HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-01-02, Page 74� 7;, mr
, Xs i0u ill its C$TVu CitY`V, om eae of aur beev- shoWd be of CCE;'Tht yeam go ad c' Of ifrom the U�a,`Or tried S-_ver&1 reire- y relief,, until I tOOk- Vv 111e, 111se Of two
6mpletel,Y. mired.
your SAR"'k- tcui,es it has eor o1rered to the,
AI&y 13, lb&'_ A, ibe hi kalt Rlieum in its �us, actually covere(i �ca of his body and Ayer's Lowd1j, Mass. six Wales for a. �T N C
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D i. -here I want a pile of
but it takes� A
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soluething to cloth� and tinie are hard.,,. (7 -an tell you here,
ri�-e of a load,- of
Dress for
.df il, dozen pair- of,
,ard-,� Fur Trimving,
;�--Votton, 17 yards of
.�s, One,et Furs, four
itte Cotubs 10 pounds #
where I
LOS., Exeter. See, They are in fall
Oe great value
Tweeds�- and
are new, uch
the great depression
lirtuh at -a bargmin,
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your -oods .
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Gin Mr. Ja- wes r-ely to the ift- eu-;toniem with thw
-onstantly on hand.. s, a -ST M t'L Ls, kill,- his main, cus� g I
nage d. e 11rin- past Inflilk. ttla the livill t,axue of the U been Introduced,, SYSTM' ham Fjoui�
V; of 3RU Yeed de-
�L.UAMBER buru.ht and, re -fitted
w n't 'f raetorg, and,
of Btldinv Lura,�
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('art have it shipp4- ended to, elsew-here.
FHE HURON *EXPOSITOR1, 7 Canada and 0ther Items- postulate and entre it,, bi it tot no S Joel established by estinionialsh 4se
rl Oac� y --7Ne&r1y$l1,000,000 worth of prop- the drummer had b a m e� I re received. 11C are therefore confident tha we C3F 0 ID IM '--Mj T C>J�T._ Imnu leT Aed AUCTION AES.
erty is exempt from taxation in Toronto. have a Ipmparation which we can offer tothe bf for SP 3p- the power of sale contailled ill I. -itain and p6rformed his I 4q r, ;,iOl iscien 40t �Oly.' pu Xndej- an,] ky —A Toronto hotel -keeper has been I lie amulwice t it �t it will be fot nd ORTG The affair -ended in an a( tj 0 11 aga, 10137, trijeftlef but a'n absolt Lt( ClIft' fined $50 and costs for obstructing a con- gentleman, who )�a i ned a co, of siti, liVer onlrjlainl� ffidige8tion, cormtip&tdiiq'nqnd tiortgag,e (wbi I; i 6 not )r ell be ro(lu-col ai U )11 for time of sale) there i �stable in the perfornimice of his duty. -qhillings—�not for d - I'll blood. Free trial bot, 11c s at, Luniodeil & Z 91 Rd'v. Dr. Win. Wit'o'n&1rugstye. '651.62iii. i oil Saturday, tho3rd day of armry A. 1), Lindsay Alexander, having the drum PI d i tf,t �r mil hu t9 a o -click in theafternoon ,of E dinbli-l"rh is dead. He -was author He Paid at the Coum. -ial Hotel Se 'r -O afortb, J -)t 3,2, Ai the fine with( ut a inurin ar, Lt G A L. lurnber of able works. he had had. 4is rev I URIC Iffnip perelics wore or g SHIRE.—The undemligntol Brucrldla, also fi.) W) keel A ig the present season, on Ut forming part of F�rjn Lot N;). 1g, in tile —The weather throughont the West ARROW j& PROVE—- _�arri P . du 4 I'st. and Noithwest is -very cold. There have I66T Aers, 3obci- 5, ConcogRion , a pure bred Berkshire cessioll of Stailley, nd Illore sj�e(-illy —1 1X1 tors, &d., GoderjcN'Oilt4,r o. J. T. QA0tV,, Boar, to whiol a linted rlujiiber of sows will? be been heavy snow storms in Colorado, -C A1 TO 4TIN G.. inaid wortgiigc, kliowil �ojlj t.bu 6P.A�EFU'L Z
W3U. PROUTPOOT. 1086 taken. Tern I With the privilege of retutn- dity of sale, For furthcr to ing if n" AAS, Hay P. O. S. 0. eCAt'GREY, &Tdontana.and Dakota. P cc BIN W11 —A party of white immigrants from- ET; -11M, Solicitor, &a. I Irivate Me ey 1to 889x4 06 arrived at Petersburg, Virginia BREAJRY 1 len I at lowest rates of interest. 0 ce- 'TOCK AND k of 3quare and Westf�jc(t, Godeferic 9 -PIG', The itindersiWed Its U )N $ALF, Or- F_,kll�f ay. morning By a tliorough julow, edk I A. It en route for North w e §f le natural I Corne 1174 BE"s' r 6, Tu FA ST K COMP A ell -on blond i 7 iS on 0c, LtTE.
