HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-02-20, Page 2— � �—�� -1 - -- -- ---- - - - 11 � Aw t I
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. . I I . . , �!� � . � . . FEBRUARY* 20 1885 . I I .
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I . - I . . I EXPOSITORIN . I - I .
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I i: THE HURON I I : -
1! . ------- . � .
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. I—.
I . - - . . . - . FERRUAIRY 2i
� i , -
.. Is still so swe . ouse. . ... 'l -1 0 i ...--
� . .E =.E!,% 'VMIM. � .-, ',wards an . . 0 1 fi . et- REAL ESTATE - FOR 'SALE. -in . i WINTHROP.. ,- . �
- . . I w -t4aith to ,do the me fl -and-thirty, and she '� s all over'the H J
QU � 1. kin ." I . -- - Bargla . j . - 1.
I I . 1, - ----- �
� — w . but she likes her mending and .�aiter- I . 9 . - . . I � . � � 1 94; , .
� - -
. CHAPTER XVI. (Continued.) ing her flowers. I prefer thouglits to- � My clear; we are speaking of me.re TTOUSE FOR SA�E.�For sale cheap, a com- . I - . rdo�,,t 40 -serve 13-9
. - finished dwelling in Sea- i \ :1 . . I . I F . I
- . flowers, Miss Marriott." ' 1 1 - 100i, and ten years ago, - niost likely he JLJL fortable and well I -1 i - -,.. have oloi�le very little, �
,-�— 11 Your, brother seems"perfectly con- I , . . . d .4 44 dozen chil- forth, on Princess Street. The house contains . . - -
� -
't tent with his surroun . dinga - I should " Every one has a right to her Wte. ha ' mafrrie and has ha � seven rooms, with cenar, hard and seft water, ) - I . I I thought I bad foigotl
e, I think I share Miss Faith's " me; and, remember, the stable and all other necessary conveniencies. I i - - k : me be-tter "
exam ,:"� r - ,.. - ret�rned d " -by this ti y you - no�ir
' Ple L - � Summary q I
- -
advise. you to follow his . Apply to i L .f:Business. - -. with gooil- . omd V �
rd the girl-, a little ungraeiousl�'. Sh felt �� h ; e never"even met since. - Perhaps he There'is a good garden. Terms easy . . I . . . i I � . . I hurn - I.vi
turned Queeuie, demurely, t- ry ing ba L no pity for the bright-eyed, faded ittle. h . t and bild; those dark R. CO3MON, Seaforth- . 18M 1 - I . I L find out that I ain a itl
- grown stou ---�l I �
. not tQL laugh and not unmindful' of the L .. . I -
, 78 that were being admini - woman who made so much of her- I' and V -ng men do get stout sometimes. I' - - . . .- I � . - -1 11 When I say that I� -tivil;
boyish k - s f widespread dep1res- -�
. � i,ek I . " , - , -
. ��i
� I
. hid away her sufferings bravely,.m4h as . an i a little cynical, but I cannot -believe ROpERTY FOR SALE. -For Sale cheap, a s In consequence o .. - I - ,art that if
I L . . I N L -nionolvile, . . . . � - may be �s it I
I I I . � ..
. . . tered to the end of the sofa. - en are IP lot of land in the village of Eg . � ... 1-'- -1.1 -
I - will be olone� �
- I
, I
- 'be is a the silk-patelied coverlet hid the us'ele,88 containing 6i acres all well fenced and fit for I would call the attentio -1 7 i
. I in uch faitlif ulness as that.
" Garth i Oh, he is different , . . The undersigped n of . ..�
� a-- � shrunken limbs. � 1 such fickle creatures, my dear, � out cultivation-. This iand Is situated on - the 2n'd . . ' ' . .-F L i ,,,1wai;sJ1otSou11�nSt
confirmed old bachelor, sort of philoso I 0 - i
' A allow to C4thy . of sight is out of, inind' with niost of Concession of Tuckerimitb, -ad oining � the wil with a thepublic to the various branches of busihess in C..- � returned.Queenie, huir
. � 'I ;
-She Would not eve--' L . ' i e will inaugurate the New Year I
pher on, a. small scale. I don't be4eve that she I co�fd have ever beenpretty'o as I th L '' " ' property, and is really a ch( ot, anti is well sion, w - which he is engaged, and solicits- an inspection 1L. days w4efit on I lost
Garth would trouble himself if he never . . learn those adapted and conveniently located for 0. retired . of his stocks before purchasing cls L ewhere. - I Ig.z.. � I
� .�:,
� Saw- - from ons -years end to th'by walked bom. e together through the ..' I Pray, ' farmer or market gardener. The land is all first , had �ai
_ afresh face I t f . For further : . . I . �. L I . YOU . led ill Persl�
-1 i
. .
suminer rain. ! ab )minable !sentiments Cathy 1" asked' class and is seeded to grass : � ,
� ) V . . . L . and did n ot like t4) bell
ways lar- . LL"
another. A man'with a hobby is &I ' undersigned, Eginond, tile. 11 I hope I nevs�r .,
. " Her face does not attract ,me in the he - brother, curtly, -as b a calue up be.- - ticulars apply to the .� . .�, I
to be envied," sighed the poor victim of . GEORGE BALE. .
-�& . least; therels nothing in it; and ilien lhi�id the gii-ls, starthug them into a . .. TORE. '
r1 duty, i
--- .- however uanh%t,;
circumstances. . ".GENULN't B-ARGAIN S A 14 E's G :U -s - %�
I 1% - l . . ittered ex(4amation of dismay. How L I . tion is only foreoxio A
- "' Get a hobby,. then," snapped Cathy'. her cheek -bones are so h* h 'andi her ,mi . nHOICE FARM FOR SALE IN THE COUNTY - - . I
I curls are so thin and lin, - ow, ifshe much had he -overliearl? how was it . -
" Oh, it is all, very easy toL'talk. " U OF HURON. -Being Lot No. 14, in the 13th , . tainly ba ,ve told V`011 ill
I "I know A is, I or you would not lie rail- only braided them nicely under a little :that his footsteps had tained -upon them Concession of the Township pf Hullett, con- � I ; Consisting of DRY GOODS, .GROCERIEIS�- , , riott. But now ior L O.P
I -
� . mi. And-4lien her toingue;t ioh, i, nin fereeiv .k lushes burned in taining i62 acres, 120 acres of which are cleared "I " i 'I) . kv
- ing there, like the melancholy Jacques - close e L inbered - I � �] its 1300TS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, :-I.. . � tails continned- ct, ,
� 9 ., : g �ed ? Quic and under cultivation, the balance is ti - L 'a ch have � .- grave tonp into a light,
4 ,irls .rtb shook off the - b
againstfate. 'I met ai,�ool,,'quoth he, 'a, Cathy t I think she would ive ] me -th faces. , Ga ithhardwood. There is on tile premis0s acom We do not intend to offer a few mere � CROCHRRY, GLASSWARE, Etc., whi -
� --- i
L Y.-) :-- . week." rid laughed mischievously; f"Olt-table log house, large frame barn and stable, ,, L .i
motley fool, distracted in a 1 - ` ra,j ndropfL. w . been carefully selected, and will be sold at lowest 1. - will 1pers,vit in -think
. . I I .
