HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-03-06, Page 8id is an able eloquent leotur�r, and
Ontario,. and if it,hadnot b6eh-f6r the Mondville,. hag pure asid I failure of the in- 'Jol d ly th4 -eating 6�1e, the
two drops libre d "lot:on in Stieet�, redentll gubj�ct being tin inter
d i ity may very
on P-00 to -T the 4.undant bah"est all'over.the world, Mr..* C. L, Papst,., for the sum of $78).. eo le, of al on an vicin
"' 1 Is or ar rary
andthclowpHce� the It is a very a ea propert) at t4is,prio, a' lookYo;r dto'a grand lite
on ening 0 on,.. il - f the 16tti. There
il- tr t ' thee
D�JSTRI07 MATTERS.- farmersliere Nvo ave. Robt. Wir(telrl 6f Se prth, atten
rentioJi f Ca I , ian cattle should, and n doubt wille, a crowded
they had extia44e I he -in raii sing ed the con, wheat bef -�rould ba�,e i dealers hold. -in Toronto last Friday.--. house.
ore t�lq tied i ny- y :riftE _PFRUC 1901YOOL--T-he We are -.glad to ri�tibe that our esteemed tbing else. Btt 6 I Aie St ted t I -ge atte nf. ance anj MI 36 a, st,atement, of the aera, t have brought t�,ijn TJ to 6 focus; and vill. tq%vnsrn Will. I -Moore, is ea- ' e a his p t. iiew
the t1opartments of th� intense :o% b" -to at,,each of �. ; :it 6f good O'D- Ufficiently ree lh I fDri the,-iiionh of do y f4th publie -sq 00 I t IC 111�pto V ent aim, ''I stitate.— Pkesbyterian church in , vas �fui againin the Medha;n as' I Clinton *ill 'be
Feruary �-Mrj McFal&s- department Ping Hugh Bell, of H allett, h a remov ed the third Skbbatli
car -ied 0 formally
oil of armin to an a is co 0 Aren
35 miss,, Anderson's,. 46; Miss A. in -Ai f il�ia has be oponed. oil
on in this C'Ountty we e fkizen wn ' d now cocupie ttaae,i a in March Tile Rev. j?rofessor M L 56 ; kiss Kate Co,%van.'S, 54; -crich a �011 ta�e6t.—We' e oil- hai d of Toronto, I ill pr�acli ini the forenoon
-or, wheat is iio fa, all, God %U'i, 59 Y, as sebool.und' coune I re-p6rts,
the crot i. that in, last 's 4 and several to- and evening and Rev'. A. D. McDohidd,
Mrs- Coulter's � 85.. The total a,.-,,er&Lv'e 'eU-' gether with 111lications, Of 8 -ernoon.
6d 6fore t4e d th set 14 w er -co) iin exforth, in'the aft n the
attendance for �the mmith was 339,7� a,',' d fl i I - start -e., I 11 -vvhidh' equired �o 1;1tve over Opening
i -
t and gav % good �, following orsday evening the,
'Tid, tut t, ��6 pelbpI6, we are I for the total aver%,ge tteAilanee e �4 idea that no pit- until next week. -�-Mr Jo Lepli 0. Rose, -6 place. Tii is one
ere had- got tea ineetingwill ta
Inonth of J &nul y was 13.98.1 misfortune
ter . 'how of viell t�hey put the see -III of Eiiiiondville, 'had the- to of the most handsome churches in the
---------------- very pie aik the 91 e only tiCki. e- . have two of bis fingers seN erely crushed So�XAL.,—A as mund- 6r if I h ed th county. 'LOR - oil 6, I.Or social 4111' conn�ctiorl with. the ground with airrow they icould not while lo4ding barmis of having d drop. !This idea. 140 dayi—The anager 6f the ri lk. Dublin. tgondvi]16 alture hi u as held at the fail 8 te that n account 'of has -b e�en r dispelled. -We, wishes -to. DEATH 01, AN GO RES IDEN '!Mr. C.
f t, . atherl ra T. —
I.Xoy,, on TUe$- I Ia a yj C ady but for many years a rbsident
Evy. eventria -k large -11,11,inber of have hm D� Mr. Th-&,nas Jos yn's min rel entertiai K6 inerit.on'. Fridayz e-�ening ext the rffik
al f a -not a sio I 0 zzard, and tliere is of Dublin,flied Port Huron!,%fter a
e tion were friends a: th here. One can drive, will be open'on Thursday night instmd short illhAss. Ilis�remains were li,rought
-ent aud. a ter'yl enidyable time was -very little sno'��11 )rn-e, form4fly here for u:) -an of on, Friday. h,
t These 60cials,.ads well eivq being a anywhere over -th, � P.Ialrie, d. e are merit! last Saturda�i
of thl's town, is aaw farmi ig in 6utbe M. 1t1WXURNltD`MJ6 Peter- McI4, for -
having really. 14i did.
of' reveAue to t1h 4 chn rch hav, e the V rieiiiroTT'i California. Ile recently sent to Mr- fibbert,� returnea from Cali -
clear, brirbt, -s ta merly of d d drawing. t, f riends. of the li y days., oter O,- 161, wi y9W fornia hale and heart,
1=7 ( in
GhWes Azel 6 Seafort I:, f6f a -nit
bout zer ather a� d('not last Frida' He
into elbsee rel aship one with y-
0 no .1.1sh her of to have U, eggsf m-hiscelebratedPlymouth
1. it h IN+ a,; intends to "Make Oilta'rio b is hon ce-
Ier e ondville congr- On tai *e ot, 1146 tb look heha, whch be - has' forwarded to. forth. es Credit lbr.its, enterprise here, as he heat a -in dt: �1][y hen
uniner on 4:"eserlv I him.---7Ca wid. Cadet Ham- Of the- series evPOrl i - i
. . I - who have been W char e of the I, this direction. The next' 'ilton, McKillo i rll be hold- at the resid I e of Mrs'. - i P.
i. efte I-A'ANNTED AT th C tra Grmery, $e6d, SalvatiohArmy here ors', we ,� months; AGOOT) Col,ii.--Mr. Robt. Ca, ell
t 4olm Gernme-11, in [Vek-ers m-ith,' On Z. Oats,,Peals and Barli Also C10VC T OthY have received inayching i orders, their of the ri of 9cKillo
I T, Seafo eoncessto
'uesday eve ng, 17th itist. Seed. LAWLAW IRLF ternis h,%,% n expired. tur
I G as;- F ewfill meet. tell month 4. old Colt that ii� 'the
ery aa( d BIG 1BAR4AR a Oak ings wil;i ay, e Itis.! * Th. i� colt wo�s sired
held on Sund scales at 20 -icOES selling o f to . ""' Messrs. Sumnertnil- Ha#fil by Sao and"i . Farewell otiva Mr.
A —,N it EmToR, Ware a the C �,�6t
8ugarO and ton procc d. rtations om for direct S a oticed. a §uggestiond . your last issu . -to their new stations on. the followi ng ould like to hear fro Zo d d ebeiT a ecehtral all other Grocerie., Campbell w m those
oft the subject of Tide vs. - 'narrow , 9- r to , ere bqth who can beat if. -y. LmDtX FA,� u- Thursday. During their -y 4 Croce -2 Id W:
if% act d upon,wou e of all Som—Mr. Francis Cku�
t-' Ho! Fop. MA ']�GB --A m gentlemen 'conducted th ims&�-es, h FA
thm.k. be a areat boou to the country a 'both by p -e-
tending t goic, ' anitoba or the No the greatest decorum, aw of the 6th doncessign, has sold the east
could b there in Ah- 4rge, and if the sairrie law -fl�i The lield - at the roo
west this'spring ept and example bore wi, ness that U ey' half.of lot ,,S to his brother John"for the
11�8 of C
]�Mde to pplyto the tires of N�ragoris, a-Iry SCot in., on t Brothers, .8 afo�th at 2. o'clo ae what they 3rofesi to be.—We are uill of,LL$2,800, and has removed to Mr.
na xt, M th 10t eq -1 if. not a, greater beripfit, woiald Tu�sday ne sorry.to learn that Mr. I C1 litrIes Maso l's Laird's fari�-i on the same, concession. result. - If three inich tires A�rejre -used I �T�X!WORK' both wheat three year old imported iallion diedlon favor- ones now Ift use it and% �hoplling dot �Pr'o tly on e ulost a d of the narrow froin * inflans mation. —T wo Tuesday last able ternis at t le. OIG MILLS SRAFOTH. Uooirne.,
On d be c,reat Ssivin", io road mter- i t Notldng but the best 11; u.r -supplied )for both. rinks.of the Seaforth cut club W4 "rit I I I
-A Tire i Thames Road
-a TIC ME,TING. ec0unci 'ass a by' town,'a-tidcdtiiitryfra4e.',Poti't'seiid a3i�'for
to Wingliam on! Tuesday! and playei I a Presbyterian chu'r'ch �Aend holding
g -the broad, tire patentsWhen yo -i can U thelu as -good; and -hose usi match with the W-roxetei, club and got eir st&tute inuch cheaper al Ve. Good clean-- Spri. their - annup tea! ei
L L 01 in eting on Monday
e one third of th V. n. beaten by three shots.' ( 'in till oil( %itheat Avanted.
