HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-03-13, Page 87 b J % MARCH St P+X5 -EXPOISIT R N - ----- THE MON dprogramme this h I �he -way of providings.-g-00, 0 d cattle -from thatthepastoral not fail to attend M tea b. lbonstable Hicks and brought would seeiii to me a comp 'cated r, r Joslitn's 3oncert arres Toronto.— and if fhe past tea in are any d 001tof* be disso ve -thaV tile Preshytery ex- this,'evening. A. I . z - -1 A splendid proi ramme befoore A. unter* and. -John hrough quite station on ond last for Columbia, 4pprolved; Shaw, Jus- he will no doubt sm inatte another carload of eetings bes" 0 will be removed criterion for the futur6 we have no Condition s e -press i a eqngrega- It" 60n )repsred, and we exF w rill %leto a c, clea'rl,. pathy with -the 9 e o! d is that I The Ray post 0 in xeter tion of riiii field n' act the tices 'ho he th videnc at froin the tore in X.1orth to Mr. b tncy,;n re( Icting ja sa7ne a succe5�. sustained. house. w e prisoner tc nuti.t. shall give iny nai ill be crowded. ---41r. G. ,X, - commifted� It P ga ne. Wi thia reque. er, of e i Pri the loss 'Viml. 1-1,wrk riceville who Satur� ay IF.8t his rial. teprisoner bonducted him- Id -1 inclined DISTRIODT MATTERS iin the reino val of NJ f-.- TILOMSOn!* laud i Cbesney;4ad in* town on to .(Olply, ])ut I Snow's bootand 9b-oe establishment 0), its t o not fe friends for tho Z regret ill I Thomson that the a Welcome -colt, oite, year -and a 1, with I ie greatest :sang froid, an tliall- slander the Lake 0 �Wg Mr. alf ol(t self d may state, however, weeks rt�furjied borne ibis W cle Neteritesi attende I - the Thaines Rotd p ifferent to.t rk,and k1r. Afaggea. ve prepare Sirow.�The g §-how- for a suit- which tutiled thescales at 1,43 u -(..I be- quite any Ili; acter under'the- signature E CiNonell & NVailgli tin Road. — A, larg number of b as been here v1sl 1% 'Ist fe A-Tessrs. ffo p lie ieck.—I spi 11 et nds! ap'eare in's Dhar, -g on M a Isooll be found. Con- Presbyuri�ll 01111 :11 able min, tea Inectin entire s,tock tinder tile anspices of tile te: to be- given tohim; th6t, It Wits raised by Mi. Hil& ney, Of seriousu a of the ell -ge. If wilJ of Faiiplay I -cal KIT'. Mcco) es a 0 gize. Tackey —Captain 8 Inmer of the doubtrie8is t a few more yc4%rs employ- d ition third is that I -n-act'-. i Mir -.7 'ion, Society pulpit vacant on 11cally, 0114 11 �t. -A goo Ace d time was a, id hardware merchartbs, of this 71 preazli M lay evelifilg J th. Huron Agricultural the Binith. 3overnlil( It. of tile late 1�1),,ve recently n -be held i-the,14ociety's, grounds at Bruce-" fa;rcb, and. a 8 y te, All `%o ivulsor Mr. Ediltol, I have 110 -h Oil accou 1611 Army; I g that I know 01)( put a fine fm n -Sabbath, ilie 29th of A et a' Salvati, [eft Vs -tit by 'all. ock, nla k - rd %y for ment n t I y -rossi ig the - Y J 13". INIars.114,11's new brick M atorof §esi,ion. Therewere Birai met, eatber bridge e Interinik itfo�--A, .'-%vhi;re 'Ids ftt �� re ield of Brigade,"�and it is hoped- of to abologrize for, live all fi.e1donTueiday,Ap6Il4. Wearerequest- o er, . I ly stated the warni w ing the fifth furnace they b I' d other,mat - 4abor i, of river at this I place was 80 baretbat a p ie of the Society at - a that occiipied -'a" bonsid'er q'to. be. �LtProiesiiok ',indal 'o class that Iti-miay' Ilake- him a i lind I defy- Mr. Re, tit or any ed ta state that -members 4ser a id better truth, I —A wedding t stuck, vv ithin tb e past few montl 8, able p e nuniber.of loaded teams,go �qrtio of the PrIesbytery's. tie]' for the practice- 'of Olboutiol: meet i in the min, dnd to facilliate thi 8 desirable re- his col eagites to find wherein I have arg will be'admitted to thegrottuds free,but ed 'tbrough- the village on a not an(Yliad to belp each other across. 1 The sta d untruth. But, air, it i liarg6d alt adinis-, tibill,which. we.re.not of fiquyt interest t6-: little Methodist church ei eky Wednes' suit &U'. ove Isio, al appl. cation .6f the P passe orl-members will be c' th !orpoiation had a large aniount of snow Vre nesdy, lookinq extremely happy.. e public.- ay a %day night.—, qr. ar dMrs. Cat .wop'l I undoubted y Pave "bei its I lave told an untruth that Idn t th (ty the sionfeeof,15ce4 . iembers will 'be d nd Phux lIi 'end ficial ipsult The imprisoinlent alone Mr . . I;eitb mounts th making it the best part of And why sholl able to procure their- membership tickets James McMichael, of this town, int high horse, thrown oil it, for the" ele�t puni,,hillent for such but be ase I have to TED. Wanted Apprentices to th start* Id the truth, for ill tile road,—Mr. Weekes, Jr.,'is at Agricultural meeting held hewe on at Turnees bot6l, Brucefield, oil the" e old' countr about the is .01ri. ed, to 110111 tbu spring -instance the truth has bitten harder ptlesent visiting fri011 t -ty it was decid of tile show from the'Secretary. Dressinoin da in Londo. and Tiesd, H GrIlIng MISS $LEFT11. 901tT. first o May. _Tb ieter was 20 brutei, this Salva - e thermoy r jaicllt�ed al. ow this year atay il] rs of Morris than at Ly fa Iseh w dnesday 410 THE SuiwENs of the degree b�lo 'zero on'We morn Bi=4& �jih� i counel 0 ood could' possibly have v` inity. —A number of au -Ont6io Sam.- t icians nd speakers attended- the tion Army meeting held9 here on Wed ­ ti e i aveagrain O*n-thepwilly wise and-) done. He states also- that he -does not M, 118 a, tarium Toromo,'"the la�gest'.Medical Associa, on ing last.