HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-02-20, Page 44 FEBUARY 20, 18a5p kON Ext FEBR-uAlty THERUI OSITORN 4- News of the Week. 6king to the 28th. t. various funds in the b�nds of same. We don't knoW` what is to be (lone Pa-ific Railway, an( in $pea anary. for sub; scrip long prin ing, d' I ertis- and th be legislative grant aball be $548,ZI, AsoTmun RoLocAuv.—A fire in! the I an, a( v 00-19 . the Province about it, for we don't want three county motion, dealt in seathing terms with the a ms o P il the McCush housel I bout $8,0,90. Of this laige sum -P�id t) !high schools upon the basis of the D)minion, belonging to I ; ing was. a a, we may be allowed to suggest to discreditable cabal of Frenc Bleus, Block y I h u e, h -� adlphia 1 the ke Pt6per Patterns for all kinds of pital declared owing town .,.,ty of bavingthirheadquartersin room NO- other -night, - de�troyed the lives _A is Urquart ran awal ies paid to teachers, $2,801,047l and ca about $6,400 appears scattered all over the amD1�1,111 of salar ropri( Inan. to Condut th4 Misses' Boys, ad Children's et -school buildings, &c., by the Domin aW a par insane ininates. Oil the aceftrits under the item " sundr� tbe ab er of ion to Ont t of the Times, and Vidette the p ntil 8, who last session bartered their sup e of C�naodi�, $2,848,289. deferring building operations u Garments, for sale by ]E[oFFmXN BROS., end- the ol Provine Pacific Loan Bill FOOLISH BRVAI)O. —ODonovan was unable to breaj, newspapers." It is not atall likely that. ai we a 'upon the the average att. The slatement by Mr. IC6ss that �`ihis sprige Brussels would be a very suita- ort of the Canadian Ar Pro- sals aper, published in New Y although he hit thi Seaforth, - We' a4ce. i L p -SeN lie I . these were Conservative papers. for the county buildings For a su�sidy of $3,000,000 to th( latter. amount ought to be classed -amo ble place -construe- dy of i rerely, and t a4tion of n w have vince on account !the find, liowever, the following additional The, the !Dominion Govern , il, but of Railway offers $10,000 reward for the bo rovmce was receivel as we (lid not spea, in time we i i - defeat m. a badly do NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. items me�t U I- forcibly assuming control of the the assets of the P. d the doings Prince of Wales, dead or alive. to content ourselves as we are. ystem of t low E. J. B. Pense ......................... 114 95 wholelopai railway 0 Prott with derisive cheers by the Opposition Goderich, Exeter, of No. 8, with e.equally infamous do- VAccn;tATio.%T LAW.—There are 5:' bee; n to I ngle townof Leice� 21ers.had viln ortant but Eubstantfid proof that the Treas- be funny though when P. Murrkv ................ ........... 46 40 ce i ikely to le to an imp jil' ings of the Alamo,i Blea that other and people in the si way- home ca &@'The figure between the parenthesis after I t is found in Clinton and Wijighain allbeconic co ity for on which T� S. Carman .... 262 61 urer s classification is correc ned 011: v- interesting deba this session, as compelled the Go who are un der legal penalties for each line denotes the page of the paper and Dominion pays the seats. greater cabal which Innes & Davidson 844 28 � AO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at the advertisement will, be found. vir. Waters has given notice of a reso the fa t that the ernment�' notwithstanding the costi- obeying the tvaccin ioli law. from a bottle of w itiated it Province interest u&n the aniountat no f elonious intent I Abstract Statement -Tp. of Tuckersmith. (6) For� the benefit of the uVin lation. to: the effect that the Government lo dismiss the late lamented P1tosEcuTxoiq OF LIQUOP. SEL 40f house -breaking Hensall Salt Company -S. T. Jrockson. (6) might be mentioned that names of the P vince,forwa'rd to the Federal the rate 6f 5 per cent. per annum. The AFFAIRS AT OTTAWA. tution, om the Lieutenant Governor- e city of Letellier fr Every saloon keeper in th McGinnis was sent Notice -James Stanley. 05) stand for Kingston Whig, Orillia.Timnes, athorLt4 a statbmdnt. of the amounts liabilibies, of the Province at present Sto,ctk- for sale-walter Richa dson. (5) Oorrepondent.) ship of Quebec. When Mr. Blake sat burg, Illinoi& and several in the. to ult, -dry, e amount to i assa Belleville Ontario, and Gueph -Mere and �aya $362,979, which de- (From Our Own in defalllt�: Iftey for Sale --R-. H. Fergusoif (5) paid a, ilway aid toy the Provinc( the Government side adjoini ssOTTAWA, February 140, 1885. down no one on ng have been indicted for selling 20 a Horses tor aic-E -.wosrrort office. (6) —8.11 devoted, loyal,- and enth tisiastic oup the Province ducte1ol from the asset@, leaves a surplus It was evident liquor to inebriates and minors. call u oil ithem to rec ed for some seconds. Jel Mortgage ale-Garrow &, Proudfoot.. (5) Grit papers, whose devotion and loyalt The announcement of It is over two weeks since Parliament 111ov it was a �N) -any y thereTor i A. strong feeling ex- of $6 859,666 Auction Sale -John Turner, Jr. (6). i uAderstood that lie an is g)od. round gain, which Mr. Ross that the Premier was anxious that no THE DUKE OF —The Duke Great Sale -A. R. Pinitlo- (8) d enthusiasm' evidently needed stir- ists that as' the Do minion Governmelit th opened, yet hordly anything has been attempt at reply should be made, but of Connaught requstsn assignmen� to -4ohn kurphy. (6) ling up. The accounts also cont%in the has de, complacently -referred to as pun to the Detroit Public Auction Wet -1 " ed' thefse ad- ervice in the Soudan. He retires ftom. railNIvays to be for ding his in done. The House of Commons has Mr. Chapleau inisun4ers;uall for -a year's subscri Rem6ved-G�eorge Ewing. (5) f0II0wiDgiteM8. A NICE LITTLE Seatorth Grocery -Hugh Robbtt (8) tI1,e gq11 al a vantage of, the whole a'y Ing his command in India on the first Cows for Sale -David Dorrence, sr. (5) d has dep g e A ril. A ived the Province was r eted with cheers, as we'llndeed journed at six o'clock every d since structions or led on by big overween Of -The leott Advertiser Printing Co., (Lo -.