HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-03-27, Page 64.g nig avelar a. M.O. E HURON EXPOSITOR. ThlEi New PceSs of Oreard Qathering [From the Ameriehlit bairyman.1 ' -1VV la VS just en)pyed, arr long -and t1eonvetsatio4i with a pioneer on t reMn gatInit Mr. ' Wm. 13. Crothwo1l Geierat iupormtendent �f thetuen Vista Creaa ery, Storm Like, Ioesne, and Assistant CommlssioUel for the ' dairy division ;for the Produce Exe ange of the NeW Orleans Exposi- tion.1 Te were partibularly interested in hi graphic descrip iok of bis experi- i _mice in building p a suceessfel crea ery on the gathered ereem prin- ei le I ny of our readers know that the Bite a Vista Creamery has the finest buil ings probably of itny creameree rn. the orld, Backed by unlimited capital yet r Many years it was an open ques- tion if it could be made to pay in the end, Money, we all know, will start and ran a concern for • a number of yeara, but it cannot live without .. it is built upon a sound and_ paying founda- tion. Mr; Crotnwell started with the FairIarab inch measure of anybody's cream to a pound of butter, and cour- ageously lostmoney until he decided to maater the business ita an honest, and faithful manner to all ecmcerned. He soon saw that by the old way of mea, teer cream he -t-la paying one man uch for his cream and another too while the creamery was gradually paying out far more than it got . Then he adopted the test churn method and procared the services of a bright young' . man to help him introduce it. He de- cided to use the old staaidard tin pail of 1 twelve inches in diameter where one ! inch lin depth -makes just 113 cubic inche and his method of procedure i was 4 follbws : At the patron's house , all th cream is skinnned off and poured i.back and forth three tunes frora one - 4pai1 to another until the cream is -thor- oughly inixed then pouring out one-half, a quert measure is filled from the middle of the cream. This is put into a tin can holding just a. quart and numbered to correspond. with; the patron's ticket. Once a week these samples are taken from each patron of the factory. When these samples are brougbt to the factory they are taken in hand by an expert, and each one is poured into glass jars thathelde two quarts so as to give room for the cream to churn. Eaeh one ofthese jars is .numbered to correspond with the sample can, and is then laid horizontally into a, box that holdtwenty-four of them. This box is rigged with a balance wheel like the Bullard churn, and moves back and forth`, the wheel making) about ene hun- dred revolutiens to the minute and re- quiring two revolutions to one motion forward or backward to the box. This churns t e cream, which we should have saul is pi t in the jarsalways at the same and uniform degree of heat and of sourness. When churned the butter is taken out and weighed with great - care and note made of the amount and a report of yield to ea.eh number' put on a card and sent to Mr. Clionlevell's officeThenthe perceatage ef butter to the quart of creaan is entered in the books unc10 the name of the patron furnishing - it; and. he is paid for the cream he sup- plies °lethal basis of yield. Mr. Cromwell says that putting the yields or percentages of these tests together and comparing them with the whole yield of the combined supply of the patrons, he has had them. work put withia half a pound of the sane yield, which shows this to be an almost abso- lutely correct standard of test. stir' too into tle .future he sa he Methedlic church mexchhig to ' Minato -pos- session and ahnost unlini d wer. Ho rned- • Pure beef, b lean iii o Make Goo Beef Scrap . a e a four -pound ieo of corned isket free of bone, with fat. and ed.