—Tbere-was a lar e att fidance b ; . I I fely at. CmimpiaN. —The final draw day evening wa THE -for in call. concert held in V e school in Section ny a the most lurg NeW iW 6anada' 11 be at' iihe I Coininerctal Hotil, at the skating rink on re( nesday night pound &o1is skstem of cee'pipg tip the .1 want to hear, froi - n me 4gain. -o t teaded-of any yet. the, Counter cup was won by- It. C9m_ geafortil, ;n Thursday. and i F riday, Marbh 19th and the performanc 9 rofessbr Caisse gravel. i,oad,,. They Offer to 'expend I well believe that t of it: Mr.. Reith X. - 3, Usbbrne, on Friday evening las and 20 wher they inay be constilted FREE of par h 'for were very in d gave dieni soin choic y: eig, t sholts. The final dra-1 CRAR: E in It ferences io all diseases of a linger and sonic an '�As meda.1 was` 9 e The -e was $100 on� yoad providin Grey and of his colleag.ties -would be selections.— "the t. RID won a intend visit' 10yth re6 - f rom A.' number 'of our a ater Ing ing - ter. These Surgeons ae all- . idents no i&;.iing of the town coultoil. on Mon- Wawan6'all 1 o the same. : It must ]lave very gi td if they hadlievei, heard g on by nine, shots. kating exhibition 01-1 e of oronto- ai ha�e no connection -i -ith any day'evening last owing to. nici Re says- I dou'k belong to th! Ifells 11 f6icY Lkl, BI of of I mIn th of 8 olt game for the NV'aterloo inedal, Mr. 1 4 he lack of a puzzled thei t brains to f lid the ihic LOC Wra. 0. Winters, Yankee instit ion, 901-'l uPruin. -and Mrs. Jol Ln'MC. Vii1ln Tess Of ra,v aturday eyeniti noxt. W' I that would be laid on Blake dondr.egatichi. I I do not think, 8 9 of the Cent�ral bot�l, as upon infor LicOnsq Inspector 901111non, also won, tile score i being 17' left for the old country oE hu rsday. -milp of road for $200. it is to air, I e, ter a bated I belonged to any par - Points. -As will be seen Mr. ADEStT.V T mation laid by tile, Commoi� ING SOCItT li. —TheAV' 8 They expect to bo gone out three be.b udopt a rather ticular. ,on -egation, ])tit suppose for a HELY. ung, nd DruminOid' has made a splendid record as 6, eurler 'Christian lem peranee;, Union Intend opeq..thi t Grey will br3ugh ' t before Yo a at the; with their, in ny wiser p6 ic ach would be InOrneill thi,t I donot belon to any, ancit met, J. Pa., on Friday last, for- selling- liquor months. We unite as $300 e P this season, and has justly won the dis- hold esidenc 6f COV CIL coi M' friends in wishine them a safe N oy ge -more �iu do ith. d�pljce w the wants of is that any �easoin why, I shoufa crouch Be. r. Winters clai ins of chainpi ThoQs Shaxp on Friday evening 'next at the call of the Roeve. All the -without licell of Unction on curlei� and, a pleasant visit'. — 1 fr. �eo -je. the road' 'G orge INT. Hartwick Oldest in a conier ike a whd lining the. bar and the h' -not of the, we f .1 1 c e is ru use ,the Sea cl and we doubt, -esent. Mov d by AIr. McEw forth Club ek. This society bag done. a ))era pi ell that b, anotheK ftie r Erwin. county am 9`0 Whiteley- Iias purchased son 0 Hartwick, joi this place, ndt rais m,, voice against. bij ustice and as iallager for the owner, also. 1 work- ol& the poor inthe town dur- seconded by Mr. Heyrock,- that the -it being thO pacing mare rec nitly owl ed died last 8 r day Ufter short illness oppressi on whatever it may a fence -viewers and of Clilit011, '-AV40 holds a DOminin in-t6epresetitwinterin the wayof colledt� following pathniastem� by Mr. John Forbes, of Str4tford. le from inflamiTatory rhett ic fever. -He take ? No sir not' even giiltbough Mr. in�g, n4aking and- providing* clothing f'O pound -keepers be appointed and tl�t a lid rise for the h6use. The magistrates r -TI ion p - re, nd 5 ionths. TI is fl"aint d his 28 notice by the -Atlanta pai&$`10 for her.�Mrs'- A. W. wAsgq � 16 ars ie Reitb It, 2 aer4es in my I)Y_la.Nv be de -red their decipion.—A Joint Stock passed c lifiniing the, 0 synt M - .-Constitution, bf the 5h inst,-, a report I on Tuesday Iasi, to join Mr. family' ia th pathies 0 �.,ing formed foi- tile children -w, would othenvise have been ion lef f I ere f tie face,nodou)t of ire same : me, C fiool pr be exposed it Pat s about unable to iatt end se Thompson e of the closing exeircises of the Southern -at Strathroy, - w4lerp h4 I Ds citizens in, It dr Word has been. dneing lie b P silexioe at a single strok' bin asters.—A. Holland, A. y pose o ei any Ava)r to t tO rigour of the weather. -been tak- liege-, -which took Place n many purchased a large- ban 'ruptAtock and is received 4-- m of tile deLith of Will. and at t ie same time showilig the public medical C', , - Taggart, J. White, W. Moir, J. Hef - pit -ecting a skating ri k..,, on k, B. Case, T. Chingr, 8 ck hasalready en to the other 'ways, also, the have fernan, 11L.le.Mordie, H the evenin, previous,'and amoncy the minist y busily eugaged inag, 2(?f som.'e. importance, ullullig off to Underwob. flom ancer i the stoacl thaI he, a a He w a a' e'r need. They are 110 eted tc lffios in Ina tu W. itussell, G. O'B ien, D. McColl, antjuilt of three or four hundred d list of successful graduates - Iti. dinous bliyers. at Salem'', C on. broth just as r 11101., as ay, liow dare Rev. J. F.. Parke, Epis wpal. clergv- -,�e noticed .�O the lia In- now in- -want of funds - to' carry on t e anBonthron, W. Beecham, It. Carlisle, I in -law -of J4 Leclkie,` fo merly of ihis one raise his voi e or r ;4 a of yottilicr town smaft- Air. iie aood work and 'W( . �0 - an of this town purhased as� Otfully on, F. Daters, 8 t week ain place- Ifelle v a fal-nill of two sons man. of Y ny nd:itig in a ciey. f till invite all k�ndly disposed bus to. Troyer, T. Dick, 1). Mack, J. Gould,, ergastf the firm of B. C A. Noran, who is now fled ae�d S. Thomson, W. Hari .9 fro? n T. 1). Prend 7 and two ia; t .15 tQ 1114 Wb offer our coligiatt 3119 )urn his loss', abuse M nby, likei and no attend the social and contribute as they B&D SJPIOT.