HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-01-16, Page 4IIIIIIIIJVARY 16. MW5 JANUA
N ENPOSITOR. THE 11U#0 T Jn A large audience were. pu ers were o bbery took
Ito the good th i go there,: they of temperance. appo d t hat tight. The result �at �upposed that Phelan, *ho belon�s to justice e directors i thall 4 E. 6UTTRICK & C0..S whickhas gone iiitoi, the pbekets of ti exercise �tation or bet
to the church whexe an Pxdel- presenVat this meeting and appeared sooner got repaired fcansas City, was allure4 to No or I they wanted -to bounce the treas reb6nt ire w; Y k in. store. Ad6essos heartily to enjoy the e uret s of officials will have to be'refunded 'Put of t io, the municipal� elections wh I ntertainment. Reliable Paper Patterns for all kind lent programme was bemg I'dispom as lit for the purpose of d of published in he not ba-ving voted Scott t b but, tile
lAdis' Misses' Boys' and Children's Dominion treasury, and thus besides t I ladies iwere permittei to vote m ist werb delivered by Revs.A. 3 feLean and —Two or three papers make out
I I * a a Scott. Act candidate form, unicip4l 3 it is'said he had 1revealeo secrets of the Wingliam, have been taking In partners. �w a Garments, for sale. by 1EFb,FFmAN Bros., confusi W.Birks,and T.M.Conipbell. of Goollerich on and arubyance whic4,biq6 bem 'Bottle t6se objections hnd doubts, a4dt Fenian Brotherhood. Abasa denies all honors, whi(h was- certainly a inistalk Iovil- SeafQrth. delivered his most hiterestir g and The Times is now published by Rolwards e it beinc,
the ountry w inowledge of affair, �ut the author- and Kerr, and the Vid by MiUhel on his Part. I But it isonly fair that tl�le occasioned, the c onfirxi4s the. wisdom of thel Legislature ette tion at
ill. b6- subject c lar lecture on "Matrimoly" which knowthatthe sae tiesaresaid to haVe !Possession ofa, albraitli. Mr. G'albraith is an ex- Public shto Vy lc�s sianpl 11 to them a r the enjoy- , nit. - and G is to he& the'spito -in exte�di ight, was appreciated by all y 0 gratify pres. Exdel pla", h
NEW ADVERTISEMENT otter from -him t) Phelan, inv ' iting him e w lie of a vindietive old man. If the people ineut 0 h thby hokild have 1: ad 8 furnished b3' the ehoir. perienced journalist; Kerr has been tlen, lan has een treasurer for N�w York foi all in terview. � Both lent music wa Grocery there and from its firs organization, to the e of Canada like this sort. of thing, the long ago n every i nstnce; go &r as 3hort and Ph scol to 'be The chair was ably filled by: the Rev. . running tile E clipse o in that satisfaction and. that his not sllffi&
f all parties el , aire suppo not had an , experienc e eirc u. nee, ailcl t
AW T. he figure between the parenthisis after we d, the r suit was man consph S. Fisher, pastor of th has y each rine denotes the page of the paper'on which they deserve to -have more of it. have no ice' simi jar io.torious Fe 4tors, a ad start- —The following are the officeris of line,as yet. service have been given without fee o the advertisement will be found. mg revelations a rle expic ted. rhe hos- one of those reward. Bitt; to ieturn to this sta This decision of the supreme court to tha in xat, which is -described- by I Gorrie Loyal Orange Lod No. 767, —On. New Year's eve ige he left ital autboriti is, fearing at attack *ed% ngs,& hitch took place. T11e- My stain oil Save onev—Ranton Bros. (5) ie
I' eting. W. pleasant ev the Reporter as follors elected at thp. last regu q�r ents which gladden the the proc Clearing Qe—Hoffinan Bro& (1) In list be a better pill for- our onsery the resi- meeting 4,w i� informed that it could. not ppon their patk6e t, lave ia a guard of i o gen i e . etati en statio ed at t ib insti hition. M.—Jaillois Perkins; —George hearts of youth too e Discovery—Lumsden & W-Uson- (5) Co ntrai -y. t on, a policem lit tive contemporaries to swallow. 01, ce of Mr. Samuel Cox, Goderich legally appoint the treasurer but th; Stock -taking --4. itcLoughlin. (8) 1 - Green .—H. J. Besan F. S.— den ugherty ,
-ge rop )�tion o , t1i oRad r etor were the proper parties t�) Ust---�Appl:v at the. ExposrToR Office. (8) lai e ids la -ly township, ad -which consisted in the the dire Resting upon the supp63ed leg6l George Strong ; Treas. H. Clegg eputy teev
'listIi tbistown f inter G;�ds for Sale—A. Taylor. (8) plaWced t vote�f .111 t� ifor atio c used q. .,on lls ; Leo. — Robert I -iage of his second. dan,ghter, Miss do so. Thi h m n a, it te'
"I ". Save Mone acumen of their political chief they were Chap. —Will. E va nar tile (j,th con- consternati ii among the faithful, T4e _Y—T, Coventry. (8) cast t4eir bIllots. i t6 election on -! Welsh, of Cheap Dry Goods --J. Pickard. (8) �r . ' 4 ipt§ o 0 ill 911 P�nt, thus,. unsparing in their abuse The rec f th, Cli t weigh Walker; Com.—I James 'Armstrong; Eli7A, to T. R. ends Presideritsaengthattheir scheme I au dicul� of fri lad ,ond.#. t - is est* (iated that about —T. Coventry. (5)� cession. - A fine assembly of Settle Up �-cales for the nioli th of Decelnbe4amount- 2 John Ardell; 3 Georg Ardell 4 �ilson, W. C
Notes Lost—Isabella Glendining.. (5) person who' dare sa r a'w(fd -to witness the ceremony go vo�edin�,Zll,whicli'isa lit ell e aglee, said Jit was strange t1hit V
John Stinson 5 R. 'Walker. t every to $8.30. were pros th NvAra
