HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-03-20, Page 41-7 _1 a 7 4 4— _�_ J TV1 A k0n 20 1 '1 5 4 71-1 1 U R X EXPOSI To 10 91. )arty. In nothin es of his o .7n s jown f it was that e their a "k "amounts to, all the mee 0 I than in -the e this ore cle WrTE ICK & C-0.8" over -plus e work would be completed inside me4ia ly iupplement Mr.-' is this Morria W )I &Wring members :—John Bingham, plan, but the ease ith f u _dmake half lof the ameran s _. . e r. e orded -t ace" the, stock of ur years. C I ton, wh did his best J t, le. Paper terns for all kinds of- is enti, e gain and thgy hold I - eo,, lo eys, Arch, McAllister., Wm. Government sho to M. C.. C 11 and Mr' to session! A gif Ladie Misses" 'Childrio Aikenhead. Thir- thirt. F million loan of last i ;., if sup in !,ci lohn �Gv B id6 for the representation in I a's besidef It hasl ply t e� wants hi of A I' r r494 v. i on been shown by fiKures. 19 nre e- nd JaTow! peech. cessor' Mr. Creigh 'n ha"v' been added at various inter-- an( i Parlia�nent of the �eople instant. GarmIints, for sale by HOFF�M" Ba6s�., I idd 84 (00 000 -ta- it as� 'a hi OUR"TORONTO LETT" anfto giv 7 `00 000 a–cres u bfi., ER. n4 in e u ntiv dis e This ell have not been q eationed that- date. Of th e lin LThe Wj Seafox th. e eighteen tl%e c)mp w at Tc!rriteries- ays a good deal. of v ds sinc4 that 41 Iltreal Gazette 0- the" the Pr dent are of its lands. 'file 0 : * and other members -of the abiiit k he add ases the house but �a� �Pointe( sine� organization, seven s beim brought ',up Once or! t, P"ce llo�en so -TA fo 1 (From- Our own 06rrespon does not, seem. to think much of the ba com 3ow men bers of se g out of before d has been supported as it war$ NEW ADN TISEME1 Padly have Idrawn from, it instich the: schbol-t clook qie salon. ne tion did not give n I TO *sche hetber this fallin &ONTO, March 17th, 1885. him a I ir c iance. e ad r le. W Ile asion by tile mover of 'it ways as we have described �sums whic this c JAi. a umit!J, a did y patt of the, game or on He t gaus is pea era on tie he In 0111 (1 th !B -previous to the openir �g all the 1 0 pDsi ion gide, ful and convincing speech. For some tinie PP Arl he- fl re. bet en.. the parenthesis -after I - is hard to say, Anyhow, it is power has 01 ar ex eied tile value of their stock n �� no "ch lir e: qf.tlwHbuSi the political welkin thalt th 'nei v series as a good, one.. I He AFFAIRS AT'OTTAWA. t i owed that there - wer otes the age of the paper on which I e- about so ­�O ion in 4 ot T or- the r ' I cleiir that tbe,Canadian Pacific magnates sh tw the adv isement wi The found. esponsibility - �hey- hold to the held, powf Iver, 'th t the arrangement eak, rang with, Oppo it is 'one hundred. and enty� thousallil Go en are shing bard for assist sition denunci &si n -an obibetion' "orrespond t.) anc� and f d iost 3 of, Fartw7and Fai m, Stfick--John Reith. (5 able monopl Wean bur 0wiA 6 n IV up - Can0a's be�t an enter - company. ��pnt is at .5 0 videntithat the Govern T.. Coven . trYv KS) Ano, tions Of the 9overnment s6hool-bock. o n I It rovince, and he' inpro: CTT e Northwes with i _Ata III �eolts talit Ewked Out AWA, March 16th, 1886. als in th ring -Goods -_- a grand New sy )ffmin Bros. (1) way 4dopted'by the members some a los to. kn6w what is to be olone. The prisin Policy, and Im nt to AtrMm __J. Lanolsborough..0) i attack all.along the wonde. fuil f guret which be said I i�ovefl The budget debate is pretty well i ievoresenta Of tile ubli de has --got - no share in the, tive in 01111pally to rob the -company - for Cobseivative benches, Pr ducing the 36ries, diffia t1ty is that the p W , NO ke--Aflano 'ugl .(6) that e cc at of 11lie glory of the People I wa promise 1, orn oul eakers tutions vbich are the Execut)rs per. (6) 'their awn privat4 benefit is described as selling -at $1.35, was ittl4 moie t into lie or Jcf vince, except the Auction 'hiefi-w it that] it is :of the otb f th- it There are other sp 'fearful tanglo der -Sir such a SWe--,Y;, P - - - - - - :e. w ould to a d6ad certainty result �an 50 to 00 tie,. butithey will find it hard Leom ird Tillev's manag it ck. (6) Messrs. Ste absurd nd antiqu ed Nortbwes Groom anted—A. followq 7 and ther cents. The debate was; cotinn by yet at ongthe 4th Phen the lQan. Sir t Collli� ih the discoimfitiire, if not downfall N W got acorrie'thfilg'to say that will strike hard �o arrallie. for �n -side of the Cil. Ye e -M I Sale�iohn if sIdn' me n, th other udici mb a have purchased the bulk of. Dr. AfereditIT Mr. carrying an 1. il The fa ni xd is like a $mail POY shCol c r. (8)" divis- ahis J Ch -efta�—& Uy qif the' Government. Tbe country Was Hardy ld Others, aud ended. in a� Leo On mboi4 —^Mj Pietet their stock Ptlone quarter'itSL face value, I Orr. ken which e -fifth of the populatiola, but iyrxtre aking—Fe ­ uson &AtcFee. either themselves or, their du itors as arnift I of wood. 1-1 carry his Rocky Mout 0 only is the s with not on r esented to. be Iola- be.119- �confirmeld the ituatibb- decidedly burd( a with, cai Cure fo Rupture 0 as. Cinthe.- (8) in, arms against the nl� e h ;y have bee divi- arranj( men i by a voi e of 42 to 32- w. No were prop ly L oi�k re and six - Grain a d'Grass Seed Ca and t- paying, I with a Local Legisl yge sh. (8) course of the Ministry: 013 ally, Place the fii on this question, T arran;ed, but lie Ocsn$ 7. Town in-fapr of the Opposition in: a debate L't disorg�n- PP.14; in Tilril -a perty tot, 8 imatF(I ilot at li)ill oduce I 1)y th6 Attorne Strong. dends �11 Pon this -stock eat y- Is in the �D minio*Parliamnt. sentativ, C�ard of r anks---T. ed Mr. Meredith (or Gen res )ecting ak signihent for the wherelthe and it only requir whole policy of�. the Gove to Put another s ic)c withol Forth These good 'tize i the 1� West izing. ffie e, uses c _M� Rzobltrt H t Rent—W E .