HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-03-20, Page 88
Now offers \vents lected lot of
At reasonable prices at the Old Butter Store,
Goderich Street, Seaforth. 992
ituroin txpooitor.
- A NA URAL AUTIST.T We were shoven
Mr. W odeland f Tuckersmith,
a few da sa oa life size oil portiwit of
pain d by Mr. Alex M -Leod, a young
RIAD -the employ of a. r. .James Graves.
entation of the
diegly accurate
is Mr. McLeod's
anything of the kind,
had liner training in
nor did he' receive any
e in his work.
m a photograph,
n ageurate eye
sh. The work
It is an excellent
original and is ai
and 61es-ea-work o
first attempt at
and he has neve
portrait painting
instruction or
He made the pain
his only- guide
aided by a re
showe that lie h
this Sort of thi
under proper ins
him_ merit. Be
Y b
a natural talent for
g, which if developed
ruetion, will yet secure
shrld cultivate his
1 9
ltiE FIRST F TH SEAS0/4-.-Th
first Manitoba party -of, the season left
here by Grand T1 Link railway on Wed-
neada.y. The following! are the names
of some of those zomprising the party,
together with what they took with
them: George Campbell, McKillop, one
ear of farm stock and -implements, for
Wolseley, N. W. T.; J. Landesborough,
Tuckersrnith, one car load of stock and
implement:4', to Feneiaon ; A. Scott, Sea-
, forth, one card horses and implements,_
for Griswold ; Isaac Miller; Harpurhey,
me ear of horses or Moosomin • Francis
an John Fowler Hullett, one car each
al orses for Brandon. - Besides those
ha cars several others took passage
for Manitoba, among NV!ioin were Mr.
J. awrence, formerly a Tuckersmith
Adam Stark, formeely ef Seaforth.
ORSES SHIPPED..7-Mr. Robert Win-
ters shipped a car _load- of very fine
hen- draught horses from Seaforth
station on Monday last. There were 15
in all, and they were purchased from the
'following parties : One from Themes
Connoly, Hibbert, a pair of very, fine
three and four e ear. olds from W. H.
Mundell, Tuckersmith ; one fix -e year
"old from W. J. Shannon, McKillop ;
I and one from -each of the following par-
ties : Mr. Dunlop, Hullett •Finlay
Ross, McKillop ; John Stewart Tucker-
smith ; W. Crich, Tuckersenithe James's
Atkinson, Hibbert; Mr. Crawford, Me-
Killop ; Tay-Ior, Hullett ; Mr. Shea,
Stanley; Charles Routledge, Tucker-
• smith ; John McNIa.nn, Seafortb, and
Mr. Cole, Hullett. They were all gel
ding and were a very fine lot The
average price paid for them lwas about
t167 ea,ch.
Paisley writes as
your Paper abou
great 41t. We h
beats Mr. Carnpbel
on the 12th cone
ship, county of Br
weighs 936 pounds
old. He was gat b
owned by Alexa
correspondent from
ollows ; "1 see by
Robert Campbell's
e one near here that
's. N. Willoughby,
ssion of Brant town-
ce, has a ceIt that
and is ,only 9 months
mimported horse
der McCannel, near
-Mr. Thomas -Al Michael, of Hullett,
bad very hands° ne colt in town on
&tar lay whieh
ahoy mentioned
on t Seaforth
down the beam
and i only 9 mont s Ntrhert four,
mont s oid it weighed 750 peunds.
This olt its -as sired by Mr. J. J. Fisher's
ee of Keen" Mr. McMichael has
moth r Of the sara age from the same
horse hich he say is an excellent mate
to th's one, and which will weigh
nearl as heavy.' They will make a
value le team.
beats the one
It. was Weighed ,
eeates .,and brought
at 1,020 pounds
fr ullett,:atatin
Mon cut 8' 'cords 0
fitli?ee8Sive d4s.
sawing _ for e we
eenteace em the it
wlite soya "beat
als6 net they had c
thrall oh in 65'seCon!
fast e can saw in 1
we canenatch the
,MesSes. MOM or
atead want to have
a catel to me etati
meet ; me in Seafoi
_ that wit' be about li
another Hilbert b
there and saw them.
the eapenses, or we
fun, or for any sum
noticed in a recent
i on *sawing wad
• that Wm. and T.
wood per day -for 6
'hat is very good
k. eit is the last
m that -strikes Me,
his who, can" and
it a 22 inch birch
is, I don't know how
ibbert-but I think
ullett time.. If the
ny others in their
trial they can drop
g -when they -will
th with their 'saw,
If way. Myself and
y will meet them
either °for who ipays
till saw them for
f money they Wish.
xima.rty P. 0.
fourth annual conce
, auspices of the e
church, in this town
patedeit would be, a
pleasant affair.
• although not large,
sere that th se Fes
preciated th perfor
cal part coal escare
it is rare hid ell tha
Y01 es are. heard at
• Th,aolos of he Mis.
Kil oran and. Downe
mo t cultivated al
.des re, while Messra.
_Rau Joslyn did equa
-tio s '' the full Oh
re ered and pleash
lec are -by Rev. Fa
trios were charmi
rie ,_ was all 00(1.11
_ HI raOry of St. It,
. Christian graces and
la ore of that gifted
w re portrayed. in ti
_gri cetul language, As
wl ich he accomplish
of his countrymen NV
In referring to the ti
th present time
ex ressing his syrup
ca se, denounced in
. te es the cruel and
of the dynamiters,
an constitutional
th t if sympathiee
Ca se would give the
as ist to send geed
th ir cause in Parlia
P cluetive of much t
w eked waste to eta
se undrelsasO'llotiov
of like ilk.. Father
t, giv n Under the
oir f St. James'
was, as we antiei-
very Successful and
The' attendance,
as faVe and we are
ntust have ap-
ianceS. The musi-
ly be surpassed,and
so many excellent
an entertainment.
es_Waish, Campbell,
- were that the
usical taste could
ly well. The selec-
ir, also, were well
g, and the several
gly given. The
her Lotz, -• of Gode-
nt -tribute to the
trick. The many
thee self-sacrificing
and revered saiut
e nest eloquent and
hild'the great work
ed in the interests
a fully set forth.
ouble in Ireland at
he lecturer, -while
thy -with the Irish
the most scathing
murderous a,etions
nd counselled legal
netbods. Tie said
s with the, Irish
r contributions to
men to advocate
Ent it would be
whoreas it is a
monery to such
illiOoSa and others
Lot4... is a fluent,
. -
easy an'i eloquent speaker, and his re-
marks were listened to with thegreatest
attention and with evident pleasure.
