The Huron Expositor, 1885-02-27, Page 1-77 41
in. t&
hen i &vOied',
rid S
intl -0
Lf t1le 'rant
ft, at
Reca A
BEA. 89
9 CIJE N )BROS., Pubhehers.
$1.5 a Year, in Ad*ance-
not "i graU4 ie -Oiang*e' Grai4L_6d_
-YOU I-- ge., fe -boots.and warm mits were in de- iig to the deep snow he was jer ced er. One' farlmer lost nine cows and- crowded about the coinbatants. The
Did e,� The 6wi'
Of -D
The Pro'vincial i Lodge - d., From the beginning of nib down, bbe book of the C"hain' catcli ing twelve sheep, anotber-two cows and a aflair came iip before the police court arouiur Ithe stove until they welit to
ece or night, �eavbig tba e persons wh sat
Iva% Ornmillen for Western Onfari Illet:, alt. till now the weather has been inte-6sly- him in the oin, tearing a large p: ece
Wilightun last week., There a g cold, tile thermometer alm. ost contin colt. Oil Isle Perrot a stone house and Landay was filled and costs. sle4. ineans the drapery, in
�od U. of flesli therefrom,' and also lacerai in Caved in and the family h d hardly time. —W
:1 itriling chall'iber becaim, igifited
attendance of ow itl I stall (1i, all bilst chopping inA* woods last the ino
nanner, i in ws Saturday inorning, Alex., MCC' e, of and the flal-les th third
It Maly'Were pr,
llI have often hea�d it said 'coming out
t _y rangingftoin 20' to 40"below zero, his. abd orneil, in a 'horrible n- (I to escape. - They lost a horse,- two co
Nro t fg
VERY, LAT�.ST tile factth oil the right sidel bey6nd �nd-300 bushels of pea es the township Of Peet; was :�Imost ill� flat where the extended to
8 in sonic plac sleepl-n
killed by a fallfu limb. hAd 'a, 'narrow e cap
o'the si- Chatham. on Triday last as lingered for a short time, ut . never re- several of th. ein being ening blocked up.dur the firsi lays no wind, I iii Bay 'that fortun6te mAn was driven- * b
th, �y being present The un- the ice i el vated fif
on account 6f the j-jji�JA%rays tlikt when the frost'is intense tliere' is the middle line, of the body tee f t stajitly He' 'he boarders
be ust certainly
sh Seems to be
r sed
rice of Dr. S. Wi Moore, who I
1 of the meeting.' The Order' ddiing our'late cold ��ell of six or eight dp Foster Jarvis was loading a- log bii: libs. gained consciousness. Tile- case is.: fo b
iii. a faiTly prospero 6ondition j remen.
us weeks, there has almost always a the wo ad- in a most -skilful i e8
Udgin -been -liarnier. sleigh the book s0pped o f, and the log partictilarly sad, owing to the fact f his un A. V. Tiln-PI w died -on
se tht ii
% 9 it —11e
ally, W
the A r ; `The. Ve bloNking,. And as to the He was then ca'ried home t i
by thel reports of ha oAce',,. stiff bree b
o his f th ar's rolling 'off struck a lad name i. w Nlissioll India, on ther -1 9th
Grand 8earctary in his repo't.,%*':-� remark- we ha'%'Te so -oftAii"beard. that the residence. (I Wn wife dying only a fe ' months ago, lav- the Telegn, T
0 w
Aniq is Posa, Of youn-
wkwarranti to Open all( -cold is not felt here any worse. than in
�ely. rue Fifteen e is ln'iv--doing as, elf as Tou tonse crushhig and, killing him ing -a large family a children. inst. was.a, -native
could be expected -u'der'tlie cire in- .in stantlu.
--,Mr. W. S. Macfarlane,
a rdspected been born a. d brought up near Ayllinbr.
new prim� ve� ell issued as
�y 16dges h Otario, I cannot-enirely agree wth it, an OX 1
a e at& ces. 0
allure), Win 9 udden He we-litolmliain IS
67 ince -Y�hich
*1071': cointi altlioiigh I believe it is not felt, in f which citizen of Montreal,,mbt with a a
follows: Nos. 297,. of ro-
A. is pa
Rev. 1). G Ion,, ng on the, lippery side- tinle h has been home
-382 3?.4, 61 li, 894, ortipli to its intensity. However, it is, to recruit 164
Bran t; -- Nos tor' death. by falli
�,m My I It county -Canada.' pas o
a s ildry of ,4,000. walk on St. James street oil Saturday, health.
vote4 Of drej, 1.101'.th Ey when in"Cpwaa oil furlough
i10 means. uncornpion to, see ears dis- The SaIv ition Army ineAtings in Mr. Go�d n has ff ice ask ad tile con-gre- his head striking or�i the kerb stone be Succeeded in rining the IA
No�, 25,7; co6ity., of
ng separate' d
That 11r. GoM is havi P-P%rtments Haltdn'- No. 543" county of 1,Cel't arding th I I No eir ast surnmer's skin,*and W f.o
oods tock on' �5urid ay last el .; 9men a
re ell, gatiamn to educe lie sal )w r $1,000, and producing concussion of the brain, from B�ptist Foreign 1is
oes, an
fitted up for Bdots and Ro,dAies of,'
rios.�s,i notably the high -bridged variety, d by the effects of 'Which. h6 survived only Ontario and. -is
Sh d Hats and 288, county of Lanib�toii, cast; No' 41,Sf wer 1,000 people. the' refused.