kbor to reniarterate therri for makin. V -e 0aitviz &'Co. T. c� evening, 'A arch �th. A number of
Kxmp Manag6r. J3 day they played a wi .' I he Ing
-ties w6uld I �Jout a' sh As , -iip,�Cipali �O Il Ivi speakers fr in a; distancie will be present
--te in an d
a change, tl Car Z e s expected. Wingliam club *-,us. avtha rods And thereby. THE�IRSTB EXPOSITORi altead.—Mt. J. S. Wals1ii and fa i and, a -good 'm4 1 EAK.---:-D%,Akt y; S., T-ack-erarmth. t 1 to you I am sory of this town lea�veL to_
—Snce Vr6te day to spend a Wroxeter. I t' 'e of !,our month with friends in and' aboutOven
tq. state th at w e 114ve os 0
THE. SEPOP.-P11 GREAINXERY.—We are- d, an old icquiint- voi of Inc. Wroxe er Lit -
Hanna, eigh So I.—The by-law nearest n 'r-- Of M in f arn that 11r. John atice from f lie perso, g the town of Stiatford as a C 'oeie held another. of their en -
glad to, le, 'rs- �ty eral.
porbin th. is Tapp,, ird tertanment in the town hall on'Thurs-
Proprietor of the Seaf i �r of M, .'Th4has wgs voted on and carried 6n W ednesday ri
i4icceeding ada-drably in his canvasig for NMrn.:- For �s she has hot -1i 6en- day evenin,, last.! ''The programi e,
by. a majority of 480; o that, we a
com-nig, season and a th last few m for he stro 1g, but read* ro dai OAths expect O1W Sistr town wil. ere long. -whiell consijt�d of qfgs recitl�tiolis,
]�om-the encourgement he has �flready amusic and sirsgifig! , was I
she has been. I i4der n.edi I care,, and its swaddl ing clothes an I assume , ;he .&Aer i lbetter
ceived he, hopes to receive Suffi * nt- p Besi gul4r pro. -
c during the lost i�.ioiIth has been' 0. tha usual. ties the re
f a ., ned more matured habiliment ertaining adebate, t
Gnp.ge to; place -the Success. o his to her b to e Ile �ubject*
patr ed. e citing to a 1pe city existence We e en- 4 = thei -was
eaterprise beyond a peradventure. 'e.. 9.-4n,hicli wa; I: Resolved., That, IVelling-,
till last wee en e, neighbor our best cor -a tulati�ns and Of recover ig til L I
it "Inay;l�e ton %.-a
a rapidly an )rosperity'-as a el y a -re Particularly glad of this, as if a began to a t s a be;ter general than Napoleon. c ed On hope its I
Acient pa-honage caw-, Only be secured lbgnments
After some very thorough
Friday e �elbrdury. Altho even greate� tha it has been as a to'n.
for the first year' there is no the least r ge- —Ivl had been ov a;Aled by',both. sid�les the
Cori paratively r g Per m a stran r. James Nichol has E t l6ith sold ill its itt the cream, ery work I &nd, rem & als were f ollo-wed to: the his farm. in McKillop to - his n4ighbDr, av r
anger b chairman g&, -e decision in f P, of the
G,WnL vinced. grave b lar Yqv. dir,�Ie of frieAds an(I er thiiiit, as we axe con affirniative. y D;ft -ya 1. fr. James Hogg, for the um of $7,7 aac�s. S'S he leaves a
tilat the advantages of the Creamery acquaint little-blifld X.�%TES IADNST LEAT11rR.--A granil
I .1
—Mr. Riellaird 1�obirison has reo ed
if praperly - tested, over the- two inile matched racetook place'�n the
is taken forlinal f 1 he about seven -In(, 4t] id, Afr.Tapp has to and pos es§lon o
'13 dairy %r; so great that even !the ofi the evening of
-vthy af, civantances in Wroxeter skaing rink
the ;ymp, is 4 farm in Tucker-8mith, ich he par- imcist skepticall rumist -for $25 -a side J
f r Olson by his sad afflictioul napsay tha Saturday last
chased from 'M'. 'Alex. Nieb -(A on very effic', Xrofessor Case of New, York, will g Lve by the 0 al pion, an, a iperience. tly W. Sanders n of I 1VV ei,4 , A.
-was waft� P - ox and
-raIpp � a, 4 3ter an eihibiiiion Woods,. of Galt,
aluring th6 la F,: T, iier, of Atilt and fancy skatng
-n ITS -1 EAST 'HUkaN TkAGHER' T earCcn�ralia, hill is to -w-11, on five rnile rui 'er 0 anada., N1r. an -
at the Dominion Rink Its. 1111111111 'n '�bw; purpos 1rrPTiKG.,T he executive cou-nuittee of who r 6. Yours came lip ednesday evening -nexti The a Its derson had to ac:jrnplish two miles oil
Teachers' U, stitute, In. et a trkily, JAi�vms V irdeb, 1V1ini- used will be two feet six inches *in '-skates,'whil' Wbodsbadth-, saineis-
C lintola On! ap -f(
FebrU'ry- 14th ultim o,i 'to tance, less five I Ot without,
toba- .i1ength;.--Oilr readers - -will learn v ith a, 'oil
when- and wh e' their jalek-t kc Aabout five
er s te derson won by regret of the death of th( splendid � in- shoithl' b6 held..- 'As *,e feet WN.Nobtter-or on poi ted stallion Puzzler," the prope
d 'A. Co.mr ty af �asoi a is so. far advnced,-it was d -m game ws played on the
� Z� * . CURLI-,, reliable * ex of the'v'olume iess of Mr. - J.ohii XcMillan. of Hull tt, a advisable to have any etiii- goo. or Harriston ink oil Thurs ay, 0 St
n ly . M 0 Saqtia'd in -a town or. i y Ilage- can - b6 hich took place oil AlTed iesday. 1his. tran. -4gus stili "ro eter
A xan June '18th, when their next a in- best lis in lVeek", be -een F given than is� it forded by the revepaie �f was one'of the aixd most pron 9 will be - -held at Clinton. A d i4to
clubs, for e dle'acinian. ri I- The
ille post iRce the place. Ta;king thii; licirses ever. inip�orte this coui fy, Pn d. proghimi f i ga�llie, w i fron� beginning to end,. was
g6li- W
e has 1beeA prep all, as a bitsis' -we Ad that Seaforth. stends and Mr. MeMill ' valued him at$!,,( 00. �ds R-Ul ba issued in due, tinle. I a it- clos ad exciting ;ed in a
car. very I becond, in.the a �4nty of Huon. y e. r. James Mdl�wirig;' of Drayto is r also decided-tvyi'the eb ie --F
xecii t- we' notice n tow U' is it on victory for by one sl t, Viistmste �ral's repor this week and calling Of East and West Hur(i in, - I IIAL.
ami-mitteea enue of, ;i�uea- I A te esi-
the rev is ni rrierou 6ode� s-$5,035 s friends. )it Clinto, on February 284ji, i. 0 O L social was heIT
I t �Oil th4 ven'-
I a., sentl3fed dence of Mr. Robt. Evans,
fortly, $4,4771, wid Cl�-hton; $4�0,08.. t] ta:t" a 111110a meeting of both Institutes and was w it lout
66dekich, �e4inj -the county town, a gireat THkR;Ni�z, —The ca iv al at,�the ic ink 11, Wei nesday'last, W lould be Ueld at Clinton on June 1 t site
dOl, one -of -the mois cqssful eld
de4l of the re ue--61 the',post --in in this town last Fri a�y evening , VMS ffice
inIly b ng pre ant.
here or so e time, ai
A very interesting- rQ- thilt place mus 1be f rived from official wdl ized e 8 in Cos me. lore, and
firom Blit vale,' Gorri4 In
Aran,-,inie having'beeri prepated. it is U be pAtron
t, le sm, -1 ndenCE i'whie 3. really. does no -le 3i appearance,
,.I corespo presented a V
h :)ped that t6 teacliers-' enera y other plac(s, no doubt taking 6dvan age
etesent busiI: sdoleintheetown so iiid the raes created coi isiderable
a, mil -the of thl". pwt�uiftj-of r ti itiful �veriirir aria fine ro, ds.
U& nes
--Vie'y� cli�ement The foRow g,we-the noti th �% of of tfie bea
enss About $21 were realized, wl: be
beuefift. ' , . "? 'I ic
Wf are j�u.s, I& 9 al of.the prize wmners:, La lies" character Sapplied to the purchase of lier
with it if-laot0hea, of-it,-tbs making costurne, Mis* F1 aces Co itworth, B Aw-&.v,�-Oil Thursday the sall; ladieW comic for the, ANTi oxeter Metbodi.. church.