--N. J. Clark. (5). -on the ro, It fo med by Rev. Mr. Gee,
'V' &tice orle-h f of e numbe �ody knew what the lam 9 bfo*e-
w in many c Lses it-thela(Uos mee- aanst the Dominion Act. I hey ev on iden Jeremiah cir Vest W vwanosh, —A correspondent of Ethel in the which was per r Notice—PaterAdamson. (5) as e' P am, I' ofBayfield. The bridend groom were left the hall without calling a iui W. 1,74)rm;
Farm to Ren". Bro-%vn or J. Esson. (5) went. so -far as t 1pays lie ploughed all day on the 31sf of town8bip of Grey, sai o accuse Mr. Mov 4t. ejoye, the Drivilegn w1l'.4h had b -en h and Mr. in�� of the new directors to ppoi�t At the il
Clearing Auction Sale—Rugh Bell. (5) f. ed ri illunicipal election Win: Milne was elect- ttended by Miss Clara Weis eit4er a searetary- or treasurer. This A Great Rargain—EXPOITOP. Offlee. (5) with presulnpi6io and igno rance' :"or Oecembei, 1884. confe on them ; and the succes of maid e nd her —The firm of T�oinoson & Switzer, ed for first Deputy Reeve, ad Will. It. B. Cox. The brid the m' vem nt in III= cipal maters i ill g im fo Annual ��eetingG, E. Cresswell. (5) i daring to s�and lip for tie rights of ed in pale molve will ve the wire pullers t P, a Od Frecentor lVanted--J- Elliott. (5) ,rocers of Clinton, ha�� bee� c issolved. Elliott for Councillor. Both had 0 were very haridsoinely attir doubt as h ad ere lon� to a Triubb. -willer Y.�sider w4ether it, -will be safe fo Me of Clydesdale Horses --O. J. White. (51) 0-lit—arioin ! ositiofit.� d with white I"e. co. OPP tridatief (if rife former cont nues the bu$ln,ss. majorities 144 and 70 behig blue cashmere trininie I I k, IAve thle sab
e the privi e. Make v, 11 not. xterl1s n of -ay e es n o Bargains in Boots ano Shoes W. Kempthorne,(8) Sir John The bride was inade the r%cipient of tul' out treasur r.at pr e t r y -Ae men thev Estray Sheep—Neill Brown. (5,) and broadly a a for a, ady voter" w I en become —Mr. 'R. H. Holinois, Br:'ister, of tive numbers. They are Itrustwortli milly bea ostly articles of B lit the trangrst part is yt to be told. 4' Auction Sale --G. Good. (9) �as taken into pa --tnership men and deservig of seats 4t the Coun- �e , L Mad of the v44 opposition would only I h' stand.. -he 0 es e at Vie t -tirer of the Uiboni
ease e rd r mark at lling Ph Ippy couple Tb reas er Saturfty's Sale—J, P. Bride. (9), withbifn M' silver waxe, and the IiA, r.- A,-McMil1laill of Toronto. cil. Boa'M. i
sic- Uld come, tbroLL8 liout the �ountt �-Scott Act ssociation band arid glove e.NLotes--H- Cameron, severity of his fall when it, wo 6111ale .1 roter Ili ulie from t'
6ertson of the I Jnited removed to their nem, holne tile same
—The f 8 Brussels. hold —Captain Rol Dissolution of Partne hip—F. Iffol e -Ih the- At tis, which, to ay the lea, rs M sted- 09, ascomeitmust.- Thefollowi' extr' our evening. - wil Dig e of A-wer, sci it i I d -well. known tol, man of the balai c P( 8 said. The Empire, i. y sistent. Will th% —The Clinton New Era of last week was not very coil from Ithe Toronto Mail of �idbruai -yi, A'Word'in Sea�on. )alance of power coul�l not ]);in sfer i readers, while engaged 1 soln ,duty for4l met M.-itli
[ollowing: The following cir- spl,teful niqve redound either to tilLe JWtPool of t 8, about the vessel %r I� som Tikesday of I*
Ilia ii Fir! lay of Ims tile J b parties bo it oJit has the foil w- inds. i a year,agro, is a saIple of t9e boasts '1111 tra; 1ord Beacc ti imstance occurred some time ago, yet i Of tb w carri6d i P 0 01 reS in ulted erjo —Mr. Elford, of Uoderich wnship, last week, sli ped from ie ga rigw.%y : ct se. giblc and -a on ll Idlilged in: T y rem rk it is nevertheless worth relating. A the od of the society ? Thete t a ju-,t I)i
. .. ..... . Tlear Hofinesvill , plowe�.l on 31st of and in the fall came lieavil� in contact or or- et call ha, �e �no idea of the responsilli- -D having occasion to use at' I -The Grit piti-ty are at pre,9 Int con- lmport6nt stibject. 1, 8, I December and found th' soil in splendid with a thilber of tile wharf, sustaining Stanley farl er, splinter of bon,
ell drew RTH, FRIDAY, Jan., 16, 18-85� tending for a series. of illegali lit is mor thark' like] y that cominuni- �Oildition. severe bruises about the be, d and shoul- ioll ' lity they bave ta Z - -upon in his thrmt. 8AF0 large amount of n ey, froin a thi
- Award is le cation's -fr in he dronto agital ors —John Stacey, who has bee in the ders. ly suni of 81 0,000. Time, will tall what the result of their must have -swa
Bound, xy ille He is now improving rapid bank in s town the Bill is illegal. The Ct Gkg ag 'be lidd be- ortl — at for som ved in —Ali' ugly accident M o Getting a small salt bag rl�t 6-xem, tion 3 will iwe 6f th
1) e pla quet will I)e. A Farmers' Institute. ipened t ced the,' foolish con Is 1, week. H Mr. John Grookshanks, amount therein, all After try-hig ia'
fo ai I c unicil at its nexV,iheet- russe %at e juill probably Robert, ,ion ol car�i&3 w� it ANTI -SCOTT. 9 is illegal. Yet Mr' Mowat ask 10. F I e -the co ntk of sly thro, IWe are glad to be able to state that people to sustin him tha nir ing. The (ounefl. world do well to be pend -the whiter th&-e. just north of Gorrie, Sunda y' before last. in the bottom of his cutter. After ti ans- 7 he. put on his f