—Tlfv�re is a very da, r- W. Caldwell, H. Daters, W. MeSherry, Ji C6, music dea-lers, tratford e young mec ica, and tr uo rt that his feel disposed towards so 'good a purpose. ofis place on tile bill east of this 4, 1ations to rig iavij g died last September. man dar a I V­tl8rtoli8g s.1 his wife a one of. those elebra d $7450 �Dominion. future ca, Ye H. Reichert, C." Ti,oyer J. Cochrane,. tever 'be ell caused the fillmi in f The Mo4 PA a 'ent, is do Ian rai. I '�eiid and a. reer, il wha p4rt of the rli ing well, acres of at the, T tertaiIinient will., �ons.'ist­ of I o the snow E. Troyer W. Grana, R. Stewart D. "ianos.—A --second bakety has, this d he in urn, will. Justify the e bill I ui1Id4 r scus. ay sojo e townshi� Th woi listaumenta till for th r ior is Independ- honieteid a; Blake, Pei es a great & higl short a'ddr6sses,- WildfonT. J. Brodej ick, S. Martin,' W. week been st�ited in town by W. aun- hopes, eaterta al and i which it would be we I arg.,ave, wlio repres roUghb, ed stock. ined of h his Once. —Mr ents of tho Vho -will dare, r6adM'1gs,.te coffee, ete-� authorities to battre repaired. Ralf a,, 13atiler, Foster, 11. Bailer, H. WfIlert,. by.' Our respected tow�Qsniaxi, S 1�� �­cw Wes' ight'save a; large bill for the Masoni I futual, Instu ance Associa- after that, I vould like t know ir, 1� hour's work m Mo or, stove ai -N. Hartung, H. ROY :ngland, no tinware merchant has olds, A. tion, has be n in Brilssels f or a few days if Air. Bveitb lad dared to'aiiswerll�my damages. WILP A. Fau�t,. C. Wagaile r H. Otto, J. Fail- fornied a co -partnership with John TUTLLY.---w-The. Rev. working up abusiness.—Brassels Salva. letter I would have dared`te�l him a few fhos. W4rd,o this AND �Lkcrup.E--L_Ave would GOOD COLT.S.—TvIr.' 011, J. Braun, C. Wagner, J.. 'Volcker Cle� g and a large stock of eral hard- gen Insr Tully Jell, will' deliver his CP place, ha tion Army a cliange 6f coal, little tbi: igs t liat be does not seem to wtw Prints am, �he attention of -Of M a couple of very fi e i rted our readers to the b -rated le in rebu al C. Hollbein, J. Ruby, J. 13. Gi wate is being added. Oil th other ire co a. One is a Cle a y, is 3 he:e. ger, tt, of tile theoties entire co rrianders t is w k —Two gentlemen know. Re made a virtue of telling A -1r. 31H In quincement, in nothercolunn of th - prolint Nich-dison, C. Krold, der, Hainii1ton is adding to his e lgaed NVild, of. Toroi�to, were in han D I R. Bell B�. w ast,week to arrange for Danby In s weak oitits, but � I t ii�k it th ee and 'weighs po-,unds. p graud� Concert and lecture to b e given In in the base --in Pheil, H. Pheil, D. GAger, H. Steinback, har( wWre busitsi stove ent, of. tho -- Presbytipri d is a very- opening bi ai ich of , a it w bank just does not rec uire a great . amount of, arch in thi& town, on t, qe i4g ca led. Bismarck --arch ty * .1 e J. Oese'h- G'. Dinomie, N. Mosse,, 1). sot at,'we nTW have two hardwar ch on tie evening ofl� Tuiesdy lie The ot startingiliT)rmto calledtl e"Traders." penetiatiDn to point out som� of his T nesday evening - nex't, March 17.. B stylish., h dsonte, animal -bet- is at 8 o'eloqk. - ! - pencer, R. Jenniso, H. 'D. Woods, J. stor -,sand two tinshops. Cheap goods will The leetti4 will be dlxiv_ The say be fo.-e they willo ell an agen own,witb tbeliopethat I could, make him idesl the Choir -whtiGh, it is needl ' thorou" ibredcart horse, is riising­two y cy er th PI ess to ered and auspices of tl�e Mechailli�s' here the ci soci himself as othors see him, a duty I Applemun) blill, - D. Sutereus, now be in ordeir.—The Band of Raper t �e Say, will the' nd weighs 1,500 pounds.: They ere ens"z, and farmers in th V. Turr C vocal part with Institute. C The Icerning , 'tile mer vicinity must ubs4- 30'000 worth of may C. Schoch, 11 Mil �er, H. Thiel, ceill ly lorgbaiizW is - flourish -mg. its.- Of 1imparted; Air. N 'lim'' ibe $. several ladies a'-Ild (reAtlemen this letu Vard iself and ,ire yet be teinpt�d to undertake. Now, Willert, Schrod( r, J� Willert, A. Yo g folks ar� taking quite an interest re we leave the lvlitch�ll' Re- pr stock. - We f A if we 1have to wait siir, in-cone'lusidil e to state that if who have ina(fe for themselves well- onounced by competent j ud(yes - t be cor er to- sp eNvchurch "hope- d On thQ oce' till that I do it Mr. Reitli'dud his, illeagues think the Douglass, J. Dinsmale, P. Wagner, H. in St. Andr' mo 'reputations, ba- asiOn 6-f its as`fine a pl�lr as stand in the coitil will' -ery kindly d elivery Grebe, T. Johnston, J. Schluchter, 11. ful. mssion; band met ofi'� in thWtownit says:. before we get ell rtered'ba'nk here, as Illajority, or evena res ecta le minority given thei service, and altogether the- �egati( Cook Tue i "Those who heard the Re�l br. W some,'Iiave b e 00" M. McLean, Cliarters. Fence day even There was a large New ienfal L ild's lecture. rdIv forg�tten *the; old of the BI Lk f )n approve -o g Coln( ises to bc� oof the best - sonic Weeks throp.: al,,101!wera one and all delighted with 01 viewers.—Ji Loadman, W. Gram, C. atteidance co�i4aerin d n. and C Royal Ca', a, i their conf nlip ib onduct -towards Mr. this was'the first of th season., - Apart from the musical the abundatit'-wid. rich bill of,fareitfurnished. AGOOD COLT.�Gedrg6"Nesbit, in the Eacrett, W. Aloir, J. Petty, H Bauer mee -.Ing, and a kood deal ol in tOrest was eethalspreadof no. mean iflin suni -of 26.cent$.. It was Ilovat all 6t -h 0 treiit for the ti oncesioii of McKillo has a flly, Daliby, tI ey ill 4wake some day to J Decker .9. Trcffry,M.'.'N1cKereber,W. Y man Iested. e president, M also, be, given, in the shape- of sUrprisin(r, then hat a- large audience should sired by '-'Viceioy, eight P? onth Did tt. tar(ter 0 Hii 116 fipd.they ire I �revo!usly mistake. Mr. New e -the Re 'f hi cKie, J.. Videur, W. Snider. Pound- Hen Jerson, delivered an address, 91io- T. Aiir- Tull gre t on the occasibn d s Editor, I )eg" 0 th k you for publish - 'Rev. replying -to- th P -On I b e 2nd 'its a 'tvf r. n a lect wbich:weighs eikbt hall Iregland ei Weep4rs.