HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-03-06, Page 3dines
•he ataeaa04_0t
i a> i actor
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Sale ley
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ARCS 6, 1885.
mother*? meeting, and the penny club,
and the coal and blanket fund, and the
library, besides talds and ends- of buei-
ne8a, and all eisitinge Papa and I
work together, nd in the el -ening I read
"Dora is my eight hand," interposed
Mr. Cunningham, looking at his girl
to help hent;" returned D a, loftily. ,
She del vered hereelf of her ttle speech
Parthia , -wise, as she rine fr in the tea -
I " Ar We such helpless creatureS,
theo ?" asked, in a low voi6e, follow -
"Mos of 'you are, she replied
calmly:, "Miss Marriott, 'the rairi is
over ; 81'02 we take a turn in the ar:
"A won an does not like a man the worse f
having ma ry favorites, if he desert hem all 'f
her- She nmes that she herself h the pee
of fixing- 6 wanderer ; that other women co
retain dial 0 -cotton. .
More ge eral, but towards the close
with NI iss Cunningham. They we
standing' in the porch together. Gar
had gon round to the 'stables to. s
werein he vicar's study, turnine•
had beei more than. half disposed
follow th m; but Miss Cunnin aro ha
papa's c
not waa
her so m
' or what
yet Mi.
After wh tiled passed. between lierse
and Gartleshe eves disposed to, hold he
peace on, the subject- of hliss Faith
merits. Some hours had 'passed -sine
- her arrival at Crossgill Vicarage,
So ar
hope so,'
-though se -
wear a el
am a fee
must doe
the by, h
I thin she is one of the best women
I ever me ," was the entliusiastie reply,-
" she is Imoet perfection, se unselfish
and so n obtrusive in everything she
Yes, ningley is Langley, put she is
a trifle to melancholy for my taste. I
'dont like eeple to go through life in a
tude. One snspects all Manner of strang
backgrounts,, and then it is se provok
ing. Lan ley is Langley, of eourse, bu
" Ever shree Was so high " putting
her hand about three lfeet from the
ground. "I used to M Clayton
larth one , he got so big nd'grand
that he us .d to frighten me ; not that I
am at f ightened of,him or any other
mad oow,', she:continued with a curl of
sher " ne sees their weaknesses too
fee :that; . How long atv yen
going to estay at Church -Stile House;
.Miss ?darriottl"
ise until the cottage' is ready few us.
You know,_I suppose, that we remain
flepShow. I am the new school -mis-
tress. Mree Clayton and Mr. Logan
dected me, 'explained Queenie
neeertheress making the statement
with some reluctance. She had a notion
that Miss C eingham would think it
utely started; and. then bit
vill find this pleasanter than
rk little study; besides,he does
ns, now he has Miss Faith
Why do men like talking to
th ?' she continued, in a per -
ice. " She's not a bit clever,
ne word& call attractive, and.
layton and papa are always -
very good,"returnedQueenie.
you and I good, --at least I
- answered Dora, Promptly,i-
do not dress in gray and
ie that sort of goodness that
its. If in a peculiar garb. By
she s one of the good' sort
ong, Miss
Ikfra abs
lier lip.
Why did they not tell rne ? It is
'athy's deings, I suppose to keep you
eit I am surprised Mr. Clayton allowed
larriott, but I cannot get over my sur-
tese. Did you ever see your predeces-
Queenie ehook her head. She felt
t hhie eyes did not please her. Dora's_
s .arching glance took in every cletaile-
t e, the littl brown hat with its phea-
anth wing, all the finish and detail
tat mark -tl e gentlewoman's taste.