Cas, in his mammoth. stare -attende request has ti rice b
-county Of Milsko]4� No. 447, county of orn4lr, ented by, a r6pectable- —A railroadftom Egsex enter to, =-A disease c a*Ied e nine variola
ThOiJne s old �stand, Axie of
Ing goo s in Parry Sound; No 3312,- county, of p r -.who
gnol-that'he isr actually -flaUgh d pre� four hours. He was seven�y-oii,6 years' the rn:bst enthusistic mi
6. th scalb.� Learnii gton, seven and- half iles is,-vailq among horseS arid -ows in Mont- of ageo.
ordei to make room'for jar e shim6nts of goods north ;--No. 157, city'of �1'oronto'N - bile retnaalal'ylel6at ba'VIe, 'one to foreign fivids.
0. tire of the-clini-ate projec ai'
for it i ligng real o a great extent. 'A child has all —Las't Sunday evening in St. Thomas ed Conlin to Canada a year heilce.
id a bonus
-n in
61,4tion ofa its sUn like stuallpox ro In -to the gas, pipes being frozen- it a death will
h: iqj [ly-actint ic ani oil 861do e a ver,y reat los to
eredift ju Ligh king tile coii's in lk. Horses are wa lit up Knox the-Bapti6t, Missionar;y Society: does
y S lor time �Nri an increase in issue of ot shille forth -andeur; .101v
Quebec� ano that, in a I t to 11 ow
-the leading factories n Toronto, Rai Alton, ti'02, County of York, No 323 here is t14 blu6 -sky ¬ sunshine. sab bed. idon, Montreal, St. Jo' COulltY Of Mailit ' hli,Isl&nd'- i i indeed is 'It 'that the orb.of day a ' - �ewii m7e�. thro (#iL Affe s ound impossible to li _ei�bt ON:er last in all his gi the alkerton ti -re oted.than catt c. Chlirch--at the uslial time o service .1nd and Quebec.
store in
ods ever seen. i yeai o, sev4ol notb er is the frequent occurren
open out the finest i" �.J these g6 and four'over '882. 11Al Oth tario
cc of the er. dayj I aab in of 'Cl iiiia I—The Caughnawaga Indiana inte d
h--ep a of -th Alid tow
ta in $25 worth
n a greater part of the congregation, in- —London rejoices in
store will be 'i nuniteis practicially d when t banqueting the brave of their tribe eluding the choir,, went away.: After one jolly.philanthropist aniolig. its resi-
or ins forth. 'Thenoilt
orm t. last. year he riverl'banks,
ith: iresh very 'Purest" have bee'll revived, and are on th i 6-4r's en, and dwelling houses as much 0 WI iesday boift upon their return from, by Soudan. "JL'ile -some" deky, however sufficient light dents. accor
Oroceriesof t e 0 Vir I
S y dance wx
illed up iv, of last week'�
-and best brands, in iihloh pure -Teas and Ooffeeg returns, Our" mutual beiiefit depart. - as'eight or ten- ihiles.-away appear quite 40 memb6ra of tile
r - was forth� oming'aild searvicewas joined custom" �vbich he m'augur
0 -ed gue in
, -1 sts * ''hide Lo d Mel
istid., Legis ature list of hwit
v�W be ment 1449 beefi.fairly. D and -close by. And no'
Me h: motio,
a specialty. '.Also a I& sortm'nt o W Mr..Edit6r,11ave
0 -the small crowd present. -ge T. Hiscoi of
�>111 the IMP, paid a visit of inpeCtiDn to the Agr1ul- gund, the G�aiid Chiefs of Oka and St in by
Crockery and 01#ssware, Mina Tea Sets of latest years a o, Mr. Geoi
the results thiis: fr are linetly suc- endeai, give you a, brief' but fair -tural. Farm at Guelp, li. -Regis and several in bers of Parlia- �Niriiau Elliott, 'an aged resident of that ei , last Friday, took th Children
W-11 in r i o ut colored a
iful ces§f 111.1 iqembershi on the first and ecoant of -the weather Di
,�:;ittern, tog -other of Oro, to' melit.,
A. I f. Ros Dordhpster, died on all last a of the P -otestant Orphans' Holm for
..of, uly last as 184, allo. from ie 26th of March - T in hi
0- -1884 to-.'Ist of has j a A 001 &ted L contrivance
.ilkbe u- ider. th
dcF'g This ftaitment v )Ur ooks instructions 86th year. He was a native of Rox- long at ride in porn, ortable '� rigs
ll n. mail by A pre�s Ais 1y
day sho-w't February, 1885,
illis has en iiiereaqed but for any -person to which telegriphic �'�n telephope' i es- 'beenj received at Vi Aoria, British borough Scotlan& He 'emigrated to about,'the City. After the drive he
kgemont of MR. W. S. SOO1 so ng 21W fa;vor- patch s
and adol ti d
xl)lv knowniziSia4forth and v nitt ons are, ell e v or from the 'experience. of one sages (an be a t,oNjer the sam
y d-�,2 0' ire. Columbia tawa
10rangeisin was n o prognosti t) enforce the Westrilister, where he. married Jennett enter
them at. liis'hous6, where
ever inote re- year cate the season of —N ,arly four- sc&e citizen a of��Toronto Dominion r La -w. 't is' 1e( go I fruit' a' in abundance -