$200 75 tr r ndon)... countr anity as -the real move of the No. 8 Times PrintinO Co., (Hamilton) ........ 87 55 what- it might be, being the only annoance- the address was passed, and the order v P Farm for Sale -Thomas Cardiff. (5) of any Of -county in -tend to v e in their management conspiracy against the Government, &TOWsWDES.-Snowslids IThe Latest -George Good. (8) Now, supposing the aove- is ment of the kind which can be I e in to perfect arrangell)4 rrecto Ily fair that the great ex f the pape�, �vliich is to the sittings of the A i ever, A I -oi which he is a me,n)ber, undertook to swept away three-fourths of the in Ing Seaforth Shoe Stord-W. Kenipt-horne (8) C!o Provincial Legislatures o gone any,of the camp of Alta; in Utah, on Satur Out of the Act Seeds--Wilsbix &Young, (8) and the various sunis inenti Pense -o which the Province has oned were next year House w4at the programme is to a con- defend the conspirators ag in t the The receipts for in n. 1 should Do iniO s conteiliptuous words of the OPP6sitiOR burying alive a score or more of eo le'�' Agoncy-V. N. Watson. (5) ran g aid to these railways 9 t o a dinner, show P given for the express purpose of stirri, 14 ,easurer estimated at $2,585,148. cert, oi� the bill of fare t ng- '14 rep;2 by the Dominion. Mr Farnifor Sale -H. foore. (5) Waters the T The effect of his speech was and doiifg %5,000 da in age. Leader. no reason w charged with craelb up the " devotion and loyalty and en- has a ver�r strong,case, and he will be One c f the results of the recent numef- by this kind'of thing should simply to make a -,I e but piteful D.-Francisi A. _agu tt Act, victories is slio�ni in the 1hg ti thusiasm, " of the recipients, tha would stippoy ted in his contentions by 611 those Ong .0 not go on until the estimates are brought insinuation that Mr. Blake had unsue- Drexel, sr,, one of the two brothe a ganle 'fact t lt whereas licenses last - year pro- 8 was mbers 6f the H h efer the 6 tter ation for the enor- Me y 353, Mr. Ross expects -to re- down. The Senate has struggled with cessfully attempted to build a house out the head of the famous Drexel banl�i -Mr. Jonathan I cause of t eir Province to tbz�Fbf their' diaced $21 1, s of the m ber of which " No. 8 " wa houses in Philadelphia, New York, itng nious paym orninion C , ce ents, m ade by the D ' i i e only $168,000 front this source the first reading of several bills, and has I on ssion 4 P6.rity. 1; is difficult to see )low. the ceiv posed, and to declare that " No. 8'�' Paris di��d San4ay afternoon-, aged 01. Idurin the present year. The receipts list coin: -ia fiw Government ai-d accepted by tl,e Mal Dominion Government or their %polo- ened to a numb6r of more or less an ed, because it was DmLLI�.-(; T. Ri REBEL AVOXEN.;�-Gie 9,EAFO-RTH, FRIDAY, Feb. 20 1885. are important speeches, but, being unable had succeed froln from he Crown Lands department ut, it will be no- gists ii i tli e Assi e 'lain so justly made, es- �rnbly will' be able to estim ted a Somers )f and its colleag4es. B tutional and loyal. Mr. Ouimet wh activity prev�ils in- Osman Digmla',,-, withst. l� th ' c t $90,000 less than last year. to support the misery of having nothing was the iiomiiqal head of the,. con- cam -p in the Sovdan. The women -red by. ticed that the papers lilig with the still unettled ae- to talk about, has adjourned until next nat sum <)f ,poo. i -harles Tu� In db' ry Ipce, Sir per made spirators of last session also replied being armed and drilled, and ev� The WaY Cheap Newswi;pe on the Dominion andOn -11, view of the - represent towns and cities in ' wl iGh are p ;U dnts whicli are adduced in its counts betwe The Upper House will soon innocently asking ]low they were to preparation is being made for a stubbbrn t Friday. 'wi -ne, are Furnished. lild. in Ju alocated public institutions for v.,bich a fa;,vor the very ground for c!ding to ta,rio, Mr. Ross made some disclosures begin to deal ith.the only questions to proceed to secure the rights of their Pro- resistance. ment, the exteutive, tin d a session 0 ie methods adopted by the former -the iblisher of certain amount of prin and a vertis- the denlads of Quel vince. except by threatenipg to vote VAST TnAY)I.NG CoNfpAx.y. -A gi It is a nice thing, to be the pi, ec last The as t which it devotes any real attention -1 e least, surprised the divorce p There are no less than West Huron 9 which, to t I to be calle a Tory newspaer just now. _KanY ing are absoluteyl required, mbile no course of: the opposition ifit this vita ages. against the Government. Nothing could trading corporation, lal�tllee -L ouse. AZT_ I decided to have law sp in -ill be watched with interest. H - , or imet's Ro�al Sqndan Trading Company, is -be- abil is put forward by the six div 6ice bills this Session. Each case Mtr w m tbbm Mr. Ou people wonder how it is that the, lare such ecuse can be given, or is 6,eii at- inion as again st be investigated by a committee of Institute. It is to be h -o -ice they will Dom' st the Provincewith pedtha.forol . speech, the implicit belief of the Quebec ing formed in London and Al9exactria 3 are furnished at a price so tem to respect to some lands' formerly held by mu city paper pted, for the large subsidies r eceiv ed beequal" 4tbe occasion. Ahe Senate, reported upon, and the bill -Messrs. D, -C, Bleu, that his whole duty as, a member upon the same lines as the famous East introducin I Job, n w- i - s of the Credit, but ceded by - much. below the ordinary run of loc.al by th�e Conservative papers. It, vfill also Mr. -,Mo at, in� the Tor- tile Indian of divorce passed by both Houses and of Parliament is to secure all he can for India Company. hdCro-wn in 1820, amounting leased tlle hew' store 8- stem of Ian r ans, oti6ed tha, tven by the' Mail y -There papers. A perusal liblic accounts be n rens d ansfer into Ontario them to t sanctioned by tile Governor- General, be- I is Province, no matter by what me DYNAMITE TnItEATE-sm- G-3. is of the p aims to to $66,000. This claim has never been fore prem' the divorce is con�plete.