HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-02-20, Page 3�- . -- -11 . � , I" � " - . - - - t Z; ­�­­-- ­­ �­11 . . - � - . . . : . I - I ,�, I . . - - . . . . - . . � � - -­ - - . -"---- ­­­­­­ . � i ., . ­ . . . � I . . . -. . I I . . ­..1..1­- ­­�� ---11---- �— -111.99- - -1 - 1-1 ­ . . I I . I - I . I I I i 11 . ! I � I WO - 61 the highest market price in cash will be paid. Apply at once to the Ext,psiripa Office. * 894 — . 11 . - .-- . . - - - . . . I . . . . . . . � ------- ­­­­ ­ ­ —­' -,7- ----.,-.,.--.�---"..�..----�����---,----.- ­ . . � � � . /11 - . I � � � � � � , -, - - . ! I � � . � -, . . . . I - -� I . - - - � . . . . . . .. 11 . . . . . !, � I � i z I ; � I � . I . . . I . � ; . I z I ., I q ,; I . I . farm security, onl3,6J cent. interesti payable . . . - . . � . . i � V . I I I I - . 7 I � 1. q - . " � 1. � - � . - ­ I 1------, ­ . . I - � . 1 � - - - - � � �f 1. I - , . a . I . . . I � . � - - I . � . I . - -- 1. � ­ , � - �' - '- � 7 ' ` . - � .1 I - , - . n!:­�--�.---V---�-- � �-��, I—— -­�%-­ ­.. ­­�. . . . ��-­ ­ ­— -11�­------­A­ . -� . . , , - I I , �:� -j I �� - � - .� I . . �. - �. � , � , I . - � � - - I � . I - - .. - � I � I-. � � � .- - I - . - � I - - . . .% I � � . I � I . - - I - � Z � : � , . I : I � : . � . I I - , 1 . . . . � -­ , . - - . � . . - - I I , - . . . . � I . I � I . . I 1 - i . i i I . . " � I - I Z. � I V - . . . - I . I - I I I - I - I . . . I . - - . . - ­ . I — !, . - . - - - -, ­4-�- -4��—.. -I;; � � � . I I I 11 � - -- . � I . � ,,.��-- I I . . � - ­ . ,­:,,� , - - - -- � , .- ­ . �,--,­ 1 . . ,,- ­ — . -- - . - . - I I - I I I . . . ­ - I ''I . , . , ,I- . - .� . . � . . - - --- ­­­� . - - � .--- .��­ :1 . I � I - I . . . . .. . . - . � . a I � - . . I : . - . I � . . 6 - . � . . . . . , -1 I . - . . . . '. I '. I . I , — . � . - I 1 4 - . . . n . I � I . I . . � — - I . I . . . . . I . � . , -- , - � - - .­ . '— ­ - ­­� -. - �, ­ I . � �- - �j­ . - -- ,.. -. ­ . . - I - — . , — I - I � . . � . ­ I . — I . I I I . — I . . . r - ­ I . 0 I 8185 - -- . . I I . . . � � . . do . . � I , — I �f � I . . I I I . - . . � � , . . - . . i . � I � . z � . � . . 4 . � ; i . I . . I . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . - . I - I - - - . ,- � , L � ------------ �� .1 -- � ------ � ; . � � - - � I . ,: - . , � . r . I . � . I , . I . I I . � � . - . I : . � . � . .. . . . , t . I - ­ . � �- . - . . -1 � I k0 P. .- I -Ry 20 ---, ' — FvBRUA- 0. .,188' . - - .- i ----!!!T - 0 :�. - L . . � . . -, � . I � : i ; - � � � . I I � . - ­ ---. . -. . . - . I I I . SITOR. . ! � i I — "In- to --- ­ - I I . Jim said rich- people's children told when they wanted to talk to Him?" - � - I - ­ th a never faiihn-Spiing Creek­rislng on the - -�Mi`llellb-lrn I --- . - , � . . � � - . -- I � , (( . - -.- I don't deserve half these thanks; I this morning?" Paddy ­ re liedy .-; hav6 done very little, after all. So you dade, urhonour, I juAstro"lled cut Go d IMPORTANT NOTICES. . I ! I ' JAMES P10KARD'S' � .V - � - lus, t ra e thouflit I had forgotten you? I , When you iniow went .me bett6r,,1) on Garth, yo . I see if could find� a br,qakfast . , ,',,- - . appetite . r my � * "I don't know what - you Dicky, " Jennie, as fu mean, tively . . a goo CUZ�R FOR SALE. -For sale' d e Cutter. Apply to c J OHN i I . . . I . . . � S S, � . - . . " y , -will With good 111U11ored reproach,, Gil - . - *—. - I- . � . � . 7 L . I mid she wiped the -tears from her eyes, wh e she _I . I KIDD, Sealorth. 1 8N . . I 1 � ... � ­ fiUA out t�&t I am,% 111aal of my - word. When I say tliat I will do a thing you AgTioultural Item, , Several gentlemen were sitting 'irt the took the sick boy's . poor little N handinherown. "-Don't talk th . rasted sway . � 1. . -­—� - - - OLLIE PUPS FOR SAM—The widersigned . Chas . I I - SIGN OF THE RED F � � . may be suT that if it be in my power it reading -room of a St. Louis hotel, dis- till mother comes back; please I ' don't, four or five pure bred scotch Collie pups from imported stock for sale. Apply to JOHN I I H the attention, of .� - - . - -ehes, - VVill be done. . ..� pi � " I was not so unjust as to doubt you, Irishaffairs. Due of them =: - I . ir . re- .. 'Dickey. " I . � " But don't you remember what Lim� GOVENLOCK, Seatorth. f 896 ­ - 1 - of businesg in ,� I t�4­ — ;.- —4-- returned Queenie, humbly, ",only as the . ' " The Marquig of; Waterford has evict- . . - pey said? I wouldn't4ant to go ap toi . WOOD WANTED.—Wanted about 26 cords, Af 9—#..-.l 4- # f --- -A-d for which 1 -- �-� P4 . It, R .days Weat on JL lost 110 D. JL Tonought - %, - .- elsewhere. - - I - I I you had failed in persuading lAr- Logan., r - - ,. Y and did not like to tell me.') I . -­ 7 . "I ho,pe4 never'shrink from any - � �, , � I � I, - � sant duty, however i -taplea, astina- ed 500 of b -is most without any ca�se. any rent. 11 . atran " It is very stran . , I industrious tenants i They did not owe . 1. , � e that hard--wbrki . inf, - the sky all alone without letti know I was comin', though perhaps wouldn't.let me in - theireany ay, my clothes are so bad. - I k w how - T 'God He I cause it ­ . WO - 61 the highest market price in cash will be paid. Apply at once to the Ext,psiripa Office. * 894 — . 11 . . � CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, . . I � . . OLNEY TO LOAN. -To lend, �V,000 private Al funds by, the end of June, on First -Class �TOR,'E. , 11- : . ; proer . I . I I � agriculturists should . be turned off, commenced.," ; I . . al and forec plulip. It is within four liffles Of farm security, onl3,6J cent. interesti payable I - ti � ly for c ,�- � � . --1.1 on is on owards. I should cer- ' remarked another gentleman, �, I , � . " How what commenced, � Dicke � I dar- peT at the end of - a- year. For! further I . L . . . _--- .. .. ... tainly have told yotrat once, Miss Mar- ms, GROCE'RiES- .--ricptC `ttit no %v for these m- iserable de- " Not at all," �saiil a shortl stout man, Q., ­ li !11 I � . 11 � ,information apply at the ExPOSITOR O#F10R. 802-tf. . . MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. I I 1,' ;f wearing a broad-bri'llmed That's � That- what. Limpey about, It a . - � . � � q,ti- '.., -Z T;,� C1 A T - I tails." continued Garth- changinLy his +�h, &11 4- A -told' ILI," � 4 W T I A- + , ­ C-1 ETTLE UP. -All parties indebted to me will I �, — ) � V'UL 1 ', V VT cm I . ,J* ,.