(5) the pri,-e they purchased -it or -but e10 ay the benefit f cr*E Jitors wai i re4d a second t' .0 load all d so' lie r f re of I ax "k d It, Ret-0corge Anxistiong. (5) ime. ir t is called in questlon, but ihe somebody els -word, in or whol sha es and- must at. ikr nomblil c "t U it is stated Ion ay their ob- Jas W addeul: This in asui 6 supplies to some extent say in spo eat for Sale- John Dickson. (5) fa e value. These tb insia Pon the political fitneral w rig talent has to ca rry any more. ity ih�t �irr e laws, yet they b 1hom bull to As!s Notide of*t e bt of the speaking been t ve 110 Shareholdei s good ituthor d �aid out of: tit oral insolvency law. tly very e —P. 81. �Chrroll. (5) div'i were doVern the t of a gen appan, The Tol BiCy g the taxes r making �he ment to, be proceeded with rig t acle in the way Of y for mli!ich lie Oati %�Wood,,ki6ck-. (8) it 81m .01, N edn -sday Aft with the also.,' Tile Finance Minister Leonard is the obst, Gibsoll's motion for repre-4',entatlon, capital of the, co Which is �Com- a e clamoring B. mpany &y. Ii d to speak 04 thLe subject, oat invariably ..-happe further grants to the Calladian Pacific. s, that it 'as no longer desi�ablc that any- w is A is just, 0 they resort POS a an Week dals ould be maintained be- 64 herwise th ed1 treely of the, sub idies obtained however, that outrages and sc ing If no doubt, hae held He fe that his reputation as a p -In. addition t' ent in tI 1, roni,G)vernment. co- this le tween t e of a n eery a d other divisions financ at stake lld he does not in �ni nds soloo'l-book. matter was said to distinel Ong sh e, would -tinie the, Governmeut cannot n TI) and the action -of the Gbvernm - e but talk to nfor�e thi P 10 'Which ,A ould have been all me it r a lir t a r. er ; say that it the a f the company have be both of U114 igh Court of Ju§tice prov his. tongu( tend t ) iLi;eril it f tirther� o ral officers o oked the right or; they altogether An taide the Hou a " I that af in the which look all right ion of a. sho side qor ago it wa.$ currentlyi st4tefl e e i r or its own Columbi& m em - been pi�ynlg th6mselves- enorm6us a &nine very different proportions when -no i iant success. e- - 8 esslon )e . Ouse 0 among the legal mem Comm wrong. 'If the Britis;h� �erl df he 1[9 -se. The Attorney-0en- sp eech ta r was hr Leo Tore bu ory 8611ari 8, __Of :*b,eh that in the -wer tided fror� the House and oa;d, n1py, S�AF': H, F_R[DAY'Af.rI6h 2 are, Of 06U� tl ey come to be discussbol'on the floor of a ii White the Government ould kn6w Si excl Ae, lard no it t bers t] te-Legista pointed out there sides Toi n of British Columbia �rstLs_ tuie. , The I� oseness of at t is Said the taxatia. very 7w� sAine source. -These 0 0 t at is contradicted apol i e people the recent sale 4- ilinanc; Minister bas no inte a a fromthe �re is the privilege of th was no distinction, and in practice those had n really effective speaker. The now n ent which n- tained, ro would rebel and European Affiirs only sain, ple of the modes which lilive a id occasionaily of the e stl�, wMch did. exiAt were the result - of work bad to be tak by young "" that t ie I no so What to ress, disappears arrangement between th( '�,udges, Ti pper, as he is callned,lecause he hap- tibn of - 11tetiring. supps!ing that Sir' i tly was -e i been �ipractised to� fill. the p6oke-ts 'Gf in the calmer* some r. P.�rt TThei. a nothin newto note in, con�-, air of Parliament, far people M �ncerped whther _4M -, wh�re adian Pacific as, T 'ties are fQrced.,to c in mellfb4ra were kicked out or ept of whoila wete more 91i'llon14 in Chancery pe ris to be thei son and only representa- Leona d coppose� a new Cai!i e mbert4 at tbp o e down to bard latterA while others had'had wider ex- th e of old " Tupper; and Professor loan a id t1ticks to it, he will. ret 're' ntictio# with-Egypqall i'dividual In ire or b6' their affiairs this week-. inexpense of- I "yndicate have not out tor Langevin asked � for I C IT -in fig6res other tlia;n ut they fits, and deal retrire( , r the ? engagements'li vve, taken place'f and the company, b erve, to - ; . perienci in (ommon iw. The general Rster,-the temperance orator, Wood in, ose of speech., to g�t up a' reply to the sp Bruss6L th �oarties seelor. tobe Ivin on their show haw it i's th tenden ure Act passed w(rthf of Nova Scotia, the rival of suckei. thn country dry yet and as the� ti-Ine at the. -company. is so THE' SCHOOL -BOOK AGREEMENT. � � I , they will denwild , to -be read 9 y of ;he Judio: i lie ought �ecause acres of Ian& V ye 0 w" Is in the direction are kem business men ome fe, yo in a Tupper for the position of repke- nearry bankrupt, while the individua 'not a nev� ineasuire. Tin* is wan to j% A,. '1� F1 irl� awa et The for6es. ofthe Afandi are Theehool-book matter has been no'. 'of do* sel [Wtive Of .1 d may be Nova Scotia in the cabinet, more v nd it. Sir Leonar ecommg vei mcim, ber. of vll� . Company c Ise e kilh. g the bill y with all distinctions of to; be -y much disorganzed, ontintle 'to' 6 pption to, the rule. The Opposition:. th�is kin I- an i doutle as this end would and McLejan, Minister of Marine and- depeno ed upon to back' down., for, the ol�v y way of 'kill residerits aAd an r A or of n. aking it a, Cr revel in wealth. di played ess to discuss e' I'vroodworth Liettue ship of New Biuns-. ovellwilne: measure ace -was' e Mr. O'Connor - t -Governor unt of 'beir g poorly piavisiondd ,-greater swindle ed ir duetimE.