HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-02-27, Page 6-7
7 . . . . . . . . . . .
PkBRUAIRY,217- 1885.
haAbeen specially sealed,was. also Owing to the I ii bein sno, pass ind his wife, -and 4 very pleasant:
&I Of CC, which 1
9 . wbouixd
is believed the bags were
41. Slom, opened. It ajid r S.
Of Thursday eydni ig THE MARICEt'
emained therto aohd a c a thoy-bad. The Rev. Mr,
yea Out ht, d iring. which tfi e he las. G t Leave You
bpee ore r the nig i 4 Winter Goods at a. Sae'rifice, A Ph
d bef 'the' steamer left- New fo Bal n'ce ace 6
as -ying on revival ser-.: SMAY014it, Feb. 26th, 1885.
s (letk Y- k andthat it was a Fenian - atteropt -Wed witl a m)st sev 6 n
ere attack of 8 ft and, Salem with consider- -Fall Wheat! per bushel.... Qo 78 to o 8o
Tile, Lof c"ertain the contents of despatches. flammation Of, the bo-*els.:" He lies iii a le ing the, pa.s ring Wlat per bushel... 0 78 to .0 80
b' sh(cess dur t fei,
v weeks 1 9pa
Mirsi 1 w excee ingly popular with his Peas per biiishel-A
es! hre quiryill be made. very critical co dition, an ts per o 31 to 0 32
0 65 to 0: 5T
,one, befie v i&TciqDNE&s.:l- nce left op lfr day to -wait on him, he: pe .Iop barley per o 6o.to o 601
said a great impetus has been given to- not eing able be. taken home. Oz A
0 14 to io 16
e ter-ri-
r ed The Exet4r' Re fleetor says Mr. W! utthr, tub...., .............. .... :0 16 to.io 16
ble famin tern tropi-- Bawden, a fe w' d i -E .1
e N hieh exists in-Eas 9981.1---, ......... .. ; ... .... 0 16 to '0 16
a ago Sold 'his house
HERAN :1 Flour, per loo ibs ................. 2 00 to !2 Z
Colqii- CotunlitS, 'ner, Fi -e and Li neurance Aqent, 6 75
cal Afri 4 J. c UT Conveyance WIM A
ica. Thousands of naives have and lot -i this lac srs. It- fe :1, !Dressed Hoka,'per'100 lbs. 5 00 to
niadf-. died of -starvation Dow i Licenses
and s great is the houn and of Hibbe It the 'cel6- and Issiler of al r ageLicenses : All.busmess Hay per toh.'. 8 00 to 10 00 fo% A
e'n-in t46 cok6st - towns brated importers . of Cly i Onfidenti Office at the Post Offloe Hides'per lbo isco, rery stress that 6 60 SRSO DUN N DUNO M
d ev -MES
ini- ;hle li Tsei. atrictly;0 5 00 to
parents are glad to sell thleir children for These - gentlemen int 889 She 8-i ......... :'
epskins each ......... ..... 0 50 to 0 86
efidi bec'ome In
03 e . . ...... .... Gold.M' e kviot
expen ain while if-drither inland citizen I St. of M,&rch.. WA#TIE.D.-IL large quantity of od 0 18 to 0 24
Jleg a I big' of gr s'about e go
al. . N - They heavy b ight barle,% for -wbich S t e er arrel .... .. ... - So to i oo
numb th , -the highest price $411 wholl
0, 'a to-, 11 ld.': Rmg & URQW11ARt, Hensall. 894
Qrs- haeeen willing to give them- bring wi th theiii two famed horses w le)' er barrel 0 so
'Pot cs
eadeirs of selves into slavery; on the mere cha4ce of Major"' and "IRov , Per ushel .... .. 30 to Wpul(l XespectfullY call attention to the fresh arri' of a very large and w Il-
er and: will travel, 030
he val
con- ...... t ....... 2 50 to 3 50 i
certain death them, Vre 1i nd, o Ah,& -same route sid
their being saved from the' BftliFs.-The waatLir has been We per c6rd
D doubt nder n mild
era] ly r this week whidh proves
-&w.aiting them. they tfairelled,la A year. selected, consignment of
-To -18 6.
an n
agreeable, 26th
On the .2n(' e c hanae. e roads ru Ciov% b 8.
[I. t le Wally concession of Tucker- KIDD S E
r no erbushel.... $0 80 to 80
th and- south are getting in a all Wheat mporium.0
th, S1-1GrtdQt c from,
Huraii Notes. -as ats Iler bughe
smi an e the London ll 'd st Ae on accouiA of pit h holes. - n- Whel er bushel..., o So to 080
..... .. ...... .0 30 to 0 30
road st&nds i igle monuffient, and the The Rw'. W. Torrance Of this villa Ducks,' Denims- Shirtings, Tick.ings, -jPrints
curious ge, !Barlef per.bushei ...... ......... o 6o to o 6o
e wondered why this pot assiste I by the Ball and D ke,are Per bushei.
witl OUt the A arge wild cat was'shot recently Revg. y ... ...... 0 66 to 0 57
was turned into L,. buri4l grour aa
a i lary 110rth ctf-Yager's in ill, in the township d. --Tb' u
holdin r aseries of revival meetings at ........ 0 16 to .0-16
non,ume it whie I ing 'itio'
and Grey CottO ns.
0 15 to- 0 16
yunt r. judge. 'Of Hay, decay Fanusiflle.-Aliss A. Jolinal of Oi vvell'
'Simply mark
W. & T. NifooA , of Hullett, the restin place of Siith" '-Iayperton;.-,.
1,1; r ltten e s' I .. ........ 8 00 to 10 00
isit as. is a
to is hert, 0 -a Miss A.' R E DY -.M
Of I ISO .. ?otatoes per, -bushel.... AtDE
Avork e Milk frathroy.-Mr. Win.Parker kpples Pei- bbrrel ........
2 00 to 2 op- Get Bargai s in everY departli
,en- ve a innent, in of so called hard
rivae Vool ....... j ....... ad ly
Special two year Old. heay draught entire colt. of Pri6eville frmerly of this place, 0 16 to 016 times., to e hi 6n
-id. 1 ak on the earl 0 30 to 0 30t
Orlm-nd McDon e,o
th' other day had am offer: of for a -ilers, who took fancY to ha y set
Hides per lob ibs ......... . 6 oo to 7 00
wh, ich th --Alr. John Donagh, of. Goderich has tresent spending a few ay
ey d 5 75 at the MONTREAL HOUSE, MLain Street, Seafo,th.
ork. ... .......
