HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-03-13, Page 5defenae
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Hided,. i Two
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have been in.
ritlen qUefAhni. .
. chseusSiou in
tsfied with the
'gland. IThere
ttri4ig diSplay ,
Num' 13,1885.
HE CHEESE FAMORY: --An unusually
largely attended meeting of the patrons
of flw Brueefield cheese factory Waiheld
at Tamer's hotel on Saturday last. ! Mr.
-Geo. Walker was appointed chairman,
_ and Mr. Geo. Baird, Ira secretiry..! The
report* of last year's transactions was
read and confirmed. Mr. McCartney's
f proposition to make and box the cheese
and haul the milk for 2t cents per pound
was accepted. Mr. McCartney was also '
appointed salesman and treasurer. I Mr.
-Geo. Baird, jr., Was appointed auditor.
Messrs.Gerge and - David Walker and
J. Higgins were appointed a committee I
. to assist Mr. McCartney in the manage- -1
ment of the business of the factory.
The patrons, without an exception,
seem to be thoroughly satisfied with the
manner in which this factory has been
• managed, and the prospects new! are
that a larger business than ever will be
done this season. i
• Roxboro. .
etooa BALL. -The .retarn matbli be-
tween the pupils of Winthrop Peblic
School, aeal . those of Roxboro; was •
ployed here on Saturday last, and re-
sulted in favor of Roxboro by two goals
to nothing. Some tune ago- the pupils
of Roxboro- school sent the pupils of
thro•p schoal 'a challenge, to play
• a friendly ,game of foot hall. The
challenge stated plainly; that the players
were to be fifteen years Of age or under.
By the last issue of TEL EXPOSITOR,
• Winthrop seethe to he trampled upon
very much. The player that the umpire
for the pupils of Winthrop school has
reference to, and is so positiVe of his age
isnotso terrible much over fifteen
years, he being only about six .days or
so over -fifteen when the match was
played at Winthrop. The umpire l was
very careful to note the :outsider that
played with the Roxboro pupils, but he
. forgot all about the outsider who played
:with his owe pupils -UMPIRE FOE THE
The same day the pupils of Roxboro
school had a friendly game of foot ball
t with these of Narober One, Hulled.
There was a large attendance of visitors
• present to see the match. The game
was very keenly contested. After one
hour's hard playieg the pupils of Rox-
boro s.ucceected in gaining one goal. No
goal was scored by the No. 1 fellows:
The return match will be played at No.
1 School, Hun thoe the 21st inst.
ron Notes.
• .
-Messrs. J: Lashaan and J. -Bell have
bought the Slijpley farm on the tondes,
boro corner.
- •
-Mr. Robe Curry,.Reeve of Eastt
Wawanosh, w4Ls recently elected Mastei
of the Provine al Grange. -
-John' Bo d, druggist, formerly of
Goderich, died at Galt on Saturday,
aged 70, of lie rt disease.
-Mi H Hawkins, of Hay, sold
last. week a Gleadee colt, one year
old, to the Ge reaBiothees, of London,
for $150.
-Mr. Tho as Kernick of the Thames
Road, Usbo e, recently sold to, Mr. •
Jelin Snell, o Exeter, a two year old
colt for $180. •
-Mrs.Sage and Miss Sage,of Wahten,
are engaged f r another series of enter-
tainments in the United, States. The
music furnish et by them is first-class..
-Th.e farm occupied by M. Bruce,
neession of Hullett, was
'len on Friday; but as the
only $3,500, it wad not
on the 13th c
put up at atm
highest bid w
sold '
-The tow
receives a sal
of Jarnes Bird. After a little cony rsa-
tion .1\ii s Bird told the officers that
their suspicions were right and part of
the goads they we e3 searching after
were in their poesessio . A two uart
gem jar: vas dug out fl a show hank in
the rear of the sta, e and coatained
broachee ear rings, chins, etc. , Inthe
houle a quantity of lothing was ob-
tained and 2 gold 'watctics.. The plunder
was brought to Bird's iknmediately after
the robbery.. Detecti½e Ro ers took
the loon train on Wed esday tor 'Guelph
carrying with him t e results of his
search. 1, The third par y in the robbery
is s, 11 at large. . .
Last week Mr. Wm. Smyth, of the
\Vinglaii marble works, sold to Mr,
Wm. Hi] nplirey, of the 10th concehsion
of 'Woe nos•h, a fine double column.
Italian arble menumeete . The nionue
mph is to be set up in Taylor's cemetery,
in Wes awanosh, in the spring.• .
Mr1,John Williams, for some time
• pis manager of the Exchange hotel, in
Wi4telfae , will leave that town in the
coupe of o few weeks. ' He has purl.
eliahed t e right of territory in the vi:
• einity east of Torento; from Mr. ,Thewns,
of IMO a to sella patent saw miltelog,
tog thee with a few patent mill tools.
--a.A. Bayfield correspondent say3 :
Quitiee tishingthis winter has been a
total failure. This is a.very great loss.
to the v:, lage,.and it looks as if • the
herring i MI trout Nod deserted this
part of the &est, where a very few
years ag they were il great abund-
ance. [ - . ,
• -Mr,' Thomas Dell, of Winghainaviee
has attained the age of four score years,
predicts an early spring ; the present
cold, weather will continue until about
the Middle of March, When. spring I will
come with all its glory. Mr. Dell states
that this has been the severest winter
since 1833, when it froze the hair off a
deet hound. - • '
-eAnold resident Of Goderich died
testi week in the; person of Mrs. Mart,
Burke, relict of the late Samuel Berke;
of Godetiph township. She had reached
the great age of 03, and had seen many
changes' in the township during her long
residernie in it. She leaves o family of
four 0 sons and four daughters to neaten
, _ i
her loss.
