The Huron Expositor, 1885-02-13, Page 4L 7 FmittuARY 4 THE 17jURON EXPOSITORP, FEBRUARY I 7 i as yamite. it tbatiterriblocomplaint knowi ghtl �en beyond the whole of London,with d, :Ea BUTTERIC & 00 -PS Canal, but now having t6ken-'a haol in quired for the pill oses of the schqol AFFAIRS A7 OTTAWA. yond 'the present session,,ei ift -r d a great ea I on. to the track (,iovern*. is also stated that a num ber of dynamite disease, an- d mu ;P e T ie -with a stonishme, after the receipt of this sum and the the present Parliament, if the on in that city deceased was &brother of Joseph Frayne, of it &II see.m.to agree that she Ripst g n, chiefs have been in sessi Reliable Paper Patterns for ill kinds prog�ess made in, ment finds dolay necessary. Government grant, i to be levied on the' (If,?-om Our Own 66rrvtpondent.) during the pat few (lays, and that it is Of Grey tOwn8hiP, IA,diiee, Misses', Boy e a 8 C) -under the a r Chldren's through with it, a -Rd fig it th b ttl t A N INSURANCE Q"STIO-.T. ten miles au hou -1i , . taxable property in the section in the OTTAwA, February 9th, 1886. ew'crusade ----!rlie tea, meeting uvices Garments, for sale by 11orFm.&x BROS., A matter which, while it. is not of inten(Ted to inaugurate a n e" -he bad the bitterend, achieving victory let tb pinner in which thf wholelaum is now einents Eliglandontheoccasion of the of the Orang "koung Britoxisso�ictyl cently 8eaforth. cost be what it will. --If the other psiv co#eete In this vay each school will One of the most notable sti first-class importance, will probably against %tion on the 4th prox. held in the tempera -nee hall, Bellira-ve -rate -of sixty d willd W0111111 made in the House last week was tliqt al of discussion is now. Emmett celebr. ive lie slim of $200, which- is about arouse a good de, last week was a, grand success. - The 9109 keep aloof the -end of the present `.eni. OPENIMNG, LA N —Both branches of I If th( average of rural o onald that the dispte' under the consideration of the Govern- ed was and the 'would req a te NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. f Sir John McD a spread .in excellent one, Alire rr ig diffi- the Arkansas legislature have Pass ent 1") reduce the zpee4l. broglio may easily be , predicted !but inion re- in It arises out of the growh g Col)gress to 6 vols. Another. ge proposed is between Ontario and the Dom C nresolution requestin ppen committee of management bave just � 41 culties between the Li u ligme 2&7� The figure betw fter there is, it the present time, an r - is to d cause to feel proud., The society illade e howil oil. �een the parenthesis a. tfiat the office of school treasure specting the boundary should be settle lands to settlement. Al panics and th ' 'o-operaive or Assess- the Oklahoma each line de age of the paper cinmrhich and e C )ont $60 clear. of eighty-five notes the p. feeling amon�g, all the E uropea be ;� bclished in 'cities, towns )LhELrY'8 pr.TzE.—(x1en. Wolseley's a] eaRynd forever." Notwilitandin e insur- W( rl! ' ks, storekeeper ond-erful,' the advertisement w -ill be found. villages the duties being transferred vient Benefit Organizations. Tb —.Nfr; T. J. 2%far Mr, at rize of SUgar—flughL Robb. and it would not be safe i i f $500 for the best time inatl by to -iade this statement, however ;-ance men used to complain bitterly that `Callada, in awl the tmasurer of tile municipality. that he n y ade a slip oil soiLne ice the May � I �"ision of the Nile expedition be- B, eld, in. run mself in any while they must put up heav Ii idtnitifi Prize*, Prizes—Im. R. Counter. (5) what w-f�,%v inonths bringul are Ln future to ir John did not commit bi. y deposits 0hev-P, Cottons—Runton Broa. (5)� Third -6 ass certificates and,pay in a certain portion of. their re- tween. Harris and Debbeb, hs been other day, alid u-nif8irtunately broke I s Ho- N7ot'iCe--VVn'J. X3�JCP. (5.)L We &o not sppose that even' Dk. N"ild be limited strictly to the, county' 4n libstilities, though d to -tile Royal Irish br'gLade. lega,little bove the ankle joint. Dr. is, "way to a cessation of Che ceipis as reserves for tile protection of awarde XV Dry Goods—Duncan.k. Duncan. which they are sited. T e super- . I tob, is a vigorous ould cre� to risk' his reputation ATIC", TErt][BLE DExi)s. —NN"hile Nichol is in-, attendance on him, and says - - % --- - : 4Q Auction Sale—C. J. Kingstone. (5) d with questions on.'the subject by theii p9licy-holders, the co-operative A FA -.s- man by birth, wl annuation fundis to be grduallyabolish- plie that with care and repose he will have het by giving a forecast. Still, to judge from his soci6ties, which, they say, seek to do an Henry-8tr ttinaii, a reli "dons fanLatie of le many, ar yet." Cleaxing Auction ed. No teacher will hAreafter be re- Mr. ' Mills. 0 Splendid Farm for ,14a1e­Jalue.NN1cho1. (5) surance business, or to get business Oil Vincennes, Indiana, was prying for the hini around and all right in a. few weeks. in Oatq,'Wanted—D. McLennan. quired toipay into the. fund, while the manner and from what is said by his, egret to learn' that Mr. Win. House and Lot for Sale,—I%frs. 0. Johnston. (pi) the representation that they grant insur- recovery of his four children wboAvere ill —We r house, E%'ter w largely attend-e(l. OUR TOR LE TER. contribution of th6se who wish to coil- followers it would seem not imposible ith scarlet fever Ills ife remarked Dearing, of Steplien,has beenailhig for Never! Never !