HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-01-09, Page 4I4L JANUARY 9, 14 -SS X 0SIT0113, THEJIUR' from the Mail of Monday. Stratford. Om. e grass. in E. BUTT-ERICK 00.98 the unlicensed systeiR ason is 6 ght ar A one half.. presided to the genegal sat sfaction. ob Ae bar. He jest stuff a
the owe of the'Week. for the s6 j evera eo ABILITT nts. The cost of drawix ii -In k was Aft6r justice had been done to the good p ace , n eir organ Ve Me
r .—New York lings, provided by the ladies, I and the one A ilese yere Cornecticut men comes, to I 0 We ha us lil ga de place an' walks off Jaffin at yer. Den Tories can tell 'ust how much reliance
Reliable Pape Patterns for all kinds of are that the r e woub e caa 0
$ .4 nine and one-third mills pe: 'I n, The tI bitys-deb is a e to e 92,04 n er 50 in us trial establishments nor thei Fr�dh i Ladies 6ing the ith e he has one ob dem new-fangled eith .d Misses', Boys' 'an(I Children's We did not propose that by Ii cei, ear are John children hhd charmed their' friendi$ wi n guns -VVe only G. —The iron Directors for the ,coniing Work -ein. dy�entery are,
Garments., for sale by. HoFiw" BROS.,r botei,%,and Cofining the hotel bIisinessto trade is 'be Stewart S I e �wart their hymns, certain features of German wat goes right off—a regIartouch-en- 1,WO men ng in th t Samuel w "and -8b. 86aforth. iing to� i & of re, r ing at I Peter life were described by Rv. D. Ram- -fetch-em-*gun—en when d bar's hit wish we had.. Detectivep
those holding lice'nces,,a *ono, p6' )1arg., Musgrove; compar y's au jitor, should 7 8 Lgns at the Vn&.',
say, of Hullett, -and Rev. Peter Mus- IS hole goes clean froo, 6 tain't no mo� —Of the pn'z,(. a offered for C'0111 on e e meed LEA-V]N� FaiMOSA.—IC, --trea 3urer, Win. by the Stratfor� Coll i e Ins 'tute no be created !e1ung -is to be H in tall - secretary. as th not be any, rave, of Moillop, ga egia E ADVERTISEMENTS. ereller'. Mr. .%Robertson, of g ve the Nys �some use to stuff de grass in, o he lays down wacuatedl so a 91 to enabl 'the, French to M en were -are �carc
limit to the number Ohicenses igranted, ellent advice. Then dies. Now, I'm one,ob de ole guns, fewer than threO -out ol the sev so the r forces on Tonquin. PalmerM. made -a a ofer for making exe the , e6utiful en de ied off by 1)1upils from S e widom
i an 'Doncelita-ate th ly prdsents were distributecl en sometimes I hits you in de si , but carr ebringvilk,
conipetitioxf w�uld no't'� be the 4ee�e for the.c(ming v ar and ad- and cost
y 'DisCIBIA E EmrLoYEFs.—Ath6usa1Id y 4' -be., eathed Lli AW The figure betureen. the parenthesis after at 01 reqUE at Of and the meeting wasbrought fA i a'close. yo goes right off and stops it up wid de vw,. : prize for grammar, literature and 31 each line denotes the page of the paper oil wbich more hampered than -A is: n -in a hun- 'men ha, -e bec:.discharg, A by the Penn- dreesed tiie meeting - -for the found 11 jew- wt I y -S ati
the advertisement will be found. sylvarth Railir the diredtors on de cbq'ese iiite�rests. The school is t(� be congratulat(d on the shis ob de worl'. Den dat i I f led hitory Minnio Eby; good conduct, ches. Auc * ieers- -re- tai i ad sinde ecember 1. _g dred other bran fr I
Mr. Clark, who has been the dheese grand success of the entertiinment, gun, de great preacher om- de Norf, Ma�ry MaIntyie; Gernian, Savaliel 1 at Chi,
Smith. (6) ho ie six quire, to'bO licensed and who do PRin Ess Victoria maker for the past es and the people deserve great credit for comes down en shoots &hole clean frOO Durst. January, 1&%—Thomas Kidd. (6) 'hasann)unc. hebethrA Yea,rs, r tir 40.4.114t
hal of Princess Higi
An-nualMeet! ndt possess that license are I, rm from the factory. the interest they always show in the yo. No 'use tryin to stop dot up wid —The young eoV)I,e of the, Roman ng—R- Jamieson. (5) f rs—A. Me Oungest daughter, t9 'Ot Pe it- Beptric4 rr de debble jes's lays C�L,tholic pal sommu"Mm . I , , school. 1Z ass en you sins en I arys, a few days To, Contracto Gregor. (5) ' ' J.
C( , ted to sell by public auction 'doctors Prince I 1E of Battenburg. Qf hudlords to —John Keys. (5) &wn en dies." B" Gorrie Enterprise of I 8 —The t week ago. presented their pastor, Rev. R J. and school teachers also hav'O b6'. Ii- AXAGEMENT,--The outgoing Elurou 3. the lCrofters. Estray Sheep—W. Kinsman. (6) "'hank - addre-qs expressing .4—Mrs. Prendergast. (6). ity L70 onment of Lawrence, Afass�'- has b u- f Mr. says: The county papers are publishing Brennan, with � an Mr. Geor& Dalo has b glit
Money to Loan—ExposwoR Office. (5) censed before they can enter u their mriner New County Counoil. tbeir esteem and regard for him. . Ac- uset�., las overdrawn its account 'George Emerson part of lo, 10, conces- just now an account of the crue I in The --4Truth Pay. Up Taxe", C. Morrison. (6) hy professions, and there is no lacb- of coin- Council of the county of compa' ing the address were three Caution—Thos, E. Wqrd. (6) 64,000, ddition there are out. sion 4, llul](Ett, being sixt6qn and two- in which W. D. Lamb thrashed some The County hts Eecutors!Notice—Wan. McConxien. (q petition in any of thesebrolnah(s. And b t, sinall scholars who attended It school Huron will be composed of the following handsome presents consisting of a rich Vurgesa. (5.) Utridi mountingl!,to $16,000. third. acres � for the sum $250 leash. a Mag- Notice—John at school section No. r BR u' d. a ba 7, Hullett, and fo * representatives for the current year: cardinal silk plush dressing case -R-irkz Lost --r Epositor Oflice� (8), so it would be in the case of 40 lei keep- bo TR' UT FOR He -has see I re -gan. 1 1 the Grawl Duk.
r 19 I Furness a bro ght six es.'Cohtaining —Mr. lex. G unn, 4 London, for- which lie as fined $1 and costs before, REEVE. 'DEPUTY. nificent Library lamp and a C a pmper ulateb
The Wide Lothrop, & Co. (8) ers. Th e licensing system. would not aggs even Great Atiction Mcillan. (5) 00,000 of the fair a I;oph L " erly of Clinton was dri g across the Myles Yoimg, J. P,, of Blyth. Mr ... D. D..'Wilson Jas. B64ttie card. d Colt for Sale--R.-F, Jones, Jr. (5) e 'legitimaite competition h6in the hatche- of Sir James track y, and 'lot Yet Tucker.9mith ...... David Ayalker S. Smillie —Mr. Peter Laing, after selling 6ut near,Gleh'Coe the o circles regard t!
