HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-01-02, Page 47 14 JANUARY 4 1TH E HUJ�ON ]EXP0911TOR. ent death could be discovered and a verdi4 inion Governm E,- BUTTERICK & co.9,S therefore, that %he Farmers' Institut6s !now frequently, recqive1q suppliw fron 1 Fisher goes tp.,Denver in a hort me to by thepupils. The mQst - ijiteresting portion the Dom "died from natural cred
Reliable. I�Aperatterna for all kind 'the villages along thb otti ern baril of tlif I- see how he wiguld ke it Ill part of this programme V -ep
8 of ill be alike successful, and they will it was th� plesen a epi d to leave the town, but- Sir Was rend
of a handsome Leonard ses. it is iaid, however, that young The Nile. - He li4 making'his Own powd -,r, all(' 'one of r ri� C ation to the teacher 11illey objects. cau
e DI(Jest esi.dents i t �i,nton, t, Ivales L�,s to I)
Nfisseal, Boys' and Children's be if those in, hose interests they are toie left for the Sta s immediately 9
the chanc,bs of his hold ig out nil I L -d h a en 'pa, busi- writing desk, &-volume of Spurgeon's Ma*o�r McMillan, of Wallaceburg, 'Middl
-of the BI&08,, designe'd will give to them the attention allied ho, has ed to Ingers Garments, for sae by RoFKAX or� &n mtj -eve y g and &tinicipal af - sermons and other articles accomp W6Iselqy!rea,che:s him -all r d. ness rc i se OCI AV lately retir oil, was: his father's death.,
Seaforth. —The Pari
they' deserve. FAILIN Hu-ALTH.—General. G alit h fairs, an -v e are sure the people of Clin- by a highly complimentary address. taken greatly by surprise on Christmas —The istowel Banner -was pl,easeJ -ship over C1
very p6or fami feel ton will be sorry to see hii� move away. —Miss Trainor,who bas been a teacher morning by a large number of his chill last week tohave a call from Mr. - F;�
in health,.And hio famil -ADVERTISEMENTS. -a i the em ploy of I s N E W ;idehildren and gret-grand- Sinlinorls,lately in IN es rs*
much nx iety itegrardin gy hiq condititlin. —On SE burday before ;.last r. If. in Goderiell public schools for over six dren, gi A Serioul' Charge. ecanw , 0 t -e
3 1i ion, cliildi;eiig�itliej-iiigboii-i�e, he having no a LAW BkEAKE'"".. —Olile luindred � saloon Collier of Clinton., - drove' bi am of teen years, has 'resigned her posit Hess Bro, , nd ho b v lun er AW The figure- between the parenthesis after r4
The Toronto �Globe'of Wednesdayl keepers sted oii Sunday in ponies, wit a load Df 1,200 P ilia s bev and will shortly remove to Ch ,ta,go, to knowledge(of such going to happen till in the, Lord's army, but aftek a servico
each lie. denotes the page of the paper on which ere a�rre i latel-.r nuriperne law. hind ther, -t iur to live- lyith the other members of her they, begran to ppe ha retired frorn th. I�gillt oi Ai 0 the advertisement v�ffl.be found. last makes the following � an New. Yo c for violating the Sunday oiAi the vil r by sleighs and of a, few Months I
at, A NE I gainst the Great December Sale;�_Dtincxn & Duncan. (6) ToNvpR oFBAbEtl.—On of the Clinton a ti'stance Of sev�nty-on -, and- famiV . TheStar says : She is deserv- train coming from. Springfield, Cramp- ranks and is now pursuing his studies 11
It . -in its editorial columns. y Giving The announce- for t e faith - ton. Stritl "agle and Wallaceburg, throin g, ridi�
U- p Business---Thoinas Coven -try. (1) featitres c f the Paris. Ex hibition o -.half in es, In t lVelve aiad a q tater in of the highest praise 4,0y, 14, Woodstock Baptist College, 'with t 0110 ment syeak-§ for itself dres nol. will betbe:gr wer Thi h ours,stx 1pl,.n g twoli ours oiit of tb time f u1ness and efficiency of her sevices as er the Paren- object of qugifying himelf for the m-- -es. Suffblk Pig-Georg,e Plei and roir until 48 were gathered und Property, for Sale -George IW6. (6) corn to be prelself
ment. It says to feed. 1: there, is'l a span of poni6s can a iteacher, and her kindly i ssistnce tal roof.' After hearty greetings and- istry. Estray Sheep -John Watt.. (5) structure'vlitill,he 1,000 feet hi li, taper 9 Library t
Auctioneer Wanted n startled ing from width of �OOF feet at th base, beat thw;,b would )ike to icar of All -i. to any public entertaii'me it when Coll 'Aulations by all present tile day E.xrositrolt office. (a) en —An old mail named John Miller died The -public mind will beaga,� throng).
was passed in chatting o en es To, Pig Breeders-iosoph Hudson. (5) b lation that ;'comes fro to 30. feet at the suiwnil. —The niction in the case of Hayes vs. called oil, give.3 lier a furth w claim a couple of weeks ago, at the reiden Annual Reeting-Gordprt McAdam.. (5) and speeches, Y- ork, Notice -AH Qneee of for S.NOW I11 OREGON. e snows M In Armstroig) fon� reversal of the decision to the warmest remembrance of our gone by, iliging, feasti'.. .
