HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-02-27, Page 3• •
FEBRIJAIrit 1885;
I ,
• iatiEE 'OS wwm. Lan ley ehall, invest in these articles for disagreeable o d Queen? , You will have
• you,—we ; shall rack them ;up Cheaply, teaching anou h with the village . child-
: - CTIAPTER XVII. (Centineed.t • you know, --end youu shall repay her by ren and Ifrs. orries. seven.little holies:
"You are not goiegto offer' me more • instahpents; justla small SUM1 quarterly you may mak up yourl mind just to
than my fairlaryr7 return ed•the girl, as you can spare it. Langley shall have • leave Errinlie me."
a regular debtor and and credita account.
drawing up her head with a suddee_ ld"But - tha is -nonsense ! What
gest_ure of pride he had never seen he Nothing need.offend your independence, woulchLangley say ti� such a preposal ?"
her before, and her voice sounded clean 1Miss Marriott," , "'Langley is charmed at the notion;
' and decided. '"1-0.11 told Mr. Logan, of ".No, but it is too kind, in ch, °much we settled it b tween. us this merning:
course, that this was impossible? I too - kind," ;she 'returned heitating. Xminie is to c Me and do her lessons'
will work; but I will not be beholden • "'And how. do I know when may be with me every orning, and her music
to • him or any other man for 4 ,Able to repay it 1"s , .• with:Langley. 1 shall make a first rate
penny more than I have. honestly .1 "In two years' time at the furthest," governess, my -dear Madam Dignity ;
• earned. Forty, not fifty, pounds was :he returned cheerfully; "I: only look and," mitnick. g Lengley's soft, seriou
the ' same younamed to me in the ;upon it as a safe investmen for Lang- voice, "think what 4 grand thing it
't rnaciouee `manianythinge but . to love but to turn t em • to solid account'.•Miss Mar- ' "Owe no . . •- , 1 will be not to 1 t my acquirements rust
"Donbe contu
;ley's money./' i :
, quarry." , .
riatt," rettir' ned Garth with an amused one another," i e ddeely , carne into Theie with a b rst.of her old vivacity
look, but on the whole he rather - likedf.'Queenie's mind: I Wee she f stoning a think what a blessing you and Emmit
_ the girl's indepencleece than otherwise; ['load of debt ro her neek-? wouldshe Will be to me ! ou will give me occupa
it accorded with his own notional He ever be able- to ay it back? was not * tion, and prey nt me , dying. of ennu
had held these sentiments all his -life9 this another kindry ruse; to affordT
her ,in this mill-po d of . existence; as ed
and, it was his chief. pride that he had I help?. : , 1 1 halls it." .
never been behorden to his fellows for I , 'She looked up quickly a d' almost ' 1 Queenie's e es looked unutterable
anything that he coeld not justly' claim. ' .suspiciously, butthegray eyes that watsh: ithiegs, butshe nly said, '':' Oh, Cathy
`‘‘ Priee, independence, were necessary •led her were honest and straig tforward. :Cathy,%ow ea I ever repay all your
: adjuncts to manhood,' so Garth 'He would not presebenefits o her that goodness ?" • 0 s -
thought; " but in a woman,. perhaps, hefelt would bel Tepugiwtt. No, she "Goodness t myself, you mean. a I
they might be made to yield under the was sure of that." , •will tell you that we Will do, Queen ;
pressure of emergency. . - Garth answered heruniephis nthought we will coax L ngley to jet us go into
"1 will only take what belongs to •:flushing slightly, as though her mute the kitchen an take regular lessons
me," she continued, obstinately. , :• appeal touched him. 1 from Susan. 1 I will be rather hot work
" Then. that will be ..ififty pounds a • L14,1 ara sure youfwill be abl to i•epay• this weather, b st We will go through
year. Listen as- me, p ease, as she
sagain attempted to speak, • "I am the
,vicar's warden, and have 'right to use
sryousE h:Ou SALE. -Fos sale
fortable and well finished d
forth, on Princess Street. The
seven recnes with cellar, hard
stable, and all other necesse
There is a good garden. Terms
R. COMMON, Seatorth.
heap, a com-
elling irf Sea-
ouse contains
d soft water,
y. Apply to
•1.IDROPERTY FOR SALE.- 'or Sale cheap, a
lot of land in the villa( e o Egmondvile,
containing acres, all well 4 ne d fit for
• cultivation. This land is 'sit late on the 2nd
Concession of Tnekersmith, jo ning the mill
8 property, and is really a chow le and is Well
adapted and tonVefilently loc ted for a retired
' farmer or markettardener. he I nd is all first
, class tend Is seeded to grass. i?eFoo, Efigheleidr
Manz pmliyiit the undersig
• 801
i ke OF II TROM-Being Let No.