T Lot 9, Oonoessloi ekersinith, one of -Carolina. " This is tile third lot of hich govern the operations op, d estion Inu. I AMER, t�he best tho tig -e Bottis in the instnicted lky Mr. Donald Gr to by white F HOLT & CA31 1, Barr Ste b odi Berkghli trition, and y a careful a li J& countL31. only Public Auction, on Lot 6, m I I 0 -Tall ts PP n of tlie� One cery, & �., Go 0 ilion 8
im that have assed. tIlroll: h Prin f C 801i in �Chai"� ; to Which a limited 11, 6 eil. propertiesio is ell selected Co a , Mr; Epps has u i on ThuzNdaj- 1s:;F -1 eu h Peter�i X C. C.. I'lilili. iio,�T, n nibe' will b� . *1 itted. Terms $1, barg for the south withi r of so -m 8,
� 1 600 wi -1.), tile foflowing valuable provided Our b eakfast tables w1thla delicately th the riv fte 7of mtu,ning if necessary. I jell lq&31 i0thers are to W. flavoreA bovie w viz.: '�)Jle g-eneral purl a us nia ny doe- GEOAGE �11TR )XG. 8DO.x4 114are immense amo tors'bills. ''It tile judi ious iise t to be In foal to -111 bill I )orted holic, I o lei it, C. -Ail lint of building and Of 80ch T '31, BEST, Barrister, 1; l* & oose article* of diet % Laj�gP Assortment to Ch F rom. oother city twconstitltohinai�bcgi u-, eY. Cady'sfflock,' -ceDco Id FOR 0EM"'CE.- m tmdersigr�cd will ,,�h I , , North of he fo I le
i"Pro"t'lement-S are under way ally built Up Ul til stfoyj) oil 11 to resis! e al,,5 it i h
al, Br sb; Coumbia.. -It - is tendency to.dL, utse. Uu ry Post OiMoe, forth. Goderi(h. gcnt4-C4ot P keep for servic on Lot! 26, Concession 4, at V ictori iti ndre(l i A subtl( n I I - S a a valf to a O, HOLT CAMERON. ;870i' R. R. S., Tuckersinit the Thoronghbrod Suffolk estimated that $1, (lies are floatiq around s ready to at;, 000,000 will be spent L. -C : .. - . � -1 Pit,, "Royal Pi;i1jec. 0m piW,is a pure Suffolk, re is a w T) ling steer, 2 ycarlbq� ea - p int, heifei-, 114 well e We may esi n e OFTUS E. DAQ lias'titkep, Fil t wherever shown. be in Pri-vate residences and F3torez next G Y' ]aW with Oro wherever th 6 aft b kec ourseWes -i e I 'cd ewe, 'Pia4
year. many a faW I101T Cameron; Goderi Terins-81, payable at t)1c thile. of Sol -vice, Avith thrc6 ulonth old, I him r town L I �1), POPULAR PPICES RULE LDWER THAN EVFR THIS SEASON, I wagon, 2 Is full 10 Oerfowing' fortified wi re bi all(ra _j pa P ed fmilic., il Ser . 6perly now is licitor, Cor veancer, &e. - Aloc q to t%epi,ivile,,,,-eoll,(�tilll)iyl,rif,ilwessary. CHAS. _7 'to houses 'or roonisto ce 6azet Madc'sin I A Be a and there are I I RUTLEDGE.1 with b oil ing Nva te son's Oki 0 flice, Cardno's Bloc]:, I wftfortli. .885x4 r or milk. -So 6 only in ptic byr grocers, labe [led thus :s Eprs & 3 plows, I plow, I set One of our reli(notis, eXchauges gfv&( Jbilimpath 0- double harness, I 'tragon forlis, 0, ANNI.NIG & SCOTT, Ba-rditers, 8blicholst FOR 8ERVICEI.-Tlic, imolerSigmed will ie 01 ell) sts, L 1: 0 ep d the fallow4ic, excel" a, C. , d'1_ . � awl -definition 'of a ag�lntfar clumul a coliio SqU,itprsforthetank' Me uring the present, seon oil Lot2l lent mitreal. - 110 . ___, I I 1'6 of Joblistoii, Tisdale &1� Oale. Money to loan. ad T�Ickemniith &Tli6v&urrhbredBcrk- wa religious crank ; He is mail %V-Ilo 11 I veryt ng New- Fresh and Handsome. as; j thout neserl Office-Be3ver Block,- Clinton, Ontario. if Shim Pig, to wbich he, will receive -a f1mited nuin- at the time of by some nleaUs erot one idea of the Bible The Cheapest a Best. I JAMEd Scurr. 11 ber of sows. Tern All of. pt,yab) O )jjcI 1111(14. sb; 'th- f t in his h ts purity I 11 I concentr i -I roturnim, if neces- will lie giveld pil fur- ead, an(flias -no room fornother On account )f i e4 service, with the 1) M X _7S S :S -A- _P CDO 1: t 0 T -T ' 1 strength and grmt power ovei SCU6 uccessor to i he late fli I I , � JOHN li�- 111E.4 885x4 A One. In his adv -'eady Of that one idea di Burc A sary )IIIA of he tramples Blood Bitters. is the chea-posi F. VcCaui�hey & Holinested, Barrister! 8,.?- cents oil the dollar will -under his fectiln Ind best b:oo( ety and Olda"Sing tonic knon for all d Iicitor,,Conv %T;�cr atid Notary, Solicito - f )r vredit 1,1-o- 'ILI
sordoredco idi , ell IFFOLK PIGS.-Tha under4gried will keel) n -line oth�rs important, of whose ti ver he Canadian Bankof Commerce. Moticyto en'd. prietor, Kil _,dns of blood, I and kidney �57.52.2kw. S oil hand d ih( present. season, a Thor- P.,().; A- exis-tence he is wilfull ignorant. Offige in t�cctv aughbred i k A', to Av'hich a1iiiiited nVinber y Strcct,,Scaj orth. i Block, THE FIGHT- of solvp will e S OF 11ol
—he Dr. Lemulal Iloss, late president Gobd, the Yev Round mal Pills f . akell. He is one of the best pigs 4