an Do.iiglas. (5) a single corruption fund -an, —A peri -pa,
of Mr. John Louglu vTallace.. He Pup Lost -George Ewing. the Do million elections of 1882 amount. Oregon th is week hat 3 be en tb e h; -laviest of Mr. JuVOce Wil on at the -w*are that 1111,
a citizens. and the night was far s ent when this
was one of the first settlrs in that town Great Bargaina-�offman Brothers. (a) ol� in T "r to )efore —A oorrespon (lent of the Clinton New iappy reunion was pa - y broken by
ollars. e I
ingto one hundred th6usand d' ver kno' ii il that The s aow is assizes, wa;g argue 0011 Seaforth Boot Store�W. Kempthorne, ship, but for the past few years has led st s ine g 0 Lson. In retaiation fdr tb.6 perseclit five feet �i dep oil the leval. The eaher the Divisional Court arid Judr-lient Er On Tuesday la onicb-avipato letve for their h9mes. Salt Works for Sal". T. Jacl tion th t the regular life of a tramp. Before lie V own house Atni
is too cold for:,.a tha I last week dilkilissinir the work. was done oil the farm Mr. R. pleasant'feattirelof the occasion was" .0 11 was gi d, own Notice-Thoms. McLauchlin. (5), certain independent French' newspapers a, lie , told Mrs. Loughran to avy tion. -%I -bundle after his death4 Wlton Cheese Factory -Jonathan Moore. (5) he C�Iebra,tion of a -wedding of a grand bjected - to F LOODS. —Ife, ins have oc6urred mo 61 i 'costs, Chief Jaistice Came- Roberton, 13th concession of Hifflett, are su at the d' of Sir I aihis saixt:
WI este 'lio-veN er; disagr Bstras� Calves -Duncan McKinnon. (6�- - I Illi- ron eein' witl� the in'the killingand (Ire f some Pigs Idaughter. 1 a r 11 8t�tes. in and she would find somethii-i to re", 32ftembers of"
Recto Langevin and his ofs, a ti,E�_ in the ox th I W. mendous accu nois lid Irkan4las tho-usnds of actes of other Leave was given b the There were present J2no Govier, her for her trolible. So the tundle "Was s,ation has be hur;ed at y I , ilerished who,
4n I
bottom I Ure ui der- water. Great - court- to ap] eal. Jos. Govier and Will. Rober- T]4e Nominations. ds the Doutinion Governm ut by Le Cana opened as dsi y a few five —Altli ouk ling is ito I red, but onl
�h Air. Herbison, of .(Joder- ton, and in three hours tbes din, of Quebec. It is istilictly satil d daniage lias been- (.one o fenc6s and areThe foll a list of - the nomina- ent pieces and a .Aring of buttons twere use d the 'been swept and has not been denie 1. that Laugev n. bridges, a ad gpain li t il,way, ich to-%viisbil), only raii his oreamery this killed� nd dressed fourteen large hogs. tions in his otounty, so far -1118 heard found.. heyear, for 4 comparatively, short tillic, Mr. Patterson did the sticking, 1 �rorn that .,re not referred to in our local PI., fui(l John and his friends accept (I one, hundr(d an d Tive a ck �perish d The fai: i con.- _0 I L 1011(lay of SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Jan. 2, 1.8�5. last week'.Kr. James thdt a Wall 41
thousand dollars 'from �_Mr. 86-necal -o tinues audlthe'wateT is' still rising. and uuder'grePt disadvantges, lie is Goviersuperintended the dressing, and Hackney, of the Thaines Road, S&ma
carry the elections Of '1112 11 This W, A Cl6im �Tij)'PRIEs'T.—Jallies F. Me- well Pleased with the reskilt of is ex:. there is not man in W-6tern Ontario James Drewe and delivered to Jame -s E-yle Stratford 1 .4 azo for knock'
Coilucillo splendid heavy draught horse, fiv� P'Zild I
ees. eir bl'b4 Namee, oi e i -Rom iment, and goes to wor oi , arger e same its, �Ieo. Backer, I Lawyers' IF -1-Y hill I an Catholic priest, pei I who can do this better than tb
one of th n 'this Pr ilL ce alon,e. � if it wer necessary but more 1, k ftown as " Bl*.sliop " scale ne,t year. He soldnone of his John Govier. hn ANYynn, AN'. Wilson,`IV� F. Van- e practicaly, no V 0 ;ea-rs old, weighing 1,645 pounds. Tbd, —An aerolk.
I - Us to do so, we could tell -%%,here' that A-1the In epeilident Reformed Catholic butter W.Wer than 231 cer ts, nd some —The nnual meeting of the Londes-. �tone, ThoinAs.Pierce,� Peter cott, W. fAl .
limit -to the fees whiah lawyers are per- PrIce was $240. Mr. Hackney has still 3
M Oney canie froin and how- the colliltry Ji'Ureb of 3robklyn, was baptisect Sun- as high as 25 cLts a.potnid,and to botlo Butter and. Clicese vInufacturing Kerr, aii(I Robt.Graham. s had to recoup it si - nce. We defy lbership M, this ninial's mate, weighing 1,590 1 -6th. nu- itted to charg,e their iIfthere hat lay and. a nliAed to inpi in the increase Iiis ficilitigs intend's putting in Company was held oin December 16t-li- CLINNTO_N.—� -itybr, D.. Forrester, Dr. pounds, besides many fine younger ones.' -a huge ball of J
be a -very -,wide one' indeed. Sir Hector to deny this- charge 110 en -al Ba?AFA chur ff. Mr. McNamee a steam an ine for the coml g season. The following were elected directors for illiills, allies Thom�son and W. C.. 9 -i r as I 0 . I - 1. �, Ir. Hackney has long beei ecrarde( try
brincr an action for libel ginst s a fine c ratbr and, -a mail of I much —The hot se warming at Beirnes' new 1885:. It. H. Knox, Jas. Gunningli,aine, Carle Reeve A. MON"Itirchie, and- W. .!one of the 111.0"st coni -ent jli-as and, rillimicy, ut at W Iton, last F occupation the nust ll et ful. competitors in the. hrsel In every Other calling Or pet G'lolbe ;. but tben-' he -i ot has Illiany times figured 'hotel day' was a Geo. Watt, IV. Cuniiingliam aii(T Alex. 86rle; Deputy: -Reeve; W. Coates, �success scale of chrges for services rendered drop, -like the Section B' n tl e ne v tsp pers in sensational dis- large a Dancing .4 kept up Watt, sr. Owing to the inclemency of W. Cooper, nd W. C.. i'8earle. oorruptionists.1 show ring in this section, which re- is Um ted, a -ad regulated, either by law putes. almost 1111in erruptedl' all Music the weather it was deemed advisable to 1 E xETJ,;R. y -L - H. lla!rdy, Iteeve - W. i .9 putation he seems deteri-nined to main- E.N,GLAN1 "S (IREAT Si AN. —Mon- was' supiliel by Messrs. Latimer, and postpone the meeting of patrons'lintil I Bisbett, Deputy -Reeve ; D. Johns A. or campetitio, hut -in the triatter eerr s taill. to tile 4;_
of GE -.s tRL WOLSELEY's expedition i lay the % h Deceniler, was the seventy- Alex. Wlso. A ed stipper was January Stli, at 1.30 p. in., During the Dyer, 'ald W. Hoskins, Councillors. it 1. t Ilio: ing i ell, .1 fees. the only limit seem, s to be to tended by -:
be much areater'dilOicti birth of th Right Hon. Mr. served at lit Th( : house i s. season of 1884 the company �inufaetured rie ,44�tc..ott Act party nominated- W. H. i -
ip, xladstone� sion w ble nd col*6nicnt one 32,809 Verity, Reeve - C. Perkill's, Deputy- theconscience of the lawyer or -the a e ocet asp celebrat- very' cot ifoi fa Ths. butter, realizing therefor ties were a first:antic ated 1% i i 7 ? li g eA festivity it Hawarden. and fitteld P with allth,enic, rn $6,795.29. The easlil, beingso'-dry the �,e -ities IL eve; JaIr. Pickard,, J. Ranton, and are two E I 11, autboi i/
ty of the client to, pay. As a' result Of the ts recently received fron�. bimi de iiii J31 is ay Ylee 1(ys eached Gla dtory was clos aBi� set farm ust out froni cand-i-es, eoloro
Birtli d, dsto,ne prov ioni. r s '�f the ladies —The Gofrie Enterprise says: Atthe (,oDERicir.-1Vayor, -H. Horton ta 's ed � �J)tembhr l3th. t, sr., Co-Lificillors. laboibrs j E
this, latitadille, the most exorbitant charges are less 110 than forrrierly.' Om all Ari of the Empire. The t f.