Seaforth the-beist-bli ness place costilm-. Miss E., G. our eitizens were Surprised and inty of Hur . It ivill. also -be niot.ced Kennard, Seaforth. e ts character Master- col I ri%i.ed to. learn of the death W Goderich.
that, both Go h otnd- Seaforth are costume, -Harry Strong-, forth oe nts' ranc,is T. McCaughey, only Sam of S. 0 U.KFO TNA onsiderabli ix 6,dval Lee of Clinton, and TE.�-Almost iv bin a4ear
comic obsturne, w1n., ile Se th. of this town. -Ji c ie d ''a f that am, bitous Tbe boy's ra e � d theth still tl ee mile na. Mrs. Halliday, -of the townshi f I
aee on Thar a an
'I he s- ad event to Pi 0
& borine, has lost three of her e
I -� - - 6ist iip desgnaing 017 te-ur ra, by Moister
'ter an il �, - - o4t a , �clacari p ce were' both -won rn in M af ss of ab week, town as the ailb, d. are! dxcee eldest son, James, was 'led - by the
'Murdo, McPherson, of ensaIL Al, Iof tb� h ngs. Ffaftk was '611 th world all Oy -us that oil Oy Young' MoPhers)n is onlF a ly anxio falling of I treevilast winter, Lizzi�, the,
quiet, %tu -la( dious f 15 ybar.si and his thotgh not i - ell
in n it as'tbe rincil, lal'bu's.iness e mer6 I ad of twelve- years, II6 is -a,, Is do tighter, ,ho wil B,�anl -beai laryl-cliaracter IIPO + ood fOurt linton I er and proved too i nany for, the NVII a' r, en I er
of.. this f air coul 'y E; no -do bt skmt i )rather was Mile only Aiir-
ih all -uiverisa. favorite w v i about �Wo
a very race litt;6 tolmm I) and it omp: 'res . larg he lady ai d gentsf' fac ho- knew lum. He was in fact, old er boys. T e vive�d him a short time, an
weeks ago the tbird:daugh;er-, de
very fav*orabl, wit]. such places as was won by Miss E . . . . . . Cl and Mr, a Exd n vitured rauch beyon-d his years and WiDghami Iix�ter. and Brussels, but it J. Dawson of Seaorth. ;At t teesi wasQalled.avray. i that his 'acti aaridpowex- I . lie , m lust not 0 ire to rank withGodericli 'on Tuesday evening, e rink 4!as Aocmk,�N'T. 1171�liie Joll 1 McCluxe,
1 W48 too for a -of Gal -
not overly �p 73itillos McClure,
rabst body. - He has not bebn in the or Sestorth, !as the fa S do, not fustify Owded; he. raea-e b , een -.Mr.' B. second, Sat of
or hip, wds enzaae 1, in feeding its ambition' n com arlson With these Lee, of G Thoftias borrie towns
eorgetown, a44 Mr- e�oynient of perfect health for over,, -to
1b5t I Ailes thgoattle, lie had Oebas"ion to go up
a, yervr, but it was hoped that in tne he towns it.,11:1 �ake a back s6at. The Town of Seaforth for- #ve I for Era will please taV-e -no $25.a.' -on by Lee. This ra ow. -He pitelmil the fork
tice ce the straw in W91 -711d, outgraw I UU infirmities and New I itself a( cord sidej was w first, and after! getting up himself
mho6d. It was govern IY. -was very keenly cbntested, the skaters" UP
veop, into, a healthy inan ngvery fork coin Ig dor, vt,
de* 011 o,.t herwis& howove 3 evenly - mateW and- for a the menced, sli ii
n, and cin ei ere 14TV . , S ab or but losing
LOCAL BRIE 8. —T here wag an in,- time the excite men -ran high. The'fat when he ade a gr
! Thuis&y morning he gave way before I his balan fell-Irom the w, the f:)rk i
the Severity of the disease which had so usually lengt, sitting of the, divisia a mans' race wits , on by Mr.. H ugh
. - . I I . Ig U'litthrotlIgIthis igh. Hpis
0: on iday last. e Seized upon him and' was cut court here There: wei Gri ve,,of McKill an(I a .boy.4 race able to -be around,,hgai I.
:by Master W. Fit ow
f S down in he very floNver c�f youth. He Over 30�cases oil dooket and t eaforth. BuRNE rs. cLeod, of this�to np was the, pride and hope of a It court was engaged from ten 1 clock i ge as
until after a Woma about eighty yea of a �g
_Old d hi death will. be a the monnn
hquserlJ , an s BERIN0 FALSE:; WITNESS.—In it$ ur ay. It ap-
aw -to, his forld and, devoted Judge I ided.—Mr. te,Vrii4le Doyle p T.esi I borria ton burned to death 16st Thur
-h of of marklet report last; week the - CU . her clothes ! caught. e
1p�rens.. Btit mfi the dept tbeir ]Pawiy, proprie�wr he Hi ,rn h( New Era says::. "'Seaforth papers: pears
of Ayn as in to -rdai e ti. ted, wheat at 82c., but we have the way -while in the house, d when she
have f th vvill th Consoation On on8atu f amea -she ran it of 'dooks
grw ey . , e sow the
ays ro gel orl
madmaries -1U e deni "N
W i.�Cl fit ible, au h ty of a � farmer I who was on
-1. Ar ed to; niany. a he is doin a lairge an where she was found lying' on the snow.
other,,,:,%s few parents have t6. m ou..,m in bis neyv. location.—'SDme -it thatunarket on - Wednesdaff, for -a ago -as Mr. Gilbert -1 say She was a,) badly burned hat she died
the death of so, affectionate,. c(#ent- "week Ao'Micliaell ing that 80C. wasi the very Maim, t be that niglkt.. 06 .d. excin-plary a son. sr.j of Hullett, Attending to I -his Could get there for the �bcst Sample."', —Several fisherin n were. in -
cattle, a cow 81. ling her head' Iii making this stapnient, our good con -
'h, rather a*. iwaa predicam nt last Satur�-
PAm) CiTy.—Mr. Di-vid Me- struck him in the e with, h6rii. F temporary is not only #1isrepregenting I on
h been very �h the eaforth 1 market, i,but evidently
Di-ght, Mayor of Rapid City, Mni- Sinnze then his eye num Idaynight, They,had go'e out the
whi e out the ice
t f or rilailLy years, an esteemed inflamed and, pa-inf I - and he -has. ot interitionilly misrep�resents,the Seaf rth ice to, their nets, and r �;bi writes' -an lei;gth lost tho-sight of it entirely. He, papers as partedbeiween,�hem and the shore, and
well. The -above stater�ent
I I They
23"rd - s eds going to Tor. sit amen -follow� :` This -con " Usonie w they were lat I Luo to as made on the 26t4 of Mritary ; i the I itngi��ir peril-
N�ettt On with too Triuch of :ewirient ocl r. "W.., 0. q ation reerred.to was, madejust one were, hoi� ever, rescued fr, no posifion by means of a bQat.—. By
Per of t OUS, he as'ed the 9, baux�dt When a m. an, came out' -re his has 16 wel before 3hat, or on the l9th of ad the number of ",drunks seen, about
with 200' r'es' Ce ii-tral hotel �roperW in Blyth and i I- Februky. When THE Ex�OSITOR allot -
he thollivitt be mUst have . as tends -running a temperance hous . e the, -e our stree it woiild scei I as if �lley
ck ed the. price at 82+�rlts,. that figure '' was all lc.�
11 iluch, and he bw aught teams atid imple- aft ar the first of ,May next.—Mr. John being currenfj� Oaid on weru inter Lding tb. get they can b
C, I -the Seal orth - -
it s, and -went into axT- Logari loved from Egraondvill a, f O're'the Scott Act - coinei in -to. force. The nts of all ki d f has ren market, but the I t- of i at quotation churches here are vig orously carry -
h -19th as no git 0 al.al,("escillle-,vhetlierhek�dil�I an -1 Ilow Occupies. the dwelling 6ver his being'made on a' Wor' 98
ing qn. un n prayer meethi - each night
not. Tliie notes- stcre.—The 1111 services � i 1
In Ca. 'tee'that a man encourage -
Re lodist church wid, be had in a grcA many iristalle-e's to' - etion'with tlie._: a are i e ing wl
market a wee'k r wou receive t at
ment id e work.
ive a chattel lnuft(-titae On his or tIlAis town, will be held. next�i mTl
$abbat price: On the� ay ti tied by o r in 0 s- riding r or wl jp ode le f ru- Ain, 1,74h for' hey ae Ign the Rev. VCarnpl alb of G ric contemporar iz., I
%v- I -usial hours. le ary,the current price -siva 8
the "M 0 Sure to get on enough NUien I preach at tie Wa 0c, and it; was AL.—A meeti
Mu�][Ci bf Hullett
mortgage ue, ar�d the crops naversary tea, meeting -will take place! so reported in our, marke repor of the" t d ts in - cOun h ld at Lon a oro onithe
axne - out s they have done for th MonpAy eveniii
9-1 following,, aak. Tile et r por
the-tearris and, all -%-�nt ad �esses -w-i 25th 1sru'ary, 1885. All the Mem-
,4t, two S be gii,en bythe resid Tnill ExrosiTOR ar correcte . every
e, .*for thel, and a lecture by y'k ender' $1,05
pay in . i� ey'k a -re it ii inisters and r..,Tliursday, an&th J ns th givell hers prese+t. 1 0$
e quota 10 1�any CAS63 U1, ey Adsed nioney on -their Carftpl)eii.—mrs.ChristopMr.Jphnsonh' �for buildin I Jg-s ack rid
H( �IB ge and Jas.
