HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-02-06, Page 8- - . �
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— - , I : . - . . � I - r the lw�
- � . . � ! . I I I . . . is.—The Misses Griffin, who his family were too much fo uld-
. � . . . . i tons a gara
-- 114, ' ' " " . � s oil The readings �wd rec tat - -
�� the biddhfg was not so spirited as ,one pleasure -in noticing the-aame of Mr.. excellent speeahes. The collection . lirglars, and used a club with good , - I
0-Iff - young folks 'is, -%,,.cry credit -ably axe- baye een recently visiting friends be 1) . --
C. I a J.'t " . � -- �hn Cowan, ', Sunday and' the proceeds of the tea d the mu6-dwa8 ox ellent. Th6 here left this week for Toronto. — -Wect and beat them off, woundin$ one 11
Tolt Cxp"Itot might expect. This -is no doul, t du e� to Rector - Cowan, ,son of J, I
,-. I the fact that money is somewhat, s64-rce VRsq., of McKillop.—Mr. J. M. Best, amounted to $113� being far better than cuted, an 0 ' � m pretty bad] . i . . . -"
.1 , , � L - 0 Mr. -I in. Caldwell, sr., has returne(' of the y- . I I - � A.
(7 . count of the stormy committee having informed Bev. Ali.
� & ..-. aves to -morrow oi a busi- anticipated, on ap I ' - A pleasing event took place �at the - .
- . -- and the horse mairket is not - nearl so barrister, le, i I fro his trip and is oiice� more al,1013 .— .
i .y a .
DISTRICT MATTERS. bris-k'[w it has been for some years ness trip to Detroit. Mr. H&tor Cow- weather. The social on Tileitlay even- Torrance that-agreat inally 1), skets of I fro urlilig awl c re'Plence. of Mr. Jas. j,'-',tenvart, of T'uck- � I
" * d, a'socia,l for the Iii -a friends in this part.- -C 8 I
"IV 118 , 1 �s 9 -01naind - wary, -hen - . - � I .
I - I � rca(I- edibh, ,till i
I , � . � . ' -tting still c()ntilinetliepopiil.,.traniii-.�(,,,- ers, it', 11 t - " �
- back. rwo years ago liorses�'such as an, barristei will attend to Mr. ]lest's ing passed 6ff very pleasantly, tl o (1, which wits - sk,, 11 I 0 lie 98th of Jall ,I y,
tiobs, and silighig bein- first- next eveningIvas announce I �
I .
offered at this sale. would have business in'bis absence.—Mt. and Mrs. - ings, recita 0 0 ,- - 1). c v. Mr. Acheson united M r. J �eter -'-. �r � - . -
. I
- . - � I
. .
- �
� PEILSONAL.—We lldti��ihat Mr. Hil- 1 those I . - I well [Vttended. Rev. Mr. Torrance, .not 11)(0its aind 'Nfr. COXWorth's excellent :'tit(, I . I
I -bel ass. � � . - . 'ti Manitoba, and Mis:, Agnes , �
(lent in IN -1r. Holme- . been Snatched up like'liot cakes at even James G. McMlich� left. oil the afte, r- 01, . - ' +- '- D11k, ,s -ai)g, of , -
. . BiaEors.--The car y -end himself, sclit his rixi.k is well patrollized. —Mcssl% .1-1 .1 � � - .
liard, 1,%tely a stu . ' on Wednesday, oil their . . ni\ia oil tile Opel' , being able to 6ft . I . :, - : I I �
.; ' higher prices than were renilizect on" this 110011 train I . [u'irt, graiii mcrel "itewart in the bolids of inaLrinlony. Tile .. �� I
1. -iffi., -ce, has piosed his, examination ' . . 1.11perin- -, Wild Urqu� hal)t,15, Coll- : �� . .
sted's ( . ' occasion. Thehainillerivas IN-Jeldedby weddingtour., Theywill-v'isit6altand rink oil Tuesday evening was fairly at- colleague, Rev. Mr. Dyke, to I - .
' ...
. ,
forbarrister. Out of forty candidAes, I . e � ne tencled, and pamed off very quietly, but tend the literary 'art, which be did o tinucto buy in and'sbill away largre yoling coupl, C- have our best wisht--s I or a -I -- - � 1, � .
� Messrs. Brine of Sea,fortb, 'and. Oke of other places east- befor � returning boi . . - - - I i
st, This i . i iet3 of grain. .
. longand happy life. i , I
Mr. Hilliard stood third on the Ii, ily. Mr. Pilizgerald was elect- qu' 0 �
- - Exeter, and the� -both gave tile most to settle down dressed in costume' satisfactor - I . . alitit . �
in ,married life. the majority of those lie Clinton council has this' - 1 .
speaks very well for him, aud we hope I : . . � . . - were, sorry tb�at tliey� did not wait for %ad chairman, ,%lid was frequently ap- i . � ,—rr Year. - � I I I
. - I I entire satisfaction. - The following -is a ,� —1 . alfiong its Incinbers One flaxlmullifac, . . . I
that the saane, success ivhi�h has attend- - , . � - - . . a I - lie evening for the i - - Gorrie. - . i I
. list of sbm e of .thle ailitnivIs sold:, Lord Kippen. - the cariiival in- tile covered. rink tP-nig,lit plauded during t : . . ii i :
. ed hi.,s efforts on this Occasion may- follow ; I . We. regret to learn th4t Mr. pleasant and humorous way ill which he J�niirmi.—The weather has been very turer, two faiming mill i.n.anufa 1. - I I I
. ,
r He i, Blake,. ail imported Stallion, foaled in � - BIBLE ,SOCIETY,' MEETING.—The ail- - two inerchants, two carpenters, a lirick I i .
him throagl, � ("ridaNic-Leo 'was taken .,kuddc�'&y ill discharged his duties. A ood pro- � i *
a his professional careei . � 1882 parchased,by Mr. John Bennett, inual ineeting of -16 Kippen Branch �1 eoi ,,,P- . I 9 , Stormy du* ring the past two wee.ki.. Tile I mason, a painter, a -Iavvyer, and a
is a most industrious youngy inaR, all - is - 7 -' i SEVENT,E)
d - . li g.d.y (I
. I I Manchester, for $850; * Muirhead,. an Bible Society will ))a held'Gi the Presby- evening last.—Mr. John grainine was carried out, andwheii re and farmers are ,
-- -well deserving- Of iC . I , slaighing is good now) � batcher. Tile followim-, represents the 11 11 � �
. t - goo( W1101i E- I
. - —� I imported stallion, foaled in Matheson lim ran ed the store in the tiring it I many were heard to re- Z�l 1
.1883, terian Church here, on M�hiday evening, . ' making good Ilse of it.—I'lev. INIr. Culn-
J . . I denominations: ,Six Presbyterians, 'four ��� ;
. I mark,� 11 od time." Tbe , . I
I bought 'by .J. L. Turilbull, LiSto- February 9tb, �cominencing at 7 o'clock. north end recently occupied by Messrs. We have had a go e new Ba-pt�ist- minister, is . .
. v wings, th Metbodists, and one Episem-mlifLn.- I . . ;
- -- I .
' It tile LiStOWel ; Val, ,rally & Trick, and intends opening proce I � !
