HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-01-09, Page 8� � .. . T - 4 . I r -
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_ I - - . I . 1! I . .- . : A I . . _1 .1 ; :: . I r. Tired of cold -
; "I
' I
.__ . I . . . I . I . � - 'T Thom 61 Ryv,u -, -Councillors cheer of a co '
, . I � I - : ave a me t4e y tho sch ft. t R eve# " W A'" , I
. �_ I .- d 1. , . . . he I ,a
� � . diine� a,laric
0 � T - to b respective h �h_ - music &e'i, b ol childi e ' J. 4 . , 4"
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--- W U '198 aniou ealth t A. --al A walting, e 0 ! ireter.%n sought
z � ) pro - I . :
I ' � ,
1� �,, . 3 0 Be, n he has , ikosen.—Mk- L* ments, After this I u - )i � gj,el,terin ti�e 'arm ye-ard. On comin .
4�-i .� et M - " � .- 'U, '15 . �
. .07" � :, , % I I witill ble ,#I ofessio ` . , � , 3 .
. I , �s, etc:, on4 , Itiea sfeute his a budies . for t e 6mes to h , . ."e and J.
. 4,_� - I The year w e and chairmen gave a very1suitable and pr:ale- yames Barbour . Jefferso�i)
I 'furoll JV00JtJ0V* � about $675. 1 a - 149 - . ,in whicil, he spok in the Norris. . ` - ast oi Lit the young I ian missed his I
� i � .a bal ,,Iii� had ri , a
� &nee iii, the treasury -of: 79.' The ho, , forme7ly of thif town, paid ,. a prayer meeti til abou three tical address ay
- `T� --�-din Wedinead of 1,
, t
� � I �
� � ��'. - . I - , f the teacher, AcCYT)E,N� - .
; � � � - - . .1 - I - ling. was 'most Utter I nilway I I
�, , -he - . - timber of young men divining a ra I ----- iroug e, ,
I _.p - - . . principal subj&t for di'scussi a t rien&s i n Seaftwith a via I on Mond . - Q clock on New, Year's mor. in -week, while a n
,w . . I .. I I i
�. li� I V. lug L_ ' bvenin they Rev. A. =reNvs, Fho was 'present,
- . -ri I arn that � r. Jul' gui sunalinped in the r that �
7 - loug -vexed question, of cax the *8k � We regi et to , 5 . lage in questj of his to ert . ,Sowe- �
I �. I I vere engage,
_�i. DISTRICT'MATTERS. � �_' -I Ll sawing wood. on the farm vil aft, -
_., �., . I confaned t ) his residence would march I . y e . e chroliology er, ti#le crwa,rd� the ri was - found at �
� o0dasiorted through , a steam an has een ;he 31d . ear outand th gave ashort lesson or� Bibl �rti one of the numb I
� . -11 - I I
- — — . I la 8i inu al I I eting , illnei is fo, r a avera I a, r �blxt we hope n'gv yw, in and accordini4 a t 5 h was decid . I and in- of'Mr. John Stew . I Inn_ i
,-, -., ' ), ' ,edly instructive Nobo( - would vo
. - __ -E STocK AssOCIATIOX. - threshers- At the . �� I � Y � of Mr. Thos. H094 - -the ,9tralv at' ,tckl �
. - THE H-dimx Lxv . I John Hoggarth, soil i
,_` � �'
. se, I et itb a teresting,not only to file pupils but to all �
� I �
. � ;_� of the officers, directors the directors, wore institic ted. t6 I -ame'. a o see � li� in arol tud agam C68 1181141 befove ys assembled on Main street . ex to apprise Ithe owner of tlie fact-, �
- / ,�_i —A meeting . . I _- t: I is . 111 . 95 of bells, aud,v present, "The-Christihas iell. Cromarty, niet with a pain- - te I :
. I
( ___ . . rX Clause in -the by-laws a Alioriaii ig Alle on . * a subject folk "congtatulati(n horn, two.or three Ari toc Wa4 tl arth, near taged shaer - whereupon t1l,uDg daine �mthered u - I
-If I and all others. ialterested in 'tb e Huro � I - . -Light to account and , - fulaccidexit. While ell� pen ,Sl P 1
� � Live Stock Association, wN be held at Secretary to-. issue permit 8 0- , "-ra , at all the wholars ])i med at tl e number of4in Pans, and stirted up the bro the many pres . I 4 out fin d her lover
p . . . . . . iz his -saw, an overhanging tree fell, a the reins and t' to V, �
. ''. .- If - 14 1, ) 'heir $eafci , . ing more Mg . n the head, which she, hi. doing near Clin- i
. 11atitexibury's Hotel, - Clinton on Tues desiring to use steam thr(ah a it I publi, -. school, o wrote* for "Devil's Army," as the Salvat ts ents distributed, everyone seea succeeded
? ) . . A� . ift, A limb of which struck him o . �
r I . ow - the than COM. I - � .
I . do -, at I o'clock pay -Ing an extra fee of 3 0 on each the e co examination succeeded In tetmed theril, inte idinj I o dr satisfied with his and her W,
,1,-. rp, . I
wy next, the 13th inst I iski. lis i _;-,c ey' -e the fe edic- forcing it down upon the sa inflicting ton.— I
.I- p. m.,, for the purpose of deciding the T re passing ith od marks. I I . . by, e e burn. � I
. 1. I &I � issued other te to the.ablIfty'and skill O)f 4C slipped I tion, ended the very 6njoyable proceed- - a sev r wo, I
, � advis - ility of holding a spring We. . md these perniiis � . ribit . ��ee - -
hundred dollars at d e- d ctores � TI a a: I- ,.Wvation Army ati but th wei piece of inusic, follow�d 11 und'on either side of the ,
. � � ab � I did this - re , ,t up " bady, as 3he Sal vation §e, irrimediately below the eyesly be- � 1 ,
. � ad Reid leav i f
. � ha,ving entries to make and the extra fee [to ed. When Wi% L. cFaul, the Principal, as an bi- Arm3rdid not mar h till after they b, 6igs. Mr. this - week for no � r - � OBITUARY. —It is wit] eelings of 1
,�� . All parties ; z . . I � I * lacerating his hand, D . McTav .
