who may take of I rs a h and' dot Gibson, of -Wing'ham,-'and possedsion ` dall9tIA . iDa , Ity. The o*nly place, ho�v We AN 1`11H the result in their,o' ever, whep �MBMARIKETS. RUNCAN DUNG SEA'FOD publip entertainment in their respi �ctive, The uiqftt of *h6 family are settled around C adlet il of Te4i*ater, were pra noted 9SAYouTir, Apkil.2nd; 8853 1 there is. anything like ex citement is CAd- nei 0 hborho d,that teL bolge has r giolv '141r. R�tcliffe'�was.`a leading - to lieut mrits, - All -the old officer i were Fall shel.— $0 78 to $0 80 Ethel. mem Wbeai per bu ary, Wh ere from rumors, and there ed itself into a committee of the, vilole ber of Oyal Oidnge� Lode and r�-elec d. A grind b held Spring Wheat per bushel 0 78 tq 0 82 the anqkl�t wa Ing Oats per bushel_* ........ 0 33 to 0 38 no -force, there, there is a f�ar that to -see that the said act. is duly ob erved Treaflu er of he Song of Tempgrantce in th t wn hall. in the evenmg all was 'Peas'per bsliel._- 0 56. to 0.65 WO rooni will be opene(L on uld beg to annownce that their th a -V may' be involved in the trouble and land enforced'.I TI Resolved that 6ach for, �be pal tell years. l3arleyperlbushel.. 0 60- to 0,)(30 -Order A eight or well att-,nde4. ...... that the Indians in their vicinity, now I Church organizationan& all Tempe that Butter, NO. 1, loose... 0-14 to .016 MillineU ranc He ha :iliv'ed i n Grey about 13 years —Th( Wingbani Advance sayf THURSDAY,, PPLIDAY AND SATU n an eXited state, may be-troublesomei Societies 13e requested to Butter, . .... 0 15 to 016 RDAY, Aprit9* 10th- ad I I th, hen co-operate wit and wa i u iv ally respected all Dr. S the We have a series s n ers y rar liner _bf lAicknow,- ba finest of apprehensions from' its in e Eggs ........ ...... .. .... .... 0 12 to 0 12 nfotaing the observance ol the who knew- him. collecti of birds, ail ',,they will be happy to see all their imals' and reptiles Flour, per 160 IN ................ 2 00 to 2 25 Old patro ris and ds, and the public er- different -parts of the country, but no Sdott AcL,111,- Resolved . that each. —Las't week the dwelling of Mr S.. B. in Cana a, if,not in He has. Dressed H �,9, per 100 .5 00 to 5 75 furtlier evidence of ­ additional ris- . Maginn, o *1 3si Ray per t ........ any Lodge. in the District pledge i tself th Maginn, ce on 8, Grey, ab.-.)ut a mile 20,000 s 3ecimens aft& ron Aug- ........ 12 00 to 15 00 Y.Ily, to inspect the mo in any ot t4e expects f ..... st sele&i stoe"k of Millinery it hali been their'p Soc ation, east of hel was destroy, e t h�pr portiQnSL of -country assist the Huroli Scott Act I- Hides perlOO 00 io .5 60, As Etl� qd bl fire. tralia, I idia and South America about those mentidned vn Friday, with ;hepski-riE each .......... . 0 50 to a 85 0 n origin e roof�, 5a ... ........ o 020 well worth the littention. howev er, 9 - I show, and of ffitendin-, asers. OUTTlowers funds are needed to furnish the Sat ie 1pe ro, tion st ipped -gait retail) per barrel.. . .... 80,w. 100 ay thit may be reqnirM-', a if' -The fir, Aed at th Aing, 7 000 more. The Dr, values his collec- one exception, IvIiii0h - I had i in aly W, b it ii'su os6d, frorn, the stovep . c at 0out $20,000' - He bag almost-omitted-tonielltion. Atelegram 8 whpldsale) per btirrel..!.. 080 �means of public entertainments time of the to thoso far off collutties �durin5 the Ila] also 4how, t n ia-n 'bb and Laces are splipitdid ile thisseas' (r.by, Majin �Vai alone at. th? . Potatoes p4�r buititl .... .... 0 30 to Veathers, Rf Qn$ lKas arr�-ved.tha a Did well known direct coutributioni, INT Resolve-&tfi&tJ fire, -b fto her assist- present I iiinter about 5,000 spe rinus Wood per 6ord.... ...... to. 3 50 as a. troublesoine Indian, P 1 und-Maker, ei�b bors came ....... 2 60, finest sto 'this Distrit Lodge work in liar n the ost oof the e'- of animiLls and birds L reacly Ony ance a sived ITI hous for stidling Clover Sei�id_:_ A of Black ana Colored Silks. Little Pine 0 in the: 117. Our stock of ilk 3 are ce e: was n ai ivell as a large numberpirept le3. 1 50 to 2M ikind another* Indin als . in i-th fhe Dominion Allill'i ' and 'Aher bold g:)ods. - rheir plae at troublesom e, pul thave donned th i '., war Temperance organizai6ns. V, Resolved sured. Mr.:Magiiiii will ebuild in. the these the doctor has ireet ilnp?rtati6n% an(I cannot7be- beaten, &r ity ity of finish. eir . $ been, collecti ig, in nd h ' - i aint not far fro' Battleford. A O.LINTON April 2nd, 1886,.- qual C olor� 11ve the Secretry col -respond with the spring. Canada �dtiring the last 26 yeam To some men �O 80 to ne. Spriag Wheat per bushel..., 0 80 to 080 in all'tbe ing a, Temper- Y bY Oats .. .... ......... 0 3?, to 0 321 A —A ir work- pend an hour amog� his curiosit' pd at all pir-kois We -will abb-tv range W -es' Goods ,Wiih them. uron I _t Falf Wh�atver bushel Scott A askiiig in nai d Ca t e' .0 80' 9 LOS 19 0 di ngati4r. John Middletor dode W hen tho' House Biet on Tuesd I ay. Sir iair eb-operatiofi in Ill I 04 -in r- by no means an hour�'tlirowft wo �hce piclna� f6r the Coliliy otit Jun� ich township, last week had a ' iiarTow ilie lovers of natural history.. N) one flarleYr per busfief ...... .... .... 