HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-03-13, Page 3;irle sal : • . • • attention of f business in •rt.Anspection.: odiete. pit)CTRIES- ANti CAPS, _which have 'solet at. lowest carlrYing on gosiss mark efits, 011 each Ut a bait. awl g kinds h 84ft Elim; and I.', swocx; ne, and fresh afl 11 irt the ''.4t• 44d -wig e4r• eon- Parties- ihe 0111.i4P4 !the,ir bilis ['rod Fale. They Ete , ale nt Will be Teat hex ith m. nerS, and tc the reek; >11 OCX ry iss5. „•-• de ky • , ;exchange eur wt are HIa- weky h-1). ,.)-la It- (:ne:re lar- • IS, t 'nate •-s • eas.e. rei ch (tate u The kterk tbk, v' ; I • r Ron 13,1 85. • • I • 4f. • . ' 4' 0 THE HURON EXPOSIT R. . - • in another "we begin- work in 'You and k or so s le will have to earliest.' 1 . larth neN-er care for me: to ge over to Kvldale,”- began "Cali! little Crassly; , Tit Langeey stopped rather hurri. dly, She was a t moved from ter ordinury compost hk.r face looked more we tn. and anx than usual; a nervous' lush glowed .1110r thin cheeks. ' My dear, you never believe in ( trade's ill health. - I ain sadly troul about her, and so is Garth." " I have small sympathy for pec who- are always calling 'wolf, ". rep Cath3•, taking up her wOrk again. believe Gertrude's temper is most fault." "Then we will not argue about returned her sister, with -a little $ h. She was very patient, but Cathy's m od evidently jarred an -her. -Oithy th w down her work !again ithj such in pa- :tience that her needle- b -oke as 1 er sister left the room.. . . "-Why will she give ih t that man's whim -s as she does ? can't im stand it. Gertrude mak s a 'per , - slave of her when she go s there, ctually Langley seems to ike it. is alWays go-ing over th -e now e • i...the comes back tired out arid fit nothing." 4 " Do you know, I think it V Langley dreadfully when yoi deprec Mrs. Chester ? 1. baye no*: d it n -e- than once,' observed Quo nie in shrewd way. " I know it does, and my wrete • - temper Makes Me do it 4 the_m • but Lane -ley is such a patie It old c that I hate to see her domi leered and 'victimized by a W011ic n like trude. When I see her witl that rried Iook in her face I an4 always times more bitter ; and th n :1 al fond of Harry, and liarlsmeke won't so delicious this weather, and 1 ol, , ,,, - -whs. cross„, continued Cathy; with frankness that made her so love& " but of course you insist go to pl. them, and Emmie and I Will spend With Miss Cosie • . „... . Queenie3v-as thankful that the ma was so amicably settled; limit since her 1 friend was 'hot to join in. her plea urea she would not dwell on herOwn. an ici- pations-, delightful as they Were : Ibu - in her heart she thought h good it vas of Mr. Clayton to h 1 little trip. Stnee that t • ' ite-quarry Ms manner 1 - - changedto her ; alwartkii it was now tinged. with strc A - pleasant cordiality ma tel ; he was alwa for her comfort and plea sciousiy, meme was begt pend ;for Much - of her I pinesseapon this friendship Clayton.. " It is almost as !er ; US in ed le cdo '1 in - - e 1 ,et nd he flI or es Lte er e ; ar rer r- r - en So be I he ase the ter. w ide her int mu. in the g an insena bly d and gentle, er interest. ed their in - thoughtful e. Un4on- i to Ide- tvsent • hap- ith Garth ood hav- ing a brother of my own," le said once to Cathy. Queenie's hard-working life, with its stern, morbid realities, had left her scant leisure for the ordinary dreams _ girlhood. „She had never mapped out any bright future for hers•lf ;' possible he -sad n hose things said to ter- strongrin to lean upon, other -her -en ad fatl ers and brot4rs or husbands to work for them and shield then). in the batti • of ; she had to work for herself -and her helpless little sister, that was all." tad so she took up - her burden ly, neither repining that such things re, icor wasting her best energie Withfriit- ue thy 1 anothe ,coat of paint n. 1 hardly knew the plae. -We shall be losin you in. another far Q teethe 1 to bur en her sence • She ()uric s ite o hurcl • so dul ortnight, 1 afraid ;' ad obstinately refused friends with • their ipre-: day longer than was necessary, r ed to look pleased at Allis an - I erseat the thought of leaving .te n a ; but a pang crossed hel' in -Stile 1 -Louse. The cottage scenic( b, - co4arisbn. Trit,e, she shOuk. ften ,ec them, and Cathy would be is n(1 o ger asa akin t ieir 1 1 t perpetually ;. but she would no be his guest,- sharing in tho. t every -day life of the cannily, T onel in their plans, a party to ttle jokes and 'pleasantries. "It Ling aye her she i tin e for meto uo ; I am ge spoilei among you 'all°. I feel I 1 een i le long enough," she said to f lend :afterwards, ba somehow s'ghed as' She said it. T� Be Continyed.) . • he Rainbow : A Song. [For the ExpOsitor.1 , They