. ` ' $ his g?od water, well . - , eongratuliltinit that vo
� " I Call me not fool till heaven has But Cathy stood up stoutly for Miss '1e, was master of ihe sit ationL and -fenced, fine orchard, and is . � I . os8ible consistent with carrying -on I -� L
.. . � ' ' ! love of teasing- was paranioun th. This L . � future school-nihitre- ,
. Charity.. I . .� f t. w1thintwo and a half miles of Bly ch turlaciensesp on correct; principles. All goods in �,�S,
sent ine fortune,"' growled Ted, with best faring in the best township in� to i nd uce other pu rchases,, but wi I I offer e�L ark .
l '
the spirit of revivingfu,A in his eyes. 11 I must say that I think you a 4ttle i :9 Girls are all &like. 'i"ancy men talk- is one of the I . I.. .. t I Cer ijjly� " - I
Huron. ,tpllly to MATHEW YOUNG,. on, the I ed in plain figures,,with slight profits oil !each -- -
, ith bb�est ingtoeaebother , . . 880 . � � . -- 4t It ill) I t a very loit
now"' rejudiced;" she returned, w . abont ffieir love affairs, YLES YOUNG, Blyth.': i -
"There he is better when he P . premises, or to 31 i rticle, and no below cost thrown .out as -
. I � � I a a bait. � - --,-* it , .
P, , -----
beginsto uote we may saSely leave MI indignation, and that natural love afpp- andG11008iDg ublic t,lorougbfare for . - I � -,. deed, I quit,� I belu
hi ' t pe,gle'to,l do �' the tender conafigeunce. P) . - all . - Xr v U cannot thb,
� Queenie `1 want you t6 Ieor�e wit� me position that incites yolm, . . AR31 FOR SALE. -For sale; the East half of and every article at a great reduction,1 ance., ��
. , . �t, 16� " Garth, I . � - - -. I - i. -1 fek.l.
,�L battle for the accused. - - no 'e I you are a inoi Lster, and I bate FLot 6, Concession 12, Huliett, containing 50 . F. � Mr. Loga. awl . P
� .
and call on the Cardinal Virtu.es ; it is � I I L.- 1. �
Miss Charity in the least, but neveribe- -you," burst- out Cathy, stamping her acres. it is a corner lot, with a blacksmith shop SAW iM �L - � the viciar's,chureh-warli
. I
such a wet afternoon that they will be -,in . -- oil the corner. The land is well fenced and 1 . - I to take m oWn firrouW,
. I
III - er sense of justiQe prompted her to lit le foot at him. " . of cultivad6n. There � -. I �, "In �
strong force. Never mind Ted's gr M I . � i ' I drained and in a good state profits being 'Sacrificed to the public. E$uy- I I .
take up her defen--e. I I She is nice look I Mr. Clayton is utt rly imstaken,' I - , 1311d we have arraxwell 1
bling; he cannot ex ect you to stay at . . 9 I � - . are about three acres of good hardwood bush.' I � A considerable quantity of the f6llowin kinds ', I V> .
. 0 -1 stipend a tall be fi tv�
� - p s so;, and when � e ob;erved Queenie, hotl t we -Were Only There is a good bank barq and log housq. A a � I
home and talk to him;. besides, he has new; �-Yery one say ; .yl . . ugh the lot. A . of Lumber on hand : DR,Y-One inch Soft - I— . � :
- - 4� , was young she was . mori-6-th ' ' diE oussing other people's affaiis. We are .Spring Creek runs thro good bear- nn; � ,�, i).10r4e, tha ;.this. is put:�
- an pr I � . . � .
David Copperfield'to amuse him." . y beautiful, before she iyxet ' h no i offeii in such agossiping mood, but ing orchard. Churches and School convenient. ers will save time and money by co ing 1, 11, 11, 2, 3 and 4 inch White Ash; 11 and 11 �1- .� 'contillue(11 Garth, slan
" I '11 pay you out for this," returned PO�sitivel' . - - Apostoffice and store adjoins the lot. It is ,1 - i � 3 . - ... I , �
. � I inch Soft Maple; I 1,1, and 2 inch Basswood ..� -it ti � I",
,, just. 8 Miss� , her accident." . Ca:Aj,y was communica ve . 1 3 . I -.-.
a . � I t
her brAer viciously. ' ' . and I sup- situated within six miles of iBlytb, on the Lon- . - and for th� fir. ane
" Was it an accident that caused her pose I got interested." . - I don, Huron & Bruce Railwayl. For further par I � ! 1, 2, 8 and 4 inch Oak; I and 2 inch Pine, .and �- -, � �
� . . - direct to . . � �, enibarrass�-d. -1 37)wrj
Maxriott and I had'found out we were - ned on the preni- : I ;
- th illness ?` .. I - I , ticulars apply to tl�e undersik .1 . about 15,000 feet culled :Cherry. Also fresh - - '-. . Awellin-house or lod,"
kindred spirits,, and all " Is it also your opinim that men arej - . I
at sort of "' at ises, or to Harlock P. 0. THOMAS AMOS. 885 . � I . I . b w
. thing� � 6'Yes; she was a strong, healthy gfrl such fickle ereatur-es. 1,thought th . I------ - I . . Sawn Hemlock for building, fencing aud ditch- I . ., the salary; but the vlc�
3 - ; , � I . I - . � ! � - . i � I
. . ifig purposes. - . .1 —' corrected Uarth, fc,
" a warxian ! in your hour of ease just jike, us, fresh -colored and. blooming; . , wa i Cathy's observation. She 4,as known AR31 IN McKILLOP FOR SALE. -The south ' I . � . I X I
I :
'd to be -so pr , wide F J. L. SMITH'S, Cheap.Dry Goods, Seaforth. 1 . . I . the -edge �of a vi�r �
A wretched bore, or else a tease and her hair use, etty—it �ra:s * so many men, and has sucli a 60 acres of Lot 20, Concession 13, 46 acres of ; : � �. y :
; I ` . ; ; - deposited in -he ! -a y x
When- pain and sidknees wring -the brow, � just that paler tinge of, g6ld that 6331. accuamitance with life. I should. -have, which are cleared, free f rom stumps and well : . ;, 1 - 4 I 1 The Hemlock Logs now bein,, t - sligghtly ol� Inted 1) 0 �
' .
� A, dom!;right duffer�then art thou.' - . . . liliderdrained. No better land lit the oounty. I i ,� e Ifn ebt I have.,ever handled, and will . I . ;
. sees with -fair complexions,, and -now he th,ought Miss Titheridge ridthedragon- 14 situated about half way between Seaforth and i I kard are th - . ,� (I V C S. i � :
& - I i 11 (To Be cont-
JNrasii't the old Caledonian, onewhen he color seems all worked out of it. . & guXrded portals of Granie Lo4ge would Brussels. it is well fenced. There is iL lory house I .; i produce anarticle in Lumber that I can con. � . � .