0 55 to 0 60' ffig-Judng Lact ab u Oakes for spring and'smillner, Lace hc*s, Lawns Fine 1 John N-lacdonald said I des -ire to ondesboro'was selected ds*the! -escapc� They -were tllreshing,.�nd by call imaine Canada qoli4ins such i var- Peo-3 .... 0 67 to 0.57' 0 15 to 016 the North Eggs_ 0 12 to 012 Mr. Speaker ereisnonews Gm next place ofineeting- Next.111'Oeti g-6 some-lbeans-his clothing caugh &c. Prins: in iminense (1t; antityj ar d x; ihatlt6 t iin the iety of reptiles until.fie;sces thmn. Buttior..J ........ ies to, astonish the Dom R r. In a momeAt hisi pants —A Ttickersinitli.,,-,corresp6ii.-deit of Us. io oo to 1.1 00 - West except two, satisfadtgrY be held on Mak-20th. hotge-powe *11 Slin"s Jitems of intellience. The first h inton New I ra says: and ond boot were torn entirely from the Cl 0 30,to mong Po es per bush - 0 30 all"au&aee the quality aii d price, IVV� ou]. d &I X 8 e`i-41 ittentio. to our House the movements on'BattlefoM in all pro- A I s 200 to 2 00 his person, but th6 inachine waq stop- those meho hav-e le'ft� this township for h 0 cefol an �O d, satisfactory Week. gai [If lbabil ave a pe� . N L.. i ... . -, 0 10 to 616 pe*d bef Dre he snstalnled� any further'in- different parts of the N6rtliw t I i _7 00 rllr�$11iffga, Carpets and Urlug Irides per loo fba ......... 00 to liolution (Ifflear, he�r.) The oth Oif Cloths. Sp in UnionY er -is Icy, WORKs. Michigan IS -said jury th. n asevere strain. the past few day" s, r iay be'. mentioned Pork.... 5 75 to 6 7 -we have. 5 tli4 stroilge".9; aissurandes 'io be frozen across to. a depth of thirty ......... od —Mr John. e, of the 2nd eqn- the fdll ing F. -Lanolsborough Coyd"Vo 2 50 to 3 50 orp John T estry and Brussels 0 arpet&_ Oil Cloth from from Cr6wfoot the chief of the great' 41i . ap alf 9, tard. to two yards wide Inches, for sixtymilqs south of thel,-Straifs' cession oi Tueliersmitb,,was lately offer- for Pem ma� Dakota; Dvid Lawrence et -at' he: axid they will' �f Mackina g L Ri�0( I,, April !.,--Spring whe-A 07s Old - 113lackfe ' tribe, th co �' I ed $250 for wthree-year-old greldill , but for Cal Mountain Manitoba; Win. X�ats �be loal-under ll circul' Tim DuKE_ red wintei, rs -old; Cl!alifornia No. 1"� o73 Ow WVS In stoek, from I 0a a yar& Up. f 1111 66k. nistances. i Mp OFCONNAUG-i-IT TO RET rl the -9brse better Broadfo6t for Qu"A�y elle ; Win. Rqpatt Calif'brnia o, 2t 7s Old'; oats, 5s -06(f - barley 5s concluded be- like, all T �Con angbt will'Bot take 'than,- , oney. James o�.se Jaw; Leslie Tow�isend' for 6d peas s log ;pork, Ols Od; chee'se, 58s, he Duke of 6ic, �also of for M Wd -by tl 'durtair., 11oldp Ito and e Yard. ned Sir c -the House'aoljou ammnd of ,division, of the arm y in the 2nd bad Dn,, offer Just before '�Iamask and'Lace Curtaiiis in sets' n4440' for Kensington, Dakota; Miss Annie Lands- Ta�e H--ector Lana-evin said: Before the Ho' India, but will 'so8n return t ?ung- a t na, Dakota; and Afl$S. - Tomiq ro' Api 1 2 Fall wbeat,.80 80L tb ssau foi f rnishing, 0 L earn but re fus"ed I it. Horse buyers bor6iigh' for Pcinbi 9 ring�10.40to �911,1?1411s, Tale Linen,'Towejs every Be 14 adjourns I wish to readtheab two tel.6- land.' p -S,0,81 - oaW, 89c to 40c; peas 580 n rae when they come to Eva Duns g Olig pli more fdr Carberry, Manito6a. t to 59c;- ey, 5R, to'72c; hay, pet.tbn,$lO.Wt0 0 has taught in "R8.00 )u, -,ter' 15c: to 2Erc ;- pott-Abes, per ba& grams that were received sin e he Tim MAHDI.,9,,' giVAL.—Hundreds of Tucke mith, 1 _11't call always'' be sure of Miss 114rtba Gilpinf-wh Aftoulucenient was made by the First Mili- isaffe the eted Arabs re flocking th 45 t; 40. �O;'eggw! per doz I tb,17c; diess a good rticle if. they ai-6 willing',Ito pay school, sel ction No.*. .6 for the past' twu 80, hogs, pe E Santollisi a riva, 66 ister. Th�� first is frora the Indiap AgeAt -z tandard of pr9p ie i WO lbs., ;t)-,75 to -the 'price. years, has recently got married 'fo "a A,,. 0 Battleford Mr. Ray of the Mandi, who has established a damp —on ill e Big of the 1.3th ult."fa pair McOvoffin, 'Esq., of Brandon an( will Battleford, 31st Mareh`�S-toneys Bear Oindurinan. un- aso'start in a short time for the FCM of bobaleigill were left' by some p rairle! Willis, 4.orth, has w) immmse stole. of Boots It EATHQUAKEc—There was, an. eath- 4,ie'up in arins 4-nd on: the way in OAK ITA. �L -known parties n the farm of Mr� John province and sh s 6f all must'sell at once - serious noW.L" quake in G, ran�da­and Malaga on Mofi'4ay. Millcr,,13th Concession of Hjillett.