HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-02-20, Page 8I20 IRQ5 Rot E-XPOSIT
nt. —The friends of Mrs, James few well chosen remarks from the chair. even goflastiv�ee he was pnostrated wasspe Misses Sprung then fav e���e they not. actuated b3 most Foreign Missionary. Society in connec- culture, she has a natural ease and ton, of the Lake Road, will learn man. The Ored b which . adds by a paralytic #'Ok a, and is at the date Swerier r ica.1 condition.— 'with regret of the -very poor state ofher the audience with music and Siging.. We tioh with the Presbyt�rian church will'i gracefulness of manna of writing e D64 self -sacrificing and Christian si in a very crit 11 0 0: # tbo-.j�oet. The trios sung by - ebool -anniver- Mr. abel Robinson, Maste of th n tha Mr. Ilobei tson's in the mfich to Air. Jam li,—Tbe Sabbath �s a of, their popular socials ar. glad to lea 11 -s� and Sniith -carried We regret to l6arit that minion Grange, was then. intrndii xt The Messrs. Orr-;� Park -y, beld in the Main street Methodist ced
Ei,&eals have not been in d vai i' and =on Tuesday evening nex . ' posfiil�aster. . aii(i werchailt, at gal I et when re- Bolithront I success.—A and spoke for one hour and a balf, prin-' rat the results of his win programme will consist 6f I ad-, the audience by storm, all if prese vi nod to ghdreli, proved decide( D71- 3RS. Ivo(lg( -rville, is at resent confi fron, STRICT MATTE �asic way which anck. called they responded in Of the Exeter skaters, who cipally on the buiefits re u readings, recitations k,.0 addz6hsiderably to this fitild' 11( gives; ressesi his rooin through a severe cold. We litin'ber All are showed that their resoarces. were by Do n Tuesday grange organization. Hesaid the, g a very -encouraging repo. o t the tea will be served at 7 o'clock. iitose`;-�hili aroun ited the Henll carnival 0 ranue MOCK PAP.LIAMENT.—There was eans exhausted. A very; fine solo en- hope soo d vis art of had withstood tb c inanyassault -aga THE vening of last week, got some p gt In from near e d Aliss T ionisoll, d iad passed the first -& very sma, the meeting -churches'-work in the N��thiesil but invited.
It attendaee at titled "One Hundred. Fathoms Deep, Mrs. all and sister of the their body fl.-ozen.—The contracts for it, an decade, and the great draw -back is the lac, Of Hibbert. This is a Londesboro, - moth( of the new nianse for the 'although some weak-kneed nic of the ock Parliament on Frida even was sting by Mr. S. Smith. mbers cient funds to carry it on, nd while B. D., 'of this the build* 11 It. Y.- Thorr soil, however, quite 0.9 - GOOD COLT.—Mr. Patrick 0 ( Ti2yterian churchof this place, bad left, the grange was sti
ing last. Therewas, 'Con- solo which not ina�lfy voices are equal Rev iaven g,
ition Much h6s.been done, there RX e many A place, returned boii ie a few days ag1l, endition of it I et to the following gentle- He -spoke of the many political ,;idvaii animated discussion oil the propoa fields still unoccupied, while am, fields nor, of this township, lately sold a Year to, and Mr. Smith's fine r t her .—Miss E. Niebolsl;,, i1sve been T - I in their vi.si : . hey y on. The organ fro AT " abolish Count conimented )nry, Mr. Heaman; carpen- tages gained by the organiAtion. of the Goernment to old I 11red by that' was much uliart, men aSX are Continually opening up. i and a half SWI s ni sister 6 sars. Ross & Taylor; paint- were Iniff a Councils, nd to substittite in tb eir stead I'Velcome io Mr. was manipulated by Mrs. S. Smith in a Of Londo' Mrs. D. U f.i lit* th monopolies, and were ng, Me well-known horsel lective commissioners co'riiposed of three that was above briticism. Among of this place is her on a visit. —Messrs. teri d J. Spicer.' The uccee iDg admirably, but it was unfair
—The playing of the econd George Whiteley, of Seaforth, for the manner ng and enter- hig,�Messrs. D. an Ong of Addie Bell& Dougall, th you as the sDOw of the general -farming community not ctoral,, division. -ws the juveniles th SFVFXTBF
members from each ele �e for the Counter cup has )ee� co m_ handsome sum of $309, Thi sho e recitati 'ilia On -wo -w. re rthy of prishig firm who;ha e been carry yk will �begiil as soon
_iV -Upon a. d ision the Governai�nt th es- an- interest in Roach and Alice Brown are woi few John Ne,ddy, of Brandon, to come in -and assist them. His speech__, WHOIJE X1
pleted with the following result: the sorghum factor for the past by a nia.- ai Mr. O'Connor ta� I lea
Mr. Win. iting friends wasspiced with a good deal of bumor. sustained in a very thin house 1 s, he has sold' good one. mention. Much credit is due
ses, Imany a seen -is Mr. JobnM Mill , e -M. P., was then- the next pleeing the Rink -No. I.- Wir ter added to their Manitoba, is at present vis
CE VED. A TFLF,�-&Am.—Mr. Thos. Roach, who was the moving spirit in the ears, have this ! I The Manitoba climate C all X
are in town. Orit Of one usiness iia the saw Inill e, and propo rhitele A 4er he was not a gran- i y knes- arrangemebt of the affair introduced, and said
Government se the abolitiou m ay, D. Nvatson, Randle race* ved a telegram on W for t4 n Z to with him.
