HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-03-27, Page 7404 - PO (4,11 uir, it&1urk. aserofhla aboat go mns.twurd,,,s. will fro* your seatent. eaerofalous Oatsub. maerannaat. ta th • it has stop the nauseonii d remove the sicken. ibloh aaetindiClatinalt ,Septe2,1882. • years °neer afireaect SUrea on it* $ta tees - raid very sore., late uechat a pow- eativemedieinenanv ed ea recommending. A. few doses pea. tevement, which, by eetions, was COfltit. rmanent eare. Or, of the existent* des; and Ile- treat. • ever atteaded by results. B. Jenimseaa." : well, Mass. • bottles for *5. e -tee telex -We, 4upport we years, we • dunng- the past' azal also added . I we are now..yetter, end to the weake of and with the best e ettentihn paid to- t PPINGe neat groLud or ex - tit delay. ,;• 1 rid qualit eiraued by la the Dominion, at ared, ED TO DO A IN rti G aier. Highest price rtt Eeraoadvine or • 1 11 TA Rill LLE. MILLS, ic-that he has come' ite the TOM, ood vain. EDS, _ 'VJ NCEYS, ig anti Fullirete kded tee; - . as far possible, ITH TrM,, and as. cid Wor • ing Order Workh en, rarra ted. KETE MILLS B8(it, i;TEAMSHIPS. - rth, !Agent- : sA.az RATEs.! s !Liverpool an Lon - '.•cording to positiont- r aaveare, hale fate;. Yahins5a. !From Liverpool or% .iri, $63„ 878,75 and .teerage,. 23. Ree OE Londonderry or" : cabin, vou, $154 steerage, M. Zstate Bought h`val,; CEL -lusiu ranee CO e." forth. - A. STRONG- [CENSES "TOR OFFICE; Arno.. IMMURED U.Alielt 27. P485.: • E• HURON EXPOSITOR,. News Notes: ' Both !Houses of the Dakota Legisla- tare have passed the Woman Suffrage Bill. • , . -Tho Ontario Board of Health have drivivii up a memorial to the Dominion : Government proposingmore stringent quarantine regulations in order to pre- vent the introduction of contagious dis- eases by immigrants and others. ----There was a large skatieg and. tobog- ening party given • at the Government . Rouse. on Saturday, 14th inst., and Lady Lansdowne was "at home." to all who . had received invitations for the resent • seasOn. e 'The North-Western Indians are sly in - t$-.- in large numbers from a singular •di ease, the first s-yraptoms. of which are s ening of the knees and joints from le- ich death soon follows.' eleiclden-pox d diphtheria have taken off many nitre, and they are in a generally -starv- ing condition. . -A Mrs. Harris, a widow who . was engaged in Montreal as a nurse in the best families, aa4 ivho acted also as agent for disposing effe jewelry raid furs in that city, has run off to Boston with family, victimizing the inercheas s who I a 'married man who leaves a u ife and had onfidence in her returnithe raoney when she sold the goods o fond - c tr . Iles she attended. Her cleficA will amount to three thousand dollars at ' least. The defaulter has been followed by her two respectable sons-in-law to peke her return and clisigorge if possible. -One day last week:Peter, Fox, while . ,endeavo ing to throw the belt off one of 41 the ecc€1 tries in Kidd's table saltrefine- ry, at 'Got erich, had . a ecarf he wore around his neck caught in the shaft The , scarf wound around t e shaft at terrific speed, and was dra g Fox to : apparent death, when Jam s Gard*, foreman of the mill, with gre t ptesence of mind, seized a board,. and plielle as a flash threw off the drhing hail], thus averting a fatal: accident. 11 e,' are glad to say that Mr, Fox is noi, none the - worse for his tight squeeze. -Mrs: Mary Burke, relict of the late Samuel Burke, of God - rich, passed quietly fo her rest on Tuesday the 3rd inst. Aged 93 I years. She was a woman Of strong, !,robust constitution, until about a year L ago hardly knoWing what real sickness li vv -as. She had been a member of :the Methodist church for about i717 years, having been 'converted *hen 16:_years of the scrip - 1 satisfy salvation.' mourn her age, thus proving the truth o tares : 'With long life wil them, and show them my - She has left a Jarge family to loss. I -A correspondent writ s : A few weeks ago Mr. Moody the evangelist, - fetid a visit to Scranton, Pe u]sylvania, and at a meeting held in ehe skating rink in that city Over 5,000 Met to hear him Mr. Moody gave emphatic testi- mony from his own- experience and observation of the' value of the Young Men's Christian • .Associat on , work amongst young men the worn over. He stated that' it was his convict on that in many parts the association were one hundred -per /mt.-more effi ient than • ten years ago. 1 The result of his visit to Scranton has bei the start g of an as-, sedation building fund, and - in a feiv days over $40,000 was subscribed. , -Particulars are given, he a Scottish ; journal, of the sudden death, Jastmontli, • of Mr. George Knox, of the ell -known firm. of W. & J. Knox th Killeirnie n thread manufacturers. He jvas in the prime of hfe, being only iki his 48th year, active and skilled' in hi business, expert in out -door games, , nd took a lively interest in politics a$ well as in the local affaireeef the towr. A Glas- ow• journal states that het had " dn- - eared himself to his 'work -people, who ever spoke of him with warm st admira- tioni and respect." 't His ho ely, kind- ly, unaseuming manner," add a corres- pondent, "won the hearts of en. Gener- ous, warm-hearted and sympathetic, he leaves not -an enemy behind him." He was a keen curler, it appears, having . skipped a rink on. the Friday before his death, between his own Mill hands of Dennyhohn and Stonyhohn ndlls, for the silver jug presented by himself: Watering the Soudan. Deserts° HOW THE TROOPS ARE TO BE SUPPLIED WIIII WATER.