as -are always the -- coi and current RNMIS, all 01 them.. that coul(l, to buy so] d her hous(I and. �ot which is situat young's $ 120'for buildi g TGox bri ge
�d �narket prices, but *e,*cau not, nQ r do, etc., and now they, p, -nek:tlie drill shed to Mr. -Frank Mdr. ept8d ; J. Ansley to' id 815 or
ay 7 : we profess th foretell the market qu died king p ns a,n sp id tions r [ca 0
e en theiraterest on theniortgage� ra for th 0. of two bi-iii Uollars. -ta i - -
Iretplone, e s -i tions a week in advan6e, nor do we ma
I Mr. and I F Gr Spairling th- tilie principal. -, �,,,4 they are pi un, lip ink tliatourconteniporary,wiseas iels, bridge�s- 811cen taxe: 1.4re�mitted
f v�hat is left and.niovinc ng coi itern old' couritty, to' wr' her nd M�Lean wes L. plate a viqit toA, e do a elle
call do so either '; but he can, if he co oses, up s dond homestbads, which e one oft shortly,—A detaLAii-Aent of thel ers for elm. plank a cepted 9 fol-
Saivi'ttion a ousy . OL' ', Seaforth - from tend revent hi,s je I eet
I Roitv e neve-i Ai my (h-ove t with a four vere hi usually
f at $9.40
the curses of this counry. 0 IStratford, OmMg gent lows,: Tho . Brown,
team4 geen such* hard tunes in Canada-,'� as there' horse n I Monday afte alt H g's B'ck bri' a, �d 5000 feet at
r10LOOn to aird sense of right. lge
5' t 1%1 McM el bridge Win.
a e part M 0 is in this Country now. Wr`e e going t in lid banquet in tl at $9.7 0 icll
ey ed the'' folloWi ftg Herri gton 1;5MW feet $8 at Lou throuLylf a drisis -which will'uItim-aely to Th I Walton are g ran ;o, boro; . ar d I I Why, the�Y to have da Geor e' ats6n,-.of To hall Braithw ite, 1, 000 feet
ers with is i A pres t g friends in, ath diSt cong,eg&L at $9.25 a Churchill"m John GoZr,
meetings here this week of farn en V LS1. town. — �LECTURE.Tho-,Meth the view of -starting Cheese aid, b4ter MarehCamein.like a lion. and'shotid, tion, of Wallain, have . secui�d the 1,000 feet a $9.75 at hi� own plae R a 300 feet at ing they' -uld g to of Rev. M.- Q $8.50 atj triox,
-wa have aci ordin -aditfon, go out ervices T li,4411, of H. Knox,. U Utic,lied at. when I came here. rli4i are lay ib. -+Rev. D. gcDon.aid prewh 3d. Goddrich, who'w-ill4elivir Iiisbel6rat- bridge, and 1,5001feet $8.50 at his
e g
" i
nd t
t eat
he,hous oc&p�e 3r ver 0 a �J
e e of t e I
lou t *.vill b(
Clinton. I
rC, I
Jrh tv h
19 it
up, e s
rebt o on
)-taking uP Vuel: go' into stock in Clnton last Suriday'-and his'pulpit -e pay' for fsaid
-d lecture on Mat�iilnony,) in the owh mill. Treavalu'rer the eveninj� of lumber on t he' Order of ly of the CD]Lln-
and'chee-,e aitil butter in lin -e ws fille, I by a alergyniaii from Alethodisit chulrdh '011
raising Ig pbell cillbri. ecurity
a in Toronto. —Air. hil Hendersoh, of M to
fact mi edf&rming, stich as �Vt in hei to e reAluired from
9 l.onday, a' h, 16th. Mr., Canl,
I to tie fairly laugh- . thereby as e a tra of 'the 4-th , -COne"- 1'1 dered, '—no tile toiblle oeeme4 I to, the- any of t sa 4 parties if co e all-ii,robild it who coiild' ned from his trip ±ranted I ve of ing as wer ajon who retur Poor be'alth
neces Re nre -was 91 As Soon " their hunger 1 r r -months fr -2Qth spape thetime. O (I ls�iand, has bia-en in very I di4, abse e i I ee physiolc4pfi as the waterl it 6,Pfiears, I Xviarch, n t. Council adjourn�d uritil was satisfied, (inner man is 11 ever since, Cally and psychologic -orrect), Mr.
ally ine with W()Od bee of. in a 11cat speech ta,ted ot a, ree the to I I eet g in by the Cler� —8 , thorne, left ,
Charles We] ing. k1r. Danby Mr- W1. Raw *d, the object,of the, gather of Wood ChOl Zurich. oil remarks. -AbOut 3( n Very good for'r replied in a- few Nvell-chos 0 p ]),Is j recitations, readil,ig, -10i hing a split and partlY dra,vv =)vbo had t1D $lei Then music, ,0119', I% our an commend g tc feel the "pr(Issilic. of the up the eveni - ,I for sev eral.
and merry chat fillc( Wi! been a victim (jif.. 0 11111, it n.0 , d , W, hot still, I t will lastonie yet as , The minutes omg'd their w y �1110ntbs, quieiiyF� passed the now 'is y deep on the roads.— d . e, pleasure until the, parting,time * cam Mr. D, )au ur- genial mereba'Xi ral ways.feeling time since, her V,ema fo"Owe(l o when all went their'seve by. a, remarkably lar I with'a nel iery bp is maki 1, ui e a qisplay py even f unera was that they had spent a (is. Tli.,e Stock of illinery, dress goods, sbirt- . bee they had ftiell Uio ing—hap �y ot only ause t eaclied at Ebenezei, at tile foll ingS, and Al sorts of inerhadiseo r,"bil% Tir the Re spent a few pleasant bouts togetlie �;abbath by V. &Chown, a -C.. firie disp ty is worthy of inspection. -i- because ihey. felt that' theil- Presence use being -pre Sent. ' s of :ed ho Our tail i:, Mr. G, L. Lippert, is making there bad added to the liaPpines.. quite a Splay in his ssll�op, nd islas others. ts' garin6lits Stanley. .busy as bee making gen and takin measures. Ethel. council inct on SbAur-i
grist rilill, tribers pfasent. The!. 0 It R LL. --The Zurich ba,Vilig'o9ri- day last. All ttle me-] � i ng entl� been fitted.,61p ith the —N"Ve have been r I aid"Passe'd re
havi tge this following motions we - ea(
new roller process, is once ntorEi in full siderablelexcitenleut iii. our Vill, I)Onaid receive $15, she i1lg nigllt,%11(1 last month. Siiicp, A.: It. Smith opene That Jane Me working q rder i Lud is rurin "sk in t)161being an indij6t person. That Mr.; day, and i j giving first-6tss stisfction. oil It times. have been pretty bri, �ve ?'�roudf '- t b6 -engineer for' this toymship Farmers � 6re coinnig Stringing in line and cheap goods ha r 00 r at 45 per day without their gr�ij�s from all quarters, and g�, been the order if the day, and "as M jot, this yea , George Brownett be paid, on, ly until. the I at of April. to exti)4s. - That- horne 'wit 1 sin iling faces, , the univers.,tJ Smith b, 3 xVect hear of $52 fbr keeping� John- Bartley for the'
ell. off hi.4 stock -we to I
ins all 1�84. Tbaft 50 copies Of the'audit-1
verdict 4ug that the Zurich roller will a ever before -that 4ear makes firA-glass, flouralld gives 900a tinie. Our merchants tried to make it' brs'repeit be printed and distr�ibuted.