Aty of logs to fillt: Did�
John Fairle3, now buying in a 4uanl OU
of the Senate. It was decided to chatige Alex. W. Thompson aplished. - Th�'cdn I P. Cavan, dayl - 1.1, inst., tha his wife who has ih',which it was accoll very -wicked runaway ger, but b e endorsed -what had been said
J. C. Laidlm r, i ived for lumber. RUNANVAY.—A the meeting. night f rom Frklay to Mon- beeh very poorly for some time, and Who onlikewise feeli itself indebj�d- contracts they h4ve,rece this place oil Friday last. by Mr. Robinson, that the grnge was R. Common, skip ... 19 J. R. Lyons, ski ...2 a t* w . - AV. Robertson, of the' occurred in. leading —The Rev day, so that the Rext meeting will be Rink, No. -2-.' has been living with hat parents in the to r. Robt. Orr, ho took a . Campbell who lives a an excellent far mer's schol, aiid the
the little -Methodist church [-�n isical part of the Nolthwe'st, �rill 4el�.ver a lecture oil the It seems as Mr held in, benefit 'n in arrangig the mu 0. Laird, �icinity of Bowmanville for the a out of Exeter, was driving young farmers especially ought to take A, J. Wilson, s and mission work, bort distane tvy evening. As thoe dis;c'us- i C Harstone, F. Holnist( M. subject of missioll not Mond bf her t heath during I the past month, ogramme. advantage of it; it was only through
sions %re held mainly for the benefit of W. - 0 particularly on thit relating to the. a spirited horse northward, he came up VERY L
0. Reid, R. Fulton, co y could 'had taken a change for the *orse. Not with a woman drawing a handsleighaud nstant study and culture th counter skip -A5 D. -D. Wilson skl) I Northu est, on Frid first in ty evening ilng. the horse becoit' the Mechanics' Institute we like AL R Wiroxeter. tied ran o withstauL the inclemency of..the frialite, ff, hope for success ; young people, should 119 m, fings more largely at- e�t the Presbyterian C lurch, Rodgerville. at a lively g cam e be- very careful of their ussociates, and eo. tended� 5 oats, choose the best. He endorsed all the. to see these weather -lie, accompanied by Mrs. Run - ait till it MA-RKETS.—Wheat, 75c. to 80c.; peas,
-end ge it] eman is an able going HF.As TH LATE'ST As the revei
DJD YOU orth, dle's sister, left to see her by the first 55c. to 58c.; barley, 60C. to 6 c.; i a load of wood, when it Strel't Se f speakerand bas'live for some tinie in colitact witl Good, Thorne s Old Stand, Main req , I es nient train from 4c. pork, $5.25 to $5.50 ni 11
St. Marys. previoUS Sp ie A is adding' to his imnleifse g rocern e abli eaker had sai(I al)out ti 30c. to THE KATING The races, on the N orthwest, his I �cture will no doul.)t sud.denly shied, ju , ping i ito the ditch, B ts' 41 College, gs rest.ng.—Meas ricultui Rink on Friday full lines of the latestzand most fashionable! oo, butter, l5a.; lard, 11C.; taIIO*"6C.;eg prove very inte rs. Stur7 wbiell, beiDg very deal) at �liat place and farmers would to the Dominion kati!19 Shoes, and Hats and Caps, and is'havi ig his -i And 'J S los-.1
�tt jumped nd Harlock 18C. Mr. Bisse well to send their sons to tht institution rening last w- ere witnessed by. quite a a i millie have sold their young it became fast, and I e, fine store fitted up in magni r the on & ficent style e o s. A SCHA REPORT. —The following shows LiTERmy ENTERTUNMENT. —�Tll. ge CC1ZQf-lr I)aillond off the load of wood and caught it. No for two years. Mr. Andrew lan, Rev. large, Crowd Of spectators, who evidently reception and displky- of these new imported Stallion, 'the pro- largZ portion of his stock� lreada.y arriv d and the sta.4ing of the pupils of . the senior Wroxeter Literary Society held- o of this Serious dania e was (lone ecepti broken -Mr, Rough, Dr, Young, and others of to t, appeared much interested in to Messrs.- Berry Geigher 9 opened out. it is worth any persons No ile -or the their series of serni-monthlY enter 'tin- -made a few appropriate remarks, votes the division of the' Harlock School f 000. �'his horse is coniiDg cutter. Ceedings. princip4 race was place, for Rl Forthe next 30 days great I . ii ) i e evening five mile race, betwe-en Mr. Lee, of call and see them, of thanks were tendered �qpeakers, Chair -
bargains be given in- all kinds of general mo t& Of January: F�urth Class Ist ments in'the town hall on th three years old, i WaIP imported a year That Mr. Good is hava
C -outf6r full par- S cery.. Look as. Reid, �r the 13th. The pro Brussels. man 'and ladies, and a very plasan Georgetown,. 'and five aiii4teurs. Mr. G,rocerie and rock Bella Wilson,'2nd J 4 Blanche of Friday, Feivary ago last fall, - n n t ftted up fr Boots, ari
it Gooil'a cmv)w next week. ;tsted of so read- A. R. Smith evening wa brought o ticulars i Torrance, 4th Henry Best. Third Class. gramme which cons Tim GREAT SALE Of close. —New Le e amateurs five jas, heavy draught colts in the county. -a was to, beat th E 'STO1 . ions, etc., was all that could and he fell short over a lap, and conse- SEAFo-RTiFt BOOT AND SHO —ist Mary Flannery, 2nd MinniejKnox, ings, recitat still continues, the cold weather only Era. Calls, in his ulawynoth f
creases business. Goods all first class, clean and prepared to meet the wants of the -and -that he is a<xtilall
Wei are still
3rd John McGregor, 4th -John WAtt. be desired, Owing to -the severity of He is, however q-tterttly lost the race. people. Balance of winter goods will'be s( Id at Hffls qreen. i3ew,no.old.(,,00(i.,iintlieshol). BootsandShoes, rc in. McIntosh has the -weather the attendance was rath6r Perth Items. order to make- roolil for.
