The Huron Expositor, 1885-03-27, Page 1W.- k�-4- WAIL— M5. attend id for ",a le bein pre thti "10 lwn a reaj- ea-r-i. tic out_ I amt it' -Ver has lereo made ha to� 4 accident -W, �;; 1, �t belexi 1.1rawing let, witil &1k: no irchasin 9 the �HW has re -let e ission V � hich he rotherl to Ah�. �ho, 'int endg to ale M 11 ell ar, t ta 1-ife ar .1 the n 4ghbor- for- aee at the ��Issoyn- tholith rim was b tter- IV J i I -in two I � dred �16 ifiv 4,�$holt time �i� tl�R vlo ­ .� rM the- com By 0�t hojpiCbfe ez"timable 'jai good C O-WaU;-of the 1, his, i'- h eavy of aworth A i. Robert f onTlhura- th e -V busi- 4eased t. 0 ie - Fth �E: vears at the sho ft thlie it, red oLt the i te to spend. 1-11mere, 4bout Vr. T-hom hir iL! the. �d the 4 with.,. tIr jokes land k houlil ue Vaat I. your ains' t, very vtn' lat. M for that IW4-6 two, -any sl��rious .id therd, been, 1� would! have iiee. Ai for .i,eak for the - n re te 4nd ee��,lorai- ;1 Gur � torm in -for A-1re, mill(fl and �rhich,z not. time, bafite The T 0 0/' AN BROS., Fu)3lizhers.- at-r]EE NTH.YEAR. PRID'AY MARCH 2�9 18 85'. WHPLE NUMBER 903.� $1.50 a Yi6ar, in Advanb Lily Whi NEWO EAN8 EXPO-- don durin his boy, food where'lie, yvas a J�comcs in* sight daits'the spda, at it. Hope, audsued foil. all iiijunctio: re knLes in the sitowi'wherebesurely would ersn')At 1, �N3. te, alyed'1$83, -ie d have pqrished, but t I as taken up Jag.. Avebs hill tt, F", 6 I at be.u. ter, eiver very sut )11).r, and gold n - C, pike. picke 11 i W pring S ccessful sch dal I�Muakal�ng rel allol'black. strain the defe sit her husbandpolron; Dee . . I I � I - . . -w . . . T spear i . nterfering with the business Whi �t she -ter obtained for'l bull, calve -11111eii, . i Ne S Goo,d !T,- 1 i i oronto univer- bass are. speared. The fishernien h he by a friend and I d 1881, L. Tasker I ist. -Te tilieu attended Ls his him at NY lie's for the Donald isl$170, Two moilth�,' old bull calf R�. been doilig; claiming it own. y t 01y J. �itei%, rt, in I,-;rkhfl Gaz �ity, front whi ch li�� gra�, -as B.. A., - from daylight to dark,'. and average 75 had op�. an W OIL -Ls anA 6atried offtlie!gold niedal in mathe- to one hundrpol pounds daly. Tlie fish Ali interim injunction wa& grante and public nuiance,' d the lock-up is a Me.1,1illan, mcKillop, $70. Pair Slip _e matigs at dlso th 1 in each ae'sold 'in D,r'troit b6t 5 and 6 c ents a- subs tl ffeL -argument, 1 was worse one, both r6quire mendingin some �hire ewes, J., Wiggi to'., 6,od ich eq- a AT THE After a joliji-1, d -qs nd th re scholarship., U I Y' e P 0 Oil accouilt of ill health lie had pound. township, 5 libropshire lambs Rights I ed -in t I far-famed . lass.. had inad erVe�ual with, costs. shape. 0 Pair —Andrew. Fleming, for many years —The ttee of D. witson,. lident at the Victoria 11 Home ission Commi Gi-esecut city, last Friday ig LIP hi position of classical —A at 8 afoi nornu , and to givc 1 eacher in 8arnia b!igli �chool, and was collie, lRontre , - natiled Alexander grand secreiar- of the Orage rder, the Presbyterian 1 hurch commenced its 1eiester eNve Ian)] 1)�., Bel - I think since rl' y Ohio at C&iro dI ter . ly, travellit, Brothidrs Go it -'Oil, got, his rin poisohed by (tied it his residence fi�i Toron last session in Torc y. Amon -2. -ling C -e My roll 11.1t On Tuesol, gat grxie, Ye'ai 15 IYO �sdafe if do d entered 06 8'outll� have a1- for Oro RE. 11 o. He was hi 0 c -week. 11e was 66 y4 iatt6rs 81 itted -,is the report Air. McPhe 450. 0-HEAPPASH ST . 0- glily,'steeni'd. body he wits dissecting, -and no hopes of age and the n seen itiore shabby bo�ird from the com M'it�ee on augmentation of saving his life are indulged in )y the -came to Toronto 56 years ago from t r ,d roofs, bu�ilt. chillineyS7 9 +;,neli s. e rep te Tyrone county, Ireland. lie t 1 1181 ers stipen 1711 Riel.'s S r facility. ook part n econd Rebe& cattle, 1161111dii, I atie " illes, Snow -Bound 6ntario.' i ia;rrow in the Mackenzie rebellion of 1887 in �*Qt the sum tee ived "amounted' Only to Great excitenjent has nder the aboN,c calition -the followin,(;- letter The Ay -r Plo Works had a, Xisted i-1 the gloomy forests,1 disinal swallIps, n�glcct e Manitoba palvrs is fi unlig eonspicuous:ly in'th, escape from ibe� fl�ry element the other defence of �the Goverilvient, and al so in $17 000 out of 83),000 required to rals Ngrthwest for sevend OF e(I farills ', lazy blacks, shi��less rhites 'ii- on ace . . . 1, ypin at ed of a risi)lg under the and ceins to afford lots of comfort to the 1)eol) e 1 day. T 6k ers salaries to the iinhitm fix ahe fire br e out just at noon the Fenian ra-id of .1866. of ba;lf.:I;reed saillors loul)g1lfg,-%N-bayf ratsl' of t 11 frozen north.".! The authorwas forni6rly swaggering t -a Me but was fortunately put out before —Tliq storm att. John',, New'Eruns- upoi . It was or4ered that no gran a be of the hotoriolis Loui sueknig thiev6s, bufigry 6eggars, hard- a re-ident -of Centralia, ill this cou'nt,),T, and b bad gaining lieadway..