- Put itin a k ttle that ,has ✓ it sufficient a cove, and then pour ov water ee cover it. Put t kettle rid set -it on your where t may cook very 81 or five hours; or uiti1 i tender Then take t out of the pot, and !vei h the water with • which it -was boiled lix enough plain 4 watcr to boil One br kfast cup. of I{34kcrs hominy grits a id two cups Of yell wl corn meal;i stir all well while cooking (ale uthalf an hour 'ill do) ; while this is b ngClone, cut th meat up in smal , thin pieces (not eh mks) about half an inch square:; .mix th se pieces through with he 'nosh while tcarm, and pour the same into flat pan ; se a little. black, epp r. and a little s 'ge for flavoring. NThecool, cat up ie s ices and fry. -The ateeer. ! IThe Skye Oro ex' A COURtSPONDENT TELLS II W T1 Ey LIVE. St. JaaneGazette. ' • I willdescribe a typical Idri il house, which is occupied by the a ed aaughter and three grown-up grand .hildi en of ' a fisholen ,John Macdopal who has been dead f r many yearse he cleft upon which t stands slopes s uth ard• to- wards e by of Ing, and .s onq of some 350 tha belong to Major rasei, of ICU- , . muir. t is abeat two an a hailf aares in exte f, and pays - a n• minak rent of rather ore than £5; a emp rary re- duction of 25 per cent. offhat s m hay-. ing, ho ever, been coneed cl: di ring the last tw or three years by t • e proprietor. Near t e centre of the croft is al eea of sticky. mid. ; and amid the al ugh are _ two ver, small stacks of. co at, eaeh about nine fee high by six in c amet recare- fully ti etched, and cove edith old nets to •revent their being scat pred to the winds. Close at han is t e house -ra, building of rough unm Aare' stone, i measuri g, perhaps, ten fe t by went3r, and very thickly roofe • hr. t with ,"di -its ' of turf, then with a dos thatch Of heat er, and finally witl fra ents of coarse.. letting weighted • "th 1 mps of gray trajp. The door is br ken, nd Will not shu properly ; there i no c limey; and the sole window, censi ting f a sid- gle pane' of •glass, has a are of not. more th n three square fee Froni the doorwa, , and from a small hole in the low roo volumes of peat noke escape; Mid wh n I entered the hu .I could ncit . for seve al Minutes dietin ush anything -Within, iwing to the den e fumes that - tose fro 1 a scanty fire s ouldering ou the fios in the middle f the gloomy room. t last my eyes b ca:me mous- et,omed •the semi-darkhe $, and I was able to nake out the forms :of the in - °mates o. the hovel. They sat - huddled . together], on a low black se le,twarmixig themselves, and greedily w tching a bat- tered pot thatesuspended froin an im- poveris ed tripod above the fire, con- taiAed ' quantity of thii broth ; the main ugredients of which . were, as I afterwards discovered, pot e lid on the aaig) or stove fik four is jerfeot1y 1 0 Ii a Payment is made on a basis of ten per cent below the highest market quota- tions on butterin Chicago every -week. In measuring the cream at the patron's house after it is skimmed off it. is poured gently so as not to raise a foam on it, into a tin pail twelve inches in diameter and. a metal scale stood up in it, thus determinina. the exact number of inches furnished.No exact temperature is required for setting the milk, he reeome mending from fifty to sixty degrees in vat aer As the patrons are paid by the quality it matters very little to the factorymen how they set it - We asked him if setting milk deep at suchIiigh temperature did not cause the patrons to lose much of the cream" "Oh yes," he said, "they often let it stand a day longer and get cream enough to make all the butter they event for family' use." "How many patrons' Milt can you test a day?" . "About five hundred and forty, and while I was very much, frightened at the prospect of the labor to be perform- ed in making'these tests before. 