s: y there is gold where thesrainbow -ests, ' And ften I ran for to find it; But th meadows, were gay, and the flowers on n yway a 11 0 IoVers had not stolen. across lerin of her thoughts. ." were not, for her," she had self. "Other women had a less regrets for impossibiliti s. No v, , sentimentalities preyed on barbel et , young nature ; no bitternes for het less youth marred her sweet setenity. " Everything will be mate up to us - there, I am sure af it," she mild say to herself, With tender, old -fa hioned wis- dam. " One day I shall get okl, and, not care so attach about these things ; perhaps Emmie will marry, and I shall be Amt Queenie, and take care of her and her children." And so, with the courage of per innocencee and `with a 'simplicity was perfectly free' from solf-consei ness, Queenie gave herself tip to the light of this new friendship. There . no one to warn her o•f ,dai7ger; no it bid the -brave young heart shield i with greater reserve and prudence question her as to the meaning of strange happiness that, seemed to her whole being with brightness. .Every one is so good to me, ai alit so happy," she said, almost (lc ily. When alone, her- thoughts were a er- petnal thanksgiving. An insen 'ble change had passed over her thou flits with respect to Garth ; she was less -ac- be- as eep he his behests as ever Langley or Cathy Were. If his want of ambition', his perfect con- tenif.lcith himself and his surroundings, sometimes surprised her, she began to credit hint with greatness of mind; or, if she were toe shrewd for that, she • owned to herself that even his very faults -were more loveable than other ect hat de - vas to self to his ood d I eritical ; the defects and flaws of cha • ter -she had at first noticed in him came less apparent ; his slight arbit atess, his condescension, his masterly suraption of power, even hislack of intellect, were all unnoticed. :If spoke, Queerde was 'as ready to obey whist red'ill to me never to mind it ! . - he rat t lbO*1-1 an 401%71 "twikt the brook and the ee, .1 • ' „ i, could •ee it is p airily as plainly could be, lout Wh. et I got th•te, it was'sorne other tree, . Ands ot wirere thonght I should ilnd a Il it the rignbow was there, in my heart . , -•hri ht ind.fair,o . - . I only 'd looked for itarightly ! 1 , • , t th rainbow was there, in my heatt. bri! ht anzd fair, -• • by wilich ca first bar, and h • of the skin,Ithe with a slight "Yon may th replied Erskin gate ' was not or you must ha e in IVO gri accid AMY nk y "ti so loft -e bro contact witl th zed the epid rinis nt being atte sation of bl od. ' ur lucky. s rs,r at your trot erls as your stt le en, your neck. That. H seem inclined t to have an obe• sbai d of Mine. 14 n nths old, does mind, and I am anx leap oving child. pulls every WI g be c In reach from tables, dressin case 51 f shelves. I his hand but he deit seem to c with the big boy, ilcl e to give ev e of a vice, and tha, to become h Mine said rriedly prepaip saw such a one is in a hurty ,re any thing i ny cull's and, n model bons 1 ok around ai d be pile. Fi. t, n .e = table; w+ k f the floor, ft ,xtl we will .w lk ee what me ts 0.4 drawers pul ed u ton, brush , n(1 t eft as used, w th s1t broom and )Id n the oor. , the si k - p is n the shelf, wIsh ik and towel on the fl or. box of blacl ing to floor, the st ves coal hod is ful of ' IVhat shall 1 d father.? 1 WO mother one pie to train up yso r boys ful, orderly:hu bands evening as he:. ,as h to go away, " never . as ,you are, wh in any you neycr know wh ..1 want iny &Oyes, tie."- ' He does not all m keeper: Supp se we •Ree -how he hel ',wine his old hat 4s o -1 the c apron in the n fiddle for inc to. men 1). ,N into the .bed -r om an our eyes. Thiee bur open, contents 'in con comb out .of cae, toil the stop -pies at -t. Br coat and vest room, the so basin in the Si In . the woodshed th and brush as on t need refilling .-nd the ashes. .He sa,' s his taller and s'ster I always used t( pick t p his things. ' lilat is no gun tha :1 slfall; nor after my dy, 'Who is tit blas te, - m mother and si, ter ?— Ilauseltold. only I'd to. ked for it rightly !, . :Is NO lora er -a boy;•tiS the rainbow no moresi ...0, • 0 1 That noeks all nit fondest endeavor ; -, 13ut fri •ndsh ps griow cold, and my joys', worn ' I ard old, - ,- , - .• I • • - . , And 1 appiness niisse8 ine ever! . I I'll tell yin) a scheme -----but it's twixt "you and e•-•. ° X shall Ist-seti sh. joy and -nes " happiness," 1 e, And for reares,sing tile woes that seal- .• And hink,ef-sell never, oh, never ! ut the rainbow- was th iii the heart bright and fair, s socn as I looked for it ightly itt the rainbow was- th ire, in the heart • bright and fair. ' a soon. as I looked -for it ! •. 