We kelow of 110 more profitable way of
spending the .evening. ,of St. Patrick's
day than that adopted by the choir of
St. Jetties' church, and we hope that
each KO _!eeding entertainuient may be
Crowe.* with increased success.. .
A M RITED Tateueeef-The term of
three onthse for which the free night
school, held ui the Mechanics' Institute
rooms, was undertaken, expired on Tues-
day._night last. The greatest number of
pupils attendance at time as 30.
Abotif elf of those were regular atten-
dants, ave their whole attention to the
lessons, and, as a consequence, made
very 8 tisfactery progress, considering
the lim ted time at their disposal-Ahree
eveningsa week. The school was con-
ducted kinder the management of Miss
Cowan, whosetime and persevering ef-
forts w re given freely and gratuitously
during he whole term. That the pupils,
and the r parents as well, •were not
sensible to this kindness on the part of
Miss C wan, was manifested on the dos-
ing eve g, whea, they gave her a sur-
prise•in the shape „pi, a beautiful and
valuableWriting desk, accompanied by
a most cordial and -appreciative address.
Messrs. McCaughey and Lumsden, who,
with several other friends, were present,
made a ew appropriate remark'. Thus
closed a very pleasant, as wellAs profit-
able ineident in the lives.of a few young
people in Seaforth.
To BecircirsTs.-For sale, Bicycle,
52 ineh, American Budge Light Ro ster, Full
, Nickel Ball' bearings all around. Go aenewl.
:bargain. Address BOX.C., Woodst ok, On .
9924 •
MANTLE MAKIN;.-Misses.*Ferguson
& MoFee, are now ready to receive orders ;for
Mantle making in all its departments. Rooms
over Mr. Kemptborne's Store, Stark's'Blook Sea -
forth. Sa isfaction guaranteed. A trial is soli-
cited. Terms reasonable, , Cutting a specialty.
RUPTURE AIND DEPORMITY.----4 should not be for -s.
Machinist, of 118 King Street, West Toronto, will
gotten that Chas. Cluthe, the celebrated Surgical'
be found t the Commercial Hotel, Tuesday and
Wednesda• r, the 24th and 25th of March. Chas.
Cluthe has visited Seaforth for, Many years, and
there are midreds about thia section feeling
grateful whenever seeing his announceinent in
the ExPoirros, havinglieen greatly benefited by
him as Mr.. Olathe is well up in the specialty
to improve and design, apparatuses for Cripples
and tnisse for Rupture, for which he is known
as the bes and most reliable,Aian we have in
tion that e has no travelling Agents; and o
Canada day. Mr. Cluthe wishes us to m
anything in his line. 902-1
connection with any Association Or So-called Pro-
fessors. o and give him a call if you, require
Goon Pacrerav.----Mr. A. J.
out enterprising young' poultry
seems to have Excelsior
emblazoned upon his banner and will rest
nothing ,Short of the very top; of the
heap in the poultry business. • He has
recently Made tWO very important addi-
tions to his already large and •choice
stock of birds. During the past week
he has purchased the Dark Brahma
pullet that tof second prize at the
Madison Squar - gardens,' New York;
the largest show -in Arnetice, and. at
which th ee were over tco,00q birds en
one which took the ;first priz . but the
exhibit*. He tried to purase. the
owner would net pert with it; -aad the
.one he gat is from the same breeder and
was only very few points- behind its
more fortunate rival. In -addition to
this he pnrchasede Empress II., of the
same breed, which teok first at Indian-
apolie in 1883, as a pullet, and ..flrst at
the same show in the following year as
! ..! .
a hen, scorieg 95t c points. This is
be got. re With our young friend coa-
about as near perfection as they can.
timed cessqn his enterprise.
Rev. Mr -Tully, of Mitchell, delivered
his promised lecture here under the aus-
pices of he Mechanics' Institute, -on
Tuesday veiling last. .The attendance
was not -ery large, the concert in St.
Jamee', c urch and the cold and incle-
ment wee, her, no deoubt, keeping many •
awa,y wh would othetwise have been
preeent. he lecture was in repleeto
the one delivered by Dr. Wild entitled :
" The Prophet Jeremiah's "'ilea^ Old
Ireland." The reverend lecturer- took
up Dr. Wild's theories seriatimeand by
reference 4) ,scripture showed, from his
point of vi
aw at all events, the fallacy of
the eccen ic " Pro het's ", conclusion(
and contentions. Th ecture was a es -ell
reasoned e ort, which ust have requir-
ed a vast deal of research and labor in
its prepera ion,and the onlytregret is that'
it was no delivered to a much -larger
audience. However, 'although the
_funds of the Institute will not be ma-
terially Met -eased by this lecture, those
who •.hea,rel it were interested and in=
struetecl, arid received a very consider-
able supply of useful mental food, if
they will only profit by it: Rev. Mr.
Tully, alt iough unquestionably able,
and a fluent, pleasant speaker, lacks the
popular a lectiirer, espeeWly with a pi -o-
versatility, originality, and ma,gnetism
of the Doe or, and will never become as
misenous audience.