y Ma these illegal Acts. actino, Farm, ers' Institute for. the County f 0 d Army 1 the cattle ond of the cows rsonal C3anvassin .0 careflill ab it tile, cour e they ptirsue in --The Save hve struck W 9. -doctor who ui
hile, feeding some business around town, the Pe
a n�mtter No, taken ad, the born entered his horse in the meantime being tied to a
Huron, underthe aspices, of the On-, It so hapens that the op.*entions 4 thi step should be o-ndesboro and are ho!lding very sue- turned her lie, ExyosiTon..::LIn a late Issue of ill p, . -ies know exactly wha;'is essful in that* village. They n-iouth and came out jiist below his post., be -drove to Goderich, and put tip 1-odgd.- IN Ir until t I meetings -the Grit party on -ea one- of these qu, your over m elonle journal, you dva4d tario: Government, will be held at Clinton ell s�:l ropo6d to be done. the word 6' :,x- ave crowded houses evory ev -alt bag P eye. Since the accident lie has not been at a hotel, Simply hanging the
e mg. a, consi dera ble space to powerul e4i- #Anking
on- Tuesda and Wednesday -next,. com.- tions have7 been Proven nil in the bar -room! correct, and Mr,' emptioins s -a '�ery general term id —The aSt HI Lrion Socie- able to cat or peak, his only sustpiiiance and contents on a to!irjal on tIte subject, " Evils dr�wo, but Inui
-broken, -until be got his dinner id grow so p'i
mencing each day at one o'clock. Pro- Mowat has been sstained on every one be -ford the peoplo� of the Pro ee ty will hold their -aninutil mecting in the boingnewmilk� Noboneswere -where it remain- - 131 aiti -
vince : ag r f roi-� the pr, Leti-ce of private cairvassin. none of the although v � i :: t 'thin shoi Id know exactly Brussel� town ball o 'showe' howa man, if-su to any ble for him to I
fessars Mills and Shuttlewarth of the of them, by the courts and -will be si -:i- gAbey es ay,Jan- however,- and Ilia wound' cry ed in perfect security, as
on Wedn Y u v a- 'r gerous. numerous —The Stra
-ty . Ore sent exempt �Iie uary 21st, at one 0 clock! painful, is no:4 considered clan occuparits f the room had nd honest, might set in mo. tf
tanedby the people. Ontario A( The organs In r t opet at of base di.
gricultural College and other 'y Torogto-alcl erme and: other's desire t .0 —Mr. Peter llepinst.*11 of Fordwich —A very happy social event'. took the sligrlitest icQ so large an amount 1$ at present 0i
at thile I ii public contradiction w4,q w
-,1�2 eminent agriculturists and scie9tists as well admit tha they have been beatm tax. Ines ii- as enclosed in so common an We are opposed, in tot,j to the t has purchased th, -. propetty next north of place at: the residence of Mr. Ja iloney w, 1111yossible, such falsehoodis as Iniglit stores in Mr. t
ter n every point and that b t ie ation-A the Provinc - B. S. Cook,and Ji move, ert, on 'New Year's rticle is a salt ba.
will, be present and will dehver addresses upo ia rop6rty in 0 .d ther and has Mahaffy., Por - t Alb influence 0 cb'a.nge the results of a oll-
of' -the relatives and
ur ri of W
Little Proillier i-nust be looke upon as ronto. The people of Ontario have opened an In. n eyl Loaning eve, being the occasio flie marriage —About fifty test the D t iniportant, .-Aell a work I
on various silb,jects of interest to farm You also ol- prople-i-ty in that cit worth millios, Agency. of Ilia daughter, Miss A. Mallaffy, -to fri6nds of Mr. ad 'Mrs. Richard Wal- ed bv ons-tituti a law. belief that legislation ouglit Ier subjects Will the authority upon c a* Papers on differetit 'oderich. tars assembled at tb eir residence � in* dicated. you: h 14'al Bali-er
ad it adds many" bun reds of thousai ids —Atthe entrance examination to the Mr.. George E. Doug erty, (if G to remedy the evil. I fe&r
to be sough also be read by proin local ari- It is not, however, as.'a victory fort 1le nnil ly to the, -,less of tjie city. High School at Listowel Grace and The ceremony was perforined by Rev. Win;-glian-i one day last wee�k to celebrate busi no legislatk a could reach the evil ith-
culturiks and others, and besides a free Reform paty, or for Mr. Mowa, tbat To's, r that should pay ta:kcs Mary Walker, of tile to,�11' of Mor- Mr. Cameron, of Duligam on, in the their golden wedding. The compaiy the people ship ite null i
i I oat trench* g on our liberties, ThePre 4fibli -
f for pmperty that add millions -to the ris, near Brugge Is,' P,'l$�ed, taking 312 presence of a large number of friends spent a pleasant evening, and the 50 —4-, Vj-0jinced. e encourm I we rejoice r ion ?f Cl together discussion, open to all, will b ver the ecent d.bcis ept "coni let us reason and invited guests. A very pleasant years of married life
wealf, i and business of the city is a and 310 marks respecti seemed to sit hap- pieces in Y. w n come let lks wi the Supreme Court. These iare, coin- age& This is an opportunity oul have to be writte propo al so outra,geously impudent that —Ivfx. John M.�Mulle of the 3rd con- evening was spent. pily o. the venerable pair, who were 'almost.
publicly reason togtbr." I think our y not soon paratiVely trifling 9brisi -aiolls. It is it co ted and valuable
uld come only froul. the typical To- cdssion of HullEtt, is tting ready to —The Methodists of Belmore held presen 331aker has beor,
M& occur aan of ganing use- Idei with'numerou.
