HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-02-27, Page 77 .(3 - THE HU ADD! EXPOSITOR -1 tter grom the Soiithern muche a is thought, for her frail coustie fTHE States. talon, and a severe cold [set in1 from T EOPLE, CLIMATE, PRODUcTIONS INDUSTRIES DESCRIBED. Editor of Th t Buron Expositor. ommencing this letter I might state • th fore: leaving Huron I promised. to . wtite to great many, and, by year kind permission, I will write to all thrm h the widely cfrcuiated TOR. En route to Cincintati the scenery is grand and picturesque. Cincinnati The London Times the Sal - the boss city of Ohio with It population' the effects of which. the lady succumbed. Nearly 25 years ago her husband died suddenly in Mitchell, sine which time Mrs: Hurdle lived ivith friends alter - nately Listowel and Scot- land. Her life was an exemplary and Christian- one, and there is not the slightest doubt but that she passed from this to b. better world: 400,000, is fn+d on. the north Side ,,,, • vation Arm.of of the river, in a pocket amongthe hills. The London Times, which- in politics i The hills arounclit are many times high- and morals represents fairly the average or; . The city has so far out -grown this sentiment of the 'middle and - upper valley that the surrounding hills are nth classes in England, irr its leading ,aeticle heed for parks and private reeide4eson the 23rd of Decemberlast makes the These suburbs are reached by various following conunent On ' the annual inclined planes. The cars are draw, up report of the Salvation Army - then these by stationary engines at the -top.. just issued : s . "It is much to be regretted that the - and on the Kentucky , side, and taking GoVernmentDepartmentsandRoyalCom in the towns of Covington anetNewp rt. missions will not be as eXpeditious in the issue of their blue books and reports The city is pushing out beyond the river Cincinnati is noted for its beautifulpri- vate residences. The finest inansion be- imags to John -Shillitoe, who owns the largest store in the city. --size, 300 feet square and !six stories high. He sells nine million Idollars worth of goods ea, ch year. A suspension eand two other ridges span the river here. The furni- ture factory ,here is said to be the largest in America. iNei.vport also boasts of the• largest watchlease Manufactory in Am- erica. . The soil oi the way to Louisville is good_ and free from stones, and gives blue grass, &C. Louisville, with a popu growth to tobacco, sweet potatoes,corn',' la,tion of 200,000, is situated in Ken- tucky, on the south bank of the Ohio river, 110 /tiles below Cincinnati. 'With the exception of New Orleans it is be Largest southern city. It seems to be packed full of people going to and from the Exposition. There is a rich harvest being reaped by the railroads centering • here, and the City Street Car Comp e/ Cove Hill cemetery is the pride of h city being well kept and coiitauung• many magnificent monuments. None are admitted without a ticket from , he office. I paid an interesting visit to the glass works here. In one place I Saw about 300 men -working around furnaces —blowing betties of all dimensions. The operator dips his tube - into the melted glass, and takes up sufficient to make a bottle. He first blows it to nearly the size wanted,then places it- insid.e a inould then bio-ws again, which forces it to the rectuired-sh pe. It is then cut off, .th neck shaped, and then boys carry thein away to ovens, where they are kiln -dried to renclet t hi.ni. `more durable. The es the publishers of Christmas numbers and the Salvation Army. This year has more that a week to run; and already General tBooth has promulgated his bulletin for 1884. Perhaps he".might be less prompt if he had defeats and re- treats to record. As usual the past twelvemonth has been fruitful of victo- ries, and he need not, be slow to an- tounce them. His army is a