� � �y .L Vazvu ey were rne - On, " - .y III-, VVIA W 9 .U%.; Li. 0 please take notice thatl I am leaviz)g Sea- - I . I ­ . - t � couldn't be for me, could it, � - - And all accounts not �aid before -the 1.1,th � Etc., which have I - grave tone into.a lighter one. "' 80 You They were so infis brious that they wore Tha * � fen forth. I .1 It ia think- � , WIT persi8 ing it-a'ma,tter of 11' out the soil." nie 9 3 � :111 be sold at low -eat --- 17- congratulation that you are ia be our �.. . cause I ache so I can't lay down - of February, will be placed in other hands for �. - � ' ' with ca. rrying - on � After the short, stout man bad gone to sleep. I wish I knew the rest it, collection-. THOMAS COVENTRY. 893-tf. . . � - future sch6ol-mistress'V` . off, one of the party asked -the hotel clerk )cause ih - G d could give ille new -,�. A-11goods, niarj�-, - cc )) . I . per[aps o Keep Your Mind on the Fact that Pickard's lit prafits ou. cacti ­ Certainly. H i OTICE TO DEBTORS. -All. parties in- ti it i . Tho lie was. .- clothes so I'd- look fit to go where - e is, debted to the estate of the late John Kidd, � - - )wrt out aa a bait. I, s not w very desirable post; hi- , e editor of the Texas'Farm "if I only knew how to tell Him about it. Pier by note or book account are hereby noti- . . : . , Ran,� I is the Place to Buy Dry Goods of all Kinds, � � � . dee(l, it is quite beneath y�olur accept- an ,,,,,) was the reply, "' and knows ' Now I lay i4e down to sleep.' Vaps fled that unless the said indebtedness is paid at I -. . � I . � t once to the undersigned, costs will b i icurred. . . � a ance. You cannot'Vaink how .strongly )1, e i ' � : . - - all about farming. : . . God wouldn't mind if thathaintJes ' AT,ROOK BOTTOM PRICES. � . - i ­,� I . . This is the last notice. IvLRS,. JOHN KIDD, Sea- , . LL4. .... I - Mr. Logan and I feel�on that point. As 41 . =- I the way it really is, seein's how I don't forth. 890 - f 7 the vicar's church -warden I had a right The Grandour:i6 f Riagara Falls. know what the words are -now I've got ----- -- . I 11 6 - . - 1 3 � to take'my owix grontid in the matter, it 'Ipray tke Lord my soul to MTO RENT.-- F or sale a very valuable � . ! 1. r "I . �) � A- man, seemingly about sixty yqars of * . ceep. 1AR . . . . : �� lie following k in(is: .. I and we have - arraw,PA oli u age, was telling the people in the"Wait- I hain't jest sure I know what that 14 fann,lot 11,concession 1% township of Stan- I . � C, -stipend shall be Zfty pounds a yeax - inearis, (to you Jennie ?" I le- . .. ; ing-rooms . y, there are 100 acres of land, a large brick ;- - I Lnie inch Soft Elm; 8.1 at the Third Street depot, re- . dAvelling, two frame barns, sheds, &c., excellent . C3, % I - inore than thi is out of our power,' cently, that, he had been East, to - " Oh, Dickey, -what is - the matter ! orchard. lipmediate possession. Terms easy. . ­- old' � -. ontinued Garth, stamniering a h4le, ' What makes you ialk so when you know Apply to JOHN BROWN or to JOHNESSON, � . ?n : Massachusetts, - to -see his sistera, and . - !.� . � :- inch Bass - - . � -swood; �. . and for the first time becoming st'ghlbly that on 1�is way b�ck he stop mother nli sed us that we should have' ,Bay6eld P. O'., Huron County. 1 893-7. T, TEIS:l J C1K::E1rTS �, 12 inch Iline, and , -n -- � . 3 I ped off at � , ---" . . . � . . � " There' _ . . I pro In r wit� real ineat. t:k eat 4 is not eve ' - embarrassed. � a NiagaraFalls. . , - . . .. a good .dii e - I � .. . lerry. Also fresh.. dwelling -house or lodging attached to 2 I . - when she came?" GREAT BARGAIN. -Will be sold cheap ! � . . � 11.5 . : "'Tub t I ce I rreve� saw, 1) remark. A140 acies of good land, heavily timbered, fenciri,g diad ditch- the -salary; but the vieX-r wishes, that is a �i s a p a it' Now, listen, Jennic ; 'cause it eems chiefly inaple, ' JUST NOW AT HALF PRICE. ­ � � ed Oman a poke bonnet on. I some Hemlock and Cedar, never s � -1 . 37 � 1. , - fee t - ... � : - corrected G-arth ,ling himself on I t I "Well, � you've misse � if it Would make me feel ahnost well failing stream through it. Three miles frolif I � . "Y I .w. I v,l . z ) did .. .. d . . � I I � 66 I the edge of a very decided- fib, and 1 �; I I could only say it. I Now I lay me Alh.tnford. station township of Amabel, County � . . . I � �� I ' - I ,.r deposUed iwthe I the aw,Nllest sight oil -eartli. Why,` -I f Bruce. Apply to box. 284, Stratford, or Ex- . . . I .11 -e slightly datui.ted by the look in Queenie,'s . 1. . - =to steep; I pray the Uord in, r S-,,ul o � , ' i - .wasidststunned." . - . . m8noR Office. . . 893-tf , ­-, - handled, _aad will' , -(,yes. - - .1 � - should (lie before I v ' ' I . . ­ t I � . "What is it like? she aslied. i i r . that X 'can con� . . . . . (To Be Continued�) , . . .� 4 p. 1f I , ,'ake,,f , ' . . . . On Hand a. Full Assortment of Sizes of I .. . � . , -s-- � 14 'Well,,.". ere's axiver and the falls, ----'IF I should get to sleep', -Jennie t4nd , Olt SALE. -Three thousand dollars will buy . - �.Ilistonlers- rart'Fle,,-, ..... - . P V part North half 29, concessioi 14, Me- � - W e,-,. e ­ I should die before I get awake, Wheie ' I � and,lotw'of hotels, and w�eral Ifijuns, . - Killop, 61 acres near Walton. Threethousand I 1,4rin- the coming An'Old Man's SoMoquy. and the bridal veil,, and land only knows 'would I lie, Jennie?" : 1. . dollars will buy East half 21, Concession 4, L.R, -� ' - � imid, in their bills k Written. fo ' Me'n's, Youths' and Boy's Ready -Made Clothing � r Tim -ExposiToR. what elsi�. If any old w manh d a-be�Ai "I don't -know, * )ic S-, Tucli-ersinith, 60 acres, four miles front Sea- . I , "I 7 -4 I I 0 a key ; I don't . I � I forth. Ten thousand five hundr � ; . V= be provided. ... . Beneath a large,. wide�spreading tree, along, she'd a wilted right down. - , know. Perhaps you'd go right up i to � -ed will. buy Lot I .. 4. � � . . . ' In 6, Concession 13, Hullett; 1,;0 acres. -Apply to . . I . An old man feebly stands, � I ' Illere 7 s water there, I sup ' e a cy. -ut please ( on't- die, Dickey F. 1191IMESTED, Barrister &c�, Seaforth. . '- - -Leaded to. , L. I PoSe ?" L tl k B , in solemn thought; for soon will flee,,.. - CC l . AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. � . . Life's few remainingsands. , Oh hea,lis of it '.It pours, and thun- d ar, 'cause you an&mother is .ill I've 896 C, . . .- I .­, I . � His face a weary look doth wev% ders�, and roars, .*d foarns, and humps g it, ' mid What Would I do -if ' ou v iasn't - I - ;. ils for sale., '-ney I I., � Deep furrows trace his brow; I ' . � .-I y ENDERS WANTED. -Tenders will,be re- . . - . 