only present'reinedy is to hold up to as a victo -services Ion the last A stimptuom t�me anA has Ai'
f u-1 practical and theoretical information, ry for Provincial Rights r6rito, alderiylu.� Let the c6unty erect a splendid brie bouse in the their anniversary gifts by tlicir friends. i Iblic scorn the guilty -wretch, who f�r h pi cot in6, Is of Ontari? be careful how tl ey spring. Mr. R. Hywa,ld, of Clinton, Sabat of Deceinberand aea meeting feast bad been prepared by lady fri this inarvllnii
and every farmer in the county who that t be decision is manly - importal t., a hope of Plty success, is willing to of the bride. and groom. - -The
IC &A dopt vaguE ly worded resolutions ab ut will do the masonry. on the' evening following, t -which- a former is has tan at all make it coLavenient should -be The passae of the M C by Act w -ts -eiy -tit owing -s of agre, nd the latter 7.5 oth barter the priceless jewel, a good
arbolis ring t),x ex. nipt ons. The T ro- —Mr. Chas. Johnston of the 9tli coil- very pl�asaiit time was spen b, b 71 yel B ai;1#fired. by a h
conscience. c8lent health and d
present. IYN'e have alre,0y refert-ed. to one o the boldest steps which tie vince iloes not wnt t6* pay a lauge cession, of East Wawall sh, it f �Iw days- to the unfortunate state of f. ie roads. the are Ili ex- I The late nitunicipal contest in our uthorities have Yet claed tal�e -tion (if the taxer, Qf Toronto mppeared to enjoy themselves imilliensely toNnship furnislt(I a example the benefits which these institutes ae Federal -propo, Lid ago caught a large owl i 1 h.lis barn that ttend-ance was not as large i§ could be 4 A d kill in his lesired. A social was hold the follow- on the 50th of. the tying of his n the powe ies . at he ]I, f his 1, `1 t I in ecroaching upo a_ t] e 1, Otta-%N a ad build tip t] iese eit ed so e c ieasitred Capable of conferring. Those hold in of I of the baseness you described and ht- -not. The large collprly same 1 bile. ather th%n sumit to such four feet -six inches acroO the wings. ing Thni-sday evening at wl ich good the hyinenel I melited. . Certain of those nefarious, week to PA
other parts of the Proince recently, have Local "Legislatures and centralizhig impostion. vre would be in favor of —Mr. Henry Busher o" FOrdwich, programme was rendered. The total wished them many New Years, nd all
1, t ' bert Rol* id
rrr shall I call hm Pirates � No,, a pha,�e 11b
been rernarkaty interesting -and slIccess- power and authority at 0 .. a and erecting the. new Pr vincial buildings township of Howick is 0, tiling,li engine receipts were nearly $50. appeared to -enjoy the. festive occasion. is at least 1wave, these are sneaking f4 and we hope this, one will be none mst be gratYying to every one -wl i6 elsewhoM into Ilia planill � -mill - *th -view of - —A correspondent says that at a Rev. 0. Cornish was present, and. offici- wards: They approach more nearl, co kirk, 'Onle y
(Of wo leeting of the Cons A the golden -weddi g of the happy the characte of the assassin, I shml the sIres a continance of local self Go running that line in the old n ervati es of Blyth ated t in less so. rehlen:
Ne 8 0fl r'be \-"Vt:;(3h- Elmbaumstand,' liecomi -season. held in that village before the recent couple. ernm ent untrammeled by . irresponsibIe 417he annual s Lipper In( er tf e uspi- municipal elections, when - op osition to regular ineetillcr 'Of tile Huron tbrou,gh po iteness simply call thein re
During last year t, 0 s J"ertain of these nefarioxis I -d -il
p C,
Ti-ittle Pre M--ier Again - Federa authority, that the constitutio, I, Liked -Medical Association took -it the h been. ill oi n t
The ces of tile Turial erry A ricultural and P. Kelly, for tile Reeveship was t, place 'Whose wo ve o'
1�. I d and -fifteen divorces were graxt- I rd, fortimately, victorious. -- Wingbrn Ifortioulturall Socie---ies was of, he wi,s reported to have stated that G -rand Union hotel,. Clinton, on the 6th o ni d &-cheek to ed in ei York. - ar a Avith 111s AV)
i, perfect as it is, d9es a6or thcr�c is a 1, go lVing lam., on ir n was parti -ous lie I inst were very busy cilarly, desii lie fal i r a in the Unit ed If ]I did, in the 0entr il hotel',!, 11, Joll and vra one of tb e most interesthi, on, Mr. Mowat, actiilig �,or Ontario, these ecroachments:, UP -Es — e day circulating such " canards'7 H - 8, . Ary hi IFA Thursday night of la�t wock. Tile should -be in the county ouncil this on %tur cow state� for tlCe past -wee inunber 429 a and successful meetings yet held. There ip
'or as these: Mr. Slaillie's mi$- ill! tile townsh has secured another triumphant, victory - It is hinted that the Domiilion� G affir was a succe 3s, i year. Well, Sir John will have his ere present Drs. loan, Young, Taylor, r cold. 110� contiflue
large � nerease over ay previbus e' manao-ement, the new �ridge at Ries- -ov�r his. great antarronist Sir John Mac- eril, m cilt wilj� fu —Mr. W. N. Ilen, sdn of I r. Thos. desire as friend Cunn, Elliott, Nichol, Campbell, Wil- rther appeal the case o ltepOl tS gratified once more ars a -o Nvla 110NV lillsaie foi- Public travel y It being the Allen, of the 'Iames Road liaborne Pat will surely grace his accustomed lianis -and Wo'rthinuton. 'V
t thirk ! 8 I Y' -0 ii e donald. The Proinciaf Legislatures the Privy Council. We. do 11'0 Mr. Gladston it is in fact ay that I bout to fall domn;' who' recently left TorontO for 'VV innipeg, seat in tl e county council for this year 4iiiiiial meeting, election of officers for Mt.