-'['he many friends of Dr. McDonald
of. Mtinghani, will her pleased to learn
that he is recovering nicely from , his
recent illness. He is at present in
BoerneaKenciall county, Texas, arid in
a letter -to a friend in•Winghain, he says
he has net been as stout for many years.
It is expected he ._ will return in the
' ,0 •
course of a month or so. e
4L. McNeil and M. Shine, • of Grey,
were not satisfied, it seems, with their
Canadian draught stallion " Challenge,"
and their imported. horse " Highland
Chief," but lad week . purchased a! half
interest in the well.known carriage
stallion; ;" Sir Talton Coachman," ,from
Enoiph ihlorriii, of Hullett.„ This, last
additionitoetle_ei ir stock of -horseflesh is a
good one, as the horse is about as '• neat
an animal as can be found in !this i part
of the country. ' i
, , .
---e-On Tuesday of last week somelgeod
threshiee was done on the farm • of _Mr.
A. Elco4,' 2nd concession of Tuicker-
smith.i , They were threshing clover,
Ali. Alex. Thompsoh's horse power be-
ing used, and 53 .bushels were tarried
out in eight hours. This is considered
el x4 `ti:etaiE
next for
ally good. Mr. Thompson in
experience never equaling
r. • Thompson finished up the
noon, ma,leing in all over '70
some weeks past Mr. Themes
- e Gie in, of Lucknow, has been missing a
treasurer of St. Mary's nu ber of fine chickens from his hen
ry of $225; in Mitchell, roo . -', hinkiegthathi, -mink or some
the Same offic r gets $50,'andein nton other animal was doing the damage he
the salary pais $100,while in Seafoith
. on Thursday evening of last week 'Set a
. - trap fur him. The followinglmeining
o -ell, of Carlow, iri the
time of 2 hours anc surprised,:to find a large owl -ceught by
The bird wassec
- tired alive,
he visited his -pen. and was somewhat
°thorn , lately slatightered
.'McDanagh M the attons the ieg.
I 18 andjis a magnificent specimen,- riiieasur-
minutes: -• ' ing 'ever- four feet rom tip to tip of the
_me. .1, T Marks, of Ba. eld,' who wee,ge. . .
it is $75.
township at
42 pigs for
ishingly shor
unfortunately some time ago broke his ' -One day last week a team of horses
leg by falling on the ice, is so far rettY- belo in to Mr. • ileGowan, who lives
ered as to be itlel. to drive out and walk
nemRlvth. startec1 to run away from a
a little on crutehes.
- store ouSet at :the. NN ham station
-Mr. Chas. Y ung, of Colborne; has •
• age
-Mr. James Laithwaite, of Gotterich • • t
township, has sold his splendid imported
stallion, Farmer's Friend,b to Messrs.
Otter B. Wilson and D. Fisher for the
aunt of $1,245.
--Rimciman Brothers, of the Goderich
foundry, are supplying the naa,chitutry
for the new roller process in R. Months-
sen's Bayfield.' The new process
will be ithoperation in three months. ,
- -Word has been received from Salem,
Oregon, of the death of Wm. :Under-
wood, a well-known forfner resicleht of
Grey,. who 'died on the 22nd
from the effects of a cancer ..in the
stomach. -
-The spring show -under the auspices
of the Turnberry and Winghain Agricul-
tural So -defies will be held at AI inghaan
on Friday, April 17,- and the fall show
on the 29th and 30th of Septem er and
the lat October.
---Mr. James Switzer, of G derieh
township, has purchased 17 acres of
woodland- from 'Mr. Thomas Harrisoa,
for $605.•• The bush is a"good ofie, and
if wood keeps getting (leaver -will, yield
the purchaser a good profit.
-Mr.' F. Frey, formerly hotel -keeper
of Brussels, was entertained at - a -hom-
plimentary supper by O large nurnber
of his Brussels friends orte night,. last
week -prior to his departure for:Galt,
where he has leased the Albion hotel. •
-The many friends of Mr. Richard
Manning, of Exeter, will be pleased to
team that his wife, who has been in
very poor health for three months, the
result ofefallingalown, is now in a fair
way of recovery.
--One morning recently as Mr. Geo.
Watt, of Huilett, was descending his
steps he slipped on emne ice and fell,
breaking a couple of ribs and striking
- his head, causing unconsciousness. He
is improving and will soon be all right
-Two of the men who robbed: the
Jew peddlar a short time ago in the
county of Wellington; have been ledged
in Guelph gaol, where they will await
_trial. One day last week detective
Rogers, of the Ontario police force, who
,haiel 'arrested them, visited Brussels and
in company with t constables, Hieks,
Chapman and Ainlay,, took a con-
veyance and derive up the 12th conces-
sion -of Grey township, to the residence dresses
'While they were crossing the track the
rented his farm Messrs; Albert Coad
. er4 on and.Kincardine mixed train
and John Vint, for a term of ten years, go g and struck the frnt-leatee of
and has removed to Goderich; where be leigh in such a manner as to reWase
will spend a life of well-earned ease i horses, which continued. ,on their
-Mr. John Isbester, of Morris, is career until stopped at Merrtfield%
.very low with a severe attack- of i ery- I., The sleigh was but slightly dam-
' sipelas. Mr. ISIS-is:ter is a navy pension -
which was the only injury done.
er, 84 years of age, an old residehter, al st a mira,cle, that the hories •
an7da thorough and. consistent Refotmer.