'Wye Smith: ' , • Gaieties. boy was --asked Which • was the eate • evil, hurting another's fee or itis fingers. " Thefeelings," he Rig it, rity!tlear ehild;" said the 1. fled estianer ;" " and why is it N to ht -t the, feelings ?" . " -Because you ban't ie rag around them," ans‘red I • the ch. • 4 Inas id.' rati- -orse be era the gi lady' , stupid young tnran, :supposed to. .1tbrained, who • was slighted by is, very modestly asked a young if she would" let him spell( the evenn h her." No1" she re lick. that's what I.. -wont." ‘' N''''11y.," replied he, " ou needn't beso fu-sy ; I don't mean this evening, but some stOrmy one w en Iican't go anywl ere elsee'r HeIl(1, Smith, what s tip ?"' cried to his friend, who, fresh from a tie :With the stove pipe, which sistcd all efforts to put it m place, it the. window witl . soot ori hs 1 and with wrath m his brow. ing's up," remarked Smith,. f ' it's vn and wants putt ng . up."1 "I aid Brown, ", these re not piping f peace ; they are. times of peac- _ • • towt a wr-e had r ;stood hands all do times ing pi ____‘• wife • • e. ? Rh ' , v . ii ' said Mr. Jones to his ne eening last weel , VI 'suppose you will inakie a fuss about ill but. there .at -e -e--- ' ()h le -h -h -h mercy !" re i$ It ?" ." Down at the hall, i Irs. Jones, jumpily. en a 'chair. ratiificktion meetings always are," 1 .Jones. l',' If you woUld wait till thitoitigh speaking i without Uter- g MC, youd know moree" veets of the HoneYmodn.—Hes- Hulda, dear,, -.I WaS paSSilig , is a cried " Wh Viler snarl I get leupth " —8 band thron rh our garden I saw some aspara- gus eadY for cooking; perhaps you fruit wouh wife ( the V what, you SI ladde .e2 street the ri gaun off fo Jamie time. like to go and gather the. first f the season yourself ?" Young nxiorts to conceal her ignorance in getable department): " I tell you Adalphns, we will go together; all pine - it and I vill hold the ,. W• O village worthie . met on the the. other day. ' Jamie,"-- says her 'Of ehe two, o payme that a,cco • sitter the noo.P' .",1 havena seen Could ye change a not - ous. ti 0 1 • h8 1 h s i •1 An Tndi eren (4reat exci ement post office, offi and, of course the G employees are not ex ing the news that Go lated Cleveland, all . indignation a the co with the eXce tion o inan Who SWC ;ps out You. don' seem school keeps ia or.no clerks to ltim.! Dats jess w• hwy. am too kmall rin My close- 'bout sa tr husband or 1 is . oung ‘Vife tie- Re1kjblicak, exists among, tie over the 'count& y, lveston post -40e empt. On re cong atu- f them expr ss4d uluct of the vo er the colored ge itt he offices. to care wh thitr ," said one of s the reply; my to justerfy in le result." -A Valuable Maryland Fanner : -away a single bone, to save them from tit and put them in a bo keeping. As often lot put them down hi by layer, first a layei :laerof bones, and se Wet eaA1 layer of ash ly asyouproceed. - . • ertiltz. er. Do not th -ow ut direet the c ok kitchen and ta )1e, - or barrel for, . pie s you get a. ghpfi strong ashes,la Ter q ashes:, the] a on, taking- care to S pretty thoron ill eave a little space at ty top : of the -eta,rrel -for holding water, and pour on s me when you fin ish packing and some at intervals,, as appears to be needed time, if the ashes ar keep them 'constant13 : In three months' strong and you • wet, you NsillM ve almass of manure w( frth handli and good for corn, NV lea, or rany . other • IMPORTANT NOTICES. (NUTTER FOR SALE. --For side c k_s mingle Cutter. Apply to KIDD, Seaforth. eap a good' fRS. JOHN 896-, Cows FOR SALE. -For sale two good , • 1),0. Rcist•Eiv.sN,ctEo:sarif. 8008, also too 2 year old s Apply to the undersigned, Harpurhey. D. 89 JAMES PICKARD'S, WOOD WANTED.-Wantird about '25 ords of firstenass two feet green w od for vhich ash N. ill: be paid. Odie. 94 sale t*0 3'0 ung and spl the highest market price in Apply at once to the Exeoarro NEN FOR SALE -For e of good working oxen, yr ndid workers. Apply to Walton P. 0. or on L 10, Concession 14, Steliillop. JAME'S C,AMPBELL., . 9 -4 I EED GRAIN FOR SALE. --For sale RI ssian • 0 I Amber Spring Wheat, guaranted 'lean froth wild oats and all other noxiOns needs: Witt. BELL, - 8f Del ITUATION WANTED. -Wanted by a 0 vied man a steady situation on .a farm.. plica it o stqady habits, and can give goo feren es if required. Apply to E. ., Box 209, Seaforth Post Office. 90 lx2. 4ON EY TO LOAN. -To lend, 82;000 pi irate 111. funds by the end of June, on First Class farm security only OS per cent. interest, pa -able at the end •,a year: For further information apply at the ..14x POSITOR 01.1,101i. 80- -tf. mar- Ap- 1 re - ETTLE UPHAll parties indebted to mo, will .),D please take t otice that I am leaving Sea- . • crop you may wish t grow. = Cure for eak Eys. An elderly= gentle! 