prodigious numerieal and geographical fact. It musters 910 corps, none of them com- posed of paper battalions. , They can march anywhere, and they, are every- where.. In some countries they abound more than others. Great Britain is the headiparters, anc13.naturally possesses a prependering maj rity of soldiers. Else, where the •reasens for the ° distri- buticm are not • always • equally appaaent. As might have been expect- ed the United States harbor fifty corps. California has, besides, a fait of five all tO itielf, as if it were not in the Union. Canada boasts as many as , Seventy-onee and the Australian colonies' are garrison- ed by 103. From the office in Queen Victoria street a mandate may, at an.y moment, go forth which will disturb the calm of aniacapital in the world. iPlentiful evidence of so much power an be foundi in the report of 1884.; and that is of itself a notable phenomenon. The ad- ministrative efflcien.cii. of the Army is due iiatno slender measure to the auto- cracy in its rule. Its commander has never concealed that he means to govern, and that -his --word is supreme. - His daughter is a field marshal, his wife is wages are high, but dearly earned, ea it. _something higher, his son is chief of the is said t� be very unhealthy work. The'staff The grand revenue he collects - of _population is about one third German V1.4,655, is a main instrument of domin- speakiegspeople. Henry Clay, a v on in other Ways than by the effotts it prominent layer, and. grand -son of the 41nables him to make. He infuses into great Kentuckian Senator, was shot ,,by his followers a keener sense. of Andy Wepter, M. the latter's saloon, last the reality of their enterprise September. Louisville has four me cal colleges. A few enile.s south of here are the celebrated blue grass regions where the 'woad famed trotting horses are raiseitsi-Kentueketis mated for first pize Whisky. Ordinary farming land • here sells for $150 per acre. Passing smith - ward through Nashville to Montgomery, Alabama, one surprise after another, greets the eye of the traveller as the train speeds on its way. Not unfrequent- ly scenes of desolation meet the eye. an ed, he se he On enquiring the cause of this fro fellowstra.veller, who seemed t6 be old-timer it _these parts, he ansa -e This, my friend, was ca,used iby . war.' Here --and there are hum for6sts of pine and spruce. resin is gathered by climbing the teees and scarifino- them spirally- around ftom top to bottom. The soil is nicity and sandy. • As you near Florida you can detect a vast change in the atmosphere and 'fell- age.- All nature seethe to be putting on anew dress. Jacksonville is the elysium of the invalid and tourist, the home -of the • orange and banana, the abode .of sweet potatoes and mosquitos. Florida ie anew State ancl is rapidly filling up. It possesses a salubrious climate --receiv- ing breezes from every side. Florida's summer heat would force a Canadian to carry a refrigerator around with him, to keep him from spoiling. A good meify think that .Canada is a place where the' mercury reniains frozen and the natives make ice-cream by placing it in the sun. Many Canadians have exchanged. their ice and snow foreleine skiee, sunshine and a country &lad in the freshest gr St. John River stands unrivalle tropical scenery. By its banks gi side by side, the magnolia and oypi the live oak with its lestoots of clr ing moss, while neer the waters - the senile \palmetto flourishes, ben -whose shade the aligato sleeps drowsy sleep. About 30 m es up the St. ,Jehn we reach warmsulphur prings, called the Springs of Youth. Harriet Beecher Sto-we eesidee at Mandarin. The weather is warm, evenings delight- fully cool, while the air is filled with sweetest melody by the thockhig bird and other birds of sweetest song Pas- sing nearly due -west we arrive -at New Orleans, to take in the grand Exposition With