V . should hand them in at .that me � thiscla-use carne 'up -for ratification a istrue of the yoting. rhere are fe w . returned home' , at a bout 2. 0 a. Ili. next Toronto, where lie p rposes"tD renyain sides 8 imm'diatejy called, dressed the deepest sympathy we no* chronicle
� I 1. - ng. .. - for a couple of niontha in the collegiate ish wa e lian, ,si-
- I . and if there are not sufficient entries - motion was made to the effect tb A itt e chools hat. can claim 41, better record morni ounds, and the young I at last - tellia, death of .11�. F. Horton, an <)Id re
� - ;% I ' hall Sewforith ic sell ol. —Mr, W., F. PRE.9EN'TATION-.-- clas es . Yliborhood. He was a
� I � not ratified, but that members be p(r�. nie �Bible clas of institute, when he will return and take w I
I justify the holding of a 'sale, the society . g favorably.' A dent of thi:s nei( I
i ; . , I iver, � 16 smart minir the Kirkton and Th ' xicipalship, oA Belillore school, accounts, was progressin - '
I . - - . mitted to use steam threshe un ler t ie jTufley of - ..on allies Road Presby- the pri . d
- Will likely be dissolved. M. Y. McLEIx.. , I . 9 I . t a number- of his companions had a narrow 'Dart very affable"in his manner an a
. -1 � - ig I terian churches assembled at the r,esi-* where- he is hired for this 3 ear a - general favori-t4 of all his a,Cquaintf1,"k,_,S I
. . I � 'Secretary. I restrictions presqribed in the. by-'Iaws own in Mi0higan, is at present visith I ! :* - escape. . � � . i
,, - . but without the permit, and withoat .!friends in! this vicinity. Mr. TuRey is dence of the Rev. Colin Fletcher, on -the- salary of $500. . I . rsTEE.—Mr. J. Kirkpavtrick was ,
� - � . i ha SoIREE.—Notwitlistanding the very Ten i
.1 I . ii-rcinboy, and pent Ave yeaxs Thames ad, and'Present, d him PE. elected trustee for school section No. 5 1
. - I i
. I THic AVEEY, OF 1P'ktyE,R.The week- of paying the extra fees. Vg'his motion ,an old.] 1 I Ro ' OPLE SAY:—ThA there is to be
I- � . - . -of Mr. ,I Dorsey of load of sple oats al Ld ,r wedding Wore long oil the unfavorable weather on Tuesday of last curre:A year. This - was the I
aver is being celebrated in this town elicited a lengthy diselussion which th� employ ihn udid $10.50 ill. another bi�. � i
. " - � It 'been spent " 2nd - line, across the swair .p. —That week, the tea ineeting held in connec- for the I - i
. . ly - ulifo meetings in the ge ' al showed that a ve# strong fE elin exists Ithis to* n. —Alias Wartb 1 Davidson mi A money. After some time ,4d lively trm�tee election we ever wit i
a ver - � i church, Cro- most ;
- .- ; n derful tion with the Presbyterian .
� churches. The first meeting was held in among me lnbers on the su bj e , Wind ith a very painful acci I ant in, Cardno's in Lenjoyinent, the .reverebd gent[eman hunter R-attan is stilViniakin Won
. - . * . marty, groved a faix success. Seldom nossed, even t)i6 ladiescomi i
&�: church on, �Ton Perm - d - fee Hafl on Mond ty night. Sh,e was en- presented those that could recite the havoc amiong the fo:rze�.—Tli people go ,
the Preshyteri day, alleging that if 'the t , . . d such ample provision. made, exercising theiii franchise. 1
1 - . , gh expe( ut (10 we n
�: I.. �, .n*g On --Wednesday evening se -r- systemwere continued the o leave gage I ix i a danpe, when s le niade a mi 3 - shorter catechism with handsome ibles, to Manitoba with hi � Aons, b - . ELECTIOX. e municibal tlections i
.. �1. � .-_� eve, , . I - - sprat I .led her e enjoyment -
. I . orn a afn( I Isual return in a -couple o� years ohl� too. glad for th of those attending : �
VIces were held in St. Th . as'- h irch the company, an& other I I if - . I It wi Ls besides thanking them ' #1 his . - nd in r� for thi tow li -were pretty lively this 1
, ,� I e ,X . that soirees—both for the physical a � tel-, 8 nsli )
� I ,WO'u d " the eareld at first �hat so In .,1`n'001ie' the bones y 111anne F,'onfes
I heart for their excell6lit, and to get back, will nev r. d ,a but
. and last 6vening �4 Eginondville cl�ftrch ' ' not continued that they'. I . � � i lectual wa,nits. Tea was served in Air. year for Deputy -Reeve. The clectio-, -
t � � ; - ,
I . 8 11 a. I e ns'
I tak useful pre it is somethino, to be agempated to I .a-
. conipany. A vote was ultim#01 , en, ere - broken, but we be � i6ve this is not - I I 0 resulted in fah -or of Mr. A. Allan fo;
� . This evening the,meeting will be .in the � r �
. . . _ _ much ven 0-er there, -wheio riches ar � .
� . �. I when'a large majority vbted in vor of .1 e case . altho ugh the ii jury will likely MUNICIPAL. —Thc re was �lot so I I e till- Miller's hall from 4 until 6,.30 o'clock, eve, � .
� I Methodist chux0h. All the meetings, . I I stina, addre Deputy -Re �
C i nday as was bounded and pleasures; neve . �
k � r the motion doing away wit4 the bermits I ay- hex u r some time.—At the excitement in Exeter oil Mp. r he. Av- e after which intere; sses were, - i 0
: thus farV have been very interesting, and � - I " :
� - ill
. Were largely attended. -%N;re believe, and fees. - The chairm'an, hoivev"Ie'r, was Municilial Section in Brussels on Moil- expected. The fol.o-wing Js a I at of don't wonder at them' t delivered by Rev. Messrs. Hamilton, of . , I
� . t af er , 7
5 � I pin - of -Mitchell ; i ' P,ashwood-
;� .. - . I
� e Who were - Motherwell, ; .Gil i I
; I . - I ____ I .
: �;. - should the people desire it, the unable to- decide whether Ir not it re- day last Measrs. PeteT ik cott and Robest those who stood ai Ld thos! ____ - . and Wright, of f
: , that Thomson, 0 'I JOTTING' ,. - ur public se
7 'k . I . . I - f Hensall, 11001 opened
� -
p 01 ; clergymen intend continuing them next quired a two-thirds vote �.o carry i the rahani headed the poll for councillors. elected. Those w,th th( star after . - B:ullett. . Stre . C. Fletcher, of Thames ' Mr, I
; � .
A .T . � I -
: z � -; that mere elected *.- atf ord. -Rev oxi Monday w, :, 63 pupils. Jacob
� .
t- . 1 at- - . . I
� . week. I motion. If it does it was def . d, but ll�y --- .both former residents of Sea them being the one, - THE, ELECTION. f
. . V - 'ity ; depj�ty n in this Road, Usbornel and Dr. Caippbell, of R�der was "I . ed school trustee in
: .
� � t, I if a simple majority is req aire i -it is rth, 't aid we- congrat, I ite the people of Reeve, Mr. Hardy,* Mr. . -The electic -
: I , . , but failed to be se�ction No. 8, Hay at the annual meet- I
� J I . t egins;-- o ivaq very'hotly contested, Seaforth, were expected
I � JorR,x_A,LxsTic.-The- Galt - Reformer carried. Thismatter will be 3russelk on. a curing I two 'such honest, Reeve, Mr. Bissett,* r. P k" t wnship
E - I . ) I * i
: . pre
� . �to cen� Fellow to assi it iii: mainaging e Reeveship, ai id a much . � i
� -
I __ comes haad this -week changed t0alk - ,by t4he directors so soon as lega, Councillors -Messrs;. D. Jo'ns, . G. especially for it, sent. The proceeds, amounting to 4. -Mr. Jacob Kellerman, of Xe-� 1
� - 0 478, ar ds paying
w - e to be devoted towar 11�iwburg, is vigiting friends in town. I
7 I. .
t � eight page form, considerably enlarged, � can be taken. - The jinatter 1 . e I m, xniclp� I affairs, -The Pembin a Dyer, * Jas. Pickard � * Hos in, ger vote than usual was polled. All � in ,
L . . r � 1,,.ct- for the summer kitchen recently buill I ROPERTY Ci[ANGEs.—Afr. Jxio. Coo1L I
� R' The ),bove c re -c
9 -
k � and Printed on new type throughout. It. disposed of for this year, �Fpar6ntly.o io, e 'or 3s record,,; -the marriage Bissett, and Jolin'Ranton." the old Council, howev,er, wer I
. . - in- 'e on the
. �, - I . � - t ()f the connection with the iiiallse. The co h4s sold his storr rth side, of
. I . E .