—J. White, W. Rod ins J in ,number of reasons wh such a by R. B. Lotzi Of`LGod e "docto-i's views and argunients, q Ilty ing ny lai t -le ter, ink tile 9 ich- �nd by -extend 9 y gentleman -whose repilation as a for the small consideration of" lIlhatiVoll YOU had pouncls,. and girths five fe6t nine in es Geo.- N1 a of !the 3th colices i a, was Wortficott R. McAll ster,, J. Broderick soci(ty was leaux �"ia. of ho' -ft card Ge-ordie would like -10 know g do' ]."a 8 ep� lie'f 11 ro same cour es to m thistime you will a inind to irop into the bo. calculated to do good, the highest order. who can gOill ke �,be,, N. Fried AL Kaerelier, J. Sevral co�inlittees were- app both Jectures and are wel ed to, judge, beat -it.- two of hi ribsl wb'ch''%' 11 confi e him oblige, yo Ira Mly, VURPLAY. P� oin-ted' think -that their oi�der should b� reyersed; �s, the Rieth, ��eoer ",11 Turnbull. Nloved '-and. t116 dr9imization- bids fair THE AREATiM I sc ickii 1915 ill last, jiftdolivered colitaiLned reall��J the 'inost to his houge I oe ti e. yrocQ NVA-Z Sid conded by Air. to I rosperous carcer, It .—Con orable exci�enlent E o anla, by Mr. tave a � P ubsta 't' I food', I%-hile, the first being ship council met last S& Tyug IcKillop. t for Inc t tur4ay at Ful- NE—Mj�e were -in error Surarns, that the ., iditors' repor 'el s Oil hc� second Tuesd&y of was o�casioned in town on attwday alaq el seasoned IN ith an abundance df a-reeable iQ last eek,' fillst, I PETMON 'L. --Mr. Yranci IFrillgings spice, was better �uited for it ton's hotel, to - receive tile audii ors w bi"W'thai Alr. John Me- tRogg 'has by rnn�axvay. Mr. L. L. Me- dessert. kowever 18�-5 be accepted, and that the Clerk montli.---mA. sermon. is to be preache to Vii1la Ill ol d stallion Paz that ivacy be, the ]Rev. Mr. Tifl -'s lecwr� was an t and re-ai4lange some sell6ol ec- i zler leased a fa rin on the. 5th. concession and be instructed to g6t 100 Copies of t resters here in the E nglii§h chiirch driving round towli with a 13 ha led It lie the ff'o -'eter'ized ted'for distri- next Sabbath, a' able one, &nd'as f4r: as the seripture quotations and ap ofilt health- officers. - "'lie fas his imported horse has removed- thereto. - He ip a p ti yOun de�tsiled statement prm t 2:30 p. by tho Ne. horse when turning a c 0 9 con- arr ngen, n Ju orlg go, it mighk lil�eiv�c be ehai a a a ent -of tl ti(inLs lik ely Od P izzler Ina me blild. that die at a Ing ill lie -and da bution. Moved bk Mr. tirarits, second- Rev. Mr. WCoh, of wan-hain The near the big mill, his Cutter went over clusive one." ieschool se� t it nded, will. trave runt has whi pered around liat he has some o eir -et iiiein Z -%ving bers of neighboring Courts have -hich was covered ed byAfr. Rannidi that the follo the 0 -ad of a atilvert NY 41� to OcGilpy- f tit *" tiniq for' a few 1 'cii 2ue same sittings, if the new bl)od ift1the lCouncil route th, -he t(,bk lastyear. secured th cage preparatory to CaPtarl- persouf co ute -th� board of -ealth tte f The W eroo Chroncle does 4o -t cut it sh6rt'by allo,�ing'no one NEW ESIDI Cad;, of 'Who -%!ill th. fo NAL with snow causing tho vehiele to -upset,' PEIIiO at listit b been invi ted''to a nd. an Mr_'McFaill out. in 1,�,Is thus re t, a- ormer very nitich for th township of Hay for the current n c to speak unless invitecl by ,the coun ail. tbE 6n6e4ioli�� has the mateiial oi fir on N ? fall he lost control of the lines and the; esteemed tesidgint of this, town ai anan grou. brick louse which ye Drs. Bach and 'McDernlid Bafield' ud #611� hors John Mills of E N.ARitow SLEiGas.—Any �66011 pass� the for large A GOOD Lo,,D.-:-One day last week- �,,3, FO or. D. Steinbach and N.. Frited. The animal: 41ora,preched two ex-: he, intem a to ei Clb as sodh'a 3 th e season Mr. Jam6s Huhter drew into 1.1r. Goven in over the north road would .� think it ACco-unts passed—E. is d up strdet Nvith tile. 'cutter cellent sermon iIt the Methodist Church. 9 erniel, ,:3; --Mr.' Ta-dor ome ]aN*, Doinuili opens. NVT Roth ay niornir has t ie contract. lock's saw mill, hea -nearl' 11 1 a great advantage -if a in, Ihitele r Winthrop. a load as y V a rig I ag4m. a and When near eo.rrxer it, Lg and evening. Ill Ili aw log which me Blatchford & Brown, '5c.; Mrs. South - disco: -se he bea' _M d It 9 the first lamb of the of 8 astifed 8,50 feet. th e sidew, , on the t Bid e disco utifully illus- To�;nship aC id your Bkvfiel4 items t, Provincial, Coi,*-ttty. or nrawn.,by a a 0", iii. street, &lid -kept aon, the wall,- -ino, of Christianity front 1�h sleig is 7as oven if John street was reached when it ;tle leaven heaveneth th er o and is, ith ion, '.1 TelOgrah. Boy." to meet on such fUTTIP, of s. ev(ry a Mr. Stevens'on. of Varna. t a Ili w yeais' tim Id if i y one a -r -old colts bredfr�niAlr. Gr lock's Mille�, -55.40. rned lontb old on the 21st pan of two- hardt, $63; W. i'ylcSheri-y,' 10; Doi y�ssed regulatilig the, -wid' t iva a n This load Y erby, $10 ; C. Redmoild, 86 ; H. Lipp- last i �"k there is an account' of the =e work the text, 11 . Pg ye, r's lain ib th The council adjou marriage o (or in a fe al will I of February, has �. this Ye f Aliss R-ath-Wll, f Bayfield struck for the 41breetnd proceeded 1 4 i6h in spite be more'than two feet ek or better roadster stall' whole q-11 obsp eeding Mr. I lik to. hear Tfiis is thein stg' No the 24th of Al�ril. era as out th north. road. A teaM 1 ofl horses, works qu ly but Barely on�. pair is made an inch harroi: rer of it. It of ck to raise as th S1 iss Rathwell li�,,es in WOU, Bay - than -miLde Wit y.9ar. ---:Com A — r make good belon t g he took for his Bubjee't ti I'll 11 .003 BUL. Thos. ;Wblichael, roadsters as W;11 as useful field present, or has sh' e�ver done James Q�rn4chan of evenin let te e to of the 2nd 6 n�ces IOD -has -purbliased farm horsdi. T nek- el tied in f rolit of th� Central- "Jle is bl save. to tile utteUMjD8t Lakelet. SO.. iss Rathwell. lives about four. or no natock-breei ---- from that well- Jer, Mr. cott r. ell Bay Id Go rich J. Fisher, borhe, i ery fine 12th conces What might Af H ve miles 1rorii -Wrbxeter rI, Qso,'beca me f right ustrating-the power and of the fi 9 one a- t6 J. sion, met w ith, in.co N. Young has nd-breaking I started ness of Cbrist,to save even -the'.viles ATARKEmK—h6at, 74c to pe).s, thorough his saw tow ;hip.. Neither, does Alr. Stevenson In �ull C, off after Mr. A-AcFanl's horsL- Th sillnier if the siliner- only' Coln barley, .