the exception of .New Orleans the old, slave States appear to have shoWn a great deficiency of the energy necessary to the creation, of large cities or varied manufactories. A word about the Ex- position. In farming machinery there , is everything imaginable, with Many new and ingenious. devices, tending to- wards that • perfection which will - surely be reached some day if invention teontinuea the rapid strides it is now ,inakint The show of bananas, pine- , as apples,- oranges, lemons and pomegrau- . ates from Florida, is grand: The trees, have been dug up and brought with the . fruit etill on them to show how vita emgetetion is. Everything is exhibited in the most novel and interesting Way, . by blending- together the rough !frontier life and the highest graclee of ,civilizese tion. In 4 place 'like this, where the best from all over the world is 'brought and arranged ii such rich style, the eye becomes accustomed to it and it loses much ef its heterest, and it is only by placing the rough -and ancouth side by side that the grand and overpowering eontraet be- tween the two can be seen. As my brother Thomas gave you a- d.etailed de- scription of NetetaOrleans, last winter, I will not further dilate oteithia subject, Your's faithfully, M. C. McCesny, Formerly of Reigalave. New OIMPANS, January 26th, 1885. „ ---Mrse,Hurdle, mother of Mrs. J. T. Hicks, of Mitchell, died in Listowel on Thursdayith,e 12th inst. Tile Saturday previous she drove some miles to vieit grand -see who was dangerously ill. The aotesit roads and the weather proved too en. in OW, es, op- dge ath his by the pecuniary secrffices he exacts. - An allusion octure in the report to suspicions Which were once east upon the Generas personal integrity. 11.e teed scarcely ihave been at thetrouble to -.defend himself; , Men donot abuse a dorniaion sneh as he has won -for the poor en.di of private apecui lation. ' Evidence enough is scattered `around the sphere of the Army's opera- tions of necessary disb-tirsments I on its proper objects to aCebunt for the expenditure of the income. The General of the Army collects • Money and the courageous Munificence' :With which he dispenses it are direct elements in the extraordinary proportions of the success he has attained. The _management �f the Salvation Army bears witness to a method -and shrewdness in dealing with circinnstances which- would, have, secured the prosperity of a commercial under- taking. , Mr. Booth has hadthe inestimaisle advantage of being able to appeal to the undiaputed deg- radation of a large part of the' community. None can deny the grosstess and viciousness against which' he asserts the Salvation Army to, be a' protest. The exceeding utility of the service he Would reinter mankind if he should restore any 'degree of vitality, to the corrupt mass is as unquestionable. When his legions are seeinconfronting drunkenness, profligacy and irreligion in their thousand haunts, a natural :infer- ence is that a public benefit is being done; whatever may be thought of the means. - Different views rna.y be held of the solidity of --the reedits ; admiration' cannot be -refused to' the skill of the strategy, the transport, and the cam- miseaaiat which have put the troops on a hundred fields and maiatain them there. As a business the movement has beyond' doubt been excellently conducted,” House the ToOls. No 'farmer ought ever to need to be told that it is very poor economy to lea e valuable farming tools or machines o t in the weather,. weeks or months at Ia time, when not in use; yet there appea to'be a large number who are exceedin lytremiss in this matter. In rid' a short distance through the su urbs of "Boston we saw Several in - chines left in the field ;where last used, and they were not old worn Out machines either. . ' A machine or a carriage . left standing exposed to the weather will usually be damaged more