HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-01-16, Page 3t7 I-UA'RY THEIJJ'�URDN EXPOSITOR, JAN ARE AM111. t Tile next hour pja AL ESTATE FOI� SALE. enough - the C1 -my devoted them- Maud�With on; hand? 'NicefeUpw— stroke� ol twelve died ai ky, tind all was gled pleasantly drive the most �a�agc oni 8 with 4fety. attached to the inachi wry. The last- 11 IMP;RTkJ 0 IT'NOTICE8. tons THE RIGHT PLACE TO PURCHASE ,e selves to their guests .1,1.tertainment Yes'. or I ean hold the rei tis betwee�-- my as befort ( OTS FOR SALE.—Three hundeed andeventy- )xcepting' th x theL, figure of )NEY TO LOAX—To lend 1,k,2,000 private with an open-hearted 'qs and simple teeth if necessatv �an lei 6 e both 1:irnis our Lord inained tvi�iM funds ly the end. of June, oil first class oland, -behig coniposed of Lou ne _ J five aerL farin secarl 1!, 83,84. ti,, only GA. pet, cent interest, payable 35 and pi4l't thel. tb One0q8lon hospitality that enied natural, to free. By the %�-a - fiss ijViidr�i�on't "At-th ee o'clock, rest Lt d. th Fan�y Goods, se ne ie ii( ) Books -and Stationery. They W-111 be sold eha ),as Uneowner. t at th) end of a year. For further Information J th o1nTJ -ol them. you tak e first Oe�gh r i e witWtncr the, Saviour returns to the apply at the I x the POSITOW OFYICK. IN;Shes to dhipose of the pi erty e1pply to A R T R RS Ili spite of the seclusion in Nvy-hicli they Maud, - (enthusiast ii-aily)_ - deed him, tit soldiers one W rk. M
i W. C. GOV] �N LOCK, Warsaw N,e Yo will. stone rolls'over e lived, and the loneliness of their sur- -1 wish I was an ol"11, 84id th( oung more statid guard, and Ific music is, no PAY UP T �'Xli,.S. .4 11 wl to Nvill not have their Illeeltintr at Leml rollildings,they showed a perfection of lawyer. as lie getitty felt the n 19i() taxes Ila d at tile Coull ACRE Fol .1 half di i n 10A ger ad, but inburnfil. -e to pay costiti of north half of nol-th of Lot breeding and a'freod6nn of idea that sur- of her lligator befit. Wlt��, oil the Ipth inst.. U N B t i lis is ot all at the sides we bill LEADING �HOUS' IN- THE C'111 Col it,' - tion, as �Xuditors' 'will be appoinbed then, ll'i i - s all I are Havr 'll be no excepticons. JOIIN 0. prised and delighted Queene. Because t�en. I con1d stay tip igK pee"i us seapprts. H re e,' and there Nv) si eded, ill excellent, emiditio'b fior meadow
802-2. or pastu J,'cr forther ly to Her shy.ness and brief - reserve sooif you kno-W, dear, ho rephed. N'lla Dieppe, Aont St I St. Helena, r - A
A _NDREW GOVE NLOCK, 'Whithrop P. 0?1181'9 ounter's vanished under the influence of their would you want to do such' a -ridicilou Cayenne. Port Lewis, and the harbor of -as 11 CTOkS -Tenders will b.6 reveiy 0 kindness. After the first few minutes thing ' thbt iar ? 11c tit tered. T( --wit: Brest. 1 ) beerve that. th a waves are con- 0 CONT W.: PA PST 0. S Ted bylth UJldel-5jJnCd until February Ist, 'B ok'eller, Seaforth -k]1*31 FORSALE. For Sale, 1A)t 34, Cones -
she cesed to feel as thoug-h abe were To-wbo I a Motion, : and that one sees 1885, for th rchase ;f the Church and Lot 9p pro- moug theni, and foun(I her- are dreadful tile Goshen Li to, foriiierly belongin,,,, to the Itife 1) .rty will be sold thh-suninier, ill �order to close Jaint they? plipring and into their plans and asked one tramp 6 on'erdneej aud alsO for. Has now opened iis immense stool-, of Christmas, New Year Wedding and
Cantl a Metlic ( 14 C u ) all estate. It consists of 20) arres of choice self entering F'&n6th-,r,t:as-t.hoy npt 90milig"Im going,the fides flowing in tbol chul".holl t i Line, belonged to nd about 145acres cleared; good' farin build- i -tes as gh she had knuai thein oil Liberty street lit. 'he tides'rim ind fall exaGtI tile- ii Birthd y Presents complete, and would respectfully ask ttentiono--o all in- w sl and 0 to Aft"01 one it Lo�rniug. in't -Y iddiot 14,'p!kQl)al JOHN the It f 9s and orx-tiard For particulars appty to they,. though ! The depres6koh ill basi- aFir they at the places represented, and KE'YS, bl�ake [,. 0 892-3. tending purchasers to call and examine Iiit, goods. ChriAllias, Year and I W. blintoll A 0. S65
for years they 006T i ,
You see, Cathy has talked to me ness has out -int I e terribly . A the flood -des also I tr �t Birthdav Cardi froin. the following noted L. Prange & Co.., Raphael ilic list Coll P, About you all, and, that is how I feel ge'ne'ral red-RCti011 d als. demonstrate -The pul lie Itre liciolly ellutioned 1 't1l rid --Th i der� vil,1s the i lily the port�.; The other Tack l�'Son Artistic- Stationery I y; Hildesheimer and Faulkner, a -)UILDE LOTS FOR SALVUL e _.I" yoil", 1
-) Signed bas a number of ve'ry 1 elicrible build