* Fisheries, over whose,plaee q pai never estion, and allowed the first month of Inauran e bill, -whi0i has provoked a an I Tupper will quarrel some day, and k 1. not open just..ilow 4iid tbefe is and assuming 911 the Credit to ap le.session to P ith scarcely a great d )d Of interest fince its Ml Cuir�n, the genial Irishman,. who n othi X17 Uld I suit him as adniblitiation. Another �ill - intro - d 'n ct d, ad many deserters are:, J rPArated in any lcountr�f mol tl ass over w Ir office that w i yet. introduc 1, f -8ir Leonard going duced by,MTr. Cameron, - I r Orted, but he hE a still a largb force ofi' tese are the men ho . are to -day re erence to it. When Mr. ;Ross a' 0 to nike it pea - 1 Z r t tion ca i ie u foir Consideration rel esentis Montreal Centre. None of 1. ThI Ic. ca 0 n com- -importuning Parliamlent to grant them I . � Pairk. k i hese e emen exce _�Oved an' amend- t pt possibly Mr. o t of ofte altogether- can hardly..be rdliabla adherents.. The latest advices, i gth rose't� ask the House to ratiiy, mittee. !'Mr. Fraser �ibl� for al person charged with certain from 91111 a reeme4t entered into Inent vi fy in b is cown behalf ;conce on Of 1, kini say ti at a general advance- addition il inilliolis df the people"i money. With the' the loill pro blg thlit in future W ite, is more.'ihan ordinarily fair a iously entertained. offences to testi p lishers, 'Mr. Meredith had 1 0 THE, � UBLIC DUM the towns 1P P1 The ever3 remiam note, or undertaking sPIE'rlket- S33 tot y4 r aket. ey have had opp'sed to of 1he British --ticoops to -wards a Place y are noNV in such a iliat it p reachod a late stage and may pass this 190 -seeured the �64tf 'go his forces into proper array, and made 9' entei-6d. into in future i by afiy tb(m. such ard bitters as Cartwright, i position ill relation..' a4ssiom The effort to burke the bill in �c inhand y -ual i� c6inmittee't-wa tried again but failed -1-led" Ta-mas Z� ,e made- to-ilay. them wl;et-Ifer $bey I as ied that a later day , be. fixed for � tbe pers Pa;erson Brant Charlton, Mills ind he edness was clearly ,a was t b iatters ittle to 5 suri�ig in a mut ublic bla The fidon their contract or di' surance ebt 41 d Cartwr: gh t an go on with it, cusiion. Tuesday last was accord to -'has rem(oved J o ifficulity between EDgl' of and com�6an� hould -beai across ts face Dayies, of Prince Edward Island[. Mr. sho n 'by Sir Rieliar t in a ks vear: �;:Mr. CarneroA bad some 'n, mencing work as in ly named and Mr. R ted 1 it colored in g, of in the Aouse withhim Russiari!stil remains unsettled,although..I.Th4 have.taken 6ui 9f �the -concern oss, pursuant to prin nk statement to the Kin ew Brunswick and.Mr. Ren erf al.echast week., There is,, a- the best J*�,yers C es host 'es have Aot yet t�k y'ev and if F( 'at and 'n- The fiwia -!of afr angement, rose that afternoon and effe 't t at th� amount due thereunder frel,a, staui cb Frencli,CAnadian oan of $25,000,000, hearing inter 't i Liberal: the bill ow awaits its third- read - en -place in I IR 0 th t1i er i4o Put concession r in roduced- the" resolutionllecessry to'could b. colle6ted in the division court SPOce becaise they )iad something to five pej cent. The conditions on whibh `g. "It has to pass the Senate, how� in Afghaw tan. iations. foe cArry 'the bargain into� effect. It was nearest e h4ad office of tile comp �tbeGovernnient from 'the. the'llno ley was borrowed iniole it p ever, and the Senate.'baa now -a pek. e. Parllam( tit refuses.to grant theni aidldi-, any. Say in oin fornlek 94M. Ic This wi3 )osed by fu a ement. of;. the difficulty fthdraw evident -as soon as Mr. Ross had which the fact that a b hAre tionbl aid theyill wi upon what of their own Provinc begun vi ro M -r stai es It able usly op�,. ir fifty years, or in twenty-five stage in pow- epare i o o ed L P 7 W ase ady.' to,speak that he was pr d to stan& O'Connw, w cose prc i is t of years, and if the Government desired, b ir pr In t by a iberal i. a su 'y 'IWO a br th -e -e alre V It ei ce th ha, pos eton* wis notic� that while mos rs y made, and ..if . the byl the! pos 65 ac f, for its rejection, ition taken by the Govern -'o compel I iose o-mpanie�,to!. sue on notes those who protest against tile rash on Igi ng certain notice. Sir Leonard e ent arguitteni unless given tbein 'they - seem to be lyin& ',w; leach other. aid jhey ask for i I i d it in every particu� i at the d isi court il[earest the place POE ,y of tb e Govern ment &rre from Tille ave that notice in December, so there are some spr P Stat(s.: 'Will inciii;� and to defen er Rlls,-kians are e ddently Consider g wi th the hope of mak axi. e ente're&te t —Prof. Th On. y al ersonal consid in go 4 ing'some I rY fully- in o the his tarip, those who take up the cudgels in that t e $25,090,000 will have to be 4tions to lead to a Contrary vAf�Nv. where ere rf,4de.- After some of it. This is just abolui the tc`�7 0 the whole matter, begun at thei dis'CUS819 1, iowever the nee are from the Eastern Provinces. provided for il!t June' Five is a very A. B. J. - cut wh er a forwalre lhovement Will be 0 . -House declared def( ai�d 7 - I �avo Yet the Bit 3e( lb g and finished at the end:' -t of hor4 England i evidently as reso-- of affairs. itself fi r of the.! posiiion He� n eboiseg lia. e tlib idea that the heavy rate of interest just now, so that, Tu Parliament must eglmll ompromise I au as Min-!' gesteid-b�. the Comm ' deratiDn is being ruled by Ontario under o limstances tbT giv- issiopr of Pu rolinary birc I I theo:Weel�. ermi, ned the inevitable sooner or laer and ister- of Eoludivtion; the - policy th eVoinY -'last. allowed that when he took office Lb�fa Con Fe News of et so. -soon as this face at had 1 Works, i n d carried the a4endment, by gainst the. nterest�' of tile Maritime ing of t ie notic would ha've been quite joined inces. - It is quite possible, f roper, -e money could have , t� mo+ -em ant is made it must' and" they ad better.. do it now, before any bci Pra7 K will be n decided upon was to have a diver- I a non-paity vote of 42 to 31. tecause tb TH;; DVANCE UFO:�\ HART& paper reports that 1.5,000 men a4y�,, In rep�lse 1. Both Orj m 01 ley, is 'thro a" of readers throughout the S' coulse �thal we shall have the honor of een pa A off by the proceeds of a-1 -other 'Yowers 'are maing aw4`y� A per. 4 0110018.1, E P1 JBLIC SCH!OOL EILL in Abyssinia are bei!4g prepared for empt f H pointed '.