• • I The, following particulars- regarding the American system Of providing water , for the. British- troops in the Suakin]. ' expedition have been t furnished by MetSrs. R. H. Buchanan &,- Co., of 662, Craig street, Montreal, they bebg the Canadian ao-entsi Who keep on hand a full line of ° their pumps. One of the most serious difficulties of the Egyptian -war has been the providing for the Brit- ish troops an easy means•of water sup- , ply, the absence of which has constitut- ed perhaps the -most serious impediment to successful manteuvres of the English forces in the. Soudan. The English Governinent have determined to apply the _American system toward esta•blish- ing a water -line between Berber and Suakira, a distance, of 260 mile, by a method similar to that no* ueed -so- successfully for pumping oil from the oil regions of West Pennsylvania and eonveying, it to the seaboard at Ils.Tew York and Baltimore, and to the head- quarters of the Ohio River at Pittaliiirg. These_lines are equipped' with polWerfal pumping' engines of sufficient power to force oil upwards of 100 miles es ithout breaking connection,. In Englantl this is regalded as a mdrvellous feat in 11.3 - draulic engineering. The !plan DO a(lOpted 18 to run, twe fourl inch pipes over the whole distance with ihe Worth- ington pumping engines placetl every 30 • miles with a capacity for forcing water along at a pressure of 2,00ol pounds to the square inch. - • Two' pumps' are, to be usel in case of accident to one._ The pumping engines are to be 15 feet long, and will require from 150 to 200 horse power of steam to work them, and i will -italic-Ter water at the end of tho route at the rate of 159 gallons per m ute. vith.e pipe .. will be lead in a • zig-zag line to allow' for expansion and qohtraction underthe sun, and will be ibmied , under the sand. The contract calls for from 15 to 2'0 of t1e.se engines, as may be required by the ' terms. 1 One is to be shipped each week until the order is completed. The cont -act ttigether with the pumps and pip- ing Will amount in the vicinity of $1,000,000. The pipe is to be joined by a screw slee ecoupling and with a sufficient force of men; can be laid as fast as the pipe is furnished. The work presents no serious difficulty to -American engineers for in forcing oil from the oil fields to the seaboard they - have pipes a longer length, and in some • cases running across the mountains, - when theworkis treinendousi, compared to running water along a level ' surface; aincl when pumping engines working °up 400 horsepower have t� be usid. 1 1 Be • Careful,' GF1s. Never marry it. min who has, only his I Ve for you to recommend him. It is eery fascinatitiAbut it does not make the an. If he is not otherwise what he should be, you will never be happy. he most perfect man who did not love ou Should never be your husband. Nit though marriage without lov4lis terrible, I ve Wily will not do. If the man is dis- honorable to other .men, or mean, or given to any vice, the time iwiIl .come hen you will either loath him or Sink to his level. It is hard to remember, a indst kisses,, that there is anytmg else ii the world to be cloneorthought of b t love -making; but the days of:life axe many, and the husband'inust be a ; g - de to be trusted -a coinpanion, a friend, as well as lover. Many a girlihas n arried a man whom she knew to be anything,but good, ''because he loved ge r so.' And the flame has died on ;the hearth -stone of home before long, and b side it there has beensittingelle ;she e uld never hope would lead het heaVen- , ardebut who, if she followed him as a ife should, would guide her steps to rdition. Marriage is a solemn thing a , choice for life ; be - careful in ithe el oOsing. - GRATEFUL --COMFORTING. ' PS'S ,COCOA. BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws liich govern the operations of digestion and nu - e' tion, and by a careful application of the 'fine r perties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has pvided our breakfast tables with a delicately ar ored beverage which may -save us meny &So- to ' bills. It is by the judicious use of euch a 'cies of diet that a constitution may be gradu- all • built up until strong enough to resist every tiei deney to disease. Hundreds of subtle n eta- s are floating around‘ us ready to at aek erever there is a weak pciint. -We may escape. ny a fatal shaft. by -keeping ourselves well fo tided- with pure blood and a ptoperly nourish- ed fraine."-Civil Service Gazette. Made sihmly wi h boiling water Or milk. , Sold Only in pahkets by grocers, labelled thus-" JAMES EPPS & ICO. 11 nueopathic henusts, London; England." eSole ag nt for armada, G. E. Colson, Ilfouti;eal. 884-52 ' . T ousands Hastened 'to 'Their Graves. `[ e relyingn . teetimeniali Written in ivid Nving langu 6 of some mineculditeedres ade, some larg ly puffed up doctor or patent edi- e has has ened thousands to toeir graves; readers having almost insane faith thatithe le miracle will be •performed on thein, that se testimonials mention while the so celled dicine is all the time hastening them to pith ves. Although we have 1 I ousandEg-Upon' Thousem !! estirnonials -of the most, wonderful °tires e•ol- arily, sent us, we do hot publish Oen; as they not make the cures. It is our Medicine, Hop never ean. , We will give reference t any ers, that make the cures. It has never ailed for any disease similar to their own if desir- r ff,ill refer to any neighbor, as there is not a nborhood in the known world but coin show tires by Hop Bitters. ' A Losing Joke. A prominent physician of Pittsburg said to a lad - patient wile was complaining of her con,' tth ed ill health, and of his:inability to cure her, lok'nglet- Said, 'Try Hop. Bitters!' The lady too it in earnest and used the Bitters,, from wh ch she obtained permanent health. Shenow lau died at the doetor for his ioke, but he is not So well pleased with it, as° it cost him a good pat ient:' Fees of Doctors. 'lj\ he fees of doetors at ?el a visit would tax re a for a year; and la need of a daily vieit; over $1,OO a year for medieel attendance aldne 1; n4l one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in' bine would save the $1,000, and all the yqar's slice ness. . ; Given, t.Tp by the Doctors. ' ',Reit possiblethat life. Godfrey, is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy !" 1 4!-I assure you it is true that he ie enttely craned, and with nothing but Hop Bitters, and Onl - ten days ago his doctors -gave, him up an said he mustdie, from kidney and liver - tro thie." . , , I . e None genuine without a bunch of men To is on the white label. S.hun all the vile, . oi onous stuff with.'" Hop " Or "Hops" in their idle. .864.52m: • - - , • Rol T8 the Aged and Infirm . . # ' shr ,you get it. 891:52.2W. : . fier Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion, an be str ngth and buoyancy of spirits. Ali ask h -:iourishing ani.iiveprigorlitting properties of I insOn's Phosporized Emuleion give reneived A Plant of Rare 'Virtues. . 