—A.R. Smith. (8). alice, are RotV\�equired to put lip ny Brueefield.) Fir'e—Wni, Buckingham.. (5) tinue'doii�ig so will be raised from 84 4 ld build a X Ile woulti (10 some time. froin. a, cancer in bis breast. Sir John will acknowledge Ontario's that guraititees oi to submit to (4overinnent that if he won Pond Collie at you.n,�, (Fr�m Our to 88. Those qrititled -to a, s iare A calic(r doctor nanled Edwards, from, w ell. but the borses Girl lvanted—A,[Ts. Ault. (9) .11 I -cl,illis rights in this ill -fore long. Oil- inspectiob. i 'Illy way. wevcr, more service than by praying. '."trolt- fign -es i 'l`oAV- L 0�z I n 0or r d atter be Now, ho -fill in. bc ToRONTO, F�,bruau 10th,'Un of the t full will h ve all their el K)moka, has been success i: I cs 8 (, C a Ift powerful co-opertive concern of nlan becm e en raged, beat his wife f,atal 11 ar al served intact, but tile policy of tlie� tario Couservativ e mi to fe I th t one -n( a gr te o Th horlses: Nvcl*e ly, nd clubbed his ged father -in -law to ratwi way the ea r part f the 0111' Of F al A Under the present syst inp, -P c� c'i, le as Anleriettil extraction comes to Canad, 11 . ortd frow Government,vi!ill-bew allow the 96ilienie (treat cause of their d f , t t tl I t The inur r sted after tumor, and hopes to secure the rest of I � inev tablf nd to be llowed to put lip the derer was a re Joseph Wlalto. 11 T 0 J iein,,,�y proc&1ure, it seems "Iapse� The compulsory' a, e S. C gradually to Provincial d. Ile - I lection wa th at- badly bruising the city Illarshal. in a short tim 6. We sin-cerely hope he Same deposit as all Insurnce company. was knoc'.Wd flown aiount time- s, cl-uses it present re( ire childrCili: work- titilide of ho"S'tility to Ontario's interests If this is allo"-eil the new-conler Nvill, for I Freiiell have may- succeed. elapse 4-fter the opening O� o i lie 11197 in factories to -attend. school only which the ,,party exigencies of tb,e wriship, a sessi. f course, lmost as ivell s the captured a detacil ,,cut of Chinese troops —A c oi.Tespondent from the to r in einer half the time prescril ed for other chil- tillip- collipelled thein.to The 0 Ve 2 y rv�� fore the Legislal dov -n t bures siattle' all entrenched camp a Dongsoug,i of Coll3orie. says: A couple of youn Fe'b- 13, 1885. viv!es are barred from insurance compnies, and will be able to Ill --r. soh� to M r, dren, but Mr. Ross, proposes to eilact 'Quebec Conser ladies fi -oni Brucefield got -in rather an The Frencif casualities were 1, i This is -the cag immensely increase its business on'the Tomplin business. ,it Oftav -a that all such childrer 'hiust pass n ex- continuing their objections to Ont�wio awkwand position one ay last wek. light.* Admiral Courbe,t telegraphs in branches before ll,%v .I- rights acknowledged by the basis of its bei g re=gnlzed by Govern- '1,500 C the bredTftllree year and it is the case here.: Some bitned aniination. in cert in cr I,( hinese While rivin r along tile -Maitland Bad News fro.m'thQ East. ment. Th e b1i's' froin Kellillgs follows e ay way from fact that their ins by business is retarded by discl. ssiall th y are entitled to St. own Pro-vmce gai uraince men are not sure altacked our new positions oil Saturday roadbeill blocked, the horse choked and C7 . Gy r" fl-Rily ar 0 8 Cl 8 to Hud- in trying to ulif MV the Address, as rule (if the I louse chool. 'Another is that in the result. If Ont, i tret ie They were nd left 200 fe I do�vll, and aten had *eple recovered from, �on S tha they. like thi� either, yet, p p nfuture the Soil's Bay instead of only to the Height IV, they are ata loss how to Opp se it. 1"ght- atillating each other, on the signal dead upon tile field, including a Eoiro- he Otepped an one of the la, flies. C0111917 prevents the striking of c in m-ittees ,y n- 6n the other hand the Government finds T.".) ELECTIO'N'S FORK OOL TRUSTEES of Lmid, so does Quebec,-.�and the people. —A I tea. meeti tbis.'lt He fficer nd several landri very successfu 11 victories aebieved by th tion of the school board of the Lower Province will not be %110-$V;- itself in some difficulty about the ii iatter. pen o e )yt or e ar-'.Illies Of til the Address is got 0 t of the e a church,. W-11 yi, way, �t the op Our loss was one killed nd onewounded. 1-1 [d in the Pres) - ri n d- t insur- 'ne f; e be held, I wich, Tues( Gerrera Stewaft ndj'alonel Wilson �6tit, so long as Mr. Mercier, The Insorance Act Provides th, and very often the dila:)ri ss at tl e sane time and place an(i P(I to forg The enemy's loss since Janary 25 has tay velling -of last week. ance ever the largely. preponderating forces promoters of pi i Ot in the, staine manner, iz, by ballot, -as the present leader of,tbe Quebec Lib- coll�panics Sliall put up depc sits of -ivae bills, -Who do 'I been 700 killed and wounded. Revs. s Brown. Ottewell and Farm r-9 tile �8ections Jor- niuni6ipal officers. -erals, retans his place. The only thing $50,000 eacli, nd shall keep th �,ir re- _ I 1 , ir gave ad Wai Of the Mandiy� thau news comes which c RAILWAY ST Lst Sunday M dresses and good inusic Oulply with the prescribe.-, fornis so:) -G�L (,',overninent's hand . It hae b(lell peni This provision is to- extend only to cities, Sir John can gain'by keeping the fight serves in th .8 , -t 0 west -bound train oil tilt Chicago, renderedbytliechoir. Asocialthenex t'ur'As re;-OiQj`RgS Rito, murning and Sad- enough, and are says nothing about any other tl an in- followili- Obliged ask for in to,%Nrns nd villages, rural ectionsd open is to retain the man-figenient of the a alSo a pleasant affair. Tile Burlington & Quincy Railroad approach- ev aning was ness, Flushed by previous victories ex tension of thine has & imilr dffe cours6 willotill ill, ce companies putting up eitli er de- private letter retz separate schools retaining the, Old sys- 'lands, but this s ke his suran total sum re posit or': reserve, nor does it ed the bridge a -cross a siliall stream near alized was about 850. et. Ontario, -provide friends hre froul a It is to be hoped thart this pro- followers appear the elien-lies of —Mr. John Coad, of East Wawansll, I I deposit aellieved over such superior numbes, But there ape"�.rs to be so Lething 1 tl.,.e Creston, Iowa, it struck a broken rail v that any concern inay p it ip a this county, h.,l ).�; �Jt ision will be tak dvntage of by and so insure a r4etitign of the Mo ilted along oil tile, ties until it ran ddl,lerLill cattle, sheep, &c., for exporta- Colonel and -his gallant band &ir a;t the beginning of & Ission. 