HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-02-27, Page 8medicine "Ili& so P PicWit sat ., seienLifie at thee la a -lurk. erof abo as.ak .iut yo ' IT tTr.a.a. sn'T ata arstateee *In na 'Cirtasek; - Ira.s. le *is has - TIMIISSKAIS. iarto r • a sickenw. .ch aodieatiorie - ILA 28, 1862. t. ., ,f tw� years One eta • ter .biy.- annalist "- .ining sores on it.. ' '.me tirce ita eye.: , •• Led. a.udyerysore. :oid its that a pow. aV')1tu.tiizi5nansif . in err:Tenant : iA,f w doses pro..- I rein rit, which, by :ttion , was conths. man nt cure. Nee it of elete existence, Les; - d no t.rest..- ;ever' atten4ed by, res ts., F. F. Joinuomm. 1 .- aiar e t„Maste.. ea for Os fld at s friend support: wie ;hr ee years, Wet irtrig the past aZ1Ia1S� added OW better e wants ot with the besi ention paid -to )FOPPING. teat d eetround or 'ex- : lav hb rts q w*ity qualled Dpminior, at:,by , t 'ere povter ot our E TO„ 0 1 N G st price.- vffle A RD : . thlt rate the !five EEbt, DIN( WIN r n Nir A has Coma • GTORY crood value, 1,IYS* R NS. iig atai Fulling' *cited 11,ies far as possibleet Vttieff THEM, and Wetrking Order Vonarnen, „ arrtiuted. LXET.Elt )reprietor.- TEAMSKIPS, d'orth, Agelit- r SAGE RAM ,_.tol,Liverpooi arid Lone aecording to position- etee.12years, half fate; " Cabin, $50. - inter e 'From faPo°1°1" hAT,j5afld.ct ; ateerage, $13. Ile' to Londonderry or - fax : (abin, $100, V26. ;Steerage, $26. 0.4. Estate Bought' aL • 0 , Met %nsurance Confea ; $eaforth. A. STRONG. r- feetICENSE .11-T )SIToR OFFICE ONTAIII0e ••,± REQUIRE • FEBRUARY 27, 1885. - News Notes. Tobogganing has taken a firm7hold AS a winter arausementin iStratford. , -It is estimated that 5,000 men and women are Out of empl�yment in New York. : I -Geo. Elliott's biography has already :brought into the i publishers the h 4- -some sum of $40,000, and is'stillgoing. .ahead. • . -The proprietcirs of the Louvres stores in Paris Calculate that they lose between 2,000 and 3,000 francs daily by thieves, who usually belong to the wealthier classes. ; -Oliver Wendell Holmes, jr., is the • youngest judge that ever sat on ' the .suPredne bench of Massachusetts, and he looks muchyoungee than he is, and I olc:e lawyers irreverently tallel about rhat -they call the kindergarten court. -Gladstone verifies the 'reports of his , recovery of his usual health by resuming the axe in Hawarden woods, and lately he walked half a mile -through a drench- ing rain without an umbrella and sat through the service in cliurch in his wet c1othinr. --Mrs. Frederick Neilson, a weal 1 New York lady, and a sister of Freddie- , r Gebhardt, ha e been convert al to R.ornun , Cathaticism by the preaching of Ii11gr. . Capel. 'She Is young, beautiful, accom- plished,. a,nd has been a grcat society. favorite. ' 1 -The QUOKII of Belgium :s described - - as stolidly insolent, without a grace or , ' charm to season the defect. Horses are her passipia and as she grows older she ! beconiesemore in sympathy with them andless with the human race. All thel faculties of her mind are daily coneee trated for hours on the team of ponies . she drives. • ' . -Princess .Beatrice has ordered for her trousseau several ]Irish poplin dresses from a Dublin firth, aied one of these is to be entirely in ivory white, of Oriental design, interwoven with gold thread. Another dress ivillbe of cardinal rivaling the richest Lyons vel -vet. A third is to • be sky-blue, plesely covered. with sprays . of forgetme-acits, -A Belgian living in Penetangu ishene, . who left his -native land thirteen years ago and has not since comanunicard e . • with ;13 is parents, has inheriteda fortthe of one hundred aild twenty-five thousand _kends. The wanderer was , unted up by a Montreal detective, who found him badly in need of the windfall. --Last Sabbath night a lhowling .yell- ing Mob besieaed the dr ooof the Salv lion Army all on St. Jales stree Montreal. Two policemen W o were Ofl duty were seemingly powerless to -act. The people then began to pelt the police with snow, and finally a guard in the Central station had to be called out but even they were unable to dis parse the mob, knots of whom kep hanging around. The Line of Beauty. When men imiild Churches they ough to:imitate the idea of the Great Arch Rea and put the audience - in a circle knowing that the tides of emotion .ro - more easily that way than in straigh lines. Six thousaad years ago God film this world out of His right hand ;, bu He did not throw it out - in a straigh line,but curvilinear, with a leash of loae . holding at SQ as to bring it back agaili. The world started,froin His hand pure, and Edeni.c. it: ha been rolling on ' t through regions :of mor . temper., How. 