"Xon"i-I'Vanted—Mrs. A. H. Ireland. (8) interfer with -out. er day, when Lamb, who is a 0rorrie bo
19 ay cted while it would- protect the ItAitimae" son aiti, d, at Holli on, Scotlaaq, he was struck by a 1 irain ars of age, and who is now in town Usborne .......... T, 31. K ele had 1 is leg in North Easthope, tried iob, 1) 4TIle seatorth Boot Store—W. Kempthorne. (8) r ........... L. Hardy W, Bissett Exete for the holidays, tells us that hile he afterwan a summer e-cei
Rodgery ille Cheese Factory—J. Xuriai. (5,) dealer from illigitimate conr�e#tlon. In r Prof ird, of 2[:Ihw York. Pat broken in two places. H. Eilber dering 4rou-nd most of r ed frfml Horses—Thomas Berry. (i�) ishing a scholar 16 yea a old for Stehen ........... Itatz T. ilb or f then I I wilh be seat to -the Adiron - —Ivlrs AATm. Wel,,;h,l of S ;ephen, v�hile wits Pun he did not see as much good land as Jano ay .............. D?. Buchanan s.. Rannie Auction Sale of Groceries kc.—G, Godd. (8), addition t6 this it would sec�rd �rotee- ar 7 A .1z
acks. I entering,'the Couniercial Hotel gro" misconduct two other stuidy boys H would feed a goat. He tl�en tri d ail - CSImp foi- (I �v
tioxi to the public, by making, the at Z, f 14'eanie from their seats to assist- the Stanley ........... Thos. Simpson A.M.Campbell 9 Ta
hotels- GI�A,D TO'NE, HEALTH. has Exiter One day -111 on t iie oil 0 nified retirement in tratford but fond 1 aJ3 -
e last weelc,� f Clinton .......... A. 31cMurchie Win. Coates Saito and respectable. The r ubllie need men ad culprit, and in the difficulty of restoring 17 -(�ician to -take cloth, in the 1. WZ Johnson that tiresome to: U man of his active el�' Which V'l i
y his ph, hall, and sustalned a frac- Goderich Town X.G.Cameron ill ,.,.,.,ompIe test for the present. He ig ture of the fore arin. order the whip, lie was ushig accidentally ,Colborne ......... Win. Young A. Allan liabits. He has now purchas 7V protection food, J. Beacom dightly betterpow the Riddell farm, ear -hakespeare, for we and will retire to —As lvb,, iEdward RON wn,of V3rna, touched the face of oldest boy. The Goderich T'p ...... G. Elliott Clare I ventilated apaAments and fire - trap -jlawardm, and in tilere until his as drivfiig�home the oth - day, he was, Andren,s $6,755, and is again going into active �ema vanquished boys were glad to tAke their Ashfield .. ....... Griff ell rooms as well 'as they. do. fr-6m' bad iealth is restpred- overtaken b� a , run tway t am, -which � seats and behave themselves, blit after- West Wawanosh..C. Girvin c. Durnion life. FRIDAY, Jan. 9,1895. -y and bad me icines or ilacomp6-'. Avm-r�-Tlie burglars *he jumped hit the waggoll SEAFORTH, whisk -A CL( SE S�-t wards took the court room instead of Fast Wawanosh...Robert.Curry F. Aliderson fA) <;
(I bruised the schoolroom in which to thi ash' the BaYfleld ........... 10hil Essen of the nt. e tent and immoral instructo .8 ei d , Ars. Charles Rit thei lord's house him vervise erely. 0(0 copi�.So
Blyth ............. P. Kelly i 6t Te-tro. a, Pennsylvanii 6, the otherday Jlo Procto naster. W.D. Lamb was a hard-working The Cost. of Raising Wheat. r, of Gp'deiie T�he Man with a Holp young. If our contemporary can show I h town- Hullett ........... John McMillan John Britton edi alid ,.b -y d chlorofor e I ie 'fam ly, not only shi 'ta ensuddenlyiR at a iotel industriotid scholar and his character is Morris ............. G. Forsyth W. Wray an III, wf%s�� . to thc 8f
ired A n The low price of wheat has caused the any way in which this can b too well known hereabouts to7 su er by Turnberr) ......... Jas. Hennings, Mr.McPherso �roci took all the'-' alua lea usually stolen, in Clinton, hist'week nd 'a doctor was Astf a Copy There are flew m. en who do not have a Wroxeter ......... Thes. Sanders enquiry to bem, ade, in many co I untris - better than by having the tels licen- but cut off, Mr RutlIerford's luxuriant called in.: �jjereboercdiuffciently to the circumstance all -tided to above. He o's p-ilace,
what is the at of produe a bushel hobby of some kind." Son e, however take B- S- C00k co sed, and in this way pla er A- to her head,oand cariied that. be taken home. a charge of a school near Po rt- Elgin liowick .......... John Haine T. Wi hfs�p iotiv-es ilig
an I Lair clos a. 30. Of w1hat. This question ced -ndred tile Agricul- extyear�ta salary of four hu W. Milne beepra, e more severely affected by this —Mr. Wt4wson, son 0 Mr.Antionj Gfey ............. Thos. Stra�chan f —Now let 6,
cien inspection so as to secui �e these W, Oliver tural Commission of Ontario atte mpted dollars. idiosync COLORADo GoLD.—The output of the Lawson of ullett, -ettirnell last week a solid I rasy of human nature than, I -Brussels .......... J. H, Young to nswer in 1 88 1. "I The average yield fro Will VII sae&uards, then we may �bd I - ing to Lead, i le district in gold, silver, and from Kans4E, where be ba side( LOT McKillop .......... Ja. Hays ected others, amd ride their hobby tw death. for To be el -of fall wheat the Commission reported, beeVn
dis *ered by a,