-60c ba f, forwl ich- ll� paid have been serious accident a few da'ys mand if the -we live -ii I Varn Re - two or three 76c red imenced ope ations ath r continues fine be, e es fron, varna on t1le Parr e es and asks. 517-c Is, 366 :'to 3'd c $100. Thi a load of ashes mil as far as' uslos were L b I� has 118 registe - d crosses, ago. He was Irawing purposes keeping - ti e saw in motion �C; and 8 of t Line, 1� horse4 1-61 for pardon. All his Ctmel. pork, -$5.50; eggs, l6c.; - b tter, Ir Ena- Staiil,-y. W1101111 iheywere-trough'f to a',halt logical, his an ogies exac-C lard, Ile; tallow -6c. ese e registered it- the fropi the farm of Mr., JaniOs, Nichol, every day. —One Oday last week- our . foot ness with which he viewed tested ganie. was pl lie c to doctor it this -tt anes ?,nd while lish Herc Bo He is well br9d ai�d when the sle' It upset, and Mr. 'Scott ba11 ]lad a relapse! of -its )�ld trouble the h(A a 6n the road au(f listening to OTHER* VI(7ORY. A ver keenly AcT a most sincerely Oro one -was, struck with AN —A i r re TH -SCOTT - --It i. allows his bi eel ing. He Will be a great being wrappecl up iIV tile buffalo was W11: hop& that the Ctt -Act ome e st aisers o is anitude bea ' f the neigh- unable to get Out of the way quick time ? Appl cap Both vehicles Vere c6n - the e con ell t 8 7en., but the horses *cro the m nty of h benefit t ck o will undertak good in this 'Win id -0 a sub- Wiro. eter and Seaforth Catkin CIttb§Dh y at tile Orleaner office., 4nd Inany othOr villa ges 'in i Ir. it will if it I's Jured. When Air. Je t. We hope wezilave not heard the Winghain rink., on" Tu�esd ; 9 borbood. enough and the ashes fell hrl and certai not mucli* of last Ound him. THE Coi!�pERT. 'A grand conce'Vt onlyroper- to th e bad safficient presence horse took Ver a. Mills week Ior the Gibbons gold imbd�l, whi uh' Fortiinately 11 unde'r the auspices of the Independent comes law.' The ,e side,, %1k it ran. o for the last time. ly e4f orced after it be ? 0 himself w Lre Mir. Gillespie rox�ler r lttle girl daug&ter -of- resulted in a ylctory for of mind to-! ifir ith his face Ord' thing is good in itself and only,reqi�ir er of Good Templars' lodge, of es �T o be mrried out faithfully. in or -der to a�nhi_ club by three.;shots. T.S.—Mr. ich prevented the ashes Lakelet, was lield in the hall in this It UN.Irl L er, of the* ilie snow ons mo, is iniending �o erect a ding hi, her. , The idewlk versar3 IV SOCIAL securd its benefits, Theloyl fortunately did not seriously n. His b�ck was slightly village on the of Thursday, O%lid street were -sernionsilltbe C ad Ietho- th�e a tri� Br ''on blin nnual �W9 y evening inhabitants Comm or tea -ins at t1i t Chur 11, Were prbacl�&d re8 y- ston inj tired but lie i now ii�ec -ering. f-BalIffield will. soon owded with people aii(l e dis ell -of this tow sodial was held'in the 6dio.18 b rn e foundation. oi March 5th. At the bV calle(I onto, Wroiet Lerro & LI'Wiont a KIND e appointed. me and it is almost iniracillous that ah'h�t by- Rev. T, Campbell ve ing of IV into ractical working order the anada ti -h oj r! the con- that theA on Sabb' THE 1ATno.,zo for 0 lerian chure a the e the commencement of the performance a T n ednw- tractors. M "alker could couple of week ago. a tuniber of you e more wpre uot injured. of Goderich. The 'congregation, )a- day, Marc 4th. � It ulp not, have ng 1rance Act of 1878. was- -in very I e- largeand intelligent audience had s- May we hope rteviv d and in the O�venin _fr of any yetl& m -the Ont th cop, men of the' 6t I and g, 'was ve�y lurgre, 9P,04t ahead its! Sber.roi & Lam 7th concessions si�,mbiled to h at t ley will d'thi duty 9 ied be 1prmtA pecially i got bettex h 1 ' i , I n as Lng Irom a ions the ebuGh beinj cornpletely filleo. Air ficient and fathful were return' ear tile songs, recitat, cht-rch Addre6s4s -were deliy wed by are well ki im r Of wood bee about -and dialogu es prepared by th lid '9 your Correspondent Passed br 1F- Ru —The Pre's- Campbell f ally conlractors. mi -night, and havin -local -USTI-N �--One -night last week as 61F HU fealized1be, besti e.