_d Grieve, in 1826.. He removed to Noril nd onfectione,,
The jiouth side of the s ore will be stocked quirr fhan, it is'to-day 'all d In , firm alloth is simply presumption- because are W e mone k I
y suln A to Vie po e court the Provi eial' nd authorities Dorchester, where he had -been
�r.r ez- Wheli-% Ii 1. a resi- were provied. After that theynjoyed
With a.11 the'latest.styles i UisgesV and
just as 11 ed ith n' e
fully pibserN�ed as a - bless to us i in here' as in OntaPio, th. . t with, the dent forthe last 36 years. -His descen- -another spin behind Gorge�s &A nags,
A beli ia* that it -has been? h -10's won _r- I betie -e thp, seas'0118 much and -c egleAing to 1fregist r will resis elif orc(.m
-andSlippers iticely
-Ch oots,Shoes
gate twerty-six. were returned to; the
se latter jldays.-- another but taki
ildren'i Ano,B tlie, at is -one year ith ,tbe bir bhs- of their children. policeA., dants aggre nd Home safe
N. rowaf accordin to ty sty'[ and Ing the - weather of Rictard Neil lately h, Ls ed —Tile timber Ii —Mrs. Smith,
9 are mits bel ging to th
on e ho' keeps a, grocery and sound. Next week the'inmates of
a #Tno etc to.6-3 it b
'Mr. E. 1, Clarke 'the gi-and tr6asilier ally _911 af- fifty res, of and,. �outh halt 01; 8, estate 'of! the late G.- `B: ge are prorais
rice, Contained int b nds9 n y ng meala so v,
f --G r ays -ter u of Quebec, store on John street, H�Lniilton had MountHope'Orphana
n" g qonclusio
the following-nancial 1).dn Ue whole, iponcessioi McGillivray frolf" Mr. W. are innoulficed for sale ]%y auction in business in the Masonic Hall similar treat..
t a. eify in 'his repo4 g, ceAain ly ptefer the clia ate of Manitobi CI Ottawa; ointh� 20th proxIn 19. ey are a --f telaoon. After she had reached -the —In the death of Mrs. Potter reh'ct
hi r6tirmig, this departoient the appb�r Lnce 19f parlor statement 3,
boot store. Also a choice s election �of MexN and a k,.Ifor! $3,350
I Th
-in ban trul
Balance k,'as per pass book,. to thatf OAtario. urs
Shoes Amerri- TI e Niagara river is now blo k6d somd '00 miles in exterit and are de- head of the "staircase she stepped into 'of the late David Potter, which'oecr-
Roy's Fine Boots and in the latsst 9
Cheek not retuened to ba-..* ....... 40 0
JAM'Es ELDER, fro�MT(� uepnstOWA two 'iles out into
books b
e, i ro-ate I Pue Aedsinae' closing he scribed- as arr�png the I el, est properties the hoist and fell to the floor; A o ut red at the residence of lier son in Elo
8� oe' 25; 8� :Formerly of Rodgerville.. take, ri Ottaiva dis twenty feetLbelow. . Sho-'Nvas taken up oil Saturolay.14th iakin-a an ice, ge nine nLiTi in the
will inroduce a... unber of long. —The offer of $42, 1 iy Mr. G. A. -very severely, injured by,.ber terrible, the old landmarks of Gedtand Durafries.
Mr. 'Good the
t I.
d� Ong tarfley at -eor e
".111ell Fan 65 43 Prom Dakota. Mrs.'Potter lived -with he� husband on
finest Americaii made BOOTS arid HOES-,4ines DueTindo __T1le c' relgation f S reet Cox,* for the whole of e %te fall.
Vote of Grgind Lodge for prosen
es, oilturch,'Ayr, h�ve lately procured a fine Roger. a estate, includin w. iioter Ueoe —Saturday evening young F-renvh- the homestead
of� sually ee outside* f the elti
�6bds not u
kit tio"n to Bro.Major Bennett belo�w Gilt'for
p, G. 81. which they use in t heifI a flour and7sa;w mill, a pla in mi an man from Windsor drove int a century. Wheir -her aged Y artne
and every pifr will be sold' at th very lowest 106 Centrei o Tilbury' As ago, she
-00 'H61g, Steel Coun -�akota, Feb-. 1, 1.885. p
4es( ri oil
price. tyl servicc of,pra se..
'llaae of Ash,
a woollen factory, in th th a horse and,cut n great
�d 6- CP1 -ter, i passed away about IS won
XPOSITOR,—'Hoping you 11 �Coifirhaw
DEAP_ E wi er Uxbri4
Chey Le, of n; of
the w --o-be -at of change wen to live with her eldest ton in Elbm'
Total space in you lge, burnham, and property §tyle, but qlaIining t -o
The Hat and Cap:departmentr%vill also be found 'allow me r valuaWe paper has been fmti rig n
Ayr to cirowdea Peterbbro. has be'en acceyk put up the
d horse at a private stable. where she died. as above stated.- The
J31- i Th a a ently due
on this- side of the store, and It very ovelts, 1 1 ere is pp r o giV6 you
your. GT. r ri6adtrs a short des�ription' audienceso- R, s -lectures were illustrated —A fortune-teller named Madame Shortly"after a, detective and constable deceased lady was well kno*n
qr. rho'w"a' '.'Lodge for arrears- the f to all- the.