bably a Iraction under adopt its plan, but thus far it has not I aad for 884 .. a twelve million three five years, Re likes that tAe wel and High School Fntrance xam Wingliam, W. Clegg W. Clymont Ths frailty Of the human intellect takes fw thousand d a now pro in Maine'. It V
even attem pted to do so, Ar d if we, b hundred and ninety-f1w ol- would not care to return to- Carlada inattions. twenty bushels:pe acre." Compared different form. a in different in&viduals. y 1),rs; an increase of two million one to reside, although -ices very low The Muncipal Eiections. thaf1,884 wouhi
IaW require the m to.-furnisl G ODERIQU. with other countris in a situation Some have a mania -for fast horses, som e is, ac. I undred and ti irty-foii,r thousand over there. disc�ivery harial
conimodation i can not be uni -e 3onable, The following is the result of the -lilar to tl eing A, t e examinations of,pupils for en- Mu- sin I# of Ontario, tw 1883 —The Brua'sels Pos of- last week s i,ys -Was 1
be a large yield for at 'nicipal elections in the eral munici- - bushels- appears Iey DECEA 3ET) G PLAIN ME CHANT.—Ge we ding car, I of to the :High Qiool held I.t. -C,
for fancy dogs, while others, adopt some- or unjust to anS�� one; that be in0. We have Wore us tl e take Some a til
nuch mo theory upon which they permit th i Goderich, 86 candidates wrote, of these I ies in this county o far as heard fall wheat; it is,very I eir I ' I oi e of the most extensive Donald F. cNaug i re than Pet ..Ham*.ton, A ton, 4 tter kr own I som e measure protect6d from tie com- ram dealers in he Weat'died. on Sun' 27 passed and were provisionally admilt- fro in the average of United 8-tates. But ininds to dwell and direct their thoughts here as ti: Cu -ley," w 10 w married on rgla ually in one p&rtieul ed. The following is a list of those who BRu.SSELS.—Reeve, . Young. if we take the res of theCommission'. petition pf thoa4 who are not ired to c ay at 'Dubuque, IoWa. He recently November 2 th to is i.-orgett., L., --county ol that'
oontin ar groove do so. -WaidAs this as -we Maud and the number of marks taken Councillors—R. Scott, R.. Graham, W. what do we find 1 in the present state of ha a [ready 16st $150,000 010 one Spec dation,.and his Bra b Aberde i.,Da cota, Donald P Stream goverai6
ach by e, Until they becme so -firmly imbued -w as -pr 11 ur W. F. Vanstone. the market. �A seventy-five cents a dry weather, stated, 9, licensing ayst6m, w I rl be a death �bably.�aiised by busi- has Ile les wishes f hil Id friends H. Ken!, 'with the feeling that they ar� right and U 4a ness troubles. He was a native of New her 'Thomas cKay, o. 8 Ashfleld, 372 CLNTON. —Mayor, Forrestpr; reeve, bushel, an acre o fall wheat wo 1 bri g reat id to p -event-1 the i at in his 11 moon rat egi: im e Albeit H. Martin, 351 A. NIcMurchie; deputy, Win". Coates. 15 and an acre spring wheat $9. If -but as tile I
that- every other person who may diffe-r Hi� relationsbi � aud 6
ork. It Eastj Wawap osh da -respon lent 0harlotte Johnston, -dry, 38� mission's Aors in the slightest degree froni their traffic. in intoxfAiiniliquqrs. :1 * houses CApTA:, Council' —St. John's ward, Copp and we turn, to the lestilmate, Of to ruii, and at N WEBB's Wiboi v. —The widow. says Mr. lain. LivingAbi has ust John Morall, of public entertainment, are' p iftd to G Capd- geyward St. George's ward, Cooper the cost of raisi- r an acre of wheat, We in.Webb, drowned while at- disposed of �bis exe(Ilentlt-voyeai ol Albert Tiffin, 1, Colborne, 328 bordly,
theories Or dogmas is utterly stupid and d and thkill
it eye the -en tA ting * to a- wim the wbirlpool at' C Wesley Wilson 1, 39jL and Fitzsimmons. find that, upon neither crop is tb l? L fr. Geo. Whitely, 94 , t,
carry on theii. business u: check to N &creas torant, at least on that particular sub- �ear Grit filly 'y J. Vanstone, 3, 341 ExyT.ER, —Reeve, L. Hardy; deputy, much profit and on one there is a loss. iagaraFalls resented'with of Seaforth,1 forflq250 M Whitely —A' better serl,
has been 3, 49 or over -sight, it will be alfi!iot ossi- ditb V. Vanstone, 362 W. G. Bissett. Councillors----�D. Johns, W e quote: C arging interest on the ject, that the least hint in opposition to I a purse containing Z67� i. Despatelies. intends"matching her with ufferin for Marion watson, 3P 356 could not be thiol:
ble to' efficiently h Ne Ze _ Ealforde tbel- la�, an& i l -,318- A. G. Dyer, and Jas. Pickard. value of lanwd. or -ental, all the labor mid their views% has upon them -,the same &land repor 5 that Captain a driving team, and we think will then 5, of NV. A. Kaiw�
odha Ne b'b's brother in-law 111-*. Chaddock, have the fastest and most valuale pair F. j. 6, sitchman. i brobable that the Cost
the busmess will be much ni.Pre' apt to V T1 Will. Y, 6, Goderich 380 GoDFFiicHTowNsHip.—IteeNe,,FIliott; the manure it is 'Naftel, 348 v-ffect as the metaphorical red rag has sing an ca eA a tra - 1
nds of irresp6nsi ts been lr'o,wrted. deputy, Beacom. of rai acre of wheat, by what e an 0 od farming. of trotters in the cout tt3 r Mary IA-IeLauglilin, 15, W. WaNvan
theull. It is probable that THig Nellie M -ck.