(jut that this was a policy peealics froom 'such lights of the Con- loan, Iiieli.couldbeniade.,at4,or.p.er- all aetiver' an Vigorous Preparaioiis for cry refusa should be gii�n to* the Thu m as spe1W mainly in di 1W Exeter, 'cut u y upon Khartoum. wh i6h *as quite. capable of defence, as a sery itive' ty as Mr. Hessbn Mr. baps t are advance fid" of the company,. i a Public Scli6ol Act 'in' COM. poate, reques or de man a cluissingat 11 war d an qAtbre� k may 'be ex at 3J, per cent. U tile] ol in vogue -TRo OR THE 80, -sixr lir !system is' n m Wig le, Dr. on an( per ps even r. o er a reninstances I i ave to e ctions t, ar is ov Farrow lifir self - The latter named -is conside ed.! , Owing, to *the imlncns� sum, Ur any da3 and if -thf y refuse to' proceed with jb6i "e y O�ber c6untry whose educational mittee o the Whole. Obje derstood' tLat Italy pAch withl bus clan es wer� raised on both sides * of ey threaten to* U4 is similar to that. of Onta nadiall �11 speed 12,000 troops ni er ti -gell- -son an b! I work! as th and expected to bring en eggs to that had to be raised for tile Ca they should rio, ihe Hon e, but little amendment as Z5 Vo t! some specim 1 is el ro'l fft ne ra io Red Seai OIL -t Is Don.. prove hi sititement of a The" Y be ut adrift aid tile -work be - e made t any. Mr. t is, to th %rly every State of the eredith opp come years ago Pacific, Sir Leonard- founil- hat the net -g.Un osed that the Ill � 's would lay bigger A -Dy people wonder how it- is placO it, other hands or oth llbo�in ion. It Was found, bow-. -',the clan . prcoyiAing that eggs credit cf Canada did ilot stal-d so V it, tj ribu -e t t le as essment roll ie wo -e bad C ific Ra-ilwit CO fo its -This fl� Province ws i 0 gr,. eat er arrange- eve fb�t Public opinion ti-broughoutthe show und(r the Ntitional liolicy. It would as h uld like to hav it. The�e- o:1 be presented �o Pr ce Bis- thai the anada Pao lmant� -male r prosecution. the number be een five 'anq u fav -I* of having hardly be more ridiculous than Mr. for' he (lid not borrow in the London ni� arck 0 his seventieth birthday one uni in fo the urse would be' p4itied y a' rl Is Only, 'and h of childr it twenty-one'. e pany C�.. -6 eundertooktobl-111g.-, a-moints.to 8150,000.. ion ecuniollip eirelim- I . M be in such nd also between sev -and thirte , Wig e last year, bringing an assortment market mytbig rike the su i that lie ac, on l- ffivil I S man in- �his t ' he n.of the Government into; bar- the objec of which is Ogy bo ts. and bad bats and mak- *buld Aber -wise It done, but, .to to T110111W Wx*,, stanclati while, uAl members th busines of at A CELE.ST:LAL own private t ascertain h e Ong 1 Iscovere -a sus. i -ed $13,000 of se act�icn y 9 Isory clauses of the Act are ti r, of 'Geneva, has d goo ere m ith this prevailing feeliD . Two th� com-r. OW ing 0 1 d asertation upon their mrits make ul, he has ra, -1 d fl to revel in wealth and luxury. 'trans and it would be the set of ook had been authorized-, pielous Celestial object' rauvht the' The Opposition small lowislatshort dates. Th ir - prices. . which Inat be g cal,� e s ibsidy a bein ied (,tit. Th, House decided -4 course by, the Daiminion thi d that w s in course. of 'preparation. The speedlies hale been vicrorou and te "�'ai�adian Pacific, yet un ]..Ie Te. liples T heY inat reconcil -the fact I r the return' of t ia and adoped. tit against �',he leider of the Ring. to the ned, of opposition. not for poli -'J t gone to a The 0 proper amounts to'labout $8,000,000,, and if the Stepheh'�, for ins tanc GovernmE n were it pubish rs of all'three had ost of tl)e ipekers oequpy tile 1867. can indulge hipi- thL Act whi6b is ro ision in grez pense -in bringing their intenT ground-­-thtthe'(x1overnl, nt ot'into road is c mpleted -within a, yeal that Rex t- de I -of ex . THE PRixcB ir IV -ALF, a. million dollar mallai 6#geneies. We. ..ar' 4,frai(j; ev ne 9 E.,—Tiie on and a tica e ed to &II ia 0 efore- the public, and when the promises that the, Prince of Wales, on bejl� Lif of. th:,- Quen, bbol Is inei of powc r on y would amount will be added to the debt,. There, howevir,� that. thds6 pojitical. -con possible the. WX Igalities pino,,and withdrawn their held a levee on atiir4ay afte mooll !it 0 T_-On4eboro hr.. i8t brin good times and -keep them here. are other �Orks go -big on thousand other school twiatloi(' also, which �xtra -While tile sider&tibn� will- outwei evQ!edl a good deal of con- loss. waii not in Com - gh all considerable, It was Thos', romiies St. Jarne Comm hve been, falsfi' s' Palace in Lol!idon.. The ent pro and con P I ed and will add considerable further sunitf. The at - r but in the -end Oh for the; Peems, then, that some arrangement -overna ent is f6rced -to confess that Gove -endanc6, billia Jtof xeter ranyj of which he is President, is. unable side-rati interests of the was all V the t W�s &rge and ed 8 d. The considera- rn i ent lias borrowed ,very 1 large to fulfil, Conn come to with these firms 0' 11 it mitnot fulfil its promises. Thoi Oppco- sums -fro ai the people in the shape of & i 3016Cune, propri.e-- I shot 1, 1 8 contract with the e - _ntry, try'lovith those now in ' I tion of tit -, bilb.. ich is a very long one, DiRD.