Sr. '
- I
' LOCAL B rees.--Mr. Charles Aitzel,of
this town, has a munlher of chicks
hatched th s season. This' is the first. -
Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot has been laid up
with a severe attack of inflammation of '
the lungs, •but is now recovering -Miss
MaggieeKilloran, who has been confined
to bed for some tithe • by the same
disease is as?, ;recovering.—.The Aneient
Order of Forresters formally opened
their new llodge room in Scott's ' block,
on Monday night. It is neatly furnish-
ed und carpeted and is one of the.!hand-
somest and most coniftirtablef lodge
rooms inetown. This excellent society
is, we are:, glad to learn, progressing
rapidly and now has a membership 6f
over 150. -There was no business of,
importance transacted at the countil
meeting, on Monday night -This has
been the doldest Maach experienced for,
many -e-ears, the thermometer on Tues-
day moriune registered twenty below
zera.-Mr1 86. Hannah-teturned to Man-
itoba on Wednesilays--Mrs. H. Ki/ler,
who has le en staying, at her father's
here for t veral months, accompanied
by Mr. K er, left :for their home in
Emerson. 9 Tuesday.-Denny's hotel
had a narr w escape from destruction
by fire on.Wednesday . forenoon. The
fire caught between the chimney and -
the roof eta was burning briskly when
naked. T firemen. were 'promptly
on hand an had the•flames extinguished
before any serious damage was done.
This is anot
excellent s
are sorry to
builder, of
has been employed
office for several year
td engage in the re
Salvation Army. 11
reliable lad, and 'we '
the great work to wh
himself. -Mr. Geo. 0
this week attending t
shoes belonging to t
of John Garrett &
Toronto. This is ti e
pods. ever thrown
Canada, and no doub
man will' improve
Wilson & Young are
of their store painted
fdrbished and. impr
having one of the nea,
in the county. -R
father-in-law died at
morning, and Mr. an
gene to attend -the fu
see the eclipse of. th
Blunt glass was intde
T Mill Road, Tuck
road in these parts th
w th snow. ,It is alw
and winter, and even
it is 'almost as leve
sciireely `a drift or
E niondville to Bruce
th' road is worth fif
m re than on any roe(
-T e key stone in the
w ndows in the sec
ilson's hardware s
fe 1 to the sidewalk o
ti ately no .person
tine and. no injury
chibald 'Scott, 'of
B there, has gone on
M nitoba. He tack- 't
of horses, and a let of
nts and seed, mei te
ab ut one hundred ac •s
fa m near Griswold.
of his town, has p rel
bator, With a cepa ity
, leaves this week
ulir service of the
is' a good, steady,
rish him success in
eh he has devoted
ood is in Toronto
le hale of boots and
he 'insolvent estate
f Hamilton and
largest stock of
n the market in
ii`shreWd towns -
es giocery stores
time. e -Messrs.
ig the interior
cl otherwise re-
d, and intend
v. -. Mr. Broley's
e • n on Tueeday
er lis. Broley have
.-Who didn't
S in on Monday ?
and.for at time.--
rsi ilith, is the only
t is not blocked
y good, summer
t the present time
. s a floor, with
pi ch hole from
• e ti. A farm on
y dollars : a year
the county. --
of one i of the
flat di Reid &
got loose and
TuesdaY. For -
passing at the ,
s done. -Mr. -
firm o -Scott
annual• trip to •
hinea umber
farmhig imple-
ds putting in
• f crop one his
r.. John Furch,
as dia new ineue
of 200 eggs. He
n 4t Saturday,
h eseful of little
st rted the artificia
an expects to hav
ch cks thr e e ks fro that
date.-7The new offi er o the S lvation
y, Captain Cook and Lie 'tenant
Jo ey, arrived in town la t Frit y,• and
ar now fully establish d coin laud of
th corps. -Remember the social t Mrs.
T. I harp's this evenin . T 1 dies of
th: . Christian Tempe ance Uni n and
ot , ers are making p ep tions for a
ino:t enjoyable tim. Mr. homes
Co, entry has returne home; having
sp t a week or more 1 o ing out a loca-
tio some. where in or bout Sat it Ste
Ma ie, but he says tha all his travels
he id not see any plac t at had a more
bue'ness air 41. better appearance than
Se orth, and he retu ne, home better
sa sfied than ever to r mein here, which
he •I tends to do
JOS ern and those as is ing him were,
gre tel by a splendid ot se on Friday
evening last. Not sine t le overflowing
Scott Act meetings of 1 s fall has the
hall been so densely p Ok:ed, and the
lar y • audience seemed )e more than
'pie sed. The entert n ent was an
am teur minstrel and In rI stifle perform -
'me , and; while it would be impossible
to describe it, we can tr t fully say that
it 1 as of & noire' and ost amusing
cha 'eater. Some fif e young • men
too part in the perf r lance, and, to
use hackneyed phrase " where all ;did
so li ell it would be invi ie us to particu-
taxi a ,'? but we will be used for mak-
ing ention of the perfo ances. of Mr.
Josl i himself,•Mr. Ge • e Scott, and
Mie Ed. Coleman. T • e gentlemen
toole leading parts, and 1 ir originality
and ersatility would.ha -e done credit to
veterans of the burnt cot k brigade. Tfe
music, also, by the Clint n Mouth -Organ
han , accompanied by th edema! was
reall splendid. The on y defect in the
-who' performance was hat it was a
littl toe long, and the ti le taken be-
leat histis a defect wl tell ,experience
twee th acts was somet s wearisome,
pal rmance on Friday iti4lit as well as
will emedy. - Those who Pstred to the
thos 1 who did not, will be pleated to
lea 'that another opportu ity of enjoy-
ing i will be afforded the as Mr. Jos-
lyn i tends repeating it in = revised and
impr ved form, for the =mat of the
Fire rigaele at an early d y.