Concession • the Township ! of
taihing 152 , 120 acres of whi
and under It. Kt aloe, the Week
, with hardwood. here is on the' p
fortable rag house', large frame ba
good water, well 4fenced, fine or
wiehin two and a half mile p
is one of -the best farms in the bee
-Huron. Apply to: MATHEW YI0
preth lees' or to MYLES YOUNG I
; ave will do all in our pew r to help, the furnaCe of a iction together. You
'yoluto do so." Then, after a moment' e are beginning h.usekeeping on rather a
:heeitation, "I feel just as yo do in this (small scale, my .peor dear, but to live
my authority in this a4Yair. 1 have sort of thing. I like to help yself and - we must eat, a d to eat , we require a
. always considered that our Mistresses not to be dependent- on oth r poeple. certain amount ,f ingredients, concern-
wereunderpaid ; Iintendtisfix the salary .Believe me, Miss Marriott, I think far ing the price an. the cooking of which
from this time at th sum 1 named. Mrfoe highly of yclur indepen once, and I fear we are pr foundly ignorant," 1.
pect you too much to offe • you any ." Yes, :indeed," retunied • her -friend,
• Logan and Captain Fawcett, our remain-
ing trustees, agree to this, so," finighed
Garth, with e persuasive •" it is
signed, sealed, and • delivered andonly
wants your consent." -
•' Queenie bowed her head gravely, and pa g, as though she felt flsonee cold
• with a little • dignity, She was sharp- wclight-suddenly settling down ' on, her;
.witted enouseh to see that Garth. had bu after all, wh t conld :she de? Caleb
" not said all he intended, that something to ld not help th m, at leastnotmuch.
perilous to her pride lay folded on the Erimie and she could not dwe 1 betweea'
edge of that fib,—sornething that, with 'four bare Valls. What Was there fo
the kind* intentions in the world her but to accept the kindly advance s
weeld have wounded her susceptibility gracefully • hidd n wider Langley
end hurt her. . , name,—Langley nd Cathy, I who ha
"Then there is noth- ore to Say ?" not a sixpence of heir own, as Cath
rather stiffly. .
help that you could not aCcep . - • rulefully.
f" Then will truit you, ' rettined 1" This musts be reptified at once.
Queenie, in a low tone., he spoke What a blesiin you are to me ! I was
n impulse. ' I cost her a momentary sighing for new odds to . cenquer, and
now frying -pans and patches: open a new
sored envyetose Israelitish women -
for fe talents. Hdw I
when I was at s hool
(Awe somewhat teiumplintl iritforme
"Do,„these details wear y you? They i her? ." It is Garth whiz.. buys every
are very necessary," he returned, with ti th*Ing for us, dear -old fellow, arid pay
frank kindness that . disarmed her at II or , bills, after grumbling over thein,"
once. "If you fill this position' it •Is . sh said once. ` ,
' ,hetter to understand everything thor- 1 r I assure you, you will.
ne er • repent
oughlY. Yoe still think that, with the 1 the trust," he answaked, Eio evely that
little you have, and. the Chance of giving 11 Queenie feared he waS hut , y her re -
lessons hi the evening, you w01 be able il luctaiiee, until the olclisr ght mile came
• to live upon the Proceeds of so ' Knoll a ! back to ,' reassure her. ; " `hen - this
. salary? There is your littl ' sister, ;:,grand matter is settled!, and
t , e ill go
s, remember, Miss garriott." and talk to`angley."
We have learned to do without • ' Mamie -was almost:
ild wi h joy
things, and to be content with very I when she: heard ' the news. The sensii
littleeeit Will be enough, thank you, ' tive littlecreatureburst intoa perfe§t
returned the girl, quietly. - --. :paesion of tears, as she elu g tof h '
• "Then in that case I can only wish sister's neck, trembling slith such ex
:' you success in your etruisertaldng. Your eit thent that Queenie was 1jrightened.
duties will not be so very arduous. The -4 Oh, Queenie, is it really, eally true
hones are from, nine t� twelve in 1 the tla we are going to live in ihat little
morning, and from two to four in the cot age, .you and I together, like the
afternoon, • The school house is a miser- sisters in story books ?" she exelaitned .
, able sort of a pia.ce, a compromise- over and over again. s
. between a barn and a small dissenting :'`I Yes, yes; once upon a -time there '
eha.pel. ' You are not so fortunste as were tWO Sisters one of them was hand- -
- t i
Mr. Miles, the boys' school -house , is a
.rauch handsomer and more cc.fitimodious
• building." . • ;
"I have seen him, -have I not Vasked
Queenie, somewhat curiously.
" Perhaps—but it is helidaYstime
nest', and he always goes down to * his
brother in Wales. He is a very pleasant
sort of a fellow,though rather an oddity,
"You used t be Ver
Mg •afternoons, ' put in.
" late afraid was.,
clothes never &ring
years, it *as en ugh to
to the ;wildernes
prised if 1 rathe
we take leseori
rFaith'?" i
1 "1 must help
• eagerly. ." Fea
Cathy,. and I se"
• groW•radishee
and sweep up t
the kettle for Q
home fired. 1'
IMolly would;
;and that we c
"Caleb WO
tcross- on dam-
Think of one's
14, in the 13th
Hullett, con.
are cleared
is timbered
emises a com-
n and stable,
hard, and is
Blyth. This
township in
NG, on the
lyth. 880
FFOR SALE.hFor sal , h East half of
Lot -- 6 Concession 12, Hu le ib •containing .50
acres. it is a corner lot, with a. 1 eksmith shop
on the jcorncr. The land is well fenced and
'drained and in a good state of tilt eatior. There
are about three acres of go.o ha dwood bush.
• There is a, good bank barn a d og house. A
Spring Creek runs through th let A good bear-
• ing orchard. •Churches and S lio i I convenient.