- s is adding aj�.othet to �his many cl nd that so long as be does not keep the considerable excitement in Minnoapolis- of the Dominion wold. pa�rtia.11y dispel showing, the whole - ainount- oa�xl en aw reformer t fcrward, even by the Indians, until tend out tl p. ded be cousideroda great' Every pu stated, by the way, that besides the W w- ed by lander himself he is an honest man, Mr. and att. Paul over letters receiv Avare store, this, in YsLtery. As a saale we shll. b 'the Ontario Govenin ent iu I rinting on' ity of. facili- DOW, Dat a short time ago it was allo Roman Catholic members, who, because take replying to iliese worthies from y e recognizes the d sirabili millers and leadino, business buses, tell ed to be valid by the Dominion, and the traner of conscientious scruples, refuse to it on r. Robert e am, ouuts which have, been, pad and advertising is :only $8,00%a slim tating.ad cheapem. .9 e tbeir places give th th lower Povince, pointed out that to ing them that by §,itarday -lie object of the measure in- -re is not it Gilpin school, t so land &n&t part cf the money actually paid over to the'Divoree Committees, the v ading city paperg, dur' was would be blown up with dynam seyeral hundred dollas less th the Indians, the whole, o ing it- threaten to ote against the Government confine&- -to th-e lot tb� few of the. lea f course, be' enough Senators to man those comi The troduced.-as defined; b was one thing, ion in is tees.' "Thereay be something in this to vote for a bad 4ieasure because fever, and _y the Attorney on conscientious grounds ing the yea 1884 from the Dominion paid to the Mal aone iby the D some- British consul at Sit. Paul has also General is to make lsud4iass from )land charged to Ontario. A similar clai, U -e pub th" if the to hand as easily as bank. . stock. The 'a-' -th o been threatened. supp.hs his. plaee ii) -In ad&tion to thing was added to it which did not BLIZZARDS IN THE W'EST.—OnSund made in regard* to the 1 nds noi f treas ry,. as shown by th lic ac - G6vernmeni. probleni .to keep the members of the ipeior, ce,de&- by the In- U -use busy for time. ay -very, s. To. begin with., the Toro pperHo, count RtO $8,000 said to have been spent by the bill is optiona, and for the present its Lake Si his rco I affect its badness was another. If "No. and Monday last adrivaill'a snow storin d W . ile Robinson 'treaty. ,is applicition is to be nfined to the city THE GREAT CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYIa severely 11 c 8 succeeded, it was not a success over tern and south-west- who was ians under -at, has Mail received the snug sum. of $1 1, 135 Ontaio, Govern -me, according to the prevailed in the wes but 'A tribe of Ojibeways is now cla;im -lie Opposition but over the Governme). t of Toront6,and the Tunty of York The principal topic of the week 4 ern itates. There wa' a fiero�e blizzard M�eeks atro by the M�onlreal Gazette, $9,481 t he H ai- Mal's own admission,no less a st in t�han `tAe. experience that the - Chippewas who made been the set-to in the Commons between - of 'ther. countries has ing and be uietly hinted (no doubt for the in Iowa, an, snow fell abundintly nil cis- paid to tba t p, er, and reaty had no right to the lands, the leaders of the two parties, in c -r part 4), the London $194.15 w beell sd&h there call �e..Iittle doubt that the ti into the lowe iltoii: Spectator, $&894.1 oil- benefit of Sir Hector Lan-gevin; the Wise 31 . i on are t Which belonged instead to them- and in, Illinois, and Indiana. Trains stitutional question. The Premier gave gl�d too say, recov� wi be generally �dopted throughou Free Press, $6,894 ; the Ottawa Citizen, other Couservative papers iec 'fd pro- 'it 0 colleague but deadly rival of Mr. C.11ap- were laboring heavily or entirely althou h the 0 - sit up e rov&einavet shorttime. The deint d compensation, iiotice, more than a week g; aban o, of his iii- lean,) Chat no doubt while pretending-tO doned. This storm was followed by intiw $2,221; the Montreal Herald, $5,513, pqrtionate amounts, thuis showing �that Chippewas have been pai 1, and tention to propose the appointment of -Mr. Parsons,' W11 delivery No. 8 in the tense cold, especially in the Northwest. flaunt the victory of an(I so, on through the entire list, every I the expenditure was made for e itimat6 are b( ing paid for the lands in terms all officer of the House to be known as T)e- f Spaicklman's property THE BUDOF SPEECH ces- of the Opposition he was really It is stated that thousands of cattle and Cons&r'vative paer in tbe,'.- Dominion purpo�es,. and not to recoup 11 ffishers isi one of e events of the ession. Until of- the treaty. This claim has also been puty Speaker and Permanent Chairman' and William st. p oakulting over Sir. Hector. At the same bogs have been frozen to death in abn� ag (1) allowed by the Dominion authorities, of Committees.' It was n understo d fall) is Jay Gr less sums ai for the loss they sustain in fui nisbing t1- is happens the time of 'the House is having, received greater time'by a few sarcastic words Mr. Blake doned trains. Eighty to one hundred ly J aid over to the thing thatMr: Malachi Dly, M. P. for Paatory to the ereetic fr the ax aount partial p quently consumed in routine work reminded Chapleau, that he was'only tons of mail matter was dlayetl at Chi- Cordng to its influence ad- supposed Conservative literaure at one- Iuarter ants, ;ind the whole sum of *course Halifax, was to be the chosen man. Mr. brick blacksmith aid- debating on the ddress. This aPPli( sho second Where he would be first,and that cago. -A L Gocitrich Town f � the opposi Ipolit less than egic move cliarg A ggainst the Province. Mr. Ross Blake made a speech on the subject, and- ica usefulness as a partizan -organ. its actual cost. No person ob- y, -a the strat LouD'RoSEBFRP-y q THE CABINET. yiA Lavis, last he dare not ttack his rival openly. also s lowed the great inju Da siice coirmlitt- for about the first time since his green- -upwards of eighy e of moi 1 y for tip�n in llowing the Add ss In this, wpy thousaild jecs to the expenditur b3ass RAILWAX BONUSES IN ONTARIO. Lord 1-tosebemy has Itoeen appointed lord of Jas Patton t w1ithout discussion , has had. he effect of ted b . the Dominion Government 'in est days, be seemed iiervotis about it. Idallars:,.fiave been distributed, the city legitim ae printing and adv(itising, The Dominion Government's double I privy seal and first c 11114siner of pub- Ln; control of the Provincial sys He had made copious notes of what he for $150, a -ad �on the gieatly ei rtai1ing th len of the sit- seiz,, tem injustice to Ontario of compelling her to lic works. Roseberry and Sfiaw Lefevre, the note mla_,; U: paers, of course, re the hon's whidh is required' -for the public s Brvice, ti s, and� in fact on of ra lways, largely aided out of the was to say, and at times lie read froin cery M.9 name the ven g Sessi P9 Que �5 c rail- il cupy Swanson, before le sare. While, these payments have been but the public have a right to ot j ect to on Friday last, aer the, tre"urer had Provi icial chest, and claii ed that those notes word for word. It was ei- pay part of the 'bonuses to be the postinaster-genEral, will oc ti Onta io was entitled to be re-imbursed dent that he was playing a careful game. way, and at the same tilne assuming cabinet seats. Most of the papers con- covered made, nominally, for printing and ad- public money being given to prD agate toade his financial 'Otat6ient, was the Lavis has icl' ilt t rst since lie opening. Now that -ticu:l the the slim she had paid out as aid to thes eputy-Spe�kersbip co't'olof Ontario railways bui -with gratulate Loxd Roseberry upon his ap- -T) -ow Truax -1 vertising, it, is not even cliihed that the principles of one pal x ripaty, fi e He objected tothe D the money of the Province, is likely to pointm ent to a cabinet position, and e_X_ "cotaiiiin- I -AX :bud et ha� come doWn and the estimates railways" In conclusion, the treasurer idea as being -clumsy, and as simply 9 Mr. Autho ta-11gible consideraion has been given for and to give one class. of busine s tilen stated that the time had come when the be one of the most interesting subjects p ress the belief that his' elevation rin sold to ny aiad public accounts laid upon tbe.table, being a means of creating another of debate during the session. Already, -tend towards preserving the integrity of It was offered for undue Ind unfar advatae ovex othet s there will' fact inust be faced that the revenue of them. On the contrary, it is generally ther office virtually in the je no lack"of work for 1 ei Aft of the e- n -the Go Mthe P -covin Oxford, Grey and- other counties have the empire, and the niaintbdiling Of tile Di -a few understood tha the m oney has be in the �ame business. This swhat th ce was likely, year by year, Government, vel �nent or t ie Opposition to be led by a Ross' commad over figures is con�plete. to fall short of the necessary expendi- member of Parliament, that 'inein- applied for a refund of the bonuses they loyalty of the colonies. IV" witl-ldra)m there 1) as a reco-rnpense. for the influence which Dorniiiion Governm ent are doing: by th ture, i md- although the large surplus on ber's salary being dependent upon his have granted. . Dr. Landerkin, of Grey, THE IRX-SH CON-�WA BULARY. -The Ote seem� to have t1he Whole figancial. such as we have enumerated the other day made a brief but telling rtoyal Irish Constabulary is perhaipsone -Last the re��cipieuts have exercised through gra�Ints eel both as regards hand would intervene between the Pro- subserviency to the Government. He lal is ;g& the jo-a.mals, under their control, in the ab,ve. The dishonesty of the N, t d expenditures, as well as the v -having two members designat- 9P position o�l the Provitl ince and direct taxation for a long.time, preferred eech on the subject, showing the in- of finest police organizations in the Godeich to r9ocip s. an justice under -which his coun suffered world arld notwithstanding that its with 100 ens. country. The *ect is, to m, anfae-ture- also evident from, the fact that it sinu- very tricte matt�rs of aceqnt be- still-'�' mething had to be done in order ed wbo should be called upon to fill the Of to meet the requirements of the situ- Messrs. Lester, of Lambton, Allen,. members are -,constantly on d-lity in 1-0 ggs to the value 4 tween Ontario and the Doininion, at his chair in Committee of the Whole -one ne- public Gpinion in th country. In order ates that no part of the Ontario pen- eason, ation. In his opinion the remedy- was Grey, and others were called to Itbeir ly districts where they are specially I a large ni Oter'ends,.and the able. and thorough for Conumitt&s of Supply, and of Ways ary that these I to, do this,. it is necess -diture went to Conservative aers, to derand from the Dominion similar feet and vigorolis y de ed that i surrounded by disloyal inluencesi' for exposition 6f the Provindial finances and Means, and one 16r Committees. on S ers have as large circulations as po i trea ent to that of the other Provinces Bills. Of these two one should be Ontario should no 'longer be lighted as unswerving fidelity thiey standiNith ells ar Pap a while, f urther on, it adm its to having which he made on Friday, afforded con- she had been. The Conserv-ative mern- scarcely a )lot upon their fame. It i the farm. ble, T o gaiin this circulation they are nearly two hundred dollars of the sum, v1nc1n ofs that they are safe' in his in the mater of the annual