'at to the road iD- , Imprinted there by age ana care, - around inthe terriblest manner. You here ?" T Tceived- by the undersigned, addressed to . .- . 2. . . . - : � ave bit,on a- shirt button in a piece of ' " But s'pose I should die, where Walton P. O., until Monday, Ma I ; . I . � . h, - n . - � No more to leave him now. � rch 16,1885, fdr : � - . � I Lple, I - , Al e ven't yol I. I the crection of a frame dwelling house. The -FIVE PER CEN . BELOW REGULIARI i $01 time, ha 93) would I be7 I don't ache so very much MEN'S OVERCOATS TWENTY T � 11 11 11 lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. � . � But children close, engaged at play) I "No, air"' no -w ; bu t I wish I knowed all I ( f it. ' . I y . i ". * I Divert his thoughts awhile, . , - . 0 lip Plans'and specifications may be seen and fur- . RATES OF SELLING. I . I And o'er his countenance a ray. I Well, �ihe feeling was about the wouldn't it be tough if I was to T * to ther infonnation obtained on application to the I I - . I I 11 ILL. . I � . � 1, Of light is seen to smile. saine-kind of.shivery, Why,* the biggest -thesky without letting , I Dow I undersigmed on Lot 1, Concession 18, Grcy, Or . � , r ­ Walton. JOHN HEWITT. 896-6 1 I i For, in imagination bright ma,n that ev lived ain't half as big as was comin'. I s'pose d get thi owed , : . � � . r I t, I ,� , . - � I Again his youthfa. hours, ,, . . * 11 ; I �firstvlass, article in . Come floatin Niagara Falls t- Let him stand thax 0a,nd out anyway ; but perhaps I ill have � � g with their siveet delights, Ig ;. - see that 'ere ---tter tumbling ov,er tben-1 a chaafee of stayin' a little while if ally- U AN LE. -For sale, �very effort wiH be - - Unmarked bv sorrow's showers. .I - 0 11 cheap, a house and lot situated near the JAMES'PICKARD . � . . 3 - . ere -rocks, ;t d he can' I lay I i (Ii,stance ma;v have . t help but. feel ' body knowed I was comin'. .'No,ti old drill shed. The house contains three rooms, � - � . --- Again, in innocent delight, . 0 'kitchen and woodshed. The lot contains one - i , . . what a miseiable ho§s fly lie is. Y u7ve rne down to- sleep; I pray the Loy d my . . I � home with, .them- He with his friends doth play, time, haven't you?" soul to keep.' Do -you. s'pose H4i'd take fifth of an acre. This property is conveniently . . : - - . F I to a, Z-nd * : To chase from early worn till night, . � : . . - situated and will be sold ver . . . ,p y cus mer y cheap. Apply on - . "No sir.'�- - "�! . . . the trouble to keep the souls ol ,poor - -N . � The ha,ppy hours away. - � . . . . - I � ' . I - . the premises or at TuF, Ext,6sm6it office. Mrs. Campbell's Block Attended to. � Through varied scene!v.-hlis thoughts. now 9 Smith& West's Old- Staiid3 � . . ' Well, it's about the.,same t4ing ; yoxi If , . JOHNSTON, Scaforth. 8070 -tf �.. . I young ones like inia ail' you, Jeniiie ? C L . . . Till nianbood's early houts, [roam, - I . � I . . . � ; e Uy the staeh, ... Flow in, and piettire io his mind wake up and find yoarself ""on ;he fl oo�, we'%vas rich folks wid had good clothes, "' . e I - - . 'Sal � ; I . �, an flow , and, you feel as if you'd been stealin' it wouldn'thiake,inuch difference if I . ��rftd upon.. Scenes brighter f ar th era., - . I . RUCEFIELDIMILL FIRE. -The undersigned � � ; .. � h . ! readf ull y all - � a eep or w � � ' r � . .. - robbin"blind men," , did die, 'cause I ache so d B ill receive Tenders until February 246i m .z�,- =,-T s rr -P aii j�-i,-r , -�i ip -A- -P (D 1R. 1 1-1 - . * p .. - For once again, Love'st -olden dream, . "What portion.of the Falls did you the time. " � . 1885, for the Lot lately occupi�d by -the Flouring . ->VENLOCK. . I I Its, glittering rain-iene&;;i;1 - - most �dmire ?" she asked. ! " Indeed, it Would make a diffei ence, . and Grist mill at Brucefield, comprising half an � . . . Around his heart; then like a gleam - acre of land. Also for the stone in-Ahe founda- . - I - . .. . . � -1 I It bears him on its wings.- . "The water, mmim, "lie prompt. y replied Dickey ; for you're the oni b or tions and the bricks round the boiler, the boiler - � - . . I � y . roth w I : I . 1d, I d o if ' I . I Ah, these were hours too bright to fade, I and engine, and the old metal. Tenders may be ,I anuary . - - "If you put 10,000 kegs of beer oit the sister I've got, and What -%yoil had for the whole or separate tenders will be re-- Huron's Photographic Establishment. to, J 1"ISS5.1 - " ' I . . - . From off the page of life, . -was all LvIone here aft to ; roof of this building, and 'set the 11 t er nlothbr go -,s . te immediately. For then it was a, blushing inuid, ceived for the Lot, for thq stone an& bricks, for . � . i. �- � - 11 . I . �- - Becanie 1�is lovingwrife. runnftla,- they couldn't ill -ith. work?" the boiler and engine, and for the old metal. 1. � -!� 0 P � . � " Al. BUCKINGHA31, Stratford. ' - 897-2 - I I I ­ . Niagara Falls. It's the terri ilest al�- Well, I won't if I can h ough IV I I � a � - � 5 - . � . .Then time on gilded wings flew by, � ate - I I- ( -Li Id let � . . i . '. � . � I . I P!Tingest thing ever p, mited." - if I'knew jest whe"li--w God wo � . r Till round their cheerful hearth I 7- YET N i � � W � . 1, TOTE LOST. -Lost about the Ist of January, . E . I NV4s heard. the din of joyous ones Did it cost yo.u. much ?.. inquired. a me coine up into the sky, it woi Idn't a note of hand made by John and Heniy - - aimim, children's mirt . ern )) . . . . . -wn to--sMe --- -&- 11 . � 0 : , . . . . . ,% I -do � .. all. i - a '""AFORT-H. . � e Procl - h - ' gentl seen!, so bad -I -I Col wt . W- - NVADE SE I . I .. p Cooper., in favor of John George le for $18, � ­ Then, " each orie of these grew up, "Bout sixty-five cents. I I �o 'k cep. " 1 . and bearing date February 14, 1884, and payable I i �. .1 I L It 3 pooty , sou 4 � : ' � � . Their happy home they left, - - a ten -months after date. The public are hereby I And, thus, their parents one. ai,n, f tight times, and sixty-five celits: don't The words ot me slo,%vl.y ,%lid faltering- - . i . - r . � - 7 . -" a-utioned against purebaAing or negotiating this � : grow oil evey, -ly fr m-tbe cold lips; the face thab had 0 1. I . . � Of children were bereft. y bush but' 'I ail't sorry. note,. as payment of the same has been stopped, F . I - I I I I . 11 . . I � ��'. c - : It's suthin to talk about for twent, years beern distorted by pain wa w � I- 8 reathed by and the finder will be suitably rewarded on de- . l . � 0%, Y . I NOME And then his precious, in : -Aife-, . , � � to coi-ne. There is a chap in �� the fannina of the angels' wing, i,11t livering the same to S. COLE, Constance P. O., � ... . Was buried 'ne�ith tho sod. town 11.) 