A postoffice and store adjoin ti e lot. It is
Situated within six miles of B eth on the Lon-
don, -Huron Bruee Itaihvay. Fo further par-
ed n the prem.=
AMOS. 885
ticulars apply to the undersig
ises; or•te Harlock Q. THOMA
-LIARM IN McK1 OP Ffelt 4.el, -The ecarth
J..! 50 acres of Let 20, Conces ion 13, 45 acres of
ewhich are cleared, free from st ips :and well.
underdrained. ' No better Ian in the omit*.
Is situated about half way bet% yen Seaforth and
Brussels. It is'well fenced. T ere is a log house
and a good frame beriee and - rain stable •and
plum', pear and cherry trees in ood bearing -
shed and a good' orchafd plai ted • with apple,
order. It is one and quarte mi ea eat from
Leaclbury. Applyeto ROBERTI Mc ILLAN; Lot.
33, Concession 3, .Meleillop, . r to 136x 165, Sea-.
• forth 1'. 0. . 834
out for forty
reconcile them
•. I should not be sur -
liked it now.. Suppose
• TOWN OF SEAFCrRTH --Tl e above pro-
, belongs to the estate of the late 'Bernard
consists of a story nd half fratne
Survey of the'town of Seafo .
hearly new •and is he: excelle t r
within two 'minutes walk of the ra
and is convenient to all the princi
in patching from Miss• house and two lots, on Mill tre t, in Jarvis'
he house is
• • pair. It is
too,' broke the child lway station
mend quite•neatly now al mantifac-
four qhar-
The whole •
Executor of
liatd the_gardein
d ustard and cress, ter acre lots in the samee town;
; al
and, Wring institutions -in th
appy THOMAS property
and put .mi ' will be
e F.
• hearth, DOWNEK;,.E
ieenie_ P.
wwihs when cs she comesb- she e Bernard Burns or to sq.
me and live with us •
uld all be happy to-
ld not : like to leave
,Carlisle, nor M Ily either; you Must be
content with me and only me." T I
"My dears," interrupted ILangley's
quiet voice.from the door, "it ie past
eleven, and these nigh iews este not
. wholesome *for the child ; let me beg
you to close the window a d leave off
talking." And, thus admoniehed, the
little party , broke .up , somewhat hur-
•• lc iedIy. I ,
Queenie •harl inter's/lewd, with Mr.
y Queen,
X Sale, cheap, the MeCartn0 f rm, .on the
Mill Road, Tuckersmith, eenteinen 125 acres,
about 65 of which are cleared, unde rained, well
fenced and in a first class state :of cultivation.
The -balance is splendid pasture land There is a
brick house and new bank barn wit stone stab-
ling underneath, also a good erehar • and plenty
of water, and is within half a mile f e school.
This farm is beautifully situated, d is • within
two miles of the village of Brucefiel • and • tour
miles from Seaforth, and will be s d cheap, as
the proprietor has tone to Kansas. pply to A.
STRONG, Land • Agent, Seaforth, or to ` WM.
SCOTT, Brucefield; 869
tonte and the other agly,".:". Logan- ark. Captein Fawceft the. next 100 acres, being 'Lot 1I, Concession
V -The subsc iberoffers for sal
4 Cathy, briskly.- •
i day. - • about 90 acres cleared and free f
• :
"„The heads° e one was • - ' Well, MisS' Marriott, so you are to ,,
outbuildings and good orchard.
There is on the premises a stone
ithere; she ' drop diamonds and roses he my tenant for Brierwood Cottage,"
and in a good state of cultiva ion,
!every tim• e she speaks.; .I am the little. .4e said; stopp ng to speak to !her, as school adjoining the said lot. It i
`ugly drielding theYs called. e at Miss ;they encolantet d each other in the lane. miles from Baeld, 6 from Zurich.
'Titheridge's. ,',' • ' 1 .) " My Wife Was o glad tic; get the, little
"Nonsense !" returned Cathy abrupt -1 lassie for 4 n "ghb • that y might
ly, kissing the • little •pale fabee as she almost have rn d.e your own terms with
is slightly tense,. plays on the violin, and 'spoke, somewhat hurriedly: There was us." : . •
is an inveterate smoker. He is e man istili e Weird,. -unchildlike look about "You .are ye
. of good education and has been usher in lEntinie; the blue eyes wee still. -too shulties in InYlw
two or three first-class schools. . He had l'bright.ancllarge,the cheeks to thin -Kul% that. I thought
, fair hopes of tieing in the world until he hollow, but ethe little- rings Of yellow ...will be quieter
- met with - his l accident. . For the mie- hair were beginning to end prettily over 0 - 011t.sel. yes; but it
anthrope he professes to be, he is one of the temples,. " Rernember, the ., Ugly, ambitious, a. home of
the Cheeriest sort possible; . He lodges • duckling tinned into the beautiful Siva i . tinned the girl with , little thrill . of
• -over the post. office, Mrs. Da.wes- .tineks- at last." '. •,: .eaciteraept. .Fe or as • it: was, it would
A great -44,0f nine" • . - - ! " Oh Ir'ilonl Watt beauty e Queenie he
, , , home. '
i. .
, "Have you nis doctor here ?" iirquired is welcome to • it all. . I shall • have it * ' l'Supphesei we go and have 'a look at
Queenie, with hi sudden remembrance of ,Seme day in heayen ; there is iid\uiirres.4 'At," proposed eptaie Falsecett in his.