'ion it ,will roll God only knows ; but it it will in due *16 make a complete circuit and come back to the place where it started -the ' hand of God -pure an,01 Edenic. 1 ice- and. dis- The history of the world g - circle. Why is it that the shi our day is impro Ling so rapidly es in. a ping in, . Ti is because men are mating the o d model of Topa s ark. tb4 as his opinio derided by small . time beat the Gal :whieh we boast sc ship!on the sea to a deluge in which earth were "wree -ed, landing all the- y -two of eadh kind thousands of species ? on with its echievea -many centuries the ship carpenter_ givas . Although so much wits, that of Noah's ia andtheArizona, of much. Where is the day that could outride the heaven and the passengers in safe ,of living creatures :Pornology will go -relents, until after world will have p1 ims and. pears • equal . P • • to the Pat adisaica . The art of garden - mg will grow for centurie, and after the Downings and Mitehells of the world have done their be t in the far 1 future the art of gardentng will come up to the arhoreseenee of the year 1. If the mak- ers of culored glasses go on ineproving they may in some c,enturies eto • be able to make something dqual to the east window of York Minster, which was built in 1290. We are six centuries behind those artists; but the world must keep on toiling until it shall make the complete circuit, and come ap to the skill of those very men. , If the world continues to improve in masonry, we shall have after awhile, perhapa after the advance of centuries, mortar equal to that which I once SDAV in theall of the' all exhumed English city, built * , the time of the Romans, sixteen In , dred years ago -that mortar to day is a good • as the day in which it was made, haying outlasted the bricks and stone. 1 ' say, after Inmdreda 'of years masonry may -advance to that point. If " the ,world stands long eneugh, we may have a city as large as they had in old times. Baby- lon five times the size of London. You gainto the potterieS of England and you • had them making cups and ' vases • after the style of the cups and vases ex- humed from Pompeii. The world is not going back. Oh, no; but it is seieinging in a circle, and will come back to the styles of pottery known so lona ago in the days of Pompeii. The - world ' must keep on progressing until it makes the • complete circuit. The cure'e is in • the right direction andwill keep on rzntil it becomes the eircle.-Talinage. Dairy Perplea4ties: - A North. _Auburn'Maine, enae .has started a new butterfactory, and this is the way the Lewiston Journal giveS the history of it : A yeunir, married- man and -his, wife - put up the milk for a churnin e few days ago, and he started to make Imitter. He elnirned first, leisurely talking the thing over with his wife, Iddking' at the frothing milk occasionally, and tken churning again. He -expected every minute that the butter would come; hat it kept hanging off, as butter will in the best of churns, sometimes never coming. • Rebegan to get impatient. He cluirn. ed. until his suspenders chafed' his back and mile pulled off his coat and [loos- ened them. He churned until he raised a- 'Water blister as big as a banana- peel right in the middle of his hand. He .ehurned until he got mad and dropped the "doato:d" churn handle, 'declar- ing by the jumping Peter that he wouldn't ehur 'away ten dollars in clay wages for a p Ind of butte. Then the patient wife took up the churn dasher that the husb nd had laid down. ''', She churned and k pt churninguatil shegave it up. Thep her husban&aeher Solici- tation carriecl he churn and the w ole business over .:to the mill near by in which he is em toyed.' Over at the inill he fixed up aniachjie for. churning the thing by water and he set the milk to frothing again' . It frothed and frothed 1 all • day, and When he went home ,at night he left it 'frothing, with the hope that by morning it might- be either all butter or • all froth. In