THE H111,10111=Ppsr,roR.
pastor, W.; err, Rev. J. 11 Kerr
and Rev. D. 13, IcRae. Choice selec-
tions of m si we e.given by the hurch
choir, and ev ryt ling went Mutat; h in a
harmonic) s non er. - The atte dance
was not s large s in other years.
' t---•Abou 100 f the neiglihoi and
1 riehds of M . J hn. Scott, kit 1. con-
ession 7, 1110 'ie , gathered at hi resi-
eenek, &
ceon% W dn sday evening o last
e joy d a pLeasant.fa) ewell
isit 'wit' h ms f aiul his est inable
amity .on he eve of their depart re for
Manitoba. 1 nriit g the evening A r. Re
Petechman pi esei ted a, complim ntary
address 01 he ialf of the friends, t:cd-orn-
&flied by a b au ful watch andhalf-
dozen silv r a -knives ; and Mr.!B. S.
ook, for hi isel and lady, gav ' Mrs. •
'cott asil, et- des ort spoon and. a ole -
ant shawl. The assemblage bro e up
e t a late I ho ir, vishing their lux t aud
iis familh a, pr sperous, useful life in
heir new lot e.
-Some jda $ age Mr. James St wart,
hief engiiiee at he big mill, at ,Gbde
ich, whil m Itins the snow and ice in
ront of tl e e gin room with a tream
of hot -water, pla ed the nozzle if the
pipe in w1at le,..a emed a safe p eition,
whilehe r na lied some of the obstruc-
tions: U foi tutu tely the pressu from
the engba: w s so great, th steal auage
marking 7 . p un s, that tl e pipe prang
from its f ste ing and the steam struck
hieh on th le t le r, scald" ig hin - com-
pletely fr m hetk lee to th ankl In
• removing is clotl ing the kin -cane off
large tiece an the it ib ht since
een almo t , m 4s of raw' fles . He-
, -
as suffe ed in nse paa a but under
' aedical eat ten the wou ids no show
igns of hall g.
; -The lin on i ew Era , f las i week
ays : Or t edn0sday last a me ting of
he directors •f t e Hullett Agric aural,
ociety w:s eld t Spooners's h tel ' to
onfer wi rh a deligation from the Cole
orne Soc et as to the holdin , of a
, priiig •sh w. .Th directors of; fullett
society d cid d not. to hold a spring
show this ye, r, • d the Colborn i.(ele
gation, w io tat - they were t'edl...of
throwing n heir upport with Go
asked that a mit) show for -Holl
Colborne be 1 eld this spring a
chester. c'N thin' definite was
but a commi tee N as appointed
• sider the ma ter. We understa
'Morris Shcie y ha e decided not
tiespring shos thi season..
. . -The' it hell
aatice froii copie
ttrunswie ) aily
Helen Chani >ling
knitting foot ry
is taking rs pri
rink earn va s in
"Mary ue n of
vary acco di g to
from $8 0 $12.
/account o w AO
toriee of-' co fee
thou ht, ier as
were, but in ew
is living N rill so
he i 4 no only c
ier btteut is;reco
n byi the pr ss.
er well- re me(
• old us when wor
ell connect .d an
alluential freende
ecognized her eh
. s the wo Id i the
ertain a omit of
• abor whe hee sou
hoice or oree of
were net killed.
-0n the the evening of the 19th alt., a
number of people, members and adher-
ents of Rite's' Methodist church, in tthe
of Greyeassembled at the resie
e o Thos. Heritage, cencession
nted Robt• McKay, of conces-
tth a nicely bound cepy • of
Tours as a token,Of their appre-
r his services as a, member of
. Mr. McKay replied in suite, -
s. - He leaves, in a week or so
for Dale ta, After. the presentation the
eveningl tWas pleasantly spent in sing-
ing, che ting and the playing elf _a few
11- -The members of the Brussels
thlaslanic Lodge last -Week, received their
tow shi
• den
and prep
ciatiloa f
the pho.
ble tern
new, furniture for their ledge room from
Hest It ethers, Listowel. There _are
three al chairs, 'trimmed with blue
Teriy and blue silk,the emblem of the
ordelr being on each chair, for the ,Maiss
ter, Seiner Ond Junior Wardens teepee-
tiaelyhaehl 25 perforated mate for the
mereibers!. • .The furniture is made - of
oak,. Whittled with'. a darker.- shade of
rood and is got up ill handsome and.
tastr stj1e. A carpet for the lodge
roma has t been.' ordered feem .England
• and Will arrive soon. . •
The . Kippen :correspondent of the
New Era, says: Death has again been
in o olds*. ,The victim, Mrs. Bell;
wife of B. P. Bell, of the London road,
Sta ley, an.ct do -tighter of -Ro. ert Me-
lees! n, of Tuekersmith, had 1 rig been
saff ring froni that dreaded.dis ode -.Con-
suimptia , and:although everytl ing pos-
sibleWO done for her, all pier. d of no
avail. she bare her. Sufferi gs, with
.christran fortitude and passed pacefu11y
away ei 1 Wedaesday morning. I -The
pym ath .es of the .eutire commuiiity are
extendedto Mr. Bell and his 'little
hteiF in their bereavement.
The annual tea meeting was held in
the Vhipfield church; 12th concession of
Grey, on. Wednesday evening of .last
week An excellent supper was served
in. he Orauige hall, after which the•
people tcljourncd to the church, just
ethers the road. After the opening ex-
ercises 1ichar4 Sperling was called to
the char and it can be *truthfully said
that he addett greatly to the life and
interest�fcif the gathering.Short ad -
wen given by Rev. R. Pahl,
tt and
• con-
ul the
o hold
Recorder says: We
of the Mihonekto i (New
Transcript tha Miss
who worked in the
ere some yearago,
es at the roller gating
hat eastern se tion as
Scotts." The prizes
the size df th town
Vhile in this to , on
in the knittie fac-
none of the , ladies
ood looking a' they
Brunswick, wh re she
ie well-to-do f hends,
rrying off priz s but
nized and corn ented
Had it not h en for
esty, she. rnigh 1 have
ing here that sl e was
had p and
and we wind( hove
rine at once. Bat such
e has always heen
disgraae about lhoneSt ;
ht from a matter eff
ircumstances. '
Hp MARET-S..1.)., .