1 the eommen and well-known Burdoek. It i ne of the best blood purifiers- and kidney r g lators in the vegetable werld, and the com- i lid known as Burdock Blood Bitteric-possesses , I%0 derful power in diseases of the blood, liver, . kld leys and stomach. 857.52.2w. fee d - k .Isro Matter. NO matter Where pain,lameness or soreeess exit, Hagyard's Yellow Oil taken or applied Will Fs- ..immediate relief, and e. positive cure quick: follows it use. 857.5w. • Hearty Recomm.endation. Ju cob A. Emeiey; of Cannamore, states that he his taken Diudock Blood Bitters with great bene- fi n a, lingering complaint, and adds' that he o Id gladly recommend it to all. 857:52.2W. • A- Decided- Hit. ft- agyard's Yellow Oil touches the right spot eve .3, time when applied for rhemnatism, neu- ral ia, pain, soreness or lamenesseend internally for •olds, sore throat, e1;, it isequallyiefallible. 857 52.2w. • The Question of the Day. . "What is good for a. Cold?" is a question often, ask d, hut seldom satisfactorily answered. We can a.swer to the,eatisfaction of all, if they will foil w our advice and try Hagyard's HPecteral Bal. em, a -safe, pleasant and certain thkeat and lime healer. Sold by all druggists. 857.'52.2w. • A Valuable Patent. tini and doe wo hen ic most valuable aiscovery patented in modern S is that of the best blood purifier end liver kidney regulator known. We refer to Bur- - -Blood Bitters, which is making so Many derful tures and bringing the blessed boot] of th to so many people. Robinson's PhosPhorized Emulsiot • Is artichlaaly" adapted to licate feinales, the e low states of the system that manifest the tselves in so me y of the ail! 'lents peculiar to iheir sex. Alwa.y. ask for Robinson's Phos - ph e rized Emulsion, and be sure you get. it. 891 2.2w. r. Low's Worm Syrup has removed tapeworm! fro/ 15 to 30 feet in length. It also destroy all kin s of 857.52.m. • P of.. Low's SulPhur Soap is highlY recommend- ed for the cure of eruption, chafes, chapped. hal ds, pimples, tan, etc. 1357.52m. . 411110410. / eereanee Worm Powders require no other pu rative. They are safe and sure to remove all ' var eties of worms. 857.52m. 551Ik 1. . ational Pills act promptly upon the liter, reglate the bowels, and as a purgative aromild anc thorough. 857.52m. Fluid Lightning cures neuralgia in one minute, Fluid Lightning curestootliache in one niinnte. Fluid Lightning cures face ache in one minute. Fluid Lightning cures lumbago in one,mintite. 5 Fluid Lightning relieves rheumatism in one minute. e . , ' . Fluid Lightning Cures any pain or ache ih- stantly. Price 25 cents per bottle at Lumsden '& Wilson's drugstore, Seaforth. 851.52m. 11111.11 Meciregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate has been tested by years of trial and has been found tile most convenient and effectual method of applY-, ing carbolic acid. The greatest antiseptic in uite for cuts, burns and old sores.Be.sure you get McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Sold for 25 cents by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Sea - forth. 851.52111. I McGregor's $peed y CUre. Every purchaser of ,common sense business capacity, when requiring an article for a certain purpose, purohases only that which has been tried or he is allowed first to test before buying. You are allowed a free trial bottle of l'ifcGregeere Speedy Cure, thegreat remedy for dyspepsia, .mpure blood and hver 'disorders at Lumsdenee Wilson's drugstore, Seaforth. Sold at 50e. and $3. per bottle. See testimonials from persons in yoi r own town. 851.52m. ' ri Nummamm. LEGAL. GARROW & PR° OUDFOOT, Banisters, Soliei- tors, &e., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. Ge.aaolv, WM. PROUDFOOT. 686,1 1E1 "C. HAYS, Solieitor, &o. Private Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. Office Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 CAMERON, HOlk & CAMERON, Barristelis, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Godericie Ont. M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. CAMERON., ' • 506 111.*FliEST; Hamster, Solicitor, &o. Office- . • Cady's Block, Three Doors North of the • Pat Office, Seaforth. Goderich Agents-0AMI0t- . ON, 11.0LT & CAMERON. 870 T,OFTIJS E. DANCEY, late with Cainero, Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, S Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNING & SCOTT,. Barristers, Solicito , Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Ba k of Johnston, Tisdale & Gate. Money to loa Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. bleseneo, JAMES SCOTT. 781 HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm . McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister,. So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of 'Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Ma n • Street, Seaforth. -‘47YER & DICKINSON, 13arristers, &c.,Kent s 11 Block, Wingletin. Solicitors for the Bar k of Hamilton. Commissioners for taking affida- vits in Manitoba. Private funds to loan at 6 per cent. Lucknow Office every Wednesday. H. IV C. MEYER E. L. DICKINSON. 738 riARROLL & DICKSON, Solicitors, Convey - lee ancers, tire, Money to lend. Seaforth _ and Brussels. :Seaforth Office over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street. N. B. -One member Of .the finn will always be in Seaforth Office. P. S. CARROLL, Seaforth; W. R Muncie, 13russels • Gohl Fiiling and. Perfect Fitting , Plates. Town patients will please make engagements a day or two previous to having the opeia- tion performed,: Veee Remember' the place, in the rooms formerly occupied by C. Caetwright, up -stairs in Cady's Block, epposite the CODIM0p- cud Hotel, Seaferth. 