0 0 Januar,yj12Qth, 1885. 895x4 . Having refitted his rooms with. new and handsoine furniture, .such 'as chairs, , . . . � -who used to travel with a ciicuZ, but smiles ;: the pain -racked body was a billed il . � I � But, high above all earthly, rife, � , - J . r balustrades and- draperies, also new and choice Winter sceneries, is now prepared , 11 . I � . Her soul doth restwith A. he'll have - to take -a back seat when I by the presence of the white -robed vist- , - - . I -- � 11 1. . i - ' PLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. -The 1 -fur- to turn out photographs in any style desired. I am mak..iila a specialty of Cab - t W, � AnA, now, beneath, this tre he stands, - i j.' a tors, Mid Dickey ]lad really lain do wn to � 0 � � 41V r%- 11 . Weary, and, bent, a�nd wo ,.. get home. Flip-11opph a-ro'L md ill i � S ness Shop in which was carried ontheHarness . . CKI h ti- nlea -- . circus don't begin with Niagax,i Falls !" steel.. . I "I . With tottering f embling hands, . . . ; . - business of the late 0. Andrus, is now offered to inets, and 8xI0 Photographs, the 8xI0 Photo is considered the picture of the day- . I Tc him ]lad come thateertainty ,hich Rent, :This is the oldest and best established � . Alon-e! but not fo.�forn. "So, on the wbole, you were plep,sed ?" Any of those wishing to make'their friends Christnias presents can find nothing - I ..... . � . I I .. - i conics to all as they reach the brink of harness business in the Town of Wingliani, and . I . . .. i � - - . For, suddenly, a -brilliant gleam, Pleased ! wl)y I'was tickled half to the bes't stand. There is in connection with more suitable and elegant. The finest finish on ,%It -work guaranteed, and no ; - . the dark river, that he do�s all t hinas is . I . ' - - _)ierced the murky glooni­,- I I . death ! I tell you if I had one on my farm C this business a stock worth about $860, which L t for Sale Uy I - Rath I ' -well 1; and there it. -was illat I poor little may be bought by the Lessee. The shop alone Work ;0owed to go out unless thoroughly satisfactory. � I Arid, distant through the �louds doth be', I Wouldn't sell it for no fifty dollars in, . 7 . . . i . !, A hGme beyond the tomb. , ' invalid Dickey knew th.4 in his FAller's or the whole two story brick building, part of � . . I . I I L He feels the power of Jesus? love 6ash ! I've lookedin b�o a field whar seven man. ion neither inone n . or raiment was. which is used as a dwelling, may be leaecd by . I I I I . Within his a -ed breast, hundred and fifty fat hogs, was within' y ' one party, as the Proprietor and Applicant may LIM. kS . . � -e ei - and a large and varied stock of Fra m- es, amon a a _ . I -d to mak -ell the poorest ill this ag-ree. Address, or apply personally to MRS. - M k . need, FRAMES. -I have also on li, Z . . � , And calmly waits, till, when above, to be sold foi solid iiloney, butit was no . . 1' 31ARY'ANDRUS, Wincrhaiii P. 0. 895 . F 11 qJ His soul shall find a rest. ' worl. s goods one of the favored d we Ilers. 0 i - : . such sight as the Falls. You a1l: orter ! , . . . - which there are some of the choicest Gold and Easel Frames in new and elegailt ; - . . - - L . Z . 13Y J- H-. go tbar.- You can't1 half ' If lie , should die ! Dickey had but ; - . I apprq,ciate. till I designs, which I am offerin at greatly reduced prices during the Christmas holi- 5 I I I iI I I - . -----. ---- - . .. 11 � I 19 9 I you'vegazed ontheAunipus i ! - -en64 to a life of which lie ]lad � � I k . � a-wal. � - T . , 5 1 MUSICAL. days; -*-cry nice 8xI0 frames complete -�ritli glass mat and back ftom.30c up. I I'll, ! knoN n nothing, but the glories pf -hich ; . Effect of Tobacco: . ,. . . , . ,�-- I ; , . I , p I I . 11 . ;( I � You antoke too'rn'�'-ach` said W. - B. ,. to be shown to him. Ali, yes, poor ; I � � - - - . ka..5e Or. exchange God SaysWe Must Noi ` litti Dicke , poor no longer had gone RS. 0. M. DUNLOP, Teacher of Music MOULDINGS. -Mouldings plain and ornamental in great variety. Frames r Ueyriolds, of Austin, to Sain A'IcLane, I , y I M Piano or Organ. Advanced pupils fittea . , ; uerits Of Gar .. . I ... � I ]MVr Nvli:o is bald-headed. . - As a mother sat rladi�-,., to h tbro with never"a doubt to make him ade to order on the shortest aind at lowest prices. A call and inspection i I 5 er: ,c 11013 for,graduating at less than one-half the expense in notice, I I �ie�vhere.. We are. - 'afrai 1. � . I of foreign teaphing. Terms moderate. Resi- - . . : - " Maybe so." . children she c:vnie tda story of anaughty of the work respectfully solicited. ' . � . I , Z . I I dence on George Street, Second Door East of . . . Z . C4 I i . . � if a bald-headed nnail stops smoking boy.who had stolen apples and '-pears I . I - 7 . I . I 4 I Main Street, Seaforth. 879 � a & I he will have a full head of hair in a short from an 9 s cot- Uncle Daniel Drewe. 1 . Z , rchard n.a,r .his father . N. B. -I am enabled by the use bf the dry plate to make photographs � 'i % ' i . I as � � . � 2 I. ,. - itin tage. After reading part of the.,., -story, I -when Uncle Daniel r ew' e �.N ! � ewetry . time," col xued Reynolds. ' Oi. e day t t .. W I " I can't believe it." according- to her ust�,),l practice, she made was n the zenith of his pc b� a . I EISTRAY STOCK. - ell in dull weather as in the finest. All Photographs made by the instan taneous - I � � I . ayl � ., � -4� I � . " 1 es, it is true, for. I lu-iew a bald- a pause to put a few questions. a gentleman stopped him on ibe Itreet a dry plate process; also make the geni picture four for 606. Rooms all, on th � is W and fresh, t q - . iteaded mati who quit saloking, and in "'WilliaTh," she said, I1wb 6ugb � STRAY DOG. -Strayed from the premises of * �11 Watches, Clocks, , . y and said: I - � �g- Electro-Pla-ting � ltn�,s than a m onth he had as thick a head we not to do as this nauglity bov did ? " I � E the undersigned, London . .r. ground floor. . . . .Mr. Dve-w, I.belie-ve you're ,a ('bris- sinith, about the 19th December, a small sized ,, of hair as I ever saw." Why ou'rlit -we not .o I steal appfes and tian'iiiaii?" ! I Ortest notice. . blavk, ptirly Newfoundland dog answering to the , 0 . . , q . . 4 C a 4 t I pt -ell Y ame of " 11over." lie li, Do yan illean to say t1lat the hair pears ?" � � I I . N'ell y -e --S," ansivered tile .9 - I as "I sear on the .side of . , - . I . 1 7 . .. I . -� .. 