WiELLDosm AGAIN. --t , % I all A:ddresses will be delivered by Rev. It. Cur ads amounted to $65. . ' � lar(re-zilinbers A7-----'---
- "I for $900; Young Rosebury, i i quite popular in Gorric, r*J - — ullett of Xs- -
0 ' . I ' As Mr. and ,Mrs. G 7
. I
-y sho-w being held thizk week, Sea- ' imported stallion, foaled in 1882, bought McCosb, of Wingham, agent of the so_ --w-A � *— - . li ay even- -
poulti out a general Store In May next. attending his i eetiligs on Sund. THE �
. in�llast A.- I a
, . . borne, were in Exeter oile evem I .
forth breeders acrail-distinguished them- I bar of young people from this place Walton. � I . I
0 by lVill. Taylor, Hullett, $700,; Ayr- iety, and Rev -ds. kS. Acheson and W. nuln . —Oil Sunday cv'eiiiDg last two bOYS, . ic
I week with a teani of horses. They tied ,i- . I
years, residing not far P
" ESID) CINCE . ----:IVI t T S �
selves as lisliai. Inaving, nearly cleaned shire Lassie, imported, foaled in'1881, . t . -weather will Arisited the residence of Mr. White, of NE Nv R I r. John Hewitt,. ag!!,*(i 15 or 16 mi securely in the �51)ed at the Bible . k
. everythint'r before theill In Brahnias and . . Torrance. , We trust the . ille, oil Friday evening last, and the - � .
0 bought by Alex. Gray,. Ttickersinith ' iovefavok*l.)Ie,aiidtliatther�eNvill'bea Rodgery ; of.this place, who is one of our most from tile Baptist'�bilrch in this viltage, Christian Church and, tb,en went iinto, 19 i `
lf�urgs. Mr. A� J. Willson and Mr. ,'$576; Dadsy, -,ix months old, bough.t'by' large attendance. I spe enjoyable eveniilg.--Tlla� prosperous and enterprising farmers, i engaged in a little pugilistic exercise in the church.- During their absei3ce I the : 101% ,
; . -
I John Fiach took iiiiie first, two second, . � . pliesied a green winter, - . - I I Oluarit
h u Iey,.$22-5;,Katy,- I . per ions who pro] itends erecting a haudsmne new resi- I the church during prayer. Mr. Culli ' I .,
0 11 I horses became restless, broke loose, and I
* �
juld four third prizes.. Besides these a six - i . - . .- . w'e are having.. an dence on his farm adjoining the village mings ga-ve them a gentle repriuMild. I � ,- : - � I;
year old Caum-han bred mare, ' .� . Leeburn. . wei: e, badly I I left," its ran hoinc., leaving the two old tolls ta �. 11
entlemen Messrs. Hogan, Hendry, arld I ' . . . .- . i
� I 0 Mr. Arthur Horton, from I - . I
-. bollrdit by Chas. - �Ion�teitli, Usborne, DoTS. — X abundance of the beaptiful, and in con- t1lis season. Mr. Hew;tt advertises for . Boys who do not know bow to behave I Walk -over three wiles. . . �
torrance are exhibitors in other classes - sequence Of there being .So muchMierc is, tenders for the work which will be re- theinselves at church should be kept at . .
) Maud, a filly, foaled in April, P 'N !
$195; . .Auskoka, is� visiting filiends in this -vi- —11r.Jaines Hannon, of the tolvw-n -hip . -
. and -we ex 11 equally creditaVle re- , wood Oconling into town onl,, ceived by him until the 16th inst. lie hoine.--The foil ving episode is s, i I �
Ver little 0 . . ON t d to ; �
. p� � . 1 1883, bought by John Snell, Exeter for I ,inity. Miss M. Carney, we are glad account of. the blo . . tl for have taken place between a gcT) I of 8tepbell, Sold on Saturday last a colt i .
port'-frolit .eked state of the roads;;' 8 now busy drawing the niateri, tidmall � i
� b I 1 $215; Rosie, ,a filly,-� foaled in April, 1 ;6 hear, is recovering' slowly from her - ' 0 fivo niontlis old, sired by " Old Rkrter�z '
� . I
" . .-. I I � ISK, bought by Will. Wilson, jr., Hill- I evere attack -- 0 11hree men were brought before tile' the new -building. I I ,of Gorrie and a school boy: .Mail— i � � I
A,xm-.mit SgK,vrr-,\a,, R.w-&—A-nother I of illness. Mrs. A. Allan magistrates of this. place on -a charge of -----.*.— - I " How do you like you� .11ew tear.her?" ! pi -i -se," to Mr. -James f;'Rardillcr, of' Far- , IV- 1�
lett for $183 ; Young Borchuid, a stal- - it . Sul
, � I - s. attend ig to her al,i(l ,no doubt her ; . . cluli %r, *for the liandsoine 11 of $1�15.
skating r"e will tal-ce place on the Doiii.- - Ii.oll, foaled ill 1883,'bo . I . I I ho e -breaking, and were committed to 11 -- , - I 13oy-1 I Sll� is very sharp with us. I While Oil the way to dcliver the !Colt -1 H0, i
, . 7 ught .by David --�rir Bluevale. ,
. mprovenient. isowing to goodnursing. .ffm 8, �
inion sk-atirig rink in this toivn� on Fri� Fisher, Goderich, for $200; Gr�ce, a 'oklericb, for trial--.�Hr. Peter Strally 't , I
I �,
�, . I Tvlessrs.*McManus, A. Clutt�n and I ID : " OBIT-CARY.—'Mr. Robert Powell of inged. to � ask 'Out so that I might get a Mr. Hanno'n was offered S350 for it, .a . I � ;
. :
and his wife eit � � � �
evan- g . I ' ter� ' C, - I 11
day, in next, 1-33th illstt This race mare, foaled in 1870, bou�ht by Janies the Messrs. Horton -and McManus, were , i I 1 1 h( ,-rc on- -Vaesday - af this place' died last Friday night of chew of tollacco, but she at last said I .fact wbich still furth 'r proves the . 1,
. ;
will be b' - ce,. a mare, noo�i last for their distant borne in the I n " -
etween M r. Thos. Town, of S ii,pp6inted delegates, to District Temper- Of thd typhoid fever. The funeral oil Sunday might go dn condition that I would. re- ---t-`
, �
. nall, Hulle,tt, -for $1,25 ;'N all rge or- . - . . . 'k o �, supdriority of the animal. i ��
,orth, - - -ir - foaled in 1876 bollght y 'eo --The Ora ell I I
- - ) t> . a at Manchester, 11 2 was very largely attelided, tlins te-sti- main ill at ' recess to nia e up f r lost —Sonle time since a mare belonging - .- ! � �
. ��
� "'; no i .
Seaf and five of the be,t aiiiatet 1) G 1) _ �ic6 Lodge, to 6 held . pra rie land. n' ' recess and take .
,or - a p irse, of $25 raace McKillo ,' for $17q cou ity met in the Orange: a ill this and I of the 9th conces- ! :
skaters in town, f �i . 3 p .; Meadow rebr,uaty, ,Ith., . . . f-vina the esteem in which the deceased . ti'lle, - w wait till to Mr. Walter Scott, . ' �
I .
Taw -ii will have a fresh man to compete jOGk a stud colt, foaled in 1884, bolight . . place *oil I uesday afternoon last, to elect - - I , . " Hard teacher, she. ;1! :
i a good chew then �
" . I 011 - �
- I .# . was held in the community. Sion of East Wawanosb, (rot! kickeq Grand '..
I 0 -1
. against on, each,mile and to gaill three laps � byDavidFisher, Godericb, for $101; King ; offi ers and appoint a place for- their I I . .
