HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-02-20, Page 1. . I - %,
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,*eliool censi j / . - . 1� - � SEAFO TH FRIDAY -Y' 20 1885. 1 Publishers.. ,
. -is, 1 , I 3 .1 FEBRUAR McIjEAN BROS.'
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; i . -� $1.50 a Year, in Advance.
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� -who 8're not I . . -- .
I "I
. -- i I THE GREAT - ' The Pcoliltry Show.,� - I -
7 -we require , -,. . I - . Woodstock. Cockerel, Ist d- 2nd' A mas owned by Mr. John Finch of this following claiis were all represented: announce a recess of ten minutes to dis- Taking the civil service througho.ut it .
: � I
; I .. i � an .9
The following ;
d out to.us'the - . . . .1 i ls� a list of ,the, success- T. Rogers. Pullet, Ist and 2nd, A T. town. Mr, Finch is one of the most The handsome McKies; the gay Carmi- cover th cause, whieh,was found to be would be inipossible to End a more des-
rtllljilto the ;- , I , I ul exhibitors at IThe Poultry ai d Pet Rog�,rs. BLACK Ar -RICAN. --Cock, Bur- enterprising and successful breeders in cliaels; e
�� . f .. W , � Stock RA-hibitioll' I 11 . ehe festiv*e McKellars; the at the Dullerin House, Arliere a fire had. picable piece of pett mcanness than the - .
uittl compel , 1 . held "ill - Seaforth last gess & Douglas, IvVoodstock.. Heil, Bur-
, , I � y
� Ontario. He'lldw has' a pair of old frisky Sinclairs; the gallant Campbells; been started by ubih1ren playing in one cited. As a, result it i�,, stated th - .
. Clearing Sale week: 1 0 at
I ltou*e 1111%y- be ; �- .. .1 . -i - gess & Douglas, Cockerel,, D. T. 110gers, birds -i a pair of youn birds and a the brave Cameronians; tile invincible upper bedrooni. I" . an
� I
I I 9
� I I . Lxc,HT Bi-t.A,wils.-Cock$ *1st, John Cayuga. Pullet, D. T. Rogers. JAPAN.- breeding pen Of tl . t was grot under con- in future the extra allowance made to
� . - Ile Light Brahma va- Northcotts; the irrepressible Grabanis, subordinate clerks of tht coujavil is ,lot
� Finch, Seaforth; �n trol. -
11 a little fur- - -. I - d, - John Cat�eron. ESE'-CBrgess & Douglas, Woodstock. liety which lie imported from Massa- and the heroic McDonalds, from the -While decending the stairv.a.y-iii likely to be continued as the government
- Our tow.us, of - 1; .—AT— �Uen, Istand2m 4obnFiiiA. Coickerel- He_;, Burgess & Douglas,' BLACK Ichusetts, and which have competed with wild anitoba. They could all his dwelling on .Saturday morning a ( . "Posed to allow INItGee lo
. 0 10 "Ot fe6l 011
I - B. Fernison, Listow( -Cock* ls�t, A. the fowls of the largest breeders of the " spoke the Gmlie " and sing so g e 's ago,.Rev. A. McKenzie, p I a y " I- �,,`r
� - I st, R. ' .,�f � s of M�
" complete GAME.
a. I ; 2,n�' BREASTED RED
- - re- . ) .
�. r" I
- , . '�'. R, gers, Province this season and have taken "Auld Scotia "' from "Bonnie Annie tb.e respected pastor of the Presbyterian Mccy ee will be sh 0 .
p , population I JolinFinch,Scaff&6. Pullet, Istand2fid, SParling,:McKillop; 2-nd, D. 1. n s of � COUPI of -week- Aan� longer
I � ' I , . If it is continued
, r 1 John Finch, Sedlorth. DARK. -Cock uayuga. . )Ten, A. Sparling ; 2nd) . T. first prizes ,wherever s"h own. Laurie " down to I I S )I ut out.
the 'p-liblic, . ; Hoffman I . ,
. Wills 1� Slbafoitli;' �
I BP08# I Isti A. J. . cotch Laspie Jean. Church, 2nd concession of Kinlo.", made -The inayor T A, YOU)39 I
� � C . I- . 0 2nd, J. M' Rogers. . Cockerel, John Hord, Park-' The udging oil this occasion was -In London, on Saturday, sentence of a mis-ste and tumbled d6wn its full
� . . 11 . I . McPherson, Cha,thaillit. Hen, i ' bill. Pullet, John Hord. SILVER Ducic- done' 'j
.1 S., S. at- �- � I � . st,: A, J . I by Ali% John Aldous 'of George- withdrawal of license and rem I P woman a railway pass to Belleville on
tc-ndance, ' -;I- � -A Willson, Seafortl -, 2nd- -L M. TN16pher'. NVIING.-Cock, C Aetzel, Sea; oval from length tothe floor below. Hewaspick- Saturday. �,oil.e tinle nd her
� &,16 A � . . 7 . forth. Hen I town, who performed the task unaided. religious office was passed upon the Rev. ed i0ip insensible, but'on the application S
. . . - .
I � . bil band went to ,Syrac
— , - "o6kerel,i Ist, AL. J. C.Actzel. REMPYLEGA&M-Cock,C. His skill as a judg� of fowls will be Timothy O'Connell, the eccentric Epis- of timely restoratives lie recovered con- busb1111(l is ago she a
1,JP7 - � I soil Chatham - 1J use to live. .Her
705 11 I - ., � i Willson, SmLfortl. ; 211d, J. M. McPher- Aetzel, Seafortb. Hen, C. Aetzel. wledged when we say that'his copal clergyman who has fi . a Stolle -11 le -there
640 . 1� . . " ..7 - - . son, --C baltbani. "ullet, Ist, J. M. Mc- e-rel,D.T:Rogers,Cayuga. Pull(t.D. decis* .gured so much sciousness. The reverend gentleman they ,�,,(:). lasoll. Wbil
- - I '
- - I Ilsonj - . lonsgavesuch general satisfaction in the London papers lately. The charge sustained severe gashes on the teinple c both -stricken down wit�
" Pherson - Clia,tharli; 2nd A. J. 11ri T. Rogers. - P r� K 1,11. -Cockerel, Burgess t6 both 'exhibitors and spectators that in was drunkenness, and tYPh')'d fever, an(I We're Put in, to the
J98 � Grand -Su"ecess , . 0 1.
&14 I I . I seaf orth. , &. Douglass, 11.7 odst' -the'judge was the and side of the head. In consequence bospital.
. I 0 ock. Pullet, Bur- no instance'were they questioned. -%V mian w the first to I
L the num- - � I representative of the Bislio I The ( as
I - I B,uFF Cool-TIN,3'. -Cock, John Hord, gess & D ouglas. P of Huron. of this unfortunate occurrence lie has I'Llcove
.� - I . I . . The several exhibitors from a distance -Under tb e advice of the City Solici- been unable to,ful-61 his pastoral Sabbath - - t
- I .. : -hill. Heil, i st Burgess & Douglas, BRONZE- TuRKEY�S. -Cock, Ist,1 - A. expressed themselves highly pleased tor, the action pending against the city duties. . � . by the ladies of 8yracilsc,.she startL
6.qed; slightly - . Park r, and with il)on-..ey givell o, her
. .