-W 11 you permit ine to il, that the
case which was in prog OSf3' between
Star. and McDonald, and hie' h created
consi era-ble interest in thi vicinity' has
:now collie to a close and 41 case has
been decided in favor of M Donald. It
is h ped that same of 'M . Stark's
frien s whcaurged him into 'th case Will
now. turn in and help hun pay the
istiexople.r as! s. Yours, JAMES MCDONALD,
I 1
1 i
14,hr. 4..
A ARD. CAAE.--Orli 0 ...0 worst
loo ig specimens of. team s ever seen
in th a place, caine V) townall' Wednes-
day '. f last weak. After 6 . had been
here ' short time, Constable Gill spied
hin ; and not :liking his appearance,
laske him a few questions, when he be-
gan swearing, and the officer not feelin
iner ed to stand it, arrested him, an
penalty orbeing sent to jail if he did not
let hi sleep in the cooler for the night,
and 'Thersday imOrning told him to
leave town immediately, under the
comply. He decaeriped. • ,
'CA NIVAL.-Another of those popular
carni -als will be' held in the covered
rink -night, when, prizes will be given
for tile folloeving : Ladies' race. tO lapse
gent' race, 2,5 laps; .boys hurdle race;
ladi ' graceful skating, •for those who
have never won a prize; gent's coinic
costu e. . False fades _not allewed to
competh. This, no deubt, will' be the
grand event of the season, and a. I should
attend. • .• . .
Eniaes.-Mr. Isaac Dearing 1 as pur-
chased -the Centrel barber shop -former-
ly run by Mr. Charles Manning. Mr.
Manning intends going to Kansa in the
beginning of April, --A new organ was
put in the james street , Methodist
church last week. ' This is A haeldsome
instrilmente-costing about $500. -J -A con-
cert will be given by the Itlesonie Lodge
of this place, on Tuesday the 24th inst.
The Programme will he giveieby London
talent.-Yorkshir Jack, cadet of the
Salvation Army o this. place, hits been
promoted to London. 'His position'here
has not been filled yet. --The assessor,
Mr. John McDonald, is goin his tounds.
--Rev. Mr. Thompson, of ensall,occu-
ied the pulpit in Cavao resbyterian
hurch on Sunday evenin last.' The
ongregation was small on account, of
the inclemency of the weather. -L -The.
now -plow passed through here on Mon-
ey lest to clear the track, which - was
gain blocked a short distance north of
his place. ---The partial eel pse of the
or budding sated. by our .0
stem of water:works..-We P
learn that Mr. Win. Copp,
this town, ' is at. ..present .. 8
Ilaid up • th - inflarnmatoiy theturate I d
time. He is at present confined 1 a
to Lel-air. Charles Hart, who t
f' •
sun was seen here on Monday I
caused considerable 4 excitement
the eclipse lasted. -The firemen
place intend holding a grand con
• a short time, which promises to b, first-
elas4.-Mr. P. McPhillips, forneiirly of
this town, but new of London, Was in
town last week onbusiness.-The Alava-
tion- Army stormed Hensall on Wednes-
day of last Week, in -full force, there be-
ing two sleigh loads, and on account of
which there vvas • ne = meeting here‘ --
Flocks of crows are !seen around here,
almost daily, a good sign that spring is
approaching. -The roads in the sur-
rounding country are !very badly -block-
edn: . this year, rendering traffic hnost
impossible. --At the .Ibase ball eeting
held on Monday evening the following
officers were -elected : 1 President, George
Moir; Vice -President, John McLaugh-
lin ; Sec Treasurer, Peter &mien
team is fully organized and will b
the "Actives." • •
• ,
Ethel. -
. .
t, and
f this
• SCRAPS. -ProfessorlEullock, th great
horse educator, has formed a class in this
Ile has already about twenty
members, and others are talking of join-
itig.-James McKelvey, has rented his
farm to his son Robert, and has bought
a house and lot from John Dunbar, and
will move into it soon. re -Ethel has a good
meny -retired •faaener` residents now. --
Wm. Davis and D. Dobson will leave
next Monday for Minrieseta.-There 'are-
a, few weddings expected some tune this
month, Who knows who the fortunate
parties 'are ?
MATRIMONIAL. -A very pleasant affair
took place at the residence of our
esteemed citizen, Mr. Wm. Cudmore, of
this place, on Wednesday of last Week,
being nothing less than- the marriage of
Mr. Cudmore's eldest daughter, Annie,
to Mr. Win. G. Stewart, of Lisbon, Ser-
geant County, Dakota. After the cere-
mony was over they left for London,
amidst the congratulations and well
wishes ef a large number offriends. Mr.
Stewart has a fine farm •in Dakota, and -
he intends returning with his bride in a,
few days. Health and prosperity be
with them. •
MR. G. J. Suetieateieo; Conveyance
Commissioner Piro and Life insurance Agent,
.and Issuer of 'Marriage Licenses All 'business
strictly confidential. Office, at -the Post •Oftioe!
889 •
WANTED. -A large quantity of good
heavy bright4mrley, for whieh the, highest price
will be paid. RANNIE & URQUUAIT, 894
.Bareese--And•ttill the cold weather
lingers, the frost being nearly as severe
this week as that of 'any.week during the
winter. -41r. F. Caisse, the celebrated .
professional fancy skater, gave an exhi-
Aion.on our skating rink on • Saturday
eveeing htst. The number of spectators
present was smell, o*ing, to the etornly
state of the weather. ; Those present
speak .of •Me. Caisse's Skating as being
something .w nderful, and well worth
seeing! -Mr.. Reitht • cf Banffshire,
Scotland, who has been here recently
visiting -frier"( s, returned home to the
old country 1 tst week. -The Salvation
Army- meeting ere. still beiug continued
here, and while the number of those
joie' ing the Army. is small, the attend-
ance is large. -Mr. Adam. Stark, �f
Dublin,- Ontario., is here lvisiting friends.