1 '
i , SEAFORTIT, March 12t „l1885.
al1 Wheat jer bushe ------------80 781 th
Spring, Wh t per bus lel .. .. .... 0 78 tO
ats per b ishel ' 0 32 to
• 0 55 to
lb. suhs et 1 , e 1
0 60 to
•-aiertltee3ir)Te,prO. 1, loose... .. .. ..... 0 14 to il
utter, tub i 0 15 to 0
• ggs , 0 16 to
lour, per 1 0 ths • . 200 to
. eaesseedroHo rs, iler 100 Ms, . ...... . 5 00 to
• 8 00 to
'ides- per 1" lie • 5 00 to
• heepsiins ach - • 0 56to
Vool, 4 6 18 to
alt (retail) per barrel .. .. .. .. ::, 80 to
'alt (whole ale) per barrel.. .. .
otatoes,p r b •hei.... .... .... 0 30 to
Vood per . ord ,
• lover Secd
4 • 2 50 to
• 4 25 to
$0 80
• 0 SO
O et
"0 7
0 60
O 16
5 75
10 00
n 85
0 20
-1 00
'0 80
O ,10
3 50
4 50
6•C ['Mon, March 12th,1885. '
Fall Wheatj per
Spring Wh at
Oats per bnshel
Barley per bus)
Pea. perbashe
Butter. '
Tay per ton ..
otatoes per b
pples per barr
ool •
Pork per 100 11
erdwood •
ed winter,. Is
alifornia No.
.; peas; 5s 11
•ushe . . .... $0 78 to $0 80-
er bushel 6 78 to 0 80
0 30 to 030
el .. . ... ....• 0 50 to 00
• • • • • • • • • • • •-• 0 56 to 058
• 0 16 to 016
... 0 15 to 0 16
. 8 00 to 900
;het.. .0 30 to 0 30
1 ....... ..."2 00 to 200
'0 16 to 016
's • .6 00 to 700
6 75 to 575
; 50 to 350
arch 11. -Spring wheat, 06s 10d;
• 00d; Califerrha No. 1, 07s 03d;
, tis 0(d; oats, 58 Ofid ; barley, :5s
; pork, 63s 00d; cheese, 57s. 00d
- - - ,
Toitowro, Ma eh 12.1-Fa11 wheat, 80.80 to 80.81;
80.81 oats; 00e to 89c; peas 68c
58e to 172e; hay, per ton, $8.00.to
15c o 24e; potatoes, per bag,
.40 to 80.45; 'egg%1 er doz., 21c to 22c; dressed
ogs, per 100 Rig., $5. 5 to $6.00.
Live Sto 1 Markets..
pring, 80.8Q to
o 50c; barley,
15.06 ; butter,
Mosraam.. March 1 .-The market for shipping'
cattle has • been guile d aloput steady with
transactions at froth
weight, To -day a
41e. gen-era top
heifers was =Wiper p
of fairly good lets •e
on grades sol I at 31e. //, About 40 calves were
offered, which sad a ait sale at from 82.60 to
10 each, as to qualit . Sheep and Iambs were
n small supp v. ,T e demand, however, was'
ight and no improVel lent is expected until the
eason for dressed n tto.n is over. Sheep sold
t $3.75 to 86 each, • Ine spring 1 inb brought
. Live hogs Wer e e ler at 5c per pound.
,to 5c per. pound, live
ot of ,35 head was , taken at
ces for good steers and
und, live weight f and sales
e made at 4c to4ic ; com-
Looster & Co. h
. 0 loan on reas nable
- nd Oats, and s,00d R
ON & YoUNG'S,•Seafo
tely, a *GOOD_ iervn
vork. Apply to W.
tIts, Peas and Bartey
Seed. LaiDLA‘* &
veeks Sdott Brothel
number of gem, gene
for the Manitola mar
• or Organs. 89
first-class Can
to 52.50 each
$2.25 to 82.75
• hens sold for
FiNon, Market Street
and ehopping one
able terms a ' the
Nothing but t e be
town and cou try tr
patents when you
imich cheape at '
wheat wante •A.
KEsir,t3lanage . 9
ve some pri
vete fluids
• 895
Seed, Timothy Seed
11 Butter wanted at 'Wm -
h. 898 1 1 •
ED.-Want&I immedis
girl, for geral house -
OW, at the lank. 8994
Central Grocery, Seed
. Also Clover and Timothy
RI,V, Seaforth. 900-2
D. -For the next two
s, Seaforth, will take ' any
al Purpose horses, suitable
ets in exchange for Manes
SALE. -01c hundred
ood warblerSingers' $2
g th color or scing. Pairs,
teed as re -resented. No
. All triel birds. -T
Seiforth. '8. tf '
031.1W0RI1oth *heat
rein tly on the most favor -
fl ur suppl ed for lipth
de. Don't send away for
an get them as good and
ome. Good clean'. Spring
W. 00.1.LVIB & Co. T.10.
On Friday; March 2 th, at 12
noon'son Lot 1,- Conce sion 8,
amid, Farm Stock, Implemen
Househola Furniture. George
Proprietor; J. 13, Brits a Auction
On Tuesday, March 31st;
o'clock, noon, sharp; on Lot 18,
a on 9, McKillop, Fara_ Stock
lements. Tyerman Brothers,
rs ; George Kirkby, Auctione
On !Friday, March 27, at 12
oon, sharp, on Lot 7, Concessi
ullett, Farm Stock ',aid Imp'
lex. Watt, Proprietor)]. ; Alex. D
OnITuesday, March 24, at 12
oon, sharp, on Lot 20,, Conces
eKillop, Farm Stock, Iinpleme
ousehold Furniture. James .
proprietor ; J. P. Brine,' auctione
On Monday,' March 23, at 1
p: m.1, sharp, oa• Lot 16, Co- flees
1-lullett; First-class Farm Stock.