1 under- took it, after I got it in operation I was astonished to find how little trouble it really was, as we make these thsts only once a week." ' • - ' ' "What other pointe of excellence edo you find in this xitethod of testing?" . r It has the the effect of -encouraging •the poor dairymen to imitate the methods of management adopted, by the goed ones. For instance, if A.. With bis ten GQWS, is furnishing ere= that yields One and a half pounds of butter to the inch and 13 finds that he is only credited with a. half pound,' per jnch, he begins to kick, and is - advised to lool into the management of A, and often h finds just where he has made a mistake and immediately reforms, or if the man- ager ef the factory can point out the tr Miele, which ,he often can do,of course he -does it, to the mutual benefit of all concerned. These test $ must he faith- fully and honestly performed by the factoryman or he will do great injustice to the patrons and he might commit a temporary fraud upon them, but in the end, Of co4rse, he would be found out aud his be Mess destroyed. NOTE.- he aboveprocess of dream " gathering eill be adopted during the i . -coming seson by the creameries of Seaforth,Lonro : and Blake. - Entrpa. : -,• - 1 He Liked Old iFashioned , - Singing. In making an hour's I summary of a century of American 'Methodism, the Rev. 0. H. Tiffany. said he- believed the „, old-fashioned singing of old-feshioned revival hymns had brought moee people into the fold than all tie prayers and ofermens. He liked to bear people shout till the roof rang, Mr. [Tiffany thought it would be a poor dayi: for aMethodisin when! the cIass-rneeting ..as left to suffer, and its followers lost faith in a personal expression of belief in their conversion. Re thought, also-, that the best tem- p perance society in America to -day as the Methodist eliurch, and it wee the retsafeguard of personal diaracter. Mr. Tiffanyliked the old-feellioned idea, aboui plain. dreeee'too. Taking a loo4 toes' I shared the poor people's riea1 a.ndeat n cake, while the mok upward and hung beneath the an hive etrable cloud. ; th ing, wit; the festooned fisl the tat ered oilskins on interior whieh Tenter w lighted• to paint, if there jollity ,i but ato; Shaky 4 poor di rusty t` divided, about el chamber second a ber and the clot lid fish. f broth curled roof in whole mak- ing -nets and he walls, an uld have de - had been any the Acme. There Iwas no table; e end of the room there was a esser, on which w s arranged a play of cracked s. The inside of by means of rot -feet in height, in ; one being the 1 bed-roona and th third a lum- store-room. In he bed -room es were simply old rags and rockery and he Rouse was en partitions three small ving foom,,it , sacking, barely sufficient to cover poor. humanity ; • and the flog throughout - was for ed.; so far as I oiild see, of the h. _ Yet thi$ house of the Mac= was a palace in comparison e of the huts 1 'visited else- where, One had neither doornor win-, -dew. I 'crawled. into it thilough an irre- gular aperture less than three feet high, and found myself among' some ducks picking up sere s from amid. ge with which th damp floor red. • The sole , tenan ofte this s an old woman wl o hal a hack- le In another hut t pped fronethe br ken he only room, ill. which t crouchhig. .• ght reasonably expee hard ear donalds' with so that ever the garb was Hit [hovel su ing.couhe ram - water roof and fiooded71 eh seven people s • One int to find. ,?that the pcople who live in such wretch- edness are stunted and But they are net. They are a thick,set, race ; and some of the girls are models of .buxomness, although before Middle -age all the women 'become with- ered. Tieyare long-lived too. . .Their faults at that they are idle 'and satur- ated with superstition and prejudice. In only one out of at [least a score of •crofters' rouse which I entered did I see any sign that the inmates regilarly de- - voted. themselves to any. reminterative :home employment. In thatone two 'wee weaving home -spun tweed, and loth they made on their aurk- 1.