'r Out of -The Brussel. Post says: . 5 75 to
in his pr is -ion a 'violin that s A certain with Ins rotl er, Mr. James Pa ker.- ordAvood .............. ........ 3 50 Clothln' Dep
e in -Brus
man 2 50 to
11 rk they nearly 1; OL .'&rS beli 9 art ment
ol, , being in ol ging to had Mr. J illnes G1 assicky well -and f aivor-
Cen in the haVitiof j di 1,
PP -11 g even illil regular 1742. AS: bly ki idwn in &is section., and who li s
.1 1- ifigs at a certaiAr h
L a w tl fe r, 7s 00d- California No.- i, 07s 02d
-I'vIr. John Cleg Of 011s, here, iere were een ently attending one of- the Cali %iltrinnte
ship ed a, eg, to a
barley, 69
No. 2, 0 09d ; oats, 5s 05d t cattle from Bel - v6 1he'other day, an several young 14di6s and often he ke t argest. edical colleges in Chi
rke.1 who d cago, ar-
lae hours. For ..; peas, 69
b, aj e,onhimi j M pork,' .63s 00d cheesei 58s Ood.
two of them were so badl ow Wednesday '&.%rening and
y fibozeln i gir ived h e
wound u n alar L- Clock. s?t it for 10, mak' a short visit amon - us 26--l)-Fail wh"t, $0.80 to $0.82; 11 this qqartment the stock, j
Intei, th y had to be kille' d. I * I "iends -ToRONTO, ieb st be
e _v spring, so.8o,,t
ine o'clock an put'it
nd be plesedo leam that'heia OAK HALL red-aced'et a] ly C
011 9nd; fro -Mr. Robert Mason,' of the bas I h der thp sofa. -The 0 80-82 oats, 37e to 38c -peas 57c,
township, sold a team of horse' clock did its to 60o,- bailidy, ost,,prexious to rrivai
Goderi6h s it's X. atarte 6&. to 726'; bay, per ton, $8.00 to
d a couple essjj Ily.passied h"i-ni
is - e iml ekamm- $14-00; butthr,
Satu of.otfi.er young gent who l6c to 24e.; potatoes, per
f t cc 0 f He
in Clinton on rday, 14th ist., for were in the a ion &A is now a'duly qua ified M. D. %,.40 to $0.46 eggs, per doz., 21c to 22c dressed
us- not go
the -sum of $500. roo'ni biit d d person On V dnesday aft. rnoon. of tbiswe6k hogs, per 100 lbs., 5-75 to 0.-25. CLOTHI-NG AND GENTS' FURNISHING HOUSE
on the,
or e
8 of Hugh Bell, of Hul- WhOm it was 'Hit eiided.
The sal, r. Win. Beek' -of this-' village,'' was
-The W Ln crhain kdvance says Mr. ulited- i i he 'bonds of rnatilimon to
hh. e. lett, Qu Monday 4f last, week was well
not g the excessive
is re and Afrs.. A Local Notices. n r
Mstaftdi ; Is' still ready and Spri g Pu chase&
att need, ;w.l were greatly M Stac.ey,-.bldest daughter 6f willing 10 get up' Suits on the shortesf of 'notice in a Style no
EEDS. -Clover Sed, Timothy Seed t
th cold ; and stodk sold at gpod priceq, startled wfien tbW'.awoke on Tuesday 5 ace
p. The odRollMitter wanted at *'JL- equalled. outs f
omir A-11 :as morn k,. of Hay' d Oats, and go
g rade c ws Sell high as nil -their baby dead in R eAt ide o the Imetropolis. Inspection bf our unp
this orted Twteds in- Scotch
'lin -a I J. F 411 iof place, p formeil & YOUNG'S, S
e formeil eaforth. 898
malir ODI
Georg -T bed belden'thfe(m'u. child appeared tl e age,ceAm& the residence GO NEWS FOP. SN1 0 K F, P., 3, -AV e This vvay,:P eatle
but let r 'auill1in has sold . The
all- right on, Mond4y, -but is supposed to. o, :u sh, Irish &)ad' Canadian, solicited. get a f aalt "e r. -d rstand J. * S. Roberts has-securedthe a- n y or
his farm in Tt imberry to Mr. Tluiikett I 71t
the. bl de's[ wish- ge
-thq inow join in h
and, ar, which e
have taken a fit diurin f r the, celebrated Empire Ci
g the , u le is
of West Wai anosh, purchased 9 the night and, in D 11 coup mugh happin'ess. Overcoat at your own price. B
expired before was noticed 11g :of r tailing at 56; The Empire * is pronounced by
h %T rAL.
ano er in. the heighborhood of'Clnton Dr CAR vSamp. Ies of Spring ImportAiOns at -th
e Oak -H 11. e ur 0 UnderclDthil;g
uesday:' all good judgbs to be equal to any 10c Domestic Call and sicl ct yo
-Mr. Thomals MeLaftchlin, "of Grey' Towler, coroner, i as called in but con-* tj svercoats les L than cost,
k he most- uccessfnl and gar in the.,Donlinion. All lovers of a good
unnecess n
a well-kn sidered an inqueit a noke should nOt'fail to give him w call and try pring Suit, wh le y uan have a good choice One tHundred th e
own stock raiser, sol.d. his im- arY, there a rge ded car,niv'al of the season newest patterns at 8
Ported Clydesdale stallion "You -no, ality, s
being noth`M* to, at the 'chilct is Justi..'y 6iebrated brand. -13 tartlin gures. Qu,
caniel corps, show th, 887 ty e and,
d James Coxworth"
te ct from..
laborers S, -1, of Londesboro" had been neglee * S SEAFORT 1: BoOT AY) SHOR STORE. 1;0 Side
in anyway.