the _night he heard a tremendous pounding loutside: . ' Say !" said a voice, ;" did you know that the mill was running ?" Thechurnand the water had made such a r cket in the stilt night that it had elan ed the eleighbors. The owner 1.of the. churn only yelled back -:. " Yes,t, I did. i)ern the /mill !" •and he went back o bed with cold rfeet and a cOld in hi, head. .At about tweRe he was roused out of bed /again by a fearful noise, am. some one at the- door was yelling : "Say, there ! your oldanill has got loose and is running ?" He went to the windo v' and arned the Irian off and asked himif it w s any ] of his business if it wa runnin and what he .was up for at nig1t distu thing decent people. Long before dayliht he was rolused out by" a boy whose f tliea hacl seht him over o tell him 1 that the mill was 'running. He got up and went over. The milk was frothing, but was just as pretty milk s ever. It was evi dent that it never could be better if it was churned' forever. Some one- advised him to take it home and 'ask his wife to warm it,. The ent.'. of the churning came when the milk having been. for 1 , moment 'forgotten.w4ei ' fouad boiling on the stove, and now oith Auhtirn, that, always relishes a jok , laughs and grows fat over, its new but r factory.• GRATEFUL -Lac MFORTING. - -EPPS 'S • 00 BREAK 4.A.S. "By a thorough lenowle ge of the' natu tvhichgovern the operatic> is of digestiori Jaws d nu- trition, and by a caretql a plica ion of thojjne •propertieseef well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps his flatared beverage Whiph.M y Ortvle us rfriany • ! provided our breakfast trt ies with a deleca5t.#oc-y tars' bills. . It is . by, tte. judicielus use of such articles of diet that ii, eons itution may"be'gradue ally -built up un •-•il-taong e 'met to resist . eeeryr -tendency to d dies are floatng around us ready to attack (s i ease: Hien reels of subtle, . rriala-1 Wherever there is a week. point. We may- escape . heanyia fatal shaft by • keeping , ourselves well fortified with pure blood a d a ptoperly nourish- , ed frame." -Civil Serviee.G zette. Made simply With boiling water or milit. . Sold only in packets 'by grocers, labelled thus -".E, mes EPPS & Co., chemists • Ljindozj, England." Role (Vent for Canada, ' C. E. Colson, Montreal. 884-52 r ; - • ' Fluio Lightni▪ ng cures neuralgia' in one minute. Fluid Lightning cures toothache in one minute. ! Fluid Lightning cores face ache in °he minute. i Fluid Lightning cures lumbago in one minute. Fluid Lightning relieves rheumatism in one minute. , • q !Fluid Lightning cures any pain • or ache in- stantly. Price -25 cents per bottle at Lenisden & Wilson'e.drugstore, Seaforth. ,851.62m. .McG regor kParke's Carbolic Cerate ha been tested by years of trial and has been found the 'most convenient and effectual method of apply- ing carbolic acid. The greatest antiseptic in use for cuts, burns and old sores. -.Be ture you get McGregor & Parke's Carbolic' Cerate. 1 ' Sold for 26 cents by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Sea- fotth. 851.52m. ' The DeCided; `Beneficial effect of ,Robinson's Phosphorized Eeaulsion in the treatment of female weakness, and . nervous prostration, has given it a wide- spread eeputation, and in every ease the story is the Same : My health is tre impecived since usin'g it,?'.1".I am like a new woman," that we do not hesitate to reconimend it to everyone in need of abealth restorer. 891-52.2w: - • me Items and Topico. -`" All yobr oein fault you remain sick.when you can tet Hop Bitters that riever-fail. * -TheI weakest Iranian, smallest (+lid 'and sickest n valid can use Hop. Bitters with safety ' and great good. .- --Old 4»en totteringaround frein rheumatism, kidney 1rouble or any weakness will be made almost n w by using' Hop Bitterp. •-. , wife and daughter Were made ,health by theu e of Hop Bitters and I recommend them -to ply people. -Methodist Clergyman. Ask any good doctoe if Hop Bitters are not the best fainily medicine, On earth! ,_ [bill. 1 Malarial fever, ague and usnss will leave every neighborhood ap goon 1 as Hop -Bitter arrive. • "My mother drove tt eparalysis and 'neuralgia all out of her system with Hop Bitters," -•-•Editor, Oswego Sun, '• • • • --7-r , M• Keep the kidneF yb. healthy with Hop Bit- tere and you need not fear sicknese. --Ice water is rendered harmless and more re- freshing and reviving; with Ilop ,Bitters in each dralighte ' --The vigor of youth for the aged' and infirm in HopBitte5s I. - . ( ..