". . �, presents a really handsome appearance. )ie mothow of Mr. Win. shows that all t e old 1councii were .ed. The following is'a stateDI(ii . .no
- ,; the satisfaction of all prosont. All the . . E. C=re I lintir I
: . , I . serve credit for their I
z I T - ttee de. Main street and. two fifths of axi acre Of
I . . The Reformer is -edited by our old friend, old -directors were re-electe*d- '%vh,ien the rombid, of )ung, Dal ota, formerly (if elected. Mr. Pick Lrd ha�l a n, ,rrow vote cast for each canilidate azt the- res- nli ing
I .1 I . I . . 1. Hall, the I
I . . dxertions and the able- manner in which la,jid Mr. jo4n,
. Mr. John CoMe, son of .Mr. Jos. Collie, I meeting was brought to �1 se� 1- At a eaf ortl, . to r. Henr r Randall. Th e I I esca e, Mr. Hoskin being 6ply fiv � be- pective polling sub-dil'risiolls: I � to present oc- I
� .1 f . I IG .4 t� I I ' I I I � _r they conducted themselves in connection c . Ut of the erty.--�-Also Mr. Noah
" ,
" I I ,
4 -.Jrre
9 ,- 4c) ,
It ?n if , Itt
, 't
�y ) ,
__ - t,
e -
A ,e
- e� M
, -.-
1 � tor
i R
� 'in
" 114
ey' I Id . —Th
thal '01111, "' 4.
14atve e �
" 1, ��l
� elect
10 Vel
�ie -&fud e d IV]
I I ii
1: a vice � e�
lies thus � h �
� _j r�'
C, L�1.
; ; - ' held, I iarriag a celebrat(d .6n Christrnn hill
: . � of Egimoadvill'e. e is "a graduate of' I I "I ;wa Thim. J �, I I I I . I r
4 . * � 1 4 . d has sold his store ;and two fifths I
. H dire4ors' meeting, sub e 4 mtly � I FO� REEVE. -
; 1. � � � . with the soiree. 4 �
� . - .
z . - 7 choo BREviTiEs.—M"e had a 4he'a,-N,ry , I of .
i �_ - -were all e-eleded. . ), - re-ope . Al Willan. Amon.
7 11 - Tim, ExposiToR office, and does credit to the former officers ay'. -rf hi H� ,h S . was lie I . I
r . I I day and -Friday la 4 -_ � Stanley. �. I of an acre of laxidon the south zide of I
i 1� ling. He has raised'the Reform- � A ___'_ I . a , but Kinburn ....... D.. _ 88 35 1
, - his trak i
I . I )n Tu d ley and the I ublic School o 1 snow on Thurs 11�1
3 1 .; I
� -
; . er - iserably sickly condition to GOOD SERVANT W,QNT�D.--Apply to - Harlock .............. ! 94 - 36 1 t to, the Kellerman Brothers.
� 1 4
. from a m Wednes dit y. - It now lo i)ks as if 'we at , not quite enough to' ma e slei hing, I THE ELECTION. -The following is a ' Main stree
i _. ' h. 892mol � - ... 4 1 Londesboro ........... 126 156 NG -There was -a
i - it . � ,
� .w 'he one of the very best amd -most pros- MRs. A. H. lmiaND, Bank House, &afo t6 b Fav -o -ed with much sleighin � I
, . lot . hill although it made good .. eg4 On Nos. 3 and 6 ........ ! 67 85 stAement of the number of votes polled ' . 1SHOOTI. MATcu.
.. i . w� . �
- � I
! 'T RE. -1 his wi nl ,Ithough the wheel' ; very ;_ a ting match! in Dashwood on New
L __ SE-A-ForiTH BOOT AND SHOE S c'amd I � -
. I peraus local papers in Ontario, and the 11 . Ing - Monday U sun out e � for ea�ch of the candid'! . � at the election 1� -1 - ,viL __&i --- r
- ! `-I - it i ! . I 1-4
. - ternn ea to clear our, my swok -inu(
: � I
� . .. recent improvements will incre4se its nave de _n , v�
I -
r 1
5 . goods, booth and shoes'hats and caps 19110, a1r*,e,,
I -
7 �
� ..
. 0
. . � arity with its patrons, as. enter- reduction.-ANIr. G. GoWsold sfand. W 't
� .
I 1� . popul
. .
, __ prise of this character always� pays. - THOP�N& 892-1. � 1. .. . I .
- __ -1, , - I I
� ; I J I
� . -u' 101
. .
. . . 40
; - A cno.x SALE of Crockery, a a ar(
; �
. .
I I �_, . OUR POST OFFicz.—The following is a Bootsand. Shoes Hats and Caps, '. .. con
�-;. 11 ' - . .1 1i -
. �
. .
; record of the business transacted in the mencinglMonday evening, 12th inst , t A iDrr
. " � " "
: � son's old stand, �,eafortb. - e r $ �'% worth t
I � � . O�
I Seaeforth post office during the year
t .
t be disposed of. GF,oRGE GOOD. - 9 I � I
: -1
I z 9t
� T 18M. Deposits in Savings Bank-, $126,- .
I VA-P__Pxvi�_ T.ne,r _T,n,zf. iti Rp Ifnrlit A
i r
636; withdraw-,vlcheqiiespa,i(l,$122,000.
Post office orders issued, -$297,939; post
I . 111. V -
Monday -evening last'a ,ingo. Tb
finder be lgert Ladies' Ear -R,
� leaving * tb
I- .
office, orders. paid, $15,OW. There were
i will rew-ardedl on
i same at Tim KxrosftoR oftwe. 992 - ��
I �
Fostage stamps, to. the-
- Y �alue'pf , 2
$4 5 0
, .
1 __ THE- WIDE ANvAKB._We-,h ' receiv
, _
sold. These figiares show that the Vol-
- ed the Christmas number of the' Wide Awak
ume of business done at our post office is
from the enterprising publishers D. Bothrop ,
nct clecreasing, and as the business of
q6., Boston. This is a ohafilling moilibly Ma-gti
. .
zinie for young people, containing a-116fge full
I � I
the post office is- a n excellent index of
4 u
ol useful inforniation coi municated in a �lea,,
I .
the b,usiness done in the town, ,'-%V,e, may
. 1
. ing and entertaining manner. The numerou
Justly conclude that Seaforth is not only
iftfistrations are from artists of high ., - whos.