� . �
'- ! fidently recommend to my customers. Parties : � I f
praised up the weaker portion of the used to be called the pretty Miss Pal m. m,r,-. r nd ruder Znd -a good frame barn and frame staRe and . 11 ! - ---- i .#. �i
. � shed and a good orchard planted ,with japple, , �
COT111-flunity in that ridiculous fashion?" and then. she was the' only one of the sex ; i but perhaps I arn in istakien. " - - i requiring Hemlock Lumber during the coming - i An,(?Id Mwi'is �
I I .9� plun,, pear and cherry trees in good- 1jearing . .
ay descend th fo ur -sisters who was ev Garth, ,when you are in thp�i mood I � AN ITEM OF INTEREST. I suinmer,would do -well to hand in their bills . . ,
order. Itisoneanda quarter ittiles east from - � I . ly�itten for.THE r
� I
. � . '
reply, the passage at arms stopped. . " Oh, Cathy, I thought you. told me det est yoii. 11 -. - .1 1. Leadbury. Apply to ROBERT McMILLNN, Lot . now, so that suitable lengths ican be proi-ided. . --,�,- Beneath a largex,wit!14
( � � 30 McKillo , or to Box 165, Sea- ; I I - ., I ,b h- -1
Th -e sisterhood were 'all igathered in that there wa�s no one for them to.. - I cannot have you infecting Miss 33, Concession P � . - � An d1ld niall ive 1, l,
-- �. I -
' 1 834 ing promptly attended to. .
I the pleasant, parlor at t�.e - Li vergreens. m.a,rry 1- I . - I forth P. 0. Custom Saw � . � i � lan sole,'inn thought . P,
. , . Ma iott's mind -with si ich heterodox . — I . 4 . I - lafe'6- few rewaini!��-
A bright-ey.ed, faded lftqg-wom an lay -1 forgot Miss Chaxity's &ffair ; ',-;he notions; fiGkleness is al. on the other . . . I 11 . �
I L - ! Ash Rails foi- sale. Th - - ' His lea weary 141,14.
-- , en age faxmer * * side, take my word for it, I am tiorry l I About 6,000 Black- ey. � f "i .
- on the couch in the bay "window, knit- was ' Cl to a young in TOWN OF SEAFORTH.-The abovepro- " , , DeF1)trurr,,o,.v-i trace,
11 � Bernard are all swamped out convenient to the road M .. . � rn� 'd t V I
, i ale. ' I fancy he was, a rough- that I only overheard the last 1words, as perty belongs to the estate of the late R
ting some bright-calored strip for a. Wyth M OYAL GLYCERATED BALSAM OF F�Rs I IMP ere. 1) ' 1%
- . � No i iore to IvAt e Ia.;
antimacassar. 119�e loo,ked up and nod- and-reaay sort of '"erson ; . but I -belioe Cai,th I Burns and consists of a story and a half frame ! large piles. �l
. p . y's coh-iniunications,v rould' doubtless I , i . 1. . � : .
i houseand two lots oil Mill Street, in ,Jarvis' � .- . I - i . I i
I � I I
ded pleasantly as the friends entered. -she Was fond of him, poor thing, ahol have proved boih -novel aad instructive; .Survey of the town of Seaforth" The house is . E I li, - � .. � . Bu ose, ev,
I . . ! ,..!, . � -1 �.., ,-- . _ t childrenel -
c ` Yon always come to us on a wet then her accident happened." I a school Yirl's opinioii cn such 0 its ijearlynewand is in excellent* repair. It is I . . Diveirt his thought--,
- R ` - - P,T if within two minutes walk of the railwky station -_ . i .. � And o�r his countem
afternoon., Catharine, when ,visitors are � '4 What sort of accide t ?" i �mult be, -,;h-- ,,,nty dea , 61 I i GRIST MILL. � 'Of likht is se z
I � . � 4, icious. Catlil -incipal inanufac- � 1. - . I .
. I �- 1: and is convenient to all the pi . . ,. I . � 01 V.)s,
e fell down the granary-step� spa,1-6 e mo- i I I
.. . . For, ill i
. most welcome. Faith was reading'to (6 Oh, s,h . you can " - Miss Marriott on" turing institutions in the town; also fourquar- -I � . F magination b
us; I dare say she wil-1, be glad Pf a rest when she was spending fhe d ty -at his me -i it I have a w ord or or two to say to ter acre loti in the same survey. The whole ' . A E DISCOVERY i A,pga�-n his � oul lif ul I
. I I Custoineis can rely on a first-class article in .�� . . . � :
by this time., We'are in the'-fo-arth.vol- father's. It was a dreadful affair ; p, x- her, Step into my deu there, -please, property will be sold cheap. For. particulars ; I'll � Come Ifloating with t]
ume of D'Aii-bigne's Ref . apl)ly to THOMAS DOWNEY, Esq., E xecutor of ! -1 ' wd I - �� n
ormation. Put a tial 'pa'xalysis set in and there was a co. n- while Ifiangupiny wet qoa,t. Iwillbe J, FLOLTRand good returns. Every effort will be . . . Unn ark .kN � () .NY,
- . . tile late Bernard Burns, oi to P. S. CARROLL, � � J I l
. I i made so that parties from a distance may have --
-er in the place, Faith, and then we plication,' -and a great deal of - sufferin, x ; with you in a moment." - . . ! I . ,-, ai n, ,leaxh�
mark � n . Solicitor, Seaforth. 889 � . i ' A 'a, 12) innoc
� --- with I I 'th his frien&l
shall lose no ti -me -when we'ope-n tb e boak : and then the doctor said it was bopele4 .1 . . I ! their grists and chopping home � them- - He L
81 Queenie. obeyed -him wonderingly. She ! Z� . I f I
- � in. know JvAubigne, Miss � and she was obliged to give him tip." I had1been in Garth's den before . . Al )eople. are quite, familiar with. the medicinal n l .. . To ch -e romeariv ill
t I !6ga , Do you I I, Cathy tho4i the gareat majority of r. F1 ners, and , - The tappy litop-� al
Marriott ? it is most impro,%In . it. F Sale, cheap, the McCartney farm, oh the -rties of the ti�o articles signified in the above name, (Balsam of Fir ders from dealers promptly attended to.. . vari,ed -,4wieue
, g reading " Oh, poor Miss- Charity !" ejAculat�d ha I � -en h&,- but she lo ked around prope . I I or � 7br u
. for young people. " I Queenie, with, tears in her eyes. S e _,*,I interest. Mill -Road, Tuckersinith, containing 126 acres'- Glycerine) yet, so far as we are aware, no attempt to combine their peculiar vir- - � � I 11 . arli
f fl�
, I - ; I I ihanhooXs e.
k , - 't� and I . -
about 65 of �vhich are cleared, underdrained, well N & WILSON, Chen.m. m quantity of hay for sale by the stack,
'Cou-rd this active-looki "talkative could have gon back aild "ked tr Uiere were the book- -helves lie ha . tues had ever been inade until MESSRS. .-LUMSDE A larg - - Flow bi, and picture t
I I M-91 e I .- 0 ' I . * 11 Seen! brio-atafarl
pa,rdon on the spot for all"the haid th fenced and in a first class 'state of cultivation. Druggists, of Seaforth, had perfected and lit upon the inark-et their eparation in the barn, or delivered, as agreed u. pon. il. 4�s
little woman be the hopeless inva,lid of , made and stained himsel , loaded wi The balance is splendid pasture land. There is a pr 1. I .1 . .
whom she had heard so m nah ?" Queem-'e, things 8 V I t Thack- brick house and new bank barn with stone stab- which is'now to be had from druggists uncier the name of 11 LUMSDEN & VIL- I .