'Miss Charity. n ! . , !there, you know," moralized 'the Child-
. curt business-li e way,- s` !It is in /nis-
Garth shook hishead gravely. "Ah r ',ii. her strange .oldfashioneci ivay. A _ erable need' Iof repairs, • I know ; that
poor Dr. Morgan is • dead, he died' the . sudden mist rose to her '' te ': ' '
sis r a eyes as ...o inpie e • 1 g o rack an
lasf tenant of ' 1 t 't t k d
•I will go Ver to TT ii•graves,• and
a week before.yon came. He is a loss to, she"spokee the graceful !fancies of th inin'
, us all, poor. (Act fo, ,,,,!. Ile lived in bld.fairy tile dissolved,- and in its place. get the key. I ' Oh, thee 'S " the vicar
I - the corner Iheuee,1 next Mrs. Morris,- . speak , to you - I can
ceme an overwhelming vision of a white crossing over
I. --and;" with a smile breaking round the robed multitude, beatific 'with. youth , ,safely Icahn- him sveth you. a ,minejte." '
corners of his Mouth, "remained a 'and endowed. with angelic beauty. I . "1 mit shakehands with my new
. .- .
bach,eior all 1118 life in spite of her. 'Rat- 1 :, There is • na ugliness there, no; little 1 sehool-mistee.s,
t ' said Mt. , * Logan,
a truce to - this Sort of gossip ; that Eirenie, no ugliness, because no ' sin) no beeneing othher
would just suit- Cathy. I have silken 'Weariness of a diseased 'and. Worn-out "So you. hs.V. talked -us all over, and
to Captain Fawcett about letting Brier- isadY, no gloom of an over -tempted and. I got- your own 'wa .- - Well,. well, every -
wood Gpttage to you, and he is perfectly troubled mind; for in the. new heavens thing is for the best, of - course,. but to
willing to -do sa.. .The rent is fifteen and the new earth God 1:will See that have a young fla y, a clergyman's (laugh-
peunde a. year, .but,. as he justly Says, e -erything there also is good. , -' . ter too, Machin in that crazy* little
it issquite unfit for hiiman habitation at. They were sitting together on the low building reeler is a .steange" sight to
•khe present; the -floors want -mending, n ndow-seet of the room•that t e sisters nie• -
and there is some papering and : white- occupied; and Cathy had come In,' with ''' ": -
. 1 shall not be above my work,_ you
. rahing to. be done.' , her long black hair . floating ver her will have no Aason to repent - your
. ,
she exclainied, breathlessly. - ., prospect. It was
" The cottage is really to be mine ?" shoulders, to Chat
one of thoSe quiet,
ver her friend's flew, ,,decision," retitled. the girl firmly but
niodestly. - •
"itis yours fee*. this 'present mos calm s neer nights when a "neace; be . .
.. " Well said, my' dear .young lady.
mentif you like, thoughyouwill not still," se nis whi pered to God's uni- 'Who sweepaa room —' s You know
enter into legal possession for . six verse ;.: a lite crescent - moon hung hi what Our excellent Herbert says. It is
Weeks. • You must pet -143. with OUT the :claik blue sky, bright facetsof gold the motive that , enables , the work. I
society for that time. I shall take the glimmered . here and there, e dark. - ' lad b see you temereber that."
I ami t y . ,.
- , • : mean my work to ennoble me,"re-
, liberty of sending Nathanhaver to trim sycamores .hardly stirred :in e faint t _ .
t 4
es plied' Qneertie„ hr face glowing with the
the grain , and weeds, unless you Mai'-
breeze, the tombstones shone in th
particularly partial to docks, Miss, Mar- pure white light; below them, the' thought. "-It does not matter that the
riott." e• . . • . church stood in dark shadow. ' I --' - 'buildieg is. poor and the children some
„ .
"Thank you, you are ecii good ; ':" I like • this . better thhn our old of -them rough arid ;uncultwated ; it is a
but, hesitating, and looking. up in his print," whispered .Einmie. 1. " lsani se grand Work to teach young - mind.s, and
face in some perplexity, "1 Shall have fond of that church -yard; thy, I like
. to watch their progress and get interest -
to go aver to Carlisle. I must speak to • it e batter than Mrs. Faweett'e Tarden. ed' in their lives. It •=may . tire one a
• MreRuneima.n, about the fuenitere, you Ilike to lie in bed and think of tfie real- 5
• little at tinieS,'" she continuedscandidly,
knov&we shall want very little, Errunie ',people who a,re•buried there, and worse: s" but it is ii
and I; at leasteat first only 4 few* chairs - der What they - were "1,s,ike when they. nothing else.
and a table. DO you think. ten pounds Walked and talked as we are doing. The.' re pleased to
go far? one must buy a few thiugs, world seems so full of dea and livm me 'heart and c
*hut 1 ma so ignorarit of . prices," pAed people somehow." .. so." - .
• poor Queenie, feeling all at Mice ': Talking. of eirurchy
ivery helpless and womanish, and hep- niakes me shiver," return
ling that he would not laugh at' her
-ignorance. • • _
Garth could, not help feeling amused
_ at the gut's' naivet but he was --quite
-; ready for the emergency,haviee already
settled it with le ugley. it, she, be
- very- independent .we can.t ana,0-e•.- it
..best in this way," he had Is id to his
enter. se •
-r " One must have chalet and tables,'
:and a few. other things.. There must be
. blankets for - winter; end" . cooking
utensile," continued -Gentili with charm-
ing frankness. " Langleylknotss better
than I about such inatteesii and by and
by we will get her, to. draw up a list.