" No, you are 'not much like Miss
eland of ,dtla tisfaetion and perplexity
" They b seemed: relieved, when
arth made his) appearaime with the ,
AF agonette. ore at once Went in search
of the reat f the party, Miss Faith
and Errunie* joined them instantly, but ,
" Come, C tharine, come, it is getting
exelain ed her brother impatient-
; an 1 Miss Dora have gossiped
enough by this dine." Cathy gave him
a laughing lo( k as she jumped ioto the
wagonette an ensconed herself aosily by
Den't be Toes, Garth. • No one calls
me Catharin but Mr. Logan and Miss
a'a on the sabject of our young friend ;
here. She se ma struck alrof a heap '
h tree au ele ant but most expressive
p truee-at th motion of her turning
seho0I-mistre,s. hat lausiness of hers
al-nd her own, parish."'
" Hush, Cathy ; Le quiet : she Will
Juan` you," interposed Garth, sharply, '
he turned. rimafr to w ve aa adieu to
tile little figure in the porch. Dora,
ettod with her hand shading her. eyes,
- seatehinn them until they were :out of
eight. 'hint locked still more like a-- pie -
:tore framed. m roses, hen straw hat
hau0Tn, on h T arm, and -the sunset
(;arth turtle( round more . thau once, •
and then he re.rtunea the suleecti' some-
what irritably,
What has ora got in her head,_
should like to MAN she loOks ae ,
something df es not please her. 1_
" Naze your honor, not oonsenee "
t a. glance at her brother's. aide-fac
at a
De massa of de SheepfoP
Dat guard de sheepfol' bi
Look -Out in de -gloometi ' meadows -
Wirer de long night rain egiri,
Se he call to de hirelin' shepa'd, -
Is m3- sheep, is dey all come in ?
.6h, den say de hirelin' shePa'd,
Par's seme, dey's black and thin,
But de res' dey's all brain in.
Goes down in de gloomerm meedows
Whar de longenght rain begin -
So he le' down de ba's ob de sheepfol'
Capin' soft', CoMe in, Corkin,
Den up-Vro' de gloomeren' Meadows,
-Tro' de col' night rain en' Win"; ,
Whar de sleet far pie'cin; thin,
De Po' los' sheep ob de sheepfol'
Dey all comes gadderhe in,
De po' los' sheep ob de shepfor
Dey all comes pdderin' in.
ere is indeed a grand lesSon. ;How
y old: arid. thin and black ank
ther-beaten sheep there are' still
in the. gloomerin' meadows, un -
e are who satil themselves with
gathering in of It e white sheep and
ot bother themselyes about letting
n the bars low enofigh for the old
pled Mies to get over. Hew mally
e are indeed who never trouble
selyes to go down to _the meadows
1 tce see if there are any poor 'lost
p wandering there needing assist-
. Bow few there are in,deed
.the, hirelieg shepherds, who •
like the " Massa. .of, the .sheepfol bin,"
can go elolan and 1 in that saane soft
voice, bid all the lost. ones " pane in;
club aif think O' 'eathe an' drinkiiti.ctilf
the eddienv 'Oh sirs, but woman is an
awf thing, when ye cometae think O't.
The ither nicht when was loongin' in
o lug in yaWns the moist elegant
lang or, up ponies a Married leddy, an'
says ehe tae me :
Teo," says I, pittin'Tife, thoombs
the irm-hole8 o' ma. Waistcoat an' ceck-
I, '" hat the deil do ye waste yer
thing as that ?"-
a, smile, ", I jist thocht ye war a gentle-
a ee, an' the only exciter
senee has, after a , is to
ago; st the women, It's a
up rider the strain o' I evin', .whan
one's single, I'm hanged if I •see hoe- it
couh. be borne if one had a, wife tied tae
a verra gelid impression o' !nie, an' for
the -rest 0' the evenhe I Stood leanin'
admiration o' a' beholders."
" I. Often wonder what. ma granh
fathei, auld Demean McPherson, would
thin1•9', nie if was leevin' an' here.