NG IN T11 -t Miss T .90 I
E UNAED 0 ai Convent School lly fairly" ra, Little I
'Upon fall into the ha -1), d * 3h 350 ET-uEL. —Reeve, Thos. tra ban I at passes generally Lywon STATE —Prior t the dep" cCorniack, 356 -Thi 111 e of I disreputable men. a is ,one of tfie 99 Nellie Troncb, 326 Deputy, Win. Milne; 2nd Deputy, is fpoin $15 to $1 per acre and. of spring Exposrsor. is not ain exception to the E tiring t he ye, x j ust closed 180 inen Trainer from Goderieli she. I 7as -Aited was dismissed 1`114
Lalla Berr3 Goderich Model Set. ool 436 great things to be gua�rded,,] Water Oliver; Councillors, E dward wheat f rom ,$13 to $14 per acre." if tb7,e- -de a 941r�13t,anlimeze lynched in the United States. upon'by a committee A gentemen ivho Emlla, Call the7lmil
general ri md* that'it has its hobby reproc
I0 we know of no beerAs'afeguaid i than a, 11ast year the were 175. . Montana: on behal 343 Bryans and Win. Elliott. value f the straw be added at an estimate 314 Inore careful.
-er y�t discov- . i too, but if so we have nev If of her many f�ieric's and the Mabel Cameron,
or ve the at numb Alice Dickson, ODERICH.—Maygr', Horace Horton; his -mind, and W
licensing law requirii,ig qualifica`11ons i .1 1 er,53; Mississippi publig, presented her with a purse con- 376 G mentioned, $1.150 an acre, we shoW.d, 'arge iered what it i.s. I I i IN-lary Johnston = Reeve Fred NV. Volinston Deputy, have'$17.50 as the total value of the crop a plate.
But althtugh we ae - J 1 1 Colorido 13, Texas Louisiana 11 taining $70 in gold,. as a. ini Xk of the Mal - on�', 314 the holders, -ion 1,
of licenses which W 11 ii, juntion lie W
d Dakota 10. in this doubt concerning ourselves, we esteem in. which sle-is:held, n(l*in Helen Polley, .329 Graharn, Cameronj Councillors—. of an acre of fall heat. and $1,10.150 som e measure at least be a g,. �ee, f FLIGIII OF DEF.-tuLTt.R.—James G. ackno*Iedgment of he Grace Polley, have lolag ago discovered the hobby of A r genei -ou� 387 McLean, J. Butler, ff. Dunlop, W. Lee, as the value of an acre of sprinor wheat. repeating eon btan
Charlieliani-be, -r�ghani, a defaulter for' over $40,000 assistance to public entertainents. an 91ightlo be.n
our good con, temporary, respectability, and an effi f. iip R Bingham, D. Uo�telor, P. McEwan There would still be a profit of $2
the Clinton New Win. R Robertson, it . . teller and aasis�tant (ashier' of the 4C it 421 J. H. Colborne, G.Aclieson, E.Campion, acre on fall wheat, and a loss of $3 -an ship as no*, to see that. J[ie re( uire- IQ —The Howick Man icipal n ominat ons GA-orge Thorpe, 316 ln�-Mr Janic
Fa. AU that is required to put it It e on spring wh -.in * a bx6gt.oa City Naioh�al /Bank Ken- W. H. Mooney, .C. AfJfuiniber. aer eat. If we strike �eulted in the retur , by�a clarna on,- Percy Walton, 333 a ments of th�* law are p icid com- I -to Q 'John '.HeMillan balanc between spring and fall wheat, Paroxysm of despair is simply tol m eition acky,,has.-ab8c ed a�adajeaving A the old council. Very fe HULLETT.---:R�eve, e E were pre- EXE TER, plied with. If this 1 IJ not b I ,etter yb Deputy -reeve, J�ohrl Britton. Coun- we*mu:st, on the basis �of the above ung ) Vife afid child.; . e was an as mini- In little i ter(- De the Wore,," Protection," A -couple of 3ent and but' At Exeter, 22 candidates wro and 4 88, - couric] cillor$—Messrs. McDonald,, Churchill figures, conclude hat wheat gro for all parties than free and unres!' rain- erate. gambler and! Ic st heavily in sted, and as the I wMgn 11)
weeka ao, nder the caption Protec- ; i I had done of these IS were, successful, as fo Ows: and Lasham. Ontario scarcely pays at es e ed com petitianthen we %rel ts on the Pres ntial el 3etion. - heir work well the feli'ng seamed tA) be present prices.' fu; YJ much mis' -eter, tion Revenue, vocated th, Ex 4W -le price assumed seventy. five cents a e FLOOD,.—Serious dal'mfge has been hat the expenses of an election at iis Ad McKILLop.—Reev'ei, James Hays. Th taken,but itwill take st� claide lligc�ins pl�,asu�es of t1w
25 isauirig of licenses te, hotel keeperi Murdie, bushel—for both kinds is more than the 11, halve S�mc th,
in ne at and Rapids Aichigan, by ime might not rp4u'lt: I! the choice (if, a Mary, E. PolUer 1 145
onger, logic 3 Councillors, Messrs. Archibald, tha our contem, porary has yet en4ploy- I ods caused-byan ice ic In below the Mary Saunders, Will. A. Brooks Mull es where the Scott Act might be, etter council th-Iii, theold one. 379 Manley and Ross. farmers throughout the country have uation4l game h y. Vxr eat fe irs of i nal. figures lr: a� tjliindbioo-k� the-cotrary. a 'disast JM,%vin Braund,' 414 TURN BERRY. —Reeve, J. Henning; been realizing, and if the act ed to convince us to vorse ;er —The new Presby terian Gburch at C Iin force or in the event of a geiieral expressed 'U'less the dam can be PNIcIntosh, f M; bIly J. W. Bell, 322 O_aR -ies Prhibitory Provincial law. We based near ehnc re, wa 3 or 331) deputy, William McPherson. - they have received in som- e. localit eourse:reeeiv,eda.