874' -sxr*rilsow acuity Gold Medallist and College Gold Medallist, Toronto School • of Medicine, SAVING NATURAL TEETH A SPECIALTY. TEETH EASILY AND CAREFULLY J. ire EXTRAdrED. CHARGES MODERATE. - • N,, B. -As I have bought out the bushj ess of thelate Mr. Buggin, I will complete all opera- tioniebegun by him satisfactorily to eacli patient. Office over Johnson's Hardware Store, Meyer's Block, -Main Steeet, Seaforth. ,, The Mitcher11. Standard Patented and Manufactured by • W. M. • I Milt Simplest, Strongest and most satisfacto0 Windmill yet made. For -pumping water, sa,wing wood, chopping grain or driving,any light - machinery, it has no equal. • PUMPS! PUMPS! I also manufacture Iron Lift and Double- AC - tion Force Pumps, which are g-uaranteed to give satisfaction. ' A stock of piunps and hose k.ept eonstantle, On hand. Give me a trial. 11 I do not give satisfaction nosale. - • • All orders addressed to the undersigned, Mit- chell P. 0., promptly attended to. ' -872-52 W. M. MORRIS. OHRYSTAL & BLAoK MAMMAL BOILER MAKER THE Subscribers have bought the Tools and Boiler Businese-lately carried on by the Goderich Foundry, and Manufacturing Compaq, and having hid an experience of over eight ye in that shop, ate now prepated to carry on the trade in all its branches.' Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. First-class work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Work, &c., at remote ablerates.Salttes Pans made arid old ones repaired On the shortest notice, and at prices that defy competition. CHRYSTAL & BLACK. • PBRED BERKSHIRE. -The undersigned will keep during the present Season, on Lot 6, Concession 1, Hay, a pure bred Benshire Boar, to which' a limited number of sows will be taken. Torn -is --$i with the privilege of return- ing if neceseary. JOHN WILLIS. Hay P. D. 894 oppFout PIGS. -The undersigned will keep on hand during the present season, a Thor- oughbred Suffolk Pig, to which a, limited number of sows will be taken. He 16 one of the best pigs of his class in the county. Terms -81, wi the privilege of returning if necessary. Aprly on the farm of the undersigned at Grieve's 13ridge, Northern Gravel Road, McKillop. Hum' J. GRIEVE. 8&5 MO PIG BREEDERS. -The uffdersigned will I. keep for service at his place in Leaeburye during the present season, that Well-known Thoroughbred Berkshire Pig, "The Guelph Boy," This pig has a Registered Pedigree, is one of the best in the county and has taken First Prizes wherever shown. Terms --$1 per sow, wi h the privilege of returning if necessary. WM: PRAY, Leadbury. , 880 MAKE YOUR CHOICE. -Two Pigsi one Berk - 1. shire and one Suffelk, will he kept' for ser- vice -during the present swan by the under- signed at Rodgerville. Terms: Seventy-five cents at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN P. MARS1 ,A.LL. 887-8 QUFFOLIC :AND BERKSHIRE. -Two Pigs, one' Suffolk and the other Berkshire, are kept for service at Rannie's Saw Mills, Lot 12, Con- cession 8, Township of Hay. Terms: $1, with the privilege of returningif necessary.. SAMUEL RANNIE. •887 MHE SUFFOLKS ARE THE BEST. -The un- dereigned has no v on Lot 21, Concesi,ion 2, L.R. S., Tuckersmit , and will keep for the imProvement of Stock, Two !THOROUGHBRED SUF- FOLK BOARS. The pi est, iGranger," was far- rowed on April 3rd,1882, was bred by Mr. Wm. Elliott, Milton, Couhte of Halton. His sire and his dam were both imported. The second, " King Tom," was fan wed in April; 1884. He was bred by Messrs 4. Frank & Sone, of the county of Peel, and b h his sire and his dam were also hnported. They are, as good p gs as were ever offered foi s rvice in Huron as can be proven by the extended pedigrees which are registered in the Canadian Herd Book. erms $1, with the privilege of leturning if nec sary. GEORGE PLEWES. 1 - 891 )1E5 saZ CP4,-1 0 •1-45 et - CD CD 0 _ ct *1\1-014001:Ro.Z.s. I M U. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS . Sail.from Pier 20, North River, New Yor Every Satuiday, for GLASGOW VIA' LONDONDERRY. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, DERRY, BELFAST OR LI 'ER - POOL, CABIN, $60 to e$S0. SECOND • CABIN, $40. STEERAGE, OUT- WARD, $28. PREPAID, $21. Amber Line Drafts issued at lowest rat are paid free of charge in England, Scotland and Ireland. . For passage,`Cabin Plans, Book of Tours &e., apply to HENDERSON , BROTHERS, 7 Bo 'LING GREEN, NEW 'YORK, or to S. DICKSON; Post Office, Seaforth. 1' ' 32 ST. JAMS' HOT TORONTO. immom.mr••• SHARP & BRIGHA (Formerly of Sharp's Hotel, Seaforth,) PROPRIETORS. mlig8 Hotel, which is situated directly op site Union Station, has recently been re tted and refurnished throughout, and is now o e of the best arid most comfortable hotels in the city iffEisery possible attention paid to guest and charges very moderate. R. L. SHARP, 1 845 JNO, BRIGHAMo" Propel Ly APPLES! APPLES! CHARLES ' DONALD & 0.,: 79 Queen St., London, E.G., Eng TXTILL be glad to correspond with pple V V Growers, Merchants and Shippers, ith a view to Autumn and Spring business, The will also give the usual facilities to customers r quir- ing advances. _ • 86 -38 5 " ' SICAL INSTRUMEIT EMPORIUM, SEAFORTHI, ONTARIO. SCOTT BROS., PROPRIETORS. TELEJEDIT1NTI-±A.ISIE Read the following testimonial by one of the best musicians of the present day : "The Upright Pianos of Messrs _Dunham deserve, as well an emphatic " en lorsenfent, as a decided success. They develop a tone, which in power and "sympathetic quality, can not be surpassed by tht now existing 'Upright Pianos, "an I are equally beautiin their their musical qualit es as well as in their exterior " ap2earanee."--THEODORE THOMAS. , EXCELSIO ri 0 GANS. This celebrated Organ has always 1 received the highest award wherever shown, taking floret prize at the Norther] Union Exhibition in October, 1883. Among other Organs shown at this show, were W. Bell 8e, Co., Gaelph ; Kilgour, Hamilton, KaruS, Woodstock, &e. Call and see ns before buying. Old instru- ments taken at their full value.- Orders,for tuning pianos and organs attended to at once. sco-ri- BROTHERS. ..1 N. B.