But lies dee , Ruh- liedY, ante= gheyer
again ha' the hawppiness tae` see the
glory o' his, hraw Peter. GranIeyther .
never had a pais o' theeles in a' his life,
.while I hae no leSs tha • two, pair, 'ail' as
granfeyther in his kilts on a winter's
Ye'd hah laughed till ye break the waist-
band lo' 'yet- goon. Itech, it seems queer,
that , fine man 0' fawshimi, like masel',
•Ivgitid society an' 'elegant. amusements, -
that never wore breeks:"
oot, a i' I sat in the' parlor . alone tee
int sh 'd forgot an engagemeot to gang
ca• m' (loon steles aboot elevem an' asked
me to turn out the gas when I got ready -
o polite society nethooten ony advice lee
in. mind o' a maist aanusin 'joke ti at I,
at the. hoose o' ma Maieten; Harry de 3
Yonne, who receiveS me as ;an equal. are
There wus an amid body therethe granh ...the
e a' yer sex
a, rm the Men
lent -a man o'
Melons. It's true there is
excitement !here. .I m d th
m gran'fay her, refuse tae
lis dochter who wars touri
Hielans ane summer, - tire
itch, on the ound tkat he
j, do wh, II he et doon in the
no carnal for the itch maseP a
pleasure; butt it wud do me g
them stare a me at 'lame in
The puir, vu gar bodies,what
be tae the i They'll tak'
V, ise Mottoes.
be idle.,
e -If your hands cannot 'he ueefully
employed, attend to, the culltivation of
your mind.
-Always speak the tenth. Make few
promises. L ve up to you engage-
--When y u speak. to a per son, look
tion are the ery amelys of vtrtue.
--e-Good• chiracter is above all things.
--Your character cannot be essentially
--If any one ' speaks evil of you, let
yonrlife be so that no one will believe
',Were live (misfortime xcepted)
--When yo retire to bed, t ink over
within 'your i come.
-what you have been doing d ring- the
-Make no haste to be rich if you
-Small aro -steady gains give compe-
tency with tr nquility of min
-Never pl y at any game o chance.
may not with tand it.
--hNever borrow if you can
. --1The best way to aCellIMI ate pro-
perty is to In y . when others want to
sellaand hi s 11 when others want to
. ee-.Let a ma, learn that eve thing in
nature, even i otes and feather „goes by
law and not b luck, and that what he
-It is onl by labor. that thoueht
can be mad healthy, and only by
thoeght that abor can be mad happy.
-Keep you . own secretsi if outhave
--Place lief re children notl 'ng-- but
what is simpl ,lest you spoil th ir tastes
and nothing t tat is not inno ent lest
*u spoil theii 'hearts.
-Take care 1.,t9 be an ,econ mist in
prosperity ; tl ,Te is no fea' r of our not
=Our 'chain ters eve make ; -, unrepu-
tations are oft rienade for us.
t Duncan,
g in the
enjoyed • a;
else tee'
venin' by
one. I'm
a form O'
id tae see
' ma fine
treat I'll
the ance
the verra
-Work eVe
see only that;
escape your r
peculiarity of
excellence of a
-Earn mon
y hour, paid unpaid ;
dd:be less pride felt in
mployment and none in
logical mind. A man should t ink of
his work and arrange it beforeh nd.
h bear
---The lesson learned in you
fruit in maturi y.
munity whieh as to support th widow
end orphan no p not control th trade
which makes idews and orpha s.
-The tongu which speaketh no evil
is as lovely as t e hand which giveth
--Conscienc,. is the voice of the
soul ; • the pasei ne are the. voice of the
" He who w ulel eat the kern I must
crack, the nut ; he who would h ve the
gain must take the paha"
' A couple of es -eeks ago Prince Albert
Viet* of Walhe who recently attained
his twenty -fire birthday, ,open d and
Leman: street, Whitechapel. H made
the following at dress :
His. Royal Hi finless said : Boye of the
Whittingtou-C1 ill and of the East Lon-
don I Slieeblaek Society and Friends, I
• am -ctry:glad t come and see 3 (Ai ton
clay. I hope that each and alle fe you
will try as har 1 as you can t be a
credit to this club and to you elves.
it be blacking a pair of shoes, Pra -tieing
frieintawliatev r it is, do it ae 1 ell as
doing at all, it i worth doing' :we 1,"' is
never de what you know to be N Tong.