. _
. . �
holdin.- its own but in a business Point
z:1 y
pictures are highly valued all over the 1 �ontipen,
Wide Awake contains sixty-four pages, is prini
of view ranks with the b�stjind most
ed in fine clear type on beautiful 'strong papel
. � I
prospOrous towns in the Province. Long
. and is altogether a publication A� N1 arnily ri
. .
may it coatinue, so. ..
� ,-
commend for the amusement . n; ir formatio
of boys and girls. The price is ,5-3 per innuni.
I .
MR. E,Dm,o,sDs' LEcrv.RE.-The Rev.
- . _____ . .1� .
THE B.iGHELoiLs' BALL. -Th� co mpli
Mr. Edmonds delivered his promised
� menta ball given by the bac elors c
lecture ,eatitled " Sights of London,,
Z on Monday ing, I as t
: $�afM even* - 'I was
i m -der the &-it ices oNhe Mechaalics' In-
, --I
a in Ost successful aad enjoyable affaii
I �
stitute, in-Ca,rdno's Hall,on Tuesday
'here -were ab6at 60 cou presexil
evening., The night was wet, dark, c nd
I 1:> "I'
Mitchell,Stratford, Clinton, odErich 11
�, .
disagreeable, and collse(litexitly the at-
t6ndance was not large, but those who
; NV, 't
ingliami, being represented. The U&I
i .
. �
brav ed the stariii were doubly repaid for
- was tastefully'deZorated; and �othin
was'Iteft undone by the commit ee ... f4a
their trouble. The lecture had been
I could add to the comfort or P]feisure'c
most carefully prepared, and was n -
1 the guests. The suppen�, wl i6h wa
. .
tensely interesting throughout. The
, ,gotten up under.- the direction I of th
descirlptwn giv en of many of the sights
. laedy patronesses, a.11 that the mos
. .
And scenes. of the great city were 80
' fastidious could desire, and -the table
I .
vivid that the audience could all -nost
presented a very tasteful and attractiv
� �
I a
fancy they were t -anspiring, before�them.
appearance., Those who ,had charge c
ha,re a synopsis report of the le6ture 11
the arrangements have Jood reason t
owing to lack of space it is impossi- .
feel. satisfied with the success whiel
I � I
ble to giv e it this week-. We understand,
attended their efforts. . � �
however that, a,t the -alianim ous re-
- - .. ----
I ,
.. - �
q,a4st, of. th eeting
i e m, p, and others, there is
THE TOWN ELECTION -5- —The � Manic]'
" I
. �
a. prospect Mr. Edmonds will ��_,peait his
; pal elections in this town on ,Monda,,
lecture on some future occasion, and if
. , last created a good 4-ea.1 of intei-est, th�
he should decide to, do so, we are
contest for the Mayoralty, ofl -course
sure that underinore favorable circun i-
causing the. most -excitement. 1 Nearl:
___ - - I
stainces, it wiF1 be listened fo by'a large
- 'a available vote in -town waspolled
! I
audience., — 4 . . I
�rbreyri�the ballots werd counted up, i
. �
_� - .
was found, that Dr. Coleman wal, electe(
.� .
-4-T _N-
Telephonic communication has now been
by the iia*ow majoritk of `14. On. ac
established between Goderich and Strat-
count of the nam, es of the feniale , voter .....
. -
ford and intermediate points. There are
not having beell placed on the voters
list, they were not permitted to ',vote
. .
now some fifteen instruments in opera-
tion ill this town. On Thursday after-
Dr. Golemam having notified'. the clerl
noon TnE ExrosrToR had the pl,asur,
on Saturda night, that- he qbjected to
y '
I .
of exchanging verbal compliments wit h
I ,
their votes being receh,.ed. Had it no
beex for -the Doctor taking advantage o
. . -
Mr."Holmes,, of the New Era, Mr. W.
I Jaeksou, of the central office, and other
this legal . technicality, disfranchisinj
,. - .
gentlemen in Clinton. Sitting, in our office
the ladies, Mr. Cray wouldf likely havi
. I
b6n elected,as a la,rge majority of th(
1, m -
__ __
we could hear -the gentlem ell, in Clinton
talk-ing, ajIm.06t as plaily, as if they
ladies would have voted for himi *-Th,
vvere standing by our side. The tiele-
following Is a statement- of- the vote,
' -
-phone is certainly the gre .
. cast in the respective ards : .
. Aeman.
4Df the age, and if the inventor of it had
, Gray.
North ward ............ 43 so
lived one hundred years ago he would
East ward .... 82 L 4%)
have been barned as a sorcerer orian evil
South ward ............ 63 54
spirit. The world moves. on. The people
- __
. 188 174
� are certainly wis e than they were fifty
,� 1. 174 I
years ago, but whether they are better
. . _�
aLad h&ppier we are not prepared to
Majority for Colem, an.... 14
. —' , g is the vote polled fo:
rhe followin
- .— -
couxicillors: Nor�h ward.—Noble Clufl
OUR FIF.F."VIEN.—At a regular meeting
94; Dr.. Scott, 87; J. Fairley, 73; G
of the Seaforth Fire Brigat'de, held o n
.Whiteley, 51. ,East ward.—A. Daevid
Monday evenilig, the following officers
son, 80; John Ward, 75; -'Jos. Laird
suln year :_
were elected for the en *
73; M. Pillmaii, 68. South ward.—A
L Chief Engineer, Geo. A. Sillsf Calptain. '
Strong,. 90; A. Stewart, 86; Thoma
Jas. Wright - I st Lieutenant, S. Daitri@h,;
Duncan, 76 ; O. C. Willson, 60 ; R.- N
2n(l Lieutenant,, George Murrb,y; Secre-
L '
Brett,. 42. The council �wil,l, therefore
taxy, Joseph Abell ; Treaaurer,, M. - K.
be composed of the Mayor, Reeve
Pillinain; Ist Brancliman. D.' Hogan;
Deputy --Reeve and- Councillors - Cluff
2ad Branchillan, Will. Henderson; T.
Scoitt, Fairley, Strong, Stewart, Dun
Jordan and Geo. Hendry, Assistant
can, Laird-, Ward aad 'Davidson. Th
Branchinea. After the inteeting adjouril�
only new members axe Messrs. Duncan
ed, the Chief elect invited all hainds to
Ward and Laird. . . i , 1�
call aad see Mr. Burgess, -where oysters
- . �
enough an,d to apare were served, to the
LOCAL BRiEFs.—Messrs. RobeftJami(
campany hi friend Burg�ss' belt style.
son aad Thomas Duncan inuarid
The boys all a,ppear to be higilly pleased
nextweek oil their senii-annual visit
with their new chief, who we think-
the old country markets.L—Miss,
ag. i
jrw,tly deserves the Position,. and we feel
Broadfoot,'eldest daughter of Mr.
sifre the niembers of t he one
Broadfoot, has gone to - -attend
and all will do �their utmost to m a,' -e hi
, k a
college, St. Thomas.—The ainnix
I . .