Atiollnaeihere.proptiietor ; J. P. Brin
On Thursday, Afarch 26, at 1
p• m.'at -his residence in ru
Houtehold Fueniture, Horses
Rev. T. G. Thomson, prop iet
It; Brine, auctioneer.
s and
at 2
onoe -
d In -
n 1.,
ment .
ts and
icho ,
'elo k
-. Births.
JACKSON. -At Eginondrillpe, on the 0 h ins
• the wife of M H. Jaelcon of a date liter.
McGREGOR.-In Melt -Atop, 5th conce Sion,
athreeg70t11. 1of
ttilivrehlte-irfe. ef Mr. Amin iald 3
BORLAND. -In Usborne, on the 28th ult., t
wife of --Mr. Hiram -Borland of twins.
31ULHOLLAND.--In Wingham, on the rd ins
. the wife of Nr. Ed. Mulholland of clan
ter. •
COTTLE.-In Whitechurch, on the 26th nit., t
wife of Mr. Goo. Cottle of it son.
1 • • °
,BROWN-CORB T. -At Seaforth, on e 1T. h
inst by Rev. A. D. McDonald Mr. Win.
Brown, of Tuckersmith, to Miss 1 harlo te
Corbet,- of Hay. •
SNELL-SNELL -At the residence ot ti e brid
• . father, Hulled, on the 11th inst., by R v.
, Mr. Hough, Mr. Joseph W. Snell to Nagy a
• third daughter of George Snell, Es ., al of.
s. Hullett. •
MILLER -CAMPBELL -At the residen e of r.
• • John Norris, on the _4th inst., by Rev, P.
•' Scott, Mr. Hugh Miller' to Miss •Sat h 3a le
• _Campbell, all of Hibbert
)3Er-STACW.--At- the residence of . t e
• bride's father, Hay township; on he 25 h
ult., by Rev. J. Ball,Mr. W. Bec - to ti ss
• M. J. Stacey; all of Hensall. .
DAVIS-PY31.-1it the residence of t e brid
father, on the 25th inst., by :Re W.
Gane, Mr. Francis Davis to Miss 1 hristi ia
• Ppm, 'both of Usborne.
SAMPLE -ROBERTSON. -At the reii ence of
- the' bride's father, Morris, on the th ins
by Rev. John Ross.. B. A. ,Mr. John: Semi
to Jane, eldest daughter ofa31r. A. I :Robe
• son, all of 310i -rte.
MeDONALD-1-31cLAU0HLIN.-At the olden .e
of the bride's father, Grey, on the 4 h ins ..
by Rev. John Ross, 13. A., Mr. Alex MeD 11-
- ald to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Then as
McLaughlin: -
JUNOR-MeDONALD.-In Clinton, on the 27 h
ult., Mr.:John Junor, jr., of Stanley, to M Ss
McDonald, of Clinton. •
HASTLNOS-TAYLOR.-At the residens e of e
bridelsS mother, Guelph, on the 4th •nst„ ty
McGregor AI A Mr. Tho n as Ha.t
. ings, ormerly of Stiatford, to Min ie, thi
daug-,1 'ter of the late -Mr. W. 0. Tay or, all of,
' Gueli he•
HOOD-- ITTLE.---At the Methodist p rsona e,.
B1yt1, !on the 11th inst., by Rev. J. . Fish r,
Mr. Jdeon 0. Heed, of Smishin ,. to 31 ss
1 Eliza ieth Ltttle, of 31orris. •
- Deaths.
- BELL. -In Stanley, on the 3rd inst., lEl tsy, w fe
of Mr. Robert P. Bell, aged .33 yea sand 3
monthS. „
:MOORE.=-111. Egrnondville, on the -9 h in •.
' Isabella, wife of Mr. David Moo. e aged 77
ND006.-In Salem, Oregon, ori the 22
' ult.,1-Wm. Underwood, formerly of Gr
• township, aged 50 years.
• I
Dr. Wild Confro
Of Mitchell, will deliver his celebrat d
in reply to Dr. Wild, in the basalt) n
Presbyterian Church, on
Tuesday Evening,Mar. h
Lect re
of thc
Under the auspices of the Seaford 3fechani
Institute. , . :
Chair to be taken at &o'clock.
Admission, 15 cents; or two tickets 25 cents
Those who have heard this Lecture pronoul ce
it an able effort, and highly deserving of Puts c
patronage. 1
s The public ere cordially invited.
WM. MOORE, Secretary.