—Cliarles NA ve tept ers rangi bu at#hority, wbih would'- render them just' sition memb0s simply hold them -tip to posits- in t3l Govbrillil tor of Vie Buffalo Courier d ace I nen� ied on Sat i 6ff ilie resu tied in Comm tee on and S Jorced to. C%% �e bqging evi day VV th for aid�. I, and- in ord ibr to stave was F riday, ent. a,% #ngs banks, ei Oil a lar Pe sin on liali(I in �day­ Mornin me affording when some diference of opinion wa after tilVeelweeks a I wbile �,,,t the same ti 8 the. -,ont t nd indignati of the and mut keep U vie thl pablic tre - -ftill pro,%ection to tj � public inter- couni ry. . I : . from 1SUry i sessio: long they will coiltinue to feed ie 9 Of typhoid fever. He -,ras bom t .1 in r,spec meet ppssibl t tI e calls; the banks composite, series :made in t i e bill h wh ild' 4r, eat 0 co the proposition 1 11 n after manifeste gold tq old 4, er Ordinay direumstanee& kthie cormoi -ants "of the §3�ndicae with - The idea of a regarding the supera- W11A DOO,000 more of Government sesslOT1, UIX1.1, WAS THE P.ROINISE. h Brattleboro, Vermont, ill i832. I to bi Ina 6 up of 1�ooks incl uded" ill the such a st-de of ifflairs -woul-d be pa' additional, millions of the pebpl nuationfund. According to this,co GE -N. GRAJkV8 CO--,- Buck f twio mi radox-". O'S'mond- thre, exitting ei bills thall they used to do, and nlay call —A copsul- y ntri- es was sug Most of the ;.4peakers on the for gr gested, but butioni ti I the ysicians, was lield at bin t44 J. IV ped A few ioiae ks a mst %N e hereafter to be 04covernin-ent side li,'�ve silow y settle !"it found impossible co seen e the Ical i- the extreme, but- the Cnda. i fund ar 'or that amount or a part f, it tdtiOn Of Pit r n some time. Naleanti �residenee the oth- ay. it is voluntary, instead of compulsbry, tile littl at any me the state, of - er: d fore J11 liailway Co.rp,,Liiy is no' hall we istency or rpmark, OiAiii the matter., We a' regued- cOns] policy ili the -i , ary ho ver,. b- uniformity in amount t affairs abro "d threaten paniev, an, e stood that no ell g in tile tr a ie p4id.,,-being increased from but fas 'or cc nor, ifter gin -M r I Sil ie Sylilicate a e -ete, Ae.conly Hou t cGReerIl, An( C agrqebly-fl oi AeA if - tb mnds [with.the ov " -to-. spirit of t LeconCrol goes to "vas I I til is w. ay or. to effect a fair settlement $4 P) � i, the rnen isapp * 1' 4 0 S upon wlloiil� �nd h gher an 0 )Illfpc�l bla it 8. rbe 1preva-il hey depended iterest all surgested. Tile local disease d 4h he t to answer no om, "M men. R1111, of th re not met t arioo publi,, erg. 8 se tied to beF�'ii,9favar of doing redeem iis five per celits in J title be Y. lee ure": Semi enct ras whielt have )y I - in t be stationar course O�eii )to the Department under ber o, tll*e speakers 'oil the opposition T away the! f und altogether' no t, t be h yeats eae recently been sul),li ect -to ellt. e eo thest I - I ay fiv THE, GORDON may S t,6 P, e for a alr _et m mpan 'has becorne''la-1 unistances was to itself prepare after side, nlade 4 most egregJous blunder. f new loatt, )r even illo —The kil que provision for the rights 4 in tll,., draIliatic s re, and that he don 'Memorial Co ttee 11 power -iii tie la�u tyle which, as'his plat- 'nGt proV6 this, thro a ),et� oil tit d, an.(, has gained st a series of books, and rrilae for their Mt uenc publicati t e a c i,ii el f.s. rhe clause taught him Must Congo idate his immense floatin, d4 Val 'din!n of m it passed as intro form Y, with t�e Prince of A by the ..fir' experience has es pr i well. r G� ofi�i,,,I.i-ttil,oniliLeothr--rpoGiiijalkitya..a powiel: and mfl e ver many of oil ms interested On I duced, I e clausel which gave trus indebtednes 3 at the it: as d6billed AL-liat siernils j u; Crowdl 11 116 eii�ed tile advan- e qu� These ref t alike to them and to the tees 11 cadhes the' tageous ternis The Gove he spital. ;and sanitarbi1-11 at Satuiday. wA6 pubhe indn that th lare,not resiA its. p , of rural a bools power to: limit the -term n' elit 1%h O -AY ti kAt 'whill th, e Coln - ublic. This was the Course adopted, 10.111bers of tile 6pposition to produce a rnm bei a' great been f I foi. 03�1 f holiday 3, to four weeks was struck out. 8 is under ii P4rt S'aid,� be open to people of all on ingle enten6e itrong pressure co buy vor, addiik l favo, 4i and �so te as the readers ti -spoken 'by respon sible, 11er hand fell, den rhilee ZI RaRy-2 by its operatior s(has be,-ome poor,- y r t bi hore road, so ais to of th6Co i� e� ree 6s bad the Not th S nat iemselves After rec W7 the House went into com- reprei of the party p 11tativ, eie trength e coficerned a better th ipany by thesam .�s . 8� its hold' ' ' - seri 1,011118111 it a ver upon mittee of �t, pply, and in -e !A STOLF�,,T turnea b1i ck) -the countr makes i a Me, Ver any OP Y) dre d the son of Elm gemen ith tile bropoli d work would ter- to mak age nine y imr, %,nsely to a m arrar llatds. Thei session become me Quebec the ter- er Cbb issued ill ade,lecollsiderable -to part. of the Canadian EIR.,Jillills -Cobb) �uever bee WIM wouid!becoin it' a woull mak countri' Th - I cl ies, citie tw progress -V i bh the esth all Pacific, publigbing firn�s, on Mond. 7 was devoted �he Reitbanvi minus ol t road. Some say that the' ani& one of pin li irs to th; $9.,000,000 ssrs. Qampbel alway ItY 611d ood. Every -1 their A c ele d example ill i#dependent and d 44' and i:endersl Me to the a ple g on -tile 6th Conces th m ore -urchase ba already been ar�an ed for, left;by the g1randfather Ahir- Cobb, to 3how ho, is worked. was that -ation o ublic body �iiow�j til&t tl1c, country 11 1878 Olip was bunle 'a .