-ess Goods, Hats and a very , apid skater.- and has! g-reat ell reducedprices. NVeha,-veon hand alotof FAPhi SoLD.—Mr. W ready made clothing, Di 'sold his fif -ies —During 1884 the town of Mitchell
a e. ty ao rm n ar this place to small. PRESBNTATION.—The good pCO1)le Of Calls in fact anythi durance and uc-9, ad as he is only and Boys' long felt boots nd 'over lio s re fa e PI . . ter the' residw u N'vi.ili had. ancl that ait the rate of 66 London, Montre4 es care of women'o, Misses and Children's str ng n his net about 17 years of age, if be t%k ghbor, Mi. Win. Truertmer, for CupmixG. —A friendly game was play- Hills Green asseinbWd,at spent on streets, sidewalks and bridges, boots, also a lot of -ood winter egs very cap, -enU oil the dollr. Come. and see the goods cbec, and that
rk a the suin of $3,000. "Mr. McIntosh in- d here on Monday last between the of Mr. Charles TAIcAlilister oil th 28th $1,071-58. in a himself he-wi greatIvincreaehsseed. d you will buv. A. R.- SmTn. 898 to make way. for sprinz 000ds. Ciist in IV all i!tg, and will remove Listowel and VVroxeter. clubs. The fol- of Jdnuary,' and pr6ented him with a upenut th Init sto( as lie develop�. Tile amateurs 'who s�ecialty. I'lease. tak� 6otice I will do hat'l tends giving up farmi 11YMBNEAL.—01117,quiet town was the —The people of Stratford are taking reasonable things, to KiAburn to resid handsome parse in 1recognition of the c- the necessary legal steps t� incorp j, nortil a. He will have a lowing is the result of tllej�game: in iliealortll. Th orate- skaed againStL him wereTheo. Colen an, advertise don't expect rui give scene of a perce ible flatter. of excit '111 -fed up with Fr4
e a fairltrial and judge for yoursel I- d eorge �ale of his stock and other effects oil Pt it er, Chas. Sumner, Ed. in WROXETER. E high� appreciatio in which his untiri T� KI Good's Old Stand. W. Kumm-r-RORNE & CO. LISTOW L. 9 ment last Tuesday niorning when people that town as a cl y. best brands,-; in whi
ex" services in connection with the musical in Peters and Geo. Dear. The race -,vas Thursday, 5th, March, when Mr. At Rink N o. 1. ere.seen flocking to the Canada Me- —Samuel Pearce died suddenly sk,-t-tedi-it22rai�n-t-itesan(123seconds. The THE.SEAFORTH G-ROCERY is the best Daigettj will wield,tbe hainmer. interests oftheir cl*ch has -universally Mitchell a few days from the rup- Will place to spend your money. , H O., It. Fox, Dr. Sloan, gh 110' been held. Mr. Thomas Lockhart thodist cli-arch,niost of them very young lep Crckery and haf-urile race backward was won, by J. rth, the Peop 5 Groce , has A. L. Gibson, It. F. Ferguson, ture of a blood vessel. kain Street, Seafo )eopre. The reason for all this stir turn- ctf their untimely. visit pettern, together with r
stated the obje Crowell, Clinton. The 15 minitte race now a better stock- than ever of Grociries, Stanley. W. M. Robinson W. I tist —While Mr. NVm. Scoines, of Logan. T. B. Sanders, aiip..23 W. Morphy, Ailf .. 16 apL (I out to be that George L. Balt, den a, ,as a e a, who nlade Crockery and Glasswarrei n; in afewkindand rl priate remarks an d desigrn� This departille
1by Mr. Lee, of Greorgetow IP p P ting wood a limb fell and struck Ea
u g Rink No. 2. of this place, was to lead Miss Ida Slier- specialty, 20 Ills of suga or ial. 0 for OVERED. —We are glad to see Mr., was Cut lent of Wrt. W. V_ �,!
ction 54- Ia,ps in 15� in,inintes. The mile a R6binson &roun again,after his Miss Lizzie Wilson re1ad a most affe im 50 cents., Hams and' Bacon cured a., my own Edward I - riff, one of Brussels fairest and ,,lost him on the head, injuring h consider- T. F. Miller, D. D. Campbell,. ately worded a d 0inplinientary ad- half boys' race was won by Master' -Jas. Pack-ing House always on hand. HoRby ex bt- very severe accident. ably- J. McMillan, pular damsels, to the altar, there to per T. Rae, dress. - Miss Mary J�, Hudson presented PO �centq Killora. ed pure froin illy owri apiary, at 15 FARN SOLD.—Mr. Wm. Graham has J. Gofton, W. Bell, edded wife. The happy —Tbe'liewlyappointed LicensezCom- make her his w pound, or 8 I)ounds for ,;I. 898-1 the well filled purse.! Air. McAllister, Thesouth -side of th,
sold his farm of 100 acresi lot 13, Goshen J. Bone,_skip ........ 16 G. Ford, skip ...... 15 ers for South -Perth are P. Wheli-' couple have the congratulations pf the mission
Tiniol ly eed for Wroxeter, 8. though nonplussed taken by gentleman Line, to Mr. Jamesorrest, of the Part Total majority witil .2,11 the lav'st styl!L.�
VVEDDING1 RELL.S.—The SEED.S.—ClOVer Seed, Tin wid utterly han and Geo. McIntyre, of St. Marys, atid Oats, and good -Roll Butter wanted t WiL- whole village- They left on the noon
ss CARNIVAL.—A grand hing ularly alluded to- 111111 the fol- FAwcy DRF surpri8e, responded ilik the most toue ) to Toronto. hilden's ri�c Boots, 1
more prtie, owf & YouNGs, Seatforth. p8 Line, for the sum (if $5,600. Mr... train for their bridal tril rand T_ H. Race, of Mitchell. -e from Clinton. dress carnival was held in the NVroxeter arra,p.-ed in ro s#-n.(,cor4
low` g. paragraph which we tak Grallan: I intends removing to terms and cordially th, liked then for Mr. W. B. Dickson and Thomas Ball —The Ellria!Conservative Association Wi"= ipeg Free Press of the 6th inst. skating rink, on the evening of n-irs- this,inaiiifestatioh of their loving regard rcontained ill 111W
the He� will be sadly missed by his old neigh- s zBall and treated, Air. Moses arvey to an oyster 0 groomsmen, RNTAL GAtuERI-s 'ich in every re8pec F&tTr., G.—O Friday day inst., wli acted as and Mi the 5th t towards him as preceptor. After being the is well known in this town, and is a son bors.' supper on the occasion of his retiring
tj�pe dent was a complete success. The costumes' artiest ' d most Miss Moore as bridesmaids. ain. evening last Huron Lodge, In� n e presidency ofthe society. boot store. Also a il-hou
of Mrs.. Thompson, d brother of Mrs. ars, of 8 town, entertained in the li�i an avid Dobson is going from th M. R. Coater On. Wednesday ater- Order of Good Tem p�l ny and vari engaging man LOCA-LITIFS.—D, Bof 8 Fine Boots and'Sibi
Bayfleld. were ma, ed, and were as a Der for some hours, the —'Mr. lvfay�r - Sharp, of St. Marys, !_r enertained a large number A their kind to have a larrie clearing - sale of hit.