DULL FOR SERVICE. -The und,ersi ned will
JI __, keep during the present season oii Lot 3,
Concession 2, Hullett, a thoroughbred_ iDurhiun
bull registered Pedigree, to which m limited
number of cows will be admitted. i Te ns $1 50
to insure a calf. Cows must be returned regul ir-
ly if required. THOS. .31cMIC11AEL. • 901x4
• . . . ; - ''
TURE, RIGS, &c.- Mr. J. P. " rine has
been instructed by Rev. T. G. 'Thornsor to :ell
by PublicAuction at his residence in B ucefieid,
Thursday, March 26th, 1S85. At 1 o'clock p.
m., the -following property. viz : One wa nut s'cle
board, 1 extensien table; 2 lounges,' eane ehai s,
rockers; 4i.,rm chairs, book eases, Writing de k,
- hair cloth sofa, 6 'small chairs, 2 large ehair 1
parlor table, 1 three -light chandelier bal lam
hat rack, 4 bedsteads; dressing - sease looki g
glasses, washstands, bureau, bedroom rocke
carpets, 1 kitchen stoves and pipes, sn all b x
stevc and pipes, kitchen sideboard,chair , tabl s,
crockery; lamps and other utensils, 1 N w Ho le
coal oil •stoye,,new ; Cooley Washer, '1 cr am n,
milk pans, irons, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 sitter 1
•Plimton top buggy•,1 robe,1 straw cutter,1 astdr v-
ing mare, from ' Lord By -ton," 83 -ears, t is is e
of the best breeding' mares in the count • ; 111 ly
from Rattenburry's celebrated Stainer], 9 mont s'
old ;. gardenand stable tools, a few h ns, and
other articles. ' The above .furniture It: : bon
well cared for and is as good asnew. lust be
s -old without reserve, as the proprietor s about
to leave Brucefield to take charge of .the Mission
Field at Burrard Inlet, British Colum iia. 11
sums of $5 and nuder, cash ; -over that ai munt 10
linoiiths' Credit rill be given on ftrnia ing p-,
proVed joint no es. A discount of 6 ents n
the dollar will 1)0 allowed for eash o ere it
amounts. REV T. G. TI1031SON, Pr priet r ;
.1. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. . 901-
Kirkby has been instructed by Tyerma Br. ..
to.sellsby P•ublic' Auction, on Lot 18, Co cessi n
9, McKillop, onu '
csday March 31st, 1 5, at 12
o'clock, noon, slV
arp„the following prope , yi .:
Stock. -One maie 7 years old, in foal' to impo
ed "Bunsen " ;.'1 mare 8 years old, in foal
" Scotland's Farewell';" 1 mare 9 Sea' old,
foal to "Scotland's Farewell ;" 1 mare 1 foal
"Lord Haddow ;" I aged working narJ,
matched leaan coining three, 1 match d -te
doming two, I yearling fillyfrom " S otlan
s rarewell; " 1 yearling gelding from "W learn
" 6 newly calved cows, 7 cows in calf, I t orou
" bred Durham -bull 10 months' old, 1 ' -oke
i steers coming three, I steer coming two, 5 spri
!calves, 13 Leicester ewes, 1 Leicester. r . I
s plements.-One Champion reaper near! 'new
: horse -power and separator thresher, 11 co
; plete, Clinton make; 1 horse. hay rak , 2 n
' plots's- 1 sawing Machine newly wood.e ,1 n
Clintc:n fanning mill, 1 single buggy, in
cutter, I set new iron ;barrows, 1 pair of b
sleighs, 2 Sets double harness, and other articl
Also the celebrated imported Clydesdale stalli
"Samson," will be offered for sale .at t e sa
time. The whole of the above•will posi ively
sold without reserve, as the propriet rs b
dissolved partner -ship, except the s nio "S.
• son," on Which .the proprietors wi 1 ha e a
- serve bid. TimAtSS-All sums of 8: an und
cash; over that amount 10 month.' er dit
- be -given On furnishing approvedsen ors d no
A discoymt of 5. ents on the dollar% ill b alio
for cash on credt amounts. . The nri on
'stallion are one- alf cash, and the 1 alan e in
months satisfactorily secured, au wi hout
• terest..., TYERMAX . BROTHERS, Pro riete
• GEORGE KIRKBY; Auctioneer. 901 -
n -
e -
P9st Office Tea Warehouse,
,harlesworth 84 BrowneU
Wholesale and Retail Jobbers in
Sugaisi and General Groceries
Thisiadvertisement is publishedi for the express purpose of inf
friends aed castomets in Seaforth and surrounding country; that we i
a retail and jobbing trade, and isPecially to cultivate a jobbing trod
farmers ai d•others, believing that It pays the purchaser to buy in q
greatly reduced prices. TEAB- A SPECIALTY. -A new and ehoi
ment of Pare Teas just to hand, which will be sold in caddies and ha
wholesale prices. All Teas warranted to please, -or can be returned.
We hive in stock one carload 80 barrels of Standard Granul
bought Pr evious' to the rise in sugar, and sold by the 100 lbsor bare
sale prices.. Also in stock a large quantity of raw and refined Sugars o
which wil_ be sold at bottom prices. A full i and pomplete stock
N. B. -Our friends in Tuckeremith, Stanley, Hibbert, McKillop
will pe e call and secure bargains as usual. •
6 Charlesworth & rownell.
tend do
entities 1 at
• e bonsiin-
f chests at
tea Sup,!
1, at whore- !
Oil grades:,
f 'General •
nd Hullett
We are now prepared. to supply our customers and the pliblic gen
good cleen MOVER and TIMOTHY SEED, OATS, PEAS, etc. Fro
experience in the seed business, we can guarantee to give our custom
tion. Inspection of our stack solicited. Seed store on John street,
in bulk arid bottles,; SAUCES, etc. No advance in Teas or Sup
your time to buy, as prices must go up. Teas from .25 cents to 8
pound. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. Sugars range fro
pounds for $1. -Give us a call.
rally w th
our ng
rsi satisfac-
in the old
s. Now is
cents per
12 to 20
• A large stock of CHWA TEA SETS, Printed and Decorated TEA SETS,
White (i TEA SETS. A choice lot of Breakfast and Dinner Sets, Glass-
ware in1 abundance, stock large and prices low. Odd lines M Crechery and
Glassware selling 'off at cost, to Make room for direct spring importatioas.