Langley has has asspieralid head for details.
There is , 4 second-hand let of things
going- off in e few days' time; - you
can leave Lang* and me to -manage
" Yes ; 'bet - the money; there will
only :e about ten or twelve pounds. that
Miss itheridge seat Me back at the
, , last Shesaidshe owed it toes, but it
was only her Conscience ,that pricked
I knew."
"Von must keep that for preset
expenses, as you cermet draw yur
• salary beforehand,' he returned prompt-
ly.. "I' I Will tell yorewhat we will do,
., ,-
kind not to put da-
y'. The rent is se thrall
e could afford it. It
han lod s. and ns
sounds :rather
'Mir own," re,
hrmigh his -- spectacles.
rds always
• 4 Cathy, ex-
changing a meaning glance With her
friend. . Emmie was not alwaers quite
canny, she thought. " would rather
talk about Queenie's new co -thine and
t mere] drudgery and
h, •Mr. 'Logan, say you
have me. It will give
urage to hear you say
. i
" Pleased ! T am more glad than I
can say," -returned the viear, with a
look that Queenie did _ not quite read,
but which toU hed. her greatly, it was
at once so keen nd gentle. "God bless
bdth • the work, and the worker ! `Oh,
all the funiawe mean to have there: 1 here comes the captain ;. perhaps when
you have look d over your new abode
shall come to tea- nearly every night,
you may • like see : the inside of the
and in the winter you and I will toast
school -house." •
" We will ah walk down together,"
muffins, Emnsie, and roast chestuute: . -
I think I Must give 'you .one of my
interposed the captain. " Come along,
Persian kittens, since - you . have ' left
yours at Carlisle, no cottageis complete
without a cat on the hearth." A Waiting." • 1 . '
Miss Marriott; 4on't keep :the vicar
, " Butsi_Cathy," rembristrate 'her Queenie followed the two gentlemeit
,friend, "1 am afraid there will b little silently. A • strange Sensation Woke in
'time for fun of any sort., There will. be _her as she cros ed the threshold. '. She
French lessens to give on two • or . three ihad close the fir t chapter of her exist -
evenings in the week, end by and by ,ence. H rewas new life waiting for
there will be Emmie to -teach and our her to take hp it Would be lived. out
clothes to mend, and then,' as We -pan underneath this humble roof. • The past
only afford a girl to clearriip and do the lay shrbuded a ay, hidden like a dead-
rough" work, I shall have to teach myself hand but of sight. W hat would the
cooking. And, oh, dear? the day will future hold for h r and Eminie ?
never be long enough for all rshall have She followed t eni silently from room
to do," sighed poor Queenier all at to room, as 'Cap in • Fawcott made his
once oppressed by a sense of her future brief, business -like :-cornments. The
damp . oozed from work. - . the 'corners, long
"Do you suppo e that I iliall sit lengths of soiled aper trailed from the
down with folded hands and See you walls, the board creaked under their
slave yourself to deat in that fashion ?" footfalls, the sour y of tiny feet and the
returned -Cathy in an aggrieved voice. squeak - of mice edunded behind the
"Is that your notion of friendship, you 2 (Continued n hird Page.)
,pen, and 3e frim Varna. Terns $
and the -balance to gut
given let day of March, 1885. Ap
HARDWICK, Bayfield P. O. -
• - •
• posed -of north parts of
59 and -60 in the. lst Concessi
containing' 110 -acres more or 1
2e, milesirom Wroxeter,`• 5 mil
- Miles from Brussels, on the Gya
is iSchool withina few rods.
the land is chopped ready for c
swamp, good black ash and ce
hardwood.-• There is a sprin
througt- e farm. Easy te ns
Title perfect. • Price , $2,560. 1313
DREWE, Hardware Merchant, 1' rus
B. DURNI0N1, Saw -Mill, Wroxeter.
,his farm of
11, Stanley,
oin stumps.
use, frame
ell watered
church and
situated 6
from Kip -
,000 down,
Possession .
ly to WM.
E. Being min-
ts number 68,
n of Turnberry,
ss. t is situated
fro n Gerrie, 7 -
el ' ad. There
Fo y acres of .
eari g, 20 acres
ler ; he balance
cr lc running .-
payment. -
Is, or to, R.
Sale, .sonth. half of Lo 2,
Turnberry, melte:Ming- 164 ac
which are cleaed, and the bale ce a
part bush and part swamp. el
welleinderdraieed, and in 0, go s
vation. Therels a good fram ba
house. There is a splendid he rin
choice fruit. It is situated on the
seven and -it half ,miles from : ruse
miles and a half &gni Wro: eter
in a. -quarter of a mile of. a Schoelho
ther particulars, apply on the pre
ALE. -For
ncession 2,
out 70 of
LI timbered,
red land is
e of culti-
, and orchardlog-
ravel r iodf
, and two
and with
s For fur -
lees, ,or to
• FARM Fe:OR SALE. -For sale Lo
sion 3, Hullett, containi g 8
acres cleared and in a good stet of
the balance is well timbered.
under -drained and fenced. It s m
to,grass. There are eiri the pre isles
houseand bank barn with stab ing
A branch of the efaitiand River run
back end 'of thejot making it a e.