� in -i AND— - . - Woodstock-,; 2nd, Jolin Hord,' Parkhill. Sparling, McKillop; 2nd, John 4ord with tile tr atnient th lier bonie in Belleville -, �d for
� . I . eatnient tb y received - )
.40 from of St. Thomas for the recovery of $1,000 . Canada. The
-The mail' who does the Watford inoney was Only sufficient to take li,er to -
--- - - - , - I . Cockerel, J-. (AL Do I Seaforth. Parkhill. -He I the officers o the association, and all damages, by reason of Mrs. Jane E. Adviser local's gives, his experience of j-1al,nilt
. I 1, � . n; A. Sparling. I f
. Tak-liz : � . Pullet, J. G. 11%ri-ance. PAR'TR-IDGE.-. Iri I were lond in their prai.ses of the orderly, Cruise having fallen ovi 011. There she appllefj to the -
, 'ander, I st'Frank er a I ose plank the cold Wednesday thusly: in mayor, and was given a dollar and a
11oc'! the best - Cock, Burgess &I Douglas,6 Woodstock- - EESE —E N PDEN. —G . P our
.. - which the show was conducted. The paymen . t .
(ing - � I . Beattie, -Seaforth ; 2nd atic and hono�able manner in in a defective sidewalk, was settled on regular afternoon pilgrimage to- the- POs pass to Toronto. .'Hayor Maillillig en-
Liat'a we halve ... I STILL GOING. ON. - Burgess & Doug- 'system
. . - Hen, Burgess Lr lDoll(flas,- W`oodsi6iak. las Woodstock. Goose, hit, Frank
iave conclude(I i . Cockerel, P. Lo e, L-istowel. Pullet, , I k t by the corporation of $275 in office on Wednesday last we met rl
: .
. J
� � WH success of the show this year,. and the full of all dainages and costs. P
I I ,,, � Tou- .
ole eoimty of � — �-, ,4t : abled her to reach hoine. Her husband.
,Schools, with . . . : Se&forth. Hen - . I hill.. ""' us "Js is still *in the hospital in Syrac-use.
11 - - Lo�-e' -Cock,, Win; Grieve, I LOC,18E. -Gander, John Hord, Par sal satisfactiorrit afforded atigur -Captain Frederick B�idges Lysons, this cold enough for you?" two said
. � � � P. . , _Beattie; 2nd, Burgess & Douglas. eople. Eleven of them asked
. - - I I. Grieve, Cockerel-,! * well for the future. The oniy draw- -Last ,§aturday7s
. teachers and - -- � I Istand 2nd, Win. Grieve. I 'Pullet, Ist I Groose, John Hord. Gander, 1884, .iohn I soil of General Lysons, and for the past " great Scott, this is a sn eezer, 11 another INIontreal Witness
- , ' . and 2.ud, Win. Gfievc. BLA,cK.-Cock Hord. � (x6ose, 1884, John Hord. back was1lie weather, wbich prevented year and a half a resident of Toronto, �' how is this for Manitoba ?" and three' says . .The proceedhigq at the Holiness -
I . . -gess & Douglj,, Lis, Woodstock. -lien - YLDSBUIty.�Drake, !has. many, -especially from the country, from b%s bad his offer for active service ill young ladies remarked 11 oli my, is'lit it IN et las -.
� , � All Kinds of Goods at Bui .1 *
I tionat, Louis! I . I I Du,q�cs-A i le ing of the Salvation Army t
. - - ( .
.. Bill evening .were of a very devout cliaracter.
I'D once laore -gess & Dougli , � pitcher, Stratford. Du viewing the magnificent display made. Egypt acce�)ted, and will report imme- awful cold." We� forgive them all ex N I
k as. . - - - .. . ck, C. Pitcher. . - ----------*— - diately. Col, Gray, M. - Captain Lewis delivered a -very earliest
- �ehool � - L,A.-.,-wnu,,-,�s. __ c6tA Ist'- H. P". Pl,,1,ZI1q-- - Drake Ist, Bingess & t . I � I _
�tbbath k� . Co, st and Under. ack . I P. P., of the cept-the-eleventbat'asked "if it was '
I . Battery, has Volunteered cold enough," and We are lay g for address relative to the absolute Ilecessity .
: - I - k Dorrance, 131 as, Woodstock ; 2-nd, J. P.. , in I
Ilich sum. mar- Karn, Listowel;,2.nd, J Dougl _ Canada.' Toronto Field
: I . I ine, A ladies' roller skating race took place for active service in Egypt. . ,of forsaking .all worldly fash, .
r I I . Seifortli. Pullet, J. Git-Dorrance. Seafortli. ' Duck, - I st, J. P. them with a sleigh stake. lolls,-. ni
% — . .
.1 . . -- 'ROQK,S.-Coe,k-, - Brine.; 2nd, Burgess &, Dou�las. at Foint Edward the other night -The Pine River Cheese and Butter -Mrs. Jacobo order to becolne trneChristians, especial-
: llcic� .OF TRE 11 . - . PLY-MOUTII Ist and - Bricker, all el�lerly lady stating- -that they could not be sticli
� es Aetzel, Sea,forth. Hen e, 1884, J. 15. Brine. Duck 1884 i Company, Huron township, have been residing ',in '� ly �
� , R - 2nd; Charl. . I Drak ) IP _Mr. David Smith, of Walkerton re- i Vaterloo, ,acciden tally,. fell less they wore
; .. it .N,..- eam fully established and expect to have into the cellar by nlis plain clothes.
�1013rrs_ Teachers. % - 111 you have- not called o lt, b6 Ist, J. C. 3&IcKay, ,Georgetowu; 2nd, J. P. Brine. RovF -Drake, Mil cently killed a hog that kicked the b' taking the door. un
� .
�11i,45,1 -�50a,M - I � - Charles Aetzel S aforth. Cooker Hord, Parkbill. Duck, John Itbrd. at 525 lbs. - � .everything ready to commence business Wben discovered she was lying senseless Tbe Marquis of Lorne, ex-Governor-
�!O,&-�* 932,293 . kcAlre to: do sa before the close of y &. c, 0' CAYUC,A.—Dr'ake A T. Rog . ' Mayor Mob�r , of Con' I before the end of May. They have at -the foot of the steps. I
. . . this Ist, Win. Balkwel[ I I ers, Cay - ly inp,00( , G encral of Ca -ad , wr e
� r , 11,'xetbr; 2,ild,-Chas. . ga.