'fIVIV out a.11 over his liead?�? . . cc Ob, " replied N'Villiaui, "bccau:w they lator. . his neck under the Jaw. Any person givincr , - n � . . � . such information as will lead tothe recovery of W. W. WADE Main'-st, Steaforth*. , - - -- , - I - - - I I . � - -.% ' " N -0,r of e,0111'40 ]lot but -,is soon as'he do not belong to us " I 11 Then I ask you to do the right bing the animal will be suitnbly rewarded, and any . I . : . I I 0 1 *i .� .. 0 �: - i kS , � I � - M * I` ,I .- t, �-pped sm o king, - he At ved up 'moiley. " And wbat do ymi sav, Itobert?" '. by ii- e. A month ag)o I sold you - some person harboring him will be prosecuted. JAS.. . " �. , _ � . - � � 0 � s Blank & Blank railroad stock at 36 Ill PATTERSON, Brucefleld P. 0. 804-4 � - I .4 tL1.1,(.),J"Jr(rh to buy himself a Wig. " " I say, becau e if Alley caught u.'i I . . � 1,-S�eaforth. I .. .--- . ----- they would be sure to solid us to pri- two I..(,,k,, it J unipod to 60. It is I Only . - � . Presence of MincL Soil. " I . . I � - r -r ,rL-.:3 -=,-,-, I Gr 0 T—i -ID -TE I\T * r1i I 0 25T.— � -- I fair hat you shouRA preseiWille Wi 11 a 4- MEDICA L. ' . I I � . 1'resence of mind i.,.&'avery rare qua.lity " And now, Mct'ry, it is your turn to least, $ 1, OOO.'� ' . -. � . . Z . I nele G. 15. McDONLALD, M. D., C. M., 11hysi- ­� I . orses. - I -­, . .- I., 0. � . �W those we ,meet, give a reason. Say, dear, why otivilt we 11 My Christian friend " replied ill . wleed. How fe � C . I . M . w. 7t not to steal appleg ot: pecars, or anythiii- Daili-11, witli1q,11l W. clan, Surgeon, Aceouelieur, &c. Office . A � � thougrh ap .1 aild perfectly . . 0 - �Vllesollle:squiilt tc his I � I --- � . , �pareiitly, coo . i , I and resfde ice, that lately occupied by Dr. Hut- Z . . , )I ,. �, else ?" . leff cye, "I renien1ber that tramia, tion. � solf , , + . I -, . -possessed., kuow just what to do in u Nfary Next ying the bouds- I con- chison, Auburn. 4C I . � . I X a . an. erliergeucy. It is a ,(,rood thing to " Beca se. " a( 4 little , . if)(0king dt�y after bu . I � n N I . I . - I . witt, meekly up at ber iother, " tieca Lv6f., (�, od I clud(d that I had inade - I � 0 i - . I J tiave an active niiiii.1--well stored a fool of myself G. SCOTT, 31. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon, � 1 Z . I � . . I I . I a , : I A . C. - . us(-ful kriowledge, lynt sometintes it is says we inusift.': . and therefore sold for 3j. Let us cm, J, and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Oftic� and I , > I I. 11 . I ' t' 94 I �, .1 residence South side of Goderich street, Second C9 . , I �� , � t,petter to have & less expensive style 'Of � Plight, love, ".Sai(l lie,. moth(.r. ­L.11j1t bracC and console each other and divide i . � .. - is . Door cast of the Presbyterian Church. .1342 4% - I .-, Z � . nly lass betweell us. -Wall 8treet.'� ews. �- � �- " , - ,ator and Teacher, tillind,-and have it calin and lanruffled at the true reason i a�id the be,,A i ea,ion � f � I . In ;Q1 - ­ J - , . ­ � J? of) � � of Seafofth and - � I I lin, ---- �* ­ -- - BRT - -4.t� -1 I 4Z, , - - I I C1 'ha 11 .t, - �::, I �. I ��? .� momelit when it hi iteeded. that can be tfiven. NA- -t God con , wilds r Al LICE SMITH, 31. D., C. 3L, Member I I 6 I I are bound to d 0, and 1*011-vt he forbids -11le, family 0 . the College of Phy-4vians and Surgeons, . I m, Dr. Colem - ' f- .11r. John Rai iacre 111 - of' an tile 0 2 . . . - , .k friend of inine once I - � put a hu-ge ,red 3,N -P- Eden Mills, became unnecessarilN . I ... I " I I &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Office and residence . � old deill shed for - ate 1_)o ill, - we are bound to I " ve undone. ' Thou - -a arn - I . ;Iicelv A' I. . 6 � . puker chip in the clitirch pl y is ' Same s occupied by Dr. Verene. 1�,,848 tted up; for I I shall not steal ' ar his own word.,;. If ed tbe other (lay. - A poisoned s�% sage . 1� r i�inf, Colts and I take. -Fewpeople -%%-Duld have known I � �� I � 0 � ;; I i �s 0 ,, ­ . wlmt to da; but he,,Just- -wellt to the ever you are asked bywiy one you know had been )lung in a window wi a bait 31. HANOVER) )11. P., C ,51`., Grad�j I ate of F L STOCK COMPLETE, I Public in-! ... � I N W ' . I - ha,%,6 their colts. .- a,nd wby you sho,illd i,iot:do what is ,wrong, forli-Ats. A little child and a doc, ': vere McGili University, Physician, Surgeon and � . IMstor after the servF6bs ,were over ; I- I . I � . I . 1-1 11'p.- . Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and residence, ained� will find it. to - . I your answer 1) the same*.as :. playing around where the ineat W&S. I � .. rare&- -opportunity, - S.*1itl he had the inoi.-iey ,%vith which to 1�(-t . tliv (311(, 8ud N6rth Side of Goderich Street, Firqt Brick House . - . - . ­ ­ i i vou have given in , I Because (;(.(I M."v.q I (le-iilytlicl)ait(li,-,appeared,. an(I the East of the'Methodist Church. 496 .understands the art I - redeein that (,hip. He told tile, uliiiiAer I . .. . general conclusion the family axi-ir --d at , � � . . !,', ,.,lid also guaran- � .. - that the chip was wortli $5 up town, I �ve.J�118'nt.' 3, .1. � I � I or, in every resp . , i 'The i I - -. I - - Was Piat the child had caten il. A R. MACKID, (late of Lucknow) Graduate of Large Assortment to Choose From. 1. 5pect. 4 . �Uld he would cash it ,vt that �rice 4J , 11 I - at the QL'EEN'9 -� �i -e - I Hort Tniversity, and Member of the �, ID Toronto L J � ,� - d il " N" I Lay A le down to Sleep." doctor was sent for, and eN .r.N I - . . -ree -1 , pre.a4ler took the ,,;,�5, wid s at lie ow . College of Physiciam and Sur -eon.", of Ontario. . I r 0 - ... � lv.�� Thanking . � - made to save the little one. Tlw :1 �hild � in the past, and : ;IliVays knew that these little red solive- " I don't i'pose it,�iina -,es lui!y d1iffell- 11 Office in CaAy's Block, Resi&niec, L. Meyers, I I - . I Ed not grow sick, however, and -!- , 1',ct - � didn't kilow they ence when po _(,� I i 'VIle oria Squarle, Scaforth, Ontario. 894 re in the future, I � trins cairte high, but lie or Zes k a diu� (10 you, '(t1he -medi I nian arrived lie sai(l � �oine . . 