than if kept constantly in use. Th p roles, the damp ground, and the hot sunshine all have an injurious. effect upon wood and metal. There is no roof on the farm that will pay a bet- ter interest' on cost than the, roof over the farm tools and carriages. A cheep building iis • nearly asgood as a costly one for this purp se the main point being to keep Off ram nd hot[sunshine. . Catagrh—a New; Treatm.erit. . •MILLS,, The above mills have 1 now been thoroughly re- , built upo the complete HUNGARIAN 1OLLER PROCESS. The Mill and StoreLouse Buildings have been great y enlarged, and new machinery applied thro hout. I TH LA EST MPROtED ROLLS lour Presing Machines rom the bet Manuf jut in, and-everythin ter to turn out flour SECOND , the Dommion. grain from farmers an fifty° also deen extens now be taken ;from and leaded into cars per hour, by the wor LARGE USTOM Per aps,the most- extraordinary success -that haithe -n achieved in modern, medicine has been attain d by the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2 000' patients treated during the past six mont s, fully ninety per cent, have been cured of tin. stubborn malady. This is none the less startli g when it is remembered that no five per cent. .fpatients presenting themselves to the regul r practitioner are benefitted, while the. petal Medicines and . other advertised cures never teeord a cure at all. Starting with the claim now g-enerallybelievedtby the most scien- tific n en that the disease is due to the presence of in t as parasites in the. tissue, Mr. Dixon at once apted his cure to their extermination— ehis a •complished, he claims 'the Catarrh is prac7 ticall3 cured, and the permanency -is unquestion- td, as cures effected by him four .years 'ago are cures -till. No one else has ever attempted to cure at•arrh in this ma,nner, and no other treat- ment as ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy is simple, and Can be done at home. and the present season pit the year is the most avomble for a speedy,and permanent cure, the m pinky of case a being cured at one treat- ment. Sufferers should correspond with Messrs. A. H DIXON & SON, 305 Ring Street, West' Toronto, Cantata, and enclose stamp for. their treat'•e on 'Catarrla—Mozitital Star, -November 17, 18.2 882-52 turing Firms have been necesSary added to enable TO NONE _ e facilities for, receiving for elevating and shipping vely improved. Grain can armors' wagons, weighed, at , the rate of 700 bushels of two men.- EED STONE. FOR-- . CHOPPING as beemput in, and 1he necessary machinery for andhng chop and corse grains. . IA good shed has be n erected, so that wagons n be unloaded and 1eloaded under cover. I HE);,1/41." ,EXCHANGES t Broniptly ttended to, and . , IRST-CLASS - ROLLER .1 FLOUR GUARANTEED. ' -CTS1110 . ‘7IMM±7.0 , • Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. • OLLER FLOUR; BRAN,' SHORTS, And.all kinds of OHOPPi:Elio FEE' I) 'Constantly on hand. I. - Highest Market Price Paidin ash for any Qiiantity of Wheat. PPL.E BARRELS AND, :INEF,7_COARSEI AND. LARD .ALT Fo .SALE. • Only first-class and iobliging men will be kept o attend etistoiners. The liberal patronge • of armers and general tradereSpeotfully solicited. A W. 0!1.1.1iE 8L. CO., , PROPRIETORS. T. 0. ICEMPi Menager. 7 , . n g- O t -t. 1=. ✓ . ,... — P ci) 1..e. e+ 17:ra CD I=ra 0 , NV P. P. P. P. • NV AT IS_ Why i1 is the People's Popular PH TOCR PH PARLORS, WITH . CALbER AT THE IIELM. itta n w that the Holiday Season is fast a.p- proac 'ng, and the good people of Huron and Perth will Uou1itlessrequire something neat and artistiC in the way o'f Portraits to send as Holi- day Gifts th absent friends ca. relatives, and Mr.' C. being hilly alive to the iniportance of thisfact, has made special extra arrangements for the ac- commodation of the' Holiday Trade. - CALDER'S for Christmas Pictures, CALDER'S for New Year's Pictures. For a