�1 336 45,,412 � y She had ev. n a it s to the Lon- :
,'17,360 49 . . . � . Pitcher Stratford. Duck, D. T. Rogers. has volunteered to raise a colored regi- leased one acre from Angus McDonald dently fallen head first -with all her don Tijnes, toadvise -the acceptance, -of i
-�AS,000 1,-A. 72 Z3 ' I and will at once proceed to erect a suita- I
1632 sale, as c,00ds are sellinc, fast, aad bar Pullet, Ist, Charles 11 ' I
� -1 0 .P., - pitcher,'Stratford ; 2nd, Charles Aetzel PETS. -Angora rabbits, Ist land ment for active service in the Soudan. . . weight, striking the back of. her head the.proi services of the Canadian i
,- - --� ;- '- . ) ble- building. They expect to sectire the against the7 brick wall' ,in
!�,��,,4,, Slims. ,I ins are the order of the da -�: I. . 2iid, D . , . -1 - - -Unusual precautions are being taken , which -was di,s ents in the Sondan campaign. He i
�z,%00 9-.111009- ..- - -1% g, y- , Seaforth. 11 mon T Rogeis, Cayuga. (Join- at ible -citadel at Q *Ik of 300 cows. . - reg,
.- and 2 .1 P ueboc with visitors, in' arked with blood at , ey -%,6 ill prove as valuable co-
� I � " I - : WYANDOTTES" .,ockerel. Ist, nd, rabbits James A. Anderson, I tinctly in the point believes th .
:: . . � . -
- -1�qw .. � Seaforth. German canary, Ist, John -1-fenry Irwin of Pine River, got of contact. The doctors found that her . ,li Cr I
isl,sw :: We are making sweeping reductions Charles Aetzel, Sekfortli. Pullet Ist . . dynamite being feared. I I adjutors as t re voya eurs, and declares
— - , I I ;�, I . 0 1
I George Love, List(,wei; 2nd, C. A. An er- I !
I -�-- - . * Finch,. Scaforth; 2nd, Jmi. . -The snow along the street railway badly frozen the other day, while under collar bone was broken and besides other that it will 'be but .III act of justice to I
. , - I Aetzel, , "
)G3,52&-1,66%8aJ ,- 11 in . -our . . - . - . Sea,forth. I . .. son; Seafortbl-' 'I'llima-ge canary, Min . track at PoiA Ed�N',,ard Is from six to the influence of liquor. He seems to contusions the skull, itself was badly give thern the right'to prove their de- i
' . . l. i
,unda- I . ,
y school 7 ��� L I SILVER --GREY DORKI�NGS- -Cook and. Findli. Goldfinch, John Finch. Li- eight feet deep. No c have lost his way from Ripley, and fractured. At latest accounts'she still vo * I I
" - . - ars running. . I tion. .
3,354teac&ers- . net and ca,nary inu �Twoyoui)g men four d in a bonded wandered into the porch of the school lay u � . . I
; . - � I . . . Hen, C -Pitcher Stratford. Cockerel Ist, I le"Dr. J. G. Scottj . Ilconsciolls, and her recovery is very -Lake Huron is frozen !further ou I I
. ) I t I
. * Seaforth.- Goldfilic car at Hamilton, were house No, 5, where he was found -next doubtful.
� . I F U R- � G: 0 0 D 8 1 A- Calder, Seaforth ; 2nd, J�. G. Scott, Sea- John, ,h and canary male, ."'e!l $10 each or . . than it has been for many Y`1411 -s,
, I- . . mornii . . � �
I . . - ants, D. the 'bi ,
� - I 3 eintvisi 4 ,e,, . . I I I
�� I
I to. know that - �� . I : . Y . --0- -�7� Ind nal"l-
forth. Pullet, Ist;A. Calder; 2nd, J. `4ilver pheas T. __ - water b at St - ia. 1 a'
. Finch. , ten days ill gaol, for br, a�lng open rig by the scholars. It is doubt- -It may be interestiner to some of our
� � Ro Ca uga. Parrot, Dr. J. - G. car and stealing a ride.' f ul whether he will recover the use of readers to learn that the Indian Mission gati � een .1 . !
I I )
- I G. Scott. - - - gers I . � I . o:: e on - ake .Michi- I
increasincr re- ' I his legs. :
- I I RE 'Es. -Pock, - Scott. I . -The number of pe6pl'e applying for Of 'St. Regis, Province of Quebec, gan between Grasno aven a - d Milwau ; ,
i - C, , . I 1. . BLACK BREASTED ,D GAN , - . �
I In of the Sa-b- � . " I . help to the charita,W institutions of -11ay.'-W- ,H. Claris, Iasi August,, consists of - 1 985 souls, i
I �.. I regis � ,- years. It 4
1 If you recimire any ing in Fur Cap Ist, Avrn. B Exeter; 2lid, John ' - , . I 10 of whom are kee, for the first tinle in man� .
the church- . . I . t1u- . 8, alkwell P1(;EO-Ns.--Pa,ir sbort-faced black- t1lm- Toronto and Montreal this b
. Hord, Parkhill. '. .. - blers, Dr. -J. (,,,. Scot -winter is un- - - tered a letter containin .$'35 at the French Can'adi-ans, and the remainder. is generall supposed
a , � . Sarnia post office, addressed to a� 'n n
oudy by youn - : .. Cu -.M, Boas, GEC , , I st, John Hord - t. Ringdoves, Dr -- precedentea. I 9 I -Mr. - me- lbers of the I dian families; that Y that .the hinnense
cr ; pes, or Trimmings, be 2nd., Wm.'Balkwell.J. Co ' J- 0. Scott. .
' I
�rcciated th - ' - . , & I l6kerel, ist, Chas. � n has been . accumulation of ice in the lako will tend
I,- . Pitcher 2 1, Ric4�a'rd Kruse, Egmond- -Ali inventio ' - pefected Robertson,, of Kingston, and a fe1v days during the year 1883 there were 95 to retard the comin.g of springiland if so,
. I . I phic -,Ind teloplionic co d news 10m '.M r. births, 51 deaths, and 25 weddings in we m, ay look fora -very late. season this
. tre to call and see our goods amd Ville. . Pullet, I st, harles Pitcher ; 2nd, Brahnias, old, John Finch; Ligl 11� Robertson . - I- .1 I
tg men Gutside s�i , I ,q SPECYAL CASH PRE-Mimus.-PairLt,lit whereby telegra afterwards he receive
I . I I .