�H, OINT. -i6et the �r r'r Y.� I �,,,eaiiistLki%-iiigr(�i-(dititoaiiy or pet,- Several others. Over:one million Christiti.as Cards� in stock from I cent to 3 to - I I ;0 thz4 I kno she said, a little way to n i r Tlia 80. astronoi ioal facts. Sol's al illy n0ne my written order or it ig ots for sale These lots colltaila, a -lose strnge eyes I'm til ilking of, s 0 haf Of illy Outsideon the cathedral tower are onsent, as f11.0111 this spot atxpaldgeticlly, lifting tl (C hoose from, earl Cards Hand Painted Ivory Cards, Fine Plate Mirrors in q -tef all acre ezeli are weaqantly Situated cI -tte I will not be re r %it N, d obt so er ntrcted, and any person P of hers to Gar - The young man lunch route' four -ver large dials, %vilich give tile fo hish frames, Oil Pai ings, Toys in 'endless variety, Ladies' Companions in phish a id convenielit to the busillcss pirt of illeillage, wil be prosecuted as the law a a id are well adapte(l ior the resid4nees of retired flushed little, hut answered her kind- Mr. S mi tl i --.i Lile you it,& hours minutes, il days of the lid leather cases, 100 styles, rancrin fy in price from 2;5 5c, to $1 each ; Odor Cases xiilLr,3, or others dsiring a I, -Varna, Jt6itimy f and quiet in plush and leather 25 styles ;_ faXes' Hand Ba -9- in plush, Leather, Cellill_(jird Cathy's friend was rah-er formid- niirer a i-94 month, e days Qf the week, and tile 3id,:.885.-, lace of residence. DAINIEL'CL��RK, E�gmlond- nd Bridal pres. ly. of Teilily o Miss Bbsto i ? 892x4. t�kj er than ever. Corne -o Ten -essilig, Casel alyle to him ; he li;jd never iliet any one Boston phases o the inoon'. Aj i electric attach- and Tilisel. D. i, Writing Desks Work Boxes, Jewel Cases, Poi 877 I t �isl 10 11 Tb i OZ. ment oprating every twenty Seconds, or st, at to buy or not. I the least � like'- Qn-eenie Marriott he ref er ? Y01111g. Af 1'. 811 L 11 LOST, folios, Olive Woo�t Goods, Gla." Ink Stands, Bronze ' Ink- Stalids, L os t 01011, Oil 13, FOR A
LE- The vubscKber offers for
'f the felt fr iore at hoine with Enimie. only.�one Tennyson. III is, 113oton -11ar- transm I ceniber 7, a 13ill, tllj()tlt 3 months old, a Cigar Cases, I Cases, Toilet.. Sets, Vases, Figures, Mugs, �Glve the time to �:ale hi farm of J00 "ares, be�ng Lot 7, Con- ft r other (1110bs botweenia St l3ernard and a Hound. It is and -fandkerclief 8 ts, Pocket Coinpanions, P tNeverthless, he hid his embarrass- don me, but tere are two. -At red one in the church, anotlwr in the cloister, 0 earl Card Cases, Leather Card C 4 11. It. S, Tucker.�niith. A it, -will beold ch". p for lot- and to tile liftille Toy Books, Pocket Books, Necessaries, Con- 0 bout 95 er- Wax Dolls Id
teed as represeate-J, or alent in'. his usud ulaimer, as though Tennyson and Lol-d -1 of thq citadel, of 41-pors 11.4 7lilual to Cases,Tap ballut outbul he t1 thir I in the com oil returning ti and ill M goori jt�ate of -ewarded �s, Music Boxes, Harmonicas, Bisque Doll c alt;vation. About three miles fron, tlto - ol hM ashc' ed of it, by holding his head f riner.1 adinire. the under,4, certinas, Acdoide' Nrel1v 111111 h indeed. the fourt h in the archbii iop's.palace. tied Nvi be witably i oli Bisque Fignre My dear," a a N 61rilion wif to One Aundred l'id higher than usnl, aid layin g dowft- the iolid Biliss Goods, Velvet Franies, inokers' Sets, Cigar Stands, TobaCCO i- -2 ofio down and nd it,), found hrboring blin will be Heads, t um
5XV Ldies! enty-two indi- I bal-Ance :to
801x4 torial, good her husband, his isters in his dictat' )T`r, E,grinond-
('Zold and la �� to tlink t1l,it on, cations a re (riven from second of tfint" Boxes, Clips ani Salloors, Japanese,*,Nlatcli Boxes, Japanese Safe-,, Japaiiese BrI. of all. humored way. Before te&- was oer would 6essliaiiied of 'flir lig tote4,th311sand`years. Andthatii al ack-ots, Japliese Trays, Itubber Dolls, China Dolls, Photo Albums in large . . . . . . . . . . I 0 CONTR&CTORS,-Tenders will be roceiv- .n r Wtch oa with 2 'is yo i; (lid to )lit ti 0 u rd Iteee d; -in, 11 to vive, tl le ed l9 ti, variety, JapallESe Ca �,Ver$ Japanese Flower Pots, China altird Glass Flowcr sub y W, -S coax ii, ieni Miss R.— -day. continue I ti4p,. -woman e cept &b( ndersigned until Monday, 26th AtiAok Train Wa , for i lie of stone foundation P4tq, Flowers and Birds in glass globes, Gold Pens, Pon Cases and Pencils ;-.Slip- pi nic in the g te quarries, id lie " Flirtin'-with her, he re ied lit a on- working of �tie 'hiachinery, -which w Iiie school hot :6 it, section No. 6,AI ta liteedi by I do undo c- )it of TitekersinifN Of had hum-ined &lid besitted a, good deal ishnient." Why,we hav e 'O, 1!,t ct)n i C�11�, b�y �'Ib ell engaged not explffin2' per Paterns, Wall Pocket Patterns, Ottoman Patterns, Miscellaneous and SanXillop. Ten(ters will be trd,-en for the whole 'e--' Ctt( I illile *t of --aforth. Over her request,* " just to make himself for inore than three mouths. It'i till After the clock and look - or fpr tbe nipterial and drd Works, large assutinent Poets in Cloth and Leather Bin -din., C's, Bibles, Prayer oi:lkg behind. wioiii1portanee whispered the wicked over town. Olt, I 310 AT pardon aid 11 A the Nvorking, lve gave the "'y. Abot,�.