0 ervank ... Nv,cre as expw,isive as that. ,Tcil1lie,V1 I I Ca LOWEP THAN EVER TNIS SEASON, I - - � - It mistake liad been made ' �� .knother frieild of niil,16, %N 110.1lad no I � What nlakeE I yoll talk like that, as 'i's p�ltiellt EYE EAR AND THROAT. POPULAR PRICES RULE , I BULLOCK. .:-_. . * -ent to a I Dicke— "' T t bad'nr) symptoms of having been pCison I � - ­ ­ - . - I I pruseiiweof -nmid NvIRL-te'vell-I w y- IT 0 go to sleep, and )vbc-ii 1. . I . -� ---- . i ed... The (log: ineanwbile ]lad er,,twled . � . I , . ic and, by nii-stake, ,�;a.t down on a mother coines hom e you. call have. an . DR. GEO. S. RYERSONP It 7 - I'll, (11G-11 . � into A hiding plac6-and was evideid ly in I- I I 0 I . �k4 eni. : oye(I Prof , Mby that Nvas asleep un -der a shawl in i orarlIgP- like what �o 'wanted yesterday; , great ixtin. It was then apparent to all L. R. C. P., L. R. C. R. E., Leeturer oil the Eye, I f - r us, an feeling - the shade of �vlt 1jinbrageol:,is trev, break- that is, if she get�, the pay for fl-te N%ais.li- I . Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- o I . ... . '. . I ttiat the (to(,, not -the child, had re,(Ji,ived Everything New, Fresh and H'andsome. IV to ar interest, � ing its ll,otse ---the ehilkl's nose, I !!P:13u. [ 111(y . . , 0 to, and Surgeon to the Merver Eve and Ear In- . int, im to the pub- i ( - I -the dosk,�. After treatment the (161 firmary. Late Clinical As.,;istanf Royal London i C, 11. . c" I don't warit tog �,) to� sleep, 'cause, I I ,, . re- * r own observation : I 16 NVAS a CZ1,11didate for the next 1.ej6.-;7 0 COVeled. 1:-1 i Ophthalmic .Hospital, Moorfieldq, and Central � �, . � . offend -t!ile- ' ache so ; and somehow I'd like to know I . - I Throat and Ear Hospital. Pt - J .A- M I 1E S Co 1ST , S :0 -A,. 7w C� JR. r -r 1-9: eni for training and -.. � 1,-ttuxe, alid did tiot %vish to I I . 0 .. - T ho-ses, f:ix excelo � , 11-k0ther or lose -the vote of the fAtlit-r, �,) i what there i8 iii) i�u the sky, fx)r I Catarrh -a New Treatme . t. 317 Church Street, Toronto. � . - . - . . - I . I . � — � the pleasure of , - a -okej sliould,lit wouderl if I I - Was ., � : . � . . . (,Om -mend him as iv he tried to.pass the thing, off' as I - goin there, . --- - -- -- . � I . I'Li-hap,the most extmorAinar,.� SUV(;(-�;, that . I)v �ayiiig that lie didii't liose ,* it ,,i ct,i ; like Joo Hardy ,did when he "()t 1*1111 has be � I ,; but a, �� . ssial"I" It is . . t : .'M . L3n achieved in modern niedivine hat� been - . -�owa: a- per- I, tliva-, ov er. " i . � I I atta I , ained by the Dixon Treatment for (-"Aarrh. - - I . . -1 N G 0 F F , our t - 8 E L L I thue he has, by hWis I'le was terribly snowed uuf*.�,r nt � "0111 don't Di&e�!, don't talk like Obt of 2,000 patients treated during, the limstsix --ANI)-- TEA. , TEA. TEA. TEA. , d. gentle , � I � M, Maly be- . ' it,11 ,()(-,k months, fuliv ninety per cent. have been -tired � . I tho polls, and lie deserved. it t ­). - - I',, il I I t1tat ! F11 fix the jro6ni tip so I i and we are inost f . I - . of this stubb'Orn malady. This is none tl�. less . . I . - I -it al I (13forth thia year, -, N', v. butter, and then y6u. shall get up and $ ,t­-tlinif C per Closing up Business. AT THE A STORE. � ­ — I . '�, when it is remembered that tin q I m. liberal patronage . . . : � by the window." , . vent. (f patients presenting themselve-, t.) the . I I . -- ; *e a well t , �d - Cross Purpo�;es. , . rqmla- practitioner are benefitted, N�hil-- the Now is tbe, Time to Get the Best Value Ever Offere(t in ,8eaforth for your )Voney. 7 ' F -PIR -11 I Jenniebus'Icd ivround the ,1i(.'LL11til-,-- I i I at we are more I � I I 'r . patolill niedicines and other ad%ertisvd, cures SI aniclosingupiny busine-sAin the Vill.U,e .1 I , ( C; - L . wim with but. poor mwer -evorda.ctne at all., Startimr witi the of Kinburn, and as the entire stock coi . �, � � . 0 n - I � (-i 4rch of s " E 11 X11 so arrai4cre the few pieee.,� of elahn towgreneraliv I)elieved by the 1�110.4 eien- ' sisting of Dr�y Goods, Hat,i and Caps, Boots and � -U I ; at he has done for .kil 11-i'dinuall )11(" ITIOU11111 �, j�.-' ,)nt ! fur-nished room , t. -I A -y em.ly in se oute Vy L!!:�: tP I suecess to .A-- C3-- -& 1-42, 14'.mr. F. Jwnm,� jit.i , , a .- . . - i I 'm, Joym KYL4 I 1111t,LtU where tbe vaine laws -%-,*(:r-, 11�triLA- I furniture trmt thel wretubed- apartment. tifiC 11"n that the disease is due -to the prcgence Shoes, Groceries, Patent 31edieine, Earthenware, Hwj Just Iter.eived a N ery Large Consignment of TE'AN. He now holds one of' 11 ; 0 X -i ... para-ites in the tisstie, Mi. I)ix)n -at ies, � � I I II, r , riwr I " I , of li I ,, Glassware, Sleighs, Wagons, Carriages, Bug. I C0LF.sf,A_N, F RAr.Clff : y enforced. TU1,11i ,L; -,sharp co. . might s�ein more 'cheerful to the poor the Largest qad Best Assorted Stocks west of Toronto, In Teas alone he now 14clun-kLa, S,A,�Afunrsb , , -the ­euth 011(lealiapted his cure to their extc-rminaiion�-- Wheelbarrows, Whiffietrees, Neckyokes, &-c. � I %% lwtii (lid he inm-t bou I little iii -valid, wh had been confined to 'l,is acconipliAlf f' holds 175 Pa�kages. Prices from 15c., 20c., 25c., .30c., 35c., 40c., 4.5c., 50c., 55c., ! f,-k.m 11caLgy. r_1W - se - A, lie claims the Catarrh k prac- .must all be sold or,givenaway before the ist o - . � %� lit) owned the eAat( i� I Padd-, ein- hi -i bed for so ill. y l6ng, weary -,veeks tivaliv ctired,and the pernianeney is unqueRion- April next, I am therefore prepared togive great and 60c. per,pound. This Stock Consists of GREEN,. BLACK, JAPAN, GUN- , I . 11) � . I ' I . 1� , I ­ . tit(. ­�ttlie -was ap, cool y f i t d v a �,,-?- fa, I t)- I that it seei .ii td , al -cry department. . - I-., I)Ven .. , as *ures effected by him four vears o are bargains in ei . I I - �� i ue( as.i he' ]lad alm eures, till. "No one else has ever . atternp, ed to - I have also a'quantity of Dry Lumber to dis- POWDER, and TEA DUST, and Will Guarantee them to be all FRESH and 1� . I . - . -EN MWILLSiff%1. want thie gt,�iitlej,nali tul I said, " The top I there. . I ! cure CiLtarrh in this manner, and no other ;reat- pose of, consisting of Axles, Tongues, Two Inch give Entire Satisfaction, or Money Refunded. Also a large Stock of Sugars and . I , 1. ) ' 't .ill . 0 , Jennie, nient, I - , . of the niorning ta' I 11 A hain ?, Ito said, � as ei-er cured Catarrh. The appliption Oak Plank, Rock Elm, Pine and B Groceries. Flour, Oatmeal, Corn -meal, Shorts, B�an, Buckwheat - . .your honor � and what I 11 asswood. As all kinds of . A I I clited to Inc for- �- brought your hoiior out so C-a'rly tbii with a faint si : I ,,, ile hi.,; pale facc of the ,enle y is s nip e, an can )e o ie, at t e a ove mus a e so , no reasona e offer Flour, Oats' X ey, Screenings, Chop e , Salt, ,oal it, Fish, p ,9, � o toes, .. , - - ajOv I home, and', the present season of the year s the will be refused. I (-Ounts that ow.1111; - aincrlt" The gentlenian repli&d bV grew more alli las a,il unusually sevore Turnips, Carrots, and Cabba e. ge stock of China, Crock 'lassware. y mul by ure I am I . I most votable for a speedy and permanent cure, , Also at a bargain that most desirable piece of cry a . 