e 0 oti jky. with the good blood pri jer, liver rlindinilli �r f his class in t IN THE VrLL_kta�' of the CSt'lote University, has g,ati,e for 85 u�Yr,,P,&DICI�INSO.N,Biiriteis, C.,RCTIE's privilege of reliell`,in� - if. necessaKy. Apply oil I harn. the faihn 9 Bloe-1c Whim : r of been fouiid uilty of indiscreet condi.-Let solic� to - fo the ank of thelulider iigned at Grieve'�s Bridge, bi
e4nitained in with lady teacher of the. instit'll of Hamilton. Coil) III ers !01, taking affida- NIZ-Ortli rn Grav�l, Rbtk 31, cKillop. HUGH J. '011 will I;e prodlived. olden 01; i6n. I 1vits in at the tillie Of will be ,;old at Publiv tion. A G, Privateftlim'soloan IGRIE 1E. t 0UND GUARANTEED, At 885
of January, 188.5. that desirable fj�ote) 1>1-d)pert�
of Acton, Itres L. T38 -lip) 1017E OCK. -The.- undersign ed was' chared or proved.. !cent. Lucknow Office overy N11ciliesday.' It. W. Ction oil tbe on Fj thc:)�Jrd Mrs. Will. tht The 64m;tcil recominends that Y U yard's Yellow C sthe best � uschold rein, dy 43 ON the Central Hotel, 21 at] those 4-ertaill will k cp o�i Lot 24, Concession - 5, McKillop, when -Moss has confessed his error to the in the world for colds, crotip, ;c rc thr(�at, burns, ARROU & DICKSON, Soli(itor, o which a oland ;and prentises. a Joujig Thoroi�ghbred orkshire Pig, t churcli, all -11ONVil due - penitence he scalds and ot�ier painf lying and in the til coill nC a sows Ill J)e received:, Th Count It In - Her opill Wit ancen, &c. Money to Jer d. Se Ifortil ai*k'l li!nited nunibeif of sows is
shall be r�storcd to Christia confiden'ce. is well founddo.- 857.62.2w� ., I I I pig wa� bred b1i Jamb Anderson of Huron anol I 'L I Brussels. Imeforth Office over Jtftion's OIflIbletv . ... ... (-011)1)0.,iedoftil�.1-lioleofLotii niber Ojieljul'� b6t and Initials ever and is of the —Oii Tuesday -last in Toron�D, a ware Storej Main Street. X 13 -0ne menilYer of -prest bred ' C di -fid and Fobi-, wL)d theSouth Half of Loilt , gl t into V I The sign Of von]118 are i ie the firm will always be in*Scafe Office. brou e coulit,�,. Terins—Z41 pbr sow, Frencludan, lia.,ned Paquet, a professed V,. -4n6win, but lier One 11undre-ol and Three, both oil the remedy is not alkays so well (� 01-1.11ined. Fr e. CARROM,:Seftforth IV. B. Dicii :01 els with't, e privi ege of xeturnbur if MY , I�russ� side of t, )A� - -iR- the . doctrine of mWs Worni 11, W -M. ABKIRK. )wders will dmt 11 10 hold's plan of s;iid of r0y the", 8 7. in discus!�vion -with -ey of which i�i Af01\TEY :TO LUA N. ted- Iri-rikers want sonietl
fellow that" 1111c, gool xn(l pure, mll their ttention to in Foriy's, Adelaide Qj UFFOLK PI G.--�--The Undersigned will keep on ill the,proereountv Thtisaid
G4 )'od For' L)t 21, 0 c"sion 2, L. �R. S., Tuckersinith street, was siricke"ti with pralysis, the Ix)t-., were part of Lot 11 )el: One in the Tenth For ONEY TO oanst 6 per '& Thot Duglibrec 86dolk Pig.*' This ani-inal was Our 25, 35, 45, an .1 50 cent Teas also specially to our .60 cent BLACK TEA of the Township Of (:;-icy, a whole of zte s;de, from head to foot ill- all diSeftei lot the.blood.1 I ai�d celit. Interest payable I Ali yearl, or I - -_ 4 lid cluding �o bowels take BU.I,( recentypure-hasedfroill, owell-knownbrecdors, ea3ch a frontagne of feet more X) -ks & So, I, all d 11 vitality. :)ck- Blood -Bitl ei s. it is �tuely 1per cent. y rly, with thz to bo r w A. Fr'li from imported stockon On TUL.j_4jbej_rN_.4j ,r vegetable, cal, & no il salwAys be X)f repaying part of the prin is treet. There is the cipal I'llolley all1l, both Sides. Tel -ills Al I I at the time of i —While man was engaged in extin- fic 857.52.2w th'at desirabie Jiotel,41_-&i(l to be brich 11) ial. to F. 1101 %vith th, )I ;a N(t rnijil� if neces- Clas stute of repair. The stables and utImild- 31ESTtD, Ba i� tei, servicc, o r, it The above lilies re, wit4out exception, tile best value in Ciniada, All live ask 783 are new. T) fie is the lm, ps on Jamieson 0 1 1 50 sary. GEORGII 11 I For th cci6n and does a large tiwle Thi; avenue Pa,rk-d �l CURRANTS in barrels and. cases, NEW WNDON LAYER. a c, early Tuesday norn- .-For _1
tan., ond.41.1 itFhl _g tumors is a trial. NE AN,
izg, a huae, aii-1 do)ft. and attacae of 011 skin, use 1IG BR will be Sold ub,�eet to d U rof. A UCTIONEE* �DERSThe Lindersigned will Soap 85 F. - i . I him savagely &nd injured hinl sev-6re, 8.31a k Xe p fo r rvice at his place in Leadbury, Conditions r lo-ly NEI W UACk j 3ASKET, NEW VALENCIA RAIIN, W F IG' 4 __ - during tile 11 -ent S d1l, thRt e ca Th 11-ar _0- sed Au, t4 r- or the Thorol -about th h d- P� BRINE, Licen T,niee -ed �lph Boy." 3i ie ADAM— e sincr contest e: 4, Col'ufly of Huron. Sale� ; ended glibi erksbirc Pi�r "TheGue loneer, -its ,,ortoE.31. , a blow I hadwick., Biwil uite five ni'llutes, whe 0�lergg!yxn( This Pi � has a e 'Stered PoAigr6e, is one of the (101 Solicitor, 113'eatty, C lasted q parts of the Counky. All or le 8 left at !Ti[*, value iii PURE SUGARS_ Stock Complete in all lines. Singers and publ �, speakers wi I flnd Robinson's EXPOSITOR Offloe will be promptly Uende best in the cOu ty and ias taken First Prizes 58- Wellin'.1031 Stret hi.st, from the lif-litif, pole put an end to Pho f the x -catest benctit to d t?. Emulsion o whereftr showA. the owl'is inclinations for sphorized TerinS.