-ie%-0'11(-(.r(lofstotiesNi,illi)cre(juill- Books, Music, &c. The most complete stock to be found in any- town W& Of nd 1.1.4lial otl) Mg WO alll pecifications can be at tile Toronto i at -ling solemnly V III E F little ister ta Queenic. tb e wi fe ind iff� olitly " .1 f 1 you. re ell - et"llee and left7 (nice of tile Lot 15, Coi wession womail fec anbloc) but not se This led to sonic conversation about gag,*ed to her, I s haser niav pay one-third tile lippose. it all 13 lit. impreseil with tile *value of time, the u, lielifflop.- "The low.,st or -,illy tender not nee WILLIAM riL �almance r Hunting Ca -c, tho� quarry nd (1-tiarrymen; nd here W'heTl does the happy CV( li�t occur otherwise satishletor�- wondersof science, the beauty of M POWLER. Ce W. 11apst's Fancyw Goords Emporlu .1 SCILfOlth 11. 0. 8192-03. t foilud hiinself 'on his own ground, the Psali aist's prayer o teach 'us to POP. SALE. -Lo t 20, iconnessin. 12 talked' mitch and well. Re told A Wonderful iock. number iur da s, that we niay apply 1,� V-PUTO i Street, Directly under the To -am Clock, Scaforth, On, t. y NOTICEZ.-All parties bavin- -Township of Groy, coutainin 102 acres, our h Queenie as they all strolled wnthe The astromical;clock'in the cati 1_1� clims ainsttheestate of the late Airs, eams wito wisdom ;a ,res cleared and in a zood state :of cultivation - laiie in'the twilight, after E Eliva both Itar isay ill h Lw life thile, of tile. town- tic balance is well tint%ered. Riere is on the adat Besancon was thejivl of t1he renusesa good frame house, log arn and frame ang ei to bed aoat his for "ou's ted Strasburg clock until both -N%vere ut- Tw( Society Yo Men hip of Tile]: are hereby notified that 4tl(.h c - -01) -1 . ftested S, alsoa good bearin. orchapd. itwo- 1) � el y mut be filed with conip eted welfare and im-provement,-', his boys-" y 2 Al of theander. ir before done b' the (,no cl 8 e ation on the (;]'C
eithe gi ied lil'xecutors' oil c tern as lie teri-ned theni. think it hist wfully shocking tile one mile front the villag� of CranbroDk in 1875. That. at Beaav'ais is lost It Ist,181 �5,;ai id a Vplaini4 not then in will A T 0 R -E 1 flo" " 1 - t 1111s, I ank ivea.q her dresses 0 bebarredonmt4vinert. Allpartiesindebtedto There seemeti no li6xits to the good he startling in its perform I for it is in- .1 lid 6 miles froin Brussells. Far ternis and fur- 4es ulak-es and, short," remarked '-a 40LiCty young nian the mid estat) must Settle the Sallie on or be- ter paxtivulars apply to VALKV,riINB FORES. did triono thein. Qi--ieenie felt her tend t 'conve ' tp the c 0'eless wiven- ed o y fore JiL above mentioned d, I ER, Craikbrook P. O., Ont. rc,:�peat for him increase as he listened. yesterda ate as the affairs of K 7 ing of the frightful collso iti,ences of tile tile estte nill'st Won be elose'd. �!IGHT AT- THr,--- FR0NT WITH Ife 'haA given iLp one of 'his fields for misuse of time, and a Yaw , replied t] other. society NVIM McCOiMN-ELL,) IOUSE FOR SALE- -For that d-e-sirale cricket, and was hiiiiself their cap- young 111all But you knw, "'my dealt EXCC1101-13. : J9IlN T. EICJiSoN-�, propertymon John troct, -ten discloses the lost, i4 torn insti.lited a readino-rooln aild flat boy, the old Greek aybu, 'Hony soyt c oor tSt. Thonlas chu h pars nav� aiid now nes. The -reliviomi idea of tit e" R ecupled by Ifr� Soole. There J a good stone Ln and li had iled a useful con clock-, however' is nior� coinr f :iun dation, first-class cellar, ix bt. d �f_ WAREr' ki mally L)ence $6jOOO' -Wor'th of N-ew Good
\fr..Loga-n , e for rS J roolils, Parlor, A)TICE.-IT.hedjourned annual meeting of library Ali, yas ; but, by t. I e way, ye knaw ining r ere- were- It is mealtit to teach this er.Factory ooin &lid a good kitellen. Also a TV Here iii the winter th. 15011: the 131 -ale CI ese and Butt ]a lovir and Flat Wre, mut- I�Ahtres given to the m, eh by the vicr, so long since I left .00 I lege, ye knaw A, oo&hed, hard and soft water, s . pd most of the Fancy Having, through'sin, Company wiltbe held ill Paterson's Hall, Blue- tabler aild Caprt&in, Fawcett, a neighbor of " "P)?y- what's tl te translation ost c-Ilotberneces,.�,tiiescoiiil)lete. -eternity, tbroqh our Loi �s death; llit January 2.3, IM, at one o'clock WHICH ARE TO ME SOLD AT WHOLESALE PRIOES. ticniars aply -to the propri U111, &W ; I believ( it's somethin P.. nl when t6c whey for the Season of 1985, etor. living ii,i one of the villas I 9 Ower resurrection we, rega-in t 16 samil" eaforth., i V, a will offered for sale. The delivery at the fac- �down, or he h4uself read to them about. do unto others as (thers would be -employment good of our ti lie alid go the tory of a qua Itity of wood, and the drawing of