� � - Richurrd Krus6. 1�'ED PYLE. 111 same - - the mission. A .small but neat look ig y r. - I ,
cy � C�. - ,
. . C� It Bil - munications maybe made over the . that the letter had'yea bdd �
. . . - prices th is ul,onth.. Do -Cock-erel, inas, Young, Ist John Finch 2nd R.: B. wire simultaneously. , F h ea � I
Jier we are ta . :: . *:-. . n't forget the him but it contained no money. I All building has been erected on Cornwall 1
1 . Mr. T. H Sproule, of ttaw-a' has
� C. Pitcher. Pullet,il` I st', C. Pitcher ; Ferguson. ]Dark Brabin ' -2
4 eitizens, whol � place. I . . . .12nd, A. Spb,ri as, old--,, I st IA. -A lien belonging to Mrs. Drapei of e,ff'orts to recover the money have so far Island to serve as a school hou.,je and, forwarded to 'the Nlillister
of Protes . tant- I I . Cock,.A,. ,8' � A 019 Militia an
ing, -cKillop. WHITE.— - J. Willson, 2nd J. M. -'1AcPh6rsof1; D�rk Sarnia, �sliowed its contempt for the'c'old church for the Indian Methodists resid- offer to raisea detacbiiixen� of 100 drilled
. . ,� - -ax '- , Hen, Ist and 2nd, Bralinias" .Y( I
�Ution,S. of- lotkr I I � % '. ;) , p " qn, - , 311139, Ist J. M. McPhers� ather by �ringing out a brood of h enzie, an aged resi- ing there. The school teacher is an Ill- �menfroili Otta-waand thesurrounding
- a fling. PA J LE71). -Cock, J. Q. 2nd A. J'Allillson. Buff 11' we . �
I . Dorrhm � ce, . 8e . _ 6ebruary.
hool workers 11 The Cheap Cash . - y Cochins, 9 d, chickens on the 4th of I` . dent of North Dumfries, died last week. dian. -
��eased - ap Siore ' ,,,,Ill -len, J. G - DOI- John Ho'rd - Young, J. G. Dorranpe. -Robert Yarwood' - the Bell Mr. McKenzie w,ts barn in Inverness, -A singular phenome d a- , - Proceed ivith them for ser-
. �
' ( � Partridge Cocbins, old, But � g- bank defaulter, has been sentenced to non appeare - vice in the Soudan. Mr. Sproule was ,
,pre- . . rafnce. af . eville district, and
mter faiQuil- - �, _ - , -gess & Doo Scotland, in 1800, and came to this coun- few evenings ago on tile to
_ - HAMRURGS. . Aim' line f,ormerly sergeant-iliaJor in the now dis-
P conceptions ... - -OF- I SILVER PE E'D I ,+ las ; Young, P., L6ve. Black Cochins, two years' imprisonment in the King- try in 1826, immediately taking up the of Adelaide and Williams, opposite Mr. -
, . I
- � � .. Cockerel, I stp Jol� ord, 'Parkbill old, Bit 'ess & 'Douglass. White ston penitentiary' farm on Mi b
�� 0 f ; rg anded Ottawa brig& die Garrison Artil- r
ibility of th . �� . -, . . � . I 11 Creek road, near Gait on A. McKeen's residence, in the Shape of lery, and later was a sergeant in A Bat -
I -e . 2n�d, A. Hendry; - �Zfo ;h. , Pullet, I 8�) Cochins; old, Win. Grieve; yo which lie has since spent his life. '
, I ung, Ist -Mr. Janies Sonter,-an old resident The a ball of fire the size of a large pail. It tely. yal Scho
! ed plans, and . I.- , I .. .,A.. Hendry ; 2n.d,. J61in Hard. GOLDENZ and 2nd ny vari ty of Ayr, �
- ,
.,% of - iossi� � . i lsf " J( -ii was seen abo it 9 o clock at night by Kin- gstoll, 01 of Gunnery tat
-i I - � . . -PENCILLED. —Cock, t , Win. Grieve. A s and for many years librarian of deceased gentleman -was widely knom I Ro .
re thoughtf-ut- I t�- I and universally respected in the locality. several of t)ie neighbors and boy Mr. -An old resident of Wentworth coun- !
ts P .., HOFF! 14 AN BROS09 )Iiii -Hord� of Dorkings, old, Charle Pitcher; the Mechanics' Institute in that village,
1. � .
- -- "Pa,rkbill �; 2nd, . �
! . -- �, . I urg4 as & Douglas, Young, Ist, A. Calder; 2nd, Dr. J. G. -T . �
. I I 15 I . passed away oil' Sundayj 8th he death is announced of Mrs. McKeen himself. it .
� � I .t� I Woodstock. Hell inst. , at appeared on the- ty (lied recently in ;:th6 pporson of Mr.
� I I , I � Z ,�r -� . ,, lst,,Fobn Hord, 2nd, Scott; Glolden or Silver Spangled Ham- the ri oad about 5 or 6 feet from the ground, Tlgios.' Young. Deceased ,was aged 83
;� , :
I - llivF d in Beverly since
� -kerel, Pickard buns, old, Ist, John Hord; 2nd, J. (Ir. I and all of a sudden sprang or bound- years. He ,
.1 � -, I Burgess & Douglals.- Co, _I Blackburn, wife of Mr. Josiah Black- r'
lad ,-- - - SEAFORTH, ONT. . 9 xi age of 76 years.
- -
. .r �bd � - 1 een -- - - . - - 11 . - .1 - & -Spicer,. -Exeter. Pullet, Pickard & '8cOtt: young, 1�t, A. Hendry; _A'd. G. M. %Vilson, Of Winni burn, of the London Free Press, which .�5 � had
: land. " .. - 2nd, I.- peg, was arrested tile other in - took place Saturday morning last. The ed 20 feet in the air er M
, - . � I Spicer. SI151VER SPA-XG1X1li--�-019ck, Al. A. Charlcswor�h; (4olden or ,Silver 0 olminglt , passinIq ov ch r e4i�bAed. He, was I
-- Mutual Fire Insurance. , immediatecauseof death was apoplexy. McKeen's bog pen, and then pass'
i . . - A. Chaxlesivorth Saafofth. - charged with tlie� earnl�6zlement of one 1, 1319 an active m ember of the Presbyterian
- - - - ell M. cilled Hamburgs, old, Ist, John H , ; thousand dollars belongin ousewhere it disappeared. body, was electe4.-4n ..
tv . .
X- . wo -iK. C06,kerel, Ist *and 2nd, Burgess & Douglass ; young, 14t, of which lie had charge. g to an estate ed for her kindness to the poor, who Some elder of Knox
.To , ' - .. TNTR.' EDIToR.-S11R.-I had the honor A. Charles" -r ) 10 r She was well known and highly esteem- around his ]I
- � . hurch, Galt yea � rs age .
.ie 11 � es� � of representing the Llsborxile aild Hibbert 2nd, XT, A. Charle et,, Ist A. of the more timid will not now c 48 , the second
r . � I s orth. Pu I Hendry; 2nd,, John Hord; Bla0k will sadly MiS6 her, Sl�e leaves a farnil. venture out after night and say- that
I- Mutual Fire 1$�urallce Company as and 2nd, LAI. A. Cliarlosworth. OLDEN - -F lint y
: - . . . Uainburgs, old., �,A. J. ,Willson - Os Holton's steam saw and year after Di Bayne ca -me to Galt, and .