s, arriied I had, for sixteen years exercised the un- they will do so, as in view o nicely 811aillic is pledged to support 'Mr. Hall- f tbil deeisiorl'� ves h v rill. 10AVIS -
N-�Nv it lie English Adir was presented b) the Pa�rkdale Masonic if lie Ii and we hope e the ensuing year resulted as fol. 'all 01A
-=T, a
-n ihe Hodge case by the a ei tAbu d- 'w Year's morniil�. the bo I, 'Presi ent, Dr at :four questioned right of licen.,ing ad regula- i' nah, and both are pled&ed to a 550,000
an Lodge with a M sonic Costly gold rill - —Oil d Taylor, Goolerich ice- all
has in vited end ers froi n the shipbu ilders 9 poor house all, hme & the falsest exeeption QA
ing, the I.iqa -or traffic. Until the election as a'partin hold of Mr. Fair, postmast,er Clinton, President, Dr. G'unn, Wingbarn Secre- c Of I an appea. would simply be Urowit ig of Belfast for the imme liate eonstrucii:)n g gift- falsehoods. I am. not, nor was n6 of 1882 no person ever seriousy disputed —Mr. Arthur N V11ittiligharn, of Goder- were lrmed to find that ai� ttempt at tary, Dr. AV orthingtoll, Clinton. Some away more good 11-ioney after had. Tl�e of six cfuise.-.s. pledged to support ohn Hannah. I- f �Hay Mrz. F,
ich township, has sold his farin on the burglary had been illade during the i emceedilio. interesting cases -were pre -
i -N ToxQu a" d Illy t )e fOly did. Dot --olia avotefor illyself :or for Mrs. '%I
that right, or even hinted that it would only gan they'can possibly hol' N. --=Choler 11th concession, to W. -Jarvis. of the -night. Tile window in the servaritgirl's sente(I for examinatio'll. Oneof aboy c i typhad are making ad lia:voc aniong idate at th Mrs. Andr�,
appe ur n Whit- bedroom had becn raised up, nd a chair of cialit years, who had ensiped diabetes. be desirable to attempt to deprive them an any other is electiDn. ou , ! rich t roops� ill tt e Tonquin deb a. aill not pledged to a $50,000 poor ,Ie al. is to hu.-ther postpon e the ev. il the Fj e H -on Road, fo.- 82,4�'- M inghain goes to llanitob�% in tho spring. used apparently to enable the intruder One of epitbituma of the tongue. One c of it. At that time,fo reasons best- day a immensey add6d cost to tl Le Tul CLU7*J1ANT.,—It is Said scbeine nor toi any scheme. It i pui,,e -its
th r 110113 union. 0 known to hi m self Sir John Mae . Jarvis has, rented, Ijis farn� to Goo. to got in, but locked d ;ed of fi bri f both shoulder joh
d' I 00 prevent
d`0319-1 � coun try, with the almosit certtvin pros- Tichb rne Claimmnt i - disgusted NVI invention of malignant sore heads father and an.�
Lavis. further progress. Ali entryagialso nilade Iin the ine person. 'One of epilepsy, 0 a thy about him 6t home .and b t that in the end theit b U millati One day Iasi; week �s '-Mr. Rae, through .,-t kitchen windo If the i -with. loss of speech, nd one of pleuritic for the first time raised doubts as -to the pee the as vent onme t�heir spleen for Iny eac re4�ecte by all
qrr r fitare� will be (Ion' ang of Morris, was returjiij�,g home from would-be thief was after plunder lie evi- I effusion, which had filled nearly the ed -for an Auie'i(au tour. validity of tile Ontario Licensing Law ,In f the Scott Act. Truly., though 2
and 4iscom e., Tm NIM BOA S.—R has been dis- calinot agreelwith the conclusions of In a speech, delivered by him at York- Beilgrave, his hoAe-raehl lilito dently failed etting it, for nothing whole of the right but removed Ido'not think they will be f ooli"Z h. el I covered the trill port boats con- hilpetuous Eilitor that the ville, ori, the 29Rd of June, 1, 0141 nd started to kick. A iriend aine to -whtever had Anti �Sco een inissed. by Z�,bsorptioll -882J. he was to au, r t1iis risk, althotig. structm], for' the Nih expedition are inis h d. I * are a Party ruffians, yet we are, his assistance Mipa , when —The - Chatham Banner, says W. The \Vin,Tbin Advance of last week thilee inde f rotten timber, and oqLiite unRt 11.7 ed to conclude that ruffiams gravitate ted in, �the Toronto Mail as saying to say wha:t the rilen -who passed a ol the beast broke tAe sba;fts and dufiiped Logic, father of Itev. J. Logic, of Valet- says : The iserable creature, who i t and Ilourm
repow fore
for the r reqni -ed of them. - poor in gri!s
to that party- in such nuilibers s to Wor reqni
erript 9th out. either was tit, for inany years -it res ,lent of Tucker- pe T-
' -He believed that the (Crooks) Act &tt pq to enforce the McCarthy A t CHI judgment b s, them b hurt. has haunted the woods of Fast Wawa- its record their tone and color. ifhat rty of was not worth the P4er it -was written will not be foolish enotigh too. justibeen re1jdered. at San Francisco,' —Mr.' Jarnes Beamisl-�, of Beaniiall- Smith, uron county, (lied last week afl ilosh, for soine years back, nd has been I e covered to be pli
niust be on, Whenever the Licensed tie, -,d th yy 'claiinj � that Chi se children born in nes notoriet did nd,t live Ilong td tile advanced age of 92 years. He leaves I a source: of terror to the wom en al)(I schemers,to 1d. til'e'ir plans inisearr pr y- ig cf)
Vie e inatter before enjoy his release.from was taken Ili (0) no -tuallers brought th Ison, as,!, lie (lied a very large family of children and I childreii of that to the TJ aited- Is Q -flea tate, are entitled to ad lt"f; the iliorti - tion of the -or ew
the Courts. it wold be decided that the The Quebec Monday eveni ig the ustody on Christmas day by a party of bon�ervatives on I 5th ii st. Ali grandchildren, -all comfortably ettled. I c bu� A
mis-sio.l. to. the Ptbfic Schools of tile two addlebe ded schemers 'in our-owil to,