r oken sc on. rh en- John Wailless, Diamond, Evans an. Thomp- were. given- titled The H
)pened Sunday before last. e OI 349 CRIOrS— be still in the L
THE Chicago Tnibiine :74 that' a con tLOOD POISOA -N .--zRe Dr. Noa Agnes Mo1r, 1, Usborne, 312 SOD.- worse. our advoccy of this proostion princi- , (Int ng services - were -,�N ell att, mded, the Maggie J. 12kilison I367 1 signment of corn was re e�ily ieceived -Sc4enk pastori of 8 STANLEY. —Reev e, T. Simpson deputy a ast its - (th4l, te6totaltw), p pak -upon -three reasons, viz. : That Ann's Epis- uilding being, crowled h Peter Gardiner, 31 Bu if it be true of the average that in N Dr- T. D MI. tha city from a poin o�al church, Broo0yn, dd last Sun- eating capacity. T ie ser Mand Dempsey, 5 A...Caanpbell. Coincillors�AV. Clark, the le e hotel keepers nugh braska? 4, 440 wheat growing in:Ontario, does not pay t be inoruin :Ahe eff �Ict bly conducted 'by tU Rev. Dr. Buips 4, 328 paper m. Ali
gitimat a of blood William Dempsey, F. Erratt� A. Thompson. r which sold at a price yielding ishipper iat present prices, it is protected fro m- illegitim, ate campetition - I Cr Robert Hicks, 4, 317 SE-A,FonTH. Dr. Coleman far from being pcisoning. Thr % weeks Toronto,in advaucer, the ttiet:
IOJ cents per bushel after de uc-ting the the ab.- ence o' Profe,mor William Latimer, 4, S76 reeve universally true. Crops of. thirty and i sm ould be placed -under corn removed from his tOE D. D. Wilson deputy,� James that the busines c Old shortly VTcLaren through illness. The pro- James li'ollis, 8, t c ell, ... be not 6 ly� .378 rene set in�� The toe Rhoda Gamble, p freight rates. If the cost handling af I �e,rW.ar �eeds of the collections on Sabbath and .12, 3213 Beattie. Councillors—A., Davidson, J. even forty bushels an aicre are sometimes !disease, In o someefficientle alsupervision as it is tilt
9 44, rrown and1when'th,a;se results. are � gt �s amp4taUd but the )oison. 'sprea Henry J. Willett, 11, Laird, J. Ward, A. Strong T. Duncan 9 -4k
the tea-meeth g.on Mciid 33.2 I � ay evening was inow, and that the rev and the shipper's profit be 11an4ract,4 'V" 11 I I , , � that tile i
much ad4itiolial Cost thereIn-ust eanq lost 'by the 1hrpugb 4is system. H61 I vas fifty-nin6l 3. A. tewart, John Fairley, N. CIO, Dr. evifpkect ba -d'
-a of from that ce it is not likely tbat th be a good profit for the farmer. The eaves a, W -if —Grange No rr e OL Cott. tioltImay be the r.
At Seaforth 48 a"J ates wr Id are soniethiies e yejrs `o d, e and ten c idid'
abh-tioh of liquor licenses might be -PI I and 233, Q ey, c[ected th ences; in vie repl irc a- yo- o lowing officers for 1,385: Ju a. Cuthill, I
farm, er red6i.� d more than nine dents a hiJdr n 30 j)assed, as follows: AVEsT Girvin - �d t (1 er gion, ' resulting amount 4e found -within the 11 nits of a single bushel. Farr this G07DON SrIL HOLDS HIS OWN. deputy, Durin. Councillors—Gibson, of the nrxle-centr
tion. Our contemporary takes excep- as obliged Whi.Fulton, 0. ; Ale Stewart Lizzie Atkinson, No. 9, Tuckersinith ........ P 31T c to hathis corn to tb I Chrtou m adT` s -to the End of Novem- "k cretaxy Adam Doi iglass, Jai�es Isabella Ballantyne, Seaorth .......... 310 Todd, Lockhart. county. The comniission reports of ebriety with as- III
tion to our rem arks, and because we _probably Essex, an Kent that the cultivatin.of 1) - state tha; enera Gordon had re�- oftistin, James 8haiv. Assis Je.-:sic Bethune, Seaforth .............. 363 USBORNE.—Reeve, T. -A 1. Kay of the'sillfL�re'r as i
a -distance of ei-ht �r ten In iltes' erli McNair, -Bella Case, Seaforth ... ............. er, Henry spring wheat has been practically given Ineasles -or typhii
pp p aPs pulsed so, eral ifirior attacks, and had Chap. Julia Any) Casey, No. 4, Hibbert .......... 319 up, ' Forni-erly it wa osed the hotel keepers on the Scott 346 Councillors,
cretary James Jonathan S'hi
over bad roads. a a,. good crop of He couldl pot have I o6d and; mi munition for several months. ougald Mcaggrt, T. Duncan Horney, James Hlls and Rdbert Gard- —1rhe Act question and now advocate a mea 'C- ary E. Devereaux, No. 1, MCKillop .... ... 360 tienty-five bushels or upwards to the I -",Iialeb),%t of the Nile e S,� WI) 0 r Innis, G. K. obet.ti on, Martha Jane Kelly, No. 9, Morris ...... ... 349 Ille -f benefit. to. pedition cap
isur6 diesdgned to be - o, taken mo e than. forty bushels to a� two- Mrs. Robert R' r, jr. Kay's majority 185. h;
i Jeres. Miss 'XV* �Nlayor, J. Neelands acre but to isd Mr. ed at Dasbeh, and a in 'or &nd two ens, Seaforth.. the words of -
horse waon-load, which would yield, WR,"Jane Avery, Po 411 'Co atch r' mo ia, Live licel
WIN McKenzie; No. 4, McKillop .... ... 310 r eve AV. Clegg - deputy, W. XcCly- White, it has of late years been them, it accuses us of hun ting with th-6 I 0 Stephen' Miss Elizabeth Shiels, Flora; Miss J e 1's'abellilll. -AicKibboll, P I of the Blae :W, inient were e him $3.20., out of which he must deduct No. 7, cKillop .. ... 435 a, failure altogether," hear )Nviied. -. Cam drivers -ir( Stewa -Mitchell, No. 6,. Stanley ........ ... %0 und, and deserting 'Fulton, L.A.S. Alex t, Delpg ate Maggie mont. Councillors—Firat ward, A.Daw- hare and running with the ho, Mr. McNa' w of ih�. expediYon in I argre numbers o Maggie Morrison, No. 7, 3 son, William Gannett, E. F. Black; the the wa-aes of one man, the support D.G. cKillop .......... 212 bose home is in E ssex, says, on th� C1109 of writing on b6th sides with the view of Macgie urray, No. 9 Tuckersinith .... .... 454 Second ward, W. F. Brockenshire F contrary ; "'The land is so rich that on lioard'tbe two horses..'and thewear and tear -for )emg a -aid to undertale the desert '—The Board of DbEctors of the seell-rig favor in the eyes of' -both. w- Gra�e E. Pollard, o' 7 McKiUop .......... 337 McClymon we just keep crio�.pliig away, Iand we oet a whole d Buchanan, and H. Lem Rais on ay's work. The price he re- i ck Mutuall Insurance Collipaly, ,let in Annie Rose, Seaorth .................. ... 362) t> hipo, 4ntl I -Y.