-she had thought. "I - nev6r hi fa o -i e' aulliors -Di kens, 1, � - . I lFloron e again, Love)
I . .
asked h - . I( q ows all of ling underneath, also a good orchard and plenty. SON'S ROYAL GLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR." Undoubtedly -a e t .
0 Lo I It,,, I tterbig raintei
ly . , . it� "' n r " A CK. �
' eray, ailid Macauley I
erself, with some bewilderment, drea�m't of troubI8 like this; I can hari ' fin � fell NDREWGOVEN .1
or water, and is within half .a mile of EL schpoL _ --6 sh advertising, by . � , - I Aromid, his heart, VU
as she sat down in the comfort, What be'came f 6ft1d I a his writing- 4 *edy, having in this age of persistent and lavi. ' -
uble chair bear to hear it. Of e thedi,"Jie- w s This farm is beautifully situated, and is within . . created a demand from aU parts of the Province, -11 8 . . .� I It b4ns hini oii its,
that Miss Faith brought ta her. Though poor fellow?" y 'no or twb miles of the -village of Brucefield and four. . er � . I
I a; - - aa� 0 p
. I � � . --- I tabl -. w � ith a.11 its; OlPbaeb appurten- ior virtues -alone, with a ra 1c ly . Alh, tbolse were ho"r.Z.
it. was suiam-er, a little -firebii rned in the -"That is the worst part �.of allj." r - wic(s,--the .pipe rack ' d red earthen miles from Seaforth, and will be sold chcap, as increasing sale in every locality where introduced, the secret of whiell is that X. B. -All book -accounts to January 1, IM, I -� . F�rollrjoff tile I � k �
. *:ZL 4"
grate; the window had been closed to plied Cathy, rather ro�luctantly, " hk I I . d the won easy -chair, the proprietor has gone to Kansas. Apply to A. every one who uses it cannot but speak well of it to their friends. Order4 are must be settled by cash o� note immediately. I - . For the# it was a WuNl
; .8 tobacco -jar; an ' �. . -
. STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth, or to WAL � " � Recame his lovIll'-m
t I con- ! . . I C, ,
exclude the dampness. ly�i,ss Faith's . end was very miserable. He broke �is the habbiest and the comfortable SCOTT, Brucefield. . 866 - continually coming from the most unlooked for sources, which is the mos , i — . .
cheeks loaked unusually p )ppositeos . . no, proof to the manufacturers that, althou b hundreds of Cough Remedies . ,. � I -
' ,
are- ; her eyes nee -k- when he was out hunting. H El in t e house. ( s .tli6 picture Vinci 0 I i .1 -- - -Then ti*e oil gilaed x�
, .
were full of a soft weariness. I horse fell, in trying to jump a five -bat- of h s mother, a large fade oil -painting are everywhereprocurable, those who have useli the " Iloyal Glycerated Ba;lsam THE BEST YET. 1. - --1 �- Till r�und their 0W,
C . , ALUABLE FARM PROPEKTY FOR SALE. . . . --� - � M'us her4rd,the dan of:
'Charity is so fond of D'Aubigne ; I red gate, and rolleclover o,ia him'. SoiAe of woinam, not young, butt ,with a of Fir " can get nothing to -take its place. Il is recommended for Coughs, Colds, L- .
- V -The subscriber offers for sale, his farni of . . i � I .. � Procilhilin- ebildroi
think he tires me a. little. It is very people said lie wasnot quite sober'�wb swe t gentle face and'Gar 's blue -gray 100 acres, being Lot 11, Concession 11, Stan ey, Sore Throat, and similar affections. The most persistent and long standing coughs � I- . I
I . . I . . C'M . � . d.1. � Then, a� eaic3 -one 'Of t
. ; . . I �
. -
good reading, (5f caurse; but in this it happened. Whether he grew.recklet about90 acres cleared and free front stillips. speedily gi e way to its wonderful powers in allaying irritation of the mucous � I I
eyes . v I I - - .� .. eir ap - iome -
- ' .
sumikier weather, and with the drip, from the -loss of her, 'or whether, as it s . Queenie looked at it or some time I There is on the premises a st6ne house, f r- I'le membrane. Its healing and soothing properties quickly remove all soreness in. �- �' . I And, t us. their .j
))� 'I outbuildintr and good orchard. Well watered . jOf c il ren were bf1l
drip of the rain on the leaves strongly suspected, he was addicted and then she went to th window. A' � 's the throat. or bronchical tubes. It is just the thing wanted for a safe and reliable I I -
I . and in a good state of cultivation, church � uld I.'. - �1. I
ere were giants in those days," intemperance from t , Ttl THE NEW HOME -.1
" Th he 'hrst, I cann r, littlE Fird was singing thr dgh the rain; school adjoining the said lot. It is situatell 1 6 cough remedy, and should be in every. household. See that yon get wliat you ask- �- . And the -h his preciolil-�
, j
. �
- broke in Miss Hope, vigorously. "Luther possibly' tell; bat I rather think - sh the - rops splashed, endle sly from the miles from Bayfield, 6 from -Zurich, 7 froin I Jp- for. for you. Prio, 50 . � 1. . 'Was b4nied'neatIx t
. ,- pe))i and ' If your druggist has not got it he will gladly procure i it .., . I � . - . -_-But high above all Mi
I was a o --rand m an,, 'D . 1 3J from Varna. Ternis ,ql' ,000 dQ yn, cents per bottle. Wholesale by H� �IUGDEN EVANS & CO., Torento, or 1 1 A � .
0 I and so was Zwingle." - mnst -have -been, deceived m�', him. f WhIl rose bush daijer the window ,- the. Ithd the balance to suit purchaser. Possession V . � - i4r 0 lk�
I . , t - - soul dotb rest
' - . . .
I � -
- . , ;Miss Hope spoke in a loud but not uri - course no one was cruel. enough. to h * awn �laaited sparsel with trees given Ist day of March, IM. Apply to W.M. . . . '� i : i I .. . Aiid, iiow, bendath thi
. . � ; .
1 4- - j � ; .