11ilicli it victory of 1883. . No man knows how to without putting tip reserves Of and t County Dako� �e many schooL upon the bridge, whi-ch vrent down, tion, has purehL- I boards. and that the resu a,sed the residence of -%Jr. u the constiais members to f2ak thi S asy, will 1�e to the retire.from a contest in which he has course, if the Finance Minister, the This w t to infuse a new interest in crrying with it two coach"es and the 'Jo s. Ferctuson, late head Inaster of the an:, T Other 4D release. of General Gordon. 'As is w a] el io . exception. elections . for the 11'PO tnt office of been utterly so grac�fully as the superintendent of insurance or 0 passengers. ingban farm-ersof Dakota, a ell and this ye --has be, n Itecepts a slim of inoney iAiihout sleeper, containing, 20 to 25 lI Public School, and intendg the Mercury of knowa, Geiiera Gordon ad his small The Stnding Committee were struck- school trus ex- Prem ier, and the probability, Js' that, as person tee. The pathy which a number re 5idig there for, the future. He will 11 l- * -latter is he finds Ontario staunch E6 ;Will seek to tile s-%Rction of the law,. II6 L receives Three persons were killed aid hgh, then fell ar army have occupied Khartoum for on Tuesday last week-, H r)n being fe- ists at- present in this stonill- I Yniike a good citizen, -is a thoroughbred In as follo Mr. 11os ing. In Toronto, wh w -in her favor by conceding the points in it simply in his personal capatit. r, and '1red. the, several mGntbs igainst the assaults of Presented on th'e Ich is by no means so the conipany L giving it would receive THE SERV -[A'S despatch quoiter , and quite an acquisition to the 'gave prolni,�e �of bei ilways alwl I nicipa Lw a exception to the general rule, the dispute. town in every respect. ',e able R N no belic'fit. A stop toward a solubion of franikew York Oil February 5th says: THE CMIZADIAX PALCIFIC. Aicipated that 1811 the rebels, ad while they vk 1 Ir Bishop oil school elect�ons. are iTialiaged by a few anier.Servi '.N -Ir. Milligan, of the l7th concession to Nomatayteteletsa; Sofar there have been only rumors the difficulty is to be found in an amend-, The Ste, a, experienced a te -ific - and t1lat-ouv Maintan possession, thy were not d4le Standiii. ' g Ordefs and Maiiioipa Ua-,A�, in ii hole-aud-corner way, it is the ex- ment t6l the Insurance Law pr)posed storm the last four dys oil the trip froin. lo 24, Howie , has sold his farin of two vyOuld be 11-641 out n4.1 to repel the rebel hosts who arrounrJed an d Mr. 6ibson Rail �v ys, - Pr ivate ception to have a oontest,,vnd as a about the all bsorbing question of the a R Pacific IL last session by Sir Leonard Tilley, nd Queenstown. Oil Wednesday heavy seas hundred cres, to Messrs- Hortnianan, t th;ere is a ailwy. The. most carried way one nd wrecked the other Bhriles. The price' realized is sone- Bills, nd Lai . Mr. Gibson mater of fact, the elections to board C. n 'di, Cu, al:d tile its. w,%Ils. It was to, relieve Genera is also a active member of the -Lil)r,ary which annually spends' something like trustworthy of these rumors is- that the re-introdliced by-lifin last Friday. This sday the tbin*orer$7,000- Mr. Milli intends P -op, -its. On Thur gall ovides t tive a,u, Gordona."ad iepel the besieging forces Committee, which is p aited by (I irect $200,000ofthe peoples Rioncy do ,lot company will ask the Government to arnendment pi liat co of the bo, ased of th po retiving to Clif1brd tospend the remain- 'Volseley e r- vote of the I -louse at the �egiirnincr of cuse as -much stir auction sale on buy back the remil ing part of the land e�oinpanies shall be ic,�'lled upon to, regis- Side of the bridge was swept with ays in d. plenty. that the -pedition was o 0. 5 I at. On atur(lay a danger- der of hi (1, peace an t he session.. A motion by NL[r. . Car. iegie King street. The rea.§oii which has subsidy at $2 all acre. This would yield ter with' the Government nd - .13-abinit another bo. heavier. Wheatat 4 . ganzed. Just as the advanGe - -i - to inspection by Governillent officers. oussea boardedthe vessel, Ha has been farining on' this lot for,, -1 gi ard of on Tiiesday brought up iii(4entally, and always been given heiradfete for refus- about$40,000,000. The opinionseems the skylight, flooding the inain sloon, nearly 30 years, being one of the first done it. ol :0. wexpee'&--d ­sve ill I that expeditio under connnad Of f r a &w monlents only, CIL illater v,-hich ing to make this chall) iat it might -to be that of this 5,30,000,000 would be Any further change which will enable fir SebtlerSiRL OWi �f last the new conier to put lip a deposi , will, and wreckin., more boats. The massive R 61, Iv -e Colonel Wilson had reced the b6m- is noi unlikely to be lead to the introducti4i of 'politics into deducted to pay the , "loan" ( 00,000 of dourse� be fiercely oppozed by he in- link in the Stem steering gear a,,.tve way -On Friday last, as Mr. A. Tkylr, steer oul thl THE SUBECT OF DIS 8810�� school matters, but session and the balance of $10,0 Ilip Sudde 1grave, -w-as driving to barded city,. nd had every reason to ille risk, of this panics. Just what lie -r nd the lily iell off `1t)e-ioi-,e the ­ chant, Be a&ain Aurinc, the session always.pro- which is ater a.11 not very , great, had' handed- over to the company- The surnce- coul E,v-ery 0 suit of it all will be, it would re( uire anary sea, and was- "rescued from ini- Winghain, with Mrs. Taylor in the cut - hope for a(1- expect a speedy and Sue- I 0 all has far an Ilow the present probability is, however, that if the of the does better be- run th, milient peril by the Iwonipt sewnaliship te r,he accidentally rail against - cessw-, termination of their M.