A10:1 IN TUCKERSMITH FOR SALE. -For passges from. Dickens and done by, oi- something of,,tliat sort."- tile livilk oil U�ie differe it routes )Vill spiritual idea of the horlo 0 is not (I u Ml, be let,.the Sale, th6 "Zortll Half of Lot 0, Concession 6, R.- y Clmrles Lever. Grarth's readi Ali, aas,Iremenibernow. Less�o collfi of certAtin BV -Laws, and any other..- Ing was which is the end of nian's tirne, but ,tile. lichersiulth, containing 50 acroS, 45of whieli buil ess r under -drained. re cleared, free from Stumps and for herself afterwards, and his sng' d-witli the shades of Theinistooles the iboetbw. 0011N� .88, Secretary. 892-2. _ULT PROPRIETORS T.be farm Js well fenced. There is a -log house -*,e sur �pin. trail iaetions t hai my be brought before- one of the finest as Queenie. discovered 'Saviour who rest re t. i � Aii A. G. A M1 -all ws�full of ellery I Our walk to the eathed, Ind larr VWme barn on stone oundation, good was even worse ifi quality, but he i nd'.1. no�phon hovering ovet thent the Bright - ell an force piunp. It is within four miles of t Colored and interest. We pwq ed th( house where el&ri�y it throuh in a 'certairt. sturdy -two soci: ty young men went around the Ear-10up lace -Victor Hugo, was I)brn,'*tl.e arch Seaforth, and tile ruads leading from it are ay- corner ,ad put thei e of �rmvelled. Apply to AIM. E. URRE, BuWa Shirt Stud ',�'Ro�lpin coluinnis the J.)Orte faal-don of hisown, that was somewhat palace,* the ns( Ives outid A to the hoTine critics. two e :0 lemonades L keeper, don't T, D. PRENDERGAST ill Hea Hotel, Toronto. 855-S saple __ - Jnst received for the Christmas and New Year trade a mgnicent stock of o 4e, dating 66�n th e da ert also, of 11arcus a ei or in- Tlien he -had sa hools f or:the children Aurelius, �ou kii receh a hillited number of pupils f 0*11t, A -ate. so int0 the ,Ilurch, Irbore struc�ion in tiano ati Organ Lessons at her fresh goods, wli ich will be sold for CASH. Among other bargains are the fo A101 FOR R rL.Tr. - Nortu oil Filartsf Lots'31 and 35, Conlees on 1.3, eon." (�ide. Also and an alternfqeJSjlliday afte'rnoons Mr. we rang an elcctri,�- bell to "summon the i : � Fight poands of TEA fo:V $1 200 pounds oJr SUGAR for $1 20 pounds of i reRidence, Jo4n Street, See d Doo Weitt of tile , si anLog,,ii held service in the school-rooin, attend " t. Inquisiti;�e. En-li4h Cliurdh, Seafoi tit. - - 849 -1119 taining 112 acres; SO aeres cleareO ; the remain. an places and to suit TT n CURRANTS for $1 ; 25 patinds of PRUNE' S for $1 ; 25 pou nds of RICE for .47) der is iood hardwood bush. SoiL cla-v loain,'well
�airds_. �11,s a good stol, of a man o for those unabe to come over'to Hep- A voice hig-h above us allp(l do' Tink a 22 pounds Of IINS for $1 ; 16 pounds of FIGS for $1 ; and the whole stock waterc4 xiith a never falling sprilig ireek rising IS. C. DUNLOP, Teacher of 31 Sic, . Pialloor I who is there ? lississil. )I 11 who was questioned u I Shaw Church. .More. thaii thig was not eai or on the premises. Frame barn Z41d stables' 0
),y Orgran. -anced pupils fitted will be sold at �Jie sae low rates. A cordial invitation to all to call, and look MIA Two stranger4 to see house and a good young orchai!d- It is -convert- os�sible at present; but, as he modestly it a 1likee. The gent'eman, to humor for t. tll one-half tile expens 1. lie horlo( e through lily laige and well -assorted stock in all kinds of Groceries, Pro -rcNes and school, and is situated 4 gi iduathil,# at le
ll the -questions of fole4l, teadhint, cc v1slons, itnt to chu o1-1 lie I Flour and FeedI,_ China Tea Sets, White Granite Tea Sets, and -the latest styles in Miles from Myth and 10 from cli For fur- -iformed his 1,11dit0r, hiS Kister and he cpa tir g t (oo to tilt, rialit -nis inotlerte. Residen the fello, replied to had done their best to orc,anize a Sun-- ?) i mitil the' inquisitor Str et, -Soc6nd Door Ea, -t of Main nt6n &lid aseena. rticilars apply to WALTtlt CUNNING- -ell t [)or pa i (lay school and to hold week-lyBble wa's puzzled for atL iiit�rrog_atory. Colored Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, in both whitia and colored. A vi -assorted stool I [AM, on the South part of said lots, or to Lon. N" G,111 So we illounted �,Ile stairsItill ire reach- of Lamps and lomp trillinim"s. Also a large stock of Glass-tvare in the latest for slich as chose to attend. At last 113. inquired, " Look li re, squire., C esborough P. 0. 