-Sni.all Instruments, SUCil as violins,. Guitars, Accordeons'Con- certinas, &e ,on band, •also a good assortment of ano Covers, Piano Stools, &c. All kinds of Instruction Books. STAMPING- Pa terns for Kensington, Crewel and Outline Embroideries? - NEW M ILLING tIRM IN SEAFORTH. C. THE EAFORTH RO LER MILLS, 'LATE THE REDIVIIL.L.. McBRADE & SMITH, from Stra hroy, Having bought the above mills, and refitted them throughout with till the latest and best machinery that could be procured for a GRADUAL REDUOTION ROLLER MILIL, And the result altained is, they have one of the best mills in the Proviree. F-armers can now get all their GRISTING and CHOPPING -done m Seaforth, and have it homei with them the same day, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 331R„.A.IsT .A.1\1"12) For sale by the tOn or in less quantities --FOR CASH. Cash for any quantity of Wheat. • MR. THOMAS SMITH will :personally superintend the Seaforth Roller Mills. MpBAIDE & SMITH. Judicial Sale. 1 In the High Court of Justice, qha. n- cery Division. In the Matter of Partition, WATTS vs. WAITS, Pursuant to the judgmentnade in this eause, there • will be sold, with the approbation of Sutherland Malcomson, Esquire, one of the Mas- ters of theSupreme Court of Judicature, at, God- erich, MI Schafferit Hotel, in the Vil1a.e of Kippen,. 0* SATURDAY, , THE' llth DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 1. 85, at 11 o'clock in the for noon, 1) the fellowing pr perty, namely- : The South Ha f of Lot number Twelve, iii the south Boundary Concession of 'the Township of 'Stanley, conta.ining by admeasuremen0,48 acres, be the same nim e or I less. The propeitl, 16 ad- vantageously situated as to schools and din ehes, being within a few miles of lama and K open, The land is in a good state of eultivati n, 10 acres in fall wheat, 5acres seeded down, 10 acres of fall plowing. dime, -;3 acres hardwood bush, etc.; etc., well deemed and well fenced. Thcre is a . new Frame -House on the premises, 18x28 eet, 2 storeys; with kitchen attached, 14x16 feet, stone foundation and good cellar. Also a Frame Barn 36x56 feet, in good repair. * There is also. on the premises a fair ()eche rd. .TERMS OF Sebs.---Ten per cent. down oh the day of Sale to the Plaintiff'e Solieitors, an tbe balance into Coda within one-menth th.er, fter, without interest when the purchaser will b en- titled to a Conv youice. The purchaser -a the time.of gale will be required to sign an agreement for the completion o4 th hi 1 Th ....0 said !sax. • __e pro erty will be put up subject to a reserve bid. ' In other respects the conditions of sale will be the tend- ing conditions of this Court. Further -parti ulars may be had from JOHN HOSKIN, ESQ.. . C., Official Guardian, Toronto, or 3IESSRS. GA ROW & PROUDFOOT, Belvidere, -Goderich, or . from the , Plaintiff's Solicitors. ' S. MALCOIN SON, Decal Master at Goderich. MANNING oit S OTT, Clintoo, Plaintiff's Selicitors. . Hilted this 12th day of March, A. D., 1885 •.0 • 9024 MPORTANT TO FARMERS AND SEEDEN, . -The subseriber has a qeantity of good el an seed grain „ of the following - varieties : VI hite Russian Spring Wheat; the White R ssian . has a long bald head with stiff straw, ancl is a. first class milling wheateand yielded last year with me the large yield of 42 bushels to the acre, . and weighs sixty-ehle pounds to. the b shel. Oats, Black Tartarian eyecently grown froth III1- Ported seed, I believe this to be the best. yielding ho:einhaeuhulttivatioo, it ithan a side oat with etiff strew, and less danger Of. lodgng an -any "other oat, I em give the largeyield of 80 bushelsto the acre. Russian parley, this is a, six Towed barleyea heavy plump grain, weighing fifty-four pounds to the bushel] it is a. stiff long straw, and admitted by those who have grown it t� give heavier yields per acro than any barley they have ever tried. Last year it yielded with me 56, bushels to the acre. This grain is -eleae of , wild .oats and free froi i foul se s, endenay be eelied upon as being NV )utt it is represented. Price.- . Wheat,1 per bug)* ; Barley, 75 cents; Oat, 50 cents. ' JAMES LANDSBOROUGH, Lot 2:3, Concession 3, TuelcerSmith, H. 11. S. three tulles west of Egmonds ille, ' , . 902-tf - 11 `SEAfORTH *OOLLEN _ MILLS. Having my• Nev Mills now in first-class running order, I have pleasure in announcing to my ens- tomees and friend s that With Enlarged Premises and I .IMPROVEDI MACHINERY I am betterthan eyer prepared to turn out FIRST-CLASS WORK On the shortest notice, and will he pleated. to see ali my old cuttoniers and as many new ones. AVE YOU THOSE SEEN GREY COTTONS! AT Ranton Br I tell you they draw eustoni every time, Cottons! is the cr Cottons-! Cottons! Cottons! all low n -price, and special prices by the piece. Now is the time to go RANTON BROS. for your Cottons, ail while there ask to see their New Spring- Prints, rhirtings, Cottonades, &c, And don't forget it! All this morith winter goods to be sold t those great discounts we told you abou A lot of Remnant Dress sold cheap. All conic. Goo & to be Ranton Bros., EXETER. NOTIO E nrisE undersignedbegs to inform the inhabi.. I tents of- Kippen. and surrotinding country, that he has leased the premises of Win. Edgar, A, LARGE STOCK OF GOODS ,and has on hand a large stock Of first-class sea- • siped lumber and is now prep4ed to execute On hand to trade with as Usual. all orders entlusted to him in a stele and at Eerioetsinticartel%ye,trrnpaccoermion.ateI miwIll atearsueitheesr • A. G. VaNEGMOND in Sloighs,.Cutters, Wagons and Buggies, Paint% ingot d Tnnurung, and even -to filinir la Saw for anis Six Cents re:449a forel Postageoxanodf .A PRIZE gOods, which will help all, of either sex, to more melte ri ht away han anything else in this world. Fortuneseeilit the Workers absolutely . i sure. At onee. address TRUE & C., Augusta, Maine. 854x52 auinng it. All work waraned to give action, and done On thetior+liftolti Sst Nnotaieee 1 will sathdy all that I ni ' 897x4 M . YLE. v191221241 nr Nog - •nlifunliseN "00 MR !awn " Gauvazai . Awes ettz g xxa g,rivo.m.nona form mule ! .cpun un Jo Auuln4va a° dna sT panoq oq no ,osn BJ1=9'11102 soppar 40II01 -udc41 rinpodati 4som amJO ouo oinocoq pralISIHAt -URI 1104T sAq sivivi-ipmiNons •• • 02: soitteuo pun ‘o,r1saT Ass0I2 41 0+1 s yrzo 1I 0111 inuitpo r:arn Sioei .11111u01p1sk ;110.41 ozolsaz • .24,ned gijaopuo.o.sn w.inT Wood PRI em hi reoll snose21.17iure'mnili tamentet-efailevell)1n 7oo JO it• oisoa olaideaeo e peeseemoeve sun le TIOTTI er/".