noon jolly little paty of friends assent- COLD SPBLL.�—AiS said, on good au- rule far ahead of anything of the party di,iper4ed to their several homes b I inpletents, on left last week for New York, n rote call 8tyls. abrethren from Stratford, Mitchell, ClMi_ - farm . stock bled 'at the residence of Mrs. R. J. thority, that th� coldbf Tuesday the ever"held here before. The court lady
with merry hearts agid feeling they. i 1 move for England a -Ad the Continent. H -wfl, I ton and Withrop, at a social ix . Camp- Cary Navarre might b6 seen gliding had wrought a good March 10th, 1885, when lie -wil a .1 Mr. Good KeaGhie,. .50: St. Mary Street,;, on the 10th inst., was tye'most severe ever fat Of H We hope bell's hall. The lodges froin E tratford e his be absent about two nionths. mOCOaSiGll of the marriao�e of - her daitub - b3rourcitizens. Itwasbetween20-knd around iu full-dress with " Lo the poor Mr. McAllister may be bhen sed Into town where be will leav --Col. Hickman, of Kentucky, deliver- and Mitchell ca e up by specil J train, o_ was r`epresented by several witil such unwarned but ent family while he takes an extensive trip ter, Miss Mary Hope Reachie, to a. 30 below the mark. Injun." wh of koods not usually st�ei
s ad a temperance lecture in St. M arys and were met,%t the station byl he me - ed Sta�tes. He intend knon old Willaipeger, Mr. George R_ PERsbNAI�.—Rev. Mr. Taylor Suffered skaters, and the poor benighted Squaws visits.—The Thomson, of through the Unit aild every pair be bera. of Huron, Clinton and V I"inthrop hobbling around under the Brucefield, was also n5aide the re iting Kansas, Keniucky, Virginia, last week. The lecture is described asa, -t Arthur. The from a severe cold on Sunday the 8th were seen cipient V's Thompsou, now of Pot lodges and all m &rcbed in prao�ssion to and Florida before returning.—East racy and interesting one, and the Colonel lust. When he got to his� second ap- cerenway was Conducted by theRev. D. escort of some allantr'Knight of the of a purse of ten dolI6.rs in recognition em ars er of St. AnIl There we're also of his scrvices s Moderator wof the the ha11, headed by ..pl Ru -On Riding hows will be held this ais n. accomplished lecturer.
M. Qardon,, pastor of Knox church,. the,, and of tr Oter' aout pointme'nt c6ithe Goshen Line he s rew'. year as follows -. the Spring Show on� —Air r(fle, of Mitchell, re- The lat an
oil this sid(,
bri 1'ss Minnie atford. ttleiereo unab one or two rather nondescript 6ostumes, sesion of the Hills- Gri, regtion. .Fred Wu of Ae being supported by A 1 le to' proceed furtherj ad had to ,een conry cently purchased from Mr. Thmas and- the F in the procession, a ly the I
Wilsoa, �of this. city, and Charles -IA. prob stay with one of his con.grega�tion until but'on the whole the characters were T h all known to the trade
em s ever Show on the first Thar Frid Cop of Logan, a very handsome an- I ges num be_ -r of Goo4 T ight well chosen and well -carried 'out. Spe- sday and ay PM Woods,. of New York City, � ,, h6r6d together in�:_Seaforth Olt lone Monday afternoon. He is now all r Exeter. tire Pride of Scotland colt rising three uient, and not ONE 81_)�
-e b again. groo, , a -R.. Th ride ' s ttired in I cial. mention must be made of a gigantic in October, in Brussels.—Fted. Fry, for wa - At the h -et this eek to -n- sell House, has ret- years old, and weiglihig _over 1,500 whole Collection. Exvr�N i
tittle. a.11 a very pleas i Jen.-- as not " Rooster " who'se gay tail nd. head OBITUARY.—We regi meily of the Tecu, I the very latebt shape, evi
an elegE�nt white Sain dress with VILLICE CO-UNGIL. —The reeve w po ds. court ing, was spent. Ar. J.. H. lag of were well put on. The prizes Were report the death -of Miss Martha Simp- ed a hotel in Galt, where he hitends re- un train. The jewels worn -were a han( - Ipresent at our council m e�eting last week, the, factories of New Yor)
M11 ,44 ifitQhell, Grand NV orthy Chief la ded as follows Gents' co 8011, -youl),grest daULThtdr of the late Win. moving to next week. Fred thinks him On Satur-dayaftemoon JohnKcPhee some (11.tmoad locket ald necklace, the- owing to illness. No business of 'import- awar stuilie, Boston and London, Ej�
lie; iiu-m er, Mr. J61in Sanderson; Ladies' costume, inof the Order, was airiong tl -- -h Simpson. The dcealed passed away at self safe from the Scott Act there.—At attempted to sit down on a bench ft of t1le groom.. NTiss Wilso, the ance was transacted. 01'rity nod Woodrow 1-1
gi Speeches -*e of D. Braund, of Exe- r front of the Union hotel at Shakespeare and,...tdelivered an address. WD the resideric the annual meeting of the fire com parly, varity. A large portioli;
esm a Crealin OUGH.�AA-e had the plea§ure of Jessie Bro Gent skater, Mr. Cronyn brid ---aid, lookdd chrminr in. Bm4� I were -also delivered by severa� other I--' WiDgham ; Lady . skater, Miss Tillie ter north, from tAt c6ommon nd fatall the following officers were elected : P. but missing his hold at the. second trial Colored satin dress with tulle o,�erdress. A from Grip's cartoonist on It ri( ay received, and is now
he tumbled over and broke his leg. leading temperance - men, interspersed a v' d consumptio Her remains Scott, chief ; A. Currie, captain ; -John ofton ; Boy skater, Master' George After tLe cere mony allssembled around night. - He was in his usual excelle�t G And iuqpection is with in-usic, readings ad recitations. fL� Chapman; special costuine,Mr. Cronyn, were followed to the 4�,xeter Cemetery Cameron, first lieutenant; Win. Rartey, —Wnf. Judge, of Ellice, was before the fes-bive . board,, laden -%vith all to )ff some goo4 jokes Everything passed off very pleasan: Ay, good tr i wic got Gorrie brass band was in by a large, nuinber of iyinpathizers. De- second lieutenant; F. S. Sobtt the magistrates' court the other -day, tempt the -rnost dainty apetites, where on our 1pcal c ebrities, but some were Wingbam. The secretary For the next thirty dal
and it is not likely that this will be. the 36 years-� of age, and much and treasurer W. Wilson, first en- onipany ith ceased w charged by the Canada C' toasts were given, and hea-Iths drank absent, I it is said, from fear. Should ttendnce and added much to the, sport in TEAij, $!:�
respected. ginee last gathering of the kind under the r r ; John Meadows, second engineer unlawfully taking tiniber off their pro- the usual way., Te presents from the any of your may readers suffer from Of the evening- 1GROCERIF-S. Also C1
Exeter er- auspices of the Good Tem las. -1 OPEN A Lodge er of our'citi- party. - He was found guilty and Ord many friends ofthe happy Coule were p and caretaker.—A numb t dyspepsia, Dr get int6 the blues 'at any .. 11�� i - ed to pay $12, the price of the -timber, -1 elegant, giving. all i � .. Hensall. of ons of Temperance held all open zens are away for a trip to Ottawa, tak ep very num-e-rous ia( ry —Mr. D. D. Wil�on time, I him take a single dose of ge of the cheap fare it being $1 fine and about $8.30 costs. OV_' h's'Essence of Nonsense,".and the I e. -and esteem in -which LoctL IRFIFFs. ct 0 MR. G. J. SUTHEILLAND, Conveyance meeting in Fanson's hall oil Monday ing advantag A lot of the eclb
idea. of Beng 9 r -i
-%vh� 'are has been confined to bed for a w e. f rn M S d, —A South EaAiiope farmer recently they are both held by ll thw;e the is b)und to recover after the first Commissioner, Fire and Li e Insum ce A�ent, evening last which wi is fairly attended. only 85 for a retu ticket.— orri an CATTLE FEED on hawl
-ria-e Licenses. All business purchased a sewing machine from an asevere attack -of inflamma ry andIssuerof Mai The programme comistedof readings, Grey cheese manufacturing company let with the in and k ow with irial. world- Office at the, Post Office strictly confidential.
n agent for $26, which was at first offered their good qualities. The bride r-Ilue-matism,butis nowrecoverin a recitations and music, which was givien i their milk routes for the coming seaso 889 IVA' TED. —A large quantity of good on Saturday, February 14th'—D. Stew- at $40, as the very lowest cash,price at AD d grOOM If -'ft Gil the,ekening train for trains� have been badly demoralised !for Leeburn. by their Kirkton brethren, the same �e of -unds this which the machine could be Sold. Two the soath on a short trip,. and later on the past week.—As the detachm ent7 ing well rendered. After the programme art, assessor,� commnced his ro FARM SOLD.—Mr.. A. Horton has heavy bright barley, for which the highest price will be paid. RANNIE & URQUUART, Hensall.. 894 was finished the two lodges repaire'd !to week. Now is the time to hide d rival agents on the scene of action was 7 a farm consisting ofi 50 acres, qgS : I e Salvation ar -my were returning hotne bougbt1h GEO
will jotiriley to Port Arthur, where a last week' the sleigh- u&et BmEF& —Mr. Black, of St. Catharines, another part of the bu ildin where Vie and to be very poor especially those the cause of reduction. th-ey will, make their hom e, ad the best from Varn known s the Dark property, and rented 9 a hill and' good things were seived in grati having personal 'property, but it is to —Parents of MitchlL public sch when descending the Varn i23 is here at present visiting his brother -in- UP 01 of wift f ollo NV thein to their new last yea: --by Mr. Audeliff, for $1,400. of them went over the bank in I a �,ro- 7RE law, Xr. Robt. Carlisle, of Hay. —Miss style. be hoped that Mr. Stewart will look pupils objeetto the large amoun of home XO�AL.—Mr. A N�f!Cel, who -has Miscuous heap. It was awfully c�ld, Robertson of Grnd Bend, is visiting the Bnmr, s. —Hensall is 3;ettilig quite rank TH E. G
lived in is vicinity for quite a number sharply after this class, as all munici- work given the pupils in the higher de- ies as A Fx=1-:N- TO DEATu.—Mir. Wm- T. but the -ardor -of the sold ot Misses Wilson, of Willow Hall.—Mrs. -on carnivals, as they had another on palities are heavy -losers by this class partments. To avoid this overwork, years, 'has removed to the old home- 8 a Manns has recently purchased tht con- Tuesday ev h a I yearly.—Our -business men are all Aikiris of Ram oadville, and fornierly of cooled one bit. —The, morning 01 .011ifig last, at whic arge cu- the board and the principal havedecid- e�a -in ra st! Goderich Township. He w Co. fe.-tionery stock of Mrs. V ance, of this number and were gaged making clearing sales to ial,-e o defer the promotion examinatin O! fi. holidays death on Mon He liml de t in- xed for April till the snim, er leari
met with. a -very melancholy nesday the I Ith inst., was est and )f skaters and the b ed t
very kiid an@l obliging neighbar, day evening last. 4n the in el, ory of the place, nd intends carrying on the busi- present,—N - e are havi I a splendid we a- room for their spring stocks.—Our vil- C 6
will be very much missed. Kinbuni with a lead 'of on habitant.. ' Mark it do.w.n. Mr. ness in futtire.—The Salvation Arm ther for i_`ating at present, and the lage auditors commenced their duties on —A man named Thomas Williamson gone to OBITU.A.Ry.—It is our�panful duty to Y, .,s ai, gon
Roaday, and oil Tuesday mornig lie JVm. Mustard, f Brucefield, ays he who are. now in Exeter skating rink proprieto ig about Tuesday last. was cutting chaff on Mr. Hugh Thom
di chronicle the death of Win. Shields, purpose coming P- was foal (I lying oil the road apposite has lived in his house 26 years an. j he Full'arton, a —A*
who lived on the boundary between here about the end of this month and with a happy look. —A la'ster Wm. Ryan, son's farm, -nd in pressing
the residence of -Mr. W. McIvRohael on never knew of waer being frozen - it carrying on warfare with the evil powers an employee in J. Brau n s cabiiiet rooms, Hullett. the hayand straw into the cutting box, Asheld'iwd Colborne- for some years. Tuesday that be.—On Tuesday eveiiing of last met with , painful ac(ident IaA week. his hand came in. contact with the knifrA, the town Hue, frozen to death. He had i W, til7that in arning.—On He was �! ltuiet, ino; ffensive mail and a MXRE SOLD.—Since his sale Mr. John meith hiin liorse aInd tight sleigh, and ing last, the thermom efer"Was'l90 be aood. n( i bor. The family have the week the Rev. Win. Torrance, of this The dr,% -*Ni Ch he was using, ompletely Severed the right lia�a. n -kiiife ,It ed in which'c