The Following is a lis
We the rue rather tha the excep- ying at D. Dobson , both wailting. by poi�SOVILOVS gratu- 0 have Division Court last Tuesday several Reeve, Fred. NV� -Johnston; AT. G. Cam- P 0 Itum
He has been 0 7141e to �,�rinc e of s sent cordial con of the township of Usbornelwb with Canadian far
arcity of tion. _fhere certainly is no se. Libelbodies presented right to vote at the fortlic ' ing mill'i- dozen electors had an opportani by -Reeve, )y -r t route.considerably which will ity to �ron, Depu I acclamation. at:
e4y, the )oth being good representatives of 0, triver, aftL' ret
wi addresses cipal election: wi
Will, mail wi if competition. had. any re, Tbos. B. Sauri- the Mary Auji Liddi ott, form their opinion oil tb�� new court- WIZO s, all lamTers, and X1, d LOE� are youngnd single arlt& I . , relief of Gordon for at least two Months . I efte Of i cc litinil d Onfideace and profound Elizabeth emabon, Tvfqrion Bell, house question. About 200 people were cowel as ini —A cler�er fr
ers Ilors, Thom Hemphill, ct thak, charges should be at least ell recon ; ended. 6f the7 exPedi-- admi The ne wipapers - without Mpria C tse, Catherine D ugall, I Ann packed in a rooiq capable, of -holding .[allies Pai4iil, Jaines Ireland, John J)a- covered at the'
longer. Seera members' rea SCHOOL AIATTEMi - ----- Qk ineetillf". of pai!
sbnable,, but aniong genil."u,' of 'the tion aso. hve succumbed to th dist, ction! )1f devote leading ar- Horton Alarcraret Moir' Vary Olr.*e e o r s arty half that lim-bber. The or lfwd, leaned 1ridsoll. % i Posits of legal profession cora-petit�o seem s to be Z of the climate, ndothersi have met ficles-to cdocry of the grea sitatesinan. Elizabeth WiTsoll, Alar' 1 1 ies mtereste(linseliool=tterswasealle(l, . _0 Y All" AVelty, over the 14wyers' shoulders and hemmed John Neelands grai-ios fro
�vvith I )y notice, withot any iiame,for t SV W RES -El Es,. —The British Mary Isabella . Hogg,, Sarah the"Judge- in behind the ta;ble in a very d �Geor,,e McKay Reeie, Win. Clegg, 11 - inoperative, and Mi9tea d of securing, 'dents -which have resulted a Ir night, but a party who is kn,%vii as a c, acei, foun a-anting f, f 11 Hannah, Liucy Pen in. Elliott, J. A. Morton 'George,Nlc- cheaper law seems only to make it more No person ir'overunlej i ba s sent a;n urgent order to warden Helen And- uncomfortable manner, while the ir resisthig the ae,
seenlis to con, sider, however, very littsy body behind people's backs krts'; ilout 1 to Nod all available men of ersoll, Barbara Gardiner. had that peculiar odor and temperature Jolin Hanna, G'eorgeMcKibbon, ber of vul- t1,lttf the t1iouirli wafair to one's face -was th that the expei-i�sve,, as the greater nm ny fear of falure iL d the tti iinthe -ii di vision of the Royal Artil- , —A correspondent say&': The last only obtainable -where the sto-ve tnd Walte Scott Cuty-Reeve, T A. -on Which tile, g4
e. is is red- I Ite Dep -eetilig was, a kid lills, D. C-Iiines, J. J� And ' on, W. tures there. are to feed the more food best hopes are entertaiiied th din, -ss to go to Gibraltr. meeting A blie-Turnberry!Co-uncil for hotand. the auolience 50 per cent too ers author of it. Theii. adterie by a r( tOb _PO d to" iftdicate thath 0 burlesque, -as it seemed as if 'it wa.,31 they require, am.d they get it, too, as FPO n -h numerous for the room's cpacity. e -nd ll. Clymont. tMcCut on W'i
T h s t 1884 was hel at 'Bluevale b the 19t stacles will u* Iti. m ately be overcoin�'!�&n�� Governnie-i .1 i ii tendt to hold large re, lt. Ol ;alled to air som grievance, .but
I ecount of the hrmonious feel- —Here is another Enoch Arden ca.6e WEST Charles -very few af.theni are ever known te"� 90 -that'the expedition will I none-- seemed to have any and very! successfully in 1he Mediterranean stations ings existing bet -ween the'lneinbers oT Mr. Andrew Winer, virlio removed from Girvin; D�.Pilty-Reeve, Charles Dur- States. has bee
few knew verynich about scho hungry. It is not infteqneat now -a- 01 n uit- 1, accomplish the M. ission entrusted 'to it. (�iurinj tli,( trcubles ' 14,g I in �ypt nd else- this august I ody, and in the asence of Crediton, in this county, 'some 25 ye ilion, both y acclaniation. rs ters. It was ait last atteniptedto pledgel Claimant any erious ) q
mmam""mor �. i i -what days - that % lauryar charges and receives c6niplaints against ny of ado, toUiebigan, returned to Crediton I
the meeting, to support two ladies, b lit Ii Z"T kEssE�N(.,E it, —Coriielius them they xvill,, without kh exception, a few days ago. During his sojourn in 7m a: hunded dollars for only a few- hours' him for a ews of the, W "ek.' Aultman, Mil ionaire manufacturer of seek re-election. . The chane'es tylichigall lieleft home' "one morning at Perth Items. before it was throu Jui they were pledged work-, d' there is no profession or occu - STRIK w a.-rricultuxa, lim lement it Canton, hio, they will,,` .J it, too, to four, two inarried ladies and two un sby tl e time of the war, saying that he was Fifty ifir e candidtes wrote at the ealum streat car g( and possibly I -49
pa -tion. by which colossa.1 fortuenes are so Sir W)gr�r vc
married. Wednesday being nomina-, drivers have struck. They. wat higher died su dde:. lly hrist as night. He had acclanut I ll,., going to built cattle, but instead he 'aldmission examination at t. INI rapidly I>udlt up, There is no man a Party at is b us7e d the gues6 had arys t1lon day will settle who are to be tile, we rate.s. —A ev lays since as �-Nfr. Samuel. enlifted as a soldier. His faynily-saw Q olleaiate. Institute. _4111 Artist U
-candidates. Jarnes Yqung an. Jal)jes st depart ew'ould, probably� have care not what his %biJity m ay be, who E_ARTHQtT_4-KF.—It is knb,,,vqi thWwo 11 Crich and wife, of Tucker'mitli,- were no more must —Fifty-f�onr teachers have passed the scenry U.