� wick on Thursday of last week, was the ad efore the Istof April f�r.tlie past in. the neighborbood.of Prince' -dcd.alleys, turned- barri g his- " blQ%rhig'! proclivities, is not a Sort f felloW.—EDITOR U1 XPOSIT01t.) iton a worst of� the season. Teams could make, half f the year, but thatjll� Align -7-The wif� of �Tliomas Thon about 600 miles west of Wii T he up -noses, filth street$, stal rnaut gutters, no headW It ay through some streets and- tatio be empowered to or F difor of th' Yi7nes. Grand Trunk em�loyee it KbIgston, i Committee repartsi -ohi the scene of, d-, olf a n B ros. I dirty- children ra'gged illell (F au( Ined. payn ient of claim a in the end of April to crave birth to triplets, on Wedner, day of public meetings had to be p6stl. are Very sensatioll: and ittradidtoiry women, painte tacea', rui led oinplex.- SiR,—Thilking few linie" froim. iteen's Steam a did not leave port, an d 4ilway the (. xtent of ' i ey in hand. Amou fast week. he is itled to the ( reat an 1111 0 nt nd not a g of rel. , ce can be in ions, idle oaferi, curl� heids lid would interest soixic, of your readers, itterrupt- of b( me mission f i-ndsinhand is ng: bou'ilty.* COMM1.1ridation.". was seriously i placed on'them. T w follm rin d; ispatch grinning, darkeys,tivit everi I saw be fore�, Mallitoba, I contribute the followil ',Nlarch 2FAh, seems t Barr �The jubilee in he alvation Army ed. Tb� storm was- general throuhout Che family f Mn� S. fire dated Winn peg, o or'ever.walt to see again. 'One call I li o atKilla;rn6y, County of lurde par Igi-ve AFOR T H Th ma eve- the Provinee. Nearly two feet f snow Warc en of St.' Thomas appea-r- to batracks at St. 8, last Frid -1y tho most acclixate and. reaso came to travel for hours' and Mot ntain,. Wini6ba, . all(! . I e nd e best fell. 9 -as was largely -a ended, a ticull,rfY 'unfortunat Not ver lon !account of the atibh. It is -follows; NOT J., GOOD Ontario about three weeks ago, to find - I'llig On Of SincE one -of his oias was by a 1'. -The excitement sstill in Tense in the i k"ined. The ineeting —Tho laite Jobn Smith, eldest run ov leter of Ordermas maint or a well kept Ne rly ev� man the country oowed up,the thcJrmon udgAe, of 'Robert Smith, Re'vere, riamo last sleign and terribly injured a sboTt time !city over the up tb Northwest -en't from. the th or 3V below zero. 1 caie 'to E, was ed. by -'staff apt4iin L ris ig III I have 'Pok " 0 is xeter subs�quetly another, lad bad his arm, a London. August under ihedical advice to rolito, -which in the bsei �e of i eliable West,- an(i th a h Co" I . news New Dress &6ds, el. avt and r6a- u ty of Huron, and tried 'to see my eg tre,t1ge leinan just fe turned General Hospital for treatment for a broken whileplayin aroundA tinibe Itendstoincrease., Te'rriblvexaggerated never a, -%v !such a frie ble lit Mob' e- ry- t1tat they c w sonabl sanie sto i a, but I found it almostimpossi fro4i England, gag cattle swelled: kneeJ He submitted with pilela ollpleof eef-s ago his- daughter dirty city,:&n nek-er'had aily 14a'that to d.-ivethrough the country. ed in the reports have been s nit to merican- aud trade, says that t 4e is. no money at- Christiqn.fortitude to the various-- ex- ll�d lier shoulder dislocated Panadian, papers., igre i little doubt i 1*1 snub, a poorly �hrnied L Lst Monday I inic, to Witigbam an(, d Gingham. a, splendid the south ii c, New -ints an -n In. ele- ill coiuntryi re are a cyreat oim.styed ever since. The snow pr6se�t in hat in ustri, andAlift only periments and operations performed,. tbroigh a fall fram a chair, a d on Wed- but -that tile 'Fre ieb -ha ate: patterns. an give an. fter amputa Wcom- i lies ay' last Week, Mr. Barretts -nine Do - A residences and "beautiful priva to clear� aane im rovement to th tion Was Mustering to bring Pr ssure on the P kan tb plow left'here three (lays ago e dying a �1 markets. plished His funeral was- - attexi ed by: -yea old son Goo 9� had his leg broen. -lorities I e ances New C)r§ets, -all the le ding makes. crrounds ne parts of the -i y, where the wa; 111 R million all-th o r dre 5s gn-ev- in sot ait yto Kincardine -svith sixv eul as' Mr. an -dW&rd Fit7.gerald, -sleigh-j!tba;t have.existed in revard to land a larfe pumbeii of friends. He ialging the deliver, grass is -kept 'ripe Oranges on board nd fifty-eight of thouf rellirn- (I Mrs. Viie Well d the .25t y� Via ;Aiel, the bero, of tba Red of 4 lligop & San ers, which --was loading claims lforyears� anil raid v sc, m e�th i 9, very -bang on'the trees lovely flowrs . in dd, -1 t frozen, some o them' badl 'New I Ud Glo' es, of Thor ildale, deleb h. anni- are believed :b Ading day o a Mon- River JreQlio'p, recently exilei from up , oal at the rs, when the driver'to have been mad� on st)ies Tof offt pretty- um aped beds a'.rie' in full blossom �Znlng orld- friend, Mr. Rockey -who versary of their -bed backing t day eveiiing,'.16ti at. There were 