McMillan has sold his impo�t are 14S was evidently making his way home zaro.—kr. Oscar Rudolp'll, � fo er place, Lmade two couples exceedingly slipped off i piece of wood, striking his from the arm. ympatt y of the comunity in their be- Clara Muirhead, to Mr. W ni Barrie a'f ter nimht.. At the point. where he -.was resident of this town, but who h reaveme al. happy at -the parsonage, the first couple leg and cu J Ang a gash about two filches for the Sam of $500 cash. Mr. Barrie —The bachelor"s' ball held itt Mitchll f ound the road diverues into t he field years,is at -es- the"i I other eveniii was a gaild Suce in the Staes for soine being' r. Henry Hrtmann nd Miss long.—There is going lo be a new car- intends keepin o, her for breeding pur- ess. t n TxmP1.18 ANcE. —The officers'of Lee- 9 It iq supposed that hu .the darkness he visitino, friends here.—What has eco�ne Annie B. -Bailey, and the second couple riage Shop built oppo Ate S. Hersey It was attended �about I 10 ladies and burn Teni erance lodge for this S poses, and he has got failed to observe this being Hugh Parker Follis nd Sarah E. ad ii-isead of of th� corporaion snow plow ? Jt has . y an"l liquor stoiie. This W i, -'01 19 stands in the county of
as fine a mare as are as f(A ws P. Stuart, 1 grocer .3 gentlemen, bomprismg parties from is- taraing off drove his horse into the deep. only been out once since New Years M.-- A. C�i tton, W.. V. T.; F. Linfield, Taylor, all of the township of Hy. to be a fine buildincr, as there is a large MU�91QIPAL.—At the last meetinz of towel and Seaforth; Hamilton, London, Nvi-,ere it Stuck fist and St. Thomas, York, Pori; Hope Bran:. iii, getti and as a result the sidewalks are !all
11119 W. S..; Horton, W. A. S.; R. E. THE CAR-NIVAL.—A very successful quantity o: ' bribks" being . drawn.—The the tolvnship councilit was decideNto %X-rana out of the v�hlcle to try and relieve the 'blocked up 'and impassable, ill carnival was held on the skaing rink Salvation , �rmy re . goin a to have a ford and Stratford. Brown 0 T - A. H, Clutton, W. - F. erect cq'dar bridges in concession road horse, he tell down, and being benumb- itiany of the streets' are so filled with —At th Beting of St. Marys S.; G711. 'Clatitoid,V. M.'; E. Horton here on Tuesday evening 'of last 'week, grand tea -f gbt itill tbeiVbarracks -on the 8 and a oVenig m4 -is unab-le to rise again mid froze to _Snow as to render locomotion diffic' at lot 17, a place known as ed w, hit and, 24th int. Abig tint P - Parliailient W D. NI.; M. McManus, W. 1 which was lar ely attended both by .—Mr. Mod], the hall as crowded death. He was found by Mr. Me- unpleasant., What is the good of 1having W. MCA -_ 'jet' I 9 Hog's Back,'.' and on side road 10 and with ea er listeners. Air. W. -C,. Mos- —XNXI
W. 0. G. J. Linli conoession 12, the Reeve and Clerk Ja skatev� and- spectators, not -withstand- Charles Monteith, of Ule Thanies Road,. 11, aout "I o'clock- the next itiorn- a plow if it is not used. -L -The St.'Ilarys' p ing the extremely cold and unfavorable recently botigbt aubtlier heay mare, to get plans and specifications was the leader of the government le in the sno,w at the. Carl prepared' cri W. C, T. her. There were skaters present Ig lying on his sk t anur. McFadden,' Ex ers only beat the Seaforth team last wealt and now owns a tearn of mares beyond f of eter, chief of or. the same. Messrs. Thos. Carbert, re&r of the and quite dead. The. week by one shot instead of two a'sstat- from eaforth, Exeter, Clinton, Brue competition for breedhig or any other Geo. Watt and John Sprung were ap- the opposition. A lively and animated TILL- GO
"bsborrie. and other places. WJT agricltura purpose, having p, poor horse had evidently been standing 7 ed. —�Mr. Andrew Calder has been' offer- field Zurich, , discussion esued on the subject of the bi(I $5bO W-int�d members of the Board of Health, ia, the silaw all but. was taken edone dollar an ear for a sitting �of eggs MTE VII�E- INSUR,AINCE COMPAT. —The have on hand an extended report, de- for its niat evening, Iii-aperial Federation. The Gov- care by Mr. McMichael, a, nd is now froin annual meeting- of the members of the br. Young was appointed medical health -his im ported 1�en, - but he' declined ..�eriptive of the costumes and giving the [The above �vas i4ended ior last, week, but was r 11 were defeated. It belo4 : officqr, and Mr. John McMillan, sani- e "me t the worse. gs: to Mr. the-te ting offer as lie intends ispos- Usborne and Hibbert Fire Insurance names of those who appeared in cha c- received t I —Mr. Eby, of the Royal hotel,j 1111, oo late]. I _31take tary'inspector. The members of the Arthur Forbes, alid had been hired for ng of the chicks instead of the 6ggs.— Company, was held at Farquhar on' the ter dress, but as it was int�nded for last Hor,.,;E 8 LD.—Mr. Charles Montei speaxe, bad occasion the other Av to g on th Board are to receive $1.75 per d -4y while the day by Mr. Aikins. Aii inquest account of the bad -roads the � ivery 2nd inst., a report of the proceedings —'Sol
week and did not reach us in . i on duty ; the health officer $3 per pay, hic is D, ej IU
-t me, and of the Thames road Usborne has sold to his cash drawer, w i hi b All i vrood has alm ost eeksed. and uel is being given by our Farquhair correspond- as it will now be rather old we sinil. ly his team of -mares, one 4 years old a'd- and the sanitary inspector $2. Mr. room, to make some change. 'Being! in wla-S not deemed necessaxy, aild the of corpse wa s taken hortie on Ttiesday af- becomig very s town. ent at the time. The �reports submitted' give trie names of the successful coiiipe- the other 8; for the suin of $310, a burry he forgot to lock it, aiid, return- carce and dear 'in to Nr- Pro-adfoot, P. L. S., of Clinton, was tex--i-iocaa-rxd-vvilll)ein-.terre(I in Clinton --l-There were only our tickets sold and- adopted show the business done by ing in titors as follaws: Graceful skting by Petty, of 0ensall. This is a very. good appointed township engineer,. to be paid about an hour to do* so he found Cost ap