. i
ditties light'and pleasant. will be
ing of the members of the South
seen by the above list, also, - he will
Agricultural Society -will be
Reld a
be supported -by a inost conipetent staff
Bruceifie,4- on Wednesday nexi.—
of officers, an(l we have every confidence
accoulit-of the anion prayer. meeang
. .
that theaffair's of the company will be
i ' -ianaged
the Methodist church this evenii
the inability
1g, an
as efficiently and alinica.bly ii in
of the leaq
. I , er of the
. the fitture'as t1ley have been in the past.
sitioll to be present, it has been
I foun
I -
' ' .
necessary to aga,in postpone the r1heetin
ofthe.Mock Paxiiamelit. it'
CO;.11PANY. "The annual meeting of the
held in the Mechanics, Instit
, roo
T - .
memb,ers of the McKillop Mutual Fire
. . . .
on next Tuesday evening, Wid
I othin
� �
Insux,laice Colapany was held fil, the
less than am eaxthqua,ke or some
* town; hall in this toum on Monday last.
upheaval will' cause its Pos )o
C emell
There was a fair att6ndance of jii�em, bers
again.—The last meetin 'of
he, ol
but not so lar,ge as last yea,r. The chair
council Will be held on "011day
was occupied by the presd .. t of the
next.—The -members 'of the
- I
cott any, Alr_ Thomas. E.. Hays a.nj
; Order of Foresters intend holdill,
r thei
the annual finalicial statem, ent was read
alilnual ball in Cardno's Hall, on t
xe ev,E
by the Secretary, Mr. W. J. Slixillion.'.
ning of Friday the 16th iiast..—Mi.
This statement shows the com pany ,to
Mulholland, who for the past five
in aal, excellent financial position, and
has been salesman in the grocer3
-, store
-prove�i that it is being economically an d�
:of Messrs. Wilson
I , & Y.iyang,
,eft 6
__ -
wisely xnalia.gLed and -is doing a good
Thursday of last week -for Belleville
I ani
w-qrk. There are now 1,656 members�cf
'h . I
will become a student of Albert -C
I ollege
w qni 259 were added during the year. .L
We believe it is Mr. Mulhollamils
- in
The total assessments � for, - the - year
ainolinted to $92 611 the lwses
tention toi study for the ministry
� _�
, and paid.
he frt.)ved himself a . most-
, .
I 'L
ounted I i3e,53-3, 'while tile t
4yX1 I'D: . � otal
working e--c-penses of the �Pi.
Pl;jry, Stti'dioUS yolilig mail, and ,.ve
I �
with his many. friends: in "- iin;
. I
� , him
I I .
� I
I . � I
,. I
� .
.. , L
L .
. . .
I . . I .
� � ) I
--' I
I -
. - i
I . 8 Y. t; Wch-n 11 U_Lj %�ev
od.2 Lef 1bultry lbsociation ate bright and a large amoupt of the snow . W15 , 312 ,on Monday.l"t: For-Veve.—Simipsoxi � ' 3ar �
. ,
I aking 1 e arl,tions fox a splendid e3 - disappeared, and oi L Tuc9d iy it rained 1 ;312 . � . 229 ; Douglals, 105. Majority for Simp' ,�but the crowd 'Was a large one. In the
ition. i -1 � , .*exling a lar4e crowd gathered in
� I
I ibition e� eld here on the se�coxl I and took it all wway, and left the roads , Majority for McMillan 1 63 son, 35. For Deputy Reeve. —Campbell, ' rip- �
. 11. :'Afessrs. Cool-, &j H-artleib"s h41I and t ,
* idy.—. : ...... Maj -' for Camp- 1*
eek in Fab ru . They hapve a most and sidewailks very wet , d mli( "astle,'199.
. . � COUN-CILLOR9. . 241: C
I ine�d the light faintastic to excellent music
iberal 1 r(m.0 . list, ,wl A,,nll ensure New Year's, day pas ed off', very qi lie . I bell, 42. Councillors. Clarke, 256; - I
, . 1� I McDonald ............ 4 ............. 350 _ Ernished. by Mie Frank Bossenberry.
! ecess. hone men have bee, i a I ty . . , , . I
-rl e lierej the only pla thot e boy, lad Churchill ............ � ............. 422 Erratt, 203; Thow soil, 196; Ketchen,
usy-f(mol the ast week stringing the to "hang - t " I atioix Army Lasham..... . I ecor . P. . � . .
. . . . . , ou was ie 8 . , ' * " z ..... .... ..... _y $ . -
I I Brighain ....... .... 4. �..... I
ires a ad � 11g ii� _ instruments i' barracks.—The co cil met on the � 26th , ..'....... 313 ther rs. Simp- * i ton, t
. . - -efore be composed of -Messrs. I
own. . Ithe'' ave alrea set up fifte ber but n busiAess of any It : by �ihe above that the son, Campbell, Clarke, Erratt -a-ad
J of Decem will be seen - SCHOOLS —The High / and Model -
struinen a. ere.—Last week Gted.—The old Council have all beien returned, Mr. re-opene'd last Wednesday with
sOm B great impqrtaxice w s transa Thompson,Mesirs. Clarke and Campbell 4001a ,
vil dislo I boys broke into the Dc - - band, of this place, asseimbled in ,front Britton having been elected Deputy being the only members of last year's , a ' good attendamce, the High 8 I 0. J,
ion i k inj rink and stole and brok a of Mr. Geo. Hyndr ian's grocery store 'Reeve by acclamation,� . council. - I especially-, being well filled with -students
, - . '
� 3e,Ntreral � Lr ` le i.. Such 4 onduct is MOE' t on Now Year's Eve ind rendered some ! , --- . � . ., - - fromalliparts of the county a -ad no -
I I ' I -0 I .
� - ,eprell�is leandaftertiisthemainageis .excellent pieces of music.—The Rev. - - '. Brussels . . . I doubt will mak� as good a record next
! will . . - I � - WiiathroT3. I i I I
Lie , ,a arp loot, out, and wi I Mr. Martin. p'reached a -very interesting I . -1 J ly as it did last year.
__ sel olar, Sol ' , NG AND PRESENTAT ' I
, �
.iave such c - tict fittingly punished.— sermon to the Sabbath sel, bol 9 . [1OOL,-3.—011r Schools wierd opened ANNUAL MEETIN IO Y. 1 PU`RCHASBD.—,' Mr. John A.. Elliott,of I
3 . . . � �
rhe fint fancy dress mrnl%41 Of the on SuxidaY afternoon last. --We l: egret last Monday� and the new teachers duly —The annual congregational meeting of ' G derich towils 1. ., Ila$ P ; chased from 1i
. . � .