'Manitoba has dreated dissension. among: stai P, and the lad misse&'Hudson Bay posts !and In than a d y sh, I tri in and the live oaks and malolias r�soiiii ��o dri,�,e me to NValkert6n, but w -the the half breed and Indiana of -Prinbe; bishold and fell xinderneath,-the bobs -Is for �pring wear. &w t over 100. ai and- offich4s arrested to be be for ad o. nm r u guest present, New Opera Sh *ith the melody of many birds whose h .0 lid 04 accoll lit of. siloiv present 'numbered over 60 pi 3ces of Albert, and a n outbreak lias already: pas6ng over his leftleg, breaking it above 1 hostages fbr ii-nille iate t -tion, -bb th. roideries, r Ca iadian. a -gr f Out blockades. Anything worse. than th a Federal �utboriti . Tele aph 1i es, T ew bea. tiful pattern8. song are. never heard N silver war occurred between them and the mount the! nkle. I ha,1 been to se not desirabl" e. orests. vera of the weatherliere at present is The other day at Torpnto, James which a hum�`er A the� —One day a eek or two aao have been cut aid oper#tm =i�e in: g,arresWeL to �crealn, Beiae le of them, e well T111 country) and it is a good lo of M 'c' N Orienta Laces in public squa*xerk Son to Lunan, a Gral Trunk fireir an are - sqd . have been killed. Richard son of ohn Craig, prevent conimull-I 4-tioji vith mounted lipped The t8a, te; of horses into I tts. N o has yettaken and coffie a., lad out, but itiost of them are iii a very wo se than anything 1. ever awatteinpting iT p on an engine Militia di : rmed by the Domi-nipli drove a fine le- ';Police osts. Ibn neglected condition.- People (fo, not, Manitoba 'or ever expect to see. P u aw o2l 11 e tie tb Aes New d White ottons a mill; and' fell, one of ll� a legs being rushed Government l"t year are apealing for, I place -upon relia)�& autho, ity. VWID rey an 1C keep on the paths but walk I olily wish myself back in M.anitob " . - : A arj - 4 Th �ittia-; bythe linestoat6e w heweut to hunrdol police believed e prices., over the groulids affid throw rubbish all again where I expect -to be to a jelly by the,) 1heels of'.the 3,'ngine. arms to defed their' homes. is conside�ed critical. fell a large ne d by ;o-ni4htl at the scene d. It tion Pill -6ne seems to -be thcre. to thr e N -ecks, if it sto rsllo'�Irlll Y alld His leg was aer, ve rds amputat ar by; On looking to haverrive over, and no id fall in of the trouble. � Nc- t niore than 500 f A a, strilp was Liman's first r p as fireman at the tree be c cluded- it woui New NIuslins i spots, -Among the articles exhib fte dii in pick it. Up '6nd. ke�ep things: tidy, blonjn%91. 1, also Far er this ho-: the, rebels are arnieK but :they pdssesg —Andrew or 5, of 'Winds at- Odd Fellows',1101 in London, thi week the oppos ectin but or -either in the ptt'��ie squares, or �11 Alle oil Anti-Iminigration- Resolutioi 0 to egan nd -a Remington and (1, the tree I swing a NV rifl�s tempted to jump ard a fiarryboat at is a summer robe. P white - clott with errl . 'Tick "A Worn by Mr. Efner ried it -plains aro astreets.. ast wl gust of wind call ght it and, car in ew ings ia a van aty of deii P itter has be iiiiiid o the foot of 'V� all ii� on t je rr, maay, ery mary, goo sensilil f STATE, OF TIM 0 F T11 rni� used T ndians havq difecti of the team. ypung Craf FIXAN prej6d-i6d.-t lood -d aventle, Detroit, blile spots made from long�experie e THE LOW )le he on jefi, �uffings of all llothers' wfio ere thinki j the other night b t nissed his ai!tn &Ad the oldest real nt of the 'city, il 18011 t skilled in tl � , . I New Brillings and CITY ersl nd to.join the rebels� fell to he river. The bys ander's The Dectiliariti about this old garmeni saw the danger and shouted. to the team '�not yet been idue f or bound, br�akilrg the Piapot chief of whom th6 01 which J was told', was the cause7- of ;ill t t ur country., 'I feel sarr a cityifatbers somo -time cO ;o Olkes as well as theirs- I pulled him out. is that it has baen worn by everyone ma . de om is the - onlyl tioline a, and the it 61, Our sa t plans for thecom- Mr. Efner's ch ldren—nine in ii-Lil ped when the tree came ",authorities are afrald as ana lii� New T %0 Linens, excellent vaues. feell sre time will settle it all in -According to t iber Iniap, a 3111tese ago met nd 1 decided illat tool intich It is 10 eras Ig with in tl days. oke.1 Upon Jfa-ie been operat r �Ietion. of St.. -Pete, a Cathedral, Mont- teir young�r hincr (lo*ii upon the very spot they "�gents the money as lat I Out in supporfiitaa the fa.. or. I have many -things- to'. sky 0, ol, 3, 000 as� an, heirlobw in the family, a ad the Indiananorth rts. ptiblic insitut hwt i- -11� real, the large p'a 76, will hol in had stood'lo. Th4 � tedni, now thoroghly of an d QuAppelle New. Cretoinnes, beautiful patte ch you will, hear. laer. Yours, etc -eat speed. to th 1, with soun Of the city, Mr. frightene ran wh gi. e Poundmaker � "A e suce ss' pt 'be done, to les,$en the persons- and 700 benches will- be committee