•MD 011" B.TITH BUTT0 nolignoa 0JqILiif)trl nodu pintZuezuf n 'pus „it Ipauloa Jr.indod .0 seep =pies, - 46TRAeriarti !ea ees. seep si asunooq 2rtissaJp n ' Tpni 2tmox -Aro= pun xopp Aoa salmi" pm; Un.. -en Arn.rprep scion IHOTI wpm sluoAoad jtosnigooct ro2v.cip-.1w-4,c3nn0rt rre aoloo aiffVJaaLS GTanid Trun Railway. - Trins eave Seaforth and Clinton stations folio s: 'SE:LP:RTfr: • 92C...4L5 Ari1E re • -.1:0P:iEx rese -8 . e.5 MLedrain- 515A.M. 0onelEase- IExpres 7.45A.l. 72A. 1M24 Exres.162P:m: l05 llitedTran441' ei1 4.00 I'. L ndon., Huron and Bruce. GGIN. NORTH- Express. Mail. 2nd class. Le don, depart . 7.45 A. -M. 4.50r. et. 6.00 A.31 - Exeter... .. 8,57 .; 6.10 9.35 Hetisal . ,. e.. 9.07 • ' 6.24 9.57 Ki pen . .. - .. 9.13 , 6.29 1907, ' 11 . B cefi lci - .. 9.23 - 6.38 10.22 Cr iton .-. .. 9.45 7.05 11.30 Lo des faro .. .. 10.00 • 7.20 1200. Meth.- .. .... 10.07 7.27 12.15 P. v. Bel Tea e.... .... 10.22' - 7.46 12.48 Wi igh in, arrive 10.35 7.55 1.16 Goixi So TII-- Express. Mail. 2nd Class Wi g in., depart 7.48 a. le 3.03 P.n. 10 20A ' I Be ea e........ 8.00 3.17. 11.21 LEO its'3,30 11.42 oro.. .. 8.24 3.38 12.00 Cli iton .. - .... 8.50 4.05 12.45r. et B eefi Id_ ; . .. 9.05 4.19 1.11 Ki pen .. ..., 9.13 4.27 1.27 0 He sa ,LoEx dteorn arriv.e. ..;. ' 1- 9Q:5181 4541023 '4i'L.-303365 W I gton, Grey and Bruce. 1 Goix N Mil- Aecom. Express. Ht el....... .... , . . . . 230r. )a„ 9:39r. IC Br see] 2 41 9.53 Bhieval , 55 10.09 Wiligh m 3.10 10.20 Gom S TII- . ' Express. .A.eeorn. Wi gh in..... ... , 6.50 A. M. 11.1S 3.3! B113eval -: . .C. '. 7.30 11 -30 - Brussel . 7.15 11.50 Etl el 7.27 12.05 the Eveni Thurday he Morning Train going South and g Train going North, run on- Tuesday, and Saturday only. RGAINSI F3R- THE NEXT H F? TY DAYS ill offer the balance of my stock of Parlor & Coal Stoves icOST FOR CASH. Come • and Get Bargains VHILE THEY LAST. I Second - Hand Coal and Wood Stoves Cheap. Q 1M. WHITNEY'S OHIE P STOVE HOUSE, SEAFORTH. The a convileti • i '1 REWARD! ove • reward will be paid for the n of those Merchants who are ferior CHINE OILS, ND CALLING THEM MC oirs Lardine 1 5••••••••••••namme The on y genuine is manufactured by 0011 BROS. &CO, TORONTO, ANI) I SOLD IN BEAFORTH BY pe;'\ REI & WILSON „ WL,AND IN WINGBAM BY - JAS. A. -CLINE & OQ, til Bros. TORONTO. UO. i - MONEY TO LOAN. ° • ' ° . 1tJFONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 pi cent' Ihterest payable half yearly, or .13 per cent. yearly, *ith the privilege to hereon* of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to: F. HOLMESTED, • Barrister Seaforth. ., . 850 . . . . . AUCTIONEERS.. • 1 IT P.. BRINE, Licensed -Auctioneer for t o j. County of Huron. 'Sales attended in 1: parts of the -Canty. All orders left • at T i EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. . .„ . A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for t o ,/lk.. County of Huron. Sales of all deicripti r promptly attended to on reasonable terms. • Ad, dress Brussels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4,- do • cessmo 12, Grey. - - 77 , • VETERINARY. . - t . 0 EAFORTH HORSE INFIAMA114.-Corner .1 0 Janis and Goderich Streets, next door to t o Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All o ,t eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the (le • niesticated animals, successfully treated at t o Infirmary, or elsewhere' t on the shortest. noti • Charges moderate. : JAMES W. ELDER, Ve • inary Surgeon. I'. S. -'--A large stock of Veteri i• i.ry Medicines kept Constantly on hand • . DENTISTRY. - W_ a_., :pi M+ Tj I's- and M. R C. D., d . ' Toronto. All operatio h guaranteed. - ' Anesthetics of , 11 r ' kinds' Administered. Specialties Gohl Fiiling and. Perfect Fitting , Plates. Town patients will please make engagements a day or two previous to having the opeia- tion performed,: Veee Remember' the place, in the rooms formerly occupied by C. Caetwright, up -stairs in Cady's Block, epposite the CODIM0p- cud Hotel, Seaferth. 874' -sxr*rilsow acuity Gold Medallist and College Gold Medallist, Toronto School • of Medicine, SAVING NATURAL TEETH A SPECIALTY. TEETH EASILY AND CAREFULLY J. ire EXTRAdrED. CHARGES MODERATE. - • N,, B. -As I have bought out the bushj ess of thelate Mr. Buggin, I will complete all opera- tioniebegun by him satisfactorily to eacli patient. Office over Johnson's Hardware Store, Meyer's Block, -Main Steeet, Seaforth. ,, The Mitcher11. Standard Patented and Manufactured by • W. M. • I Milt Simplest, Strongest and most satisfacto0 Windmill yet made. For -pumping water, sa,wing wood, chopping grain or driving,any light - machinery, it has no equal. • PUMPS! PUMPS! I also manufacture Iron Lift and Double- AC - tion Force Pumps, which are g-uaranteed to give satisfaction. ' A stock of piunps and hose k.ept eonstantle, On hand. Give me a trial. 11 I do not give satisfaction nosale. - • • All orders addressed to the undersigned, Mit- chell P. 0., promptly attended to. ' -872-52 W. M. MORRIS. OHRYSTAL & BLAoK MAMMAL BOILER MAKER THE Subscribers have bought the Tools and Boiler Businese-lately carried on by the Goderich Foundry, and Manufacturing Compaq, and having hid an experience of over eight ye in that shop, ate now prepated to carry on the trade in all its branches.' Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. First-class work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Work, &c., at remote ablerates.Salttes Pans made arid old ones repaired On the shortest notice, and at prices that defy competition. CHRYSTAL & BLACK. • PBRED BERKSHIRE. -The undersigned will keep during the present Season, on Lot 6, Concession 1, Hay, a pure bred Benshire Boar, to which' a limited number of sows will be taken. Torn -is --$i with the privilege of return- ing if neceseary. JOHN WILLIS. Hay P. D. 894 oppFout PIGS. -The undersigned will keep on hand during the present season, a Thor- oughbred Suffolk Pig, to which a, limited number of sows will be taken. He 16 one of the best pigs of his class in the county. Terms -81, wi the privilege of returning if necessary. Aprly on the farm of the undersigned at Grieve's 13ridge, Northern Gravel Road, McKillop. Hum' J. GRIEVE. 