� I delegate at the convention known a's"71 �e ; youn if of eight children. - -.-I, � something terrific is going -to happeb. . � -
- '
SPAIN (,.LED. --:-Cock, Istj I.John Hord, 1�t and -Ind, , J. Willson; Whi,'e' planing mills and grain elevator at Belle- -1V1r. F en, formerly of the 0 had continuously held that position ever
- Mutual Underwriter's' Associ Parkhill; 2nd Dr. J. G. 83cott, Sea,forth. L ville were completely destroyed by fire �
�Qphy; , . Purely I il . 3 �,. p. Rod ' -A young Scotsman, who came to i
� . . ) 0gli orns, old, I st, D. - Ho gan - 2nd, ii L. a
has a rosea�e I ation of Ontario," held in Toronto on Hen Ast John Hor ; 2nd, Dr. , , 0 y M il staff, the newly -elected chairman this country full of hope and iletermined SM ce.
Lies high.,'but ' ' J G H 5,idry; young, I st, D. T. Roger the other day with all their contents- of the Toronto school board, electrified . I . --John Rose, of the 2nd line, War -
E . A". Hendr .( 1; Loss, upwards of $25,000. to make the best of his 'way in the new
ce. , - ruary 4th and 5-th. As a synopsis 1, Scoti. - 'Cockerel, y, Seafortii.* I 2ildl F. 0'. SParlin ; Brown Leghorn. , his fellow -members the other evening by wick, -met wit4 a very serious loss the
� Feb
--, returned to Montreal
P To; the of t hl� tuainess transacted m ay be of I Pul�et !- Hendry. B , �--C ck, A. I I old, st, B.. B. Ferguson; 2nd, Jam6s. ring in a swallow-tailed coat and e Cahadian Pacifi .
, J I _jls 1 -Mr. Cra,kord, a very highly re- appea i . world, has just other night in the total destruction of
gloriatits. ranke It j ,1. c Rail-
te youth- Ila,% .1 . briefly alinde to it as follo, Ferg - his barns and other outbuildings by fire:
D - - ill, crest to your many readers, I will ,. N , spected and wealthy farier living near white kids. The reports of the meetin way west .
ii, Seaforth Heil, Ist, A. J. A. Anderson; Young, lst, R. B. from work on th
- .
I ir, 1-1 . ws:-The. ob-, Willson, Sea,forth; : 2iid, Pickard & soil ; 2nd It. Elhott; Brown Leghorn�, Copetown, Wentworth county, met 9 , with the: lower limbs of his Ten h .
, . .
. . - p , young, rose comb,' R. 'Elliott - Black with & very sudden death a few dayi; more efficiently transacted Ily re owinj quantity of grain and'hay and 11 his
�, end a few ject of the association is to secure, pro er Spicer, Exeter. Cockerel, Ist land 2nd, don't indicate that the business was a body paralyzed. Th is occur d ead of cattle, nine sheep, a large
paper at the .. le"islation, to guard theinterests. of, the A. J" Willson. Pull�t I
. � ,, . and 2nd, A. Spanish, old, John I ago, by falling from a ladder -whilst at for so much to the work be was al being done in c .
horizon wou"t Companies I - ! . . Hord;. young, 18�1 hiwbit . silly style-proba,bly not - . X d. The :
. ' , Ist -a
; 11 an Willson. . 01 farm implements were burne
� � -- -11 i d to consider and urge J. 11 . J). F. Rogers-; 2nd, 'Thomas Male - rn. � ' water -up to his wai . 'He was sent on barn was almost new, having been erect-
�alieons as it - � -.,,, ella-ilges or amendments looking to the WHITE N . -About five o clock on Tuesday morn- to Portland, w I . 1
3 - . LEGHOR-N 3. -Cock, Ist, 'F. ffoildaals,old, Ist, John Ward; 2n4' -VAThile E. -H. Cornell, .of RocktQn, Ing last week, Mr. Chas. Weber, who with his ticket on one Of ed oi ily two years ago, and the stables - I
� - 'ifteell companies represent- fo * d
. h -ille, awoke the Om that have been put up since. Mr. RoWa .
Cr at one, time I- - better working of mutual insurance. Goebel, 3ditcholl; 2rd, A. Heii(Iry-, Sea- Wentworth coulity, was leading to lives two miles south of HaysA the lines of steamers that sail fr
� of accona. m-ol- Thero were, 0 -J- 1-1. Ilichards; Houdmi chicks, Istan'
� rth. Hen, Ist, D.-- HogaA, Se,.Lforth; 211(j, John Ward; White Crested B water a -newly -shod - and recently pur- ,port, -and when he irrived airthori- loss : s very h ca -,T, being over $2)oft
il I still have : '..� I � edat-theilleeting which -was presided 2nd, - lac'k, chased horse, it kicked him in the face, take ]I *
- ' � - ", F.. 0'oebel, Nifitel., 11- -- to find his house on fire. Heat once ties of the ship refused to , I
. -t 1� . . . ..e � Cockerel, 11olamls, old, Ist, D. T. Rogers; 2nd, aro in on is an insuran.
I - Jolla Beattie Esq., of Nichol, I st. F. - G. . agall tst which there I. i
Ire thaR a ca I ,� -� (1 -Wer by J � I I- used "his family, all of whoin were blef s some person went wit I
- Mae rak-e,. Esq., of Mount Forest, 1. Rogers, CayugaJ I -rible' to look after him He was 11 hill' $ 1,000. It is not known how the fire
lud the s . H. L, D Spaxling, &aforth.; 2 ... d, D-' Dr. J. G. Scott;- chicks, Ist, A. Heil knocking out five teeth and cutting an forced by the flames into the tei � board u . ce of
., it an object -, - acting as secretary. i . Pullet, Ist,. F. ,dry ; 21id, D. T. Rogers; Golden or ugly gosh in his cheek. Cold in their night clothes. Mr. Weber accordingly origffiated, but.18 supposed to be the
. - - Lively discussions Goebel, Mitchell; d D. L Rogers, -Mlf. Peter Batligate, of the first line sent back to Mon'treal and was admitted . I I
tuch thii as took place an tile following subjects:- 06yaga .. I 8ilver Polands, � old, Ist, Burgess & of Er three cows. Eabh; of had only his shirt on, and must have to the Montreal general hospital. He work of a tra�mp as'lNl r. Rose was not
, � . .