of bim, and thought ie
or the fees whic persons -were killed by the recent- ',,earth- been the R lcail candidate for Gov- Bennet, are the retiring -trustees. driving a,oii 7 the road, tb horsE got have been murdered or lost. , k short P rofessional exanihitiltion for third-class aper -was urpi
can render value f h ae , i P quake in Spain. e or at t 1i e coming- el ction ha, he frightened ar d threw Mrs. Crich. out of time after tha the family retu rned to c artificates t Stratford Model School. Divi-s,ioNs Corim—Divission Court -%vaz kft his; usually exacted hy the legal profession,. lived -.—Henry A. Burr died in ew the cut r. She Crediton, and his -wife ao,,aiu narried —IN I r ter, sl e fallin across a log HER- 1�TAVY.—Th6 Thomas of Hibbert, the held here on the 24th December, Dickfn- troduced, Will
and there seems to be no means of relief Russian Govenmieltilt ha 0 le N Ork O 5t�h ult., aged 74. He was prett bi dly bult, and feared that within two or three . years. To lie sur- q day. f from a str s r( red the All aw stack, hurt- 'son of Wiligharn acting as Judge, a -lid unknown iii. the
vvas thewner of a pateni er formation of veiy f om idble lia . i ht ma ine, her ribs. -w' broken, but n)t suffiring prise of ll, the other everibig he put in and brin ing himself considerably. the bar was� represented by he explaill6d to afforded for their'.unfortunate victims, val Wade hich reduc A �Iie cost, ol making bats particularly a doctoi was ii t clled ill n -lippearance, and his children, who —8tratfa householders complain bit- E 11iott and Dickson, of thisplace. with the rel.0 staioh on the cast' coast �f the Black d who, have no alternative b-ftt to The .0 were disposed of : Wm� but 1 Sea. -thirds. H6 spent oVer $1,000,000 for a coupl -, of days, wlien it was have grown out of his recogniticn, were rly of t e huckster nuisance, which followingr suits -it. The laws are so. fr d" RKNT AcaT.tTioN.—_-1n in.prosecutj�g infringers. ame in learned tl at she li-A fri�ct4fed severl greatly though happily 'surprised to see ti -rent agita- tl�ie police are unwilling or unable to Foster vs. Charle Fike, jil(IgIncrit: for Public' --Peet P1
'that Giily a person trained or tio 111RE.—Ilie Blake Oper bou 0 s n prevals in Lim, erick. Tile tenants I - I i their supposed murdered or lost father. e litrol. defendant; Brunner* -vs. T. O'Neil-, and ),17ill
andsc 1.5colisin, t, e b, e recrr it tc nounce the t, and mest —AV i boe to ari NIF his wife Ol
educated to the profession can iint dem, nol a reduction of 20 per cen A Raciiiie He is content to allo to J in Kelly, jr., Shakespeare judgment for plairitiff; Hmiltol, VS. of I tj --Aln observel
Ld largest in the city' wa burn:ed (low-" death &I � Nichdlas lv4ite,'of the manii with her present husband. to' ok the first prize of 1,;30 at the Gue$li Cochrane, jud,ginent for plaintiff ; Back- story C
the agiants of. �Iie landlordsi object.1 stand or interpret them, so that it' is MO, ing for his grade steer, three on af
unday last. E Exeter, *hich - took fat stock sh' er vs. Pelt adjourned; N. Campbell THE RRITISk -FLAG AT ST. Lucvk.— S very room Mansion Rc use,
—The Exeter Reflector of last week absolutely necessary to� e m ploy lawyer� the hotel' iva filled wiAl guests, and
-lie British flag has been hoisted at St. T place last k. Deiceased illuffered for says: One by one the landmiks pass and under four years. vs 'McCallum, judinent for plaintiff - she ctim- e o
and then there is no means of rediess Lucia.' The Governor, of t qape .'C upper sl �ory ocupied b OlOny y servants. some moill hs from rheunlatis4ii and was away. On Monday 'last, at the resi- —ThelKilichell butchers re wranglina Schaffer vs. Little, judgment reservbd two story has askpd the home government to ap- e buildin,"', a five brick, that unable to MO e about. Reece 1 he was a) id at logg�rheads. They do not occup Hu. Carrs. P. Blake, adjoi-irnecl; J. to -th lie except to suibmit to, pay such charges a. tot" -deuce of A-fr. James Bonthroi ., Hay y i dst $100 C(O 'Ll pro,% of a .. . .1, s a losi: Mrs. stricken i vit. i aind passed township.. Air. Will. -LQgie pass -d over cKeh ey, judg- -e c the raisin of the flagy 9 -Paralysis, t4e stalls, in the market house tbgether in complete!