. I Nve-ti-ri and ljemt. an
i . a I I - -
:. pleasing. voice. Sihe was a stout, fresh- at such thing to her ; andfio she tre ran own to the L ligley's jessa- HARDWICK, Bayfield P..O. 875-26 1 ! ; M - - , - 'with tottering frame, 1
' � w.. - I
�c _ I"" Sewi ng l achi he ,"
-woman, not without a certain do- sures the mom ory of her p9fiF George, t , 11 . I . I .
olored �.. . _ ; eped the wet — --- - ;-- - -. � i -1�
mine and clov4 pinks st LUMSDEN & WILSON, Seaforth, Ontarlio. . .
� .� , � I 1. - - Alone. but not fol
I :_ - � � ! Iri
gree af comeliness. In her, i I -calls him, . " r I - I �` air ith fragrance ; a- l a f drowned bee -XTALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.-Bein- com- - I - I :
, . I , 1, I - l .
I -col-ore l for beauty teriible i ' clun to a spray of - od ine. " I V posed of north parts of Lots nuniter 58, — :. �-,. '�or, "lly, 11,-L brilli ,
, ., �
. mng days, she - . .
ghe had been, too high J, I" But, Cathy, whait a ragedy wo Most — .1 , su-dae 1
4 r Yes she was very ill for a -� call this d 11, and ho' tiberry, - . .. HAth lberced the ui�
but now the gray hair toned and soften- , time �9 and 60 in the Ist Concession of Tur 1 Js Now Being Offered for Sale by : - .
I ) , . peop e would w containing 110 acres, more or less. It is situated . . :� .,:. �,-- - � And dist�inttbroughfl
ed her down. . and then Miss Faith gave up h ir 'h * they, ate leading 2 i - . . -1 I
, - OSPI ., I -I miles fromWroxeter, 5 miles from - Gortie, 7 - . A bom�.. beyond the -.1
. . qul& hate that little, , �
less pleasing ; she tal, amd ca,me hom.. e to nurse 111ter. . RY. I � -1
. Miss Prudence was . � Of to th ,-hurGhyaxd, and th thought of- miles from Brussels on the Gravel Road. There . . � lie feels'Abe �ower of 4
-1 � t
. !
th � granite monument sl ining in the is a School within a few rods. Forty acres of - . I . - - Wltbin'his a�,wtl bre-1
was tall and Oiagirlar, wore spectacles, course it sounds very bad, and the pooi -' - the land is chopped read M -� And caliniv )-valb,. I ill �
"' '
"' ' . . - 3, for clearing, 20 acres I � - I It
4-nd had that slight appei,idage on the thing- had suffered a good dea,l lone wa moon ight ! but to we it is the dearest I Purvis & Milks* -� R,
� I p, good black uh4 and cedar; the balance .1 .1 - 2S SOW Shall filid ft.�
� -
Upper 1i I which is not a stAct fen,iinine and another; but how do you know thal place:" tbou �,ht Queeide, le, iing against shwarad1nood. There is a s ring creek running I I k - I
- . P � I I
, . 6� � p I . . I
u . � . I
a * ' b ' throug-h the farm. Easy torrus 6f payment. I . . � i
adj� uct. Her voice was thin in qua,lity. it was not all for the best?" finihedl the v indow-fraxne in sweet I � !- . - I
and somewhat harsh.. Queeinie felt that Cathy, solemnly. " Think if that acei, r tt ? I Title perfect'. Price $2,500. Apply to .jA'.NfE,S . LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY ! -.,.-� I � -
Ted's w6r . i " .4 re you. there, Miss ax io DREWE, Hardware Merchant, Brussels, or to R-.- . I I i 1. .1 E. ff'oot of To,'
,, q u. e t of " the d -rag on " wa 9 not dent ha.d -never ha,ppened, and she had am so: sorry to have -kept y It W&iting, " B. DURNION, Saw Mill, Wroxeter. 888 . .
badly beat. . . . `E You smolte too ii -al,
owed, It was' she *ho held married hiin and then found that he was observed Garrth, apologetic y, coming - - -., I ' .
0 . - ---- Parties -Nriisbing, to purchase or exchange . . I'le (nolds 0�1 ,A ustin� .�
. I
the purse -strings of the little household, not worthy. To be tied -for life � to 4' . . .1 . I
to h6i side 11 quic - way "Langley . —PROPRIETORS. i would do well b y testing the nicrits of our ma-
' his k M RNBERRY FOR SALE. -For - t, who 'is baltl-headed�
and who guarded the proprieties. Miss � m aa, a nol then. to see him sillik lower and, detaii led me with some que.� tions of do- F Sale, south half of Lbt 2, Concession 2, . chine before 1-)ur�habing elsewhere. AN`e are �171 - 4iz - �1
Hope-, in spite of her strong leaning to' lower, to despise -one's own. huSba,iid I -post- Tu nbcrr�y, containing 154 acreq, about 70 of selling our stock of . .1 I Maybe .,i:.
. .
n mestik detail -that could tot be y . - � . I 1. - �,g
,� 0. ine any greater torment, pone&" ! le I I : I - a bald lemled 11u.
the Plymouth Brothers and her some- C uld you imagi . 'I wh hare cleared, and the balance well timbered, . . if
wh�-t iaj�f - I part bush and part swanip. The cleared land is I he will. have a full hieiul
, -
, ,4icio-iria tyrannies iri the mat- * than that? If it were 1, -1 know I shoul 4' I � does not Matter. I was in no I
1. � Al . � I well underdrailied, and in a good state of culti- , e y tini'e", c-olltii,16erl, 1.Ze
ter of tehlferaace and tota,l abstinence, get to hate bi M'. Nothing should m akel burry Look at that bee, ; Good Cheer for Christmas and New Ye�r Watches, Clocks :& J weIr � yj,11�
Mr. Clayton. vation. There is a good frame barn, and' log .- . .1 �,�,
0 - 4t 1 4- I- ,lieN I
. .