cei-netery to -day,, Friday. Air. Aiins at'�Seaforth station on Tuesday fo�r Otta- the. compoy during the past year as gi AS under 14-4 competitors—] st, Rosa price, as the teani, though good, are $5 rvices without any -some one had been before linin, - was ;Ekbout 50 years of age, and w�;s a wa and two for Montreal. �'. A I rtum follows : Two hundred and thirty-three per day for se alis . in, Ev Exeter. Gents' character cos- small. carried ff the contents, amount g to� quiet, industrious respectable nimn. tick extras. Theauditors' report wassub- �d from the former place as�$5 ad Policies we're issued, covering risks to com I adopted. The Reeve was Laely , hoev6r, h6 had been somewhat from'. the latter $6.. Our busi e' S, men iheamount of $288,500- adding to the tume--L8 ' petitors—fst, Thos. Chap- ' Ac-cii)E--N-�.—Oii�Saturtlaye-vefihiglagt, initted anc $60. man, Hensall. . Ladies' Character,, cos- as one of r fast skaters had full steam ins —A fourteen year old lad, son of Air. tructed to procure a carload of cedar, addicited to inteniperate habits, an d it- is are evidently too'. busy just no to be assets Of* the. company premium notes :tume-10 competitors—] st, Miss Alur7 up on the coA ere(I fm'k, he suddenly timber, to be delivered at the railway J-obn Aiens, Dublin, who has been at- If you have not ca4�
feared tha his sad fate is nianly due to- teuripted even by such remark-abl cheap amoiinting"to $6,335.90. .The total dock, Lucan. Best character 'costume, slipped, falling with uch force on the tending Mitchell public school had his this, fact, rates.—Mr. Alex. Ni n af acker- amount now at fisk o 'I -station at Londesboro, and the clerk aholson, of is $1 -10- 640, with gent and lady --3 entries—Ist, Mr: back of his 'head as to render hi eye pierced by a small porti;on of a gUn iiure to do so Ue
r n m in- was instructed to procure 15,600 feet of r! The town ith, has pu'ahased from -John premium otes whose face'Mu�`e-is 24,_ Harry Strong and Mrs. Bouthron. sensible fo I some time. F ast skating is rock elm plank, to be delivered at cer- cap. physicians deemed it- woaTH WL�!zT Tile 11ev. Henderson,,Iiis house and lot neartbe 294.79. Tjie- losses for the year -18S4 Gents, comic costume -6 com etitors— not d1lowed -while ladies are on the ice advisable to send ib� boyl;6--Toronto to. as goods are p tain plales throughout the township Sell
Consult an occalist Mr- Robertson, Superintendent of mis- E.gpiondville Presbyterian pay. were $59.66, while th' Ist, John Bwden, Exeter. Ladies' and those rmers should take warning where desi ated. 1he next meeting which -was accord- gn v,ahis are the order of
sGns in. Manitoba and the Northwest, inc, therefor $650. Mr. -Nicholslon ill- , three past years only amounted comic costume --Johanna Bengough, and save themselves from beng put off y done. It is feared the ight Will delivered a very interesting address . to t ted will be at Londesboro on the 25th inst. m9l
ends living in this house A'v.heii he $167-32. It will thus be seen that the Hensall. Best fancy costume, gent and the rink. be co'm pletely destroyed. NVe are M. aking
a fair wuffience in the Presbyterian leaves hi; farm and will rent when the contracts for the above-named the one in company is in a very prosperous condi- la dy—Ist, Mr. John Chapinan.and Miss BmEFS.—Alr. AVm. How s Air. Stuee eburah last Tuesday evening. The b- aid, of —A k, of North Easthope Seforth recently purchased froiA Mr. tion., is at pre this bridges, and the supplying of the hem- in our j, -I- - McDonald, Hensall. , Best costume, boy place, sent visAin the show ' 'was Sawing a log off a tree which was ject of fr. Robertsori'g-- mission to Oii.i- lock plank will be let. tario, &.t the present time is to solicit Foresters of th is - towm held a social D East Wawanosh. D. Ross. — The Canadian Or(Ar of und6r 14 years -8 competitors—Ist, which is being held at New Orleans.— about four feet through, about one fot wabscriptions. for the church and r AVm. Chrters, Hensall. Boys' thr A saw struck a hard. ee- Iiss Campbell and niece, Miss Hender- from the bark the t e (yil(Ifellows' hall on Tuesday ev in Londesboro, Ui 9 'CONCIER� —On Friday evening, Febru-' quarter mile basket race— Murdo' Me- son, were, vis;itin g friends n town on substaitce breaking a tooth or two. h Iding fund of the North-west. The last, whe'n a very en oyable time was- ary 6th, F U R a" [very snecessfur concert was Pherson, Hensall. Three mile part of Saturday �iid unday ; they Y,m-n &AN -o Es. —Mr. John Daer has The -sanv - was shifted a few inch, s an of a-hurch nd mane acCO-rR11-10- spent by the brethr en and. their friends. held inthe brick church, (NIethodist) on amateurs -18 entries—.1st, A. Drew, again for Loticlon on: Monday morning. sold to Mr.'� Win. Daer, the north part the log was Sawed off. The piece was ki-aian Ila's hitheria been felt-& great —Rev. Mr. Barr occupied the pulpit it' the 10th conces.%ion of East Wawanosli. Hensall. Five mile race, open to all— —Aliss Tilli White, head milliner l' of lot 36, c6iicession 14, Hallett, consist- then split off and to the surpris of those hindrance to the progress Of 111i,;sion Egniondville church last Sabbath in the The services of. the best musical talent 15 entries—Ist, NPInr(lo McPherson, one of the illiliery establishments of ih.g of 48 acres, for the surn of $2,500. present the If yon require anyth,'
Hensall. The Exeter brass band was in is boi tie at preselit.—_1 Mr. John Daer has bought of Mr. John found to be a large old fahioned iron, work and hence the formation" of this absence of Mr. McCoy, who was called of the adjoining town. of Wingliam were cause of th brokei s w -a
fund. From it itioney is, advanced to' a,wy to visit his father ,Vlio i lessrs. A. secured, aii'd it was arranged that the attendance. Cuffs, Boas, Capes,
1�riglit anh J. Bailey were visiting Thompson, the west part of lot 35, con- key about five inches I ong whi-Ch was. iti. a church and nalise in Mrs. George Bale, of Eamondville, is different selections should be instersvers�- LOCALITIES.—The trains oil this line friends in town last week.—Mr. Will, cession 1, East Wawanosh, too acres, S'. oon as the cou- still very sic Sure to tall and et
e -w settlement nd as i ibedded in the wood.