1E1,11, accustOmec to indulge,"entered Vie room of certain in, where sata grav friend by the fie. ifting a pair of gre n spectacles nipou • is forehead, rubbin his inflamed eyes id calling for hot brandy -and water, • he comphalted to hi • friend that, "His • 0eyes were getting w aker and weaker, and that (All specta .les didn't seem to do them any good." '11 tell thee, friend (replied the Quaker), what 1 think! If. thee was to wear thy Speetacles over thy mouth for a few mai thy eyes would get round again. are yo never - A Courage int? I'm ill -Vie Spectator Iyas ays ing the broad stre ye this long; NvhiCli the United St twenty-1)0nd ated, when °his atten note ? Ay could'," -iu•ys the laird, shouts of " look out says Jamie, " you'r ) siller the :street to the inn 1 out his pocketblok i" Ay Ns• eel," • = • and )3 a et.-enei,. run crawl then,' and --walked Payment in- Nsall:*; tuid, defini ely postponed. , ive4, and at the san to discern the d amse he &VW a pair .of hor light twtescatitd wag cross street. - No on i': was itelear case toard dvenne was lit carriages wilting the horses dashed in turning the borne down it, nothing se than that in a meMe wagon would- strike carriage, perhapS d possibly start so • Everybody on the st fling front the dangei place of safety from tastrophe, •except colored mtin, was pu ed horses,and as the corner into the aven OVertookthe wagon, the back seat, antet,i than it has taken th, these line, had chin ing wagon and over seats, geau&•,ilit up the thehorses to a .st4i as uninjured. -e'int on his way °e nues.courage and a nown hero was a n n the mine of an a —Judo.e Eastman, 4f Manchester, 1 atone time that enera Frank: rce!was. opposed,t the Hon: 'Natt rd in some case it a New Ifamp- ourt. The Gallen Ps strong point d in very an.4vere suffused with tears b his ic pleading. Hr. Hubbard, in a -ale?, said in his reply : , " Ueiitle- f the juryomderstand that I am ring for for water !" And. this mpletely deinoralized the eff neral's elloquence. Jrah churchman and .a thr an' had been at the ante peoples virtues. • I. The former asked the latter if He is a sort of Bayard ; he is as net like thintroits. He replied cOurteous to inc as though I were the nt ; know what an introit is." greatest lady in the land, instead of a did you enjoy the anthem ?', sked village school-mistress,1 said' the girl !the brurchmai.• "No; I did rnot enjoy °nee, with tears in her eyes. " And. see it at , "I am very serry, sal( the • how good he is -to those old ladies at churc Hnapa, " beca,use it was used in the The Syca,thores ; he lei Mies Hope talk early church, in fact it was originally to for a whole hour her ,en- sung by Daid." " Ah !" said the perance 'societY, though,' I could see he Scotc una, " then that explains ; the was dreadfully bored bylier. He never Scrip ureS ; I can I ;understand -noW if hurts peoples feelings by. letting them DiVitc salg it at that time, why !Saul iee that they troub him" rela4 lin Pi Hubb shire - was' h this p j nryn pathe gruff men not b ing c the G Presb claire he di( "Id ci` Bu • s ifluence- over . jury, al rtieular-case the eyes of pen- ct of °tell tifreu his javelin a,t him" 1y dear, Gartl is perlfection, and I --- hey were in the gi otiery Fitore. uu glad you hav forma it out," was Scud (athys reply. to en Queenie found v ut for her feelings in cate t a grateful little peech when she next Ilatair m sense me ri take it; an what ed, h 'Saw Oarth. He caue in at the dra,Wing- room door, th-ro-wirlg his head back -in- his uSual fashion, a1nd shook himself like a rough terrier!. What a dirty sure ! the roads me. I hope we toonorrow.' Oh, Mr. Cla.yt fellow I look, to be '.'e finite powdered hall have rain before- ! n, I have been want- ing to thank you ever since :I heard it. It Will be so delightful;—to-morrow. mean." • That romain9. to be - proved; we shall enjoy it all he more for having -• you with us," was he pleasant answer 1 have been wait ng for an opportunity to drive you ove to Karlsmere ever kince you came. The lake is charming,. bnd you will get 41uantittes of parsley fernfpr your cottage garden. By the by, I have been in there this morning, find the workmen aregetting on famous- - ly ; adI the holes.are stopped,and there's re% er te t 811 to extraordinary acuteness. Let lustrate by this gentleman. I'll s gap of sugar and let him feel of ull see how gitickly he'll tell The blind man having enter- s put to the test. He put his rn; (seeihga, blind man. about " Were you aware how deli- uch of a blind madis ? When prives us iof ' his sense she lends by bringing the other t ts Iv, thumb as d finger into the scop, an withont hesitation said :, " Th tt i ,sand.' •oee . lusinig, shop and kicked his dog. ' • —The well known' Henry Erskine; once