799 ed a landina where--wo wete inct :by styks ; all kinds of Fish in 'stock-, and Salt and Coal Oil. Come one, come all, -TED. Langley is grettt anwa.cf the women," 0 neat lookinc, wom;1an; wlm 1 civill�7 invi- wl I ere NY, -c you borr WAIN t1he trade aa usumt. all d get some of, the bai�gl,ains, as the whole stock must be cleared out at once. ARM FOR SALE. -Pei Sale, the ljouth baIf -of lie observed, with brigrlit smile; " she Iwas born," said thevictim, "in ted us to enter a small roo ii� in t lie thwej:. Lot10 Concession 1, Grojy,'contailiing 60 A tTINER ThereareSO net" cleared, part of the half lives at the cottagps. I wish I -were She had a little wand in Boston, freniont -street No. 44, left P i;ndus pitai, 11her to hand 'sidd, on the Ist olay of August, Y, Sobel trioi is niRn, with sinll ct lialf as successf ul with my boys." point with, and Fsh beglii li�'r de,;eription to eng-age in the 111unip nd Windinill Manufac- ance has been burned down- and part bu011. here is a frame house and stable, a young or- Qt&eaik,, had yet to learn the value way, w ich prb�ed 1820 -Ili ive o'd6ck in blie afternoon ; Wrifig, Businels with tl e undersi-ned, who is a -pi�'d t is situated a ri�� hai hA. G'r. AULT, Nlain k3treet, Sea'fokth. c lard a -ad 44 acres of fall wheat. A that Garth Claytoft set on his boys, and h'ad said it ician, Dr. Warren nu�rse,' Sally thoro tall, Address W. f. R.- of ten d knew jit 1) PhY8 V ithin a mile and a quarter df �taniestown, it r lleart. Mii6ell, Oil 1011 US, , and hi,liest part of his life was 4,� This r ark-aMe horl f she v ill be sold cheap. The w1joinin 5-0 at�rs ar.e T the be, I 1� BelijainiA eill f C a so foi- sale. This propert� will li x7ed anioncr thein. will sold separate I e t le. T I is in'the Ren,aissi4lc itivasanswered completely. For I or togrether. Apply to SAMVE or -ANDREW lie rue 'con how- hill tire time taken foi i was strue FOB, SALE. (To be a nioniew; 1 OLLOOK, oil the or by ail to wnes: three years, and there I are thirty tholl- IN,,m toN 11 SALE_ -For sal Lightl -ce 8prinfr 11-a R) Th6 Switchman's Child. sand pieces of stecl and :,,6pper ill the e A - I FOR SALE F or sale, the Rut Halfof yean Wdl, I QICIliatC V011 I hi -,oil, nearly i -w. machinery, an, don't '"Il , 4 iievenly-threc li-& f Hullet 11.1mg 60 Ah�o (ine set liari�e,;s and it Clear ozrit Colt, At Littleton Station lived little Lein Fitch, Lot 6, Concession I ta ever, his' ce brightened, and' he quickly CREDIT 1$ DEAD. twnp.o� ire # is corner -lot, it� a blltZiksluith hop Who rainded the depot and tended the 8%,.-1 ell- Tile height is si-i yards. the Immilt collect whether it a frame or three 1 ears old. Apply to R013T. F. JONES, Sir., a �re. A 1 Q0 'hea, wVy hair- li itse, do ye?' St-afo rth. "Aud it brick 8()2-2'1 o i the corner. The land is w 1 1 fiinced A. xted follow,, with dark, two yards and tweuty- folit on, There A mno'Arice to grief a -rid a strauger to care. d ned axid in a good statef oult depth, one yard. e about three acres of good b If i,: liotne was a haven of sutishne, and joy, ardwood bush. BU81( FOR SALE.J-For sllf With his hippy young wife and his bright little "There are seventeen olipds R B E R T I L L IS here is a good bank barn and log house. A The Irony of Fate. the hardwood thliber on about 7 acres of S ring creek runs through the lot -i A good bear- boy. arolind this central one,"zishe c land, on Lot ri, Cone L-0,,ion 11, MaKillop, aboto Louis Kapoleoll, when a resfc1ent in ,ix iles fl,o ingorebard. Churches and'schcol convenient. Pointing with her little ba tbn tothe dials lit Seafw-th. For further partieu'- late on: a midsummer, mild afternoon; London, sed to propbes, that-gome day to the owiter oil ,the farin or to A post office and store adjoins 'the lot. It is AQ8ENT. below a large, cloc T H E E 0 P L E'S SHOEMAKER' face. The situaterl,%Yithinil'.�.-..tniles of Blyth, on ihelon-
The train front Topeka was due very soon. he,would sit -on the Frendh throne. Wilittl1rop P. 0. ` JOII 1� U. GRIEVE. 889x4 f � stepped from the station and'- -ed a ones give the. day 1 tho don, Huron& Bruce Railway. For further ,ei sidetrack of the inpiltll an( ar
tKi-nds, Gf rroperty llfxe�iZht; month of the Eigllt.�Ism�ll idials, "Did �-ou_ �ver kn6 SuOi a fool as ticulars appl to the undersigned 'on the prem. �,PLENDID ENG1 N;9 AND BOILER FOR ents toAvait, that fellow is?" ask d an English SALE AT A 13A IN. Engi is es, or to Hurlock P. 0. THOMAS AMOS. $85 Then, hx,,ing a few idle niom one st Rate_%� you observe si�rro'nd this. The top A lie, Goldie akenian of falling in love --- - -i fie twitted the- br. f MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, statesn'tai who had )een bored b & 3ft,-Oulloch's niake, 3fi hotse er, line, shaft Ila! apil. o e ARM FOR half bf Lot 29, Coo- With red-headed girl at the station above, dicates, the eq thi� y 12 feeb long with It fiv eel. Boiler 45 cession 8, Morris, containing � ioo ac res, 40 w