ba& hard work to indu,-( .0 something A. J. ROLtIN New Q Gods df al kinds to hand amd stable -w 're thv 7 were foud not� much Big Bear -a 200, liffle orl 1.1w, t of: tlie Snmed in 'it Winkhrn, February 12th'. placed in the sid� hsleg. -.The We of Efner to loan. it. e, t eXpen,diture, a nd in th6ir. Widoi� they. the ors ke agent a- New seeneof the troubles,. mid not 1i d iore arr daily. Call ad irtspee these -seats w ill b�rix g in about 10,000 —IV4. I. N.Woolner,' d will not try that ZY foillid oUt tht t there were 6o�''1119.liy Hambdrg for arris, Soii & Co., bad a on again. our- stocl. and. prices at the to be biduced. to rebel'. A large utin - i Canada. as A man named Marshall M. Piggott, ber of schools for welfalM f the. -e been: bigaliowatthatplaceonedayl' tweek. —Tlio Ocers amilton hai le, and accordingly a num er of rchbishop Lynch. is seriously ill. gr ere of Mal othid e in Elgin county, a� breach PPOP fined for of the adulterated TbirtyifiVe farmers' teams w oaded a resident WHITE SFTTLEWS X iYMFAT�Y ave been closed UP. -doubt —Sefiaor Sim -son died at - Bo1WM them h, N p the l7th oi last -No- Oheap 0&9'h Store ing with ii-liplements - at the station, 20�of digappear ad abov t Food Ac G-.:1 D nn & Co. for sell: with the cause of the t e 11� the vi'le on'Sunday morning, aged 7�,Lyear;i t" roll b16 but the poor scholr's apedia� out$ could not per r4ix 'With shoIts, $10 them being self -binders formed into v6niber, and his whereab en n e PP f- to t4ke up arms; feeling THE EXPO, N is ts .'and J hn Cox a.. Sill procesf ubseuiantly W. E. thoughtfulness- of these -Wi - se to . en.�' —Mes' Hiram. Waker & $ous and cos lilar lion dndl. drove into the illage. be ascertained. 9 not disposed —OF— �tlke�ville, are feeding 2,400 head sure that the DoWnion -VInvernmen M10 VERY GOO, on keen Of tl, T;. ep ffie Li g amount* r sell, c6lssia and lieas' is Th-eprocessioul was photographed, and D ins litbouse at in maxjy respects, i although. the fly c stock for the old country marketi. will 'at once tre with settlers and ,ou d body bound round a Benson, of St. itharinei, ground cin amo made a grand 'sight. Mr. Woolner en- D 04 t, f i adjust grievances. who bave �y far fr6in'being theyzliould �e but it -was supposed to- havo ha been be,blitithere'ivre many sights herc Nvorth. di d �'�6 t the, Riiiselloitse, Otta,,% —The Sa I vati first tertained the, farn-lers to a free, dill ner at 'V�J, a rot , unable I been. on lan -r � I,. - I , - I " e6n t te �orpse of a sa or ds or arsha-v the Imperial hotel. b and was in ROFFRIAN �BRGS99. 4, twol., Ot at the G­�&11 era bo ise in to procure their yaents. Sp. seeing. The different process6 -t 11 the morning of the l8th ink He W, 8 811 It was �Xbuuied a fiaw'days acro The place wag —A de� Ottawa says - t&rred. Ottawa on Sunda ast. ;patch. from Y. d etiers who bav,, g fees, tq i an ive I which cotton passes can b6 witnessed '7 years of age. tance of. John C. pe er, the Aiessrs. McKay ind-,Rog ers, of anito- howev at the' ins ;--from- theime it is taken fom the. pod —AN"ni. Laud of London, tl e crowded' and � I rge number of sons having at awa, obtai ing On the Piggott, exain lion -�roved that it I -ve-been-here press d nal ers of the SEAFORT people followed 1 tl e memb ba, -who b untif it ig made into clo-th.ready �x , her' day filled- $2 and costs fo'r-'distiir ed deeds and in ii�any­ instances skull, wa artily to and frorr, their private resi- Government and theXanadian Pacific thatof The marke or s�uii- tip into thread, and religious worship ilit thesalvati6n." er's iakien. the landls Gve r2 the h e#da - of fir �t rai1w bioken in seve places. A -0oron Iway the necessity:for better Rad ay settlers who have i improved- them. fi ir r us Butter-' Placedi on- spdols. The prooess 1,of the A my oil tinday. ased had il ew Spring es n jvry last week d. that dece t ibree clock last Friday accommodation inSoithern Manitoba, silk niknllfactu�re is also seen fro'ln the M 'Marcella Callahan, a Youi�g fifteen or.- eighte& years. Th is,t1le ick terns to h leat by foul means at the -'s Pat dbr e Port have received written assuranc hat c, a (eat ome to his (- eat 'l6ocoon, rl 0 a morning a r in Teal time. if is taken from the taw- 9' miltorL- has fallen heir t an persons unknown fi e fcrtine of $4,-400 -by the death of a e the Manitoba and Southwestern will be h' d§,ofsomepersonor CAUSE OF T14F, TROUBM until it is worked up into badl�4rchiefs brush factory,. destroyirg th to the jur. n detectives have , 7. Since the nish- extended at.once to White Water Lake, A?4th pict si mi�chinery and.a lar e amount of Pls,� I ires Of th� Expor ster in.Rochester. fi investigating the matter -is iiit�nse forlocal O%aui and ritbo -and on The clamor A TheScott Act. sition "buildingsl and 6ther tasteful —Mr. George.A. Bitice, excise offic ed stock,. throwing Sout 40. hat �ds out a distance -of eighty-five miles,. -and ba"en -nts Nver GoRltm, Mar6 16 1&135. df employment, The loss is es�l iffiated branch- will be constructed to the S�turday arra e -issued for the appointments., as p�rsons from the,East y la devices worked iii,to-theyl., R. V inno Q1- W,�terloo, died oil Wedhesda- ;t e true cor dition of the rrest of a, near neighbor of deceased are ignorant of th A a insurance of Tiger Hills for se-venly-five a. DEAR E-k-POSI-TOR.