-am glad to be able to say , t of the Skye landlords wear d when they can get it; but if T a wider demand there would ger 'supply, and the 'slanders e • proportoriate1y bciefitted. te recently there were weavers every township, and the- art • easily revived. The raters .et cheaper Material for them - almost' ho use men wer capital ; ward lee that m4 thistwe there we be a la would Until qn in al1110 might b can now - selves ° ab Manchester, and .it is exclusively the richer classes N of the islancre the twee Cata rh--a New Treatra nt. Perhaps 'he most extraordinary suce ss that has been a hieved in modern medicine ias been attained ba the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh. . Out ot2 e patients treated during the past six' months, fit ly ninety per cent. have been cured of this stu, born malady. This is none jthe less startling W en it is remembered that nh five per cent. of 1 Merits presenting thernselve te the regular p ctitioner are benefitted; wi1e' the latent me ieines and other • advertisd cures neverrem d a cure at all. Starting ith the elaim now enerally believed by the mot scien- tific men t at thediseaseis due to the Oresence off -living p rasites in the tissue, Mcl ikon at once adapt ci his cure to their extermi ation- ehis accont fished, he claims the Catarr is prac- tically cure., and the pematteney is uestion- td, as cure effected by him four years ago are cures still. No one else has ever atte pted to euro Catarr in this =inner, and no oth r treat- ment has e er cured. Catarrh. The ap allcation of the rem y is simple, and -can be done at home, and he present season of' the y r is the most favo ble for a speedy and perman ;zit ewe, the inajerit - of cases being cured at o e treat, ment. Su eters should correspond wit Messrs. A. 'fl. DI ON & SON; 30 King Stre t, West, Toronto, C nada, and enclose stamp- or Miele Catarth.,--Monti cal Star, November 382-52 treat,se 17,) I MILLS, -sEAFoirrH. The a1ove mills have now been thoroughly re- buift upon the complete HUNGARIAN R04.E.R PROCESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and neW machinery applied throughout. ' THE LATEST iMPROVED ROLLS ,Olour Dressing Mac4ines' From the best Manufacturing Firms have been • put in and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour - 11SECOND TO NOE 7 i In Ithe Dominion. The facilities, for leceiving g.-kain from farmers and for devating and shipping hive also deen extensively improved. rain can now be taken - from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into oars at the rate of 7O bushels per hour, by the work of two men. , Ae'LARGE FE D S 014,E . ' —FO QUSTOM HOPPING Has been put in, and the n essary mao bleu for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been ere ted?so that wagens can -be unleaded arid reload d under coVer. WOEAT EX .Promptly atten FIRST-CLASS R • Gt*RAN CITSTOM! Chopped satisfactorily 7 • R014.ER FLOU BRA And all kin HAN9ES ed to, and rid without dray. SHORT, sof 0H0pRE FEDi COnstantly o hand. , Highest it(arket Cash for I.N2.7 W riP rice Paid in uantity of t. APPLE B •RRELS FINE COARSE AN4 LAND _ FOR S Only firstelass and c•bligin to attend customers. The farmers and general trade re SALT en will he kept. ,1berai patronge of eetfully solicited. A W: OGILVIE & CO:, • ITOPRIETORS. T. 0. ICEMP, Manage c. 0 2 02 X 11 ti• 0 X ci) p-4 Ho ts-4 0 171 tml •rl‘ 1-4 "CS CD 0 Nvo 'a\v Cla CD . CD h.: P. P. P. R WHATIS ITT? Why it is the People's i Popular PHOTOGRAPH PARLORS, WITH A. CALDER AT '11.11E HELM. . - a ND now that the Holiday Season is fast ap- li proaching, and the good people of Huron and Perth will doubtless require something neat and artistinin the wayofPortraits to send a -Holi- day Gifts to absent friends or relatives, atid Mr. C. being fully alive to the importance of