4 CHF.Esii, FACTORY MEETIN-U. --At tile (xlive the boy--.% chance. —Alfred Wil- . .
� Howick. , I the front leg, one, of 'the muscles b6ing . I
. �
over his competitors in the five mil John, a stallion foaled in May, 1883, 1 1 . . dis rict, meeting,. Bayfield being' tile IL s 11.4 i �
es. _ . adjourned cheese factory meeting lield hams, Son Of Ml'. J- I'- WilliaIns, * I - . �
- ' I � cut throwyll. She was allowed to rua .
; MITNICIPAL.i At the last meeting of plaie selected.---Tbe 8alva,,tioii. Army of - ; leariling tile milling with Stinson Bkos., - : 'i
r �
As Tovm is a rising Skater this race WW' bought by James Fitzgerald, Hibbert,.' I � 1. rhere oil the 23rd ult., at Patterson,s I aroun(I for"about three weeks when Mr. ' . .. - � j
le Howick Council tile salaries of the 0 1 1 � i
skating - y gx�te'r had a big time oil Monday 'even- J. Campbell, of . ort 1
create considerable interest in, $237 ; Da,isy, a filly, foale�d in .April, , - I Iis I ,
. -fixed as follows: ing I St. - hotel, tile routes for milk (11-iiNvilig fol , of Gorrie.—A . s E. I Duncan, V. S., was called in., but he - - -Aml
I �
aonte�t is a everal officers were AT � .
circles, and a lively e xpected. 1883, bon-ghtaby Jolm.Mason, Hullett- ill . I I Elgin, is visiting with her uncle, r. J. I .
� — iincr season were all let. Mr. I :
. , ' � I I . .the con . found it was to late to do anything, � �
. �Stallio lerk $200 with perquisites-; Treasurer, , t-"�.'-- Z1J I , I
I- I - I for$150-; Black Cha,nipi6n,- n ) � )bell, teacher, Gorrie. � :
I i
. I a , 96. Auditors, 98 each; Collector for i � Ashfield. Win. TNIesser Vas appointed Salesman by ! Canil I and the inare bad to be kille'd a few days . I
TnEMOCK -PARLIAMENT.—The glit �y . I i .. . .. -, 0 . I � �
next colt foaled in May7' 1884, bou, the unanimou's vote of directors and I — ' � after. . �
meeting of the Seaforth Parli ' � y -, for $250 ; Kate -estern division.z $710 ; for eastern di- A�F,ilTHFITLOP�FICIAI,(-'VO'.'�F,.--iN-Ir. John Huron Notes. STILL &-1R,
. ' I .
aMieRt will Alex. Robinson, Ayi ) -4 I , patrons. Mr. Thomas Nixon purchased � —file aniount'of milk- received at the i-:4 .
, vision $60; Assessor, S, 130. ' The Clerk, I .
be held in the M. E. Church, on John an aged mare, bought by John Britton , 'Joo -:6i to-wnship dark of Ashfield, *as i
) rreasurer and Assessor of last year were � . the whey at $3.30 per ton of cheese. I The aalnual meetimy of the Proiviii- Brucefield cheese factory, during 1884 - 1 7
'oundidead in his bed oiiSaturda� morn- Z5 . �
. I I � :
-Street, tIds Friday evening, when the Ifullett, for $146. As will be seen the i Ile -- i �z
E XECUTORS' SALE.,' xra; was 1,017,011 lbs., pound-, of Ocheese -�.
-.rhe Executors' I cial G nd Lodge of Oraugemen ,.vill .
1� re.:appointed, and the appointment of jig last. Deceased 'was forty years a . 0 I
debate on extending the franchise to Canadian bred stocki, sold i;iuch more " th, l7th !aild maide, :96 -
. - Sa.le of the chattels and real property of held in NA-ingliani on the 16 I I i :
w -ina the necessary property ollectors was deferred .until fall. resiJent of that township, and clerk. i .,181 ; average. selling ..price . z
I . Omen hai 0 readily than the iniported animals.. This, . the late Edward Tindall', took place oil i8th of Febril"ary. 1 10.55 cents; a price to patrons :.
� ' i �
qualification, and to the sons of mer- is a fair index of the times, as people Messrs. J; D. Smith and P. Heppinstall dur� a whole of that time, � V . �
I � Ing nearly th - ii
era e 4:
in were appoin . X � -id I
Thursday of last -week. The tools and ' —' ase(l! tile 8.22 cents. TL tactory is condu�tecl 14
-doncluded.. are -afraid to risk large pribes the pre- ted .�uditors, an'd Messrs. -be ,st an to fill that . I Mr. S. 0. Bryant has le 1. All Hift -S
chants and mechanics,. will be I g the., fi 1 gentlem, . . - � -
- . It is expected that the leaders of the� sent ims6ttled state of the I Tarnes Hazelwood, David INTeir, and i ion for the township, and he filled furniture brought good prices. The � north half of lot 16, l4th concession, by the enterprising proprietor, Hugh i I
. -
iorse -mar-: I pos t. a� e
Goveriam, ent and Opposition will be in ket. Consi�lering that this is thd' first It6bert Mahood werd ap-pointed main- it acceptably to the day of his dea,th. I only real estate s6ld was the black- - Hullett, for a term of year, at a. relitall i 'McCartiley, who makes the ,cheese a�d . Cos '. I
' .9mith and wagon shop, with about three ' of `�;250 per aiiiiva;, - conducts the business for 2.1 cents,per I .
their places,, and, cOnseqlaently, the pro- - sale Mr.McMillan has had, it may fairly bars of the Board of health. It was He was a thorough aentlenian in all . I - - I
� I . - rters of an acre of land which were I ' The Central Hotel property [ at pound of - .1 I 11
. ceedings are expected t.o'be unusually b� cons*1ered a- -success. The sixteen lecided that the services of Mr. Bolton resr,eets. He was arso dark of the qua 4 1 cheese. . �� I
. : Township Engineer be dispnesed with', . Divi Sion Court - which holds its sittings urchased by .Mr. Thomas Nixon for ; Brussels was sold at mortgage sale last --The Bishop of Huron has appom-ted . . .
interesting. It is hoped there will be a an inials sold realized $5,238. I I ---�
I I a
L. z � . .- . . ' ' His age Ivas 77 years. gn,000. He intends renting them to ' -eek and was pilrehased by Mrs T. 1,,,e -V. avi- of Thainesville -� . - I
. Ni ; .
, . I
large vote polled. The " whips " are out - :111ld that Mr.. Proudfoot. of Clinton ])a �tt DuligM111011. d . . William D, sl 9 . I :
� - I I - 1 '2 560. . il
, J, good mechanics, and there is an excel- O'Neil for$ ) formerly of WiDgliam, to' be rector of
- , I s stead. Tte scale of stat- ; I -
. 0 . gage in bi � . . - - . I
' ; I lent opening I —1, � I
- W - i lax- I ! If yoll bav�e not
- OOD WAN.TiD.—The 'highest -i e labor was arranged S follows: If 1, for any such. Rr. Jos. Lyon, jr., near Harlock, Woodhouse, county of Norfolk, w1lich �
; . 0
Tup, Pa-uLTRY SHow.—The entries ket price in cash will be paid for a quantity of . . Clinton. I I �
- I
------ . -1 i
� . � has a pair of prime cattle, rising tbree wa, by the death )LS; I
which are adreadyin for the poultry show, good hardwood either short or long. assessed at not more t1jam $600, 2 days; : a Is 1,11ade vacant -sure to & o )C,f�r
green � : F-REL—The citizens of this. place sver I re. r "d . .