—The chief topic of, d ruit. ' 'eek. He was bout $25,000 $10, )00. 'north cent looking eggs qre also taken a W niuch'respe6ted, and is ed Smith, an& a supposed accom plice. am some pa aof this town -1 through a —Ti cGnver it machind, and in a .,certain early deah is reg�dtted. MILLITARY1 31EASLI: L S. sation i Ll�sday of- last week, wlile an miles. ested was Tbe former on being arr ship just is Ven(Tors" Licenses."', Mrs: Thompson, ife of' Rexr. 'elderly gtlenian named Fitzger d, of —The case of John W. and E Day The Militia autl�orities we movi now number of'. days ae transforme�d into' a are the opi nons regardi Sillery CoA;,e; Quebec was prodeeding vs. St. Thomas, andremanded to ng! the�municipality of Front of Leeds' btought.t� aim it 19; statelv -aael I o e ba,4tanis. - Thompson, Methodistinister at IVY rifle reMel thn I iou I dirninativ t bind, neighbor 8 stairway, + he fell a and alls(lowne, was tried on R.rL JOL who shoLild receive such li es and Within the .6cincts of thisl� Main Ming, died a few days ago, leaving a. UP a T rty i tch- says:—A comelY hundred strong has *Ibn under, bi eakin Kingston. Mrs.' Day, with her child. le roii des, a I be- e proper pa rties to an distanci f three , steps, Building, go ams t;hirty-three babe two weeks old: 9 Year$ arms who are th ti t �a-im ut two daysaild paxade� to -night M neck. 'He, iving 0 er a gh edMan: De Leslie, 17 K�Swopi 0 e died 'almost iinuiedi- and' Ot f th th I b is said that in som e loca i es his an her lady were dr' 'h F ttery em, acres, m ore or [essf 'may -be seen more —Up to Tuesday no mails had reach.4 d' ar "brid ,e,� on Wiltz old, came to Detroit from St Marys, full. force -wit the 1� d er creek, when the horse i readist, Of t6 se wh i) , e -engaged in the. liquor' won&rs than could.be seen! by. tra�vellin Halifax from the tipper Provinces shice ately 01 1�11 i 0 e th 11 d peop e ji the shieg, �nd thle result was th&t the horse Qnt., on Satlirday- to look -for w6ikz and brass ba -lid. Fiy­ ire applying fof-'those- licenses —The gold- medal presonted to -wi h isiness any thous4nds of MiRs in s. I lain trZet ��,Rieq by in othei,'�place. Thursday, night, o ng to the sno v we -hust h thron had Both her.parents she said re dead.. i aye ged the a the i4tention- Of k Here also may be see- ni the prodicts 14 blockade oi;-tlie Intercolonial. Ayr Curling Club by John Watson,- and rig wenf over the bridge, which 61 a -�ery IviW -the parade to'tbe depot, tural Works, 0 had been con- At the de ot she engaged a hackman to during - where ance hattlefi. and selling liquo for,, d e cul .1i rail -house 'not under com- .Wr hii aself T many laii a, from the snow -shoe 'of the —Hiralli Walker of .18ralkerville, is :Ei sq., of 'th Ayr Agri ling, and which on the l8th inst., Henry demnecl. Mrs.,Day her ear torn and drive her a'boarding far 125 of t1le1lanitob' R'fl ;'.."-4 Yn a 'reenlauder toithe a the -%1*611- ra ons of Whisky a day. was in p�ir-, G cinall. in anical and saGr e andal of distilling, 5,OQO:g. 11 vlavedlor fl�oni the depot, and she has Only -an in: imand of Major Bos, N+ni But 1; whicii'lie is oses. NOW, Sir, I ain of e Q inion -t tfibes airid from thd Nvood- The antitibs winning. Thiaconsolation receiv'ed other -injuries. The damages i, e y are7 receiving immense qui r(collectioi of what occurred— Ttan and Claik, enib., Qu'Appellia t . derino, desex I F I distinct P were $2,500. The jury b light licens( cup, pre n sue: er- n d. and 151 - ti g ah en plough of the IX[exicii to the J -ing supplies. �Thoy that g :a to those p hic;hly- of cOrn from Essex farmers sented to the club by W. 1), clainie4 eet's boa'rd from $51 she had tal -ammunition ain W ,,ob Coch- TJ in a A, sells. is ti �e best means po;siblq to adopt d b -the: m Watson, as carried off by P in a V67rdict of §1,800 fof Mrs. I se on 'will there await the'arrivai:of the4t- LOA civi- —Rer. H.. Dierhamm, of 11'aterlov,, 4(1iG4­ P�y polishe(Tarticleuse -Y, with ge andof leaving the bout rane's rink.' $200 lot -Fer-husband—$2,000 pear' a failu re.., lized natiolis. f the battalion W, Scott Act ow I t , closed a very, suceeksful. series 'of pr)- Wednesd4y. Go V y" to. in ake to a dress ilak�r's mailider .0 n4 band- lis —An elopement occurred in St. G is Aii -applicant for su&h 1i mse should be VIE DIFF W ­NT tracted services at Bridgeport lastSundt —Mr. Seguin,, of Farnham, ebec, &tha"-' at THE COSTUMES OF §EF in the i�estern p of the city she well as the artillery! Who" pect to' 4 o ja profess Y� 'drew $780 on Wednesday out of the rines1l. e other day +which caused c uite a a ificate of good 1. , 11 1 , I 011, i ain-y requi.