met who deal locutiona Everybody laughed but Hi made several attemp and then went intothe the s back an :acquaintance, al barrister,• in hard 1 words and drown - sentences. Perceiving that • us Negro. a week ago, cross - t in Saratoga on tes Hotel is situ - ion was arouseil.by there ! look out !". ring of people from ✓ edge of the 'side- ig them instinct - e time looking up f the disturb nee, •es attached to a n, tearing do vn. a was in the wa on ; f runaway. The ed on either side for a call,' ani as o the aveiee, sharply, da hed med more ce tain t or two the re ling • into some other •Molish both, and 0 more runa ys. eet was either 1111: or looking f r a he ainticipated ca- ne inan. He a suing the frigh n - swung around the he cut across, seized hold .11 an t less time certai tly Spectator to wiite )ed into the sw y - the • back of he eins, •and brou:ht d. The carriage id the - Sbectator vying the, colored ility, for the un- gro, 'and reflecting - ile mind in an agile body, and on the fad that the wdrld is till •of unknown and unhotored hero s. t ?or this unknown h ,o, as ithe Sped& or earned from other, eetators at :la, d, vas not the driver, it a colored port: r, : vho had .110 more oe !asion to risk liInb 111 life than any otl r of the hundli -ed nen who looked on nd applauded ' siS rnavety. • -s("tiptain' Stenii! , of the :Stewart anehe,Calgary, arr'vedii Ottawa a,st 4tudy evening' to spend a few d ys •tanong his relati r.' s a d nuttier us ciiendS. There was hea ry . snow all Otring the winter, tas i did not • crisp on the top the cat admirably- and notwi lista,' 11ils ankle WaS tied up with _ 4, -Silk hand- thermometer reg,iste d oc erehief, Erskine asked the- '.eause., below zero, very few of th ,' Why, i y -- deal- .sir," • answered the eaks -wordy: laiwyer '' " I was taking a romlantic 1 ed theraby. He his new home and place like the North had been on the way hink ka,mble in my 'brothet-'s 'grounds - when, est. coining to a gat, I had to plimb' over it, for s 8.• IP get e got along ding that the asionally 50° Cattle suffer - jubilantly of there is no The captain vep days. • • OF MPBELL'S BLOC 4 • 3 =• - REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE. e - • . T OTS ran. SALE. — Three -hundred and: J sevety-five acres of land, being composed THE RED FLAG 11,t)ZovolINC'Ivie'(;;f:tili1:&e:"Ilf :rsi9):/1('),Peli-Ith; 3 . lo,foillieh.ts 32, 33, 34, 35 and part of 31, m ths 8th Concessioo of MeKillop, They will besoll cheap, -1 -;- .1 • rt.' ACRE FARM FOR SALE-Norf.h im1f of L., ' 11 0 Lot 00, and the north of north half ofl Lar_ t i - 31,.Conession-0, McKillops Mofit of this lued Is seeded, and in excellent conditien for meadow or pasture. For further partieulars apply to ANDREW GOENLOCK, Whatnot) 1'. V. 819 I . ' I TAARSI FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 34, Comes- ! petty will be sold this simmer, in order to close - 1 .:. plasri:ann2,, cEiiiIttolaiii.aollosh. This desirehle pro - up an estate. It eonsists of 200. aeres of ehoice hind, about 145 are); cleared; gond farm bnild- git end orchard. For particulars apply to W. 365 •,t MAIN STREET, SEAORTII. BILDING LOTS .FOR SALE. -The- ilinder- as I signed ha number of very eligible ' build- urMind on the Fact that Pic▪ kard's ing lots for sale cheap. Mae lots contain a quarter of an aere each, are plpasantly situated alid convenient to the business part of the Village, e Place to Buy Dry Goods of all Kinds) 1.iii•i4.ers, or others desiring-. a. pleasant and quiet piece of residence . DANIEL CLARK, Egmon4- 877 .. and are well a.dapted for tha residence ef retired - 1:11RSI IN TUCKERSMITH FOR SALE. -For 1:2 • Sale the North Half of Lot A, Concession 6, Tdckeremith, conteiiiing 50 ern, 45 of which arc, -cleared, free from stumps and underdrained0- The farm is well finocesL There is a log house wt. large frame barn on _stone foundation, good 1 .1..AC104CWT S well arid force 1)111111). It is within Mut milee of 1"_I ' 13e0orth, and the roads leading from it are all gravelled. Apply to MRS. E. BURKE, Mrs. ' • „sten • 1'1 Head Hotel, Toronto. _ _ JUST NOWAT HALF PRIQE. ROOK BOTTOM PRICES. )l February, will olietion. THOMAS I 1 e placed in other hands- COVENTRY. 893-tf. for . . , XTOTICE TO 1.11 'tiebted top tl either by note Or fied that unless' th Duce to the un er This is the last to forth. - OATS WANTED. 000 B1}1E for which the1 very paid. Wheatk Pa chased • as us! al. DEBTORS. -A11 parties e estate of the late John Kidd, book account are hereby as aid indebtedness is paid iened costs will be i net ice. MRS. JOHN KIDD 896 -Wanted immediately :48 of oats, delivered at K highest price in cash will ley, and all kinds of grain D., ItteLEN.NAN, Kippen. _ • 89 T-tf in - noti- at. rred. Sea - 20,- ppen be pur- EED OATS I'011 0 tity of thkse weighing 45- poup from wild oats an 40 cents per bushel. Hills Green. SALE. -For _sale a- Irian celebrated McAllister ,- Is per bushel, guarinteed 1 other noxious seeds. JOHN McALL1STER, 900x4' - oats,' free • ' 'rce, CAUTIQN.