& Son, Gage, and the further emsider W-gely 9 difflmlt to resist its binpany, f ' the r p e thin Hisatiab, e Canada Oublishitig C i 9 Schools bil Mrs. Dr- at Cle The Cana theTshould ave the exclusi 1, wh h was and. that the1 price is five mi4ions. And 25IIerri a Pacific JKLilway Company gt�eed. h ally reported. rang with piomiser of the'�evoiuti stolen from �1, ve right Of The Trea� i on ay njghtl ta act for-th f ten Years under --of his bill] d the law be'brought 'a su 9 m er I oved the second re ding which was to 0 pilblicationj - bout by 'the pacifie -his comes 'the Canadian "and, mon of 1the latx let the co.1 constraction, of a; a] 11 top of' all t oil TI irsday in respect coliservitives d to b ve sueb.'regulAtons as teen t�ken to _Ntew Y consid ra� �le portion to tbE ng o sbqep when they g6t into power. for four illillion in cash e ork. preiiehed, land. at No th; iterest on fifteen iiaillions. INTo of its ad to a New Pail ame in, gr.. by (logs. As it SeverAl. of such'proniii e' d to and4 C EX IVA N-jE er. -th- i nt jBilild SUPrl LIED AVERy po ises were r a rweniy Ing WAS con, SAFEC, -(y1RD stands ati: ese, t, where, 'sheep It' ve wondek r Leonard -feels that it i Chinese iti conatrue. who , arrived in' 'a steamer'* �t Ic Th to thle - t. Prices' been,kille aProfessbr trbut lie would havellone -a time tht night ave new blic interes ate fixed the ce'nra y 1 g-9 A Clj, the Syndicate still has '5 b -N�rI6re not allowed ::: Idin .-In h rs, -usiness. to a �7 tion c Sp e are to h, 1?1�rliamelt. pu y d4gs beloin king to several of the ji, becajise'they, were. not in the to k'c Bug the coun#y iti still V'Ctoria, British C0111111bia,011 8'aturday, et to bui by the C,6vernhlept, the books mu�st be ownQ ge's. cannot oloplete a 0 rd -so far as pr*ig Th'-. biti q e to remedy this defect, and frqpi., speake�sr oil ti e- opposition, side. an e ticting under orders' from: the Pro- _31i% Thos. FU -c., are concerned the provides-. at th damages may be ap et it - i vii1cial 6�4 'bout h0f of what Mr. Fraser a binding, & for its inotto- d it will'ask: for 11,017 MP&ny- far ano,the - e Leg�islature 0 ertain stand be -.coflected. wof(18 which 'lie ba(l noted d. The polic ubmitti6d copy and o, it recei fro mi Com- resoh-Iiion. - iavill that al very rtioned niong Mr. iflls Ornment, and Dominion C1.111- les 611 ' I er er( Uls are Powerless. Tlier�, is Farm. Than g t1m end in view r riglit�4s` the hads -of tile Gov the own' 8 of the dog,. for "it, thtis Malang fli i po WHEAT, FLOUR COR.N m EAL. F y ornio nment, words w in a p nPlilet by toil - offic turd back on s- s beg this eek� PhipP3 Wbielf was issued by tens of It is Imid that the Governin us re ohiiian was c bY -VI R. Av. fr.-Meredith and the latter. have the power to'reduce session, much -a-to, excitement in�Ciiin n.. t, wh dividEd.tbe f the-hpoks af tile end of 'and:great o 9t sup- week Profit on the tmnsac- 0 e on the qu' the prices o pea . re enter , ed that tl herii lbM thit Hous; ie thousuods 'Y:the Conservative s Porters who speciaily de THE TRAITOR ARRF STED. — Zolebi th,%+, the con �truction compjay est'onl, fiveyears. In addition to this, the pub- session w �i about the tion. TI ocia- p6nd i1pot the PatThoornp�_46il a leou coil e� to r . oso p a pay I ie c4 tious Professor;.at One fiwiners for their eTection vd joined 'a, in whom the late -Genera10or'don -wad-- The m6tion 'in favor of tile Government, lisber' the Government the sum of end of in e, 'wee P e ha.' y compo: Ed of the leading 911 es a -iiiterestedj'� oppos- has been - me mb e r s O"C th scherne.:,,%vas carried division by a Which with Other sourc Of r. ra r haE given notice of a: retort A that �he party was not bound forces w th , other reposed so confidence e e CanadA -Pacific Compny. inyeso- art orted by the utteratices of one who was not. in- mg the nc ased duty oil flo� fated at Aloixndria el 14. Sev6ftl r.ev6n a jit, This iarged '% itil hy'V it -I seems only aittira ME M it.. Thefact is he had 1, considerin�r le�grue with VJ A, that the, a, etty nearly covers tile cost.of prepar- providing for the made up hit M idi. th, thl Canad a P ajoritk oP the Opposi- e contlected' with 'the books, .1 tion app' priat ing the'sum. of $75'0,000 sympat be* eas�ilable is w"y cifitcCOMP11ny ion -memlers voted 1with tbeGlovern,_ Pr or the rpose of Lnl. for lid befdre he issued the farmers e onsumers and 6ot prod, as I bbed i Ing tile series. Mr. Ross examined tile -ion ol cers chased lalsp t,6 enrial i individual me erect :new Parliament buildings. cballe� ;ie of - wheat. Tnx oniq N in ent butin t of the leading, f os era of - 3 -0 monopoly ". that had beenrialsed- t lg* ie -Govermil _-Ther b ccor-h-paIay Who composed the men cry of is evide froni this tb WO Id not be satisfied ent is doing its .1,L%AL Coy. elbas beM Very fine bull the party oed C%,nytl, ulg� tl "discovered in at the Govern. with on We by t e pposii best to I oppogte side SO 0 tion press 41 taking the mattdr mp iat, produced in p its follo-wers into line to ChicaorO a copy of the Xew Meredith that ybereas under, the old ea In answe to ili- If this was 4iiythin�, it Testament T'Icriptures, -which is Coll that te for is tax'for of course nothing believd r and 'shoVed ment Z:f ��Somo� of t1i Company. For instance.., that we may expect system of that lefore lo: ig the wealthy was (14 to pail 4ence c f the Government. T11- could be) ore 1-ioliculous or mor in first written reports of �)bert, Car the mest, a I g _ejaiion at conta his fri�ei ds will Pro heref er �iake the ques- tile vince of ont�axio will have public Al r. R rmons. tract onsir' lisbers had combined to 'ilowear the buildings -w9'rthy of her r cosition Conservatives -have alw&ys gloried Cale"- Christ's se by on 0 the C y let con professeffly free conipetitioti pub- lated to damAge a Protect fiction. company for; a part, one and %tt as pre- believ iig: tit ionist Gfovern LE ­11ty Ithousand liats _emPt to make: shandard of read -and 'thu� vir -ov 4'tbe Dcz-hinion.