-ired to furnish I cerl NATIONS evellill(r. About 30 perso -mora-1 ch� 6racter signed b, a clergym an. Bank of. Montreal, and gave the billS t' fainted ini a street. car, while retuiTning Friday with�]General At ton- now en �d can idso lie studi6d by those. who t, Lk c. conversion. 0 sensation in the city. The partie i con - down tow6- andwo a sent to St, Mary's route to W ni -Wilson, ledger- 1pog. ter while cemem. 'were Malcolm t file,5. w v e I;eeli gi ilt selling -e§t in suich things. The little —Voting on the Scott Act in. dur' - Hospit 1)OING.13 0 e4 51' If men ao lia y of any intel. e his wife to carry to their hotel, il� OW -1 self mrg, liquor on r he drove'the sleigh. � The lady put the keeper in the Bank of Commerce at St. al iwhere sho was delirious F THE RgBEYV3, et liquor to inlors, of 'of ere with no county o ing the I ight an& following mr orning. red 'cap the, Turk . is h f Frontenac. will be delayed. f orthw -y -n Ing te nameht exc�-.pt a black tassel lignor -0 T est froi d mak ' a z)oast of it, a . money in her pocket, but dropped the Catharines, and' Mrs. Hankey,'wife of he wire; moliths owing to a number of wro' s( iem Isit, da, s 16 or tw few dollars was All her mmey except a. r in L PTt6n are ith- #-iin6 entru§ted with the sala of . liquo � low i��o ',and bes having been put' on xe- pileon the street befoie reachirig the, the manager Of the; same bank,- wb o was and Prince A bert and Fort `hrle froin, the -%vn ide'. t may. signatures bg left in gone. 8 ie is now -aomewhat better, the Scott - Act is in force, hotel. The parties hoviTe offered a fiberal away at the time, -Wilson bei still down. A courier re rts the 11MRS., em to' *A places wheite be seen the INf elk ieau with his- tall, broad petition. and say; she� . 40esn't 'think any. plish saw- reward. h Of the bank. The demented between those points )r BattleforC the Act certainly f '� to, accom briatimed' hat, highly ornainent,ad-and —Maybee & Derbyshire's steam is un - es, - �eh enar e e drug d or ag�"Ited her biit on eb, niuchgood. Itwil-lbeththeinUirestof ill, at Odessa,! was totally destroyi �d —A nuimber of boys froM the first "couple took passage for Buffalo. The and,Edmonten are seiied by, the reb 9J Ilia -pg a ploA-impositig ap presenti pe%rarice. ni d 1 ad'�.- & - - of Culrosg went Woman leaves three young childre and able.to ac Donut foij her sudden illness, Considerable apprdienson Is felt 44 and second concessions h as they can �Ax ai-e by fire' on Thursday of last wee,. str icre looking peo� �;uah parties to sell as Mu Scores 4f 4e to T her remarkablelapse of memory, Or the teer, com-, at they cao mot sell awh�y. here, and by'tl t is liln- Dainage estimated at $3,000 insuraain e eeswAer the other day,, an' after the man two daughters, one of OM is though no overt acts b Al and to -give wh eir appearance i loss of'th4 money. . I go ad -a fre 5 - Mr. Rush mitted. A prominent olic c ergv- ad -t druink-eiiness may increase' under o find -out what part �of the $1,000. tting full 1 of whisky, h fight, 16 years of age. A short time ag tha possible t —Albeilt Weaver and Melissa IT s6veral got �o badly si nashed Wilson converted a mortgage for $ 1,000, man te-16graphed last nil t from, J& e. Se -: 'Act. . The pe, Of HU'rOia world they can ke from, or to.,'which of —The Hallelujah Band are doing ex. in which th Of Slieffi4ld Wentworth county have �Td I A d, clearly that ti L' wanted th tip will r a which he held; into money. n that they require nursinj fo �monton that the announ ent that the ard. -,)art manifest the great dirsions of-manki'd they cellentwo'rk-in the Methodist church, been com. itted for trial on a charge of aii-pointed ey should. T t ii badly '—The wealthy fariper residing 4L now, have an Strathroy. About eighty have professed. week or more. he Scott Ae, n the ext, t and th belong. 31-aug -ter. As 'e stated last week, PoininionGovernmont had Ac � i mani W ii si it$ e].' needed irrthat section. of West Luther, wl o was is on to consider"tbeclaims of the 'Where portunit� � of testin I me Camadiall. failme'rs who make I abit conversion. Meetings are held' ev y 5th concession 4 agen Weaver drove Miss Ruph to a house, 1comi AAn be gi ven oning. ing Ottawa�.to a4ksk ie vernment t6 his hogs in a snow drift on his farm, the present troublc,� was Ivilig a � v&y d ty ;a n -ting ven r �e u i ' —A London firm as an visit mentioned a short time ago as burying lialf-breeds and iuvestig4o�e cause of- lali arol bi- them of xhibiting home should. not1ail to afternoon and ev left her child on the doorstep Wenses I o pay a v Go where ShE those only who, are in isit to e Government Buildin g. —A gentleman who took a Sam ey Illora ex- pie I f a alers to ru ii fr a%id it wa; 3 found frozen to death. Th ial and pacific e e t iipon the I Of the A(t. You will Oblige by ans er- and�noticewha`�eautiftd houses,. atties, silver ore from the