Often. You wil -feel inclined, either
:throngh Your 01%11 wishes or throu -11 the
Promptings Of o nmanions, to do some-
thing, yell woith Aike, but whieh.- your
coiseience tells you oeght net to be
done. ( Hear, h ar). Well, then as. the
• time not to give way ; be braVe, stand
ii ben these ts4o things ? If you will
ho, their, ae yen grow up; youe will
proved] in America, [then; for. ye ' dithei shi
She,. 711,e me a langeishin' leek,' an' tae le:81
mak *eel' aseece'biee I eaed pot' tae the at
the attention, o'l a' the grant company SeV
an met 1,' rue. - ,
chair wi' laughia', an' the company the
must hoe, thocht I wus ill, fur they were Six
the joke, an' slapped me on the back an'. veil
'Me Tracke in ,Cowries
the current coin of the natives upon
western coast of Africa, eine the
lite Nile, and in some parts f the.
aware that tlie supplyikg of co -ries
ps, the latter mainly belongh g to
cewriesio the Indies and upoi the
ed of as cash upon the coast of G
me in Heanbt4rg receives ann rally
en oil eight full cargoes of con ries,
le girls are kept hard at work st
them. iuto necklaces. Cowrie, are
ted London, according to heir
hundredweight ; and since in ndia
or seven hundred of them are es orth
uPee as money, while Afeic the
le of a, similar quantity is about four
tee Seetland. Whiles I'M &shed WP a' all,
the gra Ideur o' ma, herei I yearn the
the freedo n an' oatmeal o' the- be
brigs., it will e readily seen th t a
y respectable profit is to be matt by
ig.in this porcelain money. fter
it is a more de ensible,traffic hat
liirmingham trad in re -sorted
nUTTER FOR SALE. -For sale cheap a good
k...) single Cutter. Apply to MRS. JOHN
nOLLTE PUPS FOR SALE.-aThe undersigned
lei has four or five purebred Scetch Collie pups
from imported stock for sale. Apply to. JOHN
COWS, to calf soon, also two 2 year old steers,
Apply to the ulidersigoed, Harpurhey. DAVID
DORRENCE, Sr. .-For sale, two pod milch
OEED GRAIN FOR SALE. -For sale Russian
0 amber spring wheat, and black eyed mar-
rowfat peas, guaranteed clean from wild oats
and all other noxious weeds. WM. BELL, Hen-
OOD WANTED.-Ulanted about 25 cords
of first-class two feet green wood for which
the highest market price lin cash will be Paid.
Apply at once to'the Expel/saes Office. 894
ONEY TO LOAN. --To lend, $2,000 private
funds by the end of June, on First -Class
farm security, only 64-. per cent. interest, payable
at the end of a year. For further' information
0 pleme take notice t rat I am leaving Sea -
forth. And all ac 'punts pot .paid before the 15th
of February, Will I e placed In Other hands for
either by no
fled that Mil
once to the
This is the la
DE13TORS.-All parties in-
to the estate of the late John Kidd,
e or book account are hereby noti-
ss the said indebtedness is paid at
ndersigned, Costs will be incurred.
t notice. 3,1118. JOHN KIDD, Sea -
aei 000 BUSHELS of oats, delivered at Ki -Ten
for which th very highest price in cash ari I be
paid. When , Barleyi and all kinds of grain pur-
90, 1885, for the carpenter work of the inside: of
tdo stores in one block at Hensel'. Plans and
specification can be Keen at Mr, Reynold's hotel,
Hensall. ad ress Jahn P. MARSHALL, Hen -
aa against tying Roy person or persons credit
sponbiale for debts otherwise incurred. JOHN
consent, as I ill .not hereafter hold iny self re-
' lacTAGGAR, Chiselhurst, February 23rd, 1885.