Luall to Thoma Bel in, an6 skat
ing r It. 1 The evenin
e r lie -eris ics o.
for a good figure. ep A. of the registrar of being fa v. able and- the roads good, at -people. Balitrice t)f winfor goods will be sold at
-From ig 'We are still Vr:epaxed to meet the wants of the durability tIF -rac
tr :ha t' our Immege
births, ma ':eg t nd deaths, for' 1883, an early hour, th kwas comfortably
N1 Geoi--,e We have oil hand a lot of Men"
-A hen belonging to A r. 06duced prices,
ue we* f nd* a total of e. rm ind Boys' - long s -felt boots each and evei-y article of
-odgins 'of 9Xeter hatched' ten li,- ?; just iss 1584 filled and long -befo
'e, and oversh.pes. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH
re eight o.1
y C Ock Avomen's,
chickens a few- days ago. e think births in t116 col4lt of Iffron foir ilises and Children's, strong winter
that ever: available seat
and Stock.
of y every inch of. boots, also 4 tot of good winter caps verS, cheap,
ar, 804 being, YrWes.., he total'
they may be considered, the' firt birds ye um St 9111 d foom. Arround the spacious rink Y, goods. pustoni work a
s of to make wa:y for sprinb
beir of- marriages 4n. the.y: a No Trouble to Show the Goods.
of the sea&Dn. was 413, *is aken up, the wd standin Bpe6a:lty. Please take notice 1. will 'do what I
Contra). g partieS being qver m,],ny Cro advertise, don't expect mireasonable Wings,'gh-e
oite of he 11,
La i ers, from ge for yourself. George
'were airs of age, 21 :of the females und We resspectfully soheit -your inspee.-
i it 6sh Our& near Kippen, interred in. Clinto'n or w'),s esti nated that fully `7()o w Oood's Old Stand. W. KFAIITljox%E &,.00..
ere. pres- -
-The remains.of Miss 80 ye pl ides five!; and six deep, and I it mea fair trial and jud HE EAFORTH. GR6CE`
h- 26, and'158 o the ales iinder 90.
ce ber . . ........ tion.
-t uiie,4iness mietery on. y f nuni
Monda of last week; tl i.% The er, t, of, -wJ iom. there was a large
th deaths in, the ye cefield, -E
is t1iie sixthl member of, this -family a Were 329 males an from geaforth, Bru xeter
'298 female
S, -a total of 627. Births.
has died in a short -time. Z! trich a;n d Hills Green, whom th Is the. b
tty 4t. If -
e rePu' ITCHELL.- --A Grey,, 'on the 17th 68t place,to spend your money
Dungannon, -tation rink 14 1. . 1. i
Vi. McArthur, f has d. th e fin * inst., the. THOMAS KIDD
wife of Will. Mitchell, of twins, son and;* I
been app d clerk of the Sixth divi a Peth. It tt e. nigh r
ems. t had attracted. As is Custom-
ion court 91 y On occasi KARD.
of HurQcounty, by.theLoca id os, the ice - i -111 Scfortb, oil the 17th inst:, the
A soiree ai- tfie'Pre b n the
e at reserved ic ar a, au
e r ea
're tract 9 Government.- in` -ihae, r 3 Ord rece4ti n hu Va of the evening er. 'Corner . -11ai i 9d Market
. . . I
John CQ6ke, deease&. ie usivel
Y, n 8 t -a 11 'ehl' T
e n1b ec i - In o the skaters in' 0 '.- 11 Scafokth, on the Ist inst., the .
terev y to the use of wife of Ar. Alex. Wilson of a son. forth.
-Mr. A. Eleoat,t of Ti ekel tome there, wai hcuo co
Vmg J.11n Mr. J a a large N CHOLLS,31n Hibbert, on the Oth inst., the 1
y fo ohn hies,- of St. -,M&rys,
wife of
------------------ -------
oa i McKillop, on -the -23rd i.eet
-to replace. the one burneG do-% n last 11 'b 'Ahe follow; 9 list, '(which is the wif,& f fl.
fi he other day ju-iped -off 'a I (I of LAWRENCE. th, the PeoPle'S Gro'cer
-material read ilie er ct o a o a ba H4 ber i resent, repr6senting as. will be Avill-Nicholls of a son. ain' Str Seafor
in e
build obly a P -tial one),nearly ever 13 -
d"broke his leg 6bove the k el Mr J as. Lwrenc of a, son.
-oa hay an AU
bTr A. Cantel: Of Clim t6n will ch Iry SALE'
jm y known T11O3fSOX--JnitcheIL on the iotli ills
is pil'oposed-to have the : Gnere 1
t.. the Tas now a ett -stock thp ever of . )?
the foundation. cte r and- style of (Ifess or costume-:* wife -of A)6. Walter Tilomson -of a son. -0
lanmage taught inthe iiblic.' IS u
-Th aild high and Teas a'specialty; 20 pounds of Sugar for $1. Goold --Tee; for
B LL. -Ii iensall, on the Oth inst., the wife -of S and -Well'-Tim-bered
at e other e enip 1dis-13 Grewal Colodon, Soaforth, Mmg Charlie Salt Work'
schools inListowell Rev. J' BMI of'& daughter. 0 cents. a 'and Bacon, cure& -at -zxv owii packing house, always on hand. i
Oganl hr London, City
Stf St. Johns: Church Brussels, El insi Hen I F ds and
Mitchell i try Dude RQUHART.--An'Hensall, on the 13th inst., the lo n-ey extracte pure from my own, apiptry
sall, Coun arm Lan
to 'Mr. T. H. ce, of the I -
was-piesented with a purse, o lin
f $920, by J1 B,. wde i, Exeter, Gent wifaW Mr, -D. Urquhart of at 1.5 cents per po d ort eight
I . a daughter.
-Ing, thei 0411er Recorder, has ben elected chairman- Moses Dick--, ounds for PI-operty.
Of -1-Ir i N
the uem bers of the 00111grigation, in sOn, 1qritAefieI&, Sailor Bo . I f
the South- Perth B W. -'.Me
i wd ofLicense Com- Aalisl;er
recognition of her valuabLe services M rder of tb Executors of the We Arthur
Jnfernat' im ssioners. I fills.Green.,. Whit is it?-; 4 arriages.
M. Kingston
i -Mr. Jas. cPhee, 6f Colborn` J-had, -J. Dope &,.-Oo. of Xirktor W. (hartws, Hensall, Huron H-. RPB B3 Seaforth, - ii M&CO, Avifl fferi,fer
Ekposi- C1).lP,BELL--:-X1LLER.-At the residence of the sale by Public A-mtion at theb
duaring. the recent storm,..