--." At the change 6f life nothing equals ) 1 Hop Blttte,rs to allay'all troubles rncident t'- ( • 'Thereto.' , .., I ) -The best periodical tor ladies to takernonth.; ly, and from which they will receive the greatest benefit is HopEitters. -Mothers with sicleltie frettiel; nursing chil- dren, will eure the children and benefit thein- - selves by taking Hop Bitters daily. . -Thousands dic anaually from ste _form of th kidney disease at might have been prevented by a timely use of Hop:Bitters. Le -Indigestion, weak atornach, irre larities of the bowels, cannet exist :when Hope Bitters are Used.: e , l• . il A timely :. ' uie of Hop „ Bitters will keep a whole bunny ! In robust health a year at a little cosE -To produce real genuine sleep' and child-± like reposingiall night, take a little • op Bitters on retiring-. ' Ve-None genuine without a bun h of green Hops on the white label. tShun aill the vile, poisenous stuff with Hop"lor "Hop" in their name. 864.62m. • Destroy the worms or t phildren. Using Freenian's expel all kinds -of worms. - • '4. ey may destroy the 'men 75Potrders, they .2an. To. Our Readers. I If you suffer from .headache, dizziness, back- ache, biliousness or'humor of the blood, try Burdock Blood Bitters. It. is a.2-pararetpe cure for all irregularities of the blood, liver arid; ,kid- neys. 857.52:2w. - els ' - A Good Record. Among the many thousand bottles of Hagyard!ti. Yellow Oil sold annually in Canada, net one has ever failed to give satisfaction. It cures rheu-1 matism, colds, and all painful coinplaints and injuries. 857.52.2w. etee Well as EN -dr. Lcittie Howard writes from Buffalo, N. Y. "My seretent became greatly debilitated through arduoue professional duties, suffered from nausea, sick headache. and biliousness. Tried Burdock Blood ersevith the most beneficial effect. Ain well as ever,", 857.52.2w. . McGregor's Speedy 'Cure. Every purchaser of common sense business capacity, when requiring an article for a„, certain purpose, purchases- only that which has been tried or he is allowed first to test » fore buying. „c• THE H You are allowed a free trial bottle of MeG goee Speedy, .Cure;""the great remedy for dyspepsii, impure blood and, liver disorders at Lumselenc& Wilsol drugstore, Seaforth. Soki at fe0c. arid per bot le. See testimonials from persons i your, own to n. 851.52m. , ON EXPOSITOR. Usefulto Know. 1ver± one should know that Hagyard's 00. will give prelinpt relief; applied exte win stop any, pain; and taken internally colds, asthma, coup, sore throat and mo flanuna ory complaints. 867..52.2w- • Danger in the Air. bi th,e chilling winds, the damp atmos andi suddenly checked perspiration, colds lurking.: • Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cures c Coughs, asthma and bronchitis, and all compl tending towards consumption. 867.62.2w. Excellent Report.. n. JosephiG. Goodridge, of Brooklyn. N s : " H. writ ca not express myself in sufficie etly praiseworthy erms of Burdock Blood. Bitters which I! have used for the past two years itb great benefit." 857.52.2w. ' ellow nally ures t iri- here are lds, ints Low's Wo en* Syrup aril remove wormsnd cause, quicker than any other medicine. 57. , , • . • 4.-' For nettle- ries', itching piles,- ringworm .erup ions, and all akin diseases, use Prof. Low's Slul hue Sitap.r 857.2m. ' • . • National Pil1s urify the blood, regulate sto ch, liver and boWels.• 857.62m., LEGAL. . - ARROW & PROUDFOOT, arristers, Soli 1- X tors' Sec., Goderich, Ontati . J. T. GARROAP, m. Pio+Foom. 686 C. ILAYS, Solicitor, tee. 'P ivate Money 'to . lend at lowest rates of interest. Office- orner of 8quare and West Street, Goderi b. 774 AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Ba Solicitors in Chancery, &c„ Goderic .0. CAMERON, Q. PLUM HOLT, AMERON. . risters, Ont. M. q. 506 I X BEbT, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. ffice- . Cady's Block, Three Doors North of the P st Office,' Seaforth. Goderich Agents-Camette I , HOLT & CAMERON. • 870 f I OFTUS1 E. DAKEY, late with Cal ieron, Holtt Cameron, Goderich, Barriste , S11 er tor,,Con eyancer, &c. Money to loan.: Ben' o 's Old Office, Carano's Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNING .& SCOTT, Barristers, 'Soli ritors, Coneeerancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of ohnstorii Tisdale & Gale. Money to, loan. o ce-Beaver•Block, Clinton, Ontario. . FL M NNING, JAMES Scorr. 781 . the Fa • SM.. HOLMESTED, successor to the late 11 1 Of .McCaughey & Holmested, Barriste , Sot re Conveyancer and Notary. Solici for Canadian Bank of Comnierce, Money to lend., s for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main' et, Seaforth. • BYER & DICKINSON, Barristers, &c., ent's Block, Wingharn. Solicitors for the •ank lof I andlton; - Commissioners for taking attlda.eritsin Manitoba., Private funds to loan et per cen .• Luoknow Office eery Wednesday. 11. W. C. ErER, E. L. Memos. 738 EnoLt & DICKSON, Solicitors, Corierey- kn aneerse&o: Money to lend. Seaforth and Bru sels. Seaforth Office, over 'Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street. Ne B.. -One member of the Orin will 'always be in•Seaforith Office. la S. CARROLL, Seaforth; W. B. DICKSON, Brussels ! MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at -6 !per cent. ; Interest payable half yearly, or per cent.. "- -early, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time A plY to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth.. 860 . parts Xp(:o‘ . AUCTIONEERS. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the Carney of Huron. Sales attended in all elathee County. All order ti left at Tete ITOR Office will be promptly attended to ELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the . County of Pluton. "Sales of all descriptidn promptly attended to on reasonable terms. • Ad- dress Brussels' P. 0., or apply on Lot i4, Cone eessien 12, Grey. 77. "` ;VETERINARY.' SEA FORTH 1 HORSE INFIRMAR:Y. e--Cornerlof Jarvis and Goderich Streets, 'next door to the Presbiterian • Church;- Seaforth; Ont. All die - eases f Hopes, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the dii- mesti ated animals, successfully treated at the Infirn ary, or elsewhere, on the shorted notice Charg s modeiate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary "urgeon, P. S. -A large stock of ;Veterin- ary M dicines kept constantly on hand DENTISTRY. TD. S., and 31. R.., C. D.) of j I . Torento. All operations guaranteed. Anesthetics of all kinds administered. Specialties - Gold Filling and Perfect Fitting Plates. Town patients will please make engage- ments a day or two previous to having the opera- tion perforinedi Wr' Remember- place, in the rooms formerly occupied by C. Cattwright, up -stairs in Oadr. 1 s Block; opppsite ehe Commer- cial Hate], Seal rth . 874 ir a isT • DENTIST, Faculty - del 1 Medallist and -‘ollege Gold MetlaJlist, TorOato School' . of Medicine. SAVING NATLRAL TEETH A • SPECIALTY. TEETH. E. SILY -AND CAREFULLY, .tee EXTRACTED. Za- C4AR ES MODERATE. In, N. B. As 1 h4ve bought out the business of the lateilfraBiigain, I will complete all opera- tions begun by h m satisfactorily to each patient, Office Peer Johneon'ti Hardware Store, Meyer's Block,ai Street, Seaforth. , The Mitchell- Standard .1 1NT DMIPP, • - iPatented and -Manufactured by W. M. 'MORRIS. MHE S mplest, Strongest and -most satiefactdry 'I_ MTh dmill yet made. For pumping water pawing w d, chopping grain or driving any light inachinerl, it has no equal. • f: P MPS!. PUMPS! I alsoi43anufactllreiron Lift and Double Ac- tion Fori Pumps which are guaranteed to give eatisfact' n. • A doc of pum s and 'hose kept 'constantly on hand. Give ne a trial. If I do. not give satigfaction_ no sale. All erd rs addressed to the undersigned, Mit- chellJt. , promptly attended to. . 872-42r • W. M. MORRIS. • L1.1 B -ERI, LUMBER! • , The un ersigne3 having bought and re -fitted the mach try d the Carrick MilI, are now fully prepared to furnish Farmers, Contractors, And Lumber1 ealers with al) kinds of Building Lum- ber at th most reasonable terms. , Those ilding houses we \ can furnish with Dressed Ilaning and Siding at low rates. Parties ordering- lumber can have it shipped to any station on ' the Grand Trunk Railway. Orders b3j mail promptly attended to, • Give us a call, be ore dealing elsewhere. LDWORTH, & CAMERON, 886-12 Whitechurch P. O. PURE BRED B KSHIRE.