Mg farm. There is -also an ore ard.
ted .8iX miles from Beate th an • fiv
ton, with school and churches
Terms easy. For Nal er part cul
the undersigned on the premises p
0, Comes -
acres; 68
ultivation ;.
m is ' well
tly seeded
new frame
across the
llent greet.
It is situa-e
rom Olin.
onven ient.
8144 th
to Clinton
•..,For Sale, Lot 36:Concession 0,
.Bruee, containing 104 acres, of whi
acres are cleared, fenced and free f o
-the 'balance is timb red Pnnexpally vi splen id
hardwood and a. lttte hemlock ,fen g. There
are frame buildings, nd a never 111 ng spring
dreek running threue the place. I s -within 6
miles of the flourishi 0. town of Pas ey and an
equal distance from iderwood T e e is a good
school opposite the plcb, and it lis i splendid,
settlement. There hi a good el hank for -
bricksor tile, which is worth one fo h of what
is asked for the fartneh This is a s I ndfil farm
-and will be sold very cheap. 1Apply o box 24,
Seaforth P. O. . I 877
wnship of
about 30
n stum
GOOD1 FARMS FOR SALE. --in or r to close -
affairs otthe estate of eh ate W. G.
Lot 30, Concession 5, to meld? di M • nu, con-
taining '
Hingston, the executors offer the fo lo ving very ,
valuable lands for sale. Firs N h half of
90 acres. On thi let Is ereet d a good
frame barn with stone,fe iidati n, g d orchard, '
well arid pump. Nearly all el ere; and is on ,
the gravel road clottely adjoinieg the village of
Brussels. This farm is a valuable en , is well
fenced and in a good state of mil ivat o Second.
-Lot 4, Concession 5, township of Gr y, county
of Huron, containing 100 acres, 0 ars cleared
and free of stumps, balance well th ered with
part good hardwood,. pine and c It is three
and a half miles from Brussele andyojaapplyre;
to Taos. KELLY, Brussels P. O.,e,
from gravel road. For prices e e
Victoria Square P. O., or JAM S S.i en, Maple
Lodge P. a, Middlesex Comity. 868
e -The Executors offer the fellm •ng lands
for sale, in order to close theVf irs of he estate
of the late Andrew Moir. Fi lo 30, Con-
cession 3, township qf Usborn 1 con ining 100
acres, 80 acres cleared, well fenc ,an. in a good
state of cultivation. There ar six acres of
orchard of the choicest fruit, an two lever fail-
ing Springs. The property con ins comfort-
able brick house. Second --Lot 1, Col ession 3,
township of Usborne, containi g 1 acres, -85
acree'cleared, well underdmined, and n a high
state of "cultivation. There is•a good: • chard of
four acres, a large brick house, also It •„o barns,
stables, driving shed, all frail -Lei Scho I on op-
posite lot.. It is three miles to the ItOWfl8 of
Exeter and Hensall. These farms Jed oin each
other, and will be sold togetheror separately.
Terms of payment easy. For p dice! rs apply
to JOHN MeQUEEN, Exeeutor, Lurn ey P. 0.,
or B. V. ELL1OTT,3olicitor:Ex ter P. 0. 873-26
-.ains all •„pver the 1• 71608ei,
nce of widespread depres-
e will In ugurate the New Year with a
We do not i
'to induce other
and ev
tend to off6ra few mere baits
purchases 'but will offr each
er artile at a, great reduction-, -all
being sacrif ed to the public. Buy-
ers will save time and money by
dir-ect to
' SMITH'S,. Cheap Dry Goods,'Seaforth.
ROY4.14, G
r , ,
.Aithougli the great maj rity of people are quite familiar witI the medicinal
properties of he two articles signified in the above name) (Ba1san of Fir and
Glycerine) y t, so far as we are aware, no attempt to combine their peculiar vir-
tues had, evei been made until MESSRS. LUMSDEN & WTILSON1, Chemists and
Druggists, ofl Seaforgheliad perfected and pat upon the market th ir preparation,
which is now to be ha from druggists under the name of ” LITMS EN & WIL-
remedy, havtag in this age of persistent and lavish advertieing; by its own super-
ior virtues alone, created a demand fiem all parts of the Province, with a rapidly
increasing sale in every locality where introduced, the secretof which is that
every one who uses it cannot but speak 'well of it: to their friend. Orders are
continually coming from the most unlooked for sources, which is Ithe most con.-
vincing proof to the manufax runes that, although hundreds of C ugh Remedies
are everywhere procurable; those wholave used the "Royal °sly erated Balsam
of. Fir" can get nOthiptake
g to its place. Is. is recommended for. oughs, Colds,
Sore Throat, and similar 'affe tions. The most persistent and longsanding coughs
speedily give way to its -w,on erful poWees in allaying irritation if the mucous
membrane. Its healin and opthing Properties quickly r move 11 soreness in
the throat or bronehical tube. It is just the thing wanted or a s fe and reliable
cough remedy, and should bel in every household. See that oil ge hat you ask
for. Ifeyotir druggist has no got it he will gladly procure it for • u Price, 50
cents per bottle. Wholesale by II. SLJGJJEN EVANS & CO., Tor or
' •
MSDEN & WILSON, Seaforqh, •ntario.
lbGood heel' for Christmas and Ne
SUM mary.of 13usinesi,
trk s
'The nridersigned call the attention ss
the publikto the yarious branchesiof business
which he is engaged, and ,solieite an inspeetion
of his stocks( before purchasing' elsevihere. ,
°B.ROOOT°Sit.i(eRNyD, . GSLIAIOssE‘Sy„.4vRIltA, Ste,,A.NwDhichCApsha4 .
refully Ilected, end wilt be seed at loWest
. .
price possible cOnsistent with eerreing oe
bbUesinn plionn flicOgureztlpvirtiinleisritilegIsl.t 1J3erlol igtsoodosninatarlei .,
aertd iicnle, and no below cost thrown out as a bait
.1 • .9
A considerable quantity of the folloWing kinds
of Lumber on 1.1and : 'DRY -One inch Soft Elm.