COW frozen to b f Lther, on the 18th inst., -by Rev. - P.
hae t6r;. W ter oxwo . 1, Hensall, Exeter No. 242 Dundas'S -7— C%in the cityof !! Idon, on
The d most of the material o1i the ground for I
Th, cott, Mi. James Camp ell, of -lioo Thursday, 5th'd
T, arlyle,:Hensall., The a [arch, A. D. 1$86 - at).30
death and Sevoral others: e the Robert sejaw,'
e 0
sold' was ar y erection :of tf eie new store and orthwest Territory, to Isabella, daughter ua ir e
cattle had been lyino, h in jopen shed GI6bE loodi va,
dwelling-housq 6,oftibined. e arks, Brucefield, bf Mr. Geo. Miller, of Hibbert. es, namely:
N ght; Ida Evans, Exeter Red, White MOYN-McDOUGALL.-At the re§idelice of tb6
and were fioimd, in thi., state in the_ -N CEL land sitliated in L-Olidoil,
M is occur bride's father, Virden, Manitoba. on the 7th
illg OQ air d Blue- R. McIntyi Ontario, oyposil.
itate enate' about Mother,%211,41 e, Hensall, Great the Market Hall, ba-Ong.1a
On 'Tueid r#h- thk openin of Ik, by Rev. J. M. Sutherland t on the south
of last*eek sp 9 Mr. Charles frontage of fe
for -hbma side of Ritig
for a evenig ril
for man 'g, iknowi ; Charles 'Bell and T
ievek&I fii& .-brick residences Bowa to Miss7Tillic, eldest' daughter of Street,,,and a dep of 187 feet less lid
as Mrs. James G1'&,sby uho ' l6th coli! Tick 'en- or are to be erect6d. Hensall, 'Country 'Boys ; J. Mr. A. G. McDouga% f6rmerly, of Seaforth. three Birick Stor
4 - I i- - erected tbellen, no%v occupied
W -Y cession 6f Hitillett, ;Ls going to thb o, the -The -W' Seaforth, Highlander;.W., by W. J. Br yanlon, C. Anundson and Wjm.
ted- oo tity of.
house, she slapped. and fell,'! fracturing rbdrt S aforth, - Young A Scailrow respeeth, ely and ipore particularly o.
avpos bei- merica; Deat s. I
eg 1,t scribed
'Of her I ove. the G qW iiiie, Cl 111111i ters, Hens 11, Young Pri
the. small bd wood belon- inbl M6 T. Lbbb e in the Bill Posters loesl)ectin
nice WATSON.-'At tbe'reeidence of :her son, Mr. D.
of iva)i ovcr an
rie,wa.1uned td -the ground a Togetherith rights.
in respect
-lane4adjoi-ningsaid property. These,
days ago. 10"se, f ew A... B. -own, Henshll, Gent ; JobiR Watson, Seaforth, on the 20th inst., of certain
ast w, ek a young man in I carto 1, 1 msall, Kniiht of Red. Cross garet,Scott, wife of Mr. John Watson of St. premises will be'sold subject to the tenan.ts;iIA..
clioto of Aimiiton
-Mr. Waper Ivluriay,
:K()be ged 73 year . terest in a registc -ed lease thereof from 'A.
-in Wlker, was eng-Agpd: *Id' a Iwo ea 61M Col. Re ATTfie funeral -will take place' from Mr. wat-,
na . ed C -roII,'Henial,Bpy1nWhi:te; Marys, a, tone, to Henry Benfly for the term of 87
tor ch pping uet with- a; cei awd 11 eter,' Gent; W. Sv eet, 96h's residence, Goderich street, to the Alaitln tb Ji ly -184.9,
t, from d . B Icings
vver *hen the Douglas for, the Ex
edge OF it cau ht - h haendome'suiiiof V50. i years from 20 ta rental of,8.66,per
I Exet; well ; W. Folland, l. Exeter Banfbenietery,'on Saturday, at 10 a. in. :E MONTH, nnily
lls e beneath the Grive 61so .8 OF THE W. ST FOR BARGAINS FOR -O. ii payable hal &ylearly.
tva,, k*,, Outting an artctry aid c Old Coun Gent';.jessie McAllister'.- S,%1It0;-AtSeaforth'on the 23rd;inst., Albert PAROEL 2 --About 5. aeres ' bf ]an
.9 Mr. Adam )id two. d - part of.
ish)g the 0 from th
-of consideralyle bloOd. e Same h rse for sn'm -of T)rest Girl,; Katie Kerr, Hen' -j infant son, of John Calvin and Belle the 6.4%st half of Lot No. 6, 3rd C
oncession, I& E.
T ftitb, aged 8 inont'hu and 9 days.
i R. Warick being a 3-ard neak the north
-corner of half Lot'a:nd enclosed with a pos
'h singing Work INTi t
d ': -Last week Win. and east
T.! Mobil, Cut Craz s BDGAR- -ln Kippdi,. oil tile 22nd inst., Win. LEA dows A c
.93 and board ogetber with the land. A faryll 011 lot 19 concession 10, Huh ett eivilt geI rossI4,, t Seaforth, Fairy Queofi.;. Miss H. Kidd) Ed9dr, aged 43years. RING OUR WINTER ist, commenced al' erii6p pf in eti
E-LBRIDGE.-In Usborn6; on the 18th inst., t r 41 inch(s) Salt Works Brine Tank,
Mrs. -F4irbairn ; E,-xe er,
-d 4,00 or the cords of 'har(l*ooil ' day for in the Methodist h.xirch, 8t. aui D tedill. Ellgrine (12 horse Power)
a leaseliold- On 1 .1 RichardlDelbridge, aged 81 years and 8 inlb liou;e, 8
Mondy they put cu throfigh. a 22- Queen' of aught' ; Aiiss E,
L .001111 ev fil months i Bofler (20 horse, 1 owier and pearly new), wi
blee, i und , Wih inst. IiS OUR READY-MADE OVERCOATS.