A GREAT BARGAIN.- Will, be sold cheap
,140 s of good 'land, heavily thnbered,
chieflY maple, some Hemlock arid Cedar, never ,
failing strean through it. Three miles from
Allahford sta ion, township of Antabel, County
Of Bruce. Ap dy to , box 284, Stratford, or Ex -
TOOK FOSALE.-For sale a heavy draught
gelding e ming three, sired by " Just in
Time, ' Warren ed sound; also three good ..milch
cows in Calf to Thoroughbred • Bull. Apply to
the undersigee 1, Lot 34, Huron Road, McKillop.
WALTER RIC AltpSON.; 898x3
11 Clear Gri
mare rising four
Roth Sound.. -A
SALE. ---For eale, one splendid
mare coming feur, and 16 hands
action, and in foal to the road-
ntine." -Also one heavy draught
in foal to imported " Welcome."
ply at Toe Exrosrroa Office,
FARM TO REL T. -For -sale or to rent a ireryk
valuable fa in, lot 14 eoncession 12, town./
ship of Stanley,' .aere are 100 acres of. land, a
large brick dwelling, two frame harns, sheds,
iexcellent or hard. Immediate possession.
Tones easy. Ap ly to JOHN BROWN or to
_JOT ESSQN, ayfield P. O., lieron County.
A meeting of the patrons (if the Brucefield
Cheese Factory will be held 'at -Turner's Hotel;
Brocefield, on SATURDAY, MARCH 7th, at -2
:o'Clock p. ma for the, purpose of receiving the
annual report, nuking arrangements for tae
coming season and the transaction of any other
WHEY FOR SALE. --Applications Will be re•
eeived by the undersigned, addressed te
- Walton P. 0. until Mareh 14; for the Whey of
the Union Cheese a id putter Factory of Walton,
for the season of 1 5. The undersigned is - em-
powered to close th ..- bargain if satisfactory of-
fers are received. R. II. FERGUSON, Score -
F04 . ALE.-Theee
pa t North half
Killop, 61 acres mar
dollars willZuy Etta
foith. Ten *oilseed
6,,Concession",13, Hallett;
thousand dollars will buy
29 concession 14 Me-
Walton. - Three thousand
liall.21, Conbession 4, L. R.
five hundred will boy Lot
150 acres. Apply to
Barrister Sze., Seaforth.
1 896. -
Walton P.'0., until Monday, March '16, 1885, for
the erection of a .f •ame d*elling- house. The
lowest or any 110 r not necessarily aceepted.
Plans mid speca cat ons may be seen and fur-
:ther information oh lined on application to tbe
:undersigned en Lo 1, Concession 18, Grey, or
liGi':'.1Sle-EitiA) aaTDhoLu Te PI
old drill shed. ,The house eontaina three rooms,
kitchen and woonshed. The lot contains one-
fifth q ;In acre. Th's property is conveniently
Ritual apd will be sold very cheap. Apply on
the peel aras or -at us EXPOSITOR Office:. Mrs.
business of the late O. Andrus, is now offered to
Rent. his is the ldest and best established
harneas usiness in he -Town of Wingharn, and
is the best stand. • ere is in cOnnection with
this 'business a steel worth abont $850,.which
may be bought bat) e Lessee. • The shop alone
- or the whole two story b ick building, part of
whieh -is used as a owelli g, may be leased be
one parka, as the Pr priet r and applicant may
agree. Address;or pply perso ally to MRS.
--ivRs.. 0. M: DUNLOP, 'Tear ea of. Music,
il_ Piano or •Organ. Advance( pupils fitted
-for graqtaiting atless than one-half the expense- '
of foreign teaehing. Terms mo lerate. R, esi-
denee on George - Street, Second oor East of
Main Street, Seafort0. . 879
and residence, that
lately! oseupied
by Dr. Hut -
residence South sh.
Door east of the Pi
.of Goderich street,
-byterian *Chu
ch. '842
jah, of the College
same as °Canoed b
of -Physicians eiid
Dr. Vereoe.