known to ibe trade will be f the -weather and by a larg W'
oun( is ar a ec a nir n er m gni cen vio, a. 1 son wits ran out o alkerton a 4rom Windsor appeared on the scene early residlens her husbad h&VIng
4c me ein
038.60, for the' prompt colle6i' in hi� arof :Dakota, pre- —Thefarm of'Airs. egler aon- ouple of weeks ago by Clief CODSWAC andlarrestedthe Frenchman and took beeil one of the 'ca'rliest and -�re�ltbi'Wf
went and not ONE SING -44 HAT in the ion
sin th--ree
which I 'would that so simile t� give 'you Iin si ting of
whole collection. '. Every Hat new every.Hat�of es We a ft3 , cr i�miles sout of NTU fat
-a es, fo She Nas takin ay him ba�k to Windsor, from whence he, farmers'in those parts. At
Ha -the time of!
t ju it fres rom.
the very latest shape, every #a striuge;i- measures b- devised. had, a nice r. Tilsonbur It ft been so Id under a*m -age- for teiliil�o,,, il for -tunes of had stolen the horse and cutter. her d�ath the deceased was 98 years -ot
have wintdr. so fa The ort- on an avei
of . 9.
the factories of teiv York, C 1 c agr 0, Ph U phia, N;� Ido fri in tlie� u the a e t(
The address -4e 0 -f6ur inches deep, iralter -.Ca., well, of TilSon- the siofit.-he4ded-. ortioh A the com- —The trial of the a
abo P uit brought J. 04 by the age.
Boston and London, � ComAy Lodge of North Haron was read, SI-eighing, i -s sp�endid, and we have, not I fot 00. munity.
Engl d' . T1 le c owners of the stealli barge Osb6rn sunk'
ro a, d to.
and responde Ilid %'ilzzard tbis',season. The �u
Chii ty and Woodrow Fine Fur I [ats i. 1great --�-Tfe oil a Cath lie church and , —A fi�w days ago a sne thief cleverr in the collision' with the Canada Opacific British -Columbia,
ight every day and. there has pr 9-:-Bi-th. Ail , ner,Atlis- ly yietimizod a imillinert b er -in Railway -steamer Alber4 last sun-aner,
variety, k large portion' by
e o the st)e "-s alread ..A corresporidentwritilig from Victori&
Wednesday n 'r,�nd Ldd.. c e in
ig Ming thE L .,shinesbt
0 sc CX, attended dhrmb serAce ' I, no�t 1pee!n a' day that I- had to stop in ton-,wi e accidentally b lied the o her Toronto to Ithe tune of �10,000.
received, and is now ft r sale.. Comparison., chat St.. PallID The in the Admiralty Cou t &t D6
BrishColunlbi says Victoria has a
hilk I ag. rit ed. ch 'where a very -elo(Ille, er.mon' the lloll:se. There i tI me in theray mornin 'Insured in the" Western for messenger Iliadjust deposited the pack-. troit a few days ago. The amount claiml.
inspection is 1 n nt s s no i
population of about ten thousand, - Of
�e, � �a.% bef6re waS preached -by Rural Dean ooper -of �,iaillcr to' scare ai. I anadiLin in - $2j with th! �Qller, who turned his back- ed as damages was $92,000.
000. a
B.D.; grf
Por 416 n�x.t thirty days Gftat Bargaing, 2 Robert There -we re this eek over 1,000 a moment, when the thief seizei& the op- was rendered, declaring both vessels
te. lnd Ch4laia, the �tev4. this laid- of fair Dakota, the 'land that v* this number -some three or fou tbousma
given in TF Alooreli t --cars f r Chicago: plid 'poit 'money' atthe same', fault and decreeing that the damages b6 tion is in the neiahborhoQd of twen-tybo
y wi growl the number o n
MCCO911 rector, okisei Park ne hardwheat.' The. loaded are Chinesd. The entire white popula-
f r oigl uni and the'
Off eir pro %Va
Ish 'd Casca p, ass wheat is
de i#ing� ill the iftdrket1pHce of Sixty five de ter n bints, - 'a tl e Wabash ST( e 'timid. Detectives have tile case.. divided.
OROCERIES. Also CHMA, CR#CKERY A:ndk rlts� We$ vi r
or -er twenty-five
X11 servxce.� A-collectiolq Uas't kJ -'ap �111 and it is rising every day. . Th ck frost has thou-�and* The C4inese are I
last tra; ed on tl e Grand Trunk betWeen —A ma I on the Sarnia road, , Ply p� —The Galt'Reporter says the
t io; �f the Protestant week, it 'rose agreatbootyin the country
%11� goillos of tell cents clear. Seed Wiiidaor'snd St., Thom ton, was robbed a * few nig filling 161
ats since by penetrated. the ground this winter to
e most 'ev
P: labo
Ontario. wh'vft is seliing for ni L-Im the , , y who entered hi houge and such depth thb6t great' difficatV has domestic to contfactor �and merchwit
its, A 16t -of e. celeb;atec �TY CLIMA inety cents oats, resb t6ria Church, A ilsa two men ry position from r�r a#d
CATTLE FEED on ban.., in h ; e Oand ]lay at five dollars on nday J5th inst., - sixteen wanted his money and upc n being told mced in -digging gtav�
Inth afternoon a ple si twenty�-,fiv ents ,
lig.fqatilre SU been aexperi(
'e. aptiz?,d j)y
NowheJariner in Calhada will e wh4e'
the business *,vas the I es, afion`.'�f 91 a in They Undersell and underwqrk th 111t )erson4 wer the he had none, they said-thal, 'they knew the cemetery. In the early part dfilast
in t, but pa -v. J Relin The siar-ice that he got money that olailfroln Wyom- ,week'some four or five gnmes werp re- ey I
ared ,gold watch a', d cha�n to BrAher th k that -a smal price for when
Ut man at Every step for tb subsist oil
t n
t no. ress
stor e
'Iaj-or Bennet, P. G. -M.,* ota can raise Wheat AM -d ion almost6thing
iv the - grand-., the fariner in Da. Ing, so the� knocked i i down and, e alino
was a ery, ini pressive o lie.