- ss'iOn, a not, is it sometim S do very wise man to say at present. needed. If -a a e state of indifference ;ol exist. It is a "deal" is effected a portion of the if the prices bad 4i A V of her commander and lertness, dairing a Load of wood, upsetting the cutter anA nIterribe diisppointmenpr6ved to be.in the ends of flieir fingers. of� pity the Government did not extend the "loan" will be allowed to stand, the I a r a N r. N I C Cmeron has re -introduce and discipling of her crew. The passen- t1fro-wing Mrs. T ylo in tbe snow. The m the large block of land has bei 41 - - -% store fo,t- them. As the re,�eving army, n Inlade by the provi�ion to to-,viihip nd selim, te Government holding the -,security of the �Iiiffletree -ere broken, but his last session to inake bribery s presented the officers ivith a set of slafts nd iv Tea millions is sa 0 N) Government to Mr. Wi liam Coe, of schools e ge is good road itself. -id to be e march teattering resolutions, and subscribed A] r. Taylor borrowed a -utter t from a, after their tollsom, had reached cities pected to �do for the tr` And in Parlianientai election,, ci Madoc, &eUe purpose of enblincr him in the case of towns, -there abouttheniountoftlie company's flo,ating Y the city tile-; found it ebt2 but -it is offence. 'Not only because,the illeasure $800 to Purchase the captin a souvenir neihbor and drove on, wbilst Mrs. Tay- here. -. This IS a. new Possession Of to procure wood for the st pply of -clla- does not see -in to be any reason why it d not likely that the inembers- i- of their appreciation of his skill. lo went head in , a leigh, Mr. and of rou ()b the efteMyL a -Rd t hey were coal eeded in the smeltin 1 - would not be equally as good in the of the conipany will & satisfied -w*ith a IS proposed by a member of the ppos xpensive on tA) live forced to re- tion, but, because its provisions ar a hte- I rs. Taylor and the borseescaped mi- the or oll Hastin�s. case of the remainding Qlasses of schools. mere discharge of pressing debts,. Tile trea under a heavy fire. Iustad o. f tained at his large mines 141 Y fill to the (4overnnient, it will do abtless jt It has bean freely.cliarcred bir the Oppo- ,municipal officers aria to be declared in- will want a few millions to come and go. Huron Notes. findiRgL, the city in possession f *a friend - 0 upon. On Wednesday last Mr. Blake meet with strong hostility. 6t much —At tile official ineeting bf -the theprocceds,,of our sition press that as M -i. !Coc'is well coil! etent to act as trustees. The bill, B olinesville Methodist,Quarterly Board W -und it I by their elemies. kilown to belong to the Iteforin part,, e., is a decided -step in ad ill be said, proli,ably, for those who -,ire E. Glen, of tile 3rd concession hy unani 9 to pay for , thei they fo ocevipie( Ji -e hol asked whether any proposals respecting w ith tl " most open to the imputation of disbon- of tanley, intends to put Stone founda- 01 vIonday of last week Of ally -14_-eg)UIlt Tw -ival Kharto the sale in question was a �orrupt an , and remedies a good many minor a chancre in the arrangemont -%v ie a days before their arr 0 monsly invited the Rev, Mr. Birks back- in proper one, or, at al ev3n�jts, that Mr. defects in our system. company had b,een made to' thd 0overn- Orable -6onduct in elections will be the tions beneath his barns, and otherwise -it Nri-11 be. whi-i0h had been so long and so galantly last to speak out in opposition to Such a for ear. Mr. Alex. Birks a iniprove his property. hy we v,dll be . able to Coe was u. nduly favored b3 - 11he Govern- Mr. Morris moved a resolution oil iftent or to -,illy nieniber.of it.. ' To this a so reconiiiiended to the District ineet- defended by General Urordon, fell a prey g the advis - ability of question Sir John Macdonald gav nle% But there are m, —Mr. R. R,adcliffe, of Goderich, has I inni-h doubt if the til 7n�ent in the transaction. Ifthe Opposi- Thursday- declarin e the c sure- ny w s.. of quietly choking offa, g and-Cmiferene s a probationer for to- the forces of the -Nandi, anj the fate of fion are not afaid to say in the House gra . Iiiiiij special �liaxteirs �o such cities guarded - reply 'that nothig had been bill without any- been pernianently ppointed to the office When t1e, farau body being apparently to blame.. of landing wai 5c the ministry. N otwi %naing thit aine solid conIfort N� General Gordon could not thqn be ascer- -what they'have, through their papers, as I may apply for theill, nd which in proposed to the Government and as for ter in the customs hou-., there are two minters employed on the enreceiv- 'be-ensaying outside of it, they will bring the opinion of the Legislature, may be conversations between members and THE BLUE IJOOICS. Gmelph, at a ", lary of Q800. anceS ightly -as tbe farniers In taiaied. Informtionhassncebe - entitled;tbereto. The efty of Toronto officers of the company! and members of In the space at lily disposalIcan —The cigar inanufactor in-Goderich circuit, the fill are only sl geograpbi�2al position 1 ed,,� hoever, which le'aves I forward their charges at tlLe;firs*t oppor give a resume y above former years,at this third quar- ittle doubt tunity, �nd if they do so, I I I yenturie to 'has for some years been asking -a special the Govemment'he " did not feel called hardly expect to Of all- the is said to be in a flourishing condition. ea.S. y reach -of the cast that -when the city was taken' Gordon say that the country at large Will be. sat- charter which would eliahle . it 'to de4l upon to say nything." Thisis0much report -q laid before Parliament �,o far. Tbirteen journeymen are employed,, -and terly meeting. '�nother effort is to be-nade to save The work is in in ore for all your and his entire force,, and al who syrn- isfiedi-ad inore tha ith city affars in the way specialti s an acknowledgment that a proposi- advanced Stte, thn" an cigar is jnade. tyl usual nd nearly - i t1le Sinners of Ooderich, the 1�on I : It action of the Government in 1the mater. suited to its necessities, and r. tion is now