North Side of Gode
East Of the Method
Ich Street, Firs
t Church.
*Brick House .
; 496
1.,/ Toronto Una rsity-, and Me
College of -Pbysiciai $ and Surgeon
Victoria Square, Se _forth, Ontario.
iber of the
of Ontario.
Ear and Theoat, Tr
ar, and Surgeon to
Irmary.- Late Olin
aphthalmic Hospi
rhroatand Ear Ho
317 Ohurc4
and 'Ear In-
and. Central
nity Medical College
he Mercer Eye
cal Assistant Royal
I, Moorfields,
Street Toronto.
Keep, You
is the
r Mind on the Fact that Pickard's
facet() Buy Dry Goods of all Kinds,
On Hand a Full A8s
Men's, Yoltths' and
rtment cif Sizes of
Boy's Ready -Made Clothing
Smith •St W.eSt's Old S.
rd, Campbell's Block
W. W.
Having refitte
balustrades and dr
to turn out photeg
iphotcigraphic Establishment.
his rooms with new a d handsome furniture, such a chairs,
peries, also new and el °ice winter sceneries, is now repared
a.pls in any style des' ed. I am making a special of Cab -
to is considered the picture of the day.
Christmas presents can finc nothing
sh on all work guaranteedl and ''no
inets, and 8x10 Ph tographs, the 8x10 Ph
Any of those wishing to make their friend
more suitable and element. The fmest fi
work allowed to go nut ,unless thoroughly.
FRAMES. --I have also on hand a lar e and. varied stock of Frames, among
evhich there are some of the choicest Gold nd Easel Frames in new _and elegant
designs, which I am offering at greatly recliced prices during the Christmas holi-
days ; very nice 8x10 frames complete with glass mat and back from 3Qc up. .
MOULDINGS. Mouldings plain and ornamental in great variety.' Frames
made to order on th shortest notice, and t lowest prices. A call and inspection
of the work respect ully solicited.
am en bled by the use
well dull weathe
dry plate process ;
ground floor.
of the drye plate to make photographs as
is in the finest. All hotographs made by the instantaneous'
leo make the gem pic ure four for 60c. Rooins all on th
W. W. WADE, 11/1. n-st.
T OTS FOR. SALE. - Three bupdred and.
I seventy-five acres Of land, being- compelsed
Concession of McKillop. They will be Sold cheap, ,
as the owner wishes to disPose of the property..
Apply to W C; G'OUIXLOCK, WarsaW, New
ry ACRE I ARM FOR SALE. -North half -of
i„) Lot 30, and the north of north half of t
31, Concessieo licKillop. Most of this Ian nr
,seeded, and in eacelient condition for Mee ow
or pa.sture. For tuather particulars apply. to •
sion 2, ElistWawanosTi.. This desirable pro-
perty will be sold this SUMIXICr, in order to cfoie
up an estate. It consists of 2.00 acres of eheice
land, about 145 aeres. cleared ; good farm build-
ings and orchard. For particulars aPply to W.
ID -MUM LOTS-- FOR SALE. -The 'under -
la signed tate.a number of very eligible, build-
ing lots for sale cheap. These lots contain a
quarter of an acre each;' are pleasantly situated
and convenient to the business part of thb yillage,
"and are well adapted for the residence of retired
• farmers, or others desiring a pleasant and quiet
place of residence. DANIEL CLARK, Egin nd-
ville. 847
12 Sale the North Hall of LOt 6, •Coneessima 6
Tuckersmith, Icontaiaing 50 acrev, 45 of which
'are clecuad, hae from stumps and underdraihed.