Photo of Tasty Design, Excellence of Shade and Finish, Easy and Grace- ful ,Positien, coupled with apprbpriate Back- groUnd and Accessories. Give the P. P. P. P. a trial, and then go away smilia nwith delight and a GOOD Picruas. , te • • ANDREW CALDER, Scott's Block, Seaforth. ' • • Prizes 1 Prizes! From no* to the 1.6th of May first, the.follo*ing prizes will be giVeu-at , Obij NITERS e • JEW ELR STORE; s TO CASH BU ERS ONLY. fr Everfene purchasing 0 worth of-oods can have their Choice Of one zen photogrphs from A. Calder's, or, one year 5 stibsdriptio to Tim EXPO8Fr4 Or Sun. For $26 purchases, 15 1 r Gent. in ca h. For $30purehases, 20 p cent. in c h.. For $7.5 purehases and pWards, 25 per cent. in cash. Goods are as low aS ever,I and all arked in plain figures. ,1 Buy your goods in the icheapest inl rket -and trona a reliable house. Personal attention giren to repair ng in all branches of the trade. Fine watches a specialty; Estab1ishe0. January, 1867 MR. ooyNT vs • Practical Jeweller, Wotch an Maker, Seaforth, Ont. R, Clock 1\l'ar.TIO The Subscriber offers for Sale • Stock €.0 Dry Goods, Boots and and CrOckery Cost Price for . Entire hoes Cash. This Sale to continue fo't one month from date. - 'Positively all overdue acbounts must b settled at Once or they will be put into other: balnds. for collection. - JAMES STANLEY, K n rrn. 898-4 FebruarY18th, 1885: , 'Removed 1 Remo o -m b_ -sAir- i s.EA,For:ri-H, . ' The OldEstablished Bute -her has re oved to new premises inunediately opposite his ,Old Stand, Main • Street, Seaforth where h willbe., i - pleased to meet all his old pa rons and as many "new ones as may see fit to farr him -ith their patronage. i . • ' IM'Rementiber the place,. between H Harness Sheri, and McIntyre's Shoe S Street, Seaforth. , , 898. GEORGE E cld nderson's ore, Main , FARMERS, IT WILL PA --t—TO CALL AT THE— HURON FOUN RY, NEAR TH HIGH SCI -100.1.1 S AF RTH, I And see our stockif ING. ,YOU 0 Which howebeen Made espeeiall fclr tit I have greatly improved my Gan PIo' season; and feel satisfied in sayin that best in the Market. Our LAND ROLL R Are large mid heavy,. running light I good work. Our GRAIN CRU . • ,Are made from Hard Iron, and than any -other machine made. tools for recutting' 'Rollers,' w satisfaction. Special attentio pairing Steam Engines, Saw Reapers, , Mowers,. Threshing all kinds of machinery repaired and at reasonable rates. 1 is county. v for this it is the nd doing 11 1 t longer Having special can guarantee given to ie.'', • nd Grist Mills,* Machines, and n short notice 1 Is Book INS AMERI THE CFNTRAL OFFICE —0E— BELL Telephone Cornpan at the CELEBRATED BOOK AND FANCY GOODS STORE -of 0. VV-; PAPSt, DEALER IN— Stationery, Periodicals, Music, thents, Cards of, all Sorts. IT LEAWAL No other blood -purifying medicine lesi or has ever been pret.ared, which so tag, , c-, pletely meets the weals ot physioisag maga-sx,^ ., the general publie as *11 Ayer's Sarsaparillai It le -ads the llAisntygti:Ratii,nsttriu)18fAysnseseroApiefnurt7terarnbat - ton for all blood diseases. Ji there a milk_ ' SCROFULA dislodge .it and expel it from your system. For constitut.ytuietoon,:selmose Isc. AproftultRoi.trkralCaistarra:eurt De A Tb- Ae rRi Rs f It i eum eeas s. - It Will stop the nauseate Catarrhal flischarges, and remove the sicksai: ing odor ok the breath, Which axe inr dicatiog Mu sical ' ilstru_- of acrofailaus origin. yl OICES just to Mind of one of the best Selected Stocks of ENGLISH, AN and CANADIAN Wall Papers for Spring Trade. ' Foot Ball§ at Very L4f4/ Prices. A Complete Stock to Select from at W ,P'APST'S Fancy Store. VAL NTINES VALEINTINE.S DON'T FORGET, ST. VALENTINE'S DAY is Fast Approaching—so Approatch to C. W. PAM." where Ou can get one of the Best Stocks west of Toronto to Olect from. M'He dquarters fer allthe Leading Newspapers ia the World. PA Oaf, Bookseller and Stationer, -:MAIN