. I Kinburn. ' - years old, for which -he has been o c
which opens in the town -hall in Seaforth Apply at Tim-ExposITOR Office, Seafor-th. at more than $600,but ilot more than .$I, - � - I of Rev. W. I B. Evatts. The appoint- I
. . - 41ar lied last Wednesday inorning be -ing :are ' 61 cents- per pound for spring delivery. Illen h
-he i t .., - 200,3 days; at more than $1,200 but not ... SCII00t REPORT. —The follo,%i t is a good one and Rev. Mr. Davis, sale, its gootls are '-*`
� --
on Tue.,iday next, justifies,t nanagers, in ' I re notice that . Mr. . more than $2,600, 4 da ail d one day's tween three and four o'clock by the fire the names of the pupils- Iv -bo 6-nd 1 " 'imilly friends in this coul, .
predicting that this will be the largest LOCAL BRIEFS.—�" Y�) i —The death is announced of Mrs. Jas ) ty Ivill be .
0 * ' bell Thefire oricritiated in tile rear of .1 J I
ii �l , 0 ientAnd gains -are the or -. I
and best Show of the kind ever held in James McE%ririyj,f�rinerly of this town, work for every $700 Ovei, that amount. �la highest in their -respective classes ill .the ' H�slop, daughter of S. Platt, Esq., of pleased to learn.of his advane-en im I ;
, 0 There 'will be a has been electe . )�r6ildent of tile Dray- 0 1 I illiard hall and is generally believ- K#iburn School for the month of Janu- ' Goderich, which took place at her home prosperity. . i �
M'estera Ontari '. . ed I be the w6rk of an'incendiary. 1 The I We are making,' 1
' h * last week. She was 33 years of age and —The Clinton N'eiv Era says: Rej% . :
greater variety, better quality, and more ton Farmers' Club. , T he dab will have ;' , , I.- - . ary: Senior fourth class—Ist, Jo n ' . -
. - Varna. I I . fire did not gei -much headway, as the ! - one Of a I ;
expensivebirds than were ever exhibit- a good President and are to be conc-rra- tl - Vic - - - was i v
Scott, 2nd, Robert Scott, 3rd, Samuel " Ivas a i tim. of consumption -1 A. E. Smith, of Bayfiddi
EX011AWLIE OF PLILPITS.—Rev. Mr. fir'emen were soon at their post and had I , ill Our I i�
ed here before. There have been pairs tulated On their choice.—Mr. Art5hur Lawson; Junior fourth class--v1st, Jos.- I —The other- day while a son of Mr. class of .seven young nien who were a i -
lacCosh, of Wingliam, and Rev. G. B. the eligine throwing a heavy stream of i
purchased for $775 tobe exhibited here Forbes has purchased the draying busi- , . . ! -
Wheatley, 2nd, James Armstrong, 3rd, ; Geo. Theobald, of Clinton, was skating few years ago ordained into the Metho, � i 3:
0 1 .
— I
next week. The Show- . will be open ness'aad stock- of Mr. Joseph Abell and , -P%ylor, of Bayfiehl, exchanged pulpits -water in a few minutes. Tb e fire was Thomas Wheatley; Senior thirdclass' ' on the ri7ver his skate caught in a crack, dist millistry-at the same time. Five of i . �
n Sunday last. Owino, to the inclem- first noticed by Some gentlemen return- .
nesday Mr. Abell has purchased a half interest I 0 � lst, J,Latic Coatc�s, 92nd, Edwill Britton, 'throwing him do-,vil and breaking his these got married, ail(! Singularly, the - � F U R G 5
every day and evening from T -11 (I 4 . I'm
� � cy ! . . i
C5 at ( t first child born to each of them died -,,. . ;
of the weather Mr. McCosh was incy from the, carnival ' "Oder'ch, � 1 3r 1, Ronald Snall. I
inclusive, and any of our in Whiteley's livery.—Mr. Donald Irtoss arm. . �
' I �
ina,ble to fill the Go4lien appointment. fortunatdly the alarm was just given in 0 ;
. I - -' - ;
rea'dilersri(vtoy' the' and famil an, d Mr. - Robert Laidlaw , . . EI)(,.l-,qGS.--Mr. and Mrs. Ricliard Me- i f n
y I . —Mr. W. Moon, of the 10th conces- soon after birth. Mr. 1,-)ndth
may -wish to witness *1e preached to a large congregation at time to '.check a serious coiifl-�'tgration, Michael, who have. been Ivisiting tI .. I .N had the ' - i
finest and most varied exhibit of poultry and fam ily left here for Kansas tbis, 7, arna. . 0 , - 0 i .. there being several frame buildil)(FS ad- �.eir , Sion of Hullett, has let the coiitract for misfortune to lose a second one last 'If you require an.�,
- and�pet stock ever Put -on exhibition in week. They intend residing in Abilene, . " 0 relatives and frie�ds in this vicinity : a new brick house to be erected this Iveck, a very' ilyteresting little boy. I �. t -.
tlii�Avestern section should avail. them- - around IvIlich there is a large Ca,na'- BiBLESOCIETY MEETI,Nc,.—On Tues- joining the billiard hall, aud it is hard during the past bixor seven weeks, re- ' year, to Mr. W. Whitely, tl�e pOpular __One d; last week a little child Of . 10ftffi%� ., Boasi, ica I I
(lay evening last a very large and inter- to say7where the fire ioight have stopped . 0 1 � . ly . . Ns
- . I ng i . 0 , their I � z
selves of this Opportunity- than settlement, includi 7 many from estingmeetiDgwits.lieldin the Metho- if it bad once got a good start. There tdrucd to loille, ill Wiscollsiw Oil builder of Londesboro. Mr. W. C. 'Morrison, of Clinton, was z
. 2 .
1. �
. � 1 this county. Mr. Ross,has two sons ' the 5th hist.—I'ev. Mr. 'Musgrave, of i —The Gorrie Enterprise is very sorry left sitting at a table oil whie-h was a Sure to Call aloll I �
(list church in- this place.' After the is'no doubt at all as to the origin o I . I - .
ZV1EET31--',M.— and%two dau,ghters- who'have resided . f tile Winthrop, will pr0tach in the Temper- . hilt- Mr. Jas. Thompson of table-spre"adanda liglite(I lanip. Tbe- w
-- . 3 a
- - et- fii � J
I awys prelimina.riesnecess-ary at these me R -e. 8havings and coal oilwere found �
Gur friends of the 14' ,gm ondville Presby- there for several years,and Mr.Laidl ' � . ance Hall here oil ,ci'miday evening next . that village is gralidally growing weak- child began 'to swing itsd , ; cs this lilollth�
I back and ; z - pric .,
' iDgs Rev. -Mr. McCosh, of Wingb6m, ill pr9fusion scattered all around ,%vllcrc' ' ` I
were not favored Ivith the- father is farming in. that -vicipity, so at 6:30 p. iii.—On account of. I . r
teriaa church the late er, and his niental faculties art., hopeless- forth, and caught the spread to keep .
. ant of the Bible. Society, delivered a �hc fire started. An investigation will I C� i P. Ia-ce.t- �
most agreeable weather for their aani- they ax6 not going aniong strangf,rs.— great snow fall our roads are becoming . ly impaired. froill falling, pulling the -whole concern �. .