Mae pliecies. t'V'h lie re a wh Audsaid, in conclusio at t "Let mar-nage alone he left-sbowi� tltk� 1�ngtli of the days;� Louis' p yl ally horse power, 40 flues',' 58 inches in dianietei, 11 o which are cleared and nearly freo from stumps. Mass 13,rit s.h Till the fuzz on yout: lip -,to a woustachellas believes that lie will ilia Emperor of feet 6 iriches Fire front grates, smoke 11 I that at the riit tl ie lengt] i of the "rown, as resolved that from and after this date he will conduct his business strictly on T iere are on The PLremige a good log houee wnd Compa, jes ihStack, &c. D. URQUIf ART, Hensall. 860 Ibelow -this th�. lef ;-hand one 1 Us-, laughed a loud la-lig.h. He looked carelessly ve f aine stable, two never failitigw.ells and an ex- tod. -e back- four seasons ; the - -ight, tl ie tweh s Its Tile, Pi"tice, while 'a rEidexit of Lon- c Ilent orchard f almost the CASH PRINCIPLE, and will give his customers the bene -fit of the advantage. t Re mw his boy -baby creep onto the track! of the zodiac.,.; thiE one, th � days 01 don, wa.! made the vie,ini of acruel W LE. - A splendid an berin. The -farm WL conenlentLy chance or a Warron Maker. Nobetterin situated, being only two and ;a hgIf L Mileil fr(An w hox. Sf lie one sent hini a forged in- Remember, if oil want cheap BOOTS AND SHOES of the very best qIiality, h rtec front Tl,.4L�n caxtie through the mit, with a erash nd a eek ; tl�ie 6dier t ie sibms of the )If* o t, the. vc inity of HW�on. 'Tile undersigned offers 13 ruts�-els and t i n eafrtb. For fur- !vit�ttioli L) a grand pity at Windsor for q 'o in tile froin hich tll�ir naylles al! loflWalton, one quarter of tl ter particulars appiv to I,. Brussetis, e all( on have the money to pay for them. or to RICHARD LEP-N,-Lindbay, ho -2- you can get them at WILLIS' if�Y' tb Castle. an eie with tse 22x 2, a u cron Shop 84 thelowest one__g4N_(:,j date e fie himself 11 court costume, 24x30, with L'I),tilJt hhop above, llithed and The childwould be (,rut -ll niang-led and erusbed I I - year. plastered and a Itiniber liou.w20.x40. This is one r INVO �GOOD FARS IN V.sJ30R1JF, Pop. SALz Mcath the whoels of the trahl. To the switch- The eight lar'c-i-r dials t t -lic.castle gate. (if the best stal)d for a Wa,(,ron Alaker on the bar lie rulied aud pres( t. -The ex e'eutors offer the to be tol' I)y the porte 1 1 t hi L g, Undo NNAim the terrible thouoit. through him sudden- then her4- oil h left�, tbe tinw I" la as 8 -name North Gravel Road, an(I a titan with a little of f< r sale, in order to Oose the the estate -ic sun rises for evvr tljf) %1ras not ('Awn oil the list 3 of guests, he can riNh a payliq There are two Black- to. o: the late Andrew foir. e . ist_ niith shops 61oso I)N-. It is 10 infles north ftoni WIFIRTE train will be wr eked, and the pa.sseng,rs ti da in couid not enter, and as co ssion 3, Township of L'shorne 100
e prince ins Oustom Work and Repairing Attended there on the right the hour that ell that It Seafoith and Ondles so ith of BrusseN. Apply -es, 80avres clear&, ard ill a 9004 I a(i 1 ece esiastj The others gl% 0, had received card, a higher on dif prenii8ep. tiress to Walton P. 0. i le rack-� bt ite of ctiltivtion. There are! Six �0 of Far out of his sat big beatitiful ehild, oning. The first'rin the eft tho officer ill ie l3toyal Hou hold was sent EN GRIkOLDIII'l. 888 CN orchard of the choicest fruit, and two never go on ��lio euirted out hi.,i and in failing -springs; The property contains 'a 0oln- ld nILtnl C.1- ; ill - tile. olar tSir," sai(I enian, i fi�Zebrlvkhouse. Second-I.A)tsi, ConcesAdw -I*e the t4ir� tli( Fpai -t - the 16uith th �1 EMAY S'N)CK. The'Best Cyu 4' a Iiis gentl and Largest Stock in the County Lent loo,;encd his rlp front si * . I i 3, To;%iiship of llrbornie rntaining 100 aer4eS 85 V (,.-eniiitl)e�,ioineiiiiittke. AsHer pod'back; the nd the fiftlii 'th 'If RAY -Canie into the promises axres cleared Avell underdrained, and in a b%h I [f.- ihouted in terror, (�'et off froin the track Ro"inn Indkloll.' Majesty I i- not the hon - r of knowing to Select Frorn. I t i3t Ae of -.cultivation. There is a good ombard 4t pho.3-fully pkving.each lilunip little hand, I Princ4 )o'leon, E M the undersigneil Lot ry, Concession 10, tOn �he rig.4t 14t re sf-;� she wil be unable to Tu kers-inith, ajboli four aA�re.s, a large brick hou6e, also two barns,' The baby crept off, rolled down in the s. I, fo e it thelfirst of December, four 'At tibles, drivan4 shed, all frame. &bool n op- A -t leped the train a thunderint, ur dials tfia� the iixteen I hnA ,I Eirrintr's c ves. T�e own ll I �v 0 1 Insitelot. Itis three miles to the towns of tile p Tell; yk i rs later. the wject6'd