4ason lield on the Doxn'111011 to learn that Mr. Joln iAnder on,winlives installed. Canvassing is now tlie order Caven Church, Winthrop, took place .a Mr. Fisher, of this place, the store and 1
. I
kating . k on Th ..rsd . ay evenixl� 4' la short distance out of xe er, is h at . of the day for trustees. Mr., i, 'J, R. few evenings ago. The �ast�r, Rev. a j�cent - lots now ,occupied by Mr. I
s larp ely att: -e the meeting I
'Wa inded -both by present.—School eel ell4d, again on Sipith, Dr. Holmes, Dr. H chinson, Mr. Musgrove, to introduc C iris. . Dixon, I or the sum of $4- -00, 1
1. -onlooker. , -1 ) S, : I 'i
katers d' L .The' list cf Monday last and there was �� a ver3 -- fair Mrs. Strachan and ;D. Hayd n are in delivered a short lecture on the " Life Mr. Elliott iritends building on the
.. rizes ivll- bc publishM next,,week. attendance.—A new jewehiy store has Athe field as candi ateO for the positions and Times ofBunyan," after which,upon adjoining lots xi spring, , I
e Rev. Jol Ross, � A Brussels, 'wi 1 opened out in what. a kno,��i as K(mp's made vacant by Messrs. Young and motion, Mr. Alex. Murchie was called
Dreach in the Presbytwian.church ii old stand and th gqod� ar being i Bennett, who declined to be ag ain. , can- to the chair. - There then call e forward .,
. ) � . I # . Catholic * thi neighborhood are nego- I
, �his to next Sunday morning all rushed off rapidly b-, r auction. -tA nee -t- didates. :1 Messrs. John Grieve and John. Goven- I tiating I � the urchase of the old Pres- I
wening. --The Rev. Mil. Gray, -of Clix, �- ing of the building conirdittee; o ' the BRiuFs.—John Leckie, fonaerly of lock, the latter of whom, in thename, of - -,, I *ses
I W � . ,,03-terian-c-hure �. Theirpresentpremi -
� n prea al Led th MAhodist churoil. Presbyterian 61lurq i wag. lield ill Mr. this town, but now of the Ontario the congregation, presented -to the pas- I
; in,Hullett, -nea, Clinton a* altogether I
.. -
i� ere on abb - 11'st. The Rev. Mu. Samwell's office o'n'Mon(14: , r last to con- Bureau of Stiietistics,'was in town this tor a Very nicely -worded and apprecia- ittop small and ll� doubt'it would be a 7
roley and lie exchange pulpits.�Tbe siderbuildhiganev mr!% The sum week at the election, and on his trip tive add ' ress, which was accompanied by move in the riklit direction to buy a I
ree night school tinder lie auspices of - proposed is 1$1,.800, i ,ud it 3. thought a through the Province � getting statistics he handsome gift in the shape of a purse - I
. . � . for the February report.—W. 0. Reid, of money,bor,ne by the other gentleman, , property' in tovAl. for a place of w6rahip. �
e Women's Christf�, n Temperance very nice house can -be �i dIt for that . . I Trip, -ELE ' :,Ns.—There was very I
Ilion, ]led in the Mee ianics'Institpt& J of Seaforth, was in.to"vil last Monday.. in token of the kind regard. in which � . � . .
. � . -money, as tilley have exiough-Jand, t the . li ttle exci - o-i,er . the municipal I
I . . I . � � I
ooms,li w4s re-opene(t &I r the holiday side of hn;lrl !.'Atl res. Coulter has been ape ulg her they all held him. The reverend gent- , . .
. 4 � the hurch t and it —M - el6ctions this yobar. The Deputy -Reeve- , I
- 'in toiini, visiting old friends.— lem an thanked his People - and in his , I
erm,ony�Tecblesdfy pNening and will will be re as so i 6s , e goo vacati . ship was a1itilo interesting*. Both can-
. . : ts . —A I Miss A. Cowan, of Seaforth, has also reply . iefly reviewed the pleasant rela- I ,
. . -worked hard 1 but- blir.'Willianx
, e contiaded. tl�lrde evenngs . a -week as Weather se ,i r d! number of _ br e di4ates , I
?efore. iss A.-: Cowi -n is. on hall I romotions have been .. I die in the been here spending some'days with her tions which, by the good hand of God., : ffig
. . . i Coats was the� popular man, defeati I
� kgain as - It he .—Cadet Ligy'hu- Rxeter school this t4-.rm.—.LL number of friend, Mrs. Dr. McKelvey. . had continued unbroken since his settle- Mr. Win., Co( . iper by the handsome
' - .
'MCI ' eap xi as Happy Jacl ) the memb, res of the Exeter Sons of MUNICIPAL ELECTioNs.—The follow- ment amongst them. - I
wler, h 1, lilixylay know� I
n ' 1 ing is the result of the elecions for - - - m4jority of 1041 . Mr. Joseph Copp and
spent T �.sday afternoon and evening Temperance visited Kirkt:)n last Tues- - I
� . .n . . . . I ' M�. Haywood e elected as council- I
ivkth tbE -Salvation Army here. - He is lit 1885 : For Reeve, Jas, Drewe,..36; Jas. i - . , . To
clay evening to attend an e: iter e . J - . � -wroxeter. lois in St. Joh .'a ward. Quite a number '
. .
I .
. how locc ,t A at Exeter. . . . given therelby the lod e of ,thait village, Yoimg, 146. For I Couhidillcirs, George I of,ladies voted.—The trustee elections
. i -0 — , and gave them solli e Txe �'r talent in Backer 118, Robt. Graham 134, Peter MARXETS.W heat, 70c.; peas-, 54:c.; � "..Iie �
cRersix ith. I . &ott 170, W. H. Kerr 158, Th)s. Peace ; . w�re quiet. . H. Foster was elected � T:
. T I readings, recitations and sila i barley, 50c.; oats,30c., pork, $5.50 to �
I � I 91119. * ard, f oi- St. An I, v's ,ward and Air. Peter .
- . : l , . :99, John AVylin 131, W. F. Vanstone $5-75- ; butter, 18c; eggs, 18c ; I * ' I
. ; .
_� . .
. SCHOOL TRu3TEES.-1 lie following are � . R4b for St. James'. �
. � � a I . 12�,c; tallow, 7c. . .
the name flem who have been i 1, J41, AV. R. Wilson 115. The Council I I .-
a of the gentlem .: MCM110P. , . : "he following parties were I �
� : 1. . elect being Jas. Young, P. S5cott, R. COUINCIL.—I.
keeted members of the Towpship School . . i . - elected una cil last I
Tlit ELEOTION.— ,he onl� electim in Gra,ham, W. H. Kerr and W. F. Van .0 nimously for the coun L -The talexx�d but eccentric Professor
Poard fc r the urrent tv ro years : Divi� - McKillop this year 'as in Ward No. 3. stone. The election was a stirpri e to , Monday: Mr. John D ' i on, Mr. B�ackie. , of Gl& igow, gave a Sund4y lec- I
No. 1, S. Wallace ; No. 2, F. Lay - -8 avis i
VoRn,; No. 3, Geo. McKay; No. 4, Win. between Mr. M. M die, tl�e old. mem- many, especially the Reeveship, as every Thomas Hemphill, Mr.. James Paulin tu�e the other ( ay; choosing the decid-
lzie. '.Mr. Iayton was the on, ber, and 'Mr. Alex. Affirchie. The on � e thought that Mr. Drewe would be I and Mr.. James Ireland. 'Mr. Gibson, I e secular subject, "Scotch Love I
ol�iy � . I .. ".. ." The -v enerable professor, now i
e�electe 1, the 6thers-all being new men, result of the vote was as folkows'': � elected, he being by far the more coin- who has held .the position of Reeve ! 8 . I
I : ! 31-urdiel lilumhie. . . ' ever since the incorporation of the vil-. I - nearly eighty years of age, ended his I
I . petent man, but ability does not always .