. 0 0 very interesting.. and appropriate Ile held and the keeper of-. the billiard . . �
. �
versary services this year. Stinday was Mrord was received'by friends here' on � ' almost impassable. Thoseparties ,M-110, � —Mr. Jas. -Brown of ]Past Wa%vanosh, oy,er on the floor. 1"ortunately the lanip I " .
rd ress, which was listened to hall Ivill be tried byajuryfor incen I I . I .
exceedingly cold and stonitiy,andMon,dai'k -Saturday last that Mrs. Win. Sproat, jr., I d - during the early part of the seasoij, were has sold his farm of 200 acres oil the2nd Ivent out and did n. o iiij ury other than ' - I
.,In of V . I
� ; to - ,�vith marked att�ntion. Rev.. Me'ssrs. diarism. . i . . � .
. and Danby also delivered I 0 - In . -
evening was liot much Jm provbment . � irdin , Manitoba, was ser usly ill. $mith prophesying ail bpen whitcr may almost, � concession, to Mr. Bentley, of Usborne, beini, broken to pieces. The Cheap,
every other respect the- aw-nveraaxy ser- an d � not expected to recover. Mrs. T if not altogether, -put themselves down ' for the- suin of $8,000. This farm is —The Winghain Advance of last week .
- .
1. Short addresses. -Choice selections of �
vices throug - Sproat is a daughter of Mr. W �' H I . Belgrave. for "false propliets."—'.,Nliss Way, of 1 S u e .
hotut were a gra,tif�ing sue -�nusic were rendered by the choir dur- . it iat d within four miles of Blytb: says : It is our .painful duty, this week to .
- - , , , . . , Mr. Win. . —
cess.. On Sabbath the k-ev. --mr. Me- INI-andell, of Tuckersmith. Miss Mun- . 1i10 -,,-1,;Y WAINT'ED.—All accounts due ,11anch ester, has been engaged as assist- ! Messrs. 1-1. Snell & Sons, the well record the,death of the -wife of . 0
. .
ng the evening- , . 1st January, must be paid at once to save costs ant teacher in the public school of this. I - . -
Quarrie of Wingba,iii, preached both dell and Mrs. George S iroat, jr., left , known thoroughbred stock -raisers of Clark, ail old resident of the towii-.�-,hipo
� ;1 p Z.1.) of
LITERARY SOCIETY.—A literary SO- as I must have iny nion.e.V. A. T.%YLOR. - 896 place for the present year. --We believe 1 .111, . .
. - .
morning &ad evening to larg7e con-grrega-- for Manitoba on Wednesday. ---7111e re-� llett, purpose holding a sale sonle Turnberry. On Friday last - lie Nvas "�' I
. iety has been organized in Varna. The ieeting held last it may now be considered an accepted I & "NI,
tions, aiii,d was listened to with pleasure gret to learn . that Mii. 11"ni. Moore, BRIEFS.—The tea n 0 time . arell, notice O? which will be taken ill, and died on Sunday S '�
rst meethi was!held on Tuesday even- . i V Ilk . . . Having -
, . . . -d in that section for a number Of . � �
and profit. He is an eaxnest, doctuent librarian. of' the Mechahics' Institute, Thursday night in connection with the fact that the Kinburn Cheese Factory ( gi an . - FT
I ligy last when the, subject " Resolved - I . reside . HOP MAI
and a.ble, pread,ler. On Monday ev has been confined to his ,residence for . . . 1, Presbyterian Church, was a grand suc- -will be re -built in time for this season's I —A Grange social was held in Ful- years,, she will be greatly missed by her .
- hat there is more pleasure in participa- .
cni'? ' ,k of cess. Over 400 eoplewere present. operations, and that'Mr. John Mlirray . .
ii �
. the anniversary tea meeting was helc some time by a very severe attac abn than in anticipation " was ably dis- - I p ton's school house in the to-wnship of many friends anJ neighbors, by whom -
'D m. ar The proceeds aniounted to over $75. will again be inanager. . Grey oil Tuesday evening hist. After a,
The tables werespread in the basement illness. We hope to see Ili' ound �,ussed. At the cloke of the debate it Two socials held -since -were well at- she was much respected. Her .remains lli)EAFORI
of the church, alid were laden.'with the again soon.—Mr. James Leatherland., I ig most sumptuous supper t�e evenh g was were interred on VVe(Inesday being fol- - i
vas decided a tie. L The next meTtil tended over $30 more bein made. . I I - :
very choicest viands, whiclf.seenied t ' , of Mr. James Leatheriand, of . Hensa,11. lowed to the grave by a large conconrAe --.
o Jr., son � .11 9 mcr�
� :.
be amply appreciated b' those who s-ur- this town,, and - Mis. Leatliarlaad,' of be held on Tuesdak ,evening, the Everybody was well pleased with the I very pleasantly spent with 1111asic,
y . . Qth init,, -when the subject " Resolved WAN-TED.—A. large quantity of good ! speeches, etc. � of people. Mr. Clark and' -family- ha;ve
4 Perth 31
roui.-ided the tables. At. the appointed Omaha, are4t present -visiting frienda . . I elitertainin ents. —Piles of wood are being heavy brig ht barlev, for which the, highest price i �Xlr. Arthur Spotton, lot 22, colices- the sympathies of the surrounding coun- .
. '
' I
hour the chairIvas taken fi-ithe a-adience in town.—Mr. Welsh, propriet . hat the cow is more useful than the dra,wil out this winter.—Grain is coming will be paid. RAN�Na. & UitquijAitT, liensall. 894 ' - � Dr. Bowie is VIS
., i Sion 10, Howick, has nearly all the ma- try in their sad bereavement. �
bueep " will be discussed. I I
room, by the respected pastor, Rev. Mr.. -Brussels stage line has placed on this 3 . I . � - . in Ii.vely.—A cheese ' and creamery Mit. G. J. SUTHERLAIND, Conveyance terial. oil the ground for a bank barn —Says the lVingliam. Y'idette : One of Mitchell. . �
1. - 0i .h S nd bes't known residents in —T -)
-ime consisted of end of t1le route a handsome new cover- meeting will be held acr ii, w all more conunissioner, Fire and Life insurance Agent, 1 64x66 feet. Mr. S. Jolinston also.has the olde t a I he janitor Of I
McCoy. The progran . I
rnuAG and speeches. T he Choir, URder ad Sleigh which affords nearly as -great a Ust orne. . cows can be secured for the summer.— aild. issuer of Marriage Licenscs. All business : 0 t�' y ea, r. i
strictly confidential. Office at the Post Offioc the material on the ground for a liti-ge this section of the country is Mr. John is p aad $6
the leadership of Mr. Kent, gave a lium- degree of coinfort as a railvway car.— 1--,.r DEMAN-D.—tiere is still a good Mr. Thomas Brooks, jr., is colifilied to bank barn on his fariii near Fordivich. Kell , who lives on a farm on the out- —The new curlilaf,
, ', rs. W. D. VanEgmond I , whose illness demand for horse§. Mr. Thomas Harrah his bed with billious fever.--mr. �ran- 889 1 y '
bar of selections very- nicely, and' in a - . 'irts of Wi gham,beside the cemetery ,81t. Marys is paying:
8 sk in �
oAW LOGS WAINTED.--oOne hundred —On".Nalonday of last week 'TN1rs.* C. �. :
ma-nner which showed good talent and we mentioned last week, , ig. recovering. �old his- team of:draught horses last cis -Clegg, of Manitoba, was here oil � 1)any which own it, �V.