-ti per Sow, with the Dated 22nd ever. thent, where thel e is any tende' Ic. privilege of rettirnincr if BRAY, y to weakness .y. Av3f. of the throat� o r brone -DELGATTY, Lice6sed Auctioneer for� the -G ACCTIO -The pro.fits- -to '3clody nd alikey d it hial tu)es, as ifsootbe� Sale, of jal ry. 880 P on the sale of t-110ir revival hymn book, I I�G -4 be � im ruic Col. bv - tone and t . Brine, ba en t the irritate lellibrane, full, A. Coui ty of Huro' lb gth to the -ocal -gan. -un ins. ;Ad- OLK P G.-Tlic igpied will ;keep .,!escrilltion stren oi i Lnd imparts ne ropiptly a ended to oil reas 'u ders �A. A.. CHARLESWORTH, Hogg, to sell by public ailetionl oil Lot 28 are said to, reachetj half 'a million life and vigor t ress bli-twst Is P. O., or apply Ol ot 4 on ring the present j . oil, vessiall 5, 31f.lilljop, Oil L, a the 'enfcelyh4d coustittitibli. ;e oil Lot 8, Con y doallo Other publileatiorij, ,n that 891.52.2w. ession 12, ( rcy. 7P cession 12, Tue zersinith ni2ar Kippen, a tbor- colimleneimg iij., the, n 0 oughbred Suffo k'Boar (Re,gistered) to which Posit OFFICE i-ITORE, ISEAFORTH field have approached these i ulari- . . . ..... I" — I .9 ONTARIO 1 folio valuable C MNIPBELL,, License I A iletionecr,i Loi a1hilited nuillter of So I will It * dmitted. Worms often Ise seliolis i1jr ess. Thecure"Is 10, Cot cession 14, 1 Sales condlict Ternis I, Nvitl tile VrVvlcgc of retrning if it),? horse, S ytcars old one horse,7years old, one -ty: The proceeds are dividedequally. Dr. Low's Woi in it de it horse (1) Years old qii c inaire wit b foal twow!.-Wl r -s and e I . ,d oil the ni st reaonitble satis Mares I two colts; tfiree �ows witlj all, betw- een the evangelists,. Aloody has worms effectuall fa(ition IlecOssary. RO 3ERT M N. riararitc6d. All orders addiesed to w4lton f I four arrow cows-, one steer three ear o1d; endowed school, with a part of his- t altelition. pir rsigne( wi 6' ' r 2 yearo at ubled - with sa A i ig the pr sent scasonon Lot 1, Concessio one It g handsomely hands, , i I folir steers l'year o1d; 2 heifters I do Uo samethin orei; of -am ld — k 1). 0. will receive pr6inp J. -DO.-k"R PIG._ he un dep dur- three steers 2, Years old - sliare,,&i,i.(Iitisii(;,%vlre,portedtli Sankey' Are you tr h JD GRhAT A�li TR -ACTIONS
is about t eunt' rot 9, Illillett, a Sit folk nd Yorkshire White Boar or old be sevell calves; eighteen Owes; 9 e�re -eA b t at (all not One ram, two eani olid; oti ealed? E% tbc)u-h it to Wili b a limil ed number of sows w
philanthropic. be ears ill be d' or & parke's C.1 41 VETEBUNARY.1 lilitted� Term8 75 centE per sow, with the 31cGre �arbbliecc %"ill t'ld I a �e tiure —A -Shice-re re -ret is felt at the death of Be T_ one M�aper; YM the shadoly of a doubt is the best lical- egre of returnin r if p4yvble at time one horse- one land jran.r
James Bethune, Q. C., which 066 rred Ing c of9ervec. GE0.-WIlEt1.TLEY 886x4 0 pound e e r known. Bo esterijigs,fr) 1EAFORTH HORSE INFIPIA' -Cornor ol plow ; two OL ii -011 1)4hN f
I All Y. at his resid bites, b rnsZ an4 skin" -e alike cur tro ed Jarvis a nd Goderich Strects ne A door to th( )I a wooden one elice.in Toronto on - Thul!'sdy MI * . I �6d seed � 41rill; tisden 6Z R. ret,I) by it Sold -,It LiAi It's dru Church, Senfort nt. igs, one Beirk- one two iron 1 two American -night of last week. 1 In politics, 851" Store. h, All I dis. AE.E YOUR' CHOICE. -Two
.52m. ases ses, Cattle, Sheep, Or any of tho do. Tshire aijdo�uc Suffo k, will J 11CA M PIBELL & B RtGHTS kept -for set-- chilled plows: oe iron beall, ploir, One straw
R ess, in - society liq honorable i ti nesticated , ninials, successful] treated atAhc vice dilring the season 15y the under- i olieturnipeutter, one,erass seed q;mver- gentleman, kind atia unassuming, alld it 'tifirillaty, o - elsewhere, on the s1mitest notice, signed i at 111WO-ville- Tn"lis: Be'st ot fkNo lumber wagons, one ii)ew; olle o �e servi wil at-- s moo rate. J A31 ES W E DER 1'4tor- cents at the tinip of cc, Nvith the of CL9THhVG HOUSE,, SEA -FORT -Il. ton bun -v, olle eutter; three pair ot bob- rcturjii�ig if neeessar�j% JOHN P. MARSHALL. sleighs, &esulky; onem-licelbarrow; onle The best- blood cleanser ki to medic 11 nary urcro It. 1. S. -A lal ctqrin� .c was a thoroucrh Ca- ry odicit -s 6pt colj,itantl�- 0 1 h, nd 887-8 has m ade. t k of I be dithcult to fill the gap his deah scieliice, is Burdo�& Bloclot Bi. tr It IIatforin sc�.les, '(900); -g