- It is a" they wero returned in inent tha n hp fact that the largest KEVA DISEASE Arew Yorl-3 say U1 C ital in t lee era. tually mier. Pi ce Tackerii with, %od ufaeb 149 deaths froin-pneuillouia'oec ap ountry against the Gov. raise tylieir pribe,the restriction placed said tha4 878 1 y the votes of r.,eformers'.dissatis- )ryin the country is not only I urred; th6 event of I d-urmg- the I th t not bene i�,d but a aast week sub -let the sam, e e-rnment on account of,. -tis m on the firms under tile it' par.ty,� aud they are ot 6etually injured by the I thitl tter 40nlp=J� tile Govern-- tied w iL fut, oat a Ove. tup ne,%y,, arrange- ment adhe g to their fo �mer decision, far tiou, on T e very fact tht so man the. tariff. bef 9 record.. During thelpast six inLi� ilf the (ibltureh.! ot aviiI, ho Several m-eethigs have been ,C4)onra* t6 other'- CcliraGtoi' 'teit. will it 'wever, ag the. Country ment rendeed such- a course k)raqi6aT1y to build hill e Qieen's Pai. -k, the Grand went ver f Dr lipla to week� 1� thousai inl�possible. Hie - I * Trunk Rai C011SCiOnce sake at P oniote unal I ets died from that- (lis - per mile. The differ' is now! -pointed out t iat .!the Y Company tre willin t' t li'llitY Onj this subI ts b4n pre ease. In 0- time p coves that,'wba1ever word9 were t so I far without success. Th ov& thirl., presen which Ittey empla ied in ti Gov. ernm ent Imad7 LL ene, full sy P&OY With- the Gov- prices of the_new readers are I ver low purchase jqct, bu a will' be se�11., k,'Oes into the. cof- rnment� co�,,. is questibn - and �,�vill espe T t. SiU fers of lie c th c Y in comparison with that of. will transf6rill. into a shunting and car who le Prolliises"�made_ the Men 6-a promise to the 111il- -P R F-D.—The -,expulsion - bellilg givei -ell while sustain them.. kction they have the - co d reader.'or ay series wor.thy rr ade the majority expected tbat!a . ll from. Fr He ifie lCom,02'an in e yard. ter that th,eir grieances should have rich] the P1, G ance is u creating a Y is J st that -11inch taken'provi (ling thevvor�- is the ii, me in' existence- elsewhere. The* revorli -ion -frbi a bad times to good times rediessthislession. There tire only two.' gopd deal of excitement in' regei�r Out -X *Ould follow their c' CCO European se me rried tion. To teil then, ways,of ai cret'societies. It . inipter of Education,- dealt also- * ith InPlishing that object. One, is be economicaqy �, d free from th 1, di§'coun q, W1 his last. sermon pr a;clied in tile i poorer, The C'llipa y has 'been honestly &D4 that the G' that the *ith t1le, exc offiia6l �Oakds t tions r ell n an -tied in toll, th6 times ' Ow is to tell thein. that the hel(L- to be a trait AC*,I' t -;n JVAI V01 4. inelilibers of, jobbery. his interest chiefly to t)s e of old Presb�lterian chur Clin, enms rcbeol while -h 1i t tiestion,,,,� which is on Ovel"lincut Cailliot make go to abolish tile wheat duty, and the eption of the hid (I cone - od other to ] increase the flour Iduty. to at StePh ho is y t 0r,, zer d: he Publishing and sellin of the books, stateT� ave a short Goveniment Aid 1101; mke. the -ood least 75 c6itts a barrel—$1 at barrel being Ireland anfd America, will Iikke the , Coin liave b tien eti-riched. It' Fra sai t ei Pastor, Rei. Stew%r both i in 9 Wee ay be ased I dispose A - ent f4b on, from it at 0 ...charge of 0 the. iner their"f uture Wit, I bject could the d of tile' -in stice -a times of -I It is to Call tilem. ekse as -C for hoin in, "tes. th' ori the Sta y i ; ew The Gowminent had decided to pro- ranizati to the presen time, from )r 'd 'lot impo.,.;sible that even r 'Fan Coma�y bave in doii ? I ich some of the retal d fools f, b th e millers. Iravin desert( SUSPEx ey ceed with the erection d their �d�ty ll It i -i �,of 11 (11 were _f t�b co be inclined to make 1'81 appear which we glieiaii the follo Ing articu. at the same tit e to ask thetil t Ced in t& 13i "�"king. pon th ment buildi gs -on th by h first O'%',�'would Oppose tile idea of no duty on stone anno Houe of colli - air Own mon e lines-o.f one of wing that lars 0 continue the 13i -ey the the rate Of discount' fixed n ro - was UP -ty which in every other gat, for itJwOidd entirely destroy M mon's 11 'daT c e 9 , t n agreemei3t id they Coal, t4 -o plans s ngled- out rom. among tile inent e Govern - ma e up b:. �r a session speci, 611y, appoin V nin tha a Was _a I oll � 4Lav d 1ave not to gain ily such d wa rdspec w k, has been reached betwen t1i a transaction, competing esi' a such as to alow th. in a profit by the Pre sb ted 9. e than tfieir own and in et Itheor rpspecting bens' eggs. The e G overn- -ehurch, 1tek6rsm gns -for the prizes. offered respec, of be'lxg unable pense the I iiianqe o the Bord"A eri -times I 'but , tly v upon Tnone�,, ex, 0 like their b wn. In fact - ject to the wbeat duty 0 OW Pledge thenia ne -clef ts the propa;§ ea W 'hi the P Jilly,--L 57, the Rev. fo�rofes r that it is a 01 t Sup#` fmes -ilm ent as ti very reasonably dec C) A" 0 'nent and the Russian officials by whi ey areot working �y the Govea of - per cent with .. YterY, of Lordon, to Ma ibme r6viiicenD butth ie 111.0st desery .33A ich Mr. Ross to bring good 'embers do lict ob- and f b tI upon the money mg. The 'site; selected was in the care e - ought to' ;n the 26th day for they know, 110 if up to ni-ak Queen's Pai k I, be satiAed.' At