subsidy. French-speaking, thus giving the miii- .9 Ontario was being much less lib,rally ority who spoke"tbat langu cr bers from such coulties as Wellington, ]low rumoill ed that one officer, two lie- di James Lloatini bands. Mr. Ross, in the two budget age a re re- issued a(t half their actual cost,, and the 'in its. own coffers. The f act s, in the treated than the others and he, (Mr. Perth and Huron i ust feel 1 exceedingly constables, and fifty con stables are to be Snll�,; speeches liich he has made, has gone sentative.' Reading from his not( 1r. fA , Goveruin ent, by grants such as those we 'matter of patronagge, the Oi he prospect of this question selected for special service in London to I Gov- u. uch more fully into details ihan his Ross) did'=not see any reason why the Blake paid a graceful conipl neat to the uneasy at t of the Londlon have enumerated, make up the defiGi Province should not have her rights in French-Canadian members for their Foming forward. The clainitt of Ontari to�rn, for 7,500. NV,e ien- ernment have treated both R -,form ad p -edecessws in offic6 were accustomed 0 assist in s pin 3, out the dynamitards. the mattqr, and secure a' material in- agai st the They will )e sefected from those Loadman's cy� In this way, -the publishers do not Conservative papers very m act alike, t( do. Casey Woods' time the deliv- courtesy and 'politeness N overlooking. ei y of. a b dget spee 'ell was a matt r of crea8E in.the annual subsidy. s of the Government; that their are kept at Pho-nix park for "disposale e many of the necessary disadvntges view lale lose- anything, while the subscribers are andether have received �y that ition upon it reminds one of a ",an duty," -who) are not located -in any -was tak& by AAn 8i a hhour d a, half or two hours' dura- On the concInsion of the treasurer a they were under in a. chamber where the POS n A itl a county, bu dered to any dis- inent. deluded by the belief that they receive was not hon estly earned b dm, whe eas r. coss'staement ocou- statement, Mr. Creighton, the finan;al majority were E11glish not understand- on a ledge of rock over can be or. luable yss, W .1 y eap pap�rs, whaile. im reality they pay consideration having been' and five hours. ly. ing French, but where legally and con- rifle"n peppering t him from the trict -where special services are required. T] ah in re- Pled b NA een four The critic of the Opposition r6s, giver er hoitse f4 �Wn-find to the the ful ptice j.. -us -t s. surely as if they eat Ount. of new and valuable infor- His efforts were largely confined to a stitutionally the French language was I Oth side of the chasm. THE NA vE Tnoors.--tit Wolseley's turn. The'ease is -%r ry.,di, di, -ei t with' v -pend request, an Bey,, brother of tile matio, $ however, which Mr. Ross ga e comparison between the ex itures guaranteed. At nother part of his lu paid the whoile am ount by direct sfb- Ole Dominion Government. Whl� le fully r 1-i'lledive assumed command of the blistr h aving ton t the public, fully justified the length under tb e present Government and those speech he reverte'd to this point, and The committee to which was referred ta the sciption. The only dfference. is tha. nine-tentlis of the Reform Eyptian *oops in the Soudan, ith coloring 'in her ?dpei-s have of time be took -in, the eyes, perhaps, under the late Sndfield _.Nalacdonald acrain lie read from his notes. He knew, the question of the alleged necessity in the admir istratiorr -greatly of course to the, no doubt, that the slightest fault in that exists for a new Insolvency Act The they pay part directly and the balance never received one larthing from the ol evei -y ofie but the �gcrlbes gal the title otof (overnor-General. sconed the all is el lery,,with whom budget gpeeclies� be disad-antage of the former. What the what he said would be poun 6ed upon was not "empowered to report from. PI cpoicted to have a good effect, irt taxes to, the Domino treasaxy. Ontrio treasury beyond the '111ai ial sub - -The board of ' ae- never pop P sA-1r.Casgrain-suggested upon the 0. they long or short, c' ular, O'po., iti6n in the House �would do bad and made the only point in the nsiver time to time,' a S udanese, showing that Rng-' T here is this, diffe-rence, however, that scription for one paper sent t9 Ith. -, Legis- tand wl ios a weary pencils lagged not a there never, been any Sandfield Mae- from the other side of the Hou -se. , He it should be. 'The consequence is that land does not desire a conquest of Alclutosh's hall, those do ot patronze Conservative I ltive reading room, -we def ti e little befc re they had taken down the donal I Government, it is hard to say. reasoned well, for Sir John A. Macdon- it must report only once, dealing as f any Egypt. S1. ies report a large asseniblage p&pers, a & _: last of Mr. Io& nui erous fig,ures. The Sandfield Macdonald has been a far as it can with the -whole 4,111estion. But of hostile tribes from the south at the 31st ult. Tw�. nty-4 ,re forced in this indirect way to to Ram, e one ingle Couserva�ve r In 6 aid spoke as if he felt quite hurt at �any-,, TI Le M abdi'. men are equ int -sed, coveringll i ats help pay the subscriptions of those who pendent paper.inCanada ih I t I ias not receipts for last ye6jr fell considerably greaff scourge of comfort and inspir- body taking an interest in the French 6011-1plaints have been inade by members Ta mai. 13 a Pas 8 ort of what was tioipated, the total ation',to them since his death than members except himself. - He eviently of the committee that their powers were ed with the details of the British vietor� seven "do. It is, not las year alone tha,-t such received annually f the past five dollars. 