t 'sleet, has made special extra arrangements for the ac- commodation of the Holiday Trade. CALDER'S tor Christmas Pictures, CALDER'S' for New Year's Pictures. For a Photo of Tasty Design, Excellence of Shade and Finish, Easy and Grace- ful Position, coupled with appropriate Back- , ground and Accessories. -: I Give the P. • P. P. P. a trial, and then o awe . „ ,. .. i Brawn wan eehglit and a Goon Picruitz, ' 1 ' ANbREW CALDER . Seett's Blo'ck, Scafortle 0, Prizes 1 Prizes 1 .Froitt now to the 16th of May first, the following prizes will be given at COUNTER'S EWELRY STORE TO OASH i3IIYERS ONLY. - Every -on purchasi tg 810 worth of goods can have their elibice of o te dozen photographs from A. Calder's, or one year's subscription to Tnz tt gXPOSITOR or Sun. • . ' For 820 purchases, p.6 per cent..tm cash. . For $39 purchases, fO per cent. in cash. For $75 purchases nd upwards, 25 per cent. in cash. , . s Goods are as low as ever, and all marked in plain figures. • Buy your,goods in the cheapest market and from a reliable house. Personal attention given to repairing in all branches of the trade. • Fine watches a specialty. • Established January, 186 M. R. 00UNTER, i Practical jeweller, -Watch and Clock I Maker, Seaforth, Ont. 1\TOTIP- The Subscriber • off rs for Sale his Entire bob]: ef Dry Goods, 3oots and Shoes iand Crockery -AT- Cpst -Price .for Cash. — 1 This. Sale 1 to continue for oite month from date. t' • Positively all 4over•d;e accounts must be settled t.orlee or they will 1.1 put into other hands for . , . collection. . , ii . . JAMES S ANLEY, kinburn: • .11 February 18th, 1885. 898.4 • Removed I Removed I M 0_ iNT a-, SEAFORTH; Th Old Established Butcher has removed to new premises immediately opposite his Old Stan4, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleas d to meet all his 'old patrons and as Many new ones as nuay see fit to favor him with -their patronage.. datemember the place, between Henderson's Harness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. • 898 GEORGE EWING. : FAiliERS, IT '.WILL PAY Irbil ,1 —TO CALL 4,i THE— HURON F9UNDRY,. , . —NEAR THE— Li HIGH SOHOO , SEAFORTH, - And see 'otir stock of PLOWS Which have been made esrieelally for this county. I have greatly improved mY Gang Plow,: for this season, and feel satisfied in saying that it is the beat in the market: Out LAND ROLLERS Are large and healt, running light and doing gopc1,1nrk. .Our GRAIN ORUSI4ERS Are in de froin Hard Iron, and will last longer than y other machine made. Having special tools for remitting Rollers, we can guarantee. satisfa:tion. Speeial attention given to ie- pairin Steam .Engines, Saw and Grist Mills Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of machinery repaired-, on short notice and at 'reasonable rates. TO Contractors and Others!. , Brid*e Bolts and Castings at lowest ' rates. Quot4ions furnished on application. • - lso Agent for the Implements 'of L. D. Sawyer, Hamilton. A full line of repairs con.' stantlY en hand. • THOMAp HENDRY'. FARMERS' B4KING HOUSE. 1.4)Q1-4.1\171 OO., BANKERS & BROKERS,RAORH,' .H` • ONT. Office -First Door _ NORTH of Commercial Hotel. , j Notes discounted, and a general bankang busi- ness done. -1.i • Remittence to and bolleepions made in Mani. toba. • .i, ; • , • Bustheas done through Bank of Montreal. • i 1 i - A limited amount of money received on deposit.,: I do+ to loann on real estateatbest rates. 8. C..1.i'CAUCHEY,I WM. LOCAN. . ., P. S - 4S. G. McCaughey' will attenkto Con- veyance n all its limnohee, lending 'money on real este e, buyingand selling farms, houses, &a. I S,AFORTH PLOING MILL SASHJ MIRAN D.OLIND, FACTORY TIE i : sUbscriberbeg8 leave to thank his nuttier- 0- s eustomersdor the, liberal patronage ex- tended to, him since • commencing business ,in Seafort ,land trusts that he may be favored with a contilitiance of -We same. - Part'es,intending to build would do well to give him 1 a aft, as he will contitnre to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, 'BLINDS & IMOULDINGS, 1 - .. SHING,LES, LATH, &c. Ile fes confident Of giving satisfaction- to . those who may fever him NOth their patronage, - as none but first-class w'orkinen are employed. Pa Weiler attentinn paid.to Custom Planing. 