of ph oile 10 fruek; adian, born, educted, and honored in the Illo 10 I=-- -_ od of ll IOU] huniors I at d gives strenL grindr; two two and NP B'BRI SHIRE.--Tw0 8, on a a nu of rakes, forks his Own han d, and whetherin the politi- iliber" coolig .1 I SU OLK Al Pig : j DENTISTRI 81 ffolk andithe otb Dr Berkshire, are kept cal aeria, or before the tribl,nls of Can- -is always N�o arr . ft i33 for �q! ice at Rinnie's 8 %,%v Mills, Lot 12, Con- )Ieck,.�okes ;'four set of wbif-fletrees; hv 0 and, his course Wc cession -ac, three waodraks; two itone boat,;t� �hro
tile pri r ada, or En,,l 8, Township of Terms: 3., with IF' e�h S it in bpsj, Pant'ings an sucli as ta- attest the integrity of ther No h' ilege of i!eturriing if necessary. --SA31UEL d- Overcoatin"Crs boxes; one wter tank i i4t in
anneawcome from usij I lagyard's P C D. S., and M. R., C. A * b 0 NN. 887 letr -, olic watel anadiaa character. toml Balsani; its a reniedy for thr RA E. tnk, eiht f �et in ai2lte,ter - 0 oat, b nehitil Toronto. -A�,_ I ol-fertons and lung complai it,s it is three pork barrels; two set double harnesti, 'Me t -for . �1 -anteed. ii"Ilheti6- of a]. EDETtS.4-Thc iinders gDed wUl I N I -A schenle is said to be on foo- always reli'arble and guai 0 1 fG BRE i R4 IN E N S E VAR I ET yin set harness; one -set plou,-hbarjIeqs;' viglitt 857.512w. k, �p at his residi�n Hilts Green, during al) purchasin, grain in the Northwest. positively safe T O �3)
0 - - (? 0<1 collars: one buffalo robe ost ne
oGold Filling and Py-fect Fiti ing the pre lent season, tj n I known Berkshire xv, one
p]latcs Tom it patients,will please r atje,,! el pair new hor.sO bla one r A4itchell of iNlontreal. has n4ets; Olie rifie,
Forces Stre a�e eng-age Pig, re(ently owned by efield, 11 hened. alld a lot ofther-2;rticles- been The . It. J Turner, Bruc comanssioii�,�d b eapitalists.tc; pur- Month a day or two previous to I avi 11jg the opu and bred by $lie I Brothprs, Edmonton. ' He s I ral tjvc�y be sold as, the prolf-rj,Aor ilOn performe(j. jVg' ItilineniN r I he� place, I I chase 1,11 the I -No. I and 2 hard Fyfe , The vital, forces Prestrefigthen dandthoentir� I �ioni iniported stock on both sides, and is one of � Bur( it)) 113 rly occupied C t6,forget it. wheat he-cn get. the best bred pi if] f4le (�Oullty., Ternls-kl per "Wellead iii the Fine Trile, and we beg our custoiners not has rentecl his farm. Lneb will bc t!erve(t dur- system renovated and built lock plboa t �e roonis fo rju e b, .It* is the intention Bitter It.a -s in ( ng the afternoon. Terins.-All of and. ofis on the b6wels, ady's Block, oppos] te iho Colliner' so -*v, with the pr vilere of; returning if nevessari. under casb over that anionut 32 inontlis' J,redit; to have th�e grain stored at Fort William, blood..' 857.52.2w. di I Hotel, S!aforth. 'i 11, I 15. SN CIIARI ES T 'Ut. 887-8* 1 and see 4ir large and fre-,3111 -stock of READY-NIADE OVERCOA'TS, the J)est b' oil furpishing -en for tlie winter, omd distribute from that e �6nYcll &I notes rill be Aiscount of 6 per cent. PUNA in- the FprllIg to QhiebeG Or Mon- Wife! What's the nv�tter now John ? ID r for cash oil credit uounis. jO14N-jIOG(1* PI. Husband -Oh that heuralgi ft;ad toothach al for transhipilleilt to G' e prictor; P. BRINE, Auctioneer- value inlWesterii Ontario. �,adies, we call your attention to our lar Arec reat Britain. U E N T I 6 T FARN t ILL PAY YOU near kills in If the venture provus a success the same Wife-Vi'lly don't you go to illisden & II'll ULSTER CLOTHS, nd to the beautiful fits oui AIR. BRIG'HT call LEARING AT SALt OF P� A P, AT I a P,Wulty old 'Nfedllist. n, d Coll( (f _T§ CALL kT TIIE— syl ate will increase their pnrchases son's dru- store airl ;, I u, 0 e b ttl I Fuid ljigl� f C TOCK ke. - .1. ip. Brine. bus be- next yer. A -1r. 'in an fi,:Iter- ning? Von know it cure all stwil things G'old 'Medallist, structed by Mr. Win. to sell by lhiblic rroll O chool Fur Cap; 3 and Gei: ts' F 111-1lislAIl as without end. Call and see. irall ia U5 HU30 -view with t1jie directors of the toothache,, nev S0176 F0UNDRY, Auction on Lot 12, Concession 4, IL R. 3_ Tuck- throat,etc. Itgivasinsalit7eUl 51.52in. of ersinith onVVednesday, Jan Unian aid he: W* 111171, 114 JS85 t; I ouldL buy direct from the -NEAR THE— lock 'P. Nl.j sha, rp, the farmers, so that the com m1s.sian to -the property: t mire, -S I_G 1i TI'll WM.-CAMPIPELL.. O'( W 'B R t