'd a 11 e yea&lrs b �2, 20,555, th 'principal items in ever le was to their party while alive. felt satisfied that if this dilliculty could not wide enough. The Premier, there- ies at Abu lea and Gubat, but consi er 1119 m ilar sums have -At the last qu;i .le bait si ing from fifty dollars to twelve ich- were Dominio sbsidy, $1,196,- Mr. eighto also attempted to show be overcome al thereafter -%�ould be fore, the other day moved a resolution, them unfin portant compared the graii.i.its. were mm suing vary rterl-A C North treet Metlicoh' ;mteres one been p,%i d year after year ever since the' thousand from the Dominon' Clovern- apitl iid debts due that the sum of $2,848,289 me a( e( y plain sailing. o when fr. Ro al, of t e. principa eature o w iie.i is rop i 511ccess in r g ar- y ition and on investments, Mr. Ross in his list of assets had o M nitob erich, tbe boad unapinait present Govern m eat c m e into power. ment. Whatever sins the Ont41GOV- f )in tie D6mi proposed a motion ta the the committee have power to report by toum. The story of t success has so nds, (mainly from prope c place illere; Dr. McLu nise." This move appears Veen-sprell and in-a--nified everywhere areable ith up $265,425 � crown 1, gblin effect that the D6puty peaker silo I bill or otheriv to remain a thnrd year. In, view opf -these facts tben, is it any -e,,rn- m en t ma� be ch due t., b the debate. aflapparently elate' wi in ei,) $570,305-; licenses, $211,353, moved the adjournment of have a practical knowled e of the Ian- such an exceedingly innocent one, that and the Ar;Abs are d I - Passed a resointin ill"iti: 9 woll, d1ler that there are so many �ottca,Iled favqritism to their newspaeri'sul, Torters and sle of annuities, $250,643. The Mr, Dryden's motion declaring that guage which was not the native lan- few seem to understand that it virtually over it. �4 16011feren-ce to holdits ses, elieapbpers. publised ? It may� be said is not one of tlieif �llortttcomiiia& The e, timated receipts from the e-rown lands the tine had come when the annual guage of the Speaker, SJohn con- cominitts the Opposition tosome, course lie may rest assured of this'one department were $690,000, so that th t of $10,000 to the Agricultural.and curred, and the work of providing on this question -one of the most diffi- tha this ad has been confined exclusive- pub fa�i at u it n tuest, ll( i ron Notes. -At tl it' ,gely'applied in for. this new office was gone on cult -with -which the Government has to s a Falling off in this one item of Arts issociation, now lai ly to., Conimi-i-vativc papers, and that the any rate : Whatever support the Govern- ClIntoll toenguire 20,000, nearly all of which was due to' mantaining the annual. But Mr. Blake had more o say. He deal. In fact, this ties the hands of the Thonias Snith, of Bluevale, was one ler's billiard saloon, fi ment from the Oil- tl e "I ressiou from which the, lumber PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION' . e,d out that Sir John Macdon Id Liberals while it leaves those of the of the suc(ssful can�didtes at the civil -evidence -oil both sides, tl of Mr. Mowat receivd's d point a Reform paers, which do not receive ai(l, are equtdly Gbea; This ig'a.11 true, t en f patri- tiadeof e Trov, ""nee has, been suffering. shoul I be discontined, brought out the ario press is giv rom a seense proposed to effect this chge by niere Government free. Had the origin iiiiations iii. London recently- d their verdict, t a service jex.ai Tie it = of proceeds frofh s-a1e, of nnui- fact that the agricultural members of resolution of the Hous4, whereas: the motion to refer this question to a r.,oin- -The s 'but the Reform paers,havin to corn- otism ad right, and not in return for a ing assizes will be held in were by Pei, ti �s eu ter 3 into the accounts - for the fi rst the House -are by no means a unit -in succession to the speaker in his temo- niittee been to put the matter in its Goderich, (onimencing on the 23rd of ( e 0 March, an(ler Chief Justice Cafti;eron. �of- all blame, pete in the maket with their Conserva- pecuniary consideration. Would tha as ti f lis year. It will be recollected their i)pinions in this matter. Generally rary ab en e wa defin d bvA t of ar;_ present form, it can hardly be doubted S c S M:. Ross proposeo: I I that speaking the, members from the western liament, whiclicould.not b'e leader of the Opposition would -The acmal expenditure of the to-wii -Mr. -John Bently 4 tive contemporaries,, were forced to could, with trutfi;-be said 'or the that h -st year r ol x- that the 'ices correspo I ts to railways which part of the Province are in favor of dis- cept by another Act of make their pri nd) and the Dominion Government. the Picovincia ran Patliainent, ost strenuou ob'ected. The council of Goderich for last ye t have in sly I ar was -cession of.Usborne, bas, p: Vere beii g- paig of current. reveiia e, conth tuing the grant, holding the view first Sir John was taken back, a d amen ent referred to which makes the $23,29-1. The year, closed With a balance deficiene-y which they incur is. made up acre farlin from Mr. JaIlle, sl' could in pat be charged to posterity, that the Provincial, as an exhibition, i looked lik-e a ma,ii,who had bee k( ailge, was"inade with- of $947 in I he tre ury. 2nd concession of E'ast A' by the sih,areholders, as mr any of them Il sic .n- most important el OUR TORONTO LET a,;d for ths purpose forty year an-nui- has been largely superseded by the ed by a we'll directed blow. But lie out the notice -%Al,bich the rulesof the --N -00 P Irs. 13 ro 111, n aged lady iving at 1,5 - Mr knaw to, their cost. This is, cel�aiuly, the sum of $' ties have been sold, the mones so re- fairs-beld in Toronto, London, Hamil- rose '&nd said that be intended bringing H But for this rule, of Morris 1, and an a-unt of Air. R. i ouse re(luue ban Ml family Will move to W� dept.)