201 :JOHN I.1. I1R0ADFOOT., THE CENTRAL OFFICE The BELL Telephone Company Boo Is at the dELEBRATED BYOIC AND FANCY GOODS STORE of O. W. PAPST, —DEALER IN SI Stationery, Periodicals, Music, Musical lnst ments,. Cards of all Sorts. IT LEADS To other bloodep, medieine sem& or has: ever been prepared, which so eein7-- pletely -meets the wii.24.11 Of phiSIVIADS 1),E4 the general ptiblic se . Ayer' Sarsaparilla, It leads the 11St as truly scientific prem.. tion for all blood diseases, Ifthere is &lurk.: ._„SCROFULA_Vgit IZerotala jj Alg°,;(14t wslodge it awl expel it from your system For constitutional -or scrofulous -Claude; VrHAtYEIt'S SARSAPatiLLA IS thdeCt ArRtrue remedy. It haeae • m m eiess caes. • Ie wlt stop the nauseam catarrhal discharges, and remove the sicken. u. ing odor of the breath, which areindleatioae oife :st,r„rofunly lout: i -6, rifinn. tt• ol 4-.,43x., Sept. 28,1882, fiA' uf CERUU0 "At the age of two years one of !Ito my children was terribly afflicted. fiC0 with ;ulcerous running sores on It. far.,e- and neck.phieytsiethiaen ts3at: utsin3iielatitsa pewees. ;all' ainitefiarantleivtle. :nneidliveeini7e ms7nevre.'' :eprieREeivollen,,,menr AYEWS SA1184PARILLA. A few doses vb.. ° EYES be employed. T.hey united in recommending duced a perceptible Improvement, which, by an adherence to your directions, was conna., ned to a complete and permanent enre. $0, u inent of any isorder was ever attended by evidence has since appearecBt.ovf.tzhoeraTexisostx7 of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat- ; naore,pryoomuropt truly,. r effectual results. INVOICES just to Hand of- one of -the beat Selected Stocks of ,tisTGLITii, AMERICAN and 6ANADIAN Wall Papers for Spring Trade. Foot Balls at Very Low Prices. A tompiete Stock to Select frorria,t 0. W. PAPST'S' Fancy ptore. VALENTINES!. VALENTINES DON'T FORGET, ST.• '47ALENTINE'S DAY is • Fast' ApProaching-so Approa,ch to C. W. Dr.J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowe Headquarter :for all the Leadieg Neivspapers in the World, • PAPST'S where you can get one of the BeIt Stocks west of Toronto to select frera. [ PREPARED )3Y • Sold by all *mists; 51, aix bottles for$5. ; EGii1O‘NDVILLE 0. W. PAPST; BoOkseller- a,nd Statibner 'MAIN STREET.i SEAFORTH. J McLOU STOOK TAKIN GHLIN'S CHEAP 'SAL CONTINUES ALL rHIS MONTH, WHEN EVERYON TREMENDOUS BAR IN DRY GOOD§, MILL CAPS ' gROCE J. McLOUGITLIN, W WILL RECEIVE AINS FOR CAS} NERY, HATS and S, &c.„ &C. itrjey's Block, Seaforth. For t e Hol day Trade. Rodgers & Sons Tab e and PoCket Cut ery, Electro -Plated lirdies, Forks and poons. A splendid assortment of Hall, arlor , and Library Lamps. Englr g Dishes; Tea Pots, Cofiee Biggins, Iron, Tea and Coffee Pots. Tim lebrated " COld Handle" Sad Irons, 1Joth plain,' polish and. nickel finish apanned Tinwares, Enamelled Wares, Xit hen Furnishings and Cooking Uten 18 in great variety. We hay' e many useful, sensible and ap roprirte article's suitable for Chris' tmas a d New Year'sgifts, in Hardware an Honse Furnishings, which we have arked at our usual low prices. Block Tin Goods in Jelly Moulds, hid. iscuit Tans, &c. • Nickel -Plated, Granit CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS. WISHING MY NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS AND EVERYBODY A • ERRY CHRISTMAS. MRS. JOHN KIDD, SEAFORTR rials of a Poor Scotch Laddie Our hero was born in Edinburgh in the; year 1825, and his father, who was in, mile way connected in Her Majesty's