, . C� . I . 0 White Leghorn pullct, rose Duu ulass - 2nd, John H
qtInd bloom. I " .'itea -in "I'h--r,eshen,;;,'2 " The Alortgage- comb, � 0 y ks, 15, t _ din after'
- d &. Spicer,,- Exeter. . an iosa, owns 8 d ill tb -� buil g - ' dark, a;nd:(Ioes not
- . q ; mo �
� - N' 0 sitting in the house
' '
. - -- I not be kept- there long, and Mr. H. A. teaqj g, about; 9 o'clock when the flash
' n t us �, w . -Cockerel, rose comb, , I A and old,. I si and 2nd, Charles Aetzel ; chicks . ed snow in fight -'k the fire. Some of Allan very kindly interested himself *
" . - . I -�l
-1 Idt, rose - calves are living. - - I
-' p'l ' - Caroners in each county " and " The 2nd, R. Elliott, Listowel. Pul - lst,Y,!. Pitcher; 2iid, C. Aetzel; Bla their feet were fr In . bf th flames through the window was
- Pickar - 4"illson ; Plymoth Rock, these cows has given birth to twin calves he rushed barefooted tli�ough the crust- ,
, and 2nd,A. J. I ord; chic � sliFiered beyond anything imaginable, as wa- informed, however, that he coul e. He was
' - s`ide .- Clatise, ;" " The app - ainting of Fire BRo during tbe past- month. Five of the -
-i- gay ,-_ �-, (--lefects fil. Mr. O'Connor's (South Bruce) comb, R. Elliott. Cock, Ist, R.B. Fer- o ted Game&, ol P� I M . Stillwell all ozen. The house and the Ypung,man, and has induced m �
lin M
'- bo"t�nl` 1-4-14" about to be introduced to the guson, Listo , 1; 2 , the his fi F t intimation of the fire.
- -
- '
` I Quith e _ - * r BroWn I d, Ist, J0 -M d Ransom Forbes furniture wer .
- I
red uith _ - M e lic I e completely destroyed. St. Aildrew's Society to take charge of I
---.. , James A. Ander- Hofd; 2nd, Richard Kruse;. chicks have be 3n committed for trial by Judge Insured for $200.. ;
'it lie .% -in, jaa - - Roni-se. D . 09 .
ki, h - - � - . son, 8'eaforth. Hen. -I st, R; B. Pergu- him. -4n ac6ident of the- most grievous
- .
-1 on The discus - In relative to the rules son'; 2nd, James A.'Andersoh. Cock- u ly a man jamped off :n � .
ii to, armv A SIM Charles 'Pritcher; any other variety Hughes, at St. Thomas, for the murder -One day lately four val ' e horses, - e day late ; atuil,'ie occurred to Mr. Robert I urnbull,
z 0 - � � "aill C fowls, Ist, A..Spaling;-2iid, J. G, of the former's husband, at Bayham, on the property of Mr. Hunter, per Pil- . a fairner livi
dollar looks, - 11!(farding- steaiii, I- �� . so] . l I Mg south of the Clyde ,road,
: il . .- thresliers, was closed erel, I st, R. B F' 3, Lis��wel ; , 7)orrance; . the train going west as it was earmg
`ddle-agedi �.-, . F .ju
�� -� : 1)3�--Lppaiinting a commit any - other variety � gam� New YeaFs day. kington, near Elora, managed to , mp or sent near Galt, on Sunday evening Sth insit
e -.nm C, - , . . I tee consisting of -2nd, It. It' ,Iliott, Lista- ,el. Plullet Thedford, and when the conductil . . .
� ( . leffi. cient- - . '
� - d,,P�ickard ving occasion t into the
- - . ': -1, , , Ist, chicks, C. Pitcher f- ..-WYallOotte chicks' -The lake at Hamilton is frozen -ten across a snow -filled cu Ila
4; TNIessrs. W. J. Shaiinon,.McKillop, Com- P., B. Ferguson, Listowel, Ivelt, and ran the se(tion men after him lie was found '
� - il � . I . I st and 2n to. drive a col
� - and fizz of � - d, C. Aetzel; Javachick miles out from the shore, -aDd the ice is upon the railway track just �s a train to be i isane. Mr. Holmes and D stable, Mr. Turnbull took i -n his hand a
.-, I Pally: N. J. Clark, Usborne a,nd Hill- & spicer, Exeter. . 8, lst - I . r. Cor- I
brythi ., '4u.t ` . -and-2nd' H. Cloddard; Silver Gray . 9 -In wouchinz. .The en lie driver nell took hi-mincharge itud. too _ little piece of stick,with which he struck
stron enough for tea ing. Such a was a -
is ; I 0 - I)T e k od
I I mg 6ufz bert Comin-any., and W. Johnston, Blan- BLAcKSPAIN-Isly.-Cock, 'rohii Hord, Dorking Pullet, A. Calder; - unprecedented and
; . - C
�, , What's th shard Company,, th,", ta,ke the In atter into Parkh'. , Black o, i th 9 is said to be whistf�(Ijbut. tl�e 1righten d flo.'ses stood the animal, the slight stick breaki I 4
at III. Hen, Ist .1onlas .Male', -Lis- r care of him until his ifriends coull'be .� I
I . . , I . Brown Red Bantams, old, Ist . Spi shol'nws. how severe the,abld is. There is staring at the oncoming inoy. ster, and c* the detached piece rebounding b ....
. I I . , it
� I I oul to -
. for the use of all companies -who inay" g, Joh ' I and come for him,
Hord 1'&r-khill. ling, 2nd, D. T. Rogers; y good travelling to G'rii�sby and, in fact, all foi were killed. One of the horses which took two or three days, as they
ds, of a� lUke * consideration and &aft a set of rules toAveI;. 2nd John , ommunicated with '
� ution and, a, Cockerel, Ist, A I. Rogers, G'ayu&-�;, Hord; (','roldenor Silver Sebright Ban� I en fi . rst r I � point striking him in the eye and enter-
ce purch"ed.. ! i e association. - 2nd, Johil Moore, Exeter. Pullet, Ist, towns, Old, ]stand . I P ize at tile a icilltural live east of Toronto. f His father-in-law ng the p
c � 11 becorme members of th . 4 all along the lake shore. j had tak � . : -, pil, so. far, we regret to say,
; � -11 C) A -) n n als. t in
ic I I'lle in,- ,,P,fnd, A T. Rogers,� i young woman named Jessie mar- shows, and.all es , , thesight. ,Some years ago
, . e. Time ortgage or sTubrogation chuise, Thomas Alale, Listowel; 2nd, John chicks, Ist, D. T.`]16ger' I . ,arrived land said he 'Was sane when lie . - - I
7 . , s ; 2nd, A.. J. tin or Delaney, homeless and friendless -
. wisd Was then discussed, and the mejn�ers of. Aloore, Exeter. .. 9 -An explosion occurred in bhe Vale his . r. Turn ull, by an accident, lost the .
� - t�aeth - .. 'le association ,were unanimous, in their HOVDANS. -Cock, Ist, J. H. Riel - Willson; any o, .4eft home, and could not account for sight of his other eye, so that his present �
k4 water over - -1 tl ther variety Bantams,! but very pretty, (lied in the hospital at colliery at Westville Pictou, Nova , 'insanity unless hewas'drugged on the -
E .11 -1 , (i�,Ald
- - -
--.- 'T -11 I 11 (I( %*. " a lql-:� I I r...,
- - I
� , � � .
, N,-!!' I-li
: .. iard Burgess 'and Douglass; Znd, C.: Kin ston a few days ago,in the maternal Scotia, oil Tuesd4y nig,lit of last week. train wbich was the opinion of the .
� I disapproval of such a clause being at- Goderich; 2nd, John condition is such as to caltie the greatest
. - I I
; I .