they see fit to ft-npose. This is entirely 0 - D vid, wife of David- New afteril On. to the I W. Nelpton vs. NNI� -etA_1 covf_�
RUSSIA,.� AUTIIORITY.—T�e Russian ex-Mayok peacefu %ay oA Tuesdayi great majority at the al`%'anced 14otherly love. m. ent for plaintiff ; W.- 141ccutcholl V& wron& and it is surprising th at 'a long- Y"I who o1ccu Aed a partme6ts in the Mr. White. -sv as a, gentlernap'l b ighly ent has closed roure- age of. 92 years. We do not Ai neinber found`a 11 Ae, mi I
-,in lnib skin cap was B. Bishop, j-udgnie1At for-p'laintiff. T -here sufferkk public has so patiently borne olie convents manaed by Ht lost $5,000, w th je�ellery, pic- spe,6ted by al L Who knew him!. His f t IY how lon 01 Mr. Logie has been a i esident c4ritled awa qi-e Sisters'. of y from the store- of Duncan were several judgin-ent debtors nest was a, sinall
.ures, etc., and note 0 1
J- - e - ges -tfelt sympathy I - fastened to -or
the injustice. A resonale tariff ahould Chanty in Russia Polad I because �hey tt kind. 'mor of Huron, but we. know- lie setttled in & Co. in Mitchell, one evening last amined favored Polish paientsnd -iedto!n�ake c ued a $19 Sle escaped in her —A number of young &ople f ro storm vu over 1
be fixed by the Legislature for the van- the county when its forests wer 3 more WPek. 1 liaht cloth.4 BRjFs.—Robert Dickson, of Gr ey an(T unhookett.tl
proselytes. Exeter drcve back to INIr..'John Hey- —Ilr. Robertson, teacher at Hamp- farin consisting of I`-6 ae extended. than they are to -da, His ous services wh ich lawyers are required, ITLYiNfOul I has *sold hi.
DIED FRO31 A CRATQH. Dr Atk HuRon DIFFICULIY.— W J res, o o d's, 102) n I olicession of -Usborno, on unassuming sterlin. integrity v�"Oii for s*ad, North ka-sthope was presented I to Oe Dickson, of Ox -f ord county perfe4ly Ary. to render; this tariff should be made son, the Brooklyn physician -who wa Fienry War Beecher after his sermon Thursday evening of, last week 9 for tha him the coiifidence and respect of ll Iiis w�th a handsome gold chain and bible —Says , -ille 99 500 -L\lr. Dickson - likely to Plymoilt i cl: urch n Sundi pl�bliic so that -all cauld courit the cost suffering from blood.-�Oisoilirig, superm- ay last, being hertil.3 welcomed by IN r. Jley- bjr the pupils, at the end of his -term. starting -of the ii
C, cquaintances. If e w4s the fatliOr of a ii. Love to town nd take- it easy th rest duced. by a scratch f roni , the nail of ro li the- allection aillong wood and fill,11 ily they �ook p(l8session. of :—miss Freemn, of St. Nifary Orleans Cotton I
e n h rpected faniii' s, has his day, s. —John Hargraves, druggi,,�t, before-liand when they inted enterir Ill ion caused by his ction in. Y, S Congreg, patient on he N -vas operiliting died the commodi us residence a�d . eiijdyed eral of wh6liv have preceded him to the b4en re-eligaged as techel of drawing 'this place, is away oil a 'visit and e late cam] his celltUT7 NT,C hal�',
UPC m �e sel until a 1. - hou "i"Usic �alld Better L atford Colleiate. Institute; for in litioation and. it should be so - Dec6mber 27th. )ai�ri. He alluded to:
C, r,' and. The John , Logic, ii� the Str, what in proportion to tha which per TRADE lofty years' ,tstqrate, And said he- never dancing 811prknientpol by all excellent ri Imor says that he lias golie to paisley I --N- DuLUTIL—The, who, for som e'twen ty -five years accept- the first term of 1884 at $1 00 salary. . a young possibility of f grain trade at Duluth Iiiis assumed s inixed politics w1ith his theoilog in, the dy'WhO is anxious to have, uch Ily slipper, for iiii ag the progrkiiiiine, of the Itb.lypel-folliiiedtliediit-,ies of Pastor of �—A Prof. Tyndall, rduate of the a IZOH.4�
sols of other occupations are enabled to change iii her nme. --wo 'more eleva- aid lie diol not, know how ve.11in, cr. rell Philadelphid large proportions that t 1)141pit. Hel; If true, we ish
Z, the Roge ville Presbyterian ichii school of elociltioll, is ill tl,e happy couple the com.plil ts of th le ne , e I I most pleasant te njeeting as now of the township of ersea, is his ec- 1 success in titteir 'new advell- earn.. We know it will be v er difficult tors f a. r, the trou had �pread,'aud billy —A vilig instruction in conii a�ction in the y 'eaacity of over -a, million .1 ined it frc s(ason all( in lie newspapers. Ilil re- aeld -at Roi -'s ppointmet, iii the to!wil-
ta have - amiythirig of this kind done bushels each,. -will be erected. I found nt. son. tion with the high school, and is. ti,.re.—j-',Iii-iior.,;aysth-�Lt another Of our while so -many of the profession occupy ioilfto Pev reilts lie d not f Grey, oil Tuesday eN;e devoring to oi7ganize a class of adult a Ing of last —The following incident is related by ell young nien purposes tell terilgr into as.i1ni, A CLERICAL AposT —Dr..1 di COB if illip 0 m inister of the Free Church of- Scotand li �,,y �were d: I ln: shed. - lie had livel on veek. The chir was occup ed by Mr. —The Queell's hotel ill Listo-wel was oino, th rich New Era: Rather a laugh- the Clinton' bee le Stra, Ila seats in Parliament, ad while they are alary of i 501) wile has become a convert to Pu lar engageinent sh-oitly. arket is still r: he first becan rhos. n, Reeve 9f th towns. able affair occurred oil the farm of. our dayThe booming. Strachan Bros. paid out last r seen or 111
seyism, lid hip, d-, t auction a few neve
Permit ed to wield the influence they appeared last.Suidday in St.- Andrews's I a3tor, a:iid if neeessaq could live upon t c' npreliensive d md a mos ' interest- old friend J. Stephenson, oil tbe London bit lest bidder', S epthsf ("bill. lgI r. Zillix, bad the i b low. If imajority �n the church, or lay the siin of $,2,100 for g,ralli., kill him, -whith 4;