—Iihe 'against on my acount, cnsnt, as I sponsiblefor Mr:TAGGART, .. . giviisg will debts CI BARGIN.- of soi tl Apply RET. far dwe ca Ap public any without not iselhurst, good re on township to t, -here ling, chard. ly 3ayfield are hereby cautioned peraon or persons credit in; written order hereafter hold my self otherwise incurred.- .1011 Fehruary 23rd, 890x4 and. re- 1885 . .it GREAT: il. - 149 acres -chiefly niapie, failing stream Allanford stator, of Bruce. 11081TOR, Offiee.. IUAW& TO valuable ship �f Stanley, large briek &e., excellent Terms. easy. JOHN,' ESSON, Willi be sold cheap land, lieavily timbered Hemlock and Cedar, gh it. Three miles of' Atnabel, Cunt., box 284, Stratford, or 893-tf . - -For sale or to rent a lot 11,- conCssion,12, are MO acres of land, two frame barns, sheds, Immediate possesion. to JOHN BROWN P. 0., 1111505 County. 893-10. :rover from Ex. -.- were towit- a or to Ey Ort$ES FORSALE.-The Ifor sale a t years ..old, sire Draught Filly nis Gelding rising t ply to the Propt Mliillop, 'or to PAIIIISIL undersigned pan of *Wings 'rising by "Enterprise," one Ileav ng twe,and one Heavy Dr o.• For further particulars i iter on Lot 14, Concession Winthrop P. 0. JO 8 offer the , ugh ai 1, N -3. 5-tf O • N desboro will be day, the Offers same time Directors. i-VIIFT.I.r . V Walton the Union for the powered feri are tory. F()lt part Killop, dollars 8., Tuckersnaitt forth. 6, Concession F. HOLMESTD., - 'MNDERS 1. ceived Walton the erection lowest Plans ther informatiot I undersigned Walton. TICE. contracts dream let by 19th for the and cowed P. Cheese season to .received. , SALE. 61 will Ten P. or any and specifications JOHN -N At dtiv Bi p W. Cr011SA---LE2.A.1/.11?ications 1st 0., m of ciosc • I Nort acre- buy (ho 11 ice is hereby for drawing cream ry during the ction at Bell's of March, at ttermilk will be are By order L. OUIMETTE, the undersigned, til Starch 14, for and Butter Factory 1885. The undersigned the bargain if R. IL WER Three thousand - half 29, concession near Walton.' Zest half21, Concession , 50 acres, four sand five hundred Hullett, 150 Barrister given, tha to the season' of Hotel, on 3 o'clock tereived of the Bo Seer will addres the Wh of W i s tisfaeto USON, . 818-4 th Loi - 188, Ilms.; p, n t th • rd of tart re r - ed t. -y if Ito en - y o - 'ern- In y , II wand L . R. Sea - , Lot ly to 8o9rtIt. dollars will 1 Threetho 4, miles freer will bu acres: Api &c., Sea WANTED. by 0., urtil of tender o1 -- -Tenders will . ie re - the Undersigned, addrete, d to Monday, Starch 16, 1.5'fqr as frame dwelling house. The pot necessarily ace pted. may be seen anc fur- obtained on application • o the Lot 1, Concession 1Gijey, or HEWITT. , 816-6 CHEESE FACTORY . he a meet throp Cheese F nestles-, March arrangements ti other importal quested toattend, circulated we ac wishing shares fall. Every share of - 8, and e. JOHN C. MORRISON, . MEET1N0.-There Ig of the patrons ctory in the Vantory, ,S, at 2 oclock ;len to start in t matters. Every d, as neighbori not likely ..an take them the last se1b.son wet more the Secretaty .• , •. of the on p. in., to the sprit' patron ig factories o run. P then, pay had a coming s and Tre • 9 will Win- We - ma e_ and is r hat e trot s ne. t pro ' t aso ure MUSICAL.. ,4:% C. M 1,TI:11Piano or for graduating at of foreign, titehing. deuce on George Main ttreet, Su . ' DUNLOP, Teacher of •lust Organ. Advanced pupils' less than one-half the e. Terms moderate. Street, Second Door E forth. I . fitt.d pen e Re - st 0 f 879 MEDICAL.r TNT 0. S. McDONALD,•31. VV s Chin, St a.nd residene, t chison, Atiburi• 0., C. M., rgoon, Aecoucheur, &c: let lately occupied by Dr. • less - 0111 Hut- 781 T G. SCOT' -J. and- Acco residence Sout Door east of thq -AL D., StesPhysician, Su ,her, Seaforth, Ont. Offi side of Goderich street, 8 Presbyterian Church. . geo) , e a d •co d 842 p!: W. DRUG -le of the Src„ Sealer same as occup SMITH, M. I).; COLege of Physician); -AI Ontario. Office ed Its: Dr. Vercoe. y: 0, C. Seaforth, Ont.entice' of Goderieh 'Street, Methodist Churelo C. M., M and Sur and resden,,e ' .mb, r rem, 848 W3.RNOlEll, 3eILIi‘ersiliinsiciai,1rge.tlad Accoucheur, North Side East of the 11adute end tesi First Brick - f il en • , ou.e 496 JJR. MACK1D, Toronto College of Office in Victotia Su (late of ucknow) Grath University, and Member Thysicians and Surgeons of 01 iady's Block, Residence, L. 3 arc, Seaforth, Ontario.. ate of of. t e tar o. 