-The undersigned will keep du ng the present season, on Lot 6, Concession 1, ay, a pure bred Berkshire Boar, to whioh a Hi tited number of sows will be taken. Terms --$1 with the privilege of return- ing if necessary:, JOHN WILLIS. Hay P. O. 894 UFFOIX PIGS. 0 on hand duein oughbred Suffolk P of sows will be take of his thee in thee privilege ot return; the farm of the und Northern Gravel r R GRIEVE. - TAIF'ROVE :YOUR t will keep on Lo a Joung Thoroughb limited number of s pig was bredby Mr. and is of the best an brought into the 'c with the prieilege W31. HABKIRII. The undersigned will keep the present season, a Thor - g, to which a limited mimber . He is one of the beat pigs unty. Terms -$1, with the g If necessary. Ann].y on srsigned at Grieve's Brjdge, ad, itIcKillop. HUG J. 6 STOCK. -The undersigned 24, Concession 5, McKillop ed Berkshire Pig, to which a ws will be received. this Jacob Anderson, of Wilmet, purest bred animals !ever unty. Terms --$1 per sow, of returning if neceseary 885 MO PIG BREEDE JL keep for setvi during the presen Thoroughbred Beeks This pig has a Regis. best m the coeunter a wherever shown. .!T privilege of returnin Leadbuey. AKE YOUR C shire and on lege during the pr signed it Bodge cents at the time o re -The undersigned will at his place in Leadbury, season, that well-known ire Pig, "The Guelph Boy." red Pedigree, is one of the d has taken First Prizes rms-$1 per sow, with the if necessary. AVM. BRA , 880 IOICE.--.Two Pigs, one Ber Suffolk, willbe kept. for Ise sent season by the unde - i le. Terms: SeventyL11 e s thee,' with the privilege V ming if. necesster, , JOHN P. MARSHALL. .887.8 fo ce th UFFOLK AND B ;RKSHIRE.-Two Pigs,on Seffolk and the other BerkeCre, are kopt service at Ilannie sion 8, Township NNIE. peivilege of retini 0 PIG BREED keep at his res the preaent Season, t Pig recently owned.' an bred by Snell Br hot 'Imported stock the best bred pigs in sow, with the privile CH RLES TROYER. Saw Mips, Lot 12, on - f Hay. Terms: 1, With ingif necessary. SAMUEL 887 S. -The undersigned' will ence in Hills Green, during at well known Berkshire R. J. Turner, Brucefteld, thers, Edmonton. He is n both sides, and is one of he county. Terms -$1 per of returning if necessary. 887-8 frE SUFFOLKS A E HE BEST.L-The un- dersigned has now o il Lot 21, Concession 2, L. • S., Tuckersinith, itnd will keep for the imp ovement of StoOk Two THOROUGHBRED SUP - FOL BOARS. The oldest, "Granger," was far- rowed on April 3rd,I1882, was bred by Mr. Wm. Elliott, Milton, County of Halton. His- sire and his dam were, bo1 h imported. . The second, -' "King Tom," was f rrowed in April, 1884. He was bred' by Messrs A. Frank ea. Sons, of the county of Peel, and both. his sire and his .daan were also imported.! They are as ,,good pigs as were Over offered foe Service in Huron as can be .proven by the extended pedigrees which are registered in the Canadian: Herd Book. Teethe $1,-, with the privilege of returning if . necessary. 'GEORGE PLEWES.i . 891 .. Ro uo) U. S. MAIL ST AMSHIPS Sail from Pier 20,•Nort iver, New York, Every Satin i 4y, far GLASGOW VIA Li DONDERRY. . ' RATES . OF 'ASS GE TO GLASGOW, DERRY, eELFAST OR LIVER- POOL, CABIN, $60 t 880. SECOND . "; CABIN. $40. STE RAGE, OUT- WAILD, $2,8, ' P • PAID, .821. Anchor Line Drafts issoe at lowest rates are paid free of charge in E gland, Scotland and Ireland, For passage, Cabin Plans Book of Tours, &c., apply to HENDERSON BR HERS, 7 BOWLLNG GREEN, New YORli, or t S. DICKSON, Post Office, Seaforth. - 832 APPLES! CHARLES. DO 79 Queen St.,,Lond WILL be gl Growers, view to Autunin also give the us ing advances, to co erchant nd Sprin facilitie APPLES! ALD & 'Co.,. E.C., Eng., respond with Apple end Shippers, with a business. They will to citstomers requir- 869-39 MIMI= NM 1111111111m1 MUSIOAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. • SCOTT BROS., PROM:110'0 S. . Read the folowilig teStimonial by one of the best musicians of the present day : "The Upright Pianos Of Messrs "Dunham deserve, as well an emphatic "endorsement, is a decided en ccess, They develop a tone, which in power and "sympathetic q Laity, can not be surpassed by the now existing Upright Pianos, "and are equall beautiful in 'their musical qualities as well as in their exterior " appearance." THEODOR THOMAS. , 1 This celebrated Organ has always received the highest award wherever shown, taking first prize at the Northern „ Union Exhibition in Octqber, 1883. Among other Organs shown at this show were W. Bell & Co., Guelph I; Kilgour, Hamilton ; Karus, Woodstock, &a. Call and. see us before buying. Old instru- ments taken at t eir hill value. Orders for tuning pianos and organ attended to at once. / SCOTT BROTHE S. N. EL -Small Ins-tem/lents, such asil violins, Guitars, Ac -cord ons, Con- certinas, &c., on 'hand also a good assortment of Piano Coveys, Piano tools, &c. All kinds of- Instruction Books. STAMPING Patterns for Kensingto , Crewel and Outline Embroideries. • EXCELSIOR ORGANS. 