� . . Tuesday. He looks as if that co thousand feet of first-class Basswood, Alaple, Tait Scott and family left Wiligbam, for Mr. Kelly is 79 ,years' of age, although . i��
ca,reful tra.iniug. eek for the slim 0 $320. Beech Rock Elin Birch, Cherry, Butternut, investillent- I
g Addresses were de-. *--.Nlr. Joseph Wallace, son of Mr. untry ' Detroit. A gentleman who came from he would pass for tvvelity le 14 %
livered by Rev. Messrs. McDonald and Sam uel Wallace, of Tuakers,mith, al ,,lee ,i ss, aild has . —
I - ;
1VA,,,--NV.XL,MEETIN Q. —The a.mi"ll, �t- agreed with him. I White'Ash, Black �sli, Oak, Pine, Cedar, Hein- w not Inown what it -a (lay A tea ineetin"511 a.
Broley, of Seaforth; Rev. Mr. Mus- who has been in Manitoba for the last lock- and Sycamore, at the 88i ghuni Works of , that city last week states that lie sa is to be sick
1� I . I Mg of the Usborne. and �Hibbert F ire In- , , —#------11 , � ,- for over 60 years. o church at Motile):
" grave, r. Mc- two or three years returned home last - I � BbIll & Dougall, forwhich the highest priee will ; Mr. Scott oil the street there, accon t of -ft
.. I mrance Company was hild at thevilla,c,re ' Hullett. I be.paid in eash. Special prices will be paid for i panied by his son Charlie, who was re- lie never wears a .d his- ordinary liandsome sum
Oliarrie. The addresses were all good, week.—Tite Qourity of Ht ron Sabbath * I y quantity of Hickory. The above are .,%vaut- I ported- to be (lead. IV ,lap, ail I --NIeSISrs. Laixg in
)f Fa,rquha,r on Monday the 2nd inst. Azq0THER Yvnx PUR("0SED.--.N1r- "' inter clothing, is no heavier than ,what
, -
- . being short and of a practical, useful School Convention will.be feld'here on ed inimediately delivered at the above . place � � 1. noted shorthorn bre(
. JIT k1though theke were not so niany pres- Christopher Dale, jr., of gullett, has one and one-fourth miles from 1-femall. We are --A large party of Gorrie young folks woultl be Ivorn by others in the suinnier.
bearing. a ' , borhood of .%it. XW
, The proceeds, of the tea ineet- Tuesday and Wednesday . next. i �nt as at some previous meetings, yet purchased from his broth e'r' John, the also prepared to buy logs in the tree and cut enjoyed a sleigh ride to the residence of lie came to Wingliain about the tim. a '
. ing, amo,unted II&O' soinething over $80, gave the pro,Vam me of p �6ceediiigs a - there was no lack c f interest: nianif ested old llomehtead farm oil , 11PQ_ and hatil theni ourselves. Bmt, & DOUGALL. - th a7ilwal sale on -the 4t
� Mr. A. Montgomery, Ho -wick, Wedlies I �
whiGh, considering the, Stormy uight, - ouple of weeR� ago. It is expected to ' I . I tli� 5th coil--- 895 -ti. I c first tree was c�it and ilas ilever —Messrs. John -1 i
c bn the part of thos present. Af I ion. for which lye pays ai da;y evening last week-, where they touched a glass of h(luor since then, . .
was a very large sum. be largely attended.—I'Ve need. scarcely I (to . I I () i cod figure. BEE.—On Friday of last week a iiuni- which is a very good e p .- Thompson aml Andr
I I I reports . were submitted and a' pted, 'Mr. Dale now ow is 5 0 acrts of excel- were hospitably received - and spent a t mpera ce record.
. - . - ' duly elected chlers 01
: remind tha young folks, of tlie� Skating ,n animated discussion took p' is still a bar of the friends of Mr. Bernard Thoni- f e. w merry hours, returning at a late - He is as active as it maii of niw.,(,Ile age, I ,
' �
GGUN(AL. Dai. -,WS. —'At the Council , carnival at the DoininioR rillk- this i .. lace i, lent land �n Hullatt, and as Ile soil, of this place,- turned out with their hour. Iiis farin. can -towel.
in connection wil Ii- rule ten of the I coin aratively young man lie bids fair -to . attends to the duties oil I
I ng. — I . I � —Two m4en -were I,
-laws respectinor steani thresbers 1�beconie proprietor, of half the township. . I
Theetki,,g on Monday evening the ap- - ev * Tle 'pitch -holes are getting b p � I
. el -ii .y teanis and drew him a large quantity of —Mr. W. Harbottle,- who formerly do a good (lay's work, and to o.11 appear-
14--litmeat of Mr. (4.eo.. Sills as chief of pretty bad on the Ndrth Road, but not ,which required a U-I'it of 50 feet on "the ]�RIEFS.—Tvlr. Joseph Lyon, who is wood. IvIiieb. he had recently cut. After . - coal at the roulitibov
. the Fire -Brigade was confirmed: Th e nda,rly so bad as lastyear.'--As a num- double, afid which was out of harmony * the work of the day was over tile kind was a resident of Cranbrook, in the ance has niany daysof usefulil"e,ss before - � i a (juantity- of it fe
� welf known as one of the ,best cattle to-%viiship of Grey, has returned from hini yet. i
street cominittee were- instructed to have ber of y6ung folks from this town were' .. I ! . i
. . ; them. They were -st
the sixo,tv plow rum along tile Principal returning from Goderich sk with rple 5, reqUir' 9; tile engine to be raisers in Hullett, is still feeding eight friends remained and spent a very the Northwest after a Sojourn of three —On Tuesday morning of tast 'week I .
. ating carni pleasant and sociable evening together. . a narrow escape fivil
'O - 20 feet from stack or any inflammable' head which he thinks will surpass any e . � I
� � —Rev.- Mr. Crossli
-1 1pek 'Weduesday 'material-.' Soasto obviate this want Of behasyethad. Two of th3in already -as I
streets after each sn- w storm. The. val about three Ole � Thisis a good instance of neighborly years intlitit country to remain pernia- the reside -nee of Joiai- Forb's, lot 6, �
It r G'Poft,' S lowing. . morning, they discov I in .
collector -C,ve in his .' . 1 ,3 the fire I - will go nently. He gii-es a poor report of the cOlIcession 8, township of Grey, NN 17.13 ) - �
0 accordance rule 10 was struck out. The weigh 1,500 pounds each, and friendship and also shows how business �van-elist Ivho worl,
. t1sait all the t&xes for last - year had'been Culliers' billiard room, Clinton - West and has no desire to. return. destroyed by fire. Mr.- Forbes awoke I :
- I � , 4gents and a, few (f the directors and with iem.—Mr. and pleasure can be proftablycombined. I iii, Stratford lately,'
callected . . . I . more before be'is done �--Mr. Wm, Wakefield was appointed about 5 o'e-lok and found the Raines I
except $261.10, this amount and- by giving tile alarm saved i - OBITUARY. —We regret this week to � series of mectings,
i elll,c� prlll�lpc ,y on mcom e rom Par- a great conflaorration in the sister members dvoca,tfd-the in.suring Of S. G. Bryant has leased the north half assessor of Goderich township, and Mr. bursting into -the main part of -the house. :
is unual - S larys, 0
ties who have left town. 'Applications . a- S ' 61o,ted incorporated village property, , of lot 16, 14th concession at an a chronicle the'very sudden death of Mr. Saamiel Johnson, collector. The salaries There was no time to waste so the . .church, St. ��
to-w-n.—Mr. Robert Hender on., of Thomas Essie, of Ray, which sad ev ent � - �ev%-W. Carry,
* �rge ma- rental of S25O.—While Mr. Walter 11 a —R
for the position of assessor were received c . �ut tbis was v'ted down by a f. of the respective officers in the township children,were hlirried froi. th ir wa,rm
. th Huron Road, Tuckersinith, was 0 occurred on Sabbath night last De- beds and deposited ill the s ,Atwood, has resigne4
from Me§srs. S. Stark and Th 4 - 101-ity, who thought as it was purely Hannah, of Harlock, was co iing home . Are as follows: Clerk, $100; table a -ad
0111 .strated with a paxalytc stroke oil fol. farmers, that it was better to leave ceased was in'bis usual good health un- $775; collector, $85; treasurer, ,$175, and with tlie exception of a very few -articles.
Stephem,i, and for th a position of con'sta-- . - from Seaforth one cold - day about two and takes up a Ile
Monday last, and -Mrs. Me"ntosh of this. u The old directors and offi- weeks ago his bands wereb Ldly frozen . �
ble from, Messrs. E. � Lusby and C. - M. town was sinifilarly'afflicto d. We aieJ . P til within about 24 hours of his death, auditors, $6 each. I * everything was devoured by the fire. Nissoqri.
Dunlop. Mr. Stark . cers.-wgie elected,m ith Mr.. Alex.Dunean and he has I * having worked all the day previous to ' . � '
was appointed as- - glad to leaxii, that they are )oth recover- -not been able ;o ( o —One day last - week - -Mr. John The family did ,not sd,ve sufficient doth- —'.No fewer than ei
as President. any his death. On Sabbath lie felt unwell z
. work since, It will be some time before ) Cunningham, of Carlow, met with a to cover them, One of tile children North Perth have be
sessor aa-ul .Mr. Luaby constable. - Mr.. ing.--Nir. Win. Black ,. who "f I I ... but nothinc, of a serious' nature was
� ) 0 . - ing
- Lusby hailded in a statement, showing several years held the'resp)nsible posi . I - . . they are entirely- well.—Sabool house 0 painful-accidelit. He was ell aged in ,,ad lier feet frost bitten and two were � . . liquor on the day X
, I- suspected by himself or family until 9 11 I .�
I a, I , , EX eter. No. 4 is to have a fine new bell .to -grace cutting straw when his hand canie 'in slightly burned. The orreat ill.ir.a,cla tions. They Iniow 11`�
that for the year 1884 . he had collected , tion of teller in t i a B i k ( f Commerce its top and to hurry the bainis along in nearly mid -night when lid began to grow C5 J0 . -
- . contact Irith. the,gearing of the cuttill., that they escaped. ThereIrasnoinsur- . t'he law.
the f ollowing, slims: S"llade trees, $23.25.; in ti,lis town left here on Thursday 'for &N-NIVERSARY ,SF,RvicEs.—The anni- ' the morning.—Many of the farmers rather worse. A doctor was then sent � . .
I . . box which severed the little finger and ance oil the buildin ' --The poultry ex
. I
r . efuse fro m- Streets, $12.20; street wat- Chicago. Mr. R: P. C istie, of the versary-serinons announced to be ,held near Harlock have put in a busy winier for, but ere lie arrived life's brittle I g (V, contents. To �,
. ,
., erin t,tx.,, SR208 50:; la.'s-,rn Ivatering tax, Sa,n - ilistitutio .1so-1 . - badly crushed the ]land. � niake the matter,worse-NT held in Listowel,lw�t
. 0, W 91 . a n, a! eft on Thursday iii (!a�reii Presbytaiian church of this .rs. Forbes,was
. .
. - I , -dra,%,-ing cordwood an thread had been seveiNpd by that sud- —Mr. Malcolm Morrison, ,Of G'odei� I e ds in . I Success. Between tl
va;Constalyle's feesi $17.X- poundage, for Simcoe. 'During their residence d square timber to away from lionle vi,sitill,r fri�ll
. .1 0 . place were preachelon Sunday last, and ,-, .
S,C50; poll tax-, ,9100 ; making in all the -.-Beaforth. A more industrious lot of den and fatal complaint heart disease. ich,who for the past year was laid lip 1) tile neighborhood �Of , dre4l of the best h
., . here both gentlemen niade inany Iv6ui notwithstanding tlic exceeilingly rough . ' . y tratford. Mr. ,
I Deceased was ill theveryiprinic of man- Ni-tre bn,,exhibition, i
autin of $435.75. The Fi,nan.cP- COM M it- friends who will always be glad to lea,rn' state of the weather, a very good nuin- men would be hard to find.—Business is hood, and his sudden death has cast a a, fatal illness, died on Saturday at tile Forbes may rest assured ttiat lie has tile 1� I
tea reported in favor of-, retai-iling the of their prosperity and wel I doing and be r were present. The Rev. Mr—Mur- buzzing at Knox's saw mill these days. oloom over the community. Vis wife age of 73 years. He was for 18 years a 831"Pathy of his iliany fri6id,s in his of tile ipal brvet
billiard licetise fee at the sanie figure as will also be pleased to extend to the . Logs are coining in from all points. 0 - alice.. 111illc L. 4)'r. %:��
-in a r&T delivered an e. cellent sermon, doi .. resident of Goderich and tile large severe loss. The cause of tile' fire is I ,�Ir- I
. and family have 4he heartfelt shi,pathy fuller, actedas judge. �.` I
,I , ' I
last year. ,The report was adopted, and. cordial welcome shou Id the y -at'ainy time justice to the text that he chose, ang. of the C011111111114 in their -sad Ilereave- on Monday, although tile day attribilte410 the il-"sh box. - I - -
I Mr. Strong':3 iti6tion of which be gave� in —The -other evem!
0 1 the future return. --At a meeting ah o keeping up his former reputation of Chiselhurst. was bitterly cold, testified to the esteem .1 "
- -
111 e , 8 P inent. f- - - --.*-- - - � I ;_ . I ill McLarty's billiar,1
I -
notice at t4e last eeting, was lost.. The h Id in t. Thonias church Monday being a first-class preacher. .On Mon- LOCALITiES.—C eathe, and plenty ' in which be was held. . Mr . . t. -
I � old w* BuiEF8.---4Nfr. James White, of Hay, --- 2 - XlTin, Bright has been re -ii, alld allno:St 1=11,elliat
fees will, theref ore, be the Sam-, a as f0r� -evellina, last Mrs. Pulichav ,- the organ- day evening the ail aual tea-ineeting was of snow. —Tb a mails have I een a little recently shipped a fine lot of horges —About one o'clock oil Thursday pointed c p-
0 - from . lerk f or Listo-,vel at salary "
- merly. After passinga number Of ac- ist was.presented U, lexploded� The tabit,
. . , 'i J with a p irse contain- held in the basein t'of the church, d, trains having been re- this section to �Iie American market.— morning of last week -'a fire broke Of I z
0 'Out '
I - " �310 I
counti the Council adjourned to me t ing 826 and Miss Ma , I 0. Mr. B. B.-,,J�arvis, assessor at a . ly flaniaged, awl the".
I e a a Campbell, which a large numberwere present, and tarded 'by ' the -house of John McLean, shoemaker, , is I I
459 . snow storms. -1 -ailing- Larg qu iltiti�s of grain, I ,1,,Ilt salary of $too� Ir ew . n I
-Ma .Jrr. 11- a a , iN . _ Bolton, - be .
ac,aiii at the call of the yond wbich ,o dal.