Aeta a usurpation, and had no force ILonor their Chie effort -was made to secure the re.case of He was one of the pioneers of the Huron I hunters, nd bitni-ded over to ChiefDavis, (,� in the interi,
iieighborlioo(l,- to filid. themselves ectig obi whatever, and he 'was surprised Ilia scins just long enough for them tract. His son, Rev. John Logie, wits I of Blyth, Who brought his prisoner the The Con servtives of Qi-jebec had A14TH UAKE I's SP UN.—Sevo�ral se- of loathin t4 ll inen of honor ? Youi� qyestiau had ,not bee to atend the fulteral -b�lt it an pressed long be- N ras not pastor of Rodgetville and �Ilxeter coil before7 Squires Drummond and Yorm g, 9 Vlii3 mill had be
I I I . -lie pri
grand politica demonstration at vere shocks of eartliqua ke -have recently trull ; yl
fore this. If he (Sirr John) carried the MOIL- granted. gregations for about 20 years—until. he under the charge of �Vagrancy, and they been f alt'lli Spain. Olie whole village I 8; -1E, S AMUFL..MlLt SU country, as he would do, he would tell treal on Monda and Tuesday las �J, has Ili ved sixty fe —The inaly fri end 4 -..Mr. Thomas renlov'ed to North Carolinl, Since Ilia sent hilli lip to Croderich gaol for three Posed the firt
at y A down the niountai Deputy Reeveof Tuk-erswith. e ournalr s(
Mr. Moat, th little tyrant, McKay, of Stan'ey, ne�r Kippen, will return to Canada he has been located at months. This poor creaturej w which closed with a banquet in honor of I t i aid that 43,0 30 p sons 1ve lie that he would got a bill passed at Ota.- I be pleased to learn that ihe has so far V aletta' the uaniL- of Chas. Ed -ward, and . clemini have not le;
W rend ed horheless. ' ? - I 31erth Itel-da. ir John at the Windsor- -Hotel on- Tue n -as bul
recovered from the effect�.of his recent —Decisi6ii has been given ii, the' case he canic froinear Bristol in England IV wa returning to' th,4 mmmicipalities the Ki M 11-N Ar- Power taken away-- from day evening. According to tl: e Mail t accident as to be le to, givE is per- Ferguson vs. the Spring Bank Clicese presents a most forbidding and hideous T6 a- a ike pro
them by the th owner -of n . I build got $1 -a till to pritto,
gobaat, th a fi e farin at Z5 - i. -
III .�s j� Z,4i of thei NeyvYear' eveserenadeg. ess l, Michigan, acci License - Act. was not onry.a brilliant suce but Con soxial attention to the dutieg 6i is farm Company, in favor of Mr. Fer(rusoti fo ppearnce. 14C velopqd in about a dozen result
dentally killed ce more. $2.7, the Cheese Coinparly o? HoNvick, of old and . tattered clothes, no Dajd McNichol of Farquilal" I one of the events of the centur ad, t e W4 0 Tam ake good his threat John, -fit a "ek. by boilags -I hr %vil. froin Ilia Fe -uson has Aacksirlithshop. —Mr. Freorick Brantilgan of carf's to pay the costs. Mr. wonder if the women and children ectedat new brick I the next ses;ion of the Dominion Pa- entire populace of th wag'o He leaves a lar-ge family. 11ok
e city, without dil- corners, in ie o a lip !4 Ho*ick, is thus been vindicated from an y *charge of should be terrorized, in case they ini —All ers-of -the old couni'l welk quite a nul
Tlidy loved to Michiga about four ght Tnakiiig preliarati a to ibuild stone dishonesty which might liw�e t-een pre- meet or see such a frightful creature. of Ebi-ia, wer( re-elected by acclamation:. liament, had P.n Act passod, caled tile tinction of race,, creed or politi(s, unite I y�ars �roni Ontario' a Stratford. tie r to cap- rary y MI -ecarthy Act, which ass in honoring the Chieftain.' � Tb ' G housenextcumm(r. Thsandt e large ferred aganst him, althougl we doijbt Many attempts have been made free If nImed- the �eg- e lobe b -law was voted -SLASHED TH vi of vul
9 NV BowiF, K.-iivFs. — trick which Robe is with- in Oil Manda tire conUol of the liquo interest of the pn. the other hand, is much . . ess lad- When near Lquisville Kentucky, last -t HarNing b ilt last if any person seriously thought Iiiiii ture this in dividll al, but until th St. MarP y of last iveiekb or� worthy sinmer and which* will e fini 5hed in guilty- of ny fraud in conno; etion with out and defea,ted by a majority of 134. wei�rhed -h Province. This Act, if legal and consti- datory, and says that tbe,rece tion was Satiliflo-lay, eorge,-ack,,;on, conductor on +, is spa
e spring, ill add to tle looks of this the milk. Mr. Howard, -%i,hose milk The Anc.lor mills at Kirkton. wm' we, the fo the - I exin n Riilrohd, and James- 11 rme
tutional, -would supersede the Prov m cial on the cool- side, rendelld -e so b vicinity. was also olidemned, ha decided for the The Stephen and Usborne totally destroyed by fird; oil 1\-Tew Year$ 3,040 11)&, and
"Tils:Dll, a rakeman,'. qLiarreled. about a - —Air. Ge e 13. Robsdn has sdout present t take no action in the matter ilight. The � ire ii said to h At et,an d would take f ronI the Proo,dric'es the the very unpleasa�nt: weat,,,itr,ol d tba t a-ve been tho twom, I was 4 the 1 caboose. They his Agricultural Society. Mr.: Ja tg If ack
photogr ph business iii God4ich nd at le work 0 an ly cendiary- powers and privieges they had enjoyed it was Participated hi by Cons ervativE a agree +A ght�a 4 iel he Scales at I
It6 th bowie knives d to retrolea, wl "i)iTclit, DEAiL $in, —The's-teplien —When the snow disappeared dur, are
.11t� upil after tile aninuil
4- remove I re he has pur - ppen correspondent of the �Nl it. .1 e top since Clonfod,erat;i on th of the car. Ot er tramilien gen1leniell on. The passage ot ony, ad not a very gre�t numbe 9f chased ano her ery.' ' His sticcessor Era says: VY -hat might have been a and Usborne Agricultural Society has the last h Mr. John.'