11 . sayilig, 'I p strolled sixisni of pain a , promp setil,e'nient, Indeed, I addy, I ju;t a i'e through the -wasted th* jorit - of cases being cured at on(, �reat- property, a corner lot in the Village of Kinburn .Also a Large Assortment of mps ain 11 . Trimmings. � I i , , . .�, �.. . .- e ilia % I � . ' I � I niust be closed- . i),ttt tosee if I could find an appetite for body. - . a , inent. -Suderers.9hould correspond with Messrs. being Lot A. in Schoales' Survey very suitable - , -1 . . � I � - I I � I .t be nece �� , A. It I Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmeal at Mill Rates. 1 , � ej. � , � 11 -�' - ) I I I I , 41 " - - - - - ­ � - I � I - , � I I I I t I I I. asa*,- . ,ki I eing --Paddf -1 I don't want sit at the . DIXON & SON# 30.5 King Street, West, for a store or any other business- , � y breakfast," and then, e'" windom- r 1�- I 9 Torontp, Canada, and enclose stainp for their All accounts inust be settled ,.it an early date � I . . I .L I rather suspl.ciously, said, V' aad now, but I do want you to 'come and talk to treatise on I Catarth.-Montieril Star, Nov(mber A CALL SOLICITED FROM ALL GOODS DELIVERED FRER . VmvF.GIXONV�� -1 -1 . . . t - . 'Lddy, I%�1itLt�I)i.-ou(jity i� rly w ivhat ft wivz Lhiipy 17,188 - 81 ILI -Ir 2 890-13 . JOHN WILLIAMS, Kinbran. . As 04 AULT. I : -1 1% 0 .ou, ou. so .ex nie. Doh't you kno .1 - - � '­ � I � . . � . I � . .. I �­ . p � - I I � . � � I I � . . I . I I � I I . . - ! I I I � ) 0� . . . z � I . . . . - / I . � . .,. . - I I i . � I . I � - . I : I : . . ..� - . I i , . - I I - I- - -1 - . 1- , � . � . I � I J ', . I . � � - , , . I . I i . � I I I . - . i I . . . I . I .1 . I �' . . . I � i . � . I i . r I _ . I . i � . . .: ; I I I . . . I , - - . - � ": I . � , , 2 I �I- - I - � ,� , .. . I . ! -:1 -- . . . . I � . . � I r . �.- I 1. . . � i - , . . � . . . . : . Z - . . ! I . . � � . I , I I - - � � . I � . �, ­­ I - .1 . . .. �. 1- — - I ... I . — -- " ­ ­-.­—­­­—' ­­­­ .. ...... ­­­­­— - ­­ ­­­­ — 1. I . ] ,---. I . . ! � ­ , 11 `� . , . � ------ .1-1 — --11 ­—­..­­-- . . A J � 3� - - ., . . - : REAL ESTATE FOP. SALE. I . I . LOTS FOR SALE. -Three hundred and . seventy-five acres of land, being composed of Lqts 32, 331, 34 35 and pait of .31, in the Stb Concession �i Me'Rillop. They will besold cheap, as the ownerwish" to Alspo.se of the property. Apply to W. 0. U,AA-LNL0CX, Warbaw, New York. SW8 - - )- - ACRE FARM FOR SALE.-Nortb halt ,of IO L'Ot30,andtbenorthofnortb half,ofLot' 31, Concession 9 ' MeRillop. Most of this land is seeded, and in excellent condition for meadow or pasture. For fnrther particulars apply to . ANDREW GOVEN-LOCK, Winthrop P. 0. 819 I � - -VARM FOR SALE.-Fo.r sale Lot S4,,-'C.onces- X sion2 EastWxwanosh. Thiisdvm�ablepro- . perty will Ve sold this summer, in order to close UP an,estate. It consists of '200 acres of choice land, about 145 acres cleared; good fatin build - i"98 and orchard. ' For particulars apply to NY. W- Farra;n, ClintonP. 0. 865 -. ------ - --- -­ -.. --- ­ :B UILDING LOTS FOR SALE -The under - signea has avoinber of very eligible Imild- ing- 1pts for sale clicap. Thewe lots contain a . . clu;irter Of an acre eacb, are pleasantly situated � and convenient tothe busin ess part of ibe villag-e, � andare,well Adapted for the residence of -retired � finners, or others desiring a pleasant and quiet place of resid.wice. DANIEL CLARK, Egniond- Ville. . � 877 . 7 - IAMT IN TUCKERSMITH FOR 'AALE.-For I - � Sale the NorLb Half of Lot 6, Concossion 6, 4 Ickersmith, containing .50 aeress, 4.5 ,of wbich � � I a cleared, free froin.stunip,., and underdrained. I � � ie farm is well fe;,;ecd. There i. -k a log house I I i . d largo fraine.barn on stone foundatl�n, good ' I � . I al and forec plulip. It is within four liffles Of . . � i aforth, wid the roa,ls lva,hn.r 'rom it are all , " . I I . 1, - 3 D.Ve)Kfl. -�1)1)1)- to mils. E. BURKE, Bull's �, I , � ,ad notel"i0l;nto. . � sb8-8 a . I I - - .- .. � . . ­ - - �ARX FOR SALE'. -The .-nb,�crlber offers for . I - � � II I --1 - J Sale his farm of 100 acres, I)eipt,11 Lot 7, COn- I . � . I I ssion 4, H. R. S., Tuckensinith. Aboiit 95 -1 1 . 11 res cleared, brick honse, frame Outbuildings, I - - I I I c -hard &c., well watered and in a good state of . Itivation. About three miles from the town of I I aforth. Terins, -,2,OM down, and balance to . . -1 it purchaser. JAMES F. ELLIOTT, Egffiond- a . - � . � ile P. 0. . 874 - . I . I . - . ��kRMS FOR SA1;b Olt TO REN. -T. -The sub. � I - I I scriber offers for sale or to rent Lotis 19 alld - I I i�l , Ist concessionlof Tuckersnilth, consisting of - - - � � I D acres each, about a mile west of :fSeaforth. - . . 4 . � ; i )od frame house on one farm,with Orchards, , - � I I � . � - � rns, and usual outbuildings on both, Will be - . . nted or sold in block, but not separiAely. 11 � � . � [d purchaser may pay one-third -down, and the : . � lance can remain on inortgkgre. WILLIAM - 1. - WLER. r 873 i � . . 1. i � I . . �. . � � ­ - �ARV FOR SALE IN HTTLLF--%7,.-.N-brtb parts : � : i ; - � � � . . of Lots 34 and 35, Concession 13, contain- � I . . - re 112 acres, 80 acres cleared; the remainder is . * . � I . . I ,dd hardwood b*vb, clay loam, well watered - � - I - ­ th a never faiihn-Spiing Creek­rislng on the - -�Mi`llellb-lrn � . - i . enilses. i and stables, %g hvusw, � . d a good young -j - ard. It is convenient to' - i z .. 4 IV hool,-;ind is situated four miles - . ; � )in Blyth and -10- from Clinton. For further � � I- � . xticulars apply to - NVALTER CUXXIN'GRAW1, - - � . . � i the South part of said Lots, or -to *Londes- I 4 ,ro 13. O� � 799 � . ; - : . I OAlt)l 1, OR SALE. -For Sale, the South half . � . � . 7 L . I . of Lot 1:0, Concession 1, Grey, containing 50' - , - res. There are SO acres cleared, pait of the I , I ; - I lance has been burned down -and Part bush. , z z iere is a fraine hoiise and stable, a young I � . I chard and foiir and one -hall acres of fall,�,heat. � - . I f is situated within 'a mile and a quarter of ' . -heap. I iluestmm, It will be sold c The adjoino � , . w 50 acres uye also for sale, This property T I 11 4e sold separately or together, Apply to � f 011JEL or ANDREW POLLOCK, on the farm, . 1 by mail to Jamestown P. 0. 