��pee- Rev -'Mr. Ross, of Brussels, aid Rev. partaken to ja Res,-, 0 talent,and alab the speakers and players fy 1 Yf Huron ni�et in freely of �Ifort on the the Presbyteran ta�tioiis of,bis fr ends his-ser'nion hn 8.11ji. Mr. McQuarrie, of Wing NRROW k4CAPIZ,." Wbil' y rod, they -took t . It! aml lo whiell public thoroughfare onef t cone -f In e a young. ehil-rdh in this, town, On Tuesday last da dded soil OLIVI". -A,, Ynew blacksmith, aged Chopping at, 0 from a, distance. The 'Rev, J. C. 4. ur ilifllcense I'llip g a partiot access of t e meet- and other 001 se0ix, and, n:: night bei dadY able3t things along Stephen -son, of Clifford, delivered an. LNPeri, S , the stgallge spectacle . met his' -much n . . . . . ars, was iey reached f roiii ey exposition of _1139 t be ade'Df e of a man leaning heavily againsf, j -he ding the ate of the and , in -est* -Special mention.mus about seve playing oil the the road ul�til ti Ain Kerr'8, itere logical M interesting address 01 Ireland aild the to Olt Ia run y Mess alle tie Truth -a a andsome -organ whi,_h _Nfr. belonging to -Alr. eS'liea, of tI e B ars. utellinson contents of his. I , well a all unanswer- . road'with I. III andal I Lwa team xes on his milk Irish. wall dis6harging th� Win. Ar a good attend - e of Divi. the -very' It' whelt th�y tried their a' rainistai a and 'eld ers. In he -absence of %able deense f staffid and con And 0 e Divine 6rigint of thi Doherty, �of Clinton, very kindly fur- ronson duat east ha it of Ir ipljetely demolished e ra the Nle leratoi- and Clerk, Mr. McCoy Christian nis ed for the e Line rail o m him but, at They say it.�'va u Young favored the audience ith stomach. I suppose.h dissposilig of faith. Oil -Monday eening Ytening.. Abcjut .851 W, Ls ranj �e to say, a J1 Mr. Kerr grand selections of W bme from- Sell Inusic or. sonlet, ing which bad no kal ndvi?Jle, aqted a�thollgll t le liandsle gh was , koken to would consiaers t a ,much better jo'ke if I the violin -right to.be. of- A lized which is to be applied in aid if as Moderai6r' despite tile unpropitious weathejr rea, there and were b ighly pph there. .-Howevei no matter what th to chorol I-Reatio pieces th( GD01 k iuded ln�all ia-ld a.s (Aff Session waq a large a4oi.�idallce aft th -the m. anse faA I ttle, low eschlied with they 'If theydo 'ber .ice, would -,-erect-thestand. e. anniver oneoirtwonear the back. of cause the. internal A w -M Recor4i wer6 exurained � and atested as - sary tea meeting, *- the scarcely E �. Ilera, the' hall.. Commotion may was not do this and discdntin� e numer s have. I een,'what I -would like to. b ou table tell. , The t 3ain e their pranks Mr.* Stewart acted, as chairmn, and to know opt. Nx-Ir. Martin reported ithe spaciot4,;basernent bav* ca ght after runnin two -i iles, when they will be called totacdolint fortheir Ing Brussels.. u is this: Howe& be�n . ! OC_ tl t the comtlimbt�e on Sabbath. ob- severaltim-es-11W and -itis neexless to was fOl n( that little d mage had f in a very sat -a- me it that such it oolish aniior 74nees. conducted the mj�etliij sq;rvaiiice. had issued no 0 factory manner. e- le h eurren ce took placeutaide all unlic nestions th�is say that the eta-bles e of, the best I AST MONTH OF BIG UE been done. &t y pro efised was brough year he had no, returns, to submit. Mr. and Sniii h's entire stool be sold by I't �f Aprj j. BOOMING Our energetic and enter. Ilixeter. gramme- tavern? Any-persoil. can asily the attention all traol could' b niust to a close about under - e Ae- Goo( s cheaper f boar4 10-30 p. in., Thomson, of Blllicefie�ld read the report sired'by'- ever for the rest of th 8 'Prisillg to ns an Air when all retired to their 'stand , iuch a thing taking plae out f hers 4 ti, the 'ino fastidios. The. in- Ilion '. Heavy stock of all kinds of jt6 ' V Will-. ecker, of sq a.licen aed tavern; but -side ti -W part u, o el - 96 from bought at 66 cen (X 8 k it an, grocer of r� ION - this place Ic at a license I ones be doin on &%�bath sellool, Work during the past tellea 'the feast als t ts on the oi the`t1a, e 'to is about to -Lo,, Gea.. ynd respective place of abode, feelijig highly Whatzan the un - al er th a. m m-bers of keepin El does not let e Scott t yewT. Mr. valuabl, ta M Musgrave reported that so in keeping with the othe' Do" let.'the chance slip. - Renienib 6nl, 9 orougl-bred pleased with-, the en r in.. ent of the g tQ inakb poor At the -m-�on White Leghorn ell. as 1 the Chair W'As taken - n . .1 eak lis heart, lie is %ys ready :The 'sick had eat in answers to the appoi Ethel. A it' LIX Ac itted - ho t br valued a evening. fellOwf so very sick? m$5, and bre ie set. I name 13 sappressed out of consideration to start terprise.—We also' 4 htit -�ppea -Re was i o ey, by the pastor Rev. vs. ROXAL'D.—The —1 las ;week notwed a mistake e -q-ties-tiou* an the State of ieligion,he had the audience robil innot!piep�red a, �eport. n 113 RUSSELS I new eii ERROR. a' a -of his nstruGt- Mr. Br I whefi sh6rt but 1114ro ri I learn that Mr. Agne H f4) -their ervices. - 4dd the 'a MR. G J. 01PAL.—At the e illage intending n I I - meeting of -the' acted to 01, r t are report. from the retui ns addresses1were given by 1.1-1 as Alu r ed t' p ate in t ' is'- c ' e has been against tb e* w, blacksmith,- is in the ExOt6r correspondence, being SU R, V. Mr ill &on making de- that Mr. Da niel Convoyali.6 in* y ucil held on the 9th inst,, the! receiv d and forwa Mc- -and referring the case back to thevi Davis, and Mr. John Con -her, Fire, e village co rd the saiiie to the Coy of gm oncl, e Mas- partment t i his alread- r. Me- ter urance Agaht, to the nex and R�V. M n Chancery nouris iingb lainti to u Icense All business eing �bsent, COIL-Icillor B Prove their damages costs of a ell Sonic tinte was spon-Vin cons�id. Af SeAforth. IT& principal ness. Tr Y, ge is- - bqo rink in the §prin or when it 'should have; Off! e at the Po Reeve b to have them DonZ, for the p usi- Kendall are goifig to build a skating and Issuer of -Marriage # O�r viiIa strictly confid tiall. _$t Offloe was appointed chairman.. erin te of congregations receiv- 1i ary feURre We. have a rea two',- bla'ckin- tith -min A res sta ter `e e dy of.th vJilitlg,liowever, aga shop�s een Messr.4. Dan. Davis ana John R 889 -was Pa 014tion d by AL MO. ing aid frovi the Hom e Mission Fund. was th i nht - the - village; general Cos Is re- in fu Wa ell- ven sorved. Mr. Ronald*sti ler4 e lectuie on," Matiritnony 11 Off 11 bl l,st, one hop, twb dall. ssed fixin the securities of- th gi 1gon E WANTED Pa 7 -t -was a6reed to itistru e r-epresen- -by the Rev. Mr Cam b 11:' It W11s the r general sto &a ind't oema v cy, for which village,treasur& at $2 500, himself and I -, - It .