gathii I wp und :tie p�rty, anti while P this Act was protested agaitist by every, them. Our readers can diraw their ow' , d aro in Go'derich is Geor e Stewart, the serious accident occurred near Kippen been conducted very successfully and Hill, observe one Little Pios lil the train as going th0ty miles an hour that variety of hi judgment for s
-well known artist of Beniniller, ho with er- n -um -m Reform memb or in the DGminon Par-" concluions, and if -they [imagine som4-. the ri4als *ho will recently.1 A team of spirited raes edittp all col�lcerned for a 4traberies wasiII full bloom. A phe each Other ill a fright- have - Mi. 11 -ayley, of Ch on, -.as broke l6ose inr. Sell ffer's shed and ber of yeai as. ashed li�t an arl now a -a and is aditted by all to rely, at Chri tn4i hainjent, and by the Onaio Government thing between the Mail's !very ful ma;n''ne .- Bothi lying at his assis started westward', overtakh' -Mr. E. be econd to no oth tho� The house of, -Mr. C, 9. Haln
Ing er society in e ilto and Ligkilature. Despite these protests,, Louis " lesufferin froto the effects -of the Globe's moderately c6ld, ey"wi 11. their'Woul a. —Thereisjust low a first cl6ss tri- Robinson, -who had just been. out Ivith county. Ili proof, of this statement I Monekton, —Thin
4 as burn9d to the grou gen4iral -about halwever, the Donliriion Pre m -ier, backed strike it about right. In opening. his angular row 'in progres between tile grain, jumped into his sleigh, the pole may say, fter liaN�hig had one of the with nearly'all. its contnts o dIle ay
Amimic N ILISHMEIC—A movement an( OW ay RP . by h has bean ati by sece- trustee inspector s ever held ' tl week. mis following, carri6d the Act banquet speech Sir - John 'VIa& nad S siartedin Cin,.inn incipl of the cutter striking him oil tile hea.d sh' Ul I The flire was caused through A though 'Parliam I of,the Godevich Public school 8,114 a are and tbro-wing him out in an insensible county last fall, they have a balance Of defective sto, -e pipe. last'week visitin
ent and had it enorc- reported as giviIig utterace z to the fo, - ders from he Irish Na;ional Lea-aue to 0 engaged in , clli revival zer
g ea.vi other hard state. Mr. Schaffer, as soon a. Ile noticed three hundred dollars in the treasury. --The Ca n C I Lmericar Irity of P
So far as the prI)lished corres- the direction they to6k, a in forij�er years were chosen -School A.�sociation, will hold the seven- ed, Under it I spectors nd Co lowing toching. seutem A form� -Iris !I Parliamentary names. orth bbath.
�es v -h ich f Mehodist vhurc�
'Club Eor 1 he pubose, of providin hitel cd lip nd Tile officer
�g bridence goes we must say the teacher drove affer them, brought the wounded on account of their fitness. and not teenth ono 'through missoners, were appoin'ted and Ii- course,. were rapiturously ebeer d by his Aind t- tl e paymi tit oi 'Irish members has Mad the best of it. - i � M deT
P an-nua I convelltion , tile AVid
for the listeners. He sad e sent for a through the influcrice� of any Scott Act StreetPr terill:01-L.U. censea were issued, and I mail to the hotel, nd at one' esb ReQs.- Torr.
of the p -ial Pa.- -liamient. ell, St. Mary- lImp -A- vor sad ccident happened it. doctor -who skilfully dresqed; his niany or An'ti-cott Act clan or political or 63, Wedues nun�br have bet
past year hGtels, which were refused The reception of thisigreal dempq- TE NCH 1-11�'CH,*,i- —A despatch the grist mi I in Ethel) in the. town ship wounds. He -wias taken hotne that even- niunio�ipl. elique. But I -am. orry to 21st and 22nd B,�th churches
y of I iy birtli - BV, a t] lat a of Ore Monday -week. ing, and is iniproving slowly. licenses by the Provincial - authorities stration on the anniversar French offiQer, who has re A, last] -say thi-s'year his been an exception. T. hae been Gpenly car day sinks deeply into Illy- heai- and nb tviijaeid from Chi -a on oick leave, takes `VVilhe en . ice, . go� ca -ug a -y'
ry-1119 oil business I O'. - Nell, all appr t e 'Llinual tea nieetin,+ as held ii I. 'Elie nnul meeting 11 eld hast wee at St r , was la -or 11-11der licenses granted by -the Doirlhi,ion. place could be more a, ro, ri i a very�loomy vie of I'Vie ces 4 the geariA. friend's wished to celebrate 'I such an tile su ces,�i of France it Tonquin. H ; 11 e juries on hid side and arin. Hei's under Year's night. Owing tothe �110-%v omig enough to inake every well-wisher of ed him. witi. $5 at last meeting4 saloll.ers, viee4, n the
Comm, 1, and untold confusion, aniii ersarythan the great� city of M04- cousiOrs e war a I inflicting no liftedical tr&-I.tmen;, and we ho�e will off and the cold weather the atteli(ance the society hang his head for very He at once haride it over to t expeise and trouble has bieen thei result treal. On the I itil of Jnria was seriou losl upon. d he Relief lina an securmg no soon recover. was not so large usual,� yet tilose It Nvas rumored sonip time ago Conlinittee f(Jr the benefit of th e p Mish Alma Dob
of- theassage of the Do m A, g oor. t. 1. r. three score years d tert' Fo -ty ye�ayis gain to Fra rice. —The faini in WawailOdly licar who were present ppeare , to enjoy that e,%4ery officer -belonging to the Scott —The courcil of Listo I n in c e In TEmPEIRI �NZC '�113LI.—Tliere was ed by Gile.-3,Jenkfils, ad them selves -well. fteranexcellerittea, Act party was to get the go-by but no coinp6sed as folloNvs: J. A. Hack -mg, behalif of ario, fro m the ago last November I co :E, i \�T D wel for 1885 fis with�, a beautiful - On, Alowat, bn political life as seventy a novel Po ter d iriolstraion in D and ral 41bun
yea;, 8 . 0 P, h ublin Ji belong'ing to the otate of the lat-P, W-n�. J. C. Morrison was called to 00 the chair, person believed the report till few- Mayor ; D. - R.' firstprotested against tl-x.is usurpation commenced myliatural I ife. tPOIAL on Sul�day at a solie8 of meetings held I I,J'ei. -ins, ai sold aued last wee'k', before th time for pening the Woods, De D. Canipbell, Reeve an&apprec ion