� I I ta-iLiied to thd policies in the interests of Hen Ist John Wa eaforth.,, Aetzel; amy other vaiiety Bantam warg, having -some time ago been be- Twenty-two men were in the Tme at young nian h anxiety. He is at Present in the hands
;- . .. . I - I W d S' J st' . finself, After the first day -
- . � .
Wounds;�, Loail Companies, and it was una,W� nous -t' Ric -bards. Cockerel, Zln'd8, J. H. �chicks, I st and 2nd, A T. Rogers; .any trayed and i�uined. the'time, of whom thirteen were Instant- he became quite rational, but before of skilful occulists in Toronto, ..
;. I T. . - St d 2n(l, Job', variety turkeys, old, Ist, A 11; he .
. . d Hospital, ly killed. The remaining nine were was taken away he again became de- -Fifteen thousand poles were used
k l I- t and 2n John Ward. 2nd, Jolpi Hord; aiiy variety 9 �ese.old,: Brantford, was formally opened by Lieu- rescued alive, three behil, uninjured, ranged. . by the B611 Telephone Company in On-
, been wo,11114-4 � IN, agreed that the compallies represented Ward. -Pullet, Is .1 . parling; -Tile John H. Stratfor
i saerificed, fbr .... 1+3- this asiociation prepare a list of WIIITE CRE.STED BUM PdLANDS.- I st,Jobn Hord' 2nd,F. Beattie . .
4 . � Lowii Com. panies, ,who are satis,fi; ed with Gock,,Iat, A T. I, 0-- 81, F : young, tenant Governor Robilisan,. oh Tuesday and the- remainder r,
-, - � Roge Cayuga ; 2nd John Hor,l P --Ti 1- . . ess severelv � -Three Sarnia bovs seeinp, dhorse -d tario alone last en -m in connectin ;+. � ..
g1lin 0.0 f I I y U11; By y ung or of luat week. In the evening a ,grand J 6
� MR as6i ent or policy in lieu Of the Dr. J. . Scott, Seaafo I burned. Nearly all of those killed leave .sleigh standing out in front of the, town Exchanges together, and the plans for
Eave sitffl�r-eicll -; olmoxions: m.ort age clause, and aisist T. Rogers . ; 2nd . IV ' Heil, Ist, D. Old, John Hord; Pekin Ducks, - Young military concert under the patronage of wives and families. - hall the other evening, at an unjusual the c i
A, bf the Bus- I � A ,' Dr- J- (Y'- Scott. or old, I st and 2nd, J. P. Brine; Ca- His Honor and Mrs. Robinpon, was giv- � oming- season include a ra.pid ex -
' I . ' F. Baum, wanted at Dallas, Texas - bouri �and-,thinkiilg that the horse might tension of this part of its business and 'a
� the iiieml)ers f their respective coni- Cockerel, I sit, I Id 'Y,! Seaforth ` Yu a Ducks D. T. Roolers; Aylsbury -en by the Dufferin Rifles, - . I
Pod service to, , . H( I I , ` ' .
� . . �� panies in borrowilig only frain. such, 2nd, A T. - Rogers. ulef, Ist D1 T. bu, . charged with forgery of bills of lading catch 6old, gave it la, spin around town, considerable addition also to the number
K1 landsca.pe- ' . cks, Cbarlet�' AUier., Breedi4g, -American capita -lists are looking. for ainounting to $200,000, and with a im
; - 'I'lleappointing of Fire Coroners, wits Rogers; .2nd, A. Handfy. COLI I but unfortunately it ran awayfrom them of Exchanges. The company cla s
,om the F rench .- - . I)EN' Pens. -Asiatics, Ist, John Finch : 2nd, rson, I
.. C o ck, I sit, Bu ' . . a site at Montreal for a b uge abattoir, was again before the court at ,Chatham
.1� which. we. "I ZLI)ly discussed and left in the haad3 of SFA.'��GLED rg'W I . and disfigured one of their faces. The now to furnish the cheapest telephone
ats ' ss A DO�11011- f)avid ThonIpson; Plymoth Rocks, Ist, that will cost $1,000,000, for slaugh
. - . t4e executive com-i-nittee to mature, for hos, -Woodstock; 2nd -i . Ilso - on Saturday morning and was remand- owner of the horse, Mr. Barres, was service in the but an effort is to -
�t : . ... . Sea, 4. J 1'%Ti 11, C. Aetziel; 2nd, C. Pitcher; Halliburgs, te' ' . world,
i adryption. ing hogs for the German markets, .go L ed for one week to await the arrival of be made to give lower rates yet in eer-
� k
. an ,1 I i�aiting to take some parties across the
looselled .c - - 'Com � fortl - i., Heil : I§t,, Bc rge 3s & Douglas ; I st and 2nd, A. J. Willson; Leghorns, to evade the prohibitory law that Tiver after the bachelors' ball tain small places where only a few sub-
, - �
I -Ab - 0 nor's bill was a source of 'Ind, A,'J. Willn . erel - Ist stops witnesses from Texas. He had intend- , but find -
to the trunk - � . . I and 1,i,t,. . F. Beattie - 2nd, A. Hendry; United States pork- being admitted into ed to surrender to the Dallas authorities
I 7 I ... 11-1tich annoyance, inasmuch asi it wat, '21id, A. J, Wills' �:' J. G.'Dorrance; Polands,- ist, the e � . I
�tbrasurea, lor� .. L, � 01-1. Pu Ilet, I st and 1(4aniias, gpire Ing his horse -missing made a big search, scribers can be obtained and where the I
i C"Wi,idereda, death blow a,imed at -tile 2nd, A. J. Willson. , LVE SPANGLED.' - la but his lawyers there ad- vised him to and hearing -who the.- parties were who service . cost less and is -not worth.so
i . �
1�1 ou t1te trim,k � - . . - R I h--r.-Rogers ; 2nd, Dr. J. G - Scott. - 'at Ottawa . �
Ptirelv m,, utti-al companies, whose A.iset,i, -Cock; John Hord,. Parkhill. i _ Ircu rs are circulated fight, whiqh he will do now. Friday took it, bad them before the maZor the much as in large towns, The business �
� .