850 1 i TALUABLE FARM 1POR I SALE.-Tbe sub.. a � scriber offers for sale his farmof 100 a,cres - ing South East half of Lot 37, Concession 81 I � I- kst W,xwanosh; about (35 acres arecl&,Lred and - - . � 3e from stumps, the balance is well timbered I th hardwood, hemlock and cedar. The farm 1 � I � in a high state of cultivation. It is siteated i - . ie %nd three-quarter miles from Belgrave ' 7- 1 iles from Wingbani, 8 miles'from Blyth. It ba I - . . tinn one-quarte'r mile- from sebool. "There are I I i the preinj".s a good frame house and frame t : , . I - I g,, -a young bearing orchard, -- - ,iever failing well, andcreek running thTou h ' ' -, I e back pari ofthefarm, Thispropertywilite � � . Id cheap. For further particulars apply on 3 I q e prenuses, or to GEORGE A. TYNER, Bel- . I ave P. O�, tast Wawanosh� . 804 . I ;; . . I - AUCTION SALES. ... . � I I I 4 . ; � o I : I . SALE, OF -FARM STOCK, IMIILJ,,-. - - A Z -� I 9 - �UCTION, MENTS AND FURNITURE. -M. J. 11�. � I !1ne has been instructed by 31)r�Sidne:v Morton, � . � 9 i . I � , .sellby PublicAuction on the West 1�alf Of Loi 4 i . , Concession 3 Hullett ' on Friday, February ' " -3 I �� � � i , 1885, at 12 o'clovk. noon, shail). The follow- � : 4 � .1 � property, viz% Stock -One Heavy Draught 9 . . ith ,ire 6 yeaTs old w foal toan impoited hatse; 4 i z 3 ,iorae seven years 91d, I inare nine years -old . � 1 q - tb foal to an imported borse, I spring colt 4 I , )in Cbas�. Mason's unported horse, 5 cows irith. t . ; I )Ito a Tborougbbred bull - 1 new nuldh cow , I A I .1 . d calf � two steers coiningt6vo 2 heifers- com. . , I �� .1 - . . 9 two; 4 spring calves. ImlTielnents.-One I I I . I aper, nearly new, Massey make-, -1 mewer t. �, I . arl y new, Massey make; I heavy wagon, I . # , [ggy, I pair bob4eigbs, I )on- 8-lelg�4 I set , - . � . I - uble harness, Iset single barne'ss, 2 sets plow . � I � xness, Chilled plow nearl I geneittl . I r y new; , . a � . irpose plow I --si6t iron harrows, I land roller, I A i : 4 ,"! U' gar ,N, rack, 1-s k4t1e, I wheelbarrow, .gnud. . � mes, forks, rakes, sbovels, chaius, whiffietrees, -4 - . i c I kyokes, &c., too numerous to mention- , Also -. j . - - . � jn-�ntjtv of bouschiold furniture, lumber and . .; 7. I 111gles. TYRNI-S.-All. 8u-nis of *5 and under � � i .,h, over that animirnt 8 months'er da -twill be$ e Z I � .len on - furnisbbig approved endoised notes. I i i ­ i Jiscount of fonr cents on tbe flollar will be , � , � � � ; - oVed for ieasb ,on credit ainounts.. 811)�NF,Y .1 I . I I ; )TITON, Proprietor; J. P. BRINE,Auctloneer. '. r. I I I . 4 I ! . 894-4 i 13' � � ­ — JUARI.N0 ATCTION SALE, OF VERY , : d ; � , i . � SUPERIOR! -TOCK, FAIIII IMPLEME'NTSI � � � ; I I i i .-)vf,r. J. P. Brine has been instmeted by Mr. . I I i � � A , exander .Xicbolwn, tot,cll by Pul))ic Auetion i - � � 7 � 4 ; 3. - Lot 12, Concc.ssit)n 5, Tockersmit)), One mile , i ! d a quarter �outh of 13ginomly-Mc,ou Tuesday, I I I . I i i . bruary 204th, IS85, eommemi rig at 12 o'clock . . Z 9 iirp, the following valuable property: ,Stoek -� � , 11 : . . ie span of working horses, I geldb3g eomi�g,� � . 'A � I I e; I -mare in foal to "'Mm.rician " 7 snperlor , r I : I I . n roiig-hVred bull; I heifer - . j . a I . . ning three In eall to a. Thoroughbred bull; I I 1 . ; � I Her coming two; .3 yearlings, I bull calf, 7 _ � /. I I � I I . icester c%% -eq 6 enve lawbs,' � wetber lainbs .9 � � � - ; I d one rain Jamb. The stock is all good, the � i . o I Ale being all high grades. Implements.- � I � � J I 4v Ti himber wagons, 1 pair bob sl;eighs, I set i ) uble team harness, I set plow harness, I Wax- - i i � I I a 11 real-Rjr, I 4.,ingle mower, I vowbh�ed seed . ; i I Z 7 . : . ; A, 1 land rollew, 1 turml) scuffler, I Sulky bay - . I . . .1 I . I I I A te, I fanning mill, 3 pltnvs, I set iron harrowsi ' . I i ; A � � . q agrienItural furnace, nearly new; I grind . . � w I -, I I I � inc,. 1 long lad(Wr, 1 wagon rack, I gravel box I ; . q 4 i 5 � wbeelbarrow, I six horse p,o­er I straw � ' I 4 I - '. ; , � 1! z � tter,.1 stack of bay about twelve tons,;rlao . . - , I . - � � _- . , � . I . � i iiffleti-ces, cradles,seitbeA, for ks, rakes,,chains, � . : : % d a bost of otber articles, inehiding a patent � I � ; � I nrn, 3 creani cans and water box and One I I . lk ean. The Nv4)ole will positively be Bold r � � 0iout reserve as'the Proprietor has sold his I I . - -in. Ty)ois.- -All --simns of:��5 and under " ,,cash; ' L!r that amount 12 nionth's credit will be given . 1 i q z furnishing approved cndonstcd notes. A disw I I . I I int of 0 cents on the dollar will be &flowed for . - ;h on crqdit uinount�4. ALEX. NICHOLSON, I i � � Dprietor; J. P� BRINE, AnctionLer. 807-2 . 1 : . i . PLE,NNDID FAR31 FOR SALE BY PUBLIC 9 � i i - I 'I .-L" AUCTION'. -- 31r. J. 11. Brine bas been in- . .i I � . ; I twtedto se)14)v Public Auetion at Weir'slloyal � -28, . I I r r ,tel, §eafortb, on' Saturday, February IM, I I � io'elockp.m, Th.-itii,l)lendidfarj)ia.tl)resent � � I * . . I - ned and occupied b3 -Mr. Janies.Nichol 1� . 11 ; i .1 1 being Composed of lAt 20, Concession 5 � q �, 11 I oont-aining 100 acres. - There is a large an4 ] 1, � ofortable residence, large bank barns and - . .� 4 J ier nevessary outbuilding -s all in good Order �, - ' I Erst class. ' There is a good o;�bard, plenty a . .1', � ;ple,)did water, and agood sugar bush., The - - 'i . . m is well fenced, well underdrained and in a '. ? b htate of cultivation, and is one of the best � f [Ila in the County of Huron." It is within a c of school. and church, a,nd is within six � es of Seaforib, and ',rood -ravel roads le"ing t the farm. It must anYivill be sold, as the . prietor is foreed Ity ill health to give up . i � . ,g. Possessiongiven'Ist April-M-rRms.- 11in - � I e per eent. of the purehaievioney to be paid , the day of sale-, enough ol'the balance to I I k -e up R2 000 witbin So days, and the rernain- if de8ii-e4 can -be paid in ten equal sainual I . f alinents with interest at 6 Ix -r cent, and , I I � . i � 1 I ; ii -ed by inortgage on the place. JAMES , ! I .1 � I . -., 1i4oL,.WLopy1etor; J. P� BRINE, Auctioneer. t ­� , j - � . I - . - I � I . 1 5 � . Z � i .- -------�------ . ATS WAN'TED.--Wante-d Immediately 20,. I : ! �, z � I r . � t - � !: 000 BLISITELS of oats, delivered at Kippen . - whieh,the very highest price in cayh wilf be . - I . * 1. Wheat, Barley,. and all kinds Of "Tiabi 11r. 0 p , - sod as usnal. 1). McLENNAN', Kippen. I . 8974 - I . A - 11 . - 4 4 1 :. U I . . I