� They� --!fbe, Harriston, Tr bune,bf last week to' mak, - tooin for spring oods. Great- bar - following The second t0eggram is. also from ny -peop 7�,ins wi I Ile given for the. next thirty d. fxe injure 6d much pro-, had -been hitchOdbellind iinother Sleigh, has ilie n "n"itirsday last S GE >attlefGrd First cot ie, first served 894", and drove into the yard, and all efforts Alex. Barton, of conce"Woli 9, Howie NT80 F`U R N da a e k 6,LOTHIN(; AND HOUSIEN _M theIndians have risen. Payne COLLEGE IN JAI 4,'--T—The� 4116dist- to find an owner were unsuccessful until arrived in: town by the Ginada I acifie, 1�h. a Applegi-ath, the- two instinctors. ollege,.opened last autuiri W Tokio, gaturday last, -whert a claimant for--- Railwy. his Iiappy to Births. wli ide there are killed." - . I - froi Tor- apan,. has met with such remarkable them-lurned up,. On- tb& same night a onto, -where the important coiremon y IM CARNOCHAN.—In, Tuekersinifib, on the 28th, We. b-a-ve opened out the Twst 'co-su stoc k- �of Mr. Win. of a, Th i- decidedly thd most serious gecess that itis foundnece- Wt., the Aife. of I plete En , glih, Scotch and Can- t ssarytQenlarge load of gtrain was stolen'troni the farm lmen performed. 1r. and Mrs. Ba -on dau ter. telligence that has yef been received,and I . e building so as to: accommodate -:at s' oon on the- best of the Ide. srs. X the lOtt con- were met t the'station by-& large in- dian Tweeds. Also a full stock of Sexges� and V rorstt&'Sui:Vwgz 7,11,1110 seems to indicate that , what was 'all 1�ast 100students. JACKS .—Ta Hensall,. on tho - 26th ult the, ber of big frhm& aiid:neigh�ors, wh ac- 3ant "of 3, cession. wife of S. T. J.w*son, werel eaded,'is about to come t -pass, Nwq Ni@-%,vsP;AFER MEN' AT' WAR."L-In son. unt Gents' Teffis ax Cente �Im6g dy we t Furnishi 'S HOUSTON.—Lib Grey on,tho 26thvlt., uprisin of the Indian tribes. the: ietor of Tr uton oil the IT-uron Ri6ad,: a, shor ey met with a. hearty wehome.L �ew York residence of Mr&. Cyich, in ed them homeiL -%,here n er- in this co propi eland's Ch ritl�P.kRATION.,S TO SUPP 'beratoi was s GIOV of A1r.JarntisH6�stojr*-of a daughter, still and Regettx Shirts, laundied and ai ndrii and' le� RESS THI� ent to 4he �enitenfiary distanc L beyond the school,. harrowly At the gate- entering tipoll big f tirn.a . born. for libelling the of the. Insh escaped destruction by fire eakli oA neat aroill had'been ereced, u-nder � vhich SCOW.--Tn Brussels, on the 19th iiIt., the'�,ife The finest sthek -of Gen& Felt 11its in h&d. ind sdt the newest A I -umber of troo N Vorld. and I Inlest - r arge n s have been Tuesd- -morni g of'last week. A num- he happy cou seof amids; the Of M '. John Scott -of a daughter. Morri the 20th ul,&, the i �esateh "orthwest, a list of COMM-rRCTAL noftLE&—A commer' ber of' yo had been o4t to a smiles, well -wishes !Rnd cheers c f the Vronto-. New York shapes imnufa eturer� froxy, the . ed to the T\ cial ung p,16 wile of John'Wilkinson df a'son, - �wck west OF �ireo: t Jro ryl� Nrhich wi id in- our �Ottaa Cris -s. i ii- -ds XADG —An Eliniville .11 be foul. is exiSts in"MoScOw. .`.Within 30 pa-riy, in the country,. and as they were assembled friend Although 1111P ar ont the Mth"ult. the days five of the, - largest sugar imrorting: drivin e morn- of sixty years of wiff of 31r. Samuel Madg"e of a son. cheapesttd the -best. Call mid eX �tter The most" Of these Ieft Thronto g ome al 3 o'clock in th ge, Sandy bids f Lir to konda d bthe Canad firms have failea; theii liabilities amount- they saw flames xunning- the. live'yet* many years to enjoy the 1) iss, of WHIM )OK.—N E liniville, on the igth ult., Vre an a up wife of Mr. John Whitlo,* of a sm. Vacil c r ore of L nllg to sixteen nifflion'roubles'. ing' r -.1louse The fire m'atrimony. fi oute,_around'tb'e sh ake side of Mrs. C ieh'� CAIMPB ML.—ln 'Morris, . oi* the l9th'ult.,,th,& $uPerior to ort Arthur. A portion. Of HOSPITAL BURNMD.,—Tber hospital at as' at once put Out, and found to' have wift of Mr. Ja% Campbe.1, of a daught6r. van-- - - STEWA iosh, on the 22nd ult., the, 0 Superior M, int, MichiLga, w&s.,burned. Saturday had its -igin uh barrel, where J mornin'. witc of Mr. Ja,,.L Stewart iA a son. -�eing unfinished the troops wilf be con- 0 0 9_U I N the roadto tlie.norih of Lake oi n all Dress Not Sinful Van" '' Thirteen irimates,weie res-- live coals bail evidently -been plao-ed. 'Ruskin is the -first, - great wdter who DUN Ni Ve.,yed'oover the portages in the followmig cued with severalharrow escapes., Loss —On afternmii of la# week. has treated the subject of dress wit If due Mitrriages. $25,000. rilaunet: Wheri they arri4ed at Dog ale A impprted an aucti:)n Cly4esdale gravity. He hasshown ris-that a se'nous Tesiden%.- of the horses I t to Mr-, A. Carlt�on, of study thereof -is a -needful V'irtue, il b i idle's father, on the 25th lt., Mr. R. S. Lake' the western:termins. of #ie eastern )e1ongi g stead -1the road, 75 teara� viere in portion of Huron Notes. Marnoclij took place A,Wingha�in, and of a, sinful vanity, and that a harxnqniou�' -32ver Rapids, MAnitoba., to Traquair, of. B . I ACK E D, CyU T1 - d was was named John 'Ctawfor` -a-Ilion' and well constructed- gown. is -,w much a �aiting tJ trasport themver the gap I i Margaret, you ged daughter of r. lad fairly attended.' The st ac qe Win. cott, of`Mbrris. 