� thougl Mr. Wallace served a, terifia . . . - .
Division 3: ........ I . 61 1 29. lage, has resigned, hig p being f h -1
. , 1, secure votes in municipal electi:)ns. , lace illed : et1logy' of Scotch poetr and Scote 1
�. k . y
. i
w years ago. - Division 4: ......... : 18 � 37 .
- ; I '__ DEVRUCTivE FFRE.—'The residence of by Mr. T�omas B. Sanders,' who was lassies by singing an old Scotch ballad I
THE F L 9CTIONS. —The following -is . ! — i . I
tatemer t of the votes polled for t1le 1 79 ,', 66 Mr. Adam Angus, near this plaee, was elected by acclamation. � � with great spirit. I
� '. 66 11. RINK.—The rink was opened on i I i -
espective can4idates at the municipal 0 4 I - 8 yed bv fire on New . ___T I
� — ' I M tmas morninvy for; u i . I .
I . : eve. The itire spread so rapidly Chris the c rlers who �
. Majol I - E. ...
i Aections c u M ,. day Iasi; : I . ; . ity for Xurdie.. 13 .1 11
1. : - '. that the falilily had barely time to es- were waiting. lxnpatie�AIY " for the first � I I
. R R t EV: 1,'. COUNCIL DoiN(.s.--At th6 -last meet- . ! a CFAUL I
. . . Wa ker. Hannah'. ing.of the -old council the *y business Cape from the burning build and game. They held the rink all ,day and I .
. .
I Division No .. ........ 68 1 84, ilt - ough I I
66 - 41 transacted was the passinz of a number scarcely anything was. saved. ad alth it was the first: game of the � .
I � I
'46 ...... 57 in salari es of ditiO * L . . I
. .4c, � 5 36 � of accounts, i eluding A6 htothe wearing apparel and the season, it,vvas a.very creditable play an
cc � " , I - through- 1n the evening the skaters I
........ lors and clerk. The f.rst meetin household furniture, a cash bo�_ contain- 1§ GIVING I
� I . �' , , , , * 37 council , 9
. I - — of the new council ill be *;'held aetMel ing $900 in money and some n tea -was took possession of the ice,and kept the fun I I I
. I i
e 2:89 - 214 ` agoing until 9 o'clock. A number of I -
; , . � Namara's hotel, Leadbury,;on the third destroyed. The building was owned by . i
I - I . 2i4 . Monday- in Janu%ry. the Deputy- Mr. W. Morton,. but- the loss -to Mr. young folks came. from Brussels and 1: I
, .. ,
Majof ty for 'alker.. '25 . Reeve will be elected at t1iiis meqting. Angus is very heavy and will be severe- Teeswater for the first skate. -SPECIAL VALUE. I
,: -
. I 'I; !FOR EPUTY-REEVE. I It is Mr. Arellibald'3 rn lt by him. CHRISTIKAs TREE.—A Christmas tr§e : .
! �
. . I
. I T eftainmel6t, in connection with St. .
. Sallie. 31tuldell. ' . - � 4 THE SCHOOL TnuSTEE EL1,CTION.._ ent . I . �
. i �
i . � I . . I
-Division, No . ........ b . 97- 1 The Schoo James' Church, was 'held in the -town I I i
as a it Morris. �, I rTrustee election took place I I
; _. I... 4 14 I- ! I
. � �", I here oil WkInesday last and created hall on the evening of Tuesday Dec. 23. - I
It i It - " ; .
'.4 i .... I ... 4 .. 34 OysTER kuPPER.--An o�ster supper . , I I
?, � ........ �o 68 derable interest. � There , vere two The tree., a green spruce, was simply ; � .
I . � . . I � � ; . —IN—
! . . was given I y Mr. T, Reid land M re. F. c'o n a' Drgeous, being festooned with gay .
� . ladies and two gentlemen r g ifor 9 I
� . 2 3 213 ' Embury to the surrc undftlg�, young peo- ' I
; .
; "de gold and silver colored hangings, with i
I � " I I � the position, and the ele rs ;
. I .1 213 1-,!� ple on New Year's hight, �at the resi-. �
': . . . an even division 'hind sele ted 6ne small lights on every limb, and trumpets, � -
. . __ , - .
; - deuce of Mr. Embury, where an exceed- I . I .
bfajorlkt for.Smillie.. 10 ' dolls and an in -finite variety of other
. � I I ingly enjctyable time- was 8 ent �; an from each side. Mrs. G. 1'.. - 8 I'll,
. CPUNCILLORS. . zp ic_ articles attached to every branch and' Ladies' tisteirsl
. f . and Dr. Hutcheson, are the .
. I , present. : I I to con- twig. Santa, Claus himself appearedon
Sproa�--No.l 1, 118 ; 6." 2,. 47" ; go. nts. We beg -
I PUBLIC IkXAMIN TON. --The e5cami- Mrs! Smith oil her distinc4on the scene, to. the great delight of the I * � I
30 ; I '. 9 7 ; total 272., Elgie-- nationofth:e,' pupih of S ' 001 S ction - . I I .
. ..... 't, if not the at youngsters and took an active hand in . i
�� 23 . . . . . . 4 ; total, .95. Mansoxl-�- - No. - 8, was held on . of being one'of the firs : . Zadies' Man tles, 1
47: 22, 41 a , 2 Landsborough lady electe to � retrOsentative posi ion , the proceedings. The church choir I
11 ; ult. There'was tin attendfLuce of over I 1* . .
—44,671 1 32; total, 168. McLean-- 100 pupils &nd abo t 70 Msitors, in- in Ontario. Now t � 4 she has bro, en rendered some very e music during : � I
� . . -
$9, 25, 50,[ 41 ; totAl, 1 5. Forsythe-- k sisters teb rough out the evening- � 1
7 - jO, 28j- 12 ;1 total, 67 . . Manson -27, eluding parents. Tie examination was the country should follow her example. BRIEFs.—Miss Josey Cowan of NVrox- I
I I . announced to be held on 'the pr . ious � Afantle Claths,
: 1, 63. 1 . - . . I
, 5, 11 ;: totea� eter, has taken the position as junior
! Friday, butwas poitpone'd. on account : I i � *
. .
—It will be !seen froM the above - -tha t . Hibbert. . teacher, lately real e by Alias Jessie I -
f - of the inclp;kency of the w0ather. The . I I
ie coun cil for the current year will b, -, . I Brown. The best w- can wish her is I - 1.
. several tea ers who were; expected to HOU8E WARMING. —On Christmas � I I
0 sea 1 of Messrs. Walker, Smillie� I . may fill the an i I I
I assist were, una-voicably absent. The Mr. John Fulton, of the 14th cc ncesk on, i Ulsteri 'i 1
1 :
2)7�at, Eiiie T. her duties as well as di her predecessor. i WS,
. . �
I _ I d Manson. There wer� pupils were� however, examined b3 -their who has during the past season, 1,ad I i .