The farm is well feaced. There 15 a log house
and large frame barn on stone foundation, good
well and arm. pump. It is within four miles of
Seafortla and tbe roads leadhi„,,- fro it are all
gravelled; Aapiy to MRS. E. B 1RKE,
Head Hotel, Toronto. 888-8
VARM FOR SALE. -The sabseriber offers for
j';' Sale his farra•of IGO aeree, being Lot 7, Cora
cassion 4, H. R. S., Tuekersmith. About 95
Orchard &e., Well watered and in a good state of
Cultivation. About three miles from the town of
Seafoi- la Terms, $2,061. down, and baiance to
''ElARi Foa SALE. -For sale supposed to he .
young; orchard with spring well in it, spring
..12 11 acres 'being West half f Lot 28, Coneeti-
creek in Centre of farm Ten aeres of good fall
wheat, and fall ploughing- doner SOB, , clay
loam. Pine for building purpo,ses on lama and
plenty of rail timber. This farm will be sold for
at almost any time. Apply to H. MOORE, Clin-
b(.rilt:atlela-A:ri''ce hardwood bush and cedar swamp. There
RM FOR SALE. -There 'wit he sold cheap
100 acre pam, being Lot 10, Concession 13,
60 acres Cleared, 10 acres hardwood fallowe
• is Oil the farm a good frame barn and house, also
a good bearingyoung•orchard, good never failing
to THOMAS C,ARDIFF, on the premises or by
The farm is sit ated in a good lbeality: Liberal
terms of paym nt. ' For further particulars unity
letter to Cranbrook, Pa0. '898-4
l? scriber offers for sale or to rent Lots 19 and
20, 1st concession of TuckersmIth, consisting of
100 acres each, about a mile west of Seatorth.
Good frame house on one -farm, with c'rchards
barns, and usual outbuildings on both. Will be
rented or sold ia block, but -not separately. If
-.balance aan truain on mortgage. WILLIAM '
Is,00ldwpf,uErReh.aseatilnay pay- one-third down; and the
j! of Lots 34; and 35, Concession 13, etintain-
ing 112 acres, 80 acres cleared; the remainder is
good hardwood bush, clay loam, Well watered
with a never failing Spring Creek rising on , the '
premises. Frame barn, and stables, log hoose
ies and school, and is situated four Infles
Jyth and 10 from Clinton. For fm-ther
niers *apply to WaLTER CUNNINGHAM,
Soot)] part of said Lots, or ;to Londes-
on th
TIMM FOR SALE. -For Sale, the South half L.;
...12 of Lot 10, Coheession 1, Grey, write -Ming 50
acres. There are 30 acres cleared, part of the
balance has beet burned' down and 'part bush.
There is a frame house and stable, a young
orchard and four- and onehalf acres 011111 wheat.
It iS situated within a mile and re quarter of 1
janiestown. It will be sold cheap. The adjoin- i .
hig 5 'acres are also for sale.i 'This property
will b sold separately Or ;together. Apply ta
SAa EL or ANDREW POLLOCK, on the farm,
or by mail to Jamesaown 11 O. 860
SALE. -For sale, being Lot 2, Concession
13, Hullett, cootaining 150 acres, 130 of *tic?'
are cleared; balance well timbered with hard- .
wood. Superior soil, 'well underdrained, and
workable with Any madhinery, 28 acres seeded
to grass. A never failing spring creek runs
through the back,end. There are two Iog houses, -
frame barn, large shed arid coMfortable housing
for stock. Good bearing orchard and three wells
forth, ,and a like 'cifitance frot Brussels. One •
Six'and one-half from 131h, 10 from Sea
nile from school dnd postoffice.; Churches con-
venient, Terms easy. Apply to J. ALLAR-
_112 Lots 4 and 5 aid part of 3, Lake Road East,
Stephen, containing 282 acres, mostly all clear-
ed', good buildings mid abundance of good Spring -
water. This farm as =AV clay loam and is
Park Bill. • The above will be sold in one block
(food either for grassing or cropping. There is
s' iilso a young orchard. It is within 12 miles of '
or separately to suit purchaser. It is all in one
block ekcept a small part on the opposile side of
thi concession. If not sold it wall be renta
There are churches and schools convenient and
good roads leadin6,- to market. Aliply to the un-
dersigned, Mike P. O. JOHN REFILL 800tf, : '
N. B,-4 large stock of well bred cattle IlOW
1 E 1
on the num will be soId with tbe land if suitable:
C) ' i V scriber offers for sale his farm of'1,00 litres,
1 3:0 heing South East half of Lot NI, ConceSsi al 8,
. , is in a high state of cultivation. A is sit rated
with hardwrood, hemlock and eeditr. The farm
free from stimips, the balance is well tini ered
miles from Wing -ham, 8 miles froiniBlyth. It is
within one-quarter Mlle from school, MO
on the premises a good frame house and
barn and stabling, a young bearing orc ard
a never fading well, and creek runnin,* tbi ugh
the back part °lithe farm. This property -alli be
sold cheap. Fin. further particulars app , on
the premises, or to GEORGE A. TYN.ER Bel-
erave P. 0., East Wawanosh.