1, 11, 4, 2, 3 aneh4 inch White' Ash; Wand
inch Sot Maple; 1, It, and 2 inch asewood
1,2, 3 and 4 inch Oak; 1 and 2 inch Pine; and
about 1,o00 feet culled Cherry. ,Aleo fres
Sawn Hemlock -foe building, fencing and diteb-
The itemloce Logs now being deposited hi the
yard are the finest I have ever handled,. and will
producean article in Lumber that I can con-
fidently recommend to in _custom+, Partiesj
requirineellonlock Lumber during the eonlitig
summer, would do well to hand ini their bills -
now, so that iuitahle lengths can be Provided."
1 1
Custom Sawing promptly attended to. 1,
About fl,000 Black Ash -Rails for sale. They
are all ewaniped out convenient to the road in
Customers can Job' en a firs erass article In
• FLOUR and good returns: EvfOreffort will be
'Made so that parties from a di nee may have
beir grists- and 'chopping home ,with them -
Flour always on hand to supply euitonient, and
orders from dealers promptly attended to.4
at the " Centisal."
New Currants, New Reis s, New Peels, NewiFigs, Icing Sug
Colored; Va encia Almonds, lWaInits, Filberts, qanned Fruits,
Canned Fish, Readies, Bloaters.
Large ar ivals of New Season's irEAs, which for pungency an
excelled. Pi ices from 25c to The perlpound. SUGARS cheaper th
stock of Gen ral Groceries.- The " Central" is the spot to buy g
igoods sold b us warranted as represented, or cash refunded..
• We 'have
ed Tea Sets,
fully jsolicited
kery an
.; . .
large quantity of hay for sale by the stack,
tec barn„ or delivered as agreed upon:
N. book accounts te January I, 18851
must be 'settled by cash or note immediately.
.."01;E BE$17-. YET.
THE NE W R -03/E
Sewing Mach:ine
Is Naw Being 0ffer-4d fo
I ,
Sale by
j I
Parties wishing to purchate or exchange -
evould do well by testing the merits of our ma—
chine before purchasieg else 'tere. We are
sellingour stock of •
• s,
Year Watches, Clocks 17.7R; *Jewelry
rs, White and
armed Meats,
flavor are Mi-
n ever. Full
d goods. All
Glassware- Departxient.
a large and choice selection in China Tea Sets, Printe and Dechrat-'
inner and Breakfast Sets, Chamber ete, Toilet Sets, tc., etc. -
tion of our stoce will repay intending perchasers.1 A4 redp4ct-
. Highest Prices Paid for Butter,' Eggs and Poultry. Me.PR E
aidiaw. &I nir1.0y, .Sealforth.
" Blo
sils i
For the
t Pan' s
ated "
ed Ti
great v
e have
I • •
,and New Ye
. -
marked at ou
Sons Table an Pocket Critleey, Electro-Platedolini
lendid aesortm nt of; Hall, Parlor and Library La
Goode in Jelly MoulcTh, Pudding Dishes, Tea Pots, C
gte. Nickel -Plated, Granite, Iron, 'Tea and Coffe
Cold. Handle" Sad Irons, both plain, polish and
wares, Enamelled Wares, Kitchen Furnishings and C
Holiday Trade.
es, Forks reild
psa English •
• fiee Biggins;
• .,
Pots. The
*ckel finish.'
okinft„ Erten
many useful,. seriiible and appropriate articles suitable or Christma: s
r's gifts), m Hardware and House Furnishings, wh ch we have
usual low prieds.
As cheap as ever. Our stock is t full and fresh.
We do all kinds of repairing en etches, Clocks, -
Jewelry and Sewing Machines. 14Eleetre-Plating
and Engraving dor e on the Bluntest notice,
u rv s 18E.
Opposite the Commercial Eot1, Sege
•14/1' ilks
_ Prof._ Bu lock,
, 1
The Champion Hera% Edu tor and Teacher,
wishes to inform the pcopld of ,Seaforth and
vicinity, that he has rented froneDr. Coleman the
Nage building known as the old drill shed, for
`the year885, which he has nicely fitted up for
the pu
se of breaking and training Colts and
sficious Horses, where he solieits a public in-
spection. All those desiring to haeie their colts
or vicious horses properly trained, ill find it to
their intereat to improve this rare opportu ity,
as the Professor thoroughly understands tht art
and ecience in all its branches, and also guaran-
tees to give perfect satisfaction in every respect.