return fo 'the wheat --turned ja). Tlfe ICIerk
nis hot for hiin bt he seqnis to have down- -1rhat the I�eeve, Deputy-Iteeve, I . 11. I 13do 001 pose the townshi proprietorls TVIEssrs. Mines & Willi ord , alid. ed thern �11- -We d4l not think they -and J..B.- � ,1 TI do, all the; can to give satisfaction) . It seems' foolish- '�oar(l i Dr. Elliott be Iiiedical
nien, who thoroughly Would hold Out 10.ng.. and 'alb
being pr�ictical aid%oard The treasurer's
ness to try and dornpeiewith him When � officer of 8,1 in ers a (ir they cannot 1Aed to the. Council. and uch cheaper than bond was prose
great lie got Iiis goods SO I fa�il 0 mul eed. These mills re a of they can be bought in the regular wt'tY- accepte. The �patlimasters, poiIII& elae ar! con-enielice to the people 1. I keep6rs, and fencevie wiers were appoin his 'a* t -ned to- ed. The council then adjoug. . rat Saturday in East Wawanosh. meet again on tb �e fi Winthrop. R. April next at 0-ne O'clock p. in. —A ineetillig of FAit.11 RFN'UD--,Messrs. W.. ari e I I ACTORY. I te of the 0. the Winthrop clice-se ented thie esta
have r Kinburn.' 31-y on late Mr. Aul(T for one year subject to fao, fory N ill be beh in e 64 being sold. The amount of rent TORY.—The contract- Wednesd y We 18th inst., at, 2 o'clock its TnE C1.JEE-SE FA:C I laki ar- w6tbink i�; ir, the ndigliborhood of three,; new' cheese foi the purpose of ii Ing � 11 I - for - the erection - of the r 4 . .1 d dollars: factory buildffig was - awarded On MOn'L
emen 5s for' the conling season aftil.- hundre t6 transaction of otber business. DEATIL—We regret to be for�qd to day last in eaforth, to. Mr. D.; NS FOOT I 4LL.--The i) pils of Roxboro announce the death of Mr. A. Dingwall ) Naughton; of Brussels, who omplet6s' u lay, the 27tb- inst. material"
PLfblic, 8� illool sent a oballeen e to the which occurred on Fric the structure and furnishes all -pupils of Winthrop Public School. - to e was one of the old settlers of tile q The Toutos for milk draw -
for 4, play a friendly game of foot ball on 8at- neighborhood, emigrating originally ing will be let by public competition. at,- ii rday, 14 abruary 28th—rione ov . er the -Scotland. He -- had not been: in t. at '2� Wheatley's hotel 6ii the 10th ins robust health f6r a year back. -e -ecided to- .age. of 15 beir g allowed to. play.. ' The dent o'clock.—Th directors have d I . I
challenge was acceptpfd and the game HYMENEAL. — Your correspo-4 m Ake the cheese and furnish -*everything: overlooked an itein last week which he played�, r sulting in -a Victory for'the so- for 2i.cents per pound, and will ch�arg called layers -of Roxboro school " by hastens to mention ow, viz., the mol.r.- shareholders and nori-shareholdersl - the' riage of Miss -M., eldest daughter of Mr. two goals. Since, the said game was same.. was G A GOOD Cow.—Last week at the iWe played I have r I , consider regor McGowan. The ceremony ceived wbat ersinith, posit f that one of the bdst play- on N ednesday, 25th lilt., offici;itillg of Mr. Nichorson, of Tuk Mr
e r s, illivne o t0hoe. best, is Considerably over clergyman, Rev. - A. McLean, of Blyth , N. T. Adams, of the 7th concessioit er of and groom, Mr. -J. Fraser, of Morris.
-the age 0 years, nd that alioth Hullett, purchased -a Z11 bred JDurharh
their bes players is -a -pupil of the Sea- The, bride was handsomely and tastily 6 herefor the banilsome,sum )ol, and has neve r been a dressed, and received, . many . presents, - ow, paying t fo -H-i 'h Sell( of $103. The animal is as fine a specimen 11 'I 0 he Ro.fboro school, coriseqtient- .'d useful. Bon voYage over of Shorthorn stock as one, could wish valuable an life's turbulent waters. ams is one. of' our most
y n i r of the two had any rigl1t to for. Mr. Ad
play -, in the said gaihe.. Therefore, in enterprising farmers and we hope his consider tio -these facts the pupils of Belgravie. investment in this case may prove a Winthrop Salto 1,(iO* not give the pupils A. TtYLOR is -receiving piles Of'new success. Of . Roxboro scliool- un i der 15 ny credit and fashionablepring Goods, ivhich he willgell Oeorg*e Campbell - is to, 1 for the -�itoqes gained. , Ha;d they chea. Tailorin- specialty. ' Choice start shortly for Xani�oiba. George isf Istrie tilliere 1, to the terilis proposed EIgs and Poultry, wanted at the leading prices.- and most Affable young man, tly . 900 by them6lves we would ch�erfu]ly have his many frieni'ds 'ii this part! will given th'in fUll CreK11it.—UA11'1RE FOR CHEESE F-wTolty,--The provisional not soon forget him. Wf� wish 'hihi directors of the Belgrave Cheese nd I t THE WUN HAOP PUPILS. Butter Factory have purchased an acre every success irt the 1,:rrea�t Ibne -land." ... , — 0 —Remember the- great� clearing sale At of groLmd from. Matthew Braildon for - the general store of Mr. James Stanley, ensall. $100 for thi site. They have.%ii-vertised 11
MR. G J. SUTHERLAND Ce which is to continue for one ' Convoyan for a cheese-rria�ker and tenders for erec- Commissiof, er, Firc nd 'Life Insurance 4ent, Goods of all kinds to be sold positivel Licenses. All busliless tin of the bifilding, and ordered thia seal, at cost.-LLMrt. 'George Clark bappene strictly coA denti Office at the Post Oftioe also charter for the above, coiripanY. with a sad accident a few days ago. 889 FonESTBFUS' SEupN.—The Rev. R. While in the act of walking across the- WANT D. —A large quantity of good McCogh,- of Wingliam, will preach the heavy rig,l t barleyi for which the highest price floor she tripped Over something and
Mill e pai lt&N] ni & URQU 1ART, liensall. 894 Foresters' se-rmon on the 8th inst. I in fell, br6aking her arm a little above the the Presbyterian church here at 2,30 p.
tor So ; tt, of Seab�rthj was-' BitiEFS, —Th weather continues mild. -111. lie having to, postpone the -previous wrist. , Doc 0 —Saw lo a W04 d. and rain are t�eirsg called in and und; th doetor's-, Car -e P services oil account of a death occurrmig I �r brou t mar -et in lailge q itariti les.— she is progressing f4vorably. We -hope- I I in 'his congregation. A collection wild �e ov The' 41 V ation Ainy froi-4 Exeter are be tak -ell -Rp -to defray expenses., All she may speedily c er. -�-Our genial IiO`W 01 i foithin -our midst. They friend, Air. JohriR.-Murraty tlie'voeteran Foresters are expected to meet at the ..:are at present a liduAing their meetings ba.11 at 2 o'clock. NQ doubt the 1-ar I ge cheese maker, of this place, �, we un- in Hodgin's hall, or the barracks). as church will becrowded,if the weather is derstand, to - guide the liehn 01' the afflais they term it, every Wednesday evertirig. favorable. of this factory for � the coming seatson.
The attendance so. far has been very LOCALTT1M.--AleX. Stewart ha laid Bythe way, we. are als6 informed he, 'is large. —We regret to, learn that rs. at present busily enkagea * dawirig and in a stockof ice. It was .3 feet 8 inches 0 Munn sr. of Hay recently slipped Ir material for th erection, next 9 tSick.—Frank Wheeler wa's-out visiting preparing
while -getting t pail of water, breaking his friends in Mildmay last-week.—Mrs. SUMMer, of a lia-adsoine brick. residence the small bond -of her arlyt.--Mrs. Geo. E. McMurray, of St Maxys, is spend on his farm in the county of Oxford.
]VIarray, of Io', a, United States, for. 'ng The adage, Out of Sig t) out of mind " - *
merly of this part, is here on a� visit.— a few weeks with her brother � Win. -at ' fails in Mr. Murray's case, so we Adair.—Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. P. Captain G. Mel-oran, wife.and family, once :coiiclude -that hi contein!plates -
of Cliicago,a;re also here visiting friends, Walls, of Turnberry, w:ere herebri a taking with him il�rin" visit on Thursday last.—A. Taylor re- g the oaling --Mr. J. Bengough, manager of tbe� atitunino one of � Huron"i fai daiigh- .. o ceived a load. of salt on Saturday.— Herisall , skating rink) was this. Thos. Wilkinson, of Morris, is going to ers " to grace the-riew Structue. week joined in trie bonds of matrimony toMiss Alice B ouse,-of Hay. I �.L'Iie Rev. erect a fine brick house this summer. J.- B�11, of this place, perforked the Win. Walsh has the contract. —Auction Hibbert. rn*ture are Tu marriage ceremony, after, w:Hich the , Sales and'pe6ple moving fu x. FiR&T.—On konday, February e nunieros -this, spring.—Samnel 9th, while the majority of our residents happy couple I ft by the soutli express train foll '�Iilel � i y the. hes of of East Wam;anosh, is going to were,basking themselves by the 'stoe Qwed good Wis' theirftienl1s.— iiWeilliesday morning bui d a ne,%v barn this -spring. —Patrick exclaiming—, such ;-eather" 94beats
-larowl'i is W of thia week the roof �f ou Skating shipping 35 feA three-inch Manitobai" &c. &c., 'elve be'IJg�g to Ain plank for ship -building purposes.— 'Mr. John Swa 'her dis , oiiffliure rink, which is very large and weihty N showed The roads are much improved bythe a inaner y - pre- one, fell in wi a crash. F00unately in a very subs it, I t late thaw.—The Beaver Cheese' Factory senting her equallv` -in no o ne ivias inaii le at the'tinie, 4. the -fall trious -owner and consequently no injury or' loss cf ivarit to sell their plant to Belgra-ve with a pair of One fambs.' Company, which they will support. life occurred. rhe Weight of - snoUr- on -C e
the roof was �1e main cause of the wedding celebratioA of Mr. and Mre. trouble. Dashwodd. James Campbell, r. -John Swail�s 0 B I T U A Y. any of our, readers will REVIVAL SER"VICES.—Rev. Messrs.'"eld-eat son was taken ill and the Services learn -with feeli �igs of the deepest regret Maurer and Rauch hav, e been conduct- f Dr. , cTa i h bei�i secur6d, . he
6 LW V S of the death of - Jr. Robt. Ferguson, ofthe Ing revivalservides. for soine time in the found the lad to be sUfferi-bg from . acute Zurich Road, i the township of Hay, Evangelical church. A number have inflammation of the lungs. -He still lies which took pla,,e on Thursday of last maifested a desire to lead a, bette' r life, at Mr. Miller's, and under careful .at-! week. About, i week previdlis to. his while a great number of others teem to t�rstion he is rec011ering- At last ae . death Mr. -For usoh was -striaken ith e somewhat careless and inAillerent counts he- was progresq'ing favorably. iiaralysis. 65 �ears, and about their Spiritual 'v�elfare. MORE GOOD 8TOCKj,—At the sale of. for 30 joif these. ad een a resident -oft RECOvER11x(,;. -Mrs., N. Fried, who Mr. Thompson, f St. I Marys, . Wed- I
Hay iovmship, leading a blameless life has been very ill for about fi I Or. SIX nesday last, our enterl�prisin
,'and always usiii� his influence for'the months, is gradually'reovering and -is thoroughbred I � g breeder of-, good Of his fellow men. He had fre- able tp- go out of doors again.—Mr. stock, Afr.� David HilLof quen occupied positions of the 8th Concession, purchased - a ve ' ily Ilonor and Duncan McCallum, who has been ry 'O' fine yearling heifer fir which he pal
trust in his a ted township and was bled with some throat disease, was in $180, Thisleifer is from Air. omp- for years an active and useful member London last week consulting a doctor. son I a celebrated prize'cow, whi 'ni
ill s6on recover. of the townshi council and township We hope he wi lei p ,�rted from Scotland two y . ears a -go, agricultural so(ilety. III giolitics he was AER0A-N1TILE.—NVe have a new tore. and is from the herd of Lord Polliird. r
a- staunch an active Refo#mer. He 6pened out -this week 'in the This heifer is also iiired by an wag a faithful member of the Preab stand lately. occupied by iniported';
y- 'Simor. '-7TIie new -fi NP�r- Louis bull. Sheis of p6lr and. is i m ost 7 f roan -terian church, and the-Jarge number ri is composed 0 handsome aniniv1, that followed Ifis remains to their rest- the Kellerman - rothers—Henry and ing place in Rc dgerville cemetery show Jacob. Mr. on 'has removed his. In A PLEWSANT V NXG.—One� ,of the.