k.—Staff Ca taiii Wooley, -edwith readings, recitations and dialogues. were again stopped this week- on account Carliffg, of this pl a,�, n aa �ucceeded i car- for $2,24-0. —The Stratfod Beacon of last week- oney so A. D. C., and Captain Lndgate,�,D. O., This bill of fare proved so attractive that of the snow,,and the mails thereby de- rying off first prize foV black red GPLANGF, SOCIAL. —The Hallett Grange says It having become known to one or prices this mouth. gregati s - beempe able, the m
d game advanced i1c; returned and is again used of the Salvaion Army�, -will. lea the `ai the appointed time the church was layed a couple of days,.—Travellina -on at the 19efortl NO. 393, held their annual social in a- way ill other dBy Arwy meetings i4 Seaforth o ult�y show. He in- at Lon- two of his neighbors that the Rev. Mr. place. 11 SalldaY- filled to repletion. The chair -was 'all the roads rituning- north and s"uth tends showing theni at Chatham next deboro, on the evening of -the 10th,iiist. Wrigbt, in order inore thoroughly to Mai es v 8 the uleans of this itt grea deal has Captain Banks, of Clinton, led: the taken and effiCiently filled by B ev. Mr. is now very unpleasant as well as un- week.—A. social was given in the tAlthough at the time one of th e ere t, perform bi 1, borio increasing been done during the'past two years, meeting on Wednesday even The Clio-wn. The musical performance ex- safe, on account of the depth of the street Methodist church oil Tuesday storms of the season visited this section pa tor I wo k, h (I p rcha ed a bors S ilg- young iceeded the expectations of 'every person snow.—On Tuesday of this week our last in aid of the Bnd of Hope, which nding the inclenien y of which he expected home in a f ew days, but -with the rapid increase of PoPu- barracks was ''crowded. om.e and not-withsta S a a n s e laion in thaVeountry the. work is still men whoou"'ht to know better tried to present, although the reputation of those curling club, w1fich was recently organ- passed off very p1dasantly.—Mr. Witi. the. weather a I e" number of people the Messrs. Macdonald, (of Macdonald, 9 growiag and inuell reinaiiis yet to be raise a distnDrbance, but were ejected who were to'. e part was well ized, played a friendly match with the Folland has four pairs of first-class thor- turned ar done. Afamy of the misionaries are fron, many out. The 6hair was occupied by Macpherson & Co�,) forestalled the arri- —OF-,
the hall.- -A young gifl, f�n known f' e aud-.eiTee having Seaforth curlers. The latter, beino old ouglibred fowls.—We regret to learn Mr. James Soutbeombe, master of the val of thenimal by the presentation to >rly provided for, Some' of einployee in the woollen mill, bad thi-be heard and apprecia d the efforts of the' and experienced pl�yers, came OiFbest that Mr. Jik)lin Anderson) who had been grange, who filled the chair very credit- their,esteemed pastor of a handsome new still very po(
them with their families being compelled of her fingers badly crushed hi a m'�- same company befor The solo'singing in the contest. We understand a re- �11 for some time but was able to be ably. The abundance of provisins.pro- cutter and beautiful robes. Suchn act to live in houses which -are absolutely chilie on Thursday. — There will be of Misd Paling, from Hamilto at pres- turn match will shortly be played on around again, had a relapse last week. vided and disposed of shows that the -of kindness and goodwill in a unfit for human bdand they are in another carniVal on th . e ri n, OF F X A N, iik next �i iday ent vi priate this way subitn.:t�:J all sitin in Wi lam, was much ad- our rinkk here.—The many friel!ids of —The Band of 'Hope entertainment Londesboro, gra,ligers are not suffering and unostentatious way, is not 0 to hardships d 1)"i- the 27th imst—We re,4,ret to m nly in- C)l , ired, alif she was-'eris ntly eDcored. Mr. It. Perguson, of Hay, who is 4n old held in the basement of the Main Street' for want of the good things of this dicative of their esteem for which thvy hve 110 right. tO (% �Al.
vations - o - DIL1110p, bf!tllis Together with a aturly title voice, and much respected settler in this part, their is- J they would refusQ to Nlethodist church on 'Friday evenin world.- After Supper the intellectual ter, but also of their large hear Dim - . - SEAFORT...I'
9 - tedness I - endure all �4�ly ill.-t�.Fhe IVO.inen's whicli.has apparently reecive,leareful willbe8orryto learn that oil Friday last, was well attended, and ft (yood time part of the prograniine commenced by a and generosity. In
'46( �Mol