- te of &ffars. It is -n Co d - places which receive no in a bill founded oil. these resolutions of course, All sorts of surprises could be Miller, of 'Nroxeter, died on Tuesday havin nig sold the !b1d hoi. a most. sgracef ul at, (From Our ow rrespon 'I t eet the indebtedness of ton id othei ToRwvTo, February 17th, 1885. c v�(io 0 to the railways aided. Of Gover aid. The eastern inembers, which he had given n (obice. But I he sprung upon Her Majesty's faithful of last we tre (e 0 nment not 0111111y an outrageous injustice to a Usb r, acres in orne to A The first division of- the Session oceur_ tfie amotEiyt credited as receipts from in- on th, -. other hand, favor the retention of last of the resolutions was " tha th se Commons, and t�ickiness would become -Mr. X Im. Lane has been elected lrge class of the commiuity, bat it is a ,,of the.9th concession, for ter6st, 8207,903 was for interest paid the the g, -Ant, cn the ground that the exhi-` resolutions be n d nding order of the legislator's prime virtue. But the to hi I k of Ashfield. in place of -Mr. David Lawren red on Tuesday, the I oth inst. , gie ex-- P wils ip direct insult to the people. The public rovu,ce by the Dominion -on siims bitG L'wh�n held M -their section of the the House." A few moment's later, in Opposition leader, instead of object in the late J Cook. The appointmentis the 4thconcession of Tuc, citing pause being Mr. Merediti-s mo- wron n -6 e als of coutry ae suippocosed to be g y charged the former by the lt- Province, though not fi ancially , $no- tb debate, Mr. Blake showed that (ur on that ground, found fault with it m iclurn t saidto be, recently of �Ajox be very good one. ore, tion to declare the constituency of East r, n colinectionwith accounts which cess tends verly much to promote the in- very constitution, the British Noith case the committee had -not asked for �sent the the guardians of its interests and the -The East ILiding pring Show will toba is at pr Ross American AA at which Sir John is s d mer Cosens, Sincoe vacant. This case has beeh before b.ave - -en�ained open between the two teresi s 9f good farming. L ai to the change ; to -which the 'Premier's be held at Brussels on Thursday-. censors of those the nianageme at 3 'I Al .# 11 , (�- that the policy of the Gov- know so much bout, prov ided that ready and complete reply was that the 16th, and the fall sho* Tr, pwards �of three years i, since Cor federatio , and as to 10iieli the (Huron) sai on tile t of public affar. H -.9w- -very yv.atch-fL.11 the courts for some time, and is now Sus. view I eld and urged by Mr. Ross has ernm, mt ould be to consuft the wishes clian e in the sudeession to the Speaker cominittee could not ask the House for Thursday and Friduy of October. province, likes the, count e ar, as it %vere, on account �een accEdo�d to by the Dominion.- The of th( farming conimunity in tb e iii 4tter, in a Ong absence -could not be made nything, not being empow ered to report -The ilev. Jaine Robertson, uper- tiotends eturning in and independent must. the journal be pended in th ex it fo of a deadlock between the'Cour r 1884 has not - only ex- but p)inted out that only about $5,000 without a bill. that reeeives from, th Goverim.-wil of t of Ap� P Sir John epeated that from time to thne. This committee is inten4en f Missions in anitoba, '-The Baptist society of ceede. 1.6 �bgtimate made last year, by of tb(, grant is expended hi connection -he hitended to bring in a bill. omplete parll Li cession the day an-an-nual an-losidy.,of eleven or pea and the Jourt below, by w ­b ich the el to the a ed iti the Presbyterian Chureli, of flowick, belif a some 'N,P7,000, the gross amount, with ',be exhibition the balance going nobody here but t0hose who ake the License Committeeof twosession ago., God-eii --elvethousanddollars. 1',: ng e in ch, last Sunay. social at the rsidencill tw t is vqxy at decision of the fornier, unsei Mr. expen( being $3,207,889. The towards prize farms, prize essays, plow-� Premier their standard of truth believes except in that case the Liberals refused _T Ashfield, acques, Esq., on tl 0 ie A.$ I farm in 100 ie 6 'Provinciar expen- ing rr -11 o Drury, the member elect, has - ea'di items of 1. acte not yet I -itches, oke. If the o, aut were to it, there is a bare possibility that Sir to serve, but in this "they have been ta. expose the wrong doings of those M 83 Owndd by Re'r. Iaac Ashley, ha Soth of January, last, N, been reported to the House. \1r. Mowat 'diture are 'public institutions' niainten..' be ab alisbed lie favored the idea of ex- John was not guilty of a falseho I in secured through a little extra 1)I,allwuv- been dispored of a S subsidize it, and place before its readers 0( t Q4,250, to Mr. Cluts. crowd were in attendance nioved in-a-inendment illat the illtter be uce, w li cost $600,216, education, pending the money upon some such ob- this matter. But no nian ever took so ring on. the pait of the wily Premier. _Edtwa rds. a, f air and honest record of their proceed - �eferred to the Committee Aof Pi ivileges which to k $531:651, administration of ject is farmers' institutes* &c., and ing and intelletual Prog�ra L I � much care to pileup the ev-4dence against The Tories on the committee will pro,.. he aalial- d ried out. Aning the nd Elections, to inquire into and report jus inner of the Hallett ings� ! The public will hereaernot omly tic .. u on which the expenditure was, suggested to the mover that as nothing himself, even in his manner and speech, pose a bill. The Liberals annot very Agricilltural',Society will be held at the Mr. Cun-nings ail to the House -whether orot blie sea $3 026 public buildincm, $235,517 and definite could be done this Session, he as the leader of the Government did' on well -objeci to at least consider the Ratteribury House, Chilton, on the eve- kno- how it is that some Journals can 11 all I 0 ed vacant. Theaniend- roads,$185,772. These items shoiilcl wit be published so cheaply, but they will should be adjudg hdraw the resolution, which this occasion. It looked as,if lie -was �nleasure, seeing that they have accepted, ningg ( f the 26th inst. -on Titesday of last wo mpr se more , n