before the Governinent in all ill the depar hients total number of pupils no -w en- can np-Nuur be patWze& with them , were massacred. It will . be shown that the sale was a most -.Morris urged Toronto's claim, strongly. unofficial way. It- is well -. known that have placed their reports on the table. rolled in Chilton Public School is 4774, Crown Attorney included. A detach- rop.sL fail, -or prives ai�i a C vation Anny, here Avilell uvil bappel ,was 'witli the greaest d1ifficulty that roper and beneficial one, tha it'will bp The Government, 1however, could not A�r. G eo. Stephen, President of the Cana- Two of the most important, the Trade while the average' attend, n e for - the lient of the old originalal' p consent to exempt Toronto or the other dia Pacific Railway hasbeeni here offnd all under command of Ca Coloael'Wilsol-i and his forces effected for -the � lasting benefit of the Province d Navigation tbles and the Public past month was 403. ptain Luate, has erushfilg their retreat but according to laest that the term. s were Stricly such as are' I cities from the operations of the general oil almost ever since the openingof the ses- Accounts, may be used to furnish facts —Last week- Mr. Win. White, of Exe- opened Fire in the temperance hall, and Wheat hanilling Inionol exacted in ll sales I of U114 kind, and municipa law, a(I he resolution was sion. Mr. Gcorfm Stepliens'llonieds. in for a paragrph. Since Confederation ter, purchased from holds nightly services. A procession is oulless &(:-ccamts, tk ey have�succeeded in getth.i th I of 0 Mr. Will. Paynton, held aro-and the,square each evenmg the protection trift. I h ait t4ere was n ot the taint lost.* , A special chrter to Toronto Montreal, nd he does not come to Ot- we have exported almost a billion and of Blansliard, a pir of -very fine Per- back safely to th linain body of (:" half of goods, nd imported b sin gihg being accompanied -with that sulrers o wivell Orruption in the urhole niat�er. would it any rate relieve the Legisla- tawa without some definite object in . out clieron horses for lie paid 'o f, effects as the large amount of labor -which view. Mr. Blake give siri John EL ,In than that. --Tliefiri)iofVtiistojieBrotlier,,, inil- S r the arillymakes but lit tile nnly� The late distressing epidemic of ture from arter of billion more rines. w. . fl I I The tot -,161 import dutfes collected ,zinc(,, lets and grain dealers, excitement, probably from the f"t of farnIer. lie PON, in co lity, w tb e them e -it is oblLi('e( of Brussels has T ha fall Of K hartouln. aud theassassill- to go tbluough every-yeim to Mcdonld in ' opportunity to explain Confederation Ila\ - provide for the Lea e e beell'.111 round 111114- been dissolved, nd tile f the Lord's Any dybig out there, and of discussion in the Hollise oh Wedlies- islaiv wnt of'tlie the position by sking in the flouse wshiess wi -etest export hereaft sto e to pay �11 the d MOV`Ilicr &tion of will render tile task of day,, Mr. Woo f(�r a return city. -Mr. Morris also inquired what were whether any legislation respecting the bers, 5243,000,000. The ki er be carried oil. by V ii n & —Since the first of last iber showing the expenditure" trade ever donc by the Dominion was oll. thy -are frolli, - t h- e Ell 8 In de in the the iutenticn�'of the,, (4overnment with Canadian P, cific Railway is to be, pro- E'noch 'S'liorts ali I A. Calton,. lish troops v cry n iiiiall. more dif- 4loes lie receive oil Ill., Township of flungerford here the respect to the erection of posed this session. in 1882, when.we sent out goods worth Ir. Wn'. Elliott, of the 4th con- lot 3 1, concessioil. 7, E astWawiosh,bave Evea t1re E gyptian forces w;e THE INSOLVENCY LAW. afi When lit of. disease niade its greatest ra by the Illore th, a, hundred millions. The ex- cession of ('odenich to,%N,)isliip, liad a imported, direct froin Engla iij, ve , antliority of the Provincia and The Governifient has taken the first foal dropped Oil tile I StIl of YOUR a St not to be depended upon, while the tra money got into,,circulation in the Clear Grit allions two YO1.111'r 1.11 local Mr. Fraser p reply was thatas the ( I I 0 A I hordes wliieh can be collected by the Boards of Health. Mr 0 CO .1, -,ov - oward bringing the question of folloing yer, and the consque'lice was anur all two grumble as Iiii huld -Woo Rip �LinL step t tlIL ' ' of the season as years past.- Thy show coin- ernment -had found the sum voted.b -,It the imports -were four million more far -is heard from. tha nu T he kng- ed of the *excesiive c-lia'r -e inedi- y bankruptcy before the Prliament. Plete pedirees ofeach one. The Maltdi yelmost in 1-1�8 (f th ?:� the House some- 0, $500,000, I than they ever were before, reaching tile —Condctor Quir, who Ila-, for a i age wehr cal Real in connection with t4e suppres- y car s was That �rst step consisted in tile ppoint lit is*1,600 Pounds. "N I r. 'horts" capital to lish troops re practically- surrounded ina( equate for tile purpose, they had the prolits are large sk)li siol.-i of the disease, ,t of a special committee to " take I handsome total of over one hundred nd long time been the Welling- Clevelal"d BAY tak-en two priZeL'-, ill and tho� ight thtt tile decided not to take any iminediate step 1 thirty millions. In that year (I 882) the. t jone who ileells Protecti r I should into consideration and report upon the 013, Grey & Bruce between Kincrdille by etelinies with whom the forces Row his Own couiAry before behIg brought to give YOU file V1 P come to thp ad of the in the nl�%ttr. Although *Messr�. Morri toN"lisliip in ineeti - S the alleged necessity that exists for tile custunis revenue was twenty-three iiiil- and Hai on the spot are Atterly inadequt te to ng Itliese expenses. ililton, has been transferred to here. I'liese horses are sight worth -at hre. I AN' P �. � and Clarke, the members for Toronto, !ions,. or bout two millions more than the Londolij