Rabbit silver miX subs'idize aline of a Om because he could not get a suf icient ty at first, -�but at the be#efic Talbat a denied cr�minali -h $'we ids, a -es, wreaths n 9 &o.' Port Arthur; had -it assayed in London Miramichi to Liver ool, and pre ients a price for them in Arthur Villag(, had half-breeds. He express d'the ek's 1�sue these i ite ons: e ng, in t sight of t child tho'girl. br6ke down,, 1(i should licatio for memorial I ely sigmppe by busin ass men that the appointmen ) To 9�hom maTei 0111t df, frames 'OrD lielited E'ligland, ?vhen it yielded at the rate f managed to find the snow drift in which t of tho commission 1yesiar- f threw hei self on the open boffin, kissed of -the Mar inij Pr�ojv`lnces. The inten- would result in an ami*+a oettlement vendors' Isieenses be ink: e ? (2) :,it with ears of c6tii, sheaves of unthreshed $6,000 per ton. e bur"ibd the porkers, as he c ffered her dead .1ifant again and again, while Wln.. TWd erai e ass ace hea d C idy, employe -to make a monthly trip, and the hem for sale on the Gue4ph mar4et on of the diffi ulty4, lekmi for i man who ke oats, V h t I -yoi, and a- fev, other —A+ilan n tion is her cries: mere pitifud to hear. She said c t 4 �nl this- h bree to an r trip. ursday+ last week. The carcas pre - Ouse W, are the Scott A( � sin pie thil " ke -th. sub4idy asked, is $2,000 a is in f Mrs at. ., I hope a great the gas wor a at Hochelagai 16st h work while she I "Neen she was n, t able to gee t-( inion sented every evidence of havinj The last game for th �t- take keep liql or in it and to, a A -Lit for medi- many of our C, adiam-9 will a' en a few life the other ight by fa mgm't a ta. k —T tario Branch of the D e P o. h`6 0 aver suggested to elves a Com- had the child. We -h clianicaland- sacrainental pur- wed: -s in "this 'Th t ciation will end a in -1morial buried.in the snow for some timEJ He- -�---of e C aal in . would �eave- it aj CleilanWs �was played on the ink great show. i,,c re of melted tar. Before he could be -ex Millers'Asso to the per dred, b -it de- her they that jeurling club last eek th UTEFAYER� Many things w 11 worth seem cated he smothered. D inion G(Wernment in refer- was offered $5.50 hun ing 9 where it i i pro poses. rould h ve a good home I for a . ­ i h db in [NOTE —The Canada r1yenp or remem lafge 1� n out he drove ere and acthig contestants. Job I Co, ii� tg, I - flour, p�inl in clined. 'el'y berh r. r —A umber of Essex cioun ence to t1o,-7 duty on He waited round the erance, ie . O'clo9k *h ve en �EITHER T00110'r X are makina arralizenients that if the �luty is increased to cents h itsixiess. as 4M fariners big er bid till nearly 6 , e power tHIE CLEMATE 18. N at Cie making 13 Scott Ac b, as it is called - his advicE e lof t -11and's Points, �the b best vests th A -it ispose of their farms'.aild NY, a barrel it -will no Ir ve his I'TOO C leaaq or di t -actually g �ve the be hitched up his team and( afterL IT ril 13 they a ed made. This being the see. -- nd tim� r. fing -these C1,611and 6f gran licens's -in the Lieu- in . iller lew 4 cam it now be�omi 'or "of the Px i e, - but and bo4rd isl nb'liigher he�e tf�,4.n it. is at move' With their families to Dakolo a �rZtion, but it will inike the pigs home. and lookecl?ack to e Coad has won -the med4l enant-6 overn OvIne see if anyon yet a, 1, 91'%I -e 91, colli- 'Nli duty Tor to for unders ad, 110,9 r - Act of some of our bwn allows. h �iyland, Michigan or Manitoba. on flour -equal to that imp sed on As the train which left T his prbperty. W1 ili-&-Liquor License ie ld, m-ent out for iti: that she saw a door open and Ottawa ever, that a t have. I at. $2.50 er weak lid last ,Satuiday evenin was hals n I rod. have. I (I by th,6 ommion -Parliaf fortable fro,oin -�46hn Brown has purchased from wheat, some person come out, and she all sed -protest: passe ary app "o lie -a on, ie Thursday afternoon a inan, a native rounding a curve on, the Canada. a cific nent iamoves the iver from -the' meals cost fro n 25 to. 5 cebts-. k&i. Dulmage� Tilsonburg,the fan en in. tPoth —The tea-ineetinj bedd �onntc L, the child had been tak till Aul vrt th of the hotels: c large $8 pe - day,b 41t; tl ejr Ath coficeissiou, one mile cast of Fo�.d- of Denmark-, aged about 40, fell off the railway, near. Moberly, and a , ut 21 Craub towns ie.11te lit-Go-,rern or.and vests it in e , she Was mistaken for the light was at with Knox church, .L na -4 d6 nOtforce p ople -to atronizei'th in.. Grand miles -west of Perth, the coupling of the th ffid th., wich, for $3, `0 and has. -taken poss6s- tender of a, freight train at the e License Conimissioners, so Nel n C imilaiii's'stable which is in a of Grey, last week, Boards of so 1hilway crossing, 0 tock, bagg W iwaae car broke, and the tw Pull.