mex And this Dro- AgaiaO such an accusation as tha we I all the crops we want. eir- liv
9 I t1i
SOME IVEATRER ;IN .THF WET AND 7VJCJ11tOSII18 Annie Jane Ross, -No. 10, Stan ley ...... s tie; Third -ward, E. Bowers, J. S will ceivedfovhiscorn could scarcely ha 'hall, in Gorrie, oil 'Saturd Cess (To not conaider it necessary at this late Ve. NORT-H)VIESTi�0ri New ears day at ay Alice SNvallo)V, No. 7, McKillop ........ ... . 312 mAb, H. Kerr; Fourth ward, It. Me- is -still carried on in a county in sonic the C15
ast. Nineteen applications. passed, Alice Anderson,No.6, stanic� ......... .. coveredthecost of -hauling it�to the -che -Ran - the i nere 375 In --- parts of which it has resulted in an in- ury -illson. 1; son, Kan 's3 was doo, J. Elder, B. W date fu our histbry, to, make any defence. covering risks amounting to bwentylsix Malcolm Armstrong, No. 6, Stanle.... ... 381 ability to grow spring. wheat atll, The market. No wouder-the farmers have below zer with ieavy. snow - storm i in thousand four hundred dollars. The. Jos. A. Cahvell, No. 6-,Stmle3 ............... 31 been gx*tly For the inforiiiiation of our contemprary N:4bras conrnded to burn their Corti husas, ka. Trains were, Peter Dill, Seaforth .............. ... 40,, difficult crop is as a rule, not spring 'but rather than loss of John Ringler, of Howick, for Goo. Dobson, No. 11, (,rey ....... 44. Perth items.- fall Wheat, Whih has to run all the risks f-0114) however, we -may say tha it was not tterly adly' delayed &I d cattle i a the ra*ges bafn and contents collifflmed I iy fire ship it. Our farm era complain b on Thos. Forsyth, No. 3, Hay ............. 34 of a variable winter. and if 6re'suflering . ports froin tbeevening-a December the 15th hiA., vbeat. Can Bisho'" fliam T
-the hotel keepers we opposed, bat that John Larner, No, 4, Hibbert ..... 31 Thirty cndidate`s�' passed examina- be grown at al a OP about the low 1pees of wheat in Ontario t. Paul saythw; Thursda ( antl Fridav kersinith .......... 42-4 pringyheat can. Pro- Win. McLeod, No. 3, Tpc erall es en't nountingy to $1,120 �% as orde red to be ) tion is of Opinion that I . I al
part of their bus inesa which the Scott ave been the coldest o' the pr : Will. McLeod No. 4, Aa�'Killop... 4,51 for entrance into -Listowel High fessor Brown, the but they have by long odds the advan- . idv als� $�20 to Jolfft Jchnsvin of Geo. cDeri�ld, No. 1, Ifullett.., ...... School. can � mi. �sinary v
Act was designed to abolish, and tha so 382 yield of wheat 11-S steadily -n the increase inter,and amorg the coldest on recoLrd. 4orris, fo Leslie At. Ple%ves, No, 2, Tuckersinith"' —Mr. J. A. lecte for teae�ing the w,
tage of the-farin-ers in Nebraska. g r bk rnand contents destro ed ..... 312 Hacking Ras been c d in the older parts of the Provinice," M. 4 �pellin I A.
soon.as,the objectionable part oftheir t1the si I :ffice thermometer re istered a, an e hl� attributes to the grow- 0 y fire on the hight of the li,fteenth of Alex- W. Robertson `�,Io 366 to the civic 6hair for the tawn of Listo- ch g, w -i- h he business is done away with, we consider i6o, below; others showed 50" below. ovember last. Will. Js..Shortreed,*No. 9, liorris .......... 412 wel'for 1885. ing of more roots and raising more orts f rorh other p4ints are as 1 fol- it Ou d;',tY-- ta advocate such measures IT Is staed that a petition has been ep —An exceedingly pleasant -wedd ng —Burns' anniversary will be celebr-t- cattle; and Professor Buckland thinks Mrs: Stjlhv�atei 50 bilow at the colAest The followim,'is a list turesl the devil we mav t filed with the Government against- the v arty took place 4t the�..."resid ce of r. of tholse who ed in Stratford by a grand concert on that Ontario fanners cultiv hink will benefit them with- er kno:wA; Lacrosse, 23- k Bism a4p, too much out iniaring others or interfering with bi,i of conce Friday 23rd inst. erof'
Scott, Act coming into -force - in this Min-heaosa .59'; I'Vinnipea 55" as on 3, . aty passed at Clin ton land for grain and retain too little, eyes aRmann 0� ell rading! matter, 1)
Ing. their rights, jua the same as we would county. The grouni a Nlettie Alexander, Blyth .................... 3. —Rev. It. -Hamilton de ivered a w pasturage for sheep and cattle.—Trad I a regular blizzard prevali ;ownship, on ChriStnl"LS fteinoon, he '37
d of the petition:, ar( )ride being his daught er and the ha Katie Brown, Blyth ......... .............. 335 prepared lecture on the life of '%Vycliffe Review, phoiiefl� alphabet A MAT�H� MAOF Plult PY Martha Cloaky, No. 5, Morris are, we believe (1) that t& , FOR I IIIE Es s ... 438 filed in that Nvay� for any other Class. engaged in a logiti- ballots. Th om, Mr. Alexander Munn 'of 2,1 at Avonbank recently. e bethrothal ii aniio inc- the Harriet Holmes, Clinton Mo&i'S'e',hool ...... 3 --Slaider isilayi
anie tommahip. A large nmber of Carne Johns, No. 4, Tuckersinith .......... 313 rinary aNIM9 d of Her. Ma:i*esfy's youn. est and Only Mr. Clark V.*.S,, ha 0 8 were improperly printed; (2) that a -as now a- rete mate bui-ness h f r it aim the —Millbank h
of a cia4srof an i
publics good and convenience.. We suffi cient nuniber of printed proclani.r r. married dalogbter, he Prhicess hEi relaions of bot1f f amfli6s were pre- Susy Johnston, Sunimerhill. ..348 surgeon. a hung. Aay. Mary E. Keys, Stanley 336 out his shingle. of sland�r i-ebuked
atrice Mary i Victoria Feodore, to ent, together with quite a I Lumber Of Annie Knox, No. 6, 365 -nk Temperance Society :;,Q.—Tlie council met the Con1necticut look upo the liotel business, bereft of ations we're not posted up ; (3 that. the rince'Berry Maurice, (f Battenbu invited- frienis. Rev. Mr. Thoinson�, Minnie Leslie, Clinton Model School... 362 ---The Avonba COU-NCIL MELTI Wnship -of Steph�n and the v-illage. of rg. Maggie McLean, Blyth ........... - celebratedC-Iwistinas, by the annual sui- on December So.. It 'was moved and and I it ls 0