STREET. SEAFORTH. McLIOUGHLIN'S STOOK TAKING CHEAP SALE • CONTINUES ALL THIS MONTE, WHEN EVERYONE WILL 11-FICEIYE TREMENDOUS BARGAIS FOR CASH DRY GOODS, MILLINEAY, HATS an CAPS GROCERIES, &c., &c. • J. McLOUGHLIN, Whitney's Block, Seaforth. amommotoolloift THE RibiiI" FOR PURE 1 -EAS • ' EVERY POUND GUARANTEED. M. A. CHARLES WORTH, Feeling that tea drinkers want something good and pure, call their attention _ our 25, 3.3, 45 and 50 cent Teas ; also specially to our 60 cent BLACit TEA. The above lines are, without exceptien, the best value in Canada: All we aak is a trial NEW CURRANTS in barrels and cases, NEW LONDON' LAYERS, NEW BLACK BASKET, NEW VALENCIA . RAISINS, NEW FIGS. Extta value in TYRE SUGARS: Stock complete in alines. Tp Contractors asn. OttiOs. t lowesfi, rates: ion. ments Of L. D. of repa*s con- e: NDFty _ Bridge Bolts and Castings Quotations furnished on applica /0'Also Agent for the Imp' Sawyer, Hainilton. A full line stantly o hand. THOMAS H FARM RS' .BAK1.1!N 1_10 .A.1\T ,BAN & BR Tg, Office First noiL•r of Com °Mita HOt NOtes dis ounted, and a gene ness done. Remitten toba. Business e to andicollections .1 \ 1/ one tilt ug -h Ea A limite amount of money re Money t loann on real estate S.1C.'M Al/HEY, • S.—S. CCaughey will veyance in all 1118 branches, le reel es te,. buy' g aml f ' HOUSE. KERS, ONT. NORTH 1. 1 banking , busi- , made in Mani - f Montreal,. eived on deposit. at best rates. M. LOGAN. attend to Con. ding money • on rms, houses, &c. SFAFORTH PLANT SAS DOOR AND BLI TH tende Seafo a eon Pari him a large DRY He those as no Pal 201 subscriber begs leave to s customers for the lib to him since commen h, and trusts that he ma nuance of the same. es intending to build wo 11, as he will continue ock of all kinds of PINE LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS .& M SHINGL eels confident of givi 'ho may favor him with • but first-elass workmen cular attention paid to JOHN G MILL ,D FACTORY thank his numei- ral patronage ex ing business in be favored with d do well to give keep on hand a T.ILDINGS, 8, LATH, &c. satisfaction to their patronage, are employed. stein Planing. ROADFOOT. Fos M. A. CHARLESWORTHI OFFICE STORE, SEAFORTHI ONTARIO Tri is of a Poor Scotch Laddie ' Our hero was born in Edinburgh in the year 1825, and his father, who was in some ay connected in Her Majesty's Navy, died, leaving him with no earthly friend aline in the great metropolis of Scotland, a barefooted penniless boy. Nothing daunted, he still preserved a kind father's advice to be honest and in- du'striou , and through time, by reading signs on shop doors and during nights from pie es of.newspapers picked up ainongst his acquaintance, he acquired a taste fo study, and, as he was dependent upon his own aesources, he had to accept rk in a livery stable, but being saving, in a few years was able to pur- chose a cart and horse. This was his first step to fortune. He &Massed in a few year: a considerable sum of money, with which he emigrated to America, but ex • ',sure in his previous vocation as cab driver, brought on au affection of the lung baffling the beat medical aid both in the 'Old Country and America. His spia s were drooping, and his wealth was beginning to dwindle down by expense hi trayelling froni place to place after the best medical aid. After ex- hausting money on mediciues he was in despair, when an old friend advised him to go o Canada, and try C. Duncan's Cough Syrup, which is a sure cure for Colds, C ughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Bronchitis and Croup. He did as ad- vised, cured, and is now happy and prosperous. Sueh ia hfe, and if any one :thusa cted values life, procure:the best Cough Syrup, viz.: C. Duncan's, at the Medical Hall, C. DUNCAN, Druggist, Main St., Seaforth. -SEWING MAOHINES AT OE C. WILLSON'S, Seaforth. I h ve the largest and best selected stock of machines to be found in any pne house i Canada. I am tot hired to sell any one particular machine, but am at liberty, o keep and sell all thiot I consider the best consequently I keep a large tr the following first-class machines, viz.: The Domes*, the Davis, the stock Wan er C, RoyalA, and R.aymonil. All of the above are sold and guaranteed by the amine good ex hand. • ienufact y stock erienee rers and myself for, five years from date of f machines, and you will find as above. operators. Oils, Needles and Repairs of sale. Call and ex- Instructione free by - all kinds I always on 0. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth. "A‘t‘lithute tfiagleTtei;c; Soetyeare'0.1882.net 011.: w u eerous rumiiniesores on its. LCEROilyth ni children Was terribly afilletad neck. At the same tune its eyrie - fgaeOcreRaEuSd swollen. much inflamed, And vereseiei .S ye ERRE, 8 EsY,Es be employed. They united in recommending• . MAY RIL e see ; dueed a perceptible improvement, which, by an adherence to your directions, was count. ment of any disorder as ever attended br. Ued to a complete' and permB.arn.e jntonc:goe.r.w7 evidence has since appetred of the °tisanes, of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treas. wore prompt or, effeetital results. . Yours trnlisEpy, ABEtt By :v- Dr.41.0.AyeriLOps,Lowell,Maw *baby ali Druggists; in, six bottle:ann. EGMON VILLE ROLLER MILLS. In returning thanks our numerous fried* and patrons for the very liberal support we have received during the past three years, oa beg to ar_nounee that, having during the past season greatly enlarged our, mill, and also wad to our power and machinery we are now better than ever prepared to attend to he wants of' our customeis promptly, and with t balk, satisfaetion to them. Special attention paid GRISTING and CHOOP1NG Fanners can have their changed wit Wheat ground out delay. or ex--. Flow, Bran and Shorts. Constantly on hand, of a quality equalled bra, few and excelled by no 11 in the Dominion, st. lov2est prices—quality considered. Having also added to i4 power of _our T WE ARE PREPARED TO DO CUSTOM SAWING' At any time—winter ors limner. Highest pea -- paid for LOGS deliver d at Egmondville eta. Brucefield. KYLE & MUSTARD- EGMONDIVILLE. WROXETER MILLS Alexander L. Gibson Begs to announce to the public that he has coal -- mewed to Operate the WROXETER WOOLLEN FACTORY, And that he will be prepared to give good raiue FULL CLOTHS, TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS, FLANNELS, PLAIDINGS, WINCEYS, • And Vaxi ties in • STOCKIN YARNS*. Custom Carding, Spinning and Fullnif Promptly,Attended to. Parties from a distance will, as far as ssible, have their ROLLS 110MF: WITH THEM, and -al he has put the Mill into Gpod W-orlting Order and eimploys none but Efficient Workmen, All Work is Warranted. REMEMBER THE WROXETER MILLS! ALEX. L. GIBSON, Proprietor, 0 ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP A. ST1i0i4G,0 Seaforth, Ag011 GREAT REDUCTION M PASSAGE RA Cabin rates from lialif donderry, $50„563, and of staterooma Children under 1, free. Servants mediate, $35; Steerage, Londonderry to Halifax $94.50; Intermediate, turn Tickets from Halif rPo and $143; Intermediate, Money Loaned and and Sold Live ol and back WEI x to Liverpool an 3, according to nder 12 years, half in Cabin, $50. IS 3. From Live Cabin; $68, $78.75 5; Steerage, $13. LX to Londonderry lifax Cabin $100, 870; Steerage, $26. Real Estate B0 as Usual. —4. INSURANCE. , I. I represent several of the best Insurance panics in the world: , tar'0ffice2-Ma.rkeestreet, Seaforth. 