ment was carfied by a. majority thir- co, than on� half the' total Mr. Dryden did. The debate was ii betrayed into falsehood, nd being without objection, the- duty of working -The Show of tile West match was played on the 6 also be in a position to -know just,what teen, the. ote s ta�iidihg - forty- four to expeildi re. In. the fi er4 ting one, as J. hani for thoGibbs count rst and last two int well on account of proven so easily, completely, and ab- on a committee empowered to, report by �diiigi�gricuii��ralgoejefy is to be 110 ne items, the e in expen- ject as from I n S value to place upon the oinions of these -,tbirty-oA6. The first division last Ses- men inereas the;si the fact that it was surdly, iii the wrong, he was Ix-epaied bill or otherwise. They must then ac- t Goderiell - o Tue (lay, April, i4th, t1w Goderith and Wingban. journals upon all public sion, gave the Gavern�iient a i-n,-Gj )rity of diture ov the e timate. has been large, confli ed mainly to the farmers in the to stick to it and to make, all his follow- cept the bill approved by the majority, the same da y" the South Riing Sho que�ticoiis. -1 - resulted fil a victory for th Heusi, who showed no lack of debating ers swear it- through. HOW twelve. The new but urai,oidable if the work of caring ever, 2A fr. or they must bring'in a6 minority report. Ihe Godericb� Star ays: Oil Tnes- 17 points. On Wednesday As.. a set off to the da maging ex-' 'MINISTER OF�EDUCATIO_N_ for the a icted of the Pr6vince: and of powers. Malachi Daly is just here he would' If the former, those who voted for the da'y last Neil McGinnis, Neil place, a match for the Vi' w posure vchich the publication of these. does not propose to. allow the grass to openii o, the new districts to setVe� Th House has, now got fairly into have been ba(I these resolutions never measure in the committee must support and Urquhart, of 4tephen, who Tlin trict medal was played 1) benetr `btless continue bee proposed, for a bill call be, Passed the Governmefit in Putting it through Jerich and LueLnow, the j -es agaiiist the Governin grow ihisfeet. BesideshisPub- ment is to be roperly carried oil. It harn s, and will don n figures mpk the -had been. colilmitted from Exeter to "t te he 8ohool bill, the scope of which I ex- is satisfactory to know that except with hard t work until the end of the Ses- without any -of -them, except that b �ch House. If th - I t r, the Premier can stand their trialn a charge of ad the journals interested, the Toronto 9 coming off victorious by I' "o, th 11811, who re- -A meetimr of the -IC A aio ill ameding and implovig the High for unfortunate and helpless classes win -1 much, if aaiy shorter than usual. -1) CIAPLEAr. wha is pad by the Ont S N A e lained last week, he has introc, need a r gard tol the insane, the accommodation siton. It is not e*pected that the Ses'sion provides his salary. embody just enough of the minority into tie liou e of Teil �T C quotes E BLAKE AN an h report to commit the members of the side.cipli the boundary between tephen A i altural ".3cociety wa's -b� Gavernment to Reform, paers. - It does Schoo laws. ... Som e of i e. pri;licipa in the 001 munity is now equal to the Either Mr. Chapleau has been appoi at- minority to e. principle of the measure, and __,N lt�ly, features in the bill are clases n -acting r(quirem . ts, and 1i were broiglit before Hill on F ritd,ay, the -6th int�t attempt to justify the payments of Lat very little in- ed fighting man for the Government, In fact, be goeV on drawing his pay as Jild"( Doyle. McGin i -lint tion from Anburn,coilsistin.i ot pis c ease uncle in�y be looked e Brussels Post gets off the fol- vice Tupper, made High Commissioner, Premier of Canada and Teader of the andlie other two that an average attendance of 1_0Ppu ar this head is is a, b I inan, these large sums to its o'WU Publisher for the first- and 80 for tb"e second half- f. r in 1011ling years. The increase an- are about 18 and 12 P. Fisher, Jos. Halikirk lowin-igood thing on the county town or else he is bent on kicking over' - e House of Commons, and compel the years Old respectively. The McCush -dy, oar( and his coleagues, but attempts to make year will qualify a High ,School to be d r th. head of legislation has been busin s : The county town craze has traces and mak in tl iigs unples or men whose duty it is to watch liinlv� to famil, 7, father, mother, alll that thepring show. -of tht Iti that $�41, princi -stationery and struc Huron, an&the-result is the Exe- his friends. - 0 daughter, ate insti �ally in ant its political- opponents appear in as bad ereoted into a conegi n buliusday lasthe under- share the work and responsibility. This, son) 'N -rere present as witnessesi but, pri tifig ri the c1d. lady speaks only (Taelic, con that if it Pit Ross places at $7,222,645. for tl J6 new b Ing a 9mrantee alightas its friends. Itsays: �y be held in the villageof the treasurer of the niunicipal shall fdr aports. The assets of the ter Times has selected Exeter as the site took to find fault with something that at anyrate, I am quite sure, is his ex- also be the treasurer of high school ov, e Mr a M 4. Ian" 0, L I mm " L e1v t le ad gth vent( X nt on( a N Aete' b i ,v �h I611 y uildings, and last week the the leader of the Opposition had said, ectation. Perhaps the Liberals may tablE Dan NIcIvor actedas interpreter. that the sum of $60 or up "The amount distributed ani,64 111orninion 6 Pel: cent. Wini -ham Vidette picked upon 11'ring- -The debate was on a motion by Mr. Blake e astute enough to keep out of the The e-vidence 'was that ng the boards; that the holiday term 11zhall be This no es Irnewspap b-- by them towart er friends' of the Government the sae in- high as in public 3chools, bonds $550;000, drainage debentures ham 0 a fit and proper place f the prisoners 1 e provided or thq for some papers relaing to tile Canad MUSS. J. broke open the dO the'night f A.