I I - y Oil and after n appropriate address called 0 6 of Provincia ighand contended that tical life began in Hon ea. ere in to ad e Ay.-I'veeve, Ivith cate the closing Of 2�fr G� Jenkins being chaser it upon Rev. 'Mr. McNaughtoii, Bev. r. nice till Then it became evident, that ricrS - chuiI I . e s Feruon , -1 - .. houses durg all tile hours of the -450. Tb was !I alled upon t,
entered P- the Dm. inion Authorities did not con- 4' . Cwhament here I mA' p lie e chee 3e factory at ondes- Clappison and the,pastor, who made certainparties, were determined to carr Hoppler, we: c- my first attempt at -a speech here Sabha h) Lillico, Biniling a whi� h he diJ iia I
atitutionally The ni� etings were 'well at- Loro, belon t6th6 sa e esta, e, was short, spicy speech"' . . . es. Two excellent out their foolish plot. A young mail, ossess the powers -they first took office undei`the Crown a )Id to Mr. Chas. Meyer 4t $38 arrogated to theiris an teride bu in"any A tile &-aditors w�d�e s, recittions were. given by 8. McKibbon nxious.-fe the secretary -ship of the --Tile fol"lowillO i's tile elves. The result was forty years afterwar4s I have' he op the Mr. Win. Dra Colliposition of 4 that she
evide I Pon Of im. my ger ha purclia sed the and W. E. Kerr. The, use"Metho ociety, could be een running through the new pris i
W.. I I . �� .; r-1 an appeal to the Surem, e Court of C imm ense gratification bf finding in th a clo sitib These o ii Of o sn� P1 Po nents ton, on the (list choir supplied music" -,it t�pp at -p Tho
I pr gave their rith pocket a alth oUot if d� whi, is a very good wrmly applauded by the audience. The -these nien think, the unpardonable sin L. A 0) ided' PC II �1� Councillors iiQh she ha
da. The judges of tin's court EMa- city where I commeceol my�.Political were t farin of Mr. G6oige ropri c ie villge drumming lip certain parties. evening, all( er su6h a in-ae-mificent care 13th concession of -McKil 9r, the pric6 intervals during the I were The having committed, as XCL A. such I a o' vei wllisk� e applauding ea0i ad beil;g $4,600. lt L. White,
verdiet the other day and their point. 1had y Bpi � ers, .. e ft- win but the build rs, le� unan'- whol"llhIg deincinstra,tion da �, , ings me of I* tie or p . , K. I . n an % e S mious dec roceeds niounted to ,i:,�30. Of votin for the cott, Ait, did not give 4 1 n - Dr.
ision is that the Domnion ed with to -day." dulge ' - U Dr. .'inclair, In -n I i the 31ace. Inoro; tbomselvo,, w' I drinks froi no value.—Mr.' Fra cis Morri o"n" has —North Huron District Lodge Inde- the ineeting, that was packed for he W ite. foil] Crant, O� License Act is illega and that th power I 170 2 t 11 their F rivate suppl �es- The moral at- also bought - twe'rny-five acres,;f land pendent Order of Good elliwit on the I
Teir�plars, inct pitrpose, the chance to defeat hilili'as he —The political, I-cligion and national -of- licensing and regulaing' tempted tol be con veyed was that the from which gavi
the liquor IN opoSitio Air. Burns � mi,the 12th in Gorrie oil atuiday the 3rd hist, but declined again being a candidate ior tile complexi n to grating the 3 Oil of the ilew�colnicii of 311it4 he puli -I 'houses wouldea I p%-yiV$1,400for�l . I I a traffic reaU exclu closing of t be a the attendance was small, owing 110 office, and most of the old directors, a chell is as follows, : Conservatives, 1�0,-, nor can ey did notdesire, Church -of 1egislatures. By this decision, there- as a class th the Sunday closing movement tried to v easan y spi �nt bya goodly num )usiness was over, profitable 8cott Act party, seeing, the feeling man- England, 3 ; lPresbyt sivelY with the. Local to I the ladies it. has been conterrded thal to Pri te tippling. Tile promoters of ew Years' ei �eniiig in Blyth wag doutitto'ilic bad. state of tile roads. majority of them belonging to the Anti- Reformers, 2.11 NIethodist 4 After the 1* remove I b Luther� ity eno 4 fore, the MeCarthy Act has been p have 1e, i drinkers erians 3 �capax s -with roven for the privilege, ail Wb sky -.r of the People of that village and discussions were held on various topics fested, to thOr hoilor, refused hav 1 all, -, 2. N, tijm%lity, English 5 - Irish th a
(I. that they.would * I M odist church ; . - to e from the meetin the constable a vicinity in the of that connected with the order. L'i the eve- anything more to do with the o iety. wit ny 81A
it even were 1; refused to interfere 2. bun W when gs, but to- be what Mr. Mowat always held it not take advantage of Scotch, 2 it- T w -w.. an inipadentfraud ;.the horde of' conferred upon th village, in the celebration bf four- ning the doors were thrown open to the The liquor interests bein e m.- In a ort of g well repre- 21he trial of Jams Padden,' Y-11.0 Avas
upp A m�ux STARBED.—A Fenian thenth*anniversay of the churel is abOut two feet
The public and a pleasant ppro nle was sented, s a matter of course, one of the charged with robbing the cash box t -tion with the *I
Officials &PPOited iander it will have' to named !Phelan was 1-hor -ibly stabbed ffi Wendance was g)od, notwithstanding rendered by I this 'QoRtentiOn it was instanced that Life Boat Lodge, at the Exeter hotel keepers, Mr. Oke, the drand Trari 11ail-Way oil t �e 23r41 us ?), diband and the mon O'Don4van Rona's office in -New York I tie inclemency - A the weather. A close of which Rev. Mr.. C�mmins, of was elected President over Mr. John ult occupied four days ieY collected from for years they enjoyed the right; to vote last Fr before tl Le P011co I iday, afternoon, r a man nan, 41 a- dendid tea was p: -ovided' and partook' the Baptist church, made a fow pointed Glenn, one of our most enterp trate ill Stratford. ufficient mt the hotel -keepers by its authority and forchocil trustees, and t�hat- they e
rarel Short. I Phelan wil; Pr6 )ably' die. It i a o'' in the Temperance hal afteT, doing and interesting remarks -on -the subject farmers, three to o dence was pr)(hiced ihat tbo ir ne- BlIt tile to, Ij. Iu Le, h
rs III g
III [L I h 01
thl n a erre I 4 lot
If 0 IV,
iv dr
e id
n II