8_62 . j A.' STRO, N MARRIAGE -LICENS ISSI7 THE HURON EXPOSITOR.OFf D AT - SEAFORTH, ONTARIO - N O WETNESSER REOUI FEBRITARY Tobogganing has 3s a Winter anulseme --It is estimated tl j -women are out a e "York' —Geo. brought into the pz torn -e sum of $40,000, -ahead. • ;sto—reTshien Pl.111)-ilsIieetrks; between!2,000 and 3,( thieves, who usuall wealthier classes., —Oliver .1 'Wendell youngest jullge that supr,eme '1)pm:ix oll:NU:51 looks much younner tI lawyers irreverjr,t4y th...z.eyGelaatilistthoenelkinirexlriierigeas1 recovery of his usual the axe in 1raardei he walk -ed half a mile ing rain without an through; the; 'service I -wet 'clothing". - ' • —Mrs; Frederick n •New.Yor* lady, and a i I Gebhardf,,hai3 been 4, -um Catholicism,. by the C:orit6el, She .is young, plished; and has been f ! --The Queen Of 'Belai as stolidly insolent, wit] charm to season the def her passion, and as she becomes more in sym/ fa=n,duilteissesl.s-iDifthhTrenhtatrtulla.4t tilde& for hours .on, tb she drives. --Princess Iieatriee her troriSseau-Ibveral Irn f14;13el 3na_enDtinrylo )elinitilriT, aud t/ design, interwoven wi Another dress will be tot' .1 the riehest,Liyons Le sky-blue, closely COVC =of forget-rne-nota. —A Belgian liking in .. who left, his native ian ago mid hal not since with_ his parents, has inh] of one hundred and tsient ' francs. The avanclerer by a _Montreal detectiveii badly in need of the wind —Last Sabbath night fa ing mob besieged the dob .tion Army hall on 'Si. Moatree.l. Two policeut duty were seemingly The peobIe then began with snow, anil finally Central station l had to but even thiel eveim perse the mob, knots hangingTahreounLii, e of Be Vheri in en bald ehurea toiiinitate the idea of the tt:ecciii that.tthehe tistailesiete of more easily that way ti lines. Six thousand 'ye this world out of Ilia rigii He did not throw it on line,but .curvilinear, with holding it so as tollaring it The world started, from and Edenic. It has be through regions -of moral temper. How long it only knows ; but it it will make a complete circuit an to theiplace where it star'' • of Goci.--pure and Edenie. The history of the • ',wet- eirele. Why is it that the our day is iniproning so ra because men a,re imitating of Noah'e. ark.. A thip cal that as his 'opinion. Aitho derided beasinall wits, ti time beat the Gallia and ti, which we boast so mach, ship oineliin the mrhie sea to -day that ana earth were wrecked, passengers in safetyle-two 0 of living creathres, t.housai Ponsology will go ;on with ments, until after many c world will have plumsand to the Paradisaical. Ti-. ar ing will grow for eentuai the Dewnings and Mitehells have !done their best in the .the art of gareienhig will arboreseence of the yeat I. ers of colored glasses they rnayiiin Some centiries to make something equal window of York Min ter, built in1200. We a behind those artists, bu t e keep on toiling until it Shall .eomplete circi it, ana skill of those very men.Jf continues to itaprove shall have after , awhil the advance of eenturiee, to that !which I mace eaw in an exinimecl English city, In ime of the , Romana, aixtee years ago --that mortar to -da s the day in which it WaS I outlasted the bricks and st after hundreds of years• i dvancesto that point. If rands long 'enough, we may • large as they had in old on five times the size of Lox o into the potteries of'Extgia, • d them making cups fter the style of the cups an umed from Pompeii. The se. oing back. Oh, no ; but it circle, and will come 1 byles of pottery known so o he days of Pompeii. The w eep on progressing until it oniplete circuit. i The ,ien he rightet direction and n until it'lsecoinesi the circle.- ' immmeinsmn N re't 1. a tarted oaDrtnai:rYlei iv/ ALPtteuerPr,f.:It:i.x3ti7,, he way the 'Lewiston. otiouraal - istory of it A young eaarried nnkn Ut DV the : milk for ays ago, and he st,artcd to e ehtrnei at first, ieisnrely ing over with his wife, 1 othing nrij k occatheriallia, utning again. Ire ex ute that the butter woult kept hanging off, as butter ev st of churns, sometime* riev e began to getimpatient. his euipenders olusf• e the t he PUhleFI or his coat vieh4dttethinrebli.Be isiteernliaihcllhuiered until urned until he get n