4ed $7 for disturb " the Salvation Young, Maz wor in the railway tr k Th �re four- ei��&,-" 3�a sold Mr. k of art s a picture or a - statue. —At the residence A Brussels last 'Blunday evening.- Bqyne,, of Biddulph,'- fok $1 IX i.:; the- Neither can it be artrued that the work 3lcKEfZ,&R_LAM0ND. j4ps, the first, beivo, one of � fity �m les, t el.)ride's father, on the 2-,.th ult., by Rev� mnla at Dog Lake. Then there is Messrs.- Moon of Hull ett, near stallion, 1. Sultan, " to Fenwick M altout : is nicall, since it is to adbm h uman-1 ieings S Scott, .-Mr. Alexan.der McKellar to Miss ikhterW 31r. Malcolm Lam d). alk M ar. x, d ap a, piece of track seveiRty miles Ong, "LIblidesboro', have , a 4ine. months' old of W.. for- $1,800, i -he who are,'after'all, mature's mastery ieces. df bWt. I weath -eol*( "that it has, con xplete y! soaxed .-me frnm ing llowe Enoch �horts, His words are exlwession er, i� so here'l, go 4- by another ga of thirty miles, -fill own,v%isifig, for which BID an FRAY, the residence -of the- y, of their 6fe, Lady-Flpra," to e track resunnn again at Little'Pic they were offeneoll' of . E�st AlTawanosh, for- $340,1 ind opinion held b� al rtists from in �4 in- parents, on. the 25th ulk, by Rev. D. -w of any b, A plaee'.thain Seafor lastweek $175. s I de. not kno r north so -anging -P ver, aud contiliiiin�a for, tvventy-two I—The Howick bouncil i Jaftet? to Isaac, AVrigbt, -of Turn erry, memoril and indirectly ex ress6' by ari C. lappison, mr. Loren7a Yiayne . to,21i are Mag Be]], all of:Gre-y- z�iles to Jack F ish Bay. At. th slioul aid lest aiyb tON is latter for the erection of 'a brick- townsh�- for $335. most of them.'For there is neither ' IP "I ama ARNIST G—COPMAN.—In Brnssels, on the liave- resolved to- TAY WHERE F J M, point bea nLother gap twenty mile G of '—Th in ins of S, hall to" be located in the 'village Oiffario Gazette' contaii s, the nor painting wbich: costume, bo: t h as 23rc ult.,'by Rev. W. T. corge frozen %irM conti ll e of &I wea-r old boots,. 4xd ge� their -fect nue to, sel�l Gorrie' foll6win 3,, notice of incol-ppration : The to'color and drapery, does not fa -in an Arr, strong, of VV-bodbridge� Co Miss Sus' i W` -av( about thirty miles, which carries the line Mr..R. Thonipson, the geinial -land- Belai Cheese and _Rrtttfer Maliufac- all-important element; nd there x few Cop)inwn, of'Brusicls, the east side of lo�tl of the Eliniville ]lot turi our works of fi tion w'AU01—REYNOLDS.—In ONES AT COST UNTIL TH IST.01: APMUJI aboutfifteen iriileS el.,''Usborne, for onipany has been2 incorporated impressive seefies in Hemall, on the 25th ult., l,y Rev. E. J. There is StillL another heese in which dregs is not -mention the past.ib e I ianufacture and siaI6 of I,, col. Rot; noon, Mr. NV. A. Waugh, to iss A. E. gap of ree years, has reted the Ful- fOl' A pec pie -buy B66ts_ff they g hefe before the� continuous have found -out since I h&ve been selling at cost win Rey lolds, both of ftensall.: C Xnce fifteen mile larton hotel fornext year) and utte-r- in 'It6. town'Ship of st unconscious tribute to its insignifi DA804— XAM,—At the residenez of UGFJ ),01 etermied in- ft ture line to Port Arthur is reached; The —11r. T. McDougall, of Gorrie has awanosh. � lie Ineorporatoirs are: is not only due to the Telistic force. of get them. CHEAP* ENO' �.W thebrides mother, AIrs. John Sinith, Sea- call. Only road over which the tesms will piiss Is disposed.of hl!s tinsnithing -business in Win. Wray and Jai. ltussell-­bf korris such'descriptioxis, but also to their p6wer foiti t, on the 30th -alt., by A. D. Ale - ably good. The 3!uM 3'e" to -sell to -CASH, BUY as Huro I county 'John P�Obert iiii. expressing character. Don, dd, Mr. W. J. D.% n to 3111 d-Iscribed toer tJiat -village and intends, removin,to. I townshi VERS AT A, ADVANpi� DOTILId', daughter of the late Suthetland ir -ode of proceedin o, will be to team th e Ne6pawa, Manitoba. 'son, John CoUlt ss,and James Ow�na)..of I I - : - mmith, both- of Seaforth. 1cl onald, of Tuele x4en and supplies over the -gaps and then - the Township o.'East Wawa�nosll, uron -BOOTS H�S EVER 'BEEN S10jLj3 —.Lvlr* AlbertCantelbri �as bough-Vthe WARD- � -1iMLISON. In. Seaforth, on the 28th ON COST THAN inount their team. s and -all on the flat farm -of Mr. Carter; beng South -half,- county.! r 0 ult.,by Rev. J.Fdhionds, 31r..Wrn,Ward; Start ng,-- N I f IN SEAFr2R.TH IN THE PAST, and--asil-the, more patxonage I aild carry- the w. -ailtil another gap of. lot 38 10th bonceission of Goderich Mr. John Cooper of .14' linivillein the of Bandon, 31anitoba., to iss Ellen Elligon of 8 orth. be 'tra� townsh —fo is encounteied, The- road to acr6;­for the of', toiaship, of Us )orne, died at --his esi- ip. rty TOLV11,- I ICK.—At the residenae'of the - 'by the teai the ult., in the' -38th, year- 1 of - the day is, Nd) ei e is bride her, on the,25th ult., by 6),m, ps 4will be that of dene'on the 19 The important questioi Rev. J..S_ Ll All& help $2,660. receive the cheaper I can. s4l', I say -come., e a to-do Zo" ie Scott Act N ;it the db A spo C'ial ball of Asso- m Of REIL the leader of the REBELLIO s Huron Bay, f his age. Dee eased- was a, vicii Fisb�r; Mr. Fredaiiek.Toll toSliss3fartha -g.