-Weddiage are all the rage in this
neighborhood,mid Who says we can have
--too much of a good thing ti
NOTES. -Mr. James Broadfoot; Jr.,
recently sold a very superior thorough-
bred bull calf,' 17 months- old, to a-
gentlema,n from the _County of Essex,
for the sem of $100. -Mr. James Lands -
borough, Of the 3rd concession, who is
noted 'as a grower of excellent seed
grains, is doing quite a large ,business
in disposipg of seed wheat, barley and
oats, and still has, some left -Mr. John
MeKenhie, who recently purchased the
McCartney farm on the Mill Road, has
taken possession of it. This farm con-
tains 75 acres, and was purchased for
something over $5,000. He has one of
the best farms- in the township. -Mrs.
Mude, of La,kelet, sister of Mrs. James
Broadfoot, Mill Road, has been visiting
friends here daring the past week.
1,4) ! THE POOR HORSE. -A vendor of
culinary utensils, while on his peregrina-
tions through the southeastern portion
- of Tuckeremith with an aged and in-
firm equine, stopped for the night with
a farmer on the 12th concession. While
he was resting in the arms of Morpheus,
some charitably disposed person or per-
-sons removed. the said equine from the
stable, andended its career of earthly
sufferings by a well -directed blow on
the cranium, and deft the skeleton -for
that is all it consisted- Of -lying exposed
to view, to the utter disgust of the own-
er, who was greatly attached to the cad
SUDDEN' Diheria-=A remarkably sud-
den death occurred in this town on
Wednesday Morning. A laboring man
named John Rayson was found dead in
bed. _About four o'clock in the morning
he spoke te; his 'wife and seemed to be
all right, and when she awoke later . on
she *as- harrified to find her husband
lying by her side cold in death. It is
• supposed, however, by some that he is
only in a trance and the. body is being
held over far a day or two before inter-
ment to de ide whether or not this is
the case. .
CHURCH PENING.-The new Presby-
terian elm la Clinton, was opened for
public worChip last Sunday. The Rev.
Prof. McLaren, D. D., preached • in the
morning an evening and Rev. A. D.
McDonak4 of Seaforthe in the after-
noon. The storm on 4 Saturday had
egoentitfoo the church. Still the building was
blocked the '•oads to such an extent that
many of the , country -people could not
rta,bly fillecl niorning and •after-
noon, but inithe evening it was packed
full, many who wished- could not get
admittance. This church reflects great
credit on th congregation. It is chaste
and modest ' design, and well adapted
to the purpose- forewhich it is erected
It will cost exalt $14,000 when finished.
Two _thirds lof this ' amount has been '
already raised. The. ladies have cush-
ioned the Whole church. The elder
together with a cordiality which does
have furnish d. the vestry and all the
members an adherents have worked
thena'credit. ( The collection on Sabbath
amounted to 029o. The tea -meeting was
a great' succless. The music provided
under the leadership of Thos. Jackson
jr., was of a very high order& The
meeting was ddressed by Rev. Dr. Ure,
Rev. Messrs. Craig and Titylor, of the
!. I
Episcopal 'church, Rev. Yle8f5r8. Grey, ' cheese factory here, which must be come
Salton an Kenner, of the Methodist pleted by the 10th of k May. -The thee -
church, Rev. John Grey, of the Baptist mom ter WL1M20 degreesbelow zero on
church, ;and nevi A. D. McDonald. of Mies( ay, and people are tired ,of the
the Presbyterian church, Seaforth. Rev. long, toriny, cold winter that is • about
A.Stewert,pastor of the church,presided. over 1 ow.t-The Councils of Morris and
The pastor and.congregation of Willis Waw nosh should work work together and
church are to be congratrilated on the unite ly expend $250 each on the gravel
euccess, .that has attended their road rom P,elgratre to. Wingharn, also
efforts. They cannot be charged with appo' it a pound -keeper dose to the
leaving ' the old church, for notwitht lage f Belgraye, where the cows and.
standing all afeiociations connected with pigs -tinning at large could be fed it
the old church, it had become totally their owners' expense, and not have
unfit for the purposes for which it was them -c eitroying and eating their neigh,
erected. One hundred and sixty dollars- boreproperty.--Mrs. A. Taylor spent
was realized from the tea -meeting, mak- Tuesd y in Clinton at the Grand Union.
in all about $450 collectecr at the open- '• -Mr.; and Mrs. Wray, sr., have return-
ing services. The church has a sitting ed fr their extended visit down the
capacity now of about 550, and As it is count y. --The Foresters' sermon was
most likely the congregation will largely well a tended here on the 8th inst. The
increase it will not be difficult to add aollee ion &Mounted to over $12.
galleries. The size of the building
is 76 by 53 feet besides the recess
MARCI1 20 1885.
Ilia; Green. I
for fhe choir. Theheight of the DOT -Hills Green is still improving,
ceiling is 28 feet in the centre and 20 and V ere is now only oneevicant house
feet at the' sides, while, the accoustic in the place -Mr John Troyer has sold
pastor and • people long continue to Thos. oleman, who is going to 1 ove iil
lot, and eider mill 'to Mr.
trrangements are almost perfect May his h use,
prosper. . . this w 'ek.-Mr. Thos. Hudson his built
e ' a new stable -Mr Edward Sheffer is
Manieek's.-Wheat, 76c to 780 ;.p9as, -,,Aitiegr. H.Frite!tpainaffadisdtaitiloknintgo olfliserleicothinse
. go
-56 to 57c, barley, 60c, oats, 36 to &,:4 a new tore this spring. -Mr. C. Troyer,
pork, $5.50;.eggs, 160; butter, 13e; our ol liging. merchant, is doing a -con-
ard, lie, tallow, 7c. - sidera ly larger business this season
LITERARY ENTERTAINMENT. - The than ver before. -Mr. Hannon, a for -
Wroxeter Literary Society held another mer re ident bf this place, is at present
of their entertainments in the public here fr in the States visiting friends, and
Ian, On the evening of Friday last. The looks 1 -ell.
proframme was fully on a par with any .
lng bst'qUarter Oda prOV101.18e ,aa:flis outsider e w
attending but had not attended for a
-abort time previous to th game being
played, The register ew pn er
-)90/1 a, reel_
foregoing i4 ments. es 1
or denti solieftnho: oenhfaosr al yea. s 0 Tbe out-
t°I.toixj11:o4r:1 school, -the..