Huron by an ho is a lover of Cape, This -reverse has created the -Mr. Ross (Huron) in gEllinga short his- adoption of some system of bankruptcy i . & Bruce. I seeing acre of wbt n r. The table from g. y person -%v of -tvor of erecting new buildings, price of brc are in fi givino in a y other yea which —The heavy dra-ugbt stallion bedonfr- ood horses. roug-hout all toy of the matter -wed vary clearly or insolvency, adequate protee- past s. " Solne —The annual of the &iith greatest coliaeim tion th Mr. Meredith and the Opposition as a tion against un I (r Of Brus- Euxope, ,ad the tile great of ?Ie servic(-'s rendered wholer6 not, and it appears the Gov- di;e preferen e these ficruresre drawn shows oiie point in a to Thompson & Arnis tro i Self L ( % & N, profits your I4-O'c"11"elt by tile Bo, rd of Ile, Ith in of the members oil the Liberal side, in I well worthy of'notice. The duties are sels, was put oil scales leek and Huron County Orange Lodge, held erliment ae not illing to take the risk h a at Exeter ...... ... ........ now to fully realize th6 qi-avit of putting do.Nvn'� i e o itbre k. As soon as their speeches on this inotion, suggeste(j� I Collected Only goods entered for tipped the bcain lit 1,680 pounds. H' oil Tuesday last Dele- y of having the e IS ,question converted ill I COIILS�' to a a comparl. on th eed .............. illfiPtion. " There were more oods 2 years and 8 niont is'old. They 11�ve adthe disease p I g,ates were in tile SA111tioR, peared that bod took 'litical ;�eapon for th6 use of h between this action of thL attendance from; Goderich, ................. I ' In us entered in y PO '"'ll in —John Dickson Soil of Rol) steps to i8olatp, it as much ts-Poss*ble el -r OP- Government nd that i -in, % 1873 tlit'l' t. &ckson Hollizesville, Chilton Seaf-brth, B.ayfield, Reaping ................. the task of t he Mah-di and hiSL I I n 188.3 P, I t ponents. It is unlikely that. any defi I any btlier year since Confederation, yet 12th concession of Crey, is home from Vrna, Hen ......... and, Ithugli the arena which. it-ulti- 1. iall, Lucall, Prkbill, C -r -ed- rebel hordeL, and they flare not now 're- te iction will be taken this session. -pointing a committee on the subject of , Threshh)g ........... ... ... luately trversed was not ill.� isiderale, license law for the Dominion. This'coni- 1 the duties collected were ten millions Dakota on g visit. He has spent several iton and other places. The following KI Friday- Mr. Balfour moved for a re- 1.1 -en i less than in the next highe ar. Last year-, in the west nd to like it otheers werelected for the en suing year: cede from the positio U6k It is said it would undo however, was hardly fair, as St Ye- ubt6dly,hai ;L read to far tu Parison I I I it rn giving inforni-ation respecting toll year, for the first tinie, our total tra(le verywell. n ' UIM; that ten thoisand inore troops are to. bef wider bounds- had it not �ben for tlie there was a decided difference between 1 1 J. ,'-,'car1.ett, W. 1C, M.;11 A. Garrett, D- Interest oil land d _%I.; W. prompt, ud skilful! efforts Of roads. He declaed hini7self disappoint- tile t with Great Britain was les's than with —Mrs. J. W. W� Coli wo motions. In the case of the !Slliel bas prchsed the C. "or, C. Chap.; I,. Actuil cost per acre dispatched at ouce,for the relief as- L_ ed that the Government had - -not intro- I. I il e United84ates. The public debt of vacant lot, between '� , C- 6c.; IV. Treas.; theBoa,rdof-Heath.,. Ther -were iki all se law the committee was appointed i I rs. Lon,,s and F lood I 110111 icen Cnada has increase(l from almost ninety Janies Drewe's brick blocks, in J. Pollock rs sistau�qe of (Iewrl NV olseley, and that 'I (I duced a bill for.. the abolition of -tolls, to draft billwhich would be likely to e cf-1 some 200 � ses, of W hich was expected to follow upon the Ions at first to 2,000,000. rhe from Dr. Holmes, nd will erect a brick J. Dagg D. �of C it was rbsol- ied. Its Brussels, H Lcture farther reinforcements. will follow if 4iis suiall.-poi affaii,is anoth meet the case. This was in- attetipt to 424 acre, which at 49 action. in i er . . hich the Pr I w years go. shirk responsibility-- on the part,,of the total -receipts for the last fiscal year buildin, early in the spring 1 hold the nex No I )l ar�l necessary. T . I . ie death of Generl of tlie ovillcil Board abolition of niarket-fees a fe 6. t Exeter! The The motion carried. Mr. Cibson (Hur6n.) it W, 2. at44 given in t4 'of iGovernment. More than that, ts 31 � 861,96 1, nd the expenditure 83 1, - celebration oi th 12th f July will be don nuist; be venged d the rebels tit- course I S iort exis- ,,loved for copies of all corresplondellep 107,706, Show' - a- Rom Jas. Stevens, of the base line, held in. B 4. IDg r I ing surplus of a, Goderich township, boug $7.0 tell-ce, that it k)Zt satisfac n'ins-ult to the Liberals in the House to lit a thoro.-tigh- ayfielil. terly efectnally subdued. a, between the Governments of Ontario and a losso On li-ard No. I Th t to ily the purpose for vhi h it was es- askithein to serve oil such a committee, little over li,�lf , million. bred buil calf frPni Sliell &Soi�, —There are smart boys in Clill,toia� the Dominion respecting tile Dominion No. 2of 94.36.' seeing that they had declaed, in the A. B. J. on Friday, paying, therefor th& Isurn of The New E%ra says : A small b ' * liard X this will ultimately be accopipishecl ta�blished. One of the prinqi�al maters License Act. T11e, motion carried. Yes- r 16611 4 there is -no donbt, lAit -in the str, $1 W- Mr. Ste oy 111 60 ac es we aAl. w 'which wcome before tile 11 ongest terms, their belief that such vens is bound to keel) up I town, not ten years old, 11,. -d � 11 ealithne Ouse this te�dy.(MoRday),Nr. Fraser introduced fo r-clouble 2, the totaloss �Stssion is the News of the Week. with the- procesion its a stock r, teeth which it ws necessary to have the iituatioli for G-enera Walseley's bill for. the - cobsolidat"O'l a bill setting at rest the.