ost that he was esteemed by 'all. Mr. Fer � stock to the build lately occupied as pleasan ocial �gatlierings it has - 9 ever bien our good f )rtuno to witne I SS,
guson was a native of Ayrshire,. Scot- the Dash.wood otel,! where he- ha took plabe at the res' aence' 6f land- and emigrated to this country in opened out bi , and where his Hor
is goods iP Of 'ibberf on, Alon- hii as. usual, ready the year 1838. Re first Settled in the customers: will firk ton, to-wnsb
- ed in. to Attend to th1air wants.- Mr. Xoh--.n- The - c county 'of Lailark, but has resid day evening, tile 23rd ult. ibj�ci Hay for over, 30 years. He.'succeeded Hall, the 61 of i6 en tainnient W . as two f d est lish�d erchant has er Old th. marriage of not only -in in ilig for himself -and fan1i- also I ree ed large additions to his Sister, Mary Ann to -
ily a comf r I e home, but IQaves those his y Sive a -so Mr. Robert gofand of McKillop, 'J�d the cc warming 11 Of his fine new . brick
dependent upa. I him in comfortable air- Dash -wood, c.. �w -boast of three large residence just v e 1 nev. C cumsta Ile was a miu� who had and well-filled stores, besides a 'grocery S. jewel store and tinshop coinbined' Ing was most intensely co, ail, few or no 'e"hoy ies and many friend I y the eveni whil is' the roads in many 'run on All extensiv I es almost' im-
I . . I 6 scale by passable, con Varna. Mr. John.6. Soldan. siderA 13' over two hundred
Kixi) PAST eop responded -AXIND Act TO A Last FTiday- evening . I . ar [re I Plnta- orris. Ee 1piresent, , a, 'fact/ which shows the 'tt. highesfeeni in WhQh -Mr. Horton�is, tion of the Bayfield'WO Preibyterian LO'C�ILITIE,13.—A"7aluableliorsebelon regarded by hi . b6rs. The R�V. COIigregatio*ntA)okthe manse by storm to Mr- F. Embury died 9 8 ni
by Su iprise. Ing from inflam tlie other Mr. Thornson 6f and Mr. Danb and family (lay Sall, the.- mation or something. twain: 0 - nbl, -after 4 Having colle d their forces at W. similar.—The -tea meeting whIC i the company Purdy's, they I latched across the street, held in ohnston, h w�s parWok of a Sui ous repast. `Th6
ded by '- ree sleighs. th 8 Church on Tuessilay wedding presents - w e �o be a valuable.' All pre' I
prece loaded -%vi evening of last week, prove(I t and es and potAcies,beides grand succress. A - so se ea;
oats, barley, a I cial was held oil themselves till f , - + h rtily enjoyed' baskets, jars, a., (like they say onale, the following evening, which was -also ar on in th e hours of the. nlorning., Com. bills) too numerous to be mentioned. largely attended and the time Every iiook an corner of the house, was enjoyably.` spent by all present. soon filled bya happy,. cheerful 6m- The realization Mrm. Dickson, Oi McKillo]p, livin of the tea meetin 9.
any7 of all s exes and ages' 9 about �
Lusive ain 8� mile Soiath o� lValtOul the from the and social inc., had
ounted to ome- misfortne to break4' left arm on
My in the inevitable white dress, up thing'- over $40.—A icoloreci tram . i
through all e acts of Shakespeare."s the name of ' Br by Thursiday o seven ages, OW115 who hats- teen. f last wee�-- While wal king except the last.' 'Soon the choring for a short tilue -on the 3rd Cori-, irl thdyard her feet a ipped from under ladies had the table fairfy— her and in attempti. g to-..sav 1, Won't say cession, rofesses td-- be inventing a f e' herself roin 8ary
nc f a
,�n a C
aning beneath its load of good things straw -binder and Purii-oses having i injury put out her hand with the forro it Would b ' impossible f or. even a working order before July.. it is t in cOnse uenee boveentioned. Surgical Itable to groan in such cheerful c6inpany his mind is getting seri0fisly thought a-t-tena'anc was promptly secured a -U& affected the brOken'lliember attended to
I to tie fairly laugh- . thereby as e a tra of 'the 4-th , -COne"- 1'1 dered, '—no tile toiblle oeeme4 I to, the- any of t sa 4 parties if co e all-ii,robild it who coiild' ned from his trip ±ranted I ve of ing as wer ajon who retur Poor be'alth
neces Re nre -was 91 As Soon " their hunger 1 r r -months fr -2Qth spape thetime. O (I ls�iand, has bia-en in very I di4, abse e i I ee physiolc4pfi as the waterl it 6,Pfiears, I Xviarch, n t. Council adjourn�d uritil was satisfied, (inner man is 11 ever since, Cally and psychologic -orrect), Mr.
ally ine with W()Od bee of. in a 11cat speech ta,ted ot a, ree the to I I eet g in by the Cler� —8 , thorne, left ,
Charles We] ing. k1r. Danby Mr- W1. Raw *d, the object,of the, gather of Wood ChOl Zurich. oil remarks. -AbOut 3( n Very good for'r replied in a- few Nvell-chos 0 p ]),Is j recitations, readil,ig, -10i hing a split and partlY dra,vv =)vbo had t1D $lei Then music, ,0119', I% our an commend g tc feel the "pr(Issilic. of the up the eveni - ,I for sev eral.
and merry chat fillc( Wi! been a victim (jif.. 0 11111, it n.0 , d , W, hot still, I t will lastonie yet as , The minutes omg'd their w y �1110ntbs, quieiiyF� passed the now 'is y deep on the roads.— d . e, pleasure until the, parting,time * cam Mr. D, )au ur- genial mereba'Xi ral ways.feeling time since, her V,ema fo"Owe(l o when all went their'seve by. a, remarkably lar I with'a nel iery bp is maki 1, ui e a qisplay py even f unera was that they had spent a (is. Tli.,e Stock of illinery, dress goods, sbirt- . bee they had ftiell Uio ing—hap �y ot only ause t eaclied at Ebenezei, at tile foll ingS, and Al sorts of inerhadiseo r,"bil% Tir the Re spent a few pleasant bouts togetlie �;abbath by V. &Chown, a -C.. firie disp ty is worthy of inspection. -i- because ihey. felt that' theil- Presence use being -pre Sent. ' s of :ed ho Our tail i:, Mr. G, L. Lippert, is making there bad added to the liaPpines.. quite a Splay in his ssll�op, nd islas others. ts' garin6lits Stanley. .busy as bee making gen and takin measures. Ethel. council inct on SbAur-i
grist rilill, tribers pfasent. The!. 0 It R LL. --The Zurich ba,Vilig'o9ri- day last. All ttle me-] � i ng entl� been fitted.,61p ith the —N"Ve have been r I aid"Passe'd re
havi tge this following motions we - ea(
new roller process, is once ntorEi in full siderablelexcitenleut iii. our Vill, I)Onaid receive $15, she i1lg nigllt,%11(1 last month. Siiicp, A.: It. Smith opene That Jane Me working q rder i Lud is rurin "sk in t)161being an indij6t person. That Mr.; day, and i j giving first-6tss stisfction. oil It times. have been pretty bri, �ve ?'�roudf '- t b6 -engineer for' this toymship Farmers � 6re coinnig Stringing in line and cheap goods ha r 00 r at 45 per day without their gr�ij�s from all quarters, and g�, been the order if the day, and "as M jot, this yea , George Brownett be paid, on, ly until. the I at of April. to exti)4s. - That- horne 'wit 1 sin iling faces, , the univers.,tJ Smith b, 3 xVect hear of $52 fbr keeping� John- Bartley for the'
ell. off hi.4 stock -we to I
ins all 1�84. Tbaft 50 copies Of the'audit-1
verdict 4ug that the Zurich roller will a ever before -that 4ear makes firA-glass, flouralld gives 900a tinie. Our merchants tried to make it' brs'repeit be printed and distr�ibuted.