Aniel icd�, 1. W
e is afo6t in. the city qf took $10' cket And left. Culty was experienced that at least one -
? of British profitablyat that price than th' wopect
; 6 T-wo, plaster 7 from his po e n cabins nd tenement
J. Pafkbill making the'�pre- Canadian fa' er: c
-41 � . I more quir d to be opened, but so much and Ily i I
Of a t, other W.
TiDn was GE00' houses, stowing the wselv
rin , an at-,oile.dbllar. The Quellpf, for a combined scientific d —A few months ago the .Cash box in f uneral had. es awak likv.
ardines b )x. Their sole aim seems
land do't cost anything, so *hat we poiting, exp4 �dition. t the unknown the office of 4 -he Bell Telephone Com -4 tinie set' ;,v
sent-ition. a to be postponed from the
in t enough Ito be able to
ake�clear of on o be iD
a, sevete, ace' - Oum
OF OFTWERS. 0 4to n, w th its 11 v -Ra ident occurred
1 schdol ELECTION expenses is all pr fit. It regi, of Great Lake M istas mi t� st �rt pany was le'
6f conteits The officers for 1885 e- in�Y rn was akain :dis-' the other. evening to a son of Mr. AlTi -at vorkirig at
'FIE, GIR EAr slilfe d Wheat was —By last ecount, Di
RIOT -D Onle election �f a b6i a long tiole,befqre wheat is is rl�mt J Last Mond mo it to China and live witho
%&I er -d.e- d as followei :' R. W,� gran M ster, low in price as ihlis ;,year McKay, of covered- tha $2 been abstracted Kate*s, neat Petiolea, Nflille 6ho least to have their bones shipped over.
PP'g Busm*ess has been. i6, =d will b
Major A. -T. White barristeX Si goodie'lo in thef. easlIern. States this or'mos was still at Hong Ko�g, but and the ae ectives are -hu af the house his axe struck here for somb time. ers of
F e qldet
g for- ; some iyood
'he felibe, to glance,
t e dec i Marys R. W. de] last yZ: Eut -they cannot raise able -4- n clue. Gre4t. numb
They can -do to Tam ui�,on oard of French niah-bf- -wing road su titutin his big'toe off, except a small part of the the streets daily Walking
one- dolla —0 in jo th cutting mechanics and-6thers'are
w "7 FAzgeiald hwrriste' Xo-�aojon inucli beio e
puty grand masfei,' wheat was hoping
p be to Y4 t causing it
olid an
R W. jul4ib'r deputy ster the eas ern States raising war. coal"for wool in at the bottom,, and, cutting the next
ea d 'the r;res6nt. Wi ter, the sk 9
WS a -,,e an& ma better in standin at the street
e7y erkins, G. L. inspector, G —A sent for
stock and corn, so 'that will . orners,- and their numbers are steadil.
ri , give the d I a in, e cartridge/ was pie] -,ed best wood rriarket for Elgin do ty has toe clean off. A doctor was y
R v. Dakota farmer a better market for his up in the Many:Whoi h�ve left, good -
grand cli�plain, ce bill dint at Ottai ra, been 'lost as a consequence f which and put him under'the in
e In. ost fluencle Of'
as- whe homes ohad employment in the ut ate -
Walsh, FojAhill � at. Thearmers here are beginn ng Monday oo of. wood has" nc t been so' low in rice for -chloroform and took out som e bon'es and
R. W. grand i e -ripple
ing b
t i There
in exciWtemen was cr6ated. y the fidink of years. Hun Ireds -c da b e be stitched ijp the wound.
bi urer, E.,Ir!-��Clake o.the o8en. inel to ras6 stock, and they do we I h a now bevWling theif foolialme'ss.
r ell was quite% an amount of' Ililding, don
-Wit o� kni e ii hqy wial the sus ic.