--Alarge quantity of good ct ill heavy brig�t barl ' ts as he offered I NEW TAILORI,�qG ESTA]B�ISH� rice laf)or W alloweil ilPresbytery on, the Home amusing 'without b' )efo e,. 1,b t tb a to 8 6s -r shops, NENT, will be paid. the highest p * two bendamen t6f e taken for that eing frivolous a,,Iid. [)Os y Ot ltof a lar &N-NIE & URQUIJART, Hells&ll. 894 a k r e mispellaneous Mr. '"Ti b Moe in popul, amou deepening 10 0 on e are expec, 1 e rich, Wing er submitted 116 it 'te hoped approved Campbell e of by 1, and be cop Belld Bayfield an; d Betbauy-" and for' several lecture No.' 1, t6wAshii) tha ment in Fallsoul ock - storm of 'this week the trains on this the ci cil. It was r t to t. has started a new tailoring eitablish ditch oil 4Q 41 ned inuch excellent lidvice f6r b6th dair ages -than he off to thc' -snow bonds enand they we $ vi I Ali �ion Com. nAttee to a,p Ilige. think they -.c tan get formerly of!Zu 011f.6r $100 fq contai incorpc rate I soon, - The treagur' nd the usual 96rairett to Gran& old -and young. Mr. era' and aOUT-RAGk. —Side roa' o ar, i espected May s Bl` iii this place. -branch were cancelled Taesdaymorning swhich he' doliveis, out of Grey, or, dr esolved ;6 pay tile e -es John Mr. Senior is a f rst-class cutter, and we The road however was opened out by constal�, IeAhe sun, of one dollar for each b� G, 1119-5s. th inissioa- station' 6-t. Goderich: he s,%'Ys this is the popul i between cone sions 9 and I Lesh I other -lealding in of our' hope lie may sucoeed I ten ar one and 1we n -to the: m-wa%o the 5th inst.� the ic'ene -!of i village w—ill ttk'tlle necessary 4eps for the evening and trains have -since been era theC ae not surprii4ed that Stich ' ' tim e. ho at, ds to and opens Is , tile-,, case bra al outrage., 1 A A GOOD Hoxi; S ' Pxen6ral Asselilb y -were then, -appointed, as it is all excellent leeture alid is young girl, OLD.—'Vlrllilbin for cou oneman, jr. and wife wh mployed at other business by t a, re§pectal have beell the co r Mr., Henry Ball pra ink that 'o to N Carr'ere and era, an(l an both on Sand and Monday even n Picific raihvy company, Id d two year away Credi n re- sery nci - to be Paid extra for sac e No a was the ad m -i ation of all list 9 001 they make I heir e�rnulus her Lord ogan ome this ice - Messrs. elder from 9 residi near Brussels, left the sell 1 �Olt Visiting friends in tow running on regfilar thite.—Mr, Wim. In ee ings 4yeax3- -that purpos.-I Amd wQul( It he hall Messn"�- Barr, Pletcher VcCoy� . -,g of t age, named I4ai'unali Ball daughtdr c we suggest gn Tuesday I ncil purposes or other , lcolwessio4 7, vered. e7 singill that' they ast, Mf. Leon rd Hunter St -an,4 if e lie Ah -Of -the anadian of Usl;orne so his sple-hd I'Llemoirialize the -Rclinoadvill Thme' ld entire ee�.�,—With the con- thti e- applii,-iti usua hour,. 4 instead Messrs. Geary Brothers of,Lon-' Brncefield congre- friends oftheMethodist ellurua in company of Goderit eywou w lur the' t to- turned hi [L Mainwright Wirt ga na 'a Id c or inue good slei Ogan an John Ferg It wzts�arrreed to ask' Mr. 3ic- Choir of whiah they have g vr. Wit) another little girl, and prticeede� woul Om Ing Id e qailtit Seetibn N hii ies of UsOu with the h Ply it $400. This colt was sired' -by ain eveand Clerk, coinpIose-the B-oa oil V rd of tile fLol lots _40Y tile Gaelic station at be pro (1, ir hips I e company. na et.�T e carilival h Mr. Chas. lb. alkl d,, , we I give Blake a Ost and the im-. an gs' are being daily t al, d' he all- 00 d Lothfaii, and but brought I- Health for the current year. Githliray to S d cause 1to on t ieiray homewardi along the sid,4 Pei, ported horse " I, ood, God-alricii for tfie n l"ers(%rY - roac', wh0h for his color na nouths. The forinac a consi(I ,a- an unfrequented� which i I Old e �erably enliane anc AT, U S fey,'Wduld have- ere on Tippett -was " poi, CH 'I fro IFj?ICUL tiesday eve last wasot as uted collector for the ap Dy- brougnt even a li gher gur current year. The Ree-ve and Clerk to ses- Pres�ytery -,Pelit s�ine'titue conside if Ir som �wbat Ion 6some ro&d. After Misi TH Ing. fdriner�-good're-p-iiittion..:ANre have EDITOI�.—I y9ur issue of thc! 17th. F -8 -Edith B Wing Ann 0 8 companion had ned off to go ill ruary" I no iced a' letter is at to the coldnes of the ni), it and the act were Pojhted toraft a petition to!be- Jot X 8� concesiq the �'ppoiritmcmt f learned the finaticia results of a' eb- BliiEFS.—A[iS Ot Bal largely- attended as for -ter ones o wn signpd -John, present Visitig friend f signedby �bhe c' ta. Burrard Inlet to her home,, --a young man came up fron. Reith, in nT'lanshard.— that,therink i8a no -w a n one.—A 0 ritish ineeting, bt-ttJudging fro wl i ell he repeats a ps rt of my The Rev. -11r. Martin Moucil-all forwarded t- -of lot 9, ooilcessie� In -,the the dir&tion of the school, �nd walked a IQtter 'of, a )reviou's issue Ottawa. asking the Gdvernnlent th-ek Con Evreely fail be'4.9 shoit distance 81 led F minister �o rned to grant '.Section Z�l I - se, gn n, ix r pe ATOCully Foth6rin­ 14, Presbyterian J. bi a' of- , etern en -1 tt, repr6- a �lr f his I hom a" life -1, oat or Bayfield-. The coun e a xe uotgreg,%tioll Of lirilae Ball, and suddenly, afteir mak wantJ an Carriere of field, -- i . in company with Mis e al o tates that .1 C entia tl &tisfctory. play.. A if e an(� * Rev. Mr few days ago f rom -visiti. g friends and f ifing de Coln Ay wit 1. - adjourned until th were hea1rd, in inswer I' rang aBend) etaliged pul* relative R. Plead e,%ruestl ceill proposals to the girl, caught hol' I ce � in on- ilin this neighbo hood. Ye second liotif 411 iulteres. shall refer to in their t A mach Was played -of It �r and threw her doi7 ding many years -in Apri' f� .1 I �a Fi a on Sunda last.