-aded-roa ed as far AnnfKemiek, both -of East Wa-vN iwtosh. fo consul] a 11ptionj mhich is two miles ea -A of Penisul ci-ation Con-anitiee has be Made " r' th t dread disea se and bad ']t�ORTIIWEST? -,tnd no one can ans. or stis- Dd. by'so (Toinglyoli will be helping yTarsrved,., -arboli go on r after 'which they 0%, faChOTily, while blundreds Tuesday, April 14th, lat 10 ock, a.m. i 1, be n ill for',% I ng timb,. blit hi.td not re .pf billuential am to a§ nsand yeonien, with tlioir'wives and Thnkng lll for. past e, I reinahki hei -e re 4to-A—erve you. ce on the sliore of. Lake Sup be n con1me(I o hs bed* until about I i�,ble citize patroni-ig er"Or. to take measures sist in the admin - red Be ' - - -1 . - Hallet, t1m 30thi ult., the -ice is'rende N w, Years 'six ce which tkn6, ie has Colclough, aged' is. resort to da-ughters, nn testify,that the leadim, gtina,- -wif e of -Alr. Heioirn3 istration of the Iaw.i' 11 'on.- 111L for Ch IT 0 Ic .slowly snk bv the. road being on the side of a unt I theIime of his. death.. I y I r. D v i d Elco, 51 of Clinton, son thepurchase of really choiceTeas,-is the old and 42 years_ 39 m ewhat stpep, indline' over which it Two little orph&ll girls are -left, who.' 3AATCLJ?FB._'Tn Ethel, on the 19th ujt,, Thos, of ilvfir. Appleton E1601 0 1 tickers-n-litl ble Secluded Crocery COVEj _L JLb reli. Montreal Hosa, Sea - drive the �porpbses .*'ould be dangeraus to -to ia for ha, re he sympathy. of ll. the, neighbor- 1 Ta taking !a tri Californ fo rtb. Just arrived to liand a L*RGK,, N- HOW AJ3 i�ams_ It' wil*l- - pl�obaly take three hood. Exet-.r, on thd 22nd ult., E stheri th' benefit.of- his lie 3.1th. We -bope, he 11E.N.T of CHOICE TEAS ity all the) wife of Captcda Jan),es N. Howard, ged 41 OR M GNTAFtIO. S, our da -g ie. r -st week says.. 4 ous ailld-a half or f �verythjn w I reuril fully, restcred. TI B nssel s Post of la i brands, not to be bad outide of� the 1-111,61 Lee Well -to ge, throl4orh with the o ifoi P. . —1 h ust oro�e which I _-3xpect to, VM- —Mr. Arcll..McD ngall. of Porter S Lgt week- A'. McDonald, ,. former eTA reo. a h-avy Stock Of i Italian warehouses in the city of Toroni o In MeT%uge, nioull r-o� rs.'Jas. Murphy, ged r,� froin e Lrid transport, and if Ieverything 9068 Hill- God ri h town �b delivered in-Iresdent- of Brussels artived he 0111 , I al) 90 years. %rted we8tward- Go E pt. .. He went out last yea,� here -by thet-lat of April. St. I spite of the WAR IN I u Ican 'R -'.—At Clover -Hill F.-&ni, near Belinore, well, they hope to g erich last week- a t%lree year old I & Duncan assure tl that it sba, I ave jNTepiaon for Port Arthur -an (I Win- a s OM grade ste -�rhie� weighed 1 555 Y0 ageurs froin Winnipeg, and g* oTy e 17th ult. Win. Jaff nay, gadA9,1 No' Reinemlier the C:orner Stc, ain Str6et iday nght or Monday moril- fittoiresting account of his iWaels, 51 . I no effect on their sup�lyin�! as inany A sho re,!in C ipbell Blo Se&fOrth... n� peg pou -obtam*64 $77.75 -for the v on Sul nds. He tu 5 and 8 Mont is. i.,_g and will thus7 make the journ6y fro i., - - the -sights he and the dangers I favor them -with their custom uith the el to Cest ni an nal be ey L ESTATE T -Dronto to 'Wi bout seven hTansion. House, in Exeter' re- enc untered. He was with.in abb A 100- TEAS, COFFEES and SUQARS.at, the most rea- FOR SALE. !SALE OF A FARAt, FARM STOCK, CTVON- V &C GE LOTS AND d He left I lid Of sonable priees, in- accordance with qualit, -the late icholas mik"'s of Klvirto m. th Lli-,MBER, VILLA .S. I oently managed by u us -it e W: IC number'at 9110- RE.NT'—Lot o. 2, LA -e 31kTS'._C[L1)Wn Sti,et ou t Ad n, I ton Auctioineer -has re ­ _e Whole for' ' h h jos. bur ning sand 6n Jaixua�y 27,th. -The trip and lthough the RUSSIANa 4BRITISH rees, OR19ALE, PR M Whfie, was closed'. last -N6ek-. Mr. i I. : d with him splendidly,, arms, we will still hold out ii i Road East, Stanley, containing 136 acres aed instructiolas,fron, sell, cn -;will be under agr-e -d alt F bb�`undersignei fo. �e twor w iough. may come to�. d ce- ated of* 8th, Wedn tholis HA ite, soji of th 'late proprietor, has boub 011c liffle from the villa, B e9day, Apt V� -by Public Auction, on Wb situ, Of lajo . rGeneralMiddlleton laid to put in a few eks in the hos- i i ent� to old VOLUNTEERS xyo inay bri ng out in left to.takle cN:rje of his farm near St. be. we lliem. y-fiveacres cleared, -the remainder iMl at the no, -&I i1otet,.Wroxetet, the le 10 g vz�44y of patterns, xleev�,eto- good tin ber land. A splendid sprin bne -re 6 years old, 1114, f co arys. - j� - . il . I I __ ., thmugh the rin. There is a good or.Idha�rd, years old, I driving age.d. is 0 in connection with the -D an who is now. at QuAppelle —frhe residence of Mr. Xe6r, near top buggy, 2 pill 11 lie i's w I&t fell to their BUTTERand EGGS