Torglito R.* IN.. giand secretary, Robt. coun ry, Stodk fed o i1lous object. piled in convenient pl:a�e;s alo Talbot --On Yriday morning between one here last 8,
t car 0iand 8 nillgham',� Torolito Ri' W. Come Out ill' the spring fat. the firm'of strectawait-iig anothkerwinter!s'market. o'clock, William Martin of
Birf ng
er, but contractors were
Ames Ca'rneror, of
—While Irs, Harrison of Tor -onto E
-anything o plentiful' as. workme
Douglas, The �cone-
Hoffmm -0 lecturer, Win.' glinton it. -rhe t hay does not cost' nly Cam ro. I, ontgolliery, & Co., 0'
d in '�rrt 1,,sgc W bile on
W'. grand dire6tor of'ceeilionies,A thur' f Pal is, elow
astOxford six miles nortliofNorAv. h, quence was that -mio-rk vias taken b
e labor of it U�, t grows die Iiis was retiffirnin from church last ",Sunday was awakene'd by fire in the upper part
recen W
Robb,. Siratford R. IV. deputy f and five feet'high ick that semi, -an iu..l shig our. He leave evening, p -line and szpplyrs &�d w 6�A-
! she was set u on by a huge of his house. T_h
a ad ir so th cost, the, contractors lailedl r' skipped
agran( p irclia e mercury at the time
sedre-tary, J. A. Burgess, M. Di i hiird for a hore to -travel through a wife and on( child-, Newfoundlad'dog, which. almost tore across the
was nearly 20* belo w' zero, bnd a high men were left N I their money. In-
-wet an nn-kber ',df other'
wties roin, Us.- d it. I have seenc four tons of hay grow on —The cotto 1 factory it Valleyfiel( W the jaw from her and otherwise injured wind was blowing. Mr. Martin and
repetition of tbesame
ones� u -bu- t t here h oor woman his wife are elderly. 'tto-a
-Their daughter
c oneacre", 'Therearenostumpsorst r 'rining f ul time, 4.k bee i a her with his teeth The p a grand. officiers, and t-wenty dic tlon po imesare
breif,e*n, as d ilty grand here to bFeak ones rib hi iner, Ti ye ull
aplains. a. its.-lieft plowing. ten'pe� ,ell t. i edudtionNI,4 wages: 1 is was, taken to hei hbme in an unco'
nscious and a small boy was all the help they ry
perAons leaving
n. U.ct es tp
The Dakta farmer don't have to -eporte( t1 at in endeavor is being in,, de Condition.: had. Nothing could be saved but some lig t a Ug Co
Ora d .8 ta I the and'
old r
t Ces On aq-
es of the- plow. Tile Y ee to estabist a f ilk factoq'A that plac —A and Vrovin
Climate'.of Manflbba., the bandl very erious accident happened bedding. Loss upwards of $2,00.0. 1 -- he Eastern Sta 8
rd ti mes there, land at Port -
count of hot
has invented a. plow vvith a spring pat —Th( o ffie Mr. NUIl 'les ar- :0 Mrs. A. lVilson, of Wardsville a -few sured for $500.
Vcpx4s, Manitoba, February 9th,,1886. to Big line ,wh*l W land,- Oreg'-on, and -as everything is
A, Nt
'bile taking dinner a a -all —Mr. Ahdrew Hoffmain,
C an ort
ridd on d it is noth' I ng lmg mill in days ago. V Michigan
Ir on wick -in da
AIR. EDICT' —D R,—In this to see a IDako there,' andhas been since the operringof
OR EAR th farnier sitting r=a'ing' St. Thoi na'T, t -ied to rei we some dust
t; one
b became lodged in her throai which Central Railway �con(Tuctor who lives the North Afic they - noler on
letter I will g ive my e Pori ence 6f the. the. newspaper on his plow. They that.clicke4l- tI e saw' wit It kerr oved by the use of in in 7 . ern Pic
.:e Xp. right fo t, was only t. Thoinas.; mqt'viiih a serious acci- through Tae
dlinite. of this. coulitey.. In tbe..,&A mpstl� br�ak out lands a, nii. e Ong, so e two es, were co, 4trumen
-ate n
an in c)n egi ene t ar. d Causing great pain, to. dent Thursday morning. He was c
i -lace, I filust say that- either the: seas6ft. yo�-�C'm' diansIsee we lia;ve :u Oln- ter resultuntil they arrive at t ',ill
-of the 8- t LL'GINQ p awe the advan:- pletely Of[ _,1Two, doctors were in at- west in charge of an extra freight,
eat I If the atient.
\of the& pa5t,year differed'-v'ery much ta happen to be out late Ing 6ff I Victoria. Thi's
on, Aii(re. Flowers, of W08tininab'r,
ra ing
the tec ance and when. in the -Indighl d
ftom those f di 1p�ece , ing years, or those ibefore, We can have a good- n" -)0rhOO ! of far as ttey can et, they remain
died �a h w U3 a ago fron I F—Mr. Robert Curzon' a weIlLknown" IW�611and, slipped and fell fr6m the'to
effects of
ell P
Iseasons hav- be sadly. inis represbilted. *hire koin the -mile as the horses wi -ht thi t happened to ima, short City Hall offibial, of Toronto,'while re- of Car on to the f rozen track, recei
h `�hlke- all aecidA supply an alrealy overatheked.,market
�ur spring was certainly vmg - The laborer �vho comes here 'must
A i eputition JDf keep the furrow. There--aie a number of time a ). D ceased ed two- of t from 1his office recently, slipped - terrible injuries.' Besides -haiving-: his
t go,
o 1 e proverbia;1 PI �%,S in t , ani� stearrn the' compete with 'the -Chm'Arnau,'
M o y hisfin rs fif i cutting ox, which -c I f, Coo, ph asan this. country and d 21 on t4 his- arm and right hand broken, he: w , and -by -co
All Kinds e icy sidewalk near as f Gon ds 'at b 'Seed time. - Indeed the lattet �art her' on mi. e heis t f the fryin
do 1well here_ .'rhere is a rin e mate in 16clijaw. home. It -now,, leaimed that ' be is "seriou
6.1, Being ift n'd consequently sty injured int mally. _�Te is MOW pan into t firer. I w
entirely too dry, & oVd urge upon a,
th� Goose-Riter that have started a Alex. Hunter' forni6rly- of -suffe fro 'of the braiia� in Buffal-� Hospital.'