• bs out-
ipcnfpil e e odf
FIRE Fon, Tim WINTunoF )ILS.
Comer,celoNM.----fillhe r°efPe; nee made fa
these notes last week to an accident
thec mishap--.47c0eR•
ashes ae a consequently me with no sue
rect. Wm. Scott had not seen draw*
aasehei_ddernatwaers ftrhoaitn dzoirtbehd. ilIotrnwetaawiatah
which befel Mr. ,Wm. Scotppurchasing
rc ,aswillags Mee:
Nichol farm Mr. James 'II gg bas re -let
the farm on the 5th comes. ion which he
had rented from his bro her, to mr.
George .Dorrance, Jr, wh intends to
fake up, his abode there and eng,age in
the cultivation of this fine farm. It is
' pro
rumored mr tall onre terhd eintot yloa ti
hood is excited to- knowwho the for-
tuAnatepLf:AisrAoNnle, may be. m
elnhhgee ladies in the onsteigplasb°r:
fiisr isnh shortly
ant social gath ing took. lace at the
residence of Mr. Finlay Roes on the Uth,
inst. IthougWthe evening was hitter-
ly-eold lid the toads in an almost im..
-passabl cendifion, over. two hundred
- persons responded to the invitations
Iso to have been an address by the TEA fEETIN.U0.8-b7nVere; successful tea htsocial converse and music the violins
f t ie preVibus Meetings. There wee sent out After spending a shert time
ev S. 4 Edwards • subject, "How to meetin was held at the Thames Road, were -tented up by the Mews. Dixonand
i lake the most of Life," but owing to Presbyterian ! church on Monday even- i dancing Was kept up almost num' teriee.
t ie death of his sister he was called ing, 9ph inet. Notbwithstanding the l tedly until the early hour of morn. ia
way to attend the funeral, but we hope, severe storm' a larger number turned I is needless to say that tie company
1 owe er, that we will get the benefit of out than was expected. After tea; was were entertained rn the mot hospitable
t ns very interesting subject at the next served the pastor, Rev. C. Fletcher, manner by Mr. Ross and h s estiniable ,
ieetingtook t ie cheer. The speakers of the faenily -and that all hici a jolly gaod
AT THE RINKS. -We were pleased to evening were ReV. Messrs. Game, Elim- thne.
h ve Mr. John Saunders, of G -alt, who Ville --'frhomson, Rodgerville ; Carriere, . LSCALITIES-.0-Mn james eowan ofthe
h d been visiting at his uncle's, Mr. T. Gram', end ; Turnbull, St Marys, and 6th concession has sold his heavy .
. Saunders, of this village, with us on Dr. Ca npbell, of Seaforth, all of whom, draught horse to Mr. Sharp of Seaforth
t le ice on Tuesday evening last. Mr. gave ery appropriate and interesting for a god figure -Messrs. Robert '
S undets is without doubt the most speech s. The choir, under the leader- Chroge a d John Muldeon hgtent Thin's-
g aceful skitter that we have yet had ship o Mr. John Kydd, sang several day for British ColuMbia Where they
t e pleasure of having with us. He, in pieces n a creditable manner. On the intend engage in the timber busi-
e mpany with Bruce of the same place, Wedne day evening following A social nes -I' r. Andrew Robertsan has leased
'II given exhibitions in different places was he d, -which turned out a very enjoy- the Rev. Mr. Gilpin's fare) on the 7th
d ring the past season:, He loft here on able atfi.ir, although home talent had to co.neessio for a.term of Eve Ivears at the
ti e Wednesday p. ,in. train for Har- provid all the literary part of the enter- rental of 150 per annuni.- short time
ri ton, where he intended giving his tainneent. After -paying all expenses ago a nu ber of friends gaijlered'at the
fi ial exhibition. the Proceeds amouated to about $100, residence of Mr. James Whre to spend '
, • which 4re to be given to the Sabbath i the even' ig and when they were about
Lakeletschocd or the purpose of increasing the - to start f r home and , as A r.hiTmh,the
Dodds s pped out of the d rsometune-
at and with-
INciromrs.---buring this week our hbrary
known person fired a shot .
kind -and obliging postmaster has been
bt sily engaged in re -modeling the post East WaNVanosh. ball graziing his fate, It is s
o ceIt is now fitted up with a con-
SUDD1EN DEATH. -This week we • are shot was fired simply in jest
si erable number of lock and numbered obliged to announce the death of another out any evil intention, but such jokes
xes. Ottr enterprising village, though
r nr.
old retent of the township, Mr. J. are exceedingly dangerous and should
has not a very large populArmstg, of the ad concession, after not be indulged in
ation, can
w bciast of having one of the nobbiest rising oi the morning of Monday March :
le offices in . the county -M and 2nd, co iplained of not feeling -well and l
lay de
s. N. H. Young and family, of Blyth, em fizain. During the progress i
now visiting their frier de in this vil of the y he did not get any better and - TeffEin Rr.
e. -Owing- to the severe storm last died ' the afternoon. Decea,sed is , i see y
; Varna, car
bath the Rev. 3, C. Stephenson was known to have been an active, indus-
ny were disappointed, for the day 'thing but his affairs in some way. were
trious f ruler, making the best of every- :
, travel.