run- -ty ina I horse rilman,jer f the Canadian Militia, Jyj pit 0-11 s; Ltis fi ed w �tli wl traale, by sup p) g creek � plopel years� old, I frame wwry and stable& imincoiate -3 an,, best calbriogs, log hous horse 1 lumber wagon" anitoba forces,- it is Te have th s we iclel tl-NERY DERARTMENT of the ]NIO7 AL possessicl. Terins pasy. For further particu- in, mipeg Belmore, was.burined 'day' night, bob-sicighs, 1 new cutter, 1,500 feet Dq Pine, 'IT' , and M I ion ub -ek o chroIL with R )ODS,, eet he -Ontario and Quebec men ts dee Yegr�et the death of Mrs-.. Hock- HOUSE, --all kindg-of STAPLE GROCZRIP t� Jam apply at residence of MRS. WC clear - 16 000 fulet soft elm lumber, 12,000 feet expect thb 22nd rilt;,, togeth r with its conteii -nd Singular those-ceitain s that -can no rooni for dise)n ent 904-tf "Irrood. All tv -w 1,11 in eet and join with him, - at QU the family baiely scaping * in theirf rid e,' of the 6tb concession of 110wick. price dry,pine 'Lraets-.of 1void. and premises. el p�rcel or d, Avho I ad been' a widow for a nionrst their LIBE RAL PATRONS. s when the ihtal6thes. One o I e -d "TON -BRO I 4pelle early next week, atugliters� was � ec oage of Wroxetr, in the 1AR-N-1 FOR SLE IN THE TOMINSHIj? Or., JyInganu being bl the vii nd into number of years, has been. afflicted with TMIKERS)JITIL—For4di�in the wnsbip, township of Howick, i" t Ofted force will rillarch thwAr so badly frozen that it is.feared Jier feet to be countv of lluron� in _bBing Lot 35, e, f taAo, bei aot�pnsed of t� interior for the �urpose of dispersing I'will have -to be mputI and the- a cancer in her breast for some tim6,and Un 0ackei-smith, oouty of Hutron, theProvne o on ng, vo 8., cont, 90* lot numbeV Duncan'...& D' from Concessi:)n 2, 100 acres, acres -as laid out on frm is hard'to New cle tred the'r6mainder i a b farm. 'in concession "A" of the saiel -townftp of rigkg- Prinbi capturing aiqy before her death suffered terriR of the insurgents who m otlier s also badly f4iozen. ' ares ush.- T4 eight Thomas Carbert has. bought it,.. The -best ii iddical skill was consulted d ith z good orobard, a good- one- Ifo-,vick, and; way be described in ain s.41 'SECLUDED GROCInOLY 11 f ce W1 ro y still be —Ivlr. a; - fol Is we -the s- it had been J%tor'jt, brick house i by the line betwecn� lots b eat lim, �e but it -availed nothing a amd, a he, vvith a, slate roof, ]Bounded on th nortd We. the latiest in Rings� Mr. tielby's form, of, 100 acres, qn� I - F. S 1, - e 'on the THE LAT . etly belibud C. Duncan's Dru&' t( twenty ight, -7th, concession of Hullett, paying there-,, delayed too lo and on Sy1urd4y even- Dire re-, two. fran e banisi, and shed, -an d good wells. The number t enty-sevell and f first-olass soil�. it, is -two miles from cast by the west side of . Csiole street, bn, the; In the House on west by. two D'Ilecks, Stripes, Brudefte d sttion, six f oil, Clinton aill'six-fron, south by I or the sum A —Mr. John ing last she .5uddumbed -to the terrible I - 0 i Wediriesday Sir Johil, farm vo Of , 4,500. 3lONTRE_kL'HOUSL, S&VORTH -and on the am has solol'the -Sundercock Reaforth, a re str leadink to enh acres �-,vned, by said the condition Also� the: ply to , ain onneCture. She was a sisterto Mr. 1� John Sanders Las] Just t� band. come allairs, in the Northwe'Pt was not al Jas Wklie, of Turnberry, and- has 16ng 07, is� to JA15. -WALKLER; nWA� parts of lots -numbers fift3--(Ight, fif-bY-mine, 31dou rnfi on the a near Londesbql�o, to- AUCTION ALr�8. place.Applyon eprein a of the town- tered-. The --,Sioney 'Indiails h ad gone Gr DA V, D N�MLNEA, Mill Road, or �to Bllu�� ana si-,ty, in the ftst Concessia f Huro -afore d S(,e,.them__!Pr pei.s B. -the bee: i a respected member of y the County o 'for 5c, 8c, 10c, 0 , , . f tprto,, 6r the Fresb 904-tf 3n ints lgheen miles to"Poundmaker's reserve, On Friday, -April. 10,. at I o'clo k field P. b- of TurnberrY,J an Church, of Wroxeter.- P.- nt A nsl 50 -acres.,' �er 110 &es of 11 Of 3 i i e an -property with ta saia, contaioingl)v %dineasurenlo' arm, in., on o b of e Exete.- 'Reflocter says:—XVe' R -!*i -land, in y,, arrived -Th D I r FOR SAIX.—.For , Lob 1, I kris had telegraphed' a other oil, 12, Grey, F. ore or lesj� The f- -lot 121c, at PAN - ca -�ing cail t t 6"Colicessi eibg composed t -re L 0 F..' rn ! 1 in( xtrA ch0ce is .01 Lots -Niumbers 58, 5s) and 10, in the cVajor NP Stock. Mrs*, "Iline, Proprietor;: neeslon 8, Tuckersinith, cojitaining north par 0 of and home -from Dakota.last week lookin. �bis, week, to' announce Cc nilig 1-10 g� regret to have tth at they had 200 goo d imneil, at Battle-_. Alex.'Del.g,'btty, Auctioneer. acres,abonk80-of which axe eleared� free 6in 1-gh Cono Solon of TurnberrY, Cent hl,� and hir say s Isom' e of the the deith of Mrs. James N.. 11ow&'rd,i' an situated two and one-half TON 13.'