the Rquor department, as a busi- oB. D., of Hensall, made the twain Cne, ........... 34) 'I te Prince is 26 years of age,- being l'one - M 3 Carrie collector be required to ary McLean, Blyth, ...................... 314 per. There was -,i larg attendance d that the cca�i ally be tal
n y
r t in
jtbl 6 0 u
01 rib la Id
0, E h4 9 Ive R 11 Al �u t i I 0 f,
—A in
re p_ r
cip, t0i
Un r
3 e 6fter which all partook of a ii Losi boun-
Res& of this lass and hence we deem i e and Exeter belong to county of Middle- E your ger than his intE nded. 1�e is Minnie McQuarrie, M'inghain ............... 369 New H4vn 41
a good time. have all taxes collected onr before the our, duty to give it such support as we sex for Dominion 'election d' cousin d Dtke Louis'IV. ifulrepast provided for thE occasion. Maggie 'Morrison, Wingbatil ................. 409 purposes, ani th Gran 2 h d of all widw Raven
n the eveniag a fe pleasant hours Emily Proctor, Hollhesville ................ 845 Minnelialia' Lodge, Odd.fellows'-win- Jan�ary next. . After con- of Hesse, w o,mrried thE late Prin eas A the township of Usborne Esther I O' ay of -t, in its endeavors to rebut the ere a ent in tripping the light fatas- ?roctor, Holinesvilic ................ 317 nipeg. is caring can- Bu I _ring
to Perth, and d and passing a number ice, the I eld, r three brethren I i for 'Of sister Of Princess Id. F. Thomson, Sunimerbill .............. 400 belonging tp Stratford� wlio are on the �Surerlis in cigar�ttcp on th
on we took inion lawl, counts it was mGN the Now�Era proceeds: as the Scott. Act is a Do in C, ans othex amusements. The ived- Edith Young, Blyth ...... ed by Mr- eatrice nd to whom the latter .................. 318 was at in ing pr he prevuicated lit
these municipalities should not be, e time said to 1 be betroth esents were numer follo-v;.,n -,�44; the we a
W:hat makes co m -petition-,, fro In an ed.. Prince ous and v,,Iu- Robt. Agnew, No. 8, East wawanosh ...... 368 ick list." seconded by McEwen, thatble. n orn3n, vyingiiani.� .............. ... 480 e un e andforty(tollars was mry is that' I aforesaid Duncan Fisher, No. 12, West Wa-%vanosh,. .. 321 the handsome sum realized from the in- nty of clumsy youth cn foot, bu� ie Buchanan, Reve,� salary, letting and I eA I'llcy nouse ifte ItImate? A d why cluded -under -as parts,of 'the cou] 5 es e paidz* Dr. should the hotels v s a lc rs wi I great at ill, and looks —one evening la'A wee]. %a fr. John R. Gauley, Clinton Model School ...... 327 �an
e :f'pratected " The Huron. We do not think there is any Off �, iawa ook 0
tea meeting', held specting contracts, selecting jur I
ng Ts .
orilyreaaGnadvaneedby the Expositor. i 11 when ed. He i a an honorary arnuel Marti a, of Usborne, V r�§� tali i Thos. 11. Hardy, Surninerbill .............. 368 by the Baptista rs, 840 I dru 1, never toli
weight :whatever M- these . objections, - Thos. Henry, No, 8, East Wawanosh in Fullarton village oil Christina Deputy -Reeve, sal 0 ltting is because of the investment of the hotel 0 Oliel ( f P�ussian. Regiment. I �ea he heard a noise and Ali s. Martin -a day. ary, He J 407 keeper. to accommodate the. public. This but they ,my �serve the purpose for in ierits te ..aditions of a long line of )n going to. pEe w, bat was the matter 358 a, $36. H. Hey- 3 John Thos. Holdswoith, Holinesvil —Mr. Jacob Langnd Mr.-fno.Browr and iuspecti�ug contract .1 —The to m 1) nou
is, the "oompellsation idea which they have been made, viz:, pre C 'In esters, a a two or thre( Arthur i rock, salary 34 -� A. MF*eu-, alai In. artother cesters a d very little Ces Nsprved perso,, is just in Jarnes E. Hovey, Clinton odel School ...... 363 arrived at Monckton roni D akota on -.y, -y 4 I
(Ise'. Prila ackson, Clinton Model SChool.. 401 ' --us, salary., $33; M.Zeli ParisD
f or m. " I Christmas night. They say that country $34; D. Surei Beatrice is rtistic, de' lf,. Ira Johns, No. 4, Tuckersinith .............. 319 votional,domesti tlie� act of U Aing th -ee turl -.eys. J.— remadhs�Lof Al Thii
vent the act coming into force -on the John Lo%very, Suminerl1ill ............... is very cold, and Mr. Treasurer, $80, postage and stationery, k is lat of M franCs. I T lie reason ive advance, we thn and good lo6 king. The Qieen ga'vellheerl J dlin 811OUtE d at the ii when , they de- WiLl, j. licOulloug-b 457 Lang does not in- .57 ; S. Fos A still no
_ay next. If the' Go 334 tend gohij� back. ter, Clerk, salary, yostage gre4 statesman is,
'"MIme-13t (onsent to the Imatch upon . condition Camped, carrying witt them two of bbe Daniel Fred. McGregor, No. 1, Stanlky.. 317 —,M,r. Charles Stewart, leader and stati Suffteient to justify the contention. At co usider the objections of - sufficient thA the youn cou le should turkeys. Th owner ollowe�f -thein I 0s Robert McQuarric, Myth .............. . . 391 of the onery, selecting jurors, voters' - r .. rary 9 - P ilway yo1mg
all events, the New Era does not at- weight, they iny 1. f r the mat r to I e dde Deer Mitchell brass band, was on lists, registi ation, $147. -1 0 ; caretaker of Will. Mc(�uarrie, Winihain ............ ... 33 NewYear's ppl,
ion ieri +� -oli,,nnini
e, e te �Jer. it is ur derstood that far as the ith conceE a* e they' Alex. McTavish No. 1, Stan)c� ......... L ... 3 (I day presented with hall, $10. The following sunis were objea N to, Su 5$ s011 e of the Queen', i bridal gi fts to Princess Itopped and t ineatened to thksh him if Henry J. Miller,'Whitechurch... all pres4 I fellwshil)li