, liaact phl ae csea
ble to dtive in from Clifford. Not
s so rough that few, ventured out.- not weti managed. ,,It is thought b
. e
James Kidd, fortnerly of i this some that the trouble of mind may have e ' rold
ee b an '
mity, arrived here from Manito a had no a littlito do with the bringing
• aonlaystrnue'ecteiso
days ago. We believe he int nds
, about o his d th.
mg a car load of horses, and is gSing attended
ke them out to the .North-West -in Gorrid: -
spring.' 'We ss him success in his -Mr. Zimmerman ba:s myself, an
erprise. molZA n' ti3oRtihEr village and occupies the
_ house f rmerly Occupied by Mr. James
. .
Chiselhurst.. Agnew. . It is said that Mr. Zimmerman
. intends embarking M the grocery busi-
ITEM., Doern.-'e-A Dakota correspon-
reess.-i r. Robert McLaughlin is mov-
t sends us the following : Mr. Thos.
ord, late , of Chiselburst Ontario mg to ibbertewhere Mrs.MeLaughlia's ,
been elected a Justice of the Peace ; relative reside. . They will be greatly
missed n this neighborhood by a large
Trail eouhty. Mr. Ashford only
e to this cahntry four yea,rs ago with circle o fnenels.-The services in the
small, capital, and in that short Baptist church were brought to a close
e he has made himself a comfortable on Fri ay evening last,. after. having
been co "timed three or four weeks. , It
is said hat some ten o. twelve converts
and good buildings, dote to town,
150 acres ready for crop, and should. were lade at those meetings -Mr
year prove to be a favorableone he - Robert Clegg -has moved on to the farm
his mother. -Mrs. Thomas
most prosperous far -
S, and if be, proves as efficient an
be one of our •.
,10orenDeo gall by ll, who had been ill for some
•er as he has been a citizen, we pre- ame, ied tap Saturdlay the 28dth of:Feb-
for him a bright future., i ruary. The funeral occurre on the
I followi g Thesday. Mr. McDougall h'
Hullett; 1 the syr ipathy of very many in his . sad
, bereav ment.-Vour persons Were im-
• ARM Soen. -Mr. John Mills -has sold mersec in the Baptist churCh, GOrrie, on
to r. Robt. Watson •the farm of Mr. Sabha 11 last . -e -Mr. AIex..Crawford, jr.,
No le, on the 14th concession, for $4,300. is sit ering from lung trouble. -The
Th ham contains 80 acres, and ig with- amulet public examination will be held
in ve miles of the village of Myth. The • G e -school on Frida,y, 'March 20th. -
farn has been well sold. ; .
, L --The banquet i given by the Ancient
A 11. SNELL'S SALE. -The auction f sale Order f theitedi Workmen, at the resi-
of horoughbred stock belonging to the deuce f Mr. Henry Perkins on Monday.
wel -knowdherd of H. Snell & Sons, night 1 st was et success. -Nelson Me -
Hu lett, was held on Wednesday last. Latigh in left for Toronto on Monday
The e was a good attendance of people last, w iere Ire intends -to ' attend the
but the sale, waS .not as successful as school •f Pharmaey.-Much interest is
cou d be desired. Bidding was very - taken the parliamentary proceedings
slo and guarded and only 'a few.. oft:the resent session in Ottawa. All
an • als changed hands. Considering . earestly watching what the Domin-
the high c.haracter of the stock, the ion Go -ernmentare doing with reference
pric s although fair _could not be 0011- ' to the cott Act.'
side ed -large. Owing to the scarcity of'
mon yand the extreme stagnation in
Winthr!op. ,
trad of all kinds high class stock is dull
of s
le althongh common stock at small
meetizi of the MeKillian Reform Club
sale seems to Sell well
will b held in the temperance hall,
t ,
Winth op, on Monday evening next.
a few e
ence of
foot b
states t
that th
of age
as I s
viz. '
play i
ha -
hone. He has .320 acres of beautiful
- Belgrave,
is the annual meeting e large
0 ,.
13 Y YOUR TEattend A before the rise 1st Of ce of memberS is . particularly
April Cheap'Shirts, new Ties, Line; Paper and d
Cellu oid Collar and Cuffs. Fine suits made to
order Tailoring a speciality. Butter, Eggs and
'Foul y, wanted at the leading store. A. TAYLOR,
Belg ve. 902
L OALITIES:-Owing to the stoien
whi h set in kni. Saturday there was only.
ser ce in the Methodist church on Sun-
day, at night. The lecture was then
ann uneed to take place on Monday
even ig. Mrs. Prendergast handled the
:subj et, "Seoret of Success " well, show-
ing a great. deal of talent. -Minnie
Bud e,- only daughter of Mr. Peter
Bud e, after about one 'Week of illness of
ery.s pelas, did on Wednesday last, and
was • uried oil Friday. The funeral was
well attended by her many acquaint-
ance . Much sympathy is felt. for the
relat ves MI/ their sad bereavement, as
she as at kind and estiinable young
wom ne-Itenwiek Walton,. Esq., who
inov d to Illinois last spring, arrived
here on Saturday night. He will visit
his o d neighbors -whilehete on business.
e --M
RECTION.--Beihg an interested
feel in honor bound to correct
rors in the Roxboro correspond -
last issue. In reference to the
11 match the Roxboro Umpire
at "the challenge stated plainly
players were to be fifteen years
r under." I say the challenge is
ed in a former issue and in prod
will relate what in the written
e refers to the age of the players
We the pupils of Rexboro school
fteen years of age cordially invite
nd to be sure that no mistake
e made a postscript was added
is as follow4: "None allowed to
the game that are over fifteen
f age." Now I ask clod that:
tha the players were to
be fift years of age or under ? " Any
perso doubting that those clauses are
in the challenge may see for themselves
by co'ming to Inc as I have the origi-
. Walter Allison, our late black- 'nal w itterechallenge in my possession.