. 01 . . as just going out to resene him; .be house. There is a. splendid bearing orchard of . I . � -. car- � .. . 1 7
was far leAs rip, d than her stroag-niind- me live with such, a inan, ; 1 would beg I w, . I I I L't b .-e it
. I � � �
� . - �
. hoice fruit. It is situated on the - gravel road c . . " X es, It is i true, for �
edi sister. ,� , I my bread first !" cried I the girl, with is ship-wreck.ed, and -wants to save his ' I . i Ascheapasever. Ourst&lc is full and fresh. - . iit-&Aed umn who I -it i
I ! h . . se%,en and a half miles, from Brussels, and two I at the ,11 Central." -ing in -Watches, ,, u
.er We do all kinds of repaii Cloft I - I I
-i lHiss Faith drooped in sue ng l or 1P
it sparkling eyes, -and setti h ISV101,11 ca�rgo of houey."� miles tand a half from Wroxeter, and with- I . ie,welr .and SewinLy 3fachilles. Eleetro-Plating gi.,�
,P ere .. an ; . I y - - - I 1,(!.,s than a 11161.101 lie I --1
&In allno%' h I d then Miss Charity's white teeth together. " To despise one's " Y u shall go to him b� and by. I in a quarter of a mile of a Schoolhouse. For fur- ; and Eng raving doiit on the sh- -
. � .ortest - � I
. - Z, Z� I . notice. . Of bair as I e)�er ,saw.-
. ----- - I
Voice I - Queenie, who was sensitive on husband ! oh, Qaeenie, think how dread- onl3 ther particulars, apply on the 'premises, or to . . . -
. r Tant to say a word to �ou. I have . . I 1� -1., � I
� . .1 . I : � - � "' Do you tilt -ul
such matters, found fault with the cease- ful !" EDWARD PALMER, Wroxdter P. - 0. y .. - tx�
� , . talked -to Mi. Logan, and eNTerytbing is - . 873 1 1-1 lO I
. . 1. : ' ,1TVVr zOut all fiver his It,
- -- - I ; �1
less flow of words that proceeded from " I don't suppose such � thing could arranged. In a nionth from this time . . New Cuilrants, New Raisins, New Peels, New Figs, Icing Sugars, White ,'.Lnd . . -1 4,g -\1 , �
the bay window, " She is egotistical,, happen to either of us. Po- . . ARAI FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot10, Conces- Colored ; Valencia Almonds, Wahiut.,i, Filberts Canned Fruits, Unned Me.F ts, Purvis & Milks .10 of e4rse 110t, 1
selfish; she werks that or Miss you are to enter on your n duties as F sion 3. Hullett, containing 86' acres; 68 C ) - I I - . -,bipped - snr)lting'h(,� ,i
-poor sister of Charity! perhaps it was a blessing in mistress of the Hepshaw girls' school.,, � eared and in a good state of cultivation ; anned Fish, Haddies, Bloaters. I . . A I
. i � . I
p hers to (.1eatli, I know she does 11 thoil,ght dis t i . acres 0 1 � . - � I . .11ough to bu; lailus,ulf i
) ter all - -but to think of carm*g . i the balance is well timbered. The-farni is well . i Opposite the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. I � � . ,
the girl to-. herself, with a certain yot�th- ior-D'Aubigme's Reformation and copy, CHAPTER XVI 1. under-Arained and fenced. It is niwtly seeded s TEA§, which for pungency and flavor are I un- . I A !
_ ful antagonism again I P . Large arrivals of New Season' I . � .P-re$,ence of
. st oppression. ing oat all those rubbishing extracts, 11`�IE NEW SCHOOL -MIS SS. togra.4s. There are on the premises anewframe excelled. Prices from 25c to 75c. per pound. SUGARS cheaperthin ever. r, till . - � - I
holuse and bank barn with stabling underneath. - Presence' 0611ind is a
_ "' Miss Faith is a saint., b-ut I wonder after living through such a tragedy as It Thc. *i%yial round, 'the commor task, . .A brai�ch of the Maitland River runs across the k of General Groceries The " Central " is the spot to buy good goods. .
a be x it " . - . stoc . All I -. - v fle� -
haw she ca a - that ! it sdem s so incomprehensible. Wo Ad furnish allwe ought to ask - back end of the lot making it an excellent graz- good,s sold by us warranted as represented,' or cash refunded. Educating Horses. �-. I ir."beetL 11oA ,v of I
. �
Queenie, was a little hard in her judg- 't Do you think the sun and inoon - Rowlito deny ourselves, a roal ' - ing far ' in. There is also an, orchard. ltissitua- . . I,- though, ap l par6atly w)(;
ment, as young people often, are in their ought �to have stood still in her little To-bring,us dailynearear God.'-KH.BLF. ted six miles from Seafo. th and five from Clin- ... . self-possessctl,l knOw jw�
' - ton with school and churches convenient. . ,� . an C�nlerg4,e,fty.
I estimate of thitigs and people. There firmalment? Don't you -know hearis axe "Inamonthfronitbistii�ie you are I I I .11--, it is 1i
. Ternmeasy. . For fuither particulars apply to . -
I '.
wa's selfishness? and possibly oppression, broken every day and the world goes on te.enter onlyour new -duties as mistress the undersi(med on the premises or to Clinton i I . have an active -.11hul lv�
. I - � I ' .
I P..0. -
- tenti- . I . I Z, I I
in the continual sisterl sacrifice de- just as u.- of the Hepshaw girls sGliocl. . Crockery and Gfassware Department. Prof. Bullock ' ,7 i1sefulknowled-c but Z
y stial? returned Cathy,-.�e NV31. MULIlOLLi%ND 885 1 1 J.
. . I
mauded as a right.; in the unpitying- ously. he and ue ie'- e med . Queenie gave a little start and cry of .. ; ii I Oe -
. i 8 Q en 8 e- to . tter to have a less ex)
clainis made on the health and,time so have changed characters that - after- s11PPrE sised pleasure, and tb n the color 0PLZNDIDFAR31IN BRUCE FOR SALIE.- . , - 111hid, -and Jinve it valm �
0 F.brSale, Lot 30, Concession 6, townsbib of �7V,,e have a larae and choice selection in China Tea Sets, Printed and Decarat- The Champion 1-1-orse Educator an d Teacher, "� � � ' - � A 1-no-nient wheil it is laetv
ungrudgingly bestowed upon her. - noon; it was Cathy who wa:s calm a' rushect over her face. ,vVith sudden ini- i wishes to inforin the people of Seato
I 8 - nd Bruce,� containing 104 acres, of wh ch about 30 ed Te Sets, Dinneor and Breakfast Sets, Chamber Sets Toilet Sets, , rth aW 1: - i
2 - %]. At another time her -old- pulse, s involuntary as it was * raceful acres are cicarcd� fenced and ^free f roni stuin s - vicinity, that he has rented from Dr, Coleman the, - 4�� - .1 friend of 1)11111,(� (AlCe
In life, real - life' ,we ee sacrifices of philosophic, 9 . _ Y I 1. etc. I etc.
airm is inibercol prii 'pally - . large Ui Iding known as the old drill shed for, ,�- - Z
this sort perpatu,ally enacteoll before our fashioned -wisdom, wo,uld have provoked she lie .d out her hand to Garth. . the bal witlisple3i"a � poker -chip in the chure) ,
- - 9f hardwood an4 little hem ck fencing.. there, Aii inspection of our stock will repay intending purchasers. A call respect- th- year 1885, ,which he has nicely fitted u� for - . I
. I
eyes aamehow. -Human flesh and blood a smile; but Queenie was too much in . . 01 , Mr. Clayton! how Itind youare . are framic W ings, and a ever failing sping fully solicited. Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry -rkl F 1i I I I olts and � � ; *' people AV0111;
. to � . E E the purpose of breaking and training C take. Few ,
. .