ETH A *PjPCIALTY The union 'W0n1tX-,s Suffering i Relief HIGP SC HOO -SEAFORTH, 1yeal's 61d; one heavy draugbt brood 4 'TH EASILY -AN�D C 11EFULLY .has at least a iiDaillioi buciliels rea(ly to Those laguid, TEE 11 by OldWellingtol anol ill f4i Ons, ,, - I to Causing EXTRACTED. Ai d see oui -stock of you to feel scrcel able o be o �,our fe6t; that North Star--, om general 9k 11111r, one egeneral purpo e, 4 e consta that is one -I%vo or three y nit drin tkim, froi I your System 422� CH. A N� G FE S MODERATE, -it-1 I -conling two, ired b ears go a large all its former ol"til"ity?L di:R-ing thi blooznfron� Ippoed to be iii calf to i quantity of rare and valuable fossils -were y0ttr checks i that continual And I upon yolh IP T 1-0 —VF S IN E W,, L L I IN G FIRM I N SEAFORTH i CONX,Ssl fou-nd in the Portland quarries. It was vital forces, rende I I ' bull; three stetirs and 2 1witers ooilling e and frietti'll, I 1wo; ring you irri; B. -As I have bought out --he business of I of th I three -'can easily. be removed by the I se at Illar bl� i late Mr. 11, Which b ave been made especially for this c lity.6 yearlbigs; five Leicester jpwwc�, a cl,eterniiiie(Itosen,c'Ltl,ieintoYa,le(,'o,llege -velousrelnedy, flop Bittq-t. I-rqularitids all( uggin, I will complete all I have g -eat]j,improved ny Gant- Plow forthis Lideebter nd a. lot of pou�ttv_ for preservtion in its ir.tiseum, and they bbstructions ;f ypil' ns bqgtin b 5, him �atisf4ctorily to each patient. SCS011 Ild i�el s itisfied it k saying that it is the Illipber syslein, are r al eved at one,, bebtinticniairk(t. Our ir of bol)--.-;Iei were loaded on a car for that purpose. t while the Special cause of period c il pains is porl cc over, rohnson's Hardware Store, 3foyer's THE 8EAFOR.Tt ROLLIET1 MILLS i ream I et haniess, I set -Al)-gle UnforUmateljr,L the car aS temporarily- marientlyremoved. Nonerecei-rqwnitichliene- harress 1 reapint, 1��k-, Main -tr'ect, eaforth. LA 14 ROLLERS fit, and none are. so profoundlif ,rateful, and Dvw; switched off -d where a filie show such an i0terest in Irec6iiniendintr Hop. bridge being built across Bitt Dairymen' Associat on 4) roller., 2 general Ors'as woni kro and he -y- rim ling light and doing LATE THE RED MILL. estern ra-mitigton R.i, r., A zealous foe- good %voik. Our the Far re Ontario. I �ugr kettle, I grind stone, I long indd I., whcelbarro-w I stone boat, iset iron bari-01.1. Ii the of fossils, jump A P*( -,s �al Card liory. rl to Ann Convention of ihe Dair, SHERS GRAI C Pr_.. ed to the'conclusion that it was material I wit aff"eate,4 with Ai s� set wooden h r 's I pilliling h ce) and iteel,
dloyalid 4rinary QCiati011 Of Western Ontario, will beheldat a lotf by in the barn hiffictrees th lCown Hal in Stratford, or) lie 14th, I.Ah Are mad fitorn 1-1 Lrd Iron, and will last longer MeBiRRIDE & Ismi- frOn Strathroy for the bridge, and used the wh, ole s Trotrble-o au d iftli of next. Arr ngements have t -e- The 'For twelve years!" hall any other In Lchine wade. Having special fi, lling, on th e top of the bridg, 3 and a'3ot of -other articles The vliole After trying All the doctors and mtent iiiedi- bean made with.the'Grand Trumi 11ailway for t6ols for recutti i,r Rollers, we can guarantee nany loads * will ljo.�jively be sold witholit s." tbe Ifossils were covered with n of chies I could har of, I u th,,.usual redt ation of fares oil preswitation of satis ed two es of faction. Sp -cial attention givei to 1 e- Having lought tll( above illilIg, and bas sold his farm. Terins trap -rock -;ECnd ifiasonry, and thIlS -the Hop Bitters; th� certificate of membership re�i �
call be obtainc d froin the pre .1 quired, which pairing Stellin I riginesi aw and Grist Mills, tted them throvghout -with all the ltest ,er thn�i C I- -q and u - cull o% t iinotuit 12 find of fo.ss'ls has been lost to i d. I qe qi it ft, L. R. Rich- Mower -es ing 1laebines, and i of ndei 7
e tl�il
)f t I' d e c1tor ib b 111116
y ood vi
t 4
1 --Ni a * il b t
And I am perfe t y cu. vcapers Rowel Thi b ji,nd best na0ehiiier that could be procu�ed for a bi*y repair . p,rovLd emlorsed A of per ld, to fai-iii part, of the fo d; 1-1. S. Lossec, Norwich; or, [roin theSecre- and at reasonaple ates. the sGientific wo k1l th time! arlson, Strathroy; Thoillas Bantpie, trat- all kinds' of machi ipt ed oil short notice, Respectfuliv. so'lidland bri(Icre. ta S,, in'Ingertoll. 'Lly order- e cent. ill be llowed for cayb oil vrodit anio .0 F. Booth. TION Ro ER) Proprietor; P. BRIINFl, -Ameeting of the Executive Com- Saulsbitry, Tenn., 4, 1883. 0.*E. C ADWICK, 4sc I�gers6l 1, D4 i6. 15, 1884. n�iittee o the Dann inion Alliaxice -was �retary's Of Icc, Scercta,v. . To Contrictors and'Others. held in Toanto Bradlord, Pit 8, 1875. 889-4 And the tesult atthied is, they li,%v.e'o I e of the bes; inills in the on Tuesday. Arrange- Bridge Bolts a4d Ca4tihtra at lowest rates. Farmers �an now gat all their GRISTIG and CHO ?TING done in Sea;forth, Grand Trunk Rai�kaV. ments were camuleted for the annual It has cured me of kevera such as Cluotatiol S furni-fied on —Ifficatian .1 11 11 F� 4.1 4.1, 4-1ach monthly cl�u ave oie v i ein ie same fl�_Y, and oatistapion urai eect. Trainslae eaforth.