minut, and fiv- have been held eimy Brucefiek Stars an& Stripes Pu
ich birell log in on ince,t en meetings I ON'T 11VII and piping - tund
N. on the 13th inst.,Susannall inping appara
Seconds. -Beat' this -%vh 0 Dicksdn, Brucefield, Flower:; Girl; W. Elston, aged 23 years. utensilm hitherto ut ed with same; also a drild"
ved Ar m y, in evening. They- are, argelyj Attenod1led. J611INTON. -in Tu:rnbetry, on the -12th inSt., or shelter shdd wx 0 feet,
-The9a has Noble I :at cl W. , Copp, Seaforth, Hod
W.-" G'. Ink' * - ; r. Thomas Johnston, aged 46 year8and 5 se works bay been in operati
s rented his t Carriers;, Thom4 Chapman Hensall 1 month. The on for twelve
years pastnd thd , t made at these worits took'
ne Her; R. IM'MONS.-InWinglihni,on the 171ibinst., John a Silver Medal a. t e Paris Exhibition in 1878, as
four years to Mr.! Isaae. t-ri . .1 GHT'
ninety -"tb c' Onof Elma for Colo
if I,,' -Mr
at T-,, iii the' an, active moml)ei-ship .0 ha
r Soldiers. Last uday the 7 had twenty- in
, fa ` on on(tessi Hensall I CAMPBELL& BRI
e e .51X converts alid the 9 f St. Th`J1 Norman, only child of Mr. A. E. Simmons, well as n ulnerous fi prizes at E
Tr' 'uip eo. Bayley,
day before Loga, for the In this Provine.
aniers on twenty-tw-o tin sum of 4.60 igtovL, 0 mas agred 4 months and 6 days. xhibitions in
besides what -%vere secured hol iding, dii-lin a tof; Alfred Drew, Exeter, The salt pan I ft
taxes each ye'ar -At Porter's Hill, on the 13th inst., 3 484 feet long
durino, The farm coniists of J ne iding heater, h
.1 the week.
+ei i-ott ig
1 Le guo Bwe Ball Player;'F. Knight, Eben son of 3fr. Tbos. B. Miller, teacher, by 10 feet wide at I ottoni, and was in -188
y I I 1 4
than half renewed I steel Plate and turns out
-The Ifensal 100 -acres.
salt well was recently Exeter I E ague Base Ball, Player .aged3weeks. AUCTI LE,&
John R. Yo t, Musselb
barilels per we
it , it is sold un a pm, ver of, urg, is WATSOIWS
der 1 11) Cliptop, on the 14th inst., John on an average of 2 ek,and there
niortgage, bein Facreti, l,keter, Lea j- 1. 1
gue Base Ball McLeod -. ears, 8 months and 14- is storage,capacity the pan for over
-h n IT, provements 'in his aged: 27 C io'
-t boug - t at $1,500. Tl s w ould indicate cider Pla y'er ; . S,000 bar;els of sih.
9 naaki extensive i Willis,'Exeter, Leaguq Base fts. UCTION SA 4 FARM STOCK AND- INSURANCE AGE N y
two new Ba ELL. -In Or on the 17th inst. the in IMPLEMENTS. he undersigned Auc- inill. He is hagnig
i g be suffer- that some on.
e . has leay. coilsid erale 1 player; Miss. E. NN'illis, Old MITCH Py 1: this parcel is sold the purebaser;jbail have
0, atioti. of the mone in the investm.. ent iis the sinki presses constructed i6. addition to. tho se W fant son of Mr. nitchell, timleer has been instra t by 31r. Robt. Dick- r 1hi i go, Whether el
ten minutes du -, jell -to de, .id(
Jes Ramsay 'folloingl
formerly used, all 3 an Eketer, Ki s. Mary so i, to sell by Public. tj fell on Lot 8, Conces- Nvill.accept th 6 o any, of the"
of the :-wel. lbeilag ivoiked, b LUO.A.S.—InGrey, on the 17th inst., Mr
s and equlp ,lcjjt COS the y of 'Oo,,dg. - At the close of the tiri;e' 4.0p. ions, namely.
in OW
c ower. pship of y it Thursday, March
I . .. 0 - e7i
I c
inations of lei
ghb 0"000, Ll the above mention e'd costuni'le. 1 1885, coninici ta '12 0 clock sharp the g Maihin" D ot The -right to A the allovande for the
d., nei orh6;. d of $ I, drauli all Lucas, -mother of Air. Adam Lucas, ged 81 sii a 11, t
-At the hristm Oewin'
e to owing valuable pr vi -One Trdinroad, 66 fAet wide, stretchiligfroo) the
sp ni of gederal purp 0 mares rising 4 and -6 aboveyard to the G land Trunk Railrojid, Sarnia
severe -while wor Oil competition for prizes
et w1th a the Ontario Agneultural Coll ge, - announced that tbi i
Frank Anderson m et skaters, tb4 managet )4tv, Z Jiorses
accident latel y next inj or, It .r was The following well k track, with all brii Iges, embankinenO ettilks
In Guelph, J. U. b,. ,on of . Di.'Eby, of.' IMPORTANT NOT -ICES. y rs old, supposed t bp in foal to iniported.
Fire, Marine - Life and Accident
the farm. of Mr- Thomas Jam, es, Ztg 19 !1 ad -offered or fancy. and fak skating, ao nu d It se I Puzzler," ow ep by,Mr..McMillan of Com and other huproveili ther
distinguished re- u -con -at the
concec GivIrch on. I Tu o price Aoo per acre,
rilberty. It appears 1 d on M hi6l Ills in a rge num- H Jett; I s1?9,n of iriage horses, siredby p ny's represented.
f ii itiths thereafter a la
that while -a 'tree the axo . - re- him, f iend's coiigratulate ber I their names with -the e-ffi- EED GRAIN FOR SALE. -For sale Russian " lack rriGr; ro 10er flllies rising ia years (b),Tbeyightto Purchase at-. 1.6o per cord
eech Iva
S. amber spring wheat, and black el -ed mar- ol 1 gelding risl e4rsold,- I gelding riping Thd Northern of London. England, -bard
Of bpunded strikin about. 600 cords of mi., ed wood prindpally
on the thighiand` secretary, Mr. W.'B. McLean, of roNvfxt peas, guaranteed clean from 'wild bats 'The City of London, Lonaon, EnglanU. wood citer now onithe premises or to be de -
or .1 1 d, 1 filly risibg I year old, kired -by
ov - - Grexisie, f the Ontario
in -LVrof eis cie 2 - ears ol
crash bout tb uld the different prizes an.fl and all other noxions weeds. WM. BELL, Hell- It' ifagician. Cattle Cl)iree i cows in calf to a The LondonanaLancashire, London, EDg. liver efore Ist Octobernext.