'eye s, 894 EYE EAR,. . • . , 1 ' , DR. 0E0 L. R. C. P., L. R. C. Ear and Throat, Trinity to, and Surgeon to firmary. Late ClinicaL Ophthalmic Hospital, Throat and Ear Hospital. 317 Church AND THRO on th: College, and Es Royal and . Toro • ' e, or n, r if ond . r lent a E t I S RYERSO S. S. E„ Lecturer Medical the MercersEye Assistaht Moorfields, , Street, SEAFORD! TBEG to inform 1.. nianufaetif ing to the entire destruction compelled to ca3I on of your account, as I hbpe a second lappeal . I 839. ....,/assastaien. - • , . . • • • . . . -..-.......•.........—t • WOLLEN,MIL those indebted to or book accounts, that of my mill by fir you for a prompt sett the. books must be will not be neeessa A: G. YANEGMIN : , . . , . . . . _ _ _ S, 1 re fo OM , I an e i en lo: ed y. 11 Mel*, MEN'S QV On Hand a Full Assortment of Sizes of-- - outbs' and Boy's Ready -Made Cl AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TtMES. RCOATS” TWENTY-F1VE PER CELT. BELOW RATES OF SELLING. JAMES PICKARD, SmithtWest's Old Stand, Campbell's it 3eccsaiT thing FOR SALE.- The subseriber offers for 1-11A11Sale his farm of 100 acres, being Lot 7, Ctin- eenSiOn 4, II. R. S., Tuekersmith, About 95 acres cleared, brick house, frame outbuildhiees, orchard Sze., well watered and in a good stateof cultivation. About three miles from thetown ot Seaforth; Terms, 82,000 down, and halane4t to nds 74 ' suit purchaser. JAMES F. ELLIOTT, Egn xille P. 0. - ; • TURN FOR SALE. -For sale supposed t 12 110 acres, being Wo,st half of Lot 28Coees- 81011 2, East Wawanoh, 75 -acres cleared, good wing orchard with spring well in it, spring creek in centre of farm Ten acres of good fall what, and fall e p101.1h1ng done. Soi17 clay loam. Pine for building purposes on farm, atid plenty of rail timber. This farm will be sold for A .85,300, good tiine will be given topay. Powssion GUL .IILs • at almost any thne. Apply to IL 310011E, Olin toys 8984 • • lock Huron's Photographic Establishmen W. W. WADE, SEAFOR 1 Ei Having 'efitted his rooms wiijh new and handsome furniture, such a chairs, balustrades and draperies, also n w and choice winter sceneries, is now repared teturn out photographs in any st le desired. I am, Making a specialty of Cab inets, and 840 Photographs, the 8x10 Photo is considered the picture of the day: Any of those wishing to make their friends Christmas_presents can fin( nothilig more suitable and elegant. The finest - finish on all- work gurantee( ,and im work allowed to go out unless thoroughly satisfactory 1 , FRAMES. ---I have also on litaxl a large and varidd stock of Frani ; I • i which there are some of the choicest Gold and Easel Frames in new in designs, whTidh I am offering at greatly reduced prices during the Chris days, very nice" 8x10 frames complete with glass mat and back from 30c MOULDINGS.—Mouldings plain and ornamental in great variety., made to order on the shortest notic, and at lowest prices. A call and i of the work respectfully solicited. N.B.—tani enabled by the use of the dry plate to make photo aphs as well in dull weather as in the finest. All Photographs made by the ins ntaneothus dry plate process, also make the em picture four for 60c. Rooms a ion • I - ground .floor. i Seafort_h s, a,mo g elegant as hli- tp. Frames ispection W.W. -WADE, Main-st, • , te tLa.' POPLAR ver P%.. TEA. G 0 0 1\T.— STOCK COMPLE ge Asortment to Choose From. • E. PRICES RULE LOWER THAN EVER THIS SEASON 88.8.8m8mEm=•8 thing New, Fresh and Hands° ivrimsoi\T, sApp, TEA. TEA. • TEA. AT THE SEAFORTH- TEA STORE. Now is the ']ime to, Get the Best Value Ever Offered in Seaforth for your Money. - 0-- A.-ci.irr, Has Just Re eived a Very Large Consignment of TEAS. He now holds one of the Largest lid Best Assorted Stocks west of Toronto. In Teas alone he new holds 175 Pa kages. Prices from 15c., 20c., 25e., 30c., 35c., 40c.'45c., 50c., -55c., and 60c. per poluid. This Stock Consists of GREEN, BLACK, JAPAN, GIN - POWDER, nd TEA DUST, and will Guarantee them to be all FRESH and give Enfire atisfa.ction, or Money Refunded. Also a. large Stock of Sugars and all kinds of 1 Groberies. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Shorts, Bran Buckwheat Flour, Oats, rley, Screenings, Chop Feed, Salt, Coal Oil, Fish, Apples, Potatoes, Turnips, Ca ots, and Cabbage. A large stock of China, Crockery and Glassware. Also a Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Trimmings. Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmeal at Mill Rates. A CALL SOLICITED FROM ALL GOODS [DELIVERED FREE. 1117° A. G. • WIARM FOR 'SALE. --There will be sold cheap 12 100 acre farm, being Lot 10, Concession 133 Gre, 60 acres cleared, 10 acres hardwood fallov, balance hardwood bush and cedar swamp. There Is on the farm a good' frame barO and house, also a good beaeingyoutig orchard, good neCeffailing spring afew rods from buildings,andgood fences.' The farm in situated in a good locality. Liberal trms of pasnent. For further particulars apply to THOMAS CARDIFF, on the premises, or by letter to Cranbrook, 1' 0. 