—Mr. 8picer is McIntyre of this place f 31�,eNT, � -IrWe Ill Y nd L 0 CA LRRIEFA day dr� T with gVeaf abilitV dmt N lthe )u y honisou be here oil Wednesda, a II ice frame building next to salesmaxi in Me$ y betw, n �it,-i Q6 first pl beg to st them, of the- Go He preve�ted her. cries plae g MI ace, srs two r*,' -not remat'red frol;i eei% 'T1 Mr derich and in inforin-Mr,. Re tit tit ce,'Plis being in ibe pi Jack: Bros. estab- )y the Times ofE S, eaforth ell. atif Younry illeyvor :at t1i c r un hermouth whilehe br recently Purchased the of C61b( thy utally an wer my ie t an l to 1pass Y ill, his visiting club of% two shots.—Mr. son., After releasing trouble ins if town. stated haR 6tory for t e butr D-ged, her per ' Iett6 tile heard for libliself.'and clubs rt�sujtftia in a Vi venient milding, which was a grocery, flour and -seed stock of Nir. haw I ovet le finds it incon- of an old fraij' ace lishmen( has Reeve ge j.; r he need not discredit to tb( remarkable 1-ist week discovered aver Dlible b as I am perfe e building James Wright of skeleton on his f y �er le walked along the road io c"'y -satig- Will greatly I 1p, this vill, Lg -a lng� een very ki-adlynd' Brine wil e the Ma fO t one. Conditiofi first is We street.— carrying oil tit' Of' water, he engaged.ttwo to have his aucticin sale at tb conces- fied wit on �short ]Re' blizzar men sion 9, Q before u* e 'a ted 'by all in his colt- Commercia hotel on. S� r Q mor had q: business, and. being ey- t Y alt a(I beell . . ed to kill her: if she told of e of the day latl -k when th ,had gone 6turday. leaving her threaten. thA I -sb uld d h re on Mon- fa,�orite with the public, -,v uroll't t:* a J. G_ Am ant �fj this to1v what bad th w 'to doubt in- a w -ell, and ather' chajaging from command a fair s about t( n feet they can, Saw bones, ge aiii 0 that' MeA;al d, xcitement, at o ce info 0 mention all the ch�rges. till Ldvailcing—they St. Thomas h -iae of British Coluinbia daughter and -to Hensall t wic a every wee�. —Me sts. es were to ti I on arrivin ow- Mr' Ed 'Very sOrMY—The famou Ball Trou -tbilee Singers of carefull taken out and p niecting mdas0re of ucces, yet on, - account It,. returne occii rred. Tile. It against Mr. Dinby. being very sAt e upon] the 0 arges hro of the M of his.11, aitil and the hope -very pleasa(n sp a state of 0 ho me last weekj having -poor girl C, t hare of business.—The 6f some lar .e ell.t a MO honi tor 0 not thii ik it at Salvati n Arr iy i 3 s The bon the dl tlY �-u Michigan visiting gr�at -terror ang a� iielessliry I d n ave- geen engaj�d by the at tog�ther a pAr-b ts B-n�qtlifiea resalt�d in suipIieioll la 3t lett weet,` C. ifily show t er. - 1E ut to please Mr.. Reith 90 Willis an( id other 'frien a —Mrs. Ani- rmed her I ove a fair specimen of thei n in my and he felt �,t to be 11i. duty drew Dodds, of �ig Plain, i Manitoba I" pla they belong t -d some arg Hensall north and a(luth divisions e an kal long sine o accepttlie appointment. After mem-_ who i attaching to a y C. McDonald ily bers, of' -visiting friends. in the place - -al Of tllb Methodist body of this e extinct. a at present lled John al all refer to of this dod the t. Mary place t expressed vi -Logan, a former resident of G f -thena. which a John tile "iresbytery hzc olle more 6 0 e W84 e I I -town w is br6uiht up a'rnon e 4 -the cinity of I . in. oArniv McDougal Rod i ive entertainmei on whb ad only g others t Tho a few months ago, complet- tr ek.—A meetil of Goderich O(Atller I . . . . . theirilighesteem for:, its as follows: r . . I . rey, and al on N di eida-Y evening of las n Hillo oldest a Air ds 'and family 9shy. ChriAWX jentlemall t w -era Ipp mson as a this k jul3t as we green oil the I Stl i, in Zurich on died IaEattl townsh ed� erm of seven years in,the penite when Sir. Danby become membe Hensall On the- 20th. dence near and as that rs, g of those w week at his resi ieavi loade(l neirhborhia have Is in t the 19th, and minister, tile folIOA14 n- w is at -Presbytery If the Exeter ba -to I . I I tia uteetings, horse team was and the long -i th y at Winthrop. 11 We understand the Ball 10i six ye�Lrsl. for outr ys won e seta irigera Porter -Is Mwith suA h force jas It Opted _- Vlt r. T like the :cou . — Is I I was 79 d 'the better they 'jo,,ke, * witl b Jubilee Si _DO'Ugall, who -be winking be ind hi hotel, held at the Commercial n years of age, was a -native of h He" ad, b agI Id m n but came to Cana Of the ;l,:PPOilJtl1Iel1t Ift een seen by seieral parties in in this 111ape oupe and f en,;e 7 feta _%Tis.,doyl spe I a p Ile, All who wish' to the lei iborhood shortly' back. How Ur. Dnby cou I Monday evening well worth hearing. —The Hen Perthsh e, Scotland coninAtte vell - -before and re iponsiblefor,ti �ze. Ball Sou iucr the street. e tr) Burraid 1119 shake off af ence his is going to be M th da, 52 y 8 ago, and :$ettl dull Cafe tex tho'occurr ie action of hors jockeys the ethodiat Congregation, Of. this place, ed in Goderich bly good I my P i' a as I and had made his is past nine pitcher Pitched for have decided to hold'their an on the �19 augh should 'way -o Bru el is qomprlien'siol., ro�as lhei� t ut to*n �resent homestead. Mr. the den(e team for the last two meeting o nual �tea Here le a. Oil Friday he was Reith a a of letters at d what new Gr6od. Friday (vening .7 leared a ho an e� our sons., Grpreparations and fonrdau ghters a ii�rvive him. sons.—Mes rs. Oke & ba aand to me for himself & Hipp, d are alreadymaki ed,,. that en reared family. His w _00 c te Of sh 0 9 tit, t6 d �h I lef n vela ,IteeIMO 8 le, an 11 It rJIZ w y t e Ali It