- jard ons for v�ndors'. licenses I wis-b the C adiaxis o attend�d ilie sion. Trunk , 1 iswin the I I - Ins, $a.,4 that apflicati �nd one first class car left t e rails line with i Ilellan- d�s-house* Weaver ad, successful held th I ter �served' ir ent; tea for linder the Scott Act WM have to'be, Philadelphia- 4entenni -would, come —Iffis. Ch0sworth, who hadattaiii,,4 where he had concealed himself. Both mans mitted dr.vilig the girl. Both are, now ity. An. excell aer -,w differ n eatage�of of 112 years, died at- legs were shattered below the kin ee* nd and -toppled partly over on the*- sides' irst, "quia 6t, a 'vast e eel the gr a"itinv triat Dames' hall, -to whichamp e jUstice Was Made to the Dominicin4A�en Inspector' here .-and �se6 - for in Hamill Dn jail 'qp in the snowbauk. Had it not bc en i at pre.jent. ;of the coanty, who is, we believe, Mr. bet*,een-- this tyand'Phiadelphia, and - Princeton a f4w days ago. --Herhusband he died while mi)a state of collapse from done, after whic "*Qum in answer those who di not visit, ille Cenietinial died 2- years�ago. She was of En 'over t e 'result would hav-,,,been h the coml any adq Henu Perkins, of Gorrie. gli 3h which be never rec ed. he snow th ed to ihe church'where tb a inte�pbtuai fardli Of assenger s were I . --A youlig man named Adan a, who, serious. As i.t was the p —The I DROWing is a list Of the alliMalg irt iolt- Rl the second query of 0 aT correspond.7 would see much here t) please Tnd origin. t of the programme wa rone thiatigh. a and par to �sligh tly, in - sold the iames of the purchaser, i and- after examini h --A ballo ag the ball a ha's lived near Burlingtoli, went t 3. Ham- I bad B. McRae oc4npied, d Of License Commission' instruct theilili i t ox dontailib T shaken up or both 'bon 9 The pastor, Rev. A tunt Th, Boar, ty, anof Act in e ilton on: Friday, drank fre only Y the amou its paid at the sale! of Messrs. 46 'these 11 -ill cast for and against the Scott ely,' ind left jured . he accident happened about 4 enses . to any.� show, the ci -the South, they w f r and after Prayer t last w -coll io:�ero era may gran our 0 'cloc eek the chai (10r," but. 'till the poet -that There i thepolling stations in Is for home in the afternoon pretty well in- r 1,g C -onlyl: feelL Mri a no of St. Tboin�' k in the morning and tho Snbll & 3ons, in Hullett, emarks. Sh, dnigg t . other ven ). . In ude es ike ho Saturday morn* 9 wag stolen wl iile being removed tol t. le -t6x-icated. ie was who were asleep had a ratlipr r Agn Buckingham, calved 1878, sold to preliminary r es anted in eaph place I e delivered by Rev. on nse can be $100. Isa wer e such licei 14, snow, an awak in 9 Jas. Laithwaite Hullett, fot 1'. ttlier- Xeily two in each 9 station. f�limd 1�iilg in the d v -as don- ening.- ISM, sold to T. lKerr, D. McG J, panio lownship or par" and —The Teeswater Iasi week bella) cal, red Februar RROUAdy par.so e., p Ake St. I.. plied at to-%vn, and the licensees 0 in Only sell on' Arthitr �,eidl 89n of Robt., Reid, —L. St. lair, from Belle, Rive� to veyed home. Both'his legs and ene arm -News of ider ;G;rmaii Millso$185- 11108s. a cle an r' ith a Uiddenly `U � ornibu from shanties, some of them three Miles sary e amputktion of all thre of his on Ijl� torils Ill �Londo' ith i I -of a in -died Sto tted w ah were frozeD, so badly .the e collector of dus ny Point, is still do as to render neces- says Donald MeAuly is still aboi t town A. B. Sn by 'Mr. K(fly`�-: cate edical th thedrunk. OnWednesday eve Queen of �Iurou, Leifer calf, E. Gaunt,& 'Allytable intervals rtwo, ,Jergymian, and a in b6d . Sunday 11 ch outsid( re- istrates or he was arrested by Constable Ste ate a 7�wauosh. $110. Eva, eal�ved oir from Brussels' undertheUa &rship Sons, .4 limbs. The PrOCAeds, M an.titiefj- over one pint,- beart disease. -He was of a vW iiudi- the shore. The shanties average 9� A. Bo W", T other ( irna- theii 02� r in qu under th a Mar- thrust into the lock-up, ere h �vould 1,883, T., & Snider, $250. Rose of D. Stewart. 4y, no a a' can be moved wher aN er —The first judgment c- must the liquor be con- ous d positi6n, and hard stul feet in size, to The ineeting �veatherl Will and in n) cas I o 'have frozen. - A n o" k he Bud, 187% G..-- Sproat, Tucker- ed UgJAL and haAd a et to do. i: his Wanted. A �ole is cut in th�, ice and' a ried Woman's Act of 1884 wasl Ven at a on th- beat sulnedon-the premises. Under thesei doubt, Nary Ann, ealved.1880 en, bl ro t ty, Mu4h to turned out to manage -for I ifinself, smith, t few ys ago was, len to I oth He was.26 years. Of a �e, shanti.8 over it. erm%n Osizoode Hall, Toronto,'.& $ oya ? on allg i;stringent regulations we do not think! early Ohm -P of atten _Uon-:&s iv. 4-1 residen'' e sui o H. E �sville, 882. wose Bud I � Ce w�ll. and had been -married 6ut five illiontf1s. y a sma, ve, s ear in and choir. MOSt. UGM, the fears, 4f - our , correspo lideat are 2nd), 'Tuck - hotel' i a ort Uare cr g about on 'hit, hai ids and 1883; Peter - rounded. ­ED. FAFOISMA'I `d� Mr. RAd Awl led it the schools fil. Lon- .,Watching a decoy mumow. When 6 11 The plaintiff owned X*e. .9 0 J: