HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-01-30, Page 8N
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600=07. . - - - I 11 . . i ;1 I . I . I . Ir I fribuds for the kl- duess they ba th Daniel Stewart wid John Stra - 17 � - 11
I - i -%r " ink wi 'I r's anditor, �_-_ I � _�
"' e .
. -4— - � * : - s Z... ; F. S. Scott, shurel'0141e A
04 . . - - his daughter .
_� . I . I dent satisfacti , of all. ,3.,%Vo hav4 not at the next meeting of coiincil he will up 'in the.third flat of Scott' --block. The funds belonging to the rail n,v a an a I .
7 d fund account, Messrs. Thos - 11len ana manifested towards I tors - DR �_ 1. I.,
q9LK ,; . I ntroduce a motion to annul the Billiard hall Is commodious, comfortable all I .. John Cardiff, auditor for direc --- __�_. . i . �
I&V 0 0 . audi- for the handsome presents which th � -- �
14 srued,how the aftir turned out onan- i were appointed .
W it', , I 1, ( f .x loforo le . Gee. W. Holman AfeLauehlin, Salesman ; D. 8tew'Etort .I- �
, by-law b d cing the fee to conveniently ai lqr also gavi 1, I , - I . - . - i -
yre, u . t. Ily I
, r 0-1 � � IF. , " - rranged &nd the interi � $14 to pro- had. given 6r. A few others - ie ineeth) -
. . - cially'. 1�t any rate, the citizeno are License ition.- is very artis lea deco'rated. When tors. Thos. Wilson was YOte(] treasurer. TI ff also -1- .- I
CT under very considerable obilligatipfis to the figures asked for in the pet I short addresses complimeliting Mis secretary- , ��. I
. . - I I
- , .- � I � . The Reeve and Dr. Hanover and Mr. IL. furn shed it will be one of the be"it and vide'losoph Hewitt and wif( with pro- . ifled to (1-11spose
I � � S. . - the bicycle club for providing so ,dhoice i , I .� I The offer ! Little for I r faithfulness and punbtu - by a vote of. 26 to 20 4pc 1-1 ,I . i
. . e rooms . .- -q6ry. There are � -
DISTRICT 'MATTER . an entert�inment and NVel have no 4oubt Brett were appointed members of the bandq,oinest lod ill town, It visions and other necessarie's r: I of the whe y. at the fac I . :
L. I � : � I
1 onTmittee for' the current.yw. will Soon be realy for occupancy.- . of 2vlessrs. Abray & E dward-9 to. supply I ality in li w services as organist, afte" - - I
- . Mr ' ,al 103 shares of $20' each sold an d r, to �i:4� :� I i
� had the weather been more favorabI6 they Healtl C ,ship with rock elm plank was I which ,.ill joined in -singing the Nation m � � . ,. �
,,oderich Star I illan's great sale of Clydes� the towx sell. Farmers interested in thf�jr ,Own � I %, � , i
. . i
wao Is H..vitmy ?---!rlie C ' .Mr. Eiliott'� appointment as clerk at a John MOM clerk -was als) authoriz- Autheina,il(i dispersed to their bonieE 11 I . �. -
. � .,
would have allown theiij,,,�ppraciation . c i p acccl)tod. The . lif V I -at �, � 11 � . .
of last week has the following - . . salary of'$2 0 Was confirmed by by-law. . I roccedii),gs of th( welfare not- holding SIUWN� , s )111 _� � I'll �
,: One day ' dal horse,-, takes pla'o on his farn i - .' I I . N
more fully. � . . - - e .-V.e r�_ edto procure a carload of qdttr plank! Vellplausedwitl tile P � s A ji-ieetin -.i :Z . . I
las V. . I . - 7 ome. other Hullett oil Wednesday next once purchase one or moro. 9' I .- I
- t Nreek a (lodariell, Young lady w" __+ After - Mr. W. D. VauEg- for. the use -of the co tion if he call evening. lall at all early ' . . -
cy, grdt to learn that I . I will be held in thetown I F
M '' I 0 r a business tile' council ad � . . '_'Pora - : �
conv through the telephone. with . —
erSul ,. . Lb(�,,vx & Co. have*soille private funds un . . onable price. The I
� . rioilsly procure it at areas ey d latting . �
- an admirer in leaforth. While the, to loan on reasonable terms. - . 895 - -journed until next Monday even- mond, of the woollen mills, is se . Brucefield. date for selling the wli all Z
mg. instructed to remove the . 0 i
. ' I
' 1 � . I- . � ill.-Mri. !John Finch, bf this town, has treasurer was i the routes for next year. - � �
conversation was, going on,. a younj 'FISH FISH . -Mrilson. & Y-1bung, Scott's -_ of -pie directors of the in unicipal safe f rom tb a towi- ball to his I INSTALLATION- OF OV1e1CJNLS AND PRE. _____4 1 —
gentleman gt-ju(jing near her, ell-, . -Block, Seatorth, have a carload of Presh Herring HowouiN.G A , CiTizEx.-As many of been elected one _ . I ' , — � . I -
r_1 y , I .Ay id* unt A :the ball SENTATION. — On Wednesday' evelling I
- �
She hastily replied and Cod Fish: on, the wa expected here next . ry .s4oci . Mrs. own res ence on acco Stanley. . SEVENTE
who, tile party was. ie our readers already,kilow, Dr. MacKid, Ontario Poult A- - *ation. damp. Tile clerk ,w, as instruct- last the following members of-Brucelield
. . week. Or4crs wM be fil d as . �f'oceived. First . being too, - . . .
� ,1� Oh, its Harry --, the little fool !" . i % : son-in-law of L. Meyer, Esq., of .this George Bale, of Egmd11dvj*e, has been ; C � x. -Last week the pupili WH0hF, ,�
c6ihae. first served. $95 . I . to .1 I PRESmuATIO - .
. I ad to have 100 copies of the 4 minu 'S of Lodge No 210, L 0. 0. F ., were ill I i
.- . her bed from in fininiation for their late .
Tile pWyrq-)tness with which Harry rang I town,, and late of Lucknow, lias .cast in confined'to . ar printed aiid of School $action No. I .3 sent
. . ' *
. � * ' council d offi s for the current term
� -
I - . '� teleph. showed -that lie heara _Tmis at wholesale rioes at W A his lot with the people of Seaforth and, soiiie days past. - The union prayer for tile past ye, stalle as car � —
off t1i one . CHARLESWORTIeS., Post 0 - Store, Seaforth. 7 . . t-001 again Go 11 i
tile tiloughtlesa remark, ii-i-ticb, to the iliX ! Leetings .*hich were conducted very distributed. The, Council 4 by Brother John Fairgrieves of London - teaolier, -Miss IN-laggie venlock, .who -
. . . has commenced the prabtice-i of his pro- ly, , i
. 895-3 w � I c , r9p, & very i
I � , , 'successfully for three weeks, were cl meet on Saturday, e 1) T i� is n . THE i
yG.1.1--ug lady's horror and her con . ` - t6 his' leavin Psed r 3rd 111116r1li at I I I , 1). G, M,: D. Me oliald,'N. G.; Ja; ' ow teaching at Wintli . .
.. -i-pan-ion's - , fession here. Previous I . , -
and all Auther efforts to SANURDAY SALE. -Oa Saturday '�iex.� _Lu 9 evening last. -The - . furdock, . handsome Morocco bound albu m. in ac - il
a -usement, � I . *� londi eknow where he had resided for -five oil Friday anniver o clock a. in. ! McDonald, V. G.; John A . .- i
m. 'Mr. J. P, brine will offor for sale a:lot of . . 0 __0-1- .. ,; knowledgment of their ,est I .
. . - cem, f6r her.
continue the conversation with him until , Hou-sehoid. s I Secretary; G aird, . Treasure , I I - i
. 'Furniture of --various kinds at th; years, lie was entertained by a number sary services in. connection with the leorge -B, - I
I �
anation Cauld be offered were Coniniorcial Hotel, Seatorth, at 10 o'eloek . a.. ni. business and professional .Egmondville Presbyterian church will I Bayfield. , I Thoillas Fraser, P- Secretary. r I While teaching- in this section miss N ,- .
, of the leadinf . ,ltde d herself ,very much
I mal. expl , Good bargains may be expected. � I aid on Sunday next, ii -hen the Rev. I RRE In lilfantiollingrithe pr��S- I the installation of* officers and � a 141 -are .
.- fruitless. - . be 1 men,of Ahe p ace and was presented with be h I CO , XTIO'X.- .) I n - I ril i
. - Fraser, . I to the pupils under litr charge, and we "Olea ��
� SUGARS UY THE C�4,RLO,ki) will- , to i - Mr. McQuarrie of Wilighaill, will preach clitation of a load of oats to Rev. G - I'. i routine busi ess, Brother Fraser, I . , Govelilock . 9
. . A highly complimentary address, expres . . -1 i
. 3
.riesworbli's, Sea ve no doubt she Nvill ap. a ,e i
- SE�P,�ovs Fm,x.-Tha flax ceived this week at U. A. ChA "rho anniversary of this place, last, few ap iopriate.� remark . . preci t their . �
NF-kRLY .v, at the -usual hours. - Taylor, _wt�ek, we in- p s on behalf of ha . I
arload (80 ]Barrels) of granulate ! sive A the.highasteeni. in which himself % f affection. - . . i
. ;
- - ,ss1011O ;
, - at i ,esented Mr. F irgri:eves exP)7C . i
_�.m�jl,i in this town had a narrour esoo,pe forth, one e l; L he
Sugar, which was b6ught previous to the rise i I and, A-& MacKid are held by the good tea meeting will be held oil the follow- advertently omitted to nl�dntioli tll� t - Lodge, p i a . - n
- - i
� 3
from- destruction W fire on Wednesday a easy chair. Mr. Fair- 1 3
Sugars., and .ivill -be sold' in, quantities ,at eopi� of that village. No batter testi- ing Monday evening, when tea, ,Speeches was from the congregatioll 0 6t. Jobil's I with a handsom . 2
P 1, - � I i
I - �Car,nberry. I ;
- �
I -es .
nlGri-dug last. Atll)'out one o'clock tile . wholesale prices. Also a lar,gre consig-ninent -of . ` was completely taken by surprise , s
. ' ' ial could be accorded ally person- andinusicivill be the ord er. -.Aklisslvlaggie church, Varlia. gricN . 1
: . . I I
and those of our citi- Ran- and Refined Su&ars bout,lit equalb,... lo "'on . il J
alarm . rqpg, M Campbell -%vlio is rapidly gaining much MISI-IONARY ME1--,T1N-6 i,S---0Win cr to tile ; alld ))Inch affected, and. expressed him- '_Nft--�sicw�m.--At the last Meet 11v of � is r" ;
. � I ' P 1.
- was . call an get prices. &95-3 1 1 I - than is.bon-veyed by the following which .., 0 ! d :
d I I . . I .
zens, who -were aroused f rom their sluni- I -It � - f o a local celebrity asa. vocalist, ii last Sunday the * nissiollary I self as unable to (10 justice to his feelings. Turnberry Council a letter was read 11:
I I . _,Q�l . . � -addressas we find more than , snom, stori I I I �
/ a.d we extract from the I , -Hpffm. �
-1 bers, hil-wied to the scene of the fire, . . , I The menibers then re- -i the Reeve .of Khjlo.-,s in - regrard. to 4.
AcCIDENXT.—On Thurs'day forenoon It published *1n the Lucknow Sentinel: - sang at,a concert given at, Dresden oil depiltation could not reach Bayfield fol ' Paired to O'Neii's: fron . * ;
. 6ugst us a very young 111'ednesday evening last. Hall, where they partook of a sump- 1, opening out the boundary line between �
when ii was discavered that an &811 - -Ili accorO ance ly tile all- I . .
Mr. Alex. Mus,'a-d,, of the Eg- " You c�me special sermons. Next Sufid,, I , 3
roposing .
- house atUtched to,`die�engine room had as Mr. O'Ne 1, � urn, and Kinloss, aud 1) * i
. illoadville mills, was 8 listing to lililbad - "man, at the t reshold of your' prof es- - with the requirements of the school ]a w nual missionary sernions will (D. V.) be tiiotis repast prepared by il T berry i
. . . I I . 0 0 froin the , - . I I
- ca-li,ght fire,bu,t fortunately it was notic- . :: siol�l ca,ree, ; on leave us with a about - twenty persons -whose children preached in Bayfield, Goshen Line and 1-aud his estimable lady, after which a to ask a ,grant of $150 or ,9 0 � I
- ed in time and the fire was extinguished a load- of logs at* the i ii I one of the loO - . I 1
. - �. I
. I rolled over on him,i J1 Xing his leg very . xecord clear d unstained a's a mem - had failed to attend,school the requisite Varna by Rev. It. INIcCosli, of Win - I conple of hours Were very pleasantly county;council of Bruce, and asking that i
- j
. i
b those who first assellibled without . - , ppeared ))a- ham. All his old friends are expect ' ' imilar alnount from :
I songs, speeches I *'the Reeve ask for a s , I
y Fortun, ly the limb is not "berlof that high and noble ealling number of days last year, a ad � spent in social converse, _ _ - I
� rcly. . I
. much difficulty, The firemen were save . - . i the county council of Huron. -Laid -over a
. - -il ned by so i' w �
I i s
broken, but ,a ury vi 1, it is, feared, "whiell has been ado' the school board in ans or to sum- out,te hear him. Grand I
r fore , i and recitations. I
' ' pany . _ i
- � _ . � i
promptly oil -hand and got their -hose � for future consideration. A letter was �
. lay.hiiii up,for sonlo ;,,eekcs. "able and distinguished men. As a monsesi and in each instance reasons . .— i 0 � I
� I s
- 7
laid- but their sery ices were not required. - . I . -y to the Board were given I _ read from Thos. Styles, about the profile, ' 1. I
. , . : i � 4 4 private citizen you possess the hearty satisfactoi Hibbert. Ethel. _ *1 % 1
, I
. -ous - I - i 'j). an . I
_Tt. is almost miracul Ahat the firb was STE,ux THRE,�HERs.�-At a- ood will arid wishes of a large ma- for the non-attendallee of the children PERSON -AL. -Mr. J. A. INIX(imlell, (.,()()1).s 111-itc-i-r.1,4F., -It is stated that pl s and specifications of the* ditch on .
discovered in time at that bour in the the 10th and 11th concessious, wanting - �)
- I 1011 -has pur- I . . i
the -Board Of Director� of the Mckil l I jority of the couiniunity,� as !this pleas- at school. -TI e yeople of this regi son of John McConnell of this township, .Alr. A. It. Smith of Brussels, . -
I �
rz�i,ning, Had i,f--got a, little further . I - I them sent out to him, promising at th� i
-morning not been so lop Atutual Fire InsuWacp", 'Con -11)"y' itant -and su.6cessful gathering asseni- .have been enjoying genuille Mallitoba aid his �holne and friends iL visit tlli,, , chased the stock of dry goods belonging , :
. I
a t or ad the " � I - . I I I p, . . ame time -to return them safe back to . 1
calm. it is likely the mill and contents held ill Seaforth on J ub;r " bled in your lionor abundantly -testi- -weaffier for the past week. .Since Sni- week: He looks well, in fact see-ifis to s �
an . y 26th, 1885� to ,N.lr. I). NV. Milne of this place. 4
for tffie pur I " fies. We d�sire oil will convey to day the ulercury has vibrated f rom 20 have greatly improved ill health since ood the township. It wasdecided to xiotify
, - estroyed. pose of d-eci , ilig the point, . � WOOD BEE. --A -very interesting w STILL G1
� -
6c I
Would have been a - . left over from the ltl iiieeting, it ,'(( MFS. ME ( the'assurance of our .below to. 10 above zero, just cold enough Mr. Styles that be could examine the
� - . '' . h6 was here last. He occupies a lucra- bee took place last Friday, on the farm -
I . 11. t I ive posi h rk's ol�,e - e - , .� ..
s an m - . .*tion on the St. Paul and Minne- of Mr. Thomas Maunders adjoining this d an' t 8 I :
_- at" t a ale
- -1
THE Ri _. taken oil clause 1.0 of by-�law in ref erance " an exprnsion of bur sincere regret pleand � to learn %polis Railway, aild makes St. Pauls his village. The gathering consisted of "' &e desire to' ' 0 8� letter va .m 3
' * was unanirnously decided that* the vote I,' highest res act and esteem, as well as !or cornfort.-The many friends of Ail Ian
--K P C. W. Papst, -will be 1 Ph,e ay
N ,ACES. -T here wa 1�
., �
1111111,0111 . ' , 'r s _ � i
cc- % a is agre6ng head quarters. about IS persons, who, after having a � I
' ing , , .
Manse crowd of people at the Do i i ad .in 1. lee_" in , al, about
Skating Rink- on Tuesday evenin last to to permits for. uge of Steani'thresh that- we shall no longer have ,the tlid,t the climate of Georgi, ulverts on'the 1 Oth and. f I th 1�2, .' I I I
� 1
. tc I
9 i
. machines was not cardel (1, as it requ pleasure of greeting her as, a citizen - .splendidly with hiln,, and lie is rapidly timber for a I
ires 0 , -----+- ______ steady tei-in for about three hours left a I I . . -
I -witness tl -a skating races. Iii the five . I( Nlr. I I concessions, saying that such'-imber was -ids 4,
,i re Winthrop. . pile of over 25 cords. At this time -a .
-a two-thirds' Tote� Members I going an&i1eighbor." - - I graining, health and strength.-'- . All Hii I
mile race between Mr. Dawson, the I I, . - - ordered by the Council and requesting .
. Cilarlesworth has justgot ill a ear 1 load . - -range ' , - i
i -ie aina- to use steam power for I threslihig will " 0 . - 1'1-11F� RrFORM CLUB. -The regular race was Ell. d for the championship,
challiplork, and five anuLte-ars, tl . i - -BsENT .F'RIEN3),F4.--:–Ai1r. John of sugars, being 80 barrels, and repre7 early settlement, amount,$36.60. N79 I Cost -a-,
. -
a. out a.head, The cliall1plon therefore requixet6-proaiire perim"ts. the FRo-Ni �,A tile contestants being Messrs. joseph all
tours Cain It is not meeting of the Winthrop ,Reform Club action was taken on the matter, Afessrs. q
I This f1lile, of course, Weir, for�aerly of Blake, in this county, senting about $1,500 in cash. . th one . �
laps and same as last year. . . 11 Aster and Riabard. Mitchell wi, .1 .
, -
was, to, beat the aniatetirs -five - I I . . I . . often so ],%r'e a consignment of sugar is will be held in the Teillperance all John Burgess and AV. 'Wray were apz - i
o coni- only holds good fintil it i� amended, and. but -wbofor some. years - has resided i in 9 . saw against Messrs. Bennett Dobson and -
fell short two. The amEttenrs wh' . . ant. -It is here, oil Monday evening next. An in- inted auditors. .'Kessrs. Jas. Elliott,
it .the meilibers desire t change, as a, 'Northern 'Dakota, and who is noiv sot received by one retail march, George .)Nlitchell with the other. A po .
I fter -
. . I . .1 e h- terasting meeting is expect . Roberk Dougla .
peted against him were Masters Charles maj . Im Ve Journing , yrshire, Scotland, write; th ''fitention. of the nianaa,ers of tile ad. � s and Malcolm Lamont ! , .
I ers ority evidently.;do, �,Iiey call Ila in '14 ' a hard tussle Messrs. Dobson and Mit- :
SumuerT Theo.. Coleman, Ed. Pet ) - 9 Dominion SkatiDg Rink to have another Acvu)ENT.—Mr. Thomas Cornbs,.of I were re -appointed on the Board. of _. .
the c4an,ge made by turl ng out'in sufli - as follows ' I I cliell were declared champions. . If yol
. Gea, Dewar and Thos. Town. In the : \arrived in the old . land g' nd fincy dress carnival next Frida this place, niet with a serious and paiii- . � . Health. The Deputy Reeve and Treas- I a have not 1 .
cient numbers at the ill It annual ine'et- on New, Year's day, after a -very pleas- ra . y _ ..... . I �
- - . I
five mile amateitx racal for a silver cup . I _. , _ of this ful accident on Wednesday last -while I - �
. . I - ant'voyage. Thit1gs are very dull, here evening . Mrs. Jani6s Rolland, Brussels.. urer were instructed to place the mort I sure to do so befo!
I , there- were several competitors and it 'Rg � ,W11 Wednesday foi- Buffalo chopping wood in the township of Grey. gages no . . A,
. - l d 1, hear a - to , lef t- oil . in the Treasurer's hands in 1.
- was a very interesting race. The cup .0 - at pre"jit, all , s much com . . as T STOCK -Of D. W. w .
, ill att6Dd the wedding of a Ile fell from the log oil which :he w of Hamilton- for safe keeping. -
- . CURLING -The a easbn is now pla�ping amongst the farmarg an(1people where she w . 0 I Saloip-as,gOods are ,5,i
It is but just I I I . .. iNjilne, of 14' Nbel, alnouliting to e5,950.83, was I . ;
- _ urli4 � the Bank
was -WOR by Thos. Town. c- standing chopping, and a still) penetrated I I i
in full blast. On Fridayl I st two r I id aeneral as there -was in Canada or the friend. -Mr. Robert A, cMillan, of M a1r. John S. MaTavish was re -appointed - - ,
to Mr. Dawson to say that he was in . inks � )� . . - bouglit by A. It. Sinith, of Brussels, and as A. R. �
!. I -Be before Te . Killop, has retturl 0111 his vist, to the lower part of his body, the wound . ims are the, o q
very bad fit havi* a sprr6med, his ankle a from the Seafortli' club Went to rlin, Un"iteA States ' t ' � Sluith has only possession of the -store for co assessor at the same salary as lest year. ga rder'
In - Kansas, -%%,here lie spent several weeks - days, and *tho whole stock niust be sold in that
- I ayed a match I'the Waterloo . -Mr. James Hait , -ly ;. extending upwards nearly to his bowdls The Council will weet again at Patter- �
few evenings before. and pl, , - . �, - I., i i�ei of this" His old friends and custoniers -4,111 get I . - We are nialing I
, He was taken lionle and being under thlie. I I . i
club for the association I ,son's -hotel, Bluavale, oil the 23rd of �
� - I p. As usual town, but now in Dakota,, -writing to a .. with'his son who has a large stock farm - e . . . . I
. — 0 - I . . I t
friend;'h I ys 'that he� ad this year i there and is doing well. Mr. Mc.,Nlillaii- careful Medical treatment is likely to bargains such as the), ncAr bad before. Th February. i
eKe, sa, , . stock is all new as blible was only two alld one- i
, , the Seaforth players cain. out victorious. - in 'our i
-T.-The regu ar - , -_ - I
THE MocK PARLIAMEN . ,�� eaks highly of the country. -No mails recover. 0
As. an instance- � yinct, we ma I �els qf wheat, beifig an average sp . half years business. I will give everybody the . j
. meeting of the Mock Path%, mai-it was - . I 0 . y - . Xaaai L A. R. SMITH. . . " - - 11 I i
� ri scored ,eight . of A blis -to the acre ; 1,4�0 bushels from east df ,Stratford were ved . benellt of i� I
of their p 6 i 3,5�O bug -4 . 1,
held on Friday -evening, last in the little state that one . 1. , hels . ay aftemoo � t VaTna. 895-2 t. i e great bargain I got. . 1�-CKfflop. ; . � I 1
points at 0 - elul, ei- one making a of - oats - of 70 b hels per here on Thursd n on accoun I Cou xcm Dox,xos. -At the last meeting "
Methodist church, and was - very fairly ne � , , all, -average N.-, Very difrl:- BILIEF I F U R 0
a -min n , _Xillo� Council, after electing I i
. t, a feat whicli ha never befolle acre, and 300 bushels of barl �'besides of some mish 1) on the -ii , -Ii a. . SuRaic-11, OPERATIO AL s. -A meeting of the Mock of the M, .
attended. The clauses in the Address Poll' ' . . Parliament -%-,is held on Wediiesday of . . ;
- . been accom plisbed in Cl�ilada. i The fol- Hungarian grass, turnips, an( other . _______7._ � cuft surgical operation was successfully the Deputy Reeve, Messrs. Robt. Turn- �
conferring the franchise on women and . . � � . C5 *his week, -when 9, Bill was intr6duced . _' 1
� I - t 4
I . i
&a., lowing is the score: k I i . day last, - an . z
?!� roots. He had in all 2?0 acres nder performed in Varlia on Satur bull' d Joseph Evans were appointea
the so -as of merchants,, mechanics, . . Tuckersmith. bile ab4ition of . -If you require aii.j�
' .NN, I � crop. Himself and his son prepare the ' which consisted in the removal of -a-can- by the Govern m-ent for I auditors. Mr. Donald McGregor was - � �,
was in, oved by the Attorney -General SEAFORTH. �kf � RLOO. I I -OTI1ER PTG SHIPPED.—Mr. George unishment. -Reeve Young� - . . I i
TE I ,( . I
- ' I I is also 0 n -ad assessor. The salaries of .
i . . ., land) Put In tli6 crop � and lkrve, I � I AN, . car from tboitongue of Mr. Jit.o.Walkef,,; Capital P PP 1: t I " e�l
I I .
- .
and seconded by the Minister of Finance. I K S( I Plewe�, of this township, shipped from - n - Ctlffs,- Boas, Cap
RIN I '. - . pie '6f in 4 of this village. One of file deeply ,away at Goderich this week attendi g a the , 8' erg
� I . with' the help of a con] . dilfferent offic were fixed at the �
A very lively and interesting discussion J. Fairley, S. Sni&r, . 1 cg7 I k.�' -All his grain Seafollh oil Wednesday, a very fine seated glands of the neck which, it was meeting of the County- Couiicil.---!rhe ame as I n' I .
- a few days to stoo 2 'D 8 ast year. The application of SUM, to eall' �nd �
. - I I
ensued, one Of t1la most pleasin(y f eatilres A. Wilson, H. Roos, �,oung Suffolk sow to Wm. TredArayi. of Nreath ry rough lately and � Richard McKeeand John Irvine to haye '- . I
C� . I ' . feared- had a cancerous deposit was also er has been ve � �
_h . I J. Kill' 1 . 5,220 bushels, was threshed with one . ort Union. This sow -was pi rred- ill. we now . have any amount of .
I w Ach was that *'evera-1 of the young J. A. Wilson, c r, � . 11-1 - 99 ted upon. ' The operation was very 'cc '
Of 0. Patterson, skip. -M ff. R. Snyder, skip..14 machine in !,three days and a quarter opera the their properties detached from 8ebool . - t pri -i this molith
.m. embers, carrie to the front and display- I . - - April last, and took three first prizes at I � 1
I �
ed excellent (lab - . Dr. I - RixK -.N- o. 2. . - . � We are gladi't6 hear that our old friend . skilfully performed .by Dr. Elliott of beautif ul. Section - No. 9 and annexed toSebool I e I
atfilcr ability � - . - . . even - �
t) . nic and th'q county shows last- fall for a s ' CHORAL SOCIETY.—A rneeting for the Section No. $,,%v&s received, and that � i
- d', . - � is prospering in .his prairie ho , , Brucefield, assisted by Dr. Gunn, of . . place. . �
Campbell, in behalf of the Opp . -ioi as held �
- osi 1011.1 W_ 0. Rei . J. Hoff Riall, ii iths old sow. This is the second - `-',ea- purpos.e of starting this society W I
moved in amendm. en -i that the clause D_ D. Wilson, : W. Wells, we hope danie fortune may continue to Wingliain and Dr. . Campbell, of �, . . the clerk -was instructed- to notify the . � . �
. .
R comnion" , J. B. HuHies . pig , r. Plewes has sold to the same forth. Mr. Walker's inany friends ,will in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, triistees of each school section to attenii . I
ct--pierriag the franchise � on w: J a � a * give him her brightest smiles. . . . I
I I . son. . .. : .
or . ! ttended. Profes- I .
'J. R. Lyons, skip. .3.5 Geo.: Moo e, 'skip..13 .- Abraham writes from per. be pleased to learn that lie stood the when a large number a � t Council ineeting. The clerk- -%vas, ' 4
. I -Mr.: W. E nQX I
– � from the Addi-ess. .. � a , e- Majority for Seaforth, 43. i . I -A So . ALA,s8EMBL.Nf14E.—A very pleas- The Ohe -,-- i
C�-,--Pung---, , I ation well alid that the 'best hopes sor Holland gave a short lecture on ap...,,
. Calumet, Houghton county, Michigan, \ at the ro � opur instructed to notify the trustees of - ,
bate on -this amendment will be con- I aut assefqblage took- I plac" �si_ . ic and the object 'of the meet' .
At the close of -the - aboye match -the saying : -The weather here has been very a � are entertained for his permanent re- mUs 1119', S81lool Sections Nos. 0, ,and 6, and the . �, �
. .. ,oadfoot, Tu(ker- . - I - . I i
tinuied this evening. In the absence of Seaforth rinks played the. Berlin club, dence of M, Alex. B� I I when it was decided to get u p a society. I .1
� -
i .t. .cold, and the snow is. about four feet - covery. wners of lot 31, concession 7 and lot
the leader of the Oppeal ion his place coining out victorious by two points. smith, on iriday afternoon last, A *_ � Several parties joined and the following 0 � I _tI
. ' .
, ;
. ; deep on the level. The wind, also, has 26, concession 6, of School Section No. - s
. was very ably taken by the Ron. mem- For several days playi has bpen 111 friend in tile � ld country having sent to . �. Einburn. -_ I committee were appointed to canvas for . -_ .
I I : -4, ;
. . .ng _. ; also the owners of lot 22, a ,-. .
. I
I _k. The dis . .been very bigh, and. there are snow. 2 oncession
bar for Scott'aBloc cussion progress on the rink here.for the Coun- * the Broadfoot rothers, John, Alexan- mellibers and to report next Tuesday, i I I
. . ell -M (r promis I W . drifts on the main street of the town ten A Futt--What might have been a 8, and lot 22, concession 9, of School �
, Times are very dull here. very serious alid disastrous fire occurred when a meeting will be held for the
this ev , es to be a very -vigor- ter cup, i and the first dra has been ex�- feet deep. I der and James, a, genuine Scotch plaid Section No. 6, that application has been I
ous one, an- austed,with the following resi,ilt: each, Mr. Alexai�d,er Broadfoot invited HOFFNA]
d unless the friends qvf Fe- . purpose of organizing: D. Ste -wart, D. ;
h� Men who have work with the Calumet near here on Monday night last. Mr. ma(le to this Council by the trustees,of , � �
' :
i I I
madc- Suffrage turn out in force' the . his brothers, their kmilies, and a nuin- 0 . - .
I . Dr. Hanover, 'Geo.'Whiteley, . Strachan, W_. H. Moss -9 W. H. Kerr, School S .
and Recla Mining Company are all'right. W. E. Caldwell returned home from . ection No. 1-0, to detach the - I �- I
e amendment of the J. H�.I.,,, __ Alex. Thouipson.,. if they are good ilien they are sure of bar of - friands.to his f�iaee to inspect the . Peter Thompson and THisses Ross and ; i
' . P- - .� I " ' presents. le " eing Clinton late in the evening, and as lie above-mentioned lots from saidSchool . , ;
Opposition will be carried, as there R. McCartney, - 'L P. Cavon . TI Dg,artnqnts upon .b- Bonnet The fee for gentlemen will be Sect . �0 "
i 0. Patteisoij, .4d.p..15' R. Coi inlon, skip..19 Ite'ady work and good wages, but nearly went to the barn to stable his horse he � ,_ , ion. and annex them to School See- SEAr 1111.
, ing against the I wn . � . .
. and for ladies, $1. All lovers of, .
seern,14 io be a strong feel I - � sho to the Visitors\'%Ver-�; ill -Lich and * I
I Ab.J Wilson af $1.150 .
- ' ,
. . carrying John Robeits - ` . the other mines are close& n or , noticed the hen -house in flames. Before $ tioix No, 10, and all interested Parties - ____ �; I
C. "' -_ N1( y little. IM '117 deservedly adinire-d, i . . good ld make it a point to be be ilistluated to attend .next Council . i
" I workin I I if cop- u i
Sergeant M Thos. E. Coleman, . '�rstone . 9 The pric dilly appreciated by tile regiplents, who, oin the .1 . ,
of such a radical r�forlyi. The . J. a tn��tile gifts are music 84ou
_ lis, ' 'kichard N cGee, . . - he could proc re assistance fr � � � - .
, , ,
-4 . at -Ari Sir Alex. 411.9on,' . W. �O` per is very - n life's 11 . . � . ,
) R . al MUNICIPAL MATTERS. -Considerable
-ad out in cocked hat A. You.ng, skip.... 8 M. . r skip..20 low. The last sale the Calu neighbors the fire had cominul icated on, hand and,join. the society. meeting. Thellext meeting of Council -
. I
appeared deck -$o,o!,'t'e , - met and ecla Company made was at . though they are all a(lv,%n\e\fed o with the straw stack, which wassoon in . will be held at Fulton�s hotel on the ffist z WINTf
. - , 6und, and the other in" JO . I . i
sword, and full regulation co.,4til,m6, Robt. ludd, D.'Wa, son, . ines urney, will, we hope, be spa,red many . a blaze. By untiring work, however excitement prevailed all week over �
9J cents p 8 . i
�, I Saturday in March next. . �
-very imposing appearance. E, C_Colenlan, - John 11airley, P -ear and enjoy the cb�mfort of .- I ) I j
rnakiag, a . . years to Ni - municipal matters. Ex -Reeve Rogers, .- � i
- . . __ % , -0. Wilson, - . . J. C._Uddlaw I _.. cannot pro ace. it for that, as the rock ' Oli the part of"those who assembled, the 16 . - . �
. ... . . the plaids; A very pleasant al eriiQon . . - i
J . Wilson, skip..11 J. R. olls'� il.)..20 � � irity, has been . �
Fi 'R,kiN. inton New Era -A is not rich enough, while the company fire was kept from communicatin . 1
� - ?� )n� 9 istowel Poultry Association - i
_sL, G --�-The Ch . was spent by all present, and non ,"-ere with with his . exceeding ab -The L i
.1 I los. Laird, ' I .named can produce it at 6 cents, so they the other buildings, although the - doing his best to get a protest entered'
- -s : On Wednesday last . z
week- say �y '. 1 hen I
of last , more blithe and gay than the aged gelf- will hold an exhibition in that town on �
.- F. Holnisted.; � . h, : a st �Iessrs. Kerr, Grab am and Scott; 4
. I ave - a decided advantage oVer the-il, house and stack were consumed. ' It is a d
__ we had an Opportunity of inspecting .11. Fulton, - . tlemen who badUen specially lionot�d. - t g' ifill the 3rd,4th and 5th of February. Up- � G
. 0 competiforg, and if copper does not raise . . I )e rst on the ground that he did some summa A. I
90me grain that is, certainly. ahead of D�.-D. Wilson, bi yol. . supposed that the fire origiliated from . ; a . . �ry � .
I - -
I I - . t, th second, on some ground wards of $500 will be given in special . I �
I soon it will be a bad lookout for the X ashes which had been placed in the hen- prin ill . . - A
anything we have yet -come across. It The next draw will comprise the inem- Goderich. I as and donations. � . ,1
ars of the victorious rinks in the above" sm , . house for the fowls. to roll in. - �
. was a saniPle of oats and wheat in the be all miners an(f their workn ell. I am � . \ . � bardlyinoven tothe ex -Reeve himself, Pr3-Z .. _.j
I : . %
. 08 by trade a shoemaker, d ilulsiness in LOCAL Bmjws.-Thc County Council- \ _" -us to xp and the third, because he has the bad . .. �
possess - It. W. Rehill,the veteran contest, who wil . an . . Mr. Cr4ldwell wishm a �
non of IT I conip a four rinks, . .ress
my line is. also - very dull. There lors are again in town. They generally h,Js sincere thanks to his neighl) i fortune of being a firenian, and in times I :
' � W oii. for ' J
see(Iman, of Seaforth. The oats are'what and will agal n. play off two agai.iist,two. Quite - � rsigned u-411)11'
� . are e 0 ll g 0 i
ampion, 0 . . I or t., . -
. is known as the Ch being a large. -The two victorious rinks � m the cl ontest s veral f rmer Seaforthite i residing have ilearly a week of holidays.---� th\eir very kind assistance in help' " t past, like other members of the fire E. McFAUL The unfle
. in this to,wil and among others-'. Mr. a number of the young people have� - I . 4
white oat, and are said to have yielded will again be drawn and play off against ) a.�, inguish tie fire, as he is awifident brigade, risked his life and health in - tlie public to the varioll%'.
" 1:� . I I
e acre. They have 6 John Bowden and family, ,Ind all of ganized themselves into an Aii�ateur � ,PU611111; the property of those now object- I Nvhi�h lie 1,; en,tmged, ati `
over 90 bushels to th each other, and then tile members of tb �.- I � . that 4kit for their Pluck and deterniiiia- Cl I - : �
very long straw but'the ,wonderful size victorious rink � -will play .off, and the - ,them still cherish a warm s do for the Athletic Company.-Zrha Parliament tion bi&,buildings must have been de- Ing -to him holding the seat. It is 'not of hi�, bt,oeks before puirt,
C, - u
. I �
c. f i6e heEds was what i mpressed I" lively little town. i . met -last Saturday night, when a very likelv anvthin definite will result from . ��
8 P,%r- m ember who colnes off beit I'll this last . . stroyed. * � 9 Is GIVING . 7-i
1. niewn,tred with a rule, they, c I p ov* hiinself the . long- I - *—. ,I: interesting debate oil the question of \ . the hulAaloo, as a great number of the I ,
ticularly , I ontest, having r ed , I nn e liquor dealers took ' ratepayers object to kee?big the village . . I . - . GENtRAL .
I . showed a length of twenty inches. This est liver in the club, -will be- entitled'to , L6CAL BRIEFS.-4rhe ice harVeSt is place. They meet again oil Thursday E'a,su Wawanosh. I in an election turmoil all the -time, %nd # �1
I .
i.lay seem incredible, nevertheless it is hold the cup lintil next se4. son. now in full blast, Mr. D. D. I,,V- ilson is . . . - �
' . ,
. .
nYlt ii -ben the debate will be continued. 1111L. spla"N I SHOW. -'rho annual are already disogusted,svith. tile' taotics of SPECIAL VALUE . ,
. I �
%., drawing from Egmondville, �and Mr. : I I
true. -,Xr. Rehill believes lie can defy , . . I 0 . . I
,, he second meeting of the High School spring st 1�n r the auspices: of the one who has held the position of Reeve ... t
. I - . C5 1 Voir'j-3thig of DRY ��
the Doiiiinion to produce anything else HE LATE .��%11188 B60TH'.-The man Common from Silver Creek.--�Dr. Alac- -:r ,�'e
V I T I y � I Literary ,Society will be held in the East Wawanofs Agricul-hiral .81ociety for four years. . . � . �
as good as, th e Champion and he is not -�frie'nds of Mis's Maggie Booth., daughter kid has purchased tIW resideneq on John . I . BOOTS AN'D ISH,ODSI �:
F.1 Bopth,_�f Harpurhe , will � ,street, owned- by Mr. Don.W Ross, 'High- School on Friday evening. A will be h '� --ave on Wednesday, -Huno-,q AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. - -IJN-- . _� MAS!Ml
far astray. Another variety that '. he of Mr. 0 ield at Beim EAST . . elloCKERY, t .
Won was the _NLfonarah, also learn .tt�_ 7 r t y good programme is expected.- I'liere April l5th. The - atetaries of other -The annual meetm' "of the East, 'Rid- � . 1well 11
1--a-d on exhibri. . Wl' regre of her dernise, which and occupied by Mr. Soole, for $950. It . . . ge! . . earefulry veleewd, a ,
i will also be a meetino, of the Bible So- societies should take n9tice and govern ing of Huron Agricuftural Societ� was -i .
_2� white oat, yielding eighty bushels to took place on Saturday evening last. will be a convenient place for him. -As 0 \ ! . I . priets poss ble Collsist'L i
the acre, Thi� I , is not so large a graisn a§ a victim 'of that fatal Mr. and Mrs. John O'Sullivan � of 2NIc- �iety� in the English: Church oil the same themselves accordingly I . held ill the town hall on Wednesday Ladies' Ulsters . �businesb 4on correc-tpriq
Miss Booth w as ' : I vening. Rev. It. McCosh, of Wingliain, COUNCIL Doi,NGs. --il \the first: -meet- afteroon of last week. There was a y i
the other but is still a splendid sample�. disease. consumption, and waC con- Killop, were coming into tawn on Tues- es - t , ed in plain figuros, wit -b!
- iector ing of the East Wawi . 1. ,
The CalifGrriia Defiance, a spring wheat fined to her bed for about! four months. day with. a horse ,and cutter, the horse is to address the people. -Ills inosh\ Comicil for good attendance, 'Vice -President NVni. �. .le, and no below t
q - . : F . - .Rrfi( ivoi- I
Miller; who has been in. Toronto for thisyear Mr. Peter Porterfield was re- Grieve in the chair. The -treasurer's . .
yielding, last season, 41 bushels. to the She was a young lady pqslesse& of many took fright wben opposite the Royal.
� . 4 _\ I
I appoi ted clerk at his former sala report showed tile receipts to be $1, 1,155, - � . . �
acre,.. 66� pounds to the bushel, official ,rare and endearing- qiiivl�ties, and her hotel, -and becoming unmanageable ran some time, is expected home by the end 11 ry, I Ladiei Mantles.'r - �. �
� - . . ' � 'kil ar and � !,!
d and friendly mann6� Made her a up on the sidewalk in front of Mui I � -1 i 49 and expenditure $1,106,58, leaiing a .
test,, is a sam. pie that would be hard to 'kin of the week.- assembly takes place $75. Messrs. Duncan McKell � T
-phy's to -night at. Bell's roller skating rink. James Edward were appointed auditors. balance of $28.91 on hand. The total - . I S" ,I
beat anywhere. Messrs. Mills and universal favorite with who had the store, when it broke loose from the cut-- . - I - . I
, It promises to ).)a a great success as this The auditors were instructed to'sudit membership is about So at yresenf. On . - � � j
11anton, of the Agricultural College, in- pleasure of her acquai=11�ce. She was, ter and rail down str'eet, but was caught . . - q��
. � Opted. �
spected the specimens also stating that 0 � U , when opposite - & Duncan's. 'is one of the best floors in the Province. the treasurer's accounts lip to th6,lgt motion the report - ( The Mantle ClothsL, . -onsid -ultil'i
an i tive m ember of th I dependent Duncan \ .
I , - . : � I - - A( erable qu. .
they were -exceptionally g.00d,the �Iiain- Order 0 ... i � --------*- February. The selection of all a-ssesspr election of officers resulted as follows : - . . . -
. y 1. f Good Templars, and the evite,eni �Further than the breaking of the harness � I �1. � (A L-tiniber on hand ; IM
pion oats beiitg something that it would ' 'by er sister knd ; ingur� Usborne. was deferred until the next meeting bf� President, Donald McLaughlin; ist '
in which- she was held'by was done.-�-Mr. Alexander ' ' T, I 1, U, ,) 3 and 4 Vaph I
- . . - -1 I
I jell Council. It was resolved that at the ,.vice Win. G'rieve; 2nd vice, Robert . . I ,
emplars '-was pl, � ly shown 'by of Tuckersmith, has purchas- RICH -
Lehill has evi- brother T 0 on i
4),e kard to equ,tl. Mr. P AT Goi)E .-Mr. Thon as Kay left, I Inell �ioft Maple'; 3, 31, �
� . : - ti son; Directors, Charles Hingston, .
�'Idently gat the best that is to be had, arT morning t at,.-, next mee ng of Council % by-law �e read �dib' - . Ulsterin
the I a turn out of th members of ed the residdlice of Mr. Donald Ross, for Goderich on Tuesday o . gs, -I; 12, 3 and -4 inch 'Oak- ; I
- . and as the farmers of Huron are always H odge oil Monday, ast, to follow near the market, for $1,000. Mr.Ni ichol- tend the meeting of the County Council,. and passed, agreeing to put a, bertain IR:6bert Brown, James Ferguson, Robert. . . alxmt 1),Ow leet elfflA
on the lookout for nothmff but the best, her rem ains to their last rbstmg place in ,son intends removing to town to live, PASSED X%v.,.Y.-On Saturday last' amount -of statute laboron the eastern Miller, G. Moffatt, Thomas Kelly, Alex. . .- .
- L , . . - 'Sawn Henilork- lor build!
� .
. : they sho,tildt s�-e Mr. Rehiyl's samples. - . -th a Maitland Bank ceme'tery, notwith- and he has procured a very cheap, com- .Mrs. Frazei, after a severe illness of boundary, or original road . betweren Stewart jr., A. L. Gibson and David ' � . fivxpurposes. .
. - � standing the severe coldness of the for -table and handsome residence. -Mr. about two weeks, passed away from this Winghain and Blyth, providing tile Millie ; -Auditors, F. S. Scott and W. H. Ladies' Furs, -1 -
.., Council of Morris pass a similar'by-law � - -
. . Tu,j;, C.,.-flIm-p�-r. -The concert given weather on that day. '�Her -pleasant Robert Carmichael is one of the most land tothe place from whence there is Kerr; Delegates to Provincial Exhibi- , - Thio- lbeinloe-k_ Lops nov.
and give all equivalent. A deputation tion '
taider the a.w,pices of the Bicycle Club smile and- bellping ha ardent admirers of RobbieBurns, and noreturning. Sliewas72yearsof age, . ,Robert Gibson and A Stewart;
P yard are the finest -1 haN .-
011,A,Jo1iJayeveuing laist,-%vas, in -point maDya sick �bed, and in Miss Booth never forgp,ts to 1 honor the memory of and was highly respected and esteenied. was again present requesting the Coun- Secretary -Treasurer, D. Stewart. it . . .
I . cil to go oil with building the proposed Ladies' Fur Ca ' product an artielt in Lu
� of inerit one of the best'ever listened to , Huron Lodge loses one .of its most fa-ith- 'Scotland's immortal bard by fittingly � GOOD 1E1o&-,E.-'.N1r. James Hackney was moved-, secoiided and carried that PSJP.,. � fidt,titty ri.-4c,oit.niexid to y-
. � -
� I
in Seaforth. The audience was no,tvery ful ,members. ,The bereaNed family will- celebratin -1 11 new bridge on. the river on concessions 6 the auditors, have free meinbersbip to � -ring Henllock 1,111111
, I ' g the anniveaary of his birth. a ' old another fine horse - to Mr. Bissett " und 7. After considerable, discussion th6 .so " . - re'll1i .
large, but tho.ie who were co-urageous have the sy unpathy o a lorge.,circle of Having prepared the Cra�iliiional haggis, of Exeter, for the handsbine-suin of $255. * ciety for their trouble. The meet- . �, _ .Sullinler
second- i I
. Z5 - z e q over.this matter, it was rnoved� � � , would Idn well
enough to brave t he' elentients and risk friends --aiid have t onsolation of he invited amumber of friends to spend Hef sold its mate a few weeks ago for ing of directors of the above society will � . I -
, - i Dom-, so t '�
. . � . hat sm al)le lic-11g,
frozen eani imil faces by conling out, : knowing that the depu'te(�one-has gone the. dvening, with him ,,it th e residence of $245, thus realizing $500, for the team. I -�Lturday the Ith ;
I . . ' ad and carried that no -action li� taken be held in Brussels, on 8 Ladies' Fur Capes, � �. i .
- t this year in reference to building sai by, at I o'clock- p. in. - _:
' ' "
'Were 11M Ly .-epaid for their temerity. to " where life's troubl�d ,. ra-ves 'no more � Mr. Geo. ,Whiteley, on Monday last, Each of the animals brought down the I . 0tstow.Sawlng prompt
1� . ". I I bridge, and that the petition- laid , before 7 � . � :
'The perf,�rrr.aiices were all good, but it . beat against the golch q sh re. ", ", arid it is needless'to say that a pleasant scales at'1645 pounds, -when be was lbak- AN'XUAL MEETING. -The annual ineet- " ' I
. i I
I vill not 0-r- con.sidered ,invidious to __ 0 I 1. . evening, was spent with the genial host. in theinaway. i I the., Council last year be filed for the ing of the Morris and Grey Cheese and . A hoitt 4j,0W Bhwk A-3�1
� .t 4
- ing a nuinber Of Butter� Manufacturing Company,. was r Shawls -
xuake ,-,pvi,,,1 aientian of 'Maggie Barr Tow.N Corscii_" Ati t � . i�leevting of -Mrs. Bleasdell, who bas twaeil spending VNICIFAL.-a--Atl he last meeting of present. After pass* " .1 Cloudsr, ary all ��%vawpcd out i-wrL
and Mr,- Ve'arrin,ton. " Tile land o' the tile, town council Oil Mo6day' evening severa,l' months with friends in town, Usborne.Council, all the members bei accounts, the Council adjourned to ineet held iii the town ball, oil Tuesday, Jan- . - larzepiles. .
.1 n � , ng . . ' .
� teal," b� the former, was of itself; well the Selecting Comniittee� reported that '16ft for her home in Winnipeg on Friday present, and after routine business, Mr. again on Monday, 16th February' uary 27, when about sixty of the shar 4 i �
0 e- I
. - . _ .
worth the fteand trouble, -while in re the'standing Committees �or the year be laslt.-There will be a hallelujah christ- N. J. Clarke w . ted clerk a h nt. The w0dit Wool Squares y C. , � .
as,re-appom t , . ors' . I
. .
sponseF- to an. eacore she gave equally composed as follows : S ep-ts-Messrs. ening in thelSalvation Army barracks -a salary of $130; Mr. H. Horney was Sunshine. report was read aiid adopted, showing . - . . I � GRIST
well " Ai.:ld Robin Cray." Mr. Wax David�on, Fairley an ... d Du * can, Finance on ,vy afternoon . next. The elected- Deputy Reeve ; Mr. Thomas 'Et '. - .NTATION.-Ohe evening lately as follo-vvs: Number pounds of nWk . . �
Sund, I E"L I -
rington -_d.-,-,, fully lnet. the expec- --7-blessrs. Wil�on, Beatt e and Lai d - interestif4l,`�ffalr will be done iip in real Coates was re -appointed 'treasurer at a whi e the -choir of the Methodist church delivered to factory, 1,386,89.5 ; Pounds . . . -, . � .
tations Of h i, MoA ardent adm irers.- Xr. Fire and 11'ater--',-�.,Iessrs.,ql.trong,.Stew rt m a tice b� the Wood - sal4ry of $75, he to renew his bonds to were at their usual practice, the lorgan- of cheese manufactured, 131,673 ; qu�n- ' . � e . CU140141]Lls k.'al) rl..I% k0l.
V� . . - � OUR and good return,,
Breadon iti L beautiful tenor and -whati an.d.Ward. Charity' -Th." Mayor and stool-, papers that Mr. John Murray, thd , the Council to the amount of $12,000, to ist, Miss Little, was very muJ.h sur- tity of .milk to .one pound of chaese, Fib
. A Call Solicited.- : __
0 - -ell, welt -known inallager of the Kinburn be signed by himself and -two sufficient prised to see people coining pourin g into 10.53 pounds; tofal value of cheese - - los frolp
giugn(r il`. tAllers does �ii but his Messrs. Scott 41nd Claff. lCourt of 'Re- ' I _� ina4c t_o that parti
� a�, �� I I I
- . � .. .t.h(-jr -ri,.,ts mid thoppi
-Sbl6sla(;�_ '.-cl,res4onandvivlacity. Mr. vision-The-.T%�aybr, Reo've, Deputy, cheese factory, was a guest at the wed" suretie�. Mr. John Allison was appoint- the- church until the e(lifice was nearly manufactured, $13,937.02; amount dis- n
. I
- .
T E. J'.. -'-..'6 :�Iiaracter song "Over the Reeve and 'Kessrs. Stro4g an.d -Scott.* ding of Daniel G. Murray,Esq., Deputy- ed assessor ut* a, salary of $50. The fol- filled. Her surprise was increased, tributed among patrons, $10,512.79 - - Flour always on hand to
, )) , 1. ._�_ -en, froin dealen- pronil
t.'i'li&S to t'l (,,, v(n,r house, was perfectly The report of the ,doininittlee was adopt- ord
, : , Reeve of Zorra, and Miss M.A. Murray, lowing fence viewers were appointed, when, after order had been restored, she amount retained by the Company io' I
I . . r �
I ,
render --d ti.d the character wal admir- ad. A petitiok from M6srs. Jones &. Of East Zorra, last week. -Messrs.- A.J. viz: D. Kirk, Alfred Coates, Peter was called to the front and Mr. Thomas manufacturing, $3,424.23 ; value .of . I .
I . - .
EtMy per6ordried, -&-rhile the sdig, a gent .tle- Son and Jailles! Stewart was read asking Willson and . A Tur:te quoaitit% of hav
Jno. Fifich ,of this to�krn were Moir, Chas. Coates,. John Hunter and. Nugent read,:& complimentary address pounds of cheese to Company, 10;' . .
. � .58 . -
. Uc - ' - �, I � in the barn, or delifvt7rod, �
man ga,v �! .t i,;Ouple of solos in'excelleiit the council , red e the license fee very successful m prize winners at the Chas. Switzer. The Board of Health thankinu her in the name of tile '-' ns o patrons, $ cents; Ev MCFAUL �
, . . I 0 . I .4 _� - �
I, atyle, a.i Le aLWayS does. Misses John,- chargeable for billiard tab les from'$20 to annual show of the Ont,ario -Poultry is- to be composed of the Meeve and gation, for' --her untiring and efficient amounts paid for hauling milk, $1,734, - I -1 .
. . I
son arid Campbell each - did remarkably $15 for the firsi table ; from $15 to $10 Association held last week at Gue�ph. Deputy Reeve, and Messrs.l. Hunter, services as oYanist. She wag also. pre- 35 ; amount to credit of factory account . �, I ANDRIEW �
, well. - In la(A- it is no discredit to the pro- for the,�econd 4nd 85 iiistFadl of $10 for Both gentlemen carried off several first , D. �61nnes and A. Duncan.* Dr. Irving sented with I a handsome Bible silver after payinj all disbursements $28 47 - I * � ,.�_ . � - �
. fessionalb ta -,4av that th e a e, each addition,- . 0 ) . I I a ID . - .
Linatenrs wer # table. The petition w as prizes for their fowls in com-petition i -was appointed medical health officer, watch and cruet stand. The presenta- total value of assets 'over liabilities, THE CASH DAY GOODS , -MAN. �
� , . . � �.,._ �;, - N.B.-All boo], accout
little '11,ind Z":�c-iz�in ally resp�et. - - "' erred t : the Finance -with some of the best poultry breeders I and Thos. Allen sanitary inspector. The tions were made by Messrs. J. X Cor- $1,703.81. The following officers, were I ,
, Miss received an,l 4f Q
I .
� .
� . I . I � - -t-
I . � . : fbwet jr, vepAed 1)y m �h or
Boot'i lkut-d ab pianist, and did'.her Qoilainittee. tul)t reporte4 on at neit of the c9RtH*1ent.---Tbe Ancient Order i Reeve and Treasurer were authorized to ney and J. 8. Rogerson. Mr.: Little elected for 1875; Directors -Donald . _A� * I .
. &QM tN� It I i I ' . %_ I �
'4t ,,-:.-'ult ev 0 S oncr gave notice that of Forestbrs'are having a iieN� hall fitted loan on first mort age on'real estate the replied iii feeling terms, thanking the McLauchlin, Johii Forbes, Alex. For- SHAFORTR, ,OkU- ' �__ -
4. ., , part to the , i. meeting. llfr,. � tr 0
9 -1� � - � -9
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