Highest price paid for Clover Seed, Timothy Seed Oats, Peas and Barley.
Also for Butter and Eggs.
Laidlaw & Fairley,-Seafrth..
I n
Clost g up Business.
i •
Asi um losing up My bttsineisszin the Village
of K burn and as the 4re-stock con-
sisting of D y Goods, 0Hats and Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Groc ries, Patent Medicine, Earthenware,
Glassware, leighs, Wagens, Carriages, Buggies,
Wheelbarro Whittletrees, Neekyokes,
must all be old or given away before the 1st of
April next, asn therefore prepared to give great
bargains in very department; 71.•
I haveals a quantity of Dry Umber to dis-
pose of, con
will be refit
Also at a
property-, la
being Lot A
for a store o
All accr
'sting of Axles; Tringues, Two Inch
ek Elm, Pine and Basswood. As
t all be sold, no reasonable offer
argain that most Sesirable piece of
orner lot in the Village of Kinburn
• in Schordes' .Survey,-:- very suitable
any other business.
ts -must be settled at an early' date
Being Lot 7, Concession 13 township" of
Haat, on Friday, March 27th, 1885, commen-
cing at,12 o'clock, noon, sharp, the ollowingpro-
perty, Viz: One span of working horses rising
four and seven, 1 horse rising sere 1 niare ris-
ing eight, I Brood mare' eig in foal to
" Boreland Chef"; I gelding risi g ttvo, 1 filly
rising two; yearling filly eland Chief."
Seven cows in calf to a thoroughbr
of them newly calved; I farrow
rising three, 2 steers rising two, 3
d hull, some
COW, 3 steers
heifers rising
two, 8 spring calves, 8 store pigs, 1 set of double
harness, nearly new; 1 pair of bol n w ;
2 creamery boxes, 6 cans, one mil can holding
25 gallons. The whole will be sol without: re-
serve as the proprietor has ren d his fairm.
TEsms.---All sums of 85 and und cash ; Iver
11 be given on
discou4 of
for eash
Proprietor ;
that amount nine months' credit w
furnishing approved joint notes.
5 cents on the dollar will be allowe
credit amounts. ALEX. WATT,
ALEX. DALGETTY, Auetioneer.
HOLD FURNITURE. -Mr. J. P. rine has been
instructed by Mr. Jamei Nichol to sell by Public
Auction, on Lot 20, -Concession 6
' i Tuesday. March 24th, 1885, at 12
Seaforth • Restaurant
WISHE8 to inform the people of Seaforth
and ioinity, that she has enlarged her
Co feetione * Business, and has refitted her
0yter Pad rs regardless of expense.
he keeps Green Fruit of all kinds on hand.
• She keep Tobaccos and Cigars of the best
brands. •
She keeps the beet restaurant in the county.
She keeps Fresh Oysters, which can be had in
any style re -aired.
She keeps Oysters either in bulk or in cans,
which are, r oeived fresh daily.
She pays very attention to chstomers.
She sells cn very reasonable terms.
Remembe • the place, first door north of Reid
& Wilson's Hardware Store, Main Street.
VOR SALE CHEAP; -For Sale the thorough -
1 bred Ayrshire Bull, Donald, being 4 years
old next ju y. He is Red and White,perfectly
quiet and hirmless, and a well built animal with
good pedigree. Ile is a sure stock getter.' Ap-
ply to JOHN N. KNECHTEL, Brussels P. O.
BULL FOR SALE. -For sale a thorougbred
Durham Bull (registered pedigree) 17
months' old. I Apply on Lot 21, Concession 4; II.
R. S, Tuck ersinith, or address Seaforth
tsharp, the following property,
heavy draught mare in foal to "8
well ; 1 draught horse, I heavy
coming eight, 5 milch cows in calf
bred hull, 1 thoroughbred heifer c
calf. 4 fat steers coming three, 1 fa
McKillop, on
'clock, noon,
Stock -One
otland's. Flue-
raught herse
o it thorough -
ming three in
cow, 3 steers
'coming two, 3 heyfers coming. two, 5 spring
calves, 13 ewes all in lamb. Impl ments.-Two
himber wagons, 1 long sleigh; 1 si gle cutter, 1
seeder, 1 single reaper, I single i.a ower,1 land
roller, 1 sulky hay rake, I wheeled cultivator, 1
pair iron harrows, I turnip ecuflic
1 general purpose plow, 1 fanning
stone; 1 wheelbarrow, 1 wagon
box, I set double team harness, 1
ness, 4,3 sugar kettles, 3 mileh can
sap buckets, 1 neekyoke, several s
trees, 1 long ladder, 2 cross -cut
eradle, a lot of milk dishes, 1 ag
nace, scythes, Shovels, forks, rak
a host of other articles. Also a lo
Furniture. The whole of the abo%
ly be sold,bring what they will, as
has sold farm. st
under, cash ; over that amount
given until the 1st of January, 18
ing approved endorsed notes. A
cents on the dollar will be allowe 1 for cash on
credit amounts. JAMES NICH L, Proprietor ;
J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. 9041
, 1 iron plow,
1 grind-
ack, I gravel
t single her-
, a manlier of
ts of Whiffle -
saws, 1 grain
inultural fur-
s, chains, and.
of Household
O will positive -
t he proprietor
is of 85 and
credit will be
6, on furnish -
discount of 5
Seaforth, ht1..s an immense
and shoes of all kinds which, he m
to make morn for spring_ goo
gains will be given for the nex
First come, first served 890
BIG BARGAIN'S in Crocker
ware at • the "Central," WEI-1
rooin for direct spring,importatio
all q er Groceries good and aea
SOCK of Boots
it sell at once
Concert and Lecture.