- Large
ssortinent io Choose From.
is ,
/ son, to sell by Public A:uction on Lot :8, Co ees-
i2th, 1886, _connuerreing at neer...leek, sharp, the
'following valuable property, viz ; i Horses-a0ne
span of general purpose mares rising 4 and 5
years old, supposed to be kh . foal to impirted
horse "PUzzler," owned by Mr. MeMillai , of
Hulled ; 1 span of carriage. horses, sired by
‘-` Black Warrior ; 2:roadster fillies rising 3 ) eat%
old, 1 gelding rising 3 years -91d., 1 gelding iising
2 ,years old, 1 :filly rising 1 year Old, inred itA
" Maarician." -Cattle-Three :Cows in calf to a
Thoroughbred bull, 2 cowS »ewly -calved, -2
A TEA, I TEA.- TEX. heifers rising 3 years :old, 1 fat ,cow, fi, heifer
rising 2 years.old, 7,steers 'rising -2 years old, ,
s ring calves. Sheep -One thoroughbred Shrop
New, Fresh and Handsome.
1Now is the Time to G
Ras Just Received a
the Largest and Best
holds 175 Pa.ckages,
and 60c. per pound.
give Entire atisfactio
all kinds of Grocerie
Flour, Oats,' Barley, S
Turnips, Ca
ots, and
t the Best Value Ever Offered in Seaforth for your Money.
ery Large Consignme t of TEAS. He now holds one of
s orted Stocks west of Toronto. In Teas alone he now
Stock Consists of GREEN, BLACK, 'JAPAN, GUN-
. UST, and will G arantee them to be all FRESH and'
, r Money Refunde . Also a large Stock of Sugars and
Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Shorts, Bran Buckwheat
enings, Chop Feed, alt, Coal Oil, Fish, Appfes, Potatoes,
t of tamps and Lam Trimmings.
n Exchange for atnneal at Nlill Rates.
. ire ram rising 3 years old, 10 superior Leices-
tei ewes, all in Iamb to a Shropshire ram; 6
ewe lambrwith a cross to a Shropshire ram.
Implements -One combined seed drill, 1 -Bradley
reaper, 1 Sulky hay rake, 1 set of iron harrows
1 set of wooden harrows, 1 iron plow, Munroe
make ; 2 Cgilled plows, 1 general* purpose plow,
1 ging plow, 1 scuffier, 2 lumber wagons, 1
double carriage with pole and shafts, 1 market
1 Portland cutter with pole, and Omits,
1 fanning mill , 1 root cutter, 1 wheelbarrow k
grain cradle, 1 hone hay fork with rope and
pullcys,, 1 double set heavy harness, 1 double set
light harness, 1 set single harness, 1 saddle, 2
chains, shovels and a number of other articles 4
too numerous to menticin, also a quantity of
hay and roots. .The whole mill positively be
sold without reserve as the proprietor has sold
iris farm. TERMS. -All sums of ;a5 and Maley,
cash.; over that amount 12 months' credit, 1911
he given en furnishing approved joint n
Six cents on the dollat will be allowed for eclair
on Credit amounts. ROBERT DICKSON, Pre-.