1 Grand Trunk Railway, Trains leave Seelorth and Clinton stations follows 1 GOING WEST- . Sz.i0wtm.ChINTOIC Express.... -1 1.50 P. 2.30P Express .. 8.58r./. 9.M P•M "Mixed 8 15 AP et. GOING EAST - 'Express. - „-. 7.45 A. M. . 'Express-. .. 1.50 P. M. 31ixed ., 4.45 i. 3i. • London, GOING NosTm- Express. London, depart., 7.45 .4, Exeter - 3.57 Hensall„ 9.07 Kippen. . 9.13 Brucefleid... 9.23 - Clinton. - .. 9.45 Londesboro 10,0.0 Illyth.... . 10.07 Belgra.ve . 1:0.22 Wingham, arrive 10.35 Gonne Soren-- e Expred- Wingham, depart e• 7,48 .e. Belgrave.. „ .`) t8.00 Blyth . _ . 4 8;15 - Londesho.io .. 8.24 . tee° Brucefield . . 9.05 Kippen. „ ea .„. 9.18 7.25 a. ef 14051. M 4OOr. M 1 nd Bruce. Mail. 2nd Class, -M. 4.50P.M. 8.00A.M. - 6.10 9.25 6_24 • 9.57 6.29 10.07* •i 6. 8 10.22' 7. 5 - 1L30 7. 0 12.00 7.7 ' • 12.16 P.m. 7.46 12.48 7,55 1.16 Mail. 2nd Class M. 3.03 p. M. 1O20&M 3.17 11,21 2:30 11.42 3.38 12.00 4:05 12.45 i. , 4.19 1.11 , 4.27 L27 4.32 1.36 Exeter.. _ „..,.. 0.35 . 4.43 2.35 ' London, arrive .. 10.51 e 5.50 5.30 . :). Wellington, Grey' an4. Bruce. .. Gentle Nonni- Accom. - Express. Ethel -2.30 P. M. '9.39 P. M. Brussele. 2.41 9.53 13luevale..... • 2.55 10,09 Wingliam .... ▪ 3.10' 10.20 I GOING SOUTH- Express. Aceom, ' • ' Wingham 6.50 A. M. 1L18 A. M Eluevale 7.20 11.30 Brussels' 7.15 11.50 Ethel . 7.27 12.05 ' NOTE. -The Morning Train going South and .. the Evening Train going North, run on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only. NEW MILLING FIRM IN SEAFCthTH. • •• THE SEAFORTH ROLLER MILLS, LATE THE RED MILL. McBRIDE & SMITH, from Strathroy, :laving bought the above mills,and refitted them throughout with all "e latest and best machinery that could he procured for a ' 9RADUAL REDUCTION ROLLER MILL, And the result attained is, they have one of the best mills in the Provinc Farmers can now get all their GRISTXNG and CHOPPING done in Seafert and have it home with them the same day, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1 33±-t..A.,101" .A3D For sale by the ton or in less quantes-FOR CASH. Cash for any quantity of Wheat. • McBRIDE & MR. THOMAS SMITH will personally superintend the Seaforth Roller Mills. T H E 1CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Peid up Capital, - $6,000,000. Rest- re- th Or St F: 2,000,000.° PRESIDENT, HON. WM. MCMASTER. SEAFORTH BRANCH, he Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to eive depesits, on whitth interest is allowed on most favorable -terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and cities in eda, on Great Britain, and on the United tes, bought and sold. )ffice-First door SOUTH of the Commercial tel. • , A. H. IRELAXD, Manager. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. 639 AF'oBTH WOOLLEN I1 aving tny New Mills now in first-class running ord r, I butte pleasure in announeing to Ilny cus- ton ers and:friends thatevith Enlerged Premises an On see A PROVED MACHINERY, 1 am brer than evel prepared to turn out RST-OLASS WORK he shortest notice, and will be pleased to all my old customers and as many new ones. • ARGE STOCK. OF GOODS On hand to trade with as usual. e A.1 G. VeetEGMON and the cha 846 JAMES'l HOTEL, TORONT'P. ARP & BRIGHA-M ( Formerly of Aarp's Hotel, ieaforth,,) PROPRIETOIRS. . HS Hotele which is situated directly opposite Union Station, has recently, been refitted refurnished throtighout, land is now one df est and inost comfortable hotels in the city Every poteible attention paid to guests and =es very.nicelerate..