HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-02-06, Page 3------ -,�­, , ., � , , � .1 ­ 1 ­­"9F— �-­­ -- ­. I— , ,­ , - - . - . �­111W11—­ .-- -3,4-T---7,- ­ ­­ �­ � ---., �­ -, -1 - ;- I ­ i . . . . - . . , t - I ! . . . . - � ­ -- I - - , , I' I I . I . . I - I . . . . - I . � I . . . . . � '. . . - . . -1 ! � � - I . I I . . � . I - I I i I I -- I . I � . I � . . . . I � I I � . I i . . � , . � I . - - I - . - - ; � . .. - - - , � � . , � i . . ..� . � i � � . . . - - 6� � -� - .7 . . - . � � ; 11 � � . : --- 11 ­- - I -­­ - � 11 -- I � - , " - : . a� . � � X . I � � � � - � - � ; : - : I . - . I . � � � - � ­ - - � � 6. 1W ", I p ) �- I � ­ uir �i*e � I I I � - - . � I � .. - . '. . " , - .. 1. � -1 - . I ! �, ; . . : , .� .. .1 . , 1, I � � . 1 . I - - L ­ I -­ � . - , ­ � . - � - I - - I � - -. - ­ I � - .- -- I - I - I I I L � . � - � - - 1. . � � I � . . . - ,� , - I - - u .. - . � , - - � . - I -� - �, . 11 , , � - I � - - - . - --- -­ ­ �.­ � - , , - , � � , -- - - . - - , � ­ ,­­ - ­ : �. - - . . . - :­-�­�­ , ­ ­­­.— I I I - " . -- . � I - . I � , . . I . ,; I. . . - A . � . - � . . I , . . � . � - - . FERRUARY 61 1885. - " . ­ . I � . , �� - . -- - � . . � . . - I , I I � . I I i � . . .J.:.. i � .ri i I . . I i . I . . I . - I . � I - - � I , . . � . -- - I �� I - 1. . - - - - , ­�L, - - .. .- - � � I - �� . � , � ,- �-, '��.�,�'�-,-e-�',-: '. �- -­­�, :, ,t�t , � �- . '. ,- 4 I ­ . � 1.4,"'.- ­-�-­, .* , � , - � . I - I �. * , - .1 - � . - - I- - 11 , ­� .-,� - ­, � ", 1. - ­- ­ �`­ . - - V �� ,- I - `-Z - -I - -- ---- - -.-, ­� ,� ­­c�;-­� , ,�� � ,,-, , �;-v,.--- .,-,,r.. .. .� . - �� 11 4- �.­ —"----�­-­- . . . � . I I - . � . � I . �, I I . . . � I . : . , - - . I i I . � . . . . . , . � I I i - I i - . - � � . I . I - . I thought that you, being a "Man, must I -- long -little i tff Ir, sary sufferin ,. One (if - *our merchants 70, I sometimes for a more so- . was going to urch with his wife on , -- " - - - -- . . c iety." � - Sunday moniiing, when she'suddenly I ��� ­�� I - . " Because I am like Ted, and ha,ve i-fo stopped, andput her hand to her head. "What's �-u WOULD . �, resources,, I suppose?" but, this time, I the matter?�,' he asked,! . ... there was a niolified gleam in his eyes. startled by tb o look on hdr* fade.—, I Ob I! .. . I ". I think I am 6ne of the quiet sori - a'- . �p -'I have got onmy brown hat."--7-d'F,h ?11 -- I I I I I - . faw friends content me. 1%4r. Logaii is . � ejaculated the astopished mail. ,She I I a- !lost in himself,, with- sufficient infor- burst into tears. 11 Why, MaiItha, what - ; � I 0- - i � � i . i� , , I � ne, .. 0 � �� - I � niation to stock half a dozen Ordinary - men., not to, mention Captain Fawcett is the matter ith yoV?" he demanded. " bon' t If ee what is the Inflater?" .... 4., . -- MAIN s,Tr.r.ET, SEAFORTH, yoxf' . I - I I - ­:- -who has travelledand seen the world ; . - she' returned: ii a sobbing voice. ' " I've . �� . . � I --7. I , und then we have Harry Chester at got on bidwil liat with my striped . In � - - t, .1 . Karldale, and Mr. Rayy the Vicar of silk. Oh� wl at will people say ?" . . I . I . - I andttle Kalsinere, and tile Sawerleys of Bl, . ' =A Scote -ininister vas once ordered h . - , - All-% I - - uvemats I � � ,— (�rallge —very sensible good peo- le the Cunvinghains, Dora all(. her ee , . is physiciari. * The next day b f tea -by hi1 I . the that it had . and . patientp6ln ained made ; �l . . - I..... father, at Crosgill Vicarage. My sisters I him sick. 11 I by, minister," said the . . I . I . � -- . 11111st. take you over there, Miss Mar- � . doctor, I I I'll- try � the tea mysel.. " So, - ­ I . ri6tt.. One c an have friends enbugh for 1i putting,some in a skillet, he warmed it, - . I i - the askilag,) e- continued G'arth, loftily. tasted V�t,.and to,ld'the minister it was i IT � 11 I always disliked crowds of acquaint- excelle�fit. "-Man," said. the' minister, . - . -- . . ances ; I am not like Ted. " 6+1 t fly you sup it ? I I What is thaaNt the � I . � . Queenie gave him an -understanding ither *-ay sbo d you sup - it ? It's ex- ' � . . gla-tice, but her elosed, lips offered. .. � cell " ent, I saY, iiiinister. " " It may be � . I - . " I no response. The slirewd little observer linnian to heiIself, . . gnid that waY, 'doctor; but try �Jt wil -Bros.. ,,.. , -.. of nattire was saying the cream and.sugar, mail, troy it wi'., . I . . "I have foiind you out, Mr. Clayton, � - that, &n'd then see'lloo ye like it!" . I . - -11 - � , . . you axe good, b -lit you &'re not per- —Farmer Jones to visitor—" I've aot - 0 i � . ��.; I - ., . fect. Cathy is righti It is better, so . 4411 as any ma as good a wi L . III in these ppi-ts I I t � 1. . � ­ .. 1ER19 you think-, to be the leading m an , in H,epshaw and kin g in-Wartsdale, then , if I do,iay U" .Visitor—'I ani�:iiot I inarried my,Q � I lixit nevertheless V � 0 , � , can I I -1 I . to be simply Mr. Clayton in London or ' a,pprecia,tetl��... prize which a husband % I .. r � � � . . C ,arlisle ; to .lord it over inferior ininds inay ta.ke i � a good. wife." , Jon's— I e . I a I . . . . . . . ; ­ � - thall, to mix irith superior intelligence. " . 1) " Why, ve i cnbwn that woman to get . � a . , �, I Half Price. 1; I- And, ,is she reorganized this trait, som e- tip at 4 o'elobk in. the. mornin', milk- 16 . � I ' . . I - . I - � -% pang, of disappointment thing like . g cows, and breakfast for 20 pien, ,,in' 9� - t, � . . ��� . - .� . . - her mind-., . - cl ossed - I . � '. -1 1�1 , � t have the htil, I ping done afore sunrise. � " 'h Was he not a sort of hero to her 9 and And -no O e only, I �ut week in and 1 1 1 � � . . ought not heroes to be perfect? , . . ..Nveek ut, ati' -Ou kiri see as well as I kill Illy : . .. I 0 I . � 44 It strikes me that I have' been.very' . . . 9 �'tbat he ain" a.stron- wonian nuthen CI I p C 0, F IT-! egotis and tli,%t u g stic%,I� I . ­ -4 - : �- . '�,Tork � I I tiredi" he sai 0 d, at last, rousin(y her froin, Peculiar. New 11)riinlking - . . � � � - , � � ker reverie, atid turnina his bright face t' Saloons. � � . - i � f look , at -till oil her with such alkindly - th : ' WHE ILE SWEMD LADiES TI�PLE WHILE, - . - - L . I 0 I - .1 her brief disdain died from, that mio�- . THEY T�,ADE. . ; : e . � , :tnent. ". Let' its come and see bow Ted - ' I . I - I doors -,,it Passinty tbi ough the. storn " , . , . it colne and get a, : has managed the luncheon; lie always " . , '0 , e I eii:;r ce -Of a 8, the sid ' an - ixth Av hue �, � I � I � act s as my steward OR these occasions. -ii% s% -s a short pas- drink , loon oneelitei U]I�DE R SHI RTS - . . "I wonder who Dora is," though t sage or vestibule, �vitli a. sinall door at ­ , � Iced* also, a, f epw . . I Queenie, as they ,%vadked leisurely back- J)ehiiid some laden 'trucks. " I wonder - thle side bearing the legend 11 Gentlenwin " , X . unaccompanied by ladies not adi nitted. .! I � PS alad V ELVF,- I � if Cathy has- ever nientioned her. Dora - C'mil-iingham and her father at Cross,gill . . The Keversal of the customary warning "" . L . � - to ladies linaccoinpanied by gt,ntlen�Q' 11 is � ut� to, make room N'icarage !', . ,- - I explained by it gla ce into the e 4ily- ne 0. I, I I -. furnished , artil -Lent into which the . � . . CRAPTER,,.XV. I .1 small door ­opens,� . especially during ; . � . I . - I - I . . I . QUEE-�\-IE,s C0r-Z,-S-F,LL0J,?,. . shopping hours. Die interior is con - ' . I ' . ,,F,I> at -15c,; ,855c, -1 . " Thott canil'st not to tby place by accident - . : - I nected with the adjoining saloou, and is - ii- cro*d�.Al at such,tiine,s with ladies ofte . . I � � I U), 666, t6 -elear, * It is the very place God tneant for thee; I And should'�t thou there sniall scope foraction � enj oying (landesthie refreshments. ; � � - . . . � . � see, � . - Du not for this,give rooin to discontent." . . 9- ingly, in pa irs�, and in groups of three . -I, &lid four, th( y occupy little n %liogaii� I � � � i � A . . Trench. , Ted had proved himself azi able stew- tables Avith 0-iPair Oasses befo e them I t. p . � � 7 . � ; � * * i - ard ; aild a s-titheiently luxuriod�i hinch- while soine are �ndulginc ( 0 0 0 1 11 but The glasses mostly coi)t,%i beer I ; . L I w . k Z � Bros.; - con had been. conji�rcd up for their I I.. - ref resh,iraeut. I there isa su. ficieil t Iningling of stronger . 0 -, I it 11 bevera( to indicate a trained habii o � . I - ,. . .1 Queenie had never in. her life been � . ges . the part of tie7 fair drinkers. III rare � ; � � , - . \- preient at a, -stran-er picnic ; a table had. - 0 instances ina e escorts are observable at - i . 4 - � . r- I . . been set -,it the base of a juttu7.i,g cliff, I aind boxes and etuptied hanibers for med e . tl� les, but one or auO . I I � � rade s(��%ts for t1le party. The brothers are -Jie most part solel occupied they C for � .y by fashionably -dressed. - women, some MPresided, � I I . and Ted -'s boyish face beallied ­ I . . with packa.cr s of I ecent purchases, -aild : N - e � E . With. innocent satisfaction at the re Ult - - � -1-1 . 0 . . I ation that their others wi io such indic, . . � I — . w . 9 9 of his successf al 1-61ala""ement. �wt . ,� . � presence. in the drinking den is inciden- - q, P. - - . -�; MAIN �. . . this first-rate'," lie whispered toQueepie, 4, -who -,sat beside him. " Not drotl I 0 I tal ratber th I premeditated. - .tk.,.I:, F �� 1. . t a Of -ain I ell recently entered one of Ag a repo+ "" I : - - , 1. I � I to spoil elljoylaent, and only en. ough � I July chaperoned, there - these retre, I ! � - � - wind to blow the t,-Lble-cloth off once. - - ,, ,was a subdu d-huni of.,conversation, like . , � - . . I NN. e broke one bottle of cream, but that�s - atiloon. the softTiluriiiitrof,its,iiiiiiiierhiN e t ' P�- . . iiothing� Y ou in-ust have som. e chain- A white-4-tprmed waiter of obsequious . . I I . : . . -)it. -v'arth alwi�ys does t1iings i cril.e. C lum-n1somely for the ladies., Miss Cosie 3) - ' . C , Oil demeaudr, who had'entered by a "" lid 1 �RTER%Slf persuasively, " you will have just half I a -1 the It 0 . glass paneled door . fron . 40illill" aaloou, was 1.,%kirig the orders -of it group i ­ . - . ,gla�;i� to drink Garth's health ?" . a 0 of thi -ee ladies.who liad just appropriat- I I ; � " XTy de, -.lot a drop. Wha,tanidea- , - %r, i � ed one of the tables. Of iwilozen or int)re � �- I alid I .-a total abstainer !" and Miss others.who -%. re discussing beverao,6s ve ' 1 - w Cosie-'s big curls quite shook with excite- "I -u dear . 0 arouiiii then-. , one -was enjoying a . plate , . . . � UnterF 's iiient. wish yo and your- ' bruther would thilik -with ine on this of 8wiss cbc.�se and ',inotlier ,% sardine i tlireeyOUDC' ladies -hi ex- � . - - ,,ub-ject. If Orly inore of'hisinen would sail Jw ch, aiql 0 1 sea'skins and towering liat . ! � � ; siff ti, the pledl�:,,e I Fancy Hepshaw with- J.) , � peiisive 0 plumage weie-lazily fm Oking cigarettes ' 0 i : i ; olut a single public house ! why, it would � � . 0 over delicate looking compounds iliat" i i . � % I . STORE* be paradise over a,cgain," continued the litti.le woniuva, patting his coat -sleeve in 0 . . ' were airily suggestive of it vinous or It late in the � - - . � % . ber -anergy ; " but there there -my deal-, I ) alGoh!blic I . was after- ` RL'. (". I � ,�- ,� . � . � - . ; . ; I I E . . I I we cant expect ol(f head.5 on young )loon. I a, I .. . - de, . oing ni n -s," " I must ileally be a ­ m� I I � . ; . I � r �- , . I I . ihoulders.." . . � I 0 11 - -� party of three-, reluctantly sadd one of c. � ON T . . I . . i (To He Contiattedf-) . �. I ; rising aiter' finishing her beer and, i � I : � . , a . I - * ath tges. "I have g ering -.up. her packE � . ��. I - . I Galeties. I been here Wro hours already, and will � � I : I . � � �� i - - 'AN`om­&n to intrtiding boy -"If you . - . barely have time to see to the dinher f . .-I - 614-v and Dridal pres- , ,� diou"t keep out of this yard, you'll catch I before illy hi.lsba,nd coni es home from his ` - , iban, ever. �oiue " ' - C ,,e, it." Boy-" All right ; I woul(Til't have b,asi s ' i . - I lie. a." I , Xfy _ bu Y _ � �0 y or nGt. -X k deslggl� - in ad known yo .Iks 1- I 'z ii. fo - had I come i i . - lu 71 - 11,8tay for! one inore, . urged one of " 'have . atest . ,rl"e III . . I - �,-01 �NVAREJEM-ELRY . I � it.7 � I �. I ' - I' w the I - 10 CoMpailL her . ons. Yoh � . ,,Irilf be ,*ld ( I.. E -heap for � -A young mail, as-k7ed tlie lady of his . holiday. dis..,lays and the conse(luent . I -1 �ed -as Tel-iresenled, or I .. . I 11[ftTtions, the other evenincr how she 7 - 0) crush in thelsto4reS as all excuse for late- I � I � . I i - L, 0 like(I the look of his new s'aaidiiiv- collil,r. , shopping, y(l) kilow. 2, . . . � I . � � v Ladie.i' and Gents, ' Aftev efitiM11Y su'-A-03-illo` 111111 atlrd the " C. X I . �ks; I�ve tried that oil twice * , - lold aiid.Silver-filled, 44 coltar. she replied, very nice, Indeed. . alreadN , and �` illy liusband is too %vide-- , andluovenients of all It looks like it white%N-aslled funce round awake to put up with it a(mill. Crood- I 0 .inf, VN'atch for i-ent's . R 11111,1&C ifINY11-1111." . - byc : and re�iieiiiberyou both owe me 1-4 . . - (kitick Tiain Wat(-h. - I by the --`rew clerk ill Candy stiire-­ " How \ - 1 . �- 1 . visif�" I - . I I ­Manvitued .fly b�y . do vou -et li'vench candy fresh -l!" Pro- I'liere w" a little ripple of regrets. I . . . . . pri�tor-o 11 Fresli ? Wlty,' we inake it, auit adieux ,4s she tore herself Ivn,a-y. � z � � (yf cuttrse."-" 11en why do.they call it ii th 'olitary occupant Of a table Tile e $ � I I 4� T E. R., Fverich—do the ingredients corne froni I. corner, -whoni tile- re - in tile remotest . . � . � I . - 0 Fra lice ':I'- " Well, I dai'I't kliow ; may-, . , port-er had t-�ot before noticed -a vei.N. . i I - � HuntZn­ Qv5e, floll 1.� er of P, 8 does." I)e the plast ivri '. I - voii -onia u , 1)1;t prett% n '" .n -hi 1110urnin".. 11 * ' . .� r.-Nv, - 11 � . - e - -Averacr !-A farhier sent his boy a . .1 e -e i , hly flush d cheeks and with f % 1715 I F . to the sugaX Iiiish to.,loolk after the sap 'boy. sparklill(k e Ts-si,V1111,11e I the attendamlit I . �. . 1n,t(:keU-. Wlien tho returned, his to lier ii�de lid oi 96 it little more i . I - father asked, " ho�w are tbey ?" " We H " -v alid, seltzer" in -a low, niu,iical whi,k I � � - - . . , the bdy replied, solne itre li�alf full, so-ine . I . . I : . � voce. . I - . a . � � -T-�""`k !� - L . - _Inlil- . - I - sorne are rt.1,1,1�1.1111,(r 0 -ei:. .AlT fulL, and. - ; ­ N - I "' - - I'(] hate to be. III;P,rried &lid ha ve to , lio"ur, like ! giie.,�.s, they"ll average abaut f u71. 0 hurry hoine at a reguh%tion CL i : � * i -eae Je --A dull pi aller once took the cc - slavi-," ol)sarved one Qf'the cigarettew". t - 0 1 Iflakes alicl, prices. , . - , , , - - - hiatetl Robert Hall to t ask, for his chit -If sill0kers, in cou'unent upoii the lady.' -who I a I . . I . ' .. nu.; conversati , ,oii. : " How can a iiiali ' . 1011i had taken ll�r d tulle ill response to � . - I I . � I " he said, talk iti ,who preaehes like you,' . , dutv's gti - . 11 sinall1l)% ce. 1 - I I - . . q Z.. I c . I - � - - � NO triffing a mauxier? " That's just the . " So Nvoul(,l L" sai& tbe youn(,er of I cn I � . . : I I I � I EDWARE. ; . . . - . . Jiffi:renee between it's," replied Hall. . I )it— 1, - `i'ati talk yottr nonsduse ha the pill, , �. bei CollIPWIlions-. -1 Papa rarely asks . V - It 111110I L. Where I have'been -when I -et hoine I ­ 5 C, . t I . . I talk mine out of it." � T ­ latt'. If lie (406s, I've al -ways a purchase and Flat Ware, eout- _Little I)OV (I : front (1400r) -" Is at t1.1e ' � or'two its anlexplanation, and. he'drilik8 Itio-"t of tile Faticy - ' the doctor in? "Cause if lie is 1 wilalt to ,so lutiell 11illiself whell dou'll town that , - Se. itnt-" He's . ,iee hini right away. " , .ry I lie can't discpve-r anything in my -bre, 0 -ath . ­ 11,0,tin-.1, -Well, j�vistits soon ashe gets I Z7 when I kiss Idill." - I � . I - - lioule you tell libli to colri6 over to our . - .4,xouslld,til(II)fo.tlir��itliei- vish to I)e . - . �­ . T L R` " liott,4e and take that baby*aff lie left Last - I iiiitrried. as I aui,toaman 010 is Ilot I . I . . W e E! k. I t's in th e way. " - I over-inquisi#�ve," s,%id th6 tl irdl* with i i, � ; -1 � r � I - - fir� - 1T'ettilif, a picture taken ; 'I Now, 11 0 complacent S�niile. !' Mixi-yis the vC,1:N - . , A -.clas,z jewellery w r - ( "Olored- and R ti;, . )(I-raplier, ta,kiag hold of ,;aid the phot(g I 1-1 . soul of consi(ller,%tio'li, aii(I spends tfi'e . . ,ht J- 1,�- .1 o '-W- �-Afl',', Lat Pins, � "I . "; � I the cloth over the instruinent, " are you "most . . . of the tillie.at his club when not at. . . III, �1,4 - --- 11 14 , Gold Ruff", .1; va nf altready?" "Yes,," repliedthecuAoni­ , y iji,gf billiards down tovi-ii. hi - offlee or pla� " J ... . 4irt 14ttvl�, Lockets, 1� I , - � I �� �- ellaiiis also ��anie . . ' � tha't I .just keep your eye.on. (-r. - -1 Well,'I _ � Wait I repeat these, if you C " yolli I'llay .. i . I ,- ... . Plate, Gilt, A --ate, - � . .,.�igll,­ poi�lititlgr to a legend oil the wall, C, I � 111 � I . e " Is �,very ilfe.w I I - lt:� Alsa Xeer.�,(-hatuvt -11. whiull read " Positively No Credit," and - I , I minutes, ladies ivere I 1;1i(-ks, a-wi llo(-ket "I , . 14k).1, pleasant.' - ' I quitt the place and their scats, were . ini, n -t ---,it all r. V., ,Vld V) ,T 4,., I . . � . -A jud-e who he&d been a great . I 1 0 9 - - oveil, 1. Pl��tl by lie%%- comers.' Tbere was a . - � I � . - � � . - . . 0 . I rly life, recognized an old hvzoap in ea , . constant rustle of skifts, mingled with ; 0 � ' --- . ­ i.- 1 � - . . Z . . I ZLV(111�tintance ai a prisoner brought be- - . 0 . filre hiln, himself safe ; every -day -,1niall talk and comineiits , . I upon the ref -eslinieuts 1 -Oduced. Duri 11" � I � . 11, Q ... I I I VI - 11 . � - and slipposill"g . ., . f rom recogRitimi, asked : -what had be- i - 0 lilivof these olle of the. I'llost bust chanues I 0 � 0 4� I : . � p �, i , I . 1-�I CMI't, 6,f the conipii;ilio,fis of his early life - - � " . the pretty, �otlug 'wolliall ill 11lournility M . 1.11 .. lie furtively k 'r order and . F trade as usual, �- � tbey are all ,i af crime. Th� repily was, eated 4 . - I �l .. I 1. . I baitgred your -Tionor, except YOU and � I Shrank yet ( eeper into her 1corner, -%vith . - - I . . ill � I Z I I . ' " . 1110. 1� I her lace I I I ndker * Ta chief half . li-,diii!,, - I -11, . i 11 7 -11 - - - Doctor, who has been sent for at 2 I i the glass that, -was- pre§entiv­­:.r,tised - I- . 11 11 � I - . I � � t, (.I,,,. -k a,. in.—" Madatu, 'pray send, at . . lips by the dailitiest of gloved to hei 7 , x. � lk if.. : 1*1 T E F? � "I - '"' 041(1; for tile clergyniain ; and if you ' ant � 'the I . - - , I ai)(I.S. . I ]I, I � - ; - tt) inake your -will, fol: lawyer.--* - I haN-e been Ilere a nuniber'of tillies, . � I 11 I - a -maker and it;wc1ler, Nlw'aiia (1iorrified)—" Good gracious ! is I . - - � t dangero-us, doctor,:', Doctor-- . tholugl e�'er to remain- niorethan it few 0 I n - reporterL�s �Iolllpalliinl. minutes,". said the ,. ­ . I varfirth, . '-' -- ---- - ­ - I it �­ ) i I a N- � - a hit of it; -but I don"t walit to be ! ot , I ' " The majority of the'ladies you have - I . - ­ K' LLE - MKIL& - the only fool who has been distu�bed iii I . : -e perfe tly in- seen coming and goiug;�4 I C . ' I �- �� I iisslleep for nothbig." I C) nocent in .seeking .refreshment here, .0 � i"debted toL tue, for - I . I - I e sensitive than --A woniarl: is far nior , I They are really tired out -wifil. shopping, - I- - , - , I ^-�v V-111 a(vounts that owing , . L 114MI. She has finer feelings and -a more l 10 't' I oi- Ina king a -wearisome-round of visits I Tok faill by fire I'an't . . I .r a prollilA settletmetit deli(Mte inind, There very fe w& trien I - ' 4 in wo aIid inerely, drop in for -a glass of beer or 1 i as a simple a blite of something O's inust be t-JO!3ed. Who realize this, 4nd cons,equence I 0 palatable 1 I � I not be llectr�ssarl, * * .vmu is made to 'eadure. Inuch ulilleced- . Ao � ly 'i.e rative. But nian of those ypu , , - , - 4 � A. G. V,&,,zF.r;�-q6X,�.- I - . . I . 1 . I . - I � . . I i � . . . � � . - . � . . I . I I : - I I . I . i . I . . � I I- . - - i . I , - I 'I - ;A . I o ­­­- - -- myp—�---­---��- ff- , � ��---�;..�---------�-----,�,-,�, ,r . ­­ . --.-- I ­ -- - - - -- / . . I .. � . . � . . . . . I . . . .. . . � . I . . — . . � � � . I - * - have seen I should say are ha itues.. I IMPORTANT NOTICES. ..� . L � ,�, . I I . R 0 B E R T W I L L I S e n re without seeing � . dence oil Gcorge Street, Sedond Door I�ast of Main Street, Seaiorth.' � 0 879 then there are others scattered all over to the late firin are t'- b id t John Vaux, e 0 those .cigarette -smokers, ,Mio probably WANTI'M.-Wanted about 25 cords . I visit the place every afternoon, weather WOOD of first-class two feeb greellL wood (0), which . permitting. The aristocrat c-lookin 11 little the highest niarket price in cash will ' be paid. Apply at once to the Exi)osITOO OffiCC. 8-14 . : elderly lady yo6der, with the gir ---- ITHE PEOP LE'S SHOEMAKE R fondling a new doll at her sde, must ONEY TO LOAN. -To lend, ,,42,000 private W1 I.j L - - � come here ulte as often. 1he little . funds by tile end of June, oil First -Class . I . �r 'I girl invariabi " coollipanies hei, and may farni security, only fA per centI -interest, pamble a _ - t tile Ond of a year. For furtflef lllforn;-�tioll . j i be her grandchild. The two i�ttractive . L ai)ply at the R ,XPOHITOR OFFICE. 802-tf. . MAIN s,Tr.r.ET, SEAFORTH, women, with their ]leads toge;her, and -- I I ingre sui I think. the- pluni'est and mog t stylish p ECENTOR WANTED.- Applications. will PU I . � . . of the tw6is the young wife of an old and, -very rich broker, L who L doubt -less be received by the undersignied for Precen- tor in the Presbyterian Church, Bluevale. Each . ., Has resolved that from and after this daU lie will conduct his business strictly on � L applicant to have it trial of two successive Still. S I imagines her wholly angrossed with all everyday ahopping nVailia, wit, out sus- Eraction days. Snlat-N, tifty dollars. Applications re- ,ei,ed - , L until-Febriltiry 15th. JAMES ELLIOTT, . . . the CA8H PRINCIPLE, and wilr- give his, customers the benefit of the advantage. �, L pecting the real nature of the h ' which keeps her from 'her lome and. Bluevale. 893-4 . . Remember, if yot want cheap BOOTS AND SHOES of thevet best quality, yon I . y . children. As for the pretty litl�e widow ETTLE UP. --All parties indebted to ine, will S pleme take notice that f ain leaving Sea- f9rth. � - � � tf L . can cret thew at WILLIS', if you have the money to pay for 1011n - . _ 9 over there'in the corner, she Li$ Mrs. . And all accounts not paid before thel5th in . - 0�1 and I think she must be the 'dest and of February will -he placed it) Other hands for collection. 'THOMAS COVE , NTRY. 893-tf. -- : - L . . - . steadiest freq#enter of this I . : �. . . . take it phe is now a 'widow by -reason of, 1. OTE'S LOST. -Lost recenfli-, three notes, N . I I � i the weeds she wears so becomingly 'although a year or inord ago, when one niade by Janies Rinn, in favor of Isa- bella Glendindnol-: one by Andrew Morrison, .%lid . 3 ' . 4 ' . i Custom Work and Repairing Attended to. .f first remarked her here, she w4s invari- . . -8b the other by Thoinas Foi in favor of J. - bes, all sa bella Glendiming. All parties are hereby cau- . � . . ably. ac,c'omp,-.aiied by her hu id,sonie-., tioned against neg,otiatillir said notes as payinent . . , .1 . : I . thing of a swell, and a well kii)wn ina,n of the saine ha.6 been" stopped. , 18ABELLA CLENDINNIN(,,. 80x4. I . ­ - . / about town. And theh, A e drank � . - The repoi�ter inentioned , the case of ' nothing but champagne, whi8l: - lie paid -KOTfCE.' The annual nicetinir of the Usborne , Z, Ilibbort,lNutual Coul- ' The Best and Larges -t Stock in the County for careles§ly eniongli, though partaking 0 Z) -4-4 and Fire Insurance 1 1 but spariji&' himself. Now li�r fortune I pan,, will be held at Farquhar, oil Monday, tlie . 5 . . - . . . to Select From. seems to have, . undergone 4 suddell, 2nd -day of February, 188.). at - 1 o",elock p. in. For the purpose of re'eciving the report of the . - I � change. i By the way, did y0li notice Directors and th I election of a Board of Direc- . . I L I . . � the hesitancy with -NOlich t1le waiter tors for the current year. NL. J. CLARK, Seen- . - . , . � filld her last order? I did. It was tary. . S93x4. - � I slight but unmistakable. i There --- . AR31 TO RENT. -For sale a, very valuable F .1 All Parties Indebted Must Settl& Up at. Once.. - : was s-,arcely a vacan,t seat at farni,lot 11,concession 12, township of Stan- I r - . 11 the little tables as the reporte, 6nd his - ley, there ,ire 100 acres of land, a large brick dwellingg, two franie barns, sh6ils, &c., excellent I I I I cOT,11pE0iioii took thei: 1 ture. and r depa . liand, orchard. Ininiediate possession. Terins. easy. . - I ; i ; I ROBERT WILLIS, SOEAFORTK the pretty Nvidow, purse in I tip- . Apply to JOHN BROWN or to JOHN ESSON, . . peared to be holding III half sinflincrjo-vv- ( 07 �With B,k)-field P. O., Hurou County. 893-7. . .. — � I voiced �arguiiieiif the white-aproned . - � . attendant, who had just take4 UP her . I GREAT BARGAIN.- Will be sold clicap A140.,.cies of good land, heavily tin-,bered, I L L Huron's Photographic Estab ishment glass and --%vas reluctantly considering chiefly inaple, sonle Heinlock and Cedar, never 11 . . . the propriety of its re'plenislIment. failin- streani through it. Three miles from t, , , Subsequently one of the ' li,oprietors - ' I Allanford ,station, township of Aniabel, County I of the saloon was questioned . I y the re- C 'c of Bruce. Apply to box 284, Stratford, or Ex- 1,081'rolt. Office. 893-tf . I porter. I � . " There are twelve or 'fifteen saloons A with side accommodatin-cl for lad ti - ­­ ­ ---­--- for the transaction of any other buginess that W. W. WADE n isky, you know, With J SEAFORTH. a dash of seltzer, So it goes step by * Lizluidator'ofsaid C.T 89.5-2 I 0. pany. I � 11 step, and, each a little lower down. The . . 'I . � . 11 � . � �, ISROLUTION OF 'PARTNEM-91-11P.-Notice 11) is hereby given that the Partnership iere- .7 ' r ,plers like ours on this avenue between tofore exiStinir-liLtween John Vaux and Coc Crossland, iis"Maebinists, Seaforth, has this kson day , ' Tenth and Thirty-secon(l,. streets,- and been dissolved by in utu.k] cot) Sell t. Alldebtsdue cant gesture of his thumb toward the . . dence oil Gcorge Street, Sedond Door I�ast of Main Street, Seaiorth.' � 0 879 then there are others scattered all over to the late firin are t'- b id t John Vaux, e 0 who our 25, 35, -tip . town, according to ilie demand. In ladies' -�,9`0, mill diseharge all lim iiitiL ' . f thesaidfirin. forth, January IRV 1885., F.- HOMNIESTEAD, ' Sea- Havir -fact, without the att�cl room I- Barrister, Seaforth. � i 893-4 L balustrade inent our afternoon trade would be apt . . ' I to go &-begging. Yes, they come at IPAUTION.-The publib are hereby canti kJ ag,ainst tied �q to turn o night, too, but we're mighty circuili- purchasing ortiegotiating a-ilo e of 0 hand inade by Sainuel Smith in favor of Win. . 11lertsy and .�pect -whoin we adinit after dark, and would, sooner they would come at such Scoti for the suin of t:100 hearing dat-i Janua"' J ` uitlil 1884 and 12 date, as Any of t1i , times Under escort. But, taken alto- payable ifientlis after value has;iot been given for the sanic. SAMUEL ingre sui gether, ladies' custom is.very desirable. . SMITH, McKillop, Japuary 16th, 1885. 894,k4 f I work allo With hardly ali exception -I only know -.:. -- - --- ­­. - I -rOTICE -whivii falls -P -ii April Ist, his first public" - � of one -they are as quiet and orderly as TO MILK DRAWERS. -The Walton N1 Union Cheese Butter Factory, let . kittens, take what - is set before 'ein . and will their tuilk routes on Saturday, February 14th, FRA� without a gro,%0 and pay their sbots !885, in BeirneR" Hall, at I o'clock p. im The -which the like thorouc,hbreds. Beer is their fa- Whey will'be sold on the same day. R. S. FER- - naine of " llover." Ile has a sce'ar oil the side of O vorite drink but the majority Of thel"ll, GUSON, Secretary; JONATHAN,310ORE, Pre- i 895-3 sident designs, w know good liquor from bad as suddenly . . days ; ve as an old rounder, and in the way of , � -T OTE LOST.�­Lost about the Ist of January, N hand by John Henry . mixed drinks one has only to study the a note of initle and PATTE.RSO'N, Brumfield P. 0. - 804-4 deal- creature.q' tastes attentively and I then `eui�to Cooper, in favor.tof John George Cole for. $18, aiidbea�iiii-(],,tte'FebruaSi-14,188-t,.tnd payable 0 I Mou cultivate up to make steady ten nionths after date, %e public are hereby . made to oi - cithtoniers of chance droppe . rs-in. Oli, cautioned agrainst purchaging, of- negotiating this - - of the wor 1� . I yes3 the shoppers' trade. is a, pay ing one, n,te,-­a,pavIl1eI]t of the'same has been stopped, and the fiti4er will be suitably rewarded on de -7 7 . and don't You for(ret it." . 0 livering,the saine to S. COLE, Constance P. O., - I . . The repoi�ter inentioned , the case of ' Januai� 26th, 1885. 896x4 I N. B. Mrs. —, the youncr widowi at -whicli 0 --- . - - the salooil-keep(:�,r ,,it olice betrayed signs . 0 . C1 PLE,NDID BUSINESS CHANCE. -The Har- 0 ness Shop in which waiscarried oil the Harness -well in (In of perturbation ' and'uneasiness. business of the late 0. Andrus, is flow offered to dry plate " Oh, yes, ItIrs. —,whom Jack — Rent. This is the oldest and best established crround flo left a widow a year or so atro !" lie ex- n harness business in the Town of Wilic-hain, and 11 is the best stand. - There is III connection Nvith -1 . clainied,iinpatiently. ",8lieusedtobe thi-, business a. stock worth -about .Q850, which . . .J . a pei Feet littl� gaiii, coming here in a a her husbaud niny be bou­ht by the Lessee. The shop alone . I of- the whole two stot%v brick building, part of we coach alona with and mak- 0 is d%�Ielling, be leased by 1-1. of the College of Physicimn'4,and Surgeons, -lid ing the eliampa�giie fly. -But now she's which used as a nuay one parky, Its the Proprietor and Applicant inay &c., 8eafoi -th, Ontario. Otliee 'a residence getting vulgar sir positively vulgar. t) 0 P I .0 agree. Address, or apply personally to M 118. sameas oecul)ied by Dr. Vercue. 818 -- _ ­� . c .- -- - � � . Twice slic!,s got so full in there that one 31ARY ANDRL;S, Wingrhain P. 0. 89.5 - of the waiters has had to help her to a . — r T I - -- - horse -car, alid. it's only a question Of ' 7 OTICE.-Notice is hereby given that a gen- N the Shareholders Con- . time'before shell have to be kept out era) ineetinge of or tributors of " The Seaforth Cheese Manufactur- . altogether. 0 - � That ivonian is a regular ,* "* Company" will be held at the office of P. S. temperance lecture in petticoats. First . CT-rroll, Seaforth at the hour of 2 o'clock p. In. 5 . it -was a coach and champagne. Then it . bitters. Jack's dead, on Monday, the 4h day of February, 188-5, for the purpose of considiering the, Tenders (if any) I was sherry and received by the Li,quidator for the purchase of ,%lid funds runnincr low -see ? Then it 0 the properky belonging to the said Conipany and was brandy amd-water, Nowit'swhisky for the transaction of any other buginess that - n isky, you know, With inav conie before the luftting. Dated this 28th dai., of Jmuar.Y, A. D', 1885, P. .S. CARROLL, a dash of seltzer, So it goes step by * Lizluidator'ofsaid C.T 89.5-2 I 0. pany. I � 11 step, and, each a little lower down. The . . 'I . � . 11 � . .. next and last one will., follow, and then d -- - ---. " - the final tumble." " . J ' �NIUSICAL. - --- - ­- ---- ----- . . — . . - � 11 . I - g refitted his rooms with new and handsome furuiture, such as chairs, s and draperies, also new and choice winter sceneries, is' now prepared it photographs in any style desired, J, am making a specialty of Cab- . C5 . SX10 Photographs, the 8x-10 Photo Is considered the picture of the day. se. wishing to make theii? friends Cbristmas presents can find nothing 6ble and elegant.. T116 finest finish on all work guaranteed, and no i ved to go out unless thoroughly satisfactory. . � . ES. -I have also'on band a large and varied stock of Frames, among re are some of the choicest Gold and Easel Frames in new an'd elegant hich I am offering at,grea,tly reduced prices during the Christmas holi- y nice 8x10 frames .complete with glass mat and back from 30c.up. , I . . . . " . LDINGS.-Mouldings plah'i and ornamental in great variety. Frames I der on the shortest notice, and at lowest prices.. A call and inspection k respectfully solicited. , - . . . I I . ' -1 amenabled by the use of the dry plate to make photographs as 11 weather as in the finest. All Photographs made by the histantaneons process; also make the gem picture four for 60c. Rooins � all on th . 017. . I . . . . - . - . � i IV. WADE Main-st, S eafo rt h. 7�, 1 . I I . , I : ; . - � � - . I — - - .. -1 -M — C-731- 0 TJ -D IS 1%T—:r__J 31 0. -�N-.— . � I I . I . 0 zl­,��..�� I I W - ,4� ,W., - , , �11' , .1 -1. . lu Z ..., Oftv I mm . k­�4-.-�F i � I ;1 �� . X 4 11, -1 . 1: 0 -- ,,, 10� - . - k . 1. � � Cc) I 11 I . 0. � I I - 0: � 11 F � ... I . I . : I : . � 4 I ", 1*1% i 2 i . st— - — .--- - - -­ � 'k� , - " ; .... -��--..��- M ) ,�- - �.= -­�, ...;.;., �, I :.��",:,;:;— MMM-16..k�� ­17W—�-W-W � -Z' � � ,— AA &-!V' :7- I I (W � I . I . - I , � " ' " W hat is.the next and last step ?" RS. C. INI. DUNLO15, Teacher of Music, CiG- . in and water. After reachingmPiano or Organ. Advanced pupils fittedFALL STOCK COMPLETE. that step .tile. career is alto iather in one �Ith for graduating at less than one-half the expense direction," he continued '" a. Signifi- of foreign teaehing. Terni)s inoderate. Resi- - . cant gesture of his thumb toward the . . dence oil Gcorge Street, Sedond Door I�ast of Main Street, Seaiorth.' � 0 879 Feeling th neighboring glitter, "' and it's inostly .it C) .. I I our 25, 35, . ; ­ a railroad jog at thiLt. They generally I . � -- 4 give in to it with mighty little reg,ard to 0 . ' . ENTRAY STOCK. -1 L decency, when they get down to (,,in and 0 0 " _ ISTJIA� 811�iOtflll.-Canie into the preinises of ponded-t.he'rooin hunter Whereat the water. . . E the undersigned Lot 9, Concession 9, Tuck- 317 Church Street.2-Toror.to. �­—­­­ I arsinith, about the first ofl December, two Ewes . . -- :Bismarck's Judge. . and two Lambs, and no ear inarks on any of ; � - I I I LUMBERI L U M B E R of I - . Apropos of Bismarck's next anniVer- thein. The owner can have the saine on proving property and payingr charge�. NEIL BROWN. � S,'LVY, the seventieth 9f his birth and the . 0 . 86;3x4 . fiftieth of -his entry into official life- � . POPULA I -whivii falls -P -ii April Ist, his first public" - � - STIIAY DOG. -Strayed froin t7 e f . f, prenuses 0 . E I transits at Position -%%-as that of assi�tant judge of � - the u Tit] Li-signi ed, London Road, Tucker- I crossing in �he Circuit Court of 11"erlin. in that, . swith, about tile i9th Decciuber, ,% sniall sized black, curly Newfoundland do- ans,wering to the r river, place lie wits rather irritable and impul- - naine of " llover." Ile has a sce'ar oil the side of . ,sive. One day, takifirr down the depo- 0 . his neck tulder the jaw. Any person givinz I . s*ition of . a particularly exasperatina sueh inforniation as ,will lead to the recovery of -tile animal will Ile suitably rewarded, � and . any . and iniperthlenit fellow, I;is patiel.ice quite' , . .1,person harborbig hini will Ile pro8ecuted. -JAS. Eve gave way ; he jumped up, and in a yoice PATTE.RSO'N, Brumfield P. 0. - 804-4 of thunder exclaimed : .. I I . - --- -- -- I ------------r1- --------- 94 . Sir, -behave yourself, or -I shall put .. - -AMED1CAL". 71 you out of the roolli. j .. . . . . , � � 'a 3 7 . No sooner had lie said the words than .,. S.-31CI)ON-ALD, M. D,, C. 3f., Ph i- ( vs- W. Sur, Acconelicur, &c. - I . . the presiding .judge s"oothingly patted 0 - 0on, Oilice eian, . - �n hini ,on the shoulder, and mildly re- and resf(lehce, that lately occupied by Dr.. Ifut- chisoni Aubuni. 781 Marked : . . . " V- friend, I T I , y worthy young the put- 0 J 0. SCOTT, .M.'15., &c., Physician, Surgeon, 0 I till(f out is my affair." . . and Accoucher, 8eaforth, Ont. Office and M, Herr Von Bismarck Airent oil with his residenceSouthside of Goderichstreet,.Second task for a Nvb , ile, foaniing inwardly, until I)O01. &. Ist of the 11resbyterian Church.' S42 . another saucy rejoinder of the culpHt - -) AA-. wRI;CE S-MITH, M. . D., C. III., Member brought hiin to his feet again, with the C3 1-1. of the College of Physicimn'4,and Surgeons, -lid 1 - classical threat: . . &c., 8eafoi -th, Ontario. Otliee 'a residence i , I . " S 'ir, if you don't behave yourself in- sameas oecul)ied by Dr. Vercue. 818 -- _ ­� . c .- -- - � � E �gtiiajtly, 1. sliall have you put out by the � NI. HANOVER, I 31. D., C. 111., Gradiiiate of W Herr Stadt(ferielitsi-ath !" 31cCill [:iflversity, Physician, Surgeon and 0 I Im --4- 1 - Accouclicur, Scaforth, Ont. Office and residence, Polly's R6rnark- I .North Side of Goderich Street, First Brick House East of tbe'Methodist Church. , 496 . I � . . . I . I . . - . � - - I . . arge Assortment to Choose From. I . i , I . I - . I I 11"PRICE's RULE LOWER THAN EVfO THIS - 5 E 1 %k#'cj 0 * N. I i I . : I' . � I . I J t I -1 rythina New, Fresh and -!Handsome. 0 . -- , . . i - I . � ,A, M I I-,` .S C) IT., 0 . E FIGHT FOR PURE TEAS. . . I r. ; i ,- I I - � . � i I IEED. - - . I I . - ' I . .� � A year or two ago the family found it . . I I necessary to tii,ke boarders. Two large P,.- MACKJD, (late of Lnekno-%%-)�Graduate of I . ; ' 11) Toronto (-niversity, and, Member of the roonis were -'advertised to let, and College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.' g amonn, the caller's '%'Vas anelderl nu -n- Offlee in Qa�]A`s Block Residence L Xe­ers M. A, CHARLESWQRTH, **. ' .7 0 t1eina.1i, who seenied inuch pleased. In- 7 I . I Vietoria Square, 8eaf9rth, Ont4-rio. , 894 quiring as to the price lie -was, told $12 per week. I . . I . ' EYE, EAR AND THRbAT. . - . " Twelve dollars for t%vo'!" he, asked. ','Certainly not," said'the mistress of . . DR. GEO. S. RYERSON, . Feeling th the house. " Twelve dollars each. You I L. It. C. P., L. It. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye, our 25, 35, don't suppose roonis the size of these Earand Thrbat, Trinity Medical College, Toroll- I . . . could be h4d for .six dollars?" . . , to, and Sur -con to,the 31ercer rye and Bar I.n- C, finnar V. Late'Clinical Assistant 119yal L)ndon I i2 - . " I really ilo* n't know, ineekly res ' .0phthtlinfic Hospital, Moorfields, and Central The ab ponded-t.he'rooin hunter Whereat the Throttt ,and Ear Hospttal. - I ip,tri-ot-ejaciilatc(lvic�ously: "Well,You ' 317 Church Street.2-Toror.to. is a trial. -ire an old fool !­ - . . -- I I'Madauli:­," said the visitor, as he . . tighteii9d his grip on his walking stick., " ; � - I I I LUMBERI L U M B E R of . NEW BL.P. . 4. does that bird know -what it . is talking about?" I . � .- � . The undcrsigned having bought and re -fitted value in PI 11 I*tliink.it does," she qu etly a.iiswer- � the machinery of the Carrick Mill, are now fully prepared to ft;rnish Farulers, ContractorB, and 1 . ed. . 1. . .�- I Luniber Dealers N% ith all kinds of Building Lun)- ber .Ct the most reasonable terms. I -The freeboate s Wad' I transits at . Those building houses we can furnish with . � - . Windsor are bavino, hard Work 0 Ithe the ice fre*ezing I crossing in Dressed Planing and Siding at low rates. Partieg ordering lumber can have it shipped Gmnd Trunk . river, solidly t6 any station on the Railway. . their.tracks between trips. It is claim- � Orders by mail promptly attended to. ' . ed that these ferry boats ,Ire not paying � Give us a call before dealingelsewhere. - ALDWORTH &CAMERON; . for their coal. � 1 . � . . . � . . � I . I . I � . . I . . I . I . ; � . . - - I I,, . . I . � . . I t . . . I 886-12 1% Whitechumh P. 0. . . I .1. ­ . I ­ . - � . I I I ­- . . - I � . . I . . . I .- . . . . I POST' � . . . - . . � . . � . . . i I . 6t tea drinkers want something good and pure, ,,all their attention to : . . 45 and 50 cent Teas; also specially to our 60 cei It BLACK TEA.. I � � - I I - ove lines . are, without exception, -the best value n Canada. All we ask . NEW CURRANTS in barrels and cases, NEI�y LONDON LAYERS, . . � . . CK BASKET, NEW VALENCIA RAISINS, NEW FIGS. Extra . . . RE SUGARS. Stock complete in all lines. . , I � M.A. CHARLESWORTH, , I .. . I . . OFFICEiSTORE9 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO . . - I ; r . .1 At.j ---- — ­., - ­­­ i I � REAL ESTATE, FOI:t SALE. - I . . 4 OTS FOR SALE. - Three hundred and J I J seventy-flve acres of land, being composed I Lot,; S2, 33, 34, 31:5,nnd part of 31, hi the Sth i � . I necHslonofMcliillop. Tbeym-Mbesoldch p . I - A) ea. , i I . � , the owner wishes to (liNpose of the Property. I i . I �ply to W, C. GOUINLOCK, '%'Varsaw, -NtW I �k`. M � i . i - I I . � � . - I ; i . I I - ACIRE IPAICM Ffllt &XLE'.-',N4kj1h half of i i !I . I I A) Lot So, and the north of north half iii Lot - - I J�l I I 'I I I I . . : Concession 0, INIchillop. Moht of tbis Und is � � . � !ded,widin excellent condition -for meadow � I - I ; Pasture. For further particulars a-pply to i � P : I . I rDRE W G OVENLOCK, Winthrop P. O. 819 ;I . I I - - I - � I � 1, T . I . , ­ 1ARM FoR SALE. -For bale, Lot 31, Cosices. I �; I i . � sion 2, tastlVawanosh. Thisilesirable )ro� � , - I . . . I - Iky will be sold this sunfiner, in,ordti i(I.Se ;;L . . ; , I an estate� It consists �of 2W avres Of choice ; .. � i I i . id, About 145 acres elcared ; good 1krin bu-.�Id- . I . . ,1s and orchard. For particulars apply to W� - I Farrau, Clintoll P, O� b65 . � . � I I i - Ii --.--, -- ­­ . - - I I I -1 WILDING LOTS FOR SALE' ­The vnder- , I -1 � I � : , ) signed has a number k)f very eligible 1) ,ild- - , . L I � I 00t� for sale cheap. The' 'e-'10ts contain a I �J. . axter Of -all -acre each, are pleasant))- situated .; �, I . - 4 1 d Convenient to the bushic6.,i part:of the village, .� '. I dare Arell adapted for the resido . il I I s ,nee of rctirvd . i � 'Wers, orothers --desiring a-pleasantwid (lim.'r, � I I � we of residenee- DANIEL CLARX, Lgniiond- � . , ; � Z � T le. 84-7 R . I : .- � - 0 . , I . � . 1ARM FOR SALE. -The subscriber offers for ! I , : 7 � ; Sale his farill of 100 acres behig Lot 7., Con- I I - ;sion 4, 11. R. 13., Tnck-er';nAth. .About 95 I � : I i - res cleared, brick house frallie jolitbuildings, i I . � : . Aiardae., we'] 11 � : , , watered ��nd in a good state of 1 Z7 � , About thr I � 't;vatliyn. cc ndles froill thf" town of I . a 1� . afw-lh. Terni-,;, i�2,00-). down, and balance to � : � � it purviiaz,er. JAXE7-S F. ELLIOTT ,L4',rnjond- # - ; . ) t5 i ; Ile P. o- 1 874 : . : . , � . - - . I �ARM-i FORSALE,- M.' TO W-,--NT.---wThe sub- J � i ,scriber offers for sa)e or to reat Lots 19aild � I ' � . i I . I Ist comession of Tuckersuilth, consi-,titig Of L � . I )acres each, about a mile west of ,,jeaf()rt � � h� I � � - t : ).od fraine house oil one fanii, with orebarits, 7, . rus, and usual outbuildings on both- M ill be . . I . � . nted or sold bi block, but not separattely. If i I q Z Id purchaser may pkv one-third dom,n, and the i � 0 - lance can reinain on mortgage. WILLIAW . i I . )WLER. 873 i � � - 1 4: I I i - r . I - . . 4 . . 7AR11 FOR SALE I -N XULLETT.-Norlilh parts , - 't . of Lots 31 and 35, Conees.�ion 13,weontain- -.1 i . : . � � : Z ; r 112 acres, 80 acres cle-,�Lrred ; the reinain(ter is � � 1 4 od hardwood bush, clay loam, -%vell watered � . �, % th a never failing Spring Creek ribing on the a I � . " ; . � I emises. Franie barn ni':nd stables, lo,r house I . ZI � d a good young orchard. It is convenie t t : � I - n .o I � urches and school, and is situated four inifies i . .. . . ! ; I . nn.fflyth and 10 frmn Clin-ton. For further . . -. . � i � i rtictilaxs apply to WALTER -CU'NNINGIIA11, I i - I the South 1;art of said Lots, or to Londes- � � ro P. 0. . -, 99 i I I ., I I . ­ .... - ; . i �-A,Rm FOP. SALE. -For Sale, the South halt I i 41 i I Of Lot 10, Concession 1, Grey, contakiing 60 1 -�. � I res. There are 30 acres cleared, part of -the , . . lancebas been- burned down and pilat bush. . . icre is a fralue hou.-;e and stable a young , . ; I � . chard and four and one-balf at -res of fit],] -�-beat. I 1* , � is situated within a infle and a quarter of ' i - q . � inestown. It will be sold theap. The adjoin- � ; I � - I I I r " ris are also for sale. This property, � � t . ill C asold' separ' ately or to-etber-* Apply to I , � � . LMUE L or A.NDRENV POLLO"Cli, on the farm' I .I- � . ; �I . i . by inail to J-aine!,town P.. 0. 850 i . . - I - . . . . I I � 1AR31 FOR SALE. -For salci tbe E ast half of ! ; I Lot B,-Conee!5Fion 12, Millett, containing 50 . 4 � I - � I res. it is a corner lot -with a blackbinith zhop, . I �. ' I ; the corner. The land is wc1l fenced and - .1 I � ained and in a 1 -rood state- of cultivation. There I , J. : e about three acres. of good hardwood bush. i , % � . I � I od bank barn and log houm A I ; - I 'cre if' a g i : ek runs through the lot. A good bear- t � � -i -es and Sehooll meonvcnicnt. - � w Voll Chu -ch I : , ,Fe ,(,),r,!d I , i postolfice and store ao1johis the lot. It is a I ;. - i - uated -%vithin six iniles of Blyth,on the LGn- � I � I), Huron & Brnee Ilailway. For further par� . I � � ,ulars apply to the undioviigrned on the prcnl- - �-. 4 ; . I !s, or to Harlock P. (.)- THOMAS AMOS. 885 ' i � ­­ --- - - - - � � - . - ­ -- ---- 9 . I i TALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.-Tbe sub- I � . , scri,Ver offers for sale his farin of 100 acres, 14 . ; I . . . � � . ing South East half Of Lot .37, Coneession S, - 1 I I . � �stWaivanosh; about 65 acresaxe0earedailid - I . . ; I � - : .6 froin stumps, the balance is well tiniber.ed .1 : � . q th hardwood, ben3lock and cedar, Tile farm : I in a hig,b state of cultivation. It is situated . i : I I e wid three-quarter miles f-rom Belgrave, 7 , I - , � . les from 1VA-Inghani, 8 Iniles from Myth. It is . - 4 - . � thh),one-quarter inile froui school. There an., - . I . . - i . the preinises a good frame house and fralne, . :Z - � rn and stabling, a young bearing -orchard, � I ; I - 7 1 n(r I ; ieverfailing -vvell, and creek runni, ,, throu h I - I a back part of the farni. This.property wIll te . � :� Id cheap. For further Particulars apply on I i � Z 4 . . i . T 3 prenuses, or to GEORGE A. TYNER, Bel,- A � Z 3xe P. 0, East Wawanosh. - 894 �- � i� . , i I . i I . I � . � - 4 1IRST CLASS FAR31 FOR SALE IN THE � � . I I . : ; TOWNSHIP OF HAY. -The Proprietor I 1 e, . I .!.;�,� : i ers for sale his, splendid farni,of 100 acres, Lot . . , � North Boundary.11ay, about fifteen minutes I , � . Jk froin Postoffice and Telegraph office. There . - � ; ; � . -. about 80 acres cleared balance bardwood I I ; ' . ; sb, soil, clay loan) ,; !it a good state of culti- , , ; I i � � � . bion. There are on the farni two good wells,a f � . I ,od orchard of choice fruit, I acre in Straw- I I - � . rries, in first -das,; condition ; 6 acres in fall . I . � - teat, first class bank ba-rn,,%vitl-.L� stable U-nder- i I. . I I ith, good root cell-ar, stone house and other � , . .1 . , I I I ,essary outbuildings. . About 80 rods to school - i & . - I I use and vb,urcb. It is 3 fiffles from Zo-tich 7 i . � � - les fron) Hippen on the Londox), Huron an'd -1 I . . - I 11 . uce Railwky where there is a splendid inarket # N all kinds of grain 15 nifles froin Senforth. 7 I - � I - v. ply to the Proprietor on the prennses. DAVID I � � �, )STET,LER, Blake P. O. SO4-4 -j I i � . 1. . � . � - - I � i . i � I I AUCTION SALE S. I I . . . z . I - - I � " � HPORTA'XT CLEARUNG AUCTION ISALE OF & - I, 4 � - St,'PRIUMI, THOROUGHBRED ANI) M- - � : -D 1. � - ,OVED STOCKAN MPLEMENM.-Mr. J. � - � . . � Brit)e has been instructed by Mr. 11ugb, Bel� # , � , ,,,qll by Public Anction oil J�ot IS, Concession .. I . 11 , Hullett, on Monday, February 16, 188.5, at -112 . � - I � I t lock .noon. The following property. Farin I i - � )ek,-On,e Heavy Draugbt mare seven .Years . I � .. � , � ,, supposed to be in foal to Honest Donald; I , � i avy Dr,mpht ware, eight, years old supposed. I .1 - . t i : � be in fo�l to ROtIlsillild; I Heary Dr,augh - I .re, six years old, supposed to be , in foal to i I zzler ; 1 Heavy Draught horse, six,3'ears old; . tUd Colt �rot by- Vicerov 1 filly -colt froin I - � i . I � neashire- Tom; 4 well bred mileb cours, I - . . . * . !)sosed to be in calf to Tboraugb� 4 . bull; 5 well bred heifers, ,coining I ;i I � ir, supposed to be in calf to Thoroughbred ; � I . I 11 - [1 4 1 steer coming three ; 1 steer torihigtwo -, I ; , . I � , rboroughbred heifer coining two; 5 iipruig I i , Yes frofn 11.�oell &.Sons'celArated Thorough- � I -1 � . I -- 11 � . . A bull ; 8 good .ewes -, I Berkshire Sow in pig. I 11 - : ; . . � plenients.-Twolutnber wa4kons,1 nearly new; i * - I � ingle buggyi 1 cutter, 2 pairs Of boWeiglis � , - �4 1 , I : . 11 Dearly lleiv ; 2 sets Idow barnes8,; 1 set I , . . I . -in harness, 7�carly new; I f5et double harnw, ; w and of extra quality - I set sinIrle harness, , �T I " . � ' I , . idin­.qaddle'10 horse collars, 2fanning inills, 1 . � 6 � i I . - , � r , nearly new ; One Maxwell Reape and one I - - - - xwell Mower, both iienrly new ; I Sulky bay i -Ir - �e, I land roller, 1 hay rake, I wood rack, I _- : I 11 plow, I iron bealn plow, I er)eral purpose i , � 1 4 -� w, I set ironbarrows, 2 gravey boxes, I broad- I . tseeder, 2 sugar kettles, 2 ]oil;; ladders, also . T . I . iffietrees, neck vokes cradles, scythes,forks., . � - - :,es, chains, and a Id of other articles -too . . inerous to niention, together with .about 25 ; � , is ot- d h The whole of the above will � iitiv.Ji!01)e s iii -%%-;tbout nai), reserve as the i ,�c ill )prictor bas ,461d his farni. Refreshments -44 I I , I I served -at 2 o'clock. TER.M.-All SU1113 Of fiVe ' I I � lars and under cash; over that aniount 11 , ­ inthscredit will be given on furnishing &P- ( I . 1 # wed Joint notes.. A discount of 6 cents on i I � d(Alar wili be allowed for cash On credit 1- �, : . , ounts. 11UGH BELL, Proprieior ; J. 11� - I f . .INE, Auctioneer. 893-5 i , I . i - , � i � , I - , , I -R�ANT, a � I - , T. JULIEN RES'TAU . � ; - , I 'NIAT-N STREET, SEAM -RT11. . \,� � .. i I : ­ I I � I � I I . ' ;' YSTERS 1 OYSTERS 1. -; I �. 7 1 i I ain 1T � . I � I daily receipt of fresh BaMinoreDysters I I h in can and bulk. ;Oysters served in all . 1 - ; les. Parties requiring Oysters for family use ; I � I leaving their orders with nie can � be supplied 7 - .1 . the shorte-st notice. Also a Ixrg6 stook of � - � ib roil fectioneil- and fruit always on bimd, � I . . � . � I I i Cigars and Tobaccos. . '. � . niake a specialty of Cigars alnd 'Tobamos. and � I �p none butthe best brands on hand, -hich I � guarantee to be first-elass in every -rtv?pect., . [ invite all lovers of the exbilamtiW we0d to . o ule a (.,all. I ain'sure they NAII save MOnV . doing so, as I keep nothing- but firkir-Class . . ' li'a­�d abd at reasonable prices, 4118fity - ds oil - � sidered. . . . : . ',enieinber the place-Signof tbe Big TAntern, I � ; I in Street, directly opposite 3ftr11,0t Street, � - �, � - � . fortb. . : � . I � - I I . : � JA;M-E-8 BUITGIESS. - �Z � - � ­ I . -- -.----- - . � D. S. CAMPBELLy I ROVINCIAL LAND SURVLrYOR and CM1 . . Engineer. Orders by nisil pronjiottv at- aed to. D. S. CAMPBELL, lfitchmll. - . I I . I - - . . . . 1. I I Z , � I I -, ­- � I