d rot. ring
g enot
a a d )mot start thdroughbred stock farill. -Dam tries townshi -but I
CO, ter is South ait�rly. no hope are enterta
who are lgia to pay t
st and er.11, in tinib, -and'the result is a gn-est deal of thirJy Pents a paund this -,viilter and- in' liv
-de'l of tile grain di But
and ined! of his' i—Mr. Abraham Groff a: well-known
to remain ere tb6y are until trade in
pig n ar P isley, has; bo[ught t6i old. rebovery. and highly -respected farmer of Water -
tore hial, a-0 tile 'go, es a -decided sound in the
gram among od. 'But a America C7 . �mer anontlis it is worth tw enty five. homeste d I Geoigi lately q% -n, A —Miss Hester Fields, a -domented loo, who recently become mentall
the" June raih y
a what of them ? well 01 1 surprise som -k-ey. Andthese who &re Out by the, fa mi t $45 per acre. Thef 'D B iie moirn- deranged and -was placed in
of the &
it d f, iCladiea -arm girl, Of api. qt C, right,
we never saw thehi. The month of June of aiiad y 9 it of bed o
'I ff Tor" work.1 wouldadvise to retWn'*1fere
a to step into house iii Dakota, 'consistsof 240 acres. in recently died in that
eligh are
end mor on
eves4rolled u —On S r a v evenmiza wornanilailidd iner olothmLr, Including -a st&w 'be., (institution on Sunday, 15th inst.p
pa, h e'im at� If you have- 'not p
the. Iv at the end of
h 0" -had hig
calle o,'u4 yet��be gleasant. 'O account of Fthe drought, making ibutter Th re areA)Ienty of ONeil, I A n Haim" illon, committed etc., and waTied a distance of twelve from. inflamm tion of th
elt e
reaking was, a difficult t, �� but -the air men b6re to the trip in 'eetlZa aind possibly
roads, to find
w y dry, but d attired berse in sum they and notsp ey rail-
iQ; )n 4r. to Lunatic Asylum,
_b LtfUlli and see a manwith his sle
sure t& -dor 8 the 'butter- but few suicide b V tt ng her throat. She� lia, nb
rtiam af a, -kan o' before tho close' of this was so Cool CI d miles before. daylight. When found Ais remains were conveyed to his late
ear and r brae 110, that no women; to mbke it. Dak-otar worse, position than before. have Met
intends been ill f )r i long time, and suicid6a by her rel -�es she wAs frightfully iesidence, a few miles west of Waterloo. ma4 of Oil enjoy. it. sending� an agent to- Canada: this "sprmi -y test ondent
imgr Oeemed, it, - J� o *
salt! a go6ds are seiting.1' fast, e coald do iot;wrwise -th While ei on accourit df hax frozen.
8 �nd, bar- 9 The deceased wasa member'of the,01d The
t, Tore ta tl&
re have been absurd re
Iri the month of I'July, �%ve lad a good, to ship. a car -load of old pirtiols to I ness
earn Toront) —Orre-,day'. t week Mr. John Mc- Mennonite body, And the funeral, 'which lat�d the effect thatcoiApLeis to the
1w. O - am.; Iand this was th;e-'nionth of, the young.. men of Dakota' how'to. blake —A
-deal of r " .1 )as
of Cutcheon,of West Nissouri h
wedl known 'broke Martin
place on 'VAredesday o ex of d
ad odeasi' took
su;rpise to me. The grow, h wag simply. number one hard butter. I J.r � - on
hope -they named Rad�lord s Slip sed I alf a. 1�6 ollarw have
to 'have to -go into the stall wherci a bull- was burying ground, Nvis one of the largesi
I've tire miak-ing swe*#g reducI amazin arid? before th 'Niagara river. :' His tied, when e attacked and ever witnes'sed in the count I a: been lt here. This� report w
end of ' the been lost in I the animal
false,andif theaggrgabe sultn,�.
-ii is quite a overcoat w i urld in* a boat floatir gr doubtle'ii would have killed him, if his -1-Two young ladies who were passing in
month -crops for'which it ts ning I -Hope, our market to ry.
belgiA a
-e given the seedi-proinised flourishing place., It is situated oxi' -ree which wa,& 1 r
woujd not ha,% 8 work amounts to that Om itwill
the near Or id �n4, a fe,%i nifles aboi brotherbad'
not been nea to rescuI6 him the' night alone in a hous
d abliodant-liarvest, But in --Xfanitota and St. Pallul railroad north the falls, se in London t e
.a& oner foot be a good one, considering thd -size c
rom th `:d animal.. The injured came very near death by uffocation town. The 6nly contract that has wn
-aL-k a bar e Url tv an V .
very cr
cases I ant 66rry to say,'this ro west from Vargo ab�lft 0 miles, an! d. —Essex county repor 9, Show 30, cal"condition. from. gas escaping from -the coal stove
St re i
tno t on ww rtlis to ie 1,000. of popt lation il et (exciep a fewottages)-i
_11 �y,Piincipal of Bishop's They ha� filled up the 'base -burn
R G-0 D' --:D IS niise was- not realized, bee olated by the, Red River Lana bi v signed y
�rs be-' for the erectibn o a catTe to �cost,
7 miviles an L)b� th
Cor pany o years go. I h fiv at county in th s College,.-Lenn, xville is'�about to rqsign foreretiiing but failed to hoti6e that $35,000. The contractor has smi'c sidpI-1
account of the thinness of tile cr6p, I t a. 6�'
s9 e being the third highe
111 ipiece rom the cause above st-jte.d, it rip' d h6t,.Is. -.The main buildinr,.of one hotel respect 11r. L the F rovince. "n deaths., t1l e and return. to 'England. It will be, tbe.lid wAs raWd up-bya piece. of coal
those lently (�an.rht by! is 5) by 1.10 feet, the line and'
4n -a p
Slowly and was conseq, three stories high, and county st d ixth, re c rting 12.6 t o. remembered that Dr. Lobley was leamiga gap tl q�ou` h hich the poisop- to know hether the buil
require any Fur Cat?4�, 000i
iVioued iron was, thi*gir in is' lit with electric light, and in. addition the 1, brought forwaxd as a candidate -,for the ous gag had escaped' , * They were both at all or. -not.