898-4 , s„ TR IARMS FOR SALE OTO RENT. -The su- "! scriber -driers for sale or to rent Lots 19- and 20, 1st concession of TuckersmIth, consisting of 100 acres eah, about a mile west of Seat* h. l Good frame house on one farm, With orchards, s, blarns, and us ial outbuildings on both. NV/III z b e rented or solcin blck, but not separately; If sold purehaseir_may pay one-third down, and the balance can remain ort mortgage. WILLIAM- FOWLER:. 873 ' ), TIARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, the 5outh half of Lot 10, Concession 1, Grey, containing50 acres. There are 30 act -es cleared, part of the bola/tee has been burned ' dowti'and part bush. There is a frame house and stable, a young orchard and four and one -110f acres of fall wheat 14 18 situated within a mile and a quarter of Jamestown. Itwill be sold cheap. The adjoin- ing 50 acres are also for -sale. This property will be sold separately or together. Apply to SAMUEL or ANDREW POLLOCK, on the farm, or by mail to Jamestown P. 0. • 850 0 PLENDID FARMS FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 18, 13a3field Road North, tontaining 400 acres, a.bout 60 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation; the balance well 'timbered with hardwood, Black Ash and Cedar, The buildings are all first -lass and irew ; a splendid orchard and ablindance of --atr. This farm adjoins the village of Varna, and is one of the best located farms in the. County, Also ,Lot 19, Bayfield Road South 5 adjelning the Village of Varna, containing 53 acres all cleared and well fenced, and in a good state of cultivation. A good barn and orchard. The above farms will be sold se arately or together. Apply toTHOMAS WAR Varna. 1 s 89541 UAW' IN STEPHEN FOR SALE. -For sale 1.! Lots 4 and 5 and part of .3, Lake Road East, Stephen containing 282 acres, nostls, all clear- ed, good buildings and abundance of good spring water. This farm is mostly =clay loam ea 4 is good either for grassing or croppingT1tCt4 18 also a young orchard. It is within 12 milt o Park HilL The above will be sold -in one block or separately to suit purehaer. It ts all in one block except a small part on the opposite side of the concession. If not sold it will be rented. There are churches and schools convenient and good roads leading to market. Apply to; the un dersigned, Blake P. 0. JOHN REITH. 899tL B, -A large stock of Well bred cattle now on the farm will be sold with the land if suitable. • 899tf VACABLE FARM FOR SALE. -s -The scriber offers for nalellis farm of 100 acres, beinn-ISouth East half bf Lot 37, Concession 8,, East iv,asvanosh; about =65 acres arecleared and,: free ftom stumps, the balance is well timbered with hardwood, hemlock and cedar. The farm 18 in ahigh state of eultivation. It is situate& one 'tad three-quarter miles from Belgrave 7 miles' from Wingham, 8 miles from Myth. withico Ione-guarter 111110 front schbol. There are on thle Premises a good ft:tine house and frame barn and stabling; a sarfung bearing orchard, a never failing well, and creek running throuth the back part of the farm. This property will be sold cheap. For furtherparticulars apply on the premises, or to GEORGE A. TYNER, Bel - grave P. 0., East Wawancish-. 894 The St. Julian Restam an, EAFORTII, OT. If you want a good dish of Oysters go to the $T. JULIA. • If you want the nicest and freShest Oysters in bulk, go to the:ST. JULIAN. If you. want the Choicest Cigar* go to -the ST. JULIAN, If you want' the choicest Smoking Tobacco to be had anywhere, go to the ST. JULIAN. . Lemons -and Oranges, fresh and good, always on hand it the ST,. JULIAN. If you Want Conf &Alone' y of any kihai be sure and go to the ST. JULIA.N, the best place in the Comity, ' Market Street, Seaforth: ; ,,1 Remember the place—Sign of the Big LanternMain Street, directly opposite JAS. BURGESS. • AUCTbNLE — Short Horn Cattle - and Leicestk sihep. • ON WEDNESDAY Marl 25th; '85; • 1 MAPLE 1:mm; TO,CK YAM, : • • • • I: , • • • •••• • On the above date and Bred Short Horn Cattle, years old, bred to Baro And four young bulls. six of them rams. TWo also be offered, one endr matched. TERMS. -N9 - credit will be givertonsu ed feint notes. Sale to 12 o'clok. Send for Ca JAMES S. SMITE, Mapl sex County, Ontario. lace, I will s1114 Pure lenuiles twoandthree• Constance 50"---2189. Iso 26 Leicester sheetp; Clydesdale colts! Will colt and one MIA well esorVe: Nine rresirths • eminence prortiptl„v -.at - I 13 Over 25, on aporov- ogue withpintreulars. 1, Lodge P. -0„, Middle. 900:2 • ; I