smith, is going to take a trip across the As to the one I referred to as being over
Atlantic to Scotland this spring. May fifteer years of age the Roxboro Umpire
he er joy it, and return home in safety. adm it,and on the day that the return
-The auctioneer cannot get up a crowd motel was Played they adulated that he
to pay him to waste his wind selling was n the only one of their players
winter goods now. :Aa spring is so near that N as over fifteen years of age. I
and money scarce, people buy goods migh • now ;add that the return anatch
thattheyrequire for trade or on credit, was n •t played oielthe same terms that
where they are liberally dealt with.- the in tch t Winthrop was. They re -
Walter Anderson, sole! of Mr. Thomas fused • pla1y on the terms of the chal-
.Anderson, of Morris; is,home on a visit lenge o ne1 terms were made. As to
from Chicago. He reports business dull the " • utsi er .referred to who played
.and times harder than in Ontario.- with- r e W throp pupils, I claim that
Denis J. McCasey, of Wifigham, has he is ot a " Mtsider " The boy re -
'received the contract of building ethe ferred to attiendedlWinthrop school du-
1 •
EVE SPEAKS. -MR. Earrone
ur la,st week's issue that your
espondent complains of a vely
n the road ea,st of Varna,. in
, it is.dangerons for public
ow, sir, I have traveled. that
every day 'for the last two
I failed to see ftny serious
in the way. .. Had there been
ity for repairs I wouhi have
the matter atone. As for
I think I can sp k for the
other me hers of the thuntil also, it is
our detern ination that the interests of •
the ratepa ers will be well and economi-
cally atteided to during one term in
office. - 15 • cerely hope your conaspon-
'dent is no i touched with that fell dis-
ease " chr • ific grumbling," or . it fre-
quently al - cts' both body and. mind, and
usually en s -,:iii dyspepsia, which, if not
checked, ary, in course of 'tnebaffle
the skill' f f' the best physic 'LIS, The
fact that a half hour's work Will make
it good go s to show.that the bad spot
alluded! to IS more in his ii agination.
than in reality.--Thoiles Seefhsote,
5 •
PRESENTATION, -0» Friday evening
last Mr. Jellies Shaw, of the Babylon.
Line, Stanley, was completely taken by
surprise. Between thirty and forty
people swarmed into his house, and be-
fore long he Was in full possession of the
intention of the raid by the reading of a
neatly worded address accompanied by
a presentation M the shape .of a very
nice easy chair and Bible fot ,himself,
and another book for Miss Shaw, as a
• token of the high esteem in Which he is
held by the Members of his Bible Class
and friends 4:5f Bayfield Road Church.
Mr, Shaw made an eloquent reply, show-
ing that he as Conscious that his class
appreciated his instruction without any
material token of their regardS. After
satisfaction had been done to the edibles,
games and singing filled up the time
y an intermission, , ari seem -
ase the' hours with flying
e clock warned them to beat
their several hennes, which
ding that they hadhad a
with scarce
ing to " e
feet" till ti
a retreat to
they did f
grand old time of it.
intends returning to Mani
week to join his son Alfred, w
have taken up a 'tract of la
tend going into farming on a
tensive scale., We wish Mr.
safe and prosperous future.
dbe ja7Te o Itnbielet
exi )t,
d andi in-
nore ex -
Talbot a
FOR KANSA.S.-Mr. Shadrate Desjar-
dins and family,- also Mr. Wm. Todd
and family, purpose starting this w-eekj
for Kansase_where they inten to take
up land -and make for themselves a com-
fortable ho ee under the protceting
'wings of the Yankee eagle.
Fianna. The • fishing business has
been tolerably fair Ithis season, and,
although no miraculous drafts lave been .
taken by any one irldviduill y t a large
cpiantity_of hlerning and trout h been
caught, while the ice has ever appear-
ance of lasting, probably not ti August
but sometime betweea now' an then. '
FARM SOLD. ----{r. S. Desjaidins has
soid to Mr. P. Sherrit, 47-1
$2,350. The land is of the firs grusseslitf°y1;
but somewhat out of repair' at present.
Mr. W. Todd has also sold his farm of
32 acres to his brother Robert for $1,--
800. Tiles properties are s hoth con-
venient to tliis place, and are considered.
cheap at that money. -
REPAIRIN 4. -The Rev. Father Kelly
is thoroughlw renovating the rsenage
by paintin , papering, and cleaning.
We understand that it is M. 1(eily
intention to do 'coasiderable outside re-
pairing, such as' fencing and other °orna-
mental work, as soon as the weather will
permit. This will add very I much to
the appearance of the parochial residence
besides making it one of the most com-
fortable residences in the place.
N:6V. (Cort •
• .
Prin s a
?e -i- e eo ;13 erPintr3 arai
New Gre
New M
New Tic logs
New rioz,
New Table Li
New Cre
New Gothi
more arrivinb
our stock and p
wohiLf.Ast.B.40Eu. 'PCS
. e e
, ou 111!
sw‘hTbeiproyj4v1tri .n:
, fa:1:e tibusIt is are .
those who are
business are ap
with the - tent
einisil, wee ani
poses. New, .
that granting su
ar; al% ee
the best
, t
An appli t fa
rfeql ,ualeir, :
moral har
liquor to
the Act iegood
a:dito WIII
80 that
anifested clear
bt and they , a
ptrtunity tes
can i be given the
licenses to those
of the Act. -Ito
in•Y in this' eek
''t -len dr078' I :et
legal for a a
house .where t
keep tiguor in
po -es.-1---Rilin
o84atnt:AGoet,ve iv.,
' the Liquor
ed b
'1 3tujidaterrdt
made to the
of the eoun
Ilenent :17 IliPtrkii
e *
:arsthe tiNereoBo
' tt°"hdcde' rtifi.gane:at:re °
r , .
the fears 0
at:: ima4ao no
grounded. case