now do in the coll-atry. But, it is time Episcopal church, in Glasgow, in' _ng musicc%.' and literary progarnine was road. He is the proud possessor of property knocked down to him at Pork and cleese. T -bey gorge- strong irllor y pay for Robert ous vestinents mid incese and lighted longer wiited one throll, -rh with by the The saille 1yentlei the b-0toll k
this . Y - 5 young people a fine bull, and thought -well to turn $11,000. nan purellas- (4 hain, grain dealer,and for the Nforris n lie would go candles. iftl great majority f the disti ict. The proceed� amounted him out one day last week, io have a ed the furilitur matter, and that they gave the gentle- e t �S2, 000. xr
timated tha with 0 over $30 and are to. be &vote(l to lth said to HARD T131E.,;.—It is es shed him to sti,y lie would (lie a]: (IG ey Cheese Company. —The,'Birds, Men of the legal profession to un th 1, and I OtIl-blib, -VOull drive him run for tb e sake of his he, Ife ran lie Wllliver4ary services: of the fa Uier and soin, were tried at G,5derieh derstaind 15,000 persons are out of employment in oo much, however, and when the time w 0 Tnesday, and were acquitted. P�esbyteriau church in Listo � el, took
161ping p&l P for the new orgaii rece#tly t that the country is nat'M ade specially Louis, nearly all of whom ay. If I e 84%yed, the 6ongregatiou )urchased �or use in the Sunday school. are skilled 11 N1 0 a a r 4"tee oil , iiii(
callie to put him in , g, in, lie ref sed to P S lay, 28th ult. Rev. r. in some branch of industry. uld have I to ;Veceix�e b im not on ; , we 'three nd four o'clock go nd defied his would-be-aaol to do Gkiegg, of Knox College, Torontoj occli- from Tippo for th�ua, and tha a11 the inhabitants The censilw _Bet .—A so iltaily partif�s
il clifork, b It in ie 'I pa nis of tlielr T of 1880 credits St Louis with I ieir -orst. After iate 8 C 7,000 (lay ednesda� noriling of last,% �eek a fire their iA some tall rr lining, piod the pi�lpit both morning and e, eli- w ze i nitioned ly a and prsented t,
thereo-f-are not d6igned br v tandidates,
or created f f, a ids. laborers, nd over' half of the.,3e, it- is covdred in the dwelling house of nd tile -use' f various devices to induce people 'were at a 1, -)ss to k1lOAV who are the. father the eNpress puirpose of'contributing to e a, as dis claiiiied ar Iso idle. r. John C1 Ill A, hich. Mr. �-A horse belongi to Mr. Whiles, of real. ones, but their minds w6re Set at body antl I n
-eir rosperity Mid, wealth. E ve-.11 TE=BLE L.k.C-D-SLIP.—During, the re- Liron I%Tot�s of lyth, -%V Was his bu. Ilship to return to his sta 11) le ii- tephen Marys suddenly dropped d wn and I th oon totilly destro re t n(ay ap the follov�i studi .41 cent earthquake in,Spain a yed with ail tl son went over for his son who o ng were under the m ost hand' -slip Oc_ Tlle town hip, of Tur berry this y'ear ents, e The iL-d while being driven alon lie poll-, ,, For e
fvorable circlmstaices xcept quilt ai Ld pair of bI an- lives near to come and help hiin. the street. nominated and --o to t curred in the mountain iea Pera.n, de- raises the sum of. $9,734 for towliIihip ets. Mr. Cuat had -barel� time to son cheerfully respolided,.and soon the (44neral debility and old age is supposed all his jeweled In,
the terrors of law are stiffipiently pp�l- stroyin iany houses and bu ave his ow -ii and his aged sister's Id' fe, chase -ws made ]lot for the bull. He For Councillors,—P. cott, R. ever 9 rying * 48 a�l I county purposes. toilbave been the cause of the. Graham,
17, but they ade r d bly so oil persos eighteen were rescued alive. -Mr. Jl�. Tylooney, L is purchased scping thr(u are m -ou. -6 windo-0 in their -was cornered ii the orchard and it was departure froill. this vale of hard- err, M -Wilson Geor-e Backer, It is r gh . . j - - H. K iell eported that 900. -persons were Lane liot'el property in, linton'-for night clothes. It is uppose�l the t sh selits acco,trat of the enormous fees tha*t. law- I C ire bought lie would, without J urther John AN-yini, Thomas Pearce and W. 1'. buried ich he 11 beneath the ruins of thebuildings pays $800. Cheap enough. ori Kate McLelln, of No ton yers are permitted to charge whet her giriated from aslies-d4ositdO in a box tiouble, betake himself to ME usual rth J,P�ast� Valls e.. The general impressioll, is ell, e, -%rho pas,sed so creditably through that a new ouncil or a ii-ajority of tl,1611,1 is intrinsic --iw wt
they s,"ceedl or fi in their case. of Albunus. Tlie people were tenting —Mrs. Wm. Grigg, of Minton, has a at the back kitch place of abode. However, as Robbie hOP in the fields. e IiAs had in use for over .—The list of convictions 1�y magis Burns puts it:— Stkatford Hi, h School, a few years h at least will be elected. F1 =An. wv
ago, e of the,
DEATH OF A VE-�tERA 1p a N.—A v-etern of I VtN�Vlleiac!4.11 fid it is �s g od as ever. new ones running areppo lay school trates in Hinon, for the pa� hats been PPOilited pl. incipal of the- pub, the Old A quat ter "The best laid scheines of mice.1nd well e to the wa of 184 2, amed Thos. Van 17'ain, -.The new Mas � ic hall in the Van- amonted to 131, the largestzpublisl�lea Gang aft Farmers' Insitutes. Oil licischool inShkkespeare. Aliss McLel- Vanstone, th: council, and W. lil. Ough throug ta,
'died in Syrauase ,New York, on Cll�ist- sioa-e block, 1�rusg.els, is ab 3ut coniplet- f n- a long ti ne. - SeN enteen of th'em and so it proved in this case; suinnion- lan ncial cer- r ncil, cam. lot i holds wsecolid�class Provi ulining to a sist the oldou' York
d is alvery'lleat, ccnvenient and were by Godarich in istrates, 16 tioc.'%te other bulldiuuns w.