any ra e Of _e ark is a well- in the Political Porridge r Ii istan I 'Aq Y rcuredfrointheD in the space, is was the W. Doak actinj a I P. advances in Afghani the res�eqt Ch commkon. f by, largest_ Iii th Mode --6rde( car4fully-st doing neither -lending 'n ator. Tler udied insult to the � w _' I . eg0tiations looking- 'to n were befor�e. ontc Gity Couric ytt good nor harni—and amicable alit eac �� llenee the ne the Tor il . Giscount e Government could 18 members, Of - wl r are still men io put tended only to distrac e ent ii ofo en cessity A; r this man n6v &Uo loly. fou Conn lie cofigreg C t of the books, which it decline nen of la speculath e turn of mill(t,", Russo-Afgll' he money _11� Qie Tories where they re u a t.tm of 1113 wuvr- structure. He proposed - to cover 'tile w eni, Without raising the pilebs ected With t Iverr to them. C. ation. Since W -day, $ ing. a 9 oWof the building without b to - do. orgahizati+ entlei i ri r. 1.1 'Llestio h;'CANAD for the ()rro atout 600 irembers have IA.N rom other wid illipor THE 'qibCIALi Was, rrvu�i rpose TvTr- A ss' sp6ecli was a long one but � its been: received, ut'o,%ving to Is RIS. 741t is ruillor- tai I pu If Constructing, -money. -rhe most reliable'. data pr�cd talit inatters. But TS Or the ' road, and !whi �e, nmi.ually it $750,000 as a s ne when it Comes to a duty on flour th 6& tha 0 "I'm tllat would length-lWas fully Justified ty the imp6rt-' eati , re- The leat reason for- t a II. -timber xpelliad socialis bf movls andlisuspensions,,t actual me,,-, the ts exen uildings- 0 FA useol; for tha se "of cover. Vle ance of the subject, and the clear Canadi making decidedly object. It has been propos� ey have re-ente�.ed P f ose, actu suitable in 'evy and saisfactoryinEv bershi Sunday t puril ally a Able IP Is.11 at present Tile first t�lat tit C ti -act i ralice, and are on the townAi�' Of '%ay. T4e �site' of the present d6pat, Iner invvbich he dialt 1881 wat in order to meet tile Views of the Nile(l way to P The ocialists -Of J>a.ris view Was . -tD rais settled past,hr was the. Rey. A. A Me- ountry might wh its hands thile Provin n eu th t tile: liavedet and large- portion of it' has I in thp- mannet mental qua' with* the -�,hole qu�stion. � Mr. Morris Donald, llc�w, of the whole vexed !(luestioll of this dut of ermine(l to preveiA th re-arre-4 books Iters would realize $3000000 rl eq 1: a e hav described, found its eplied'. - This very' of eafortll. This being y way into. in the -mark. et Then fact was in itself a national hi cents a b of their bretliren if -'Possible by -sh Iter - the 01covernmen his first co 'gregation. he jias gh &nd� imight know on rreilshiildbe taken off corn JVe re happy:.1;0 Mg and forcibly iw -was !-Att 'Opposition as _,vlltp,�,e of the po t confession of weAn eiss 'on the part of as well as i: ordained for�all. -what it a's to cost. meal and transferred -to flo then, had 72 acres of land. near; the Mercer dcte But the u. This resis' ets of 'nolivida I members of thi� the on,tbe 20th of April, never -was a their ting searell. of r Mr. -Morris' .1859. He as j�&nsiat licies mair be, they' anxiety about tile C 119 something ny 1eing Ile 1 er exce, ed to and if, coi�oa Church which was -a Certainly 'do 1869. Thei second Pastor -%JaS Ow nor -%Ir'as e a respectable� building the- be raiaed,and this con -ing able to le' the ev. there ever suchl nil show of iryig, to - 11, 'coul-pan" Again' the members of the $150,-000 tbu I n y 8300 to not inlude tke*fut of be c as I there is I, -, mhich w9uld"brine 'anoth Institute ne would look like (116i premises 1041 COIRP"y are Only retiponsible for eavingy o ow Elora, in than Pacifi alla- tile Government can mak, Finzs.,St. ptvtlps Epis th, Id be ace- goro ad Finlay Me CertailAy as to what eO-t the ' se, they at 84 ila'A', was destroy- oblig omplished a vi (311 agi Mocessfully. It t- atixas of e c a4le. C naig, who was ind are safe. The,millers OMI any -o the value with us and successful attac of out A _k-. nated on it is to cost. There was a ed. by fire the other evening, n Manitoba I oy tl 0111 this sop COMmenceme His the 8th day of April, 1870 -and trans- di on'in th IS 0 er r, 38 ofi,$15 Un the- ff they hold �i it. If; ihere_ Would be In e'on tile' works ut argument was chiefly confined to the lated to . 10in selin' bies about tile. next e Mi 000- -On April 3rd last the e IOW lull 'I' tile B eut, ho-weve 'to Avh as -'soon task gston in I will hardly '0' of DIMM approved of 'the sichem a CO le, of wee ese Bide peat lations they can He thou b. had no 877., The w AVOrks 'were burned iii- tions fore, by th as 6e Hous of �proving -that tfie GaVernmell 5 pres- loan fc r their fortunes beewlse it is granted chigan Sy a t ent Pastor, I tev. A. Stew ks, but the viak in att, was inducted the sp. e more out of tf, e compaa-y'tli illt 150,000 would be spent be- ment. Power to -,enter' ' to the agree- July3-1-st qestio., i has ec me Prominently forward volving lof $90.0()0. 'Dley on fore the close of another Without first submitting it to the 1 78. The first session elected n -NORTH . WE13T REPREE'NTATIONT. re�-buftt and c from. year, and 'the e ation was %il recently' stated comenced operation bur ay, d by the *con - The Ivi e. It was found necessary to iln ordained ug A 4� it lin- In seine matters Sir in h Julie. At 129-30 the, ust '17th, I So was COM 0 ciall y,,' thought would be who is sai(l J�ohn ght the astute,can h Lai I be works were again totall destroyed by the a good plan. Was a very elaborate Sad to pay the 0' literary posed o to be p of glightest re d he fire, inv gar 0 08-S -160,0W. t ? er ima t le tj I I e a,� r f 1 y I e pp her t J o t ale qr P 4e alp Ti)-eea b lee th 4 4.., 4 4