His headquarters at present is at the QUEEN'S
HOTEL. t' Consultation Free. lee 'Thanking
the public for their patronage in the past, and
.homeg to solicit a liberal share in the ifuture, I
remain, your most obedient servant, 1 e 1
! 'R. BULL6CK. .1
To Whom. it !tray Conecrn :
We, the undersigned, having employed P of
Bullock to handle some eons for ms. and feel ng
satitfied that it has been greatly to ourinterest,
take pleasure in recommend' g him to the pub-
lic, feeling confident from our Otvil -observation
andlexperience that hisyste n for training and
edueating colts and vicioushorses, far excehr ,
any 13.,stem we have ever ba4- the pleasure 04
witnessing, and we heartily re °emend hien as se
master mechanie of his profes ion. It is but a
short time ago that he came to our town a per-
fectranger, but since that t me he has, by WS •
stri 'attention to business an gentlemanly be-
haviour, won hosts-orfriends, - 'nd we are most '
happy to hear of his stay M S aforth this eear, -
and hope that he may reeeive i4 hberal patronage
from all those desiring to imee a well trained
horse, and we can truly say that we are mere
than pleased with the work that he for
us. (Signed) 31.-"D. WILSON, ROST. R Jones, Jilt
DICKSON, Postmaster, and Mimeses HURLEY. '
896-12' •
13EG to inform those indebted to the fore
manufacturing or book acceunts, that owing
to the entire destruction of my mill by fire, 18111 _
Pelled to Call on You for a prompt settlement
of "-our aceounts, as the books must be closed.
I tope a second appeal will not be necessary.
iwanlkcot, flocks
tbe egiimedi
ered lightly. ',
•t'. Vt will al
Cap in Fawcett
on her, and pul
to make apy one.
and a feitt, qoatS
paper er, t-ivo; 4iSf
Of it." • '
044 I .'114S not
returned Qupt,,,n
then -she went an.
the ivindosir„ IfY
ragged grass tin
wiltifirnciss belti
haye a hatiSe.
4tritngesli. t
-She stt11,1
'down til<4
the mionnin a 14 t
looked after
sight of he 4
Tn0On 419*75,
gehtlemet1 11
before ithe ‘)
at the
ivas a small,
set solligh 111
the outer 11-01,'
ton of the lit le
" 11?.iL]l lun
r6und toher iode
affair, yo*.seeli"!
" Yes I I)ltJt hi
quiver of CXcteJflC
my life, aitid no otl
do the liest-vitii
Some ,ne
tile door;
Whofeall men olufht,
twith all 'their utigi,I4
Considering wlat thee
h ight."
1 ' 4
i., larililytiltaiii.if:y ai an ' ' ' ' t i Wenli i ie:rke ki t)...!:
•I the
, :morn r days.
rs tie
' alilllistourts of iriyster
culinary: art app:
dinner vith i1uhii
:ill:4v e ed. . :anli nic,illitnii:i3,ii
yiad jags! 1 s, ass 1 ., asiitt11- 14,ttiiipritai::
- N, h t has ,conrii
jbeeYen?7-tteeil'be";11 eim
but this 44 bit
it is so heavy ani; ,
night 1 wero. isgrat
\ joint is tind rdo
" I ,1/2vill s k
answer, ii3,
r, qiiiett
* of
„ Queenle's iliscomi
-wentve-ie 4o6 a
1 and h . been . Von
• -notice -Gaith,
-measured terms-,
;girl's rinisoned -
his peace. IAA th
'into ti e _kitehen
her toedjetore at
It was a *tenser
tbip their
were rev white an.1
, isib-a,props could n
figures. Cathy heel
aver her dark. hair ‘;
• young Ziugaree ne sh
_kitchen, flourishing
•he was etirriag-sone
., r eeealti
y ll 'Ude sn e hi)°tam* 4 1 ,"‘sa;*:Ii),
• I arri sere this will le
eo good." 1 -
e:rir'.rielpdu,.s.ah 1.! herescho:
plums aud Ousters o
hair `iv th I gold, 1
derella be e her i
level beein iradsterrehl
etreaaned throegh '4
ejacula,ted fAlieenie.
red brielz finer, valid 4
heaped up !with ripe
pin 'Slipped out of hel
i."Ifio rhale tw
dattglied Castle .
the ,doorwivki, What
4 1 •waSi! the low dark ki
I Ciiiilrhiitmingf
sp`r :.coire4e.r1
himself to some-
(h_reenie. picked hires
• plums With her. long
had quite ii, :ittle
• girls !waitingem him
away -Qieenie, 'fads
the dough,: thei ta
8:1taken; and Slieha,
. I. ! 1)efo: re !Sim
1 In the afternoon tb
'work With Langley iii
;of the 'garde* ihometi
IN iss Veith joined tha
" Cue& doee not w
hiuve exeme iiii.film an
say. 4 lier quiet eyes
and 1. tahge of color
her face, at the sight
gathered onthe lawn.
would jbe there, strete
short erase at tangle:a;
itarteII up,-we11,piVi
wouhi iny, ths le nv
low basket -1 r ch
i pilleelase4r:)eheim°rte re if7
1 i tPlaiinSei°11eliiVvrairlu rs
iiaigsort. , t
o 41, Ii
,t)tre)osiuildslkicalshr. bto4,13ilititcsivi
bet tlint, with -
ietepation in hie '8
. fire
. 4a18441*(1 )*eek
ky (ar° '4e
- -About one 0(1
- klatrarsville. i
Isalatil at $300s