Prince, (in pitoving propel ty and paying ebany'es. tbent. Two eri c)dic&l'(-(. -f *P,4o,� ill 0 Exeterand Hensall. These farms adjoin each then. 11 -or of Frande, slept in.the N A le K I N N 0 N. 891x4 ()f thesun and incion and two tllb 110111-i up other, and will be sold . togrether or sep said little 1,011 arateltY. nioll and bis.9extile', Years, the' illion best rooni of the.castle, danced ALL P T11ES INDEBTED MUST SETTLE Ti xm of pai-iment easy. For Parriculattv apply Fitch, -STRAY RJI. Cll 'c into the premises' of HE, to OHN AleQUEEN, F-Necutor, Luilkley P. O., or- with Ilie. Queen in the 117at 0 room., led, Lot 10, Concession 10, BEFORE B, V. ELLI-Oft Solicitor, R-,eter P.O. $73-28 I wz trtrlqky aild true at the. swith-!" centuries. Th#,,� Isma _Fj -1 he unde -shn' FIRST OF JANUARY* -t el., s fl iro4y T'lugere J. Hall. tili6yr the time at P P.6ine N'ikina I of time. I I Stanley, about the litli of December, an aqred rant. The own or call have the Same on proving I----- --- St.- P Yor gler, .0 eters.burg, NOA k,i Al propelty and MAKIN.S. W A PS ON is G L, 0 SELLI NG F F' don,.Batavia, Jir-rasalem IPekin-,' iti 89Ox4 lar: to -night, Cayenne, Madrid,; as on hh;'W�ea�y journey' -Irs. I've been Calcutta. IST11AY SHEE111. rayed front Lot 5, Con kling ille! 1101110. calon, A s, 1-gre wl.lo w ROBERT WILL199 SEAF04RTH
NEW &lid _X , I o came upon a prowd one losing up Butiness,. cession 8, Tuckerimitli,about the ist of are f till of daites, and you TheNew Yq)rk'! �1 Ila(] a,l told that the, a lipple, ook. day" 1 id observed. a. general sadness hi Pevc-ni ber -last, three. and one ee lanib. -ERELD. an't of a, hort all fc Two ol, 7 the cwt s - Ila ve long tik. Any person S I am elosing up yn--i business -in the Yfilage kilotV I lwa s dearly loved tile fru�it-" 4VO,took WIN y A little toc, ch repose about the durinu which fhl� Huron's Photographic Establishment. I -r- Such inf )r1liatijui as will le, burn, a id 4 the, nit volan pillsed to tt e d t; the re- Ids glooill 41 ieried the old -Lrl " 1 1-'rP st"ll ' 11 f of Kin I stock; coo- Goo H1011th for it to be Tiaturl," -,vas the breath, to !'_tli(� time Wi 'it -of aoi thel:e be'suitably rewarded. ig of Dr_ ds, Buts and Caps, Boots ada It- lay down 4is bundle and (1'1( veki.1% ille P. 0. 8921x4. 8 oes, Groceries,'PatentMedicine Eartbemware,� ti c frpnt end lof his plug of as,iware, Sleighs, Wagons Carrw re J3ug&86 felt KI uiark of a husl)anfl to a West End Besancon. Wi d t114 felt fo -(- Ours earier, IN heelbarrows, %lifffietreei., 3y%eff aken his wife's time nearly &N It pltotog-ra,pher wh(, had t., ;Mill.cled to t1itbik that.wfilei e tood in ist aill be old orgivena,way before the ii�t *1 0 we mourn -death of ii the A, )rjl next, I ain. theeefore prepared to.give great _--v little (,iri joyfully as-.,ured heir there at'lligiltn(XIII, 5 r rarains in eye to , bille 0, OU (,00d I i -an was the re-pl 6 �. S'. If, I'll �WADEI SEAFORT-7EI "i lbl'ave alo a ui) ity of Dry Lintiber to dia. (3)ON,ki,l), 31, D.. C. , 3*Pl- I *
tov t e ot 11-Myther the otlier day that ilie had fond at New York 11(ft yet awa - Al, its Ilt llolloh�d?" W. &e. Otfiec W. OW they have oellud Out wherc tb:ey -1-PlUde horses ; h e had Tile largd dial -f If pc se of, consistintrf x1es, Tongu4* 'Two Inch a and haoccupied by Dr. Plank, 'kini, ine and -orn 4 are, ws the iid,� �s Hua -bison, Auturn. As tit, t e I't v Mai. -I fillish-ing one.- He was� all silo t it & an cop," 1upri,dit ell,%' 81 rr ri b�Lbl and iven tb a vbove must all be sold no, re.-mitable ffet 11.6ting oil his ]a -,t foot." the- cicerone,* fitid 11 t I be refused. to. and a Good le twelve '4P06t1('s o pea ,e w G. iCOTT, 1), Surg,00n that most deglftl)je An old lad It, lial-riae- re enclosed ifi tht-little &,' coves� - -si X i 41411d ;-,Dod seven, I 1 7 � I lit tA 12 -wid Accoittelier, Se forth, Ont. 0 'ture k1so at a b ia exelasively oil a each e wi fUce and pr )perty, a c.1012;lwenot in the Vi a, .Z1 J'b
n urn, lan as and 11raperies, also new and choice winter sceneries, is now pre c it is rig,lit in -phosphor others take their IUVt'S t") Inullif dDoor ],'last of th� Pres1kyterian Church. 842 1 il l*fa*:*? sked the h - or any jother buless -\dlig r( rs, be ng Lot A. in Schoales' Survey, iery dibilght r%,fe -At e I i I. -two I 0 ) r y o U praised -1 Id tneourag(. fitLd his r'001118 With new and handsom e furni
d tbet resid(�ticeSotithi-4idoot(�odei-'icli Street, Second Ha such as chai