I i I
� "hid ' D. T. �.Rogers, - I
Iart should be , ' , H611, ;'if'iveons and Pet Stock. -Parrot" Dr. J. from the Manitoba Farmer's Union next morning, -when they were instruments for use on
. fol.. the most part consi4l of premium I 0, Jolin Hord ; - I 0 ' pro $65,000 was found in a valise whi(di he � ned 50 done in supplying
.. as the injury ' ("t. Scott; Goldfinch, John Finch; Lin- testing against the *treatmen d private lines will also it is expected, be
: . Rote -s ()r undertakings; the bill -was . (.43-4wa ; CoekereL-A 7-1\1R Zers. . t accorded had left with a. friend for .safe keepi I - cents and costs, an five dollars damages
�s have been -- J)kLfoi. 0 , - I ]let and Cwtary Mule, Dr. J. G. Scott-* 11 9. I
; �
%. r the �egislaure in. 1884, 1, -LI, Was B y the Province by the local and Dominion -Mr. Scott Rather dear full for the boys. very I
- 41 LACK JAVA,',�.—Cock-e,r' st, H. G`Od- Pair 13-elgi - , of Alraterdown as eac arge this year, a new feature in it
. - I . -
ece of loasen- itl , , , an Canaries, clear, John w fb�nd h- I - l
. 1141 -w- 5 W 6 on the'advice of the Hon. (lard, ListoWel; 2nd Pickard pt Spicer Vair German Chaiaries, clear, Is Finell)- Governments. The union maintains that frozen to dea�honlVednesdayof lastwe*ek. being the furniihing of a complete outfit - I
it to gro, I V Ist .- , , i, J -011k it is high time the Pra,iri� Province was . . -The Toronto
iining w I,- I �,nd,j- H. ( I He was missing. sincelthe previous Sat- avarice greed of some indi- with license to use under all patents
T� -I. the ' - the Att&Iie� G'erieral.. -Mr. CYC' imor, Exeter. Pullet, .1 4f)(1- Fiiicll�; 2,nd, J. A. Anderson; Pluina'ge accorded its just rights ' ! and .
- ,
�� , llo%veVer, I -lot to be baffled has �;vaiij in- dard. . . (,', L I f 4 - tT,- John Pinch; -Pair Ring Doves, - . ; ,ditring whijb. time a search viduals who are, for one reason or ow-ned b I
, ` '' ,
-� T I", Rck - , - - _n , . urday night
I . - -y the company at a very low
I �
� ej an -s BLACK SUNIAT — . -ii
-uTn- . 's e,b em, d yoi, r r�eadei D. T. V)r.- J-. ("'. Im .-A Beverly farmer ( -L-ing in to Galt :was instituted. When found he was another, placed upon earth, is only ex- price to those users who are willing to
'verin I "I '� I
. troduved thO, . -, R.k. ,
thig - . F Scott;, Silver Pheasant., A T. the coldest day last week, had his nose ilying on his back partialIlly covered ,with ceeded by their inco'nipetency to fill the
41ced � Will %oan 4e We to discuss its lllerit4? Ro'cers Cayu, a. Pull lock 4 Rogers. togers; Rabbi 7 , relieve, the company of the burden of
. .
��ite that 7 . ation0rom theassoGiatiou waited RUBT L �OWLS. - I I ts, Ist and 2nd A T. badlyfrozen., He'was unaware of
. A deptut . � $ . _� � the, snow. He had wanderbd to the out- positions which by a stroke of good ju ke p
rk , � �tic . Calder, L ing thes"e'instruments in repair.
,voud and ba, . oil the the Xttorney Geiteral awl , 0 F, r 11, � logers ; iGoldfinch and Canary mule, fact until iliform�d* by a friend. He was skirtis of the village for *bat purpose no e,k e 0 .
' ��, � , I pra- Seaforth. Hen, A. Cal er. . .,John Finch; Pair Langshan chicks, . � they have been pitchforked- into. A I .
,-s, which find - �- te6ted strongly - t"ing, of GOLDEN *E J. well wrapped up,'but thepointoof his� one can conjecture.. Foi sovoLe days past ease in point is that of John J. McGee, -The total receipts for the township
. ag,ainst the r - ,'3 'BRIGHT E,124,,p ,Mt. --c I
Iitmdaatt food,: th(.1411- . I A,� $ .6ek, G. U86-Ance., ,
' .. . ,- . 13t, Burgess & Douglas, T � od. 1tock ; , .1 ,nose stuck out f roin the wrappings like he had #.iven signs of a weak mind. A clerk of the privy council at Ottawa, who of Colborne, for the year 1884, amount- .
i:-iten the dea,th - - The-asaociation ' - EXHIBITWON NOTES. � a small snowball - .. I �
a t1l,e-ii coincluded bu--4- 2nd, D. T.'Rogoers, Cayuga. Ren, Ist, The inedal for the best male SIDecimen wife and son are left to'.niourn his de- while drawing the nice, little sum of ed to 81.01612. The �ollectoes .roll for
linsteli(I Of re- � ti by electing an executive corninittee D. 9'. Rogers;- 2nd, Butgess & Dcuglas. -A jolly party' of young folks from I parture.
I . . $3,200, his 'official sala4,�-fram the treas- , the year amounted to $8,694. The fol-
. Y.
. to Watf6
-k �� tivt� members, to; look after the in- Cockerel, Ist, D. T. Rogers * 2nd, A.. J. Ca' ' and the medal for the best an -In Woodstock, last. Sunday morn- ury, also appropriated the sum of $165 lowing are some of the principal Rem
. pir the tree., Of on exhibition was won by D. T. -Rogers Caradoc d London townships drove up ' I
- I Yuga, I
'way, care be teru--its Of the association. Itis ur,,,,,en.tly WillAoli, ea-fo . rdon Friday night, *the 6th ink, at a quarter to twelfe o'clock, while last year out of a small grant which was of expenditure: Sch , $3,213; C � oun-
4 regular out-- � -8 rth Pullet, �st,, ' . T. feniale. specimen by John Finch, Sea- inst., and spent . 0018
� , 8 Lv+, I - a very enjoyable even- the Rev. W. T. McMulf-e-n -was in the intended to be distributed among the ty rate, $2,767 ; roads and bridges., $1, -
. ' � requested that those purely naztualcom.� Rogers; 2nd, A. J. Ivilbon., 8 .R forth. : .
� ..
51 side for if &% ,A . . . ing at the hospitable residence' of Mr.
�Ir 11 paniex, not repr6siented will? 105,; 110 SHymi,GHT.s. -Cock, ist 'and 2-nd I, In our mention last� middle of an eloquent sermon, the fire- clerks of his department. over whose 569; wire fences, I ; ha , $1 9;
� 'week of the .import- � $37 e rity t
.i if adhering ' tillie in joiiiing the associaticra. Rocrers" Cayuga. 'Hen, I't, 'E * ' - R. McLeay. Sir Colin Campbell hand- bell, which is situated in the Steeple of heads he had been tumbled, for extra salaries $419; sundries, $1,852. The
t direct com` o I 8 . T. ed birds, we unintentionally neglected led the ribbons and brought his load I )
Z I N. J. CL.tax, Exeter. Rugers; 2nd ' to Knox,*church �
13 ... 11 . 0 .. Burgess & .., Douglas, inalk-ing reference to the fine Isight.Brah- their destination in fine i s e The as to- , rang out with such energy work performed in connectioh with the'l year closed with a balance of $333 in the .
, iti'must diev N . . I . . -
oal-tar shoi i. -1 . : I . . - . I - tyl - .. .cause the reverend gentleman to lengthy sittings of the privy council. treasury, I �
. . I
� .
� I -
1111d.,;. '.. .. 0 . � � . - I . I - I . . I 1. .1 � -- .., . I I .., - - - . -1
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