- question as to law would be -unconstitutional, nd, aiser. raising will -1� . , (I even if colilstitutional, would be against A WRALTny DEAD.-- —W.J.8hannon,Thos. and, I Stock P, n pulled but lie could not be persuaded to- cr a liar O ge. rallge t the-mvilership of ithe �nioneys' placed in the best interests of the Dominion. Ill Kaniuel Powers, a well-known Ii r. I Win. Douglas have been ppointed as Pair fforces is critical in the extreiiine.L In th c OF THE SCHOOL LAW. o I 'under o the ordetd. a thellim—ids of the peaLker lst session by first place it, is doubtful it they ca R with- For a nuinbar of years bacl� i portnt this case the committee is not asked to died of pneninoiiia oil Monday, Ile was license commissioners for the E ast skate-5'otlie youth told his father that if 110t, fbinh. stock 1.13 tbe enemy until re-inforceinents Messrs. IvIcKirn and Balfour, being part in- ler -oli,a Imarti L chang,cs have froni time to me been -repart a measure. They are sunp,ly to worth a quarb,-r of a million. Riding of Huron under *tile Crook's Act. they , 'ere forthcomig h - wul st,R(I toget) made ill tile' school law"unil L W it is of the fund -with which Big PushVilkin- be a slite u 11ti -'aa I ces Is 0 c6llect evidence for the benefit of thel Tim, RINDERPEF.T.—It is reporte(l J. B. Geiger, Edward Cashnd It. Shel- the operation, _ and the father jokiii.)rly Yeach them, and hi the second place the son trie�,Ao bay the Treasury benches -cultivated grasses. A$ sornetinies diffie-1111t tb� gce�-taiii- what L Government and the House. Of �ourse 1 that the rinderpest has broken out (Ion were"appointed for South Huron. that Ill_ for coalition Government. Mr. Fra assented, thinking that, the boy perils. of the aar Point. ser not perform his part of tile a seen) it is the law really is On any parti� a majoi-ity are Government supporters, aniong the cattle in several Hudson river —A correspondent of -the Goderich greellielit. f-eare d- the danger froin that q , ter -%v 11 Mr. Ross' bill will proposes that these eighteen hundred , He was s 0 for perilantnt. mix shuplify ilid arrange and it ii-ly be . that this majority will counties. '8tar says that including perquisites th arprised, however, to dollars shall be forfeited to the P e -1 that for in twor three beas be nerly s great as from the fanaic.irl matters so that henceforth th�ke will � be aud form pait of the Provftibial surplus. seek to make some report which vvill ANOTHER GREAT SNoW8TORli.—A. trv- 'clerk of the tawliship of Howick receives tile boy went to tile delitist alone had grasses will, ill A. great J a's lelldous snowsto in the nnnualsalai offrom 5350 to $450. Arabs,. The warin seasoa sets in about proper -mLy of di 11 7 iis teeth drawn., a114 took them I no -trouble of this kind in.. 1connection While this is a very is- commit the minority to an expression of rin PreN and tile ellelo,ed lalill with fl,ii- important mater! A short opinion. This (lone, the -Governnie& North-We:stern States on-INIonday. III For a township clei evidence of his pluck� 'tock e a; e,- Of tl!6. posing of tlip money, it will, it III&Y be -k his lines must have the first O -and it is expected xpaill,'tion of tile Pop I rank N measuie- remarked, forever blast tile hopes Of would simply need to embody thosepro- sonie locrklities it was accompanied by fallen upon plesant places if this be o.. —At the, J�Tortli,H.ilroll District (j oil i�-patclied will %vas the lity e. gl.4." an, praii heIthe -troops Row criven by Mr. Ross oil tI e occasion visions in a bill and lay it before the beavy ran and thunder and lialitning. —One day last week. as 'Mr. Thomas Orange Lodge held at 8 'N �Brjjeella t veek herp- is exeellelit that is; L inipecuniou'- gllerymen, 'who last sea- House. The members of the minority Railway traffic is almost completely Bell of Wingliani, s driving his trot- follo , iii o , rs wer elected : H. 1. but many farillers - kee - - I of the first reading of tl�e bill on not be a-blie to join NTfoseley before Sion gravely petitioned Mr. peaer to -the Ni, free p t. Oil vario' ZD Th'arsday ls t would be pbliged to either Support the blocked. ing colt long the street in that town, Perkins, Count time. To; carry on the c= ipign durh g Po'n s hand tile ill-omened funds over to them 'INI-aster L. NTetherly, neor t�o, It tl, -S U.j afi'Wnduients are nitade, lie being bill or 861tify themselves. 1jildef; our Itlian theaninu,A took fright and rii away. Doputy County Mast Promising �Iiat gentlemn. a champagne ,er lVill. the wea;ther, it i,� said, would b tion of i�ff A m ift* . e ate, 9; supper iinr n.'. Sec- tlleni� I lie-ar(l. an e in the divec I r Or a, t, system of Governinent it is the duty of 1 'Minister of War is pre -par to send Further than tile, breaking of the cutter Cll,'LPlaill ; IN1. MOrri o P ecord.i. aily r, the evils, resulting Mr. Ermatinger took S ,, , sure destruction, to the Britis,1 trools, 0 the administration to propose measures 1.5,000 men to tlje oudnl. il�lllle Kina and harness no crious'dinage was done. retary ; James Drewe, Pi from the in, " excetioil, to the definition of, the western I C e , 0 lianial that the uplanil gras-S -'se(Inlitly, it i xpected that iff equality of s6ho(l taxaion boundary of the Province as Iaid down and- the duty of the Opposition to criti strongly supports the niov In lit to id —The wife of Robt. Ricb&rdson tary ; B, Gerry, Director f Core natureas the grass tha� in the e r 'O Monies; '0 ut sectios tbrot gliout the cise illein. If the Liberals! report the England. of the 16th concession of C oderich town! A. eManus, Le�turer - Thoinas _r - ffol by the Privy Council, a,116gin that it evidence the committee'talies, without DESTROYED 13Y FIRE.