temptitashowthatit is not. As for the Supreme Court for settlement. if ........ water pitcher and goblet, by the mem owed members of the Bogrd of Health co ml I katri e, be , e pe Is of the lae 1 te would not pass on; this, he refused Anson M- Ro i - e binson, Winghani . ...... I.. I o aind t a
'al 445 bers of the band. Steinbach chairman, $3.00, Dr. lelge perisation, we do not obj at to that the decision of the Supreme Court is ,lot C I Vill A .where i can be Rho- dy Oth:) Fitzg d, which were pri-' I o do When they tu ned their hor John Ross, No. lo, East 1vva`n08h .... 3 7 ii compensation. is sea nportant Ii
31 pursue I
given before the Henry Sheppard, Cl-inton Model Sehool� Buchanan $3.00 Di%AeDermid, �54.00 - Ist of February, at 'ately bought by Her Majesty for I Lortb, and 'd ed up the- 31 —A couple of weeks goasMr. A. Both� in, nument an
d we do not think th 'which 00,000. oncession, Alf. Sivitzer, Clinton Model School... Ferguson, treasurer of Ribbert The council then liqstly due, an S. Poster 5.00. at' thu wa a hoping s any other reasonable person should tim e the qovernen t low ldi�i off the scei Lt AlErernon Wifiiams, Clinton Model Sc*h 420 leaving Mr. D. Cromarty, journed. ad- . I he lia reo Fred. Graham, Whighain .......... ... t proclam- 1i 1
m ust be issued, the )ut nd call i1r, ation I - *gnized them, 387 act ca ot his po'ny, becoming hightened -at a steam either. If the hotel k apers are re- —The a ni I hein by name, -told th, mi the consta,)i7e T�os. Gray, Clinton Model School.. 404 ec lual meeting of the Peo le's com. e into force on the I at of May next, e atwork on the premises, became quiredtafurnish extra accommodation ir trac in th( in by engln Auburn. ("Reese andl Butter Factcry, whic is i vould be on t. le orni ig. The following were reconii -and the Licensed Victualers, will 'have ituaed nea� Gorrie, was held in Me. X"en mornink Came the tur, ceys we the Bo'ard'of Exam iners unmanageable and ran away, and in his onnEsE FC
keys for the publc, certanly they shouid. not gained another -year's time. The objec- otosh's Hall, Gorrie 4-h Friday last. returned. Mary S. Martin, race came in contact witli a -wagon SINNEXi 1"REpARE.—Th Saved Ariny hnnfaal Incefil
Muriel Redmond has laid seige to lVin. 11. Beacom,- Harry Holdswor, be aaked to i1o, so. for nothing. In e repart :showed a prc sperous y ar, —A very 4uccessfu I Christmas tree throwing Mr. Ferguson againsta fence Satan the strongholds of Che�e 4-nA Butter
any tions however, are so frivolo, , I- h us that -the a en John Lindsay. considerably injuring the worthy gentle! in Auburn. So far they are will I�e heldon T I o quite equal tb last ymr, however c ntertainmentl wa even't it is as 'broad as it is long. The Gov6riaiiient may not deem it necessar ii � Harlock The number of niarks �equ o pass man, who, we are pleaseA to - hear, Inaking a very favorable impression at I 4�clock p. w., i.
lawr the busines, y I r ich the directori wisely attributea to Hullet in onnect on ired however- is again abl. I e to be about as 9 the hotels do, the to sahool hous %preme Court tie sumrie� &6,�ath for which they -with the Pres)yterian Sabb Cassaday's 'nt ref er the matter to the, in all cases was 310. usiness A
ath schc ol ual. ted in us cheaper they can accommodate the pb- -and will proceed to issue their proc cjr report they stack fell over les Wednesday morn lid, and if the restaurant part of their . in onsible. The alno were not, re- which meets there. The night was.- —From last week's Stratford Beacon buryin -TF ation before theex untof milk received underneath it seven 1,1 ding Ot piration of the limit- t pon the whol a, favor le, and as usual ' —At a B 9 ea, Of the fac ry. was 1,376,892 pound die good peop ap.tist weekly conferEnce in we clip the following: 11 At Stratford cattle. The neighbors were soon on business is taken from them, or even ed time, which is, we believe, I e of Hul ett tur red oitt New York, a week or two ago the Rev. the fifty industrial establishments are hand and'the AW&esday.of last.
the lst of A'� ixge numbers j in stlaw was removed in a pmw.11101' sitia&137,719poundsof -oom. partially so, they wflI have to charge February. If they'do this the declare I se, wl ich sol I a an aN -erage of ten The i ahool . vras J. E. Raymond told how a Soathern. running with the usual force of opera, hurry. was the d 1 icely decoratod and e Chris tmas t- of them were prety far ex- Mr, 3�obiert Maxive
1491ker for the. lodging and stable will of the People -will be re four-: ifth cents per pound. The ghted up with' Chin se lan;erns nd to his flock: " Sometimes,-' he said ed fair. There are no hands thr spected, and Ii ee preacher introduced a Northern brother tives, about 1;000,and prospects regard- through but they re all right now
accommodation, So that, instead of e w— tight ofmilk for a pound of ax candles, nd loa, cc % own out cept one that got cut with the straw plaee� There was V%TAIT; 'k 11 the , the law will come in -to force at th time' - I'll �r .1- " ded wifb presents yo koes to de swarn-p to shoot dese p" nf 1-.,,+ -I,- 4- in 'Lpounds. I aor e sea 3on is ten he for the childre�i an pe, cent. I wer. Inife WJR11e W. J' Sturdy was att d others the 14 ing elle'lltIed pecaliarily by at which it was designed it shou 11 4r T. A. bars, en Yo tak-es one ob de- ole gulls wages arepaid in a few instances and away +,hp.,Straw th ik!
e pB io wi6r :done for t)
k oil iyar kes a, big hole in tl le side some shops are short time. This is ing. an at one is recovu- d Pa�r�� per gallon for milk lrewtoii, -sch'ol teacker 'of 6 along wat in,