�OTEIERS. Xhan yon shonld post -unfil as- ty� He On Wedesday April 15 at 10 (10 eki. stumps, auderdraine(j, in &Ilii0i stat6 of cullay'ji- acres, inom. or less, ford� and co:uld - hod tb e farmers had sowed grain boore he left eve. A which. took �Iaoe last Sunday tion and %-.ell fenced., There, is a comfortal0e ..miles froin wroieter, .5 ii-ines ironi Gorrila, 7 miles sistaiace arrived,. -lorse, Vehicle% and-' in. NVI db�, Check Mtut­ p.m., Kiiiburn, I the gravIdl road. Sebool w, - see th4t �baxgalu -a d plowing w,�4 being don6 by _others.�. 6ve. 'But a hort time ago Mrs. log hous,. and a large b4nk barn with stablihff;, from' Brussels, on y tq few Tods. Fort Sir Hector Langevin, fil repl HouseboldFurniture. Js. Stanley, pro, nndernetbh. Also ayo,ing or0dard and goloa- in it, acres tbopped ready for Prices for grai, are keeping'up, well. Ho, chalices.of long life appeared, swanip, good ould'add 20 akres ght, said. be prietor; J. P_ Brine, a�uctioneer. well. 'T ae land is all dry and of the best qualit - c-1 aling, black ash, and iAprons i &c.1 selling. at price of twri y 4� linsfoir rk -.again in the.- at -ast, qual to those of any in :the d wood.-, S Ilichard Cai Mr. Wo N�, .1 e ar Llanep..hard pring creek. through, r of i,inpoftance to what had been go back 1, Oil Moaday, April 13, at'l O'clo It is'conyeniently; siouated to Seaorth and b The sale to- commence tr4ifig fl, u iref ell; de,-�tb.I?�- des Ost Kipplen *0ions with i-ood gravel roaAU leading the fanty. Tittle pal -feet. eo rse of a month ;an( ontiAue his vill b 'a Ord pvints� New hirtings, Cot - A 111.3 at Kippen, Wagons, Sleighs, Tmimii.--All 8123118 at and n before reces farM ul work in g Idace.' For.1i y ir Joh, Ige to each -iAiher particulars address at 2 Velock, sharPe ing. -a few short' days. ouht 6'ninthsl, did its aNvf t1; over that am Buniber of Indians. were still promrr- gies, Household Furniture, &c. 'The thew!"rophetor, Rgino-advill6 P. 0�,.or- apply at under,,,� h of eerfullhome ven ow furnishint� approved joint= -toil S* TickingS17 &e,.,3 all at prices y9pug folks stairtec Edgar; 1. JAMES KYLE, Pro- credit-willlT about Ba;ttleford �but he could —A numbe: T�,) week estate. of the late Win the Egniondville wills. gi io per ceat, off fwm Scrfe's Corn ers, -,in 'Howick, 'for to4 ay a father children prictor., 904-tf notts, lumber 3 nionths'; the ruinors in eir- Brine, auctioneeri-. cgsh, on all credit an, w* h --ploase. flud no foundation for I - and five s nall. ounts. For btrni 10 l place tlie West� the beginni ig of -last wee4k., wo irn !or a: mother ilei arted.1 They for I days. ROBERT acre had tak-ei per cept, down and balancein 3C eqnsisting of Messrs., ohn Clark., W. m. ha.etlieheartfelt.sympafty..of the en- MPORT_)dNT_T NOTIGES. CPT. STRETTO-N, ttleford. show- DURNI()N,, Froprietar, The last t egeam from B, -.9011-1 ed that v as well as other par- Nelson and bavid'Bo es, -who ae going iir comiThinity. Local Nofices-� 3 Actioneer.. haye secured the, servic-es of 34183 I . . . I - . - J e to Manitoba, ana Mr. and lvlr.§. Dougl" On Fridayy the 20th U Lt.', a Collision . I EED $YHEAT'POR SALE.—A quantity bf fident of holding out until WANTIED, —NVallted pprentioes to the -yJ1P01tTANT TO FAR'_%JERS AND SEEDME*- t d - Mr. Alex'.'MeK -,'nzie for Dakota,, occ rred oil. the London, - HniI and S . No. 1 Lost Hation Spring 1"beat suitable A good &Il TT11 of London,7 to vpen and take Drssmaking-' 901tf. —The subscriber 06 qU3VtitY I X 'he assistance arrives. There was a rum or ali i . I I for Sited. Warranited f ree from foal seeds. A131 eap a. - - alean -Seed grain, of t folloArjn.g varieties: Mrs. Prr for Br ce Rarlway,i a short distabd.oi'this -D,-.—Cl�ver',ic3,eed,'.Ti-rn4->tlly eed Sr,, X 3 ply to J�HN T. DICKSON,.Tuckerrsmith. 9029tf� chr gel ur con -firm* ed, -that the telegraph repa White Russian pring NV beat; the White Ru of 0 bresa an(I Mantle Making. -0 -ed al 'IL- -Mr.', and:Mrs. James ie f Si 6. Of I,6ndes�oro, -wich, resiil d in and Oats, and good Roll Butter -want straw,und is a.' ad with stift, oN & YouNelg, Seafortb. 898 has a long bald 11( etr was killed la UE.—Three thousa ded last sear Wingliann, and. f ormefly of e, start- tVo locomotives lbeing slightly d aed nd dollars bfiy Arst rlass 111illing %%,h(;At, and twent lr� istaks. Every lady whQ )ERs WANTm. Two, or tl ree North half Nj concession 14, Ale - ed thisl' eek. Ior -Sydn BoA�&T with we the large 3-icid of 492 viol' Dep st-ralia,. and three or b6ing Sol ewhat F"Par bilsheis to the acre, Good-TamPlarsParliament. whee they,will remain for about three- rno�e broken. he afternoon train got boarders can be ccommodated at ta p vate qpap,�, oi. 'acres. near Walton. Three thousa�d and weighs six . tAfivc, Pounds to the busbel. leas" dollars7 Nv ill bu East halt 21, Concession 4, L.