Navy., died, leaving him with no earthly fri nd alone in the great- Imetropolis of Sciotland, a barefooted penniless boy. Nothin' g daunted, he still preserved a kindfather's advice to be honest and in- dustrious, and through time, by reading sigus on shop doors and during nights from pieces of newspapers picked up amon st his acquaintance, he acquired a taste for study, and, as he was depend nt upon his own resources, he had to accept work in pi livery stable, but being saving, in a few years was, able to pur- chase a cart and . horse. This was his first step to fortune. He amassed in a few years a considerable sum of money, ey th which he emigrated to America, but exposure in his previous vocation as cab driver, brought on an affection of the lungs, baffling the best Medical aid both in the -Old Coimtry and America. His spirits were drooping, and his wealth was beginnhig to dwindle down by expenses in travelling from place to place after the best medical aid. After ex- hausting money on medicines he was in despair, when an old friend advised him to go *to- Canada, and try C. Duncan's, Cough Syrup, which is a sure cure for Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, BrOnchitis and Croup. He did as ad- vised,was cured, and is now happy and proSperous. Such is life, and if any one thus, afflicted values life, procureuthe best Cough Syrup, viz.:- C. Duncan's, at the Medical Hall. C. DUN CAN, Druggist -Main St., Seaforth. SEWING MACHINES AT 0. C. Seaforth. 1: have the largest and best selected stook of machines to be found in - any one house in Canada. I am not hired to sell any one particular machine, but am at liberty to keep and sell, 4 that I consider the best consequently I keep_ a large stock :of the following first-class Machines, viz.: The Doniestic, the Davis, the Wanzer C Royal A, and Raymond. All of the above are sold, and • guaranteed by the manufacturers and myself for five yea,trs from date of Rale. Call- and ex- amine my stock of machines, and you will find as above. Instructions free by good experienced operators. Oils, Needles and Repairs of all kinds always On hand. = O. C WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth. • l• ROLI4ER- mi4s. In returning thanks to our numerous friends and patrons for the 'very liberal support we- ; , have received dUring the past three years, we beg to announce that, having, during- the past season greatly enlarged onr mill, and also added to our power and machinery, we are now better; than ever prepared to attend to teT wants of. our customers promptly, and with the beat satisfaction to them. Special attention paid to- 'GRISTING and CHOPPING.' Farmers can have their Wheat ground or ex- . changed without delay. Flour Bi -an and Shorts Constantly oI ' hand, of a qemlity. equalled by - few and excel ed by uo mill in the D0112i)40); a lowest prices-quelity considered. ' Having also added to the power of nur S. I La 1.1 1 WE ARE PREPARED TO DO CUSTOM SAWING At any timer...winter or slimmer. Highest price • paid for LOGS delivered at Egniondaille ox Brucefield. KYLE & PALLTA1101 EGMONDVILLE. WROX.ETER MILLS• . Alexander L. Gibson Begs to announce to the public that he has com-4 menced to operate the WROXETER WOOLLEN FACTORY; 2ina that he will be prepared to eye good ifl PULL CLOTHS, ,.[TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS, FLANNELS, # PLAIDIN 8,.. WI TCEYS, And Varieties in STOCKING YARNS. Custom Carding, Spinning and Pallin Promptly Attended to. • Parties fro n a dietance Will, as far as possible; have their BIOLLS HOME WITH THEM, and as he has put t e Mill into Good Working Order, and employs none but Efficient Workmen, All ork is Warmed, REMEMB R THE WROXETER MI.49 ALEX. L. GIBSON, Proprietor.. ie Ire i•T ROYAL MAIL "STEAMSHIPS. A. STRONG; Seaforth,Aggnt GREAT REDUCTION IN PASSAGE BATES Cabin rates from Halifax to Liverpool and Lon- ., donderry, 859,%863, and 873, according to position... of stateroom.; Children under 12 years, half faiet'. under 1, free. Servants in Cabin, -$50. Inter.i• mediate, 835; Steerage, $18. From LiverPoolera LondonderrY to Halifax Cabin, $63, $78.75 ank ,94.50;..Intennediate25; Steerage, -813. turn Tickets from Halifaal. to Londonderry Liverpool and back to Halifax Cabin, $100, OIN and g143; Intermediate, '3.10; Steerage, 6/.6, Money Loaned and Real Estate Bought ' land Sold as Usual, INSUIFtANOE. I represent several of the best Insurance COM - panics in the world. MT -Office -Market Street, Seaforth, 862 A. STRONG'. -t -- MARRIAGE UCENSES. .isopoAT • THIf HURON EXPOSITOR UMW. In ,T4;QNTjn NO WI pietist% RI:AMMO- Boti; Rouses ture Itatve' passe Bill. -I (fra--wnTioOpantami-itmoo Gover4reent pr( Limn: de0OziSeauttnoli 1 fi.i.. qua_rTanhtinmewr ikts 11,x iat vent the int edu( eases I jinx damn 'fling party given Ilohad reeteived Inv- [seacson.1 - disease,ullinh iritaei Nrirfitrthitlrirs3 stiffeni. of t! which death -eon f and diOlitherie. la more,land they a ing condition, . 7---.A !Mrs. Harris engaged in -Montre binagesettnhtat,tif:iritidyliie,n ,sspoi14. ,seeinIgil, la rna4tied man !family', Ivie.timizine: ?mhaodnecoy fihfelentisciew ° lies she attended arnomit,i te three least. !The default by her two - make tier return ani, 0 en-dea8,telinagy to ra,-,. the ecCentrios in i' arryo,uat4liolidsneit eriecb, /a n The scarf wouxid: 4 terrific Speeil, and i apparent death, v T foreman of the iin 1 of raindi, seized a is flash thtew off averting a fatal' a to say that.-N1r, F worse fer his tight the -M„ lart .S:%aliani.uYel. rich,passed qui on tilesday the yearls. ',al'lle Was robust Constitution. ago harilly,knowii l5f-aestlecl'71s11 thhaudtelrie - A having been eonver age, tintis ?roving tl tures ; fc \vitt( .lon, them, and show - She has left a large loss. I iiwae-iedkAas v.,4- eigs°i;tr e ''' It to Ser. 31 and at ia, meeting rlrik in that eitY ov Op.: Mr, Ildody teninayyeaii-,:atsg 0 itheTh . days a. 1 1;m:e;il g7: so N.s! .ft t4. -i rnyoungimChristian Ooi iiri , Beranton. has been t rsodiation building L. i1° hundreiii per cent stated t.ftrat it was h obgetvation of the' e ---Particulars are j oof Mr. George Knoe 0.r urmla ao of , . • o. Ifv t, h. s i; I ittl thread Manufacture prime of life, hein year, active and ski expert ill outeloor lively littered in ,thclocal )afldizte 'asiraof aow s eared himself to h evcpoke of;hini tion and resptet" ly, unassuunr. man pondent, " WOri the - ons, warm-hearted ; leaves net an enemy was a keen ' eurlerl skipped a rink on ti death, between' b' DennyhOlne and g the silver jue preie e , Watellizirr the ----- , HOW ' TROoPS WIT1 The following the AmeeiCan eystet for the 1Britishi ttr expeditiini bee Mesars. A,: H. .01 Craig street, 'Mo el . , Canadian- aeentse full line of their . e xnest sett...Toile diflita wet has ',.been the - ishtroops- an -453 - ply; the lahsente of ed perhapt the inos to eneeeSsfie1 mediae forces in 1 the 'elm. Government have the American syeten . ing a e0.1er li4e Suakim' ,a,.. distane method:similar =mess/1111ST for pi '41Y°ailoarrkrt::an'ti:d; tBahaelt01:11:10:1 conveying -', it toi th' These lines are eicieu pumping: Onginee ' e force oil epwealils breakingttOnneclioi is regarded -as q 1 draulie' 'eugineeri9. aild;thesptenwelpithis4pipeag ove.on r the 'whole dfs nIuI1 - al°Ag"a:1.r1 thesi:eincT.4 lsedmc4seo1'sa punipin411ea1al* anpipde N:1111.b ile(eluirl eaid power of -steam to w deliver Water at !the the rate 0150 gall ac isullunder forl11 leweforro I( n 'Aft:1;1614:cl 4,111'15e:61 11:tPuoa if- -2110 r to be shipped eac,h may he required by withis toi o etheio;pilitrned.ipbs),an ,Tbine-hte:twilie'ovie;i4ste:rtesy ea: th an]. With! a ' sullicfen to Ameri!oaa en in. . ds hacaLes louger from th_e:iiii .fiel when the vior