_61 saw y frost.- _g W August and the'first lialfofs. tei ds of "'stores, 6-harches. a hool as''adver ised f Or a&] 'far gone' when discovered, but
nber al e bihoprid of oronto on th path 'of
i Boas, Capes- or I Trim -in On-heri�ff e d' pretty' w i 9 19b UP
.:C, -%vas- illgs� be are ourc h'
ay �:aiid� harreA'-riinic, and houses, -ft. The Hope 61e,�ato rc� Ad the-siock' and n achinery- f the Ontario) Bishop. Bethime, and also for that of' through'�tlie efforts of.a- physician it is
ave of ten- he'arlil that there. s4ippe'd'212,000 blishels of wheat on Crochet and Kn tting Com] iany at Ri - Huron on
�and see our goods and althou all -we'h t e resignation of �Bish hoped they willl be able to be around in I—A G derich correspondent FAys: I
is no AlanirtOba ;in harvest time,; January 10th. Not bad for a town town. 1Jie stoekholderq�. declie to ad- Hellmutb. a, f �,� days., 6ruelty which has
rainin, I
T�e wcrs case Of
mea thia, I must say that"I I ave rarely There is going vance,an more money to carryon. tb e. ---�-A journa A named Lahgelier,editor —Last Fri, c4nieunder ournoticewa nacted, n
onth,_ D 't f get U I sein' a settled only. two year.q. y
io, thari. the '110 -be k h to this part from the
li Ontai ay morning a fire brpke
wetter Alarvest -i business, hence the above Step�, of a Quebec p )6r, -was cowhided by :a out ini-boarding house on Notre Ddme tl�eayfield rbad a short tune ago. It u �Y.
hL ta. -harvest 61' 1884, here. Tlien came eastern �ig taes this Corning spring.' —Colmander Cheyne e Arctic ei
member of Pai lianien named Landry, stieet, Montreal, tbat would haven4ed appears that as a brsebelonginzio-oonie
our 46vely fall, --weather'. I cert4inly DoknAN-CE,Fornier1yof McKillp.p. plorer whocommandedal naval brigade Friday aft*.rno )n in the lobby of the fatally for a number of bbarders but 'for
person or persons Unknown, was in
neveri durinj the Indi i mutiny and receive I House-ofC U r4 its liag,
a eiijoyale,'Rinchang&bW
ommms,Ottawa. Forsometime the courage'and- alacrity.of the firemen, driven on )ad it broke
_.-The 0 hea O'Ish Sto-re" weather as'� her(.- diiiing the" lastf "o_ paj-wful accidelft be fel Al
P r. Robt. severe m*juries which caused his retirE - Landry, whio) dits the Louvelliste, of whose heroism, in' Wd mi&t of nuiAiwotts the driver i kr drivers insteadof gettin
half of September arid th,-- whole of I 'Thompson', a
Doro�hiA a per s un and i hooting the iiiinal, at once
d fariner, on ment; has cabl'e, I to Ithe British adnift Quebec, and L gelier have been c it saved sevelral;Uves f -persons!: 6n.
alty is services i� E gypt. ig 9n a bitter warfar i e Poit 0 On by
Q t; the arri-�, —QF October. 'The 'day i were 'bright, and, Monday last. He, together ivith several 65 h their -respec- th t t on
balmy, the n1jilts 'ant. her'mea*, was,enpged in' getiin out —DiIsearsmtr us floods have OCC d tive'joumals. Personal attacks have moke on the' ffilra flat. 6 ho as
to. cool arid pleas e.n of dyinj from suffocati le 0 e road to peris4) when the
temperatur a w there,
Our winter was' iishered in -with Nov-, timber from a, swai�p, when I 'e'
9 below erd. 11
fron is a c been indulg6ol in and farpily matters was kept by the te Ri0w is a society for the prevention of ertielty
The first, few days were cause his team took- fright and be udre have bee entered into by whooliedtwo-days.'
iisu-ch an act gan t6� Va' , It -reports are at n pretty well
ose'body to animah it. should look after stick
IBROSGA blustery. These, were 'followed by; m6ve off at'a rapid pace. Mr. 1hom day night the water at t e Meade ros both parties. Th� quarrel, culminated was laid -out. on! a. bed wit drapery
D-Ilwerddinl btf o r [aid
p- characters them to jus#ce,
for they eserve it. A hes6vy fine
'weather I evei sa.*. ell ack.'Frost; tacheq to -e whiffie* trees, and endeavor- of ice bd'pween Be'auharnois and ekeiteme'lat in! the House., The deb large number 'of riends of th deceased mi� bring
wo weeks of the finest winter' -son -caug the chiin, -which was at- about i�ve Ive feet on acct)u A of a bloc the above al tack which caused great over it and' candles all arou d it.' A V a
n pr abUt t
t 'i$ Ito in
5Dr t� ate or a in the cooler
eir In $EAFORTH, �NT, claimed oil* ot, causing serious d - stopped. nt
r atehtion' and fu ecoas,' ed to re aiq his. Aio�d of- the lines.-- Almage to farm 'to their senses.
�(re l,,eart= I !members and reporto,-rs attended the wake, but left mid. them