- tly grown from im- read 3 this well "ows this is just what housein a convenient pi xt of the, tow y R ) recen on YeArs. Smillie ill act as Btu d -vwl, and a I snow plow ant iocation ind comforl able rooms. P, , at oats Blck Tartai )V an agent tig of West Hur Ick. coming S.. Tuck rsinith,.50 aeves, four miles from this to be the best vielding -The quarterly. mee 9 X4 forth_j,pply to F. HOL31nTED, Barist�r, it is a side oit Nrif wants house of J. W. was Aent.up to alear the track, and as. Tny, ExposlTam Office. po;;;� seed, I beli r stiif stra V first-class, fashionsble -bistridt Lodge independent Orde of, for the book publiship oat in culti-,ation, was held in the Temper- Lyon, of Guelph, and is to rpeive $2,000 6ach"was" trybig to make its w,ay man &c., SeajortN, 891& tid less danger of lodpg. than any.otber Ga% ofSO Good Templars, the lirgeyi0d jushelsta xessm your dr4ses, b lin dMi g have bad them 9IN ilt aker. Viing along a nd expenses out. opposite. --diredtion, amid Spr�ng' Shows. i ^on %ifanted of John is is a shC rowed .—Infoxmati Russiant Barley, th 1,, Aublum, on the '11th iript. per ye r a the acre. ance ba! tlie,result was a collision. Spring She McDonald, son of Donald %IeDonald, fro= US 40,r Ratci e, a pioneei. resi- -storm. Both wg w1l. be held in. this dis we-) bing - —.Mr.- Thos. tric t thii fifty-four The meeting Was largely, attended, every P barley, a heavy p1minp gr -%-In, whether bought and no Latter otherwi e the season. as teacher, . Lot No. 4 the- 3rd concession of Stiff lonj stra re in tiie District being represened.' dent of the toWnship A Grey, died ast were going vey so in pounds to the busbel, it 16 a, � i - Lodg at Seafortb,'on Min day' a it tQ.gi-ve Tuckeramith Branch, Locheil Glengarry� Ont. Any -information, con- The'following are the officers elected for week at the age of 164- years and 10- accident.might ta've been accompanied April 13th, -be thankfully received by hi3' admitted by thase who hav, 'barley they- not. If, you W�nt city styles" tait and cernivg`Nnl wheiitvier yieids per acre than any :—Disirlct Chief Bi16 months. His deb.,th N ras not unexpected with serious res. Its. gouthHuron, at Bruclefteld, op Tuesday the ensuing year �prill! brother, ADgus IcDonald, no -w residing at_.No.97, wjtb.n)e5Z have ever trie& Last-rearitNI sdesbordi District Vice as he had been ill for'solne time. His. —The annual concil.-.0f war of the l4th,� Halifax, N.'S.,or by Rode4ck Me, j!j grafn is clear of wild economy combiried see Aliss FdOott k Lon Cornwolls St 0 bushelstothe-aare, Th -and Usborie, at EN eter, o)l Thii raday,, be relied A dams d- e ephen Conces ion 7, AlcKillopi Dub;a n iid may I eds rmy of utario was ho� mi. foul se Mary Sturdy, Auburn ; Secy- disease was dyspepsia and he suffered a Saved A April l6th. Ontario.. .904x4 oats and free Ir( re�lresented- Pripe.— 1>%An ton N� ingbam, oil T esday, riday, April l7th. Du as being what it, is B-zothem'. and we art sure yQu Frank Metcalf, Blyth. great deal before his release. The 4p,-' barracks, in 75 cents; Oats, ibbert, at Staffa, on, Fi reasurer, Bro. �i per biiphel; Barley, -was born in Walesby, Notting- ursoa of I st week-- Mitchell, on Frlday,'April 10th. 0A 23, After the ordinary.rougtine of business ceased. Wedne day and y PIG.—The undersigneo will I te 8� 5o cents. 3- k -MES LANDSBO _.OUG1% will be delight� with the results. - e Resolution. hamshire, England, came -to, America Therewereabou 50 d esent West Huron, at.. GcAerieh, on Thursday, 'ApAl three miles J0 keep cliving the present sesonon.Lot Concessio-wifiuckersnilth, H. -had been gone through, th P-11 902-tf 16th. Hullett, a tboro4libred.Berk- west of p4mondi a the following reso- when 20, years of age and settled' in frorn' Ottawia" 1'eterbox.-OVeh oncession 12,: 6, C committeesubmitte. Orediton, on Fvril4ay, April 17th. cooperi,ng towel andt other places. The spssions ,Winghain, 0 ithire 'pig, to which. a. limited np;iiber of sows 11ition, w1jich were duly approved. I., York boun ' V. He learned the n Priday, April 17th. r y own. W 4L -F —For sale on We&esday,. co*s 'having -calved ed by Xr. Joh ew Fesol7ve es prfl 15th. ual- was' not to'be reports and transactini busin A is one of the best pigs of his elgss in the county. and to. calf, also a R a that in. vi of fhe Canada trade, and so well did he und6rstand his were prinbipally; taken up in r n liendersou, of Tuckersinith, and CO *ve or six good mwb ros a8t Wav&nosh at Belgmve, will be adinitted.- This is the piZ_ forme I S AND W"AT FOR s,,. business that his 'eq --?7elalt - )t of gbod, Oean, Lost Nation ton. B E, ast Hur� 6ct On 8, on Thiiisday, Apri� 'suitable W !tem.pprance Act coming into eff inj in ing to: the Army Lieutenant son, a, at Brussel —one dollar. payable at the time of ser- IN b geed r4gyjo thel und;er- ate Lodge in. the found in the manufacture ofanyth Terms, cat th xjif rth of kaforth. le vice; with the privilege of mt4mh qesaan- signedip onempe and a Vay _ist,, each subordin �XETERI igt, notify his line. He was married at Thornhill of Lucknow,. Lieutenant Hard 9 Of At Xan�lk�ster, oy)�'Wednesdsy April 150 9044f 'rLOC before M &Y ay, Apvil 15th. THOXA�.AXOS ytOBT, QO'VF,\ M 0, of Peterboro, and' LieutouaAl e At Htns��% o4z Wednesd eacb, hotel ke aud other dealers in to Miss Atkinson and. as a result of thiq, �nd u 0 le dintr pri a, 0. n Is at t t o a er rie 01' �o e, n e f1i tb - ------- - -