8&5 MO PIG BREEDERS. -The uffdersigned will I. keep for service at his place in Leaeburye during the present season, that Well-known Thoroughbred Berkshire Pig, "The Guelph Boy," This pig has a Registered Pedigree, is one of the best in the county and has taken First Prizes wherever shown. Terms --$1 per sow, wi h the privilege of returning if necessary. WM: PRAY, Leadbury. , 880 MAKE YOUR CHOICE. -Two Pigsi one Berk - 1. shire and one Suffelk, will he kept' for ser- vice -during the present swan by the under- signed at Rodgerville. Terms: Seventy-five cents at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN P. MARS1 ,A.LL. 887-8 QUFFOLIC :AND BERKSHIRE. -Two Pigs, one' Suffolk and the other Berkshire, are kept for service at Rannie's Saw Mills, Lot 12, Con- cession 8, Township of Hay. Terms: $1, with the privilege of returningif necessary.. SAMUEL RANNIE. •887 MHE SUFFOLKS ARE THE BEST. -The un- dereigned has no v on Lot 21, Concesi,ion 2, L.R. S., Tuckersmit , and will keep for the imProvement of Stock, Two !THOROUGHBRED SUF- FOLK BOARS. The pi est, iGranger," was far- rowed on April 3rd,1882, was bred by Mr. Wm. Elliott, Milton, Couhte of Halton. His sire and his dam were both imported. The second, " King Tom," was fan wed in April; 1884. He was bred by Messrs 4. Frank & Sone, of the county of Peel, and b h his sire and his dam were also hnported. They are, as good p gs as were ever offered foi s rvice in Huron as can be proven by the extended pedigrees which are registered in the Canadian Herd Book. erms $1, with the privilege of leturning if nec sary. GEORGE PLEWES. 1 - 891 )1E5 saZ CP4,-1 0 •1-45 et - CD CD 0 _ ct *1\1-014001:Ro.Z.s. I M U. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS . Sail.from Pier 20, North River, New Yor Every Satuiday, for GLASGOW VIA' LONDONDERRY. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, DERRY, BELFAST OR LI 'ER - POOL, CABIN, $60 to e$S0. SECOND • CABIN, $40. STEERAGE, OUT- WARD, $28. PREPAID, $21. Amber Line Drafts issued at lowest rat are paid free of charge in England, Scotland and Ireland. . For passage,`Cabin Plans, Book of Tours &e., apply to HENDERSON , BROTHERS, 7 Bo 'LING GREEN, NEW 'YORK, or to S. DICKSON; Post Office, Seaforth. 1' ' 32 ST. JAMS' HOT TORONTO. immom.mr••• SHARP & BRIGHA (Formerly of Sharp's Hotel, Seaforth,) PROPRIETORS. mlig8 Hotel, which is situated directly op site Union Station, has recently been re tted and refurnished throughout, and is now o e of the best arid most comfortable hotels in the city iffEisery possible attention paid to guest and charges very moderate. R. L. SHARP, 1 845 JNO, BRIGHAMo" Propel Ly APPLES! APPLES! CHARLES ' DONALD & 0.,: 79 Queen St., London, E.G., Eng TXTILL be glad to correspond with pple V V Growers, Merchants and Shippers, ith a view to Autumn and Spring business, The will also give the usual facilities to customers r quir- ing advances. _ • 86 -38 5 " ' SICAL INSTRUMEIT EMPORIUM, SEAFORTHI, ONTARIO. SCOTT BROS., PROPRIETORS. TELEJEDIT1NTI-±A.ISIE Read the following testimonial by one of the best musicians of the present day : "The Upright Pianos of Messrs _Dunham deserve, as well an emphatic " en lorsenfent, as a decided success. They develop a tone, which in power and "sympathetic quality, can not be surpassed by tht now existing 'Upright Pianos, "an I are equally beautiin their their musical qualit es as well as in their exterior " ap2earanee."--THEODORE THOMAS. , EXCELSIO ri 0 GANS. This celebrated Organ has always 1 received the highest award wherever shown, taking floret prize at the Norther] Union Exhibition in October, 1883. Among other Organs shown at this show, were W. Bell 8e, Co., Gaelph ; Kilgour, Hamilton, KaruS, Woodstock, &e. Call and see ns before buying. Old instru- ments taken at their full value.- Orders,for tuning pianos and organs attended to at once. sco-ri- BROTHERS. ..1 N. B.-Sni.all Instruments, SUCil as violins,. Guitars, Accordeons'Con- certinas, &e ,on band, •also a good assortment of ano Covers, Piano Stools, &c. All kinds of Instruction Books. STAMPING- Pa terns for Kensington, Crewel and Outline Embroideries? - NEW M ILLING tIRM IN SEAFORTH. C. THE EAFORTH RO LER MILLS, 'LATE THE REDIVIIL.L.. McBRADE & SMITH, from Stra hroy, Having bought the above mills, and refitted them throughout with till the latest and best machinery that could be procured for a GRADUAL REDUOTION ROLLER MILIL, And the result altained is, they have one of the best mills in the Proviree. F-armers can now get all their GRISTING and CHOPPING -done m Seaforth, and have it homei with them the same day, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 331R„.A.IsT .A.1\1"12) For sale by the tOn or in less quantities --FOR CASH. Cash for any quantity of Wheat. • MR. THOMAS SMITH will :personally superintend the Seaforth Roller Mills. MpBAIDE & SMITH. Judicial Sale. 1 In the High Court of Justice, qha. n- cery Division. In the Matter of Partition, WATTS vs. WAITS, Pursuant to the judgmentnade in this eause, there • will be sold, with the approbation of Sutherland Malcomson, Esquire, one of the Mas- ters of theSupreme Court of Judicature, at, God- erich, MI Schafferit Hotel, in the Vil1a.e of Kippen,. 0* SATURDAY, , THE' llth DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 1. 85, at 11 o'clock in the for noon, 1) the fellowing pr perty, namely- : The South Ha f of Lot number Twelve, iii the south Boundary Concession of 'the Township of 'Stanley, conta.ining by admeasuremen0,48 acres, be the same nim e or I less. The propeitl, 16 ad- vantageously situated as to schools and din ehes, being within a few miles of lama and K open, The land is in a good state of eultivati n, 10 acres in fall wheat, 5acres seeded down, 10 acres of fall plowing. dime, -;3 acres hardwood bush, etc.; etc., well deemed and well fenced. Thcre is a . new Frame -House on the premises, 18x28 eet, 2 storeys; with kitchen attached, 14x16 feet, stone foundation and good cellar. Also a Frame Barn 36x56 feet, in good repair. * There is also. on the premises a fair ()eche rd. .TERMS OF Sebs.