deep an(i seyeral in- P
W c ,e ed there b
6t v 899-4 1 oroughbred bull, 2 e 0 The right to p ?chase at 5k'35
Sall. Thi Caledonia, Edinbuigb,3Scotland.
ch es long. T ows newly calved, I)er acre; for
lectured recently raAR e.lenly contested, particulariy, uncleared land., all or of the jots of ihmd,
, efore'the Avonton armers' C
e e I , 1 tat cow, 6
-h Oaso tl e t ire ihile rac' for.the si lyer cut' -VARM TO RENT. -For sale or torient very At ing 2 years old, 7 Ste w rising' 2 years old t I,C*0 aeres, all first class
-On T uirsday eveni, t I Wfers rising 3 years 1)1 heifers
.1 lub. Ifis The British America, Toronto, Canada.
about 7 subject was "Stock eir diseases and the p) The Gore District, Galt, Canada. comprising in all abmi
Persons hssim bledtat I remedies." T1 requre to. e won three times n suc, J2 valuable farm, lot 11, concession 12 to - p g c I es. bee ie thoroughbred Shr;,, - Wid for farming, an I about 1;100 acres th r 0
of Mr. le ie le e was pronounced Nyn s rin a The Mercantile, Waterloo,'Calada. Huniphrey Snel t the 'ehi of Stanley, there are iob acres. of land, a well timbered with , vood uitabI6 for fuel, and
6essli )n ind or which there were'no fe sh:re rain rising 3 year., d 10 supe lor Leices- The Royal Canadian, Montrel, Canada.
Well-known a Valuable one'ald apreci-. tb
. s highly large brick dwelling, tw,6 frame barns, sheds, te ewes, all in The Cltizen , ontreal,Canada. - ly ng around the sall
d "Was to holspitaitY' of his b6me. ated by the club. I aill 21 enn ies, but, aftp-r bi eci lamb a Shropsoh'ire rain ; 6 1:t works.'.Tbe said lots aie
ting &c., 6xcellent o(c4ard. Immediate possession. ev e lanTbs %lith. a. crosi o a Shropshire ram. kl; own as follows Lot Q in the 2nd Conoession.;
.11111r. or of 11S The bra s band from Londesboro was' a ter Murdo MCPheyson' of Terms -easy. Apply. to JOHN BROWN or to In'plemelitig-One coill i ed seed drill, I Bradley S oA st, M . Lots 5 0 7 and 8 it i the ' .3rd Concessidn ; and
'pres -7-Mr. D. A. Jones, of Beeton, the Tickets is -sued forthe State Line Steamship Lots 6' pJand 7 illythe A
e -ard ortnnate, ent a" gave som -e good M thi&' ?la,,.e vi bo is but'a mere boy, but JOHN ESSON; Bayfield P. 0., Huron Cd-unty. re per, I S-4ky hay mt.. I set of iron barrov0s, h Coneession, all south
in- the 'Bee'Kin(Ir of Out, io, sp6lce f 1 .1 Company's, sailing between New York, and b igenlont,1110 din the -Town hjp of War -
lack of- or up- of tb righ Ituff won the rhce. against 893-10. If A of wooden harr( I iron- Plow, MuRrOe' Liverpool, Glasgow and Belfast. this Conl c.
evening There of t e
e And as to an - lands tylliell has buildings,
pleasur wards of three Lours t, the meeting of
and h thli r several laps and *as car- 1111 ke; 2 Ch'illed plowg, 1 general urpose plow, e, and i he time far into the ight the Bee-keepers Assc ciation in Listowel all 6, '111 r ORY.- I Yang plow, 1 scufl e , 2 lum er wagons, I pany's vessels for safety, speed and comfort, cin fences, c rs or c ther improvements thereon,
The spent in social enjoynnent. He& ph a A meeting of the patrons of the, Brucefield do market not'lle surpassed. price wil
_11 r - rink. at the san
ound the The
h Ltueb additional suni as
-The GflnUn lastweek. Milch-- raluable informaion f 118 ible carriage with I nd shafts, I Passage rates extremely low. Particegoing-til in the abs1eence: of 4 cement ma -v I)c fixed'")
nng h he.ii Ch ese Fadtory will lie held at Turner's Hotel, le gh, I Portland cutt r1ith,pole and safts,
Me Neu, Era says: We be- umber of t ej and urope should call and ascertain rates arbitrators, one r d biy the nd
was gained B-;lerield, on SATURDAY, MARCH All, at 2 If Liming mill , 1 root outter, I wheelbarrow, I
,P e lie've that the' a'p concerning this 11 u by t namet of each.
arties con - tIle lis of those winir es the other by- the pVr e of such.
A a, teners, a %rge numbe!r of w1loin o'clOck p.m., for the purpose of receivinj the gri in cradle, 1 horse yfork -with rope and aser, s the vaiu
4d0s"best conlic costume, 4e tries, set be improvements,
wife ar c
trip to the q1d country at an were ladies. annuail report, making- arrangements for the barneqs, I double set f 'iZ&
pu leys, I double
ei ly date: 'Jolin MC.N I About 50 acres of t 13) in the 2nd Con sAion,
thelp-relief of t and harters! H usall ne8s, I set Sir ;,11 harn0s, I saddle 2 wing -.&facl ines, Family and Manu-
dof Hullc tt j es IVI c to w -100 a year, for a term
- t .9 -Air J. D1 Stewairlt of Russelda-le, coming seas6 avid the transa ti fter lig it h
t1lie' (Imard 'Ist l' 'V'rs-po",Vit-orC C' 4psiness required% HUGH McC10VT !2 'Ilpro. set i k 0 scythe., facturing. are, Ijeased at a, rental of 4 m c- many Hur' 'n Ex 1"Boys, 12 years and hiffl trees, 2 k f ks, wbic will expire on Ist
e wives lirife, of Se ni January next and an -
Other 50 acres of the Lot are lease'd at the
sconnection ith the old huseoffiticas toc numer ion %Iso i quantity of e
'I' 're"i other article :
Michael anci After years of -.service, -has severed -prietor,. 899 2 chAins", shovels and a'po `=e 'o
The Celebrated White.