convention to be held, in Toronto on nervol'sness, sickness al; thestmi A -j _Z31 - XN . T -i I W 19 ZV-Alse At,ont jfOLr the lipplenients of L. A and Clint n troubles, etc. I have il�t See V� follows n Sick day in a, —OF— Saw January 20th, 21st, wid'22tid. There is year, since I took Hopi er, Hanultoni full line of repairs con- ,Bitters All my neigh- stantly ovi hand. SEAFORT11 0.1 to tbel a reception to the deegates �'bors Use Mmi, ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. .... .... alt a' s-anper to lie h eld on the Mn ie Green. P. M THQMAS HENDRY. 30 S1101 ixed Train.. M filrst(evenin( and o -a the follo 9 STRO�iG, Sea-Loortli, Agent. EAST— $3,000 Lost .evening several professional gentle- .... .... .... I 7.45 A. V. A tour to I less mm have agreed to oen - the -dis- 7i,urope that cost llic'� ,000 done me GRUT REDUCTION IN. PASS GE. JLATES, FARMERS SWUNG. HOUSE111 sale I y the toil or in quantities _�F OR CASM. Cazh for any quantity o Express ...... .. I,. �Al. 1,� NT less good that one botie of 1-1 ill Bitters; they I I —_ - Mixd Train.. 4.4i) r. -Ni. 4.'j0 m Wheit. cu*ssions, taken up at the different sub- also cured my wife of fiftq,ep ear; hervoilsweak- seGtioij.q. The cominitee thell took up ness, sleeplessness and d C, abi n rates f H h f�x' t liool nol Lou. 1_j(D i epsia 7�, o Live -pool & cool I M'CBRIDE SMITH. 'Lon -don, Huron and lBruce, d6pderry 50 ingy t A Y. .6!11a the of the petition now in circu.- nd accord position of itxter�olli- Cqild ren under 12 talf faic; lation prayin for qert%in mendments Under 1, free. 8 BAWERG & BROKERS, 4-valits in Cabin �50. 45 -A. !,i� 4.50 mediate 35- age ,A3 MITH will pei:§011ally superiitelid the South Bloomini ville, It THOMA$ I Londori,depart.% 7. to the Scott Act, and .itas unanimous- Fron i Livarpool I Seaforth 11olier I and I Londojia�W� t- e 8.91 T1 4 . - $-157 6.10 ly r"olved to get up at once counter Sirs -I liuve been suff ering' e OR OT. f)_W, b. -24 9_57 3 tried your Rop Bitters, 4.60; Interni di % 'S Pe one ine more 5;' . teer re Re7 titions, praying that the Scott Act be good than all the doctors; turril Tici-ets fmin Halifax to Rippe donclerry oi, Li%,6eipool and I ael toi..Halifax: in,A00 110t, and also skin g for a tot,%l Byooks. Office—Fixist dor NORTH Clinton.. 9.45 7.0. 4126 prohibitory wand:.$143; Inte,ni diae, ,�70; Ist e, '2(3 of C)oiamerdial. �otel. ondesboro i Daby Savedl. 10-07 7.27 12.1t; Tri4ls of a P00�1 Scotch Laddie! Money Loaz ed and Real Es ate' bought Notes discounted, and OL-.,nerdt- busi- :EIoW He Gbt His Revenge. We are "so thankful, to say tlft our nursing 7.46 12AS baby was liernianently cured of a d it igerous and, Wb7)g�ani, arrive 30.35 7.55 1416 and ij SorTjj-- - E xpress. Mail.' Did C' a id &old ad UBua . ness done. At Lausue, gentleman of quiet protracted consti.pa -ri gl ijity of the! i Remitte nee to ai�d colic Al ons md�� in Mani- Wingbain, depart 7�48 A. 31. 3.03 01.!,j. 10.2t) k..*A habits, -"�ho likes to be in be and is bowels by the use of, op Bitter I by its mother I S U R AN 0 E. I j ........ 18.00 .17 : 11.21
which at the same til ne restore I hi �r to perfect! before TO t -t niglit occupled in apart I ri epresent s veral toba, I '30 A strength. 8. 15 .. 11A*_ health ar of the. best Insurance Com�- I one in which the piano was bo 3.38 12.N1 djoil I Our bero rn. i-i'l. Edinburgh in Ilie year 1825, and his father, who w,js 1, )d�. j- * ' " * ' ment lin panies in.thcwDrld. -The Parents, Roth L ;01., Ix. Y. Busines, done thiou,gh 3aiik of Morlitreal. I 00'Offilde-Market Street Seaflor;b. ill some W comiec;ed in Her I Clinton .. .. .... 12A� 14 -was. incessantly being paVed. He ' ex- �Iajesty`s Nav-y, died, l(mving hiiij with no earthly postulated, rgited, a d friCnd a1011e in the �,Tet metropolis of cotland, a ��arefooteA po�nniless oy o.o.,-) 4.19 1.11 R plea(led his ga'-None genuine i6thout a xin, A. STRUNG A limitei anioun- of mo ie,T received On deposit.- b ,h of g his S.1,T1 Hops on the white label.' Shlin 1611 the ile,! othing daunted, lip, still prese -ve a kind father's a -ice to be h caluse, but in vain. Every evein .U. 4.2,f 1.2T