. revolts, against the sight. The strong,, ,�ariiest. - me Once or twice I wa half afmid creek runnidg throu�h the ace. It is within 6 DELIVERY. I vicious Horses, 'where he solicits a public in, . what -todo * but lou. , �
sometimes. the young, compelled to put, , "I shotild havof thought her story you hic d for otten; and all the time you miles of the flourishing town of Paisley and an � . spection. All those desirin to ))ave thei - - . * . Jr
, .9 . 9 r colto � Inustor after tbe. servivvs�
- -
away their own life, and spend some of would have been ,,more plainly written we uietly arranging it." . I equal 4istance from Ui"derwood. Thereisagood I . of vicious horses properly tramed, will find.1t.0 - . Said lie had, the inonvy �
rp- ' school .opposite the place, and it is in, a spkndid their interest to improve this rare opporturtAy
their best years chaiiied to the couch of in her face. - i" FaitbJ Garl . - .
al to the occasion settlement is a. . ghly understands the arl -,. . I.. �
If it h'd been ]NI & was quite equ, . I . There good Clay bank: for nothe Professor thorou. . � .. rk,deem that chip. He I
I and scietice in all its branches a id also guarall. - �, .) wa
helplessness ;.."condenined to share t he now—, Cath you look qt1eer ; has Mis� - . th I tbat the chil s, NVO
yl Helocked down at the girl's radiant bricks wor tile, which is worth one four' of what . i - - .
t ! , ,.
. isaskeidforthefarini Thisis p6 splendid farm � on in every respee . 7 ��
� burden of an invallid existetice; exposed Faith* ever- had a story too?" f�ce, 8 expressive of joy and gratitude, Laidlaw & Fairley, Seaforth.'J tees to give perfect satistactii ' 0 4 . - 1, and he Nvotihl,eash itat
* - and wi�ll be sold very cheap. Apply toi box 24, . His headquarters at presellt is at the UETEN19. It I )n.aclicr took- the 8-5), .
. to petty tyrannies- and tempers, and "Well, not exactly. I don't know, with warm kindliness shining in his Seaforth P. 0. 877 HOTEL. ZU'Consultation Free. -in Thankin - I- � I
. .
bearing thern out of pity foil the s.1-iffering no one does; but I al eyes. When the 81im hand. was stretch- I � the public rpr their patrol .-
ways fancied there . — I— . iage in the past, .ani - always knew that tthts(l
. hoping to solicit a liberal .,hare 1: I -
. that provokes them. was som e attraction -besides the sick chil- 'ed out to him he held it forl a moment OOD FAftllS FO -R SALE. -Jif order to olose . in the future, I " . uirs Calne hig
� - '11 but lie A
. - - . I I
Soiu×, indeed, it way be a labor dr 'n in that hospital. Langley's s"usp, as- tho i gh it had been Cathy " Oh, the affairs of the estate of the late W. G. remain., your most obedient servant, I -
- e . Is. G - _I,S
of llove, a life within a lilfe,of m anSfold cions were arclused when she . � I- if he -were only my brother ! ' Hingston, the executon offer the following vol%v � I . -� %Vf're ,; � 4eXpeli,81vu as th�
- -
. . 2; 1. - went ov er sighed the For the Holiday Trd 4 - .knother friend of wil
swee-tuesses blossoming o,ut of the pain, I ut she -would -not like 911 valuable lands for sile. First-Nortb half of I R. B ULLOCK. I I - � z . h
. . I
to Ca,rlisle once;.b " -1 to herself , with a little out -burst of Lot 30� Coneession 5, tomiship of Morris, Coll. . ' — A I lWeSence of im id what
. as in the case of an afflieted. paxent or m e to,riapeat such nonsense. " . natural yearning s she felt the strong.. taining 90 acres. On this lot Js erected a good . I . To Whom it -May Conccrn: � ;. !A- pic-nic alki, by nli-,take
' , . I
husband. Nay., one often sees admira,b16, ; I . 4- ,
a � - '4'.B:ut why should I not kno ,. ol, grasp.. I i - frame barn with stone. foundation, good orchard, We, theundersigned, haN,ing employed � baby that Was asleep 113i
-- - - W'. , I Prof - fsq� ,
I well and pump. Nearly all cleared, and is Oil or] -,S ).11(1 Bullock to handle some colts fl3r usland feeling
lives of sisteily or brotherly devotion. Cathy ! there could never be any h ` - ' Gl,;�rb's bandsome face looked alino Rodgers,& S*011s Table and Pocket Cutlery, Electro -Plated Knives, F thic- sltaoleof an ujnbrag4
arinin st . :
$) . the grax-el'road closely adjoining the village of I satit fled that it h - 0 lu 4 � , I
uty i t as hers. - - take plgasure in ly our intereA ,t46 114'r its no,e ---the "IfilX1,
Yet. are there sadder cases, wben d tollingine., . . as br Ris posi6on content- Brussels. This farm is a valuable one, is weii Spoons. A splendid ass"ortment of Hall, Parlor aud Library Lamps. `re==g him to the pub- ' I �- �
- and xwt lolve is the rhailuspring of,petion; , '. Well, m it was t -1 ed I Eng ish -
� _ en years agio, per. . hin t ; it was novel as well as interest- fenced. and in a good state of cultivation, Second. - . lie, feeling confident from Our own observation - h- was -a candii1atc for.
- . :
when the self sacrifice is --bitter though haps not. I don't kilo'", what made' Ing, It pleased him to thro,',*v the shield - Lot 4, Concession 5, township of Grey, county " Block. Tin " - Gqods in Jelly Moulds, Pudding Dishes, Tea Pots, Cofiee Bigg �is, and experience that his systein. for -trai,nil -d - - laturee, autt dill not wi!4
' of Huron, containing 100 acres, 10 acres cleared I educating colts and vici' ig in
% thing' but' she spoke - -of his protection and tendel-ness round ous hoi ses, far gxc& � f 1110ther or lose t1w v,ote i
ve,luntary ;. itrhen the, watcher would wil- - Langley say such t ,.-I
. I . and free of stumps, balance well thlibered wit . I � r I I
lilugly Ghan,41 I I any system we have ever bad the pleasure of � I I -
-,&Places-with the watched, to in. e once of a dark Young surgeon Who I these young strangers, who had, in a part g�ool hardwood, pine and cedar, it is thr i� Biscuit Pans, &Q. Nickel -Plated, Granite, Iron, Tea and Coffee Pots. ,rhe witnessij.)g, and we heartily recom ' I �
: I I ee 1W tried t6 pa�5s the thin
. I ;.,._ - I .
0 e -1 11 � - mend him as a ' t.- �
1 - -
� ;
I front gravel road, . , . . but A: I ny
that the bounding pulse of health miaht came u to th n i. the ward and pealed to his generosity. - 'If and a alf miles from Brussels, and one inile .-ayimr that be di'11I.
11=1 I I p . . talk d way b I master meebanic of his profession. It is Im
I . be subdued, that the keen suffering of to them for a long time. - Langley said Queen.e had been old and For prices and teinis apply celebrated 11 Cold Handle " Sad Irons, both plain, polish and nickel fill" ' short'th .