ous to me
arI$ TUCKERSKITH FOR qALE.--.-For c rfraterin which will expire
aPark & Co., of Haillitton. Clown. Gentlis RAI roots. The ny ea
'7eGt `hto ut Ir. i d, Mrs. Onth e even - a, and will positively be The, Wheeler,& Wilson, Ist January 1888 and any'purchaser of such
olborne 17,fi h Hens 11,14 I ' Th :New Raymond. rcht of 100 a
Young ud'v rife, _of. C ' ' X undor, best )mie 6ogtipne, 9 6ntries,Ist j n.
lie m. Luke le
theY best: costume, 7 en ries, 1stR. J.. Colo- FA slc=half of Lot 21, Coilcqssion.4, L. sol I wi thout reserve as ll , proprietor has sold
afthe l3th inst. the employees. I am the sole and exclusive dealer for all of the lands
go togeth 1) N tri
intend to of 'Ladies' R. S.P Tu It, containing. 50. acres, 46 of his farm-. TxRvs. All sunis of 36 and under, must wic sam sill)Jjet to such leases,
qualters,,, all ael X-Cillain here -for don I Soado th, King. Charlie' 1 Parcel 2 shall not be old or if being.9o]d the
81X moil the -.firm enter bi $ whibb are cleared and free from stumps and -im- cas h-, ov6r that amiaun' 2 nionths"credit will above machines for Seaforth and' 3urr"ounding
fast, Sk"ti . 10 laps, '3 entries- country.
oh.anbe is. the 11-itilsvil loge. tained m in Hamilton,
and prewn, ted him Ist derdnkined. Thefarmis vell fenced. Thereis be given on furpishilil approved joint notes. -purchaser shal not 4kc the option of purchas-
'On thj' Sth'of awith a handsome Fra4-es C -, orth, Hensall. - alf mile Sold with a- five years'guarantee. I ing the Whole of the remaining 1000 acri.-s. Then
I . , I V a new frame house with stone celAar, also good Six cents on the pllar i- ilil be allowed for cash
I ; d valua;ble gold'lledded -walking. cane NeedI6, Oil, Machine attaellmeiits wrld re the East and West ll lf 6f lots 5 and 8 ill the 3rd.
Rol,)t. MX tilla6h o back- P'
f Goderich to vard - - ce, 6 rst E. R. franie stable and. log barn and a ood spring on credit amounts." 10 ,,ERZDICKSON Pro -
pairs kep
On 8 nday, 8th illist., t4e tesi s and t n" ck. Allkinds of.n hles re Conceislon, and 5, 6 and 7, inhe 4th
goo(J. Cc -NV and 9 C. denoe Convenient to school c. urches. It 6 ttor - ALEX. DA',GETTY, Aucti lne r., paired, i 8to L, I -
didWt know Ev 's, Hen iEll. Three mile ra'ce, silver, P e be separ-te
&19 IM
h al. the content of Mr. Jo t, within 6 miledof Seaforth, and five frolii Bruce- cession 1yffered for sale, Ea4b.
s na han i 899-2
cupp : 21 Aitl il.,87 I S McPhesoh, ield, and four from Kippen, good gravel'roads pe next d( I ot (containing lQ0 acres more or less) being
ford, of. Minnesota Ionnerly a iv. -e now to 4i'd her, The othe day-* he F t*Murdo Offi ior to Roya Ifot l. half
rmn - - I -
offered asa separate cell
rpos of received a, letter iroin Mi- Rubt'- Bri)w e8i- Hen till. L Ay's best c entries, lea -ding to each place. For further particulars
cliell, was destroyed b fire' One-b6nth ",o be pai'd to the Executors
C anbrook, telling I Y,, de otum pply on the premis6s, or to'MRS. CHARLES W. N. WATSON. TFRms:
-1 iat a Cowan-, s -a Ilantvne, , F airy 'OTICE TO CONTR .-enders will
sweking . n -lin caing with, -their Seafo4h CAik ER, Seaforth P. 0. 899if crolzs T . I in cashat tinie of Sal an additional sun) makhl the t T -b a j ujges of be received by the indersigned. unti
nt of TV
s ar . %t%.tion - found at ' lescriPtion Nvs to be e the evening I Nf arch f with sum previously slull ent to
jiv '. am i Iy equival
ea. e thermometer was 4own.to
a ce.rtaia, Iace -in Gre On: were Tairbairn, Exeter; R.'Jwaes, fth' 1885, for the ;er'-work of the inside,,of The, St. Julian Restaurant, one-fourth of the
all: Plans and ar ont fron t"dayof :c, I
his ow Ing Lnd opened it Weir's hotel, Seaforth, on 3fon-
found, fauther . of Mrsh The i rd -on the' occasion, conaider' ensall. AddreW John . MARSHALL, llen ' to beair ilipr at t e e of 6 per
spe6fications can be seen 31r. RcyDold's hotel
egrees elow zero. at tlie time.' - N Hen OTrCE TO COXTRACTORS'.-- -Tenders ad -1 two stores inone block at Hens within on6 calend
Saturd -;over to' Ph L
sas C 1ty. is the ay -Nli- McCullaah drove of N Seafc rth ; I V. B. Me ean dressed.to the. undersigned, will -be received SEA -FORTH, ONT. -the balanee
service circuit 1 lonu,1 6t' c
6ugh in father poor cond" Elfoi , at once sent the iu`-dssistan6 i l, cent.15erannuinfromthed-ay of s e till al
itio la.v, Alarch 2, 1885 at 3 o'clock . m:, for such interest being p
Or-- alh the lar ibei present, was e xcQIent. thsall P. 0. 890-2
+ he sl #pe of money. 9 nuty rectjon of a ee IY ; and such balance to be paid five - ual
IS. M6Bricn, dghter of and credit'is lue- th6 manager, Air. J. Factory oil the site of the. you. want a good dish of Oyster 9
the I t Blashard farn er 13 ngl`up )14 Kinburn ees. Factory, in the townskip of., TUTIONThe pub) are hereby cautioried
e Jon 60've in' annual instalments on'the 5th Marh in
Express ii McBrien, of the base ,h,: f or th provision homade in. 1#11ett, Te ders will be received for the whol go t9 the ST. JULIAMI;i year,
Marys one Cold moiningll ast week and e against giving )er sell oi- persons. credit Further prticuhtrs and conditionfi of sale nlay
e, HU114t: 'ie, iray of two -constables 6 guard v6rk and ma erial tog6ther, or for the work and on i iy atcount rt 'tten order and If you W int the nicest and frqShost
d on Wednegday even- C
was much',surprised 'on alightinjroml n w thout" i y w1i
t naterial separately. Work to be completed by be obtained on application to the Au(Ilonders,
ing of last w -ek of ion of the ill ot he after hold my self Oysters iii. bulk, go to the ST. JULXAN- $ his rigito learn from numbe of Edn st y disturbance occurring.