return fo 'the wheat --turned ja). Tlfe ICIerk
nis hot for hiin bt he seqnis to have down- -1rhat the I�eeve, Deputy-Iteeve, I . 11. I 13do 001 pose the townshi proprietorls TVIEssrs. Mines & Willi ord , alid. ed thern �11- -We d4l not think they -and J..B.- � ,1 TI do, all the; can to give satisfaction) . It seems' foolish- '�oar(l i Dr. Elliott be Iiiedical
nien, who thoroughly Would hold Out 10.ng.. and 'alb
being pr�ictical aid%oard The treasurer's
ness to try and dornpeiewith him When � officer of 8,1 in ers a (ir they cannot 1Aed to the. Council. and uch cheaper than bond was prose
great lie got Iiis goods SO I fa�il 0 mul eed. These mills re a of they can be bought in the regular wt'tY- accepte. The �patlimasters, poiIII& elae ar! con-enielice to the people 1. I keep6rs, and fencevie wiers were appoin his 'a* t -ned to- ed. The council then adjoug. . rat Saturday in East Wawanosh. meet again on tb �e fi Winthrop. R. April next at 0-ne O'clock p. in. —A ineetillig of FAit.11 RFN'UD--,Messrs. W.. ari e I I ACTORY. I te of the 0. the Winthrop clice-se ented thie esta
have r Kinburn.' 31-y on late Mr. Aul(T for one year subject to fao, fory N ill be beh in e 64 being sold. The amount of rent TORY.—The contract- Wednesd y We 18th inst., at, 2 o'clock its TnE C1.JEE-SE FA:C I laki ar- w6tbink i�; ir, the ndigliborhood of three,; new' cheese foi the purpose of ii Ing � 11 I - for - the erection - of the r 4 . .1 d dollars: factory buildffig was - awarded On MOn'L
emen 5s for' the conling season aftil.- hundre t6 transaction of otber business. DEATIL—We regret to be for�qd to day last in eaforth, to. Mr. D.; NS FOOT I 4LL.--The i) pils of Roxboro announce the death of Mr. A. Dingwall ) Naughton; of Brussels, who omplet6s' u lay, the 27tb- inst. material"
PLfblic, 8� illool sent a oballeen e to the which occurred on Fric the structure and furnishes all -pupils of Winthrop Public School. - to e was one of the old settlers of tile q The Toutos for milk draw -
for 4, play a friendly game of foot ball on 8at- neighborhood, emigrating originally ing will be let by public competition. at,- ii rday, 14 abruary 28th—rione ov . er the -Scotland. He -- had not been: in t. at '2� Wheatley's hotel 6ii the 10th ins robust health f6r a year back. -e -ecided to- .age. of 15 beir g allowed to. play.. ' The dent o'clock.—Th directors have d I . I
challenge was acceptpfd and the game HYMENEAL. — Your correspo-4 m Ake the cheese and furnish -*everything: overlooked an itein last week which he played�, r sulting in -a Victory for'the so- for 2i.cents per pound, and will ch�arg called layers -of Roxboro school " by hastens to mention ow, viz., the mol.r.- shareholders and nori-shareholdersl - the' riage of Miss -M., eldest daughter of Mr. two goals. Since, the said game was same.. was G A GOOD Cow.—Last week at the iWe played I have r I , consider regor McGowan. The ceremony ceived wbat ersinith, posit f that one of the bdst play- on N ednesday, 25th lilt., offici;itillg of Mr. Nichorson, of Tuk Mr
e r s, illivne o t0hoe. best, is Considerably over clergyman, Rev. - A. McLean, of Blyth , N. T. Adams, of the 7th concessioit er of and groom, Mr. -J. Fraser, of Morris.
-the age 0 years, nd that alioth Hullett, purchased -a Z11 bred JDurharh
their bes players is -a -pupil of the Sea- The, bride was handsomely and tastily 6 herefor the banilsome,sum )ol, and has neve r been a dressed, and received, . many . presents, - ow, paying t fo -H-i 'h Sell( of $103. The animal is as fine a specimen 11 'I 0 he Ro.fboro school, coriseqtient- .'d useful. Bon voYage over of Shorthorn stock as one, could wish valuable an life's turbulent waters. ams is one. of' our most
y n i r of the two had any rigl1t to for. Mr. Ad
play -, in the said gaihe.. Therefore, in enterprising farmers and we hope his consider tio -these facts the pupils of Belgravie. investment in this case may prove a Winthrop Salto 1,(iO* not give the pupils A. TtYLOR is -receiving piles Of'new success. Of . Roxboro scliool- un i der 15 ny credit and fashionablepring Goods, ivhich he willgell Oeorg*e Campbell - is to, 1 for the -�itoqes gained. , Ha;d they chea. Tailorin- specialty. ' Choice start shortly for Xani�oiba. George isf Istrie tilliere 1, to the terilis proposed EIgs and Poultry, wanted at the leading prices.- and most Affable young man, tly . 900 by them6lves we would ch�erfu]ly have his many frieni'ds 'ii this part! will given th'in fUll CreK11it.—UA11'1RE FOR CHEESE F-wTolty,--The provisional not soon forget him. Wf� wish 'hihi directors of the Belgrave Cheese nd I t THE WUN HAOP PUPILS. Butter Factory have purchased an acre every success irt the 1,:rrea�t Ibne -land." ... , — 0 —Remember the- great� clearing sale At of groLmd from. Matthew Braildon for - the general store of Mr. James Stanley, ensall. $100 for thi site. They have.%ii-vertised 11
MR. G J. SUTHERLAND Ce which is to continue for one ' Convoyan for a cheese-rria�ker and tenders for erec- Commissiof, er, Firc nd 'Life Insurance 4ent, Goods of all kinds to be sold positivel Licenses. All busliless tin of the bifilding, and ordered thia seal, at cost.-LLMrt. 'George Clark bappene strictly coA denti Office at the Post Oftioe also charter for the above, coiripanY. with a sad accident a few days ago. 889 FonESTBFUS' SEupN.—The Rev. R. While in the act of walking across the- WANT D. —A large quantity of good McCogh,- of Wingliam, will preach the heavy rig,l t barleyi for which the highest price floor she tripped Over something and
Mill e pai lt&N] ni & URQU 1ART, liensall. 894 Foresters' se-rmon on the 8th inst. I in fell, br6aking her arm a little above the the Presbyterian church here at 2,30 p.
tor So ; tt, of Seab�rthj was-' BitiEFS, —Th weather continues mild. -111. lie having to, postpone the -previous wrist. , Doc 0 —Saw lo a W04 d. and rain are t�eirsg called in and und; th doetor's-, Car -e P services oil account of a death occurrmig I �r brou t mar -et in lailge q itariti les.— she is progressing f4vorably. We -hope- I I in 'his congregation. A collection wild �e ov The' 41 V ation Ainy froi-4 Exeter are be tak -ell -Rp -to defray expenses., All she may speedily c er. -�-Our genial IiO`W 01 i foithin -our midst. They friend, Air. JohriR.-Murraty tlie'voeteran Foresters are expected to meet at the ..:are at present a liduAing their meetings ba.11 at 2 o'clock. NQ doubt the 1-ar I ge cheese maker, of this place, �, we un- in Hodgin's hall, or the barracks). as church will becrowded,if the weather is derstand, to - guide the liehn 01' the afflais they term it, every Wednesday evertirig. favorable. of this factory for � the coming seatson.
The attendance so. far has been very LOCALTT1M.--AleX. Stewart ha laid Bythe way, we. are als6 informed he, 'is large. —We regret to, learn that rs. at present busily enkagea * dawirig and in a stockof ice. It was .3 feet 8 inches 0 Munn sr. of Hay recently slipped Ir material for th erection, next 9 tSick.—Frank Wheeler wa's-out visiting preparing
while -getting t pail of water, breaking his friends in Mildmay last-week.—Mrs. SUMMer, of a lia-adsoine brick. residence the small bond -of her arlyt.--Mrs. Geo. E. McMurray, of St Maxys, is spend on his farm in the county of Oxford.