—A number of ship, died on Monday ,no hills of 8'eotlatid, alail any fort.aidale, e A to re-cpture- Province. From the naure �of the case, w's . obsell - and involved, N in part riling last *,veek son, County Proxy of Lodge B. e the inaur� taxaion for schoo I purpos�, a re and then to subda' the rate 81 Ill - for sheep pasturle� I .11 . comment or opinion, they will avoid all valuable , meteorological records were after a Iin er i -Y, P. L. M. There nintelligible, inasmuch as it roce'ed- 0 Z15 s,. She leaN Geri . willbe no county rectioni�callno be coli until niust be greater in poor nd iinly set- P responsibility and leave their liands free. destroyed and sonle of the finest ilistru- -fanfily of three daughters, all of whon) pro' the eonlin,g ,Ave you a few itewil eiaced ed upon the assumption that the terri- cession on tled sections than in richer ad more -As to, the general question of all Insol- ments badly injured by fire in the ,ire grown up, oije being married. 12th of July. here which you cw about tile firrat of October. Ths being tory to 1 the north of, Ontario belon 16 vency It is left in tile hands of the District ilar items in. Huron. the case ap ealy cessatioil, of hostilities property beilig less, and ev Law, it seems clear that the gnal,Service of-fice at Washington on —A man named Thos. McDonald, one Lodges to celebrate the ay x -here they. -essed value of lily pri populous' ones, the amount of taxab Gov- 8 ' ed to Manitoba, instead of to the Dom I turd en Supposing_ ernment feels compelled i o - make a show Sa ay lirglit., day last week, was working around ch000s. is -,q,880 ; Illy taxes a11101. need not be expected. Bef om- the expenditure in both to be at a min- "Ion. L As a matter of fact, there does t take t ore- it is e of doing sonletliffig, and that i 8 THE CANADJANT one, of the horses f pl. imum, there is a point beyoild-vvilich it appear' to be some ground for Mr. Nlr. Jas. Elliot of —The Kingston Whig of a reeent I had 99.5 bushels Of eted it will be an ex�ensive business Ermainger's Statenient, but the poi-lif this as the longest way round. The defeated Clifford in Australia on Satur- the 5th concession of township date says 11 -\I-h which cost Ine 9 <�eatv >r the Entilish Governmi, ent i, treasure cannot be reduced. , This eyil, which French-Canadian supporteis of the Gov-- day by six len rth Nvhen it suddenly seized him osep . ittihea of Clin- b .0 n a comparatively unimportant one, as the g by the nose, toll, tile first inan to fire a railway loco- R,89.55. At the price alone, to say noh goes sonle- distance to contradict the ernment are, generally speaking, stron FATAL RAILWAY COLLT�,IONT. —A fear- nearly taking one-half of - that 11seful inotive, i t tie Royal Hotel. Mr. ing of the val general course of tile boundary is clearly for nly wheat, 44 cent, education- liable statement'tbt our system of �,ly oppose(' Lto Insolvency legisltion. fnI collision occurred early aturday organ off, Whitehead in 1827, was on the egRle took 203J,- bushels- to piv lives tha have been and that will be is truly a national one Mr.. Ross pro defined, and as Mr. Mowat said, it is to Others, also, besides the Bleus, feel morning at New Brunswick, N. J., be- —It is expected tlua tile nw,r Rresby- bililt by ing f th..; 995 8 said the cam poses to dea wby--pil-ay. ding that be hoped that the Dominion Government corge Stephenso, It lwa'.3 sacrificed., It i paign has ae not much as they do on the subject. The tween a, freight and an oil train, by terian church ill Clinton, will be opened tell ton ever fifih ,I Y( ev,(�ry township council may if, it lee, _going to raise this point in order chine, worked with a'beani) every fifth busbel. a - i-iniforin rate . over the to still further de ay the fina set it ins 0 ex -P already cost over %0,L0@0,L000,. and','aS fit I tlement object to be achieved by the Govern- which four people,,,and twelve horses the latter part of tbis illoutb, and the and v Ina the two -e f levy by of ment is to keep the merchants , as as altogether an awkward ffair. events have turned out, the beginning of wh�le of t the question. h6pefl were burned to death, and factories and �robabilities are that the former minis- L t - evening, to many auditors he re- named, taxes and. t" -ty he township a sum, sufficient that something will be done, and, at the Propel -valued at three-quarters of a ters, Revs. A. D. Id, of Seafortb, lated bushels out of wl tile- end has net nearly commenced. It to give each school $100, provided that Treasurer Ross is expected to make same time the story of his early life, and it L it remains open durin ale e8ting. He is the , - �s has been the opinion of many that Eng- g the wt. of 'the the financial sta ment thi:iveek. to keep the others quiet' million was consumed by the burning' nd F. McCuaig, of. Kiligston, will assist was very inter bushels of wheat to t r f thse who were ientied t. this ar - if open only part of the year, then Mr. McGraney�member for East Kent, if anytilin , practical will result. ind acted in udiciously in iterfer ye �`with assurances that very little, oil, in the opening services. survi,vo you had to farm ]a ing in 9 BOLD a meeting of —The Brussels Post regrets to hear of w you WOAXIA not think yt a proportional am ount. k(lditional ha not yet taken his seat bhis session. The ith the, operations and, workings of the money Very fast. first step promises well for enians held.ii, Chicago on Sunday, one the death of Elijah Frayne, of Green- first locomotive. Wlientheenam-wold Egyptian affairs at all, more than si" teachers will entitle a school to a fur- Th e honorable entleman is. -seriously this object. The committee's oper -of the speakers announced that the ob- wood, formerly of Brussels, who depart- go into the ditch an old gr - Vo following items f Ply tG Protect her interests in the Suez ther sum of $50 each. The aiiount re. ill. ID ay rse -was G. atiops can easily -be prolonged be- ject of the u ed this life on January 12th, e had sccured to work 8� crane which lifted. it n P anti i 0"Itio'll js�jooze o 8, i