'ad - I i - = ' "t re -
Ung. -been ifro e ist of Ma,, next, The lowst or any tender esp6leibi'e'fo w se incurred. JOHN or C. J. arwlek West, P- 0.,
ecessari y accep bt tb
N ew Or- boys that hi.-,`iio lot f.) ted, unless 'otherwise satis RT., s e,0I It u i '%i oicest Cigais, go Ontario or to the,, Vei;doW. Solicitors, UUTH,
sliht Cold for -so se and left car were Mc9 'AGqA it, -February 2 rd, 18&5. If you Want the Ch
actory -PlaiiE
Atlanta, d ES: and spee -NINGST'ONE & 4YONS, -North of Scotland
ery -frozen. To -iake the reme( i AUCTION SAL ifications to be' seen at X
iy more c bw 4 t.9 Vie T. JULIAN.
-t Jami(son's store, Scaiorth. J. BRITTON ( Zalfibers, 18 Kii) F, 15treet West, Toronto. 4
ivere on the went to see a doctor at Lndesbora, lobet
'full of t
- i cap, Th Lirs a Y, March 5th, atI ocicidk Ir'ident, 899-1
und only kept her bed for a sh.ort time tain he filled 10 v a es
to- STEPHEN iF R SALE. -For sal If you: want the choicest miking
hing in - one of the stores applied P. m A &Tp !lot 4" Concession I I
Sh 04 e' Tobacco to be had anywhere, go to the
cars, ]Previous to 'her death. ., e r&s nly 18 the restora'tive vigor tt, adj , nino, Harloel Lots 4 and 5 and pa t f 3, Lake Road Eut
exrs iq Farm Sto
ously to -the affected Hulle 7 . I SAW LOGS WANTED.
years of' age for several y mem- - ek 00 GRAIN AND GRAZING' FARM FOR Ste ig 2821 ae cu mostly all ciea. ST.- JULIAN.
for re o 1) phen,
0 1 SALE,
ber of the Filliscopa members, 'much to the atusement-of a and Imp its. Wm. McInt. sh, Pro- or sale, being Lot 2t- qpncession 6d, ood buildifigsind all)ur_ da ce of. good sp
nd- mu ch . I
number of small boys and. the storear - QN . D41geity 11111lett, ontaining 150 acres, 130 ot -which ' O Lemons and!Oranges, fresh and NE Hundred Th' 8 n
pki r,.; Ah Auctioneer. 3, -1 wate;. iThis farm is m0stly clay loam and is a d PYmPatIly is.expressed for her rel ativ s, keeper. U e6leared; alance, iMl timbered with hard- M'sing or Jarop inj s a1w s on hand at the ST. esd, 1, March 3rd, at 1 o'clock: goo(I either for g There i ay Pon I -The Blytlt Advocate of last weiek bod. iSupelior soil, well underdAdned,'and also a, young orch 'd. It is witZn 12 miles of Cherry,"Buttlernut,- Wlte Asli, Black Ash <);ak,
On Tuesda r evenm F abruar 3rd, p. m.1, On Lot 5, Condessioni 9, Hibbert, rkabie wit i any machinery, 28 acres, seeded, Piric HUI. If y u want Confectionery of any kind, Hmlock and .4vicamore,
T%h e ove will 6 sold in one block. Pine, Cedai, at the
says Among otiers, Lawrence, a number of -the Methq i t f rie'ads - froT Farm S tocl be Sure and go'to the t SorghumVi',orksof Bell &.Dougnitlll, for whicht1w
of this and Implements. Alex. o grass. A never failing spring "creek runs or separately to s t purdh, er. It is all in one ST. JULIA
village, was appointed as a dile- t6 Zion appointineitt -called on th Aue- .1hrough the 1 iack end, there are two log bouses, block except a smn, 11 sile side of best place in -the County hivest priceAill be Paid in cash. Special price -4
Colqlu4oun ropriet6r*; Jas. -Oke part on the oppo
ag. 7W 'rented
as gate to attend. the abbath school Con- p rame barn, I irge shed a -lid comfortable housin the oncession. it not sold it will be wl I be paid for any qjaantit of Hickory. * Tht
p -0 Ll Th, or stoel - Qc od bearing orchard and three wells The: -e are churches and schools convenie delivered at the
vention held in a tidna. , 9
astbr, Rev. Mr. Gilpin in -the now 7r Remember the placeSign of th --Big above are wanted im iiediately,
sato n Seaforth last week as a sonage at Staffa,and presented him n urs dy, March 5th, at1 o'clock. iX. and one -1 alf miles from Blyth, 10 froni Sea to market. Apply to the un- LaThern, Main Street, directly opl osite Niovelace, one and ne-fourth miles from lien- representative of th' ;abbath, ood roads leadind
auA the a. handsome new carpet for'bis parloi p n! Aar ot 24, Con4i6ssion q orth,anda ike distance from Bruseels. One sail. ive -are also pre rdto buy Los in thel
the erE igned, Blake V 0. JOHN
on L ItEITH. Mtf. Market Street
es from I'ChO01here. Onhiswayhoihe I Seaforth.
Ors. 1i -Stock. David Moore' nile from school and postoffice. Churches cop- N, B, -A large stock'ot wOl bred'eattle now
an I - 'tree, and cut and thun) ouril-Aves. 895
d fifty bushels of 6ats for his h .Aorris, Fai i
a(dT renient. errils easy. Apply- to J. -ALLAR- on t ie farm will W sold viritb theland if suitable.
.0-t, h to get any further than Clinton, ;The friends.9pent the evening with their' Pr6prietor; eorge Kirkby, A ctioneer. )YOE, Harldell P. 0. Mtf 899tf JAS. BURGESS., BELL & D UGALL, ;$all.
her bagi
7d ble
t ta