. . . . pl in he would , Ish. ne ago that he came to our town a per, 45rwi-, there. - I
L z
,on and yearning, an . -ussels , NN - -�f- .
. to Tuos. KFLLY, Bi P. 0. HF,.NRY JEN. INGS, � feet stranger, but since that tinte he has by his '
repressi d God only I nothing'cros.t.;ed her mind utitile'she sijw� have I een just as gentle and chivalrous Victoria Squarep. , O., or JAMES SMITH M Ife -%A-as tv,rril)ly .sl
0 - - � ��,, I
all P strict attention to business and gentlemi'�Iy be- � ;,� I
knows what bitter measure of wom - Is' him look at Miss Faith some -1 in his manner to her; 'Plo' Japanned Tinwares, Enamelled Wares, Kitchen F urnisbings and Cooking Uten h our, won ho.stq of friends and we are 11104 - -1 -- Thepoll,., aii,ol lie ,i1e-.-,t-r%-.
I , and then, No w Drnan would Lodge P. 0.,'Middlesex County. 868 . � avi �
. . I , . 1- I
pain., m ight be olulled and quieted by how, the tbot lit got , .. ever b a,ve bad a r � � I ! �
--t- I . f--, 7 ;
ig into her mind.)2 h happy to hear of hisstay in I N -vi.. a .
- .,- Seafortb this � - . I .
� . cc sils in great variety. ye", i� , ;
I mere bod-ilv weakness. No -. Mit a ,ittle of the zest and fl ivor w- and hope that he inav reevive a liberal patronso. - . �
thing but a look?" ould Wo GOOD FARMS IN USBORNE FOR SALE. � - . � ---
.. � 7 . � �
T G' be free,. only to be free, and Jive - My deax, they,e is ,v gr� have I een wanting. . T --The Executors offer the fo I from all those desin-Ing to 'have a wel - I Crass Pur,p
Ic - at deal to be . llowing lands I trainid 7 -.
I . for sal a, in order to close the affairs of the estate hone, and we can truly say ore �, .
their own lives,—tha,t is what some wo7" read in looks, I that, Are are in - * 1 1941114-1 1410 .
J -
. � I(eturned Cathy, demure- To i ead gratitude in a, pDa of wonder- of the late Andrew Moir. First—Lot We have many useful, sensible and appropriate articles suitable for Christnias than el, eased with the �worfc that he has done for.. � �. � . ,i A n Irislantu
I I b N-vn eyes tb - 30 Can- . . . - � S I �
m en, vainly crave; amol then a stone is ly. ' " It -was jil�t the b.�ginniitg, I da,re f 11 t A seem to have no cession 3, town Us. igned) D. D. Wit . %A .ry early in search of "',
� shil:L.of Usborne, containin'g 100 . sws�, RoBT. 1".. -JONES, JAq - . I
. - I
given them for bread. Instead of work, say, of a possible' romance. X%Then Miss bottor i to their depth, and to feel a soft acres, 80 acres eleaje'd,-well fenced, and in a good and NeAv Year's gifts, in Hardware, and House Furnishings, which we ba6ve JOSEPH WARD, JOHN � -e tlie gaille, I
� 2 C-4,MPBELI,$ , Jolm KYA �.�.. 44.tte Whet e
I here are 8i.X acres of � -J0113T CAMPBELL, M. D. T F. CZE111AN FRA-iclf ly 4-1-1foreed. Tilriling Z I
. e , " .
wa,*t* , the harAiest an -harity's trouble happened., a�d poor girlish hand touch his own timidly, wer orohai d of the choicest fruit, and t1wo never fail- marked at our usual low prices. - . CASE, K I OD, J, I �
comes i Ang — - -d most 0 stoe of cultivxtion. 't- -
trying form of work ; instead of freedom Miss Faith came home. �o u -se her, new revelations to -the young man, who - s DicKso.N,' I AN 11mil did he I -t but!
� I mi - . Ing, 1rings. The property contains a comfort- Postmaster, and 31ic ' title I
11.1 . ., . , IrARL HURbRY. .
. �
a mesh of finely woven: duties,light as every one said it wa as a p4ilosbph &bid b -ick house. Second—Lot 31, Concession 3, 896-12 . I ;
s grief at he' er, but no stoic. He re- Avh() owlted the VA.AA-.1
. . �� ;
9�ssamer threads, yet binding the con- state that made her so grave and unlike ,memb ed their expression long after- towng tip of Usborne, containing 100 acres, 85 CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS. I . -Ik� - I lit', 11m. was up, tw)IIS
acres eleared, well underdrained, and, in a high . I I . � I .
I � - . lva rd the gentleman aladf,
science like cart -ropes. herself ; but Langley a,lways believes -wards, and the peculiar ., With -In state ( f cultivation, There is a good orchard of . SFAFO:RT:H WOOLLEN Mi, I i... - . , - �
. Queenie sat and mused with inward that that da,rk young surgeon had some- odd sensation that tingled tl trough him. four res aT etrick house,also-two ba�rns, ' . (J tbe morning to yimr h
cc I 19 I . - I
rebellion while Charity talked-ahout her thing to do with it, and so do L' What a contrast she is to Dora !" he stable , driving shed, all frame. school on op. WISHING MY NUMEROU,r3' CUISTO-MERS, AND EVERYBODY1 A I BEG to inform thoaq Indebted to ine low 11ar ( ;
I . I dare - - : - 1)),04glit your1lo wtz
I to , - .
- books, and showed her manuscript vol- say this was one of the 'might -have- th6ught again. posite ot. It is three miles to the towns of t manufacturing or book accounts, that o
. I � he gentle!
umes of finely -copied extracts. - beens' that have s Exete -and Hensall. These. farnis adjoin each MERRY. CHRISTMAS. to the entire destruction, of IPY mill by fire, Igo, 11 ,norning?" T
I " I al . poiled so many WQ- " Y DU are very good to m 7' continu- and will be sold toiether or separately. . I compelled to call on you for a prompt settle -,,,, saying, " Indeed, I'M1411
he out passages that please me;, men's lives." . .ed Q 3 9 I � I - �A
�enie ; but he intei ted her.' easy. or particulars apply st be Close& - ou
u,, I 0 of your accounts,
ways via T11 =s of payment as the booki mu Mit to see if I c ill linill
- - -
. I .�-� to - JO [I -N McQUEEN, Executor Lumley P. O., 'not be nece �, - .
it is hach a resource, to read them after- " But Miss Faith'is not so old,=only 1 11 hope a second appeal will I � illy breakfast,!�` a
. . I . I (VoWinwd on Third age.) orB.'V-..ELLIOTT,So�citor.F-,xei�rP.O. 873-26 MRS. JOHN � . . I rather smipicio . -11(l ther
1. .� � I . .1 I � �, KIDD$ SEAFORTH. I' 839 I A. Go VANERMOND. . usly, 1150;�
. I . . � . . . - � I � . � _PwIdy) wliat lirought y�
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