.,:) . yor. leader of the choir was ma le the reci- after the visitors h ul done justice to the ton MeTaggart has left t0a�tteiid � woo' I sal" SaItford 'near Goderich. The L �
01�1 I . '�. iings provi de I Sea- logs and square timber are b6ing d I � I treasurer, at a salary of $11004 . C11111se Colild be assign
0 . . I 9 - arket, the sleigliffig being ,
d go c)d tI i - i d by the ladies of forth High School. WellIn' t6n has brought to ill, bitterly - cold. The "
IN -1P.- �MVNAI-L ,*--- . pient of a handsome - g . hn -. 0 a' y was furliii- —St. Mary's Literary C1111) 11.0l(il
I LANCS SALE.- --The m at 1-,,1--,4-- Tzm-'k 4-11. a-- 44-11 +11 11 11 ]-.I, ;-..%. 11 11 __ _ A 1-4. 4.1 1 tl , a, —A Foresters' ext;
I I i ,:; excee e any already gained for Ininself a g9od repu- excellent for that purpose.—
a� io-il. -,iale of hilported and Ca,na,diAmi made . L�. --i � -a T,�?�A � %, LLL 1, , Vy � vyml� omv�l I ie )u ding was lilocl;z Parliallient this Nveek. Y -,\Tr. W. � in tile Presbyterian I
, oil behalf of the coi 7rega.tion in heretofore held ill the chu:rcli,—although tation as a school tea(,Iid-r but wishino RPv'-val destroyed. There Ivas no insurall'ce. .
I 5 ) C services are still being carried on -ill tb6 I : C. Moscrip will ,be the leader of the ona evening lately.'
Ir .,
hredClydesda16 horses,thepropertyof Mr. recognition, of i the estim,�ble services so fained - for their good cooking—th6y to attain a higher degree has -tteiermined Methodist 'church here, and are' ' . 19. Merrill has ])ought of '4 ,
John, Mc -',N . . - . -\ rl .
- ,lillan of Hallett, ._; . fairl� --L%lr j. government, antl .I\.Ir,-. ('X1. Moll., of F. eter -eupi,ed the dudr- .
took place rendered by the -se ladies ina ieir respec- went to the upper part of the. church, on another course of Studies. .- .,x z,
. He has attended.—'Mr. J. It Allward, of Cii, W. Jarvis 50 acres oil the Huron road� will lead the opposition. A num-ber of - ,oil-- of tbe large,4
Ori We(lnesday Icast. The weather, al- tive positions.—The chora society will where a platform meeting was held, the abilitiand vim, and we trust will cianati- Ohio, is at present visiting Goderich township, near Holmesville the citizens of Exeter will forin tlic� op- Milverton. - 11 he nit-
eet for pradtice next wee] , on Monday ,ches being delivered by the Rev. ere long give a good account of himself. 'in this neighborhood.—On Wed- payin a tb eref or the .Sum of 1,'.-412, 1 -, -) .
though. sm-newhat lyluste'ry, was not cold . m I I SpPle friend.,; 11 jvblcl� p
afad on. tile Nk-hole Ivas very- favorable. instead of on Tuesday eiven' g. as usual. Mqssrs.,Fletcher, Teeter, and Murral 3O .. 0. ' _ ositioill anil the .subjeet to be discussed . �itriinlental, -was of ti
I r. TEA MEETING.—The tea -pieeting at nesday of last week Mr. Win. Welsh, of is colial it good figure. -2NI . 1'. . s is Imperial Federatioll. all were satisfied.
I , dered. , avi
. I
T here was a';' 4117mensC GrOwd Of People —The Good Templars 01 this town I% - Pascoe a.11d Mr. Thompson, who the Methodist church came off as adver- ibis place, "%V&s united in the bonds of had this place rented, but gave it lip I � ----,\I]-. J. If. Carter, of �st. Marys, met --The St. ,'.Marys v
present, and ill thi.s.respect, the s I .. . IE 0 S('
a, P, wag miaxelled to the Methodist -,4111'rch in a Z ad to be. pre§eiit, were un- tised. The. carpenter shop of Mr. T. matrimony to Miss Martha Blatchford that the sale iniglit be completed. I With a very ' - . two ganies in Loiuloi
. I e announe
, I . I serious ace
i , -
.. - Nichol was 0 kindly granted and fitted daughter .of John Blatchfbrdl Esq., Of —Ali Exeter dispatch of Friday las� evening ill 111-S Own hoWse while han_-111 ago, in tli-e .silv,er tan
a, magmiticelit succesay nearly every see- body - o' S ideiit the other
C� - n Sunday evenin ast' to *hear. avoidably absent, the former holding .
0 'O. 9
tion of the Provinc6 'being re resented, -the funeral7sernion of thge� r late sister revival meetings in his own church, and u p in which to spread the tables,'which, this village. The marriage ceremony says Neil McNeil, l n lip pictures. He -,v.Is sial ,clubs played. St. )l
while H,uroii and Perth sea in., es to have Miss, Booth. ---:The offic . Mcliinesj ldhig on a step - ,
; I I., ers of the 86olva the latter being in ill-bealth. Mr. Mar- tile ladies did in,excellelit style, Show- was performed at the residence of the and John Urquhart, of the to-wilsilip 0 ladder, _
tuxined. (, ut. almost en 7wsse. There were tion Army,"wit-I �. '6er 0 . . est City club, defo,
4 , hum r - 1
3. . Stephen, were arrested Thursday for � . ladder commenced to slide out. Afr... - - shots. Thaniesville
i, a Ilarg f tin - pasto of the church, acted tactand ability that would be hard bride's father by the bride's I -and in the act of reach-ing up the ,
23 animal offered, and, Of these 16 were soldiers . w�llt to, Bruss( s Thursday chairman, and .4irst called oil the Reava' Mu ' �
I � I ,Tass. Tea -,over the crowd retired Rev. T. W. Blatchford, B. A., of Strath'- attempted burglary at the, 6iiseof Nei Carter clutched at a book -case 'which : - Atfeating them by 0
sold.The stock was of the verybest qual- evening last Iveek to assist hi air brethren 'k1r. Fletcher, who, wheii. he rose, said jto the church, where a rich litara roy, afterwhich the happy couple t;ook McCuish, in the same township, las was near him, and pulled it Pon . . and Tha:inesville thei
ity the -Prnyince can prodac - e,andthelt-ni- in th�i�town.—Iil ihe list:of tbose .who he - was like tile HigrIllanders- -in battle ; treat was in store for them. Rev. r. down u -
- -
inals Nverz� in -owl, healtliv Condition. passed the -r examinat. the South express train for a short trip, Tuesda,ynight,aiideotnmittedto(,,oderic� him. He was bad 1 'he � 4ub proving' victon'
, ly bruised T -
7.1.3 .- I before the be Nvas always put forward to break the Torrance presided in-1iis. ustal pleasant followed by the well-wislies of their jail to stand their trial. It appqars Me' bone of his right arni, . --1 thus 1,ei`�UE�g theni
I I . was splintered, - �-. J
'The prices realized Ivere � fair but not La,,%,v Soeiet� -tit Toronto li'all i, ek; , and icei for the rest to get through. Messrs. waY. Addresse8 by Rev. .Messrs. Ball many friends.—Mr. W. H. Twohy and Caish had some money in the house and' and he is suffering �L g*od -final contest in Toroij.
14-,-L', coil'-�ikleriiigg the lang'e attendance were licensed as Baxristers, � P- -e have Teeter and Murray following '- gave - and Dyke were edifyiii g 1111 d ilistructi ve, . dealfroni his- -- . r - :
# .
. ; 1%, 0'. 0 wife left here - this week- 'on .a trip to the prisoners knew, it, but McCuish and . injuries. .
. f I I ;
I . . �
. � . : .- � . I � . � I I i
7 .1 . . . . - �
. I - � I . . I I � q . -- . I
I A . I 11 ,� .
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