---Ten per cent. down oh the day of Sale to the Plaintiff'e Solieitors, an tbe balance into Coda within one-menth th.er, fter, without interest when the purchaser will b en- titled to a Conv youice. The purchaser -a the time.of gale will be required to sign an agreement for the completion o4 th hi 1 Th ....0 said !sax. • __e pro erty will be put up subject to a reserve bid. ' In other respects the conditions of sale will be the tend- ing conditions of this Court. Further -parti ulars may be had from JOHN HOSKIN, ESQ.. . C., Official Guardian, Toronto, or 3IESSRS. GA ROW & PROUDFOOT, Belvidere, -Goderich, or . from the , Plaintiff's Solicitors. ' S. MALCOIN SON, Decal Master at Goderich. MANNING oit S OTT, Clintoo, Plaintiff's Selicitors. . Hilted this 12th day of March, A. D., 1885 •.0 • 9024 MPORTANT TO FARMERS AND SEEDEN, . -The subseriber has a qeantity of good el an seed grain „ of the following - varieties : VI hite Russian Spring Wheat; the White R ssian . has a long bald head with stiff straw, ancl is a. first class milling wheateand yielded last year with me the large yield of 42 bushels to the acre, . and weighs sixty-ehle pounds to. the b shel. Oats, Black Tartarian eyecently grown froth III1- Ported seed, I believe this to be the best. yielding ho:einhaeuhulttivatioo, it ithan a side oat with etiff strew, and less danger Of. lodgng an -any "other oat, I em give the largeyield of 80 bushelsto the acre. Russian parley, this is a, six Towed barleyea heavy plump grain, weighing fifty-four pounds to the bushel] it is a. stiff long straw, and admitted by those who have grown it t� give heavier yields per acro than any barley they have ever tried. Last year it yielded with me 56, bushels to the acre. This grain is -eleae of , wild .oats and free froi i foul se s, endenay be eelied upon as being NV )utt it is represented. Price.- . Wheat,1 per bug)* ; Barley, 75 cents; Oat, 50 cents. ' JAMES LANDSBOROUGH, Lot 2:3, Concession 3, TuelcerSmith, H. 11. S. three tulles west of Egmonds ille, ' , . 902-tf - 11 `SEAfORTH *OOLLEN _ MILLS. Having my• Nev Mills now in first-class running order, I have pleasure in announcing to my ens- tomees and friend s that With Enlarged Premises and I .IMPROVEDI MACHINERY I am betterthan eyer prepared to turn out FIRST-CLASS WORK On the shortest notice, and will he pleated. to see ali my old cuttoniers and as many new ones. AVE YOU THOSE SEEN GREY COTTONS! AT Ranton Br I tell you they draw eustoni every time, Cottons! is the cr Cottons-! Cottons! Cottons! all low n -price, and special prices by the piece. Now is the time to go RANTON BROS. for your Cottons, ail while there ask to see their New Spring- Prints, rhirtings, Cottonades, &c, And don't forget it! All this morith winter goods to be sold t those great discounts we told you abou A lot of Remnant Dress sold cheap. All conic. Goo & to be Ranton Bros., EXETER. NOTIO E nrisE undersignedbegs to inform the inhabi.. I tents of- Kippen. and surrotinding country, that he has leased the premises of Win. Edgar, A, LARGE STOCK OF GOODS ,and has on hand a large stock Of first-class sea- • siped lumber and is now prep4ed to execute On hand to trade with as Usual. all orders entlusted to him in a stele and at Eerioetsinticartel%ye,trrnpaccoermion.ateI miwIll atearsueitheesr • A. G. VaNEGMOND in Sloighs,.Cutters, Wagons and Buggies, Paint% ingot d Tnnurung, and even -to filinir la Saw for anis Six Cents re:449a forel Postageoxanodf .A PRIZE gOods, which will help all, of either sex, to more melte ri ht away han anything else in this world. Fortuneseeilit the Workers absolutely . i sure. At onee. address TRUE & C., Augusta, Maine. 854x52 auinng it. All work waraned to give action, and done On thetior+liftolti Sst Nnotaieee 1 will sathdy all that I ni ' 897x4 M . YLE. v191221241 nr Nog - •nlifunliseN "00 MR !awn " Gauvazai . Awes ettz g xxa g,rivo.m.nona form mule ! .cpun un Jo Auuln4va a° dna sT panoq oq no ,osn BJ1=9'11102 soppar 40II01 -udc41 rinpodati 4som amJO ouo oinocoq pralISIHAt -URI 1104T sAq sivivi-ipmiNons •• • 02: soitteuo pun ‘o,r1saT Ass0I2 41 0+1 s yrzo 1I 0111 inuitpo r:arn Sioei .11111u01p1sk ;110.41 ozolsaz • .24,ned gijaopuo.o.sn w.inT Wood PRI em hi reoll snose21.17iure'mnili tamentet-efailevell)1n 7oo JO it• oisoa olaideaeo e peeseemoeve sun le TIOTTI er/".•MD 011" B.TITH BUTT0 nolignoa 0JqILiif)trl nodu pintZuezuf n 'pus „it Ipauloa Jr.indod .0 seep =pies, - 46TRAeriarti !ea ees. seep si asunooq 2rtissaJp n ' Tpni 2tmox -Aro= pun xopp Aoa salmi" pm; Un.. -en Arn.rprep scion IHOTI wpm sluoAoad jtosnigooct ro2v.cip-.1w-4,c3nn0rt rre aoloo aiffVJaaLS GTanid Trun Railway. - Trins eave Seaforth and Clinton stations folio s: 'SE:LP:RTfr: • 92C...4L5 Ari1E re • -.1:0P:iEx rese -8 . e.5 MLedrain- 515A.M. 0onelEase- IExpres 7.45A.l. 72A. 1M24 Exres.162P:m: l05 llitedTran441' ei1 4.00 I'. L ndon., Huron and Bruce. GGIN. NORTH- Express. Mail. 2nd class. Le don, depart . 7.45 A. -M. 4.50r. et. 6.00 A.31 - Exeter... .. 8,57 .; 6.10 9.35 Hetisal . ,. e.. 9.07 • ' 6.24 9.57 Ki pen . .. - .. 9.13 , 6.29 1907, ' 11 . B cefi lci - .. 9.23 - 6.38 10.22 Cr iton .-. .. 9.45 7.05 11.30 Lo des faro .. .. 10.00 • 7.20 1200. Meth.- .. .... 10.07 7.27 12.15 P. v. Bel Tea e.... .... 10.22' - 7.46 12.48 Wi igh in, arrive 10.35 7.55 1.16 Goixi So TII-- Express. Mail. 2nd Class Wi g in., depart 7.48 a. le 3.03 P.n. 10 20A ' I Be ea e........ 8.00 3.17. 11.21 LEO its'3,30 11.42 oro.. .. 8.24 3.38 12.00 Cli iton .. - .... 8.50 4.05 12.45r. et B eefi Id_ ; . .. 9.05 4.19 1.11 Ki pen .. ..., 9.13 4.27 1.27 0 He sa ,LoEx dteorn arriv.e. ..;. ' 1- 9Q:5181 4541023 '4i'L.-303365 W I gton, Grey and Bruce. 1 Goix N Mil- Aecom. Express. Ht el....... .... , . . . . 230r. )a„ 9:39r. IC Br see] 2 41 9.53 Bhieval , 55 10.09 Wiligh m 3.10 10.20 Gom S TII- . ' Express. .A.eeorn. Wi gh in..... ... , 6.50 A. M. 11.1S 3.3! B113eval -: . .C. '. 7.30 11 -30 - Brussel . 7.15 11.50 Etl el 7.27 12.05 the Eveni Thurday he Morning Train going South and g Train going North, run on- Tuesday, and Saturday only. RGAINSI F3R- THE NEXT H F? TY DAYS ill offer the balance of my stock of Parlor & Coal Stoves icOST FOR CASH. Come • and Get Bargains VHILE THEY LAST. I Second - Hand Coal and Wood Stoves Cheap. Q 1M. WHITNEY'S OHIE P STOVE HOUSE, SEAFORTH. The a convileti • i '1 REWARD! ove • reward will be paid for the n of those Merchants who are ferior CHINE OILS, ND CALLING THEM MC oirs Lardine 1 5••••••••••••namme The on y genuine is manufactured by 0011 BROS. &CO, TORONTO, ANI) I SOLD IN BEAFORTH BY pe;'\ REI & WILSON „ WL,AND IN WINGBAM BY - JAS. A. -CLINE & OQ, til Bros. TORONTO. UO. i -