Wellatice th&t,%;rr&-ng,emeuts have been mas� day, but seventeen days of e4 aD i ing tip, all his courage the bull resolved take his seat u lie is disqualifid, haN made for t1te hoding of a seri-les of Par- r imodious room. ATi g-
completifo,_ his 0105th year. It need 0, 1_�eaforth, 22 by Clinton, 11 j.)y Avi Leigh, who taught very suc- a contract with the eo taLre"driver to charge right into the enemy, ld he rporation, -- 1) emi 9 -Exeter, 19 really (lid so. cessfully for five years near Farquhar exenipte(Ifromtixeson'certaillcolI itions, Ctholic A
iners.'Institutes.. Those Institutes are scarcely be added tha he was a pen- �Iage lbox, doubtler, filled 'with b am, 24 by B -ussels, .1 I by The eneni c p Iiii, ed to d sioner, which at once accounts for his dol cacies and necessaries, was expressed by Blyth. Twelity-nine of, retreat but discovered that ha.$ been eng[l.ged for the Kirktonchool, 01.1 which the give a
to be held at central points; in the ever- I - il e was $450 maol council to de- 1 oing oll a little,
-iish Tor - behig limited to do so, nd so s 1111 r ed W _0 (
longevity. fl�o n Clinton �last week for the Bean tions were for assault, 22 I sel -for he ensiiiiig ywr at a, salary of I yearly. It has been ecill 6nitentiary runk, fa rar d bo'ys who i !in kingUoll iety oJ millov offences. up into a tree, where neither ho nor k6 c�jlgratulatc the trustees upon their* the courts that such. as he are -broken blinds all(.
al nluni(;ipalities. the Proillce� and A R'.NiE i) SOCIAL19TS IN CH1(!A(,,O.—A regrular detail is to be st, --to be atte'uded � by'Professor Z� I I iss Is a�b they are %tione(I a the ella, Seegmi ler, secoll rl lie 11,1110- nit of fii Les im � osed was hq- il n able and painstaking fied there being a Parallel case, s of Paint, -Agaiii tal P ofs could reach. In the meanti i a 0, is first regiment arnioury. ' I I Colonel Knox ol, iddleto 3, Esq., age 344.. wa, aad other Proessors of the On- teacher as Leigh has proven himseR ll-sele-ss f0l� bill, rullnilig,a he liever %!Vili lht is j)at,
Bro ghter of 01has. M $ lidpawed the now beneath the tree has received information tha - 47 ears, died at tii be able to take his sealtD. Hur regu e reside ice of Mr, Jose -)Ii, Raddiffe, of the 9th th� bull in a stentorian voice bellowed to be. niake
Joe Stephenson in a Wamanoslij dep, ed out We'll hang Mr. Ellison of wallace,_. C11111ST,31A.S tario, Agricultural College. The dates lar coipanies of Socialists"ve )een y a, Ong illness. emeession and places f Or oally a f ew hav e y e -t been organized in G1 ic go, Mid I J �Iafks B1 field, after of i Ve"st sour apple tree." Therew.smomelody kcare at least two Kelly, of the &h. conces- this life on e 16�li Decembel, afte with hot- son nd daughter, -were driving e(I the grand display of Meats at tile I Mr, Js 6 visit- are equipped with breecli-loadiiig- rifles. of -Morris, having dft�pose& of his fixed, butve have no dioubt that the p 1inful. and Iii gering il' Wrne with in it to the mail in the *ce. After a home froin the other day, the shop of our veteran bi don't, thre ess,
If a outbreak should occur a raid would teller, A. Currie, f Eat�x and faiin stock-,' has retired frolli Christian resi� nation, at the 41t,ge of 65 Was (Iriving got frightened oil Tuesday last where th(Are, w , di whole Province will liltimately be cov-dr- while, however, the bnll came t3i the horse she there was a serill(
probably be m ade on the armoury. 1e active labor has gone' to .y. townsl ip conclusi all. jur
s of life, Evil -,as. Decea;ed came to the, on that he had not be ran away THE Dm�%,ER--Christmas -eside in Blyth. ell ctillcr Meat that lui:s nev b
ed. The schem, e is one- deserving of d upsetting the load nd played a I;t of a )Out 15 years ago, froi n the ineig ib4 r- as a decent, reipectable, 7obedien -1 el � eel' ;o $3ib,25 e folio, co datian., It will, fford farmers day was observed at 09bone, but. in the bu Mlison out of the sleih, equalled in Brusse bef r Hudson Ptiver
--Mrs. AV. Murphy, of the 16th con- li)od of Whitby. Hewas bighl - and so with a ineek subn ssive The others were not ing is a list of the alihnials ud those who quiet style usual of, lae years respe, should, brieaking bel.