]VIarray, of Io', a, United States, for. 'ng The adage, Out of Sig t) out of mind " - *
merly of this part, is here on a� visit.— a few weeks with her brother � Win. -at ' fails in Mr. Murray's case, so we Adair.—Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. P. Captain G. Mel-oran, wife.and family, once :coiiclude -that hi contein!plates -
of Cliicago,a;re also here visiting friends, Walls, of Turnberry, w:ere herebri a taking with him il�rin" visit on Thursday last.—A. Taylor re- g the oaling --Mr. J. Bengough, manager of tbe� atitunino one of � Huron"i fai daiigh- .. o ceived a load. of salt on Saturday.— Herisall , skating rink) was this. Thos. Wilkinson, of Morris, is going to ers " to grace the-riew Structue. week joined in trie bonds of matrimony toMiss Alice B ouse,-of Hay. I �.L'Iie Rev. erect a fine brick house this summer. J.- B�11, of this place, perforked the Win. Walsh has the contract. —Auction Hibbert. rn*ture are Tu marriage ceremony, after, w:Hich the , Sales and'pe6ple moving fu x. FiR&T.—On konday, February e nunieros -this, spring.—Samnel 9th, while the majority of our residents happy couple I ft by the soutli express train foll '�Iilel � i y the. hes of of East Wam;anosh, is going to were,basking themselves by the 'stoe Qwed good Wis' theirftienl1s.— iiWeilliesday morning bui d a ne,%v barn this -spring. —Patrick exclaiming—, such ;-eather" 94beats
-larowl'i is W of thia week the roof �f ou Skating shipping 35 feA three-inch Manitobai" &c. &c., 'elve be'IJg�g to Ain plank for ship -building purposes.— 'Mr. John Swa 'her dis , oiiffliure rink, which is very large and weihty N showed The roads are much improved bythe a inaner y - pre- one, fell in wi a crash. F00unately in a very subs it, I t late thaw.—The Beaver Cheese' Factory senting her equallv` -in no o ne ivias inaii le at the'tinie, 4. the -fall trious -owner and consequently no injury or' loss cf ivarit to sell their plant to Belgra-ve with a pair of One fambs.' Company, which they will support. life occurred. rhe Weight of - snoUr- on -C e
the roof was �1e main cause of the wedding celebratioA of Mr. and Mre. trouble. Dashwodd. James Campbell, r. -John Swail�s 0 B I T U A Y. any of our, readers will REVIVAL SER"VICES.—Rev. Messrs.'"eld-eat son was taken ill and the Services learn -with feeli �igs of the deepest regret Maurer and Rauch hav, e been conduct- f Dr. , cTa i h bei�i secur6d, . he
6 LW V S of the death of - Jr. Robt. Ferguson, ofthe Ing revivalservides. for soine time in the found the lad to be sUfferi-bg from . acute Zurich Road, i the township of Hay, Evangelical church. A number have inflammation of the lungs. -He still lies which took pla,,e on Thursday of last maifested a desire to lead a, bette' r life, at Mr. Miller's, and under careful .at-! week. About, i week previdlis to. his while a great number of others teem to t�rstion he is rec011ering- At last ae . death Mr. -For usoh was -striaken ith e somewhat careless and inAillerent counts he- was progresq'ing favorably. iiaralysis. 65 �ears, and about their Spiritual 'v�elfare. MORE GOOD 8TOCKj,—At the sale of. for 30 joif these. ad een a resident -oft RECOvER11x(,;. -Mrs., N. Fried, who Mr. Thompson, f St. I Marys, . Wed- I
Hay iovmship, leading a blameless life has been very ill for about fi I Or. SIX nesday last, our enterl�prisin
,'and always usiii� his influence for'the months, is gradually'reovering and -is thoroughbred I � g breeder of-, good Of his fellow men. He had fre- able tp- go out of doors again.—Mr. stock, Afr.� David HilLof quen occupied positions of the 8th Concession, purchased - a ve ' ily Ilonor and Duncan McCallum, who has been ry 'O' fine yearling heifer fir which he pal
trust in his a ted township and was bled with some throat disease, was in $180, Thisleifer is from Air. omp- for years an active and useful member London last week consulting a doctor. son I a celebrated prize'cow, whi 'ni
ill s6on recover. of the townshi council and township We hope he wi lei p ,�rted from Scotland two y . ears a -go, agricultural so(ilety. III giolitics he was AER0A-N1TILE.—NVe have a new tore. and is from the herd of Lord Polliird. r
a- staunch an active Refo#mer. He 6pened out -this week 'in the This heifer is also iiired by an wag a faithful member of the Preab stand lately. occupied by iniported';
y- 'Simor. '-7TIie new -fi NP�r- Louis bull. Sheis of p6lr and. is i m ost 7 f roan -terian church, and the-Jarge number ri is composed 0 handsome aniniv1, that followed Ifis remains to their rest- the Kellerman - rothers—Henry and ing place in Rc dgerville cemetery show Jacob. Mr. on 'has removed his. In A PLEWSANT V NXG.—One� ,of the.
ost that he was esteemed by 'all. Mr. Fer � stock to the build lately occupied as pleasan ocial �gatlierings it has - 9 ever bien our good f )rtuno to witne I SS,
guson was a native of Ayrshire,. Scot- the Dash.wood otel,! where he- ha took plabe at the res' aence' 6f land- and emigrated to this country in opened out bi , and where his Hor
is goods iP Of 'ibberf on, Alon- hii as. usual, ready the year 1838. Re first Settled in the customers: will firk ton, to-wnsb
- ed in. to Attend to th1air wants.- Mr. Xoh--.n- The - c county 'of Lailark, but has resid day evening, tile 23rd ult. ibj�ci Hay for over, 30 years. He.'succeeded Hall, the 61 of i6 en tainnient W . as two f d est lish�d erchant has er Old th. marriage of not only -in in ilig for himself -and fan1i- also I ree ed large additions to his Sister, Mary Ann to -
ily a comf r I e home, but IQaves those his y Sive a -so Mr. Robert gofand of McKillop, 'J�d the cc warming 11 Of his fine new . brick
dependent upa. I him in comfortable air- Dash -wood, c.. �w -boast of three large residence just v e 1 nev. C cumsta Ile was a miu� who had and well-filled stores, besides a 'grocery S. jewel store and tinshop coinbined' Ing was most intensely co, ail, few or no 'e"hoy ies and many friend I y the eveni whil is' the roads in many 'run on All extensiv I es almost' im-
I . . I 6 scale by passable, con Varna. Mr. John.6. Soldan. siderA 13' over two hundred
Kixi) PAST eop responded -AXIND Act TO A Last FTiday- evening . I . ar [re I Plnta- orris. Ee 1piresent, , a, 'fact/ which shows the 'tt. highesfeeni in WhQh -Mr. Horton�is, tion of the Bayfield'WO Preibyterian LO'C�ILITIE,13.—A"7aluableliorsebelon regarded by hi . b6rs. The R�V. COIigregatio*ntA)okthe manse by storm to Mr- F. Embury died 9 8 ni
by Su iprise. Ing from inflam tlie other Mr. Thornson 6f and Mr. Danb and family (lay Sall, the.- mation or something. twain: 0 - nbl, -after 4 Having colle d their forces at W. similar.—The -tea meeting whIC i the company Purdy's, they I latched across the street, held in ohnston, h w�s parWok of a Sui ous repast. `Th6
ded by '- ree sleighs. th 8 Church on Tuessilay wedding presents - w e �o be a valuable.' All pre' I
prece loaded -%vi evening of last week, prove(I t and es and potAcies,beides grand succress. A - so se ea;
oats, barley, a I cial was held oil themselves till f , - + h rtily enjoyed' baskets, jars, a., (like they say onale, the following evening, which was -also ar on in th e hours of the. nlorning., Com. bills) too numerous to be mentioned. largely attended and the time Every iiook an corner of the house, was enjoyably.` spent by all present. soon filled bya happy,. cheerful 6m- The realization Mrm. Dickson, Oi McKillo]p, livin of the tea meetin 9.
any7 of all s exes and ages' 9 about �
Lusive ain 8� mile Soiath o� lValtOul the from the and social inc., had
ounted to ome- misfortne to break4' left arm on
My in the inevitable white dress, up thing'- over $40.—A icoloreci tram . i
through all e acts of Shakespeare."s the name of ' Br by Thursiday o seven ages, OW115 who hats- teen. f last wee�-- While wal king except the last.' 'Soon the choring for a short tilue -on the 3rd Cori-, irl thdyard her feet a ipped from under ladies had the table fairfy— her and in attempti. g to-..sav 1, Won't say cession, rofesses td-- be inventing a f e' herself roin 8ary
nc f a
,�n a C
aning beneath its load of good things straw -binder and Purii-oses having i injury put out her hand with the forro it Would b ' impossible f or. even a working order before July.. it is t in cOnse uenee boveentioned. Surgical Itable to groan in such cheerful c6inpany his mind is getting seri0fisly thought a-t-tena'anc was promptly secured a -U& affected the brOken'lliember attended to