-- R. L. SHARP, Proprietors J3t,"0. BRIGH.43I, , FOR SAL HRSES FOR SALE. -Th undersigned offers for sale ileetian of Geldings rising three year. • old, sired by -"Enterprise," one Heavy Drai ght Filly rising two;and one Heavy Draught Geld ngnsing two. For further particulars ap- ply « the Proprietor on Lot 14, Cloncession 11, Mel(' !lop, or to Winthrop P. O. JOHN J. PAR SH. 895-tf -Sep ..ENDID FARMS FOR. SALE.,--f-For sale ,Lot 8, Bayfield Road North, containing, 100 acre-, about 60 acres cleated a1,nd in a high state laoirfieic Itivation, the balance leen timbered with fahanardemd.vood, Black Ash and Cedier, -The buildings Road con and i aand rate Vern II first-class and new; 4 splendid orchard bundanee of water. This tarn" adjoins the 4 e of Varna, and is one of the :best located in the County. Also Lot 19, Bay . eld South, adjoining_ the village of Vie a, ning 53 acres all cleared area well fen ed, a good state of cultIvationt A good barn chard. The above farms will be sold p - y or together. Apple! to THOMAS W' . 89 -tf ,) r 71-1' HAVE YOU SEEN T OSE GRilf COTTONS AT--i- Rahton Bros. I tell you they draw custom every time. Cettons ! is the cry. Cottons! ICottons! Cottons !, all low in pilibe, and ,. ., special prices by the piece. " Now (is BROS. fo ask to see c the thae to go to R your Cottons, and wh their • New S ring Prints, Shit- . ottonades, &c., NTON le there tings, And don't-forg t it! All this month winter go ds to be sold at those great discounts e told you about, A lot of Rem ant Dress Goods to be sold'eheap All corne. Ra ton Bros. EX go motle world sure. Main PR tende RIZC Send Six Cents for Postag and Lreceive, free, a ce tl bo f e o whie. h will. help all, of eitIter sex, to more right away than anythingelse in this Fortunes await the Workers absolutely At Once, address Twee & Augusta I 864x52 D. S. CAMPBELL, VINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR and Civil .ngineer. Orders bi promptly- at. TER. NO ICE1 t all orders en rusted to him in a style and at I signed begs to inform the inhabi- . s o Kippen and surrounding country, that he has I ed the premises of Wm. Edgar, ‘ saonndedhasiuonnme ,nadnda ilsargneolsvtrepoafreildretteleassxeceuetae- geritcoes tidlart 13 fytaccnnpetitminondate' Icuweitoll mateamil either inin Sleighs, c, tters, Wagons and Buggies, Paint- ing an Trini ningea d even to filing a Saw for those requite g it. All work warranted to give satisfaction, nd done on the shortest notice. A trial will sa isfy all that I mean 'just what I MITE unde It Lint say. 897x4 to. D. S. CAMPB LL, Mite ell. WM. KYLE. BARGAINSi FOR THE.: NEXT THIRTY DAY. I will offer the balaince•of my stock of Parlor ,06a1 Stoves AT COST FO I -r CAW -1. , Come and Get ' Bargains WHILE THEY LAST. l• A Few Second - Hand Coal and Wood Stoves Cheap. M WH,ITNEYrS 0. OHEAVSTOVE HOUSE, SEAFORTH, MO REWARD I The above reward 'will be paid for the conViction of those Merchants who are selling inferior MAC H NE OILS,' AND CALLING- THEM I1eCoiI'sL Lardine The only genuine is manufactured. by MOOOtt TORONTO, AND 18• SOW IN SEAFORTH BY i REID & WILSO ONLY, AND IN WING -HAM BY JAS. iL CLINE & CO. MCCOntrOS;' CO. TORONTO. 54-52 CHRYSTAL & BLatOKi PRACTICAL BOII.sgli. MAK RS4 THE Subscri ers have bought the Tools and Boiler Bu 'ness lately carried on by the Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Company. and havirig bad an experience of over eight years in that shop, ale now prepaied to career on the _tradein all its branches. Any work entrusted to as will receive prompt., attention. Firet-elass trot* guaranteed: All kinds of Defilers made and tepaired, also Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Work, &e., at reason-' able rates. • - New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on • the shortest notice, •and at prices that defy competition. 1 CHRYST.AL BL CK. 11HE: 8EAFORT'H R E ST UR AN Ti First door North o Reid & Wilson's Hard- ware Stor, , Main Street. • A.T, RS. SMITH eeishes to inform the people ot Seaforth and vicinity, that she has pur- chased the Seaforth Restaurant 'from Mr. James Steele, and having added largele to the eteek, 18 now prepared to furnish customers with the choicest ' CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, :OYSTERS, to. , OYSTERS COOKED &RAW Served on the premiseion the shortest notice. All kinds of Green Fruit constantly on hand. The choicest Tobaccos and Cigars. Oysters in Bulk and Cans received fresh, daily,. Every attention paid to customers, and term* very reasonable.. ; Villernember; the place. MRS. SMITH.11 1 1 1 1