Stradi arius
am pportunity o Meeting together an( The eis�io of to erich township, who has' ei C by all wb o had tf e pleasil re of his repentant demeanor lie walked 130 his 11131intedD fl( thern - Two fed by John Mecrae, .1 1 seriously discussing niatters pertaining to, their He I r r 1� n who was r. evidence that
oya,1 bran of beef Which. arpeared on )de- 11or some time, is now a, -quaintance, tnd wa Walter Ferguson, who taught' I two' year old, weigbil) fr I- ajesty's table ws s ; L warm 8upporter stable aud allowed the iii, I c)00
.4-5 andgaining knowledge f t again._�, -Ilicl n F-ablic pounds, I three year D o _�Ilt fron, a eip Ivermg, al is likely soon to b the Presbyterian chu cb, of 1 lie treed to come back to teirafirma. very successfully in the- Kirkto Green purchase
rom tbe prinle'i, hortliorn bred and fed a the i' 1 38,5 3 eldorf, Cerni
was a member. o ( ur' the past year has been pounds us
a experience of each other, -while Prince Consort's farm at Windsor. The sclin I I ;i two 3 year Olds, fed by A, practic -The- wife of Mr. David Tiplady, of —IAhile the Uncle Tom's catifil troup g'agedto ach aschool for the colllin.,ff Currie, Brusels en and '760 w
weighng 1 21
the Professors will be able to imart to join er 1p, acci- we 8 and Sri -5 in Ame t weighted upwards of 300.pounds, '%� base,line, God ich townsh, re playing at Clinton the other even- —All the members of last year�s coun- yilir Avoiibaiik at a salary of $460. 1,425 po-tilids and was roasted at Windsor Castle and I; taUy slipped 4own the o ',her day,and two year p1d, fed by in g, one of the performe rs received word cil in Cobourg, positively declined to On: the c' claimed that- no sil
s verely sp d her all le that she that'his ch George Bre-wer, '360 those assembled useful- scietific knovr- sent, to Osl or, e. 14-ing (lay -it Kir-ton the Mor 0 raned her all ild as -dying in Atocliester allow- themselves to be put in noniiii- pupils agrccq�bly surprised Mr. Fe ledge, In this way much good sou rgii- poinuls, also a Pig fed been hearil in Id SLEIGH-R1D1_'1;G To DEATH.—OnChrist- 1l be confined to her house or seeral bythe s:alne nian America and asking hill to go at once if lie want'- ation. Years ago Cobourg borrowed soby presentinct, him vvithz a valuable weighing 450 Pon - I cow fed by B.' ining by evide
ina iiiigl, t, while a sleigh con be accoutplished, and it is to be hoped S tai S ed to see it ali ve. Going to �he mab- nearly bal icr alic 1, most flattering 'address. Sample, I'Vorris, -w-eigh f a iiiiilion dollars from the` gold rij way r �he state
an con Arne- _11jew 1ped had eenlTered nine peasons was crossing the rafl "-Mr. Thos� S. Smith Ot the 4th con- 1 180, also, an b Paul, it was that -where these institutions are hteld track a St. struck by a ets ion of br, the circurhgta�uces d Provincial Government for the The lar who a short time extra lamb fe(I by Grey,
ed for his I ack lay, -whicl� was vle- tion of roads and other local enterprise s. agoigot roiig] i ly hndled nd disgrice- weighing 9.5 pou d h v and several exp
At week in the; 76th year of his age 11 S. erewere se era witch engine, and the entire party were a fused., Re thera went up to- t le org�n Under the Municipal Loan Fund opinion t1hat it W,
they will be taken advantage of by the s ey, died at I Lis,residence a
ily settle- fully treated at Rusaeldale by Samuel other beeves aild porkers, a,., elld.1,
fariiiers, within reach . of theinx . Most Ii led violently to the ground. Samuel 10 in his d of the kind malle
ad, ay, been a very active, factory, --old Ms trombone to o e of the ment, as carried by the Hon. r. Henderson and others from Mitchell number of turkeys, other classes have n-tutual i m prove ment Buliger was instantly killed, Lizzie Zim- 0 st Mau. The remains geese, chickens, ere taken to er iployees for and started Mowat, this indebtedness was red One. (Illy last week- lshed to a tree rabbits -and )igeons. AtWm. Blashillis mere song, they had. ever sev!
assemblages of this kind, and they have mermau 'was faally hurt, and the rest I ?I a or interment. Mr. mith had for his home. to s011iething less than 8,50,000. The near Arthur "Ind robbed of $200 cash stall we fond his display ar e rece. of the party were badly injured. be I a life-loria aer an -d ers' Reforn widwiashigh- —The ann#al. examination' of the municipal administrators have not liqui- anda stock ot j eivelry valued at nearly great _Qtyle. eri beriefiGia. The School Teach tapstolle Of pro"V GENERALINVOLSELEY's DIFFICULTIEs.— all Ayho had the pleasure Re had a, S year Old Fie-ifer, T spected bi kelet school 14 -as held on Thursday, dated this sum, and it has since a(c -reliarut_
Lord Wolseley) 11111 $2,000. -and the preparati
Institutes have had a m ost beneficial The news from fed by Alex-. Ross, Grey that -%veighed quarters is very serious. s head- (if 1his acquantance, December 18th: and wai quite a success.. ulated interest until it has rea-che SO- —On 20th ult., John Stone, 1,300 Pounds ; two year 3 old lieffer, fed have a a- days of Knww-
he has aandoned his idea of ad 111111 an 01 P tj effect upon the members of that profes- lt appears that It is reported � that Mr, A. 8, Fish- A large numb , of schol titswere present 000. In justice to the other ic d resideiit of the townshi of Ful- by John Slel"I'lo, Grey ; 2 Vo year early dayi of the
sion, and have proven to them a great, vanam (r, of Clinton, ha sold his property in accompanied by their parents and ties the Hon. A. M. Ross Pr V icial larton, near -Nliteliell liad'a falHng out- old heifers, fed by A. K'. 'Robertson, from Korti acrosj.§ the -desert, but w Source, not only of profit but of pleasure pro' John 0. Elliott, of ends. The 1 upils wei tie, examined Treobsurelt, . has of late be nations were
il thArt' town, to . A -1r. fri
ceed from Mewe to Berber. This by en pressing with his Sol], a young man about 21 -Alorris ; two lambs bought frow Charles . . . . . . . ich township. It is Mr. Fisher's tha teacher Mr. Pentland, assisted b Coboprg toseek a settlement. Thisaction years old, bout the farin, in the course. Rozzell, K o zilitable inscri
also,, and we incline to the Opinion that will delay th e entrance into Khartoum for i y rris; a sheep fed by John Among others. t
:1. ention to remove either to Denver, Messrs. Coil an Shephatrd,aid Uquitted has thrown the municipal financiers oil of which the 91d mail was struck several - Skelton, Morris tli e o 3 t dressed I I 0 Pounds, er-,, t
At tI e ru, s
even greater benefits will accru t a further period of two months. The 'Oe e his son has wored up mselves wel close, of the their beam ends, and in vievir of rocks tiines. 'Mr. 8, tone (lied suddenly on the and pigs, poultry, etc. No suh Poml sovereig S
latest news from Kllartoum sa s Gen. A business in 'the mercantile a&ency dis farmers from a. similar interchange f y vie eximination Mr. Burnetti trustee, was ahead, they have deserted the ship. The sarric day, an# all inquest was held on play tle from -tlie
could be found in any place west of To- o Gordon ha captured a considerable lm�, or else to Toronto, wh h will be cal led to the eb lir and a Y W� hi'
qa Te
ana t
�01 T
at v
t th
:O c I is t 11
W g Iii f
d d ,00d programme Ontario Government has gencrously of- Tuesda. TIJie result of the post mor- ronto as our butchers niade this year.— We hope, gu�Intity of grain by his steamers, and -1 Or(: central for M4��business. '.Mr. rei Aings and r witatiow was rendered fered to reduce experience aa& instruction.
the debt in the pro- tem. examinat5on wa,s that no cause of Post. The Know-Noth-i