n9.1s 4�32 1.3,; poisonous oncyt3loarincri real slate at best rates- lbersL were broken, every morning be stuff with lop "'or in eir dustrious, and through time, and during nightS Exeter .......... D. 35 d.43 2.3, shin reading signs on shop doors naine. 864.529m. f newspapers -pick awoke with- a.. headach�e, -but the relent- from pieces 0 dup aniongst his acquaintance, lie acquired a less piatto player disregarded his appeal ---a BRUSSE S LIME ORKS! S. C. WCAUCHEY, W LOCAN. taste for study, nd, as he , as dependent upon b is own resources he had- to A D ealer, % e tba,t she Should stisy herlove for �T accept woj -k in a liv ary stable, �;Ut being saving, in a fe iv yeai a was able'to p Wellington, Grey and! Bruce. Hon. W. P. B 0 N 8 0 N P. 3lec a114 -he will atte�d to Con. evelidge, Andover, NAS OILT11— says he chase a ,art nd horse. This w M" Us c in t1le day time, and close her in- has tried and sold all k: ndS of I iLjU ii, m ts, but D vcyance in all its In-mlelks, landintr 'money on as Ids first step to fojtjjn�. He am sed in a Ethel_ � .......... t strume L n two� Ilours before Illid1light. 6n. r. 1 fT111E subscril rs take t is 01.)pg-tunity of r�- few years a consider le Dow's Sturgeon Oil bd, t3thern all. He su.11104 money, with which lie emigrated to ................ 2.41 JL turning th ks to the 1phabitai ts of Briis2 real estate -buying pol se'ling fari re in his pr of says he has never fo Ind onel .118, houses, &c. but expo vious vo=tion as cb driver, brought on an affc ctio 131nevale .... .... ...... 2.55 3 0.�019 certain occason, how�ver, more irrita- go xI for what and vicinit.N fol ast patronage, ane beg to stat I I I ____ Wffig-I)am .......... ... ted than usual-, the L sttfferer determined� it -is recommended, viz Rheumilt sin Lumb,ago, tha having ina, several improven ents in their the lungs, baft., i t te best med ical aid b in' the Ot I Country and veng�_ A few friends had 8 His spirit were ( ro ping, and As wealt. x, w -as begginn g to dwindle Avc,,, i. % and alt cin 9 of,pa-ins kil andniode of burning, they,,ire 'low in i 'APP E 03i i P E NI"bighain ............ *_ 6. 5 0 A. -14'. LN Sciatica Sillmins, Bruis. d alt cin , GOING SOUT11— to take his re, and aches that are b -meheially iii icn9ed- by PIL lown by bet Or position ban ever before t) LSUpply tho ex -pen s e�s i travelliu g f roni pla( e to place- af ter the bes medical aid.. Ad ter Bluev-de.... 30 L 11-:30 ell inN-ited by his rausical neigWr— external application. "93.52w., 4 be L I Pu icwithfirsi-iblasslijue. asant evening was, in short .0 llhausting oney on iriedicines he was in c..espair, when I old friend advised him ... ........... 7.15 11. quite a pe, is bein- tf e tenth season of oil]- buisines,� ....... ... 1 7.27 12.0.5 11 t a m-ong th, � greatest, nedical discov aings to to ,)Iarined. 'The gentlenix., Prominen in r DO] LDI Canada, and tiry 0. Duncn's Cough Syrop, which is a sure cu. h 1.... i n who luiew 0 H JAUR E S re for eries, by the mqny c ires it has elfected, Me 8 Afacti6n so f tr, the jiubile" CO.? NOTY' ingTrain going can ore Throat, Hoarseness, 31orm that this meant a most unpleasan one 0 rely oil receiv Colto;, Coughs, 8 I Gregor's Speedy 66re eads the va ubjected ing good treatir ent and a Bronchitis and Croup. He did as -a( - the Eveiiin Train gobi North run �n tShas article fron) 79 Q11 e6 t. Lon on E.C., Eng., vised, was cured, and is 1lO-%v happy andprosperous. 19114 is life, and if anY One Tlmrsd4ay alld Saturday Only. for himself, hired the services of a to the minutest chenlical analvii us. j been thus afflict ed' values life, procui e�the bcsl Cough yrup.; viz.-. C. Dillican's, - at the al as ingredi- I drumn-iier,L P 'd him. well, supplied bim, foudd to contain none c f those inj I First -clam Li c at 14 mnts at the kiln and I$ ILL e glad espond m ith A le Medical H&II. ^A with wine, and instructed him to dritul ents chameterizing the worthless cents delivered. We also buri-raNe. I Little fo Do GAMPBELL I S cifics daily I tb,-,,a .. r � G rers, M( tnd Sbippen cry In -red ei it possesses W A9 offered to the public. Ev enn, away as Ion(, as the plan-- played. ew to At timin all, business. They will rice
0 wag Ue vari s cypplaints culen spo 's P�OVUVCIAL LAND SURVEYOR and i'ivil a peculiar adaptability �o P"R lbat tile !Bius els Lh ie Works. ilso give t ie usual J o custom ,rs requir- It was now the turn of the lady to- ex for which it -has been coill- i I Orders by. mail proillpt'� ot- po.un(. eo, -,nd its effi- 859 ITOWN & it,, advan(es. 869-39 tell ON 40 ;C. PUNCA Drl�gg�Stjl M �St., Seafoirth. dtd to. D� S. C.�_IIBELL, Mitchell. I