)nV 472 votes polled. ou te of an availabI6. I .Miss Brown was preAi on -Christ- ! #
� . . . �
, teacher, Mr. Reid. The�, intelb gence erected a magnificent private i esidei Lee, mas da' �� � I
i9o. . . , by her pupi a, with a very i
.. y -
I I I - . and promptness with whicill. the many invited the young people of this c)m-
11 .� I . . questions and cross-que tions were munity to a house . . handsome workbox, Whisk . and whik- adies' Furs,
. . � I -
- '
- 1 F,xeter. . ..r fflects -warming At an holder. —On the evenix ,2 ues last, ,
� I .. . answered and IuI13' explained, early- hour the host and his wor tby p 3.rt- . I .
- . a number of young he gathere to- - �
. I e U P t h . � -
RE -E GAGE�.—Miss Hannali. King. credit on not only P enu elves, ner were called to welcome the partici- gether with axes and a %ws and cut and - f
. ,� )
an, da of Mr. Kinsman, dentisil, but clearly demo strates ,' Mr. Reid a * pants of one of the most enjoy ible- - � . ..
: * I
I f this has been t� ahility as an-, inatiuctor. .' The lively ties ever held ill this; . � t
. I aer piled up a lot of wood for Mrs. Ferguson, f L adies' Fur Caps,
each i I . . ar an 9 widow of the late Jam -,a Ferguson, who . .
ol Sectio a, No. 10, to - interest and , ord6r' d was commenced at eigh o; . �
WE .%ood L ; niaixi-�aixle c ck n ! I
hip of I Moir . 3 died so suddenly a few, weeks ago. This I .
, , r s, ate a sAlpiry of $365, &,I among the pupils, was nio4 grat4yeing ,continued uninterruptedly u ila I
. .
�over I st-yeaIr a $25 . a ate I
� e , ,kind-hearted action sp"ks well for all
. I tease to both parents and frien4s. the hour, when all -with ihe same b ing �
: . -The � e r . I . 'the boys who had a h_��;nA in it. I'adies" F Cdpes,, ,
Mo IUMENT. 11"ss a. Weekes close, music, recitations a4d dia, ogues 'coulitenances wended 'their wc e- �
J . I . . I � .[The above was intende4 for last week, bui 1
.5 � - upose-the programme, fol- ward, after thanking their en lerg was -received too late]. I
ul �y
Arot , � IV of t ace, have just com helped to coi r . .
p eted a han I I . . � !
" 1 , some mo apment over th -, lowed by short addresses )V sev e -al of for their pleaesa,lit, evening, and wisl ing —, I .
114e Mrs. ames Pickar � Brucefield. �
ave of the , d. the parents 'who exp teased their g ratifi- sincerely that Mr. and Mrs. Fu'.ton -kith I I � Shawls,, Clouds,
r . _ .
� . �
ft 0onsi s of ew Brunp vick red gran - cation at, the industry an�l unwearied their amiable family may 16 ��� e sp�red THE LITERARY SOCIETY.—The Bruce- � I - .
. I .. 9 I � I �
ite and Ohio free stone I a 3es, and stand attention of the te cher �nd t tin- to enjoy their liandsome,dwnel , . field Literary Association will hold a I a I
. �
16 feet .... ove the level of the ground. It questionable prog ess of �� t e a -.hool, -MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS.— unusual public meeting in th4e O'Neil hall, on I ,001 Squares,. &c. �
is by f X �he best 1110 I ment in t,h a One important feati ire of the -occasion I amount of interest was manifested in Tuesday evenhig'Inexte, Admission ten ,:
. . . . - , I ! V
I i
cemeter , and 'speaks well for their was the presentatior of alia,xidsome gold the election, ft Mo da� last , by the cents. . . f .
IP 1. - . I . 11 , .
workm shil I
' F companied t y a vea-y appropri- ratepayers for the selectioncif Reeve, AwoTHE-R-HoRsE SoLD.—Alr. Charles I
SKATI G li��NK.--Th( skating ri ' ate and kindly worded address tile Deputy Reeve and Councillors for the Mason has sold another of his imported I
was started again on S, urdAy evenin,, teacher from the pupils of the school. present year, the contest for the D I ones. -This one is a,fine two; year old,
14st aftar th ty . it
i . . 0, thaw, ,,lid the ice wa 3 ENTE RTAIN MENT. --On Fr'iday th �, 26th Reeveship being payticularly een, re- "Clark Maxwell," by name, and was A Calli solicited.. �
m I goo( I I �
i condition. "Rere is 80111 3 tilt. an entertainment was held hi the salting in a tie, as will bese( by the purchased by Mr. Brophey, of Stephen �
I . I �
talk of an o�en rink ')i dug started b- r school in section No - 8, by ,th I teacher, subjQiued figures: For Reei e—Alex. for $1,200.- Mr. Mason still has two of' -_ I
Messrs. � Axmstrong & 81, Wer on Mr. i ' . . .
I . . as. chiefly for the' enjoyment 4 the pupils MeLaren, 274; F. Olver, 213. Deputy his last season's intportations, and -lie . I
Howards premises.. This would be and young people of the n1eighborhood, Reeve—J. Burns., 242-; T. . ) 2; thinks of taking' another trip across the -
very mean after the trotx�le*and expense the principal object Df the b6casion. be- Mr, Carroll, Returnmi Offi, er, . tere Atlantic in the spring for some more. � ' I
that Me'srs. Weekes &,13) eet have gone ing ille, unloading'of it aistmas tree � �
I E "'Linea � the diffi- AHoLiDAY L,qciDEwT.—One evenin : Ev I CFAUL
to to fix up th� covered bi te. , Cl� stepped forward and mp g :
. I in having �
SALVA . � which was unmercifully burdened with culty lie experienced unfc rtu- - last week 11 a love sick swain " of the � S
rio.,L�, . MY.- -The Salvation presents for the pupils froh� the teacher. nately, to make a choice ; ho eri he 1 London Road, visited the object of his ; �
Army of this Pace, had � grand hallelit - I Early in the afternoon a c rinaii was declared Mr. Ryan q1ected. C6u , 0 1 aff4ection; � at her residence near this L
. .
. I -
jah mee ting, o ft New 1 [� �,ax's E ve. . A J appointed in the y er,s . �ai . Rei .. G. —Jas. Barbour, 293 ;'� J. Jeffer ionV ! 183 ; j place. � rusitin THE CASH DIRY GOODS V AN
7.30 p. na. th(y all as i c mbled 'in thei - Jewitt on bf . 9 that twenty-five years � Wn � . I
. . ' � � -'-
.in whose hands 'Was placed a J. A. Norris, 352; ;t PulInan, 140. experience would render his horse im- ; -
ri ( .
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barracks and had a s1fiendid meet* r very select and inta-, L-esting 1, progra mine, The( ,!ouncil will thevfefor. e be coi ipos(d as I moveable wherti ever placed, he left him . i . I I
I I ill I I
till' .9. 90, w6n they de p breted f or" th " consisting of recitations � dialogues, follows: Reeve. ANx ; P)pu- - untied while he sought the Cluistinas ! I
� � L . � . 0 1 ISEA�O_RTHI ONT
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