fi,h diet becau. balustrades pared foi a store tlf- which they -,tj.i 10 I arid, thoroii%hly i i and phophorus ii the thing bour on lit I , ku accolints W -wit be Settled at' atj date. oke(l uc i lid billi. _-�Teniber to turn out.phot(grapbs in any style desired. I am making a specialty of Cab- with the , I 0 JOHN WILLI.AX-,. Kinburn.- thev iolie by t of the�� r )It .1 to merit 1:11 47, A 4 usli fell upon tl owd, and no I Df the C�lesro of Plivsiciansand Surgeons, 0. .0 Wife - AN'fuvt do )-oil linvan, or the s ( t, b r6plied Se:tforth! jitari tfice and Residel)CC 'nets, and 8xlO �hotographs, the 8xl0 Photo is considered the picture of the day. heal.,kv and 1,00111litly by ])ill *! I would t. miclpkel a I I St. Orabriel, - %lilemfortAiet ()ceupi d by J)r. Vercoe. 848 Pi aisc tbt come lftA ; ifteT death, Any of those wiing to make their friends Christmas presents can find uothing T. JULIEN RES URANT f titi k easier to ricte a rail above, stritzt. 'A. M. all -ed lie Sage, doe .4 not even cut Graduate of work aran d, no hiSpE i more suitable an 1'elegant. The, finest finish on gu tee nd down the undertaker's I Better AleGill University, Physician, Sur -eon if 'that is tile. M -a. baN-c of initiating o figules al eov HANOi-ER,
y n -1 W . im ttie,� -,it tbe clill). Cloc v v repr, iml 1 litli, lircodforhis and Amouchouli,Soafortli3Ont. Officeandfiesi- work allowed t unless thoroughly; satisfactory. mrity -Iloo(,lilt tty I ;Vidow." denve, North We of Goftwic'li Street, First Brick 0 out B1 A ope, I 0K d116ii-e El t of ti Metho:list Church. 496 - I IF, S. also,on hand a large and varied stock of Frames, among (3 YSTF-f, OYST-FERS f two (101lars J11A uhaiif,e Places, IN101" d The Widow wi, -FRAN 11 I i a, %- e. I I'T ity, `o aisy, toward Fait which there ares ome of the choicest Gold and Easel Frames in new and elegant I ami in daily receipt of fresh.134tiltnoieO."Stm h, NOto ti 'it o take ill flail) ewing tQ' Sul Port her- O tol(l tio that EYE, ..EZ AND THROAT -can and bulk. if nd t tl it - I I I Ysters -21 elf: designs, which I am offering at greatly reduced prices during the Christmas holi- both in ties i ox famil stvles.� Part -equin sttrs y U0 hdayst -v4 nice Sx. I O frames complete with glass mat and back from 30c up. A R S,.f RY'RRSON, I b� leaving their orders -witil -we eart be suLpM Tfie- sepulchre, of ou r L )rd is r 4 A, and six oil the shortest so )a -at I., L. C.S. E11., Lecturer oil the -Eye, -s.e A6�1 2 Z
abo, c- this. to ainied 1'kobbik oyarty,-of 'Gobo,l swallovs-ed F LDI 'r rery and fruit alwa3,s oil --Attornov 9; Moti N( S. --Mouldings plain a;ud ornamental in great variety. Frames fre zh confectio? araii(.-Throat,Ti-iiiiti-�ledictI College, Toron. a rour t Lte. 0.loek- I.]) ece of iron he top of an (Mtried on. by thte. to, n Surgeon to the'btercer Eye and Far In- made -to ord, er on tile shortest notice, and at lowest prices. A call and hispeetion Cigars and It -ft to live oil b,lit about to -dinar Toba4osv You wittell he if. i clic-liandled ki Life, about the fir, A Late lillical Asistant Royal London
t Iof over eie.,lit , earw_ Inust husband us()urccs. N oil ple4se. Ogbtba Rlic H03pital, lltoorfields, and Central of the work resp(etfully..solicited. I nAre a gpec und teel] 1alty of Cigars
to carri oil the piepe. I roat nd Er lospital.: r Sl i,4 my r he l)ped a., the 11ills itice't I e had trouble swallo 9 keep none but the best bi win N. B. -I am enabled by the use of the dry plate to make photographs as caj guarantee to be firstclass in ty receh-e Attorw:y- reached nooll.. 0 i i r eyes were widely iing a�y�fiing, -which was frequently 311 Cilu�ch Street, Toronto. t s of the exhila- g antoneous ana invite all lover Pt well in dull weat'.Iler as in the finest. All Photo aphs made by the ins' hour, ounded, the dec i, vtmeacall. Ism stmethe-N'W-11 slii4 m her a oon pos,ible. ttentlive. ' A 0 ill aid Al, by a ch tion. gr eep nothing -b t� f think- ji() Young Mal. -IL two aostles th y doing so, as I rE t nd t -A o was ill I or a few days I ast week and dr plate -process; also make the gem ure four for 60c� Rooms all on Send cents for p6stage and Piet do on hand and at at resurt- 1. sk &la(-Iy to op out driving till- Hope. and Cha lirlid t 3ward Fith on Su�da) Vornited up the: identical ound floor. 90 receive frde, A IZES K costly ,box of gr COT sidered. eInwiter of his, h4se. St. Mary low(tr I er sceptre, thermed iece f in). i, which had r ained in his gooda ch will help all, kof either sex, to.'more I -_ . the, Rig LMAOM iember the 01990---Signf a re 0 hroat f 'n 't awaiy than anything else in this 3ta n Street, difectly ,oppoelte 3ft rket Ptr4�et that dety right. That is soldiers f ell pi qt I and fi two all C a ha f. The mon world. ortun Aait ffie vrorkers absolutely 8 forth. I have the, Saviour russ. fir th onb, while; on Todel 'aom'e, i3 I h v�as nine i 9S once i address & CO., August&, when swall inade !; ort LACI� a Sje(:ia-1 study of horses nd can SM-Cet MUSie,, SOL I sical'-I�ox maller thi 0, e 854x52 JAMES GRIM
Ift & U sure. I
W. 'WADE, Main-st, Seaf h t e
td -ni r
ili 01,
0 P
10 IS
e 11 1i
0 1
f a,