A Sacred Concert and Lecture will tie
held in St Jarnes' Roman 'Catholie
Church, ,Seaforth, On the evening of
Tuesaay, March 17, 185,
i •
Onewhich Occasion Rev, Father Lotz, of
Goderich will deliver a Lectutre.
PART L. e.
St Clair,.
• SipLib
" AVE-
- Mr,. Kent
Miss Walsh. -
Misses Rfiloran and NYalsit, and Mr Klink- •
. hammer.
" G:ATES OF THE WMiss CampbEST " . • • Solo.
' ..
= •• 31r. Xlinkhanuner.
- I Migs ENVing.
"TANTd3I ERGO,". -.Selo and Cliorus.
I , ; Chow. .
Miss lifiloran.
Misses aish, Eilloran and 'Downey.
Mr. J. khanuner.
Doors Open at 7:30 --,' Concert to Commence at
8 o'clock. ADMISSION to all parts of the
church, 1.5 cents.
Pure andfre*. •
'This. .department, will be fottned
usually attractive, everything at ROCK
• L
usually, lower in ,price -quality •ceneicle
ered--than in any house in town.
CURRANTS, PRUNES, &e.; see my
Brooms'And-an kinds of woorlenware -
bonght at special discounts, and set
at wholesale prices.
CLE in this 'department' in which e•
are UNDERSOLD, or even competed
in. •• Give me a call and be eonvinced of
the above.
Come of Main and Market Sti'-eets,
Seaforth Ont
The Maxwell .Low -Down Binder..
Read the,followi• ltstErrinioAitagll 2904.1884.
DAvin MAxwati, Paris. 7
- DEAR Sm. -The Low -Down Binder 1 pnichas-
' ed from you is :di that can be desired. I ba-ve
cut forty-three acres this. season, and it did it
splendidly. I have out fall ,wheat, barley, oats
and spring, \cheat, the latter being Very heavy
and somewhat lodged. It cuts clean, and binds
a good sheaf. One team can handle it -with ease,
and I consider it equals the-worR of any binder
yet produced, Withmany advantages in iits eon-
struction.-Yolirs truly, P. HAWTHORN-.
SE-A•PORTH,. August 15thi, i:6.84.
DAVID •Maxwitia,, Paris.
Sni,-We,the undersigned,have numb pleasm‘
in recommending to our brother farmers the
-Maxwell Lon Don Binder, having seen it at
woik on the farm of Jaines Cumming, Es . For
quality of *ork, simplicity of constructi n and,
lightness of • draft, it has no equal.. We would
advise all in need of a binder to see the
is 'Yours truly, at. N. Chesney, John Me -
Murray, J. Brownell; Wm. Sproat. lohn Reinke, ----..
James J. Elliott; M: 'Chesney Peter 31-oore,
Mathew Scott, James MCTavisfi ,'':indrew Arehi-
bald, W. .S. Mundell, James Ciumnine• Wm;:
is, I
Allan, Win. Scott. •'
I PAS'S, September 3rd, 1683.
DEAR SIR.-- After srranging to get your Binder
this harvest, I was Wormed that it was a failure,
and agents of other firms endeavored- to . obtain
my order for their nmehines, when you Informed
line you 'Were willing to oqe it machine on my,,
farm on its merits. i Wali _satisfied, and the re-
sult I do notthink can be.' any more satisfactory
to you than to myself. 1 never nsed more than two
horses, and am satisfied they worked with very
little more diaft than an (*Unary Reaper. The
machine Was tried on 'aill kinds of grain and
under various eonditiensand _ the work -done
was.semething I do not :flipk can be equalled,
and I am positive cannot lif4exeelled. I would
have no otlzer machine, and lif your I/ow-Down
Binder is what your oppoSitien call a Failure, I
may say that in any farming maehinerm I require
I would prefer the failurei to the suctesSes. I
can cheerfuiVrecennuend the machine td any-
one requiring a first -elms Binder. Yours truly,
tx-raiter rkom Tny, n_yanii SisP0S1T0n.1
This han.est I gave Mr. -Samuel Woodman pe -
mission to bring a Maxwell IeOW -Down Binder ein
my premises to give an exhibition of its work.
Ile tried it hrst in, spring NN -heat ami net in eats,,
• a verY heavy erort and badly _blown down ,and
tangled, and was both damp and rather -green.
Had I been going,: to lent it with my common
reaper I would not hake cut- it more than one
way, but the binder ent all armee the piece and
make a firq-elass job, better than I possibly
could have done4with my single reaper. The
Binder is it great deal moreeonvenient to move
than any other Binder I ever saw. It can be
moved as easy as -any ecannion reaper and orke
span of horses can -Work it likely in any kind
grain. There were other agents came juts° and
asked permission to bring their binder and work
with it. I told them they might comein, arid wel,-
come, but they failed to put in an appearatce.
When the Binder was brought on my premises lf
had not the least idea of pinchasing one, but
after eutting 27 ex.res of au moils of hrait, it
gave such good satisfaetion that I at <Mee! made-
up my 'mind to buy it, mid %I:mild advilie any
farmer wanting it binder to exannnotehttrh!! Yours s. Great bar. Rinitlyeir before purcha.RsoinugT.asncyOTT, Evnett.
thirty days. I,
and Glasse
off to make
Segars and_ A. M.
• at the Centisd
orth. 900-2
See The Maxwell Before Bilykg.